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Enabling End Users to Define the Behavior of Smart Objects in AAL Environments: Italian Forum 2018


Abstract and Figures

In Ambient Assisted Living (AAL), Internet of Things (IoT) technology is exploited to equip living environments with smart objects that communicate with the outside world in an intelligent and goal-oriented manner and can support the occupants’ activities. Currently, providing such objects with new capabilities requires several programming efforts. In this paper, we present an approach to combine IoT technologies and End-User Development (EUD) paradigms and tools to identify innovative scenarios where end-users are directly involved in the creation and customization of the AAL systems they use. We will present EFESTO, a Task Automation tool that offers novel visual interaction paradigms to enable end users to easily express rules for smart object configuration and discuss how the overall approach can support daily practices of non-frail elderlies.
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Enabling End Users to Define the Behavior of
Smart Objects in AAL Environments
Carmelo Ardito1, Paolo Buono2, Maria Francesca Costabile3, Giuseppe Desolda4,
Rosa Lanzilotti5, Maristella Matera6 and Antonio Piccinno7
In Ambient Assisted Living (AAL), Internet of Things (IoT) technology is ex-
ploited to equip living environments with smart objects that communicate with the
outside world in an intelligent and goal-oriented manner and can support the oc-
cupants’ activities. Currently, providing such objects with new capabilities re-
quires several programming efforts. In this paper, we present an approach to com-
bine IoT technologies and End-User Development (EUD) paradigms and tools to
identify innovative scenarios where end users are directly involved in the creation
and customization of the AAL systems they use. We will present EFESTO, a Task
Automation tool that offers a visual interaction paradigm to enable end users to
easily express rules for smart object configuration, and discuss how the overall
approach can support daily practices of non-frail elderlies.
1 Carmelo Ardito
University of Bari, via Orabona, 4, 70125 Bari (Italy), e-mail:
2 Paolo Buono
University of Bari, via Orabona, 4, 70125 Bari (Italy), e-mail:
3 Maria Francesca Costabile
University of Bari, via Orabona, 4, 70125 Bari (Italy), e-mail:
4 Giuseppe Desolda
University of Bari, via Orabona, 4, 70125 Bari (Italy), e-mail:
5 Rosa Lanzilotti
University of Bari, via Orabona, 4, 70125 Bari (Italy), e-mail:
6 Maristella Matera
Politecnico di Milano - Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioigegneria, P.zza Leo-
nardo da Vinci, 32, 20133, Milano (Italy); e-mail:
7 Antonio Piccinno
University of Bari, via Orabona, 4, 70125 Bari (Italy), e-mail:
Ardito C., Buono P., Costabile M.F., Desolda G., Lanzilotti R., Matera M. and Piccinno A. (2018). Enabling
End Users to Define the Behavior of Smart Objects in AAL Environments. In proc. of Italian Forum on
Ambient Assisted Living (ForItAAL). To be appear in Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering.
Introduction and motivation
Our current research aims at bringing innovation in Ambient Assisted Living
(AAL) contexts, with a specific focus on the elderly’s activities, by proposing new
approaches to build spaces equipped with technology for monitoring older people
behavior while fostering an independent lifestyle and health preservation.
The new approaches capitalize on years of experience on End-User Develop-
ment (EUD), a research area whose goal is to support non-technical end users (ore
end users for short) in the creation of products and services tailored to their needs
and desires [1-3, 12]. Specifically, our research aims to empower end users to co-
design, customize and evolve computer systems by flexibly composing services
and smart objects that are now available on the Web.
The design approaches and interaction paradigms we have been developing in
the last years may also be applied in Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) contexts.
AAL is a challenging application field for EUD. Specifically, AAL entails techno-
logical interventions in the home, the most intimate and personal of the living
spaces. Internet of Things (IoT) technology is exploited to equip living environ-
ments with smart objects that communicate with the outside world in an intelligent
and goal-oriented manner and can support the occupants’ activities [4]. Currently,
providing such objects with new capabilities requires several programming efforts.
A challenge of our research is to investigate how IoT and EUD can be combined
to identify innovative AAL paradigms where end users are directly involved in the
creation and customization of the systems they use.
Smart homes form networks between people and objects that can be
conceptualized as “information ecologies”. This concept stresses the situated en-
tanglement between people (their values and behaviors) and technologies (their
requirements and functionalities). Moreover, older age is a period of strong inter-
individual differences claiming for highly flexible and customizable solutions.
Despite a financial support of up to 700 million Euros from the AAL EU program
(2008-2013), little social and practical benefits emerged so far and population
aging is still one of the main challenges for Europe. Such failures have been asso-
ciated with a major focus on technological solutions and a substantial lack of un-
derstanding of older people, their evolving needs and desires.
The solutions proposed so far in AAL are still technology-centric and consist
of monolithic, rigid systems that cannot be adequately customized to support the
information flow needed for care provisioning. Moreover, elderly people can live
in very different situations and can have variable needs and behavior; thus a one-
size-fits-all system would not work. Also, current interventions addressing safe
and independent living have designed their deliverables around the dominant ste-
reotype of older adults as people in need, and technology as the solution to their
problems [21-23]. However, there is evidence that this stereotype leads to the
inappropriate design of artifacts, which older people may refuse to use, or, in the
worst case, may be hampered by [8]. More importantly, it may easily lead to a re-
inforcement of ageism and possibly discrimination.
Our aim is to empower end users and other stakeholders of AAL to co-design,
tailor and evolve the technology they use by flexibly composing services and
smart objects. The focus is on end users that base their daily practices also on the
interaction with the surrounding environment. Non-frail elderlies are in particular
addressed. Frailty in elderly people is a state of vulnerability with an increased
risk of adverse health outcomes, caused by the cumulative decline in multiple
physical and psychological areas [9]. We target “non-frail” elderlies who lie on
the borderline between “active” elderly people, who still maintain good relational
involvement and high motivation for an independent life, and “fragile” elderly
people, who start to perceive the physiological and cognitive decline in their capa-
bilities and feel insecure in their living alone.
Our research adopts a socio-technical paradigm claiming that technology con-
sists of social and technical systems interacting with an external environment
(where people live or work). We investigate how to design products and services
for and with older users. In this paper we describe how a platform recently devel-
oped can be used to support non-technical people to tailor AAL applications to
their needs.
A quick look at the state of the art
A number of European research projects have been recently funded in the field of
AAL. However, to the best of our knowledge, the proposed solutions merely ad-
dress technological issues (e.g., sensor interoperability) or some specific accessi-
bility aspects, while none of the projects faced with EUD challenges, as this pro-
posal aims to do. Actually, several AAL projects (see for example ALFRED
(, GIRAFF+ (, DREAMING (www.age- and inCASA (
identified the interaction paradigm as a critical factor for lay users. They, in par-
ticular, focused on either adaptivity or adaptability of AAL systems; however,
none of the solutions they offered came to completely solve the challenge of
spreading the adoption and the personalization of the new technology among the
end users.
An AAL environment for the elderly population we address is a smart home
where several smart objects are available. A smart object is a device equipped
with embedded software that is typically connected to the Internet [5]. It exploits
sensors to “feel” the environment/users and/or actuators to communicate with the
environment/users. Examples of sensors are those measuring light intensity, the
physical pressure of an object, and also air humidity. Actuators can be light and
sound emitters, electric valves, motor servos, relays, etc. Smart objects can foster
important changes in people lives and in particular in elderly lives. If enabled to
exploit the abundance of resources (the object functionality, the produced data, the
related applications), non-technical people could compose the “behavior” of the
surrounding environment to accommodate their everyday needs. However, while
research on the Internet of Things (IoT) [5] has devoted many efforts to the tech-
nological aspects characterizing smart objects, little social and practical benefits
have emerged so far. Programming the behavior of smart objects is currently a
prerogative reserved for professional developers, as it requires the use of scripting
languages that can also vary depending on the underlying hardware. Another as-
pect is that often the available objects expose a very specific functionality that
does not result in useful services able to accommodate users’ needs. The opportu-
nities offered by IoT can be amplified if new approaches are conceived to enable
non-technical users to be directly involved in “composing” their smart objects by
synchronizing their behavior.
Recently, some approaches have been proposed to support non-technical users
to configure the behavior of smart object behavior. Many such tools, however,
provide pre-packaged solutions, e.g., vendor- and device-specific apps for remote-
ly controlling single smart objects that cannot be easily adapted to the require-
ments deriving from specific domains and contexts of use. Task-Automation (TA)
tools that combine social services, data sources and sensors, are also gaining mo-
mentum [10]. They are gaining attention as they offer alternative paradigms to
synchronize the behavior of objects and applications [16]. In particular, users can
specify object behavior by either: a) graphically sketching the interaction among
the objects, for example by means of graphs that represent how events and data
parameters propagate among the different objects to achieve their synchronization,
or b) defining event-condition-action (ECA) rules [19], a paradigm largely used
for the specification of active systems (see for example [7, 11]), that in the IoT
domain can be fruitfully exploited to express how and when some object behav-
iors have to be activated in reaction to detected events. An example of graph-
based tool is Node-RED, an open-source Web platform to compose both smart ob-
jects and Web services [15] by wiring nodes representing smart objects, control
statements, functions written in JavaScript, and debug procedures. An example of
TA tool based on ECA-rules is IFTTT (If This Then That), a free Web platform
that, by means of a wizard-based composition paradigm, guides end users to create
simple chains of conditional statements called apps[14]. Each app consists of
(1) a service that IFTTT tracks to detect if a specific event is triggered (e.g., the
position of an Android Device is within a specific area) and (2) another service
that reacts to the triggered event by executing a specific action (e.g., switch on the
smart Vacuum Cleaner).
However, the adoption of TA tools is still limited. Indeed, on one hand tools
based on graph metaphors do not match the mental model of most users because,
as demonstrated in different works on visual service composition [18, 24], they do
not think about “connecting” services. On the other hand, tools implementing
ECA rules, which are typically suitable for non-technical users, allow a trivial
synchronization of smart-objects behaviors, without the possibility to define pow-
erful constraints on events activation and actions execution. For example, in [6]
authors discuss the importance of temporal and spatial conditions to create ECA
rules that better satisfy users’ needs. Specifying temporal conditions also emerged
as an important requirement in home automation, to schedule rules for appliance
activation [20]. Some of the available TA tools based on ECA rules allow the def-
inition of such spatial and temporal conditions, but only by means of worka-
rounds, for example by considering additional events to monitor the system time,
or by creating filters on smart device data (e.g., in Zapier [25]). Obviously, such
workarounds complicate the rule creation, thus resulting into a scarce adoption of
the available tools, especially by non-technical users, or in their adoption only for
very simple tasks.
At the IVU Lab we have implemented the EFESTO platform, which actually is
a TA tool that offers a visual interaction paradigm in order to enable end users to
easily express rules for smart object configuration that are more powerful than the
rules created by other TA tools like IFTTT. The paradigm is based on a model,
called 5W, which defines some specification constructs (Which, What, When,
Where, Why) to build rules coupling multiple events and conditions exposed by
smart objects, and for defining temporal and spatial constraints on rule activation
and actions execution. Such paradigm has been designed during an elicitation
study involving 25 participants [13].
Using the EFESTO platform in a AAL scenario
In order to describe how the EFESTO platform can be used in an AAL context in
order to allow end users to specify the behavior of smart objects, let us consider
the following scenario. Alfredo, aged 80 years old, lives in the city's outskirts and
is retired. In spite of his physical limitations, he lives alone because his home is
prepared to provide daily life assistance to an elder person. A system installed in
his house provides an environment with a range of interconnected sensors, devices
and smart appliances working together to provide a safe and secure place to live.
These appliances allow Alfredo an easy utilization due to their customized inter-
faces and are connected to the smartphones of Pedro and Joana, his children.
When Alfredo goes to the five o’ clock walk, his absence from home is detected
by the changing position of the smart bracelet he wears. Thus, the vacuum cleaner
robot starts its work. Later, Alfredo comes back home. At seven o’ clock, the
doorbell rings. The devices positioned at the door detects that there is nothing to
worry about as it is Alfredo’s sister, identified by her smart-watch. The door au-
tomatically swings open, as the house already knows she has permission to get in.
We now illustrate how EFESTO allows a person to create one of the rules in-
volved in the above scenario. In particular, Joana wants to create the following
rule: “turn on the vacuum cleaner robot when Alfredo’s bracelet detects that he is
outdoor for the five o’clock walk”.
On the main window of the EFESTO platform, Joana clicks the “New Rule”
button in the navigation bar (Fig. 1, circle 1) and the “Creating Rule” window ap-
pears, as shown in Fig. 1, showing the main area in which a rule is defined. The
left side is for specifying the triggering events, and the right side is to define the
actions to be activated by the appropriate services.
Fig. 1. EFESTO: the interface for rule creation.
To add an event, the user clicks on green “+” button highlighted by circle 2 in
Fig. 1. This activates a wizard procedure that guides Joana in defining the rule
event. Specifically, the wizard sequentially shows some pop-up windows in which
services, events and temporal and spatial conditions can be specified (see. Fig. 2a,
Fig. 2b and Fig. 2c). More in details, the user defines an event by selecting Which
is the service to be monitored for detecting the triggering event (Fig. 2a), What
service event has to be monitored (Fig. 2b), When and Where the event has to oc-
cur (Fig. 2c). Actually, the specification of When and Where conditions is option-
al. By referring to the example in Fig. 2, Joana by a simple click, selects the An-
droid Wear object (bracelet) in the window in Fig. 2a (Which) and the Position
changed event in the window in Fig. 2b (What). This because the event that acti-
vates the rule is that Alfredo, who wears the bracelet, is now outdoor. By operat-
ing on the window in Fig. 2c, she also specifies that the event activates the rule if
the Alfredo’s position is outdoor (Where) and if it happens in the time interval
from 5.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. (When). At this point the wizard procedure ends and
the defined event is shown in the “Events” area (Fig. 2d, circle 1).
After the event definition, Joana starts the creation of an action by clicking on
the “Add an action” button in the Actions area (Fig. 2d). Similar to what happen
for the event, the button activates a wizard that helps the user define an action in
terms of Which service will execute the action as a consequence of the event(s),
What action the service has to perform and When and Where the action can be
performed. In this scenario, Joana chooses the vacuum cleaner robot (Which) and
the “Start Cleaning” as action to be activated (What), without specifying any spa-
tial or temporal constraint. Joana can enrich her rule by adding further events and
actions. More details on this rule composition paradigm implemented in the
EFESTO platform can be found in [13] and will also be discussed at the confer-
Fig. 2. EFESTO wizard procedure for event specification: a) the wizard first asks to select the
service that will activate the rule; b) as second step, the event is selected among those related to
the chosen service; c) temporal and spatial constraints are defined; d) the event has been defined
and the user can define further events or actions.
Conclusion and future work
Population aging, the increasing cost of formal health care, the caregiver burden,
and the importance that the individuals place on living independently, all motivate
the development of innovative Assisted Living technologies (AAL) for safe and
independent aging.
The widespread of AAL applications will reduce admission to hospitals or
nursing homes, permitting a better quality of life and savings for the community
[17]. So far, several AAL projects have been proposed. While the technology is al-
ready well advanced, the major challenge for the success of AAL projects comes
from the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) point of view, i.e., enabling even
non-technical users to manipulate data and functionality of things in a simple way,
as we have shown in this paper.
The AAL domain presents several HCI challenges, including system accepta-
bility by the elderly, who often perceive an AAL system as a threat to both domes-
tic privacy and her/his freedom and independence. This is a psychological factor
that varies widely, as also high is the variability of the home physical space, the
technology available there or that can be installed, and the specific needs of elder-
ly. We believe that an approach based on a combination of EUD practices and IoT
technology will maximize the appropriation of AAL technology by the elderly,
making it an active part not only in the use but also in the creation and customiza-
tion of useful and usable products (services and smart objects).
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... -Ardito et al.'s EFESTO tool [93], which enables users to set rules for smart objects to support elderly adults (with limited physical deterioration) with respect to ADLs; -Caivano et al.'s EUD4SH project [94], which is a model that supports software engineers in evaluating and deploying smart-home solutions that consider the enduser first and foremost; -Pericu and Licaj's RESTOQUI [95], a platform that presents the user with all possible design solutions that adapt to their needs; -Watrinet and Fracasso's MAESTRO project [96] aims to assist the elderly via a platform for product recommendation based on their needs as well as on profiling / assessment methodologies; and -Mozer's ACHE (Adaptive Control of Home Environments) project [64], an actual residence in Boulder, Colorado, is outfitted with 75 sensors and focuses on smart regulation and control of lighting. 17 But note that this is true insofar as said design consolidation is late-stage. ...
Full-text available
This thesis presents an alternative approach to intelligence in the built-environment, departing from the two established yet divergent branches in the discourse: the Technical, centered around Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), and represented by Ambient Intelligence (AmI) and Ambient Assisted Living (AAL); and the Architectural, centered around architectural / spatial experiences and considerations, and represented by Interactive Architecture and Adaptive Architecture. The promise of both AmI/AAL and IA/AA is constrained by rigid and increasingly outdated assumptions in their approaches—i.e., AmI’s / AAL’s approach to the built-environment, and IA’s / AA’s approach to ICTs. Moreover, it is impossible to combine them to yield a cohesive system due to disparity in their typical Technology Readiness Levels. That is, the sophistication of a system depends on that of its mutually complementing subsystems; and two or more subsystems may not mutually complement, sustain, and/or support one another if their levels of development do not correspond. Consequently, the presented alternative conceives the intelligent built-environment as a Cyber- Physical System. Under this approach, ICTs and Architectural considerations in conjunction instantiate intelligence fundamentally. The presented approach’s promise is illustrated via its application to a constrained use-case focused on the elderly. Twelve proof-of-concept demonstrators are developed based on key parameters pertaining to Indoor Environmental Quality and Quality of Life. While each demonstrator is presented as a discrete proof-of-concept, all build on the same core System Architecture and technological ecosystem, and are intended to be viewed as a collection of systems and services expressed within a same hypothetical environment.
... -Ardito et al.'s EFESTO tool [93], which enables users to set rules for smart objects to support elderly adults (with limited physical deterioration) with respect to ADLs; -Caivano et al.'s EUD4SH project [94], which is a model that supports software engineers in evaluating and deploying smart-home solutions that consider the enduser first and foremost; -Pericu and Licaj's RESTOQUI [95], a platform that presents the user with all possible design solutions that adapt to their needs; -Watrinet and Fracasso's MAESTRO project [96] aims to assist the elderly via a platform for product recommendation based on their needs as well as on profiling / assessment methodologies; and -Mozer's ACHE (Adaptive Control of Home Environments) project [64], an actual residence in Boulder, Colorado, is outfitted with 75 sensors and focuses on smart regulation and control of lighting. 17 But note that this is true insofar as said design consolidation is late-stage. ...
Full-text available
Discussions of intelligence in the built-environment began in the late 1960s and early 1970s [1]–[7]. They belonged to a broader technical and technological discourse, engaged across a variety of domains and disciplines, to explore potential opportunities entailed by the Information Age. During this nascent period, and partly due to the novelty of the exploration as well as to the rudimentary state and forbidding costs of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), said discussions were principally theoretical and/or hypothetical in nature and impartial to defined fields of inquiry. Two main branches developed, one Technical—stemming from Information Sciences and Engineering fields—and another Architectural. In the Technical branch, Ambient Intelligence (AmI) was coined in the late 90s to describe a cohesive vision of a future digital living room, a built-environment whose computing hardware and software technology imbued its dwelling space with serviceable intelligence to the benefit of its occupant(s) [8]. Also salient in this branch was Ambient Assisted Living—or Active and Assisted Living—(AAL), which framed its inquiry around the promotion of quality of life as well as the prolongation of independence with respect to Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) [9] among the elderly via technical assistance [10]. In the Architectural branch, Cedric Price’s pioneering Generator Project and corresponding programs by John and Julia Frazer [11] in the late 70s, explored notions of interaction between human and non-human agents in the built-environment. In Price’s project, architecture was conceived as a set of interchangeable sub-systems integrated into a unifying computer system, which enabled a reconfigurability sensitive to function. Price and the Frazers intended for the system to suggest its own reconfigurations, denoting non-human agency. The promise of solutions yielded by both AmI/AAL and IA/AA is limited by the rigid and increasingly outdated assumptions in their approaches. It is not possible, as they are and as they are currently developing, to combine AmI/AAL and IA/AA to yield a unified and cohesive approach. This is because the sophistication of a system will depend on that of its mutually complementing subsystems; and two or more subsystems may not mutually complement, sustain, and/or support one another properly if their levels of development and sophistication do not correspond [12]. That is: at present, the architectural does not correspond to the technically predominant AmI/AAL, while the technical does not correspond to the architecturally predominant IA/AA. Consequently, a different design-approach is required in order to enable comprehensively and cohesively intelligent built-environments with corresponding levels of technical and architectural sophistication. What could such an approach look like? In this thesis, an alternative approach that conceives of the intelligent built-environment as a Cyber-Physical System (CPS) is presented and demonstrated. Under this approach, ICTs and Architectural considerations in conjunction instantiate intelligence fundamentally—i.e., unlike existing AmI/AAL or IA/AA approaches, the present approach subsumes enabling technologies into the very core of the built-environment, where a solution does not exist as such without either of its informational and physical constituents deliberately conceived for each other (if not formally, at least conceptually and operationally with respect to instantiated services). In this thesis, the general potential and promise of the presented approach is illustrated via its application to a constrained use-case—i.e., that of intelligent built-environments for elderly assistance and care (also informally referred to as smart homes or environments). Twelve proof-of-concept demonstrators (see Chapter 5), each showcasing an intelligent product and/or a service—or combinations and sets thereof—integrated into the built-environment and/or its ecosystem, are developed. Eight established parameters (see Section 3.2)—four pertaining to Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) and four Quality of Life (QoL)—define the purpose and inform the design of each demonstrator’s setup and development within four types of demo environments (see Chapter 4)—two Physical (Hyperbody and Robotic Building) and two Virtual (Digital Twin and Non-descript). Each demonstrator, while presented as a discrete proof-of-concept, builds on the same core System Architecture, and are intended to be viewed as a collection of systems and services expressed within a same hypothetical environment. That is to say, all come together to represent the intelligent built-environment as CPS. All demonstrators are functionally and physically developed and involve human participation to test and to validate both the feasibility and success of the concept. Success is determined if the developed products and services indeed provide added value to a user and/or occupant of the space—i.e., if they promote and contribute to well-being by assisting, facilitating, or enhancing. Accordingly, the tangible nature of the process and results promote—albeit in a limited scope—the presented approach in very real terms, and—hopefully—situate it as an alternative to existing modes of imbuing intelligence in the built-environment.
... Caivano et al. [29] propose We@Home, a mobile application for smart home control, with gamification elements to manage the smart objects in their smart home. Its main feature is to enable a group of people living in the same environment (such as a family) to collaborate, while in I 2 B the user usually controls the device individually, so this approach is not suitable for I 2 B. Ardito et al. [30] present the task automation tool EFESTO based on the Internet of ings technology and the End User Development (EUD) paradigm, which offer novel visual interaction paradigms to enable end users to easily express rules for smart object configuration. However, this tool is mainly aimed at elderly users and the configuration rules of smart objects are very simple, which is of limited reference value for users who need to develop relatively complex I 2 B applications. ...
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The emerging Insect Intelligent Building (I²B) platform is pioneering a new realm in intelligent buildings. I²B has a distributed and decentralized network structure with intelligent nodes, and the key enabler is an application (APP) that functions to process information from intelligent nodes and accomplish complex control tasks in a decentralized network. To develop APPs for I²B, a proper programming language is the foremost goal; however, existing programming languages cannot be applied directly due to I²B's unique structure and distinction of application domains. This paper aims to provide language support for a direct and friendly development of I²B APPs. We propose a graphical programming language that adapts to the operating characteristics of I²B and users' habits of buildings. Specifically, we first analyze the domain characteristics of the proposed language and present a general programming language model illustrated with a motivating example. Then, we investigate the detailed design, definition, and usage of graphic elements. Additionally, we implement a prototype support tool for the graphical programming language to develop I²B APPs. Moreover, we use the application example of a building's constant pressure control for evaluating the effectiveness of our work.
... The value of Internet of Things (IoT) technology is acknowledged in many scenarios of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) [1,2]. As several IoT devices are available today in a smart home, researchers are working a lot on smart home systems to be used by physicians and other therapists to remotely assist their patients living at home. ...
The pervasiveness of Internet of Things (IoT) devices is commonly used to create domestic ambient to support people daily life. In this paper we explore how IoT devices can be used in the smart home to administer the therapy to children with speech disorders. The speech therapist manages and controls patients’ therapies by using End-User Development methods and tools.
... The collection of data and the possibility for the operators to access data in real time, allow them to appropriately support the migrants improving the quality of their life both in the short and in the long term. Other advanced services can be integrated to support different users: migrants may have more flexibility in defining the behaviour of devices they are interacting with [9,11]. The health operator could have powerful tools to monitor the activities of migrant in the SPRARs, for instance, they may use advanced visualizations that have been built on purpose, such as [10,13]. ...
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The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has brought unexpected new scenarios in patient-care journeys and has accelerated this innovative process in the healthcare sector, demonstrating the importance of a systemic rethinking of remote care, mostly when patients are discharged from the hospital and continue their therapies at home in autonomy. The possibility to remotely monitor patients at home by means of smart sensors and medical devices has a dramatic impact on the quality of health services. Situation awareness plays an essential role in the decision-making process about the users, patients in this case, and their behaviors. Leveraging an Edge Computing framework, with embedded Artificial Intelligence capabilities to process near real-time data gathered from connected smart devices, would provide automatic decision support, thus improving the physicians’ course of action. In this paper we introduce, within an Edge AI framework, a dedicated module, called Clinical Pathway Adherence Checker (CPAC), which identifies the discrepancies between the modeled clinical pathway and the observed one by means of process mining techniques, and hence detecting early clinical deterioration of patient conditions. Also, further analyses are conducted in the anomaly detection at the Edge that may occur during the health data transmission process.
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We propose to create a system that, by exploiting the possibilities provided by the Internet of Things (IoT), offers a cheap and affordable solution to prevent and control health problems of people, especially elderly, living in rural villages, where assessing good health facilities is a major concern. The system consists of a heterogeneous combination of apps and Arduino-based devices that connect patients and healthcare service providers remotely located. An important feature from the interaction point of view is that the system is easily configurable by non-technical people, e.g., caregivers.
Aging population is a global concern, but the situation is even worst in developing countries where the migration of the active population from rural areas to major cities makes the elderly left in their home in the village, usually assisted by close relatives who take care of them. Far distance to accessing good health facilities provided in the city hospital usually results to the untimely death of people suffering from treatable and manageable diseases like diabetes, malaria, high blood pressure and waterborne diseases. In this paper, we present the design concept of a system for preventing and controlling people’s health conditions; it exploits the possibilities of the Internet of Things technology, still trying to find a convenient balance between effectiveness, reliability and context limitations that require a cheap, affordable and easily configurable system.
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People, and mainly elderly people, need a continuous support for different reasons. Recent technologies are offering many possibilities that was not possible to conceive in the past. In particular, the proliferation of IoT devices raise the need to standardize protocols and interaction languages. The aim of this work is to create a device for the management of pills according to the user’s therapy, with Internet of things (IoT) devices and by allowing users to manage the pill dispenser by themselves. The work falls into two main areas of current research: the End-user development (EUD) and the Internet of things (IoT). The main issue we cope with such device is to allow the different therapies for each person and for each drug. We propose the EUDroid system, which provides the end user with the possibility to easily activate LEDs and buzzer related to pills from the users’ smartphone. The user chooses the type of pill to be associated to each LED, the day and time of activation and some other property. A formal language to configure the device has been adopted in order to allow users to build complex conditions for remind to follow the therapy.
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The growing availability of smart objects is stimulating researchers to investigate the Internet of Things (IoT) phenomenon from different perspectives. The potential of this technology is evident in different domains. In Cultural Heritage (CH), it may enhance access to CH collections, in order to ensure a more engaging visit experience and to increase the appropriation of CH content by visitors. So far, research on IoT has primarily focused on technical features of smart objects (e.g., how to program sensors and actuators), while there are very few approaches trying to facilitate the adoption of such a technology by end users. This lack limits the social and practical benefits of IoT; it creates barriers in all those usage scenarios where people would like to define the behavior of smart objects but they might not have the required programming skills. This is becoming evident in CH sites, where different stakeholders would benefit from managing ecosystems of interoperable smart objects to create enhanced visit experiences. This article presents a visual composition paradigm that allows non-programmers to synchronize the behavior of smart objects, thus determining more engaging user experiences. It discusses how the paradigm suites the need of curators and guides of CH sites to define smart visit experiences through which visitors can acquire CH content by interacting with the surrounding environment and the smart objects included in it. A serious game designed with professional guides of CH sites is used as a case study to show the potential of the presented approach.
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Our contribution will review, analyze, discuss, and synthesize the research work done over the last 10 years exploring meta-design as a major framework for end-user development (EUD). The overriding perspective of our approach is grounded in the basic assumptions that (1) designers can prompt and support change in a community of practice, but they cannot predetermine it and (2) design and use mutually shape one another in iterative, social processes. The chapter argues and provides evidence that EUD should not be restricted to create new technologies but its most important and far-reaching impact will be to transform cultures by empowering all people to become active contributors in personally meaningful activities. The individual sections discuss and describe our basic framework, EUD applications in different domains, new conceptual developments that broadened the concept of meta-design, the identification of design trade-offs and drawbacks, and design guidelines. All of these activities have contributed to revisiting and broadening the meta-design framework for end-user development.
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Research on the Internet of Things (IoT) has devoted many efforts to technological aspects. Little social and practical benefits have emerged so far. IoT devices, so-called smart objects, are becoming even more pervasive and social, leading to the need to provide non-technical users with innovative interaction strategies for controlling their behavior. In other words, the opportunities offered by IoT can be amplified if new approaches are conceived to enable non-technical users to be directly involved in “composing” their smart objects by synchronizing their behavior. To fulfill this goal, this article introduces a model that includes new operators for defining rules combining multiple events and conditions exposed by smart objects, and for defining temporal and spatial constraints on rule activation. The article also presents the results of an elicitation study that was conducted to identify possible visual paradigms for expressing composition rules. Prototypes implementing the resulting visual paradigms were compared during a controlled experiment and the one that resulted most relevant for our goals was used in a study that involved home-automation experts. Finally, the article discusses some design implications that came out from the performed studies and presents the architecture of a platform supporting rule definition and execution.
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This paper presents a systematic literature review in the Internet of Things and Ambient Intelligence areas. The goal was to identify the best software tools that allow end users, namely people without competencies in computer programming, to manage and configure the behaviors of a smart home. The review selected 48 papers out of 1049 papers found through automatic and manual search. From these papers, 11 tools have been identified and analyzed by means of eight technical characteristics. Finally, among the eleven tools, six tools have been chosen for a qualitative comparison on the basis of seven design principles for smart home control proposed in a literature paper.
The collaborative decision-making process is traditionally supported by multi-user interfaces, such as large multi-touch screens or interactive tabletops for accessing, relating and comparing different data sources. Since such multi-user interfaces are typically expensive and unavailable outside dedicated environments (e.g. labs, smart rooms), recent works have proposed “bring your own device” approaches that allow users to join their mobile devices (e.g. smartphones, tablets) in an ad-hoc manner to temporarily create multi-user cross-device systems. Such approaches can be enabled by spatially-aware cross-device interactions that have only been explored for simple operations. We conducted a three-step research study involving a total number of 65 users in 18 groups, in order to propose a composition paradigm that offers three interaction techniques for performing more complex operations, such as forwarding to multiple devices queries or query results or aggregating and visualizing search results across device boundaries.
Designing tools that allow end users to easily control and manage a smart home is a critical issue that researchers in Ambient Intelligence and Internet of Things have to address. Because of the variety of available solutions, with their advantages and limitations, it is not straightforward to understand which are the requirements that must be satisfied to effectively support end users. This paper aims to contribute to this topic through a systematic and rigorous activity based on two main pillars of the empirical research in software engineering: i) a literature review addressing design and evaluation of tools for smart home control oriented to end users, and ii) an experimental study in which three tools, that emerged from the literature review as the most suitable and widespread, were compared in order to identify the interaction mechanisms that end users appreciate most. On the basis of the obtained results, a set of design implications that may drive the development of future tools for smart home control and management are presented.
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Developing context-dependent applications involves indicating the relevant contextual events and the corresponding actions. Based on an analysis of the usability and expressiveness of three Android apps for developing such applications, we have started a study that aims to identify a general solution able to better represent how users classify the relevant concepts in order to facilitate their manipulation during development. We report on a card sorting experiment carried out with 18 users for this purpose, and an analysis of its results, with suggestions for improving current designs and informing future solutions.
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With the widespread of Internet of Things’ devices, sensors, and applications the quantity of collected data grows enormously and the need of extracting, merging, analyzing, visualizing, and sharing it paves the way for new research challenges. This ongoing revolution of how personal devices are used and how they are becoming more and more wearable has important influences on the most well established definitions of end user and end-user development. The paper presents an analysis of the most diffused applications that allow end users to aggregate quantified-self data, originated by several sensors and devices, and to use it in personalized ways. From the outcomes of the analysis, we present a classification model for Internet of Things and new EUD paradigm and language that extends the ones existing in the current state of the art Internet of Things.