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Engineering Task-Automation Systems for Domain Specificity



Domain specificity is largely recognized as a means to foster the adoption of systems by specific communities of non-technical users. This paper presents an architecture for the development of Task-Automation Systems that can be customized in specific domains. It is one of the results of a human-centred design process we performed to support non-technical people to program the behaviour of smart objects by defining event-condition-action (ECA) rules. We illustrate the main modules of the proposed architecture, also describing how it supports the creation of ECA rules constrained by means of temporal and spatial conditions. Finally, we report on the development of a Task-Automation System customized by developing and comparing three different composition paradigms.
Engineering Task-Automation Systems
for Domain Specificity
Carmelo Ardito1, Giuseppe Desolda1, Maristella Matera2
1Dipartimento di Informatica, Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro
Via Orabona, 4 70125 Bari, Italy
2Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria, Politecnico di Milano
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32 20134 Milano, Italy
Abstract. Domain specificity is largely recognized as a means to foster the
adoption of systems by specific communities of non-technical users. This paper
presents an architecture for the development of Task-Automation Systems that
can be customized in specific domains. It is one of the results of a human-
centred design process we performed to support non-technical people to pro-
gram the behaviour of smart objects by defining event-condition-action (ECA)
rules. We illustrate the main modules of the proposed architecture, also describ-
ing how it supports the creation of ECA rules constrained by means of temporal
and spatial conditions. Finally, we report on the development of a Task-
Automation System customized by developing and comparing three different
composition paradigms.
Keywords: Task-Automation Systems, Internet of Thing, End-User Develop-
ment, Domain Specificity
1 Introduction
In the last years, the spreading of low-cost technologies that integrate sensors and
actuators has facilitated building the so-called smart objects. A smart object is an
electronic device connected to the Internet, which embeds sensors to feel the envi-
ronment and/or actuators to communicate with the environment [5]. The proliferation
of such devices led to the Internet of Things (IoT), a novel paradigm where the Inter-
net is connected to the physical world via ubiquitous sensors
. The IoT is breeding
grounds for different research areas since several challenges need to be addressed,
such as those related to energy consumption, communication protocols, programming
languages and end-user development (EUD) [12, 23]. Many efforts are being devoted
to improve technological features. Little attention has been instead dedicated to social
and practical aspects: therefore, despite all the advances in the IoT field, end users
still encounter difficulties when they try to make sense of such technology. The re-
search community agrees on the fact that the opportunities offered by IoT can be am-
plified if high-level abstractions and adequate interaction paradigms are devised to
enable also non-programmers to customize and synchronize the behaviour of smart
objects [31].
In line with this claim, Task-Automation Systems (TASs) have recently become a
popular solution to support non-technical users, i.e., people without skills in computer
programming, to synchronize smart objects by exploiting visual mechanisms [25].
Despite a wide availability of TASs, the adopted graphical notations often do not
match the mental model of most users [32]. In addition, TASs are typically conceived
as general purpose systems, but their generality often implies a scarce adoption by
specific communities of end users [10].
This paper proposes an architecture that fosters the development of TASs that are
customizable with respect to varying users and usage domains. The customization
mainly consists in developing a specific User Interface (UI) that “speaks the language
of the user”, i.e., that proposes terminology, concepts, rules, and conventions the tar-
get users are comfortable with. In addition, the architecture addresses the smart ob-
jects synchronization by means of event-condition-action (ECA) rules. Such rules are
based on a model, called 5W, which defines some specification constructs (Which,
What, When, Where, Why) to build rules coupling multiple events and conditions
exposed by smart objects, and for defining temporal and spatial constraints on rule
activation and action execution. This model meets the mental model of the users, who
can easily describe the ingredients of the ECA rules following the 5W simple ques-
tions. Starting from the proposed architecture, this paper briefly illustrates the devel-
opment of a TAS called EFESTO and its customization through the development of
three different UIs.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 illustrates the architecture that drives
the development of Task-Automation Systems, which can be customized by develop-
ing proper UIs that satisfy varying users and usage domains. Section 3 describes the
implementation of the EFESTO platform and its customization with three UIs imple-
menting different composition paradigms. Section 4 reports related works. Finally,
Section 5 concludes the paper also outlining our future work.
2 Domain Specificity in Task-Automation Systems:
a Platform Architecture
In this section, we illustrate an architecture that facilitates the development of
Task-Automation Systems that are customizable with respect to varying users and
usage domains. The architecture design was driven by the need to develop a general
TAS to be easily customized by adapting in the interaction layer [2], thus facilitating
its adoption in different domains where users are comfortable with specific terminol-
ogy, concepts, rules, and conventions. The proposed architecture thus features a de-
coupling of the interaction layer from the other platform modules. Software design
patterns, first of all the MVC (Model-View-Controller), already addressed this separa-
tion of concerns. In our work, however, the emphasis is not on programming practices
to facilitate the development and maintenance of an interactive system; rather we
want to stress the possibility to adapt easily the composition paradigm offered by a
TAS, to comply with domain-specific requirements. It is indeed important to develop
a general TAS that can be, however, easily customized as far as the provided compo-
sition metaphor is concerned [2].
The resulting TASs would allow people to exploit different composition paradigms
to program the behaviour of smart objects by defining ECA rules whose events and
actions are defined in term of: Which is the object, What event triggers the rule (What
action has to be activated), and When and Where the event/action has to happen [15].
This characterization of rule events and actions is inspired by the 5W model typically
adopted in journalism to describe a fact.
2.1 Platform organization
The architecture inherits some modules for service invocation and management al-
ready developed in the EFESTO mashup framework [14]. The focus of the new archi-
tecture is however on the Rule Engine. As reported in Fig. 1, the architecture is orga-
nized in three layers, each one managing a separate aspect.
The Interaction Layer refers to the system client that manages the UI through
which the users can create ECA rules. In addition, it implements two modules, the
Service Builder and the Rule Generator. The first one is in charge of materializing in
the UI the list of attributes of registered services, as resulting from the Service De-
scriptor repository. Thus, it is invoked each time users need to add an event or an
action to the rule. The UI layer is in principle agnostic to the registered services; to
build the visualization of available services, the Service Builder requests to the Ser-
vice Engine the JSON file containing the list of available services, each of them de-
scribed by attributes like name, events, actions and thumbnail URL.
The Rule Generator is an interpreter that translates the user visual actions for rule
creation into a JSON specification that describes the rule in terms of events, actions,
logical operators and spatial and temporal constraints (see Fig. 2b). This is the module
that actually manages the adopted interaction metaphor. The platform customization
for specific domains thus principally requires modifying the way this module inter-
prets the user visual actions to create the JSON rule specification.
At the server side, the Logic Layer manages rules and services by means of respec-
tively the Rule Engine and the Service Engine modules. The first one receives the rule
JSON file (Fig. 2b) from the client (from the Rule Generator module) and instantiates
the rule object based on a publish-subscribe, event-action model [8, 9]. This model is
natively managed and handled by a Java Spring class
for tasks scheduling. Each rule
object is characterized by a set of Publisher services, each of them associated with an
event that can be complemented with temporal and spatial constraints, and by a set of
Subscriber services, each of them associated to an action that can be complemented
ThreadPoolTaskScheduler (
Fig. 1. Overall organization of the platform architecture and structure of the rule engine.
with temporal and spatial constraints. Moreover, details about the logical operators
used among events or actions are stored in the rule object.
The Rule Engine acts as an event bus that mediates the communication between
the different components. Components are decoupled: they do not need to be explicit-
ly aware of each other or be blocked waiting for events from other components. De-
pending on the nature of the service, the Rule Engine can work as active or passive
component. In the first case, it checks every N minutes if the publisher events are
triggered (all of them or just one of them depending on the logical operator, respec-
tively AND or OR). This check is performed by a listener associated to the rule. In
the second case, it is notified by the service when an event is triggered. In both cases,
if the events are triggered, the Rule Engine controls if there are temporal and spatial
constraints on the events and, in case, if they are satisfied. If the events meet all the
conditions, the Rule Engine runs all the subscribed actions associated with the rule or
schedules the action execution according to the when constraint.
The Service Layer is located at the server side and stores service and rule de-
scriptors by using JSON files. A service descriptor contains all the information useful
to query an API and contributes to decouple the registered services from the rest of
the platform. It is created when a new object is added to the platform. Different tech-
nology (e.g., RESTful) can be easily accommodated as the EFESTO service layer
[14] is structured so that different types of adapters can be plugged in to manage the
access to different API technologies. Alternatively, without developing further adapt-
ers, it is possible to adopt a dedicated middleware, as for example Azure IoT Suite
to mediate the access to additional service technologies [22]. The resulting platform is
indeed open and each layer can be also implemented by external services.
Fig. 2. a) Service descriptor of the bracelet smart object; b) JSON descriptor of a rule with 2
causes and 2 actions and
An example of service descriptor is provided in Fig. 2a. It is divided into two main
sections: header and body. The attributes name and url in the header specify respec-
tively the service name and the API documentation URL. The body section includes a
set of attributes (appID, appSecret, restUri, redirectUri, tokenExpiredCode, authenti-
cation) that the Service Engine uses to invoke the API. Moreover, the functions JSON
array contains a list of events and actions, each of them characterized by the attributes
type, name, path, method and response, which are respectively the type of function
(event or action), the event/action name displayed to the users in the UI, the
event/action path chained to the restUri URL to invoke the event/action, the type of
API call (e.g., GET, POST) and the provider response format (e.g., JSON, XML).
3 Development and Customization of a Task-Automation
In this section we describe a TAS called EFESTO-5W we developed according to the
proposed architecture. The separation of the UI layer from the other two layers al-
lowed us to customize EFESTO-5W by proposing three different composition para-
digms. Each paradigm gives the name to the customized version of the platform, i.e.,
EFESTO-Free, EFESTO-Wizard and EFESTO-Wired, abbreviated to E-Free, E-
Wizard and E-Wired, respectively. Lack of space prevents us to report further infor-
mation about the prototype design and evaluation. Interested readers can refer to [15]
for details about the design process.
Fig. 3. E-Free: example of rule including two events and two actions.
E-Free and E-Wizard are based on two similar interaction paradigms. In both the
prototypes, as shown in Fig. 3, the main screen where the rule is created presents two
main areas, the left one to add the events and the right one to add the actions. To add
an event, users have to click on the + button in the Events area, thus activating a
wizard procedure that assists them in defining Which is the service to be monitored
for detecting the triggering event, What service event has to be monitored and When
and Where the event has to be triggered. Similarly, they can add an action by clicking
the + button in the Action area to activate the wizard steps to define Which service
will execute the action, What action the service has to perform and When and Where
the action can be performed.
The main difference between E-Free and E-Wizard is that in E-Wizard, before ac-
cessing the main screen, users are compelled to follow a wizard procedure to create a
“basic rule” composed of one event and one action. Then, they can add further events
and actions exploiting the main screen reported in Fig. 3. In E-Free the rule creation
instead starts from the main screen, and here users may either define first all the
events and then the actions, or define first a basic rule including one event and one
action and later add new events and new actions. Events and actions can be added or
removed at any time.
E-Wired implements an interaction paradigm based on the graph metaphor: nodes
represent smart objects involved in a rule, while directed edges, i.e., arrows, represent
cause-effect relationships between objects. As reported in Fig. 4, the E-Wired UI has
two main areas. The sidebar on the left provides the list of all the available smart ob-
jects and Web services: Web services are light-yellow, while smart objects are light-
green. In the workspace area, users build the rule. They first select one of the services
in the left sidebar, which is added to the workspace and represented as a box aug-
mented with two small circles, light-blue and purple, which represent the connection
points for the arrows representing cause-effect relationships. As soon as the arrow is
drawn, two pop-up windows in sequence allow the user to specify the parameters of
the Event and of the Action in terms of What, When, and Where. A “Create Rule”
button in the second pop-up window permits to save the rule, also specifying Why,
i.e., a title shortly describing the rule.
Fig. 4. E-Wired: example of rule including one event and one action.
An experiment comparing the three EFESTO-5W prototypes revealed that the E-
Free composition paradigm outperforms the ones implemented in E-Wizard and E-
Wired, both in terms of user performances and satisfaction [15]. Starting from E-Free,
we recently extended its UI exploring three visual composition techniques to specify
complex logical expressions [16]. The first technique proposes abstraction mecha-
nisms to combine rule events by means of AND/OR logical operators, as well as to
group set of conjunctive/disjunctive events, also recursively. The second technique
constraints the creation of logic expressions taking into account a principle of the
mental model theory [21] saying that people find easier the conceptualization of logi-
cal statements as a disjunction of conjunctions (Disjunctive Normal Form - DNF).
The third technique is the opposite of DNF, since it allows the combination of rule
events as a conjunction of disjunction (Conjunctive Normal Form - CNF). We are
currently investigating pros and cons of each of these techniques in creating ECA
4 Related Work
To bring close end users’ desire to customize smart object behavior and the intrin-
sic complexity of programming languages, different solutions are emerging today.
Since a smart object is remotely available as a Web service, in many cases such solu-
tions are getting inspiration from the mashup research area. Mashup tools are Web
platforms that permit to access and compose heterogeneous resources, including Web
services, by exploiting visual mechanisms [13]. Starting from the mashup approaches,
task-automation systems [11] have been proposed as means for synchronizing ser-
vices and smart objects. Such tools support users in the automation of their processes
by establishing channels among smart objects (e.g., each time a user enters into his
home, the Wi-Fi router switched on). A popular TAS is IFTTT (IF This Then That): it
provides wizard mechanisms for creating automation rules, called recipes, to throw an
action on a service when an event is triggered by another service [20]. For instance,
when an intrusion is detected by the home alarm system, the Smartwatch shows a
notification to the user.
The wizard paradigm fits very well the mental model of non-technical end users
[3], and this is the reason why it is widely exploited also by other TASs. An example
is, a tool to create rule expressing data-flow chains [1]. It is more devoted to
business aspects and offers the possibility to integrate custom services. Another ex-
ample is Zapier, whose main features are i) the possibility to create rules with multi-
ple events and actions and ii) the use of filters on the triggering events to control rules
activation [11]. TASs implementing wizard approaches are also available as mobile
apps. Atooma is one of the most popular; it allows the creation of rules with multiple
events and actions, which put into communication device functions, Web services and
smart objects [4]. A recent work demonstrated that, even if Atooma supports the crea-
tion of very expressive rules, the wizard approach guarantees similar performances
between IFTTT (the mobile version) and Atooma with reference to time and accuracy
[7]. Similarly to Atooma, tools like AutomateIt and Tasker support the creation of
rules, but they simply enable the composition of apps and functions available on mo-
bile devices [17, 24].
Besides wizard-based TASs, there are other different composition paradigms. For
example, the graph metaphor is used to represent a Web service as a node and con-
nections among Web services as wires”. Users can define object communica-
tion/behavior by graphically sketching the wires among the objects. A popular tool
implementing the wired paradigm is Node-RED [30]. Besides offering a set of pre-
defined services, it allows users to register personal smart objects by invoking their
RESTful interfaces. In addition, Node-RED supports the creation of complex automa-
tion rules characterized by: i) multiple services that trigger events and multiple ser-
vices that react by performing actions; ii) special nodes, used for example to control
the communication flow among services by means of custom JavaScript code; iii)
debug function to simulate and check the rules under creation. However, such features
often require technical skills and thus they are not adequate for non-technical people
[26, 27, 34]. The wire paradigm is implemented by tools typically devoted to more
technical users, for example by [33] and Spacebrew [19].
A completely different paradigm is implemented in Zipato, a platform specific for
home-automation [35]. The rule creation occurs in a workspace where people can
compose puzzle pieces representing components for control flow, sensors and actua-
tors, logical operators, variables and other advanced elements. Despite the high de-
gree of rule customization, the puzzle metaphor makes Zipato promising for non-
technical users.
A recent systematic literature review identifies the best software tools that allow
end users to manage and configure the behaviors of a smart home [18]. Some of the
identified tools were also compared on the basis of seven design principles proposed
for smart home control.
The analysis of the previous tools highlighted some lacks that make it difficult for
non-programmers to use them effectively. In particular, very often the adopted graph-
ical notations for rule specification do not match the mental model of most users [32].
Research on Web mashup composition paradigms a field that has many aspects in
common with smart object composition showed that graph-based notations are suit-
able for programmers, while some issues concerning the conceptual understanding of
such notations arise with laypeople who do not think about “connecting” services [27,
28, 34].
Another lack is related to the expressive power of the ECA rules that can be speci-
fied, which is limited to simple synchronized behaviours. In [6] authors discuss the
importance of temporal and spatial conditions to create ECA rules to better satisfy
users’ needs. Specifying temporal conditions also emerged as an important require-
ment in home automation to schedule rule for appliance activation [29]. Some tools
allow the definition of such conditions only by means of workarounds, for example
by considering additional events to monitor the system time, or by creating filters on
smart device data (e.g., in Zapier). Obviously, such workarounds complicate the rule
creation, thus resulting into a scarce adoption of the available tools, especially by non-
technical users, or in their adoption only for very simple tasks.
5 Conclusion
One key aspect in the future of the IoT will be to put in the hands of end user soft-
ware tools offering natural and expressive paradigms to compose smart objects. Ade-
quate tools can enable non-expert users to achieve this goal. Task-Automation Sys-
tems can suit very well the need for synchronizing different objects to program the
behavior of smart spaces. The work presented in this paper goes in this direction, as it
concentrates on specializing a generic TAS for the composition of services that enable
accessing/controlling smart things. The peculiarity of the presented platform is the
possibility to adapt easily the composition paradigm. Through a series of user studies
we indeed verified that, although in given situations a composition metaphor can re-
sult as the most fitting, adaptations might be required in different domains. Some-
times, even the combined provision of different paradigms can result effective.
The composition paradigm currently offered by EFESTO-5W was elicited with the
help of end users and then validated by means of controlled experiments. We are
therefore very confident that this paradigm encounters the need and capabilities of
non-expert programmers, letting them to take advantage of IoT technology. Of
course, there are still several aspects to be investigated. First of all, to further extend
the capability of EFESTO in supporting the EUD of smart spaces, we are planning
future work to understand if and how the addition and the initial configuration of new
objects into smart environments could be performed by non-technical users. Actually,
our current prototype requires the intervention of expert programmers to define
JSON-based object descriptors. We would like to understand whether there can be
simple procedures, also based on natural (e.g., gesture-based, proximity-based) inter-
action paradigms that could (at least partially) enable non-technical users to perform
these activities. This implies the identification of a “component model”, i.e., a set of
conceptual elements abstracting the underlying technology, which can mediate be-
tween the technical features to be addressed to program smart objects (the compo-
nents) and the interaction layer supporting the customization by end users of objects
by means of high-level programming constructs.
We also aim to understand how, using recent digital printing technologies, the
“fabrication” of smart objects (including the design and production of the physical
objects, and the definition of their programming interfaces) can be conducted interac-
tively with the support of visual EUD environments.
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Conference Paper
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The growing availability of smart objects is stimulating researchers in investigating the IoT phenomenon from different perspectives. In the HCI area, and in particular from the EUD perspective, one prominent goal is to enable non-technical users to be directly involved in configuring smart object behaviour. With this respect, this paper discusses three visual composition techniques to specify logical expressions in Event-Condition-Action rules used for synchronizing the behavior of smart objects.
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Research on the Internet of Things (IoT) has devoted many efforts to technological aspects. Little social and practical benefits have emerged so far. IoT devices, so-called smart objects, are becoming even more pervasive and social, leading to the need to provide non-technical users with innovative interaction strategies for controlling their behavior. In other words, the opportunities offered by IoT can be amplified if new approaches are conceived to enable non-technical users to be directly involved in “composing” their smart objects by synchronizing their behavior. To fulfill this goal, this article introduces a model that includes new operators for defining rules combining multiple events and conditions exposed by smart objects, and for defining temporal and spatial constraints on rule activation. The article also presents the results of an elicitation study that was conducted to identify possible visual paradigms for expressing composition rules. Prototypes implementing the resulting visual paradigms were compared during a controlled experiment and the one that resulted most relevant for our goals was used in a study that involved home-automation experts. Finally, the article discusses some design implications that came out from the performed studies and presents the architecture of a platform supporting rule definition and execution.
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This paper presents a systematic literature review in the Internet of Things and Ambient Intelligence areas. The goal was to identify the best software tools that allow end users, namely people without competencies in computer programming, to manage and configure the behaviors of a smart home. The review selected 48 papers out of 1049 papers found through automatic and manual search. From these papers, 11 tools have been identified and analyzed by means of eight technical characteristics. Finally, among the eleven tools, six tools have been chosen for a qualitative comparison on the basis of seven design principles for smart home control proposed in a literature paper.
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This paper describes a 63-participant user study that compares two widely known systems supporting end users in creating trigger-action rules for the Internet of Things and Ambient Intelligence scenarios. The user study is the first stage of a research agenda that concerns the implementation of a novel conceptual framework for the design and continuous evolution of ‘sentient multimedia systems’, namely socio-technical systems, where people and many kinds of hardware/software components (sensors, robots, smart devices, web services, etc.) interact with one another through the exchange of multimedia information, to give rise to intelligent, proactive behaviors. The conceptual framework is structured along three layers - physical, inference and user – and is based on an information space of events, conditions and actions, linked together in Event-Condition-Action rules and operating according to the interconnection metaphor. The results of the user study have provided some indications for the implementation of the user layer, suggesting which could be the most suitable interaction style for rule design by a community of end users (e.g. a family) and which issues should be addressed in such a wide context.
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This paper illustrates EFESTO, a mashup platform designed to enable end users to explore information by creating interactive workspaces. Within a Web composition environment, end users dynamically create “live mashups” where relevant information, extracted from heterogeneous data sources - including the Linked Open Data – is integrated according to visually defined queries. Visualizations of the resulting data sets can be flexibly shaped-up at runtime. Functions, exposed by local or remote services, also allow users to manipulate the resulting data depending on their situational needs. With respect to other mashup platforms, EFESTO privileges visual composition paradigms that accommodate the end-user mental model for a lightweight data integration within Web workspaces.
Mashups have emerged as an innovative software trend that re-interprets existing Web building blocks and leverages the composition of individual components in novel, value-adding ways. Additional appeal also derives from their potential to turn non-programmers into developers. Daniel and Matera have written the first comprehensive reference work for mashups. They systematically cover the main concepts and techniques underlying mashup design and development, the synergies among the models involved at different levels of abstraction, and the way models materialize into composition paradigms and architectures of corresponding development tools. The book deliberately takes a balanced approach, combining a scientific perspective on the topic with an in-depth view on relevant technologies. To this end, the first part of the book introduces the theoretical and technological foundations for designing and developing mashups, as well as for designing tools that can aid mashup development. The second part then focuses more specifically on various aspects of mashups. It discusses a set of core component technologies, core approaches, and architectural patterns, with a particular emphasis on tool-aided mashup development exploiting model-driven architectures. Development processes for mashups are also discussed, and special attention is paid to composition paradigms for the end-user development of mashups and quality issues. Overall, the book is of interest to a wide range of readers. Students, lecturers, and researchers will find a comprehensive overview of core concepts and technological foundations for mashup implementation and composition. Even without low-level coding details, practitioners like software architects will find guidance on key implementation concepts, architectural patterns, and development tools and approaches. A related website provides additional teaching material which can be used either as part of a course or for self study.
Conference Paper
Developing context-dependent applications involves indicating the relevant contextual events and the corresponding actions. Based on an analysis of the usability and expressiveness of three Android apps for developing such applications, we have started a study that aims to identify a general solution able to better represent how users classify the relevant concepts in order to facilitate their manipulation during development. We report on a card sorting experiment carried out with 18 users for this purpose, and an analysis of its results, with suggestions for improving current designs and informing future solutions.
Conference Paper
With the widespread of Internet of Things’ devices, sensors, and applications the quantity of collected data grows enormously and the need of extracting, merging, analyzing, visualizing, and sharing it paves the way for new research challenges. This ongoing revolution of how personal devices are used and how they are becoming more and more wearable has important influences on the most well established definitions of end user and end-user development. The paper presents an analysis of the most diffused applications that allow end users to aggregate quantified-self data, originated by several sensors and devices, and to use it in personalized ways. From the outcomes of the analysis, we present a classification model for Internet of Things and new EUD paradigm and language that extends the ones existing in the current state of the art Internet of Things.
A simple model of mashup technology for combining services and connected devices is now becoming popular. This model is frequently referred to as task automation based on Event-Condition-Action (ECA) rules. The most popular online services that follow this approach are Ifttt and Zapier. In addition, this model is being followed by several mobile frameworks to automate how phones deal with incoming Internet events and phone sensors. Here, the authors outline the features and components of task automation services (TASs), and propose a generic architecture that supports current challenges. Also, because TASs are a growing trend, this article provides a survey comparison of existing platforms and discusses their evolution and future tendencies.
In recent years, models, composition paradigms, and tools for mashup development have been proposed to support the integration of information sources, services and APIs available on the Web. The challenge is to provide a gate to a "programmable Web," where end users are allowed to construct easily composite applications that merge content and functions so as to satisfy the long tail of their specific needs. The approaches proposed so far do not fully accommodate this vision. This article, therefore, proposes a mashup development framework that is oriented toward the End-User Development. Given the fundamental role of user interfaces (UIs) as a medium easily understandable by the end users, the proposed approach is characterized by UI-centric models able to support a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) specification of data integration and service orchestration. It, therefore, contributes to the definition of adequate abstractions that, by hiding the technology and implementation complexity, can be adopted by the end users in a kind of "democratic" paradigm for mashup development. This article also shows how model-to-code generative techniques translate models into application schemas, which in turn guide the dynamic instantiation of the composite applications at runtime. This is achieved through lightweight execution environments that can be deployed on the Web and on mobile devices to support the pervasive use of the created applications.