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The value of robotic systems in stroke rehabilitation

Taylor & Francis
Expert Review of Medical Devices

Abstract and Figures

In this paper, we discuss robot-mediated neurorehabilitation as a significant emerging field in clinical medicine. Stroke rehabilitation is advancing toward more integrated processes, using robotics to facilitate this integration. Rehabilitation approaches have tremendous value in reducing long-term impairments in stroke patients during hospitalization and after discharge, of which robotic systems are a new modality that can provide more effective rehabilitation. The function of robotics in rehabilitative interventions has been examined extensively, generating positive yet not completely satisfactory clinical results. This article presents state-of-the-art robotic systems and their prospective function in poststroke rehabilitation of the upper and lower limbs.
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The value of robotic systems
in stroke rehabilitation
Expert Rev. Med. Devices Early online, 1–12 (2014)
Stefano Masiero*
Patrizia Poli
Giulio Rosati
Damiano Zanotto
Marco Iosa
Sefano Paolucci
Giovanni Morone
Department of Neuroscience, Unit of
Rehabilitation, University of Padua,
Padua, Italy
Department of Innovation in
Mechanics and Management, University
of Padua, Padua, Italy
University of Delaware, Newark, DE,
Clinical Laboratory of Experimental
Neurorehabilitation, IRCCS Santa Lucia
Foundation, Rome, Italy
School of Doctorate, University of
Padua, Padua, Italy
*Author for correspondence:
Tel.: +39 049 821 1270
Fax: +39 821 796
In this paper, we discuss robot-mediated neurorehabilitation as a significant emerging field in
clinical medicine. Stroke rehabilitation is advancing toward more integrated processes, using
robotics to facilitate this integration. Rehabilitation approaches have tremendous value in
reducing long-term impairments in stroke patients during hospitalization and after discharge,
of which robotic systems are a new modality that can provide more effective rehabilitation.
The function of robotics in rehabilitative interventions has been examined extensively,
generating positive yet not completely satisfactory clinical results. This article presents state-
of-the-art robotic systems and their prospective function in poststroke rehabilitation of the
upper and lower limbs.
KEYWORDS:activities of daily living • motor learning • neurorehabilitation • plasticity • robot-assisted training • stroke
Stroke that is caused by an ischemic or hemor-
rhagic intracranial vascular event is a leading
cause of disability in the USA and Europe [1].
The WHO estimates that stroke events will
increase by 30% between 2000 and 2025 in
Europe [2]. Hemiparesis and hemiplegia are
the most common outcomes of stroke, leading
to deficits in movement in the limbs that are
contralateral to the side of the brain that is
affected by the stroke. The main clinical char-
acteristics in hemiparetic patients are weakness
of specific muscles, abnormal muscle tone,
abnormal postural adjustments, lack of mobil-
ity, incorrect timing of components within a
pattern, abnormal movement synergies, loss of
interjoint coordination and loss of sensation.
Due to residual arm impairments and inabil-
ity to perform activities of daily living (ADLs),
stroke has a significant social impact: 38% of
severely affected patients experience partial
recovery of dexterity compared with complete
recovery in 11.6% [3]. Regarding the recovery of
mobility, a 2008 study demonstrated that on
discharge from a rehabilitation hospital, approx-
imately half of stroke patients remain in a
wheelchair, <15% can walk inside without aid,
<10% can walk outside and <5% can climb
stairs [4]. Thus, the goal of rehabilitation in post-
stroke subjects is to promote the recovery of lost
function, regain independence and effect early
reintegration into social and domestic life.
The number of people who require rehabili-
tation after stroke is climbing rapidly due to
population aging, [2], and the resulting growth
in related expenses will place increasing pres-
sure on healthcare budgets. For example, in
the USA, nearly 795,000 persons experience a
new or recurrent stroke annually, and the esti-
mated direct and indirect costs of stroke for
2009 were $68.9 billion and $73.7 billion
for 2010, whereas the mean lifetime cost of
ischemic stroke is $140,048 [5]. The poststroke
patient requires continuous medical care
and intensive rehabilitation, often one-on-one
manual interaction with therapists. But, the
demands with regard to organization of time
and budget restrictions render this intensive
rehabilitative program difficult to administer.
Thus, new modalities and technologies are
needed to implement efficacious rehabilitative
treatments. Rehabilitative interventions are
more effective if they ensure early, intensive,
task specific and multisensory stimulation. We
have become aware of the CNS’s capacity to
adapt its structural organization after the
development of a brain lesion, influenced pri-
marily by sensory input, experience and learn-
ing [6,7]. Further, as demonstrated recently in
rats, motor cortex neurons couple sensory
input to multiple-related motor programs dur-
ing learning [8]. Nudo [9] first reported that a
subtotal lesion that is confined to a small por-
tion of the representation of one hand effects
further loss of hand territory in the adjacent,
undamaged cortex in adult squirrel monkeys
and that retraining the skilled hand prevented 10.1586/17434440.2014.882766 Ó2014 Informa UK Ltd ISSN 1743-4440 1
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the loss of hand territory that was adjacent to the infarct. Thus,
increasing evidence has shown that following stroke, the motor
system is plastic and can be influenced by motor training [9].
The cerebellum has recently been demonstrated to modulate
cortical motor output and function in motor learning [10].
Thus, although it is impossible to repair neural damage by cel-
lular proliferation, partial compensation can be elicited through
these mechanisms and by variations in neural schemes by
unmasking neural pathways and synapses that, although they
are not normally used, can be activated when the dominant
system fails. In this regard, the literature suggests a significant
effect of intensity on motor recovery of rehabilitation to people
affected by stroke. Thus, well-defined training methods, espe-
cially those with intensive multisensory stimulation, might
induce neural adaptations and enhance motor and functional
recovery of paretic upper extremities, based on such plastic
The idea for using automatic devices was conceived from
this basis to help therapists increase the intensity of therapies,
generate multisensory stimulation and reduce working costs.
This novel concept dates back to the early 1990s, with a new
family of robotic machines, called haptic interfaces. These
mechanical devices are designed to interact with humans, guid-
ing the upper limb into passive and active-assisted mobilization,
aiding in certain movement tasks by biofeedback systems and
measuring changes in movement kinematics and forces. Thus,
robotic therapy might complement standard poststroke multi-
disciplinary programs.
The function of robotics in poststroke rehabilitation
To re-establish a patient’s independence with regard to ADLs,
hand and arm motor function must be restored. Rehabilitation
is fundamental to mitigating residual motor deficits in stroke
patients during the acute/subacute and chronic phases. Treat-
ments that emphasize intense [11], highly repetitive [12] and
task-oriented [13] movements are believed to be extremely valu-
able in this regard. This type of exercise increases strength,
accuracy and functional use in subjects with stroke-induced
paresis [12,13]. Based on animal models, the key component of
the rehabilitative pathway (e.g., early rehabilitation <30 days
from event) entails a substantial increase in the intensity and
dose of treatments, placing an emphasis on recovery from
impairments, alone and in combined approaches [14].
One such therapeutic approach is robotic technology. The
potential of robotic systems in poststroke rehabilitation is broad
and tremendous. Robotic systems are well suited to perform
intensive, task-oriented motor training of a patient’s limbs
under therapist supervision, as part of an integrated set of reha-
bilitation tools that also include simpler nonrobotic approaches
[15]. Robots enhance traditional poststroke treatment by specifi-
cally providing therapy for long periods consistently and pre-
cisely without fatigue. They are programmed to perform
various functional modes and have many automated functions;
they can also measure and record a range of behaviors in paral-
lel with therapeutic applications [16].
Nevertheless, organizationally, the parity of robotics-based
and physical therapy is positive – at the very least, the intro-
duction of robotic systems into clinical practice promotes cost-
effective use of human resources and standardization of rehabil-
itation programs. The labor-intensive aspects of physical reha-
bilitation can be alleviated, allowing the physiotherapist to
concentrate on functional rehabilitation during individual train-
ing and supervising patients simultaneously during robot-
assisted therapy sessions. This approach would exploit the
expertise and time of physiotherapists, improving the efficacy
and efficiency of the rehabilitation program [17].
Wagner et al.[18] performed an economic analysis of robot-
assisted therapy for long-term upper limb impairments after
stroke compared with intensive traditional therapy and standard
care. At 36 weeks postrandomization, the total costs were com-
parable between the three groups, and changes in quality of life
were modest and did not differ significantly.
However, robotic rehabilitation does not merely increase the
amount and intensity of the therapy. Robotic systems produce
simple and repetitive stereotyped movement patterns, as do
most existing devices, but they also effect more complex, con-
trolled multisensory stimulation of the patient. It appears that
the impact of rehabilitative technology on functional outcomes
could be optimized by offering more opportunities for the ner-
vous system to experience actual activity-related sensorimotor
input during upper limb training [9].
Thus, greater interaction and stimulation can be elicited
with respect to what is usually experienced during hand-over-
hand therapy. Extrinsic feedback can be also used to inform
the patient of his/her results and performance during robotic
training, facilitating achievement of the goal movement and
engaging the subject in the rehabilitation exercise [19].An
important objective of robotic rehabilitation is to provide a
therapy that increases a patient’s function, activity and partici-
pation. Although people who develop robotic tools accept that
task-oriented approaches are beneficial and highlight them as
the trend along which future technologies should advance [20],
most rehabilitation systems support training methods that are
not based on task-oriented exercises, particularly robots for
upper limb functioning recovery, whereas those for lower limbs
are focused primarily on gait with few exceptions (such climb-
ing up and down stairs for the G-EO system, as described
below). Only T-Wrex, ADLER, TheraDrive, ARMin and
AutoCITE provide task-oriented training for the upper
Clinical trials have demonstrated that training with robotics
improves short-term and long-term strength and analytical
upper limb movements in stroke patients substantially, and
results are pending with regard to clinical studies on robotics in
task-oriented training. However, there is experimental evidence
that robotic upper limb training fails to transfer improvements
to the activity level [20,21].
Environmentally, contextual training is likely to improve
functional outcomes. ADLER is a robot that permits a subject
to interact with the environment, leaving the hands free to
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manipulate objects [22]. This feature is missing from systems in
which forces are applied to a handgrip such as T-WREX [21].
To provide realistic sensorimotor input and encourage task-
related problem solving, Edmans et al. proposed that robotic
systems use mixed reality systems in which movement-sensitive
objects and machine vision create a virtual reality environment
that is steered by actual manipulation of objects [23].
Unfortunately, most existing robotic devices for neurorehabili-
tation are designed and programmed to generate simple stereo-
typed movement patterns, which are often unrelated to
functional activity; further, virtual reality, typically used instead
of mixed reality and environmentally contextual training, can
hinder the transfer of training results to everyday situations.
Moreover, the time and effort that are spent by patients to learn
how to interact with a robotic/virtual environment can decrease
the efficacy of robot-assisted training with respect to the manipu-
lation of real objects. All of these devices include gaming aspects,
drawing attention to and involving the patient in what is happen-
ing during the training. Encouraging the patient to take an active
role can also attract his attention: technology should offer exer-
cises that approximate those with which the patient prefers to
train [24]. Few applications offer enough variability in the exer-
cises to set goals according to individual needs.
There is robust evidence that specific and difficult goals can
improve patient performance [25]. Most robots focus on the
proximal section of the upper limb (Mirror Image Movement
Enhancer [MIME], T-Wrex and Arm-Guide), whereas Master
II trains the hand and fingers exclusively. Only ADLER trains
the entire arm (shoulder, elbow, forearm, wrist) and hand. In
daily life, we use the entire arm, which might explain the lack
of efficacy at the functional level. Krebs suggests creating a
gymwith several types of robotic systems with which the
patient can train his entire body [26].
It is not possible to exercise over a full range of joint motion
and with all necessary degrees of freedom (DOF) with robot
training, which is a limitation of task-oriented training. Con-
versely, most robotic systems, such as MIT-Manus, Haptic Mas-
ter and MIME, deliver a patient-tailored and goal-tailored
training load. Actuators can deliver assistance in executing move-
ments when necessary and resistance whenever possible, rendering
robotic systems valuable for training arms and hands in patients
with lower functional levels. Fine-tuned assistance encourages
patients to use all of their abilities to improve their movement.
A potential advantage of robotic systems is that they can
measure several kinematic and dynamic parameters while the
patient’s limb is in motion, allowing for performance-related
indicators (e.g., range of motion, velocity, smoothness) to be
evaluated online and offline. These values can be used to quan-
tify patient progress more objectively with respect to clinical
evaluation scales. Yet, the engineering parameters that have
been proposed are usually related to the robotic hardware and
the type of exercise that are being implemented remain far
from being accepted as a valid alternative to traditional evalua-
tion scales. The acceptance of robotic technology by patients
and physiotherapists might be an issue although there have
been no major concerns over the devices that have been devel-
oped. Moreover, the cultural gap between technology providers,
rehabilitation professionals and end users is shrinking due to
the recent dissemination of knowledge.
The chief goal for rehabilitation of the lower limb in
patients after stroke is to walk independently. As in upper limb
rehabilitation, there are machines that support gait training.
Treadmill training, with and without body weight support, was
recently introduced for the rehabilitation after stroke. To
restore gait, clinicians prefer a repetitive task-specific approach
[27], and greater intensities in walking practice programs (result-
ing in more repetitions) have effected better outcomes for
patients after stroke [28,29]. However, repetitive practice of com-
plex gait cycles by these patients requires specific devices such
as a treadmill, with and without partial body weight support.
Treadmill training has one disadvantage – therapists must
set the paretic limbs and control weight shifts – which might
limit the therapeutic intensity, particularly in more severely
disabled patients.
To decrease the dependence on therapists, automated electro-
mechanical gait machines have been developed. Gait machines
comprise an electromechanical solution with two driven
foot plates that simulate the phases of gait (i.e., the Gait
Trainer[30]) or a robot-driven exoskeleton orthotic system such
as Lokomat[31].Lokomatis a computer-controlled robotic
gait orthotic system that guides the patient in which gait train-
ing is automated, following a preprogrammed gait pattern.
Gait training with the Gait Traineris also automated.
Electromechanical devices can be used by nonambulatory
patients to practice intensive, highrepetition, complex gait
cycles, which a single therapist can not do alone. Compared
with treadmill training with partial body weight support, these
robotic devices can reduce the effort by therapists, who would
no longer need to set the paretic limbs or assist with trunk
movements [32]. A recent update Cochrane revision of 17 trials
in 837 participants demonstrated that electromechanically
assisted gait training, combined with physiotherapy, accelerates
the recovery of independent walking in patients after stroke.
Further, this review determined the ideal frequency, duration
and time after stroke of electromechanically assisted gait train-
ing. How long these benefits last is unknown and require addi-
tional study [33].
As highlighted by Dobkin and Duncan, clinicians should
not administer robotic therapy routinely to disabled, vulnerable
persons in place of or in addiction to conventional therapy out-
side of a scientific efficacy trial [34].
Robotic devices
Machine for upper limb rehabilitation
Existing upper limb robotic systems can be classified by [35]:
• the upper limb function on which they focus (unilateral or
bilateral shoulder, elbow, wrist or hand movements);
• mechanical characteristics (exoskeleton or operational
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control strategy: robots can be programmed to deliver various
exercises (passive movement, active nonassisted, active assisted
or resistive mode, bimanual exercise).
Existing interactive systems with 1 DOF are useful for
stroke patients with lower functional levels; those with multiple
DOF might be more valuable to patients with lower and
higher functional levels. Several upper limb robotic devices are
available, some of which have been discussed in a recent
Cochrane [36]:
InMotion robot (Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Mit-Manus): wrist robot with three active DOF, mounted at
the tip of a companion planar robot (MIT-MANUS), allowing
five active DOFs at the shoulder, elbow and wrist. MIT-
MANUS (developed by Krebs et al.) was one of the first
robotic rehabilitation systems for upper limb training after
stroke [37]. It allows 2 DOFs and trains wrist, elbow and shoul-
der movements. The exercise can be performed in passive,
active and interactive training modes. Patients with all levels of
muscle strength can use the system. Visual, tactile and auditory
feedback are provided during the movements [38,39]. This sys-
tem improved motor function of the hemiparetic upper
extremities in acute, subacute and chronic stroke patients [40,41].
MIME: robot manipulator with 6 DOFs; performs unilateral
and bilateral upper limb (shoulder and elbow) training. MIME
has been validated in chronic stroke patients [42].
BI-MANU-TRACK: a 1-DOF system that performs forearm
pronation/supination and wrist flexion/extension. BI-MANU-
TRACK provides bilateral training in passive or active mode
but does not give feedback to the patient. It has been validated
in subacute and chronic stroke patients [43,44].
Robot-mediated therapy system GENTLE/S: 3-DOF robot
manipulator (HapticMaster, FCS Robotics, the Netherlands)
with an extra 3-DOF passive gimbal mechanism (allows for pro-
nation/supination of the elbow and flexion and extension of the
wrist), an exercise table, computer screen, overhead frame and
chair. [45]. Arm function has improved in subacute and chronic
stroke patients using the Haptic Master [46] in clinical trials [47].
Arm robot ARMin: semi-exoskeleton for movement of the
shoulder (3 DOFs), the elbow (1 DOF), forearm (1 DOF)
and wrist (1 DOF), matched with an audiovisual display to
illustrate the movement to the patient. It has been tested in
chronic stroke patients [48].
Assisted Rehabilitation and Measurement Guide (Arm-
Guide): 4-DOF robotic device provides arm reaching therapy
for patients with chronic hemiparesis, giving real-time visual
feedback of the location of the arm to the patient. It has been
tested in the chronic phase [49].
REHAROB Robotic Rehabilitation System for upper limb
motion therapy for the disabled: It comprises two unmodified
industrial robots. It is a 7-DOF system that supplies passive
shoulder and elbow physiotherapy. It has been applied in spastic
hemiparesis [50].
NeReBot (FIGURE 1): a 3-DOF robot based on direct drive wire
actuation. Easily transportable NeReBot provides visual and
auditory feedback to the patient and has been clinically tested
in acute–subacute stroke [51,52].
Many other devices have been tested in chronic and acute–
subacute stroke patients. For example, the Active Joint Brace
[53] is a lightweight exoskeleton robotic brace that is controlled
by surface EMG from the affected elbow flexor and extensor
muscles; it has 1 DOF and does not provide feedback on exer-
cise performance. Another example is T-WREX [20] which
offers training on several activities (e.g., eating, shopping, wash-
ing the arm, making lemonade). Unfortunately, limitations in
the movement of the shoulder (especially rotations) and fore-
arm (no pronation or supination) create a discrepancy between
the functional relevance of the exercise and the actual move-
ment that is performed. In telerehabilitation, UniTherapy [54],
a computer-assisted neurorehabilitation tool for tele-assessment
and telerehabilitation, has been validated in chronic stroke
patients [55], providing visual and auditory cues in response to
There are many robotic arms that have been designed for
rehabilitation but have not been examined clinically in large
samples including the Reha-Slide (FIGURE 2), Reha-Slide Duo [56],
H-O-H, Bimanual Lifting Rehabilitator, ARCMIME, Braccio
di Ferro, Bimanual Handlebar, Driver’s SEAT, Bimanual
Coordinate Training System, Hand Robotic Rehabilitation
Device, APBT (The Rocker) and Able-X [57].
Machines for lower limb rehabilitation
Automated electromechanical gait machines were developed in
the 1990s. They can consist of:
Figure 1. Robotic device for upper limb rehabilitation
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• a robot-driven exoskeleton orthosis [58]; for example, Loko-
mat (FIGURE 3).
• an electromechanical solution with two driven foot plates
(End-Effector system), simulating the phases of gait [30];for
example, Gait Trainer (FIGURE 4).
Lokomat [58] is a robotic gait orthosis that is combined with a
harness-supported body weight apparatus and a treadmill. The
principal difference with its use from treadmill training is that
the patient’s legs are guided by the robotic device according to a
preprogrammed gait pattern. A computer-controlled robotic gait
orthosis guides the patient – the gait training is automated.
Gait Trainer is based on a double crank and rocker gear sys-
tem. In contrast to a treadmill, it consists of two foot plates that
are positioned on two bars, rockers and cranks each, which pro-
vide the propulsion. The foot plates symmetrically simulate the
stance and the swing phases of walking while the patient is on
the device [30]. In contrast to treadmill training, the gait training
is automated and supported by an electromechanical solution.
Other similar electromechanical devices include the Haptic-
Walker [30,32], Anklebot [59], ALex [60] and lower extremity pow-
ered exoskeleton [61].
The G-EO System (Reha Technology AG; Olten, Switzer-
land; eo comes from Latin for I walk) is a gait robot that is
based on the end-effector principle and was designed to mini-
mize the therapeutic effort that is needed to relearn walking
and stair climbing after stroke. The trajectories of the foot
plates and the vertical and horizontal movements of the center
of mass are fully programmable. This device trains wheelchair-
bound subjects through repetitive practice of simulated floor
walking and climbing up and down stairs. The device follows
the HapticWalker, a research prototype with limited clinical
applicability due to its size [62].
WalkTrainer (Swortec SA, Monthey, Switzerland) allows for
overground training, using a motor to follow patient move-
ments and has a parallel robotic structure to control pelvic
motion in 6 DOF [63].
The KineAssist (Kinea Design, Evanston, IL, USA) has a
mobile base and provides partial body weight support and
assistance for movements of the pelvis and torso, leaving the
patient’s legs unobstructed to allow therapists to assist [64].
The hybrid assistive leg is a wearable system that comprises
an exoskeleton that is driven by electric motors [65].
The ambulation-assisting robotic tool for human rehabilita-
tion is an end-effector system in which leg movements are con-
trolled by moving coil forcers [66].
The pelvic assist manipulator allows for movement of the
pelvis in 5 DOF [67].
The lower extremity powered exoskeleton is an exoskeleton
that permits more DOF versus other similar devices, especially
into the frontal plane [61]. The ankle can be controlled depend-
ing on the version. Although this system has been tested in
patients with stroke, there have been no randomized controlled
trials with an experimental group of patients who have been
trained with this device.
Figure 2. Patients performing bilateral mechanical device
with video game feedback (ReaSlide).
Figure 3. Exoskeleton robotic device with treadmill and
weight support: Lokomat, Hocoma, Switzerland.
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Clinical efficacy of robotic approaches
In 1995, the first robotic system for rehabilitation (the MIT-
Manus) was introduced. Since then, the use of robotics in
poststroke rehabilitation has been examined extensively, gener-
ating positive, yet not fully satisfactory, clinical results.
Despite the potential benefits of robot-mediated movement
training after stroke, the clinical efficacy of this approach is
unknown. Although motor benefits have been noted, there is
no evidence that robotic training brings improvements to the
functional level versus traditional therapy [33,36].
Robotic approaches have disparate responses depending on
rehabilitation problem and patient type (FIGURE 5). Thus, tailor-
ing the robotic approach to user needs (patients, therapist,
clinicians) might improve outcomes.
Lower & upper limb
A recent Cochrane review [36] concluded that electromechani-
cal and robot-assisted arm training improve performance in
ADLs and arm function but not arm muscle strength. More-
over, the improvement in ADLs varies between acute and
subacute stroke patients and those in the chronic phase, sug-
regard to functional outcomes. However, Lo et al.[68].
reported long-term benefits of intensive rehabilitation (robot-
aided or intensive traditional therapy) in patients with mod-
erate-to-severe impairments – even years after stroke.
Due to the various systems, exercises and treatment protocols
that have been used in studies, the results of reviews and meta-
analyses’ must be interpreted carefully. There is not a single,
fixed treatment protocol – robot-assisted therapy can be added
to or replaced by traditional rehabilitation.
Several groups are studying the function of treatment inten-
sity in upper limb rehabilitation, the preliminary results (pilot
study) of which have shown that higher intensity robotic treat-
ment (assisted forearm and wrist movements) affects greater
improvements in motor ability and functional performance in
stroke patients [69]. Higher intensity of robotic rehabilitation in
acute phase appears to induce more substantial improvements
than lower intensity treatments at discharge, but this difference
does not remain after 6 months [70].
With regard to lower limb rehabilitation, a recent review on
gait-training robotic devices [71] concluded that patients who
received robot-assisted gait training in combination with phys-
iotherapy attained independent walking more easily than
patients who were trained without these devices. However,
clinical trials suggest that manual therapy is more effective
than robotic gait training in the subacute and chronic
phases [72,73]. The implication of findings is that voluntary pos-
tural control is reduced during robot-assisted gait training, due
to the restraint of the pelvis and trunk, coupled with the pas-
sive swing assistance that is provided by the robotic system
employed [72].
Proximal & distal approach
There is a positive trend toward robot-assisted therapy of the
proximal upper limb compared with conventional treatment
modalities with regard to motor recovery, as measured by the
Fugl-Meyer assessment scale, but the performance on ADLs
of end-
Figure 5. Various robotic therapy approaches for arm and
leg as discussed in the review.
Figure 4. End-effector electromechanical devices for
walking-like training: GTII, Rehastim, Berlin.
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does not improved significantly, as measured by the Functional
Independence Measure scale [36]. The ADL scales do not reflect
recovery of the paretic upper limb properly [36].
In their recent review, Oujamaa et al. claimed that proximal
robot-aided therapy decreases the time that a physiotherapist
spends with the patient and hospitalization time. However,
during rehabilitation of chronic stroke, proximal robot-aided
therapy does not effect any clinically relevant motor improve-
ment in severely impaired subjects – regardless of whether the
movements are performed in unimanual or bimanual, active
aided or counter-resistance mode (InMotion2, MIME,
BATRAC) [74].
Bilateral/monolateral approach
Bilateral movement training, validated in a meta-analysis by
Cauraugh et al.[75], is not clearly superior to or as efficient as
the unilateral mode [76], differences that might be attributed to
poststroke delay, degree of motor impairment, type of bilateral
movement training (proximal or distal, functional or sensori-
motor) and amount of movement repetitions.
In particular, a greater understanding of bihemispheric plas-
ticity after stroke will guide the development of new (robot-
assisted) therapies to enhance learning-dependent neuroplastic-
ity [76,77]. Although a small pilot study by Lum et al. suggested
that unilateral training is superior to bilateral training [42],
larger studies should examine the efficacy of bilateral robotic-
assisted training, with or without auditory or visual cueing, and
feedback that promotes interhemispheric activation of the
limbs. One group recently demonstrated that symmetrical and
bilateral robotic practice, combined with functional task train-
ing, significantly improved motor function, arm activity and
self-perceived bilateral arm ability in 20 patients late after
stroke [78]. There is other positive evidence of unilateral and
bilateral robotic treatment: the former improves upper limb
motor impairments, muscle power and strength at the distal
joints, and the latter is optimal for enhancing proximal muscle
power [79]. Further research is needed to determine the value of
bilateral exercise.
New developments in robotic innovations and capabilities
are expected and will most likely expand their applicability to
other and more specific motor functions.
Based on the end-effector principle, a patient’s extremities
(hands or feet) are placed on a support (such as foot plates)
that imposes specific trajectories. In walking robots, such sup-
ports move the feet, simulating the stance and swing phases
during gait training.
Exoskeletons are outfitted with programmable drives or pas-
sive elements that move the limb joints during training. For
example, in robotic walking training, the ankles, knees and
hips can be controlled by robots during the phases of gait.
In both robot types, the weight support is the conditio sine
qua non, especially for walking training in nonambulatory
patients, for practicing the exercises in intensively and safely.
Weight supports allow more repetitions of standardized move-
ments to be performed in a training session than conventional
therapy, in which body or limb weight is usually supported
manually by the physiotherapist or an aid [80]. Both types of
robotic devices have their advantages and drawback, requiring
one to consider the rationale and relative benefits and disadvan-
tages between devices.
In particular, end-effector walking devices might allow the
patient to extend his knee with more freedom. Also, maintain-
ing his balance might be more demanding, depending on how
the harness is set up and whether the patient holds the hand
rails. With exoskeleton devices, gait cycles might be controlled
more easily. Except for a single case report, no study has com-
pared electromechanical devices for gait rehabilitation directly
in patients with cerebral damage [81].
Regarding arm robot/electromechanical devices, the end-
effector approach is considered when a manipulandum guides
the movement, whereas the shoulder and elbow are not con-
trolled in executing kinematic movements and are merely
weight supported. Arm exoskeleton robots control single joint
movements (e.g., shoulder, elbow, wrist) – not only those at
the end of the arm.
Notably, these approaches train patients disparately, differing
with regard to the constriction and freedom of the patient’s
ability and for this reason, different approach described might
represent best option for a specific kind of patients’
Who might benefit more?
As confirmed recently by Cochrane [33], the patient characteris-
tics must be defined to determine who will benefit more from
robotic therapy. Thus, are robotic devices effective for all types
of patients with stroke?
The widespread and correct use of new technologies must
rely on the information regarding the types of patients and the
phase of rehabilitation that will benefit from specific technolo-
gies. Based on this principle, Morone and colleagues reported
that patients with more severe impairments in the motor leg
benefited more from robotic-assisted therapy, in combination
with conventional therapy [82,83], likely because robotic devices
allow increases in intensity of the therapy versus conventional
methods, especially for more impaired patients.
Conversely, patients with greater voluntary motor function
in the affected limb can perform intensive training in conven-
tional therapy. Neurorehabilitators might prefer less constrained
and more variable exercises in these patients. For example, in
ambulant patients, overground walking training is more effec-
tive in improving balance and preventing falls [84]. Patients
might benefit from machines that provide external support
until they recover the ability to walk over ground unsupported.
Robots favor such recovery, allowing for progressive decreases
in external support to match the patient’s level of gait
dependency [83].
The psychological profiles of patients are important in
attaining superior motor outcomes with robot training versus
The value of robotic systems in stroke rehabilitation Review doi: 10.1586/17434440.2014.882766
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conventional therapy. A recent study implicated anxiety as a
negative prognostic factor for robotic therapy, whereas internal
recovery of a locus of control (e.g., patients who believed them-
selves to be chief causal factor in managing their recovery) was
a positive prognostic factor of better outcomes [85].
Thus, instead of asking ourselves whether robotic devices are
effective in rehabilitation, we should determine who will benefit
more from robotic rehabilitation.
Top-down/bottom-up approach
The bottom-upapproach of certain conventional therapies
and many electromechanical devices and robots has been
suggested to require modification, based on the hypothesis
that moving the limbs passively will enhance the recovery of
limb functions through indirect changes in the central neural
system. It has also been suggested that robots that are
based on a top-down approach be redesigned or used to
increase active participation by the patients during robotic
training [86].
Certain robots that provide walking-like training include a
system that facilitates cognitive involvement by biofeedback. [86].
Following this approach, brain–computer interface (BCI) sys-
tems allow specific measurable neurophysiological signals to be
recorded, decoded and translated into effector actions [87].
Thus, BCIs are a potentially valuable tool that can be com-
bined with robotic devices as part of a top-down approach, as
recently supported by Wang and colleagues, who measured
patient engagement during Lokomat walking training by elec-
troencephalography, providing biofeedback to the patient per
BCI principles [88]. However, this approach is not feasible for
moderate and severely affected patients because it requires sub-
stantial active participation by the patients.
In other top-down approaches, noninvasive brain stimulators
can be combined with robots to enhance rehabilitative out-
comes. There are limited data, however, on the combined use
of transcranial direct current stimulation and robots [89,90], but
the stimulation parameters and the candidates must be
matched [91]. We expect that a top-down approach will be par-
ticularly effective in patients with central damage, such as
stroke, but the type of impairment and side of lesion can influ-
ence rehabilitative outcomes.
Expert commentary
In the light of the rapid development of rehabilitation technol-
ogy, we must understand the value of robotics-based rehabilita-
tion in the optimal rehabilitation program. Our review
confirms the commentary of Johnson [92] – that technology for
upper and lower limb training after stroke needs to align with
the evolution of rehabilitation toward functionally oriented
approaches that influence function, activity and participation
levels. We do not understand how various rehabilitation
approaches contribute to restoration of the CNS after stroke.
Although several rehabilitation technology approaches have
shown promising results in small-scale studies, findings from
large-scale clinical trials are needed.
Robot-mediated neurorehabilitation is a rapidly advancing
field that seeks to use advances in robotics, virtual reality and
haptic interfaces, coupled with neuroscience and rehabilitation
theories, to develop new methods of treating neurological inju-
ries such as stroke, spinal cord injury and traumatic brain
injury. Machine-mediated neurorehabilitation faces many chal-
lenges both in engineering and clinical practice. In the former,
more integrated solutions are needed that administer therapy in
a safe environment for the subject and therapist with high
patient acceptance. New machines for rehabilitation must be
tested clinically, the results of which should be published.
Future research must determine whether ADL tasks, through
technical design or new treatment exercises and protocols, can
actually be enhanced by robotic training. The need to find a
solution that permits easy interaction between the therapist and
patients appears to be mandatory.
Ideally, machine-mediated neurorehabilitation should be
available within several days of the initial brain injury and
thereafter throughout the rehabilitation [9395]. As suggested in
the Cochrane review by Mehrholz and colleagues [36], robotic
treatment of upper limb impairments is likely to be more effi-
cacious in the acute and subacute phase with regard to func-
tional outcomes in the recovery of ADLs; thus solutions for
early and intensive robotic intervention during patient hospital-
ization should be the focus of future research.
The clinical effects differ when robotic-assisted gait training
is used in the early stages to treat lower limb impairments post-
stroke in mild to moderately impaired patients [72,73,84,96]. How-
ever, early robotic-assisted gait training can facilitate the return
of walking ability in stroke patients with moderate-to-severe
gait impairments [82,83]. In the acute phase of stroke, a patient
will occupy a hospital bed; thus, the initial device must be
operable in such an environment. The equipment should be
designed into a device that is available to a potentially unre-
sponsive patient, whereas later, in the chronic phase, the patient
can visit an inpatient or outpatient rehabilitation gymnasium
to receive more specific treatments for recovery of the limbs.
The option to continue rehabilitation at home is attractive
to a patient, who is keen on returning to familiar surroundings,
and economically sensible for the hospital, which would like
to increase the turnover. The high costs of hospitalization
should encourage shorter hospital stays and outpatient treat-
ment. This model demands a new treatment modality – for
example, machine-mediated therapies with techniques in
Five-year view
The robotic option is growing rapidly but is accompanied by
many unknowns, despite the myriad results from the past cen-
tury [97]. This technique has considerable benefits with regard
to cost and intensification of rehabilitation.
The efficacy of such rehabilitative techniques has not been
demonstrated, in part, due to the difficulty in objectively quan-
tifying inputs and outcomes. Robots can objectively quantify
the amount and nature of multisensory stimuli and measure
Review Masiero, Poli, Rosati et al.
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patient outputs, such as times, movements, coordination and
strength improvement, which suits the aims of evidence-based
medicine. Future research should identify the features and
modalities that are essential to the efficacy of robotic manipula-
tion and determine the trajectories, strengths and multisensorial
inputs that robots must provide to improve the quality and
efficiency of rehabilitation.
Successful clinical implementation of this fascinating new
area requires that fears that robots will replace the human work
force and dehumanizepatient rehabilitation be addressed. The
chief objective of these machines is to be adjunctive tools that
increase the intensity of therapies as per the modern principles
of motor rehabilitation. A robot can never replace the multi-
level interactions between a patient and therapist, which take
into account the exchange of glances and the manual ability of
experienced operators.
In poststroke patients with upper arm impairment, these
devices can be applied in the acute, subacute and chronic
phase. Most robotic therapy-based treatment protocols focus on
persons with chronic impairments. Nevertheless, applying this
approach to acute or subacute stroke patients might effect bet-
ter clinical outcomes, primarily because the brain has additional
capacity for plasticity earlier after stroke.
The effectiveness of this approach is supported by a recent
Cochrane review by Mehrholz et al.[36], who concluded that
robotic-assisted training in the acute and subacute phases (i.e.,
within 3 months after stroke), in association with traditional
treatment protocols, has a greater impact on the ADLs of par-
ticipants compared with robotic therapy in the chronic phase
(>3 months after stroke). Other clinical experiences with this
concept in the development of a rehabilitation robot have been
promising [51].
In contrast to other engineering disciplines, the effective-
ness of a robot is often examined after its development and
commercial launch. At this stage, the clinical researcher
determines whether the robot is effective. Thus, determining
for whom this technology is effective instead of whether a
robotic technology is effective, as suggested by Morone
et al.[83,98], might improve robotic efficacy and its use by
rehabilitation teams.
In recent years, disparate robotic systems and approaches
have been used in the rehabilitation of impaired upper and
lower limbs in poststroke patients. Such robots interact with
the patient in real time and can manipulate a powerless limb,
like any hand-over-hand therapy. In robotic therapy, several
principles of motor learning must be considered in choosing
between these systems:
• The modality in which the subjects perform. Brain stimuli
and motor gains are greater in intense, actively assisted
repetitive movements than in unassisted and passive
movements [99].
• The extent and type of feedback (visual, auditory, haptic
feedback) in relation to the degree of active subject move-
ments or to the degree of attention by the patient or active
participation. A virtual reality interface and the use of real
objects in a natural or purposeful context might maximize
attention to the task and enhance motor performance in
individuals with hemiparesis. However, there are little data
on the true relationship between sensory information and
patient engagement and effort, which should be examined to
guide the design of novel robotic systems for rehabilitation.
The multiplanarity of the exercises that induce greater motor
cortex excitation [35,100,101].
Financial & competing interests disclosure
The authors have no relevant affiliation or financial involvement with
any organization or entity with a financial interest in or financial conflict
with the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript. This
includes employment, consultancies, honoraria, stock ownership or options,
expert testimony, grants or patents received or pending, and royalties.
Professional copyediting services courtesy of Blue Pencil Science.
Key issues
Stroke (cerebrovascular disease) is the leading cause of long-term disability in developed countries.
There is increasing evidence that the motor system is plastic following stroke and can be influenced by motor training.
Due to population aging, the number of people who require rehabilitation training after stroke will rise in the coming decades.
There is a need to reduce the social cost of stroke with regard to residual motor impairments in stroke survivors and direct (inpatient
and treatment) and indirect costs.
Robotic systems have the potential to improve clinical outcomes of rehabilitation treatments and decrease treatment costs.
Compared with physical therapy, existing robotic therapy devices confer few benefits with regard to functional outcome.
Future research should determine whether daily living-related tasks can be enhanced by robotic training through technical design and
new treatment exercises and protocols.
• The use of existing and developing robotic technology in poststroke rehabilitation will continue to grow, and the first at-home
rehabilitation devices are likely to be developed and brought to market.
Tailoring the robotic approach to user needs (patients, therapist and clinicians) might improve outcomes.
The robotic technology is used in various domains of rehabilitation, as the large family of neurodegeneration.
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Review Masiero, Poli, Rosati et al.
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... Integrating both bottom-up and top-down processes is advantageous for promoting brain plasticity [20]. ...
... Second, its low cost and portability make it accessible most effective when they provide early, intensive, task-specific, and multisensory stimulation. Integrating both bottom-up and top-down processes is advantageous for promoting brain plasticity [20]. ...
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Introduction: Stroke survivors often have motor impairments and related functional deficits. Transcranial Electrical Stimulation (tES) is a rapidly evolving field that offers a wide range of capabilities for modulating brain function, and it is safe and inexpensive. It has the potential for widespread use for post-stroke motor recovery. Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS), Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation (tACS), and Transcranial Random Noise Stimulation (tRNS) are three recognized tES techniques that have gained substantial attention in recent years but have different mechanisms of action. tDCS has been widely used in stroke motor rehabilitation, while applications of tACS and tRNS are very limited. The tDCS protocols could vary significantly, and outcomes are heterogeneous. Purpose: the current review attempted to explore the mechanisms underlying commonly employed tES techniques and evaluate their prospective advantages and challenges for their applications in motor recovery after stroke. Conclusion: tDCS could depolarize and hyperpolarize the potentials of cortical motor neurons, while tACS and tRNS could target specific brain rhythms and entrain neural networks. Despite the extensive use of tDCS, the complexity of neural networks calls for more sophisticated modifications like tACS and tRNS.
... Electric machines/robotic devices that automate lower limb exercises have been developed to enhance the safety, intensity, and standardization of training, thus assisting the role of physical therapists. These devices are designed to generate complex multisensory stimuli and provide extensive external biofeedback to patients [21]. Rehabilitation robots utilize neuroplasticity to induce changes in patients [22]. ...
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Stroke often results in sensory deficits, muscular weakness, and diminished postural control, thereby restricting mobility and functional capabilities. It is important to promote neuroplasticity by implementing task-oriented exercises that induce changes in patients. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effects of rehabilitation robot training on physical function, functional recovery, and activities of daily living (ADLs) in patients with subacute stroke. The study participants were patients with subacute stroke receiving treatment at Hospitals A and B. They were selected as research subjects based on selection and exclusion criteria. The experimental group received rehabilitation robot training in sessions of 30 min, five times weekly, for a total of 20 sessions over four weeks. Conversely, the control group underwent standard rehabilitation equipment training with an identical frequency, duration, and number of sessions. Measurements were taken before and after the training period to assess changes in physical function, functional recovery, and activities of daily living using tools such as the MMT, BBS, FBG, FAC, FIM, and MBI. The results were as follows: in the within-group comparison, the rehabilitation robot training group showed significant differences in MMT, BBS, FBG, FAC, FIM, and MBI (p < 0.05), while the control group showed significant differences in FIM (p < 0.05). Statistically significant differences were observed in the time, group, and time × group interaction effects among the MMT, static seated FBG, dynamic seated FBG, FIM, and MBI (p < 0.05). Based on these results, rehabilitation robotic training resulted in significant improvements in physical function, functional recovery, and activities of daily living in patients with subacute stroke. Based on these findings, providing a basic protocol for a rehabilitation program that applies rehabilitation robot training to patients with subacute stroke may offer more effective treatment and outcomes in the future.
... By providing robotic-assisted neurorehabilitation, this barrier to admission can be significantly lowered as it can significantly reduce associated costs. For example, a physiotherapist was shown to be able to simultaneously handle four robots, which quadruples the effectiveness of the post-stroke rehabilitation of the upper and lower limbs [178] and was shown to cost~35% less than the hourly physiotherapy rate [179]. The economic case for robotic rehabilitation is nevertheless complicated since it is dependent on the national healthcare system's reimbursement strategy [180], which in many cases is not fully supportive of robotic solutions. ...
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The landscape of neurorehabilitation is undergoing a profound transformation with the integration of artificial intelligence (AI)-driven robotics. This review addresses the pressing need for advancements in pediatric neurorehabilitation and underscores the pivotal role of AI-driven robotics in addressing existing gaps. By leveraging AI technologies, robotic systems can transcend the limitations of preprogrammed guidelines and adapt to individual patient needs, thereby fostering patient-centric care. This review explores recent strides in social and diagnostic robotics, physical therapy, assistive robotics, smart interfaces, and cognitive training within the context of pediatric neurorehabilitation. Furthermore, it examines the impact of emerging AI techniques, including artificial emotional intelligence, interactive reinforcement learning, and natural language processing, on enhancing cooperative neurorehabilitation outcomes. Importantly, the review underscores the imperative of responsible AI deployment and emphasizes the significance of unbiased, explainable, and interpretable models in fostering adaptability and effectiveness in pediatric neurorehabilitation settings. In conclusion, this review provides a comprehensive overview of the evolving landscape of AI-driven robotics in pediatric neurorehabilitation and offers valuable insights for clinicians, researchers, and policymakers.
... Frequently, they are incorporated within a full array of rehabilitation techniques that may encompass simpler, non-robotic procedures as well. The integration of these technologies has the potential to optimize the rehabilitation process and exhibit significant potential in enhancing the results of patients recovering from stroke [65,66]. Robotic systems enhance traditional post-stroke rehabilitation by providing prolonged and consistent therapy sessions that are not susceptible to tiredness. ...
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The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), which arose in late 2019, caused extensive destruction, impacting a substantial proportion of the worldwide population and leading to millions of deaths. Although COVID-19 is mainly linked to respiratory and pulmonary complications, it has the potential to affect neurologic structures as well. Neurological involvement may manifest as minimal and reversible; however, a notable proportion of cases have exhibited pronounced neurological consequences, such as strokes. Endothelial inflammation, hypercoagulation, renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system alterations, and cardiogenic embolism are the pathophysiological mechanisms of stroke under COVID-19 circumstances. Physical activity and exercise have improved several aspects of post-stroke recovery, including cardiovascular health, walking capacity, and upper limb strength. They are commonly used to assist stroke survivors in overcoming their motor restrictions. Furthermore, stroke rehabilitation can incorporate a range of specific techniques, including body-weight-supported treadmill applications, constraint-induced movement therapy, robotic rehabilitation interventions, transcranial direct current stimulation, transcranial magnetic stimulation, and prism adaptation training. Under pandemic conditions, there were several barriers to neurological rehabilitation. The most significant of these were individual’s fear of infection, which caused them to postpone their rehabilitation applications and rehabilitation areas being converted into COVID-19 units. The primary emphasis had turned to COVID-19 treatment. Several valuable data and views were gained in reorganizing rehabilitation during the pandemic, contributing to establishing future views in this regard.
Background: The therapeutic effect and mechanism of robot-assisted upper limb training (RT) combined with intermittent theta burst stimulation (iTBS) for stroke patients are unclear. Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate changes in brain activation after combination therapy and RT alone using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). Methods: Patients were randomly assigned to two groups (iTBS + RT Group, n = 18, and RT Group, n = 18). Training was conducted five times a week for four weeks. fNIRS was used to measure changes in oxyhemoglobin in both the primary motor cortex (M1) and pre-motor and supplementary motor area (pSMA) during affected limb movement. Fugl-Meyer Assessment-Upper Extremity (FMA-UE) was employed for evaluating the function of upper limbs. Results: Thirty-two patients with subacute stroke completed the study. The cortex of both hemispheres was extensively activated prior to treatment in the RT group. After training, overactivation decreased. The brain activation of the combined treatment group transferred to the affected side after the treatment. There was a notable enhancement in the FMA-UE scores for both groups, with the combined group's progress significantly surpassing that of the RT group. Conclusion: RT combined with iTBS can improve the motor function of stroke patients and promote the balance between cerebral hemispheres.
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Background: Stroke is a leading cause of disability worldwide, necessitating effective rehabilitation strategies. Action observation therapy, a novel approach in stroke rehabilitation, focuses on improving motor function and functional recovery by leveraging the activation of mirror neurons through the observation and subsequent replication of actions. Objective: The study aimed to compare the effects of action observation therapy with conventional therapy on motor function, manual dexterity, and functional recovery in patients with acute stroke. Methods: This randomized control trial enrolled 58 acute stroke patients, divided equally into an experimental group (action observation therapy) and a control group (conventional therapy). Participants, aged 40-75 years, were selected using non-probability purposive sampling and randomized via a coin toss method. The study was conducted at Rafsan Neuro Rehab Center, Peshawar, over six months. Inclusion criteria included acute stroke phase, MMSE >24, and Fugl-Meyer Assessment score ≥20. Exclusion criteria were posterior circulation infarction, multiple strokes, and cognitive impairments. Outcome measures included the Fugl-Meyer Assessment scale, Box and Block test, and the REACH scale. Data were analyzed using SPSS v25, employing parametric and non-parametric tests as appropriate. Results: The experimental group showed a significant improvement in motor functions and functional recovery, with post-treatment Fugl-Meyer scores increasing from 29.69 ± 5.04 to 57.31 ± 4.01 (p = 0.001). The control group also exhibited improvement, with scores rising from 27.00 ± 4.71 to 54.24 ± 5.14 (p = 0.001). However, improvements in manual dexterity, as measured by the Box and Block test, were not statistically significant. Conclusion: Action observation therapy significantly enhances motor functions and functional recovery in acute stroke patients compared to conventional therapy, although its impact on manual dexterity requires further investigation. These findings suggest that incorporating action observation into stroke rehabilitation protocols could be beneficial.
Conventional robot designs have been applied as feedback stages in brain-computer interfaces (BCI) for stroke upper limb neurorehabilitation, showing promising results. Soft-robotic devices can be simpler and less expensive to manufacture, and provide ergonomic advantages over traditional designs, allowing to increase the efficacy and availableness of BCI systems for stroke neurorehabilitation. However, patients' degree of control, neurophysiological activity, and system's usability with a BCI using a soft-robotic device as feedback, have not been assessed in stroke. For these reasons, a BCI system with a soft-robotic feedback device was assessed in stroke patients. Fifty trials were acquired to setup the system, and another fifty trials were performed for evaluating patients' BCI control and cortical activity during movement intention and robotic feedback. User experience with the BCI was also assessed. Classification accuracy was in the range of 71.3% to 97.5%. Significant decrease in alpha power was observed during both motor intention and robotic feedback, but significant decrease in beta power was only observed during motor intention. BCI performance was high and in the range of reported BCI stroke interventions that used traditional robotics as feedback. Power decrease observed predominantly in alpha during soft-robotic feedback was likely due to the eliciting of motor-related mechanisms. Quantification of user experience with the BCI implied that the system complexity is adequate for stroke patients. Therefore, a BCI system aimed at stroke neurorehabilitation can incorporate a soft robotic design as feedback and has potential for upper extremity interventions.
Recovery from hemiparesis after stroke largely depends on widespread functional and structural neuronal plasticity. Based on animal studies of rehabilitative and pharmacological interventions on recovery, recent neuroscientific findings suggest that new rehabilitative interventions may also have benefits by modulating neuroplastic mechanisms in stroke patients. Neurofunctional imaging methods such as Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) as well as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) now permit direct studies of training-induced plasticity in stroke patients. Prospectively conducted studies using these techniques have investigated how plasticity relates to recovery of motor function and how intensive training modulates cortical reorganization. Despite technical and methodological differences, consistent neuroanatomic findings on training-induced reorganization of the motor system have been reported. These discoveries have important implications for the future development of neurorehabilitative training methods. With continuously improving methods to study cortical reorganization and over 100 randomized clinical trials on stroke rehabilitation published during the past five years, this promises to be an exciting time in stroke rehabilitation research.
This document provides a review of the techniques and therapies used in gait rehabilitation after stroke. It also examines the possible benefits of including assistive robotic devices and brain-computer interfaces in this field, according to a top-down approach, in which rehabilitation is driven by neural plasticity. The methods reviewed comprise classical gait rehabilitation techniques (neurophysiological and motor learning approaches), functional electrical stimulation (FES), robotic devices, and brain-computer interfaces (BCI). From the analysis of these approaches, we can draw the following conclusions. Regarding classical rehabilitation techniques, there is insufficient evidence to state that a particular approach is more effective in promoting gait recovery than other. Combination of different rehabilitation strategies seems to be more effective than over-ground gait training alone. Robotic devices need further research to show their suitability for walking training and their effects on over-ground gait. The use of FES combined with different walking retraining strategies has shown to result in improvements in hemiplegic gait. Reports on non-invasive BCIs for stroke recovery are limited to the rehabilitation of upper limbs; however, some works suggest that there might be a common mechanism which influences upper and lower limb recovery simultaneously, independently of the limb chosen for the rehabilitation therapy. Functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) enables researchers to detect signals from specific regions of the cortex during performance of motor activities for the development of future BCIs. Future research would make possible to analyze the impact of rehabilitation on brain plasticity, in order to adapt treatment resources to meet the needs of each patient and to optimize the recovery process.
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate whether the rehabilitation outcomes with robotic-aided gait therapy may be affected by patients' and caregivers' psychologic features after subacute stroke. Design: This is a controlled, longitudinal, observational pilot study conducted on 42 patients divided in robotic-assisted gait training plus conventional physical therapy group, robotic-assisted gait training dropout group, and conventional physical therapy group. The outcome measures were walking ability (Functional Ambulation Category) and independency in activities of daily living (Barthel Index) measured before and after intervention. Psychologic features were measured before intervention using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, and recovery locus of control in the patients and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and the Beck Depression Inventory in the caregivers. Results: Patient anxiety was significantly higher in those who refused/abandoned robotic therapy (P = 0.002). In the subjects allocated to the robotic group, the recovery of walking ability was significantly affected by the perceived recovery locus of control (P = 0.039, odds ratio = 14); and the recovery of independency in activities of daily living, by anxiety (P = 0.018, odds ratio = 0.042). Conversely, psychologic factors did not significantly affect the outcomes of conventional rehabilitation. Conclusions: Psychologic features, particularly recovery locus of control and anxiety, affected the rehabilitative outcomes of the patients involved in robotic treatment more than those in conventional rehabilitation.
The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of ischemic stroke and onset of subsequent rehabilitation of gait function in rats. Nine male Sprague-Dawley rats were instrumented with a 16-channel intracortical (IC) electrode array. An ischemic stroke was induced within the hindlimb area of the left motor cortex. The rehabilitation consisted of a repetitive training paradigm over 28 days, initiated on day one ('Early-onset', 5 rats) and on day seven, ('Late-onset', 4 rats). Data were obtained from IC microstimulation tests, treadmill walking tests, and beam walking tests. Results revealed an expansion of the hindlimb representation within the motor cortex area and an increased amount of cortical firing rate modulation for the 'Early-onset' group but not for the 'Late-onset' group. Kinematic data revealed a significant change for both intervention groups. However, this difference was larger for the 'Early-onset' group. Results from the beam walking test showed functional performance deficits following stroke which returned to pre-stroke level after the rehabilitative training. The results from the present study indicate the existence of a critical time period following stroke where onset of rehabilitative training may be more effective and related to a higher degree of true recovery.
Background: Electromechanical and robotic-assisted gait training devices are used in rehabilitation and might help to improve walking after stroke. This is an update of a Cochrane Review first published in 2007. Objectives: To investigate the effects of automated electromechanical and robotic-assisted gait training devices for improving walking after stroke. Search methods: We searched the Cochrane Stroke Group Trials Register (last searched April 2012), the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (The Cochrane Library 2012, Issue 2), MEDLINE (1966 to November 2012), EMBASE (1980 to November 2012), CINAHL (1982 to November 2012), AMED (1985 to November 2012), SPORTDiscus (1949 to September 2012), the Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro, searched November 2012) and the engineering databases COMPENDEX (1972 to November 2012) and INSPEC (1969 to November 2012). We handsearched relevant conference proceedings, searched trials and research registers, checked reference lists and contacted authors in an effort to identify further published, unpublished and ongoing trials. Selection criteria: We included all randomised and randomised cross-over trials consisting of people over 18 years old diagnosed with stroke of any severity, at any stage, or in any setting, evaluating electromechanical and robotic-assisted gait training versus normal care. Data collection and analysis: Two review authors independently selected trials for inclusion, assessed methodological quality and extracted the data. The primary outcome was the proportion of participants walking independently at follow-up. Main results: In this update of our review, we included 23 trials involving 999 participants. Electromechanical-assisted gait training in combination with physiotherapy increased the odds of participants becoming independent in walking (odds ratio (OR) (random effects) 2.39, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.67 to 3.43; P < 0.00001; I² = 0%) but did not significantly increase walking velocity (mean difference (MD) = 0.04 metres/s, 95% CI -0.03 to 0.11; P = 0.26; I² = 73%) or walking capacity (MD = 3 metres walked in six minutes, 95% CI -29 to 35; P = 0.86; I² = 70%). The results must be interpreted with caution because (1) some trials investigated people who were independent in walking at the start of the study, (2) we found variations between the trials with respect to devices used and duration and frequency of treatment, and (3) some trials included devices with functional electrical stimulation. Our planned subgroup analysis suggests that people in the acute phase may benefit but people in the chronic phase may not benefit from electromechanical-assisted gait training. Post hoc analysis showed that people who are non-ambulatory at intervention onset may benefit but ambulatory people may not benefit from this type of training. Post hoc analysis showed no differences between the types of devices used in studies regarding ability to walk, but significant differences were found between devices in terms of walking velocity. Authors' conclusions: People who receive electromechanical-assisted gait training in combination with physiotherapy after stroke are more likely to achieve independent walking than people who receive gait training without these devices. Specifically, people in the first three months after stroke and those who are not able to walk seem to benefit most from this type of intervention. The role of the type of device is still not clear. Further research should consist of a large definitive, pragmatic, phase III trial undertaken to address specific questions such as the following: What frequency or duration of electromechanical-assisted gait training might be most effective? How long does the benefit last?
A virtual or mixed reality environment for neurological rehabilitation should simulate the rehabilitation of the task, and not simply simulate the task. This involves identifying the errors in task performance that neurologically damaged patients make during task performance and replicating the guidance given during skilled rehabilitation. Involving a skilled therapist in the design and development team is essential. Neurological rehabilitation is complex and replicating; it requires compromises between the desire to replicate this complex process and the amount of development time. Virtual or mixed reality systems that can simulate the rehabilitation process are suitable for clinical effectiveness studies.