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Fagus sylvatica in Europe: distribution, habitat, usage and threats

  • ¹ European Commission, Joint Research Centre (external consultant, ARCADIA SIT) | ² Maieutike Research Initiative


Fagus sylvatica L., or European beech, is one of the most important and widespread broadleaved trees in Europe. It is a large deciduous tree that can maintain its high growth rate until late maturity. Its natural range extends from southern Scandinavia to Sicily, from Spain in the west to northwest Turkey in the east. Though not demanding of soil type, beech requires a humid atmosphere with precipitation well distributed throughout the year and a well-drained soil. It tolerates rigorous winter cold, but is sensitive to spring frost. Owing to the capacity of its root system for assisting in the circulation of air throughout the soil, and the amount of potash in its leaves, Beech trees conserve the productive capacity of the soil better than many other species. Its wood is strong and wears well making it ideal for a wide range of uses, from furniture to musical instruments, as well as for pulp and firewood.
European Atlas of Forest Tree Species | Tree species
Uncertain, no-data
Marginal/no presence < 5%
Low presence 5% - 10%
Mid-low presence 10% - 30%
Medium presence 30% - 50%
Mid-high presence 50% - 70%
High presence 70% - 90%
Very-high presence > 90%
< 25%
25% - 50%
50% - 75%
> 75%
Annual precipitation (mm)
Fagus sylvatica
T. Houston Durrant, D. de Rigo, G. Caudullo
Fagus sylvatica L., or European beech, is one of the most important and widespread broadleaved trees in Europe. It is a
large deciduous tree that can maintain its high growth rate until late maturity. Its natural range extends from southern
Scandinavia to Sicily, from Spain in the west to northwest Turkey in the east. Though not demanding of soil type,
beech requires a humid atmosphere with precipitation well distributed throughout the year and a well-drained soil. It
tolerates rigorous winter cold, but is sensitive to spring frost. Owing to the capacity of its root system for assisting in
the circulation of air throughout the soil, and the amount of potash in its leaves, Beech trees conserve the productive
capacity of the soil better than many other species. Its wood is strong and wears well making it ideal for a wide range
of uses, from furniture to musical instruments, as well as for pulp and firewood.
The European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) is a large deciduous
tree that commonly reaches 30-40 m and is capable of attaining
heights up to 50 m in some locations1. In contrast to many other
tree species, it is able to maintain a high rate of growth until a
relatively mature age. The tree is usually single-stemmed with
silver-grey bark. The leaves are typically 10 × 7 cm, dark and shiny
green. They have an oval to elliptic shape, with wavy margins and
short teeth at the end of the parallel veins on each side2, 3. Beech is
monoecious: the male and female flowers are borne on the same
branches. It has a typical life span of around 150-300 years, and
reproduces very late (40-50 years old). Fruiting normally occurs
every 5 to 8 years. Its seed production is characterised by irregular
mast years (when a very heavy crop is produced), usually following
hot summers of the previous year. The bitter edible nuts are sharply
tri-angled and are borne singly or in pairs in soft-spined husks. The
beech nuts are an important source of food for several animals
and birds including squirrels, woodpigeons, woodpeckers and jays;
they also play a major part in seed dispersal by hiding the seeds
and failing to retrieve all of them1.
Beech is widespread across Europe: it can be found from Sicily
in the south to Bergen in southern Norway4-6. An analysis of pollen
records indicate that the species has spread across Europe from
small scattered populations left after the last glaciation, and is
currently probably at its maximum post-glacial spread7. It needs a
growing season of at least 140 days, and for this reason cannot
survive too far north in Scandinavia7. Longitudinally its range is from
the Cantabrian Mountains in the west to the Carpathians and Balkan
Mountains in the east, although there are some areas in Europe
where it is not found as a native tree, such as the Po valley and
the Hungarian plain. As the climate becomes more continental in
the eastern parts of Europe it is replaced by oriental beech (Fagus
orientalis). At the southern part of its range (Spain, Sicily) it is only
normally present at altitudes of more than 1 000 m, and can even be
found at elevations of up to 2 000 m1, 8 . High summer temperatures,
drought and moisture availability are limiting factors for the
distribution of beech in Europe, but continentality is also associated
with limiting its spread in north-western regions4. Climate change
may have impacts on its future distribution, particularly at the
extremes of its range where it is likely to become less competitive in
the south and east (primarily because of drought), but could expand
its range into Scandinavia and the Baltic9.
Habitat and Ecology
Beech is a hardy species. It tolerates very shady situations
(it is the most shade-tolerant broadleaved tree in its range10),
so that natural regeneration is possible in silvicultural systems
with continuous crown coverage as the seedlings are able to
survive and grow below the canopy of established trees. The
predominance of beech means a reduction of light level in the
understorey vegetation level and in that case beech seeds survive
better than those of other tree species. It is not particularly soil-
sensitive11 and grows on a wide variety of soils with a pH range
from 3.5 to 8.5, although it cannot tolerate the most acidic
conditions. Beech shows a moderate soil-acidifying ability12. It
prefers moderately fertile ground, calcified or lightly acidic and is
also sensitive to late frosts13; therefore it is found more often on
the side of a hill than at the bottom of a clayey basin. It grows
well on soft soils in which the root system can easily penetrate
and its optimal growth is in humid soils situated on calcareous
or volcanic parent rocks. On the contrary, it does not thrive on
sites that are regularly flooded or which have stagnant water,
since it needs good drainage and will not tolerate waterlogged
or compacted soils1, 14 . Beech furthers soil conservation due to
its production of a large quantity of litter (around 900 g/m2 per
year). The root system tends to be shallow, making it susceptible
to drought when compared to coniferous stands15. However, there
appears to be some genetic variability across different climatic
zones, since trees in southern Europe are able to cope better with
drought than those in the north1.
Importance and Usage
Beech is an important European forestry tree. Fine grained
and knot-free, the wood is hard and has a pale cream colour
and good workability16. With around 250 known usages, it
is one of the most diversely used tree species in Europe. Its
wear-resistance, strength, and excellent bending capabilities
make it ideal for boatbuilding, flooring, stairs, furniture, musical
instruments (piano pinblocks), plywood, panels, veneering and
cooking utensils such as bowls, platters and wooden spoons. It is
also used for pulp and can be coppiced for fire wood and charcoal
due to its relatively high energetic potential1, 8, 16 .
Threats and Diseases
The root system architecture of beech may vary depending
on local soil conditions17. While generally showing a noticeable
resistance to rockfall and wind-throw17, 1 8 , under unfavourable
local conditions a relatively shallow root system may make
the tree vulnerable to wind-throw1. The thin bark provides little
protection from fire, and can also be damaged through stripping
Fagus sylvatica in Europe: distribution, habitat, usage and threats
Fagus sylvatica
Large beech in a mountain pasture in Piani di Praglia (Genova, North Italy).
(Copyright Ettore Balocchi, CC-BY)
Shiny dark green leaves with red galls caused by the fly Mikiola fagi
(Diptera Cecidomyiidae).
(Copyright AnRo0002, CC0)
Map 1: Plot distribution and simplified chorology map for Fagus sylvatica.
Frequency of Fagus sylvatica occurrences within the field observations as
reported by the National Forest Inventories. The chorology of the native spatial
range for F. sylvatica is derived after Meusel and Jäger, and EUFORGEN27, 2 8.
Map 2: High resolution distribution map estimating the relative probability of presence.
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Tree species | European Atlas of Forest Tree Species 95
Uncertain, no-data
Tundra, cold desert
Negligible survivability
Low survivability
Mid-low survivability
Medium survivability
Mid-high survivability
High survivability
Annual average temperature (°C) Potential spring-summer solar irradiation (kWh m-2)
Annual precipitation (mm)
Average temperature of the coldest month (°C)
Sum of precipitation of the driest month (mm)
Seasonal variation of monthly precipitation (dimensionless)
Field data in Europe (including absences) Observed presences in Europe
Fagus sylvatica Fagus sylvatica
and gnawing by squirrels and other mammals. The presence of
deer is a limiting factor because they eat young stands. Spring
frosts often damage young trees or flowers appearing at the
same time as leaves. Young beech trees are susceptible to
woolly aphid; mature trees can suffer internal rot by the fungus
Ganoderma applanatum. Old trees (100-1 200 years) may suffer
’red heart’ which reduces stability and timber value8. Beech is
among the susceptible hosts to Phytophthora ramorum and
large regions across Europe have climatic suitability to this pest,
which may become a more serious problem in the future5. The
large pine weevil (Hylobius abietis) is harmful for beech and
markedly coexists with part of its natural niche19-22 . Herbivory
by short-snouted weevils (Strophosoma melanogrammum Forst.
and Otiorhynchus scaber) is another threat to beech21 , 22.
This is an extended summary of the chapter. The full version of
this chapter (revised and peer-reviewed) will be published online at The purpose of this
summary is to provide an accessible dissemination of the related
main topics.
This QR code points to the full online version, where the most
updated content may be freely accessed.
Please, cite as:
Houston Durrant, T., de Rigo, D., Caudullo, G., 2016. Fagus sylvatica
and other beeches in Europe: distribution, habitat, usage and
threats. In: San-Miguel-Ayanz, J., de Rigo, D., Caudullo, G., Houston
Durrant, T., Mauri, A. (Eds.), European Atlas of Forest Tree Species.
Publ. Off. EU, Luxembourg, pp. e012b90+
Fagus orientalis, or oriental beech, is closely related to Fagus sylvatica.
Some authorities consider them to be sub-species; others consider
them to be two separate species1. In appearance they are generally
very similar. The leaves are slightly longer, darker and less glossy than
those of European beech, and tend to have more vein-pairs (9-14 as
opposed to 5-9)3. Oriental beech can be found in the Balkans, Anatolia,
the Caucasus, northern Iran and Crimea18. Its range overlaps with that
of the European beech and there is frequently hybridisation between the
two18. Where both species are present, oriental beech tends to favour
the valleys while European beech is found further up the slopes; this is
because the European beech is more susceptible to late frosts12.
Fagus orientalis
[1] J. R. Packham, P. A. Thomas, M. D.
Atkinson, T. Degen, Journal of Ecology
100, 1557 (2012).
[2] A. F. Mitchell, A field guide to the trees
of Britain and northern Europe (Collins,
[3] O. Johnson, D. More, Collins tree guide
(Collins, 2006).
[4] J. Fang, M. J. Lechowicz, Journal of
Biogeography 33, 1804 (2006).
[5] R. Baker, et al., EFSA Journal 9, 2186+
(2011). 108 pp.
[6] E. Hultén, M. Fries, Atlas of North European
vascular plants (North of the Tropic of
Cancer), Vols. I-III. (Koeltz scientific books,
[7] D. Magri, Journal of Biogeography 35,
450 (2008).
[8] T. Horgan, et al., A guide to forest tree
species selection and silviculture in Ireland.
(National Council for Forest Research and
Development (COFORD), 2003).
[9] K. Kramer, et al., Forest Ecology and
Management 259, 2213 (2010). The
ecology and silviculture of beech: from
gene to landscape.
[10] A. Praciak, et al., The CABI encyclopedia of
forest trees (CABI, Oxfordshire, UK, 2013).
[11] L. Walthert, E. Graf Pannatier, E. S. Meier,
Forest Ecology and Management 297,
94 (2013).
[12] L. Augusto, J. Ranger, D. Binkley, A. Rothe,
Annals of Forest Science 59, 233 (2002).
[13] L. Paule, Forest Genetics 2, 161 (1995).
[14] A. Geßler, et al., Trees - Structure and
Function 21, 1 (2007).
[15] A. Granier, et al., Agricultural and Forest
Meteorology 143, 123 (2007).
[16] M. Goldstein, G. Simonetti, M. Watschinger,
Alberi d’Europa (A. Mondadori, 1995).
[17] J. E. Norris, A. Di Iorio, A. Stokes, B. C.
Nicoll, A. Achim, Slope Stability and
Erosion Control: Ecotechnological
Solutions, J. E. Norris, et al., eds. (Springer
Netherlands, 2008), pp. 167–210.
[18] L. K. A. Dorren, F. Berger, C. le Hir, E.
Mermin, P. Tardif, Forest Ecology and
Management 215, 183 (2005).
[19] J. I. Barredo, et al., EPPO Bulletin 45, 273
[20] CABI, Hylobius abietis (large pine weevil)
(2015). Invasive Species Compendium.
[21] M. Löf, Forest Ecology and Management
134, 111 (2000).
[22] M. Löf, G. Isacsson, D. Rydberg, T.
N. Welander, Forest Ecology and
Management 190, 281 (2004).
[23] G. Kandemir, Z. Kaya, EUFORGEN Technical
guidelines for genetic conservation and
use for Oriental beech (Fagus orientalis)
(Bioversity International, Rome, Italy, 2009).
[24] A. Oprea, C. Sîrbu, I. Goia, Contributii
Botanice 46, 17 (2011).
[25] M. Šijačić Nikolić, J. Milovanović, M. Nonić,
R. Knežević, D. Stanković, Genetika 45,
369 (2013).
[26] T. Denk, G. Grimm, K. Stögerer, M. Langer,
V. Hemleben, Plant Systematics and
Evolution 232, 213 (2002).
[27] H. Meusel, E. J. Jäger, Plant Systematics
and Evolution 162, 315 (1989).
[28] EUFORGEN, Distribution map of beech
(Fagus sylvatica) (2008).
[29] J. Jalas, J. Suominen, Atlas Florae Europaeae:
distribution of vascular plants in Europe Vol. 3
Salicaceae to Balanophoraceae (Committee
for Mapping the Flora of Europe and Societas
Biologica Fennica Vanario, Helsinki, 1976).
[30] K. Browicks, J. Zieliński, Chorology of
trees and shrubs in south-west Asia and
adjacent regions, vol. 1 (Polish Scientific
Publishers, Warszawa, Poznań, 1982).
Foliage and fruits of oriental beech (Fagus orientalis).
(Copyright Drahkrub, CC-BY)
Mature beech forest with autumn colour foliage in Delamere forest, Cheshire, UK.
(Forestry Commission, © Crown Copyright)
Autoecology diagrams based on harmonised
field observations from forest plots.
Map 3: High resolution map estimating the maximum habitat suitability.
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... Opening-up thinning improves the volume increment in older stands (Minotta & Pinzauti 1996). Heat, or rather, thermal extremes, affect the natural distribution limit of the species (Durrant et al. 2016). Beech favors average monthly temperatures of 15-25 °C in the growing season and around 0 °C in the coldest month of the year. ...
... Beech requires a humid atmosphere with precipitation well distributed throughout the year (Durrant et al. 2016). In optimal positions, precipitation is around 1,000 mm per year. ...
... It is also threatened by extreme climatic events, in particular, glaze ice and intensive snow falls which can cause branch breakage damages under the weight of the wet snow (Jarzyna 2021). The root system protects beech from strong-wind calamities (Durrant et al. 2016). ...
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On the one hand, the European beech ( Fagus sylvatic a L.) is the tree of the future due to ongoing climate changes, on the other hand, there are questions about its expansion and economic use as a replacement for the declining Norway spruce ( Picea abies [L.] Karst.). This literature review examines 140 studies summarizing basic research on beech in the context of climate change. As a climax tree species, beech is becoming dominant again in parts of its original range at the middle and higher altitudes of Central Europe, following spruce. It is a shade-loving species that can thrive in various types of mixed forest stands. To cultivate beech, close-to-nature methods, shelterwood, or selection management are optimal. The occurrence of the beech seed year is influenced by factors such as precipitation, temperature, drought, and air pollution. Although beech is generally considered resistant to abiotic and biotic factors, it often needs protection against hoofed game browsing in the earliest stages of development. As climate change progresses, it is essential to cultivate beech in areas rich in precipitation and nutrients where it can thrive even under more extreme conditions. In optimal conditions, beech has shown intensive regeneration in recent years, aggressively displacing other tree species. However, with insufficient precipitation and prolonged periods of drought, beech loses its vigor, production, and ability to compete. For adaptation to climate change, it is recommended to select appropriate beech provenance, promote natural regeneration, and cultivate structurally differentiated stands through positive-selection thinning from above.
... A. alba and F. sylvatica are sympatric, widespread tree species, which span large thermal gradients (Durrant et al., 2016b). They prefer comparatively moist conditions and well-distributed humidity throughout the year (Mauri et al., 2016). ...
... Both A. alba and F. sylvatica are extremely shade tolerant and maintain high growth rates until late age and can grow in continuous cover silvicultural systems (Brüllhardt et al., 2020;Kerr et al., 2015). Both species tolerate a wide range of soil types with different nutrient content and alkalinity, but avoid compacted and hydromorphic soils and the most acidic conditions (Durrant et al., 2016b;Mauri et al., 2016). F. sylvatica, which, in well aerated soils, develops a heart root system and has been shown to efficiently recycle nutrients from deep soil horizons (Berger et al., 2006), conserves the productivity of the soil better than many other species. ...
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Tree growth depends on tree-intrinsic attributes, synecological interactions, atmospheric conditions and soil properties. While the influence of tree factors and climate are analysed in detail in many studies, the effect of soil properties is less investigated and compensatory soil effects are often not quantified. In this study, we use a comprehensive dataset of 1659 tree increment cores from six common Central European tree species (Abies alba, Fagus sylvatica, Larix decidua, Picea abies, Pinus sylvestris, Quercus spp.) sampled at 1562 locations across large environmental gradients in the Eastern Alps. Soil data was available from an extensive soil survey including soil pits, laboratory analysis and the application of pedotransfer-functions. Up to three main tree species per site were sampled and the tree ring widths were dendrochronologically measured and synchronized. Topographic infor- mation from a high-resolution Digital Terrain Model, high-resolution climate data and biometric measures were available at each site. To determine the influence of soil water storage capacity and soil nutrient status, we used generalized additive models to expand standard models of well-known drivers of tree growth, including age, climatic water balance and temperature. For the time span of 38 years from 1981 until 2018, we found species- specific impacts of soil properties on tree ring growth. Specifically, soil water storage acted as a buffer to overcome drought periods, in particular for deep rooting tree species like Quercus spp. and Abies alba. In addition, we found species-specific growth reactions to soil nutrient status for nutrient-demanding species likes Fagus sylvatica but no effects for less demanding tree species like Pinus sylvestris. Our results show the magnitude of the effects of soil properties in relation to other growth factors on radial growth of six Central European tree species. Therefore, we posit that, while age and climate do have a stronger influence on tree growth, it is important to consider soil as a growth factor, particularly at the distribution margins along climatic gradients.
... European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) is one of Europe's most common and essential tree species (Houston Durrant et al. 2016). This tree species has an extensive range of height amplitudes; beech forests have significant environmental variability (Cvjetićanin et al. 2016). ...
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Key message The contribution of this work enables efficient selection of F. sylvatica initial and reproductive material tolerant to the development of Fusarium sambucinum, providing better regeneration and seedlings production. Abstract The Fagus sylvatica damping-off caused by Fusarium sambucinum is a well-known but insufficiently studied disease, especially since it appears on other tree species in beech forests, creating a great possibility of beech infection. To understand the development processes of this fungus in natural stands and improve nursery production, we examined the influence of F. sylvatica germinants of different provenances on the development of damping-off symptoms caused by F. sambucinum. Our results indicated that the different provenances of F. sylvatica did not affect the possibility of symptoms, indicating the potential for intensive occurrence of infection with this fungal pathogen in geographically different F. sylvatica forests. Certain provenances showed statistically significant smaller dimensions of necrotic lesions and a higher degree of survival. The tolerant provenance seed had differences in width and thickness size compared to susceptible provenances. This research represents for the first time a reasonable basis for selecting initial material tolerant to damping-off caused by F. sambucinum.
... European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) is currently the most dominant broad-leaved tree species in Central European forests, hosting a well-characterized herbivore community (Br€ andle & Brandl, 2001;Durrant et al., 2016). Several studies have documented distinct insect herbivory patterns across vertical and horizontal spatial scales in beech (Gossner et al., 2014;Mangels et al., 2015), which is likely explained by microclimatic variation among strata. ...
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Extreme droughts can have long‐lasting effects on forest community dynamics and species interactions. Yet, our understanding of how drought legacy modulates ecological relationships is just unfolding. We tested the hypothesis that leaf chemistry and herbivory show long‐term responses to premature defoliation caused by an extreme drought event in European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.). For two consecutive years after the extreme European summer drought in 2018, we collected leaves from the upper and lower canopy of adjacently growing drought‐stressed and unstressed trees. Leaf chemistry was analyzed and leaf damage by different herbivore‐feeding guilds was quantified. We found that drought had lasting impacts on leaf nutrients and on specialized metabolomic profiles. However, drought did not affect the primary metabolome. Drought‐related phytochemical changes affected damage of leaf‐chewing herbivores whereas damage caused by other herbivore‐feeding guilds was largely unaffected. Drought legacy effects on phytochemistry and herbivory were often weaker than between‐year or between‐canopy strata variability. Our findings suggest that a single extreme drought event bears the potential to long‐lastingly affect tree–herbivore interactions. Drought legacy effects likely become more important in modulating tree–herbivore interactions since drought frequency and severity are projected to globally increase in the coming decades.
... The distribution of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), which is a common tree species in Central and Western Europe (Durrant et al. 2016), is projected to shift northwards as a consequence of the anticipated climatic changes (Fortu 2023;Martinez del Castillo et al. 2022;Hickler et al. 2012;Allen et al. 2010;Kramer et al. 2010). Accordingly, the abundance of the species is projected to increase northwards of its current range, particularly in the lowland southern Sweden and the Baltics, where species can become economically and ecologically important (Fortu 2023;Jansone et al. 2023;Hickler et al. 2012). ...
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The projected northwards shift in the distribution suggests an expansion of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) into the Baltics and an increase of its commercial potential there. Furthermore, recent studies have shown good long-term survival of underplanted, yet non-rereleased beech under the presumedly limiting climate of the eastern part of Latvia, thus supporting the advance of the thermophilic species. Hence, the estimation of the responses of the underplanted beech to shelterwood removal is a logical step in the assessment of the specie’s growth potential. To analyse the effect of conventionally managed mature coniferous shelterwood thinning on the growth of underplanted European beech, six thinning treatments (100, 75, and 50% of canopy, second canopy storey, second canopy storey with understorey removed, and the control) were tested in the 33-year-old northeasternmost experimental plantation in Europe. Growth responses were evaluated five years after the treatment, when beech was 38 years old. The survival and growth responses to shelterwood thinning and local characteristics at the tree and stand level were estimated using linear models. The post-treatment survival/mortality was independent, yet the dimensions of beech, particularly stem diameter, were significantly affected by shelterwood thinning intensity (positively). Regarding tree height, the response was somewhat weaker compared to that of stem diameter, while being disproportional to thinning intensity, with moderate thinning having the strongest positive effect. The estimated positive responsiveness of beech to shelterwood thinning suggested increasing growth potential of the species and expansion in the Baltics. Though the responses of beech were moderate probably due to the age and harsher climate.
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Understanding how species abundances are driven by biotic interactions along environmental gradients is a fundamental question in ecology. For abundances at competitive equilibria in Central European forests, a classical ecological theory formulated by Ellenberg (1963) predicts that beech ( Fagus sylvatica L.) outcompetes other tree species within a mesic range of soil pH and water levels, while other species prevail under less favorable conditions. While the theory is generally accepted in forest ecology, only certain aspects of it have been substantiated by empirical evidence. Moreover, the demographic processes driving the turnover from beech to other tree species at the extremes of the soil gradients remain mostly unexplained. To address this, we inversely calibrated a parsimonious forest model (JAB model) with a sapling stage and interacting populations with short time series of observed tree abundances from the German national forest inventory. By modelling how demographic rates vary along pH and soil water gradients, we were able to test the prediction that beech naturally predominates only at favorable soil conditions. Moreover, we tested with simulations how the environmental response of demographic rates explains Fagus ’ changing relative abundance along the soil gradients. Our results largely confirm that Fagus out competes other species in a central environmental range. Environmental change of Fagus ’ relative abundance is primarily explained by environmental variation of its net basal area increment, followed by its competition response at the overstory and at the sapling stage. We found that even though sapling tolerance to shading is the primary mechanism for Fagus predominance, it only plays a secondary role for the environmental variation of its relative abundance. Synthesis: By inverse calibration of a forest population model with demographic rates that respond to the environment, we confirm the predictions of Ellenberg’s classical, albeitonlypartially-evidenced, theory on F. sylvatica ’s predominance in Central European forests. Furthermore, for thefirsttime, we substantiate the theory by elucidating how the environmental variation in species composition is based in demographic processes. This demonstrates that our approach can be utilized to predict distributions of interacting species and to explain the dynamics between species, as influenced by their environment.
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Introduction: Herbaceous plant species constitute an essential element of the flora of European beech (Fagus sylvatica) forests. There is increasing evidence that rapidly changing climate is likely to modify the spatial distribution of plant species. However, we lack understanding of the impact that climate change might have on beech forest herbs across the European continent. We investigated the possible effects of predicted increasing rates of global warming and altered precipitation regimes on 71 forest herbs closely associated with beech forests, but with varying biogeographic and climatic niche attributes. Methods: By using a total of 394,502 occurrence records and an ensemble of species distribution models (SDMs), we quantified the potential current distribution and future (2061-2080) range shifts in climatic suitability (expressed as occurrence probability, OP) according to two climate change scenarios (moderate SSP2-4.5 and severe SSP5-8.5). Results: Overall, precipitation of the warmest quarter and temperature seasonality were the most influential predictors in shaping current distribution patterns. For SSP5-8.5 scenario, all studied species experienced significant reductions (52.9% on average) in the total size of highly suitable areas (OP >0.75). However, the magnitude and directions of changes in the climatic suitability were highly species-specific; few species might even increase OP in the future, particularly in case of SSP2-4.5 scenario. The SDMs revealed the most substantial decline of climatic suitability at the trailing edges in southern Europe. We found that climatic suitability is predicted to show unidirectional northward shift and to move toward higher elevations. The gain/loss ratio was generally higher for narrow-ranged species compared to widespread taxa. Discussion: Our findings are contextualized with regards to potential confounding factors (dispersal limitation, microclimatic buffering) that may mitigate or accelerate climate change impacts. Given the low long-distance migration ability, many beech forest herbs are unlikely to track the velocity with which macroclimatic isotherms are moving toward higher latitudes, making this species group particularly vulnerable to climate change.
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Progressively warmer and drier climatic conditions impact tree phenology and carbon cycling with large consequences for forest carbon balance. However, it remains unclear how individual impacts of warming and drier soils differ from their combined effects and how species interactions modulate tree responses. Using mesocosms, we assessed the multi-year impact of continuous air warming and lower soil moisture alone or in combination on phenology, leaf-level photosynthesis, non-structural carbohydrate concentrations, and aboveground growth of young European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and Downy oak (Quercus pubescens Willd.) trees. We further tested how species interactions (in monocultures and in mixtures) modulated these effects. Warming prolonged the growing season of both species but reduced growth in oak. In contrast, lower moisture did not impact phenology but reduced carbon assimilation and growth in both species. Combined impacts of warming and drier soils did not differ from their single effects. Under warmer and drier conditions, performances of both species were enhanced in mixtures compared to monocultures. Our work revealed that higher temperature and lower soil moisture have contrasting impacts on phenology vs. leaf-level assimilation and growth, with the former being driven by temperature and the latter by moisture. Furthermore, we showed a compensation in the negative impacts of chronic heat and drought by tree species interactions.
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Southern Sweden is dominated by relatively uniform coniferous forests where Norway spruce is the most common tree species. Ecological and economic considerations have created an interest in re-establishing broadleaves in these forests. To study the influence of patch scarification and compare the influence of insect herbivory on growth and survival in beech (Fagussylvatica L.), Norway spruce (Piceaabies L. Karst.) and oak (Quercusrobur L.) seedlings, a field experiment was established. The experiment was carried out on a new clear-cut following Norway spruce, and in a Norway spruce shelterwood. Seedlings were spring-planted in two consecutive years in untreated ground (control) and in patch site preparation treatment in combination with or without repeated insecticide treatment. The influence of patches on seedling growth and survival of all species studied was low. No pronounced differences in photosynthetic photon flux density at seedling level and recolonization of ground vegetation were observed between patch scarification and control. Patches had higher soil water potentials than the control in the shelterwood, but this did not result in any positive growth response in the seedlings. The number of trapped pine weevils (Hylobiusabietis L.) was about equal in both patch scarification and control treatment. Insecticide treatment had a significant influence on growth and survival of seedlings. On the clear-cut, herbivory by pine weevils was lower on beech and oak seedlings than on Norway spruce seedlings. In the shelterwood, herbivory by pine weevils was low on all species. The conclusion is that less efforts are needed to protect beech and oak from herbivory by pine weevil compared to Norway spruce. Herbivory by short-snouted weevils (Strophosomamelanogrammum Forst. and Otiorhynchusscaber L.) constitutes another threat, but was about the same on beech, oak and Norway spruce. Although the highest growth in the seedlings occurred in the open, this study shows that high survival can be achieved without using site preparation and insecticides when beech and oak are planted under shelterwood trees of Norway spruce.
This book is designed to assist the civil and geotechnical engineer, geomorphologist, forester, landscape architect or ecologist in choosing ecotechnological solutions for slopes that are prone to a variety of mass movements e.g. shallow failure or erosion. Within this book, the 'engineer' is used in the global sense to encompass all planners, designers, etc who are involved in the stabilisation of slopes. We review the types of problematic slopes that may occur and describe briefly the nature of mass movements and the causes of these movements. In this book, we focus on the use of vegetation to stabilize soil on slopes prone to mass movements. Before a plant can be chosen for a particular function, its physical and hydrological properties must be determined, thus the root architecture of grasses, shrubs and trees are described and the soil hydrological and mechanical factors which influence vegetation are discussed. Depending on the use of the slope, the engineer may wish to ascertain either the stability of the slope or the mechanical stability of the vegetation or both, therefore slope stability analysis methods are reviewed and the contribution the vegetation has to the stability of the slope are explained. Models to assess the mechanical stability of vegetation are reviewed. This book also introduces new ecotechnological methods for stabilising active rockfalls on steep slopes and slopes that are prone to soil erosion following wild fires, as well as providing user friendly information on traditional ground bio-engineering techniques and tables of plants suitable for different functions. Case studies where ground bio- and eco-engineering measures have been put into practice are also discussed. © 2008 Springer Science + Business Media B.V. All Rights Reserved.
This book is designed to assist the civil and geotechnical engineer, geomorphologist, forester, landscape architect or ecologist in choosing ecotechnological solutions for slopes that are prone to a variety of mass movements e.g. shallow failure or erosion. Within this book, the 'engineer' is used in the global sense to encompass all planners, designers, etc who are involved in the stabilisation of slopes. We review the types of problematic slopes that may occur and describe briefly the nature of mass movements and the causes of these movements. In this book, we focus on the use of vegetation to stabilize soil on slopes prone to mass movements. Before a plant can be chosen for a particular function, its physical and hydrological properties must be determined, thus the root architecture of grasses, shrubs and trees are described and the soil hydrological and mechanical factors which influence vegetation are discussed. Depending on the use of the slope, the engineer may wish to ascertain either the stability of the slope or the mechanical stability of the vegetation or both, therefore slope stability analysis methods are reviewed and the contribution the vegetation has to the stability of the slope are explained. Models to assess the mechanical stability of vegetation are reviewed. This book also introduces new ecotechnological methods for stabilising active rockfalls on steep slopes and slopes that are prone to soil erosion following wild fires, as well as providing user friendly information on traditional ground bio-engineering techniques and tables of plants suitable for different functions. Case studies where ground bio- and eco-engineering measures have been put into practice are also discussed.
1. This account presents information on all aspects of the biology of Fagus sylvatica L. that are relevant to understanding its ecological characteristics and behaviour. The main topics are presented within the standard framework of the Biological Flora of the British Isles: distribution, habitat, communities, responses to biotic factors, responses to environment, structure and physiology, phenology, floral and seed characters, herbivores and disease, history and conservation. 2. Fagus sylvatica (Beech) is a large usually single-stemmed deciduous tree native to south-east England but now growing over almost the whole of the British Isles, often planted as a forestry tree on all but the wettest soils. It forms extensive woodlands, where it is dominant over a large altitudinal range, competing primarily with Quercus robur. The outcome of this competition is determined by local soil and climatic conditions leading to a gradation into oak woodlands. It is monoecious, wind-pollinated and notable for its periodic large seed numbers (mast years); seed is dispersed by birds and mammals but mostly drops below the parent tree. 3. Fagus sylvatica is hardy, very shade tolerant, casts a deep shade and is fairly resistant to browsing but susceptible to spring frosts. 4. Due to its shallow rooting and intensive rather than extensive mode of soil water exploitation, it is also susceptible to drought, and this is likely to be the main factor controlling its expected response to climate change. 5. Fagus sylvatica is facing few conservation problems, and indeed, its range is currently expanding into central Europe. However, in the face of climate change, its range is likely to contract from its extremes in all but the north, and Phytophthora diseases may become more serious.