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Evaluating Personal Information Management Using an Activity Logs Enriched Desktop Dataset


Abstract and Figures

The effective evaluation of Personal Information Manage- ment is a crucial problem for the research community. While evaluation methodologies for retrieval on the Web and in digital libraries are well-developed, the experiments with the advanced desktop tools are neither repeatable nor compara- ble. As privacy concerns do not allow to copy and distribute personal data outside the research lab, we suggest to over- come this problem by creation of desktop datasets within different research groups using a single methodology and a common set of tools. A dataset can include not only a static snapshot of the desktop documents, but also the logs of user activity on the desktop within several last months. We present the structure of the required dataset, a set of im- plemented tools and a sample dataset collected within the L3S Research Center.
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Evaluating Personal Information Management
Using an Activity Logs Enriched Desktop Dataset
Sergey Chernov, Gianluca Demartini, Eelco Herder, Michał Kopycki, Wolfgang Nejdl
L3S Research Center, Leibniz Universit
at Hannover
Appelstr. 9a, 30167 Hannover
The effective evaluation of Personal Information Manage-
ment is a crucial problem for the research community. While
evaluation methodologies for retrieval on the Web and in
digital libraries are well-developed, the experiments with the
advanced desktop tools are neither repeatable nor compara-
ble. As privacy concerns do not allow to copy and distribute
personal data outside the research lab, we suggest to over-
come this problem by creation of desktop datasets within
different research groups using a single methodology and
a common set of tools. A dataset can include not only a
static snapshot of the desktop documents, but also the logs
of user activity on the desktop within several last months.
We present the structure of the required dataset, a set of im-
plemented tools and a sample dataset collected within the
L3S Research Center.
ACM Classification Keywords
H.3.3 Information Storage and Retrieval: Information Search
and Retrieval
General Terms
Experimentation, Design
Author Keywords
Evaluation, Desktop Dataset, User Activity Data
The volume of data stored on a single hard drive and the
amount of interactions with files and applications greatly in-
creased in last years. Many Desktop search tools and sys-
tems for Personal Information Management (PIM) were re-
leased recently by main search engine vendors. The variety
of PIM project calls for evaluation and comparison of pro-
posed algorithms. As functionality of many PIM systems
stems from area of information retrieval one can consider
existing sound experimental methodologies, e.g. Cranfield
methodology [8] or a method for evaluation of interactive
systems [2]. The mainstream evaluation methodologies re-
quire an appropriate common test collection that is accepted
by the community [16]. However, no such dataset is publicly
available and testing algorithms on artificial datasets can be
misleading. Without a reliable dataset, it is difficult to make
a choice between any ranking algorithms, and results from
different research groups become non-repeatable and incom-
Currently existing datasets came either from traditional dig-
ital libraries or from the Web data. The Desktop files are
different from Web pages, since they usually do not con-
tain explicit hyperlinks between documents. On the other
hand, a lot of work in PIM is related to personalization and
the collections from digital libraries cannot provide person-
alized user profiles. We also observe that the volume of
unstructured information is gradually moving toward semi-
structured representation, partially thanks to metadata anno-
tation capabilities developed in state-of-art PIM systems
For example, the address book contains different metadata
fields for personal contacts, while the email messages can
be searched by date, sender or title. This information should
be present in the dataset too. Morover, the information need
of the user searching her Desktop has a different focus than
that on the Web. For example, people often seek for a previ-
ously known item on a Desktop, which makes the historical
data rather important. These Desktop-specific features do
not allow re-using existing datasets for PIM evaluation.
Highly personalized systems are designed using the infor-
mation about the current Desktop content, but also take into
account the current user’s activities. It is very likely that
users will highly benefit of “a system having knowledge of
their specific tasks” [3]. A standard evaluation setup must in-
corporate and provide activity logs as well as data and meta-
data of the desktop items. As many desktop resources are
accessed within some given activity context, one must be
able to reconstruct these contexts in order to exploit them
for information retrieval tasks, for example, using metadata
annotations, file access timestamps, information about co-
active items, etc. For such a reason we need to include in a
Desktop evaluation collection history files (logs) of the ac-
tivities performed by the Desktop user. A dataset satisfying
these requirements will allow all the Desktop systems that
make use of such information to be consistently evaluated
and compared against each other.
Aduna Aperture.
Beagle++ Project.
The high privacy level of user files and data heterogene-
ity across multiple desktops makes it challenging to create
a customized dataset for the PC Desktop environment - a
Desktop Dataset (DD). We should address it already on the
stage of data gathering. While some people are willing to
share information with their close friends and colleagues,
they do not want to disclose it to outsiders. In this case,
there is a way to keep information available only for a small
number of people within a single research group.
In this paper we present an approach we envision for gen-
erating such a DD. Our dataset includes activity logs, con-
taining the history of each file or email. This DD provides a
basis for designing and evaluating special-purpose retrieval
algorithms for different Desktop search tasks. It extends our
earlier work started with [4] towards a common DD based
on real users’ desktop information. After comparing our ap-
proach to similar ones, we present a possible DD design and
ways for collecting the personal information. We describe a
private test collection made of desktop data of 14 users. We
also outline the discussion points for the future work.
The PIM field was recently developed within the informa-
tion retrieval, database management, human-computer inter-
action and semantic Web communities. A number of inter-
esting papers used Desktop data and/or activity logs for ex-
perimental evaluation. For example, in [15], authors used in-
dexed Desktop resources (i.e., files, etc.) from 15 Microsoft
employees of various professions with about 80 queries se-
lected from their previous searches. In [13] Google search
sessions of 10 computer science researchers have been logged
for 6 months to gather a set of realistic search queries. Sim-
ilarly, several papers from Yahoo [12], Microsoft [1] and
Google [17] presented approaches to mining their search en-
gine logs for personalization. In other papers [5] [6] the tem-
porary experimental settings were used, which made these
experiments neither repeatable nor comparable. We aim to
provide a common Desktop specific dataset to this research
One open problem in the field of IR evaluation is to under-
stand if the “queries in a test collection form an unbiased
sample of a real search workload” [14]. A test collection
that contains user query logs as well, like the one we pro-
pose here, can help in pushing forward this field of research.
A different approach to evaluate PIM systems is the one
adopted in the NEPOMUK project
where user scenarios,
designed observing activities of real users, are the base for
the creation of artificial data which are used for the eval-
uation of the PIM tools developed within the project. We
believe that using artificial data is not sufficient in order to
guarantee significant evaluation results. We hope that the
our proposed approach will help this and other projects in
the evaluation of their systems.
The good overview of the recent work in PIM evaluation
and a new proposal for task-oriented evaluation is presented
in [10]. Currently, we do not annotate the data with task
descriptions as suggested, but it might be an interesting fu-
ture extension. An evaluation dataset that needs to face pri-
vacy issues is the one provided by the MIREX initiative: a
standardized dataset and evaluation framework to evaluate
Music Information Retrieval systems and algorithms. The
MIREX data sets cannot be redistributed due to copyright
restrictions and then the organizers provide a service which
allows “remote execution of black-box algorithms submit-
ted by participants, and provides participants with real-time
progress reports, debugging information, and evaluation re-
sults” [11]. The most related dataset creation effort is the
TREC-2005/2007 Enterprise Track
. Enterprise search con-
siders a user who searches the data of an organization in or-
der to complete some task. The most relevant analogy be-
tween the Enterprise search and Desktop search is the variety
of items of which the collection is composed (for example,
in the TREC-2006 Enterprise Track collection e-mails, cvs
logs, Web pages, wiki pages, and personal home pages are
available). The most prominent difference between the two
collections is the presence of personal documents and es-
pecially activity logs (e.g., resource read/write time stamps,
etc.) within the DD.
Type of Information to Store
The data for aech DD can be collected among the partici-
pating users within a research groups. Several file formats
should be stored: TXT, HTML, PDF, DOC, XLS, PPT, MP3
(tags only), JPG, GIF, and BMP. Each group locally col-
lects several Desktop dumps, making use of logging tools
for a number of applications like Acrobat Reader, MS Of-
fice family products, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and
Thunderbird. We distinguish between permanent informa-
tion which can be obtained during the one-pass indexing,
and a timeline information, which has to be continuously
logged. The desired permanent and timeline information
is listed in Table 1. The part of this information which is
already captured by our tools is described in details in the
Section “Logging Tools”.
Information Processing Tasks
One of the current issues is a consensus in the community
on what set of tasks to be evaluated. Among possible infor-
mation retrieval tasks we envision Ad Hoc retrieval, Folder
Retrieval (i.e., ranking personal folders), and Known-Item
Retrieval. The discussion is also open for Context Related
Items Retrieval, both using example items or keyword queries,
Information Filtering, Email Management and related tasks.
It is also interesting what kind of advanced search criteria
users need. As a starting point, we show some examples of
simple search tasks.
Ad Hoc Retrieval Task
Ad hoc search is the classic type of text retrieval when the
user believes that relevant information exists somewhere. Sev-
eral documents can contain pieces of necessary data, but
the user might not remember whether or where it has been
Permanent Metadata Information (indexing) Applied to
URL stored HTML files
Song Metadata tags
Saved picture’s URL and saving time
Graphic files
Path Annotation
All Files
Scientific Publications
PDF Files
Publication Bibliography Data
BibTeX Files
Web Cache
Web History
Emails and attachments
Timeline information (logging)
Time of being in focus All applications
Time of being opened All applications and files
Path of the file being edited MS Office files and PDF
Being printed Thunderbird, Firefox
Text selections from the clipboard
Text pieces within a file
Time of Conversation with Someone (Chat client) Skype, MSN Messenger
Browsers actions: bookmark, clicked link, typed URL Web Pages
Bookmarking Actions (creations, modifications, deletions) Firefox
Google Web Search queries Firefox, IE
IP address
User’s Desktop
Metadata of emails being in focus Thunderbird, Outlook
Adding/editing an entry in calendar and tasks
Table 1. Permanent and Timeline Logged Information provided by in-
dexing and logging operations. We denote with the not yet imple-
mented features. We denote with + the features provided by the Bea-
gle++ indexing system as example.
stored, and might not be not sure which keywords are best to
find them.
Known-Item Retrieval Task
Targeted or known-item search task is the most common for
the Desktop environment. Here the user wants to find a spe-
cific document on the Desktop, but does not know where it
is stored or what is its exact title. This document can be an
email or a working paper. The task considers that the user
has some knowledge about the context in which the docu-
ment has been used before. Possible additional query fields
are time period, location, and a topical description of the task
in which scope the document had been used.
Folder Retrieval Task
Many users have their personal items topically organized in
folders. At some point, they may search not for a specific
document, but for a group of documents in order to use it
later as a whole - browse them manually, reorganize or send
to a colleague. The retrieval system should be able to esti-
mate the relevance of folders and sub-folders using simple
keyword queries.
As we aim at real world tasks and data, we want to reuse real
queries from Desktop users. As every Desktop is a unique
set of information, its user should be directly involved in
both query development and relevance assessment. There-
fore, Desktop contributors should be ready to give 10 queries
selected from their everyday tasks. Their participation in rel-
evance assessment solves the problem of subjective query
evaluation, since users know best their information needs.
In this setting each query is designed for the collection of
a single user. However, some more general scenarios can
be designed as well, such as finding relevant documents in
every considered Desktop. One could envisage the test col-
lection as partitioned in sub-collections that represent single
Desktops with their own queries and relevance assessments.
This solution would be closely related to the MrX collection
used in the TREC SPAM Track, which is formed by a set of
emails of an unknown person.
The query can have the following format:
<num> KIS01 < /num>
<query> Eleonet project deliverable June< /query>
<metadataquery> date:June topic:Eleonet project type:
deliverable < /metadataquery>
<taskdescription>I am combining a new deliverable for
the Eleonet project.< /taskdescription>
<narrative> I am looking for the Eleonet project deliver-
able, I remember that the main contribution to this docu-
ment has been done in June. < /narrative>
We included the <metadataquery> field, to enable the spec-
ification of semi-structured parameters like metadata field
names, in order to narrow down the query. The set of pos-
sible metadata fields would be defined after collecting the
Desktop data.
The Desktop contributors must be able to assess pooled doc-
uments 6 months after they contributed their Desktop. Eeach
query is supplemented with the description of context (e.g.,
clicked/opened documents in the respective query session),
to allow users to provide relevance judgments according to
the actual context of the query. As users know their doc-
uments very well, the assessment phase should go faster
than usual TREC assessments. For the task of known-item
search, the assessments are quite easy, since only one (at
most several duplicates) document is considered relevant.
For the adhoc search task we expect users to spend about
3-4 hours to do relevance assessment per query.
The Goal: Standard Evaluation Approaches
With a DD, built in the way here described, it is possible to
perform IR evaluation experiments. Researchers can build
and use their own DDs, which are not publicly redistributed.
As they all are similarly structured, the evaluation results -
although they stem from different real data - are comparable
and, as we define it, “soft-repeatable”.
Even when semantic information (e.g., RDF annotations, Ac-
tivities, etc.) is integrated as part of a search system, the tra-
ditional measures from information retrieval theory can and
should still be applied when evaluating system performance.
This allows the use of the same set of metrics in the evalua-
tion of Desktop IR systems, to make the results comparable
among different systems.
Implicit Feedback Approach
In our proposal for collecting usage data, we decided to use
Implicit Feedback. This approach was exploited in [7] and
proved to be a representative indication of user interests. We
acquire activity data automatically by using logging soft-
ware, which does not require explicit user input. User in-
teraction with the Desktop is being monitored without inter-
rupting her workflow. The lack of direct user input is com-
pensated by the amount and granularity of the automatically
acquired data.
User Activity
User actions are articulated through the interaction with dif-
ferent applications. In Windows XP, this interaction is ex-
pressed by handling windows, which are the visual repre-
sentation of an application. For example, the window that
is currently in focus, is the window that the user is cur-
rently looking at (presumably working with). By observing
user’s actions on windows, we examine the actual activity
that the user is performing on the Desktop. However, one
window can act on several resources (for example, all emails
in one instance of a rich email client or several Web pages
viewed in an Internet browser). In these cases, we extend the
logging activity to monitor interaction with these resources.
The main advantage of this approach is that the context of
accessing the resource or application is being logged. This
information could be used to extract missing links between
Desktop objects.
Our Logging Framework is presented in Figure 1. As we
wanted to keep the logging process as generic as possible,
we have developed a system-wide logging utility, the User
Activity Logger. Although this approach gives an overview
of the entire interaction between the user and the Desktop,
the acquired information presents only basic description of
user activity. The in-depth information is gathered by ex-
tensions to the applications that we want to log. Such an
extension, which is part of the application itself, has direct
access to resources involved in user activities. The descrip-
tion of the resource enriches the description of an activity -
and the other way round: the resource description is enriched
by the actions that the user is performing on it. For example,
the User Activity Logger receives a notification that Outlook
2003 is currently being used and the Outlook 2003 plug-in
retrieves detailed information about emails being currently
processed by the user. Another example: the Firefox plug-
in indicates that since 5 minutes the user was looking at a
particular Web page; however, based on data from the User
Activity Logger, we know that the system is actually in idle
This architecture is highly extensible. One can download
our framework and write a customized plug-in to explore
the user activity of interest. To this end, we opened the de-
velopment to those willing to participate via a SourceForge
Our main contribution to logging utilities is the User Activity
Logger. Once installed, it uses Windows Hooks to intercept
every “activate”, “create” and “destroy” window notification
Figure 1. Logging Framework
(pop-up windows, invisible windows and dialog boxes are
considered irrelevant and filtered out). For each notification,
a generic activity description is being extracted. For some of
the applications, the Logger acquires additional information
that describes the resource displayed in the window. For ex-
ample, for Word text editor or Adobe Acrobat Reader, the
file path of the currently viewed file is stored; for Internet
Explorer, the URL of the Web page currently viewed; for
Outlook Express, the currently selected email message. Ta-
ble 2 describes the information being logged by the User
Activity Logger. Currently, the Windows XP version of the
logger prototype is available for download at the Personal
Activity Track Web page
Generic information Applied to
Operation type (created, activated, de-
All applications
Timestamp All applications
Unique window handle All applications
Application exe name All applications
Window caption All applications
Resource specific Information
File path to resource being viewed MS Office products, Adobe
Acrobat Reader, Notepad
URL Internet Explorer
Sender, recipients, received date, sent
Outlook Express
Table 2. Generic and resource specific data collected by the logger
Collecting detailed resource information from User Activity
Logger level is possible for a limited number of applications.
For other relevant applications, we developed or adapted ex-
isting plug-ins. The plug-ins store resource and activity in-
formation every time a notification has been triggered by the
user. We have implemented such plug-ins for Outlook 2003
and Outlook 2007. By using Visual Studio Tools for Office
, which allows to write extensions for MS Of-
fice Family products, we were able to collect in-depth email
usage data. Data collected by Outlook plug-ins is described
in Table 3.
Data description Applied to
Operation type Outlook, Thunderbird
Timestamp Outlook, Thunderbird
Unique email ID Outlook, Thunderbird
Path to the email in the email folder hierarchy Outlook, Thunderbird
Subject Outlook, Thunderbird
Sender (name and email adress) Outlook, Thunderbird
Recipients (name and email adress) Outlook, Thunderbird
Cc recipients (name and email adress) Thunderbird
Bcc recipients (name and email adress) Thunderbird
Address book entry Thunderbird
Table 3. Email data collected by the Outlook 2003 and 2007 and Thun-
derbird plug-ins
For applications from the Mozilla family, we have used an
already existing solution and adapted it to our requirements.
Dragontalk project
provides extensions to the Thunderbird
rich email client and Firefox Internet browser. The exten-
sions allow monitoring of user interaction with both applica-
tions. Our adaptation of Dragontalk included changing the
outputting method, extending the functionality by support-
ing new notifications, and adding methods to preserve user
privacy. See Table 3 for a description of the data collected
from Thunderbird.
Information Representation and Storage
Table 4 presents the full list of notifications that are currently
supported by the framework. For each notification, addi-
tional data from Table 3 and 2 is extracted and stored.
Supported user actions Supported Applications
Window actions (create, activate, de-
All applications
Document actions (open, activate, close) MS Office, Adobe Acrobat Reader,
text file editors like Notepad,
TextPad, Notepad++, etc.
Navigate to URL (click, type in) Internet Explorer, Firefox
Tab (create, change, close) Internet Explorer, Firefox
Bookmark (create, modify, delete) Firefox
Forward, backward, reload, home Firefox
Print page Firefox
Submit Web form Firefox
Submit Google Web search query Internet Explorer, Firefox
Email actions (select, sent) Outlook 2003, Outlook 2007, Out-
look Express, Thunderbird
Email actions (receive, reply, forward,
delete, move, print)
Address book entry (create, modify,
Email Folder (create, modify, delete) Thunderbird
Instant Messengers
Conversation (start, activate, finish) Skype, MSN Messenger
System state
Idle time (start, end) System event
Hibernation (start, end) System event
Framework state
Logger actions (activate, deactivate) User Activity Logger
Table 4. Types of notification supported by the Logging Framework
Collected data is stored in a simple human-readable format
in text files located directly on user’s computer. As differ-
ent parts of the Logging Framework focus on user interac-
tion with different resources, the format and granularity of
output data differ as well. For example, a single notifica-
tion intercepted by the User Activity Logger (e.g. Firefox
window activated), may imply several notifications from the
Dragontalk Firefox logger (switching between Web pages
without leaving the Firefox window). For this reason, we
decided to keep a separate log file for each component of
the framework. As a result, in the current implementation,
the user can have up to four log files (User Activity Logger,
Thunderbird, Firefox, and Outlook 2003 and 2007). How-
ever, the simplicity of the format allows to parse it to any
other format. In the scope of cooperation with the NEPO-
MUK project
we translated our output format into NEPO-
MUK Ontologies
by using a readable RDF syntax, called
Privacy Issues
Obviously, each logging utility introduces some privacy is-
sues. The collected data is very sensitive and exposes user
interaction with the whole desktop. Our main consideration
was to protect the data from unauthorized access. Because
all the data is stored directly on the user’s computer in plain
text files in human-readable format, it is up to the user to de-
cide to whom and in what form the data should be released.
In the Logging Framework we preserve the user’s privacy
by offering means to stop or pause the logging process. The
user can pause the process or simply shut down the logging
utility via a user-friendly menu (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Tray icon and menus provide control over the logging process
However, the goal of monitoring the user activity is to collect
as much data as possible. Therefore, we introduced other
means that only restrict the logging range without terminat-
ing the process itself. Figure 3 presents two dialog boxes
that allow the user to specify which Web domains should be
excluded from the logging process. Once specified, the util-
ities will ignore any notifications involving these resources.
Future Directions
The framework’s architecture is extensible, which means that
one only needs to concentrate on developing new plug-ins to
gather more precise information about user actions. Cur-
rently, the prototype of MS Office plug-in is in a testing
phase. The plug-in extends the notifications involving file
resources accessed via MS Office applications.
Figure 3. Menus restricting the range of the logging process by speci-
fying pages that should be excluded from the logging process. Firefox
(left) and Internet Explorer (right)
As the User Activity Logger covers the whole desktop, it is
directly bounded to the system architecture. As an implica-
tion, it is not portable between operating systems. Address-
ing larger groups of users requires porting the User Activity
Logger to other platforms like Windows Vista or Linux dis-
We also plan further extensive cooperation with the NEPO-
MUK project to exploit the capabilities of implicit feedback
as user interest indication.
In this section, we describe the approach taken by our group
in order to build a personal information search test collec-
tion. For evaluating the retrieval effectiveness of a personal
information retrieval system, a test collection that accurately
represents the desktop characteristics is needed. However,
given highly personal data that users usually have on their
desktops, currently there are no desktop data collections pub-
licly available. So we created for experimental purposes our
internal desktop data collection.
The collection that we created - and which are currently us-
ing for evaluation experiments - is composed of data gath-
ered from the PCs of 14 different users. The participant pool
consists of PhD students, PostDocs and Professors in our re-
search group. The data has been collected from the desktop
contents present on the users’ PCs in November 2006. For
this reason the data and the activity logs collected are mainly
referred to the year 2006.
Each data provider is allowed to use the entire collection
for research experiments. We observed that only a subset
of providers are actually experimenters but, in any case, all
the providers must sign a written agreement as they gain the
access to the collection.
Privacy Preservation
In order to face the privacy issues related to providing our
personal data to other people, a written agreement has been
signed by each of the 14 providers of data, metadata and ac-
tivities. The document is written with implication that every
data contributor is also a possible experimenter. The text is
reported in the following:
L3S Desktop Data Collection
Privacy Guarantees
I will not redistribute the data you provided me to
people outside L3S. Anybody from L3S whom I
give access to the data will be required to sign this
privacy statement.
The data you provided me will be automatically
processed. I will not look at it manually (e.g. read-
ing the emails from a specific person). During the
experiment, if I want to look at one specific data
item or a group of files/data items, I will ask per-
mission to the owner of the data to look at it. In
this context, if I discover possibly sensitive data
items, I will remove them from the collection.
Permissions of all files and directories will be set
such that only the l3s-experiments-group and the
super-user has access to these files, and that all
those will be required to sign this privacy state-
Currently Available Data
The desktop items that we gathered from our 14 colleagues,
include emails (sent and received), publications (saved from
email attachments, saved from the Web, authored / co-authored),
address books and calendar appointments. A distribution of
the desktop items collected from each user can be seen in
table 5:
User# Emails Publications Addressbooks Calendars
1 109 0 1 0
2 12456 0 0 0
3 4532 1054 1 1
4 834 237 0 0
5 3890 261 1 0
6 2013 112 0 0
7 218 28 0 0
8 222 95 1 0
9 0 274 1 1
10 1035 31 1 0
11 1116 157 1 0
12 1767 2799 0 0
13 1168 686 0 0
14 49 452 0 0
Total 29409 6186 7 2
Avg 2101 442 0.5 0.1
Table 5. Resource distribution over the users.
A total number of 48,068 desktop items (some of the users
provided a dump of their desktop data, including all kinds of
documents, not just emails, publications, address books or
calendars) has been collected, representing 8.1GB of data.
On average, each user provided 3,433 items.
In order to emulate a standard test collection, all participants
provided a set of queries that reflects typical activities they
would perform on their DDs. In addition, each user was
invited to contribute their activity logs, related to the period
until the point at which the data were provided.
All participants defined their own queries, related to their
activities, and performed search over the reduced images of
their desktops, as mentioned above.
The queries sets are composed as follows. Each user has
been asked to provide two clear keyword queries (single or
multiple keywords), two ambiguous keyword queries (sin-
gle or multiple keywords), two only-metadata queries (e.g.
“from:smith”), and two metadata and keyword queries (e.g.
“information retrieval author:smith”). In total, 88 queries
were collected from 11 users. The average query length was
1.77 keywords for the clear queries, 1.27 for the ambiguous
queries, and 1.65 for the metadata queries. As expected, the
ambiguous queries are shorter than the clear queries, which
are in 73% of the case composed of a single term. These
results are comparable to the average of 1.7 keywords, as
reported in other larger scale studies (see for example [9]).
In order to collect also some ground truth data, we asked
the data providers to manually assess the relevance of some
search results. For every query and every system (we used 3
different ranking algorithms), each participant rated the top
5 output results on a Likert scale (from 0 to 4, with 4 being
very relevant for the query and 0 without any connection to
the query).
There are several important questions that are not solved yet
and that require an additional discussion within the commu-
nity. In this concluding section, we list some of the issues
that we consider most important.
Data and Privacy. It is difficult to select appropriate data
to build a testbed collection for experiments with person-
alization. There are several issues to be investigated, in-
cluding: (1) privacy implications and data anonymization,
(2) storage and accessibility of test data, (3) information
sources (here, one of our major interests goes toward an-
alyzing and discussing the logging of personal activities).
The discussion should also consider the personal data pri-
vacy problem both at the stage of data gathering and the
stage of document relevance assessment. What makes a
good collection and what is the best way to interact with
it? How should the collection be composed? Which in-
formation to include in the personal application activity
logs? How to manage the privacy issues for the sharing
the data?
Loggers and Test Applications. This aspect is more fo-
cused on how we can collect necessary data and what kind
of technical infrastructure should be implemented for PIM
evaluation. Among other questions, we investigate which
logging tools are already available, how they can be re-
used for PIM evaluation and which experimental setup
from existing evaluation initiatives can be adopted.
Measurement and Relevance Assessments. Finally, a
query format and the relevance metrics should be discussed.
While there are already a plethora of metrics, do we need
more novel measures or can we adopt existing ones? We
should agree on how relevance assessments should be per-
formed. It would be interesting to formalize the user ben-
efit from the PIM systems usage.
The creation of a testbed for experiments with personalized
search is more challenging task than creating a Web search
or XML retrieval dataset, as it is highly complicated by pri-
vacy concerns. This paper describes the ongoing work to-
ward a common DD based on users’ desktop information.
Here we presented a possible DD design and means for col-
lecting the personal information. Further, we outlined the
discussion points for the future work and discussion within
the IR community.
Our main goal is the promotion of the usage and develop-
ment of tools (e.g. the Activity Logger) that can help the
PIM research community to create a standardized approach
to the evaluation of PIM systems.
We would like to acknowledge the large number of people
involved in the development of the tools and the contribu-
tion to the collections: Pavel Serdyukov, Paul-Alexandru
Chirita, Julien Gaugaz, Sven Schwarz, Leo Sauermann, En-
rico Minack, Raluca Paiu, and Stefania Costache. We also
want to thank all those who contributed their desktop data.
This work was partially supported by the Nepomuk project,
funded by the European Commission under the 6th Frame-
work Programme (IST Contract No. 027705).
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... Further, given the availability of and recent improvements to features like desktop search and file tagging, some have questioned if people really are still creating and organising folders [17]. Additionally, because it is unclear what typical file collections are like, it is unclear what representative and commensurable test collections (e.g., used in testing PIM prototype software) should be like [14]. Finally, without a thorough description of the artefact created during the process of managing files, it is difficult to model that process and the many possible determinant factors suggested by past studies, including technological [9,10], demographic [26,40], and individual [42,46] differences. ...
... We suggest the present findings should be reflected in generated test collections (or selected existing collections) used for testing PIM software (e.g., prototypes and augmentations) [14], including, for example, the range of typical values (i.e., log-normal distributions) and the uneven distribution of files across folders. This is especially important when it matters that a collection have the scale and structure representative of typical collections. ...
Conference Paper
Although many challenges of managing computer files have been identified in past studies -- and many alternative prototypes made -- the scale and structure of personal file collections remain relatively unknown. We studied 348 such collections, and found they are typically considerably larger in scale (30-190 thousand files) and structure (folder trees twice taller and many times wider) than previously thought, which suggests files and folders are used now more than ever despite advances in Web storage, desktop search, and tagging. Data along many measures within and across collections were log normally distributed, indicating that personal collections resemble imbalanced, group-made collections and confirming the intuition that personal information management behaviour varies greatly. Directions for the generation of test collections and other future research are discussed.
... Various research areas have already emphasized the use of contextual information as one of the key elements for enhancing current applications. Examples can be cited in personal information management (Sauermann et al., 2005;Catarci et al., 2007;Chernov et al., 2008;Jones et al., 2008), user modeling (Van Kleek and Shrobe, 2007), information retrieval (Callan et al., 2007;Tang et al., 2007;Mylonas et al., 2008), technology-enhanced learning (Schmidt, 2005;Wolpers et al., 2007), etc. ...
... A classical approach has been to model task detection as a machine learning problem. However, the focus so far has been on using only text-based features and switching sequences (Oliver et al., 2006;Shen et al., 2007;Chernov et al., 2008;Granitzer et al., 2008) for detecting the user's task, which do not rely on ontology models. Furthermore controlled user studies and standard datasets for the evaluation of task detection approaches are still missing. ...
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Detecting the task a user is performing on her computer desktop is important for providing her with contextualized and personalized support. Some recent approaches propose to perform automatic user task detection by means of classiers using captured user context data. In this paper we improve on that by using an ontology-based user interaction context model that can be automatically populated by (i) capturing simple user interaction events on the computer desktop and (ii) applying rule-based and information extraction mechanisms. We present evaluation results from a large user study we have carried out in a knowledge-intensive business environment, showing that our ontology-based approach provides new contextual features yielding good task detection performance. We also argue that good results can be achieved by training task classiers 'oine' on user context data gathered in laboratory settings. Finally, we isolate a combination of contextual features that present a signicantly better discriminative power than classical ones.
... It is not clear to what extent the commands might differ, but it is reasonable to assume they will. Thus, to facilitate ecological validity of data in future studies, it is recommended to collect given commands with methods like logging (Chernov et al., 2008) or experience sampling (Greb et al., 2019), which was not possible in the course of the present study. ...
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Introduction. Music streaming services have changed how music is played and perceived, but also how it is managed by individuals. Voice interfaces to such services are becoming increasingly com-mon, for example through voice assistants on mobile and smart devices, and have the poten-tial to further change personal music management by introducing new beneficial features and new challenges. Method. To explore the implications of voice assistants for personal music listening and management we surveyed 248 participants online and in a lab setting to investigate (a) in which situa-tions people use voice assistants to play music, (b) how the situations compare to established activities common during non-voice assistant music listening, and (c) what kinds of com-mands they use. Analysis. We categorised 653 situations of voice assistant use, which reflect differences to non-voice assistant music listening, and established 11 command types, which mostly reflect finding or refinding activities but also indicate keeping and organisation activities. Results. Voice assistants have some benefits for music listening and personal music management, but also a notable lack of support for traditional personal information management activities, like browsing, that are common when managing music. Conclusion. Having characterised the use of voice assistants to play music, we consider their role in per-sonal music management and make suggestions for improved design and future research.
... The overall consequence of the three approaches" limitations is that the results of FM behavior studies thus far have data that is too varied, samples that are too shallow or narrow, and have left important questions unanswered. This must be addressed to produce the kind of data necessary to advance PIM research, for example by producing nuanced models, frameworks, and theories and creating accurate datasets to use when evaluating PIM tools (Chernov et al., 2008). What is needed, then, is software that facilitates the rapid and relatively easy collection of many file system properties, including those used in previous studies, across a large, heterogeneous population sample. ...
In this paper we describe the design and trial use of Cardinal, novel software that overcomes the limitations of existing research tools used in personal information management (PIM) studies focusing on file management (FM) behavior. Cardinal facilitates large-scale collection of FM behavior data along an extensive list of file system properties and additional relevant dimensions (e.g., demographic, software and hardware, etc). It enables anonymous, remote, and asynchronous participation across the 3 major operating systems, uses a simple interface, and provides value to participants by presenting a summary of their file and folder collections. In a 15-day trial implementation, Cardinal examined over 2.3 million files across 46 unsupervised participants. To test its adaptability we extended it to also collect psychological questionnaire responses and technological data from each participant. Participation sessions took an average of just over 10 minutes to complete, and participants reported positive impressions of their interactions. Following the pilot, we revised Cardinal to further decrease participation time and improve the user interface. Our tests suggest that Cardinal is a viable tool for FM research, and so we have made its source freely available to the PIM community.
Our digital life consists of activities that are organized around tasks and exhibit different user states in the digital contexts around these activities. Previous works have shown that digital activity monitoring can be used to predict entities that users will need to perform digital tasks. There have been methods developed to automatically detect the tasks of a user. However, these studies typically support only specific applications and tasks and relatively little research has been conducted on real-life digital activities. This paper introduces user state modeling and prediction with contextual information captured as entities, recorded from real-world digital user behavior, called entity footprinting ; a system that records users’ digital activities on their screens and proactively provides useful entities across application boundaries without requiring explicit query formulation. Our methodology is to detect contextual user states using latent representations of entities occurring in digital activities. Using topic models and recurrent neural networks, the model learns the latent representation of concurrent entities and their sequential relationships. We report a field study in which the digital activities of thirteen people were recorded continuously for 14 days. The model learned from this data is used to 1) predict contextual user states, and 2) predict relevant entities for the detected states. The results show improved user state detection accuracy and entity prediction performance compared to static, heuristic, and basic topic models. Our findings have implications for the design of proactive recommendation systems that can implicitly infer users’ contextual state by monitoring users’ digital activities and proactively recommending the right information at the right time.
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Digital tools and services collect a growing amount of log data. In the software development industry, such data are integral and boast valuable information on user and system behaviors with a significant potential of discovering various trends and patterns. In this study, we focus on one of those potential aspects, which is task estimation. In that regard, we perform a case study by analyzing computer recorded activities of employees from a software development company. Specifically, our purpose is to identify the task of each employee. To that end, we build a hierarchical framework with a 2-stage recognition and devise a method relying on Bayesian estimation which accounts for temporal correlation of tasks. After pre-processing, we run the proposed hierarchical scheme to initially distinguish infrequent and frequent tasks. At the second stage, infrequent tasks are discriminated between them such that the task is identified definitively. The higher performance rate of the proposed method makes it favorable against the association rule-based methods and conventional classification algorithms. Moreover, our method offers significant potential to be implemented on similar software engineering problems. Our contributions include a comprehensive evaluation of a Bayesian estimation scheme on real world data and offering reinforcements against several challenges in the data set (samples with different measurement scales, dependence characteristics, imbalance, and with insignificant pieces of information).
This paper proposes a Context-Based Personalized User Preference Profile Construction Approach to comprehensively track the user’s local behaviors and user’s web behavior of new inputted query. The traditional user profile construction may mainly consider the browsing behavior such as webpage click frequency and webpage click history, but lack consideration of local device context information. So, in this paper, we make use of the context information (interactive historical information and user information that related with the retrieval) which are stored and used in all of the smart devices, owned by the same user, to build and update the user preference profile. Furthermore, in order to avoid the limitation of different vector positions may be allocated to the synonyms of the same term, as well as the size of a document vector must be at least equal to the total number of the words used to write the document, we use the method of ontology-based representation based on WordNet, which uses WordNet to identify WordNet concepts that correspond to the document words. The simulation shows that, our approach can grasp the users’ local behavior more accurately, and achieve a higher precision ratio for the method only considering the users’ browsing behavior.
Knowledge workers frequently change activities, either by choice or through interruptions. With an increasing number of activities and activity switches, it is becoming more and more difficult for knowledge workers to keep track of their desktop activities. This article presents our efforts to achieve activity awareness through automatic classification of user's everyday desktop activities. For getting a deeper understanding, we investigate performance of various classifiers with respect to discriminative power of time-, interaction-, and content-based feature sets for different work scenarios and users. Specifically, by viewing an activity as a sequence of desktop interactions we present (1) a methodology for translating a user's desktop interactions into activities, (2) evaluation of the discriminative power of different activity features and feature types, and (3) analysis of supervised classification models for classifying desktop activity under two different scenarios, i.e., an activity-centric scenario and a user-centric scenario. The experiments are carried out on a real-world dataset, and the results show satisfactory accuracy using relatively few and simple types of features.
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Personal information has manifested itself as an unexplored field of library and information science, both from an epistemological and methodological perspective. Through this analytical-descriptive proposal, conceptual approaches are studied, showing a precise uncertainty about devoid of scientific terminology and accurate typology of personal documents. Under such circumstances, the paper considers a number of methodological issues in the management of personal information projects, recommending practical aspects of documentary organization through traditional library science fundamentals and various computational tools, thus showing the need, benefits and challenges proposals involves applying for registration, storage, control and dissemination of personal information in professional, research and academic.
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The paper describes the ideas and assumptions underlying the development of a new method for the evaluation and testing of interactive information retrieval (IR) systems, and reports on the initial tests of the proposed method. The method is designed to collect different types of empirical data, i.e. cognitive data as well as traditional systems performance data. The method is based on the novel concept of a ‘simulated work task situation’ or scenario and the involvement of real end users. The method is also based on a mixture of simulated and real information needs, and involves a group of test persons as well as assessments made by individual panel members. The relevance assessments are made with reference to the concepts of topical as well as situational relevance. The method takes into account the dynamic nature of information needs which are assumed to develop over time for the same user, a variability which is presumed to be strongly connected to the processes of relevance assessment.
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The personal information stored on the desktop usually rea-ches huge dimensions nowadays. Its handling is even more difficult, taking into account complex environments and tasks we work with. An efficient method of identifying the present working context would mean an easier management of the needed resources. In this paper we propose a new way of identifying desktop usage contexts, based upon a distance between documents, which also takes into account their ac-cess timestamps. We investigate and compare our tech-nique with traditional term vector clustering, our initial experiments showing promising results with our proposed approach.
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In the last years several top-quality papers utilized temporary Desk- top data and/or browsing activity logs for experimental evaluation. Building a common testbed for the Personal Information Management community is thus becoming an indispensable task. In this paper we present a possible dataset de- sign and discuss the means to create it.
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Most information retrieval technologies are designed to facilitate information discovery. However, much knowledge work involves finding and re-using previously seen information. We describe the design and evaluation of a system, called Stuff I've Seen (SIS), that facilitates information re-use. This is accomplished in two ways. First, the system provides a unified index of information that a person has seen, whether it was seen as email, web page, document, appointment, etc. Second, because the information has been seen before, rich contextual cues can be used in the search interface. The system has been used internally by more than 230 employees. We report on both qualitative and quantitative aspects of system use. Initial findings show that time and people are important retrieval cues. Users find information more easily using SIS, and use other search tools less frequently after installation.
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We formulate and study search algorithms that consider a user's prior interactions with a wide variety of content to personalize that user's current Web search. Rather than relying on the unrealistic assumption that people will precisely specify their intent when searching, we pursue techniques that leverage implicit information about the user's interests. This information is used to re-rank Web search results within a relevance feedback framework. We explore rich models of user interests, built from both search-related information, such as previously issued queries and previously visited Web pages, and other information about the user such as documents and email the user has read and created. Our research suggests that rich representations of the user and the corpus are important for personalization, but that it is possible to approximate these representations and provide efficient client-side algorithms for personalizing search. We show that such personalization algorithms can significantly improve on current Web search.
The investigation dealt with the effect which different devices have on the performance of index languages. It appeared that the most important consideration was the specificity of the index terms; within the context of the conditions existing in this test, single-word terms were more effective than concept terms or a controlled vocabulary.
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In real world use of test collection methods, it is essential that the query test set be representative of the work load expected in the actual application. Using a random sample of queries from a media company's query log as a 'gold standard' test set we demonstrate that biases in sitemap-derived and top n query sets can lead to significant perturbations in engine rankings and big dierences in estimated performance levels.
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Personal Information Management (PIM) is a rapidly grow- ing area of research concerned with how people store, man- age and re-find information. A feature of PIM research is that many systems have been designed to assist users man- age and re-find information, but very few have been evalu- ated. This has been noted by several scholars and explained by the diculties involved in performing PIM evaluations. The diculties include that people re-find information from within unique personal collections; researchers know little about the tasks that cause people to re-find information; and numerous privacy issues concerning personal informa- tion. In this paper we aim to facilitate PIM evaluations by addressing each of these diculties. In the first part, we present a diary study of information re-finding tasks. The study examines the kind of tasks that require users to re-find information and produces a taxonomy of re-finding tasks for email messages and web pages. In the second part, we propose a task-based evaluation methodology based on our findings and examine the feasibility of the approach using two dierent methods of task creation.
Conference Paper
In strategic management there has been a debate over many years. Already in 1962 Alfred Chandler had stated: Structure follows Strategy. In the nineteen eighties, Michael Porter modified Chandler's dictum about structure following strategy by introducing ...