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Dynamic Computation and Context Effects in the Hybrid Architecture AKIRA



We present AKIRA, an agent-based hybrid architecture de- signed for cognitive modeling. We describe some of the underlying ideas motivating its development, such as the possibilityof exploiting dis- tributed representations and performing parallel, dynamic and context aware computation. We illustrate its main components and capabilities and compare it with some related cognitive architectures, such as DUAL and Copycat. We present also a sample simulation in the visual search domain, exploiting AKIRA's peculiarities for cognitive modeling.
Dynamic Computation and Context Effects in
the Hybrid Architecture AKIRA
Giovanni Pezzulo1,2and Gianguglielmo Calvi1
1Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione - CNR
Viale Marx, 15 - 00137 Roma, Italy
2Universit´a degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 9 - 00185 Roma, Italy,
Abstract. We present AKIRA, an agent-based hybrid architecture de-
signed for cognitive modeling. We describe some of the underlying ideas
motivating its development, such as the possibility of exploiting dis-
tributed representations and performing parallel, dynamic and context
aware computation. We illustrate its main components and capabilities
and compare it with some related cognitive architectures, such as DUAL
and Copycat. We present also a sample simulation in the visual search
domain, exploiting AKIRA’s peculiarities for cognitive modeling.
1 Introduction
Cognitive modeling is a vast area of research today; however, there are still
few computational models that are both credible from the theoretical point of
view and powerful from the technological one. The most notable exceptions
are the generic, unified architectures SOAR [24] and ACT-R [1]; some other
architectures, such as the DUAL/AMBR [14, 15] and Copycat [11] models of
analogy, do not address all the cognitive processes, but have a general scope,
because they capture some of the underlying principles of high-level cognition.
AKIRA [21, 28] is not a cognitive architecture in itself, but a framework for
implementing and testing cognitive models at different levels of complexity and
integration. We have tried to make the platform as versatile as possible: AKIRA
includes a rich toolkit of mechanisms and algorithms from different paradigms,
allowing developers to test, compare and possibly integrate many symbolic and
connectionist models. However, even if AKIRA does not commit to a single
cognitive model, some theoretical choices are in a sense embedded: our main
source of inspiration are the Society of Mind [19] and the Pandemonium [12]
models. From the architectural point of view, AKIRA is inspired by DUAL [14]
and Copycat [11]. AKIRA integrates Multi-Agent and Pandemonium features. A
server process (the Pandemonium ) executes and monitors many agent instances
(the Daemons); differently from standard MAS architectures, agents have links,
forming an Energetic Network, that affords energetic exchanges. The objective is
to create architectures performing parallel, dynamic and emergent computation
This work is supported by the EU project MindRACES, FP6-511931.
by distributing the operations between many simple, interacting processes, each
one carried on by an agent. The advantages of distributed representations are
explored e.g. by [5]; they have been also shown [10, 15] to be very important for
modeling contextual effects.
In AKIRA, as well as in DUAL and Copycat, context is accounted as a set
of pressures introduced by (partially) active elements over the current compu-
tation. AKIRA and DUAL use a set of micro-agents, each having an activation
level for each instant and each representing a single object, concept or process;
the agents are hybrid, carrying on both symbolic content (e.g. a frame) and con-
nectionist elements (an activation level, links to the other agents). For example,
in one of the main applications of the architecture DUAL, the AMBR [15] model
of analogical reasoning, each micro-agent includes a frame representing a single
object, e.g. a cup, or a plate. While objects are thus localist representations, sit-
uations are fully distributed ones: e.g. the cup is on the plate is represented by a
number of partially activated micro-agents; moreover, the patterns of activation
change dynamically because of system evolution (e.g. decay) and thanks to new
elements or events (e.g. the cup is broken). By exploiting distributed represen-
tations AMBR is able to perform analogical reasoning in a dynamic and context
dependent way. Many analogy phases, i.e. analog access, mapping, and transfer
are performed as as parallel subprocesses rather than serial stages. The result of
the computation dynamically emerges from the parallel and concurrent activity
of many partially active agents, carrying on portions of semantic information
both in their symbolic and connectionist parts. AMBR models many other cog-
nitive processes, including blending and intrusions, priming, re-representation of
episodes, problem solving [10, 15], etc. Its results have been successfully com-
pared to human data [16]. In a similar way, Copycat [11] performs analogical
reasoning on the basis of a representation of the problem space that is not
pre-fixed, but is computed and may change dynamically during the analogical
processing. Representation-building and mapping (e.g. of two situations) run in
parallel and influence each other.
AKIRA exploits a similar apparatus for context-aware goal processing. We
introduce its main underlying theoretical assumptions in Section 2. In Section 3
we present its main components and features. In Section 4 we compare AKIRA
with some related cognitive architectures: DUAL [14, 15], Copycat [11], IDA [9]
and the Behavior Networks [17]. In Section 5 we present a sample simulation in
the visual search domain.
2 Principles of AKIRA
Here we present the main inspiring principles of AKIRA, focusing on how dis-
tributed representation and control can be used for cognitive modeling.
Hybridism and Locality Principle. AKIRA is a hybrid system; differently
from many others, AKIRA exploits agents that are hybrid at the micro-level [14]:
each agent has both a connectionist and a symbolic component. The connec-
tionist component involves the activation level of the agent as well as the energy
exchanges between the agents; moreover, agents can group and organize into
higher level assemblies called Coalitions, that are able to solve together compos-
ite tasks that are impossible to solve alone. The symbolic component involves the
set of operations an agent can perform; each agent is a specialized computational
unit3. The operations can range from simple to very complex ones (e.g. AKIRA
includes many mechanisms and algorithms). However, in accordance with the
underlying distributed approach, each agent should be specialized, thus complex
tasks are more likely performed by Coalitions of cooperating agents.
AKIRA also follows a Loca lit y P rin ci ple : each interaction between the agents,
both connectionist and symbolic, is implemented as a peer-to-peer operation,
without centralized control. Hybridism and locality permit to design a contin-
uum of computation styles, ranging from centralized, hierarchical control to dis-
tributed, emergent computation (e.g. in modular, layered or distributed architec-
tures). The connectionist side of AKIRA endorses the emergent and distributed
phenomena, exploiting the patterns of activation of the agents. The symbolic
side permits both to introduce top-down drives and structure and to manage
operations requiring semantic compositionality or explicit communication.
The Energetic Metaphor. Agents’ symbolic activity is influenced by their
connectionist side. The agents dynamics follow an Energetic Metaphor [14, 20]:
greater activation corresponds to a greater computational power, i.e. speed. Each
agent has an amount of computational resources that is proportional to its acti-
vation level (and is a measure of its relevance, both absolute and contextual, in
the current computation). More active agents have a priority in their symbolic
operations and their energetic exchanges. This mechanism permits to model a
range of cognitive phenomena such as context and priming effects, because ac-
tive agents are able to influence the others. As a consequence of the dynamics
of system (priority is related to the activation) and energetic exchanges between
related agents, in facts, each agent introduces a contextual pressure over the
computation even without explicit operations, but only being active; for exam-
ple, if an agent that recognizes a given visual feature is active, it will activate
or inhibit other visual agents, or it will influence the way other agents operate
on the same stimulus. Moreover, the results of its computation can be available
to other agents (as in the Pandemonium model), e.g. to higher-level feature-
integration agents; this capability will be used in the example in Section 5. The
converse is also true: agents that are salient in the same context evolve stronger
links and are able to recruit more energy. Many kinds of contextual pressures can
be naturally modeled using this schema, e.g. perceptual, goal-driven, cultural,
conceptual, memory-based, etc.
3It is important to notice that even subsymbolic mechanisms can be used, e.g. neural
networks. We call them “symbolic” since they are discrete processing unities, playing
identifiable roles: they are used as symbols by the rest of the system.
3 Structure and Components of AKIRA
AKIRA integrates features from MAS and Pandemonium. The agents are not
isolated but related each other and to a central resource; they can share energetic
resources; they can form assemblies called Coalitions; they can exchange explicit
messages via a Blackboard (as in MAS) and even exploit an implicit form of com-
munication [4], that consists in the observation of the activity of another agent,
that is routinely notified to the Blackboard; this feature is mainly exploited
for Pandemonium-like models. Here we briefly introduce the main components
of AKIRA: the kernel, called Pandemonium; the Agents, called Daemons; the
Blackboard. For full reference, see [21, 28].
The kernel is called Pandemonium; it acts like a management structure, per-
forming a number of routine actions such as managing the Blackboard and mon-
itoring the state of the agents. The agents are called Daemons; each one has a
thread of execution, a concurrent access to the Energy Pool and a functional
body where its behavior is specified. Daemons are not isolated: they can pass
messages, spread activation via the energetic links (that can be both prede-
fined and evolved) and on-the-fly join Coalitions. Each Daemon has a predefined
sequence of execution, repeated for each cycle; this includes the connectionist
operations (Tap ,Spread,Join,Pay, that will be introduced later) as well as the
symbolic one (Execute, that encapsulates the Daemon’s specific behavior). Each
Daemon has a private memory space for data and processes, and a queue for
incoming messages. In accordance with the Energetic Metaphor, its resources
and the priority of its thread are related to its current activation.
Even if each single Daemon can be programmed to realize arbitrarily complex
behavior, a central requirement for successfully modeling dynamic and contex-
tual effects is distributing the information and the control structure through-
out many Daemons and exploiting the built-in features of AKIRA such as the
energetic dynamics; thus complex ones should be realized either by high-level
Daemons exploiting the results of low-level ones, or by a whole Pandemonium.
AKIRA does not define any specific agent architecture but provides a set of pro-
totypes that can be extended for realizing agents having different design (e.g.
reactive, deliberative, layered) and capabilities. Their behavior is fully customiz-
able; moreover the AKIRA Macro Language provides a toolkit of widely used
algorithms and mechanisms to be exploited for agent programming, including
BDI [23], Behavior Networks [23], etc.
AKIRA has a Blackboard, a shared data structure, that is used both as a
message dispatcher between the Daemons and as a common workspace where the
Daemons notify their current activity and activation, even without an explicit
receiver; this feature can be exploited for implicit communication [4], as we will
show later. It has also an Energetic Network, involving all the links between the
Daemons. The Network is labeled, too, and it is possible to specify the links
behavior depending on the label.
3.1 AKIRA Energetic Model (AEM)
A major difference exist with many neural-like architectures: AKIRA has a cus-
tom energetic model, the AKIRA Energetic Model (AEM, [21]), exploiting some
ideas from Boltzmann Machines [18]. There is a centralized pool of resources,
the Energy Pool, that gives an upper bound to the resources that the Daemons
can tap. If a Daemon taps some resources, these are not available to the others
until they are released; the Daemons compete for energy (access to the Energy
Pool) and resources (e.g. access to the effectors, if included). Spreading activa-
tion has a special meaning here: the receiver takes it and the giver loses it; this
mechanism is similar to the Behavior Networks one [17] and it is mainly used as
a form of “weak delegation”: an agent spreads activation to another one that is
able to fulfill one of its needs in order to successively exploit its results.
Performing a symbolic operation has a cost in energy for the Daemon, that
is released to the Energy Pool before executing (this operation is called Pay ):
thus the Daemons have to accumulate a certain amount of energy before re-
ally operating4. The cost of an operation should be set in accordance with its
complexity and urgency: less cost means more easily activated. Fast and urgent
behaviors such as like stimulus-response ones can be represented by low-cost
operations. More complex cognitive operations are slower, since they need to
recruit a lot of energy; moreover, often they have to exploit operations by other
agents, or to join Coalitions.
For each cycle, if a Daemon successfully executes its symbolic operation, it
Pays some energy, that comes back to the Energy Pool and becomes ready to
be tapped by other Daemons; it also notifies its success to the Blackboard (this
operation is called Shout ). Shouting is not only used by other Daemons (as in a
Pandemonium model) as an information, but also for creating new links; it is a
request to other Daemons to be linked by them (or to reinforce existing links).
If a Daemon does not successfully execute its symbolic operation, it Spreads
its activation to its linked Daemons, that are more pertinent (or are able to
help it, realizing the previously described “weak delegation”), and weightens its
incoming links. Both successful and unsuccessful Daemons can reply to a Shout
and link with successful Daemons; this operation is called Join and it is the
basis for the formation of assemblies of Daemons called Coalitions. As a result
of Shouting and Joining, without any centralized control, the energy is conveyed
from unsuccessful to successful Daemons. Moreover, Daemons that are active
and salient in they same situation evolve stronger links, since they write and
read more often, and at the same time, from the Blackboard.
The activation of each Daemon is dynamically calculated for each cycle (this
operation is called Tap) and results from the sum of three elements: Base Pri-
ority,Energy Tapped and Energy Linked. The Base Priority should be set in
accordance with the importance of a given Daemon (or class of Daemons); it is
4Separating the activation of a Daemon from its possibility to really act allows to re-
tain the contextual relevance of partially activated agents while preventing too many
Daemons to fire actions in parallel (thus simplifying the control structure); moreover,
the cost mechanism prevents active Daemons to operate the same operation twice.
private and not shared neither with the Energy Pool nor with the other Daemons.
For example, a Daemon representing a concept can have as a default more acti-
vation than a Daemon representing a feature. The Energy Tapped depends on
the Tap Power attribute of each Daemon. For each cycle the Daemon tries to tap
a correspondent amount of energy from the Energy Pool (say 50); however, the
Pool could have less energy available (say 30), so the Energy Tapped indicates
only the energy really tapped. The Energy Linked is tapped from the incoming
links, providing that some other Daemons spread it. The network is not a simple
medium, but it actually contains some energy that is accessed concurrently by
the Daemons through the Tap and Spread operations. All the links are weighted
and this influences how much energy can be tapped. As an example, the Dae-
mons A, B and C have 50 energy units; they are all linked with one another, and
each link has weight 0.5. If A and B both spread before C taps, at the end A and
B will have 25 energy units and C 100 as Energy Linked. Base Priority and Tap
Power are conceived for modeling absolute relevance of a process. For example,
when a Daemon with a strong Tap Power is activated, he grows (energetically)
faster than others. This feature is useful for implementing high priority processes
(such as alarms in [26], that quickly have to obtain resources for e.g. fleeing).
Energy Linked indicates instead the contextual relevance of a Daemon, since the
network is dynamically rearranged in accordance with the contingent situation.
As a consequence of the AEM, the whole system is homeostatic: the resources
are bound to a limit and influence the computation. As we will discuss later, this
permits not only to endorse concurrence, but to model the concept of Tempera -
ture (used in Copycat) and some dynamics of Baars’ Global Workspace Theory
[2] (used in IDA). The AEM constrains the models that can be implemented
using AKIRA; in this sense, AKIRA is midway between a general framework
and a cognitive architecture. Of course the AEM, as well as many other compo-
nents, is only one of the available options; it can be replaced by other models (for
example, spreading activation in [7]); however, here we assume it as the default.
4 Comparison between Architectures
Here we compare AKIRA with the cognitive architectures DUAL [14], Copycat
[11], IDA [9] and with the Behavior Networks [17] action selection model.
4.1 AKIRA and DUAL
AKIRA and DUAL are both directly inspired by the Society of Mind. AKIRA
borrows from DUAL a number of ideas and technical solutions: e.g. micro-level
hybridization, Coalitions organization, variable speed of the parallel processors.
DUAL is thought as a cognitive architecture, so all models built on it should
use the same mechanisms (or a subset of them) as well as the same parame-
ter tuning. One of the most important claim underlying dynamic and emergent
cognitive modeling is that the whole set of micro-agents represent Long Term
Memory, while currently active ones represent Working Memory. Active agents
dynamically modify and operate on the working memory in highly context-
dependent way. DUAL agents, from the symbolic point of view, have all the
same structure: they are micro-frames, having general slots (e.g. type and ISA
relations) and frame-specific slots (that depend on the concept represented, e.g.
indicating one of its features or attributes). DUAL agents have weighted and
labeled links that are the medium for spreading activation; they mainly connect
related slots in the micro-frames. There is also the possibility to build temporary
links, to exchange symbolic messages and to use a marker passing mechanism.
AKIRA is not a cognitive architecture in itself and it is not committed to
a single agent model; it includes a rich macro language with many resources
for agent modeling (including BDI, fuzzy systems, neural networks, etc.). It is
being used for different tasks, such as social and socio-cognitive simulations [8],
decision making under uncertainty [22] and as a development tool for BDI agents
[21]. AKIRA is also suited for Pandemonium-like models; Section 5 provides an
example of this mechanism.
The Energetic Model. AKIRA and DUAL follow the same underlying prin-
ciple, the Energetic Metaphor [20]; however, there are many differences between
the two energetic models. DUAL implements the energetic metaphor by delayed
computations between the agents (in precedent versions [14] time sharing was
used). It exploits the spreading activation mechanism of [7] for passing energy
between the agents; there is also a decay mechanism that periodically lowers the
energy of the agents. DUAL agents also consume energy for their tasks and each
agent has a specific co nsu mption depending on its conceptual complexity [20].
Each DUAL agent has an individual start-executing threshold which is a subject
of learning. Thus micro-agents corresponding to important and often used pro-
cesses will have a low threshold and will start running even at low energy levels,
while others may require high energy levels; some may be able to run only when
they are in the focus of attention. Moreover, if the energy of an agent falls below
a certain threshold, its work is lost.
AKIRA exploits the AEM (introduced earlier). Differently from DUAL, in
AKIRA there is not a mechanism controlling the energetic level of the agents
(e.g. thresholds for starting or stopping them), but each agent has its own thread
of execution and its activation is directly mapped on the thread priority; thus,
a Daemon never really stops running. There is a cost mechanism that is similar
to consumption in DUAL; Pay is a specific phase in the Agent life cycle; there
is not a decay phase (but the same result can be obtained by specifying a little
default cost for each cycle in the Pay phase).
The two systems can address the same class of phenomena. AKIRA, being
not a cognitive architecture, is more open and allows programmers to plug-in
different options. The more important difference is the energetic model: AEM
is conceived for modeling control structures and it is similar to some models in
behavior-based robotics, where decentralization of control and data structures
is very important.
Coalitions. Coalitions are interconnected sets of agents (via permanent or tem-
porary links) that can exchange energy and symbolic content. DUAL assembles
Coalitions by recognizing “time bindings” between Daemons: a specialized Agent
called the Coalition manager is responsible for forming them by monitoring the
activation level of all the micro-agents. In AKIRA Coalition formation is instead
a distributed activity exploiting the (Shout and Join)operationsoftheDae-
mons. Coalitions can not only be “flat”, i.e. composed of Daemons at the same
level of complexity, but can have hierarchies and layers; we call the former Bands
and the latter Hordes. While a Band mainly emerges as an auto-organization of
many agents at the same level of complexity, an Horde mainly arises thanks to
the top-down pressures of a “leader” Daemon called Archon5. Hordes can be
exploited as organizing elements; for example, they can simulate a K-line in the
Society of Mind model (in this case the Archon is a kind of “handler” that only
activates other Daemons). Hordes can also be used for introducing top-down
pressures; this is the case of meta-processes in Pandemonium style, where an
Archon monitors and drives the activity of many Daemons (see the example
in Section 5). Differently from DUAL, where learning is mainly realized at the
network level, introducing hierarchies of Coalitions permits a form of episodic
learning that is close to case-based reasoning: a new Archon is built when a Band
meets some requisites (e.g. it is stable, new, etc.)6.
4.2 AKIRA and Copycat
Differently from DUAL and AKIRA, that are hybrid at the micro level, Copy-
cat (and similar models in [11]) keep the knowledge and the procedure levels
separated, having both a semantic network and a procedural memory. It in-
troduces the Slipnet, a kind of semantic network where the links between the
concept are labeled by other concepts inside the same network; thus, when a
concept becomes relevant, it strengthens the associated links. Procedures are
called Codelets and they are kept separated from the semantic network; their
priority depend on their activating concepts (into the Slipnet). They run con-
currently, but in a stochastic and not parallel way: each one has a probability
5The distinction between Bands and Hordes resides mostly at the design level. We
use the term top-down for stressing the fact that the control flow is more driven from
the higher level. Of course top-down and bottom-up processes coexist and smoothly
interact into the framework. As a design rule, powerful Archons should be avoided,
because their top-down pressures can have strong centralization effects.
6Some implementation details: DUAL is implemented by using an extension of LISP
called S-LISP (suspendable LISP) [20]; it is not really parallel, but permits to simu-
late a parallel process by using delayed evaluation of each symbolic operation carried
on by the agents. The same mathematical model can be in principle extended to a
parallel architecture and to a parallel hardware. AKIRA is fully written in C++; it
integrates many open source libraries and runs under Linux platform. The system
is parallel and works both with serial and parallel hardware. It is also possible to
have many kernels implementing multiple societies that interact, using a client-server
scheme and to interface external components (e.g. agents or objects).
to be chosen for activation depending on their current priority (otherwise they
reside in a stochastic coderack, the procedural memory); this feature introduces
non determinism and variability in the system behavior, performing a special
context-aware search that is called paral lel terraced s can. In AKIRA the declar-
ative and procedural parts can both be included into the Daemons; however, the
labels of the Energetic Network can be exploited for building semantic networks
such as the Slipnet by using as nodes Daemons containing only semantic content
and no operations. Copycat introduces also the concept of Tem pe rature of the
system: it is represented by the currently used energy; it can increase and de-
crease over time and it is proportional to how far the system is from a solution
(e.g. a well formed analogy). In AKIRA Temperature is en emergent property
of the system and depends on how much energy is tapped from the energy Pool;
as in Copycat, the assumption is that many Daemons and Coalitions can com-
pete as concurrent hypothesis (e.g. different analogies for a situation); a hot
system is far from stabilization and performs quick-and-dirty computation, with
rapid hypothesis shift; a cold system indicates stability and successful solutions,
computing in a more conservative way.
4.3 AKIRA and IDA
IDA [9] (Intelligent Distribution Agent) is a complex cognitive architecture de-
veloped for the US Navy. It includes a number of systems: the Sparse Distributed
Memory [13], used as an associative work memory; a perceptive module based on
the Copycat architecture; an action selection module using Behavior Networks
(with the significant addition of variables); an emotive control module using neu-
ral networks [18]; a meta-cognitive module using fuzzy classifiers (an extension
of [3]); a Pandemonium model [12] for deliberation and passage to voluntary ac-
tion. IDA includes in a single framework many theoretical approaches; however,
it does fully integrates them at the low level, e.g. by using the same underly-
ing mechanisms, but the systems are kept quite independent and juxtaposed as
modules. This feature introduces a certain amount of rigidity, because they can
influence each other only in a limited way. IDA is based on the Global Workspace
Theory (GWT) of Baars [2], where many subconscious processes compete for the
access to “consciousness”: processes having more priority are explicitly selected
for “entering the consciousness spot”, where they can broadcast messages to all
the other processes (they can ask help to all the other processes for resolving
their tasks). Daemons and Coalitions in AKIRA compete for resources and even
for an attentional spot (we prefer not to call it consciousness); however, there
is no extra mechanism for this, because the energetic dynamics make some pro-
cesses more influent than others. Moreover, in AKIRA more active Daemons
have more frequent access to the Blackboard, so their requests are sent more
frequently and can reach more other Daemons; this default functionality can
be used in substitution of broadcasting. Some AKIRA local dynamics resemble
those proposed in the GWT (and are similar to Temperature): e.g. interesting,
unsolved problems lead to “hot” Coalitions, with many Daemons joining them.
Solved problems require no more attention (except perhaps for learning).
4.4 AKIRA and the Behavior Networks
Behavior Networks [17] are an action selection mechanism inspired by the dis-
trib uted control and situated action paradigms of behavior-based robotics. BNs
include goals,facts and competence modules. Modules and goals are in concur-
rence as in a constraint satisfaction network and there is activation flow between
them; depending on the goals as well as on the bottom-up pressures of active
facts, the more contextually appropriate module is selected for activation. In
this way planning is never predetermined, but it is on-line and context sensitive.
Subgoaling is implicit: if a module has a false fact as a precondition, it spreads
activation to another module that is able to make it true (subgoals are not ex-
plicitly represented). However, all these dynamics are realized with a centralized
mechanism: for each cycle, the BN is run and the more active module is selected.
If its activation is over a certain threshold, it is executed; if not, the threshold
is lowered and the cycle restarts.
AKIRA uses a similar energetic model (e.g. spreading activation means giving
energy), but with an extra feature, the Energy Pool, that gives an upper bound
to the resources that can be used. Moreover, AKIRA is realized in a fully parallel
way and there is not a cycle of control similar to the BNs. In order to be more
adaptive in dynamic environments, the BN do not store representations (e.g.
variables in modules), but each action is totally specialized. This feature seriously
weakens their scalability; some models have been proposed using instead deictic
representations (a single variable, the “attentional focus” is passed between the
modules) or variables [9]. AKIRA actions are carried on by Daemons, that are
like nodes in the BN sense; however, they are much more complex and can store
(and pass) any kind of variable or object.
5 A Sample Simulation in the Visual Search Domain
Here we describe a sample simulation in the Visual Search domain [27]; this ex-
ample is provided not for its cognitive plausibility (and it is not compared with
human data), but in order to show how it is possible to exploit the features of
AKIRA for cognitive modeling. In fact, even if by using AKIRA it is possible
to realize the same model in many different computational ways, we want to
stress the use of some of its peculiar features, such as the competition between
the agents produced by the Energy Pool. In this simulation an agent is realized
involving the whole Pandemonium: the task is performed by a number of Dae-
mons operating concurrently and not by a centralized process. Daemons with
different specialization reside in different layers; some of them are sensitive to
the environment; some others to the activity of the Daemons in the lower layers.
The task involves two visual features: two colors and two letters; the agent has to
find the red “T” in a picture (the environment) containing many distractors [27]
(green “Ts” and red “Ls”). The agent can not see the picture all together, but
only the content of its movable spotlight, consisting in three concentric spaces
having good, mild and bad resolution (a very simplified model of human fovea).
The involved Daemons are divided into five layers:
1. Full Points Detectors. Each Daemon monitors a point of the spotlight, e.g.
the left corner. There are Daemons for the inner, central and outer spotlight;
inner ones are more numerous and have more Tap Power; central ones have
less, and outer ones the worse one. They directly ask to the environment: is
this point full or empty? and notify the result to the Blackboard.
2. Color Recognizers. In visual search tasks there can be processes special-
ized for different features (size, orientation, location, etc.), but for this sample
simulation we only use Color Recognizers. They monitor the activity of the
Full Points Detectors; if they find a “full” point, they ask e.g. is this point
red? or is this point green? and notify the result to the Blackboard.
3. Line Recognizers. They recognize particular shapes (sequences of points
having the same color) as lines. They have not a permanent memory and
they are not able to store the position of the points and to build a map of
the environment; they only can concatenate on-line two or more consecutive
points of the same color and communicate their position to the Blackboard.
4. Letter Recognizers. They are more complex shape recognizers, using the
information provided by the Line Recognizers for assembling “Ls” or “Ts”
(even having different orientations).
5. Spotlight Mover. A single Daemon receives commands from all the other
ones (e.g. move to the left) and consequently moves the center of the spotlight
(the area of influence of the Full Points Detectors is of course affected, too).
Fig. 1. Left: the components of the simulation. Right: a sample trajectory.
The left part of Figure 1 shows the Daemons involved into the simulation; the
layers are numbered. The simulation starts by setting a Goal Daemon,represent-
ing e.g. “Find the Red T”. It is actually an Archon and it spreads activation to
the “Red Recognizer” and the “T Recognizer” (the arrows represent the links),
introducing a strong goal directed pressure: at the beginning of the task some
Daemons are more active than others (dark and white circles). The dotted lines
represent instead the monitoring activities performed by the Daemons: if a Dae-
mon successfully matches, some Daemons in the higher layers can exploit its
activity. Thus, during the simulation there will be more or less active Daemons
influencing the overall process. Successful Daemons send commands to the Spot-
light Mover, too; it dynamically sums them up (there is also a certain inertia),
and the spotlight traces a trajectory (starting from the center), as illustrated in
the right part of Figure 1. Each Daemon tries to move the spotlight where it
anticipates there is something relevant for its matching operation. For example,
if the Red Recognizer matches something in a certain point, it tries to move
there the center of the spotlight; the Green Recognizer does the contrary, but
with much less energy, because it does not receive any activation from the Goal
Daemon. The Line and Letter Recognizers try to move the spotlight in the sur-
roundings of already matched points in order to verify if there is a complete
line or letter and its position. The simulation ends when the Goal Daemon re-
ceives simultaneous success information from the two Daemons it controls. The
search process results thus from an interplay of bottom-up pressures (e.g. Full
Points Detectors that succeed attract the attention of Color Recognizers) and
top-down search strategies (e.g. Letter Recognizers trying to complete their com-
plex pattern matching). The whole process is context aware: there is of course
a goal context, introduced by the Goal Daemon; and in fact different goals lead
to different trajectories. However, all the features in the picture can in princi-
ple introduce a little pressure over the whole computation. For example, a Red
Recognizer Daemon is attracted by all the red elements and tries to move the
spotlight consequently; a green element creates an “avoidance zone”. The main
point of the model is that the context of the task is not explicitly represented
as a single entity, but it influences the activity of all the Daemons: the colors
influence the Color Recognizers; the shape, the orientation and the size of the
letters influence the complexity of the pattern matching of the Line and Letter
Recognizers; the position, both absolute and relative, of the letters influences
the Full Points Detectors and in consequence all the Daemons; etc. 7
The simulation uses the AKIRA Energetic Model; Daemons exchange activa-
tion with the Energy Pool and the priority of their symbolic operations depend
on their activation; they also evolve temporary links. Daemons in the upper lay-
ers have more Base Activation, reflecting their power of introducing top-down
perssures; since they perform more complex symbolic operations, they have even
higher costs. The Spotlight Mover receives commands from all the other Dae-
mons and sums them up, thus the movement of the spotlight depends on all
their pressures; but Daemons that succeed in their operations and are thus more
relevant can write more times on the Blackboard, so they have more influence
on the Spotlight movement. It is not an aim of the present paper to discuss the
cognitive plausibility and the limitations of the model; we only used it for show-
ing how to exploit the peculiarities of AKIRA for cognitive modeling. However,
it is worth noticing that some visual search phenomena such as the pop out e ect
[27] in the single feature case (if there were only green Ls) and the interference
[27] between two features (in the example, colors and letters) are easily modeled
by using distributed representations and processes in Pandemonium style.
7In a sense there are not explicit representations at all, but only distributed processes
that are interpreted as representations. For example, an active Red Recognizer can
be interpreted as “there is a red point here” by another Daemon monitoring it.
6 Conclusions and Future Work
We have introduced AKIRA, a platform for cognitive modeling; we have ex-
plained some of its main principles, including how it exploits distributed repre-
sentations and processes and how it models the Energetic Metaphor. We have
shown its components and described its features for agent modeling. We have
discussed the main differences with related models such as DUAL, Copycat, IDA
and the Behavior Networks. Up to the moment, AKIRA has been successfully
exploited for a number of projects, including socio-cognitive simulations [8], goal
oriented processing [21], decision making under uncertainty [22].
In the sample visual search simulation at the moment there is no memory
of past searches: the Pandemonium starts anew for each simulation. We are
now improving the model by storing the learned links; in this way it should
be able to account for some implicit learning phenomena. For example, in the
Contextual Cueing paradigm [6] the subject (in repeated experiments) learns to
use some contextual information, such as the relative position, orientation and
distance of the letters, without being able to explicitly report them. Permanent
links, that can of course cross the layers, can be created or strengthened when
a successful solution is achieved, thus reinforcing a certain search path, because
good trajectories are rewarded. Links can also be created or reinforced when
a Daemon exploits an information produced by another one, thus reinforcing a
certain pattern of activation of the Daemons; e.g. if a certain Full Points Detector
is useful for a Color Recognizer, the latter will spread it some energy in order to
exploit successively its results. By now the Energetic Network is only exploited by
the Goal Daemon that links some Recognizers; after the learning phase it should
work also as an associative memory, implicitly representing some information
(e.g. left corners are uninteresting)andrules(e.g.when there is a green zone,
move to the left or when you find a red spot awaken the letter recognizers). This
capability should make the model able to be primed and to recall past pictures,
extracting from them some cues for the new search.
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... The AKIRA hybrid architecture addresses control rather than learning [257] and is designed around concurrent code fragments. These fragments are organized in a weighted dynamic network of dependencies, competing for budget-constrained computing power on the basis of their expected outcome (goal satisfaction). ...
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Recent years have seen an explosion in academic, industrial, and popular interest in AI, as exemplified by machine learning and primarily driven by the widely-reported successes of deep- and reinforcement learning (e.g. [314, 315, 351]). Deep learning is essentially predicated on the notion that, with a sufficiently large training set, the statistical correlations captured by training will actually be causal [310]. However, in the absence of convergence theorems to support this, it remains a hypothesis. Indeed, insofar as there is evidence, it increasingly indicates to the contrary, since the application of enormous volumes of computational effort has still failed to deliver models with the generalization capability of an infant. There is accordingly increasing discussion about what further conceptual or practical insights might be required [57]. At the time of writing, the very definition of deep learning is in flux, with one Turing Award laureate defining it as “a way to try to make machines intelligent by allowing computers to learn from examples” and another as “differentiable programming”. We argue in the following that deep learning is highly unlikely to yield intelligence, at the very least while it equates intelligence with “solving a regression problem”.
... The AKIRA hybrid architecture addresses control rather than learning [257] and is designed around concurrent code fragments. These fragments are organized in a weighted dynamic network of dependencies, competing for budget-constrained computing power on the basis of their expected outcome (goal satisfaction). ...
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Deep learning (DL) has emerged as the dominant branch of machine learning, becoming the state of the art for machine intelligence in various domains. As discussed in the previous chapter, this has led some researchers to believe that deep learning could hypothetically scale to achieve general intelligence. However, there is increasing consensus (e.g. [57, 210, 230]) that the techniques do not scale as well as was anticipated to harder problems. In particular, deep learning methods find their strength in automatically synthesizing distributed quantitative features from data. These features are useful insofar as they enable mostly reliable classification and regression, and in some limited cases also few- or zero-shot transfer to related tasks. However, it is increasingly questionable whether deep learning methods are appropriate for autonomous roles in environments that are not strongly constrained. While there are still countless use-cases for narrow artificial intelligence, many of the truly transformative use-cases can only be realized by general intelligence
... The AKIRA hybrid architecture addresses control rather than learning [257] and is designed around concurrent code fragments. These fragments are organized in a weighted dynamic network of dependencies, competing for budget-constrained computing power on the basis of their expected outcome (goal satisfaction). ...
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Reinforcement learning was historically established as a descriptive model of learning in animals [234], [324], [32], [279] then recast as a framework for optimal control [331].
... The AKIRA hybrid architecture addresses control rather than learning [257] and is designed around concurrent code fragments. These fragments are organized in a weighted dynamic network of dependencies, competing for budget-constrained computing power on the basis of their expected outcome (goal satisfaction). ...
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The system architecture presented in Chapter controls (i.e., sustains and constrains) the invocation of the inference methods introduced in Chapter. In this chapter, we describe the methods of higher level inference in more detail.
... The AKIRA hybrid architecture addresses control rather than learning [257] and is designed around concurrent code fragments. These fragments are organized in a weighted dynamic network of dependencies, competing for budget-constrained computing power on the basis of their expected outcome (goal satisfaction). ...
... The AKIRA hybrid architecture addresses control rather than learning [257] and is designed around concurrent code fragments. These fragments are organized in a weighted dynamic network of dependencies, competing for budget-constrained computing power on the basis of their expected outcome (goal satisfaction). ...
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Machine learning excels at inducing mappings from data, but struggles to induce causal hierarchies. In contrast, symbolic reasoning (in particular, when considered as an expression language ) can represent any form of domain knowledge and can index into code or data via pattern matching.
... The AKIRA hybrid architecture addresses control rather than learning [257] and is designed around concurrent code fragments. These fragments are organized in a weighted dynamic network of dependencies, competing for budget-constrained computing power on the basis of their expected outcome (goal satisfaction). ...
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In this chapter, semantic closure meets system engineering: we describe how SCL systems can be constructed and controlled in practice, casting a developmental perspective on automation which we call ‘2nd order automation engineering’. Let us first give context to our objective, starting with a quote from Bundy and McNeil [40], who described in 2006 what they considered to be ‘a major goal of artificial intelligence research over the next 50 years’.
... The AKIRA hybrid architecture addresses control rather than learning [257] and is designed around concurrent code fragments. These fragments are organized in a weighted dynamic network of dependencies, competing for budget-constrained computing power on the basis of their expected outcome (goal satisfaction). ...
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The research field of AI is concerned with devising theories, methods, and workflows for producing software artifacts which behave as intelligent subjects. Evidently, intelligence, as the property of an agent, is not of necessity inherited from the methods used to construct it: that a car has been assembled by robots does not make it a robot. Unfortunately, even this obvious distinction can sometimes be erased in some prominent published work. To wit: the statement, “an agent that performs sufficiently well on a sufficiently wide range of tasks is classified as intelligent” was recently published by DeepMind [273] to give context to a paper claiming to have developed “the first deep RL agent that outperforms the standard human benchmark on all 57 Atari games” [14]. This invites the inference that the range of the tasks (57 games) that have been achieved warrants calling the advertised agent ‘intelligent’. However, careful reading of the paper reveals that the authors have in fact developed 57 different agents. Granted, this was achieved using the same development method and system architecture, but 57 agents were nonetheless trained, rather than the claimed single agent. Here is a prime example of distilled confusion: a property (applicability to 57 tasks) of one construction method (instantiating the Agent57 system architecture) has just been ‘magically’ transferred to some 57 artifacts produced by the method.
... The AKIRA hybrid architecture addresses control rather than learning [257] and is designed around concurrent code fragments. These fragments are organized in a weighted dynamic network of dependencies, competing for budget-constrained computing power on the basis of their expected outcome (goal satisfaction). ...
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The failure of GOFAI created a vacancy for a new guiding philosophy for AI.
... The AKIRA hybrid architecture addresses control rather than learning [257] and is designed around concurrent code fragments. These fragments are organized in a weighted dynamic network of dependencies, competing for budget-constrained computing power on the basis of their expected outcome (goal satisfaction). ...
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In many respects, machine learning’s current concerns are reminiscent of those which heralded the rejection of GOFAI.
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In this paper we use a contract net protocol in order to compare various delegation strategies. We have implemented some different agents, having a set of tasks to delegate (or to perform by themselves); the tasks are performed by the agents in a dynamic environment, that can help or worse their activity. The agent rely upon different strategies in order to choose whom to delegate. We implemented three classes of trustiers: a random trustier (who randomly chooses the trustee whom delegate the task to); a statistical trustier (who builds the trustworthiness of other agents only on the basis of their previous performances); a cognitive trustier (who builds a sophisticated and cognitively motivated trust model of the trustee, taking into account its specific features, its ability and motivational disposition, and the impact of the environment on its performance). Our experiments show the advantage of using cognitive representations.
This article presents a series of simulation experiments investigating the interaction of memory and analogy-making in the AMBR model. This interaction leads to blending be- tween superficially dissimilar episodes as a result of the established analogical mapping between them and of superficially and struc- turally dissimilar episodes as a result of a dou- ble analogy with a third episode. The condi- tions for the emergence of such a blending are explored on the basis of a proposed specific analogy-like retrieval mechanism.
Where does meaning enter the picture in artificial intelligence? How can we say that a machine possesses understanding? Where, and how, does such understanding happen? These are among the deepest and hardest questions faced by the field of artificial intelligence, which, as many claim, has not yielded much about them so far. But some results may be just around the corner to some, and that group includes Douglas Hofstadter and the Fluid Analogies Research Group. They have been developing some...