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Accuracy of ultrasound-guided intraarticular injections in Guinea pig knees



Dunkin Hartley guinea pigs, a commonly used animal model of osteoarthritis, were used to determine if high frequency ultrasound can ensure intra-articular injections are accurately positioned in the knee joint. A high-resolution small animal ultrasound system with a 40 MHz transducer was used for image-guided injections. A total of 36 guinea pigs were anaesthetised with isoflurane and placed on a heated stage. Sterile needles were inserted directly into the knee joint medially, while the transducer was placed on the lateral surface, allowing the femur, tibia and fat pad to be visualised in the images. B-mode cine loops were acquired during 100 µl. We assessed our ability to visualise 1) important anatomical landmarks, 2) the needle and 3) anatomical changes due to the injection. From the ultrasound images, we were able to visualise clearly the movement of anatomical landmarks in 75% of the injections. The majority of these showed separation of the fat pad (67.1%), suggesting the injections were correctly delivered in the joint space. We also observed dorsal joint expansion (23%) and patellar tendon movement (10%) in a smaller subset of injections. The results demonstrate that this image-guided technique can be used to visualise the location of an intra-articular injection in the joints of guinea pigs. Future studies using an ultrasound-guided approach could help improve the injection accuracy in a variety of anatomical locations and animal models, in the hope of developing anti-arthritic therapies. Cite this article: Bone Joint Res 2015;4:1-5. ©2015 The British Editorial Society of Bone & Joint Surgery.
VOL. 4, No. 1, JANUARY 2015 1
Accuracy of ultrasound-guided intra-
articular injections in guinea pig knees
N. Vázquez-
G. J. Breur,
A. Panitch,
C. J. Goergen
From Purdue
University, West
Lafayette, Indiana,
United States
N. Vázquez-Portalatín, BS,
Graduate Student, Weldon
School of Biomedical Engineering
G. J. Breur, DVM, MS, PhD,
Professor of Small Animal
Surgery, Department of
Veterinary Clinical Sciences
A. Panitch, PhD, Leslie A.
Geddes Professor of Biomedical
Engineering, Weldon School of
Biomedical Engineering
C. J. Goergen, PhD, Assistant
Professor of Biomedical
Engineering, Weldon School of
Biomedical Engineering
Purdue University, West
Lafayette, Indiana 47907, USA.
Correspondence should be sent
to Professor C. J. Goergen; e-mail:
2000370 $2.00
Bone Joint Res 2015;4:1–5.
Received 23 September 2014;
Accepted 10 December 2014
Dunkin Hartley guinea pigs, a commonly used animal model of osteoarthritis, were used to
determine if high frequency ultrasound can ensure intra-articular injections are accurately
positioned in the knee joint.
A high-resolution small animal ultrasound system with a 40 MHz transducer was used for
image-guided injections. A total of 36 guinea pigs were anaesthetised with isoflurane and
placed on a heated stage. Sterile needles were inserted directly into the knee joint medially,
while the transducer was placed on the lateral surface, allowing the femur, tibia and fat pad
to be visualised in the images. B-mode cine loops were acquired during 100 μl. We assessed
our ability to visualise 1) important anatomical landmarks, 2) the needle and 3) anatomical
changes due to the injection.
From the ultrasound images, we were able to visualise clearly the movement of anatomical
landmarks in 75% of the injections. The majority of these showed separation of the fat pad
(67.1%), suggesting the injections were correctly delivered in the joint space. We also
observed dorsal joint expansion (23%) and patellar tendon movement (10%) in a smaller
subset of injections.
The results demonstrate that this image-guided technique can be used to visualise the
location of an intra-articular injection in the joints of guinea pigs. Future studies using an
ultrasound-guided approach could help improve the injection accuracy in a variety of
anatomical locations and animal models, in the hope of developing anti-arthritic therapies.
Cite this article: Bone Joint Res 2015;4:1–5.
Article focus
Dunkin Hartley guinea pigs develop
osteoarthritis spontaneously and have
small knee joints.
Injections into the joint space of these ani-
mals are often performed without confir-
mation that the injection is delivered to
the correct location.
Can high frequency ultrasound be used
to improve intra-articular knee injections
in small animals?
Key messages
High frequency ultrasound can be used to
visualise intra-articular needle placement
and injections in the knee joints of guinea
Separation of the fat pad showed fluid
accumulation near the cartilage surface,
confirming injections were in the correct
This imaging method could be used with
other animal models to ensure the correct
positioning of injections when develop-
ing anti-osteoarthritic therapies.
Strengths and limitations
Strength: Real-time visualisation of nee-
dle placement and intra-articular injec-
tions with ultrasound can be used to
Freely available online
Keywords : osteoarthritis; car tilage; guinea pig; ultrasound; intra-articular; injection
improve accuracy and confirm delivery location of
anti-arthritic therapies.
Limitation: We were not able to visualise 25% of the
injections due to the small size of the knee joint, diffi-
culties with probe positioning, variation in the location
of the needle tip and unanticipated animal limb move-
ment during the injection. More practice and longer
recordings could improve this rate of visualisation.
Osteoarthritis is a chronic joint condition characterised by
joint pain, crepitus, reduction of range of movement and
variable degrees of inflammation, cartilage erosion and
subchondral changes in bone. It is estimated that some-
where between 15% and 20% of the entire US population
suffers from some form of arthritis.1 While osteoarthritis
occurs at multiple locations, cartilage breakdown in the
knee leads to significant comorbidities since these are
weight-bearing joints.2 The development of locally
injected anti-arthritic drugs to limit or even prevent carti-
lage breakdown is a current area of research,3-6 but it is
difficult to ensure that injected material is deposited adja-
cent to cartilage in the synovial space. These false posi-
tives can lead to the question of whether a therapy is not
working correctly or has simply not been delivered to the
right location. Previous clinical studies in humans have
demonstrated that ultrasound guidance will improve the
accuracy of an intra-articular injection,7-10 but similar
studies that focus on animal disease models have not
been conducted. Indeed, the small size of many labora-
tory animals requires high frequency ultrasound capable
of producing images with good image resolution at shal-
low depths.11- 13
Dunkin Hartley guinea pigs develop spontaneous, age-
related osteoarthritis, characterised by cartilage degener-
ation, osteophyte formation, subchondral bone changes
and synovitis, making these animals a popular disease
model for the human condition.14 These albino guinea
pigs h ave hi stolo gical evid ence of osteo arth rit is as ea rly as
three months old and disease severity continues to
increase with age. Previous work has shown that proteo-
glycan content increases, collagen concentration in carti-
lage decreases, and radiological changes (including
osteophyte formation, sclerosis of subchondral bone,
femoral condyle cyst formation and calcification of collat-
eral ligaments) present more in older animals.14 At the
level of the tibial plateau, their knee joints are typically
2 cm to 3 cm in the cranio-caudal direction and 1 cm to
2 cm in the medio-lateral direction. The joint is < 1 cm
below the skin’s surface in the parapatellar region. These
features thus make visualisation with high frequency
ultrasound possible.
The purpose of this study was to determine if high fre-
quency ultrasound could be used to ensure intra-articular
injections were correctly deposited in the knee joint. While
we focused on the knees of Dunkin Hartley guinea pigs,
the methods of ultrasound-guided injection described
here could be used to improve accuracy of injection in a
variety of small animal models. Indeed, joint visualisation
should be possible as long as the anatomy allows for both
needle insertion and placement of the ultrasound trans-
ducer head. We did not focus on direct visualisation of the
needle with ultrasound, but rather the movement and
changes within the intra-articular space in order to quan-
tify the location of the injection. Future small animal stud-
ies using this ultrasound-guided approach can help
confirm intra-articular deposition of injected fluid and aid
in the development of anti-arthritic therapies.
Materials and Methods
A total of 216 injections in 36 Dunkin Hartley guinea pigs
were imaged for this study: 12 animals received one injec-
tion bilaterally, 12 animals received three injections bilat-
erally, and 12 animals received five injections bilaterally.
The right stifle joints were injected with 100 μl of phos-
phate-buffered saline and the left joints with 100 μl of a
proteoglycan (aggrecan) mimetic. Animals were anaes-
thetised with 2% to 5% isoflurane in 2 L/min O2 using a
chamber and a mask. The hair covering both knee joints
was removed with clippers and the skin was scrubbed
with chlorhexidine gluconate (2% dilution) and sterile
saline. The rate of respiration was monitored visually and
each animal was placed on a heated stage to maintain
body temperature. Depth of anaesthesia was assessed
with periodic toe pinches. Alcohol swabs were used to
clean the transducer and stage between animals.
A high-resolution small animal ultrasound system was
used for the image-guided injections (Vevo2100,
FUJIFILM VisualSonics Inc., Toronto, Canada). A 256-
element, 40 MHz linear transducer with a 7.0 mm geo-
metric focus (MS550D) was clamped to an adjustable
bench-mounted rail system designed for the positioning
of a small animal. The axial, lateral and elevation image
resolution were 40 μm, 90 μm and 193 μm, respectively.
Guinea pigs were positioned in dorsal recumbency on
the heated stage such that the knee joint could be easily
manipulated (Fig. 1).
A sterile 28-gauge needle was then inserted approxi-
mately halfway between the patella and tibial tuberosity,
just medial to the patellar tendon. The needle was
inserted into the knee joint until it was in direct contact
with the medial condyle of the femur, without the benefit
of ultrasound visualisation (Fig. 1). We then applied ster-
ile ultrasound gel over the lateral joint area before lower-
ing the ultrasound probe to the animal. Moderate
extension of the joint and firmly pushing the back of the
leg against the transducer surface is crucial to visualise
the tibial plateau, medial femoral condyle and fat pad at
the same time. We further refined the joint position until
lucent lines separating the fat pad and tibia and fat pad
and femur, representing joint space and articular carti-
lage, were clearly distinguishable (Fig. 2). The needle was
VOL. 4, No. 1, JANUARY 2015
inserted at an angle of 45° to the long axis of the ultra-
sound transducer in order to image the entire joint,
including the femur, tibia and fat pad. Once an accept-
able orientation was obtained, a 500-frame B-mode cine
loop of approximately five seconds was acquired during
the 100 μl injection of aggrecan mimic or PBS (control).
For each animal, one knee received aggrecan mimic injec-
tions while the contralateral joint received PBS injections.
We then assessed our ability to visualise 1) important ana-
tomical landmarks, 2) the needle and 3) anatomical
changes due to the injection.
Anatomical landmarks of the knee joint could be distin-
guished from the ultrasound images in all animals (Fig. 2)
and clearly visualised in 75% of the injections (Table I). We
defined ‘visualised’ injections as those where separation,
movement, or expansion due to the build-up of intra-
articular fluid was observed of the fat pad, of the joint
space dorsal to the patella and trochlea, or of the patellar
tendon. Separation of the fat pad was identified when the
fat pad was physically pushed away from the femur or
tibia (Fig. 3). Dorsal joint expansion was identified when
fluid or bubbles moved into the joint space proximal to
the patella or trochlea. Finally, movement of the patellar
tendon was identified as injections that led to a pressure
increase that caused the tendon to bend or arch. No differ-
ences between injections of aggrecan mimic or PBS were
observed. Table I summarises our results by identifying
and characterising several anatomical features and
observed movement due to the injections.
The vast majority of the ultrasound images where the
injection was visualised also showed separation of the fat
pad (145 of 162; 89.5%), providing confidence that the
injected fluid was delivered to the correct location.
Furthermore, proximal/superior joint expansion was
observed both with and without separation of the fat
pad. Only 12 of the 50 injections where dorsal joint space
expansion was observed occurred without separation of
the fat pad. We also observed small bubbles in 28 of the
images (Fig. 4a), an occurrence that increased echo-
genicity of the injected fluid and helped with visualisa-
tion. Finally, five injections led to subcutaneous
expansion below the skin surface but above the patellar
tendon (Fig. 4b).
The results of this study suggest that high frequency
ultrasound can be used to measure the accuracy of intra-
articular injections in the knee joints of Dunkin Hartley
guinea pigs. Because of the size of the stifle joint and the
need to maintain aseptic technique, insertion of the nee-
dle under ultrasound guidance was not possible. How-
ever, we were able to demonstrate that 75% of the
injections were deposited intra-articularly. The small knee
joint size, difficulties with probe positioning, variation in
the location of the needle tip and unanticipated animal
limb movement during the injection are likely reasons
why we were not able to visualise 25% of the injections.
Furthermore, even though we made a strong effort to
keep the ultrasound probe position consistent, the innate
variation between animals and the fast injection times
meant that visualisation was not always possible. In
future studies, longer cine loops of more than 500 frames
can be obtained to help ensure the exact time of injection
is acquired with the ultrasound system.
We realised during this study that several small
changes could be made to improve visualisation of the
injection. First, we began adding a small amount of air
into the syringes in order to create bubbles during the
injection. These bubbles helped us distinguish exactly
where the injected fluid appeared and spread. Similarly,
contrast-enhanced ultrasound using gas-filled micro-
bubbles has become common in clinical imaging.15
Fig. 1
Photograph of intra-articular injections in the right knee of a guinea
pig. Image shows the ultrasound transducer, needle and knee during
the injection. The right hand of the operator held the syringe that was
inserted in the joint, while the left hand controlled the positioning of
the limb of the guinea pig. The ultrasound probe, clamped to an
adjustable rail system (not shown), was oriented in a craniolateral-cau-
domedial oblique direction.
Fig. 2
Example ultrasound image of a knee joint with labels over the femur
(‘F’), tibia (‘T’), superior joint space and fat pad. These anatomical
landmarks were observed for each injection.
Second, the knee joints were also placed on the left side
of the image such that both the fat pad and superior joint
space could be visualised at the same time. This joint
placement facilitated observation of injections that
spread from the centre of the joint into the superior joint
space. Finally, small movements of the needle, before the
injection, allowed us to localise the tip location by either
visualisation of the metal artefact caused by the needle, or
from movement of adjacent tissue. While the 90° orienta-
tion difference between the probe and needle reduced
our ability to directly visualise the tip, small amounts of
movement of the needle helped to ensure tip placement
near the cartilage surface. Our experience also suggests
that both the success of the injection and quality of the
image improves with practice.
This high frequency technique of ultrasound injection
could be used to help guide intra-articular needle place-
ment for studies that focus on developing treatments for
osteoarthritis with a variety of animal models. While we
focused on the knee in this study, the hip, shoulder,
elbow, or any other joint where arthritis is common,
could also benefit from the use of ultrasound to improve
the accuracy of injections. This is particularly important
as advancements in protein and tissue engineering have
led to exciting new potential candidates that may one day
slow, prevent, or even reverse cartilage damage.5,6
The choice of animal models and anatomy will influ-
ence the ideal ultrasound frequency and position of the
probe. Larger animals or joints deep within the body
would likely require transducer frequencies of < 40 MHz
due to the inverse relationship between frequency and
depth. In other words, lower frequency ultrasound can
penetrate deeper into the body, but then produces
images with a lower resolution. Furthermore, joint
anatomy and positioning are important to consider as
ultrasound does not easily penetrate calcified bone. The
dense femur and tibia comprising the knee required us to
place the joint in moderate flexion such that the intra-
articular space could be visualised. Thus, ultrasound
probe placement, in addition to needle insertion, may
Tab l e I . Summary of total injections visualised and anatomical landmarks observed. We quantified the number and percentage of injections where the
needle or movement of the fat pad, superior joint space and/or patellar tendon was clearly observed.
Number of
injections Visualised
Fat pad
of fat pad
Superior joint
space observed
Superior joint
space expansion
Patellar tendon
Patellar tendon
n (%) 216 162 (75 . 0)21 (9.7) 205 (95.0) 145 (67.1) 108 (50.0)50 (23.1) 92 (42.6) 22 (10 .2 )
Fig. 3a
Ultrasound images showing substantial separation of the fat pad from the tibia a) before and b) after an injection.
Fig. 3b
Fig. 4a
Ultrasound images showing a) that bubbles helped visualise the injections and were clearly observed in the joint space between femur and
fat pad. The needle b) and subsequent metal shadow are clearly seen during an injection that created subcutaneous expansion.
Fig. 4b
VOL. 4, No. 1, JANUARY 2015
require some adjustments depending on the size, depth
and orientation of the region of interest. If the desired
location is not reached, an injection can always be
repeated to ensure proper administration. Indeed, clinical
studies have shown that the use of ultrasound improves
the accuracy of injection in the knee7,10 and hip.9
In conclusion, these data suggest that high frequency
ultrasound can be used to visualise intra-articular needle
placement and injections in small animals. Separation of
the fat pad from the cartilage surface showed that fluid
accumulates in the correct location within the knee joint.
This method could also be used with different frequency
probes for other animal models to ensure the correct
positioning of injections when developing anti-
osteoarthritic therapies.
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Funding statement:
This article was funded by the Purdue Research Foundation Trask Innovation Fund.
A. Panitch reports that monies have been received by the NIH and Symic Biomedical to
Purdue University which is not related to this ar ticle.
Author contributions:
N. Vázquez-Portalatín: Data collection, Data analysis, Injection assistance, Writing the
G. J. Breur: Data analysis, Injection assistance, Edit ing the paper.
A. Panitch: Data analysis, Editing the paper, Providing financial support.
C. J. Goergen: Data collection, Data analysis, Injection assistance, Writing and editing
the paper.
ICMJE Conflict of Interest:
None declared
©2015 The British Editorial Society of Bone & Joint Surgery. This is an open-access arti-
cle distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attributions licence, which per-
mits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, but not for
commercial gain, provided the original author and source are credited.
Background: Clinical trials are currently underway to investigate the efficacy of intra-articular administration of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) to mitigate osteoarthritis (OA) progression in the knee. Although multiple MSC sources exist, studies have yet to determine whether differences in therapeutic efficacy exist between them. Purpose: To compare the ability of intra-articularly injected adipose-derived MSCs (AD-MSCs) and amnion-derived MSCs (AM-MSCs) to mitigate the progression of knee OA in a small animal model of spontaneous OA, as well as to compare the therapeutic potential of MSCs in hyaluronic acid (HA) and in HA only with saline (OA) controls. Study design: Controlled laboratory study. Methods: Injections of AD-MSCs or AM-MSCs suspended in HA or HA only were performed in the rear stifle joints of 3-month-old Dunkin Hartley guinea pigs (DHGPs). Repeat injections occurred at 2 and 4 months after the initial injection in each animal. Contralateral limbs received saline injections and served as untreated controls. Subsequently, joints were analyzed for osteoarthritic changes of the cartilage and subchondral bone via histologic and biochemical analyses. To evaluate MSC retention time in the joint space, DHGPs received a single intra-articular injection of fluorescently labeled AD-MSCs or AM-MSCs, and the fluorescence intensity was longitudinally tracked via an in vivo imaging system. Results: No statistically significant differences in outcomes were found when comparing the ability of AD-MSCs and AM-MSCs to mitigate OA. However, the injection of AD-MSCs, AM-MSCs, and HA-only treatments more effectively mitigated cartilage damage compared with that of saline controls by demonstrating higher amounts of cartilage glycosaminoglycan content and improved histological proteoglycan scoring while reducing the percentage of osteophytes present. Conclusion: Intra-articular injection of AD-MSCs, AM-MSCs, or HA only was able to similarly mitigate the progression of cartilage damage and reduce the percentage of osteophytes compared with that of saline controls in the DHGP. However, this study was unable to establish the superiority of AD-MSCs versus AM-MSCs as a treatment to mitigate spontaneous OA. Clinical relevance: MSCs demonstrate the ability to mitigate the progression of knee OA and thus may be used in a prophylactic approach to delay the need for end-stage treatment strategies.
Our aim was to test the effectiveness of ultrasound-guided intra-articular (IA) injection into the knee joint of rodents by an inexperienced operator compared with standard landmark-guided IA injections by a trained injector. Fifty landmark-guided and 46 ultrasound-guided IA injections in 49 rats were analyzed. Animal positioning and injection protocol were designed for use with the ultrasound system. Injection delivery was verified with a secondary imaging modality. We compared the success of IA injections by method (landmark and ultrasound-guided), adjusting for all other confounding factors (age, weight, experience, laterality and presence of surgery). Ultrasound-guided injections had higher success rates overall (89% vs. 58%) and helped to reduce the number of failed attempts per injection. None of the cofounding factors influenced the success of injection. In conclusion, we found higher accuracy for ultrasound-guided IA injection delivery than the traditional landmark-based injection method and also the technical feasibility for untrained personnel.
Animal assays represent an important stage between in vitro studies and human clinical applications. These models are crucial for biomedical research and regenerative medicine studies, as these offer precious information for systematically assessing the efficacy and risks of recently created biomaterials, medical devices, drugs, and therapeutic modalities prior to initiation of human clinical trials. Therefore, selecting a suitable experimental model for tissue engineering purposes is essential to establish valid conclusions. However, it remains important to be conscious of the advantages and limitations of the various small and large animal models frequently used for biomedical research as well as the different challenges encountered in extrapolating data obtained from animal studies and the risks of misinterpretation. This chapter discusses the various small animal model strategies used for osteochondral defect repair. Particular emphasis will be placed on analyzing the materials and strategies used in each model.
Abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs) represent a potentially life-threatening condition that predominantly affects the infrarenal aorta. Several preclinical murine models that mimic the human condition have been developed and are now widely used to investigate AAA pathogenesis. Cell- or pharmaceutical-based therapeutics designed to prevent AAA expansion are currently being evaluated with these animal models, but more minimally invasive strategies for delivery could improve their clinical translation. The purpose of this study was to investigate the use of self-assembling type I collagen oligomers as an injectable therapeutic delivery vehicle in mice. Here we show the success and reliability of a para-aortic, ultrasound-guided technique for injecting quickly-polymerizing collagen oligomer solutions into mice to form a collagen-fibril matrix at body temperature. A commonly used infrarenal mouse AAA model was used to determine the target location of these collagen injections. Ultrasound-guided, closed-abdominal injections supported consistent delivery of collagen to the area surrounding the infrarenal abdominal aorta halfway between the right renal artery and aortic trifurcation into the iliac and tail arteries. This minimally invasive approach yielded outcomes similar to open-abdominal injections into the same region. Histological analysis on tissue removed on day 14 post-operatively showed minimal in vivo degradation of the self-assembled fibrillar collagen and the majority of implants experienced minimal inflammation and cell invasion, further confirming this material's potential as a method for delivering therapeutics. Finally, we showed that the typical length and position of this infrarenal AAA model was statistically similar to the length and targeted location of the injected collagen, increasing its feasibility as a localized therapeutic delivery vehicle. Future preclinical and clinical studies are needed to determine if specific therapeutics incorporated into the self-assembling type I collagen matrix described here can be delivered near the aorta and locally limit AAA expansion.
Full-text available
To assess the safety and symptomatic changes of IA injections of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in patients with OA of the hip. Forty patients affected by monolateral severe hip OA were included in the study. Each joint received three IA injections of PRP, which were administered once a week. The primary end point was meaningful pain relief, which was described as a reduction in pain intensity of at least 30% from baseline levels as evaluated by the WOMAC subscale at 6-months post-treatment. The visual analogue scale (VAS) and Harris hip score subscale for pain were used to verify the results. Secondary end points included changes in the level of disability of at least 30% and the percentage of positive responders, i.e. the number of patients that achieved a >30% reduction in pain and disability. Statistically significant reductions in VAS, WOMAC and Harris hip subscores for pain and function were reported at 7 weeks and 6 months (P < 0.05). Twenty-three (57.5%) patients reported a clinically relevant reduction of pain (45%, range 30-71%) as assessed by the WOMAC subscale. Sixteen (40%) of these patients were classified as excellent responders who showed an early pain reduction at 6-7 weeks, which was sustained at 6 months, and a parallel reduction of disability. Side effects were negligible and were limited to a sensation of heaviness in the injection site. This preliminary non-controlled prospective study supported the safety, tolerability and efficacy of PRP injections for pain relief and improved function in a limited number of patients with OA of the hip.
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High frequency ultrasonic imaging is considered by many to be the next frontier in ultrasound. It has many clinical applications ranging from imaging the eye and skin to small animal imaging. Small animal imaging has recently generated intense interest for the purpose of evaluating the efficacy of drugs and gene therapy. Commercial high frequency scanners often termed "ultrasonic biomicroscope", or UBM, all use mechanically scanned single element transducers at frequencies between 30 to 60 MHz with a frame rate of 30 frames/second or lower. To alleviate problems with UBMs which include mechanical motion and fixed focusing, high frequency linear arrays and imaging systems in the 20-50 MHz range have been developed. In this paper, current efforts in the development of high frequency ultrasonic imaging will be reviewed and potential biomedical applications discussed.
Today manufacturers propose echographic systems with a resolution ranging from 100 μm down to 30 μm. This requires ultrasonic frequencies ranging from 20 to 60 MHz. However, when associated with an increase in the attenuation of the wave in the media this limits the applications to superficial exploration. High frequencies also bring special technological limitations mainly in the fields of transducers, electronics, and acoustic coupling. Although high-resolution echography has long remained marginal and been used for the exploration of the skin or the anterior chamber of the eye, new powerful and easy-to-use devices have recently appeared on the market. With these new products, new applications have also appeared such as the exploration of the oral cavity or small laboratory animals (mice).
Biomimetic scaffolds that promote regeneration and resist proteolysis are required as a tissue engineering solution to repair or replace a broad range of diseased tissues. Native corrosive environments, such as the richly enzymatic milieu of diseased articular cartilage, degrade the local extracellular matrix structure, so an implantable replacement must both replicate the healthy structure and demonstrate substantial proteolytic immunity, yet promote regeneration, if long-term functional success is to be achieved. Here, we combine magnetically aligned collagen with peptidoglycans, biosynthetic molecules that mimic proteoglycan activity but lack core proteins susceptible to proteases, to develop cartilage scaffold analogs with tailored functionality. With the incorporation of the aggrecan mimic, we demonstrate an ability to enhance bulk mechanical properties and prevent cytokine-induced degradation. Furthermore, fiber alignment in collagen scaffolds enhanced the gene expression of aggrecan, indicating cell responsiveness to anisotropy that also better replicates the natural environment of cartilage. Finally, the expression of type II collagen is enhanced with both alignment and incorporation of the aggrecan mimic, showing synergism between fiber alignment and incorporation of the aggrecan mimic. The work presented here identified a mechanistic synergy of matrix molecules and organization to prevent proteolysis while simultaneously upregulating protein expression.
Aggrecan (AGG) is a large, aggregating proteoglycan present throughout the body, but predominantly found in articular cartilage. The principle features of AGG, its hyaluronan (HA) binding domain and its abundance of covalently attached glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), make it an essential component of the functional ability of articular cartilage. Current tissue engineering constructs have attempted to stimulate AGG production, but have been unable to produce adequate amounts of mature AGG, and hence have suffered a mismatch in mechanical properties. To address these deficiencies, an AGG mimic was synthesized to match AGG functional properties and provide greater control within tissue engineering constructs. Chondroitin sulfate was functionalized with HA-specific binding peptides to replicate both the GAG presence and HA-binding ability of AGG, respectively. Upon characterization and testing, the mimic was able to effectively bind to HA, increase the compressive strength of cartilage extracellular matrix-based constructs, and protect the other extracellular matrix (ECM) components from degradation, replicating the important functions of AGG. In particular, the mimic produced a 78% increase in compressive strength of the ECM-based constructs, and was able to significantly reduce the degradation of both HA and collagen. The initial characterization of the newly synthesized AGG mimic demonstrates its potential in tissue engineering constructs, and provides an essential basis for more explorative studies of the AGG mimic's abilities as an AGG substitute and beyond.
The present randomized controlled trial compared arthrocentesis of the effusive knee followed by corticosteroid injection performed by the conventional anatomic landmark palpation-guided technique to the same procedure performed with ultrasound (US) needle guidance. Sixty-four palpably effusive knees were randomized to (i) palpation-guided arthrocentesis with a conventional 20-mL syringe (22 knees), (ii) US-guided arthrocentesis with a 25-mL reciprocating procedure device (RPD) mechanical aspirating syringe (22 knees), or (iii) US-guided arthrocentesis with a 60-mL automatic aspirating syringe (20 knees). The one-needle two-syringe technique was used. Outcome measures included patient pain by the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) for pain (0-10 cm), the proportion of diagnostic samples, synovial fluid volume yield, complications, and therapeutic outcome at 2 weeks. Sonographic guidance resulted in 48% less procedural pan (VAS; palpation-guided: 5.8 ± 3.0 cm, US-guided: 3.0 ± 2.8 cm, p < 0.001), 183% increased aspirated synovial fluid volumes (palpation-guided: 12 ± 10 mL, US-guided: 34 ± 25 mL, p < 0.0001), and improved outcomes at 2 weeks (VAS; palpation-guided: 2.8 ± 2.4 cm, US-guided: 1.5 ± 1.9 cm, p = 0.034). Outcomes of sonographic guidance with the mechanical syringe and automatic syringe were comparable in all outcome measures. US-guided arthrocentesis and injection of the knee are superior to anatomic landmark palpation-guided arthrocentesis, resulting in significantly less procedural pain, improved arthrocentesis success, greater synovial fluid yield, more complete joint decompression, and improved clinical outcomes.
Joint injections and aspirations are used to reduce joint pain and decrease inflammation. The efficacy of these injections is diminished when they are placed inadvertently in the wrong location or compartment. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the use of varying sites or imaging techniques affects the rate of accurate needle placement in aspiration and injection in the shoulder, elbow, and knee. (1) Accuracy rates of different joint injection sites will demonstrate variability. (2) Injection accuracy rates will be improved when performed with concomitant imaging. Systematic review of the literature. Studies reporting injection accuracy based on image verification were identified through a systematic search of the English literature. Accuracy rates were compared for currently accepted injection sites in the shoulder, elbow, and knee. In addition, accuracy rates with and without imaging of these joints were compared. In the glenohumeral joint, there is a statistically higher accuracy rate with the posterior approach when compared with the anterior approach (85% vs 45%). Injection site selection did not affect accuracy for the subacromial space, acromioclavicular joint, elbow, or knee. The use of imaging improved injection accuracy in the glenohumeral joint (95% vs 79%), subacromial space (100% vs 63%), acromioclavicular joint (100% vs 45%), and knee (99% vs 79%). Injection accuracy rates are significantly higher for the posterior approach compared with the anterior approach for the glenohumeral joint. Similarly, the accuracy rates are also higher when imaging is used in conjunction with injection of the glenohumeral joint, subacromial space, acromioclavicular joint, and knee.
Ultrasound imaging is widely used worldwide principally because it is cheap, easily available and contains no exposure to ionizing radiation. The advent of microbubble ultrasound contrast has further increased the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of this technique thus widening its clinical applications. The third generation of ultrasound contrast agents consist of sulphur hexafluoride microbubbles encased in a phospholipid shell. This review will elaborate on the pharmacology, safety profile and method of action of these agents. We also aim to discuss the ever expanding uses for contrast enhanced ultrasound in a number of clinical specialities which include the liver, kidney, prostate, sentinel node detection, vascular tree and endovascular stent surveillance. We will also discuss some of the recent patents regarding the future uses of ultrasound microbubble contrast and recent technological advances in clinical applications.
To evaluate the efficacy and safety of botulinum toxin type A (BoNT-A) injected intra-articularly in 60 subjects with moderate pain and functional impairment secondary to knee osteoarthritis. The study investigators hypothesized that intra-articular BoNT-A would result in statistically significant improvements in pain and function at 8 weeks. Double-blind, randomized, single tertiary care academic medical center trial with 6-month follow-up. Sixty patients aged 40 years or older with painful osteoarthritis of the knee who had failed physical therapy, medications, and/or injection therapy presenting to the musculoskeletal or orthopedic outpatient clinics at a large tertiary care medical institution. All 60 patients completed 8-week follow-up, but only 32 patients completed the 26-week follow-up. Subjects were randomized to receive a single injection of corticosteroid, low-dose BoNT-A (100 units), or high-dose BoNT-A (200 units). Outcome measures were compared at baseline, 4, 8, 12, and 26 weeks after injection. The primary outcome measure was pain visual analog scale (VAS) at 8 weeks. Secondary outcome measures included Western Ontario McMaster Arthritis Index, Short Form-36 scores, patient global assessment, 40-meter timed walk, and adverse effects. The primary end point was pain VAS score at 8 weeks, which decreased within each group but only reached statistical significance in the low-dose BoNT-A group. In the intra-articular corticosteroid group, VAS decreased from 6.4 +/- 1.8 to 5.4 +/- 2.3 (P = .15); for low-dose BoNT-A, from 6.6. +/- 1.9 to 4.5 +/- 2.2 (P = .01); and for high-dose BoNT-A, from 6.6 +/- 1.4 to 5.9 +/- 2.4 (P = .15). All groups showed statistically significant improvements in Western Ontario McMaster Arthritis Index scores (pain, stiffness, function) at 8 weeks. No serious adverse events were noted in any group. This pilot study supports a possible role for BoNT-A as a treatment option for symptomatic knee osteoarthritis; however, larger double-blind randomized studies are needed to determine whether BoNT-A is more effective than placebo in this patient population.
High frequency ultrasonic imaging is considered by many to be the next frontier in ultrasonic imaging because higher frequencies yield much improved spatial resolution by sacrificing the depth of penetration. It has many clinical applications including visualizing blood vessel wall, anterior segments of the eye and skin. Another application is small animal imaging. Ultrasound is especially attractive in imaging the heart of a small animal like mouse which has a size in the mm range and a heart beat rate faster than 600 BPM. A majority of current commercial high frequency scanners often termed "ultrasonic backscatter microscope or UBM" acquire images by scanning single element transducers at frequencies between 50 to 80 MHz with a frame rate lower than 40 frames/s, making them less suitable for this application. High frequency linear arrays and linear array based ultrasonic imaging systems at frequencies higher than 30 MHz are being developed. The engineering of such arrays and development of high frequency imaging systems has been proven to be highly challenging. High frequency ultrasound may find other significant biomedical applications. The development of acoustic tweezers for manipulating microparticles is such an example.