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Detection of rotator cuff tears: The value of MRI following ultrasound

  • Jeroen Bosch Hospital / Radboud University Medical Centre (Radboudumc)

Abstract and Figures

To evaluate the need for additional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) following ultrasound (US) in patients with shoulder pain and/or disability and to compare the accuracy of both techniques for the detection of partial-thickness and full-thickness rotator cuff tears (RCT). In 4 years, 5,216 patients underwent US by experienced musculoskeletal radiologists. Retrospectively, patient records were evaluated if MRI and surgery were performed within 5 months of US. US and MRI findings were classified into intact cuff, partial-thickness and full-thickness RCT, and were correlated with surgical findings. Additional MR imaging was performed in 275 (5.2%) patients. Sixty-eight patients underwent surgery within 5 months. US and MRI correctly depicted 21 (95%) and 22 (100%) of the 22 full-thickness tears, and 8 (89%) and 6 (67%) of the 9 partial-thickness tears, respectively. The differences in performance of US and MRI were not statistically significant (p = 0.15). MRI following routine shoulder US was requested in only 5.2% of the patients. The additional value of MRI was in detecting intra-articular lesions. In patients who underwent surgery, US and MRI yielded comparably high sensitivity for detecting full-thickness RCT. US performed better in detecting partial-thickness tears, although the difference was not significant.
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Eur Radiol (2010) 20: 450457
DOI 10.1007/s00330-009-1561-9 MUSCULOSKELETAL
Matthieu J. C. M. Rutten
Gert-Jan Spaargaren
Ton van Loon
Maarten C. de Waal Malefijt
Lambertus A. L. M. Kiemeney
Gerrit J. Jager
Received: 13 February 2009
Revised: 8 July 2009
Accepted: 22 July 2009
Published online: 2 September 2009
#The Author(s) 2009.
This article is published with open access at
Detection of rotator cuff tears: the value
of MRI following ultrasound
Abstract Objective: To evaluate
the need for additional magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) following
ultrasound (US) in patients with
shoulder pain and/or disability and to
compare the accuracy of both techni-
ques for the detection of partial-
thickness and full-thickness rotator
cuff tears (RCT). Methods: In
4 years, 5,216 patients underwent US
by experienced musculoskeletal radi-
ologists. Retrospectively, patient re-
cords were evaluated if MRI and
surgery were performed within
5 months of US. US and MRI
findings were classified into intact
cuff, partial-thickness and full-thick-
ness RCT, and were correlated with
surgical findings. Results: Addi-
tional MR imaging was performed in
275 (5.2%) patients. Sixty-eight pa-
tients underwent surgery within
5 months. US and MRI correctly
depicted 21 (95%) and 22 (100%) of
the 22 full-thickness tears, and 8
(89%) and 6 (67%) of the 9 partial-
thickness tears, respectively. The dif-
ferences in performance of US and
MRI were not statistically significant
(p=0.15). Conclusions: MRI fol-
lowing routine shoulder US was
requested in only 5.2% of the patients.
The additional value of MRI was in
detecting intra-articular lesions. In
patients who underwent surgery, US
and MRI yielded comparably high
sensitivity for detecting full-thickness
RCT. US performed better in detect-
ing partial-thickness tears, although
the difference was not significant.
Keywords Musculoskeletal .
Shoulder .Rotator cuff tear .US .
Both ultrasound (US) and magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) can confirm a suspected partial-thickness or full-
thickness rotator cuff tear. Both techniques have their
advantages and disadvantages, and can be competitive and
complementary at the same time. Factors of consideration
concerning which technique should be used are availability
of the test in a timely manner and the skill of the operators
in carrying out and interpreting a given examination. In the
M. J. C. M. Rutten (*).
G.-J. Spaargaren .G. J. Jager
Department of Radiology,
Jeroen Bosch Ziekenhuis,
Nieuwstraat 34,
NLs-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands
Tel.: +31-73-6992000
Fax: +31-73-6992601
G.-J. Spaargaren
G. J. Jager
T. van Loon
Department of Orthopedic Surgery,
Jeroen Bosch Ziekenhuis,
Nieuwstraat 34,
NLs-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands
M. C. de Waal Malefijt
Department of Orthopedic Surgery,
Radboud University Nijmegen Medical
Th. Craanenlaan 7,
6500 HB Nijmegen, The Netherlands
e-mail: m.dewaalmalefijt@orthop.
L. A. L. M. Kiemeney
Department of Epidemiology and
Biostatistics & HTA, Radboud
University Nijmegen Medical Centre,
Geert Grooteplein Noord 21,
P.O. Box 9101, 6500 HB
Nijmegen, The Netherlands
literature the question which test constitutes the most
accurate, cost effective, expedient or least invasive ap-
proach to the diagnosis of rotator cuff tears is still
controversial. The question as to which is the best test
should be answered on the basis of clinical experience,
availability, and the expected sensitivity and specificity of
the tests.
Although many investigators have evaluated the accu-
racy of US or MRI separately for the detection of partial-
thickness (PTT) and full-thickness (FTT) rotator cuff tears,
some have directly compared the two tests for the detection
of full-thickness tears [1,2], partial-thickness tears [3]or
partial-thickness and full-thickness tears [410], but most
with a relatively small number of patients [810].
In a systematic review of the diagnostic accuracy of
clinical examinations with US and MRI in the detection of
full-thickness and partial-thickness rotator cuff tears,
Dinnes et al. [11] showed that US and MRI have
comparably high accuracy for the detection of full-
thickness tears. Based on the available literature, US is
the method of first choice in the detection of rotator cuff
tears in our hospital. In the case of unequivocal findings or
clinical doubt, additional MRI is requested.
The purpose of this study was first to evaluate the need
for additional MRI following US of the shoulder and
secondly to evaluate and compare the accuracy of US and
MRI for the detection of partial-thickness and full-
thickness rotator cuff tears with surgery as the reference
standard in a selected group of patients.
Materials and methods
The inclusion criteria for this retrospective study were: (1)
shoulder pain and/or disability for which the patients
underwent plain radiography and US, (2) an additional
MRI was performed and (3) subsequent surgery was
carried out. The indications to perform MRI following US
were suspicion for having intraarticular pathology (n=94),
inconclusive US examination due limited shoulder motion,
obesity or undefined findings (n=25), discrepancy between
clinical and US findings (n=77), and finally as a request for
more diagnostic certainty (n=18), and of the remaining
patients (n=61), the indication to perform MRI could not
be determined. Patients were excluded when no surgery
was performed and when the time intervals between US
and MRI and/or US and surgery exceeded 5 months.
The study was performed in one tertiary teaching
hospital. Between January 2004 and December 2007,
5,216 patients with shoulder pain and/or disability were
referred by the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery or
general practitioners and underwent US. Eighty-one were
operated upon without MRI. Two hundred seventy-five
patients (147 men and 128 women, with a mean age of
47 years, range 1887 years) also underwent MRI of the
shoulder, and 80 of the 275 patients subsequently had
surgery. Twelve patients were excluded because the time
interval between US and MRI or surgery exceeded
5 months. The remaining 68 patients (37 men and 31
women, with a mean age of 48 years, range 2481 years)
formed the study group whose data were analysed
Patients were evaluated for the presence of rotator cuff
tears. Findings were classified into intact cuff, partial-
thickness and full-thickness rotator cuff tears, and
correlated with surgical findings, which were considered
the gold standard. The time interval between the US
examination and MRI ranged from 0 to 98 days (mean
41 days). The time interval between US examination and
surgery ranged from 5 to 147 days (mean 99 days) and
between MRI and surgery 5 to 139 days (mean 59 days).
All US examinations were performed by two musculo-
skeletal radiologists (MR, GJ), using a APLIO device
(Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation, Tokyo, Japan)
with a 7.514-MHz linear array transducer (PLF-805ST).
Real-time imaging of the shoulder was performed in a
standardised fashion as described in the literature [12].
Established criteria were used for the diagnosis of a partial-
thickness or full-thickness rotator cuff tear [1315].
Magnetic resonance imaging
All MRI examinations were performed with an 1.5-T MR
system (Signa Horizon, GE, s-Hertogenbosch, The
Netherlands). Of the 80 patients, 34 patients underwent
MR arthrography (MRA) and 46 patients conventional
MRI. The conventional MRI shoulder protocol consisted of
oblique coronal T2-weighted with fat suppression
(2.48 min) and T1-weighted turbo spin echo images
(5.58 min), oblique sagittal T2-weighted turbo spin echo
images without fat suppression (2.36 min) and transverse
T1-weighted turbo spin echo images (4.52 min). A field of
view of 16 cm was used, the slice thickness was 3 mm, the
imaging matrix was 320×224, and three signals were
averaged for each pulse sequence.
The MRA protocol consisted of 3D-gradient T1-
weighted (SPGR) oblique coronal and axial images
(5 min), which were reconstructed, if indicated, in any
other desired plane. SPGR 3D imaging (TR: 51 ms; TE:
7 ms; 1 acquisition; 256×256 matrix; FOV: 22 cm, slice
thickness 2.8 mm) with 2.8-mm consecutive slices was
used, and coronal T2-weighted turbo spin echo images
(2.30 min), sagittal T2-weighted turbo spin echo images
(2.40 min) and the ABER view with coronal T1-weighted
turbo spin echo images with fat suppression (4.15 min).
Overall MRA imaging time was 19 min 30 s.
The MRI examinations were blinded and retrospectively
evaluated by the same experienced musculoskeletal
radiologists (MR, GJ) who performed the US examina-
tions, at a later date, to avoid any effect on the interpre-
tation of findings at MRI by the recent ultrasound
examination. This set-up was chosen to exclude the
potential bias of having readers with a different level of
knowledge of anatomy and pathological features of the
Established criteria were used for the diagnosis of a
partial-thickness or full-thickness rotator cuff tear [1619].
An example of a full-thickness rotator cuff tear as
demonstrated by US and MRI is shown in Fig. 1.
In all study subjects, surgery (arthroscopy or open) was
performed by a subspecialty-trained shoulder surgeon, who
was aware of the US and MRI findings. The presence or
absence of a partial-thickness or full-thickness rotator cuff
tears and intraarticular lesions were recorded.
Statistical analysis
Using cross tabulations, the presence or absence of a
partial-thickness or full-thickness rotator cuff tear was
compared among US, MRI and surgery. Based on the
tables, sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, the positive pre-
dictive value and the negative predictive value were
The agreement between the results of US and MRI in the
detection of rotator cuff tears was determined by calculat-
ing a kappa coefficient. Differences in scoring between US
and MRI were tested for statistical significance using a
marginal homogeneity test (or McNemar-Bowker test) for
related samples. All statistical analyses were performed
using SPSS, version 14.0.2 for Windows (Chicago, IL).
At surgery, 22 full-thickness and 9 partial-thickness rotator
cuff tears were found (Table 1). US correctly depicted 29
(94%) of the 31 rotator cuff tears: 21 (95%) of the 22 full-
thickness tears and 8 (89%) of the 9 partial-thickness tears
Fig. 1 Full-thickness rotator
cuff tear. (a) Ultrasound ap-
pearance of a full-thickness tear
(arrows) at the insertion of the
supraspinatus tendon (SSP).
GT = greater tuberosity. (b) The
corresponding oblique coronal
gradient T1-weighted MR
arthrography image, showing
the same configuration of the
full-thickness tear (arrows) of
the supraspinatus tendon (SSP).
GT = greater tuberosity
Table 1 Correlation of US and MRI findings with surgical diagnoses of partial-thickness (PTT) and full-thickness (FTT) rotator cuff tears
Ultrasound Magnetic resonance imaging**
No tear PTT FTT Total No tear PTT FTT Total
Surgical diagnoses
No tear 24 11 2 37 26 8 3 37
PTT 0 8 1 9 2 6 1 9
FTT 0 1 21 22 0 0 22 22
Total 24 20 24 68 28 14 26 68
Accuracy 53/68 (78%)* [66%-87%] 54/68 (79%)* [68%-88%]
Specificity 24/37 (65%)* [47%-80%] 26/37 (70%)* [53%-84%]
*The exact 95% confidence interval is given between brackets
**MRI and MR arthrography
(Tables 1and 2). MRI correctly depicted 28 (90%) of the
31 rotator cuff tears: all 22 (100%) full-thickness tears and
6 (67%) of the 9 partial-thickness tears (Tables 1and 2).
The overall accuracy of US and MRI in diagnosing full-
thickness and partial-thickness tears and intact rotator cuffs
(Table 1) was 78% (53/68) and 79% (54/68) with a 95%
confidence interval of 66%-87% and 68%-88%, and an
overall specificity of 65% (24/37) and 70% (26/37),
Table 2lists the sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and
positive and negative predictive values for both diagnostic
imaging techniques in the detection of partial-thickness and
full-thickness rotator cuff tears. The agreement between
US and MRI was high: the kappa coefficient was calculated
to be 0.78 (SE=0.06) (Table 3). The differences in the
scoring between the two diagnostic tests were not
statistically significant: the marginal homogeneity test
was 0.15, suggesting that the two tests have comparable
diagnostic value.
For the detection of full-thickness rotator cuff tears with
US and MRI (Fig. 1), there was a high degree of sensitivity,
specificity and accuracy (95%, 93%, 94% for US and
100%, 91%, 94% for MRI, respectively). The full-
thickness rotator cuff tears varied in size from 0.5 to
3.0 cm. US and MRI showed three and four false-positive
full-thickness tears, respectively (Table 1). US showed one
false-negative study (Fig. 2). In this case MRI showed a
full-thickness tear, which was proven surgically, whereas
with US it was identified as an extended (>50%) partial-
thickness rotator cuff tear (Fig. 2).
For the detection of partial-thickness rotator cuff tears,
there was a comparable diagnostic value for US and MRI
with a specificity and accuracy of 80%, 81% and 86%,
84%, respectively. The sensitivity of US (89%) for the
detection of partial-thickness tears seems to be a little better
than that of MRI (67%), but these percentages are based on
only nine cases, and the difference is not significant. These
partial rotator cuff tears were located superficially, at the
articular side (n=8) and bursal side (n=1). Both US and
MRI incorrectly overestimated one partial-thickness tear as
a full-thickness rotator cuff tear (Table 1). With conven-
tional MRI, two partial-thickness tears were incorrectly
underestimated as no tear (Fig. 3).
Surgery demonstrated no rotator cuff tears in 37 shoulders
(Table 4). US and MRI correctly demonstrated no tears in
24 and 26 shoulders, respectively (Table 4). However, US
and MRI suggested 2 and 3 full-thickness and 11 and 8
partial-thickness rotator cuff tears in the remaining 15 and 13
shoulders, respectively, which were not confirmed by surgery.
Table 2 The diagnostic parameters of US and MRI for the diagnosis of partial-thickness (PTT) and full-thickness (FTT) rotator cuff tears
Ultrasound Magnetic resonance imaging**
Sensitivity 8/9 21/22 6/9 22/22
89%* [52%-100%] 95% [77%-100%] 67% [30%-93%] 100% [85%-100%]
Specificity 47/59 43/46 51/59 42/46
80% [67%-89%] 93% [82%-99%] 86% [75%-94%] 91% [79%-98%]
Accuracy 55/68 64/68 57/68 64/68
81% [70%-89%] 94% [86%-98%] 84% [73%-92%] 94% [86%-98%]
PPV 8/20 21/24 6/14 22/26
40% [19%-64%] 88 [68%-97%] 43% [18%-71%] 85% [65%-96%]
NPV 47/48 43/44 51/54 42/42
98% [89%-100%] 98% [88%-100%] 94% [85%-99%] 100% [92%-100%]
*The 95% confidence interval is given between brackets
**MRI and MR arthrography
PPV: positive predictive value (PPV), NPV: negative predictive value (NPV), PTT: partial-thickness rotator cuff tears, FTT: full-thickness
rotator cuff tears
Table 3 Agreement between ultrasound and MRI findings for the
diagnosis of rotator cuff tears
Magnetic resonance imaging diagnosis**
No tear PTT FTT
Ultrasound diagnosis
No tear 22 2 0
PTT 7 12 1
FTT 0 0 24
Kappa*: 0.78 (0.06)
Marginal homogeneity test
: p= 0.15
*Agreement between US and MRI. The standard error is given in
**MRI and MR arthrography
Test for significant differences between the two techniques
PTT: partial-thickness rotator cuff tears, FTT: full-thickness rotator
cuff tears
In 7 cases both US (7/11) and MRI (7/8) demonstrated a
false-positive PTT (Fig. 4). In five of these cases, the PTT
was located intratendinously (Fig. 4) and two at the
articular site near to the insertion of the supraspinatus
tendon. In four other false-positive PTT cases, US demon-
strated a PTT, whereas MRI and surgery did not. In three of
these cases MRI demonstrated signal distortion in the
tendon, which was interpreted as tendinosis. In one of the
eight false-positive cases with MRI, US as well as surgery
was negative. Retrospective analyses of the MRI findings
are more suggestive of tendinosis than of PTT.
In the two cases in which US identified an FTT and
surgery demonstrated no tear, MRI also identified a FTT. In
one case US and MRI showed an FTT, whereas surgery
showed a PTT (Table 1). In three cases MRI demonstrated
an FTT, while surgery showed no tear; US showed in two
cases an FTT as well, but no tear in the other case (Table 3).
In seven patients MRI changed the surgical strategy
because in six patients a labral tear and in one patient a
glenohumeral ligament tear was found.
In the present study we compared the accuracy of US and
MRI in the detection of rotator cuff tears in patients who
underwent both imaging techniques. In our institution,
US is the method of choice in evaluating patients with
shoulder complaints. As in other countries, the use of US
has increased significantly [20]. In our study the use of
US obviates the need for further imaging in 95% of the
The high lifetime prevalence of shoulder pain of 66%
[21] and the moderate reliability and reproducibility of
clinical history and clinical examination may be an
explanation for the large number of US examinations. In
this study we focussed on the presence or absence of rotator
cuff tears. Other diagnoses that are often made with US,
e.g., subacromial bursitis and impingement syndrome,
were not evaluated. The combination of clinical history,
clinical examination and ultrasound fulfil the need for
diagnostic certainty and permit the initiation of therapy in
most cases. The disadvantage of the liberal use of US may
be a large number of negative findings as was an additional
finding of our study, because the indication to perform US
of the shoulder was shoulder pain and/or disability instead
of suspicion for having a rotator cuff tear. Another
disadvantage could be a large number of false-positive
findings, as there is a chance of up to 50% of finding
abnormalities in an asymptomatic shoulder [22]. Therefore,
good clinical examination remains of utmost importance in
the evaluation of patients with shoulder complaints.
Fig. 2 Sonographically underestimated full-thickness rotator cuff
tear. Long (a) and short (b) axis ultrasound section showing an
intratendinous partial-thickness tear (arrows) at the insertion of the
supraspinatus tendon (SSP). GT = greater tuberosity, H = humeral
head. (c) The corresponding oblique coronal gradient T1-weighted
MR arthrography image, showing the same intratendinous extending
tear (arrows) of the supraspinatus tendon (SSP), but also leakage of
intraarticularly injected contrast media to the subacromialsubdel-
toid bursa (arrowheads), suggestive of a full-thickness SSP tear,
which was surgically confirmed. GT = greater tuberosity
Fig. 3 Partial-thickness rotator
cuff tear in the supraspinatous
tendon (SSP) underestimated
with conventional MRI. (a) Ul-
trasound showed an intratendi-
nous partial-thickness tear
(arrow) in the insertion (i.e., at
the footprint) of the SSP, which
was confirmed surgically. (b)
The corresponding oblique co-
ronal T2-weighted fat saturated
MR image shows high signal in
the SSP, which was wrongly
interpreted as tendinosis. GT =
greater tuberosity
Another purpose of this retrospective study was to
evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of US in cases in which
additional MRI was requested and to compare these two
US and MRI findings were compared with surgical
findings and appeared comparably accurate in diagnosing
full-thickness tears (94% and 94%, respectively) and less,
but also comparably accurate for the detection of partial-
thickness tears (81% and 84%, respectively). Our findings
substantiate those reported by Dinnes et al. [11] and Teefey
et al. [9], who showed that US and MRI have comparable
accuracy for identifying partial-thickness and full-thick-
ness rotator cuff tears. Although Teefey et al. [9] performed
a prospective study, while we retrospectively analysed
findings in a more diverse patient population from daily
practice, both studies show that MRI of the shoulder
provides, with regard to the rotator cuff, little additional
information following an US examination. However, in our
selected study group in 7 (10%) of the 68 patients MRI
detected intraarticular pathology, which changed the ther-
apy strategy. Furthermore, for some surgeons MRI may
have additional value to assess fatty infiltration of the
rotator cuff; however, we agree with others that US can
depict fatty infiltration and atrophy of the rotator cuff as
reliably as MRI [23,24]. Although it is known that US and
MRI have comparable accuracy for identifying and
measuring the size of full-thickness and partial-thickness
rotator cuff tears [9], MRI may be used to define the precise
location and extent of a rotator cuff tear; however, this was
not the case in our series.
There are several limitations of our study. A potential
drawback is the operator dependency of US [2527] and
MRI [16,28]. In an unpublished study we evaluated the
learning curve and the interobserver variability of US in a
series of 200 patients. If US was performed in a
standardised manner, the interobserver agreement was
excellent. The kappa coefficient was calculated to be 0.80
Furthermore, the study design was prone to bias. For
example, the study population of the 207 patients who
underwent US and MRI but did not undergo surgery
probably differs from the 68 patients who were operated
upon (selection bias). On the other hand, the agreement
between US and MRI in the group of 207 patients was
86%, approximately similar to that in the group of 68
patients (85%), indicating that the result of our study was
not biased by this selection.
Also, a verification or workup bias was present because
imaging findings were known by the surgeon and
influenced the decision whether or not to treat surgically
and thus influenced patient selection. Preoperative knowl-
edge of the imaging results caused diagnostic review bias,
Fig. 4 False-positive partial-
thickness rotator cuff tear in the
supraspinatous tendon (SSP).
Both ultrasound (a) and the
corresponding oblique coronal
T2-weighted fat saturated MR
image (b), show an undersurface
partial-thickness tear (arrow)
in the insertion (i.e., at the
footprint) of the SSP.
However, this finding was not
confirmed during surgery.
GT = greater tuberosity
Table 4 Correlation of US and MRI findings with surgical diagnosis of rotator cuff tears overall
Ultrasound diagnosis Magnetic resonance imaging diagnosis**
No tear RC tear No tear RC tear Total
Surgical diagnosis
No tear 24 13 26 11 37
RC tear 0 31 2 29 31
Total 24 44 28 40 68
Accuracy 55/68 (81%)* [70%-89%] 55/68 (81%)* [70%-89%]
*The 95% confidence interval is given between brackets
**MRI and MR arthrography
RC tear: Partial-thickness and full-thickness rotator cuff (RC) tears considered as tears
as a result of a more thorough exploration of the cuff in
order to find a RCT identified using US or MRI, which of
course influences the gold standard.
The value of MRI as a follow-up examination is
probably underestimated due to the low threshold to
request US and consequently overuse of US.
Finally, there is an imperfect standard bias, which occurs
when the reference standard is not 100% accurate. In our
opinion the so-called gold standard is such a potential
cause of bias. Waldt et al. [29] showed that the diagnosis of
small partial-thickness tears are restricted because of
difficulties in the differentiation among fibre tearing,
tendinitis, synovitic changes and superficial fraying at
tendon margins. Interobserver variability is also introduced
by varying definitions and/or synonyms used by both
sonologists and surgeons. Kuhn et al. [30] showed that six
currently described rotator cuff classification systems have
demonstrated little interobserver agreement among experi-
enced shoulder surgeons. In our experience in these studies
the gold standardwas more a silver handicap, especially
with regard to the detection of partial-thickness rotator cuff
tears (Fig. 4). When we assume that the seven cases in
which both US and MRI showed a non-surgically proven
PTT were true-positives, then the sensitivity, specificity,
accuracy, PPV and NPV of US would increase to 94%,
90%, 91%, 75%, 98%, and those of MRI to 81%, 98%,
94%, 93%, 94%, respectively, which is almost as good as
the accuracy for diagnosing full-thickness rotator cuff
tears. The imperfect standard bias may cause an under-
estimation of the reported accuracy for diagnosing partial-
thickness rotator cuff tears with US and MRI.
At the RSNA meeting of 2008 a special focus session
was dedicated to the question Musculoskeletal US: Has
the Time Come?We have demonstrated that diagnostic
US of the shoulder in patients with periarticular complaints
in our institution performed by a radiologist fulfils the
clinical need for diagnosis and further management. We are
of the opinion that if musculoskeletal radiologists ignore
increasing requests for US of the shoulder, these examina-
tions will soon be performed by rheumatologists [27,31],
orthopaedic surgeons [3234], physiotherapists or family
physicians who have been reported to be able to
performing US of the shoulder equally well.
In summary, in patients with periarticular shoulder pain,
US is a reliable diagnostic tool that obviates the need for
further imaging in most cases. Our study established that
US and MRI yield comparably high sensitivity, diagnostic
accuracy and positive predictive value in detecting full-
thickness rotator cuff tears. In detecting partial-thickness
rotator cuff tears both tests are less accurate; however, US
appears to be more sensitive than MRI.
Finally, following US of the shoulder performed by a
dedicated radiologist, MRI offers little additional value, with
regard to the detection of rotator cuff tears. Of course local
setting and other factors such as equipment availability,
personal expertise and preference, patient preference [35]
and cost effectiveness [36] may play a role in choosing which
imaging technique will be used.
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which
permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.
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... It is suggested that dominant arm is more susceptible to wearing effects, leading to rotator cuff tears and tendinopathy (Ahmad et al., 2018) 16 In our study, supraspinatus muscle was the most affected muscle (73.3%) followed by infraspinatus and subscapularis (each 13.3%). In agreement with Ahmad et al., (2018) 16 with maximum number of patients had supraspinatus tears (86.7%), followed by subscapularis (6.7%) and infraspinatus (3.3%) tears and with Vijayvargiya et al., (2014) 17 who found out that Supraspinatus tendon was the commonest tendon to be involved in his study (90%). ...
... In the present study; US and MRI show a significant relation between the findings in the diagnosis of Rotator cuff tendinopathy and tendon tear (p-value <0.0001). This relation was reported in many studies as Ahmad et al., (2018) 15 who reported the agreement between the two methods was assessed using kappa coefficient (kappa = 0.714).As well as Bashir et al., (2014) 13 found the strength of agreement between US and MRI for the diagnosis of rotator cuff tears and Rutten et al., (2010) 17 reported that agreement between US and MRI was high (the kappa coefficient was calculated to be 0.78). ...
... This review included four studies that investigated the accuracy of ultrasound imaging to detect the rotator cuff tear and compared it with MRI as a reference measure. In these studies, no statistical differences were found in diagnostic accuracy between these two modalities [33][34][35]. While these studies compared the diagnostic accuracies of rotator cuff tears between ultrasound and MRI, the prognostic capacities of quantitative ultrasoundbased imaging modalities in the asymptomatic or early stages of the symptomatic phase remain to be investigated. ...
... Quantitative ultrasound also shows good utility in full-thickness rotator cuff tear detection. Previous studies investigated the accuracy of ultrasound imaging and found no statistically significant difference in diagnostic accuracy compared to MRI [33][34][35]. Studies also found strong associations between B-mode ultrasound and MRI in the measurement of muscle thickness, with correlation values ranging between 0.61 and 0.912 [36][37][38]. ...
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Rotator cuff myosteatosis following cuff tears is very common and one of the most important prognostic factors in clinical management. Quantitative ultrasound-based imaging techniques (QUBIT) are frequently used along with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to evaluate rotator cuff fatty degeneration. However, the examination of rotator cuff tissue integrity by QUBIT is lacking a standardized imaging protocol and procedural methodologies. In this scoping review, we synthesized the current state of QUBIT against the reference imaging modalities in patients with rotator cuff tears. The literature search was extracted from 963 studies, with 22 studies included in the final review in accordance with the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses extensions for scoping reviews. The selected studies included human participants and focused on measuring at least one prognostic or diagnostic factor using ultrasonography-based imaging with reference to MRI. The findings suggest both conventional B-mode ultrasound and shear wave elastography imaging were comparable to MRI-based imaging techniques for the evaluation of fatty infiltration and rotator cuff tear characterization. This review establishes guidelines for reporting shoulder-specific QUBIT aimed at developing a standardized imaging protocol. The objective was to enhance the diagnostic and prognostic capabilities of QUBIT in the clinical setting.
... Both have demonstrated high accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value in diagnosing full-thickness RC tears. [12][13][14][15] Not only does imaging allow for the diagnosis of RC pathology, it assists in surgical planning. 16,17 The prevailing consensus is that RC tears are a result of trauma or degenerative changes. ...
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Purpose To determine whether there was a relationship between sleep position and symptomatic partial- and full-thickness rotator cuff tears. Methods A consecutive series of patients that met the inclusion/exclusion criteria (n = 58) were in seen in clinic between July 2019 and December 2019. All of these individuals had a significant partial-thickness (> 50%) or full-thickness rotator cuff tear determined by either ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, or both. All patients in this series either had an insidious onset of shoulder pain or their symptoms were related to the basic wear and tear of daily activities. Traumatic rotator cuff tears (those associated with a significant traumatic event such as shoulder instability, motor vehicle accidents, sports related injuries, etc.) were excluded. Previous shoulder surgery, recurrent rotator cuff tears, and worker’s compensation cases also were excluded from this series. As part of the history-taking process, the patients were asked what was their preferred sleeping position—side sleeper, back sleeper, or stomach sleeper. A χ² test was conducted to determine the relationship between rotator cuff pathology and sleep position. Results Of the 58 subjects, 52 of the patients were side sleepers, 4 were stomach sleepers, 1 was a back sleeper, and 1 preferred all 3 positions. Statistical analysis, using the χ² test (P < .0001), demonstrated that rotator cuff tears were most often seen in side sleepers. Conclusions In our study, there appeared to be a relationship between the preference of being a side sleeper and the presence of a rotator cuff tear. Level of Evidence Level IV, prognostic case series.
... Rutten et al [20] found that US provided highly accurate diagnostic results regarding FTTs, with a recorded diagnostic accuracy of 95%. Similarly, the accuracy of diagnosing PTTs was demonstrated to be 89%, with no significant difference when compared to MRI diagnostic accuracy results. ...
Aim: To assess the effectiveness of shear wave elastography (SWE) in diagnosing delaminated partial-thickness rotator cuff tears (DPT-RCT). Material and methods: A retrospective study was carried out on 137 patients with DPT-RCT. The study included complete clinical data, including the images of conventional ultrasound (US), SWE, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and shoulder arthroscopic surgery. The features of US, SWE, and MRI were evaluated. The study analysed the Shear-Wave Velocity (SWV) among three types of DPT-RCT, and between the regions of tears, normal contralateral, and affected unilateral supraspinatus tendon. Furthermore, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were evaluated. Results: The SWE detection rate was significantly higher (91.2%) compared to US (73.7%) and MRI (87.6%) for the overall diagnosis of DPT-RCT. Similarly, SWE yielded higher rates of detection for types 1 (89.5%) and 2 (92.3%) of DPT-RCT as compared to US (71.7%, 69.2%) and MRI (81.6%, 94.9%), respectively. However, there was no significant difference in the accuracy of diagnosing type 3 among the three methods. The SWV of the 137 supraspinatus tendon tears was 3.64±0.60 m/s, which was higher than that of the normal supraspinatus tendon (2.43±0.47 m/s, p<0.01) as well as the region of tears (1.61±0.54 m/s, p<0.01). Nevertheless, there was no significant difference in SWV among the three types of DPT-RCT. The cutoff thresholds of SWV for identifying normal tendon from DPT-RCT and for identifying DPT-RCT from the region of tears were 2.96m/s and 2.39m/s, respectively. Conclusions: SWE with SWV can provide both quantitative and qualitative diagnostic information for DPT-RCT, which can be used as a crucial supplement imaging method.
... [10] Ultrasonography and MRI are preferred radiological aids in establishing various shoulder pathologies. [11,12] In this study we assessed accuracy of shoulder ultrasound (USG) for diagnosis of rotator cuff pathologies. ...
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To assess accuracy of shoulder ultrasound (USG) for diagnosis of rotator cuff pathologies. Seventy- four adult patients in age range of 30-80 years with rotator cuff pathologies of either gender were subjected to USG taken with Philips IU22 and a 5-12 MHz linear array transducer. All tendons were examined and grayscale 2D USG images were stored. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) was measured. USG findings showed intact supraspinatus tendons in 36 and 32, full tear in 8 and 10, partial tear in 2 and 7 and tendinosis in 28 and 25 cases respectively. Statistical analysis showed non- significant difference (P>0.05). USG findings showed intact infraraspinatus tendons in 45 and 41, full tear in 0 and 7, partial tear in 3 and 10 and tendinosis in 26 and 16 cases respectively. Statistical analysis showed significant difference (P<0.05). USG findings showed intact biceps tendons in 50 and 48, full tear in 2 and 3, partial tear in 4 and 4 and tendinosis in 18 and 19 cases respectively. Statistical analysis showed non- significant difference (P>0.05). A high accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV was observed with USG in diagnosis of supraspinatus tendon, infraspinatus tendon, biceps tendons, subcapularis tendons. USG found to be effective in assessment of rotator cuff pathologies having high sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive and negative predictive values.
... These features could demonstrate that the mathematical features obtained from the images could be highly detected, allowing for a second prediction of the probability of reinjury. In another study, Rutten et al. [35] compared the diagnosis of partial or complete tears by MRI and sonography. In this study, which consisted of four steps, 5216 individuals were inspected, of which the MRI images of 275 more suspicious cases were captured. ...
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The rotator cuff tear is a common situation for basketballers, handballers, or other athletes that strongly use their shoulders. This injury can be diagnosed precisely from a magnetic resonance (MR) image. In this paper, a novel deep learning-based framework is proposed to diagnose rotator cuff tear from MRI images of patients suspected of the rotator cuff tear. First, we collected 150 shoulders MRI images from two classes of rotator cuff tear patients and healthy ones with the same numbers. These images were observed by an orthopedic specialist and then tagged and used as input in the various configurations of the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). At this stage, five different configurations of convolutional networks have been examined. Then, in the next step, the selected network with the highest accuracy is used to extract the deep features and classify the two classes of rotator cuff tear and healthy. Also, MRI images are feed to two quick pre-trained CNNs (MobileNetv2 and SqueezeNet) to compare with the proposed CNN. Finally, the evaluation is performed using the 5-fold cross-validation method. Also, a specific Graphical User Interface (GUI) was designed in the MATLAB environment for simplicity, which allows for testing by detecting the image class. The proposed CNN achieved higher accuracy than the two mentioned pre-trained CNNs. The average accuracy, precision, sensitivity, and specificity achieved by the best selected CNN configuration are equal to 92.67%, 91.13%, 91.75%, and 92.22%, respectively. The deep learning algorithm could accurately rule out significant rotator cuff tear based on shoulder MRI.
... In 2010, Rutten et al. found comparable accuracy for MRI (94%) and US (94%) in diagnosing full-thickness RCTs. 10 Because of ongoing innovations in US systems, currently, handheld ultrasound (HHUS) devices are available. Several pilot studies on the use of HHUS for musculoskeletal pathologies showed promising results regarding its diagnostic accuracy. ...
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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the reliability and validity of handheld ultrasound (HHUS) alone versus conventional ultrasound (US) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for diagnosis of rotator cuff tears and versus MRI plus computed tomography (CT) for diagnosis of fatty infiltration. Methods: Adult patients with shoulder complaints were included in this study. HHUS of the shoulder was performed twice by an orthopedic surgeon and once by a radiologist. RCTs, tear width, retraction and FI were measured. Inter- and intrarater reliability of the HHUS was calculated using a Cohen's kappa coefficient. Criterion and concurrent validity were calculated using a Spearman's correlation coefficient. Results: Sixty-one patients (64 shoulders) were included in this study. Intra-rater agreement of HHUS for assessment of RCTs (к = 0.914, supraspinatus) and FI (к = 0.844, supraspinatus) was moderate to strong. Interrater agreement was none to minimal for the diagnosis of RCTs (к = 0.465, supraspinatus) and FI (к = 0.346, supraspinatus). Concurrent validity of HHUS compared to MRI was fair for diagnosis of RCTs (r = 0.377, supraspinatus) and fair-to-moderate FI (r = 0.608, supraspinatus). HHUS shows a sensitivity of 81.1% and specificity of 62.5% for diagnosis of supraspinatus tears, 60% and 93.1% for subscapularis tears, 55.6% and 88.9% for infraspinatus tears. Conclusions: On the basis of findings in this study, we conclude that HHUS is an aid in diagnosis of RCTs and higher degrees of FI in patients who are not obese, but it does not replace MRI as the gold standard. Further clinical studies on the application of HHUS comparing HHUS devices in larger patient populations and healthy patients are required to identify its utility in clinical practice. Level of evidence: Level III.
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BACKGROUND:To evaluate shoulder joint pain, the study concentrated on evaluating the diagnostic accuracy of ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging. AIM: By comparing the results from both modalities within the same patient group, the study aimed to identify potential challenges in image interpretation, underscoring the limitations of ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Patients with shoulder joint pain were included through purposive sampling. These patients underwent ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging, and the results were correlated. Various shoulder pathologies, including tendon tears, bursitis, degenerative changes, calcifications, and impingement, were analyzed. RESULTS: The study comprised 35 patients who underwent ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging detecting pathologies such as subscapularis and supraspinatus tendon injuries, partial and full-thickness tears, peribicipital tendon fluid, subcoracoid and subacromial-subdeltoid bursitis, acromioclavicular joint degeneration, tendon calcification, and impingement. Comparative analysis showed varying sensitivities, specificities, positive predictive values, negative predictive values, and accuracy for different pathologies. CONCLUSION: Compared with ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated greater sensitivity and specificity in identifying conditions causing shoulder pain. Ultrasonography’s affordability, real-time capabilities, and ability to compare results with the unaffected side make it a useful first diagnostic step for shoulder pain. Ultrasonography, although a quick and cost-effective initial diagnostic tool, has limitations, including operator dependence and lower sensitivity in certain conditions. In contrast, magnetic resonance imaging is employed as a confirming measure or in instances where diagnosis is challenging. The study emphasized the complementary roles of ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of shoulder joint pain, with magnetic resonance imaging as the more accurate and complete imaging modality. Keywords: rotator cuff; shoulder joint; magnetic resonance imaging; ultrasonography; shoulder pain.
To develop and validate MRI-based radiomics models capable of evaluating supraspinatus tendon tears within the shoulder joints by using arthroscopy as the reference standard. A total of 432 patients (332 in the training set and 100 in the external validation set) with intact supraspinatus tendon (n = 202) and supraspinatus tendon tear (n = 230, 130 full-thickness tears and 100 partial-thickness tears) were enrolled. Radiomics features were extracted from fat-saturated T2-weighted coronal images. Two radiomics signature models for detecting supraspinatus tendon abnormalities (tear or not), and stage lesion severity (full- or partial-thickness tear) and radiomics scores (Rad-score), were constructed and calculated using multivariate logistic regression analysis. The diagnostic performance of the two models was validated using ROC curves on the training and validation datasets. For the radiomics model of no tears or tears, thirteen features from MR images were used to build the radiomics signature with an AUC value of 0.98 in the training set, 0.97 in the internal validation set, and 0.98 in the external validation set. For the radiomics model of full- or partial-thickness tears, thirteen features from MR images were used to build the radiomics signature with an AUC value of 0.79 in the training set, 0.69 in the internal validation set, and 0.77 in the external validation set. The proposed radiomics models in this study can accurately rule out supraspinatus tendon tears and are capable of assessing the severity staging of tears with moderate accuracy based on shoulder MR images. • The radiomics model of no tears or tears achieved a high overall accuracy of 93.6%, sensitivity of 91.6%, and specificity of 95.2% for supraspinatus tendon tears. • The radiomics model of full- or partial-thickness tears displayed moderate performance with an accuracy of 76.4%, a sensitivity of 79.2%, and a specificity of 74.3% for supraspinatus tendon tears severity staging.
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MSK ultrasound is a valuable imaging technique which has become increasingly popular in recent years. This efficient technique proves beneficial in a variety of ways. MSK ultrasound effectively streamlines the process by enabling practitioners to securely and accurately image and assess structures all in one simple step. By allowing healthcare providers to access critical information quickly and conveniently, MSK ultrasound can help identify conditions early when interventions are most effective. Moreover, it may be able to shorten diagnostic times and reduce costs through more cost-effective use of resources such as imaging and laboratory testing. Furthermore, MSK ultrasound can provide additional insights into musculoskeletal anatomy and help improve patient care and outcomes. In addition, utilizing this method reduces exposure to radiation and provides enhanced patient comfort with its quick scan duration. MSK ultrasound has a high potential to provide quick and accurate diagnosis of MSK disturbances when used correctly. As clinicians become more comfortable and familiar with this technology, we will continue to see its use expand for various MSK assessments. In this commentary we’ll explore how ultrasound can be used in physical therapy, specifically for musculoskeletal assessment. We’ll also look at some of the potential benefits and limitations of using ultrasound in PT practice.
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To evaluate the evidence for the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the newer diagnostic imaging tests as an addition to clinical examination and patient history for the diagnosis of soft tissue shoulder disorders. Literature was identified from several sources including general medical databases. Studies were identified that evaluated clinical examination, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or magnetic resonance arthrography (MRA) in patients suspected of having soft tissue shoulder disorders. Outcomes assessed were clinical impingement syndrome or rotator cuff tear (full, partial or any). Only cohort studies were included. The methodological quality of included test accuracy studies was assessed using a formal quality assessment tool for diagnostic studies and the extraction of study findings was conducted in duplicate using a pre-designed and piloted data extraction form to avoid any errors. For each test, sensitivity, specificity and positive and negative likelihood ratios with 95% confidence intervals were calculated for each study. Where possible pooled estimates of sensitivity, specificity and likelihood ratios were calculated using random effects methods. Potential sources of heterogeneity were investigated by conducting subgroup analyses. In the included studies, the prevalence of rotator cuff disorders was generally high, partial verification of patients was common and in many cases patients who were selected retrospectively because they had undergone the reference test. Sample sizes were generally very small. Reference tests were often inappropriate with many studies using arthrography alone, despite problems with its sensitivity. For clinical assessment, 10 cohort studies were found that examined either the accuracy of individual tests or clinical examination as a whole: individual tests were either good at ruling out rotator cuff tears when negative (high sensitivity) or at ruling in such disorders when positive (high specificity), but small sample sizes meant that there was no conclusive evidence. Ultrasound was investigated in 38 cohort studies and found to be most accurate when used for the detection of full-thickness tears; sensitivity was lower for detection of partial-thickness tears. For MRI, 29 cohort studies were included. For full-thickness tears, overall pooled sensitivities and specificities were fairly high and the studies were not statistically heterogeneous; however for the detection of partial-thickness rotator cuff tears, the pooled sensitivity estimate was much lower. The results from six MRA studies suggested that it may be very accurate for detection of full-thickness rotator cuff tears, although its performance for the detection of partial-thickness tears was less consistent. Direct evidence for the performance of one test compared with another is very limited. The results suggest that clinical examination by specialists can rule out the presence of a rotator cuff tear, and that either MRI or ultrasound could equally be used for detection of full-thickness rotator cuff tears, although ultrasound may be better at picking up partial tears. Ultrasound also may be more cost-effective in a specialist hospital setting for identification of full-thickness tears. Further research suggestions include the need for large, well-designed, prospective studies of the diagnosis of shoulder pain, in particular a follow-up study of patients with shoulder pain in primary care and a prospective cohort study of clinical examination, ultrasound and MRI, alone and/or in combination.
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The painful shoulder is a relatively common clinical entity that may be attributed to a variety of pathologies, including partial rotator cuff tears. Conservative treatment or surgical intervention may be offered, depending on the extent of the partial tear and the degree of patient discomfort. To apply ultrasound (US) imaging in order to evaluate the prevalence of partial rotator cuff tears in patients with painful shoulders. Fifty-six patients (17 men, 39 women; mean age 53.7 years) were included in the study, with symptomatic impingement syndrome of the shoulder after having failed to respond to conservative treatment. All patients underwent US and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans prior to surgical intervention. Arthroscopy or mini-open surgery revealed 53 cases with partial tears of the rotator cuff and three with extensive tendinopathy. Both imaging modalities detected successfully 44 cases of partial tears of the supraspinatus tendon. US imaging yielded a sensitivity of 95.6%, a specificity of 70%, an accuracy of 91%, and a positive predictive accuracy of 93.6%. The corresponding values for MRI were 97.7%, 63.6%, 91%, and 91.7%, respectively. US imaging can be considered almost equally effective in detecting partial tears of the rotator cuff compared to MRI, particularly located in the area of the supraspinatus tendon. MRI may be reserved for doubtful or complex cases, in which delineation of adjacent structures is mandatory prior to surgical intervention.
Twenty-one patients who had had pain in the shoulder for more than three months were evaluated with ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging followed by computerized tomographic arthrography. The results of the imaging studies were then compared with the operative findings. Magnetic resonance imaging was found to be the most useful modality for establishment of the etiology of pain in the shoulder due to disease of the rotator cuff, instability associated with abnormality of the glenoid labrum, subacromial impingement, stenosis of the coracoacromial arch, and osteoarthrosis of either the glenohumeral or the acromioclavicular joint. The accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging was found to depend on both the operator and the technique and was decreased in extremely obese patients, due to difficulties in positioning, and in patients who had had a previous operation. Magnetic resonance imaging was more accurate than either computerized tomographic arthrography or ultrasonography in identifying partial-thickness tears (intrasubstance changes in the rotator cuff). Magnetic resonance imaging provided the same level of accuracy as computerized tomographic arthrography in the detection of abnormalities of the glenoid labrum.
Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of sonography (SG) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the assessment of full-thickness rotator cuff tears (RCTs).Methods Twenty-one consecutive, otherwise healthy patients with noninflammatory unilateral chronic (>3 months) shoulder complaints due to a possible full-thickness RCT were studied (9 women and 12 men, mean ± SD age 56 ± 12). According to standardized procedures, SG was performed by both a radiologist and a rheumatologist, and MRI was evaluated by 2 radiologists. All assessors were blinded to the patient's diagnosis. Within 3 weeks after SG and MRI, arthroscopy was performed. SG, MRI, and arthroscopy results were scored as negative or positive for the presence of a full-thickness RCT. The result of surgical inspection was used as the “gold standard.”ResultsFor full-thickness RCTs, the sensitivity was 0.81 for SG and 0.81 for MRI. The specificity was 0.94 for SG and 0.88 for MRI. The positive predictive value was 0.96 for SG and 0.91 for MRI. The negative predictive value was 0.77 for SG and 0.74 for MRI. Accuracy was 0.86 for SG and 0.83 for MRI.Conclusion Full-thickness RCTs can be identified accurately by both SG and MRI. Because of its low cost and because it can be performed in the rheumatology unit, SG seems to be a promising diagnostic tool for use by the rheumatologist.
Partial-thickness tear of the rotator cuff is a common cause of shoulder pain. Magnetic resonance (MR) arthrography has been described as a useful measure to diagnose rotator cuff abnormalities. To determine the reliability and accuracy of MR arthrography with abduction and external rotation (ABER) view for the diagnosis of partial-thickness tears of the rotator cuff. Among patients who underwent MR arthrographies, 22 patients (12 men, 10 women; mean age 45 years) who had either partial-thickness tear or normal tendon on arthroscopy were included. MR images were independently scored by two observers for partial-thickness tears of the rotator cuff. Interobserver and intraobserver agreements for detection of partial-thickness tears of the rotator cuff were calculated by using kappa coefficients. The differences in areas under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were assessed with a univariate Z-score test. Differences in sensitivity and specificity for interpretations based on different imaging series were tested for significance using the McNemar statistic. Sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of each reader on MR imaging without ABER view were 83%, 90%, and 86%, and 83%, 80%, and 82%, respectively, whereas on overall interpretation including ABER view, the sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of each reader were 92%, 70%, and 82%, and 92%, 80%, and 86%, respectively. Including ABER view, interobserver agreement for partial-thickness tear increased from kappa=0.55 to kappa=0.68. Likewise, intraobserver agreements increased from kappa=0.79 and 0.53 to kappa=0.81 and 0.70 for each reader, respectively. The areas under the ROC curves for each reader were 0.96 and 0.90, which were not significantly different. Including ABER view in routine sequences of MR arthrography increases the sensitivity, and inter- and intraobserver agreements for detecting partial-thickness tear of rotator cuff tendon.
Twenty-one patients who had had pain in the shoulder for more than three months were evaluated with ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging followed by computerized tomographic arthrography. The results of the imaging studies were then compared with the operative findings. Magnetic resonance imaging was found to be the most useful modality for establishment of the etiology of pain in the shoulder due to disease of the rotator cuff, instability associated with abnormality of the glenoid labrum, subacromial impingement, stenosis of the coracoacromial arch, and osteoarthrosis of either the glenohumeral or the acromioclavicular joint. The accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging was found to depend on both the operator and the technique and was decreased in extremely obese patients, due to difficulties in positioning, and in patients who had had a previous operation. Magnetic resonance imaging was more accurate than either computerized tomographic arthrography or ultrasonography in identifying partial-thickness tears (intrasubstance changes in the rotator cuff). Magnetic resonance imaging provided the same level of accuracy as computerized tomographic arthrography in the detection of abnormalities of the glenoid labrum.
To test previously defined ultrasound (US) criteria for identification of partial-thickness tears of the rotator cuff. Before shoulder arthroscopy, 52 patients with shoulder pain for more than 3 months were examined with a 7.5-MHz commercially available linear-array transducer and a standardized study protocol. The criteria used to detect partial-thickness tears were (a) a mixed hyper- and hypoechoic focus in the crucial zone of the supraspinatus tendon and (b) a hypoechoic lesion visualized in two orthogonal imaging planes with either articular or bursal extension. The US findings were reported as partial-thickness tears in 17 shoulders, of which three were false-positive findings. There was one false-negative finding. The sensitivity of US in depiction of partial-thickness tears was 93%, and specificity was 94%. The positive predictive value was 82%, and the negative predictive value was 98%. US can depict most partial-thickness tears with use of the criteria described.
We studied the integrity of the rotator cuff in both dominant and non-dominant shoulders of 90 asymptomatic adults between the ages of 30 and 99 years using ultrasound. The criteria for diagnosis had been validated on unembalmed cadaver specimens. We found no statistically significant difference in the incidence of impingement findings between dominant and non-dominant arms or between genders. The prevalence of partial- or full-thickness tears increased markedly after 50 years of age: these were present in over 50% of dominant shoulders in the seventh decade and in 80% of subjects over 80 years of age. Our results indicate that rotator-cuff lesions are a natural correlate of ageing, and are often present with no clinical symptoms. Treatment should be based on clinical findings and not on the results of imaging.
To determine interobserver and intraobserver variation in the interpretation of magnetic resonance (MR) images in rotator cuff disorders. MR images of the shoulder in 97 patients were retrospectively reviewed twice, with a 3-week interval. Surgical findings indicated a full-thickness tear in 29 patients, grade 1 impingement in 19 (tendinitis), and grade 2 impingement (partial tear) in 26. The control population comprised 23 asymptomatic volunteers or patients. All observers were accurate in the diagnosis of a full-thickness tear (89%-98%), with good intraobserver (kappa = 0.67-0.84) and interobserver agreement (kappa = 0.74-0.92). In diagnoses of tendinitis, partial tear, and normal cuff, there were wide ranges of sensitivity (13%-74%) and specificity (72%-93%), as well as poor interobserver (kappa = 0.12-0.60) and intraobserver agreement (kappa = 0.35-0.78). Full-thickness tears of the rotator cuff can be accurately identified at MR imaging with little observer variation. Consistent differentiation of normal rotator cuff, tendinitis, and partial thickness tears is more difficult.