Georgios Floros

Georgios Floros
University of Cyprus · Department of English Studies

PhD in Translation Studies


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Georgios Floros currently works at the Department of English Studies, University of Cyprus, doing research in Translation Studies. Personal webpage:
Additional affiliations
September 2003 - present
University of Cyprus
  • Professor (Associate)


Publications (37)
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The relevance of translation has never been greater. The challenges of the 21st century are truly glocal and societies are required to manage diversities like never before. Cultural and linguistic diversities cut across ideological systems, those carefully crafted to uphold prevailing hierarchies of power, making asymmetries inescapable. Translatio...
A relatively recent question around ethical issues in translation and interpreting concerns how to teach ethics to future translators and interpreters. This question is perhaps as challenging as the theoretical debate on ethics itself. As Donovan (2011, 123) put it regarding interpreter training,“[e] thics is... far from absent from training progra...
Traditionally, website translation has been considered a process moving from the global to the local, or from the major to the minor, and has largely been termed localization. Yet, the various meanings and interpretations of the term create the need for more specific terms that designate specific types of localization such as the cases where a loca...
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In this article, an attempt is made to view Architecture as a source of inspiration for translation ethics. First, it is argued that Architecture is not a discipline that is as distant from translation studies as it might seem at first sight. Second, the example of the Wyly Theater in Dallas is discussed in an attempt to summarize contemporary conc...
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Introduction This paper seeks to examine the specific terminological context of Cyprus, as regards legal and administrative terminology. Cyprus presents some noteworthy particularities in relation to both the policy followed by Cypriot Courts of Law and the translation of the country’s legislation from English into Standard Modern Greek (hencefor...
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This paper examines a particular case of intralingual translation from the Cypriot context, one which tends to push the very notion of translatability to its limits. Specifically, it discusses an immensely popular Greek Cypriot sitcom, Aigia Fuxia [Fuchsia Goat], written in the Cypriot Greek dialect (CGD), and the (im)possibilities of its subtitlin...
Background Research has shown substantial belief change as a result of reading text and the pervasive influence of prior belief in the evaluation of short arguments. Both outcomes have been attributed to the depth to which the text or the argument has been processed. This study brings together critical thinking and text comprehension research by em...
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Cyprus presents some noteworthy particularities in relation to both the policy followed by Cypriot Courts of Law and the translation of the country's legislation from English into Standard Modern Greek (SMG). SMG is the statutory variety that has been adopted in all public domains since 1960 (independence from British rule). However, the use of Eng...
Conference Paper
The presentation is a progress report on EVIVA (Evaluating the Education of Interpreters and their Clients through Virtual Learning Activities), which is a EU-funded project in the framework of the Life Long Learning Programme, aiming at evaluating the educational opportunities that three types of virtual learning environments (VLEs)—3D virtual wor...
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This paper discusses aspects of the theoretical and methodological confusion around the notions of language function, text type and genre, and proposes a restructuring of the purported relationship among them. Taxonomical biases regarding genre have led to the postulation of superordinate classes, variously labeled prototypical text categories, tex...
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In news translation, some of the most prominent issues still debated on concern news translation as gatekeeping, the application of traditional models and the issue of the very definition of translation itself. Within this context, this paper will focus on the use of translation in news production in the Cypriot context. Data from Cypriot newspaper...
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This paper aims at discussing some theoretical aspects of the creation of term neologisms through translation, using as examples Greek terms from the field of Translation Studies itself. The premise of the paper is that while a basically semiotic approach tends to be the prevailing one in theoretical discussions, in practice, the creation of neolog...
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This paper discusses the issue of ethical responsibility on the part of the translator, specifically the need to act ethically and make responsible translation-related decisions about politically sensitive texts, focusing on practices that emerge in the context of translator training. The underlying premise of the discussion is that a contradiction...
This paper discusses the issue of ethical responsibility on the part of the translator, specifically the need to act ethically and make responsible translation-related decisions about politically sensitive texts, focusing on practices that emerge in the context of translator training. The underlying premise of the discussion is that a contradiction...
Conference Paper
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The cultural turn in Translation Studies made evident the necessity for a definition of culture to be used in a way that would not only describe the phenomenon of culture adequately in terms of Translation theory, but would also account for the specific methodological implications in terms of Translation practice. In Translation Studies, a per se i...
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In this paper the issue of interdisciplinarity in translatology is discussed in relation to the problem of translation typology, and it is suggested that typology is not only a core theoretical issue in any discipline, but also an important point of reference for the interaction of translatology with other disciplines. This paper should be seen as...
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Extinderea recentă a Uniunii Europene la un număr de 25 de state membre a creat o nevoie crescândă de interpreţi profesionali pentru "noile" limbi. În eforturile depuse pentru a face faţă cerinţelor pieţei, universităţile încearcă să ofere programe postuniversitare în domeniul interpretării de conferinţă, cu durata de un an. Scopul lucrării este de...
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Parallel texts seem to constitute a contested notion within the framework of disciplines using the term (e.g. Translation Studies, Interpreting Studies, Corpus Linguistics, Computational Linguistics). Based on an extended view on the notion of " comparability " which underlies the definition of parallel texts, this paper will attempt a broader conc...


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