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Utilization of Videos and Modules in Postpartum Exercise Training to Increase Knowledge and Skills of Health Cadres in Telagasari-Karawang


Abstract and Figures

Postpartum exercise has an important role in maternal health. Apart from having a good psychological effect, postpartum exercise can also improve the physical condition of the mother after the delivery and speed up the healing process. However, most postpartum mothers have low knowledge about postpartum exercise. This problem is exacerbated by the low knowledge and skills of health cadres as the extensions of health workers in assisting postpartum exercise. This study aims to determine the most effective media in increasing the cadre's knowledge and skills in assisting postpartum exercise. This study used a comparative pre-post experimental design to analyze the differences in the effect of training with videos and modules on the cadre's knowledge and skills in performing the postpartum exercises. The majority of the cadres aged >35 years, 81% of whom received the module and 71% of whom received the video. Most cadres who received the module had high school education (42%) and university graduates (6%), while in the group receiving the video, 38% of cadres had high school education, and 1% were university graduates. This study found that videos and modules can improve the knowledge and skills of all cadres. In the knowledge test with images, it was found that the cadres who were given the module had a significant increase in knowledge by 25% and a 19% increase in those who were given the video. As for the post-test results of the skills test, a 90% increase in knowledge was experienced by cadres who were given modules and a 70% increase in those who were given videos. This study concluded that the increase in knowledge and skills in cadres provided with the module is better than those provided with the video. This may be due to cadre's the level of education in the group provided with the module being better than those provided with the video. This study can be a basis for creating an effective media for postpartum exercise training.
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Universal Journal of Public Health 11(5): 731-741, 2023
DOI: 10.13189/ujph.2023.110523
Utilization of Videos and Modules in Postpartum
Exercise Training to Increase Knowledge and Skills of
Health Cadres in Telagasari-Karawang, Indonesia
Oon Sopiah1, Nelly Apriningrum1, Sekar Ayu Runggandini1,*, Citra Resita2
1Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Singaperbangsa Karawang, Indonesia
2Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Singaperbangsa Karawang, Indonesia
Received July 15, 2023; Revised September 20, 2023; Accepted October 24, 2023
Cite This Paper in the Following Citation Styles
(a): [1] Oon Sopiah, Nelly Apriningrum, Sekar Ayu Runggandini, Citra Resita , "Utilization of Videos and Modules in
Postpartum Exercise Training to Increase Knowledge and Skills of Health Cadres in Telagasari-Karawang, Indonesia,"
Universal Journal of Public Health, Vol. 11, No. 5, pp. 731 - 741, 2023. DOI: 10.13189/ujph.2023.110523.
(b): Oon Sopiah, Nelly Apriningrum, Sekar Ayu Runggandini, Citra Resita (2023). Utilization of Videos and Modules in
Postpartum Exercise Training to Increase Knowledge and Skills of Health Cadres in Telagasari-Karawang, Indonesia.
Universal Journal of Public Health, 11(5), 731 - 741. DOI: 10.13189/ujph.2023.110523.
Copyright©2023 by authors, all rights reserved. Authors agree that this article remains permanently open access under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License
Abstract Postpartum exercise has an important role in
maternal health. Apart from having a good psychological
effect, postpartum exercise can also improve the physical
condition of the mother after the delivery and speed up the
healing process. However, most postpartum mothers have
low knowledge about postpartum exercise. This problem is
exacerbated by the low knowledge and skills of health
cadres as the extensions of health workers in assisting
postpartum exercise. This study aims to determine the most
effective media in increasing the cadre's knowledge and
skills in assisting postpartum exercise. This study used a
comparative pre-post experimental design to analyze the
differences in the effect of training with videos and
modules on the cadre's knowledge and skills in performing
the postpartum exercises. The majority of the cadres
aged >35 years, 81% of whom received the module and
71% of whom received the video. Most cadres who
received the module had high school education (42%) and
university graduates (6%), while in the group receiving the
video, 38% of cadres had high school education, and 1%
were university graduates. This study found that videos and
modules can improve the knowledge and skills of all cadres.
In the knowledge test with images, it was found that the
cadres who were given the module had a significant
increase in knowledge by 25% and a 19% increase in those
who were given the video. As for the post-test results of the
skills test, a 90% increase in knowledge was experienced
by cadres who were given modules and a 70% increase in
those who were given videos. This study concluded that the
increase in knowledge and skills in cadres provided with
the module is better than those provided with the video.
This may be due to cadre's the level of education in the
group provided with the module being better than those
provided with the video. This study can be a basis for
creating an effective media for postpartum exercise
Keywords Training, Cadres, Postpartum Exercise,
Module, Video
1. Introduction
The maternal mortality cases in Indonesia reached 4,627
people in 2020. In total, 60% of these deaths occur in the
postpartum period [1].
After the baby and the placenta are born, at the end of the
fourth stage of labor, the mother enters a period called the
puerperium, better known as the postpartum period in
Indonesia. This period usually lasts up to 6 weeks (42 days)
and is marked by bleeding cessation. The term "postpartum
period" refers to the time after delivery when a woman's
body can repair and restore itself to its pre-pregnancy state
According to research conducted by Mutiasari and
732 Utilization of Videos and Modules in Postpartum Exercise Training
to Increase Knowledge and Skills of Health Cadres in Telagasari-Karawang, Indonesia
Sawitri in 2016 which was cited by Hidayah et al in 2022,
potential complications that occur during the postpartum
period include bleeding, infection, foul-smelling lochia,
uterine subinvolution, abdominal and pelvic pain,
dizziness and weakness, epigastric pain, blurred vision,
body temperature >38°C, breast infection, swelling on the
face and extremities, and urinary tract infections. The
postpartum period is a time when many changes occur in
the mother's body and is a critical period [1].
Postpartum exercise has an important role in maternal
health after the delivery process. In the postpartum period,
postpartum exercise is useful to help the uterus, stomach,
pelvic muscles, and any organs injured during the delivery
process recover and return to normal. Postpartum exercise
also has a positive psychological effect by increasing
physical abilities, improving mood to avoid stress, and
helping mothers avoid postpartum depression [2]. Many
studies have proven the benefits of postpartum exercise,
including its effect on increasing breast milk production [3].
In addition, postpartum exercise can also help reduce the
height of the uterine fundus [4], [5] and may reduce
postpartum fatigue [6].
Karawang Regency is located in West Java Province,
Indonesia, which had the sixth and eighth highest birth rate
in West Java in 2019 (44,931 births) and 2020 (43,049
births), respectively. This high birth rate does not align
with the mother's knowledge level regarding postpartum
exercise for mothers in the postpartum period. A study in
2023 involving 30 participants in postpartum exercise
training found that none of the participants knew how to do
the postpartum exercise [7]. In addition, a journal review
concluded that the knowledge level of postpartum mothers
regarding the implementation of postpartum exercise is
still very limited [8].
The low knowledge levels related to postpartum exercise
for postpartum mothers align with the low knowledge and
skills of health cadres in performing postpartum self-care
for the mothers prior to training [9]. A study conducted in
2023 showed that all the 27 cadres who participated in the
postpartum exercise training had no knowledge regarding
the postpartum exercise prior to the training [10]. A cadre
is someone chosen by the community to receive training so
that they can empower the community in the health sector.
Therefore, to increase the cadre's knowledge related to
postpartum exercise, postpartum training is believed to be
necessary. A study found an increase in the cadre's
knowledge who were trained on dengue hemorrhagic fever
disease [11]. This study's results align with the study,
which found that training and development activities affect
teacher productivity [12].
The lack of knowledge of mothers and health cadres at
Posyandu regarding postpartum exercise indicates the need
for postpartum exercise training. However, there has been
little study on media that is appropriate and easy for cadres
to understand. This study aims to analyze the increase in
knowledge and skills of health cadres regarding
postpartum exercise before and after the intervention by
conducting postpartum exercise training using videos and
modules at Telagasari, Karawang Regency, West Java,
Indonesia, in 2021.
This study was conducted to find appropriate and
easy-to-understand media for the Posyandu cadre's training
activities to increase their knowledge and skills.
Furthermore, the cadres are expected to be able to provide
postpartum exercise assistance to all postpartum mothers in
their area. In addition, this study also aims to (1) describe
the knowledge and skills of health cadres regarding
postpartum exercise before and after the training
intervention, (2) observe the differences in knowledge and
skills of the health cadres before and after the postpartum
exercise training, (3) determine the differences in
knowledge and skills of health cadres before and after
postpartum exercise training using modules and videos.
This study can contribute to the renewal of science to
increase the knowledge and skills of Posyandu cadres
through training activities using up-to-date, more attractive,
effective, and efficient media. This increase in knowledge
is expected to improve the health of postpartum mothers
with assistance from cadres with proper knowledge of
postpartum exercise.
2. Methods
2.1. Study Settings
The target of this study was to find the right media for
postpartum exercise training to increase the knowledge and
skills of health cadres in the Puskesmas Telagasari working
area. This study was conducted in the Telagasari district
office hall, Karawang, West Java, Indonesia. Postpartum
exercise training activities using modules were conducted
for three days, from 01-11-2021 to 03-11-2021. Meanwhile,
the video-based postpartum exercise training activities
were conducted for three days, from 04-11-2021 to
2.2. Study Design
This study incorporated a comparative pre-post
experimental study design to analyze the differences in the
effect of training media with videos and modules on the
knowledge and skills of cadres in performing postpartum
2.3. Participants
Study participants included all 350 health cadres in the
Puskesmas Telagasari working area, Karawang Regency.
Health cadre is a profession where a cadre is every person
chosen by the community and trained to become a
volunteer to mobilize the community to participate in
community empowerment in the health sector. Criteria:
Participants have previously never received information or
training on postpartum exercise. Age 1855 years, healthy
Universal Journal of Public Health 11(5): 731-741, 2023 733
(there are no symptoms of coughs or colds, and the body
temperature is less than 37 degrees Celsius), have never
participated in postpartum exercise training. Subjects are
not included in the study if they are pregnant or illiterate.
The purposive sampling method was used to obtain the
study sample. A total of 43 cadres in each group were
needed in this study. Thus, a total of 86 cadres were needed
in this study, which were randomly assigned to the video
and module groups. This study refers to the Lemeshow
(1999) formula to determine the study samples, as follows:
n: minimum sample size
SD: standard deviation of the previous studies (17.04)
confidence interval α = 10% (1.645)
: power β = 80% (0.84)
: the difference between the control and intervention
groups in previous studies (81.54-72.31)
The study was conducted for six months, starting from
the preliminary study to publication. The target of this
study was health cadres who were assigned into two
different groups. Group 1 and Group 2 consist of 52 people
who will receive postpartum exercise training using video
media and modules, respectively.
2.4. Instrument
This research was conducted by interviewing and
evaluating all health cadres before and after the postpartum
exercise training using images and checklists to determine
the level of knowledge and skills. The study instrument
was referred to the Handbook of Midwifery Practicum
Care for the Postpartum Period [13].
The following are the figure instruments and checklist
Table 1. Picture instrument and checklist questions number 1-30 to evaluate the knowledge of the cadres about postpartum exercise, questions number
31-40 on motion pictures to evaluate the skills of health cadres [13]
Postpartum Exercise are gymnastics performed by the mother after giving birth.
Postpartum Exercise can be done even though the body's condition has not recovered.
Postpartum Exercise begins on the first day after giving birth and continues every day until the forty-first day.
It consists of a series of body movements performed to speed up the recovery of the mother's condition.
Gymnastics will help speed up the mother's recovery.
Postpartum Exercise will accelerate the process of involution and restoration of uterine function.
Postpartum Exercise will accelerate the process of involution and restoration of uterine function.
Postpartum Exercise is not related to pregnancy and childbirth.
Postpartum Exercise will facilitate the release of lochea (puerperal blood).
Postpartum Exercise will help reduce pain in the muscles after childbirth.
Postpartum Exercise will not relax the muscles that support the process of pregnancy and childbirth.
Postpartum Exercise will minimize the onset of puerperal abnormalities and complications, such as
Postpartum Exercise will not minimize the onset of puerperal abnormalities and complications such as
Postpartum Exercise will improve blood circulation.
Postpartum Exercise will not improve posture or the back after childbirth.
Postpartum Exercise will improve muscle strength in the pelvis and stretch abdominal muscles.
Postpartum Exercise will repair and strengthen the pelvic muscles.
Postpartum Exercise will help the mother be more relaxed and refreshed after giving birth.
Postpartum Exercise is done when the mother is completely recovered and there are no uterine complications
or complications of the puerperium.
Postpartum Exercise should not be done on mothers whose general condition is not good, such as
hypertension, post-seizures, and fever.
Postpartum Exercise should be done after mealtime.
Postpartum Exercise starts from the simplest movements to the hardest.
At the time of puerperal gymnastics, you should wear comfortable clothes for exercise.
A good drink for Postpartum Exercise is sweet tea.
Postpartum Exercise should be done on the floor without a bottom, such as a mattress.
Before doing puerperal gymnastics, you should check the pulse calculated in 5 minutes.
The normal pulse rate before doing Postpartum Exercise is 6090 x/minute.
Postpartum Exercise can be accompanied by pleasant music.
In mothers whose delivery process is by sectio Caesarea (SC) surgery, the time to do Postpartum Exercise is
different from those whose delivery process is normal.
Postpartum mothers who give birth to twins can do Postpartum Exercises when their condition has recovered.
= 43
734 Utilization of Videos and Modules in Postpartum Exercise Training
to Increase Knowledge and Skills of Health Cadres in Telagasari-Karawang, Indonesia
Table 1 continued
The following picture shows the first day's Postpartum Exercise movements.
The following picture is from the second day of Postpartum Exercise ovements.
The following picture is from the third day of Postpartum Exercise movements.
The following picture is from the fourth day of Postpartum Exercise movements.
The following picture is from the fifth day of Postpartum Exercise movements.
Universal Journal of Public Health 11(5): 731-741, 2023 735
Table 1 continued
The following picture is from the sixth day of Postpartum Exercise movements.
The following picture shows the seventh-day Postpartum Exercise movement.
The following picture is from the eighth day of Postpartum Exercise movements.
The following picture is from the ninth day of Postpartum Exercise movements.
The following picture is from the tenth day's Postpartum Exercise movement
736 Utilization of Videos and Modules in Postpartum Exercise Training
to Increase Knowledge and Skills of Health Cadres in Telagasari-Karawang, Indonesia
Table 2. List of cadres skill assessments about puerperal gymnastics [13]
First day movement
Second day's movement
Third day movement
Fourth day movement
Fifth day movement
Universal Journal of Public Health 11(5): 731-741, 2023 737
Table 2 continued
Sixth day movement
Seventh day movement
Eighth day movement
Ninth day movement
Tenth day movement
Value 1 : Sequential movements, less precise and/or need to be reminded
Value 2 : Movements are performed sequentially, precisely without needing to be reminded
738 Utilization of Videos and Modules in Postpartum Exercise Training
to Increase Knowledge and Skills of Health Cadres in Telagasari-Karawang, Indonesia
2.5. Procedures
The study began with screening the study subjects who
met the inclusion criteria and were willing to participate in
the study after the informed consent was executed. The
study subjects were then randomly assigned to the video or
module group. Then, according to their group, six hours of
training by the instructor, consisting of two hours of theory
and four hours of practice, were provided using either the
video or modules media.
In the video media, there is someone demonstrating
postpartum exercise dynamically accompanied by music;
in the media module, there are only two-dimensional
images that don't move and only show pictures of the
stages of postpartum exercise.
Subjects were then asked to complete a knowledge and
skills questionnaire before and after the training, in which
the questionnaire was already tested for validity and
reliability. In addition to the questionnaire, the subject's
skills were assessed using images and checklists. This
study was conducted by applying a strict research protocol.
The data collection of this study was performed using an
interview, questionnaire completion, individual evaluation
using images, and individual observation using a checklist
method. A letter number 0922-09.065/DPKE-KEP/FINA
L-EA/UEU/IX/2022 has stated that this research protocol
has received approval and passed an ethical review issued
by the Esa Unggul University Code of Ethics Enforcement
Council, Research Ethics Commission Department.
2.6. Statistical Analysis
Analysis of differences in knowledge level before and
after the intervention training was conducted using the
dependent t-test. Meanwhile, differences in knowledge
change between the video and module groups were
assessed using an independent t-test. The significance level
was set at α = 0.05
3. Result
Pre-test and post-test data on knowledge and skills
variables regarding postpartum exercise training for health
cadres in the Puskesmas Telagasari working area have
been collected for both the video and module groups. A
total of 104 respondents were obtained.
The demographic characteristics of the cadres who
participated in this study were mostly in the > 35 years age
group; 42 cadres (81%) in the module group and 37 cadres
(71%) in the video intervention group.
In the training intervention group using modules, most
respondents were elementary school (n = 25 cadres, 48%)
graduates, and three respondents (6%) were university
graduates. Whereas in the group that received the video
intervention, the majority of respondents (n = 20 cadres,
38%) possessed a high school education level. In addition,
the respondents in the video intervention group include
one person (2%) with a university education level. This
result is shown in Table 3.
Table 3. Respondent's Characteristics
Age (Years)
Educational Level
After the training, all cadres (n = 104, 100%) who
received the module intervention experienced increased
knowledge and skills, as well as the group that received the
video intervention. This result is shown in Table 4.
Table 4. The differences in the knowledge and skills during the pre-test
and post-test
Pre-test and post-test
Reduced knowledge
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
No difference
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
Increased knowledge
52 (100%)
52 (100%)
For knowledge tests using images, cadres in both
intervention groups experienced a significant increase in
knowledge, a 25% increase in the module group and 19%
in the video group. Even though the module group
experienced a higher score increase than the video group,
this was found not to be statistically significant. This
result is shown in Table 5.
Table 5. The average pre-test and post-test knowledge score using
modules and videos
Note: Knowledge test score using images
Groups experienced a significant increase in skills, a
90% increase in the module group and 73% in the video
Universal Journal of Public Health 11(5): 731-741, 2023 739
group. Even though the module group experienced a higher
score increase than the video group, this was found not to
be statistically significant. This result is shown in Table 6.
Table 6. The average pre-test and post-test skills score using modules
and videos
Note: Skill test score using images
Apart from using images, this study also evaluated the
skills of cadres using a checklist. The evaluation results
with the checklist found that none of the cadres had low
scores both in the module and video groups. Most subjects
in each study group had good skill scores after the training;
85% for the module group and 98% for the video group.
This result is shown in Table 7.
Table 7. The skill scores using the checklist
Media type
Low (< 65 )
4. Discussion
In this study, most subjects in the two intervention
groups were over 35 years old, with the highest education
level in the module group being elementary school and
high school for the video group. Meanwhile, there were
three subjects with university graduates in the module
group and one person in the video group. In this study,
cadres are referred to as community members who act as
health cadres in the Puskesmas Telagasari working area.
A study by Yuliani et al. [14] concluded that cadres with
low education often find it difficult to accept directions and
refuse to use health facilities to support examinations of
child growth and development.
This study found that after receiving training, cadres in
the video and control groups experienced a significant
increase in knowledge (n= 52 cadres in each group,
100%). This increase in knowledge is in line with Elman
Boy's 2015 study [15], which found the level of
knowledge differences in cadres after receiving training
about tuberculosis disease management72% of cadres
experienced an increase in knowledge after training
The knowledge test using images for cadres who
received modules intervention showed a significant
increase (25%) in scores from the pre-test (an average of
66.58 to 83.13). This result aligns with the research by Sri
Wahyuni, Johanes C. Mose, and Udin Sabarudin in 2019
regarding the effect of integrated module training on the
knowledge, attitudes, and participation of Posyandu
cadres. This study concluded that there was an increase in
the mean score of cadres' knowledge after receiving
integrated modules training. This result is in accordance
with the objectives of the module used as a medium to
increase the training effectiveness and to provide time for
cadres to deepen the training material [16].
Moreover, the average post-test score using images in
the video intervention group increased by 19% from the
pre-test (66.65 to 79.37). This is in line with Fulatul
Anifah's study [17] in 2020 regarding the effect of
education using video media on adolescents' knowledge
of anemia, which concluded that the average knowledge
score increased after receiving an education using video
media. In this case, video is an audiovisual medium that
supports efforts to convey promotive messages.
When compared, the knowledge level of the cadres who
received the module experienced a higher increase than
the cadres who received the video intervention. After
being examined, the education level of the cadres
potentially influenced the results of the study, in which
the group that received the module intervention had a
higher education level than the respondents in the video
group. This is in line with the research by Ermawaty
Arisandi, Isabella Kristiani Sihaloho, and Hetty Gustina
Simamora [18] in 2022, which stated that the level of
education greatly influences individual knowledge of
postpartum exercise. Someone with higher education
tends to have a broader knowledge. Research by Supriadi,
Susi Purwanti, and Sumiati [19] in 2015 also stated that
modules were considered more effective media in
increasing BSE (breast self-examination) knowledge and
behavior than video.
Cadres who had received training using modules and
videos experienced a significant increase in skill scores
(n=52 cadres, 100%). This result is in line with a study by
Vina Nirmalasari and Wiwin Winarti which stated that
training could increase the knowledge and skills of
student associations for the community health department
at UPN Veteran University, Jakarta [20].
This study found an increase in the skills of cadres who
received the module intervention. A study by Yeti
Trisnawati and Ari Santika in 2020 concerning the effect
of modules intervention to improve midwifery skills on
infant massage stimulation found that the group receiving
demonstrations and modules experienced increased skills
Furthermore, the cadres who received the video
intervention had an increase in post-test scoresa 73%
increase from the average score (40.96 to 71.06). This
result is in line with a study by Qona Lutfi Sartika and
Katrin Dwi Purnanti [22] in 2021, which found that video
media is effective in increasing the skills of cadres in the
be able to present promotive messages in an informative,
educative, and instructional manner.
The skills assessment results using the checklist on the
post-test for the two intervention groups were in a good
740 Utilization of Videos and Modules in Postpartum Exercise Training
to Increase Knowledge and Skills of Health Cadres in Telagasari-Karawang, Indonesia
category; 85% for the intervention group using the
module and 98% for the intervention group using video.
Thus, it can be concluded that media interventions in the
form of modules and videos effectively improve cadres'
The skills assessment results in the group that received
the module intervention had a higher average score
increase (90%) compared to the video intervention group
(73%). However, Dika Silvia [23] found that learning
outcomes with video intervention were considered more
effective than modules on the household appliance care
practice. This may be influenced by educational factors
that affect the respondent's knowledge, which further
affects the respondent's skills.
5. Conclusions
This study found that both the knowledge and skills of
the respondents who received the video and module
interventions increased. Thus, educational media in the
form of videos and modules can be used as learning media
to increase the knowledge and skills of Posyandu cadres.
This study also found that the group that received the
module had a higher increase in knowledge than the group
that received the video. This may be because the
respondent in the module group has a better educational
level. These results can prove that education affects one's
understanding of a lesson. The weakness of this study is the
absence of a pre-test list on the checklist and characteristic
On this occasion, the author would like to thank Prof. Dr.
Sri Mulyani, Ak., CA., ASEAN CPA Chancellor of
Singaperbangsa University Karawang Period 2020 to 2023,
and Prof. Dr. Ade Maman Suherman, S.H., MSc
Chancellor of Singaperbangsa Karawang University
Currently, Mr. H. Asep Saepul Bahri, SKM.MM Head of
PKM Telagasari Karawang, Hj Yeti Yuliati. Sip., Head of
Telagasari Karawang sub-district, All village head
midwives, and cadres of the Telagasari Karawang
sub-district working area have participated in this research
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Postpartum gymnastics is exercise that mothers do after giving birth which aims to maintain and increase maternal circulation during the puerperium, as well as to help uterine involution. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was an effect of postpartum exercise on the decrease in uterine fundal height. The type of research used in this study was quasi-experimental with a pre-test post-test control group design, to analyze the effect and differences in fundal height reduction between the intervention group and the control group. So it was determined the number of samples that met the criteria as many as 20 people. The results showed that based on the results of the mean difference test, there was a significant difference in the decrease in uterine fundal height between pre and post in the postpartum exercise group and not in the postpartum exercise group with p-value <0.05 so it can be concluded that there is an effect of postpartum exercise on the decrease in uterine fundal height. on post-partum mothers. There is an effect of postpartum exercise on the decrease in uterine fundal height in postpartum women in the Ulaweng Health Center Work Area
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Masa nifas berlangsung kurang lebih 6 minggu. Ibu nifas membutuhan latihan tertentu untuk mempercepat proses involusi. Latihan jasmani untuk mengembalikan kondisi kesehatan, melulihkan otot – otot bagian punggung, dasar panggul dan perut pada ibu nifas adalah senam nifas. Di UPTD Puskesmas Tomini selama tiga tahun terakhir ibu nifas tidak melakukan senam nifas karena merasa takut, masih sakit dan capek setelah melahirkan. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh senam nifas terhadap tinggi fundus uteri ibu nifas di UPTD Puskesmas Tomini Kabupaten Parigi Moutong. Metode penelitian quasi eksperimental design dengan pendekatan nonequivalent control group design. Populasi seluruh nifas di UPTD Puskesmas Tomini. Sampel berjumlah 30 orang dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok, tehnik sampel purposive sampling. Kelompok kontrol dengan sampel 15 orang diputarkan musik dan ibu bergerak sebisanya sedangkan kelompok intervensi dengan sampel 15 orang diberikan senam nifas 3 hari sekali selama 10 menit dalam waktu 2 minggu. Rata-rata tinggi uterus pada kelompok kontrol 6,33 cm dan kelompok intervensi 5,00 cm. Analisis mengguakan mann whitney dengan hasil nilai ρ= 0,035 berarti senam nifas berpengaruh terhadap penurunan tinggi fundus uteri. Disarankan ibu nifas melakukan senam nifas untuk mempercepat involusi uterus. Kata Kunci : Tinggi Fundus Uteri, senam nifas
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Background The level of activity in women who have given birth is very low despite the great benefits of exercise on their physical and mental health. There are some contradictories between the results of several preliminary studies on the effects of exercise on post-partum fatigue reduction. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the effects of exercise on decreasing postpartum fatigue in general and, specifically, in Iran using meta-analysis. Methods In this study, the articles printed in international and national centres of SID, MagIran, IranMedex, IranDoc, Cochrane, Embase, ScienceDirect, Scopus, PubMed and Web of Science (WoS), were used to find the studies electronically published up to 2021. The studies' heterogeneity was examined using the I2 index, and subsequently, a random-effects model was applied. Data analysis was performed within the Comprehensive Meta-Analysis software (version 2). Results Finally, nine articles met the inclusion criteria in this systematic and meta-analysis review. The included samples were 456 patients in the intervention group and 446 in the control group. The mean score of fatigue after the intervention was 8.1±1.1 lower than before intervention in the experimental group, and this difference was statistically significant (p≤0.001). Conclusion The results of this study indicate that exercise reduces postpartum fatigue, which can be used for counseling and treatment by gynecologists. Reduce postpartum problems in women and increase the quality of life after childbirth.
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Objective: to identify the difference in the level of knowedge of health education with video media about anemia in adolescent girls. Methods: The research design used a quasi experimental one group pre-post test. Respondents were given a pre test before being treated and a post test after thatThe sample was selected by purposive sampling with inclusion and exclusion criteria. The sample size is 31 people.Results: There was an increase in knowledge from 7 to 17 respondents after being given health education through videos. There is a statistical difference in the average level of knowledge of respondents before and after being given health education through vidioConclusion: The level of knowledge of young women about anemia can be increased by providing health education through videos
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Background: Medan is an area with the largest TB patients in the North Sumatra Province. Since 2014, Medan Denai Distric is a target area of Medical Faculty of University Muhammadiyah North Sumatra (FM UMSU). One of the implemented program is formulating a Community Forum on TB Care. The objective of this study is to find out the effectiveness of TB management training by improving the knowledge of health cadres. Method: This was a one-group pre test-and post-test design. Participants of the research were all the TB care Forum members that was selected by inclusive criterias. Data collection was conducted by using quesionnaires of knowledge. Data analysis used Wilcoxon test with significancy level = 0,05.Results: The cadres knowledge significantly rise after the TB management training.Conclusion: TB management training for health cadre was effective in improving knowledge of health cadre.
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Abstrak Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA) merupakan keadaan hilangnya fungsi jantung secara tiba-tiba yang terjadi di luar rumah sakit dan membutuhkan pertolongan cepat. Bantuan Hidup Dasar (BHD) merupakan pertolongan pertama kepada korban OHCA yang dapat meningkatkan angka keberlangsungan hidup pasien henti jantung. Setiap lapisan masyarakat khususnya mahasiswa kesehatan harus memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan BHD. Pelatihan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan mahasiswa jurusan kesehatan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pelatihan bantuan hidup dasar terhadap pengetahuan dan keterampilan pada Himpunan Mahasiswa Kesehatan Masyarakat (HMKM) di UPN “Veteran” Jakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain Quasi Experiment Design (Eksperimental Semu) dengan Pre-Post Without Control Group. Teknik Consecutive sampling digunakan untuk merekrut 23 mahasiswa sebagai responden penelitian. Hasil analisis menggunakan Paired t-test menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara pelatihan BHD dengan pengetahuan (p=0,000) dan keterampilan (p=0,000). Hal tersebut menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara pelatihan BHD dengan pengetahuan dan keterampilan HMKM UPN “Veteran” Jakarta. Kata Kunci : BHD; Keterampilan; Pelatihan; Pengetahuan ABSTRACT Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA) is a state of a sudden loss of heart function that occurs outside the hospital and requires rapid relief. Basic Life Support (BLS) is the first aid that can increase the survival rate of patients with cardiac arrest of OHCA victims. Every level of society, especially healthcare students, is mandatory to have BLS knowledge and skills. Training can improve healthcare students' knowledge and skills. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of basic life support training on the knowledge and skills of the members of the Public Health Student Association at UPN "Veteran" Jakarta. This study used a Quasi Experiment with Pre-Post Without Control Group design. The consecutive sampling method was used to recruit 23 students as respondents. The results of a Paired t-test showed that there was a significant effect of BLS training on the knowledge (p = 0,000) and skills (p = 0,000). This study showed that there is a significant effect of BLS training on the knowledge and skills of the members of the Public Health Student Association at UPN "Veteran" Jakarta. Keywords: BLS; Knowledge; Skill; Training
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Latar belakang: Jumlah Posyandu di Indonesia semakin bertambah setiap tahunnya, tetapi tidak sebanding dengan penambahan kader posyandu, hal ini terbukti dari data yang menunjukan bahwa rata-rata jumlah kader aktif adalah 3-4 orang pada setiap Posyandu. Sedikitnya jumlah kader aktif menggambarkan peran serta masyarakat yang masih rendah, maka perlu diupayakan penambahan jumlah kader posyandu melalui pelatihan. Tujuan penelitian : Untuk mengukur pengaruh pelatihan kader posyandu dengan modul terintegrasi terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan, sikap dan keikutsertaan kader posyandu. Metode : Menggunakan desain penelitian Quasy experiment pre-test and post-test with control group. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Manonjaya, menggunakan data primer terhadap ibu yang tidak bekerja dan mempunyai waktu luang sebanyak 30 orang pada setiap kelompok. Data kemudian dianalisis secara univariat, bivariat, dan multivariat. Hasil : Data menunjukan sebelum diberikan pelatihan pada kedua kelompok pengetahuan sebesar 80,4 dan 81,2, serta sikap sebesar 69,7 dan 71,9, kemudian setelah pelatihan pengetahuan menjadi 88,1 dan 87, sikap menjadi 85,5 dan 75. Keikutsertaaan responden berturut-turut pada post-test 1 dan post-test 2 antara kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol sebanyak 25 orang dan 22 orang. Simpulan : Pelatihan kader Posyandu dengan modul terintegrasi terbukti lebih meningkatkan pengetahuan dan sikap responden, tetapi tidak lebih baik dalam meningkatkan keikutsertaan kader.
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E Ec co on no om mi ic cs s, , M Ma an na ag ge em me en nt t a an nd d S Su us st ta ai in na ab bi il li it ty y Abstract: Training and Development has always been a driving force for enhancing the teachers' productivity and performance. A training and development program provided by the employer is a sincere effort to provide opportunities to the employees to be acquainted with the variety of skills, information, attitude and conduct. With the ever-growing needs of modern education system, the education industry has to become more techno savvy, dynamic and updated. There is always requirement of skillful and talented manpower to take up this education industry to the heights of international standards. The primary objective of this research paper is to investigate the impact of staff training and development on their productivity and performance in classroom teaching and in their administrative work as well. It can also be viewed as on their overall productivity. The data collected was through structured questionnaire. 58 teachers were interviewed through the questionnaire. Statistical Software (SPSS Version 16) was used for analyzing the data. The study concludes that there exist positive and strong relations between training and development and productivity of the teachers of Kurdistan. The study further concluded stating positive correlation between productivity and other independent factors like Skills, Expertise, Morale, Enhancement, Potential, Job Knowledge and Proficiency. Technical/Technology training is the most suitable training program for the teachers of this region.
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Masa nifas adalah suatu rentang waktu yang amat penting bagi kesehatan ibu dan anak, setelah melewati masa hamil dan melahirkan. Involusio uteri merupakan salah satu fokus yang harus dipantau pada ibu nifas. Involusi uteri merupakan suatu proses dimana uterus kembali kekondisi sebelum hamil dengan berat sekitar 60 gram. Senam nifas adalah senam yang dilakukan sejak hari pertama melahirkan, setiap hari sampai hari yang kesepuluh, terdiri dari sederetan gerakan tubuh yang dilakukan untuk membantu supaya aliran darah meningkat dan lancar, sehingga mempengaruhi proses pengecilan rahim. Hasil kegiatan pelatihan senam nifas berupa peningkatan tingkat pengetahuan kader posyandu tentang senam nifas serta adanya kegiatan pendampingan senam nifas oleh kader posyandu terhadap ibu nifas di Desa Ambartawang Kecamatan Mungkid. Diharapkan agar kegiatan pendampingan senam nifas oleh kader ini tetap terlaksana sehingga dapat meningkatkan kesehatan ibu nifas
ABSTRAK Pada tahun 2017 22,2% atau sekitar 150,8 juta balita di dunia mengalami stunting. lebih dari setengah balita stunting di dunia, berasal dari Asia (55%) sedangkan lebih dari sepertiganya (39%) tinggal di Afrika. Dari 83,6 juta balita stunting di Asia. 9 Juta berada di indonesia. Stunting berdampak pada banyak hal anatara lain obesitaslDampak yang sangat penting menurut UNICEF dari hasil studi di Cebu oleh University of North Carolina, menemukan bahwa skor IQ anak-anak stunting usia lebih rendah. Menurut WHO upaya yang dapat dilaksanakan dengan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat. Dalam upaya peningkatan ketrampilan kader diperlukan media edukasi yang mendukung proses pembelajaran ini.Untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan media edukasi (booklet dan video) terhadap ketrampilan dalam deteksi dini stunting pada balita. Jenis penelitian ini adalah pre eksperimen dengan pretest-posttest control group design, jumlah sampel 15 kelompok Kontrol, 15 kelompok Bokklet dan 15 Kelompok Video dengan pengambilan sample menggunakan teknik consecutive sampling. Data diolah menggunakan uji wilcoxon, Paired t-tes dan Mann Whitney.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pendidikan kesehatan menggunakan media audiovisual dan booklet efektif dalam meningkatkan ketrampilan kader dalam melakukan skrining. efektifitas pemberian media edukasi booklet maka dilakuakan uji Wilcoxon didapatkan nilai probabilitas (p) 0,001 yang berarti media edukasi video efektif dalam meningkatkan keterampilan kader dalam deteksi dini stunting.Kesimpulan: Penelitian menunjukan media edukasi (booklet dan video) efektif dalam meningkatkan ketrampilan kader dalam deteksi dini stunting . Media edukasi dengan video lebih direkomendasikan dalam memberikan edukasi karena penyerapan informasi lebih efektif dengan menggunakan indra pengelihatan dan pendengaran yang berupa video dibandingkan hanya menggunakan indra penglihatan saja Kata kunci: Stunting, Booklet, video