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Dynacargo: The evaluation results of a Dynamic Waste Collection Management System based on Real-time and Forecasted Data


Abstract and Figures

Dynacargo is a project that aims at developing a near real-time monitoring system for waste bins' fill level. This data is used to predict the fill-level of waste bins and dynamically manage the waste collection procedure. This leads to truck distance minimization by utilizing routing algorithms. Dynacargo adds a set of durable, low cost sensors and RFID tags to existing waste bins. The tags store the fill-level measures by sensors, which is communicated through a variety of communication means and reaches a central information management system. Along with this real time data collection and transmission, data mining techniques are executed on older data collected prior to Dynagargo implementation, in order to forecast future waste bins fill levels. In this paper we present and discuss the promising evaluation results of the project on the case study of Nafpaktia municipality.
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Dynacargo: The evaluation results of a Dynamic Waste
Collection Management System based on Real-time and
Forecasted Data
George Asimakopoulos, Sotiris Christodoulou, Panayiotis Alefragis, Andreas Gizas,
Vassilios Triantafillou
Computer & Inform. Engineering Dept.
Technical Educational Inst. of Western Greece
Antirion, Greece
Dynacargo research project aims at developing a near real-time
monitoring system that monitors and transmits waste bins’ fill
level, which are used to predict the fill-level of waste bins and
dynamically manage the waste collection process by introducing
truck distance minimization, relying on efficient routing
algorithms. Dynacargo places a set of durable, low cost sensors
and RFID tags on waste bins. These tags store the fill-level
estimated by the sensors, which is passed through diverse
communication channels and ends to a central cargo information
management system. Along with this real time data harvesting,
data mining techniques are utilized on historical data collected
prior to Dynagargo implementation, in order to predict future
waste bins fill rates. In this paper we present and discuss the
promising evaluation results of the project on the case study of
Nafpaktia municipality.
Categories and Subject Descriptors
C.0 GENERAL: System architectures, H.2.8 Database
Applications: Data Mining, G.2.2 Graph Theory: Graph
General Terms
Algorithms, Design, Experimentation.
Urban solid waste collection; intelligent transportation systems;
data mining; graph routing algorithms.
Nafpaktia municipality is a typical case of solid waste
management throughout Hellas, as waste collection is based on
standard time intervals and according to fixed vehicle routes.
Decision making is solely empirical, which leads to biased
decisions that do not take into account real needs based on data.
This has led to results far from optimal; as it is not uncommon to
have overfilled waste bins were uncollected for some days, while
at the same time other unfilled bins were collected, resulting to an
unsatisfied local society along with increased cost. Regarding
Athens[8], it has been estimated that the 60% to 80% of the total
cost of waste collection, transportation and disposal is spent
during collection. The main cost reduction efforts should deal
with distance and duration minimization of vehicle routes [6].
Johansson [7] proved that if the fill level of bins was taken into
account and waste collection adapts accordingly, it could reduce
the cost of waste collection up to 20%. Under the light of these
findings, Dynacargo (Dynamic Cargo Routing on-the-Go) project
built a near real-time monitoring system that monitors and
transmits waste bins’ fill level, in order to make waste collection
more efficient by cost reduction which is accomplished by
minimizing distances covered by refuse vehicles. In this paper we
present and discuss the promising evaluation results of the project.
There are various approaches available in order to harvest data
from points of waste collection [2,3,4, 5,7,9,10]. Although they
introduce interesting approaches, they cannot be used as-is in
Dynacargo. This is because they introduce major costs, they do
not meet Dynacargo functional requirements and are mostly
customized for recyclable waste which can be managed with
longer collection cycles compared to domestic waste.
This implies that Dynacargo, despite aiming at waste collection
automation as existing approaches do, displays major
differentiations against these approaches. At the heart of these
differentiations lies Dynacargo architecture which originates from
a generic multipurpose cargo-based dynamic vehicle routing
approach which copes with cargo changes and collection from
disperse points of concentration.
Dynacargo moves forward from sole data collection from waste
concentration points, as it utilizes such data in real time in order
to optimize vehicle routes during the waste collection process
Another point at which Dynacargo differentiates from existing
approaches is the utilization of a diverse set of data transmission
techniques that is incorporated to establish data transmission from
points of collection to the system in near real time. Besides GSM
which induces fixed telecom costs, Delay-Tolerant Networking
concepts are adapted for data transmission from the disperse
concentration points to the central information system. Dynacargo
DYNACARGO Central System
Refuse Truck Subsystem (RTS)
Bins Data Gathering
and Dispatching Unit
Storage Space
Spatial DB with
the route
DTN Communication
Data Collection and
Integration Subsystem
Archival DB
Central DB
Routing Optimization
Optimized Routes
Web Portal
Data Mining Subsystem
Bin Subsystem
Sensors to estimate the
fill level of bin
Bin’s Data and
with GPS
Bin’s Data and
Bins Data Gathering Subsystem
Bins Data Gathering
and Dispatching Unit
Storage Space
Bin’s Data and
Bin’s Data and
Fleet Management
Control Center
Spatial DB
Map Server
3Rd party
al Data
Data Warehouse
FMS Server
DTN is based on a set of existing public commuters that are
utilized as data hosts that carry data as they execute unaltered
standard procedures.
Dynacargo functional requirements evolved from the analysis of
the solid waste collection and management system of Municipality
of Nafpaktia, Greece, which expands in an area of 870,38 km2 and
displays a population of 27.800 citizens. Nafpaktia displays
geographic and demographic aspects that sum to an ideal pilot
environment for Dynacargo. It is composed from a coastal city
with narrow busy streets in the historic center, coastal towns and
villages with population varying following tourist seasonality,
along with remote villages (up to 120 km. away) with a few dozen
residents located in mountainous areas. Another diversion is that
Nafpaktia displays waste transshipment from small to big refuse
vehicles. Requirement analysis initiated with an as-is analysis in
order to formally document the current waste management
process. Several indicative waste collecting routes were selected
and modeled on Google Earth (Figure 1), after an assessment of
peculiarities each route presents. The analysis included available
waste collection historical data and information regarding related
Figure 1. Indicative waste collection routes for Nafpaktia.
In order to reassure the accurate Dynacargo waste level
predictions, waste bin fill level data is acquired at short time
intervals from as many as possible waste collection points. Data
collection is realized through diverse data harvesting tools take
advantage of existing transportation systems such as public bus
services, postal office vehicles, taxis, municipal police vehicles,
along with active social entities as these vehicles traverse the area
of interest in an irregular but frequent manner. The Data Collector
role can be served by either a vehicle driver (e.g., bus, taxi,
postman car, etc.) equipped with the Dynacargo equipment, or
anyone else who may be involved in data collection (e.g.,
postmen) who may use any means of transportation such a car, a
bike, or by foot. Citizens improve data harvesting by reporting
fill-level with a mobile application, reporting estimations of
produced waste volume on unforeseen events and by checking
online the bin fill levels near their residence so as to discard their
waste on nearby unfilled bins.
The functional requirements and the Dynacargo architecture are
described in detail in our previous research works [1,14].
Dynacargo architecture is designed as a generic cargo-based
routing system along with the inherited adaptability to any other
municipality regardless of specific waste collecting process
characteristics. The Dynacargo architecture is presented in figure
2 and in more detail in [1]. Following, we shortly describe its
main subsystems and architectural parts.
Bin Subsystem: Sensors estimate waste bin fill level and collect,
store and transmit relevant data. The proposed smart waste-bin
system is envisaged to be mounted on the top lid of a waste-bin
and it consists of the sensing units, an active RFID tag for data
aggregation and transmission, as well as a protective enclosure for
the sensors and the RFID tag that may optionally include an
external battery source. All tags are configured to operate in
beacon mode, broadcasting the information every few seconds in
a range of about 100 meters. Active RFID tag transmission
technology is much lighter in complexity and in coping with harsh
environments compared to that of WSNs making the architecture
robust and resistant.
Bins Data Gathering and Dispatching Unit (Collector Unit):
This unit consists of an active RFID reader and a small-form-
factor computer (currently a Raspberry Pi), communicates with
the Bin Subsystem and routes the collected information to the
Central System, through a long range network. It is built of three
“Reader”, which refers to the communication interface with
the bin subsystem.
“Storage space” which temporarily stores the data until
transferred to the Central System.
“Data transmission” to the Central System, through Delay
Tolerant Networking (DTN) technology.
Figure 2. Dynacargo Architecture.
The Unit could be held by any approved personnel or installed in
a vehicle of existing organized transportation systems such as
public bus services, postal office vehicles, taxis, municipal police
vehicles, etc. in order to unobtrusively collect the required
information. As the vehicle roams around the city, the RFID
reader reads the tags and collects and stores the information to the
storage area. Given the short “packet” size (less than 128 bits), the
tag range (100 meters), and a realistic average speed of 40 km/h in
a city, the tag beacon interval is extracted so as the passing
vehicle is able to complete all necessary transactions with the
smart-bin. The use of RFID technology allows reading multiple
tags simultaneously (group of nearby bins), without collisions and
re-transmissions. Communication: In order to cope with
increased telecommunication costs and infrastructure upgrades,
this Unit defers transmissions to the Central System until an
Internet connection becomes available. The Delay Tolerant
Networking (DTN) paradigm ensures that the information is
retained in the bins, until a Collector Unit passes nearby and then
in the Collector Units, until an Internet connection is available.
Bins Data Gathering Subsystem (BDGS): The BDGS is the
subsystem carried by the Data Collector. It consists of the Bins
Data Gathering and Dispatching Unit, combined with a very
simple application for handling it. The BDGS should be portable
and able to work with a battery.
Refuse Truck Subsystem (RTS): This subsystem will be
installed on each refuse truck. The main part of the RTS is the
Bins Data Gathering and Dispatching Unit. Additionally the RTS
will be equipped with a GPS unit and a camera and will
incorporate the appropriate software to provide the following
GPS Navigation Application: It is a classical navigation
application through GPS, which will provide navigation
guidance to the truck driver, and instructions about which
bins should be collected.
Teleconference Application: Teleconference communication
of driver with the Central System, especially for reporting
emergency situations.
Citizen Application: An application for mobile devices
(smartphone, tablet), through which the citizen can choose any
bin and report data for it (fill level, photo, comment, etc.).
Central System: It is the back-end system of Dynacargo. Its main
part is the Data Warehouse storing all historic data, bins’ data,
vehicles’ data and everything needed for calculating the best
routes based on the current load of bins and some restrictions (Bin
Collection Settings) specified by the system administrators.
Moreover, Data Warehouse will store any information derived
from the other subsystems, particularly from the Data Mining
Subsystem and the Routing Optimization Subsystem.
Apart the above databases, the Central System will include:
Fleet Management Control Center: receives the optimized
routes from the Routing Optimization Subsystem, two hours
before the start of the routes and on the fly (if the routes have to
be modified), and forwards them to the appropriate RTS. All
spatial information for the corresponding route will be stored
locally in a Spatial RTS Database. The Fleet Management Control
Center can send route modifications to any refuse truck, informing
properly the Navigation Application, if such need arises and
provided that the refuse truck has network coverage.
The Map Application: A cartographic JavaScript API that
provides all the required functionality for creating rich-web
applications based on geographic and descriptive data.
Data Collection and Integration Subsystem: This subsystem
collects bins data from the RTS, the BDGS and citizens’
applications, and integrate them into the central DBs.
Furthermore, it is able to integrate data from other sources, if
needed, like an independent FMS server that can operate in
parallel with the Dynacargo system. The architecture design of
Dynacargo does not require the existence of a classical FMS.
Data Mining Subsystem: The data mining and prediction
analysis subsystem is based on the data warehouse infrastructure,
from which the data are extracted, so that the various data mining
scenarios can be realized. It is mainly used to estimate fullness of
bins when we do not have the available information updated or is
not fairly recent. The data mining process can be quite
challenging and time consuming since the efficient
parametrization of the chosen variables requires experience on
behalf of the scientists and is mostly empirical. The research team
tried to execute different scenarios in order to analyze the
behavior of existing data mining methods on this dataset and to
investigate the existence of association rules and possibly to make
interesting conclusions. The whole subsystem is realized in a
Microsoft SQL Server RDBMS, utilizing the relevant Analysis
Server (Microsoft Analysis Services), where a Mining project has
been created in the supported programming environment, linking
the central database with the Analysis Server.
Routing Optimization Subsystem: The role of this subsystem is
the dynamic route planning before the starting of truck routes, and
the on-the-fly modification of routes, either due to exceptional
events (accident), or if the new data collected during the routes
impose such changes. The dynamic routes are calculated
whenever needed, taking into account various data that will exist
in the central data warehouse system.
Most non-urban municipalities, especially in Greece due to the
land structure, include geographically scattered villages or towns,
thus in our model we group the bins of a village or a suburb into
bin clusters. This helps the problem solution as it is usually more
economically viable to collect all bins in a village than returning
the following day to partially collect them. We defined generic
region types, i.e. Historic Center, City, Suburb, Town, Village
Rural area, Remote area, that can be applied to any kind of
The dynacargo routing problem can be categorized as a
Generalized Vehicle Routing Problem. Out algorithms support
several starting and ending truck points and the transshipment of
collected waste from small vehicles to larger ones. The basic idea
is to decide which bins should be collected, based on their priority
(fullness, days passed since last collection) and then calculate the
best routes (less km, less fuel, minimum cost per kilogram of
collected waste) to maximize the collected garbage given that
each available vehicle has a maximum capacity.
In order to estimate the quality of the generated solution we also
solve a sequence of instances for the next 7 days using forecasted
data. We generate solutions and evaluate if the average cost per
collected waste for the sequence horizon increases. If this
happens, we adjust the search parameters as this is an indication
that the currently generated solution leaves waste to the
uncollected bins that will create demand in the following days that
will increase the total cost.
Dynamic re-routing: When a vehicle is unable to continue its
route, we then resolve the problem using the partial operated
routes and vehicle state as fixed partial solutions. More
specifically we use: The current positions of all other vehicles,
their current available capacities, the current routes that they have
planned to operate and forecasts of bins that have not yet been
collected, now taking into account only high priority bins.
For the studied problem, the actual distance between two
geographic points is calculated by using the QGIS tool and the
Open Street Map platform via the online routing API that is
provided. Our internal representation is based on the open
standards WGS84 coordinate system, enabling us to easily extend
it to use the routing API of Google or Bing Maps in the future.
We used OR-tools [13] as the underline solver infrustrucutre,
more specifically the routing constraint solver. The heuristic
approach is implemented in Python and uses a callable CVRP
model that can use multiple depots for each subproblem. The
CTOP approach is implemented in Java and directly models the
problem as a constraint programming problem.
Refer to [15] for more detailed description of the routing
algorithms, the research issues that have emerged during the
design and development of them, and the evaluation results.
Citizens Web Portal: A web site, through which citizens can be
informed about the current completeness of bins or report bins’
data (fill level, photography, etc.) in the Central System, by
selecting a bin on a map. The purpose of the Citizen Web Portal
and the smartphone app are to motivate people to participate in
sustainable waste management.
In the next section we present and discuss the evaluation results of
the project.
4. Evaluation Results
At first routing data was calculated (number, distance, fuel
consumption, garbage load) for the current garbage collection
process for the selected routes. Afterwards, in order to assess
algorithm efficiency, Dynacargo operation was simulated for one
year (2013). We built software to produce virtual loads per bin
based on real data, like the total load weight per route throughout
the year and the empirical estimations of drivers per bin. The
result of this procedure was a set of predictions regarding bin fill
levels for 10 days of the year (1st and 15th day for some summer
and winter months of 2013) which were produced by the
prediction subsystem.
Afterwards the routing algorithm was executed for these 10 days
and number of routes, kilometers and fuel was calculated for one
week forward. The level of vehicle fullness was calculated by
dividing the actual weight of collected garbage during each week
by the total vehicle load capability. These results are displayed in
the Tables 1 & 2 for winter and summer, compared with the
corresponding weekly values of current fixed routes.
The following improvements were detected:
Routes: 13 instead of 21 (38.10% drop)
Kilometers: 946.6 instead of 1289.7 (26.60% drop)
Fuel: 275.4 instead of 528.16 (47.86% drop)
Vehicle load: 86% instead of 53%.
Routes: 16 instead of 21 (23.81% drop)
Kilometers: 1050.4 instead of 1289.7 (18.55% drop)
Fuel: 314.6 instead of 528.16 (40.43% drop)
Vehicle load: 85% instead of 67%.
Table 1. Improvements over fixed routes for 1 week (winter)
Routes km fuel (lt)
Fixed Routes 21 1289.7 528.16 53%
13 949 290 81%
38.10% 26.42% 45.09%
13 938 262 82%
38.10% 27.27% 50.39%
14 974 287 90%
33.33% 24.48% 45.66%
12 914 267 90%
42.86% 29.13% 49.45%
13 958 271 87%
38.10% 25.72% 48.69%
Average 13 946.6 275.4 86%
Avg. reduction 38.10% 26.60% 47.86%
std dev 3.37% 1.74% 2.35%
Dynacargo Routes
Table 2. Improvements over fixed routes for 1 week (summer)
Routes km fuel(lt)
Fixed Routes 21 1289.7 528.16 67%
16 1035 313 81%
23.81% 19.75% 40.74%
16 1032 306 85%
23.81% 19.98% 42.06%
16 1089 316 89%
23.81% 15.56% 40.17%
16 1049 314 84%
23.81% 18.66% 40.55%
16 1047 324 85%
23.81% 18.82% 38.65%
Average 16 1050.4 314.6 85%
Avg. reduction 23.81% 18.55% 40.43%
std dev 0.00% 1.77% 1.22%
Dynacargo Routes
As Dynacargo can reach a 100% fill level per vehicle instead of
85%, a 15% margin regarding vehicle load was imposed in order
to compensate with potential forecast errors regarding bin fill
level. An improved vehicle fill level is accomplished because the
algorithm selects a vehicle with the required capacity as the load
demand of each route is known before the route execution begins.
These results when projected to an annual level yield the figures
showed in table 3.
Table 3. Dynacargo overall improvements over current
fuel (lt)
For the specific case interesting conclusions can be derived:
For remote routes which display small loads there is no
significant improvement. This happens because a minimum
of 1 route per week is executed regardless of load due to the
nature of the load (waste cannot left at the bin for more days
than a specific threshold).
For remote routes which display larger loads, 1 to 4 routes
can be eliminated which is a significant gain.
The more significant improvements were displayed by bins
in the city areas of Nafpaktos area, which was not expected at
this scale. That means, that dynacargo solution can provide
significant economic profit for municipalities with cities with
population over 20000 citizens.
The specific municipality has more routes which were not
examined during the project which it is expected to display similar
improvements when analyzed. Thus we can securely conclude that
for all routes in Nafpaktia the improved figures would be:
26000 less kilometers
24000 less liters of fuel
According to accounting conducted by the Municipality of
Nafpaktia, each kilometer costs 1.8 €. Thus Dynacargo introduced
a total saving of 26000*1.8= 46800€ per year.
Sustainable growth, in regards to urban areas, requires intelligent
waste collection management. Dynacargo serves this need by
developing a cargo-centric waste transport management system
and by implementing a fully functional instance regarding
domestic waste collection in a real life large scale scenario.
This is achieved by expanding traditional fleet management
functionality in two manners. One breakthrough that Dynacargo
utilizes is to stream near real-time waste related information (fill
level of waste bins) into the monitoring and decision support
process, prior to collection from waste concentration points. If
this information is not available or not efficient from a cost-
benefit perspective, it is substituted by historical data in order to
predict waste bins status. The second breakthrough that
Dynacargo introduces is active citizen involvement, by turning
them into active information producers and consumers.
Dynacargo utilizes low-cost durable RFID tags, along with
alternative network protocols such as DTN in order to minimize
telecommunication and hardware costs.
But the most important cost reduction is accomplished by
minimizing distances covered by refuse trucks. In order to achieve
this we have introduced dedicated dynamic routing algorithms
specifically created for this kind of problems. In this paper we
briefly present the modules of the Dynacargo architecture.
Furthermore, we evaluated the project against the currently used
fixed routes in Municipality of Nafpaktia and the results showed
that the improvement could be up to 22% less kilometers and 44%
less liters of fuel per year.
This work has been financially supported by the Greek General
Secretariat of Research and Technology and European Union
under the project “11SYN_10_456: Dyanacargo”.
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... This can be a fitting solution when the uncertainty and variability of the demand is very high, while contributing to reduce the number of collection activities compared to static schemes (Elia et al., 2018), decreasing environmental emissions with limited impact on the total cost (Tang et al., 2015). The application of dynamic schemes for waste collection has been analyzed in a few studies in the literature (Anghinolfi et al., 2013;Asimakopoulos et al., 2016;Borozdukhin et al., 2016;Faccio et al., 2011;Gutierrez et al., 2015;Johansson, 2006;McLeod et al., 2014;Mes et al., 2014;Ramos et al., 2018). In detail, only two studies evaluate the application of this model for WEEE (Elia et al., 2016(Elia et al., , 2018, underlining the high potential of a dynamic approach in managing the variability of WEEE generation rate, as well as the advantages for the service provider. ...
The integration of economic and environmental objectives is crucial in the waste collection sector, especially for flows characterized by a high economic value like waste from electric and electronic equipment (WEEE). WEEE needs a complex and flexible reverse logistics system to face high uncertainty and variability of waste flows, while keeping a high efficiency. A few efforts in the literature have focused on planning an efficient collection service on a local scale. In this paper, a simulation-based methodology is adopted to compare different alternatives for a WEEE collection service in Italy. A dynamic collection scheme (i.e. with variable collection frequencies based on the actual level of waste flow) is simulated in two different logistics configurations, i.e. one based on direct connection and one based on an “hub-and-spoke” network. The impact of adopting electric vehicles is also evaluated. Alternatives are compared through economic and environmental key performance indicators to assess the level of sustainability. Results show the advantages of a “hub-and-spoke” configuration with the use of electric vehicles.
... One technology that studies have focused on is the recycling bin, as an artifact that many people come across on a daily basis. Researchers have augmented recycling bins to positively affect recycling behavior by making the bins interactive and responsive in various ways, including gamification of the recycling bin (e.g.[6,23,32]), data visualization of recycling behaviors (e.g.[2,7]), and robotic trash cans that mimic human or animal appearances and behaviors (e.g.[3,22]). While the ability of interactive technology to motivate perceptual and behavioral change in general, and recycling related perception and behavior in particular, has been established, little work has been done to identify the psychological mechanisms behind these effects. ...
The complexity of collection systems for Waste from Electric and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) in the EU is increasing, due to the latest directive that sets new collection targets and modes. The high variability and the uncertainty of reverse flows require innovative logistic approaches. One recent option for increasing efficiency and responsiveness in waste collection services, boosted by new technological solutions for waste level monitoring, is to adopt a dynamic collection scheme, where the collection frequency is not established a priori (based on a fixed plan), but it is based on the actual filling levels of waste bins. This option can allow the service provider to plan the collection service following the actual demand, resulting in a more responsive service, while improving the logistic efficiency. This paper evaluates the implementation of dynamic scheduling schemes for the collection of WEEE. A hybrid simulation model has been developed in order to support researchers and practitioners in assessing quantitative impacts of adopting dynamic scheduling in WEEE collection. Three logistic alternatives (a fixed collection schedule scheme, a pure dynamic scheme and a mixed one) have been compared in a test case based on data of an Italian municipality; collection services for different types of WEEE (i.e. large appliances and small items) have been analyzed. Results show a promising performance of dynamic schedules compared to the fixed one, revealing, for the specific test case, how a mixed solution can combine the advantages of dynamic and fixed scheduling, gaining flexibility towards customer demand while improving truck resource utilization.
Conference Paper
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Dynacargo is an ongoing research project that introduces a breakthrough approach for cargo management systems, as it places the hauled cargos in the center of a haulage information management system, instead of the vehicle. Dynacargo attempts to manage both distribution and collection processes, providing an integrated approach. This paper presents the Dynacargo architectural modules and interrelations between them, as well as the research issues and development progress of some selected modules. In the context of Dynacargo project, a set of durable, low cost RFID tags are placed on waste bins in order to produce crucial data that is fed via diverse communication channels into the cargo management system. Besides feeding the management system with raw data from waste bins, data mining techniques are used on archival data, in order to predict current waste bins fill status. Moreover easy-to-use mobile and web applications will be developed to encourage citizens to participate and become active information producers and consumers. Dynacargo project overall aim is to develop a near real-time monitoring system that monitors and transmits waste bins' fill level, in order to dynamically manage the waste collection more efficiently by minimizing distances covered by refuse vehicles, relying on efficient routing algorithms.
Conference Paper
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There is a growing demand for low cost, very low power and reduced size monitoring systems with wireless communications, to be used in different kinds of industrial environments. In several countries waste separation and recycling is a major issue. Consequently, the number of recycling spots has been steadily increasing. In order to ensure that recycle bins are properly maintained, several monitoring solutions have been proposed. These still have several limitations, such as requiring wires for power and/or communications and not being able to fit in all existing types of bins. This paper presents WECO, a wireless embedded solution for monitoring the level of the bins located in recycling spots. The proposed system automatically alerts a remote central station when a bin reaches a programmable filling level, thus avoiding the need to spot check if the bin is full and ensuring that the recycling spot is kept clean. The developed prototype required hardware-software co-design and aimed to meet the above mentioned requirements, resorting to the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol for wireless communications between all nodes in the network, each based on a System-On-Chip (SoC) CC2530 from Texas Instruments. Due to its wireless nature, the architecture requires a battery for power supplying the nodes, with a life time of at least six years. The filling level readings of each bin in a recycling spot is made using an ultrasonic sensor. The data collected by the monitoring platform is then sent to the remote central station that processes it in order to optimize routes and establish a scheduled collection of the recycling spots.
Conference Paper
This paper presents a novel prototype of solid waste bin monitoring system using wireless sensor network which can respond as soon as someone throw waste insight the bins. The system architecture uses ZigBee and GSM/GPRS communication technologies and a set of carefully chosen sensors to monitor the status of solid waste bins in real time. The system is composed of three tier structure such as lower, middle and upper tier. The lower tier contains bin with sensor node installed in it to measure and transmit bin status to the next tier, the middle tier contains the gateway that stores and transmits bin data to control station and control station resides in the upper tier that stores and analyze the data for further using. An energy efficient sensing algorithm is also used in the first tier to collect the bin parameters. In this way, the system can help to minimize the operation costs and emissions by feeding the collected data to a decision support system for route optimization.
Conference Paper
The rapid urbanization in Kerala has led to increased generation of municipal solid waste (MSW), which will seriously affect the society and the quality of life of people. Although some action has taken from the part of government against this, the poor management of waste has led to pollution and to the emission of greenhouse gases. The main issues with waste management are the high cost associated with no returns, lack of real time feedback from the people about unauthorized dumping and various transportation issues. For a case study, we have taken Thiruvalla Municipality situated between 9°23'06" N to 76°34'30"E latitude and 9°38'2"N to 76.575°E longitude in Pathanamthitta district, Kerala. To address this issue we have introduced a system called SVASTHA which is a Sanskrit word which means “be healthy and hygienic”. This effective management system with the help of RFID and GPS system can effectively manage the waste collection in Thiruvalla Municipality; this system can be adopted in other municipalities and corporations also. This system will actively monitor the waste collection process and will provide real time feedback such as waste collection status, live tracking of trucks and trash bins etc. The system can receive complaints from residents about uncollected wastes as well as the illegal disposal of wastes. one of the main feature of the system is the smart shortest path detection technique, so that vehicles need to travel only less distance to collect waste. This system is developed in android to support diverse class of mobile devices.
The integration of communication technologies such as radio frequency identification (RFID), global positioning system (GPS), general packet radio system (GPRS), geographic information system (GIS) with a camera are constructed for solid waste monitoring system. The aim is to improve the way of responding to customer's inquiry and emergency cases and estimate the solid waste amount without any involvement of the truck driver. The proposed system consists of RFID tag mounted on the bin, RFID reader as truck module, GPSR/GSM as web-server, GIS as map server, database server and control station server. The tracking devices mounted in the trucks collect location information in real-time via the GPS. This information is transferred continuously through GPRS to a central database. The users are able to view the current location of each truck in the collection stage via a web-based application, and thereby manage the fleet. The trucks positions and trash bin information are displayed on a digital map, which is made available by a map server. Thus, the solid waste of the bin and the truck are being monitored using the developed system.
The collection of waste is a highly visible and important municipal service that involves large expenditures. Waste collection problems are, however, one of the most difficult operational problems to solve. This paper describes the optimization of vehicle routes and schedules for collecting municipal solid waste in Eastern Finland. The solutions are generated by a recently developed guided variable neighborhood thresholding metaheuristic that is adapted to solve real-life waste collection problems. Several implementation approaches to speed up the method and cut down the memory usage are discussed. A case study on the waste collection in two regions of Eastern Finland demonstrates that significant cost reductions can be obtained compared with the current practice.
During the last decade, a number of challenging applications in logistics, tourism and other fields were modelled as orienteering problems (OP). In the orienteering problem, a set of vertices is given, each with a score. The goal is to determine a path, limited in length, that visits some vertices and maximises the sum of the collected scores. In this paper, the literature about the orienteering problem and its applications is reviewed. The OP is formally described and many relevant variants are presented. All published exact solution approaches and (meta) heuristics are discussed and compared. Interesting open research questions concerning the OP conclude this paper.
Waste collection is a highly visible municipal service that involves large expenditures and difficult operational problems, plus it is expensive to operate in terms of investment costs (i.e. vehicles fleet), operational costs (i.e. fuel, maintenances) and environmental costs (i.e. emissions, noise and traffic congestions). Modern traceability devices, like volumetric sensors, identification RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) systems, GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) and GPS (Global Positioning System) technology, permit to obtain data in real time, which is fundamental to implement an efficient and innovative waste collection routing model. The basic idea is that knowing the real time data of each vehicle and the real time replenishment level at each bin makes it possible to decide, in function of the waste generation pattern, what bin should be emptied and what should not, optimizing different aspects like the total covered distance, the necessary number of vehicles and the environmental impact. This paper describes a framework about the traceability technology available in the optimization of solid waste collection, and introduces an innovative vehicle routing model integrated with the real time traceability data, starting the application in an Italian city of about 100,000 inhabitants. The model is tested and validated using simulation and an economical feasibility study is reported at the end of the paper.