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Detection of breast cancer with conventional mammography and contrast-enhanced MR imaging

  • Rothrist AG

Abstract and Figures

The aim of this study was to compare the diagnostic performance of conventional mammography and dynamic contrast-enhanced fast 3D gradient-echo (GRE) MRI regarding the detection and characterization of breast lesions relative to histopathologic analysis and to assess the results of a combined evaluation of both methods. fifty consecutive patients with 63 histopathologically verified breast lesions underwent dynamic contrast-enhanced GRE MRI in addition to routine conventional mammography. All lesions were classified by both methods on a five-point scale as benign or malignant, and the results were correlated to histopathology. Conventional mammography and dynamic MRI yielded a sensitivity and specificity of 82 and 64 %, and 92 and 76 %, respectively. The difference between the results was statistically not significant (p > 0.05) with areas under the receiver-operating-characteristics curves of 0.807 for mammography and 0.906 for MR imaging. Combination of the results of both methods slightly increased the sensitivity for detection of breast cancer to 95 % but decreased specificity to 52 %. In this selected patient subset, including only patients referred for excisional biopsy, contrast-enhanced dynamic MRI proved more sensitive and specific than conventional mammography regarding the detection of malignancy. While a combination of both methods yields a slightly improved sensitivity, specificity is vastly reduced.
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Various imaging modalities including mammography,
sonography, and most recently, MR imaging have been
explored regarding their ability to detect and character-
ize breast lesions. Mammography, which is readily avail-
able, relatively inexpensive and suited to depict micro-
calcifications, remains the primary imaging modality
for breast evaluation at this time. Despite several tech-
nical advances affecting the actual data acquisition as
well as film processing, several limitations of mammog-
raphy remain well documented; these include difficul-
ties in the assessment of dense glandular tissue, as well
as of regions located close to the chest wall or within
the axilla. The presence of breast implants, and postop-
erative changes, can further impede the performance of
mammography [1±3].
Driven by improvements in surface coil and pulse se-
quence design, as well as the increased use of gadolini-
um-based contrast agents, breast MRI has rapidly
evolved in recent years. Many studies have documented
the improvements in the diagnostic performance of
breast MRI, focusing mainly on lesion detection and
characterization. Reflecting differences in technique,
results have varied widely with sensitivity ranging be-
tween 88 and 100 %, and specificity between 37 and
97% [4±15].
The purpose of this study was to assess the diagnostic
performance of conventional mammography and dy-
namic contrast-enhanced MRI regarding the detection
of breast malignancy in the same patient population
separately and in combination. All lesions had been his-
tologically verified.
Materials and methods
Fifty-six consecutive patients scheduled for histologic
verification of a palpable breast lesion and/or a suspect
Eur. Radiol. 8, 194±200 (1998) ÓSpringer-Verlag 1998
Original article
Detection of breast cancer with conventional mammography and
contrast-enhanced MR imaging
G. M. Kacl1, P.-F.Liu1, J. F. Debatin1, E.Garzoli1, R. F. Caduff2, G.P.Krestin1
1Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Zurich University Hospital, RaÈmistrasse 100, CH-8091 Zurich, Switzerland
2Department of Pathology, Zurich University Hospital, RaÈmistrasse 100, CH-8091 Zurich, Switzerland
Received 5 May 1997; Revision received 14 July 1997; Accepted 7 August 1997
Abstract. The aim of this study was to compare the di-
agnostic performance of conventional mammogra-
phy and dynamic contrast-enhanced fast 3D gradi-
ent-echo (GRE) MRI regarding the detection and
characterization of breast lesions relative to histo-
pathologic analysis and to assess the results of a com-
bined evaluation of both methods. fifty consecutive
patients with 63 histopathologically verified breast le-
sions underwent dynamic contrast-enhanced GRE
MRI in addition to routine conventional mammogra-
phy. All lesions were classified by both methods on a
five-point scale as benign or malignant, and the re-
sults were correlated to histopathology. Conventional
mammography and dynamic MRI yielded a sensitivi-
ty and specificity of 82 and 64 %, and 92 and 76 %, re-
spectively. The difference between the results was
statistically not significant (p>0.05) with areas under
the receiver-operating-characteristics curves of 0.807
for mammography and 0.906 for MR imaging. Com-
bination of the results of both methods slightly in-
creased the sensitivity for detection of breast cancer
to 95% but decreased specificity to 52 %. In this se-
lected patient subset, including only patients referred
for excisional biopsy, contrast-enhanced dynamic
MRI proved more sensitive and specific than conven-
tional mammography regarding the detection of ma-
lignancy. While a combination of both methods yields
a slightly improved sensitivity, specificity is vastly re-
Key words: Breast MRI ± Mammography ± Breast
neoplasm ± Contrast-enhanced MRI
Correspondence to: J. F. Debatin
finding on conventional mammography were asked to
undergo an additional contrast-enhanced MR examina-
tion prior to excisional biopsy. Two patients were ex-
cluded due to claustrophobia and other MR contraindi-
cations. Of the remaining 54 patients, 50 women gave in-
formed consent in agreement with the guidelines set
forth by the institutional review board. Excluding 4 pa-
tients who refused consent, the study population con-
sisted of 50 women.
The age range of the examined patients was 28±
87 years (mean 57 years). Nineteen women (38 %)
were aged 49 years or younger; 31 (62 %) were aged
50 years or older. Thirteen patients presented with bilat-
eral disease, resulting in a total of 63 lesions in 50 pa-
tients. Lesions were verified based on mastectomy in 29
cases and on lumpectomy in 5 patients. Twenty-five le-
sions were confirmed based on excisional biopsy, and 4
lesions were verified based on fine needle biopsy.
Image acquisition
Mammography was performed on a CGR 600T unit
(GE Medical Systems, Milwaukee, Wis.). Standard lat-
eral and craniocaudal projections were obtained in all
patients. Mammograms were performed prior to MRI
in all 50 patients. The average interval between mam-
mography and MR examination was 3.6 weeks (range
0±12 weeks).
The MR images of the breast were acquired on two
different 1.5-T superconducting magnet systems (Signa,
GE Medical Systems, Milwaukee, Wis.; Gyroscan,
ACS-NT, Philips Medical Systems, Best, The Nether-
lands). On both systems a bilateral breast surface coil
was used for signal transmission and reception. Patients
were scanned in the prone position. Following the ac-
quisition of sagittal scout scans, axial fast 3D gradient-
echo (GRE) images were acquired prior to as well as 1,
2, 4, and 7 min following bolus injection of 0.2 mmol/kg
gadoterate-meglumine (Dotarem, Guerbet, Aulnay-
sous-Bois, France) over 10 s followed by 20 ml of saline
flush. Imaging parameters were as follows: TR =
12.5 ms, TE = 4.2 ms, FOV = 280±380 mm (adjusted to
breast size), flip angle = 30, bandwidth 32 kHz,
256 ´192 matrix, with one excitation. The two different
MR systems yielded 28±32 contiguous (no intersection
gap) 3.5- to 4.5-mm transverse sections.
Image subtractions were performed between the
post- and pre-contrast images on a pixel-by-pixel basis
by means of the software subtraction function available
on the post-processing workstation (Sparc 20, Sun Mi-
crosystems, Mountain View, Calif.).
Image analysis
Conventional mammograms were assessed retrospec-
tively by two radiologists (G.M. K. and P. F. L.) with
knowledge of all associated clinical information but
blinded to MRI, sonographic and histopathologic re-
sults in a consensus reading. All visible findings, includ-
ing mass lesions, asymmetric opacities, architectural dis-
tortions, and microcalcifications were considered as ab-
normal. Results were scored based on a five-point confi-
dence scale: definitely benign, probably benign, possibly
malignant, probably malignant, and definitely malig-
All MR studies were assessed separately by three ra-
diologists (E. G., G.M.K. and P.F.L.) with knowledge of
clinical findings but blinded to the conventional mam-
mographic, sonographic, and histopathologic results.
Consensus among two of the three readers was consid-
ered as positive correlation. In order to avoid recogni-
tion bias interpretation of the conventional and MR
mammograms was spaced by at least 3 weeks. Each
reader was asked to determine the number, border,
shape, and enhancement pattern of all visible enhancing
lesions. For quantitative analysis, signal intensity (SI)
changes were measured in several regions of interest
(ROI): the lesion itself, surrounding breast tissue, fat,
muscle, and background noise. Measurements were per-
formed on all image sets prior to and following contrast
administration. The ROI size was determined by the
size of the enhancing lesion. The increase in SI following
the in travenous injection of 0.2 mmol/kg Gd-DOTA was
calculated as the percentage increase relative to the SI
prior to contrast administration using the following for-
mula: Relative SI (%) = [100(SIx-SIo)/SIo], where SIx
indicated SI at each dynamic phase and SIo indicated
SI on the precontrast image.
Lesions were subsequently classified based on their
enhancement and morphologic characteristics. Early fo-
cal enhancement (signal increase exceeding the initial
signal level by at least 90 % on the images acquired in
the first minute after contrast injection), inhomoge-
neous or rim-like contrast uptake, ill-defined margins,
and an irregular shape were considered signs of malig-
nancy. Diffuse or patchy delayed or poor enhancement,
homogeneous contrast uptake, well-defined borders,
and a regular rounded or oval shape were suggestive of
a benign lesion. Results were scored based on the same
five-point confidence scale as used for evaluation of the
conventional mammograms (definitely benign, pro-
bably benign, possibly malignant, probably malignant,
and definitely malignant).
Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis was performed by means of Student's
t-test and chi-square test. Receiver-operating character-
istics (ROC) curves were generated separately for con-
ventional and MR mammography based on the five-
point confidence scales. The area under the ROC curves
(Fig.1) was calculated. Statistical significance was estab-
lished at a p-value of <0.05.
Histopathologic analysis revealed 38 breast carcinomas
in 32 patients (6 patients had bilateral malignant le-
G.M. Kacl et al.: Conventional mammography and MR imaging in breast cancer 195
sions) and 25 benign lesions (4 patients had bilateral dis-
ease) in 21 patients. In 3 patients malignant and benign
disease was found in the same breast. Of the 38 carcino-
mas, 5 were ductal carcinomas in situ (DCIS), 1 was a
lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS), and 32 were invasive
carcinomas (IDC). Multifocal tumors were present in 9
breasts. Of the 25 benign lesions, 9 were fibroadenomas,
1 was a papilloma, 1 was an abscess, and 14 were other
benign diseases including proliferative disease (lobular
and intraductal hyperplasia with or without atypia or
adenosis) and fibrocystic changes.
Considering the ratings ªpossibly, probably, and defi-
nitely malignantº as positive and the ratings ªdefinitely
and probably benignº as negative for malignancy, 16 of
25 benign and 31 of 38 malignant lesions were correctly
classified with conventional mammography alone. Us-
ing the combined enhancement and morphologic MRI
characteristics 19 of 25 benign and 35 of 38 malignant le-
sions were correctly classified. Conventional mammog-
raphy yielded a sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of
82, 64, and 75 %, respectively, whereas sensitivity, speci-
ficity, and accuracy of MR imaging were 92, 76, and
86%, respectively. The areas under the ROC curves
were 0.807 for conventional mammography and 0.906
for MR imaging (Fig.1). Statistically, however, results
of both modalities for detecting breast cancer did not
differ significantly (p>0.05). Combining the results of
both methods (considering a correct suspect finding at
either method as a positive finding for malignancy)
yielded a sensitivity and specificity of 95 and 52 %, re-
spectively (Table 1).
Malignant lesions
The appearance of all malignant lesions on conventional
and MR mammography is summarized in Tables 2 and
3, respectively. On conventional mammography true
positive findings were associated with spiculated or ill-
defined masses and/or microcalcifications in 28 cases
(multifocal lesions were considered only once). In three
cancers a marked architectural distorsion suggested the
presence of malignancy (rated as probably malignant
by all readers). The 7 false-negative lesions on mammo-
grams demonstrated architectural distortions (n=2;
one DCIS and one IDC), asymmetric densities (n=2;
one LCIS and one IDC), dense parenchyma (n=2; 2
cases of DCIS), and in 1 case only fatty tissue without
any calcifications or suspect opacities.
Histopathologically, 2 of the 3 false-negative read-
ings by MR imaging were found to be DCIS. One of
these lesions was invisible on MRI and consequently
missed by all readers. Conventional mammograms
showed neither microcalcifications nor any other suspi-
cious findings. The lesion was depicted only microscopi-
cally, but there was no alteration detectable on the mac-
G.M. Kacl et al.: Conventional mammography and MR imaging in breast cancer196
Fig.1. Receiver-operating-characteristics (ROC) curves for mam-
mography and MR imaging with measured areas under the ROC
curves of 0.807and 0.906
Table 1. Diagnostic performance of mammography and contrast-
enhanced MR imaging for detection of breast cancer
MR imaging MR +
Sensitivity (%) 82 92 95
Specificity (%) 64 76 52
Accuracy (%) 75 86 78
Table 3. Findings of 63 histopathologically proven lesions on MR-
mammography (multicentricity considered as single lesion)
Appearance Carci-
Contrast enhancement
>90% first min 28 6 2
Contrast enhancement
<90% first min 9 3 14
Poorly defined lesion margins 22 2 10
Well-defined lesion margins 15 7 6
Irregular lesion shape 30 3 9
Regular lesion shape 7 6 7
Heterogeneous contrast
26 4 4
Rim contrast enhancement 5 0 3
Homogeneous contrast
65 9
Not detected 1 0 0
Table 2. Findings of 63 histopathologically proven lesions on con-
ventional mammography
Appearance Carci-
Spiculated or ill-defined mass 14 0 1
Well-defined mass 0 5 0
Microcalcifications without mass 4 0 3
Microcalcifications and mass 10 0 2
Architectural distortion 5 2 4
Asymmetric density 2 1 3
Dense parenchyma 2 1 2
No lesion detectable 1 0 1
roscopic specimen in this case. The other DCIS present-
ed only minor contrast uptake within the first minute (SI
increase <50%) and a benign-appearing morphology
on MRI, whereas mammography depicted only dense
tissue without microcalcifications. The size of this tumor
was 6 mm at histopathologic analysis. The third false-
negative lesion demonstrated homogeneous early en-
hancement, a rounded shape with well-defined margins,
and was therefore considered to represent a fibroade-
noma at MRI. This lesion had been correctly classified
as malignant by mammography due to diffuse microcal-
cifications and a small opacity. The remaining 5 false-
negative readings at mammography were correctly diag-
nosed as malignancy on MRI. The extent of tumors lo-
cated close to the chest wall was better demonstrated
with MRI than with conventional mammography in 2
of 4 cases.
Multifocal tumors were correctly diagnosed on MRI
in 8 of 9 breasts. The size of a malignant focus of invasive
ductal carcinoma missed on MR images was 2 mm. The
MR imaging technique was 89 % accurate in identifying
tumor multifocality (Fig.2). Conventional mammogra-
phy missed multicentric lesions in 3 of 9 breasts with an
accuracy of merely 67 %. Malignant-appearing micro-
calcifications without a mass were seen in 2 and multiple
lesions in 4 breasts with histopathologically verified
multifocal malignancies.
Benign lesions
The conventional and MR mammographic findings of
fibroadenomas and other benign diseases are shown in
Tables 2 and 3, respectively. Sixteen of the 25 benign le-
sions were correctly classified with conventional mam-
mography as definitely or probably benign. Among the
9 false-positive results there were 2 fibroadenomas and
an abscess presenting with strong architectural distor-
tions and 6 cases of proliferative disease demonstrating
mass lesions with or without microcalcifications.
Of the 25 histologically verified benign breast lea-
sions, 6 were classified as suspicious for cancer on MR
images. Six fibroadenomas presenting with early en-
hancement within the first minute (108±159 %) and
morphologic characteristics suggestive of malignancy.
Three fibroadenomas characterized by slow and inho-
mogeneous enhancement, with ill-defined, irregular
borders, were also misclassified as possibly malignant
by all three readers. Figure 3 demonstrates the wide
range of dynamic contrast uptake in benign fibroadeno-
mas in comparison with malignant lesions (Fig.3). On
conventional mammography these 6 lesions presented
as well-defined masses (n= 5) or asymmetric density
(n= 1) and were correctly classified as probably benign.
In the other 3 cases both MRI and conventional mam-
mography findings were false positive: 2 were proven
histopathologically to be proliferative disease and
showed strong initial inhomogeneous contrast enhance-
ment (104 and 136 %, respectively, within the first min-
ute) with ill-defined contours and irregular shape on
MR images. At mammography, the lesions appeared as
an ill-defined mass in one case and contained microcal-
cifications in the other. Finally, a well-defined mass
with a strong initial rim-like contrast enhancement
(177 % within the first minute) on MR images was surgi-
cally found to be an abscess. Mammography had reveal-
G.M. Kacl et al.: Conventional mammography and MR imaging in breast cancer 197
Fig.2. Multicentric invasive ductal
carcinoma. aThe mammograms show
an area of diffuse malignant-appearing
microcalcifications and a spiculated
opacity (arrow).bMR images dem-
onstrate two abnormal focal enhancing
lesions matching with the location of
the microcalcifications (arrows)
ed a marked architectural distortion suggestive of ma-
All other 6 false-positive cases at mammography
were correctly classified as benign with dynamic MRI
based on enhancement and morphologic criteria
(Fig.4). Thus, there was correlation between conven-
tional mammography and MRI in 13 true-negative
Conventional mammography is well established as a
screening technique for breast cancer. The reported sen-
sitivity for the detection of breast cancer varies between
69 and 90 % and is related to age [19]. The diagnostic
performance of the technique is particularly limited in
patients with dense parenchyma, postoperative altera-
tions, breast implants as well as in the presence of prolif-
erative disease. High false-negative rates in these pa-
tient subgroups have initially contributed to the rela-
tively poor performance of several early cancer detec-
tion programs [25]. More recent screening trials from
Sweden indicate beneficial effects of mammography, es-
pecially for patients aged 50±69 years [26]. When clini-
cal findings are present to direct the focus of the study,
physical examination and ultrasonography frequently
allow improved diagnostic management. However, bi-
opsy frequently remains the only means to prove or ex-
clude the presence of malignancy.
The sensitivity of contrast-enhanced MR imaging for
the detection of breast malignancies has been reported
to range between 86 and 100 % [4±15]. With the appro-
priate technique, malignancies are well visualized, even
within dense or mammographically distorted tissue. Re-
ported specificity of this technique has been more vari-
able, ranging from 37 to 97.4 % [4±15]. Benign lesions,
particularly fibroadenomas in premenopausal women
can mimic the enhancement characteristics of carcino-
ma [9, 16, 22, 23]. Other benign lesions can also present
as focal areas of abnormal enhancement on MR imag-
ing, and be similarly difficult to distinguish from malig-
nancies [8, 23, 24]. Considerably higher specificity can
be achieved with the incorporation of qualitative mor-
phologic criteria [27].
In this retrospective study, findings at mammography
and MRI were compared with the final histopathologic
results of 63 breast lesions. The MRI technique was
more sensitive and specific than conventional mam-
mography in the identification of breast carcinoma.
The overall sensitivity of mammography in this study
was 82 %. The high rate of false-negative mammograms
was due to a number of cancers presenting only as archi-
tectural distortions, asymmetric densities or dense pa-
renchyma. Contrast-enhanced MRI correctly identified
cancers in 5 of 7 false-negative mammographic readings.
Conventional mammography, on the other hand, detect-
ed only one of three false-negative MRI findings.
For an improved MRI detection rate, however, mor-
phologic parameters have to be incorporated in the as-
sessment of enhancing lesions: nine invasive carcinomas
in our study showed delayed enhancement, mimicking
benign lesions if diagnosis had been based on quantita-
tive analysis alone. Six of the carcinomas presenting de-
layed enhancement were correctly classified due to their
obvious malignant-appearing morphology.
One of the main problems of reduced sensitivity of
MRI remains the detection and correct classification of
DCIS [13, 16±18]. Sensitivity of MRI for detection of
DCIS is lower than the sensitivity for detecting invasive
carcinoma, and the enhancement patterns associated
with DCIS are often indistinguishable from benign le-
sions. In our study all 3 false-negative lesions at MRI
were DCIS: one DCIS was not seen at all on the MR im-
ages and the other two were misclassified as benign le-
sions based on the outlined diagnostic criteria.
The incidence of multifocality has been reported to
range between 14±47 % [20]. The findings of multifocal-
ity are of particular significance to the surgeon with re-
gard to breast conservation therapy. Patient selection
for breast cancer treatment is based on many factors,
perhaps the most important being determination of
multifocality and the extent of tumor to adjacent tissue.
Heywang-KoÈ brunner and Oellinger [21] reported that
MR imaging was able to show 80 % of all malignant
foci, whereas mammography showed only 20 %. In our
patient population multifocality was depicted histologi-
cally in 9 breasts and correctly diagnosed with MRI in
8. On conventional mammography multifocality was de-
tected in only 6 breasts. Our results indicate that MR
imaging demonstrates multifocal tumors, their location,
and extent to a better advantage than conventional
With regard to specificity of MRI, this study confirms
the need to combine quantitative enhancement and
qualitative morphologic parameters into the assessment
of a particular lesion. Six of 9 histopathologically con-
firmed fibroadenomas did indeed demonstrate early en-
hancement indistinguishable from a malignant lesion.
Incorporating morphologic characteristics (regular
shape, well-defined margins and homogeneous contrast
G.M. Kacl et al.: Conventional mammography and MR imaging in breast cancer198
Fig.3. Enhancement profiles for carcinoma, fibroadenoma, and
other benign lesions. Ranges indicate standard deviation
uptake) led to a false classification of only 2 of these 6 fi-
broadenomas. Nevertheless, 3 false-positive diagnoses
on MRI represented proliferative (n= 2) and fibrocystic
(n= 1) disease. These changes, particularly when caus-
ing focal areas of contrast enhancement, cannot be dif-
ferentiated from malignancies. In this selected patient
group, MRI yielded a specificity for detection of malig-
nant lesions in the breast of 76 %. It is likely that the
specificity would be considerably lower in an unselected
patient population. This is a serious drawback of MR
mammography concerning its use as a screening meth-
od. Specificity would decrease even more if the correct
timing of the MR examination (first half of the menstru-
al cycle) is not adhered to.
While combining conventional with MR mammogra-
phy sensitivity would have minimally improved in corre-
lation to the performance of MR mammography alone.
But the overall diagnostic performance would have
been poorer reflecting a significant decrease in specific-
ity. Hence, whereas the availability of conventional
mammograms may be useful in pinpointing the abnor-
mality on the MR mammogram, final interpretation
should be based mainly on the MR mammogram for
best diagnostic performance.
The encouraging diagnostic yield of MR imaging in
the detection and characterization of breast lesions
must be weighed against its considerable costs. Its possi-
ble role as a screening tool for women at increased risk
for breast cancer must be defined in context with other,
less expensive modalities. In the meantime, the high
sensitivity of dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging
should be studied in those patients at high risk for mam-
mographically occult breast cancer, and in patients with
already proven cancer when multifocality needs to be
excluded prior to breast conservation therapy. Further-
more, young premenopausal women with a positive
family history as well as patients with breast implants
should be considered candidates for breast MR. To
avoid excessive false-positive detection in these patient
subgroups, it is imperative to base the overall assess-
ment of a breast lesion on all available enhancement
and morphologic criteria, instead of on quantitative pa-
rameters alone. The results of our study suggest that
MRI with its high sensitivity and acceptable specificity
could be used as a single diagnostic method in such a se-
lected patient population. However, the possible role of
MR mammography remains to be proven in series of
unselected patients. Given current cost constraints, it re-
mains unlikely, however, that MRI will ever replace
conventional mammography and ultrasound as the pri-
mary screening modality.
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... Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a high-sensitivity imaging method that has some limitations for breast imaging to differentiate benign and malignant lesions correctly. Breast MRI sensitivity is as high as 90-95% for breast malignant lesions detection; however, its specificity varies between 37 to 97% [1,2]. Thus, breast MRI is mostly used with auxiliary imaging methods such as mammography and ultrasonography (US). ...
... Breast MRI, an auxiliary imaging method, is used together with mammography and ultrasonography. Although breast MRI has a high sensitivity in lesion finding, it has limitations in distinguishing benign and malignant lesions [1,2]. SWE is a proven method to improve the accuracy of dıagnosıs [10,13,14]. ...
... The specificity and accuracy increased in their cooperative used measurements compared to individual MRI use. When standalone use of MRI and SWE, sensitivity and specificity values were found to be in parallel with the literature [1,2,11]. In another study, Farghadani et al. [5] compared the individual performance of SWE and MRI in the differentiation of solid breast masses in 80 female patients; the sensitivity was 94% in both, the specificity and accuracy were 48% and 70% in MRI, 93% and 93% in SWE. ...
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This study aims to compare the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Shear Wave Elastography (SWE) data and investigate their contribution to diagnosis when both are individually used and combined. This study included the consent of 46 diagnostic biopsy patients after their breast MRI examination was performed. Mass appearance patients in the sonographic evaluation were SWE examined before the biopsy. In MR examination, lesion localization, size, contrast curves, contrast enhancement features, intensity in the fat-suppressed T2A sequence, Emean value in SWE examination, and histopathological results were examined. Individual and combined use of MRI and SWE findings were evaluated with histopathological results. The diagnosis consistency was compared according to the histopathological results of the malignant-benign defined lesions. Higher sensitivity in MRI; higher specificity and accuracy in SWE were acquired when both methods were compared. The accuracy of MRI improved when MRI use is combined with SWE. The combined use of SWE with MRI increases the diagnostic accuracy in breast lesion characterization. We observed that lesions showing a type 3 enhancement curve and iso-hypointense on the T2W sequence in breast MRI could be predicted to show a stiff elasticity pattern on SWE due to higher elastography values.
... Rapid 3D image acquisition sequences, such as 3D TurboFLASH, performed using newer scanners allow complete breast coverage in 45 -60 seconds (Kacl et al. 1998;Sherif et al. 1997;Heiberg et al. 1996) and this sequence can be repeated for several minutes after contrast injection. These newer sequences appear to offer the optimal scanning approach; a good compromise between the need for high spatial resolution (1-2 mm) and provision of temporal information on rate o f enhancement. ...
... Dynamic MRI has been shown to provide higher specificity for breast cancer characterisation. In a study of 2053 patients (203 cancers) Kaiser et al. (1994) seconds of injection), centripetally, predominantly peripherally (Kacl et al. 1998;Gilles et al. 1996;Boetes et al. 1994) and retain contrast for longer compared with benign lesions (Sherif et al. 1997). Scherif et al. (1997) used onset of peripheral contrast washout after 10 minutes to diagnose malignancy and achieved a specificity of 100% (table 2.3). ...
... Correlation with histopathology, suggested that the more aggressive lesions may be more diffiise, without a well demarcated edge. Some studies have suggested that rim enhancement is seen in rapidly growing tumours particularly at 1-2 minutes post contrast enhancement (Kacl et al. 1998;Gibes et al. 1996;Boetes et al. 1994). ...
Contrast-enhanced MRI and ultrasound have emerged as additional imaging modalities in the management of breast cancer. This thesis examines the role these modalities currently play in the surgical management of breast cancer. Ways in which MRI may contribute to staging, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis are investigated. It was demonstrated that small additional enhancing foci on MRI, away from the primary tumour, represent in-situ or invasive cancer foci. Although their resection may result in extended wide local excisions or even unnecessary mastectomies, it was demonstrated that MRI findings do not currently influence the amount of tissue removed during breast conservation surgery. Volumetric analysis of breast MRI was proposed as an accurate objective assessment of the extent of surgery required for a particular tumour. Breast MRI was shown to be useful in the assessment of extent of residual disease during primary medical therapy but not in the detection of axillary lymph node metastases. In the second section of this thesis, the clinical application of pre-operative MRI in providing prognostic as well as diagnostic information was evaluated. Contrast- enhancement with both MRI and ultrasound is believed to depend on tumour angiogenesis but only a weak correlation was demonstrated between contrast- enhancement intensity and tumour angiogenesis. The detection of angiogenesis was applied to Doppler ultrasound using a novel microbubble ultrasound contrast agent (Levovist). Within a multicentre prospective study, Doppler ultrasound was shown to be a powerful discriminator of malignancy in suspected local recurrence. A strong correlation was found between MRI and histological assessment of tumour size but there was no correlation between enhancement intensity and other pathological prognostic variables. This thesis has shown that breast MRI is useful in pre-operative planning of surgery and provides diagnostic as well as limited prognostic information. Future proposed studies to determine the effect of MRI on patient management and patient outcome in breast cancer are considered.
... Nos anos 90, nas regiões Sul e Sudeste, havia um mamógrafo para cada 23.000 mulheres, enquanto na região Nordeste essa relação era de um mamógrafo para cada 90.000 mulheres. Houve um aumento significativo da relação mamógrafo x mulheres, contudo, não houve o resultado esperado para rastreamento populacional, apesar do aumento da procura pela mamografia (Kacl et al, 1998;KOCH, 2016;Urban et al, 2017). Impacto da mamografia nas taxas de sobrevida: A sobrevida observada em mulheres portadoras de câncer de mama em dez anos foi de 83,1%, sendo a razão de risco de morte 17,1 vezes maior entre as diagnosticadas em estádios avançados, esclarecendo a importância do diagnóstico precoce. ...
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Os métodos diagnósticos de imagem como mamografia, ultrassonografia e cintilografia são exames imprescindíveis no diagnóstico do câncer de mama, no rastreio e no acompanhamento. Porém, todos apresentam limitações específicas. Em 1990, criou-se a comissão de mamografia do Colégio Brasileiro de Radiologia e Diagnóstico por Imagem (CBR), na qual as empresas começaram a melhorar a qualidade dos mamógrafos, e os físicos a fazer controle de qualidade da mamografia. Com isso, uma nova questão veio à tona, a dos médicos interpretadores. Surgiu então o sistema de laudos do BI-RADS, o qual representou uma notável melhoria na padronização da linguagem e interpretação das mamografias. A detecção precoce do câncer de mama é o elemento crucial, diante disso são realizados programas de detectar precocemente o câncer de mama, sendo para a Sociedade Brasileira de Mastologia, a idade ideal é 40 anos, enquanto para o Ministério da Saúde é 50 anos. Neste trabalho os autores realizaram uma revisão bibliográfica narrativa, que descreve as indicações e os achados da ressonância magnética no câncer de mama, bem como o papel da mamografia, seus impactos, vantagens, limitações e a sua utilização para rastreamento de lesões mamárias, o mesmo também explora em detalhe o papel fundamental da radiologia na gestão abrangente do câncer de mama, destacando seu potencial transformador na promoção da saúde da mulher em todo o mundo.
... The excellent soft tissue contrast and spatial resolution, coupled with tomographic imaging which avoids tissue overlap and the absence of radiation, makes magnetic resonance imaging an appealing imaging modality. Traditionally, mammography has been the mainstay of diagnosis and staging of breast cancer, but even in the best circumstances its sensitivity lies between 69 and 90% [3]. Ultrasound (US) is a good technique for assessing palpable abnormalities, distinguishing cystic from solid lesions, classifying solid masses and facilitates accurate needle placement for biopsy. ...
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Medical imaging is a process and technique used to create images to the human body or parts and function thereof for clinical purposes, to medical procedures seeking to reveal, diagnose or examine disease or medical science. In this paper we will explain three types of medical imaging techniques; Magnetic resonant Imaging (MRI), Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Ultrasound (US) that are used in the breast cancer detection, then we will compare among them to know which one of this techniques are better to use in the detection of breast cancer by taking in the account all of the sensitivity, resolution, cost and side effect. The results show that superior of MRI against the both of PET and Ultrasound in the sensitivity and resolution, while the disadvantages of MRI techniques was the high cost and time required to get imaging.
... These findings demonstrated that the sensitivity of DCE-MRI was in the range reported in many studies, while the specificity ranged greatly among the literatures. This could be attributed to different baseline characteristics and malignancy risks among included participants [1,19,20] . Our research demonstrated that sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV the DW-MRI for malignant lumps were 93.10% ~ 54 ~ and 71.43%, 81.82%, and 88.24% respectively which were lower than those of the DCE-MRI. ...
... For example, while X-ray mammography is the main modality employed for early breast cancer detection, its efficacy in detecting suspicious lesions in dense breast tissue is limited since it is strictly linked to the density of the lesion and the possibilities to have lesions covered by normal breast cancer tissue [3,4]. In detail, mammography is commonly reported to achieve a sensitivity and specificity of about 90 % [5] and a low positive predictive value of 15 % [6]. In order to augment performance in screening dense breasts, mammography may be performed in conjunction with ultrasound imaging. ...
... For example, while X-ray mammography is the main modality employed for early breast cancer detection, its efficacy in detecting suspicious lesions in dense breast tissue is limited since it is strictly linked to the density of the lesion and the possibilities to have lesions covered by normal breast cancer tissue [3,4]. In detail, mammography is commonly reported to achieve a sensitivity and specificity of about 90 % [5] and a low positive predictive value of 15 % [6]. In order to augment performance in screening dense breasts, mammography may be performed in conjunction with ultrasound imaging. ...
... In clinical settings, using above-mentioned methods to determine the nature of small breast lesions is still a challenge (10), and the accuracy depends on the experience of radiologists. In 2012, the concept of radiomics was first proposed by Lambin et al. (11). ...
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Objectives To develop a radiomics nomogram that incorporates contrast-enhanced spectral mammography (CESM)-based radiomics features and clinico-radiological variables for identifying benign and malignant breast lesions of sub-1 cm. Methods This retrospective study included 139 patients with the diameter of sub-1 cm on cranial caudal (CC) position of recombined images. Radiomics features were extracted from low-energy and recombined images on CC position. The variance threshold, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) algorithms were used to select optimal predictive features. Radiomics signature (Rad-score) was calculated by a linear combination of selected features. The independent predictive factors were identified by ANOVA and multivariate logistic regression. A radiomics nomogram was developed to predict the malignant probability of lesions. The performance and clinical utility of the nomogram was evaluated by receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, calibration curve, and decision curve analysis (DCA). Results Nineteen radiomics features were selected to calculate Rad-score. Breast imaging reporting and data system (BI-RADS) category and age were identified as predictive factors. The radiomics nomogram combined with Rad-score, BI-RADS category, and age showed better performance (area under curves [AUC]: 0.940, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.804–0.992) than Rad-score (AUC: 0.868, 95% CI: 0.711–0.958) and clinico-radiological model (AUC: 0.864, 95% CI: 0.706–0.956) in the validation cohort. The calibration curve and DCA showed that the radiomics nomogram had good consistency and clinical utility. Conclusions The radiomics nomogram incorporated with CESM-based radiomics features, BI-RADS category and age could identify benign and malignant breast lesions of sub-1 cm.
... The specialists recommended that the breast radiology team should perform clinical examination, mammography, ultrasound and Doppler ultrasound of the breast and axilla, breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and biopsy under mammography, ultrasound, or MRI guidance after hospitalization (1). Accurately differentiating breast cancer from benign lesions is also important and challenging for clinicians using ultrasound or conventional mammography, especially in dense fibroglandular breasts (2). Breast MRI has been increasingly used in the detection and diagnosis of breast lesions in high-risk patients. ...
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Rationale and Objectives: Diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI) is a promising imaging technique, but the results regarding the diagnostic performance of DKI in the characterization and classification of breast tumors are inconsistent among published studies. This study aimed to pool all published results to provide more robust evidence of the differential diagnosis between malignant and benign breast tumors using DKI. Methods: Studies on the differential diagnosis of breast tumors using DKI-derived parameters were systemically retrieved from PubMed, Embase, and Web of Science without a time limit. Review Manager 5.3 was used to calculate the standardized mean differences (SMDs) and 95% confidence intervals of the mean kurtosis (MK), mean diffusivity (MD), and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC). Stata 12.0 was used to pool the sensitivity, specificity, and diagnostic odds ratio (DOR) as well as the publication bias and heterogeneity of each parameter. Fagan's nomograms were plotted to predict the post-test probabilities. Results: Thirteen studies including 867 malignant and 460 benign breast lesions were analyzed. Most of the included studies showed a low to unclear risk of bias and low concerns regarding applicability. Breast cancer showed a higher MK (SMD = 1.23, P < 0.001) but a lower MD (SMD = −1.29, P < 0.001) and ADC (SMD = −1.21, P < 0.001) than benign tumors. The MK (SMD = −1.36, P = 0.006) rather than the MD (SMD = 0.29, P = 0.20) or ADC (SMD = 0.26, P = 0.24) can further differentiate invasive ductal carcinoma from ductal carcinoma in situ. The DKI-derived MK (sensitivity = 90%, specificity = 88%, DOR = 66) and MD (sensitivity = 86% and specificity = 88%, DOR = 46) demonstrated superior diagnostic performance and post-test probability (65, 64, and 56% for MK, MD, and ADC) in differentiating malignant from benign breast lesions, with a higher sensitivity and specificity than the DWI-derived ADC (sensitivity = 85% and specificity = 83%, DOR = 29). Conclusion: The DKI-derived MK and MD demonstrate a comparable diagnostic performance in the discrimination of breast tumors based on their microstructures and non-Gaussian characteristics. The MK can further differentiate invasive ductal carcinoma from ductal carcinoma in situ.
Purpose: To evaluate the diagnostic value of shear wave velocity (SWV) ratio for the differential diagnosis of benign and malignant breast lesions. Material and methods: Our retrospective study included 151 breast lesions that were diagnosed by biopsy and surgical pathology. All of the breast lesions were detected by conventional ultrasound and Virtual Touch tissue quantification (VTQ) and mammography. The sonographic characteristics of the breast lesion, such as the internal echo, shape, margin, color flow, and calcification so on, were also observed. The SWV in lesions and surrounding parenchyma were measured and the SWV ratio between the lesion and surrounding parenchyma was calculated. Pathological results were used as a diagnosis standard to compare the value of SWV ratio, VTQ, and mammography in the diagnosis of benign and malignant breast lesions. Results: The 151 breast lesions included 96 benign lesions and 55 malignant lesions. The cutoff value of VTQ in the diagnosis of benign and malignant breast lesions was 5.01 m/s, of SWV ratio was 2.43, and mammography was BI-RADS 4B. The sensitivity, specificity, accuracy and the area under the ROC curve (AUC) of the SWV ratio were 78.2%, 86.5%, 83.4%, and 0.83 respectively. While of SWV ratio with mammography was 86.4%, 89.4%, 88.3% and 0.87, respectively. The sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and AUC of SWV ratio and SWV ratio with mammography were statistically higher than those of mammography, no statistically higher than VTQ and VTQ with mammography. Conclusion: The SWV ratio can improve the sensitivity without sacrificing diagnostic specificity in the process of breast cancer diagnostic, provide a better diagnostic performance, and avoid unnecessary biopsy or surgery.
In einer retrospektiven Analyse von 400 dynamischen MRT-Untersuchungen der Mamma wurde das Signalverhalten von 62 histopathologisch gesicherten Läsionen (19 benigne, 43 maligne) der Brust analysiert. Die Auswertekriterien umfaßten hierbei das initiale Signalenhancement (1. und 2. Minute p.i.), den postinitialen Signalverlauf (2. bis 5. Minute p.i.) und die Signalkonfiguration (homogen, marginal). Zur Einschätzung der Dignität von Veränderungen in der MRT der Mamma wurde ein Punktesystem eingeführt, das die oben genannten Kriterien berücksichtigt. Für das untersuchte Kollektiv errechnete sich für das Karzinom eine Sensitivität von 95,2 %, eine Spezifität von 89,5 % und eine Genauigkeit von 93,5 %. Falsch-positive bzw. -negative Befunde ergaben sich in zwei Fällen mit DCIS und bei zwei Patientinnen mit einem Fibroadenom. Summary In a retrospective study of 400 dynamic MR examinations of the breast the signal/time ratio of 62 histopathologically correlated lesions (19 benign, 42 malignant) was evaluated. Points of evaluation were initial signal enhancement (1st and 2nd minute), post-initial signal appearance (2nd to 5th minute) and signal distribution (homogeneous, marginal). Based on these criteria, a point system was defined to help in the assessment of lesions in dynamic breast-MR imaging. The overall sensitivity of this method was 95.3 %, the specificity to 89.5 % and the accuracy to 93.5 %. Pitfalls resulted in two cases of non-invasive carcinoma and in two patients with fibroadenoma.
The first publications on the use of magnetic resonance for breast imaging (MRBI) appeared more than 10 years ago. According to the literature between 14% and 47% of all breast carcinomas are multicentric carcinoma (MCC), a substantial number of which are not detected by conventional mammography. In a prospective study our purpose was to establish a clinically relevant procedure with MRBI for women with a single suspect lesion on mammography. Eight (32%) of 25 patients with histologically confirmed carcinoma had an MCC. Seven MCC were detected with MRBI and only one was diagnosed by mammography; one was discovered with neither MRBI nor mammography. MRBI proved to be the superior technique, with a sensitivity of 0.88 compared with 0.13 for mammography.
Experience with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the breast remains limited. MRI studies to date have shown that differentiation of carcinoma from certain benign breast changes can be difficult. The problem of suspected tumour recurrence in patients with known but treated breast carcinoma is considered. Forty-five patients were studied, all having been treated by lumpectomy combined with radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy. Suspicion of recurrence was suggested by X-ray mammography or clinically by the presence of a current breast mass, breast pain, or nipple discharge. The principle differential diagnosis rested between post-treatment fibrosis and recurrent tumour. Axial and sagittal images were obtained using T1-and T2-weighted pulse sequence. Images were enhanced with intravenous gadolinium DTPA in cases where there was a mass. The tomographic format and inherent high soft tissue contrast provided by MRI are of particular value in this situation. The morphological appearances of recurrent tumour, fibrosis, and other post-radiation affects are described and compared. MRI allowed accurate differentiation in the majority of case. In equivocal cases enhancement of mass lesions with gadolinium DTPA provided excellent confirmatory evidence of recurrent tumour.
Standard T1-weighted MR images enhanced with gadopentetate dimeglumine show relatively minimal enhancement of breast lesions due to the high background signal from fat in the breast. Strongly enhancing lesions may become isointense relative to the fat signal and become invisible or indistinct after contrast administration. Fat-suppressed chemical-shift imaging (CSI) combined with administration of gadopentetate dimeglumine improves lesion detection and characterization in other areas of the body where a strong lipid signal is present. We evaluated this technique in the breast. Twenty patients with mammographic lesions were studied with standard unenhanced T1- and T2-weighted images and enhanced T1-weighted images, as well as with CSI before and after administration of gadopentetate dimeglumine. The series were ranked independently for border and matrix characteristics. The border was assessed for a smooth, irregular, or spiculated margin. The matrix or internal substance was evaluated for visibility and type of enhancement, homogeneous or inhomogeneous. The enhanced CSI images were superior to all other images in the depiction of border and matrix characteristics. Of 20 patients, a corresponding mass was detected on MR in 14. In two of the 14 patients, the lesion was seen only in the enhanced CSI images. Chemical-shift artifacts on enhanced T1-weighted images obscured border detail in several cases. Enhanced CSI improves visualization of breast lesions as compared with conventional MR imaging with or without enhancement. The enhanced CSI technique produces differential enhancement between glandular tissue and lesions while suppressing the signal from fat. This improves the visualization of border and matrix characteristics and depicts lesions that otherwise might be obscured.
Between August 1985 and November 1987, 150 patients with 167 biopsy-proved lesions were examined with magnetic resonance (MR) imaging enhanced with gadolinium diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid, mammography, and palpation. Of these patients, 113 with 123 lesions were also examined with ultrasound. Enhancement above 300 normalized units (NU) on MR images was considered significant; between 250 and 300 NU, borderline; and below 250, nonsignificant. All 27 fibroadenomas and 70 of 71 carcinomas showed significant enhancement; one carcinoma showed borderline enhancement. Nonproliferative dysplasia showed nonsignificant enhancement in 15 of 16 cases and significant enhancement in one, whereas proliferative dysplasia showed usually diffuse enhancement varying from nonsignificant (five of 30 cases) to borderline (five of 30 cases) to significant (20 of 30 cases). In the nonblind evaluation of the modalities, MR imaging compared favorably. When limitations of the technique were considered, MR imaging seemed beneficial as a supplement in selected, diagnostically difficult cases.
Of a total of 191 magnetic resonance breast studies performed since March 1984, 82 were performed with gradient-echo fast low-angle shot (FLASH) sequences and fast imaging with steady precession (FISP). These techniques permit imaging of thin and contiguous sections, resulting in high resolution of the parenchymal structure. Intravenous injection of 0.1 mmol/kg of gadolinium diethylenetriamine-pentaacetic acid dimeglumine (50% of the dose used in spin-echo sequences) aided in detection of carcinomas as small as 3 mm in dense breast tissue. In 25 patients, dynamic studies were performed at short intervals after the injection of contrast medium in an attempt to differentiate more reliably between breast tissue types. All six malignant tumors found in these 25 patients showed enhancement characterized by a sudden increase in signal intensity on the order of 100% within the first 2 minutes after injection and a much slighter increase thereafter. Sixteen benign lesions showed a substantially different pattern of enhancement. Further studies are required to confirm these findings.
Recent recommendations by the American Cancer Society have focused attention on the value of screening mammography in the detection of occult breast cancers. This has resulted in a proliferation of "walk in" and mobile mammography screening clinics and a barrage of publicity aimed at women aged 40 and over. Among these are more than a half million women who have had an augmentation mammaplasty; at least another half million are still under 40 but entering this age group incrementally. Opinion is divided as to the value of this procedure because of uncertainty as to the amount of breast tissue obscured by the implant. Calibrated planimetry was used to measure the area of the implant and the glandular portion of the breasts in six sets of mammograms. Utilizing solid geometric calculations, it was found that the percentage of glandular tissue obscured by the implant varied from 22 to 83 percent. This wide variation casts serious doubt on the reliability of routine film screen mammography in these patients.