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Carpooling: travelers’ perceptions from a big data analysis


Abstract and Figures

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to provide a better understanding of the reasons why people use or do not use carpooling. A further aim is to collect and analyze empirical evidence concerning the advantages and disadvantages of carpooling. Design/methodology/approach A large-scale text analytics study has been conducted: the collection of the peoples’ opinions have been realized on Twitter by means of a dedicated web crawler, named “Twitter4J.” After their mining, the collected data have been treated through a sentiment analysis realized by means of “SentiWordNet.” Findings The big data analysis identified the 12 most frequently used concepts about carpooling by Twitter’s users: seven advantages (economic efficiency, environmental efficiency, comfort, traffic, socialization, reliability, curiosity) and five disadvantages (lack of effectiveness, lack of flexibility, lack of privacy, danger, lack of trust). Research limitations/implications Although the sample is particularly large (10 percent of the data flow published on Twitter from all over the world in about one year), the automated collection of people’s comments has prevented a more in-depth analysis of users’ thoughts and opinions. Practical implications The research findings may direct entrepreneurs, managers and policy makers to understand the variables to be leveraged and the actions to be taken to take advantage of the potential benefits that carpooling offers. Originality/value The work has utilized skills from three different areas, i.e., business management, computing science and statistics, which have been synergistically integrated for customizing, implementing and using two IT tools capable of automatically identifying, selecting, collecting, categorizing and analyzing people’s tweets about carpooling.
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The TQM Journal
Carpooling: travelers’ perceptions from a big data analysis
Maria Vincenza Ciasullo, Orlando Troisi, Francesca Loia, Gennaro Maione,
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Maria Vincenza Ciasullo, Orlando Troisi, Francesca Loia, Gennaro Maione, (2018) "Carpooling:
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Carpooling: travelersperceptions
from a big data analysis
Maria Vincenza Ciasullo and Orlando Troisi
Department of Business Science Management and Innovation Systems,
University of Salerno, Salerno, Italy
Francesca Loia
Department of Management, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy, and
Gennaro Maione
Department of Business Science Management and Innovation Systems,
University of Salerno, Salerno, Italy
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to provide a better understanding of the reasons why people use or
do not use carpooling. A further aim is to collect and analyze empirical evidence concerning the advantages
and disadvantages of carpooling.
Design/methodology/approach A large-scale text analytics study has been conducted: the collection of
the peoplesopinions have been realized on Twitter by means of a dedicated web crawler, named Twitter4J.
After their mining, the collected data have been treated through a sentiment analysis realized by means
of SentiWordNet.
Findings The big data analysis identified the 12 most frequently used concepts about carpooling by
Twitters users: seven advantages (economic efficiency, environmental efficiency, comfort, traffic,
socialization, reliability, curiosity) and five disadvantages (lack of effectiveness, lack of flexibility, lack of
privacy, danger, lack of trust).
Research limitations/implications Although the sample is particularly large (10 percent of the data
flow published on Twitter from all over the world in about one year), the automated collection of peoples
comments has prevented a more in-depth analysis of usersthoughts and opinions.
Practical implications The research findings may direct entrepreneurs, managers and policy makers to
understand the variables to be leveraged and the actions to be taken to take advantage of the potential
benefits that carpooling offers.
Originality/value The work has utilized skills from three different areas, i.e., business management,
computing science and statistics, which have been synergistically integrated for customizing, implementing
and using two IT tools capable of automatically identifying, selecting, collecting, categorizing and analyzing
peoples tweets about carpooling.
Keywords Sentiment analysis, Twitter, Fuzzy logic, Big data analysis, Carpooling
Paper type Research paper
1. Introduction
Nowadays, the travel sector is the driving force of many industrialized economies, capable of
contributing heavily to the development of any country (Orlikowski and Scott, 2013).
However, as with other sectors, travel has suffered a crisis from the beginning of the new
millennium, especially in those countries not properly ready for the technological upgrading
that has penetrated all kinds of markets (Lee, 1980). In recent years, in spite of the timid
economic recovery, the travel sector has become a protagonist of a new impetus due to the
emergence of the recognition of the need for a massive private sector reorganization. In fact,
positive data have emerged with particular emphasis on sustainable travel alternatives.
These are being promoted for reasons not only related to economic aspects but also because
they offer opportunities for providing concrete answers to various issues that have, for years,
been affecting the entire travel sector including inter alia, traffic congestion, high accident
rates, harmful emissions into the atmosphere and noise pollution (Ciasullo et al., 2017;
Díaz-Méndez et al., 2017; Ferreira Rebelo et al., 2014).
The TQM Journal
© Emerald Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/TQM-11-2017-0156
Received 21 November 2017
Revised 5 January 2018
Accepted 5 January 2018
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available on Emerald Insight at:
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These issues highlight both the ineffectiveness of previous public policies in responding to
the real needs of citizens (Baccarani and Bonfanti, 2015; Baccarani and Golinelli, 2011), on the
shifting focus of scholars, policy makers and entrepreneurs on the importance of making
the travel sector more oriented to the concept of sustainability in its broadest sense
(Douglas, 2015): in this context, from a purely environmental point of view, being sustainable
means reducing air and noise pollution (McKinnon et al., 2015; Golinelli, 2012); from an energy
utilization viewpoint, the objective of sustainability is to direct choices toward the use of
renewable sources (Franzitta et al., 2016); economic sustainability, on the other hand, favors
the use of relatively low tariffs (Lippiatt, 2000); whilst from a social perspective (Partridge,
2014), the goal is to ensure the same opportunities for mobility to anyone, including people
with impaired movement such as pregnant women or disabled people.
In the light of this, especially in recent years, the policies adopted at various government
levels, increasingly focused on the involvement of many actors (Mele and Polese, 2011) and
on the active participation not only of service providers but also of users (Polese et al., 2017;
Barile and Polese, 2010a, b; Maione et al., 2017), are gradually encouraging citizens to use
mass travel services such as trains, buses, trams and so on as well as shared transport
services such as bike sharing, car sharing and carpooling.
This approach aims to stimulate urban-territorial recovery and development through the
implementation of sustainable and intelligent travel systems based on cutting-edge ICT
(apps, web platforms, etc.) (Barile et al., 2017). This will help to improve the balance between
transport supply and demand and bring significant benefits in terms of both efficacy and
efficiency across the entire travel sector.
Despite this growing focus on travel sustainability, there are no contributions within the
extant academic literature which deal with the topic utilizing a very large sample of
travelers. This paper aims to fill that gap and enhance understanding of the actual reasons,
as stated by travelers themselves, for their resorting to alternative travel arrangements,
with particular emphasis on carpooling. To this end, the paper is structured in five sections:
first, it opens with a broad discussion of the reference literature, aimed at providing a
sufficiently exhaustive conceptual representation of carpooling, its evolution and various
forms spread over time throughout the world; then the big data collection and analysis
methodology is described; next the results of the analysis are described and the possible
implications discussed under both theoretical and practical profiles; and finally the
conclusions of the paper are presented along with the limitations of the study and ideas for a
future research agenda.
2. Literature review: the growth of carpooling
In recent years, there has been more and more emphasis on ensuring a high quality of life
for people alongside the development and subsequent diffusion of innovative technologies.
This has shifted the focus from the managerial strategies aimed at pursuing the
achievement and maintenance of high levels of efficacy and efficiency to those that also
promote respect for the concept of sustainability (not only environmental but also energy,
technological, social and economic).
In this regard, there are numerous studies, including the travel sector, highlighting a
mature awareness of the benefits arising from the adoption of sustainable practices: the
prevalent literature orientation emphasizes that more and more frequently every kind of
material and immaterial (economic, financial, human, cognitive, temporal and so on)
resources are invested in the development of strategies based on techniques, methods
and tools designed to improve overall results of citizenschoices about urban and
extra-urban mobility.
In this scenario, carpooling is one of the most valid solutions to solve many of the
issues of the travel sector (Ben-Akiva and Atherton, 1977). According to Dewan and
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Ahmad (2007), carpooling defined as the sharing of rides in a private vehicle involving two
or more individuals, represents the easiest and most common vehicle sharing
arrangement. Carpooling can be seen as an alternative and relatively new method of
travel where a person provides a vehicle (which he/she usually owns) and transports
one or more people to their destination in exchange for a pre-agreed amount of money
(tariff, rate or fee) (Chen and Hsu, 2013).
The most rudimentary form of this phenomenon dates back to the first years following
the Second World War. Although, in that period, the reasons for choosing to share means of
travel were mostly associated with the aftermath of war. In the 1970s, mainly because of the
oil crisis, the use of carpooling was given a new lease of life (Oliphant and Amey, 2010)
before falling out of favor again until the beginning of the new millennium. However, recent
technological developments and, more specifically, the affirmation of the internet and the
pervasive use of mobile devices (tablets and smartphones primarily), have given new
impetus to carpooling, leading to a level of uptake that in some countries exceeds 10 percent
of the total journeys made by motor vehicles (Chan and Shaheen, 2012). To date, the practice
of sharing a car is used in the countries of Northern Europe and in the USA, where specific
associations exist and the practice is also encouraged by road signs, indeed, in some USA
cities, motorway lanes have been set aside specifically for cars carrying more than one
person. These lanes are less congested and lead to faster journey times. It is increasingly
becoming a widespread mode of travel, especially in working or university environments,
where people traveling the same route at the same time spontaneously agree to travel
together and so reap the benefits from such a choice. One of the main conditions to be
respected in carpooling is the existence of at least two persons: the cars owner and the
passenger. This condition is fundamental in distinguishing carpooling from other
similar, but different, forms of vehicle sharing. In particular, carpooling should not be
mistaken, or considered synonymous, with car sharing. They are different phenomenon.
Carpooling implies the sharing of a car among private individuals, whereas car sharing is a
membership-based service available to all qualified drivers in a community. All members
have access to a network of vehicles owned by a company that offers such a travel service.
(Car Sharing Association:
Over time, carpooling has taken on several connotations, very similar to each other but
different for a number of reasons, such as the type of users, the technology used,
the territorial context, the sector (public or private), the number of vehicles involved, etc.
(Bento et al., 2013). To date, among the most common forms of this alternative travel system,
there are dynamic, informal and flexible carpooling.
2.1 Dynamic carpooling
Dynamic carpooling has been defined by Arnould et al. (2011) as a particular form of
travel sharing aimed at offering a planning solution capable of reacting in real time to any
additional driver or passenger joining or leaving the poolof carpoolers. This implies
keeping in mind all events that could affect travel, such as traffic congestion, incidents,
accidents, roadworks and so forth. Dynamic carpooling probably dates back to the early
1990s, but it has been successful only since 2012. As Friginal et al. (2014) reported, recent
studies carried out in China (Xin et al., 2009) have underlined an increasing interest in
dynamic carpooling solutions, highlighting financial savings and traffic reduction as its
main advantages. It is characterized by the possibility of organizing specific routes
suddenly in exchange for the payment of a certain amount of money, thanks to the use
of a mobile device with GPS and connected to a social network (Mallus et al., 2017).
Dynamic carpooling, a novel social-inspired service that offers users the chance to easily
share a vehicle (Friginal et al., 2014), is also known as real-time ridesharing, on-demand
ridesharing, instant ridesharing and ad hoc ridesharing (Amey et al., 2011). Its diffusion is
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strongest in areas where traditional transport services (buses, trains, trams, taxis and so
on) are inadequate with respect to demand. What characterizes this form of carpooling
more than anything else is the tendency to resort to it only in times of urgency or
emergency, since for planned or cyclic needs, it is cheaper to use alternative travel
systems (Créno, 2016). In this regard, Massaro et al. (2009) reported that dynamic
carpooling challenges traditional carpooling restrictions by allowing a large membership
base of passengers and drivers to be matched with each other automatically in real time,
allowing for on-the-spot arrangement of rides. The latest dynamic carpooling systems
also provide the chance for users to travel a route using more than one vehicle. However,
this mode of travel, though potentially comfortable, is not achieving the hoped-for success
(Grgurevićet al., 2015).
2.2 Informal carpooling
Informal carpooling (also known as casual carpooling or slugging) is a form of carpooling
developed in the mid-1970s in order to meet the multiple needs of both passengers and
drivers (Chan and Shaheen, 2012). Indeed, the former can benefit from the opportunity to
reach a given destination for free or by paying a price lower than those charged by
traditional travel systems; drivers, on the other hand, because they are carrying more
people on board, have access to dedicated lanes specifically set aside by some local
governments (especially in the USA and Canada) to help minimize road congestion and
contribute to the reduction of atmospheric pollution (Masoud and Jayakrishnan, 2017).
However, it is worth pointing out that slugging was, and remains, an alternative travel
service organized and entirely operated by private individuals. The main motive
inducing people to offer an informal carpooling service is the ability to save time rather
than earn money. This aspect, along with the fact that they are used especially during
the morning, represents the characteristic that distinguishes it from other forms of
carpooling (Badger, 2011). As reported by Masoud and Jayakrishnan (2017), this form
of carpooling is usually pre-arranged and occurs between people who share things in
common other than the time and location of their trips. In this regard, Mote and
Whitestone (2011) have pointed out that the adoption of slugging has grown due to the
opportunity to fulfill the requirements of lanes on an informal basis, that is, without
coordinating and arranging the requisite number of passengers on a daily basis: to begin
slugging is very simple, since no registration or prior arrangements are required and
people typically learn about slugging through friends and co-workers ( by means of word
of mouth).
2.3 Flexible carpooling
Flexible carpooling is a form of carpooling started in the early 1980s (Chan and
Shaheen, 2012). It is halfway between dynamic carpooling and informal carpooling. In fact,
it implies the formal definition of routes that can be taken by drivers but without specifying
the departure or arrival time (Beroldo, 1990). In other words, users can benefit from this
alternative form of travel by going to a given meeting point where they can offer or receive
passage. Hence, the main advantage of flexible carpooling is the possibility of getting a car
ride in a certain direction without having to organize it in advance (Dorinson et al., 2009).
According to Minett (2009), the key feature of flexible carpooling is the absence of the need
for pre-arrangement on a trip-by-trip basis: people arrive at a meeting place and fill cars in
order of arrival, i.e., on a first-come-first-served basis. In the informal systems, rides are
offered and taken without a pre-registration process and without money changing hands.
Therefore, this form of carpooling is well-suited to the circumstances in which the need for
passage is manifested at the last moment. As Minett et al. (2008) have observed, flexibility
provides people with three main benefits: first, they can get into another users vehicle or
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allow another participant to get into their car; second, they can participate as both driver
and passenger, and switch at will each day between riding and driving; and third, they can
arrive to use the system at different times day-to-day. However, because of this greater
flexibility, it may be necessary to wait a long time at the meeting point before the user can
find an available vehicle or she/he may even wait in vain for its arrival (Shaheen et al., 2016;
Kelly, 2007). Therefore, flexible carpooling can be considered an emergency travel system as
it is impossible to rely on it with absolute certainty (Minett et al., 2008).
3. Research design
A large-scale text analytics study has been conducted with the main aim of understanding
the real motives pushing people to use innovative travel systems and in particular,
carpooling. The collection of usersopinions was realized via a specific social network
community named Twitter.Twitter was chosen due to its high popularity in 2012, more
than 100 million users posted about 340 million tweets a day[1] and the service handled an
average of 1.6 billion search queries per day. In order to avoid interpretative distortions of
the comments posted by Twitter users, the analysis was performed over the course of a
12-month period, from the beginning of October 2016 to the end of October 2017. The reason
for such a long time span is that performing a big data analysis in a short time span could
see the emergence of results biased by specific factors such as the month, the season
(summer, autumn, winter and spring), the weather and so forth.
3.1 Data mining
The process of data collection has been realized by means of a web crawler named
Twitter4J. It allowed data to be gathered in nearly real time as background activity. It is
based on the use of API, which provided access to the public accounts on the chosen virtual
community (Twitter). Specifically, the data collection has been performed by establishing
and then implementing specific filters in order to identify all Twitter userscomments
including the hashtag #carpooling. The hashtag can be defined as a string of characters
preceded by a hash (#) character (Tsur and Rappoport, 2012) used to synthesize in a single
word a concept which is described later in 280 or less characters (see Figure 1).
Specifically, the crawler has taken into account only the tweets containing #carpooling
and has allowed the identification, selection, gathering and classification of lots of words,
thus obtaining a classification capable of highlighting many keywords connected to the
considered phenomenon, which, once analyzed, allowed understanding of the reasons why
people used or did not to use carpooling. Subsequently, a further screening of the extracted
words was made to avoid some of them complicating the interpretation of the results.
For instance, the crawler has automatically ignored individual letters, definite and indefinite
articles (a, an, the), prepositions ( from, by, with and so on) and other terms that, taken
individually, would not help in any way the understanding of the findings.
3.2 Data analysis
After mining, the collected data went through a sentiment analysis using software called
SentiWordNet.This is a lexalytics text mining tool (Ohana and Tierney, 2009;
Denecke, 2008) that enables the identification of peoples perceptions on a particular topic,
allowing understanding of the overall polarity of a set of words (Hung and Lin, 2013; Esuli and
Sebastiani, 2007). The most frequently used words identified and extracted in the previous
stage were passed to the submodule responsible for the sentiment check. Specically, for each
word, the adjectives and expressions related to it were checked against a lexicon annotated
with sentiment values in order to establish their potential positive, negative or objective
value (Baccianella et al., 2010a, b). The submodule has returned, for each adjective/expression,
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values in the (0-1) range that represent the adjective/expressions positivity, negativity, or
neutrality, whose sum total is 1. As such, for the i-th word, its corresponding positivity (Sp
negativity (Sn
) values have been computed as follows:
where Kis the total number of adjectives/expressions found and evaluated, and p
and u
are the kth positivity, negativity and neutrality value, respectively, for the
kth adjective/expression.
Figure 1.
Screenshot of users
comments with the
hashtag #carpooling
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Then, in order to evaluate the collective perception related to a single word, a fuzzy
inference system (FIS) (Guillaume, 2001) was used to obtain the value of the CP starting
from the sentiment scores Sp
and S
of the word computed by the SDA module with the
formulas previously described. Such scores represent the inputs of the FIS and their
membership functions are reported in Figure 2. The FIS obtains a value for the collective
perception by defuzzifyingthe output (Kasabov and Song, 2002; Jang, 1993). The CP
value helps with the estimation of the communitys perception about the analyzed word
and with the understanding of the benefits and disadvantages felt by people (Chang and
Chang, 2006).
4. Findings
Overall, thanks to Twitter4J, about 10 percent of the data flow published on Twitter by
users from all over the world was analyzed. In order to provide an answer to the research
goal, only tweets containing the hashtag #carpooling were collected. This filter enabled the
consideration of about one million tweets (exactly 993,778) within which about 10,000 (9,342)
different words were automatically identified. Figure 3 shows a word cloud containing the
terms most frequently used by Twitter users in their posts about #carpooling, without
considering stopwords: the size of the words represented in the figure is directly
proportional to the number of times that they have been extracted by the web crawler.
To avoid interpretive distortions, the most widely used words were grouped into
categories (concepts) based on the affinity of their meanings. This action allowed the
identification of 12 main concepts, as shown in Table I.
Finally, the sentiment analysis enabled positive and negative concepts to be
distinguished, as shown in Tables II and III.
5. Discussion
5.1 Carpooling advantages
Economic efficiency. The results show that, regardless of what the theory in the literature
stated, the main reason why people resort to carpooling is the economic savings. In line with
what Chen and Hsu (2013) and Yang and Huang (1999) have pointed out, carpooling is an
alternative travel system that, besides lowering the tariff, also allows the minimization of a
Source: Authors’ elaboration
Low Medium High
Mean of positive scores Ver y
bad Bad Neutral Positive Ver y
Mean of neutral scores
Mean of negative scores
Figure 2.
Fuzzy variables and
membership of the
FIS for computing the
collective perception
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series of other costs associated with the use of motor vehicles, such as fuel, oil, tires, tolls,
parking and so forth Therefore, the success of carpooling seems to be due to the advantage
of ensuring an opportunity to save money not only to drivers but also to passengers. In this
respect, the analysis showed 8,957 tweets containing comments related to the concept of
economic efficiency,demonstrating peoples primary interest in carpooling was spending
less than they needed to spend to use traditional travel systems (trains, buses, trams, taxis,
private cars and so forth) (Shewmake, 2012).
Environmental efficiency. According to the findings, environmental efficiency is the
second most cited reason for people to use carpooling as a healthy alternative travel system.
The reading of the 8,835 comments posted by people on Twitter, in fact, emphasizes the
great attention paid to environmental issues. This growing interest derives from feeling an
increasingly need to counteract the dangerous effects of climate change that in recent
years has caused serious ecological, e.g., the melting glaciers caused by global warming
(Schipper and Pelling, 2006). This aspect, along with the inexorable depletion of traditional
natural resources (among which, primarily, fossil fuels such as oil) and the unstoppable
increase in demand for services by the worlds population, is increasingly emphasizing the
need to define and adopt business models that are efficient not only from an economic point
of view but also from a purely environmental point of view (Schaltegger and Wagner, 2017;
Tate et al., 2013). In this perspective, users are well aware that a reduction in the number of
cars on the roads will help to protect the environment and help to reduce air pollution.
In this regard, Vlek and Steg (2007) underline that this enhanced awareness among
consumers about the importance of respecting the environment is orienting market demand
toward sustainable lifestyles. Consistently, Amel et al. (2009) and Arbuthnott (2009)
highlight how, in current market contexts, increasingly characterized by consumerism,
indiscriminate waste, and uncontrolled exploitation of natural resources, healthy alternative
travel systems represent a winning strategy for achieving and maintaining a successful
impact in the long run.
Comfort. This is the third place most cited reason that consumers use carpooling:
comfort. Indeed, it emerges from the 7,971 tweets collected and analyzed from those that use
an innovative travel system based on the use of the latest generation of mobile devices that
Source: Authors’ elaboration
Figure 3.
The most used words
in the tweets with the
hashtag #carpooling
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carpooling makes the travel experience much less stressful and easier. In this regard,
numerous contributions can be found in the extant literature (Balcombe et al., 2009; Spake
et al., 2003) reporting the importance of comfort in influencing consumersbuying behavior.
The influence of comfort on consumer choices seems to be even greater in the travel sector,
where people prefer to be transported in comfort (Southward, 2015; Neumann et al., 1978).
Word Concept
Saving (3,189)
Money (2,122)
Moneysaving (2,110)
Savings (188)
Efficiency (825)
Efficient (523)
Economic efficiency (8,957)
Sustainability (3,128)
Air pollution (2,110)
Smog (1,100)
Health (1,099)
Nosmog (1,053)
Environmentalism (345)
Environmental efficiency (8,835)
Comfort (2,316)
Comfortable (2,080)
Coziness (1501)
Cozy (1,275)
Comforting (589)
Cosiest (210)
Cosy (158)
Comfort (7,971)
Traffic (2,214)
Congestion (1,894)
Traffic (4,108)
Socialize (958)
Relationships (714)
Socialization (658)
Friendship (579)
Socialization (2,909)
Effectiveness (879)
Effective (522)
Efficacy (111)
Efficacious (102)
Effectiveness (1,614)
Flexibility (588)
Flexible (215)
Suppleness (197)
Elasticity (119)
Flexibility (1,119)
Reliability (451)
Reliable (422)
Dependable (202)
Reliability (1,075)
Privacy (1,038) Privacy (1,038)
Danger (521)
Dangerous (122)
Risk (69)
Risky (55)
Danger (767)
Curious (320)
Curiosity (225)
Inquisitiveness (44)
Curiosity (589)
Trust (321)
Confidence (115)
Confident (102)
Trustful (44)
Trust (582) Table I.
The most used
concepts within tweets
about #carpooling
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Traffic. According to the big data analysis carried out, carpooling is one of the most
effective travel systems for reducing urban and extra-urban traffic, since the availability of
more seats (typically from two to seven) in the same car positively affects the number of
vehicles in circulation and contributes to a reduction in road congestion (Matsoukis, 2006).
Several studies (Ma et al., 2016; Patriksson, 2015; Sonnenberg et al., 2013; Buchanan, 2015;
Bryant et al., 2004) underline the importance of traffic as a variable capable of influencing
public opinion (especially those of daily commuters) on a particular travel system.
Socialization. As predicted (Baslington, 2008; Shim et al., 2005), socialization is among the
most important factors for stimulating carpooling. Socialization happens because the
sharing of the same means of travel allows the establishment of social relationships between
unknown people, stimulating the start-up and development of processes that are linked to
the framework of the sharing economy (Matos et al., 2014; Haustein et al., 2009). In this
regard, as stated in the tweets, socialization seems to be fostered by the opportunity for
passengers to share time with strangers randomly and, if desired, by the possibility to
choose from various available alternatives, the driver who theoretically, has more features
more compatible with their own personality. To this end, as pointed out by Selker and
Saphir (2010), many carpooling platforms are based on special algorithms able to suggest
users with whom there could be greater character compatibility in order to make the travel
experience more enjoyable. In this case, socialization is stimulated by the use of special
technologies, which, based on a series of personal information (such as gender, age, work,
hobbies, musical tastes, religion, literary interests, sports and so on) promote the birth of
relationships between people who use carpooling.
Technological reliability. Although it cannot be identified as one of the most important
reasons cited by people for using carpooling, the reliability of this travel system is still an
element that can contribute decisively to its popularity. In fact, in many of the 1,614 tweets
collected and analyzed, it is clear that users are quite satisfied with the technology
underlying the service, considering it to be sufficiently reliable, albeit, improvable. In fact,
lots of positive comments reveal a high level of userssatisfaction, which, through the
technological devices owned by anyone (such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc.) can
effectively and efficiently take advantage of the travel service. Technology reliability,
Ranking Concepts
1st Economic efficiency (8,957)
2nd Environmental efficiency (8,835)
3th Comfort (7,971)
4th Traffic (4,108)
5th Socialization (2,909)
6th Reliability (1,075)
7th Curiosity (589)
Table II.
Ranking of the
positive concepts
expressed with regard
to #carpooling
Ranking Concepts
1st Effectiveness (1,614)
2nd Flexibility (1,119)
3th Privacy (1,038)
4th Danger (767)
5th Trust (582)
Table III.
Ranking of the
negative concepts
expressed with regard
to #carpooling
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though it is only ranked sixth (after economic efficiency, environmental efficiency, comfort,
traffic and socialization) can be understood as the main benefit without which the other
advantages of carpooling would not exist (Fink et al., 2015; Cioppi, 2013).
Curiosity. Curiosity is ranked last of the motives triggering the success of carpooling.
However, this data are not consistent with the results from other studies (Park et al., 2015;
Foulds, 2014; Hill and McGinnis, 2007) where it is reported to be one of the main factors for
stimulating and orientating consumer behavior and choices. However, a plausible
explanation for this disagreement may be represented by the consumers tendency to
express judgment on a specific service only after having been used it, and by then any
curiosity might be already largely fulfilled and, therefore, no longer particularly considered
by users.
5.2 Carpooling disadvantages
Effectiveness. Among the most negative feelings about carpooling, ineffectiveness of the travel
service as a whole was the most cited: in many countries, the decision of local governments to
allocate preferential lanes for vehicles adhering to carpooling, although bringing benefits to the
users of this alternative travel system (Manzini and Pareschi, 2012), it also restricts the
space available to other vehicles. This caused problems such as the risk of a more congestion,
higher fuel consumption and the worsening of air pollution (Calvo et al., 2004).
Flexibility. Although, from its conception, carpooling has been acknowledged as a
highly flexible travel system, in practice results from the big data analysis have shown
high levels of dissatisfaction due to people being unable to make the service fit their needs
and expectations. Indeed, regardless of the technology implemented to facilitate the
operation characterizing the service as a whole, carpooling involves the necessary users
availability to be flexible, since it encourages them to come to an agreement with an
unknown person to establish timing, route and fare (Li et al., 2007). This limit is less
evident in flexible carpooling,so called precisely because it does not require the prior
specification of the starting or arrival time,butonlyoftheroutesrunbyeachvehicle
(Dorinson et al., 2009).
Privacy. Like many other multiuser services, carpooling also implies the need for users to
sign up to the web platform, enabling their identification, the electronic traceability of their
information and leave feedback after using the alternative travel experience. However,
this inevitable action, while allowing minimal information about the actors involved
in the delivery and enjoyment of the service, on the other, entails privacy concerns
(Kladeftiras and Antoniou, 2015). In fact, as in any form of resource sharing, the private
sphere of people mixes with that one of other users, who, for example, can easily find
themselves in the position of listening to a phone call received or made by another passenger
or by the driver (Aïvodji et al., 2015; Friginal et al., 2014).
Danger. Danger, closely related to privacy, is another highly discussed issue about
carpooling. In fact, 767 tweets have made comments that show the existence of concerns by
individuals about their own safety inthe enjoyment of service shared with strangers. However,
such data needs to be analyzed more deeply, because at least until now, crimes linked to the
carpooling phenomenon are rare and, in any case, no more numerous than those occurring
with the traditional travel services (taxis, buses, trains and so on) (Minett et al., 2008).
Trust. Trust is among the top five reasons why people say they do not resort to
carpooling. As noted in the 582 comments posted by Twitter users, though all those who
intend to use the platform have to preventively sign up and the transactions made through
the platform are automatically traced, this is in any case a service shared with and between
unknown people, whom carpooling users voluntarily choose to spend a varying amount of
time with depending on the route.
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6. Theoretical implications
This paper might be considered useful to academics, since it attempts to foster a greater
awareness about the benefits and disadvantages arising from the use of one of the most
widespread alternative travel systems, carpooling.
From a purely theoretical viewpoint, the work offers some insights into the importance of
big data analysis for understanding what people really think about a given phenomenon.
Specifically, the paper tries to overcome the limiting feature of many contributions
dedicated to carpooling, that of a rather small sample of subjects. Indeed, big data analysis
allows for a more complete view of the phenomenon under study (Sagiroglu and Sinanc,
2013) highlighting not only its advantages but also its disadvantages: analyzing a large
amount of data means additional information can be extracted not normally obtainable from
a small sample, thus ensuring greater reliability and better generalization of the results.
Another interesting and useful theoretical insight for scholars is the application of fuzzy
logic to sentiment analysis. This approach to understanding peoplesopinions, though not
much used in management studies, actually offers many benefits, since it allows for a more
weighted and valid view of the topic being studied. In fact, the FIS, by means of If-Then
language rules, allows better understanding not only whether a concept expressed by a
person is positive, neutral, or negative, but also the degree of positivity or negativity. In
order to answer the research question, skills from three different areas, business
management, computing science and statistics, have been synergistically integrated for
customizing, implementing and using two IT tools (Twitter4Jand SetiwordNet) capable
of identifying, selecting, collecting, categorizing and analyzing automatically peoples
tweets about carpooling. This way of working could suggest to scholars, not only interested
in management but also in any other scientific discipline, the importance of conducting
research by following a multidisciplinary approach to the study of a phenomenon, especially
whether it is relatively recent or completely new (Loia et al., 2017).
7. Practical implications
From a practical standpoint, this paper offers insights that might prove useful to the various
actors involved in business dynamics. In particular, the paper might encourage
entrepreneurs, managers and policy makers to reflect on actions to be taken to take
advantage of all the potential benefits that carpooling offers. In this regard, the work
highlights the 12 mostly considered variables, ranking them in order of occurrences,
allowing those who have invested or intend to invest in carpooling to know which aspects to
pay most attention. For example, based on the feedback provided by Twitters users, it is
useful to point out that the first variable to be considered in managing an alternative travel
service is almost certainly economic efficiency: it is not possible to think of investing in this
innovative and complex system without taking into account the considerable sensitivity of
potential and current users to the opportunity for saving money.
However, although saving money is the main reason for inducing people to use
carpooling (Bento et al., 2013), there are several other aspects that are important, such as
environmental efficiency, comfort, traffic, socialization, reliability of the travel system and
curiosity. This is an interesting result, especially given the current period of deep global
financial crisis, in which, very often, the only variable impacting consumersbuying
decisions is financial and whether or not they will save money. This trend is confirmed in
the context of urban travel, where frequently the choices between different travel
alternatives appear to be influenced mainly by the amount of money it will save consumers
if they change (De Grange et al., 2013).
However, the deep commitment of practitioners is necessary to promote the spread of
carpooling: there are still many perplexities and doubts about the effectiveness and
flexibility of this travel system. In addition, in order to induce people to rely on carpooling
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services, it seems necessary to be able to minimize the issues related to privacy protection
and the perception of the danger of traveling with strangers. In other words, it is necessary
to overcome the initial mistrust of carpooling before users (both drivers and passengers)
can develop full confidence in it.
In fact, as highlighted by (Minett et al., 2008; Minett, 2009), the question of safety is important
and of great interest to people when they first hear about carpooling. Mote and Whitestone
(2011) have also pointed out that getting up the courage to use carpooling for the first time is
often mentioned by carpoolers as the most difficult part of the travel system, but once that is
accomplished, they gradually acquire greater information about the best way to use it.
To this end, the intervention of public institutions could be useful (Polese et al., 2016;
Brennan and Douglas, 2002, 1998), if they adopted policies aimed at giving concrete support
to the spread of carpooling (e.g. through promotional and advertising campaigns, road
feasibility studies, test projects, etc.). Such policies may help to persuade people to increase
their trust in this alternative travel system (Dewan and Ahmad, 2007).
Finally, as discussed above, it is worth pointing out that worries about the risks linked to
the use of carpooling are not properly and completely justifiable, since, at least until now,
crimes linked to the carpooling phenomenon are rare and indeed no more frequent than
crimes occurring on traditional travel services (taxis, buses, trains and so on). Indeed, no
reports of rapes or assaults associated with casual carpooling exist (Minett et al., 2008).
8. Concluding remarks
The results of the work provide empirical evidenceabouttheexistenceofatleastseven
good reasons why people resort to carpooling and five motives pushing them to do not use
it. However, beyond what has emerged from the survey, it is worth pointing out that qthe
analysis has a limit that could make the findings questionable. In fact, although the
sample was particularly large (10 percent of the data flow published on Twitter from all
over the world in about one year), the automated collection of peoples comments has
prevented from going deeper in the analysis of userscomplete thought. Such a weakness
could induce to perform a further analysis about the same topic to compare the results
emerged from this study with the findings that could arise by using a qualitative approach
(such as in-depth interviews).
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Management and Service Science, Wuhan, September 20-22.
Yang, H. and Huang, H.J. (1999), Carpooling and congestion pricing in a multilane highway with high-
occupancy-vehicle lanes,Travelation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Vol. 33 No. 2,
pp. 139-155.
Further reading
Dakroub, O., Boukhater, C.M., Lahoud, F., Awad, M. and Artail, H. (2013), An intelligent carpooling
app for a green social solution to traffic and parking congestions,16th International IEEE
Conference on Intelligent Travelation Systems, IEEE, pp. 2401-2408.
Ferreira, J., Trigo, P. and Filipe, P. (2009), Collaborative carpooling system,World Academy of
Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 6, pp. 683-687.
Gaur, S.S., Madan, S. and Xu, Y. (2009), Consumer comfort and its role in relationship marketing
outcomes: an empirical investigation, in Samu, S., Vaidyanathan, R. and Chakravarti, D. (Eds),
Asia-Pacific Advances in Consumer Research, pp. 296-298.
McKenzie-Mohr, D. (2000), Fostering sustainable behavior through community-based social
marketing,American Psychologist, Vol. 55 No. 5, pp. 531-537.
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Maria Vincenza Ciasullo can be contacted at:
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... An individual's decision to adopt shared mobility services (and, therefore, SAV potential users) can be based on other motives, such as environmental awareness and cultural socialization [17][18][19]. Multiple psychological factors have been examined in this context, namely, privacy-sensitivity, time-sensitivity, interest in the productive use of travel time inside the shared automated vehicle, trust, reciprocity, etc. [3]. ...
... SAV users will not have to worry about finding a parking spot; this comprises a significant advantage concerning private transport modes [28]. Regarding trip costs, some studies have shown that the introduction of a discount to service prices leads to a higher willingness to share a trip [17,26]. According to König and Grippenkoven [26], a reduced travel cost, which will also be split between passengers, will be the major motive for using shared autonomous vehicle services. ...
... This major difference shows that the role of this new transport mode has not been highlighted by previous studies. Most of them have focused on the necessity of an SAV performing detours to satisfy all demand needs [3,17,26]. This study also proves that potential users prefer to wait longer to take a single-occupancy SAV than share it and, therefore, detour. ...
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Shared autonomous vehicles (SAVs) aspire to change not only vehicles but also the way people and goods move in urban areas. However, the promotion of such services, that is, whether travelers are willing to share their trips with other service users, is still a challenge. This study aims to examine the contributory factors that influence the willingness of individuals to use shared autonomous vehicles by simultaneously identifying the differences in terms of preferences with conventional competitive transport modes, namely, private cars and public transport. A stated preference experiment combined with perception ratings was designed and conducted in Athens, Greece. Based on the collected responses, a multinomial logit model was estimated. The results show that the flexibility of SAVs and, particularly, the possibility of performing door-to-door trips has a serious added value that travelers are willing to pay. Compared with public transport, additional waiting time does not increase the disutility. Furthermore, people who belong to high-education and-income groups expressed a higher willingness to use SAVs and socialize while traveling. The familiarity of each potential user with technology is a necessary precondition. Lastly, it is confirmed that environmentally conscious people are more positive about using these new services.
... In addition, ridesharing can supplement or even replace public transportation. Application scenarios for ridesharing include one-stop services for extreme weather scenarios, where passengers are transported to and from public transport stations to avoid waiting and having to walk exposed to bad weather (Ciasullo et al., 2018;Ghaffar et al., 2020;Shaheen et al., 2021). Also, platform monitoring can circumvent illegal or speculative behaviours consumers may encounter in traditional taxis, such as unfair pricing and detours (Raza et al., 2021;Shao et al., 2020;Wang et al., 2017). ...
... However, while platforms can create value from personal information, they may also create privacy risks for users (Wang, Gu, et al., 2019). Passengers have shown distrust of digital platforms following cases of fraud and cyber-attacks resulting from information breaches (Alyavina et al., 2020;Ciasullo et al., 2018;Tsai et al., 2021). ...
... In a survey conducted between early October 2016 and the end of October 2017, 767 tweets were published on Twitter expressing concerns about safety risks when sharing a ride with a stranger. However, these data need to be analysed in greater depth, as ridesharing is a much more popular option than traditional travel services (cabs, buses, and trains) with lower crime rates (Ciasullo et al., 2018). ...
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Ridesharing is a shared mobility service in which passengers and drivers with similar origins and destinations are matched to travel in the same vehicle. This service utilises unused seats in vehicles and multi-passenger rides to reduce the cost of travel. To promote ridesharing, both service providers and policymakers should carefully analyse passenger adoption behaviour to support future decision-making and planning. In this paper, 80 studies on passenger ridesharing behaviour published since 2004 are reviewed. The motivating factors and barriers are analysed and classified in terms of demographic factors, psychological factors, and situational factors, and boundary conditions are included. The work provides a corresponding research framework on ridesharing behaviour. Finally, the current literature gaps are summarised and research recommendations are provided. This study provides a comprehensive and systematic research basis for ridesharing studies, and presents important theoretical and practical contributions to guide sustainable ridesharing behaviour.
... However, various factors must be considered for carrying out these actions successfully. Certain research points out that saving money [72,73]. Other relevant reasons are environmental efciency, comfort, trafc, socialisation, and curiosity. ...
... Other relevant reasons are environmental efciency, comfort, trafc, socialisation, and curiosity. Among the main causes of deterrence are the privacy protection and the perception of the danger of travelling with strangers Ciasullo et al. [73]. Also, an analysis conducted in Lahore city Muhammad and Ali [74] showed that certain factors had a relevant infuence on the individual's decision to adopt a car-pooling alternative. ...
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This paper aims to analyse human mobility in a university campus on the outskirts of the Madrid region. Several surveys which were distributed to students for completion during the 2017-2018, 2018-2019, and 2021-2022 courses were examined. Both an exploration of existing transport modes using clustering techniques and a statistical analysis on trip origins, travel times, and distances were performed. Not all municipalities with the highest number of trips were the closest to the university. The clustering analysis identified a lower variability in the use ratio of the transport modes in the 2017-2018 course. The private car, which exhibited a low sharing rate, was the most utilised transport mode. This was followed by public and university transportation. Similarities between the probability distributions of journeys using public and university transports were found. High and moderate correlations between the number of the existing stops and the amount of trips by subway and urban bus were detected. The lowest median values of travel distances corresponded to students, administrative staff, teachers, and researchers who exhibited very similar values. Considering the three analysed academic years as a whole, the most likely travel times were 30–60 minutes. It was detected that a higher gross annual income did not imply higher private car use. Residents in areas with the highest ozone concentrations also exhibited a high use of motorised vehicles. A low familiarisation with car-sharing and car-pooling platforms was also found. Globally, a high level of comfort during the trip was mostly perceived.
... Wat inkomensniveau betreft, lijken er verschillen te bestaan tussen degenen die ritdelen gebruiken als bestuurder en degenen die het gebruiken als passagier: mensen met een lager inkomen zijn vaker passagier, en mensen met een gemiddeld en hoger inkomen zijn vaker bestuurder . Ciasullo et al. (2018) hebben onderzoek gedaan naar de redenen waarom mensen ritdeeldiensten gebruiken. Zij identificeerden 7 belangrijke voordelen: economische efficiëntie, milieuefficiëntie, comfort, verkeer (in de zin van minder congestie), sociaal gebeuren, betrouwbaarheid en nieuwsgierigheid naar de dienst. ...
... Het is vooral van belang om de voordelen van ritdelen voor het voetlicht te brengen. De durf om het systeem voor het eerst te gebruiken noemen ritdelers vaak als de belangrijkste barrière (Ciasullo et al., 2018). Integratie met andere mobiliteitsopties kan helpen deze barrière te overwinnen. ...
... In this study, we employ a hybrid data collection approach that combines traditional academic performance assessments and skill acquisition tests, along with modern Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and big data analytics [11]. Firstly, we will compile students' grades in the vocational course at the end of the term to evaluate their academic performance. ...
... B. Schor & Fitzmaurice, 2015;Tussyadiah, 2016;Wilhelms et al., 2017). Barriers negatively affect joining in SE, such as effort expectancy, security risk concerns, and product scarcity risk (Ciasullo et al., 2018;Hawlitschek et al., 2018;Lamberton & Rose, 2012). ...
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Extreme and fundamental changes in the economy and social life in the 2000s, fueled by technological development, pushed people toward new ways of consumption known as “Sharing Economy” (SE). Consumers’ motivations to participate in SE are still not completely clear because of SE’s relatively short history and hazy boundaries. This study aimed to contribute to closing that gap. This research also looks at how consumers’ motives for SE differ across countries. Data from 678 people (440 in Istanbul, Türkiye, and 238 in Toronto, Canada) were collected and analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). The results indicate that economic benefits, modern lifestyle, enjoyment, and ecological sustainability concerns substantially impact consumers’ participation in SE in both Türkiye and Canada. However, consumers in both countries are unaffected by product diversity, ubiquitous availability, sense of belonging, or convenience. In addition, altruism influences Turkish consumers but not Canadians; this could be explained by Türkiye’s being a Middle Eastern country with a feminine cultural structure. Even though Türkiye and Canada are very different in economic, social, cultural, and historical terms, their outcomes are remarkably similar. These identical findings indicate that consumers’ stimulations are similar in participating SE regardless of their country of origin. This paper is unique as it is the first research comparing Turkish and Canadian consumers’ motivations. This study is significant for both literature and practitioners in that it contributes to better understanding consumer incentives in SE.
... The remaining part of the sample is more or less equally distributed: 10% of posts published by users between the ages of 31 and 50; 9% of posts published by people over the age of 51. Before being analyzed, the data collected were "cleaned" to avoid interpretative distortions (Ciasullo et al., 2018;Loia et al., 2017) through the removal of stopwords, i.e. non-significant terms (such as articles, conjunctions, prepositions , etc.). In figure 2 the wordcloud provides a visual representation of the words most frequently extracted from the selected posts. ...
Conference Paper
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Most studies dedicated to students' behavior do not fully meet the need to identify the motivations leading students to choose the university. Therefore, the work provides empirical evidence aimed at highlighting the factors influencing the students’ behavior in the choice of their university. To this end, a big data analysis was carried out with R, an open source statistical environment based on a programming language and a specific development environment for the statistical analysis of data. Data collection was performed by extracting Twitter posts published in English from anywhere in the world over a period of 5 months. The results of the analysis show that the factors that most influence the students’ behavior in choosing the university are training offer, infrastructure, work opportunities, prestige, and communication. The work presents theoretical and practical implications, contributing to the advancement of the state of the art related to the students' behavior and providing managerial insights for the elaboration of strategies that improve the attractiveness of universities.
... These developments have made dynamic carpooling more prevalent in urban areas. The conceptual initiation of dynamic carpooling dates back to the early 1990 s (Ciasullo et al., 2018). This technology overcomes the barriers of traditional carpooling through the reduction of matching time (Carrese et al., 2017). ...
Carpooling is emerging as a more appealing “sharing economy” form with promising benefits in reducing carbon emissions, traveling costs, and traffic congestion. However, a thorough understanding of carpooling adoption is lacking for policymakers and transport planners in developing countries due to limited scientific research, specifically in Southeast Asia. Therefore, the present study aimed to understand the behavioral influences of carpool adoption in Thailand by conducting a multivariate analysis on a dataset of 307 observations gathered at Thammasat University, Pathum Thani, Thailand. First, a conceptual model was developed to assess the influence of effort expectancy, perceived safety, hedonic motivation, and social influence on carpool behavior intention. Additionally, two constructs related to COVID-19 and time credits were added to assess their impacts. Then, the sample data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). It was found that hedonic motivation, social influence, and time credits as payment method factors play statistically significant direct roles in the carpool behavior intention, whereas effort expectancy, perceived safety, and perception towards compliance with COVID-19 guidelines for carpooling did not. However, significant indirect impacts of effort expectancy and social influence through hedonic motivation were discovered. Upon analysis of the findings, policy implications are presented.
Flexibility and agility are two organizational behavior traits that help businesses gain a competitive edge, deal with changing expectations, and satisfy current market demands. Academically, however, there still needs to be greater distinction and understanding between these two notions among scholars and practitioners. Because of the ambiguous borders in the definitions of flexibility and agility, uncertainty developed into a theoretical interest. This essay tries to offer the notion of Flexibility based on publishing patterns in digital entrepreneurship studies considering the limitations. Introduce the idea of agility based on current research trends in digital entrepreneurship. Present a study of agility and flexibility based on digital characteristics. This article chooses articles and presents them based on the main issue using the Systematic Literature Review technique. Based on the outcomes of conversations with other writers, the author provides 85 pertinent pieces and 44 that are thoroughly addressed. According to the year, the nation, and the consequences of digital elements, the author proposes the idea of order flexibility and adaptability. Other dominant ideas from the primary theme are discovered in this article, like the idea of sector-based discussion and the inclusion of administrative functions.
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Real-time peer-to-peer ridesharing is a promising mode of transportation that has gained popularity during the recent years thanks to the widespread use of smart phones, mobile application development platforms, and online payment systems. An assignment of drivers to riders, known as the ride-matching problem, is a central component of a peer-to-peer ridesharing system. In this paper, we discuss the features of a flexible ridesharing system, and propose an algorithm to optimally solve the ride-matching problem in a flexible ridesharing system in real-time. We generate random instances of the problem, and perform sensitivity analysis over some of the important parameters in a ridesharing system. Furthermore, we discuss two novel approaches to increase the performance of a ridesharing system.
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Purpose – In recent years, the academic world has seen the spread of a growing interest in understanding the dynamics characterizing studies conducted in different research areas. This trend seems to have taken hold also in the scientific community interested in issues related to Service Science Management Engineering and Design. In this regard, the present study aims to investigate whether the multidisciplinary nature of SSMED, theoretically recognized, implies an effective orientation of academics towards manifold esearch areas Design/Methodology/approach – The work is based on an automatic literature review, conducted by using knowledge extraction techniques integrated in an IT tool developed for the objective pursued with this research. The tool has been applied on several databases (such as Wiley, etc.), enabling the analysis of different studies about SSMED and the extraction of the main trend characterizing the evolution of this science known as multidisciplinary along the time line. Findings – The results emerging from the analysis show that, despite SSMED has progressively developed as a multidisciplinary science, actually, most of the studies related to it focuses on topics linked mainly to business management. However, the consideration of the time variable allows understanding that, within SSMED, especially in recent years, the number of contributions linkable to topics belonging to other research areas is rogressively growing up. Research limitations/implications – The research involves considerable theoretical implications, fostering an important advancement in the state of art in terms of more concrete and greater awareness of the multidisciplinary nature of SSMED. However, the study presents the limit of considering only two databases. In fact, the involvement of additional databases, perhaps, would have been capable of leading to potentially different findings. Originality/value – The work proposes a novel approach to carry out conceptual analytics summarizing trends along the timeline. It allows going far beyond the traditional techniques used in science mapping through the evaluation of scientific publications indexed or stored in big databases (such as systematic literature review, meta analysys, bibliometric analysis, and research performance analysis), enabling the assessment of the (chrono ) logical evolution of the studies dedicated to SSMED. Moreover, unlike what occurs with other techniques (e.g. systematic literature review, bibliometrics, and research performance analysis), the development and the subsequent use of a specific IT tool for the analysis guarantees the advantage to automatically consider, extract and analyze in real time all contributions available on the selected databases.
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In recent times, the concept of sustainability has gradually taken on a leading role, particularly because of its potential ability to influence consumers' view and, consequently, their buying choices. Based on this consideration, the work, by means of an empirical analysis, pursues two research questions: (i) is it possible to imagine a theoretical model in the fashion world able to show whether "importance", "expectations" and "social influence" effectively affect consumers' willingness to reward a sustainable fashion brand via their purchasing behavior? and (ii) how much are consumers willing to pay to get a sustainable item of clothing? In order to answer these two research questions, a Multiple Linear Regression Model is tested, which offers an interesting result: consumers attach little relevance to the importance accorded to a brand's sustainability, since they orient themselves on the basis of their expectations and their own group's thoughts. Another finding is that consumers state that they are willing to pay a price not higher than 20% to get a sustainable item of clothing. However, the paper presents two limitations, which are linked to the use of the questionnaire for the understanding of the respondents' opinions and to the small reference sample, composed of 271 people with a high level of education.
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Purpose From a service ecosystem perspective this paper examines students evaluation surveys as a tool used by most Higher Education (HE) institutions worldwide to measure teaching quality with consequences for tenure and promotion. Design/methodology/approach This study is based on the Service-Dominant (S-D) logic and specifically on the service ecosystem approach. Through an in-depth literature review and analysis we explore the effect of student evaluation surveys on the value co-creation process, describe the role they play in the HE ecosystem and critically evaluate their efficacy. The research is based on empirical data from literature and previous studies findings. Findings The literature review highlights the detrimental consequences of the use of students evaluation surveys for teachers and students and for the rest of actors of this service. We argue that institutions should embrace a service ecosystem perspective based on S-D logic. We highlight the role of institutions as moderators of the interactions between actors and, finally, we have introduced the concept of “service ecosystem pollution” which we define as the presence or introduction of disruptive elements in the service ecosystem adversely affecting the nature of value co-creation. Practical implications This study emphasizes the importance for HE institutions to embrace a service ecosystem approach so as to foster and preserve the value co-creation processes taking place within the interactions among the HE actors. Conclusions drawn from this paper suggest that HE institutions should focus on strategies such as investing in improving students’ and teachers’ operant resources rather than polluting the HE service ecosystem with the use of students evaluation surveys. Originality/value Hitherto there are no studies analyzing the tools HE institutions use to measure teaching quality from a service ecosystem perspective. Our study is especially valuable due to the consequences the use of these measures entails for teachers, students and society.
The difficulties in moving towards corporate sustainability raise the question of how environmental and social management can be integrated better with economic business goals. Over the last decade, the relationship between environmental and economic performance, and more recently the interaction between sustainability performance and business competitiveness, have received considerable attention in both theory and practice. However, to date, only partial aspects of the relationship between sustainability performance, competitiveness and economic performance have been studied from a theoretical as well as an empirical perspective. And, to date, no unique relationship has prevailed in empirical studies. A number of explanations have been put forward to explain this, including methodological reasons, such as the lack of statistical data, the low quality of that data, or the fact that such data is often available for short time periods only. Other theoretical explanations have been developed, such as the influence of different corporate strategies or the relatively small influence of environmental or sustainability issues as one factor among many on the economic or financial success of firms. So, how should the business case for sustainability be managed? This is the starting point for this book, which compiles insights on a large number of aspects of the link between sustainability performance, business competitiveness and economic success in an attempt to provide a comprehensive and structured view of this relationship. The book provides an unrivalled body of knowledge on the state of theory and practice in this field and identifies prospective future fields of work. The book includes: conceptual frameworks for the interaction of social, environmental and economic issues in business environments; case studies of companies that have successfully integrated social, environmental and economic issues; analyses of the causal and empirical relationship between environmental and/or social performance, business performance and firm-level competitiveness; concepts and tools useful for improving business value with proactive operational strategies; assessment of the factors influencing operational sustainability strategies and their economic impact; and comparisons of interactions between sustainability performance and firm competitiveness across industry sectors and countries. Managing the Business Case for Sustainability is the definitive work in its field: the most comprehensive book yet published on the theory and practice of managing sustainability performance, competitiveness, environmental, social and economic performance in an integrated way. It will be essential reading for managers, academics, consultants, fund managers, governments and government agencies, NGOs and international bodies who need a broad and comprehensive overview of the business case for sustainability.
Purpose Given the growing attention on service ecosystem and the role played by technology and institutions in shaping of actors’ relations and interactions, the objective of this paper is to examine a tourism environment with the lens of service ecosystem in order to derive a deeper understanding on the underlying mechanisms. Design/methodology/approach : A mixed methodology was used. First, literature review based on service ecosystems framework was conducted to critically analyse the roles of technology and institutions to shape a tourism service ecosystem. Then a case study was conduct. Findings Two main findings are described: (1) the role and the characteristics of physical and virtual engagement touch-points in the emergence of a tourism service ecosystems; (2) the relationship between technology and institutions in the resource integration. In particular, we conclude that institutions can shape the usage of technology which, in turn, can enable and imply the emergence of new institutions, continually adjusting the system of the tourism service ecosystem. Practical implications The analysis contributes to deepening the knowledge about value co-creation processes and engagement expedients in tourism destination, explaining the role of institutions and technology in helping actors to integrate resources and exchange services. The study can be also useful for practitioners in search for powerful tool to increase the competitiveness of a tourism destination. Originality/value The study is one of the first attempts to conceptualize and operationalize a tourism destination in a service ecosystem framework. In this way it contribute to enhance scientific knowledge in a tourism management literature