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Puberty comprises the transition from an immature juvenile to a mature adult state of the reproductive system, i.e. the individual becomes capable of reproducing sexually for the first time, which implies functional competence of the brain-pituitary-gonad (BPG) axis. Early puberty is a major problem in many farmed fish species due to negative effects on growth performance, flesh composition, external appearance, behaviour, health, welfare and survival, as well as possible genetic impact on wild populations. Late puberty can also be a problem for broodstock management in some species, while some species completely fail to enter puberty under farming conditions. Age and size at puberty varies between and within species and strains, and are modulated by genetic and environmental factors. Puberty onset is controlled by activation of the BPG axis, and a range of internal and external factors are hypothesised to stimulate and/or modulate this activation such as growth, adiposity, feed intake, photoperiod, temperature and social factors. For example, there is a positive correlation between rapid growth and early puberty in fish. Age at puberty can be controlled by selective breeding or control of photoperiod, feeding or temperature. Monosex stocks can exploit sex dimorphic growth patterns and sterility can be achieved by triploidisation. However, all these techniques have limitations under commercial farming conditions. Further knowledge is needed on both basic and applied aspects of puberty control to refine existing methods and to develop new methods that are efficient in terms of production and acceptable in terms of fish welfare and sustainability.
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Control of puberty in farmed fish
Geir Lasse Taranger
, Manuel Carrillo
, Rüdiger W. Schulz
, Pascal Fontaine
, Silvia Zanuy
, Alicia Felip
Finn-Arne Weltzien
, Sylvie Dufour
, Ørjan Karlsen
, Birgitta Norberg
, Eva Andersson
, Tom Hansen
Institute of Marine Research, PO Box 1870 Nordnes, 5817 Bergen, Norway
Spain Instituto de Acuicultura de Torre de la Sal – CSIC, Torre de la Sal S/N, 121595 Ribera de Cabanes, Castellón, Spain
Utrecht University, Science Faculty, Department Biology, Padualaan 8, NL-3584 CH Utrecht, The Netherlands
Unité de Recherche Animal et Fonctionnalités des Produits Animaux, Nancy-Université, INRA, 2 avenue de la Forêt de Haye, B.P. 172, F-54505 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, France
University of Oslo, Department of Molecular Biosciences, 0316 Oslo, Norway
USM 0401, UMR 5178 CNRS/MNHN/UPMC Biologie des Organismes Marins et Ecosystèmes, Département des Milieux et Peuplements Aquatiques,
Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, 75005 Paris, France
Institute of Marine Research, 5392 Austevoll, Norway
Institute of Marine Research, 5984 Matredal, Norway
article info
Article history:
Received 8 December 2008
Revised 17 April 2009
Accepted 6 May 2009
Available online 12 May 2009
Puberty control
Fish farming
Brain–pituitary–gonad axis
Environmental conditions
Puberty comprises the transition from an immature juvenile to a mature adult state of the reproductive
system, i.e. the individual becomes capable of reproducing sexually for the first time, which implies func-
tional competence of the brain–pituitary–gonad (BPG) axis. Early puberty is a major problem in many
farmed fish species due to negative effects on growth performance, flesh composition, external appear-
ance, behaviour, health, welfare and survival, as well as possible genetic impact on wild populations. Late
puberty can also be a problem for broodstock management in some species, while some species com-
pletely fail to enter puberty under farming conditions. Age and size at puberty varies between and within
species and strains, and are modulated by genetic and environmental factors. Puberty onset is controlled
by activation of the BPG axis, and a range of internal and external factors are hypothesised to stimulate
and/or modulate this activation such as growth, adiposity, feed intake, photoperiod, temperature and
social factors. For example, there is a positive correlation between rapid growth and early puberty in fish.
Age at puberty can be controlled by selective breeding or control of photoperiod, feeding or temperature.
Monosex stocks can exploit sex dimorphic growth patterns and sterility can be achieved by triploidisa-
tion. However, all these techniques have limitations under commercial farming conditions. Further
knowledge is needed on both basic and applied aspects of puberty control to refine existing methods
and to develop new methods that are efficient in terms of production and acceptable in terms of fish wel-
fare and sustainability.
Ó2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Puberty in fish is the developmental period during which an
individual becomes capable of reproducing sexually for the first
time, and implies a functional competence of the brain–pitui-
tary–gonad (BPG) axis (Schulz and Goos, 1999; Zanuy et al.,
2001; Okuzawa, 2002; Patiño and Sullivan, 2002; Schulz and
Miura, 2002; Weltzien et al., 2004; Jalabert, 2005; Dufour and
Rousseau, 2007). Puberty starts some time after sex differentiation
and is associated with the initiation of germ cell maturation and
full functional differentiation of the germ cell-supporting somatic
cells of the gonads, and culminates in the first spermiation and
sperm hydration or ovulation (Okuzawa, 2002).
Early puberty is a major problem in farmed fish, such as in sal-
monids (McClure et al., 2007), sea basses (Felip et al., 2008a), flatf-
ishes (Weltzien et al., 2003a), cod fishes (Karlsen et al., 2006a),
tilapias (Longalong et al., 1999), sea breams (Gines et al., 2003,
2004) and perches (Shewmon et al., 2007). Puberty adversely af-
fects growth, feed utilisation, health and welfare. Early puberty
can also increase the risk for negative genetic effects of escapees
on wild stocks (Bahri-Sfar et al., 2005; Naylor et al., 2005; Hindar
et al., 2006; Skaala et al., 2006) or after spawning in sea cages
(Jørstad et al., 2008).
Although methods exist to delay puberty in commercial farm-
ing, mainly by selective breeding (Gjedrem, 2000), photoperiod
control (Bromage et al., 2001), monosex stocks (Devlin and Naga-
hama, 2002) and induced triploidy (Benfey, 1999), major limita-
tions still exist in the commercial use of these methods. Breeding
programs usually take multiple generations to significantly reduce
the problems with early puberty, they are costly, and they are not
0016-6480/$ - see front matter Ó2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
*Corresponding author. Fax: +47 55 23 85 55.
E-mail address: (G.L. Taranger).
General and Comparative Endocrinology 165 (2010) 483–515
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always fully efficient in every species (e.g. Kolstad et al., 2006).
Photoperiod protocols to delay puberty have yet to be developed
in some species like Atlantic halibut (Norberg et al., 2001), and
there are unpredictable outcomes of the photoperiod treatments
between different sites and years, e.g. in farming of Atlantic salmon
and Atlantic cod where such techniques are commonly in use
(Hansen et al., 2000; Taranger et al., 2006). This may, in turn, be re-
lated to other factors also impacting on the control of puberty, such
as growth rate, feeding and adiposity/energy homeostasis of the
fish (Taranger et al., 1999; Oppedal et al., 2003). Production of
monosex stocks are not yet possible in some species (e.g. the
European sea bass; Piferrer et al., 2005), and sterility induced by
triploidisation may compromise fish welfare and production per-
formance (Benfey, 2001; Felip et al., 2001c; Hulata, 2001).
On the other hand, in some species, a delay, or complete failure
of, rather than a precocious puberty causes problems under farm-
ing conditions, e.g. in European eel (Dufour et al., 2003; van Ginne-
ken et al., 2007), hence preventing reproduction and closure of the
life-cycle in culture. Moreover, in species such as groupers, tunas
or sturgeons it can take many years until puberty starts, increasing
costs and risks since potential broodstock has to be maintained for
prolonged periods of time in farm facilities until maturation. In
such cases, an advancement of puberty to harvest eggs (i.e. for cav-
iar) or for reproduction, will improve the costs-efficiency of the fish
farms. Thus, puberty control implies both techniques to delay/ar-
rest and to advance/induce puberty. This control must be
species-specific considering the great variety of reproductive pat-
terns among species.
To fully control age and size of onset and completion of puberty
in fish farming, we need to understand the underlying mechanisms
triggering puberty, as well as the impact of various internal and
external factors that govern and modulate this process. Com-
mencement of puberty in teleosts is linked to genetic factors (Gjer-
de et al., 1994), metabolic signals e.g. related to energy stores
(Campbell et al., 2006; Thorpe, 2007) and environmental inputs
(e.g. Bromage et al., 2001; Drinkwater, 2002).
Although the precise involvement of factors that initiate pub-
erty are generally not well known in fish, the integrative signals
derived from these internal and external factors stimulate the re-
lease of the hypothalamic neurohormone gonadotropin-releasing
hormone (Gnrh), which stimulates the production and/or release
of pituitary gonadotropins, in turn regulating downstream targets,
such as sex steroid and germ cell production in the gonads (Schulz
and Goos, 1999; Zanuy et al., 2001; Okuzawa, 2002; Patiño and
Sullivan, 2002; Schulz and Miura, 2002; Swanson et al., 2003;
Weltzien et al., 2004; Jalabert, 2005; Yaron and Sivan, 2006; Du-
four and Rousseau, 2007).
Objectives and scope of the paper:
1. Provide definitions and concepts about puberty in fishes.
2. Review in short our knowledge about puberty related problems
in fish farming.
3. Provide information about variability in age and size at puberty
of farmed fish, including differences between sexes (using some
selected species as examples; Atlantic salmon, European sea
bass, Atlantic cod, Atlantic halibut) and the underlying patterns
of gametogenesis prior to and during puberty.
4. Review mechanisms underlying puberty onset and completion
in fishes.
5. Review impact of internal (e.g. genetic, energy homeostasis)
and external (e.g. photoperiod and temperature) factors on
age and size at puberty.
6. Review the status of different techniques (selective breeding,
environmental control, sterility models) to control puberty
(delay/arrest or promote/induce) in fish farming using some
selected species as examples.
7. Identify gaps in knowledge and perspectives for new
approaches (e.g. new sterility models).
2. Definitions of puberty
Puberty is the developmental period comprising the transition
from an immature juvenile to a mature adult state of the reproduc-
tive system, i.e. the stage of development during which an individ-
ual becomes capable of reproducing sexually, implying functional
competence of the brain–pituitary–gonad (BPG) axis. Adult verte-
brates produce gametes, the cellular basis of fertility, and have
the somatic and behavioural competence to competitively function
as mating partner and/or parent. These are long-term and demand-
ing tasks in many respects, requiring the integrative regulation of
different life processes, such as extracting energy from the envi-
ronment, regulation of growth and energy metabolism, develop-
ment of secondary sexual characters, reproductive behaviour and
so forth. It is therefore not surprising that the two main functions
of the gonads – to produce fertile gametes and hormones – are
orchestrated by the endocrine system, typically involved in coordi-
nating complex developmental and physiological processes. We
can discern two types of regulatory input in this context. Of pri-
mary relevance is the BPG axis with its feedback systems, regulat-
ing both pubertal development and the maintenance of adult
reproductive capacity. Secondly, other systems such as those regu-
lating growth and energy metabolism, the immune system, or the
brain–pituitary–thyroid axis that is involved in the functional dif-
ferentiation of many cell/tissue types, provide permissive rather
than direct regulatory signals.
The control of puberty and reproduction in general by the BPG
axis offers several evolutionary advantages. For example, the
reproductive system usually is silenced until an individual’s so-
matic development has proceeded sufficiently to permit investing
into pubertal development. Through the dependency on sex ste-
roids, the start of germ cell development is integrated with the
development towards reproductive competence in general, and al-
lows for the evolutionary mechanism of sexual selection to have an
impact (Clutton-Brock, 2007; Siller, 2001). Hence, puberty is char-
acterised by the concomitant activation of the two main functions
of the gonad, the production of germ cells and the synthesis of
reproductive hormones, in particular sex steroids, themselves re-
quired for supporting different aspects of germ cell development
in both females (e.g. oestrogens and vitellogenesis) and males
(e.g. androgens and spermatogenesis; Schulz et al., 2009), and
reproductive competence in general.
The first successful reproduction or, alternatively, the produc-
tion of the first batch of fertile gametes (spermiation and sperm
hydration in males; ovulation in females) can be considered as
end point of puberty (Okuzawa, 2002). The start of puberty, how-
ever, seems more difficult to define. Genetic models in mammals
show that loss of the androgen receptor (De Gendt et al., 2004),
of the receptor for luteinising hormone (Lhr)(Pakarainen et al.,
2005) of the b-subunit of luteinising hormone (Lh) (Kumar,
2007), of the Gnrh receptor (de Roux et al., 1999), or the loss of a
critical input to the Gnrh-producing neurones via the Kiss/Gpr54
system (de Roux et al., 2003; Seminara et al., 2003), all block entry
into puberty. Loss of follicle stimulating hormone (Fsh) function re-
sulted in follicle development being blocked completely while
spermatogenesis was still possible, although compromised as re-
gards number and motility of the spermatozoa produced (Huhtan-
iemi and Aittomaki, 1998), and with species-specific differences of
the graveness of the phenotype which can reach infertility in
primates (Themmen and Huhtaniemi, 2000). Recent studies in
channel catfish and zebrafish reported that up-regulation of
pituitary fshband ovarian fshr gene expression started prior to
484 G.L. Taranger et al. / General and Comparative Endocrinology 165 (2010) 483–515
vitellogenesis, coinciding with the accumulation of cortical alveoli,
and continued through vitellogenesis (Kumar and Trant, 2001;
Kwok et al., 2005; So et al., 2005). Moreover, Campbell et al.
(2006) found evidence suggesting that Fsh signalling is important
during the accumulation of cortical alveoli in oocytes in the early
stages of puberty of coho salmon females.
Taken together, there is convincing evidence that regulatory in-
put from outside the gonads is required to trigger pubertal devel-
opment. Early experiments based on the surgical removal of the
pituitary in fish, allow drawing a similar conclusion. In particular
rapid proliferation of spermatogonia in males (Billard, 1969; Dob-
son and Dodd, 1977; Khan et al., 1986) and the entry into the lipid
droplet stage of oocyte development (Sundararaj et al., 1972) are
the first stages requiring pituitary input in fish. The requirement
for the gonadotropin-stimulated production of androgens for the
initiation of spermatogenesis is in line with the observation that
11-ketotestosterone (11KT) is able to stimulate rapid spermatogo-
nial proliferation in eel testis tissue fragments in vitro (Miura et al.,
1991), in juvenile African catfish in vivo (Cavaco et al., 1998), and is
in line with concomitantly elevated plasma 11KT levels and sper-
matogonial proliferation in naturally maturing Atlantic salmon
in vivo (Schulz, Andersson, Taranger; unpublished). Moreover, in
male Chinook salmon increases in pituitary Fsh and plasma 11KT
levels were found during the transition from spermatogonia A to
spermatogonia B (Campbell et al., 2003), and recent studies in Jap-
anese eel (Ohta et al., 2007) and African catfish (Garcia-Lopez et al.,
2009) suggested that Fsh can directly stimulate Leydig cells, since
they express the fshr gene.
In coho salmon females, significant increases in plasma estra-
diol-17b(E2) and Fsh levels (Campbell et al., 2006) accompany
the entry into the first pituitary-dependent stage of ovarian devel-
opment, the lipid droplet stage (Sundararaj et al., 1972). However,
Campbell et al. (2006) also reported that Fsh and E2 levels in-
creased already at the cortical alveoli stage in coho salmon going
into puberty, and Manning et al. (2008) found the first endocrine
signs of puberty as an increase in plasma E2 levels in yellowtail
We therefore propose to consider the transition to the first
wave of rapid spermatogonial proliferation, or to the first batch
of oocytes accumulating cortical alveoli, as the start of puberty,
which – in both sexes – may be regulated by Fsh. Recent work indi-
cated that oogonial proliferation and entry into meiosis may also
be sensitive to steroid hormones (Miura et al., 2007), but work in
this direction has just started and the regulatory input in these
early stages has not been investigated yet.
3. Variability in age and size at puberty
3.1. Plasticity in age and size at puberty
There is considerable phenotypic and genotypic variation in
both age and size at puberty in fish species that is used in farming,
e.g. in Nile tilapia (Duponchelle and Panfili, 1998; Longalong et al.,
1999), Atlantic salmon (Saunders et al., 1983; Wild et al., 1994;
Hutchings and Jones, 1998; Taranger et al., 1998), rainbow trout
(Kause et al., 2003; Taylor et al., 2008), Arctic char (Duston et al.,
2003), brook trout (Kennedy et al., 2003), coho salmon (Vollestad
et al., 2004), sea bass (Rodríguez et al., 2001b), sea bream (Matic-
Skoko et al., 2007), turbot (Imsland et al., 1997) Atlantic halibut
(Imsland and Jonassen, 2005), bluefin tuna (Fromentin and Powers,
2005), Atlantic cod (Olsen et al., 2005; Karlsen et al., 2006), had-
dock (Davie et al., 2007a), channel catfish (Shephard and Jackson,
2005), Eurasian perch (Migaud et al., 2006) and sole (Mollet
et al., 2007). This variation is found both between and within
strains/populations (Myers et al., 1986; Fleming, 1996; Damsgård
et al., 1999; Jonsson and Jonsson, 2004; L’Abee-Lund et al., 2004;
Grover, 2005; Morita et al., 2005). The Atlantic salmon is one of
the most extensively studied species in this regards, and have been
found to display a remarkable variation in life-history traits such as
age and size at puberty, and including differences between and
within populations as well as between year-classes (Hutchings
and Jones, 1998; Garcia de Leaniz et al., 2007).
Many studies on age and size at puberty are based on examina-
tion of natural populations, or studies of release of offspring of wild
populations into natural environments (e.g. Hutchings and Jones,
1998; Heino and Godo, 2002; Dieckmann and Heino, 2007; Jonsson
and Jonsson, 2007; Dominguez-Petit et al., 2008; Ottersen, 2008),
and it is difficult to establish to which extent the variation in age
and size at puberty is of genotypic or phenotypic origin (Morita
et al., 2005; Kuparinen and Merila, 2007; Marshall and McAdam,
2007). On the other hand, a range of experimental studies have
demonstrated large phenotypic variation in age and size at puberty
(Bromage et al., 2001; Thorpe, 2007), and also a significant genetic
variation in age and size at puberty both between and within
strains and families (Gjerde et al., 1994; Wild et al., 1994).
However, the relative importance of phenotypic and genotypic
variation in age and size at maturity has been much debated, and
is complicated by the interaction with growth history/growth
patterns, which may explain why there appears to be no fixed size
or age thresholds for puberty in those species that have been
most closely studied such as salmonids (Morita and Fukuwaka,
The relation between environmental conditions and changes in
age and size at puberty can be described in terms of reactions
norms (Stearns, 1992). Life history models predicts that age at pub-
erty is delayed when growth conditions become less favourable
(Stearns and Koella, 1986; Stearns, 2000; Hutchings and Fraser,
2008; Piche et al., 2008), while the effects on size at puberty (i.e.
decrease or increase) depends on a range of factors such as mortal-
ity patterns and increase of fecundity and offspring quality with
increasing body size of parents (Fig. 1). In several heavily exploited
fish populations both age and size at puberty have been reduced
over time (Chen and Mello, 1999; Engelhard and Heino, 2004;
Hutchings, 2005; Olsen et al., 2005), which may reflect phenotypic
plasticity response to increased growth rates as the population de-
clines, or genetic changes due to size selective fishing, reducing
both age at size at maturation in long-term exploited stocks (Chen
and Mello, 1999; Heino and Godo, 2002; Engelhard and Heino,
2004; Dieckmann and Heino, 2007). In some pacific salmon popu-
lations, however, growth rate reductions have resulted in delayed
puberty as well as smaller size at puberty, possibly due to concom-
itant changes in mortality patterns (Morita and Fukuwaka, 2007).
The relationship between growth, body size and age at puberty is
also complicated by frequency dependent fitness of different
reproductive strategies such as mature salmon freshwater parr or
salmon ‘‘jacks” adopting a ‘‘sneaking” spawning strategy compet-
ing with large salmon males returning from seawater that apply
a ‘‘fighting” spawning strategy (Hutchings and Myers, 1994;
Esteve, 2005).
Different relationships between body size and reproductive suc-
cess in males and females are also the predicted reasons for sexu-
ally dimorphic growth, and differences between the sexes in age
and size at puberty. In many species of farmed fish, male growth
typically levels off at a smaller size and age compared to females
(e.g. sea bass, halibut, etc.), most probably because female fecun-
dity and offspring ‘‘quality”/survival gain more by increasing body
size than in males. However, this is again complicated by fre-
quency dependent alternative mating strategies such as in salmo-
nids where ‘‘sneaking” strategies in freshwater as mature parr can
have an optimal size window (e.g. Aubin-Horth et al., 2006).
In fish farming, growth conditions and feed availability is nor-
mally improved compared to the situation in natural ecosystems,
G.L. Taranger et al. / General and Comparative Endocrinology 165 (2010) 483–515 485
and hence both age and size at puberty are often reduced com-
pared to wild fish from the same strains (Svåsand et al., 1996).
Thus, the phenotypic responses to improved growth conditions
and feed availability, often with associated higher adiposity and
energy stores, are probably the major causes of the early puberty
commonly observed in many farmed fish species (Fig. 1). This also
poses a challenge to selective breeding programs, because such
phenotypic responses can mask genetic variability in age and size
at maturation, and make it more difficult to select for late maturity.
On the other hand, some species like the European eel do not reach
puberty under farming conditions, most likely due to lack of appro-
priate environmental stimuli and/or lack of appropriate behaviours
such as long term swimming (Dufour et al., 2005; van Ginneken
et al., 2005, 2007; van Ginneken and Maes, 2005; Sébert et al.,
2008a,b; Weltzien et al., 2009).
3.1.1. Atlantic salmon
The Atlantic salmon (Salmon salar) show a stunning variability
in age and size at puberty, both between and within strains, and
also between years and environmental conditions (Hutchings and
Jones, 1998; Garcia de Leaniz et al., 2007; Thorpe, 2007). Similar
variations in life-history strategies are also seen in other salmonids
used in fish farming such as rainbow/steelhead trout (Kause et al.,
2003; Tipping et al., 2003; Thrower et al., 2004; Thrower and Joyce,
2006; Sharpe et al., 2007) or coho salmon (Vollestad et al., 2004;
Snover et al., 2005, 2006; Wattersi and Bessey, 2008). This large
variability in life-history strategies is believed to be an adaptation
to the local conditions in the native river environments where they
spawn and have their juvenile development, as well as conditions
in the sea including likelihood of marine growth and survival.
Some salmon populations remain in fresh water throughout life,
whereas others have smaller or larger anadromous components,
that migrate to seawater following parr-smolt transformation
(smoltification), and live in the marine environment for one or
more years before returning to their native rivers to spawn.
The combinations of different smolt ages and sea age at matu-
rity, with resident parts of the population consisting mainly of
males maturing at a small body size as ‘‘dwarf” males, give rise
to an impressive variety of life-history patterns in terms of age
and size at puberty, both within and between populations. Exper-
imental evidence shows a large phenotypic variability in these life-
history patterns. Within a certain strain or population, variability
in feed availability and water temperature will modulate growth
rate and consequently age and size at puberty (cf. Thorpe, 2007).
However, there are also clear genetic differences both between
and within strains (Garcia de Leaniz et al., 2007) that can be
exploited in selective breeding programs to delay puberty (Gjed-
rem, 2000). The importance of various proximate and ultimate fac-
tors in determining variability in life-history event such as age at
maturity has recently been modelled in salmonids (Mangel and
Satterthwaite, 2008).
In salmon farming, the parr-smolt transformation normally
takes place in one-year old fish (i.e. at 18 months of age), or even
as underyearling smolts following photo-thermal manipulations
(Berge et al., 1995; Duston and Saunders, 1995). The main problem
with early puberty in farmed salmon is at the ‘‘grilse” stage, i.e.
after 1.5 years in seawater and at a body size typically from 2 to
5 kg. Moreover, some farmed salmon reach puberty as ‘‘jacks” after
only a few months in seawater and at a body size of around 0.5 kg.
Also, male parr that become sexually mature precociously in fresh-
water prior to the parr-smolt transformation (typically at 10–30 g)
can represent a problem, both due to negative interference with
the smoltification process, and due to loss of growth (Whalen
and Parrish, 1999).
Atlantic salmon often display sexually dimorphic growth. This
can be a consequence of different age at puberty between sexes,
and may further be affected by a pubertal growth spurt that com-
monly take place in sexually maturing individuals in the marine
phase during the spring prior to spawning. Males normally have
a much higher proportion of parr maturation, and typically also
have a higher proportion of both jacks and grilse compared to fe-
males. Salmon females often can take an intermediary position
and reach puberty after two winters in seawater, whereas some
males delay maturity to 3 years or more in seawater, and grow
very big before reaching puberty.
3.1.2. Atlantic cod
Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)is distributed in eastern and wes-
tern parts of the Atlantic Ocean, with a polar and temperate distri-
bution. The different stocks inhabit waters with temperatures
Fig. 1. Concept of relation between somatic growth and age and size at puberty in fishes. Arrows represent different growth trajectories and shaded columns represent
potential spawning seasons. The optimal time of spawning within a year for a given species and strain at moderate and high latitudes is often limited by environmental
conditions and food availability for the offspring. Slower growth will normally result in delayed puberty to maintain fitness, and because of the strong seasonality of optimal
spawning time, puberty completion is delayed with one or more years. The effects of slower growth on size at puberty can vary, possibly due to complex trade-offs between
growth, survival to reproduction and offspring survival. The higher growth rates typically seen in fish farming normally results in puberty occurring both at an earlier age and
at a smaller body size, compared to wild populations.
486 G.L. Taranger et al. / General and Comparative Endocrinology 165 (2010) 483–515
ranging from -1 to 20 °C, though usually found in waters with tem-
peratures between 1 and 12 °C. The spawning period for most
stocks is between January and April (Brander, 2005). Growth and
age of puberty varies between stocks, and is affected by prey avail-
ability and temperature in their habitat (Drinkwater, 2002). It has
been shown that age at puberty increases by approximately 1 year
when the temperature is decreased by 2 °C(Drinkwater, 2002). The
northeast Arctic cod stock usually spawns at an age between 4 and
8 years (Bergstad et al., 1987; Jørgensen, 1989), while Norwegian
coastal cod recruits to the spawning stock at 3 years and older
(Berg and Albert, 2003). In farming, these strain differences are
more or less lost, as all tested stocks spawn at an age of 2 years un-
der normal growing conditions, reaching a body weight of around
1.5–2 kg at spawning (Godø and Moksness, 1987; Svåsand et al.,
1996; Hansen et al., 2001; Karlsen et al., 2006a; Taranger et al.,
2006). Some males mature even at 1 year of age with a mean
weight of < 300 g, while no females have been observed to mature
at 1 year of age. The reduced age at puberty in farmed cod is prob-
ably due to the favourable food availability, leading to much faster
growth and larger energy stores compared to in wild populations,
most notably seen as a higher liver index in farmed compared to
wild cod (Karlsen et al., 2006a,b). Under farming conditions, a
sex-dependent growth difference has occasionally been observed,
with females being slightly larger than males (Kolstad et al.,
2006; Solberg and Willumsen, 2008).
3.1.3. Atlantic halibut
The Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) is distributed in
parts of the Arctic Ocean and in the northern part of the Atlantic
Ocean. Sexually mature animals congregate for spawning in win-
ter, on well-defined deepwater spawning grounds. The spawning
period for Atlantic halibut varies with geographical region, from
December to March in the most northern parts of Norway, with
peak spawning in January/February, while the spawning period
in more southern regions such as the Iceland/Faroes/North Sea area
and the Nova Scotia/Gulf of St Lawrence/Newfoundland banks area
extends into early spring (Haug, 1990).
Atlantic halibut show a distinct, sex specific growth pattern and
age at sexual maturation, males reaching puberty at a younger age
and smaller size than females (Jakupsstova and Haug, 1988), at
about 80 cm body length in males, compared to 110–120 cm in fe-
males (Methven et al., 1992). The reproductive strategy behind this
dimorphism is a trade-off between body size, age at maturity and
fecundity expressed as number of eggs spawned. The halibut is
periodic spawner that release large numbers of pelagic, transpar-
ent eggs. There is no parental care and survival of offspring is
mainly secured by quantity rather than quality. As a consequence,
females need to attain a large body size to produce a high number
of eggs. Accordingly, females mature at a very large size compared
to male halibut and to other flatfishes; wild halibut males typically
mature at a size around 1.7 kg and at 4–5 years of age, while
females mature at around 18 kg and 7–8 years of age (Jakupsstovu
and Haug, 1988). In aquaculture, accelerated growth of juvenile
fish commonly result in an advancement of age at puberty so that
male halibut mature at 2–3 years and at a similar body size as wild
males (Norberg et al., 2001), while females mature at around 5–
6 years and at a body size of around 8 kg. Farmed female halibut
show significantly higher growth at least from one year of age
compared to males (Norberg et al., 1999), and the females gener-
ally reach the desired market size before puberty, making this spe-
cies particularly suited for all-female production.
3.1.4. European sea bass
The European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) is a gonochoristic
perciform fish in which puberty of females occur at 3 years of
age while in males puberty is attained at 2 years of age (Carrillo
et al., 1995; Saillant et al., 2003). Under intensive culture condi-
tions, sea bass exhibits a high rate of growth and as a consequence
around 20–30% of the male population mature precociously. These
fish are larger than the non-precocious ones and reproduce in the
first year of life, before attaining market size. However, in the sec-
ond annual cycle, precocious males grow up to 18% less in weight
and 5% less in fork length than the non precocious fish (Felip et al.,
2008a). Moreover, males in general exhibit 20–40% less body
weight at harvest time than females (around 18–22 months of
age), likely induced by their earlier onset of puberty which diverts
energy towards gonadogenesis and breeding behaviour instead of
somatic growth (Carrillo et al., 1995; Saillant et al., 2001a,b). In
addition, under aquaculture conditions there are often a high per-
centage of males, reaching 70–90% of the total population (Carrillo
et al., 1995; Gorshkov et al., 1999). According to these consider-
ations, mono-sex culture (females) has been proposed as a likely
solution to improve production of sea bass in terms of sexual
dimorphism in growth and to alleviate the disadvantage of skewed
proportion rates to males in cultivated populations.
3.2. Patterns of gonadal growth and development prior to and during
3.2.1. Atlantic salmon
Atlantic salmon females have a group-synchronous oocyte
development, with one leading cohort of oocytes entering into
secondary oocyte growth as marked by the formation of cortical
alveoli and later perinuclear oil drops. Secondary oocyte growth
commences normally at least 1 year before spawning in parallel
with increasing plasma E2 levels (Chadwick et al., 1987; Taranger
et al., 1999; King and Pankhurst, 2003). The leading oocyte cohort
enters true vitellogenesis around winter solstice, approx
10 months prior to spawning, and accumulates yolk during
spring, summer and early autumn in parallel with a massive in-
crease in oocyte diameter and gonad size. After completion of
vitellogenesis and oocyte growth, final oocyte maturation re-
sumes approx 1 week before ovulation that normally takes place
between late autumn and early winter depending on strain and
environmental conditions such as water temperature (Heggber-
get, 1988a,b; Taranger and Hansen, 1993). The eggs are ovulated
in a single batch, and can remain in the body cavity for around
one week prior to egg deposition (spawning) and fertilisation.
The gonadosomatic index (GSI) increases from typically <0.3% at
the smolt stage to around 20–25% just prior to ovulation. Recruit-
ment into vitellogenesis appears to take place earlier in the sea-
son in females that mature at a higher age (e.g. comparing
salmon maturing after either 1 or 2 years in seawater), allowing
for larger egg size and/or fecundity in older females. In parallel,
salmon males typically have a GSI of <0.1% at the smolt stage,
which increases rapidly from winter/spring prior to spawning to
a maximum of around 5–10% in the beginning of the spawning
period. The rapid testis growth takes place after the initiation of
rapid spermatogonial (type B) proliferation in parallel with
increasing plasma sex steroid levels in late winter/early spring
depending on strain, age and environmental conditions (Hunt
et al., 1982; Youngson et al., 1988; McLay et al., 1992; Stead
et al., 1999). It appears that onset of puberty marked by the rapid
spermatogonial proliferation and increase in gonad size can com-
mence earlier in the season in older and larger males, in a similar
fashion as in females. The large investments in gametogenesis
and reproductive behaviour in combination with ceased feeding
from the summer months, lead to a marked depletion of lipids,
proteins and astaxanthin (red pigment) from the muscle tissue
in sexually mature salmon (Aksnes et al., 1986). However, both
males and females can survive following spawning and remature
in later seasons.
G.L. Taranger et al. / General and Comparative Endocrinology 165 (2010) 483–515 487
3.2.2. Atlantic cod
The repeat spawning, group-synchronous Atlantic cod spawns
mainly between January and April depending on the stock and
water temperature, but some stocks spawn during summer and
autumn (Brander, 2005). Females release egg portions every 2 or
3 days, and in captivity they may spawn 17–19 batches during
their spawning period (Kjesbu, 1989). Prior to the first spawning
season, the ovary remains immature and contains only small trans-
parent previtellogenic oocytes less than 250
m until about Octo-
ber (Dahle et al., 2003). One month later most females have
commenced formation of cortical alveoli and yolk sequestration.
As vitellogenesis proceeds during late autumn and early winter,
the size of the oocytes increases to above 800
m prior to hydra-
tion (Kjesbu, 1991). The GSI increases from less than 1% in the
beginning of October to about 5% in December. A rapid growth
starts in January until a maximum is reached just prior to spawn-
ing of about 15%. Some females may have much larger GSI. The
proliferation of spermatogonia starts in August, followed by meio-
sis and spermiogenesis from October (Dahle et al., 2003; Almeida
et al., 2008). Free spermatozoa are observed from December on-
wards (Dahle et al., 2003; Almeida et al., 2008). The males are
therefore prepared for spawning at least 1 month prior to females.
The GSI in males increases from below 2% in October, to about 4%
in November and reaching a maximum of about 12% in January.
Cod drains energy from liver and muscle during the spawning per-
iod to supply energy both for the incorporation of yolk during the
development of new batches of eggs (Kjesbu and Kryvi, 1993), and
for reproductive behaviour.
The presence of cortical alveoli and yolk granules observed in
mid-November indicates that these females will spawn the follow-
ing season (Saborido-Rey and Junquera, 1998). It is possible to
distinguish maturing females based on the appearance of circum-
nuclear ring (Woodhead and Woodhead, 1965), which appears in
summer during primary oocyte growth. Spermatogenesis occurs
synchronously within cysts formed by Sertoli cells; different cysts
often develop asynchronously (Dahle et al., 2003; Almeida et al.,
2008). In males there is a gradient in development within the testis
lobes, where undifferentiated spermatogonia are found in the
periphery of the lobes, and the more advanced germ cells closer
to the collecting duct (Almeida et al., 2008).
3.2.3. Atlantic halibut
Female halibut are group-synchronous spawners, releasing
multiple batches of large, pelagic eggs approximately every 72–
80 h over a period of 3–6 weeks (Norberg et al., 1991). The cortical
alveoli stage appears to commence one year before spawning,
while the first histological evidence of vitellogenic oocytes was
found five months before first ovulation (Riple, 2000). Plasma lev-
els of E2 and vitellogenin (VTG) increase from August/September,
indicating that the onset of vitellogenesis occurs around 5 months
before spawning (Methven et al., 1992). Concurrent with the in-
crease in plasma VTG and E2, the major vitelline envelope proteins
were also detected (Hyllner et al., 1994). During the spawning per-
iod, plasma VTG and E2 fluctuate, indicating a cyclic synthesis, re-
lease and uptake of VTG into the oocytes before final maturation
(Methven et al., 1992). While pituitary gene expression of the
gonadotropins, fsh and lh, appears to be high through all stages
of ovarian development except just prior to ovulation, ovarian
expression of the gonadotropin receptors, fshr and lhr, show a tem-
porally differentiated expression pattern. The fshr is highly ex-
pressed in ovarian follicles during primary growth and
vitellogenesis. During this period, lhr expression is very low, while
it is highly expressed in follicles undergoing final maturation
(Kobayashi et al., 2008).
The germinal compartment in Atlantic halibut testis appears to
be organised in branching lobules of the unrestricted spermatogo-
nial type based on the localisation of spermatocysts containing all
germ cell developmental stages throughout the germinal compart-
ment (Weltzien et al., 2002). The reproductive cycle of male Atlan-
tic halibut is characterised by distinct seasonal variations in
absolute and relative testicular size and developmental stage,
and by fluctuations in plasma levels of T and 11KT associated with
different phases of reproductive activity. The growth phase culmi-
nates in the formation of mature spermatozoa (spermiogenesis) at
the initiation of the spawning period in January (Norberg et al.,
2001). During the spawning period, which usually lasts until
March/April, the GSI and plasma androgen levels soon begin to de-
crease, reaching regressed levels by April/May. Thus, spermatogen-
esis in halibut can be divided into three phases (Norberg et al.,
2001; Weltzien et al., 2002, 2004). First, an initial phase with low
levels of circulating T and 11KT, and spermatogonial proliferation
and meiosis marked by the formation of spermatocytes. Second,
a phase with increasing T and 11KT levels, and with haploid germ
cells including spermatozoa present in the testis. Third, a phase
with low T and 11KT levels and a regressing testis with Sertoli cells
displaying signs of phagocytotic activity. In terms of absolute mea-
sures, the GSI in male halibut remains below 0.1% until the appear-
ance of spermatids (Weltzien et al., 2002), and increase to
maximum levels of about 3% at spawning. 11KT normally occurs
in higher quantities than T, generally with levels at least 4-fold
higher during all stages of spermatogenesis (Methven et al.,
1992; Weltzien et al., 2002). Plasma T and 11KT stay below 0.1
and 1.0 ng ml
, respectively, in male halibut until the appearance
of spermatids in the testis, whereas maximum levels of 1–2 and 4–
, respectively, are reached at spawning. Increasing plas-
ma levels of T and 11KT are associated with increasing testicular
mass throughout the reproductive cycle. A slight elevation of
androgen levels is apparent in males one year before first matura-
tion, showing that halibut, like several other species, undergo a so-
called dummy-run with increased steroid-production a year before
puberty. It is believed that this gradual increase in androgen levels
is necessary for the onset of puberty (Weltzien et al., 2003a). At the
pituitary level, gene expression of both gonadotropins are apparent
both in juvenile, early maturing, and maturing male halibut
(Weltzien et al., 2003b,c).
3.2.4. European sea bass
Sea bass show a group-synchronous mode of gonadal develop-
ment. In females, successive clutches of germ cells that will mature
and be spawned in a given season are recruited from a population
of vitellogenic oocytes (Alvariño et al., 1992), and a similar situa-
tion is observed in the male. Consequently, different types of ovar-
ian follicles or testicular cysts may appear at certain periods of the
sexual cycle. However, only one type dominates and defines the
gonadal stage at a given period of the reproductive cycle (Begtashi
et al., 2004; Rodríguez et al., 2001b).
The hormonal regulation of female gonadogenesis has been de-
scribed by Asturiano et al. (2000, 2002) showing that vitellogenic
oocytes can be recruited into maturation in four consecutive
waves, and individual females can produce up to four consecutive
spawns at around bi-weekly intervals during the reproductive per-
iod (mid January–mid March) (Mylonas et al., 2003). During this
period no regression of the gonads was observed until the last
spawning was completed. During the post-spawning period
(May–June) the next generation of the germinal cells starts its
development. Thus, different periods of gonadal activity are very
well established; resting, early, mid and late vitellogenesis and
spermatogenesis, maturation–ovulation, spermiogenesis–spermia-
tion and finally ovarian and testicular regression.
These patterns of gonadogenesis observed in adult fish have
also been confirmed in pubertal fish (Rodríguez et al., 2001b; Begt-
ashi et al., 2004; Carrillo et al., 2009) in parallel with a high in-
488 G.L. Taranger et al. / General and Comparative Endocrinology 165 (2010) 483–515
crease in plasma sex steroids during spermatogenesis and vitello-
genesis, remaining elevated throughout most of the maturation
period, particularly in females (Rodríguez et al., 2000, 2001a,
2004, 2005; Rocha et al., 2009). The profile of E2 plasma levels ob-
served in pubertal females was similar to the one in adult sea bass
(Prat et al., 1990; Mañanós et al., 1997a,b; Asturiano et al., 2000),
with a single annual peak at late vitellogenesis (December) and
constantly high levels during the whole maturation and ovulation
period. The maintenance of constantly high E2 levels during the
entire maturation and ovulation stage may be required for a pro-
longation of the vitellogenic process, as vitellogenic oocytes are
also present during this stage.
Recently, expression studies on fshr mRNA levels in fish enter-
ing puberty showed up-regulation of this receptor at early stages
of gonadal development (Rocha et al., 2009). Increased expression
was also observed during the spermiation period in males and the
maturation–ovulation period in females, suggesting that this
receptor may also be involved in the control of these late processes.
Increases in sea bass ovarian lhr mRNA levels were only observed
when post-vitellogenesis began (December). At this stage, fshr
mRNA levels were already at their maximum. During the matura-
tion–ovulation period, expression levels of both receptors re-
mained elevated, returning to their basal levels only after
spawning. The observed high expression level of fshr during matu-
ration could be connected with oocyte growth and is explained by
the reproductive strategy of this species. As mentioned earlier, sea
bass ovary exhibits a group-synchronous type of development and
contains clutches of oocyte populations at various stages of sec-
ondary growth that are successively recruited (Mayer et al.,
1990a; Asturiano et al., 2000). Therefore, the expression of any
gene measured at the ovary level reflects the average of the exist-
ing follicles, including that of growing oocytes that would still ex-
press fshr.
11KT is considered to play an important role in stimulating
spermatogenesis in several fish species (Schulz and Miura, 2002).
In pubertal male sea bass, 11KT levels rise during mid spermato-
genesis, and drop once spermiation begins (Rodríguez et al.,
2000, 2001a, 2004, 2005; Carrillo et al., 2009; Rocha et al., 2009).
Similarly, sea bass plasma Lh levels showed an increase during
spermatogenesis reaching the highest levels during spermiation
which is in agreement with the expression profiles of sea bass
lhb(Mateos et al., 2003) and lhr (Rocha et al., 2009). Finally, the
study of the hormonal regulation of the early events of gametogen-
esis in sea bass has revealed the rhythmic nature of the synthesis
and release of hormones. Pubertal sea bass going to maturation
showed daily rhythms of pituitary sbGnrh content negatively cor-
related with daily plasma Lh rhythms, which exhibited nocturnal
peaks (Bayarri et al., 2004). These daily rhythms were drastically
suppressed by exposure to an inhibitory photoperiod (continuous
light), fully arresting maturation (Bayarri et al., 2009).
4. Consequences of puberty
Onset of puberty can have large consequences for important
production parameters in fish farming such as appetite, growth
rate, feed conversion efficiency, flesh quality traits, external
appearance, agonistic behaviours, health, welfare and survival
4.1. Growth and somatic weight
Puberty results in direction of resources and energy from
somatic growth and maintenance to gonad growth, production of
gametes, and reproductive behaviour. In many species, feed intake
will also be markedly reduced or stop completely prior to and/or
during the spawning period (Kadri et al., 1996). As a consequence,
somatic growth will decrease prior to and during the spawning
period. However, the timing and magnitude of the growth decrease
and/or loss of somatic weight depends on the reproductive effort in
terms of gamete production and reproductive behaviour (Hendry
and Beall, 2004), including the development of secondary sex char-
acteristics as most typically seen in salmonids males (Naesje et al.,
1988; Järvi, 1990). Some species like Atlantic salmon and several of
the Pacific salmon species more or less exhaust their body reserves
completely during spawning migration, gametogenesis and
spawning, and suffer high or total mortality post spawning, at least
on their native spawning grounds in rivers. Other species like the
Atlantic cod, with only subtle secondary sex characteristics (Engen
and Folstad, 1999) will normally survive the spawning season, but
the loss in somatic weight can be more than 30% during a single
spawning season (Karlsen et al., 1995; Fordham and Trippel,
1999). There can be some compensatory growth following comple-
tion of the spawning season, e.g. in Atlantic cod (Pedersen and Jo-
bling, 1989), that will narrow but not remove the difference
between previously mature and immature individuals (Taranger
et al., 2006).
4.2. Pubertal growth spurt
Onset of puberty can also initially have positive effects on appe-
tite and somatic growth. Individuals that enter puberty early are
commonly the larger individuals within a population or a sibling
group (e.g. Skilbrei, 1989). In addition, in the early stages of pub-
erty, somatic growth rates are often observed to be higher than
in immature individuals. This is typically seen in Atlantic salmon,
where maturing individuals often display higher growth rates from
January to June in parallel with increased plasma sex steroid levels
and start/resumption of gametogenesis (Hunt et al., 1982; Young-
son et al., 1988; Skilbrei, 1989; McLay et al., 1992). Thereafter,
feeding ceases in maturing individuals in early summer (Kadri
et al., 1996), and hence somatic weight starts to decrease in paral-
lel with the rapid gonadal growth in summer and autumn when
Atlantic salmon approaches spawning. As a consequence, sexually
maturing salmon are typically much larger than immature siblings
in early summer, in part because the maturing fish were initially
larger the winter before spawning, but mainly as a consequence
of the puberty induced growth spurt from January to early sum-
mer. It has also been demonstrated that this growth increase fol-
lowing onset of the early stage of pubertal development is
associated with increased appetite and feed intake (Kadri et al.,
1996). Under farming conditions this pubertal growth spurt may
be exploited to maximise growth and feed intake. However, in
the case of Atlantic salmon, harvest should be shortly after the ces-
sation of the growth spurt, as both body weight and flesh quality
will start to become negatively affected at the end of the summer
(Aksnes et al., 1986).
4.3. Feed conversion efficiency
Puberty results in reallocation of energy from somatic growth to
gametogenesis and reproductive related behaviours such as migra-
tions and/or agonistic behaviour prior to and during the spawning
period (e.g. Jonsson et al., 1991; Kjesbu et al., 1991; Karlsen et al.,
1995; Hinch and Rand, 1998; Healey et al., 2003; Jonsson and Jons-
son, 2003; Hendry and Beall, 2004). Moreover, the appetite is often
reduced prior to and during large parts of the spawning season
(Kadri et al., 1995, 1996; Tveiten et al., 1996; Fordham and Trippel,
1999; Skj
raasen et al., 2004). As a consequence the feed conver-
sion efficiency will be markedly negatively affected (e.g. Stead
et al., 1999). In addition, the weight loss with spawning will result
in longer time to reach harvest size, and thereby larger expendi-
G.L. Taranger et al. / General and Comparative Endocrinology 165 (2010) 483–515 489
tures to basal metabolism due to longer production time. Hence,
the total amount of feed needed to reach as certain body size will
increase if the fish is allowed to go through one or more spawning
seasons before harvest, and thereby negatively affect the sustain-
ability of the fish farming in terms of feed resource use.
4.4. Increased aggression/agonistic behaviour
Sexual maturation can impact on agonistic behaviour as typi-
cally seen in salmonids (Järvi, 1990; Fleming, 1996). Salmon can
adopt different mating strategies and tactics depending on age
and size at maturity (Fleming, 1996; Thorpe, 2007). Salmon males
mature either directly in freshwater as parr (‘‘dwarf males”), after
return from seawater following a few months as ‘‘jacks”, after one
sea winter as ‘‘grilse”, or after 2 or more sea winters as ‘‘hooknose”.
Depending on size, age and competitors they may behave as dom-
inant (fighting) or as subordinate (sneaking) males. Secondary sex
characteristics such as hook on the jaw, bright skin colouration and
other changes in body shape are regarded as display of status (Tch-
ernavin, 1944; Järvi, 1990). The ‘‘hooknose” males usually establish
a size-based hierarchy, where the larger individuals are found clo-
ser to females (Järvi, 1990) and these usually also fertilise more
eggs than the sneakers.
The combined efforts in gametogenesis, development of sec-
ondary sex characteristics and reproduction related behaviours
drain heavily on the energy reserves in salmonids. In Atlantic sal-
mon the cost of reproduction in both sexes have been calculated
to around 59% measured as expended energy reserves (Fleming,
1998), and larger salmon expend more than smaller. There is an in-
tense male–male competition for access to females. While females
usually spend less than a week on the spawning grounds, males
may spend a month (Webb and Hawkins, 1989). In addition, nest-
ing females may have mate choice where they direct their aggres-
sion towards males (Fleming et al., 1997).
A contrasting spawning strategy is seen in the broadcast spaw-
ner Atlantic cod, where females release eggs into the surroundings,
without any parental care. However, in spite of this, cod has a com-
plex mating system where males court females using both display
and sound (Brawn, 1961; Hutchings et al., 1999; Finstad and
Nordeide, 2004; Rowe and Hutchings, 2006). Male cod have a ter-
ritorial behaviour close to and during spawning (Brawn, 1961).
Brawn (1961) observed that one large male occupied half the tank,
and excluded other males by fast aggressive approaches, threat
displays and sound production. Reproductive success increases
with male body length and number of agonistic interactions (Rowe
et al., 2008). Courtship starts with a female approaching a male,
and after a complex behaviour ends with the ventral mount, where
the male and female swims belly to belly and releases eggs and
sperm. The mating pair may be joined by ‘‘satellite males” that
swim amongst the eggs and release sperm in an attempt to fertilise
the eggs in competition with the dominant male (Hutchings et al.,
1999; Rakitin et al., 2001; Bekkevold et al., 2002). In the wild there
is a vertical separation of mature males and females (Morgan and
Trippel, 1996), and there are considerable vertical movements
(Brawn, 1961; Rose, 1993; Hutchings et al., 1999; Lawson and
Rose, 2000), where males assemble lower in the water column
and females sink slowly down to this assembly. Spawning behav-
iour is likely to involve female choice (Hutchings et al., 1999; Rowe
et al., 2007). The most aggressive agonistic male–male behaviour
occurs in the lower parts of the water column, while most court-
ship behaviour appears in the upper part of the water column.
4.5. Increased disease susceptibility, health and welfare problems
Onset of puberty and sexual maturation can have an impact on
the immune system of the fish (Maule et al., 1996; Suzuki et al.,
1997; Hou et al., 1999; Cuesta et al., 2007), and consequently on
disease susceptibility and the overall health status. This may in
part be due to the immunomodulatory role of hormones such as
sex steroids, cortisol and growth hormone that change in associa-
tion with reproduction (Harris and Bird, 2000; Law et al., 2001;
Yada and Nakanishi, 2002; McQuillan et al., 2003). This problem
can be further aggravated by agonistic behaviours (see above),
resulting in skin damages and in increased risk for secondary infec-
tions and parasite infections (Skarstein et al., 2001). Onset of sex-
ual maturation can also lead to other changes in physiological
homeostasis, e.g. in salmonids where sexual maturation compro-
mise their hypo-osmoregulatory ability (Makino et al., 2007), and
hence can result in dehydration and ultimately mortality if they
are maintained in sea water throughout the reproductive season.
Mortality has also been noted in farmed female cod that are unable
to release their eggs following sexual maturation in sea cages (Ø.
Karlsen, B. Norberg, G.L. Taranger, unpublished results). Thus, early
sexual maturation (i.e. before the fish reach the desired marketable
size) can also represent a welfare problem in fish farming due to
compromised health, problems with maintaining homeostasis,
spawning failure and related problems, as well as damages caused
by aggressive behaviour.
4.6. Increased risk of genetic impact on wild stocks
Early puberty can also increase the risk of genetic impact of fish
farming on wild stocks. In Atlantic salmon farming, it is assumed
that sexually mature individuals will have a much higher likeli-
hood to enter a nearby river and spawn upon escape from the fish
farm, whereas fish that are immature at escape will more probably
leave the coast to enter the feeding grounds in the ocean and have
a much lower likelihood to survive until they return to a river to
spawn (Hansen, 2006). This is also seen in sea ranched triploid sal-
mon that show lower return rates to freshwater from the marine
environment than diploid salmon, probably due to the lower inci-
dence of gonadal development seen in triploid salmon (Cotter
et al., 2000). It has also been documented recently, that farmed
Atlantic cod that are naturally spawning in sea cages give rise to
surviving larvae and juveniles in the nearby coastal areas (Jørstad
et al., 2008). This could also represent a risk for unwanted intro-
gression of farmed genotypes into wild fish populations.
4.7. Atlantic salmon
A range of studies has investigated the impact of puberty on
growth in Atlantic salmon (e.g. Skilbrei, 1989) as discussed above.
The general pattern is initially a growth promoting effect of pub-
erty, typically seen in the winter, spring and early summer before
spawning, and thereafter a decline in body weight during late sum-
mer/autumn when feeding ceases (Kadri et al., 1995, 1996) and en-
ergy is mobilised for rapid gonadal growth, development of
secondary sexual characters, and reproduction-related behaviour
(Aksnes et al., 1986). This has also profound effects on the fillet
composition; initially the higher growth rate in pubertal fish can
lead to higher lipid stores than in immature fish, while the fillet
is depleted for lipids, proteins and pigments (astaxhanthin) during
the later stages of maturation. However, the magnitude and sea-
sonal timing of the pubertal growth spurt, the loss of body weight
and the associated changes in fillet composition can vary between
strains with different seasonal timing of spawning, and between
the highly divergent life-histories found in size and age at maturity
in salmonids. The muscle fat content in maturing fish is higher
than in immature during summer (Aksnes et al., 1986; Kadri
et al., 1996), while in the period September–November the muscle
lipid and protein content of maturing Atlantic salmon decreases. At
spawning the lipid content were found to be about 3% lower, and
490 G.L. Taranger et al. / General and Comparative Endocrinology 165 (2010) 483–515
protein content about 4% lower (Aksnes et al., 1986). During the
maturation the carotenoids originally deposited in the muscle are
shifted to the gonads and skin, and consequently the muscle loses
its red colour. The flesh quality is not different between mature
and immature salmon until October; thereafter the flavour de-
creased in maturing fish, and the muscle texture becomes softer
in mature salmon.
4.8. Atlantic cod
There is no, or only a minor sex dependent growth difference
between male and female Atlantic cod prior to maturation. Male
Atlantic cod have only subtle secondary sexual characteristics,
such as increased length of the pelvic fins and larger drumming
muscles (Engen and Folstad, 1999; Skj
raasen et al., 2006), which
probably do not drain excessive energy. Closer to the spawning
season starting in February, the females are usually slightly larger,
mainly due to an enlarged liver compared to the males (Karlsen
et al., 1995; Dahle et al., 2003), and in addition they have larger
maximum GSI and continue gonad growth longer than males. Since
cod reduce/stop feeding due to a loss of appetite approximately
1 month prior to spawning, and during
of the individuals’
spawning season (Fordham and Trippel, 1999; Skj
raasen et al.,
2004), energy used for maintenance, behaviour and gonad devel-
opment is fuelled by stored energy in muscle and liver (Dambergs,
1964; Krivobok and Tokareva, 1973; Black and Love, 1986; Kjesbu
et al., 1991). Spawning therefore results in a major weight loss of
30–35% (Karlsen et al., 1995; Lambert and Dutil, 2000; Dahle
et al., 2003), and the total body weight measured in January is usu-
ally not regained until June (Karlsen et al., 2006b; Taranger et al.,
2006) even though cod show a compensatory growth after spawn-
ing (Pedersen and Jobling, 1989). The actual losses depend on the
diet, considering that the GSI is positively related to the dietary li-
pid content (Karlsen et al., 2006b). The mortality during spawning
varies, but in captivity there seems to be a higher female mortality
during spawning due to problems with irregular spawners in cod.
Females in poor condition do not reduce their investment in repro-
duction, which increases the risk of mortality (Lambert and Dutil,
During maturation the cod drains energy from the muscle,
which then contains less protein and more water (Kjesbu et al.,
1991; Karlsen et al., 2006b), in particular at the end of the spawn-
ing season. The actual values for dry matter and protein content
again depend on the diet (Karlsen et al., 2006b). Traditional quality
assessment, using a trained sensory panel and texture analyses, did
not reveal any differences between the spawning and the imma-
ture groups in June after the spawning season (Hemre et al., 2004).
4.9. Atlantic halibut
Somatic growth is strongly affected by maturation in Atlantic
halibut (Norberg et al., 2001; Weltzien et al., 2003a). Maturing
males tend to have very low, or even negative growth rates, and
do not recruit new muscle fibres for growth, apparently directing
all surplus energy into testes development and/or reproductive
behaviour (Norberg et al., 2001; Weltzien et al., 2003a; Hagen
et al., 2006). Information on the interplay between growth and
puberty, and how this is regulated is scarce in this species. How-
ever, high Gh plasma levels were demonstrated in mature male
Atlantic halibut during annual cycles compared with mature fe-
males (Einarsdottir et al., 2002). This sex difference could indicate
that the Gh levels are inversely correlated to growth in this species.
Weltzien et al. (2003a) showed that Igf1 levels were correlated to
growth during the period of slow growth in winter/spring in male
Atlantic halibut, but not at other times of year, and there were no
clear differences between immature and mature fish. In apparent
contrast, Imsland et al. (2008) found a correlation between growth
rates and plasma IGF-1 both in September and in March in juvenile
halibut of both sexes. However, this correlation was stronger in
March than in September, while growth rates were lower. Matura-
tion results in significant changes in muscle texture and flesh qual-
ity in male Atlantic halibut (Roth et al., 2007). This was suggested
to be caused by the slower growth of mature males, where no new
muscle fibres are recruited (Hagen et al., 2006).
4.10. European sea bass
Most farmed sea bass populations show skewed sex ratios, with
74% or more males. Many of them (around 20–30%) reach puberty
at one year of age (Carrillo et al., 1995). Although precocious males
are significantly larger than the non-precocious ones during their
first year of life (Begtashi et al., 2004), they show lower growth
rates than their non-precocious counterparts during their second
year (Felip et al., 2006) resulting in considerable economic losses
to the fish farmer. A ‘‘critical” size and/or energetic status seem
necessary for the appearance of precocious males, and individuals
below these thresholds remain immature until the next reproduc-
tive season. Most male sea bass reach puberty in the second year of
life by the time when they reach marketable size (400–500 g), and
the growth depressing effect of puberty is more pronounced than
in males maturing in their 1st year of life. Finally, growth cessation
is observed at the end of the third annual cycle when also the fe-
males attain puberty. Thus, the reduction of the growth rate asso-
ciated with puberty becomes progressively more marked with age
in sea bass, partly due to increasing investments into maturation
with age. Moreover, under intensive culture conditions a high pro-
portion of the females can also reach puberty at 2 years of age (pre-
cocious females; Zanuy and Carrillo, unpublished results), which
will affect somatic growth negatively in a similar way as in preco-
ciously mature male fish.
5. Internal and external determinants of puberty
5.1. Genetic factors and puberty
A range of studies, in particular in salmonids, have demon-
strated the importance of genetic impact on age at puberty in
fishes (e.g. Nilsson, 1992; Crandell and Gall, 1993; Hankin et al.,
1993; Gjerde et al., 1994; Silverstein and Hershberger, 1995; Long-
along et al., 1999; Su et al., 1999; Martyniuk et al., 2003). As an
example, in farmed Atlantic salmon, large genetic differences were
found both between strains and families with regard to the age of
maturity (e.g. N
vdal, 1983; Gjerde and Gjedrem, 1984; Herbinger
and Newkirk, 1990); the heritability of this trait was estimated to
0.48 by Gjerde (1984), and more recently to 0.15 by Gjedrem
(2000). Strong response to selection for late maturity was also
found in rainbow trout (Kause et al., 2003, 2005; Martinez et al.,
2006; Ritola et al., 2007).
However, several studies have also shown genotype-by-envi-
ronment interactions (GEI) on age at puberty, explaining a
significant portion of the observed phenotypic variation (Saun-
ders et al., 1983; Heath et al., 1994; Wild et al., 1994). This
GEI can be described as genetically determined ‘‘reaction norms”
defining how age and size at puberty change in response to
changes in growth and environmental conditions (cf. Dieckmann
and Heino, 2007; Hutchings and Fraser, 2008; Piche et al., 2008).
Thus, in most species and strains, the inherited trait is not a
fixed age and/or size at puberty, but an adaptive response that
is believed to maximise reproductive success and fitness as
growth and mortality patterns change in natural populations
(Stearns, 1992).
G.L. Taranger et al. / General and Comparative Endocrinology 165 (2010) 483–515 491
Moreover, genetic factors may have an indirect effect on age at
maturity through other heritable traits, such as growth rate, size-
at-age and energy stores. A range of studies, e.g. in salmonids, have
demonstrated large genetic variation in muscle fat content (Gjerde
and Schaeffer, 1989; Rye and Gjerde, 1996) and growth (Gjerde
et al., 1994; Friars et al., 1995). Thus, genetic background may have
indirect effect on age-at-puberty through its influence on these
parameters. On the other hand, there are Atlantic salmon families
that display high growth and late age at maturity (Gjerde et al.,
1994), allowing for simultaneous selection of fast growing and late
puberty (Gjedrem, 2000). Moreover in experimental studies with
wild Atlantic salmon populations, strains with high age and size
at puberty also display higher growth during the first year in sea-
water compared to strains with earlier maturity (Jonsson and Jons-
son, 2007), suggesting that genetic factors for high growth rate and
early puberty are not necessarily positively correlated.
5.2. Correlation between feeding, growth, energy allocation, adiposity
and puberty
As in all vertebrates, puberty in fish occurs when individuals
have reached a certain combination of age and size, and most likely
also, have accumulated sufficient energy reserves (generally in the
form of body fat) to meet the nutritional and energetic require-
ments of maturation. This is supported by evidence indicating a
strong relationship between body growth rates and age of puberty
in salmonids (e.g. McCormick and Naiman, 1984; Skilbrei, 1989;
Rowe and Thorpe, 1990a,b; Thorpe et al., 1990; Silverstein and
Shimma, 1994; Friedland and Haas, 1996; Friedland et al., 1996;
Kadri et al., 1996; Duston and Saunders, 1999; Thorpe, 2004,
2007). In this context, it has been suggested that the onset of pub-
erty in fish is linked to absolute levels or rates of accumulation of
lipid stores (Rowe et al., 1991; Silverstein et al., 1997, 1998;
Shearer and Swanson, 2000; Shearer et al., 2006). However, this
relationship between growth/adiposity and onset of puberty is of-
ten complicated due to large plasticity in life-history strategies
both within and between populations (Hutchings and Jones,
1998), and is further influenced by environmental signals (Tarang-
er et al., 1999).
High growth rate and/or lipid storage under farming conditions
often results in earlier onset of puberty than their wild counter-
parts as discussed above (cf. Thorpe, 2007). The interactions be-
tween the brain and peripheral signals which regulate appetite,
growth, adiposity, and how they affect onset of puberty, have been
studied extensively in mammals including the role of leptin (e.g.
Zieba et al., 2005). By contrast, information of this type is very lim-
ited for fish. Adiposity appears to exert a negative feedback on
appetite in fish (Shearer et al., 1997a,b; Silverstein et al., 1999;
Johansen et al., 2001, 2002; Jobling et al., 2002). Based on this,
and similar results in mammals, a lipostatic model was hypothe-
sised for fish (Johansen et al., 2002), suggesting that adipose tissue
participates in the regulation of feed intake through negative feed-
back signals to the brain. However, the mechanisms for such neg-
ative feedback are not yet known in fish, nor the precise impact of
energy homeostasis and related endocrine signalling on puberty
(see below for discussion of potential roles of leptin and ghrelin).
5.3. Impact of environmental factors
In fish species with marked seasonality of breeding activity, the
reproductive cycle is controlled and synchronised by annual envi-
ronmental variations in relation to local climatic and feed availabil-
ity conditions. A range of environmental factors such as
photoperiod, water temperature, rainfall, food availability, water
quality and water level have been shown to synchronise the repro-
ductive cycle with the seasonal cycle (reviews; Sumpter, 1990;
Bromage et al., 2001). However, in temperate regions, photoperiod
and/or temperature variations are the main cues controlling the
fish reproductive cycle. Such environmental cues and factors can
be classified as proximate and ultimate factors. Proximate factors
provide seasonal cues for reproduction whereas ultimate factors
determine the optimal reproductive timing (often a combination
of temperature conditions and optimal prey/feed availability for
the offspring).
As an example, in the Atlantic salmon, winter water tempera-
ture can be considered as an ultimate factor determining the tim-
ing of spawning. This is again related to the timing of egg and larval
development in the river, since number of day-degrees from fertil-
isation to hatching and first feeding appears to be fairly constant
across salmon populations, and hence the timing of gravel emer-
gence and first feed intake that should take place at the optimal
time in the spring which depends on when appropriate prey are
available. The salmon then use photoperiod as a proximate cue
to enable initiation and completion of sexual maturation and
spawning at the appropriate time in the autumn/early winter. Dif-
ferent river populations of salmon show an adaption in spawning
time associated with winter temperature with earlier spawning
in winter-cold rivers enabling sufficient numbers of day-degrees
for optimal hatching- and emergence-time next spring (Heggber-
get, 1988a,b). Thus, spawning time appears to be an inherited trait
adapted to the average winter temperature conditions and/or opti-
mal timing of emergence and first feeding of the offspring.
However, water temperature may also act as a proximate factor,
probably fine-tuning timing of spawning between years, as high
water temperature can arrest or delay ovulation and spermiation
in Atlantic salmon (Taranger and Hansen, 1993; Taranger et al.,
2003; King and Pankhurst, 2004; Vikingstad et al., 2008), whereas
cold water can advance and/or allow spawning (Taranger and Han-
sen, 1993; Taranger et al., 2003; King et al., 2007; Vikingstad et al.,
2008). A similar situation has been observed in the sea bass, a win-
ter spawning marine fish (Carrillo et al., 1993a,b, 1995).
5.3.1. Photoperiod
Photoperiod is regarded as a key environmental factor for initi-
ation and completion of puberty in fish species living at moderate
to high latitudes, ensuring the appropriate seasonal timing of
reproduction according to favourable conditions for the offspring
(Bromage et al., 2001). In salmonids, a decreasing proportion of fish
were able to initiate or complete puberty within a given year when
the seasonal timing of spawning was progressively advanced by
photoperiod manipulations (e.g. Taranger et al., 1998; Bromage
et al., 2001; Duston et al., 2003; Taylor et al., 2008). Based on a
range of studies, it was suggested that photoperiod treatment act
via entrainment of circannual endogenous rhythms controlling a
‘‘gating” mechanisms or a ‘‘critical time window” during which
puberty is allowed to commence or continue depending on the
physiological state of the animal (e.g. body size, adiposity and/or
stage of gonadal development) or being postponed to the next
reproductive season if the animal failed to exceed genetically
determined developmental thresholds (Fig. 2;McCormick and Nai-
man, 1984; Thorpe, 1986, 2004, 2007; Duston and Bromage, 1987,
1988, 1991; Duston and Saunders, 1999; Randall and Bromage,
1998; Taranger et al., 1999; Bromage et al., 2001; Oppedal et al.,
The role of different constant and changing photoperiods on
entrainment of the seasonal timing of reproduction has also been
extensively studied in salmonids and some perciforms, in particu-
lar in rainbow trout and sea bass, suggesting that the direction of
change in photoperiod is more important than the absolute day-
length, and that exposure to long days at a specific time period
of the year in an otherwise short day regime is very effective in
entraining the reproductive cycle (e.g. Bromage and Duston,
492 G.L. Taranger et al. / General and Comparative Endocrinology 165 (2010) 483–515
1986; Duston and Bromage, 1987, 1988; Carrillo et al., 1993a,b,
1995; Randall and Bromage, 1998; Randall et al., 1988, 1998).
Moreover, the role of the pineal and melatonin in transducing
the photic information on the seasonal entrainment of physiologi-
cal processes such as reproduction and smoltification has been
extensively studied in salmonids (Randall et al., 1995; Porter
et al., 1996; Mazurais et al., 1999). While advancing photoperiods
can reduce the proportion of salmonids entering into puberty in a
given year, e.g. by a change from short to long days in winter or
early spring (Randall et al., 1988; Taranger et al., 1998), prolonged
exposure to long days or continuous light, or exposure to long days
or continuous light after summer solstice can have the opposite ef-
fect by increasing the proportion of fish recruiting into puberty
(Duncan et al., 1999; Oppedal et al., 2006) (see Fig. 2).
It has been demonstrated that continuous light (24L:0D or LL)
or long day treatments can inhibit or delay onset of puberty in sev-
eral fish species (Fig. 2). In European sea bass, constant long days of
short duration (i.e. 1–2 months) applied in a regime with other-
wise constant short days can advance spawning time if applied be-
fore summer solstice, whereas constant long days applied after
summer solstice delay spawning, providing solid evidence that
reproduction can be entrained by the photoperiod in this species
(Carrillo et al., 1993a,b, 1995). Moreover, LL treatments applied
over the entire reproductive cycle (12 months), during the pre-
gametogenesis (4 months), or during the gametogenesis
(6 months) were all effective in reducing the number of early
maturing males in sea bass (Begtashi et al., 2004; Felip et al.,
2008a). Similar effects were observed in grey mullet (O’Donovan-
Lockard et al., 1990), Atlantic cod (Hansen et al., 2001; Davie
et al., 2003, 2007b; Karlsen et al., 2006a), Eurasian perch (Migaud
et al., 2006) and haddock (Davie et al., 2007a). However, in the
Atlantic cod, the inhibitory effect of LL depends on the timing of
its initial application (Hansen et al., 2001; Davie et al., 2003). Inter-
estingly, in grey mullet, both continuous light and continuous
darkness inhibits gonad development (O’Donovan-Lockard et al.,
Recently, it was also demonstrated that application of constant
long days can inhibit the onset of the reproductive cycle in Eur-
asian perch. Eurasian perch maintained at a constant and long pho-
toperiod (17L:7D) from the juvenile stage (2 g) did not respond to a
water temperature decrease, while both males and females
showed normal gonad development under a similar temperature
decrease when combined with a one, four or eight hour photope-
riod decrease (Abdulfatah et al., 2007). Such inhibitory effects of
constant and long photoperiods has also been observed in yellow
perch (Perca flavescens) under a 14L:10D photoperiod (Shewmon
et al., 2007). These results are in line with previous studies that
suggested that a photoperiod decrease is necessary for induction
of the reproductive cycle in other perciform species (Zanuy et al.,
1986, 1995; Mañanós et al., 1997a,b; Wang et al., 2006). By con-
trast, Migaud et al. (2003, 2004) observed only a partial inhibition
of reproduction in female Eurasian perch when a constant photo-
period (16L:8D) was applied from mid-July. However, the fish were
introduced into tanks mid-June and were subjected to a natural
photoperiod during the corresponding one month long acclimati-
sation phase. Therefore over this time period, the fish received a
one hour photoperiod decrease which may have been sufficient
to trigger reproductive development.
The observed inhibitory effects of constant photoperiods may
also depend on the photophase duration (e.g. O’Donovan-Lockard
et al., 1990). Total inhibition of reproduction was observed under a
constant long photoperiod (17L:7D), while only a partial inhibition
was observed when a shorter constant photoperiod (12L:12D) was
applied (Migaud et al., 2002, 2004). On the other hand, in sea bass
there is evidence that the direction of change of the photoperiod
(i.e. from long to short) is more important than the absolute values
of the photoperiod decrease in determining the onset of gonadal
recrudescence (Carrillo et al., 1993a,b, 1995).
Moreover, in three species of mid-spring/early summer spaw-
ners, barbel (Barbus barbus), tench (Tinca tinca) and chub (Leuciscus
cephalus), Poncin et al. (1987) showed that a photoperiod decrease
inhibited pubertal development, suggesting some species specific
responses to photoperiod changes. Also a recent study on Eurasian
perch demonstrated that a 3-h photoperiod increase from 13L:11D
to 16L:8D applied two weeks before the application of an efficient
inductive program inhibited onset of the reproductive cycle (Fon-
taine et al., 2006). These results indicate that the photoperiod his-
tory before the application of a certain photo-thermal inductive
program is a major factor in the induction of the pubertal
5.3.2. Temperature
Water temperature plays an important role in teleost fish be-
cause it can modulate all physiological processes and endocrine
regulations. Temperature can potentially affect puberty by modu-
lating the rate of gametogenesis, or allow or inhibit gametogenesis
to proceed beyond certain stages and/or being completed, e.g. as
indicated in European sea bass (Prat et al., 1999; Zanuy et al.,
1986; Mañanós et al., 1997a). Moreover, water temperature can
also affect onset of puberty indirectly by its effects on somatic
growth and energy storing as discussed above.
Although temperature appears to play a minor role in the prox-
imate control of the reproductive cycle of salmonids (e.g. Bromage
et al., 2001; Davies and Bromage, 2002), it is often considered as
key-factor in cyprinids (Peter and Yu, 1997). Also in percids and
Fig. 2. Concept of photoperiodic effects on the timing of puberty in salmonids. The
dotted curve represents a yearly ambient photoperiod cycle at high latitudes, and
arrows represent artificial changes in photoperiod that can affect timing of puberty.
Long photoperiods or continuous light early in the season are believed to phase
advance circannual rhythms that control the seasonal timing of onset and
completion of puberty, whereas short photoperiods early in the season delay such
rhythms (Bromage et al., 2001). Long photoperiods or continuous light from
midsummer onwards also delay such rhythms, whereas short photoperiods from
around spring/early summer advances such rhythms. Advancing photoperiod
signals can either accelerate the seasonal timing of gonadal growth and spawning
or – alternatively - result in puberty being delayed to the next spawning season. The
outcome of the advancing signals on puberty, i.e. either advancing the seasonal
timing of puberty completion - or a complete delay until the next year – can depend
on the exact timing of the long photoperiod signal in the season as well as the
physiological readiness of the individual to proceed to pubertal completion. This
physiological readiness, in turn, can depend on factors such as body size, growth
rate, adiposity and stage of development of the brain–pituitary–gonad axis.
Delaying photoperiod signals will normally have the opposite effect; the timing
of spawning in the season is delayed and more individuals can reach the
physiological thresholds to complete puberty in a given year. Hence, advancing
photoperiod tends to reduce the proportion of fish reaching puberty in a given year
whereas delaying photoperiods increase this proportion. These principles appears
also to apply to other fish species at moderate to high latitudes such as European
sea bass, Gilthead sea bream, Atlantic cod and Atlantic halibut. However, in some
species like Atlantic cod, continuous light or long photoperiod from mid-summer
and onwards can inhibit the onset of puberty by one or more years.
G.L. Taranger et al. / General and Comparative Endocrinology 165 (2010) 483–515 493
moronids, a decrease of temperature was found to induce the
reproductive cycle (Dabrowski et al., 1996; Prat et al., 1999; Mi-
gaud et al., 2002; Clark et al., 2005). However, this positive re-
sponse of temperature could depend on the constant photoperiod
applied in these studies, as suggested by contradictory results ob-
tained in Eurasian perch (Migaud et al., 2002; Abdulfatah et al.,
2007). On the other hand, in Eurasian and yellow perch, almost
all data suggest that gonadal recrudescence occurs only when tem-
perature decreases after, or at the same time as the decrease of
photoperiod, and in Eurasian perch the amplitude of the initial
temperature decrease was found to play an important role for
the induction of reproductive development (Dabrowski et al.,
1996; Ciereszko et al., 1997; Migaud et al., 2002, 2004; Shewmon
et al., 2007; Wang et al., 2006).
Moreover, a series of studies demonstrate that maturation and/
or ovulation can be inhibited when temperature exceed a certain
threshold; i.e. P6°C for Atlantic halibut (Brown et al., 2006);
P8°C for Arctic charr (Gillet, 1991); P10 °C for Pacific herring
(Hay, 1986); P12 °C for Atlantic salmon (Taranger and Hansen,
1993); P15 °C for white sturgeon and rainbow trout (Pankhurst
et al., 1996; Webb et al., 1999); P17 °C for sea bass (Zanuy et al.,
1986) and P28 °C for grass carp (Glasser et al., 2004). All of these
results suggest that temperature can act as a permissive factor,
particularly during the final stages of gonadal maturation and at
5.3.3. Other factors (salinity, raining period, swimming exercise, social
Other types of control of reproduction (environmental or not) in
fish obviously exist, but they have been far less studied. The case of
the eels, Anguilla spp. is particular since these species have a very
long life cycle from 8 to 20 years (van Ginneken and Maes, 2005).
They reproduce only once after a long migration and the control
of reproduction in these species is far from clear, although a period
of prolonged swimming might be a physiological stimulus neces-
sary for the onset of puberty in the European eel (Palstra et al.,
2007; Sébert et al., 2007; van Ginneken et al., 2007). Moreover,
other factors like salinity (Saunders et al., 1994), water level/rain-
ing periods (Duarte et al., 2007) or social communication, e.g. by
pheromones (Burnard et al., 2008), may also be of importance for
puberty onset and/or completion in some fish species. As an exam-
ple it has been shown that sexually mature European eels stimu-
late gonadal development in neighbouring males, which may be
due to chemical communication (Huertas et al., 2006a,b, 2007).
6. Neuroendocrine control of puberty
6.1. Activation of BPG axis during puberty
Reproductive competence is acquired during puberty. Hallmark
events include enhanced gonadotropin secretion, and complete go-
nadal maturation and functioning (Ojeda et al., 2006). Prior to the
full activation of the pituitary and gonads, a series of developmen-
tal and neuroendocrine events paves the way to full activation of
the Gnrh system. This neuroendocrine system is dynamically inte-
grating central, peripheral, and environmental information, which
then reaches the pituitary via Gnrh neurons (Ojeda and Skinner,
2005; Ojeda et al., 2006).
The onset of puberty in vertebrates is marked by a (re-) activa-
tion of hypophysiotropic Gnrh neurons that stimulate pituitary
gonadotropin release, triggering pubertal development of the go-
nads. Until recently, it has not been known what controls the acti-
vation of Gnrh neurons. However, pharmacological and clinical
data obtained in mammals, strongly suggest that kisspeptins, the
peptide products of the kiss-1 gene, and their receptor (Gpr54) con-
stitute an essential gatekeeper of Gnrh functions, allowing the
integration of central and peripheral inputs (Tena-Sempere,
2006; Roa et al., 2008).
Recently, the cloning of gpr54 and kiss-1 sequences, and the ana-
tomical distribution of kiss-1 mRNA expressing neurones in the
brain have been identified in several teleosts (Carrillo et al., 2009;
Elizur, 2008; Felip et al., 2008b,c; Kah et al., 2008; Mechaly et al.,
2008; Nocillado and Elizur, 2008). These studies support the notion
that the Kiss-1/Gpr54 system is well-conserved in vertebrate evolu-
tion, not only in adults but also during pubertal development, as
suggested by changes in kiss gene expression during puberty in fat-
head minnow males and females (Filby et al., 2008). Moreover, kiss
mRNA expressing neurons in the preoptic area and the mediobasal
hypothalamus were sensitive to steroid treatment in medaka (Kan-
da et al., 2008). It has also been proved in sea bass that two kiss-1-
like genes exist in this species. Both genes show a marked expres-
sion in the brain and gonadal tissues of pubertal sea bass. Func-
tional activity of the two kiss-1-like genes has been examined
in vivo and the results show that both Kisspeptins stimulated Lh
and Fsh secretion, although Kiss2 induces a stronger response than
Kiss1 (Felip et al., 2008b). Likewise, two gpr54 (kiss1r) genes have
been characterised in sea bass, and their tissue expression analysis
revealed that both are mainly expressed in brain, pituitary and tes-
tis (Carrillo et al., 2009). Although more information on the physio-
logical effects of Kiss1/Kiss2 in fish, notably on Gnrh neurons and
gonadotropin release is needed, it is expected that future studies
will point to a high conservation of the Kiss/Gpr54 system between
fish and mammals (Nocillado and Elizur, 2008), possibly represent-
ing an integration of various internal (e.g. sex steroid feedback and
nutritional homeostasis signalling) and external factors (e.g. photo-
period) on puberty onset in fishes (Fig. 3).
The Gnrh system has been extensively investigated during pub-
erty in sea bass. Rodríguez et al. (2000b) reported high to moderate
levels of Gnrh1 and Gnrh3 in the pituitary at the onset of puberty.
Later, three different gnrh cDNAs were characterised in the brain of
sea bass: gnrh1 (sbgnrh), gnrh2 (cgnrh-II), and gnrh3 (sgnrh)(Gon-
zález-Martínez et al., 2001, 2002a,b, 2004a,b), of which Gnrh1
and 3 are considered as the main hypophysiotropic isoforms. In
addition, five gnrh receptors have been cloned and characterised
in sea bass, all of them being functional and all showing highest
binding affinity for Gnrh2. However, only one of these receptors
(dlGnrhr-II.1a), which is strongly expressed by the pituitary Lh
cells and also by some Fsh cells, showed affinity for Gnrh1 and
Gnrh3 (Kah et al., 2007). Interestingly, it was previously demon-
strated that the expression of this receptor increases as the sea
bass enters puberty (González-Martínez et al., 2004a). Recently,
Molés et al. (2007) showed that pituitary dlgnrhr-II.1a gene expres-
sion increased in parallel with the brain gnrh1 mRNA levels during
sex differentiation and the anticipated puberty period. Collectively,
these data suggest that Gnrh1 and dlGnrhr-II.1a are most relevant
for the onset of puberty in sea bass.
Long-term Gnrha release delivery systems also induce long-
term release of Lh in male sea bass (Mañanós et al., 2002). Pretreat-
ment of immature adult sea bass with T and E2 followed by injec-
tions of Gnrha stimulated lhband gp
subunit mRNA, but not fshb
gene expression (Mateos et al., 2002). However, a peak of pituitary
fshbgene expression was observed during sex differentiation,
simultaneously with the aforementioned peak in brain (Molés
et al., 2007). Taken together, this opens the possibility that activa-
tion of the brain Gnrh system triggers both, sex differentiation and
the onset of puberty in sea bass, possibly via Fsh, while increased
expression of lhbsubunit may be more prominent at later stages
of development.
In addition to the stimulatory control by Gnrh, anatomical and
physiological investigations have shown that gonadotropes can be
subjected to an inhibitory control by dopamine. Pioneer works by
494 G.L. Taranger et al. / General and Comparative Endocrinology 165 (2010) 483–515
Richard E. Peter and co-workers identified dopamine as the main
inhibitor of ovulation and spermiation in goldfish (Peter et al.,
1978; Chang and Peter, 1983; Kah et al., 1987). Following the initial
discovery in goldfish, the inhibitory role of dopamine was con-
firmed in various adult teleosts, including other cyprinids (Lin
et al., 1988), silurids (de Leeuw et al., 1986), salmonids (Saligaut
et al., 1999), and some percomorphs (Yaron et al., 2003; Aizen
et al., 2005). Dopamine inhibits both basal and Gnrh-stimulated
Lh expression and release in these species, for instance through
down-regulation of Gnrh receptor levels (receptor binding activity,
de Leeuw et al., 1989; receptor mRNA expression (Levavi-Sivan
et al., 2004), and intracellular signalling pathways of gonadotropes
following binding of Gnrh (reviews; Peter et al., 1986; Yaron et al.,
While the role of dopamine in the regulation of ovulation and
spermiation has been established in adults in a certain number
of teleost species, there is no evidence for a similar inhibitory role
at the beginning of puberty in most teleosts. Indeed, the observa-
tion in many species that E2 increases the inhibitory tone during
vitellogenesis, suggests that dopamine inhibition is an adult-spe-
cific control of the last steps of gametogenesis. Accordingly, results
obtained in juvenile striped bass, indicate that dopamine is not in-
volved in the control of puberty in this species, since the dopamine
antagonist pimozide did not affect the changes in pituitary or plas-
ma Lh levels induced by T and/or Gnrha (Holland et al., 1998a,b).
Similar results were obtained in another percomorph fish, where
Gnrha alone induced precocious puberty, and no further effect
was observed using a dopamine antagonist (Kumakura et al.,
2003). In rainbow trout precocious puberty could be induced using
a combination of Gnrha and steroids (Crim and Evans, 1983); a
dopamine antagonist was not required. On the other hand, dopa-
mine might play an inhibitory role in the control of puberty in
the spadefish, where Marcano et al. (1995) found a decrease in
dopaminergic metabolism in hypothalamus at the initiation of
puberty, although a causal link has not been established yet.
Functional evidence for a role of dopamine in the inhibitory
control of puberty was first provided in the European eel, a species
with a unique life cycle including a long-lasting juvenile stage dur-
ing the continental period. Dopamine plays a key role in the inhib-
itory control of eel puberty onset: In female (prepubertal) silver
eel, only a triple treatment with Gnrha, pimozide and steroid (T
or E2) is able to trigger an increase in Lh synthesis and release,
and subsequent vitellogenin production (Dufour et al., 1988; Vidal
et al., 2004). Preventing silver eel from completing their down-
stream migration towards the ocean will keep them in pubertal ar-
rest. This shows that one or several environmental cues
encountered during the migration route are necessary to release
the dopaminergic lock on puberty. Recent studies demonstrated
that melatonin regulates the activity of the eel dopaminergic sys-
tem, revealing a new pathway for the integration of environmental
effects on the gonadotropic axis (Sébert et al., 2008b). For details
on the nature of dopamine inhibition on eel puberty, including
physiology, anatomy, and regulation by internal and environmen-
tal factors (see recent works by Dufour et al., 2003, 2005; Vidal
et al., 2004; Pasqualini et al., 2004, 2009; Weltzien et al.,
2005a,b, 2006; Aroua et al., 2007; Sébert et al., 2007, 2008a,b).
Comparative studies in eel and striped bass, using similar
experimental conditions, highlighted the specific strength of the
dopaminergic inhibition of puberty in eel, as compared to its
apparent lack of involvement in the striped bass (Holland et al.,
1998b; Vidal et al., 2004). Recently, Aizen et al. (2005) provided
evidence that dopamine inhibition may be involved in the early
Fig. 3. Schematic representation of selected, regulatory pathways in the brain–pituitary–gonad axis during puberty in teleost fish. It is hypothesised that peripheral signals
related to somatic growth and/or energy storage are integrated in the brain with external (biotic and abiotic) signals, as well as with endocrine feedback from the gonads to
activate Gnrh neurons. Gnrh, in turn, triggers production and/or release of gonadotropins (Fsh and Lh) in the pituitary via activation of Gnrhrs). Other pituitary hormones such
as growth hormone (Gh) can also modulate gonadal development and activity during puberty onset and completion. Fsh and Lh stimulate germ cell development via
activation of the Fshr and Lhr, in part by stimulating the production of sex steroids in gonadal somatic cells and by releasing gonadal paracrine growth factors that control
germ cell growth, development and survival. Gonadal sex steroids and growth factors exert positive and negative feedback effects on the brain and/or pituitary level to
modulate Fsh and Lh production and secretion. Leptin, ghrelin and Igf1 are candidate factors that may be involved in mediating information on somatic growth and energy
storage to the brain, but these endocrine factors may also have direct effects on the gonads. The Kiss/Gpr54 system may have a role in the brain in mediating such growth/
energy related signals, gonadal feedback and external cues into regulatory input for the activation of the Gnrh neurons, thereby activating the pituitary gonadotropes during
G.L. Taranger et al. / General and Comparative Endocrinology 165 (2010) 483–515 495
stages of vitellogenesis in grey mullet, indicating that puberty can
be under dopaminergic control in various teleost species.
Regarding gonadotropin participation, the relative importance
of Fsh or Lh has been studied in a range of teleost species during
initiation and completion of puberty, most notably by studying
gene expression of fshband lhbsubunits in the pituitary (Sohn
et al., 1998a,b, 1999, 2001; Gomez et al., 1999; Hassin et al.,
1999, 2000; Jackson et al., 1999; Melamed et al., 2000; Kajimura
et al., 2001a,b; Yaron et al., 2001, 2003; Mateos et al., 2002,
2003; Ishii et al., 2003; Onuma et al., 2003; Weltzien et al.,
2003b,c; Kumar and Trant, 2004; Meiri et al., 2004; Schmitz
et al., 2005; Choi et al., 2005).
Among the teleosts, homologous immunoassays for both Fsh
and Lh have until recently only been developed for salmonids such
as chum salmon (Suzuki et al., 1988), coho salmon (Swanson et al.,
1991) and rainbow trout (Fsh and Lh; Govoroun et al., 1998, Fsh;
Santos et al., 2001), while ontogeny and quantification of Fsh in
non-salmonids have relied on the expression levels of gth subunit
genes in the pituitary. Lh immunoassays have been developed for
tilapia (Bogomolnaya et al., 1989), European eel (Dufour et al.,
1983), hybrid striped bass (Mañanós et al., 1997b), red sea bream
(Tanaka et al., 1993), silver carp (Kobayashi et al., 1985), goldfish
(Kah et al., 1989), African catfish (Koide et al., 1992) and European
sea bass (Mateos et al., 2006). Recently, homologous ELISAs were
developed for both Fsh and Lh in tilapia using recombinant gonad-
otropins (Aizen et al., 2007).
Taken together, the expression data of gonadotropin subunits
and plasma gonadotropin studies suggest that Fsh is mainly in-
volved in gametogenesis in both sexes, whereas Lh is mainly in-
volved in final maturation and ovulation and spermiation and
sperm hydration. However, the relative importance of Fsh and Lh
in gametogenesis and spawning can differ between species, e.g.
Lh levels may be elevated also at stages before spawning in perci-
forms (Swanson et al., 2003; Yaron et al., 2003; Yaron and Sivan,
2006). On the other hand, studies focusing on puberty onset sug-
gest that Fsh signalling is more important in the early stages of
puberty, most notably associated with rapid spermatogonial prolif-
eration in males and secondary oocyte growth including vitello-
genesis and zonagenesis in females (e.g. Hassin et al., 1999;
Campbell et al., 2006; Manning et al., 2008; Felip et al., 2008a;
Molés et al., 2007, 2008, see also the discussion on gonadotropin
receptor expression sites).
The two gonadotropin receptors, Fshr and Lhr have been char-
acterised in several teleost groups including Salmoniformes (Oba
et al., 1999a,b; Maugars and Schmitz, 2006; Andersson et al.,
2010), Gadiformes (Mittelholzer et al., 2009), Cypriniformes (Basu
and Bhattacharya, 2002; Laan et al., 2002; Kwok et al., 2005), Silur-
iformes (Bogerd et al., 2001; Kumar et al., 2001a,b; Vischer and Bo-
gerd, 2003)Pleuronectiformes (Kobayashi and Andersen, 2008;
Kobayashi et al., 2008), Anguilliformes (Jeng et al., 2007; Kazeto
et al., 2008), and Perciformes (Oba et al., 2001; Wong et al., 2004;
Rocha et al., 2007, 2009). The hormone binding specificity of the
gonadotropin receptors studied in zebrafish (Kwok et al., 2005;
So et al., 2005), channel catfish (Kumar and Trant, 2001), Japanese
eel (Kazeto et al., 2008), and African catfish (Bogerd et al., 2001;
Vischer et al., 2003), have indicated that Fshrs show a preference
for Fsh but also respond to high (e.g. ovulatory) concentrations of
Lh, while Lhrs specifically respond to Lh. Recently, pharmacological
studies showed also that the Atlantic salmon follow this pattern
(Andersson et al., 2010), which is in agreement with earlier ligand
binding data from coho salmon gonad tissue (Yan et al., 1992;
Miwa et al., 1994). However, in amago salmon (Oba et al.,
1999a,b), rainbow trout (Sambroni et al., 2007) and Atlantic hali-
but (Kobayashi et al., 2008), receptor activation studies suggested
that the Lhr, but not the Fshr responded to both gonadotropins,
indicating some species differences.
The fshr and lhr show different expression profiles during the
seasonal reproductive cycle and pubertal development in amago
salmon (Oba et al., 2000) and channel catfish (Kumar and Trant,
2001). In the gonads of channel catfish, both fshr and lhr transcripts
are expressed in a stable fashion, except for an increase of lhr dur-
ing spawning, and of fshr during a 2- to 3-month long post-spawn-
ing period. In amago salmon and tilapia, the fshr is highly
expressed early in the reproductive cycle, whereas the lhr reaches
its maximum expression level around spawning (Hirai et al., 2000;
Oba et al., 2000). Studies in Nile tilapia, zebrafish and Atlantic cod
indicate that fshr expression is associated predominantly with
vitellogenesis, while the lhr is mainly up-regulated during final oo-
cyte maturation and ovulation (Hirai et al., 2002; Kwok et al., 2005;
Mittelholzer et al., 2009). Also, Luckenbach et al. (2008) found that
ovarian fshr expression increased significantly already at the corti-
cal alveoli stage in female coho salmon. Furthermore, in Japanese
eel, ovarian fshr mRNA level was significantly higher than that of
lhr in immature previtellogenic female eels (Jeng et al., 2007).
These data suggest that Fsh signalling is most important during
pubertal onset. This notion is further strengthened by the observa-
tions in male fish that Fsh and 11KT plasma levels increases in
association with rapid spermatogonial proliferation (Campbell
et al., 2003; Molés et al., 2007, 2008), and that in Japanese eel (Ohta
et al., 2007) and African catfish (Garcia-Lopez et al., 2009), Fsh is a
potent stimulator of androgen production, mediated by Fshr
expression by Leydig cells.
6.1.1. Pubertal activation of steroidogenesis in gonads
In most species, precocious puberty is a problem that is partic-
ularly prominent in males. Moreover, in males the causal relation-
ship between Fsh-stimulated androgen production and the shift
from the slow proliferation of A type spermatogonia to the rapid
proliferation of B type spermatogonia has been demonstrated.
The following section will therefore focus on the pubertal activa-
tion of steroidogenesis in gonads only in males.
11KT is the major androgen produced in the testicles of teleost
fish, it stimulates the Sertoli cells to produce growth factors and
promotes spermatogonial proliferation leading to meiosis and later
stages of spermatogenesis (Miura et al., 1991). It has also been sug-
gested that the 11KT may have a positive feedback on sbgnrh
expression levels in the brain of some teleosts (Okuzawa, 2002).
In sea bass, various lines of evidence show that 11KT is likely to
trigger the onset of puberty (Rodríguez et al., 2005). In prepubertal
males, 11KT induced spermatogenesis and exogenous 11KT (not T)
administered to LL (continuous light) exposed fish rescued active
spermiogenesis and induced increases of pituitary lhbgene expres-
sion and pituitary and plasma Lh levels (Carrillo et al., 2007).
The juvenile testis of a number of fish species is characterised
by a rather high production of androgens per weight unit (Schulz
and Blüm, 1990; Consten et al., 2001): specific androgen release
(i.e. release per weight unit) decreases with the start of pubertal
testis growth, to increase again when approaching adulthood. We
assume that immature testes show a high specific androgen re-
lease because Leydig cell density is relatively high before but be-
comes ‘‘diluted” after germ cell numbers increase following the
start of spermatogenesis. This phenomenon has been studied in
African catfish. In this species, the Lhr shows a constitutive activity,
but still is clearly sensitive to Lh (Vischer and Bogerd, 2003). Leydig
cells in the juvenile catfish testis already show all ultrastructural
signs of fully active steroidogenic cells (Cavaco et al., 1999). Inter-
estingly, Leydig cells produce a biologically inactive androgen, 11b-
hydroxyandrostenedione (OHA), which is released into the blood
and converted to 11KT in the liver (Mayer et al., 1990a,b,c; Cavaco
et al., 1997), the main androgen in adult male fish (Borg, 1994). At
the start of puberty, two things happen concomitantly. Rapid testis
growth starts reflecting mainly an increase in germ cell number,
496 G.L. Taranger et al. / General and Comparative Endocrinology 165 (2010) 483–515
thereby reducing the OHA release per mg of tissue (Schulz et al.,
1996). However, also Leydig cells proliferate during rapid testis
growth (Schulz et al., 2005), which may explain the increase in to-
tal testicular androgen output and increasing plasma androgen lev-
els that typically accompany puberty (Schulz et al., 1994). Another
level of regulation is exerted via androgen-mediated inhibition of
the steroidogenic capacity of the testis (Cavaco et al., 1999), reduc-
ing the number of mitochondria and the cell surface in Leydig cells
along with a reduced capacity to produce androgens via an impair-
ment of the 17–20 lyase activity. Both T and 11KT exert these ef-
fects in juveniles, while during pubertal maturation, the
inhibitory effects of 11KT, but not T, fade out (Schulz et al.,
2008), which might be a mechanism to allow increased production
of 11KT, the main androgen, without compromising Leydig cell
function. The molecular basis for this observation remains to be
Also in rainbow trout (Schulz and Blüm, 1990), specific andro-
gen release was highest in juveniles. While initially the two main
11-oxygenated androgens released, 11KT and 11b-hydroxytestos-
terone (OHT), were produced in similar amounts (with
11KT > OHT), OHT was exceeding the release of 11KT when maxi-
mum GSI levels were present during full spermatogenesis. This re-
verted back to 11KT being the main androgen released in spawning
animals, before the post-spawning associated reduction in andro-
gen release started. This suggests that testicular expression of the
enzyme responsible for the conversion of OHT ?11KT, 11b-
hydroxysteroiddehydrogenase, would increase specifically when
approaching the spawning season. Indeed, Kusakabe et al. (2003)
described an increase in the expression of this enzyme when the
GSI levels started to decrease from maximum levels towards the
spawning season. On the ultrastructural level, trout Leydig cells
were present before the start of spermatogenesis but full func-
tional maturity developed slowly and was attained in mature
males (Loir et al., 1995). Enzyme histochemical approaches also
suggested a gradual development of Leydig cell functionality (van
den Hurk et al., 1978). The main changes in testicular expression
of genes associated with steroidogenesis as well as expression of
gonadotropin receptors were recorded when the first spermatozoa
were observed in the testis (Kusakabe et al., 2006), suggesting that
the initial steps of puberty, i.e. the switch to rapid spermatogonial
proliferation may depend on changes in the plasma levels of
Consten et al. (2001) showed that immature carp testes pro-
duced mainly 11-ketandrostenedione (OA), which switched to
11KT during puberty. This suggested that 17b-hydroxysteroid
dehydrogenase activity might be limiting 11KT production in the
immature testis. In another cyprinid species, the zebrafish, the
adult testis produces relatively high amounts of OA as well, and
it has been suggested that expression of a testicular 17b-hydroxy-
steroid dehydrogenase isoform may increase during zebrafish pub-
erty (de Waal et al., 2008). This enzyme activity is also present in
blood cells of several species (Schulz, 1986; Mayer et al.,
1990a,b,c) but depends, of course, on the provision of substrate,
probably from the testis.
Taken together, it appears that puberty-associated testis
growth, including a certain proliferation also of Leydig cells as well
as their functional differentiation (e.g. increase in expression of
key-enzymes), form the basis for the increased testicular androgen
production, and hence increasing circulating androgen levels that
accompany male puberty. Depending on the species, the regulatory
input triggering these changes is either Fsh alone (e.g. salmonids,
eel, sea bass), or Fsh and Lh (e.g. Nile tilapia; see previous section
on gonadotropins and their receptors). Steroid-mediated inhibitory
effects may prevent Leydig cell hyperactivity at initial stages of
puberty, while the selective loss of 11KT-mediated inhibition
may allow the specific increase of the production of this androgen.
6.1.2. Gonadal feedback to brain and pituitary
Castrating juvenile African catfish did not change the amount of
the hypophysiotropic (catfish) GnrhI while treatment with T or E2,
but not with 11KT, did increase GnrhI content in the pituitary (Du-
bois et al., 2001, 2002). Also the number of GnrhI producing neuro-
nes increased under T treatment, prematurely reaching, but not
surpassing, adult levels (Dubois et al., 2001). This suggests that
(i) a predetermined but partially dormant number of GnrhI neuro-
nes exists before puberty and can be awakened by T treatment in
terms of GnrhI synthesis, and that (ii) the status quo levels of GnrhI
do not depend on the presence of the juvenile gonads. However, in-
creased pituitary GnrhI levels can also, at least in part, be explained
by an accumulation of GnrhI, possibly reflecting a steroid-medi-
ated inhibition of GnrhI release. In this context, it is interesting
to note that the amount of Lh in the pituitary decreases within
2 weeks after castration of 10-week-old catfish and can be rescued
by treatment with T (and E2 but not 11KT) (Cavaco, 2005). This
shows that removal of aromatiseable androgens were responsible
for the decrease in Lh. Since also in castrated fish the Lh amount
increased above start control levels to a certain degree, a gonad-
independent pathway stimulating Lh synthesis might exist, possi-
bly involving a Gnrh-mediated effect. However, plasma Lh levels
had not increased 2 weeks after castration in juvenile catfish while
T treatment did reduce plasma Lh levels (Cavaco et al., 2001a), sug-
gesting that the juvenile gonad does not produce sufficient
amounts of steroids to exert a negative feedback on Lh release.
In gonad-intact, immature Atlantic salmon male parr, the re-
sponse to T treatment depended on the dose, low doses being stim-
ulatory, high doses being inhibitory to gonad growth and plasma
sex steroid levels (Berglund et al., 1995). However, these long-term
experiments were not designed to investigate short-term effects
on the initiation of puberty. Using gonad-intact juvenile male Afri-
can catfish, 11KT treatment stimulated gonad growth and sper-
matogenesis, probably via a direct stimulatory action on the
testis. Interestingly, however, co-treatment with 11KT and T abol-
ished the stimulatory effect of 11KT on spermatogenesis (Cavaco
et al., 2001b). It appears that gonadal steroids are required on
the one hand to promote the functional development of the Gnrh
neurones and the build-up of pituitary Lh stores, while they sup-
press testicular steroidogenesis or 11KT-stimulated spermatogene-
sis. Under these circumstances, a signal from outside of the
pituitary–gonad feedback system on the Gnrh/gonadotroph may
have to break the deadlock. Future studies will have to show if
the Kiss1-producing neurones play this role and activate the repro-
ductive system in prepubertal fish, as has been shown for the ini-
tiation of puberty in mammals, and as has been suggested for
fathead minnow (Filby et al., 2008) and zebrafish (Biran et al.,
2008). In this case, expression of Kiss and/or of its cognate receptor
Gpr54 are possible targets of the steroid feedback that would then
be conveyed to the Gnrh neurones, and eventually to the pituitary,
as has been reported for some mammalian species (Ojeda et al.,
2006, 2008).
After unilateral ovaryectomy of rainbow trout (Tyler et al.,
1997), a drop of plasma E2 but a rise of plasma Fsh levels was re-
corded, which was associated with recruiting an additional batch
of follicles into maturation. It would be interesting to examine if
this recruitment activated oocytes before or after they entered
the lipid vesicle stage, the hypothesis being that the first pitui-
tary-dependent stage (i.e. lipid vesicle stage) would have been
the one induced by the rising Fsh levels.
6.2. Growth and adiposity related endocrine factors
The relationship between body weight and fertility that inte-
grates body weight and food intake as puberty initiating factors
has been known for decades in mammals. However, only recently,
G.L. Taranger et al. / General and Comparative Endocrinology 165 (2010) 483–515 497
peripheral signals and neuroendocrine networks that integrate en-
ergy balance and reproduction are being identified (Fernandez-Fer-
nandez et al., 2006).
Cloning of mammalian leptin in 1994 was a major breakthrough
to understand the mechanisms underlying reproduction and
metabolism. Leptin secreted by white adipose tissue, is considered
as a satiety factor in the regulation of body weight in mammals.
Leptin has also a role in the control of reproduction by its action
in the hypothalamus involving Gnrh release, which in turn, regu-
lates pulsatile Lh secretion, suggesting that leptin may play a per-
missive role in the onset of puberty in mammals (Tena-Sempere
and Barreiro, 2002). In teleost fish, leptin characterisation is very
recent, i.e. in puffer fish (Kurokawa et al., 2005; Yacobovitz et al.,
2008) and in rainbow trout (Murashita et al., 2008). Physiological
evidences for involvement of leptin in the regulation of the repro-
ductive function in teleosts came from observations that mamma-
lian leptin stimulated the release of luteinizing hormone (Peyon
et al., 2001) and somatolactin (Peyon et al., 2003) in sea bass,
and that high concentration of human leptin stimulated in vitro re-
lease of pituitary Fsh and Lh in female rainbow trout (Weil et al.,
2003). In the ayu (Nagasaka et al., 2006) a clear correlation be-
tween Ir-Leptin values, rising levels of E2 and an increase of prolac-
tin secretion at maturity was found. The recent availability of
recombinant leptin (Kurokawa et al., 2005; Yacobovitz et al.,
2008; Murashita et al., 2008) in some teleost species will help to
enlighten the likely participation of this hormone in the control
of puberty in fish.
Ghrelin, a hormone secreted by the stomach as signal of energy
insufficiency, has been proposed as functional antagonist of the ef-
fects of leptin on energy balance in fishes (Kaiya et al., 2003a,b,c),
and the role of ghrelin in non-mammalian vertebrates has recently
been reviewed by Kaiya et al. (2008). Ghrelin links food intake and
the Gh-Igf1 system by stimulating Gh-secretion (Kaiya et al.,
2003a,b,c,2008). Ghrelin has been identified in several teleosts
including goldfish (Unniappan et al., 2002), eel (Kaiya et al.,
2003b), Mozambique tilapia (Kaiya et al., 2003c), Nile tilapia (Par-
har et al., 2003), rainbow trout (Kaiya et al., 2003a), channel catfish
(Kaiya et al., 2005), sea bream (Yeung et al., 2006), European sea
bass (Terova et al., 2008) and zebrafish cf. (Olsson et al., 2008).
Moreover, Ghrelin receptor (Ghsr) has been found in two teleost
species; black sea bream (Chan and Cheng, 2004; Chan et al.,
2004) and a pufferfish (Palyha et al., 2000). Ghrelin was found to
stimulate food intake in goldfish (Unniappan et al., 2002, 2004;
Unniappan and Peter, 2005; Matsuda et al., 2006a,b), Mozambique
tilapia (Riley et al., 2005) and rainbow trout (Shepherd et al., 2007).
By contrast, Jonsson et al. (2007) found no effect of trout ghrelin on
food intake in 2-year-old rainbow trout. Ghrelin may also have di-
rect effects on the reproductive axis as ghrelin was found to stim-
ulate Lh release and lhbmRNA expression in pituitary cells in
goldfish (Unniappan and Peter, 2004), indicating direct actions of
ghrelin on goldfish gonadotrophs. This suggests that ghrelin may
have an important role in regulating appetite and growth, and
potentially affecting puberty onset in fish, either by direct effects
on the reproductive axis – or indirectly via controlling appetite
and/or energy storage.
There is also evidence for a role of the growth hormone/insulin
like growth factor 1 (Gh-Igf1) system in control of gonadal growth
and development in fish, either by direct action of Gh or Igf1 on the
gonads, or indirectly by effects on the gonadotropes (cf. Le Gac
et al., 1993; Björnsson et al., 1994, 2002; Björnsson, 1997; Jalabert
et al., 2000). Gh receptor has been identified in gonads of several
teleosts (e.g. Gomez et al., 1999; Kajimura et al., 2004), and Gh
has been shown to stimulate or modulate gonadal steroid produc-
tion (Young et al., 1983; Singh et al., 1988; van der Kraak et al.,
1990; Le Gac et al., 1992; Singh and Thomas, 1993). Igf1r is ex-
pressed in gonads, and there is locally produced Igf1 (Gray et al.,
1990; Sakamoto and Hirano, 1991; Yao et al., 1991; Gutiérrez
et al., 1993; Gomez et al., 1999; Gioacchini et al., 2005). Igf1 and
Igf2 has been shown to increase during oocyte maturation in rain-
bow trout (Bobe et al., 2003, 2004), and the Igf binding proteins in
oocytes are modulated by stimulation of 17,20bP and gonadotro-
pins (Kamangar et al., 2006).
Igf1 has direct effect in the gonads (e.g. Le Gac et al., 1993; Kag-
awa et al., 1994; Weber and Sullivan, 2000; Weber et al., 2007).
Moreover, plasma Igf1 levels can modulate hypothalamic Gnrh re-
lease and subsequent pituitary gonadotropin secretion (Huang
et al., 1999; Baker et al., 2000; Schmitz, 2003), providing a possible
link between the growth and reproductive axes. Recently, Furu-
kuma et al. (2008) showed that Igf1 stimulated gonadotropin sub-
unit expression in a dose-dependent manner in primary pituitary
cells early in gametogenesis in masu salmon males, but not in
the later stages. In females, Igf1 also stimulated release of Fsh
and Lh early in gametogenesis, but did not stimulate gonadotropin
subunit expression at any stage. These results suggest that Igf1 di-
rectly stimulates synthesis and/or release of Gth early in gameto-
genesis in masu salmon, possibly acting as a metabolic signal
that triggers the onset of puberty, but apparently with some gen-
der specific effects.
The pituitary hormone somatolactin (Sl) may also affect repro-
ductive function in fish. Sl levels were found to increase in parallel
with final gonadal growth in salmonids (Rand-Weaver et al., 1992;
Rand-Weaver and Swanson, 1993), and were higher in mature
rainbow trout and chinook salmon than in immature individuals
(Rand-Weaver and Swanson, 1993; Rand-Weaver et al., 1995).
Moreover, sl mRNA expression was enhanced by sexual maturation
in chum salmon (Taniyama et al., 1999), and both sl
and slbtran-
scripts were found to increase in pituitaries before and during
spawning in Atlantic salmon females and the SL receptor was
highly expressed in the ovaries (Benedet et al., 2008). Also, the
somatolactotrophs were found to be activated in sexually maturing
and spawning sockeye, chum and Chinook salmon (Olivereau and
Rand-Weaver, 1994a,b). By contrast, Kakizawa et al. (1995), found
no correlation between plasma Sl and final gonadal maturation. Sl
has been suggested to act during early oogenesis (Campbell et al.,
2006), gonadal maturation (Rand-Weaver et al., 1992) and gonadal
steroid biosynthesis (Planas et al., 1992). It has also been proposed
to act as a facilitator of oocyte maturation through its regulation of
lipid metabolism (Fukada et al., 2005; Fukamachi et al., 2005).
However, the exact functions of Sl in reproduction are still not
known in fishes (cf. Benedet et al., 2008).
7. Techniques for puberty control in fish farming
7.1. Selective breeding
Selective breeding programs can be effective in delaying age at
maturity in farmed fish and thereby also increase body size at pub-
erty (Gjedrem, 2000). Selecting strains with genetically high age
and size at puberty has been, successfully applied in Atlantic sal-
mon farming, and these traits have been further improved after
several generations of selective breeding based on family selection,
individual selection or combinations of these two approaches
(Gjerde, 1984, 1986; Gjøen and Bentsen, 1997; Gjedrem, 2000).
However, improvements of feed, feeding protocols and other hus-
bandry conditions in fish farming results in rapid improvement of
growth performance that to some extent can counteract the results
of the breeding programs on age at puberty, due to the strong phe-
notypic link between growth rate and early puberty.
There is considerable genetic variation in age at maturity or
puberty in farmed fish species. In Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
heritability (h
) estimates range from 0.15 to 0.48 (Gjerde, 1984;
498 G.L. Taranger et al. / General and Comparative Endocrinology 165 (2010) 483–515
Wild et al., 1994; Gjerde et al., 1994; Gjedrem, 2000), while in rain-
bow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) the estimates range from 0.12 to
0.35 (Gjerde and Schaeffer, 1989; Crandell and Gall, 1993; Kause
et al., 2003), and in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)h
was estimated
to 0.21 (Kolstad et al., 2006). However, there are also reports on ge-
netic correlations between growth (i.e. body weight at age) and
early puberty in Atlantic salmon (Gjerde, 1984; Wild et al., 1994;
Gjerde et al., 1994) and Atlantic cod (Kolstad et al., 2006). Such ge-
netic correlations must be taken into consideration in selective
breeding programs to avoid simultaneous selection of rapid so-
matic growth and early puberty.
In spite of the large potential to delay puberty in farmed fish by
selective breeding, this technique has only been adopted in the
breeding programmes for a limited number of farmed fish species
so far. The status of selective breeding in farmed fish and shellfish
species in Europe has recently been reviewed in the project Aqua-
breeding ( Currently there are more
than 30 different selective breeding programmes fish species in
Europe. These programs include mainly rainbow trout, Atlantic sal-
mon, Common carp, brown trout, turbot, Gilthead sea bream and
European sea bass. However, only a few of these programmes,
mainly for salmonids, have included age at maturity as one of
the selection criteria so far.
7.2. Feeding control
A clear link between feeding and age at puberty is seen in sev-
eral experimental studies, in particular in salmonids (Thorpe et al.,
1990; Silverstein et al., 1997, 1998; Duston and Saunders, 1999;
Shearer and Swanson, 2000; Shearer et al., 2006). Restricted feed-
ing reduces growth rate, can reduce energy stores and adiposity
(Shearer et al., 1997a, 2006), and can delay age at puberty, and
therefore it has been suggested that lipid stores, or rate of lipid
deposition, are important factors in determining age at first matu-
rity in salmonids (Rowe and Thorpe, 1990b; Rowe et al., 1991; Her-
binger and Friars, 1992; Berglund, 1995; Hopkins and Unwin,
1997; Duston and Saunders, 1999; Shearer and Swanson, 2000;
Shearer et al., 2006). Cod depend upon reserves of protein and lipid
for gonad maturation (Dambergs, 1964; Kjesbu et al., 1991; Kjesbu
and Holm, 1994), and it has been postulated that the age at which
sexual maturity is initiated in gadoids may be dependent upon li-
pid reserves (Eliassen and Vahl, 1982). Periodic starvation during
the autumn before puberty (Karlsen et al., 1995), or restricted feed-
ing (starved every second week) from January a year prior to pub-
erty (Kjesbu and Holm, 1994) did not reduce relative fecundity nor
age at puberty. Increasing the energy expenditure by exercising
Atlantic cod 7 months prior to spawning did not influence age at
puberty (Karlsen et al., 2006). Studies indicate that this approach
is only/mostly effective when applied on fish with limited energy
reserves and or small body size (Silverstein et al., 1998; Shearer
et al., 2006), and the apparent lack of any response of restricted
feeding on age of puberty in cod could be due to the farmed cod
having much larger livers (energy stores) than their wild counter-
parts, and therefore is less sensitive to dietary manipulations un-
less these are extreme. In addition, growth control by restricted
feeding during the first year of life may be more efficient in terms
of puberty control (Herbinger and Friars, 1992; Silverstein et al.,
1998; Shearer et al., 2006).
Feed ration may also affect reproductive investments (Bagenal,
1969; Luquet and Watanabe, 1986; Kjesbu et al., 1991), and simi-
larly may feed composition, such as lowering the dietary lipid con-
tent, result in lower gonadosomatic index in Atlantic cod (Karlsen
et al., 2006b). The feed composition may also have an effect on age
at puberty, as the dietary content of energy and/or protein affects
growth and energy stores (Einen and Roem, 1997; Karlsen et al.,
2006b). However, prolonged periods of restricted feeding have also
severe negative effects on growth and condition (Karlsen et al.,
1995), and can negatively affect fish health (Damsgård et al.,
2004) and lead to higher incidence of agonistic behaviours (Mag-
nusson, 1962; Symons, 1968) and resulting damages, e.g. as a con-
sequence of fin biting (Turnbull et al., 1998; Hatlen et al., 2006;
Noble et al., 2007, 2008). In addition, reduced growth normally re-
sults in longer production time to harvestable size, hence having
negative effects on the economy and sustainability of fish farming.
However, it has been hypothesised, and partially shown, that re-
stricted feeding in shorter time periods that are believed to be crit-
ical ‘decision’ periods can delay age at puberty, with minor effects
on the overall growth rate due to compensatory growth during full
feeding subsequent to the feed deprivation period (Thorpe et al.,
1990). The above mentioned negative factors limits the applicabil-
ity of overall restricted feeding as a way to reduced incidence of
early puberty in farmed fish, and may thus not be suitable for prac-
tical aquaculture purposes, whereas shorter and repeated periods
of restricted feeding may have some application in puberty control
in farmed fish.
7.3. Photoperiod control
Photoperiod control of the reproductive process has been suc-
cessfully applied to broodstock to alter the phase of the annual sex-
ual cycles and hence the spawning time in a range of fish species
(e.g. Carrillo et al., 1993a,b; Bromage et al., 2001). The process of
puberty could be considered as a particular (the first) case of the
cyclic reproductive events in the lifespan of the fish. Consequently
it was expected that environmental manipulation altering spawn-
ing time in adults may also be effective in altering the onset of pub-
erty in juvenile fish, such as seen in rainbow trout (Duston and
Bromage, 1988; Bromage et al., 2001).
A range of studies demonstrate that photoperiod manipulation
can be an effective tool to delay or advance puberty in farmed fish,
e.g. Atlantic salmon (Oppedal et al., 2006), rainbow trout (Taylor
et al., 2008), Chinook salmon (Unwin et al., 2005), pink salmon
(Beacham and Murray, 1993; Beacham et al., 1994), Arctic charr
(Duston et al., 2003), brook trout (Holcombe et al., 2000), Atlantic
cod (Hansen et al., 2001), haddock (Davie et al., 2007a), channel
catfish (Kelly and Kohler, 1996), striped trumpeter (Morehead
et al., 2000), yellowtail (Mushiake et al., 1994, 1998; Hamada
and Mushiake, 2006), European sea bass (Begtashi et al., 2004;
Rodríguez et al., 2005), striped bass (Clark et al., 2005), black sea
bass (Howell et al., 2003), Gilthead sea bream (Kissil et al., 2001;
Gines et al., 2003, 2004), Atlantic halibut (Norberg et al., 2001), tur-
bot (Imsland et al., 2003; Imsland and Jonassen, 2003), Senegalen-
sis sole (Garcia-Lopez et al., 2006), Eurasian perch (Migaud et al.,
2003, 2006), yellow perch (Ciereszko et al., 1997; Shewmon
et al., 2007) and Nile tilapia (Biswas et al., 2005; Rad et al., 2006).
However, the effectiveness of photoperiod protocols differs
among species and appears also to be modulated by other factors
such as age, feeding, body size and adiposity of the fish (Taranger
et al., 1999; Oppedal et al., 2006; Taylor et al., 2008). Moreover, full
photoperiod control can be difficult to achieve in outdoor rearing
systems such as sea cages (Oppedal et al., 1997; Porter et al.,
1999; Taranger et al., 2006), and improved lighting technologies
and approaches are needed to implement such techniques at lower
cost and with more predictable outcomes in commercial farming
7.3.1. Atlantic salmon
A range of studies demonstrated the effects of photoperiod on
age at puberty in Atlantic salmon (Hansen et al., 1992; Kråkenes
et al., 1991; Duston and Saunders, 1992; Oppedal et al., 1997,
1999, 2003, 2006; Porter et al., 1999; Taranger et al., 1995, 1998,
1999; Endal et al., 2000; Peterson and Harmon, 2005; Schulz
G.L. Taranger et al. / General and Comparative Endocrinology 165 (2010) 483–515 499
et al., 2006). Continuous light (LL) treatment from mid winter on-
wards has proved to be a simple way to reduce the incidence of
early puberty in salmon in sea cages (e.g. Taranger et al., 1995; Por-
ter et al., 1999). This has been successfully applied in commercial
scale cages (Taranger et al., 1995), and is routinely used on salmon
farms to combat problems with early maturation (Hansen et al.,
2000). Photoperiod treatment can also be applied to induce preco-
cious maturation in salmon (King et al., 2003). Moreover, LL treat-
ment has also been found to delay age at puberty when applied to
underyearling postsmolts in sea cages (Oppedal et al., 2003) or sea-
water tanks (Duncan et al., 1999). However, the LL treatment was
found to increase the incidence of early puberty when applied from
the time of seawater transfer in the autumn to next summer by
Oppedal et al. (2003), and also when applied after the summer sol-
stice in sea water tanks (Duncan et al., 1999). The effect of the LL
treatment on puberty also varies between studies and depends
amongst others on the timing of the LL treatment in winter
(Taranger et al., 1998), and most likely on other factors such as
body size, adiposity and/or stage of gonadal development (Tarang-
er et al., 1999). In some cases, the LL treatment can even give the
opposite result, with an increase of the incidence of early puberty
(Kråkenes et al., 1991; Endal et al., 2000).
7.3.2. Atlantic cod
LL treatment was found to arrest or delay pubertal development
when applied to cod in indoor tanks from around mid-summer on-
wards (Hansen et al., 2001; Davie et al., 2003, 2007b; Norberg
et al., 2004; Karlsen et al., 2006a). The effect on puberty depended
on the timing of the exposure to the LL treatment (Hansen et al.,
2001; Davie et al., 2007b; Almeida et al., 2009). LL treatment in-
doors appears to arrest oocyte development in the cortical alveoli
stage (i.e. previtellogenesis) in female cod (Hansen et al., 2001),
whereas the effects on testis development were more variable with
some individuals showing full spermatogenesis but with a low tes-
tis weight compared to controls under ambient light (Almeida
et al., 2009). Interestingly, when cod were transferred back from
LL to natural light in mid-winter, puberty resumed and spawning
occurred within a few months (Hansen et al., 2001; Almeida
et al., 2009). However, LL treatment was less effective when ap-
plied in commercial sea cages (Taranger et al., 2006; Trippel
et al., 2008), and appeared to depend on the intensity of the artifi-
cial light (Dahle et al., 2000; Trippel et al., 2008). The difference in
effectiveness was attributed to the strong ambient light in the
cages relative to the artificial LL light that was superimposed on
the ambient light cycle (Taranger et al., 2006). Recent studies on
cod in outdoor tank subjected to LL of different intensities in super-
imposed on the ambient light cycle show that that higher intensi-
ties of the LL treatment were more efficient in delaying puberty,
possibly by being more effective in overruling the strong ambient
light signal (Kristoffersen, Karlsen, Norberg, Taranger, unpublished
7.3.3. Atlantic halibut
Attempts to control maturation by photoperiod manipulation
have yielded varying results in Atlantic halibut, and appear to de-
pend on the timing of manipulation, as regards both to time of year
and initial age of the fish (Norberg et al., 2001; Imsland and Jonas-
sen, 2005; Imsland et al., 2006). Juvenile halibut exposed to LL dis-
played higher growth and lower incidence of maturation than fish
held at simulated natural photoperiod or on a short day regime
(Imsland and Jonassen, 2003, 2005). On the other hand, LL applied
15 or 5 months prior to maturation accelerated growth, but also
advanced maturation by 3 months, while a period of LL from 15
to 5months prior to maturation, followed by natural photoperiod
reduced incidence of maturation and promoted growth (Norberg
et al., 2001). Moreover, exposure to LL for 2 years prior to first mat-
uration reduced the incidence of male maturation and promoted
growth, while shorter LL exposure either advanced maturation,
or was inefficient (Imsland et al., 2008).
7.3.4. European sea bass
The first detailed study on the effect of modified photoperiod
cycles to delay the first maturity in sea bass (Rodríguez et al.,
2001b) investigated the long-term (starting with 4-month-old
sea bass and during three consecutive years) effects of a constant
long photoperiod (15L:9D) on pre-pubertal male sea bass. Gonadal
maturation was significantly delayed compared to fish exposed to
simulated natural photoperiods. Recently (Carrillo, Begtashi, Rodri-
guez, Marin, Zanuy, unpublished results), confirmed the delaying
effects of long photoperiods on the onset of puberty in out-door
floating cage culture system. The first evidence for the LL effects
on gonadal maturation in sea bass was obtained by Begtashi
et al. (2004). These authors reported that juvenile fish exposed to
LL throughout a year showed a drastic reduction in the rates of
male entering early puberty (0–3% in LL treated fish versus 22%
in ambient controls). Recently it has also been shown that shorter
LL treatments, lasting 4 or 6 months during pre-gametogenesis and
gametogenesis, respectively (Felip et al., 2008a) resulted in similar
low rates of precocity as when maintained under LL all the year
round. These studies paved the way for screening the period Au-
gust–November with LL windows of short duration (2 months) to
find a the most sensitive period to block gametogenesis in sea bass
(Carrillo et al., 2008).
7.4. Induced sterility
7.4.1. Triploidy
Sterile fish can be an effective means to combat problems asso-
ciated with early puberty, both to avoid negative effects on produc-
tion performance, health and welfare, as well as to prevent any
negative genetic impacts of fish farming on wild populations. Trip-
loidy is relatively easily achieved in many fish species, either by
pressure or temperature shocks on the eggs just after fertilisation.
Triploid fish are normally fully sterile, but the males can develop
large gonads and display secondary sexual characters. By contrast,
triploid females will normally only develop small gonads and avoid
development of secondary sexual characters. Hence, it is com-
monly beneficial to combine triploid sterile fish with all-female
All-female production can be achieved in many fish species by
either hormone or enzyme inhibitor treatments in early life, nor-
mally applied to the generation prior to the on-growing fish. The
mechanisms of sex differentiation, impact of environmental factors
on sex differentiation and effects of sex steroids and enzyme inhib-
itors on sex reversal and ultimately the production of monosex
stocks has been reviewed several times (e.g. Piferrer, 2001; Devlin
and Nagahama, 2002; Gomelsky, 2003; Shelton, 2006), and is not
detailed further in the current paper.
7.4.2. Methods for triploidy induction – success and survival
Production of triploids is still recognised as the most practical,
economic, and effective method for large scale production of sterile
fish. The induction of triploidy throughout chromosome set manip-
ulation has been applied on many cultured fish species, especially
freshwater, including mainly salmonids, cyprinids, cichlids and
ictalurids. Several studies have applied these manipulations also
to about a dozen marine species, including sparids, moronids and
flatfishes (Ihssen et al., 1990; Pandian and Koteeswaran, 1998;
Benfey, 1999; Felip et al., 2001a; Hulata, 2001; Tiwary et al.,
2004; Maxime, 2008).
Triploidy is induced by forcing retention of the second polar
body by applying temperature (hot or cold), hydrostatic pressure,
500 G.L. Taranger et al. / General and Comparative Endocrinology 165 (2010) 483–515
anaesthetics or chemical shocks, shortly after a normal fertilisa-
tion. Of these methods, temperature and hydrostatic pressure
shocks are in practical use. Temperature and hydrostatic pressure
shock treatments are inexpensive to apply and can be successfully
adapted for mass production on fishfarms. Cold shock in general
has been most successful in warm water fishes (Felip et al.,
2001a) with good examples from sea bass (Felip et al., 1997) and
turbot (Piferrer et al., 2000). Heat shock has been 100% effective
in producing triploids in tilapia (Varadaraj and Pandian, 1990),
rainbow trout (Solar et al., 1984) and gilthead sea bream (Gorshkov
et al., 1998). Hydrostatic pressure shock has been successfully used
to produce triploids in several species, e.g. zebrafish (Streisinger
et al., 1981), rainbow trout (Lou and Purdom, 1984), Atlantic sal-
mon (Benfey and Sutterlin, 1984), common carp (Linhart et al.,
1991), Nile tilapia (Hussain et al., 1991), yellow perch (Malison
et al., 1993), coho salmon (Piferrer et al., 1994), yellowtail flounder
(Manning and Crim, 2000) and Atlantic cod (Trippel et al., 2008).
Generally, pressure shocks seemed to be less harmful and give
higher survival than cold shocks (Peruzzi and Chatain, 2000) and
heat shocks (Carrillo et al., 1993a,b; Teskeredz
´et al., 1993; Haf-
fray et al., 2007).
7.4.3. Survival
After the initial mortality associated with the handling and
shock treatments in the triploidisation protocols, the difference
in survival between triploids and diploids are less pronounced. In
Atlantic salmon, freshwater mortality is reported to be higher in
triploids in both experimental and commercial studies (McGeachy
et al., 1995; O’Flynn et al., 1998; Benfey, 2001; Cotter et al., 2002).
However, mortality rates are often within commercially acceptable
levels, with the highest mortality during embryonic and larval
development prior to first-feeding (Johnson et al., 2004). Higher
mortality in triploids has also been found in sea bass up to
3 months of age (Peruzzi et al., 2004) and rainbow trout (Quillet
et al., 1987). However, examples with no difference in survival be-
tween triploids and diploids were reported in Thai silver barb
(Koedprang and Na-Nakorn, 2000), and higher survival were found
in triploid turbot compared with diploid controls (Cal et al., 2006).
7.4.4. Growth
Quillet et al. (1988) reviewed the growth of diploids and trip-
loids from 19 publications and Pandian and Koteeswaran (1998)
added 13 papers to a total of 32 papers in a later review. The trip-
loid/diploid (T/D) ratio for weight varied from 0.38 to 1.43 in the
pre-maturation phase, but triploids grow generally slower than
diploids. However, in the post-maturation phase the triploids took
advantage of their sterility and in almost all species the triploids
grew 10–30% faster than diploid controls. Moreover, triploids from
herbivorous species (Cyprinidae and Cichlidae) appear to be less
negatively affected than carnivorous species during the pre-matu-
ration phase, and more positively affected during the post-matura-
tion phase. There is also a general tendency that triploids grow
faster when reared alone than when they are reared in commune
with diploids. This is possibly because the triploids are less aggres-
sive and have a lower ability to compete for food (Maxime, 2008).
In one of the few studies to show enhanced growth of triploid
salmon under commercial conditions it was evident that there
were significant family/year class differences observed between
ploidies advocating the need for selection to obtain the best per-
formers (O’Flynn et al., 1997). Numerous studies now recommend
the need for selection programs for successful triploid production
in salmonids, particularly since triploids often show greater vari-
ability in performance both within and between families (Bonnet
et al., 1999; Friars et al., 2001; Cotter et al., 2002; Oppedal et al.,
2003). Significantly enhanced growth of triploid Atlantic salmon
under continuous light (LL) relative to diploids has been observed
(Oppedal et al., 2003), suggesting that some environmental condi-
tions are particularly beneficial for triploids, and that poorer
growth reported in some triploid stocks may be due to unfavour-
able husbandry regimes.
7.4.5. Morphology and deformities
Several morphological differences and deformities has been re-
ported in triploid non-salmonids like tilapia (Varadaraj and Pan-
dian, 1990), pejerrey (Strüssmann et al., 1993), carp (Gomelsky
et al., 1992), tench (Flajshans et al., 1993), bighead carp and grass
carp (Tave, 1993) and catfish (Varkonyi et al., 1998).In salmonid
farming the occurrence of specific morphological abnormalities
in triploids has significantly hindered the adoption of this technol-
ogy. The most commonly described deformity in triploid salmon is
the ‘‘lower jaw deformity syndrome” (Sutterlin et al., 1987; Jungal-
walla, 1991; Benfey, 2001; Sadler et al., 2001). Other deformities
include shortened gill covers, reduced numbers of primary gill fil-
aments and eye cataracts. Prevalence and occurrence of specific
abnormalities differs between rearing environments, stocks and
strains. Furthermore, deformities are not always observed, and
occurrence of deformities may not necessary be the result of trip-
loid induction methods as such, as similar levels of deformity have
been found in diploids (Sutterlin et al., 1987; Kacem et al., 2004).
7.4.6. Immunology and disease resistance
The reported differences between diploid and triploid immu-
nology and disease resistance are generally small. Yamamoto and
Iida (1994) found similar complement activity in triploid and dip-
loid rainbow trout, and Langston et al. (2001) found a small delay
in the complement activity and hypoferraemic response in Atlantic
salmon. Budino et al. (2006) found no differences in total respira-
tory burst activity and phagocytosis between triploid and diploid
turbot because the lower blood cell number of the triploids was
compensated by a larger size and a higher activity per cell. The dif-
ferential cell count, serum complement and lysozyme or bacterici-
dal activities was similar in both types of fish, indicating that the
activities of the humoral components of the innate immune system
tested are similar in diploid and triploid fish. Also, Small and Ben-
fey (1987) found a higher cellular phagocytic activity in triploid
salmon, but this was balanced by a lower number of leucocytes
(Yamamoto and Iida, 1994; Benfey, 1999). Also challenge tests
did not uncover differences in disease resistance between diploids
and triploids. Yamamoto and Iida (1995b) found no differences in
susceptibility of diploid and triploid rainbow trout for Infectious
Haematopoietic Necrosis (IHN) virus, furunculosis and vibriosis,
and Dorson et al. (1991) found no difference in the susceptibility
of diploid and triploid rainbow trout, arctic charr, brook trout
and lake trout for Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis virus, Viral haem-
orrhagic septicemia virus type 1 and 3 and IHN virus. Moreover,
Yamamoto and Iida (1995a) found a similar response to vaccina-
tion in diploid and triploid rainbow trout.
7.4.7. Sensitivity of triploids to sub-optimal environmental conditions
Triploid fish have been reported to be more sensitive to envi-
ronmental changes than diploid fish. However, triploid brook
trout, rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon have been shown to
have the same response to acute stress (handling and crowding)
as diploid fish (Biron and Benfey, 1994; Benfey and Biron,
2000). Primary and secondary stress responses do not differ, sug-
gesting that mortalities reported under commercial conditions
cannot be attributed to differences in their physiological response
to stress in relation to husbandry or management practices
(Sadler et al., 2000a; Leggatt et al., 2006). However, it is plausible
that intolerances to environmental extremes may explain the
higher mortalities at times of increased physiological stress in
triploid fish.
G.L. Taranger et al. / General and Comparative Endocrinology 165 (2010) 483–515 501
Triploid red blood cells exhibit increased mean corpuscular vol-
ume (MCV), which decreases the surface-to-volume ratio and may
have marked effect on triploid physiology, as the total area avail-
able for oxygen assimilation and other diffusion processes will be
reduced. In triploid fish, this may result in a reduced aerobic capac-
ity. However, this has not been definitively demonstrated in any
species (Benfey and Sutterlin, 1984; Yamamoto and Iida, 1994;
Cal et al., 2005; Peruzzi et al., 2005). Ventilation rate is higher in
triploid than diploid Atlantic salmon (Benfey, 1999), but not in
brook trout (Stillwell and Benfey, 1996), again suggesting that trip-
loid state is not necessarily associated with reduced aerobic capac-
ity. It would thus appear that farm mortalities of triploids in
response to stress are not due to failure in respiratory homeostasis
(Sadler et al., 2000a,b). Such problems may therefore relate to
other sub-optimal rearing conditions which need to be clearly
Increased mortality in triploid trout has been reported when the
temperature is at its highest in the summer (Ojolick et al., 1995;
Altimiras et al., 2002). Stillwell and Benfey (1996) demonstrated
that triploid brook trout had lower metabolic rate (i.e. oxygen
requirement) than diploids, a possible compensation for a reduc-
tion in the efficiency of gas exchange. However, the metabolic rate
did not differ between ploidy in brown trout at thermal optima,
but at higher temperatures the metabolic scope was reduced, thus
lowering the energy available for the animal to grow, digest food,
support locomotion, etc., and may be a factor explaining the in-
crease in mortality often seen in triploid trout at higher tempera-
tures. In triploid brown trout evidence was lacking to support
reduced maximal heart capacity between ploidies, although maxi-
mal performance may be limited at higher temperatures poten-
tially contributing to an increased mortality (Mercier et al., 2002).
7.4.8. Triploidy in European sea bass
In European sea bass induced triploidy disrupts gametogenesis
resulting in functional sterility with more pronounced effects in fe-
males than in males. Specifically it was found that triploidy
blocked the initial phases of meiosis in females and the late phases
of meiosis in males, resulting in the absence of, or a reduction in
gonadal development, respectively. Specifically, in females, trip-
loidy blocked meiosis during the zygotene stage, preventing the
pairing of homologous chromosomes. In contrast, in males, trip-
loidy blocked meiosis during the transformation of secondary sper-
matocytes into spermatids, thus preventing spermiogenesis (Felip
et al., 2001b). The induction of triploidy in sea bass conferred func-
tional sterility in both males and females, thus proving a good
model to describe the effects of triploidy on the gonadal develop-
ment in the two sexes.
The reviews of Zanuy et al. (2001) and Felip et al. (2001a) sum-
marise the methodologies used to obtain triploid sea bass and the
yields obtained after its application. Among those cold shock has
proven to be the most reliable and simple procedure ready to be
used in large-scale production of triploid sea bass. Felip et al.
(1997) found the optimal conditions for induction of triploidy in
sea bass to be 10 min of 0 °C cold shock administered 5 min after
fertilisation. The resulting yield of triploids of this procedure was
around 80%. Later on Peruzzi and Chatain (2000) induced 100%
triploidy in sea bass using very similar conditions. During their
3–4 first years of life, triploid sea bass grew in a similar fashion
as diploids in fork length but slower than diploids in body weight,
even when the diploids reached full sexual maturity. On the other
hand, older triploids (from 5 to 7 year old fish) showed gender re-
lated dimorphic growth with triploid females attaining the largest
body size (Felip, Zanuy, Carrillo, unpublished results).
The presence of jaw, operculum and vertebral column deformi-
ties was also observed in triploid sea bass, but have been attributed
to handling during artificial fertilisation, inbreeding or chromo-
somal aberrations (Felip et al., 2001a). This suggests that develop-
ment and the external morphology of triploid fish is essentially
similar to that of diploids. However, more studies are needed to
more fully ascertain the usefulness of triploid sea bass under inten-
sive culture conditions.
7.4.9. Other methods for sterility
Recently, functional studies have identified genes involved in
regulating the migratory behaviour of primordial germ cells (PGCs)
during embryogenesis in fish (Doitsidou et al., 2002; Slanchev
et al., 2005). When suppressing the function of these genes that en-
code a cytokine attracting PGCs to the genital ridge or the receptor
for this cytokine on the migrating PGCs, the migratory direction of
PGCs becomes random, so that most PGCs ‘‘miss” the genital ridge
and become apoptotic.
An even more effective manner of generating animals with
germ cell-free gonads is to interfere with the expression of the
dead end (dnd) gene, since PGC migration is blocked at very early
stages (within 12 h after fertilisation) of embryogenesis, leading
to the loss of all PGCs by apoptosis (Weidinger et al., 2003). The ap-
proach to interfere with the expression of the dnd gene has been
transferred successfully to other fish species (Saito et al., 2008).
Moreover, techniques have been developed allowing the transient
(i.e. non-transgenic) labelling of PGCs with fluorescent proteins
that is applicable to different species (Yoshizaki et al., 2005) and
that is an excellent tool to control the efficiency of dnd knock-
down. Clearly, however, these approaches are not suitable for gen-
erating a large number of individuals. The mutagenesis-induced
loss of function of the ziwi gene (Houwing et al., 2007) leads to a
similar phenotype of the gonads, which stay small due to the com-
plete loss of all germ cells up until day 12–14 after fertilisation.
Interestingly, as in the case of dnd knock down, all zebrafish with-
out germ cells develop as phenotypic males, so that the default
state of sex differentiation for the somatic compartment of the go-
nad in the absence of germ cells seems to be male. These animals
apparently go through normal puberty and show typical male
reproductive behaviour, so that the production of sex steroids does
not seem to be affected. Despite the experimental state of these
techniques, it can be anticipated that technical developments
may allow the use of this knowledge for applied purposes in the fu-
ture in a manner compatible with regulations and consumer
8. Gaps in knowledge and research directions
Early puberty represents a major problem in farming of many
fish species due to negative effects on growth, feed utilisation,
health and welfare, and potential genetic effects on wild stocks
after escape or release of fertilised eggs into natural ecosystems.
In some species, late puberty leads to increased cost with brood-
stock management, while in other species a complete block of pub-
erty under farming conditions prevents reproduction and closure
of the life cycle.
There is still limited knowledge on the neuroendocrine mecha-
nisms that control onset and/or completion of puberty in fishes
and other vertebrates. These mechanisms are sensitive to external
factors, such as environmental and husbandry conditions. For
example, there is a strong link between feeding level/somatic
growth and early puberty, but the underlying physiological mech-
anisms are still to be elucidated. More knowledge is needed on
both fundamental and applied aspects for a full and targeted con-
trol of puberty. This will also allow developing cost-effective meth-
ods for delaying or advancing/inducing puberty that are acceptable
in terms of fish welfare, environmental impact, and consumer
502 G.L. Taranger et al. / General and Comparative Endocrinology 165 (2010) 483–515
Selective breeding has a large potential for delaying age and size
at puberty in fishes, but genotype-environment interactions need
further investigations to improve breeding programs operating un-
der changing environmental and husbandry conditions. Moreover,
breeding programs could benefit from the identification of genetic
markers for age at puberty to assist selection, and by a deeper
understanding of the interplay between genetic and environmental
factors in controlling puberty.
Photoperiod control has been successfully applied to both delay
and advance puberty in farmed fish. However, such protocols do
not always work when applied in commercial rearing systems.
Moreover, photoperiod effects can depend on interactions with
other factors such as genetic background, growth and adiposity.
Although photoperiod effects have been extensively investigated
in fishes, the mechanistic basis for photoperiod-mediated changes
in the activity of the neuroendocrine systems regulating puberty
still awaits elucidation, the interactions with other factors are
poorly studied; this also applies to the secure application with a
more predictable outcome of these techniques under commercial
rearing conditions.
Induced sterility, e.g. by triploidy, can eliminate the risk of a
genetic impact of farmed fish on wild stocks, and can also miti-
gate or prevent many or all of the negative impacts of early pub-
erty on farmed fish. Triploidy induction is possible in several
species and there is information on the performance of triploid
fish in fish farming. However, despite clear benefits, this tech-
nique is not yet applied commercially in many species, due to
production and welfare related problems under certain environ-
mental conditions. Hence, more knowledge is needed on the
physiology, health and welfare of triploid fish, in the light of envi-
ronmental conditions required to secure optimal production per-
formance and welfare. Such knowledge will also allow the design
of breeding programs in order to select for more robust triploid
Triploidy is often combined with all-female production to get
the beneficial effects of sterilization on production performance
and health of the fish; after all, despite sterility (i.e. no production
of fertile sperm), the maturation of the somatic component of the
testis does occur, including the increased sex steroid levels and
their pleiotropic effects. However, the techniques to produce all-fe-
male populations are not yet available in all farmed fish species,
and more knowledge is needed on sex determination and sex dif-
ferentiation to provide more secure methods for mono sex
Finally, efforts should be directed towards the development of
new sterility models, including techniques to induce germ cell free
gonads (e.g. dead-end knock down approach) that could result in
both a robust and sterile fish, and would avoid the complications
associated with the use of mono-sex techniques.
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... In teleost fish, puberty typically occurs after gonadal sex differentiation and is characterised by the initiation of meiosis in males and vitellogenic ovarian development in females. In aquaculture, early puberty can have negative effects on some species in terms of growth, feed utilisation, welfare and genetic effects of escapees in wild stocks (Florescu Gune et al., 2019;McClure et al., 2007;Taranger et al., 2010). Meanwhile, delayed or failed puberty prevents completion of the life cycle in captivity (van Ginneken et al., 2007). ...
... Consequently, this delayed puberty may result in extended culture time before maturation, which is not cost-effective in fish farming (Dufour et al., 2003). Therefore, understanding the mechanisms and timing of the onset of puberty is important in the aquaculture industry (Taranger et al., 2010) for improved management, especially in broodstock selection. ...
... In two-year-old juveniles, signs of sexual maturity and asynchronous testicular development were evident. Features of puberty other than timing and age have generally been overlooked, although there is growing recognition that the variety of pubertal characteristics can deeply impact the reproductive status in fish (Taranger et al., 2010). These observations included well-defined interstitial tissue, the presence of Sertoli cells and cysts containing type A undifferentiated spermatogonia, which serves as the foundation of fish spermatogenesis (de Paiva Camargo et al., 2017). ...
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This study aimed to deepen our understanding of the reproductive biology of male spotted wolffish (Anarhichas minor) using two different experimental approaches involving juvenile and mature broodstock fish. The first approach consisted of a detailed histological examination of the testes to identify the onset of gonadal maturation and characterize the spermatogenic stages in two- and three-year-old juvenile specimens. Light microscopy analysis revealed clear differences between the age groups. Two-year-old fish displayed well-defined interstitial tissue, Sertoli cells, and cysts housing spermatogonia stem cells in which meiosis had not yet begun. In contrast, three-year-old fish exhibited cysts containing spermatocytes, spermatids, and abundant spermatozoa, indicating the initiation of the spermatogenic cycle, albeit with asynchronous puberty. Histochemical staining revealed a significant presence of smooth myoid cells in the interstitial tissue of sexually mature fish. In contrast, electron microscopy further revealed synaptonemal complexes, indicating the onset of meiosis and centriolar structures that gave rise to flagella. The second approach focused on optimizing semen freezing and cryopreservation procedures in mature broodstock individuals over the age of 10 years. Seven freezing extenders (KT, TS-2, OP, MT, MH, HBSS, or SR), with seawater (SW) as a control, were assessed along with two cryoprotectants dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) or methanol to evaluate their impact on pre- and post-thaw semen quality. Results showed that the MT and HBSS extenders were superior in total sperm kinetics at 1:3 dilution and that DMSO showed optimal results in sperm motility and velocity variants. Moreover, the MT and HBSS groups demonstrated consistent sperm viability after cryopreservation, with values similar to fresh samples. Based on the viability results of the SYBR-green-14/PI assay comparing fresh and cryopreserved sperm using MT and HBSS, the MT extender emerged as the most effective freezing medium for cryopreservation of spotted wolffish broodstock sperm. In conclusion, this study provides a comprehensive understanding of the reproductive dynamics of male spotted wolffish, offering valuable insights for both scientific research and aquaculture management.
... Extended photoperiods (18L:6D) or continuous illumination are common tools to enhance growth in commercial fish species (Taranger et al. 2010, Hansen et al. 2017. Under these illumination conditions, prolonged feeding periods and locomotion activities can significantly increase metabolic rates. ...
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Continuous illumination and increased feeding periods have enhanced growth in commercial fish species. However, oxygen consumption under these conditions has yet to be previously assessed in agastric short-intestine fish. This study evaluated Chirostoma estor (Atherinopsidae) oxygen consumption under three specific feeding and light regimes: resting-unfed, routine-fed, and continuous light/feeding. Fish in the continuous light/feeding condition presented oxygen consumption levels 60 and 20% higher than resting-unfed and routine-fed fish, respectively. The latter implies that constant high oxygen supply levels are required to satisfy the demand for C. estor raised under these high growth rate conditions. The present study shows the relevance of determining oxygen consumption levels during continuous illumination and extended feeding periods to consider optimal oxygen levels required to achieve better performance indicators, such as the growth and welfare of atherinopsids and species with similar digestive configurations.
... Unlike mammals, whose growth stops when they reach sexual maturity, fish grow throughout their life span (11), switching from somatic growth to reproduction and vice versa. The coordination of these two processes requires communication and reciprocal regulation between the somatotropic and hypothalamic-pituitarygonadal axes (12). For example, GH is regarded as a secondary reproduction hormone (10). ...
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The manipulation of the somatotropic axis, governing growth, has been a focus of numerous transgenic approaches aimed at developing fast-growing fish for research, medicine and aquaculture purposes. However, the excessively high growth hormone (GH) levels in these transgenic fish often result in deformities that impact both fish health and consumer acceptance. In an effort to mitigate these issues and synchronize exogenous GH expression with reproductive processes, we employed a novel transgenic construct driven by a tilapia luteinizing hormone (LH) promoter. This approach was anticipated to induce more localized and lower exogenous GH secretion. In this study, we characterized the growth and reproduction of these transgenic LHp-GH zebrafish using hormonal and physiological parameters. Our findings reveal that LHp-GH fish exhibited accelerated growth in both length and weight, along with a lower feed conversion ratio, indicating more efficient feed utilization, all while maintaining unchanged body proportions. These fish demonstrated higher expression levels of LH and GH in the pituitary and elevated IGF-1 levels in the liver compared to wild-type fish. An examination of reproductive function in LHp-GH fish unveiled lower pituitary LH and FSH contents, smaller follicle diameter in female gonads, and reduced relative fecundity. However, in transgenic males, neither the distribution of spermatogenesis stages nor sperm concentrations differed significantly between the fish lines. These results suggest that coupling exogenous GH expression with endogenous LH expression in females directs resource investment toward somatic growth at the expense of reproductive processes. Consequently, we conclude that incorporating GH under the LH promoter represents a suitable construct for the genetic engineering of commercial fish species, providing accelerated growth while preserving body proportions.
... Gonadal maturation occurs at the cost of stored energy, with massive amounts of nutrients mobilized from somatic cells to support germ cell development, potentially compromising muscle nutritional composition (Manor et al., 2012). Fish often experience a decrease in growth rate following the first sexual maturation (Felip et al., 2008;Taranger et al., 2010). As such, premature gonadal development can adversely affect early growth, as energy allocation is early redirected towards gonadal development (Arndt, 2000;Jonsson & Jonsson, 2014). ...
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Coilia nasus, a migratory fish species found in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and along offshore areas of China, possesses considerable aquacultural and economic potential. However, the species faces challenges due to significant variation in the gonadal development rate among females, resulting in inconsistent ovarian maturation times at the population level, an extended reproductive period, and limitations on fish growth rate due to ovarian prematurity. In the present study, we combined genome-wide association study (GWAS) and comparative transcriptome analysis to investigate the potential single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and candidate genes associated with population-asynchronous ovarian development in C. nasus. Genotyping of the female population based on whole-genome resequencing yielded 2 120 695 high-quality SNPs, 39 of which were suggestively associated with ovarian development. Of note, a significant SNP peak on LG21 containing 30 suggestively associated SNPs was identified, with cpne5a determined as the causal gene of the peak. Therefore, single-marker and haplotype association analyses were performed on cpne5a, revealing four genetic markers ( P<0.05) and seven haplotypes (r 2>0.9) significantly associated with the phenotype. Comparative transcriptome analysis of precociously and normally maturing individuals screened out 29 and 426 overlapping differentially expressed genes in the brain and ovary, respectively, between individuals of different body sizes. Integrating the GWAS and transcriptome analysis results, this study identified genes and pathways related to hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis hormone secretion, extracellular matrix, angiogenesis, and gap junctions involved in population-asynchronous ovarian development. The insights gained from this study provide a basis for a deeper understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying ovarian development in fish and may facilitate the genetic breeding of C. nasus strains exhibiting population-synchronous ovarian development in the future.
... Puberty is a physiological procedure that initiated after the sex distinction and defined by the onset of the germ cell maturity and functionally completed; it finishes in the first spermiation or ovulation (Taranger et al. 2010). Different light regimes were established to control puberty timing, as in Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (Liu and Duston 2018), brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis (Lundova et al. 2021). ...
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Farming of red tilapia is one promising direction in aquaculture. The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of long-day photoperiod on the growth performance, reproductive parameters, maturity, sex ratio, β-carotene content, and skin coloration of red tilapia. Early life larvae were allocated into three treatment groups in triplicates: T1 = control group (12L:12D), T2 = long-day group (18L:6D), and T3 = continuous illumination group (24L:0D) for 90 days. By the end of the experiment, gonadosomatic index (GSI), relative fecundity, steroid hormones, maturity stages, sex ratio, and ovarian and testicular histology were examined; also, growth performance, survival rate, skin color, and total β-carotene content were measured. The results indicated that GSI% and serum testosterone (T) in T3 group significantly increased with greater amount of spermatozoa of male fish. Also, growth parameters and HSI% in female fish displayed significantly increased for T3 group. Females in group T2 showed significant elevation in GSI%, relative fecundity, and estradiol (E2) with higher number of mature stage. Continuous light group (T3) showed shifted male sex ratio, while female percentage was higher in T2 group. The total β-carotene content of T3 group showed significant elevation with less number of black spots. This study demonstrated that continuous light manipulation during red tilapia early life could stimulate the growth and enhance coloration by reducing black spots that significantly affects economic profitability. Long-day application was effective in female reproductive performance and maturity. This study also served as an important reference for red tilapia aquaculture.
... Additionally, all-yearround production also enables the optimal use of facilities and can ensure better utilization of manpower and technical resources in aquafarms. As a result, the creation of three groups exposed to 1-year environmental regimes shifted by 3, 6, and 9 months will probably be enough to meet the constantly growing industry demand for egg and brood production throughout the year (Carrillo et al., 1993;Taranger et al., 2010). ...
... Ecological factors play fundamental roles in the maintenance of variation in life-history genes (Jops & O'Dwyer, 2023), particularly those linked with 'pace-of-life' traits (Arnqvist & Rowe, 2023). The timing of sexual maturation (age at maturity) is a crucial life-history trait influenced by environmental cues as well as genetic and physiological mechanisms regulating the onset of puberty (Taranger et al., 2010). ...
Sexual maturation in many fishes requires a major physiological change that involves a rapid transition between energy storage and usage. In Atlantic salmon, this transition for the initiation of maturation is tightly controlled by seasonality and requires a high-energy status. Lipid metabolism is at the heart of this transition since lipids are the main energy storing molecules. The balance between lipogenesis (lipid accumulation) and lipolysis (lipid use) determines energy status transitions. A genomic region containing a transcription co-factor of the Hippo pathway, vgll3, is the main determinant of maturation timing in Atlantic salmon. Interestingly, vgll3 acts as an inhibitor of adipogenesis in mice and its genotypes are potentially associated with seasonal heterochrony in lipid storage and usage in juvenile Atlantic salmon. Here, we explored changes in expression of more than 300 genes directly involved in the processes of adipogenesis, lipogenesis and lipolysis, as well as the Hippo pathway in the adipose tissue of immature and mature Atlantic salmon with distinct vgll3 genotypes. We found molecular evidence consistent with a scenario in which immature males with different vgll3 genotypes exhibit contrasting seasonal dynamics in their lipid profiles. We also identified components of the Hippo signalling pathway as potential major drivers of vgll3 genotype-specific differences in adipose tissue gene expression. This study demonstrates the importance of adipose gene expression patterns for directly linking environmental changes with energy balance and age at maturity through genetic factors bridging lipid metabolism, seasonality and sexual maturation.
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We used life-history theory to predict reaction norms for age and size at maturation. We assumed that fecundity increases with size and that juvenile mortality rates of offspring decrease as ages-at-maturity of parents increase, then calculated the reaction norm by varying growth rate and calculating an optimal age at maturity for each growth rate. The reaction norm for maturation should take one of at least four shapes that depend on specific relations between changes in growth rates and changes in adult mortality rates, juvenile mortality rates, or both. Most organisms should mature neither at a fixed size nor at a fixed age, but along an age-size trajectory. The model makes possible a clear distinction between the genetic and phenotypic components of variation. The evolved response to selection is reflected in the shape and position of the reaction norm. The phenotypic response of a single organism to rapid or slow growth is defined by the location of its maturation event as a point on the reaction norm. A quantitative test with data from 19 populations and species of fish showed that predictions were in good agreement with observations (r = 0.93, P < 0.0001). The predictions of the model also agreed qualitatively with observed phenotypic variation in age and size at maturity in humans, platyfish, fruit flies, and red deer. This preliminary success suggests that experiments designed to test the predictions directly will be worthwhile.
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The effects of aging oocytes for 6 hours before fertilization in the European catfish Silurus glanis are compared with the same experiment under normal conditions (stripping and fertilization immediately after ovulation). Fertilization rate and hatching rate are lower in the aged groups, while the percentages of malformed larvae and chromosomal abnormalities are significantly higher. Several kinds of abnormalities are described in detail.
The breeding system of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) is shaped both by natural selection for offspring production and by sexual selection for access to mating opportunities. These evolutionary forces operate with differing intensities in the two sexes to shape their breeding behaviour and tactics. Female breeding success is largely dependent on egg production, access to breeding territories, and nest quality and survival. By contrast, male breeding success is largely determined by access to ovipositing females. As such, the breeding system of Atlantic salmon is similar to that of other members of the subfamily Salmoninae. However, early male maturity, a common pattern within the Salmoninae, reaches its greatest expression in both terms of frequency and magnitude of the mature male size difference in Atlantic salmon. Despite generalities, spawning populations of Atlantic salmon are not static, as they exhibit spatial and temporal variability in demography (e.g., spawner density, sex ratio, age at maturity, and body size). Events, both natural and anthropogenic (e.g., exploitation, habitat alteration, and climatic changes), affect this variability and ultimately shape the breeding system.
Two groups of amago salmon (Oncorhynchus masu ishikawai) with large differences in incidence of early maturity were reared in similar environments and periodically sampled beginning 1 week after exogenous feeding commenced in January and ending in June when maturing individuals could be distinguished. Mean weight of fish in the two groups did not differ beyond the first month of feeding; however, the early-maturing group had significantly greater variation in weight, significantly higher triacylglycerol content in the first sample taken, and maintained higher triacylglycerol content throughout the experiment. Thus, we describe fat storage differences in early-maturing salmon and in salmon that do not mature early, at a far younger age than has been reported previously. In addition, glycogen content and the activities of several enzymes involved in energy storage were examined. Seasonal trends in energy storage show an overall reduction in fat storage in both groups and some differences in glycogen storage dynamics between the groups in late spring. Our results support a previous hypothesis that a size or energy storage threshold must be surpassed for maturation to occur and furthermore suggest that the decision to mature could be made at a very early stage of development.
Growth hormone (GH) binding to testis tissue and GH action on trout testicular cells were studied in vitro. Labeled salmon GH (sGH) was able to bind to a trout testis membrane preparation. Binding sites showed high affinity (Ka = 1–2 × 109M-1 ) and low capacity (11 fmol/g fresh tissue) for 125I-sGH. Salmon GH and bovine GH, but not salmon gonadotropin, could compete with 125I-sGH for site occupancy. The binding characteristics were similar to those of trout liver GH receptors that we previously described. Salmon GH (0.1 and 1 µg/rn1) and bovine GH (10 µg/ml) could modulate steroidogenesis in cultured testicular cells: 17α-hydroxy, 20β-dihydroprogesterone (17α20β0HP) accumulation in culture medium was stimulated by GH addition, and this effect increased with duration of culture and/or stimulation; 11-ketotestosterone accumulation tended to be inhibited in the presence of GH at the beginning of culture. These effects were dependent on GH concentration and were observed both in the absence and presence of gonadotropin. The amplitude of the sGH effect varied between experiments, probably according to the physiological state of the cells used. In vivo, GH and 17α20βOHP plasma levels increased at the beginning of spermiation (sperm production) and decreased at the end of spermiation. This relationship suggests that, at the end of the reproductive cycle, high GH levels are associated with the production of 17α20βOHP, a progestin necessary for efficient spawning in this species. We conclude that GH may play a role in testicular physiology, at least at certain stages of spermatogenesis.
Interactions of catecholamines and GnRH in regulation of gonadotropin secretion in teleost fish