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Driving Style Analysis using Spectral Features of Accelerometer Signals


Abstract and Figures

The paper presents analysis of 3-axis accelerometer driving data in order to estimate driving style. We assume that driving style could be roughly divided into two groups: aggressive driving and safe driving. Methodology used in this research is applicable to shuttle transport driving analysis and gives possibility to analyze driving style of different road segments. The results of this work show that longitudinal acceleration data could be used in order to effectively classify aggressive and safe driving trip by using short-time Fourier transform features of different road segments.
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Proceedings of 9
International Conference ITELMS2014
Driving Style Analysis using Spectral Features of Accelerometer Signals
G. Zylius, V. Vaitkus, P. Lengvenis
Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania, E-mail:
The paper presents analysis of 3-axis accelerometer driving data in order to estimate driving style. We assume that
driving style could be roughly divided into two groups: aggressive driving and safe driving. Methodology used in this
research is applicable to shuttle transport driving analysis and gives possibility to analyze driving style of different road
segments. The results of this work show that longitudinal acceleration data could be used in order to effectively classify
aggressive and safe driving trip by using short-time Fourier transform features of different road segments.
KEYWORDS: driving style, 3-axis accelerometer, driver classification, spectral analysis.
1. Introduction
The analysis of driving style for the companies, such as public transport, delivery service or insurance could
help to manage service quality and increase yield by giving the possibility to control or monitor driver behavior which
is related to appropriate driving style.
Signals related to driving behavior could be divided into 3 main groups: vehicles signals, drivers signals and
environment signals. Vehicle signals are obtained from dynamics of vehicle, states and outputs (w.r.t. vehicle). Drivers
signals are obtained from drivers state (physiological signals) and output (drivers operating signals). Environment
signals are signals that could be obtained from the traffic environment, such as states of surrounding vehicles, road
signals (line markings, terrain, potholes, condition).
There are numerous researches done related to driving behavior analysis. In paper [1, 2] the experiment with
instrumented vehicle was done with different drivers and analysis of drivers operating signals (pressure of accelerator
and brake pedals of the vehicle) by modeling each individual driver using Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) showed
that biometric driver identification could be done using those signals dynamic features combined with state and that
they carry individual driver biometric information the most comparing other signals. Further researches of the same
group of scientist [3] show that increase in driver identification rate is obtained using spectral features (i.e., cepstum) of
brake and accelerator pedal pressure signals.
In [4] the experiment with driving behavior was done using in-vehicle CAN-bus signals. The research results
showed that using available CAN-bus signals (such as steering wheel angle, brake/acceleration status and vehicles
speed) using Hidden Markov Models (HMM) combined with GMM identification of driving maneuvers could be
obtained without other external sensory data. Much later, using same vehicle, the experiment was done [5] that
compared available CAN-bus signals and smart portable off-the-shelf device (i.e., tablet PC) sensory information. The
results show that using portable device as a sensor platform the driving maneuver identification rate was higher that
using CAN-bus information.
The use of smart portable devices sensors for Driver Assistance Systems (DAS) emerges rapidly because of
relatively rich sensor information available and that no additional external computational hardware is necessary. It is
also is affected by the fact that more and more people are using smartphones and DAS could be implemented without
additional hardware as an application program only which is very cheap and easy to apply. For example, in the
smartphone as a sensor platform was applied in the [6] for aggressive driving and driving event recognition. The
reseach of vehicles condition evaluation, road condition classification and driving behavior evaluation system also
using smartphone was done in [7]. Both experiment used smartphone inertial measurement sensors (accelerometer or
gyroscope) and GPS.
In this work we consider that driving style could be divided into two main groups: aggressive and safe driving
(regardless the land vehicle type). Aggressive driving should be considered driving type containing all negative driving
features that contribute to reckless driving, vehicle damaging, passengers discomfort and also fuel consumption. Safe
driving should be considered driving type opposite to aggressive driving. Motivated by the previous experiments using
vehicles inertial signals [6-10] in this experiment that show the effectiveness of inertial sensors in driving style
capturing, we use only 3-axis accelerometer data to classify driving style into aggressive and safe driving.
Our experiment constraints are as follows: the same driver is driving the same vehicle in aggressive and safe
driving style on the same route. The research results application will be related to shuttle transport services when the vehicle
is driven the same route all the time and no different route consideration is necessary. Spectral analysis is used in order to
obtain features from accelerometer signals that later are used for driving style classification into aggressive and safe.
Further the paper is divided into following sections: 1) Accelerometer signal pre-processing; 2) Spectral
features extraction; 3) Feature selection; 4) Driving style classification; 5) Conclusions and future work.
2. Accelerometer signal pre-processing
In this section a signal pre-processing is described, that is necessary for appropriate further use of the signal. In
Fig. 1 two examples of safe/normal and aggressive driving styles are depicted of all accelerometer (G-sensor) signals.
In depicted example (Fig. 1), signal values at the end (from 16,000
to 20,000
safe/normal driving signal
discrete values and from 12,500
to 15,000
aggressive driving signal discrete values) correspond to inactive driving
period which doesnt contain information about driving style. This kind of signal end information should be removed.
The simple thresholding methodology cannot be used for this kind of filtering because of possible data spikes (Fig. 1
aggressive driving discretes >14,000) and bias values of signal in stop period (as depicted in Fig. 2). The bias values
occur because the vehicle can stop in any position w.r.t. gravity vector and because the accelerometer (G-sensor) values
are measured w.r.t. gravity vector, the bias values depend on slope of the platform the vehicle is stopped (standstill on
the uphill or downhill).
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
x 10
Normal driving
Acceleration amplitude
Data point number
2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000
Aggressive driving
Acceleration amplitude
Data point number
Fig. 1. 3-axis accelerometer signal examples of driving in aggressive and safe driving styles the same route. Signal
values at the end correspond to inactive period (when vehicle is not moving) and must be discarded for further
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
x 10
Discrete Number
Acceleration Amplitude
1st longitud. acceleration
2nd longitud. acceleration
end of trip (start of standstill period)
Fig. 2. Longitudinal acceleration signals of two trips of the same route. Bias is depicted as difference of two signals
when vehicle standstill
In order to solve the pre-processing problem mentioned above we use median sliding window filter
methodology for filtering three accelerometer signals at once. The signal end sections after proposed filtering are
depicted in Fig. 3. The automatic median filtering technique removes signal values using sliding window until the
minimum median difference threshold value of signal window is violated (minimum median difference value is 1). The
tradeoff between window length and precise median estimation exist, in this experiment we use 100 discrete sliding
1000 2000 3000 4000
Acceleration Amplitude
Lateral Axis
1000 2000 3000 4000
Discrete number
Vertical Axis
1000 2000 3000 4000
Longitudinal Axis
Fig. 3. Raw acceleration signals and filtered signals using median sliding window methodology
3. Spectral feature extraction
The aggressiveness of driving style is related to variability of the acceleration signals, it could be noticed in
Fig. 1 example that when driving aggressively the range of signal and variability increases. From the first look, when
analyzing signal in time domain, it could be reasonable to determine some threshold values and calculate the times the
signal violate threshold values. But, as mentioned before, the acceleration signal amplitude are calculated w.r.t. gravity
vector and if vehicle is going uphill for example, the bias value occur and simple thresholding doesnt work. Therefore
we use spectral analysis: the signal variability and power (high amplitude deviations) could be captured using short-
time Fourier transform. The whole signal Fourier transform can only capture the whole signal variability and no
information about possible occasional aggressive driving. In order to capture aggressiveness of driving in the signal
zones of interest and increase their contribution, a windowed (short-time) Fourier transform should be applied: short-
time significant aggressiveness of signal could be obtained and so more precisely the driving style could be estimated
taking into consideration short-time signal intervals of the whole trip. Before that, signal resampling were performed to
have same amount of data for each signal. The short-time Fourier transform (in continuous time domain) is defined as
)()(),( (1)
is frequency;
is time; )(
-tw is window function (in our experiment we use Hamming window). After the
short-time Fourier transform (using fast Fourier transform in MATLAB environment), we calculate power spectral
density. The power spectral density matrix is defined as:
),(),( jiFkjiP = (2)
where ),( jiF is discrete-time fast Fourier transform and k for one-sided power spectral density is defined as follows:
where L is length of window. At zero and Nyquist frequencies, the factor of two in the numerator is replaced by 1. After
the power spectral density calculation the example of spectrogram (logarithm of power spectral density in time
windows of short-time Fourier transform) is depicted in Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. An example of one axis accelerometer signal spectrogram (PSD power spectral density) using 500 signal
discrete window length with 50% overlap factor
Further we use logarithm of power spectral density of appropriate frequency values as features for each
window segment and later use for classification of aggressive and safe driving segments for each driving trip.
4. Feature selection
In this section, we discuss feature selection algorithm which is useful for dimensionality reduction and selected
features are later used for classification. In this research we use Principal Component Analysis (PCA) methodology for
dimensionality reduction. Principal component analysis (PCA) is a statistical procedure that uses orthogonal
transformation to convert a set of observations of possibly correlated variables into a set of values of linearly
uncorrelated variables called principal components. The example of PCA operation is given in Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. An example of principal component analysis for dimensionality reduction. PCA assumes maximum variance
criterion when choosing most discriminative principal components for classification task
The PCA analysis using various combinations of signal features are graphically illustrated in Fig.6. Depicted
segments were selected using reference aggressive driving and safe driving signals. From Fig. 6 the discriminative
capabilities can be seen for various combinations selecting first two principal components for visualization. It is clear
that longitudinal acceleration data alone can reasonably good be used for classification, however still combination of
longitudinal and lateral acceleration, longitudinal and vertical acceleration and all three signal combination could be
also reasonable choice. Other combinations seem to give less important results to further we investigate previous
mentioned combinations.
-400 -200 0 200 400
Safe driving segments
Aggressive driving segments
-200 -100 0 100 200
-200 -100 0 100 200
-200 -100 0 100 200
-200 -100 0 100 200
-200 -100 0 100 200
-200 -100 0 100 200
PC 2
PC 1
Fig. 6. Reference aggressive and safe driving segment PCA extracted features (two Principal Components (PC))
illustration after combining various signals original features (spectrograms)
5. Driving style classification
In previous section we used PCA analysis to investigate what combinations of features to use further for
classification. In this section we use whole driving signal (aggressive and safe) segments using moving window with
50% overlap factor in order to generate spectrogram features and classify them, when classification method is trained
with previously (section 4) depicted aggressive and safe driving segments. The purpose of this classification is as
follows: each separate driving trip segments (after performing spectrogram feature generation) principal components
(principal component eigenvectors are obtained from reference driving trips) are used as an input to the trained
classifier in order to obtain score of driving trip (aggressiveness or safety of driving trip after classifying each driving
segment into aggressive or safe). And we compare classification-based scores with the expert decisions about safe or
aggressive driving trip.
For this task, we used Random Forest (RF) classifier with two principal components. No additional cross-
validation checks were performed because of RF classifier (bagged decision trees in MATLAB) internal use of bagging
(bootstrap aggregating) ensemble methodology. Classification results after out-of-bag error analysis favor longitudinal
acceleration signal alone compared to other combinations (Fig. 7) achieving only ~3% error for aggressive and safe
reference segments. So further we use only longitudinal acceleration signal in order to obtain aggressiveness and safety
score for each driving trip.
The results of aggressiveness and safety of driving using experimental driving trips are summarized in Tab. 1.
0 10 20 30
0 10 20 30
0 10 20 30
0 10 20 30
out-of-bag classification error
number of grown trees
Fig. 7. Out-of-bag random forest classification error dependency on number of grown trees. The smallest
misclassification percentage is using only longitudinal signal features
Table 1
Aggressive and safe driving trips classification and expert label comparison
Safe segments
Aggressive segments
Aggressive/safe Expert label
6. Conclusions
After the comparison in Table 1, it is observed that high correlation between expert labels and aggressive/safe
ratio obtained by classifying each road segment, exist: the bigger the ratio, the more aggressive driving is.
Classification methodology presented in this work could be useful for automatic aggressive driving detection
and recognition. After all analysis we can conclude that for our application purposes longitudinal acceleration signal
information is sufficient.
This research also shows that with appropriate constraints, driving style classification and recognition
(considering aggressive and safe driving) can be done by a very low cost sensory information longitudinal
accelerometer alone and lets minimize system costs to minimum. Only requirements for the sensor is appropriate
attachment to vehicle body. This king of system would not interfere with any vehicle system devices and is easily to
integrate with other system elements.
In future, we will use more inertial signals and are planning to expand the possibilities for this kind of system
by minimizing constraints and integrating more features that would increase capabilities of transport management.
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... At the same time, the driver's behaviors will be guided to improve traffic safety. To detect aggressive driving behaviors, in many driving style analysis studies, normal (safe/defensive) driving is given as a referent [17]. As explained in [16], dangerous and safe driving styles can be divided into different levels. ...
... Based on fuzzy rules the output of the system is used to classify the individual driving behaviors into the different driving styles. In [17] aggressive driving style is classified using 3-axis (lateral, vertical, longitudinal) accelerometer data. The authors compare using one acceleration signal alone or combining two or three of them to recognize driving styles. ...
Full text available from: || Current research and development in recognizing and predicting driving behaviors plays an important role in the development of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). For this reason, many machine learning approaches have been developed and applied. Hidden Markov Model (HMM) is a suitable algorithm due to its ability to handle time series data and state transition descriptions. Therefore, this contribution will focus on a review of HMM and its applications. The aim of this contribution is to analyze the current state of various driving behavior models and related HMM-based algorithms. By examining the current available approaches, a review is provided with respect to: i) influencing factors of driving behaviors corresponding to the research objectives of different driving models, ii) summarizing HMM related methods applied to driving behavior studies, and iii) discussing limitations, issues, and future potential works of the HMM-based algorithms. Conclusions with respect to the development of intelligent driving assistant system and vehicle dynamics control systems are given. || Link to our repository:
... Three-axis acceleration sensors constitute the foundation for a system aimed at determining the profile of the driver described in the paper [32]. The obtained acceleration values undergo a spectral analysis and are then used in conjunction with a suitable algorithm to enable recognition of an 'aggressive' driver and a 'safe' driver. ...
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For many institutions, it is important to evaluate a given driving technique as safe or unsafe based on measurable vehicle movement parameters. The paper constitutes a part of studies aimed at establishing a method of parameter-based evaluation of drivers in various road conditions, in other words, to create a so-called ‘driver profile’. The tests were carried out on a 650 km route, on four varying road types. Longitudinal and lateral acceleration values are used to evaluate the driving style. An analysis is presented of the impact of the type and shape of road on acceleration values. The results demonstrate that the same driver, when driving the same vehicle on an expressway, an inter-urban road or in urban traffic, will move with various acceleration values. A detailed analysis of acceleration values and distributions was conducted. Interesting conclusions were drawn after excluding the so-called ‘smooth driving’ sections, by acceleration ranges of −0.5 to 0.5 m/s2 from the analysis. This allowed for the evaluation of the structure of other longitudinal and lateral acceleration values. After this modification, the distributions showed specificity for the given road type, thereby allowing the road type used by the vehicle’s driver to be recognized based solely on the distribution.
... While most existing driving style studies only use statistical features for classification, spectral features have been adopted in two previous studies. One was implemented by Žylius et al. in 2014 [23]. They used short-time Fourier transform to analyse accelerometer signals and classify driving styles as aggressive and safe. ...
All drivers have their own habitual choice of driving behavior, causing variations in fuel consumption. It would be beneficial to classify these driving styles and extract the most economical and ecological driving patterns. However, driving style of each driver is not consistent and may vary within a single trip. Therefore, this paper proposes a novel technique to robustly classify driving style using the Support Vector Clustering approach, which attempts to differentiate the variations in individual's driving pattern and provides an objective driver classification. It is part of a research program aiming to replicate some humans' driving behaviors on chassis dynamometer using a robot driver. Moreover, it can potentially be used in developing more economical and personalized advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and humanized autonomous driving strategies. With the easily accessible on-board diagnostics (OBD) data on modern vehicles, both vehicle state and traffic information of three drivers were collected using an instrumented vehicle, which had external forward-looking radar and a monocular dashcam. For data processing, each trip data was first segmented into separate event groups. Prominent factors were then extracted by applying Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on both statistical and spectral features of all signals. Afterwards, Support Vector Clustering (SVC) was performed to classify driving style during the trip. The trained classifier was used to indicate the driving pattern variations in percentage. The validity of the proposed method was evaluated using the jerk profile, where a high correlation was found between the classification results and jerk distributions. Moreover, a positive relation between fuel consumption and driving aggressivity was also confirmed. Furthermore, it was found that weather condition, time of the day and ultimately, the driver's eagerness, can cause significant variations in driving style. © 2019 International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology.
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The safety of road users is one of the priority issues taken into account in both the operation and design of vehicles. The presented work is part of a study that aims to develop a method for parametric assessment of driver behavior. The driving style of a driver depends on their skills and psychophysical characteristics, the type and performance of the vehicle used by the driver, and the type of road. This method involves the continuous measurement of the longitudinal and lateral acceleration values of a vehicle body. The paper analyzes how the type of road influences the structure of the maneuvers undertaken by the driver. The paper formulates criteria for distinguishing basic maneuvers (acceleration, braking, and turning). The structure of maneuvers was analyzed for two parameters: the extreme value of acceleration occurring during the execution of a given maneuver and the frequency of maneuvers during the passage of a given route. The analysis presented in this paper confirms that the type of road has a significant influence on the structure of the maneuvers undertaken by the driver.
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This work is focused on the development of system able to keep tracking driver’s behavior without a black box device mounted inside the car. Firstly, we intend to explore the data from GPS (Global Positioning System), accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer for a full characterization of the vehicle dynamics. Secondly, we develop an event detector that determines and classifies distinct kind of maneuvers, like turns, lane change, U-turns, among others. Finally, we developed a simple aggressiveness classifier using fuzzy logic. Experiments have been conducted and the initial results of the system were found to be encouraging on the implementation of a non-intrusive system for driver analysis.
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In this paper, we propose a driver identification method that is based on the driving behavior signals that are observed while the driver is following another vehicle. Driving behavior signals, such as the use of the accelerator pedal, brake pedal, vehicle velocity, and distance from the vehicle in front, are measured using a driving simulator. We compared the identification rate obtained using different identification models and different features. As a result, we found the nonparametric models is better than the parametric models. Also, the driver's operation signals were found to be better than road environment signals and car behavior signals. The identification rate for thirty driver using actual vehicle driving in a city area was 73%.
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We investigate the uniqueness of driver behavior in vehicles and the possibility of using it for personal identification with the objectives of achieving safer driving, of assisting the driver in case of emergencies, and of being a part of a multi-mode biometric signature for driver identification. We use Gaussian mixture models (GMM) for modeling the individualities of the accelerator and brake pedal pressures, and focus on not only the static features, but also the dynamics of the pedal pressures. Experimental results show that the dynamic features significantly improve the performance of driver identification.
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The article describes the analysis of the dynamic behaviour of a vehicle when driving, which indirectly reflects the behaviour of the driver. Our aim is to verify the options for assessing the condition of the driver that are provided by analysis of lateral and longitudinal acceleration of the vehicle. The steps taken, the types of metrics and their relevance for reliable acquisition of information about the medium-and short-term factors of the condition of the driver are described.
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Currently there are many research focused on using smartphone as a data collection device. Many have shown its sensors ability to replace a lab test bed. These inertial sensors can be used to segment and classify driving events fairly accurately. In this research we explore the possibility of using the vehicle's inertial sensors from the CAN bus to build a profile of the driver to ultimately provide proper feedback to reduce the number of dangerous car maneuver. Braking and turning events are better at characterizing an individual compared to acceleration events. Histogramming the time-series values of the sensor data does not help performance. Furthermore, combining turning and braking events helps better differentiate between two similar drivers when using supervised learning techniques compared to separate events alone, albeit with anemic performance.
Conference Paper
With the proliferation of smart portable devices, more people have started using them within the vehicular environment while driving. Although these smart devices provide a variety of useful information, using them while driving significantly affects the driver's attention towards the road. This can in turn cause driver distraction and lead to increased risk of crashes. On the positive side, these devices are equipped with powerful sensors which can be effectively utilized towards driver behavior analysis and safety. This study evaluates the effectiveness of portable sensor information in driver assistance systems. Available signals from the CAN-bus are compared with those extracted from an off-the-shelf portable device for recognizing patterns in driving sub-tasks and maneuvers. Through our analysis, a qualitative feature set is identified with which portable devices could be employed to prune the search space in recognizing driving maneuvers and possible instances of driver distraction. An absolute improvement of 15% is achieved with portable sensor information compared to CAN-bus signals, which motivates further study of portable devices to build driver behavior models for driver assistance systems.
Driving style can characteristically be divided into two categories: "typical" (non-aggressive) and aggressive. Understanding and recognizing driving events that fall into these categories can aid in vehicle safety systems. Potentially-aggressive driving behavior is currently a leading cause of traffic fatalities in the United States. More often than not, drivers are unaware that they commit potentially-aggressive actions daily. To increase awareness and promote driver safety, we are proposing a novel system that uses Dynamic Time Warp-ing (DTW) and smartphone based sensor-fusion (accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer, GPS, video) to detect, recognize and record these actions without external processing. Our system differs from past driving pattern recognition research by fusing related inter-axial data from multiple sensors into a single classifier. It also utilizes Euler representation of device attitude (also based on fused data) to aid in classification. All processing is done completely on the smartphone.