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A multi-criteria decision making approach for recommending a product using sentiment analysis



Nowadays, online platform has become a modern means of shopping among people. The reviews of products by customers have been proliferating on the online platform for a while. Since a large number of reviews are available, invariably customers read reviews before buying the product. Majority of the reviews are lengthy and repetitive, some of them even have nothing to do with the product itself. Going through the reviews before making a decision has become a tedious task. Further, the product selection is a complex decision making problem where several criteria are involved in the decision making process. Researchers have used methods like machine learning and sentiment classification to analyze the review of customers to summarize them. However, review summarization does not suggest the best/worst product. This study aims to recommend the best product based on the opinions expressed in the customers' reviews. We analyze the reviews of customers from various online platforms and use effective multi criteria decision making approach to evaluate and recommend the best suitable product. Real-time dataset from Flipkart and Amazon are used to evaluate our system's performance. Different case studies have shown that our proposed method produces a promising result which can help the user in the decision making process.
A Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approach for Recommending a Product using
Sentiment Analysis
Gaurav Kumar, Graduate Student Member, IEEE
School of Computer and Systems Sciences
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi, India.
Supervisor: Dr. Parimala N.
Abstract Nowadays, online platform has become a modern
means of shopping among people. The reviews of products by
customers have been proliferating on the online platform for a
while. Since a large number of reviews are available, invariably
customers read reviews before buying the product. Majority of the
reviews are lengthy and repetitive, some of them even have nothing
to do with the product itself. Going through the reviews before
making a decision has become a tedious task. Further, the product
selection is a complex decision making problem where several
criteria are involved in the decision making process. Researchers
have used methods like machine learning and sentiment
classification to analyze the review of customers to summarize
them. However, review summarization does not suggest the
best/worst product. This study aims to recommend the best
product based on the opinions expressed in the customers’ reviews.
We analyze the reviews of customers from various online
platforms and use effective multi criteria decision making
approach to evaluate and recommend the best suitable product.
Real-time dataset from Flipkart and Amazon are used to evaluate
our system’s performance. Different case studies have shown that
our proposed method produces a promising result which can help
the user in the decision making process.
KeywordsSentiment Analysis, Review Mining, Smartphone
Evaluation, Multi Criteria Decision Making, AHP, TOPSIS, WSM
The ease of internet access and user interface of various
online platforms make customers more comfortable in sharing
their experience online. The user provides reviews and valuable
feedback about products or services they use which result in a
large number of reviews. Many consumers say that online
reviews impact their buying decisions [1]. According to a
survey report released by Pew Research Centre, 82% of U.S.
adults agree that online reviews help them decide whether or
not to purchase a product, including roughly one-third who
agree very much1.
For instance, if one looks at smartphone reviews on any
online shopping website, the number of reviews can be from a
few thousand to a few hundred thousand. The majority of the
reviews are lengthy and repetitive, and some even have nothing
to do with the product itself. Customers invariably read reviews
before buying the product. Examining all reviews can be dreary
and unbeneficial. On the contrary, if the customer reads only a
few reviews, he or she may get biased views. It would be
excellent if these reviews could be pre-processed automatically
and the best product is recommended to the user.
Most of the current work on recommender systems [2][7]
is based on the assumption that rating alone is not sufficient to
decide the overall quality of an item. Because the meaning of
rating is ambiguous and it varies with the knowledge,
experience, and understanding of the customers towards the
services or products they use. Some researchers [7][13] have
extracted valuable information from online reviews and
combined with the traditional recommendation algorithm to
enhance the accuracy of recommendation. Moreover, it has
been observed that the new buyers mostly need an overall
opinion about the product rather than fifty four-star ratings and
fifty three-star ratings [14]. Many researchers [15][18] have
analyzed customer reviews by using several classical machine
learning and sentiment classification approaches such as Naive
Bayes, Support Vector Machine, and Maximum Entropy
methods to provide summarized information to the new user.
Review analysis can be broadly categorized as those dealing
a) Summary of the review as a whole, and
b) Feature-wise summary of the review
Consider (a). Early work in this area was primarily focused
on polarity classification of reviews. Reviews wereclassified
as positive or negative by looking for the occurrence of specific
sentiment phrases or words. A different source of sentiment
phrase has been proposed including manually constructed
dictionary [20], WordNet [21], and search engine hit [22].
Various machine learning algorithms have also been applied to
classify and summarize the reviews based on the polarity of
user’s sentiment [23][26]. All methods performed relatively
well but failed to provide high accuracy because results
suggested that customers provide mixed reviews, e.g., praising
some features of the product but criticizing others.
Consider (b). Apart from identification of features which
are important, the researchers have focused on identifying the
semantic orientation of the words which express opinions of
these features. In reference [27], authors obtain common
features using association rule mining considering noun phrases
as features. They also use various pruning techniques to filter
the unwanted features from review database and used WordNet
synonyms and antonyms in conjunction with a set of seed words
to find sentiment orientation of opinion words. In [28], the web
as a corpus is used to find the product features, and relaxation
labeling strategy is used to identify the semantic orientation of
opinion words. Reference [31] used a SentiWordNet based
algorithm, and in [29] knowledge base approach using linguistic
rules are used to distinguish the opinionated sentences and
determine the product’s features for feature wise review
We notice the following drawbacks currently facing product
recommendation when reviews are the basis for
1) The summary of user reviews is a polarized one
Excellent or Poor. However, it has been argued in the research
community[30][32] that a positive opinion on an item does not
imply that the customer liked everything about the item and a
negative opinion does not infer that the customer disliked
everything about the item.
2) When feature-wise review summary is presented to the
user, he/she still faces the difficulty of choosing the right
product. This is because the choice of a product is a complex
decision making problem involving multiple criteria and feature
wise summary does not recommend the best/worst product.
The objective of this thesis is to evaluate products from a list of
alternatives based on costumersreviews and recommend the
best one to the user. In the proposed method,
1) Reviews of products are analyzed to compute the
sentiments expressed with each one of them.
2) The features with their sentiments are combined to
recommend a product. The different combinations can give rise
to multiple alternatives. To find the best product from all
feasible alternatives in the presence of multiple, usually
conflicting decision criteria, an effective Multi Criteria
Decision Making (MCDM) algorithm is used.
In other words, we have proposed to integrate sentiment
analysis with Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM)
approach to recommend the best product from user reviews.
The layout of the paper is as follows. In section 2, we
have described the research design and proposed solutions of
our work. The experiments are discussed in section 3. The
results of the work completed so far are discussed in section 4.
Lastly, we have concluded the paper with future scope in
section 5.
In this thesis, reviews of a list of products are analyzed to
recommend the best product to the user. The architecture of the
system is shown in Figure 1. The steps are explained below.
1) Crawl Review: Reviews of products are crawled from
a different e-commerce website, and pre-processing is
performed to remove HTML tag and stop words. Only certified
buyers’ reviews are considered which are most recent. As a
result, we overcome the disadvantage of not considering
reviews which may be obsolete.
2) Important Feature Selection: In a review, there are
many features of the product on which customers express their
views based on their personal experiences and satisfaction.
We do not consider all the product’s features as decision criteria
but identify a list of top features which are very essential to the
most of the users and consider them as essential decision
criteria for the product selection. To select the features, we have
proposed two different methodologies. In the first
methodology, the following steps are performed to identify
essential decision criteria:
a) In the first step, we note a list of standard features of a
product from its official website.
b) In the second step, Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK)
Parser [33] is used to parse the review sentence, and
Term-Frequency approach is applied to identify the
popular features where popular is considered as the
ones most discussed among the user community. As a
result, a count is associated with each feature.
c) In the third step, the top n features of step 2 which also
appear in step 1 are picked up. From the list of top n
features identified in step 3, x (where x<n) of them
which are essential, are picked up. To do so, a survey
is conducted to understand the relative importance of
these features, wherein thirty experts who happen to
be research scholars at our university have been asked
to give a rating on a rank scale of 1-10. The lowest
value indicates least importance and highest value
indicates the highest importance of the feature. A list
of top x essential features is picked up as decision
criteria for the analysis.
In the second methodology, we have followed a multi-pronged
approach where four different aspects are considered to identify
the essential features. These aspects are defined below:
a) Literature studies,
b) The experience of experts,
Crawl Review
Important Feature
Opinion Identification
and Strength Computation
using MCDM approach
Figure 1 Product Evaluation Framework
c) Customer’s reviews mining (same procedure of step of
the previous methodology)
d) A survey conducted among a target group, and
A list of top x essential features is picked up, after combining
the four steps described above, as decision criteria for the
3) Opinion Identification and Strength Computation:
After a list of essential features obtained in the previous step,
the corresponding opinion words have been identified. We have
considered three words distance forward and backward from
feature word to identify the opinion. In this paper, only JJ word
is used as an opinion word for our research. Fuzzy string
matching concept is used to handle the issue of words variant.
After identifying the opinion word, SentiWordNet lexicon
dictionary is used to compute the strength of opinion word. It is
an extension of WordNet lexicon that provides the semantic
strength of each synset in terms of Pos(s), Neg(s) and Obj(s)
value on the scale of 0-1. The sum of these three values is
always 1.0. For each opinion word, SentiWordNet retrieves the
synset. If SentiWordNet does not find any suitable synset, the
sentiment score for this word is zero. If more than one synset
(or several synsets with differing sentiment scores) is returned,
then our system considers the very first score of synset which is
associated with an adjective tag. The very first occurrence of
synset in SentiWordNet Lexicon is said to be the most
occurring word in general [34]. We will address the precise
gloss identification of synset that returns multiple values in our
future work.
4) Best Product Evaluation: The best product is
evaluated using MCDM approach. It finds the best opinion
product from all feasible alternatives in the presence of
multiple, usually conflicting decision criteria. Here, the list of
top essential features identified in Step 2 form the attributes of
the MCDM algorithm. The opinion value computed in Step 3
populates the information matrix where different MCDM
approaches are applied. We have proposed to use two different
approaches to evaluate the best product as described below:
a) In the first approach, Weighted Sum Method (WSM) multi
criteria decision making algorithm is used to evaluate the
ranking of a list of products and the best one is
recommended to the user. Case study-1 shows its
b) In the second approach, Technique for Order Preference by
Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) multi criteria
decision making approach is used to evaluate the ranking
of a list of products and the best one is recommended to the
user. Case study-2 shows its implementation.
III. Experiments and Discussion
The experiment of product evaluation framework follows the
four steps outlined above. In the first step, customer’s reviews
are crawled from Flipkart and Amazon website. In the second
step, we identify the list of essential features based on
consumer’s preferences. In the third step, we calculate the
strength of the opinion expressed on these features, and in the
last step, we apply different MCDM approaches to evaluate the
best product for the recommendation. All these processes have
been implemented on the Python platform. We have performed
our experiment on two case studies as discussed below.
A. Case Study I Digital Camera Selection
We have taken reviews of top 10 digital cameras from
Amazon’s2 website for the case study of the first proposed
solution. Digital cameras are selected based on two criteria to
avoid biasedness. Firstly, a digital camera should have been
reviewed by at least 1,000 reviewers, i.e., it should contain at
least 1,000 reviews. Secondly, the selected digital camera
should be from a famous brand, i.e., familiar to the user
community. Based on these two criteria, top 10 digital cameras
are selected, and a dataset is created which contains 10,000
reviews, 1000 reviews of each digital camera. Some cameras
may be of the same brand. Each review contains a text review
and a title. Additional information is available but is not used in
this analysis, including date, time, author name, location, and
ratings. These review documents were then cleaned to discard
HTML tags and other additional information. Now, we conduct
the experiments in the following steps:
1) Identification of Most Important Features: The
process of identifying the most influencing criteria are followed
as discussed in section II. The first methodology discussed in
that section is implemented, and from this, the top five most
important features: Picture, Cost, Zoom, Battery, and Memory
are identified and used as decision criteria for the product
2) Opinion Identification and Strength Computation:
Once the list of top features is identified, our system identifies
the concordant opinion expressed on that feature as discussed
in the previous section. The system computes the average
sentiment score of opinion words for each feature to all five
cameras. An information matrix of the camera vs. feature is
generated. Each column in the information matrix contains
three values; each value plays a vital role in decision making
process. The first value represents aggregated positive score,
second is an aggregate negative score, and last is the total
number of users who have expressed an opinion on the
corresponding feature. Since MCDM approaches are best
applicable on decision matrix, we have derived the decision
matrix in the following way:
Case 1: Considering the higher sentiment value.
Case 2: Considering absolute difference of sentiment scores.
Most of the MCDM methods require the attributes
(features/criteria) to be assigned a weight of importance. These
weights add up to one to normalize its effect. Here, the weight
of each feature is calculated based on the number of users who
have expressed their opinion on given feature with the thought
that this is important.
3) Best Product Evaluation using Weighted Sum Method
MCDM Approach: The WSM [35] MCDM algorithm is
evaluated for both case 1 and case 2. The result indicates that
camera2 is a highest preferred choice among customers,
followed by camera3, camera4, camera1 and the least
preferred choice is camera5. To assess the performance of our
proposed system’s result, we have conducted a survey wherein
thirty experts gave their rating preference on scale 1-10 to
decide the preference order of five digital cameras. We have
applied the Borda Ranking technique [36] to evaluate the
ranking position of all cameras. We have found that Camera2
is highest rated camera by the experts; followed by camera3,
camera1, camera4, and least rated is camera5. The predicted
ranking with our proposed system remains same for the top
evaluated camera after the expert’s assessment. The important
point to note is that for the most preferred and least preferred
cameras, the result of our system matches with the survey.
However, in the middle range of preferred cameras, there is a
difference of opinion. We can consider a different multi criteria
decision making approach to improve the accuracy of the
recommended ranking. To improve the ranking results and an
in-depth understanding of the best product evaluation, we have
conducted another study with a different multi criteria decision
making approach to evaluate the best product from a list of
B. Case Study- 2 Smartphones Selection (Ongoing Work)
In the previous data set, we were unable to find most recent
useful reviews of digital cameras in large numbers. In this case
study, we have chosen a smartphone as a product selection
problem, which is used by the majority of the population across
the world3 and a large number of customers’ reviews are
available online. Smartphone selection depends on various
factors from personal to business usage. So, at the initial phase
of the study, we have limited this case study on Indian
customers only because India has become world second largest
smartphone users market after the United States according to
the counterpoint research report4. A list of five popular
smartphones is selected based on the report from Digit [37]
which is the most read technology magazine in India under the
fixed price range for the case study. Only first 1000 most
helpful recent reviews of certified buyers of each smartphone
are crawled from Flipkart5 and Amazon6 e-commerce website
for the analysis. Now, we conduct the experiments in the
following steps:
1) Identification of Most Important Features
(Smartphone Selection Criteria): To propose the most
desirable criteria list, we have followed the secondly proposed
methodology of decision criteria selection as discussed in
section II. Four different aspects such as in-depth literature
studies, the experiences of telecommunication experts,
customers’ reviews mining, and a survey of a smartphone to
target group are collectively combined, and top 4 essential
important features: Battery, Speed, Display, and Camera are
picked up as decision criteria for the analysis.
2) Opinion Identification and Strength Computation: The
process of identifying opinion and computing its strength
remains same as discussed in section II. We have formulated
the information matrix which contains the aggregated strength
of opinion expressed on each criterion for all five smartphones.
This information matrix will be used as a Decision Matrix to
the input of MCDM algorithm. We have already discussed in
the previous case study that most of the MCDM methods
require the attributes (features/criteria) to be assigned a weight
of importance. To estimate the weight of importance of the
feature, we have used Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) [38]
multi criteria decision making approach. It uses pairwise
comparison techniques to obtain the weights of the importance
of decision criteria. We have also considered 150 decision
makers’ responses to compute the weight of importance. The
respondents are from age groups of 18-34 years. They have
been asked to give a rating to each of the factors on Likert Scale
[39] “not important at all,” “not very important,” “important,”
“quite important,” and “very important” which are the verbal
representations of the 1-5 numeric scale respectively. The
aggregated weight estimation and measuring the consistency of
decision maker’s judgment is still ongoing.
3) Best Product Evaluation using Technique for Order
Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) MCDM
approach (ongoing): TOPSIS is based on the concept that
selected alternative should be closest to the positive ideal
solution and farthest from the negative ideal solution. The ideal
solution is the solution that maximizes the benefits and
minimizes the total cost. On the contrary, the negative ideal
solution is the solution that minimizes the benefits and
maximizes the total cost. We will apply the TOPSIS [40]
MCDM approach for the best product evaluation in the
following steps:
Step 1: In the first step, decision matrix generated in the
previous step is normalized to transform various attribute
dimensions into non-dimensional attributes, which allows
comparisons across criteria.
Step 2: A weighted normalized decision matrix is computed by
multiplying the weight of importance of criteria as obtained in
the previous step discussed above.
Step 3: A positive ideal solution and negative ideal solutions
are determined to measures the set of benefit criteria and
negative criteria.
Step 4: The separation measures are calculated using the n-
dimensional Euclidean distance.
Step 5: Relative closeness to the ideal solution is determined.
Step 6: At the final step, the preference order of five
smartphones are ranked.
To validate the results, we will manually annotate the
customers’ reviews and identify the strength of the opinion
expressed in the review data set of five smartphones to validate
our ranking results.
We have identified the list of top essential features which
influence the customer in the decision making process.
Considering these features as decision criteria, we have
evaluated the best product from a list of alternatives in different
cases and recommended the best product to the user. Sentiment
analysis techniques have been used to identify the overall
customer experience, and different MCDM approaches are
being applied to evaluate the best product for the
recommendation. Our experiment’s result is also validated
through a survey conducted among a group of experts, in which
we have found that our experiment produces the promising
result for the recommendation and is reliable for the user in
his/her decision making process. Some results are still in the
process of evaluation.
The contribution of this thesis is in evaluating the products
form a list of alternatives and recommend the best one to the
user. However, user preference has been ignored in the
recommendation process. In the next part of our thesis, we will
also be considering the target user preference on the decision
criteria and then recommending the best product from a list of
alternatives. To validate our results, we propose to manually
annotate the customers’ reviews and use this annotation for
recommending a product. Further, to measure the reliability of
our recommendation, statistical analysis using Kendal’s and
Spearman rank correlation will be performed. Our prosed
model is not limited to only e-commerce domain, but also can
be adopted in different domains such as education,
environment, agriculture, healthcare, manufacturing, tourist
and traveler; and so on to solve the complex decision making
problems to provide a better alternative.
I would like to thank my supervisor Prof. Parimala N. for
consistence guidance and support in formulating my ideas. I also
thank Human Resource Development Group, Council of
Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), Ministry of Science
and Technology, Govt. of India for funding the fellowship
(09/263(1001)/2013-EMR-1) throughout my research.
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... Several papers have proposed data-driven Choquet classifiers (Duarte, 2018;Fallah-Tehrani et al., 2012;Havens & Anderson, 2019;Pacheco & Krohling, 2018;Yang & Ouyang, 2014;Yang et al., 2019). When DM either prefers or has to rely on her/his preferences -usually because labeled data set are not available or the available data set are small (Kumar, 2018;Pasi et al., 2019) -, the application of userpreference-driven MCS method is more advantageous. A very fitting way of building user-preference-driven Choquet classifiers is merging the Choquet integral to a MCDA framework (Kumar, 2018;Pasi et al., 2019;Viviani & Pasi, 2017), since considering DM's preferences is in the center of the MCDA methodology. ...
... When DM either prefers or has to rely on her/his preferences -usually because labeled data set are not available or the available data set are small (Kumar, 2018;Pasi et al., 2019) -, the application of userpreference-driven MCS method is more advantageous. A very fitting way of building user-preference-driven Choquet classifiers is merging the Choquet integral to a MCDA framework (Kumar, 2018;Pasi et al., 2019;Viviani & Pasi, 2017), since considering DM's preferences is in the center of the MCDA methodology. ...
The Choquet integral has been used as an aggregation operator to deal with interacting criteria in different types of problems. For ordinal classification problems, the majority of Choquet integral-based models proposed in the literature are built upon a supervised machine learning perspective, where a training data set is considered. Despite the effectiveness of these classification algorithms, their training-data-dependency may be considered a drawback in some decision-making problems. Our goal is then to propose a new multiple criteria Choquet classifier to conduct sorting based on user preference information. The classifier is built inside the FlowSort framework and, as such, aggregates intensity of preferences with respect to pairs of criteria instead of directly aggregating the criteria evaluations. This characteristic allows criteria and limiting profiles to be assessed by heterogeneous scales. In addition, we apply the Stochastic Multi-criteria Acceptability Analysis to the proposed classifier in order to elicit the Choquet capacities, model uncertain input data and analyze robustness of the results. The proposed classifier is applied to a real decision problem regarding the evaluation of pharmaceutical suppliers.
... The challenge of navigating through verbose customer reviews was addressed through a multicriteria decision-making approach to recommend optimal products on platforms like Flipkart and Amazon [127]. The detection of ironic opinions in social networks and e-commerce was explored, comparing feature-based irony detection with a novel approach using character language model classifiers, showing competitive accuracy in experiments [128]. ...
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In recent years, e-commerce platforms have replaced conventional marketplaces. People are fast adopting online shopping since they can purchase from home. Online review sites allow customers to share their thoughts on products and services. Customers and businesses are increasingly relying on online reviews to assess and improve the quality of products. Existing literature uses Natural language processing (NLP) to analyze customer reviews for different applications. Due to the growing importance of NLP for online customer evaluations, this study attempts to provide a taxonomy of NLP applications based on existing literature. This study also examined emerging methods, data sources, and research challenges. This study covers 154 publications from 2013 to 2023 that explore state-of-the-art approaches for diverse applications. Based on existing research, the taxonomy of applications divides literature into five categories: sentiment analysis, review analysis, customer feedback and satisfaction, user profiling, and marketing and reputation management. It is interesting to note that the bulk of existing research relies on Amazon user reviews. Additionally, recent research has stressed the use of advanced techniques like Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), and ensemble classifiers. The rising number of articles published each year indicates researchers' expanding interest and the field's continued growth. This survey additionally addresses open issues, providing future directions in online customer review analysis.
... The product rating and review sentiment analysis literature emphasizes the importance of detailed ratings and reviews in influencing customer decision-making. The various studies used natural language processing and machine learning/deep learning for efficient and robust models for sentimental analysis [19], [20], [21], [22], [23], [24], [25]. ...
Product reviews are critical in informing customers about products and services and are crucial to customer inclinations and business success. Active learning enables Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms to learn more efficiently by actively selecting the most informative data samples for training. This study proposes a state-of-the-art approach that utilizes active learning (AL) based machine learning algorithms for Flipkart’s smartphone customers’ reviews sentiments analysis. The proposed study adopts rigorous data cleaning, data balancing, and Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) feature extraction techniques, followed by five AL-based machine learning algorithms, including Random Forest (AL-RF), Decision Tree (AL-DT), K-Nearest Neighbor (AL-KNN), Logistic Regression (AL-LR), and Gradient Boost (AL-GB), to classify sentiment analysis based on product reviews. The experiment spanned over three iterations with a chunk size of 200, and an active learning strategy was applied to the process. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of active learning in improving the accuracy of sentiment analysis on unbalanced datasets. Logistic Regression has demonstrated an accuracy rating of 89%. Collectively, the study showcases the potential of active learning techniques for sentiment analysis in product reviews and serves as a valuable tool for guiding customers in making informed decisions regarding their choice of products.
... Many researchers have examined online customer reviews by using advanced machine learning and sentiment classification approaches for product attributes extraction (Jin et al., 2019;Kumar, 2018;Wang et al., 2018;Ghani et al., 2006). In order to choose the correct mobile phone features in this list, we formed an eight-member expert group and details about the experts are as follows: two sales managers have experience over 12 years in sales and other strategic decision-making in the modular electronic productions; two product development engineers with an experience over 10 years in mobile phone product design; two researcherscum-academicians have conducted various industrial case studies in the area of the electronics industry and two senior production managers in a leading mobile phone manufacturing company. ...
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Purpose Recently, reverse logistics (RL) has become more prominent due to growing environmental concerns, social responsibility, competitive advantages and high efficiency by customers because of expansion of product selection and shorter product life cycle. However, effective implementation of RL results in some direct advantages, the most important of which is winning customer satisfaction that is vital to a firm's success. Therefore, paying attention to customer feedback in supply chain (SC) and logistics processes has recently increased, so manufacturers have decided to transform their RL into customer-centric RL. Hence, this paper aims to identify the features of a mobile phone which affect consumers’ purchasing behavior and to analyze the causality and prominence relations among them that can help decision-makers, policy planners and managers of organizations to develop a framework for customer-centric RL. These features are studied based on analysis of product review sites. This paper's special focus is on social media (SM) data (Twitter) in an attempt to help the decision-making process in RL through a big data analysis approach. Design/methodology/approach This paper deals with identifying mobile phone features that affect consumer's mobile phone purchasing decisions. Using the DEMATEL approach and using experts' insights, a cause and effect relationship diagram was generated through which the effect of features was analyzed. Findings Eighteen features were categorized in terms of cause and effect, and the interrelationships of features were also analyzed. The threshold value is calculated as 0.023, and the values lower than that were eliminated to obtain the digraph. F6 (camera), F13 (price) and F5 (chip) are the most prominent features based on their prominent score. It was also found that the F5 (chip) has the highest driving power (1.228) and acts as a causal feature to influence other features. Originality/value The focus of this article is on SM data (Twitter), so that experts can understand the interaction between mobile phone features that affect consumer's decision on mobile phone purchasing by using the results. This study investigates the degree of influence of features on each other and categorizes the features into cause and effect groups. This study is also intended to help organizational decision-makers move toward a reverse customer SC.
... • The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) [54] combines conflicting physical and psychological elements based on appraisals and assessments to manage complex decisions. In [42,43], decision-making is handled under uncertainty, while in [44], it is based on subjective product recommendations from consumers. ...
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Among the several emerging dimensioning, control and deployment of future communication network paradigms stands out the human-centric characteristic that creates an intricate relationship between telematics and human activities. The hard to model dynamics of user behavior introduces new uncertainties into these systems that give rise to difficult network resource management challenges. According to this context, this work reviews several decision-making computational methods under the influence of uncertainties. This work, by means of a systematic literature review, focuses on sensor-based Internet of Things scenarios such as Smart Spaces and Industry 4.0. According to our conclusions, it is mandatory to establish a means for modeling the human behavior context in order to improve resource assignment and management.
The surge in online shopping has led to an increase in online customer reviews (OCRs), posing challenges for product selection based on product features and customer sentiment. This is where the combination of multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) and sentiment analysis (SA) methods come in. In this article, we propose a hybrid approach for product ranking that addresses challenges identified in previous studies. These challenges include accurately considering feature interdependencies, identifying hesitancy and uncertainty in consumer purchase decisions, and using a more robust method for ranking alternative products. In doing so, we utilize SA and unsupervised machine learning to extract features from OCRs. We employ a combination of association rule mining (ARM) and fuzzy cognitive maps (FCM) to calculate feature weights based on interdependencies among features. In addition, we formulate a decision matrix using sentiment orientation and intuitionistic fuzzy theory. The interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy (IVIF) theory ensures reliable decision-making information. The IVIF-multiobjective optimization by ratio analysis plus full multiplicative form method (MULTIMOORA) is applied to rank alternative products. Using Amazon comments, five mobile phones are ranked to demonstrate the methodology. The proposed framework improves decision-making in product selection based on OCRs by considering feature interdependencies. Sensitivity analysis and comparisons with other MCDM methods evaluate its robustness. By addressing previous limitations and incorporating interdependencies among features, this comprehensive approach provides reliable decision-making in product selection based on OCRs.
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Customer product reviews play an important role in the customer’s decision to purchase a product. Customer preferences and opinions are affected by other customers’ reviews online, over social networking platforms. We propose a recommender system based on sentiment analysis to help users decide on products, using online product reviews. The main goal of this work is to combine both recommendation system and sentiment analysis in order to generate the most accurate recommendations for users. This paper propose an approach for detecting the opinions polarity score using various supervised learning algorithms such as Logistic Regression, Random Forest and KNearest Neighbor. Then, we build a recommender system based on product with positive sentiment score using two methods of recommendations system: collaborative filtering and hybrid’s combination features technique.
With the advent of web 2.0 websites, the impact of customers on each other's purchasing decisions has increased, and this has changed the decision-making procedure, attitude, and consumer purchase behavior. Along with increasing the volume of customers' reviews on sites, the need for a method that can be used to rank alternative products considering a set of product features and the customer comments related to these features on websites is essential. Many attempts have been made aimed at product ranking through online customer reviews (OCRs), which have their own shortcomings. These limitations occur during different stages, including focusing only on specified features on online shopping sites or extracting features based on term frequency. Other limitations are not paying attention to low repetition, but to only important features (in identifying features), not paying attention to neutral expressions including hesitations or uncertainty in consumers’ purchase decisions (in identifying the sentiment orientations of each review), using expert-based approaches to determine the weight of features (in determining the weight of features), and ranking merely based on the star rating and ignoring the valuable information in OCRs or not considering the robustness of decision-making and most effective features (in ranking alternatives). Accordingly, this study aims to narrow these gaps by proposing an integrated framework that combines sentiment analysis (SA) and multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) techniques based on intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IFS). In the following, the developed hybrid model has been used in a real-world case to rank five mobile phone products using the OCRs on the Amazon site to illustrate the availability and utility of the proposed methodology. Sensitivity analysis has been performed to determine the most robust method and most effective features.
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This paper talks on the female labour participation rate and its overall impact in the economy. The paper is an empirical investigation which specifically focuses on the female labour participation rate with respect to the non governmentalorganisation named Kudumbhasree that operates in Kerala. The research shows thatthe Labor Force Participation Rate for Women is one of the lowest in the world for India. Women constitute 48.5% of the population in India. In India, the decline is even steeper that it went down from 35.1 in 1990 to 27.2 in 2017.According to the latest NSSO data of 2011-12, female work participation rate (FWPR) in rural areas in Kerala was 22.1 compared to that of men at 56.5. The FWPR at all-India level for the corresponding year was 24.8. The paper furthuremphasises on the authorized intervention of Kudumbhasree in the Metro project recently set up in Kerala. The success of this experiment is a strong indicator that specialised schemes and missions like Kudumbashree in all states can positively influence the FLPR. It can also be found that unemployed ladies or housewives can be brought to economic activity and employment if we give them opportunity in organised sector. So the specialised schemes like Kudumbashree and their interventions in the job market and other initiatives is one among the way to increase the FLPR as well as to bring more gender equality.
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In the world of recommender systems, so-called content-based methods are an important approach that rely on the availability of detailed product or item descriptions to drive the recommendation process. For example, recommendations can be generated for a target user by selecting unseen products that are similar to the products that the target user has liked or purchased in the past. To do this, content-based methods must be able to compute the similarity between pairs of products (unseen products and liked products, for example) and typically this is achieved by comparing product features or other descriptive elements. The approach works well when product descriptions are readily available and when they are detailed enough to afford an effective similarity comparison. But this is not always the case. Detailed product descriptions may not be available since they can be expensive to create and maintain. In this article we consider another source of product descriptions in the form of the user-generated reviews that frequently accompany products on the web. We ask whether it is possible to mine these reviews, unstructured and noisy as they are, to produce useful product descriptions that can be used in a recommendation system. In particular we describe a novel approach to product recommendation that harnesses not only the features that can be mined from user-generated reviews but also the expressions of sentiment that are associated with these features. We present a recommendation ranking strategy that combines similarity and sentiment to suggest products that are similar but superior to a query product according to the opinion of reviewers, and we demonstrate the practical benefits of this approach across a variety of Amazon product domains.
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Recently, as the amount of customer reviews grows rapidly on product service websites, it costs customers much time to select and compare their favorite products. Researchers have been aware of this problem and many studies are investigated to mine the opinions from the online reviews. Unfortunately, few previous works give comparisons or recommendations among the products. In this paper, we propose an automated system to address this problem. We first build a product feature sentiment database from the reviews. Then we perform the comparison among various products from both subjective and objective perspectives on the feature level. Finally, product recommendations can be suggested according to the previous comparisons and an evolution tree constructed from the reviews. Experiment results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in mining the digital camera reviews. And now a demo system is put in to practical use.
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With the continuing proliferation of decision methods and their variants, it is important to have an understanding of their comparative value. Each of the methods uses numeric techniques to help decision makers choose among a discrete set of alternative decisions. This is achieved on the basis of the impact of the alternatives on certain criteria and thereby on the overall utility of the decision maker(s). The difficulty that always occurs when trying to compare decision methods and choose the best one is that a paradox is reached, i.e., What decision-making method should be used to choose the best decision-making method? This problem is examined in Chapter 9.
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Sentiment classification concerns the use of automatic methods for predicting the orientation of subjective content on text documents, with applications on a number of areas including recommender and advertising systems, customer intelligence and information retrieval. SentiWordNet is an opinion lexicon derived from the WordNet database where each term is associated with numerical scores indicating positive and negative sentiment information. This research presents the results of applying the SentiWordNet lexical resource to the problem of automatic sentiment classification of film reviews. Our approach comprises counting positive and negative term scores to determine sentiment orientation, and an improvement is presented by building a data set of relevant features using SentiWordNet as source, and applied to a machine learning classifier. We find that results obtained with SentiWordNet are in line with similar approaches using manual lexicons seen in the literature. In addition, our feature set approach yielded improvements over the baseline term counting method. The results indicate SentiWordNet could be used as an important resource for sentiment classification tasks. Additional considerations are made on possible further improvements to the method and its use in conjunction with other techniques.
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Due to the sheer volume of opinion rich web resources such as discussion forum, review sites , blogs and news corpora available in digital form, much of the current research is focusing on the area of sentiment analysis. People are intended to develop a system that can identify and classify opinion or sentiment as represented in an electronic text. An accurate method for predicting sentiments could enable us, to extract opinions from the internet and predict online customer's preferences, which could prove valuable for economic or marketing research. Till now, there are few different problems predominating in this research community, namely, sentiment classification, feature based classification and handling negations. This paper presents a survey covering the techniques and methods in sentiment analysis and challenges appear in the field.
This paper presents an overview of the field of recommender systems and describes the current generation of recommendation methods that are usually classified into the following three main categories: content-based, collaborative, and hybrid recommendation approaches. This paper also describes various limitations of current recommendation methods and discusses possible extensions that can improve recommendation capabilities and make recommender systems applicable to an even broader range of applications. These extensions include, among others, an improvement of understanding of users and items, incorporation of the contextual information into the recommendation process, support for multicriteria ratings, and a provision of more flexible and less intrusive types of recommendations.
The motivation of collaborative filtering (CF) comes from the idea that people often get the best recommendations from someone with similar tastes. With the growing popularity of opinion-rich resources such as online reviews, new opportunities arise as we can identify the preferences from user opinions. The main idea of our approach is to elicit user opinions from online reviews, and map such opinions into preferences that can be understood by CF-based recommender systems. We divide recommender systems into two types depending on the number of product category recommended: the multiple-category recommendation and the single-category recommendation. For the former, sentiment polarity in coarse-grained manner is identified while for the latter fine-grained sentiment analysis is conducted for each product aspect. If the evaluation frequency for an aspect by a user is greater than the average frequency by all users, it indicates that the user is more concerned with that aspect. If a user's rating for an aspect is lower than the average rating by all users, he or she is much pickier than others on that aspect. Through sentiment analysis, we then build an opinion-enhanced user preference model, where the higher the similarity between user opinions the more consistent preferences between users are. Experiment results show that the proposed CF algorithm outperforms baseline methods for product recommendation in terms of accuracy and recall.
Sentiment analysis is the procedure by which information is extracted from the opinions, appraisals and emotions of people in regards to entities, events and their attributes. In decision making, the opinions of others have a significant effect on customers ease in making choices regards to online shopping, choosing events, products, entities. In this paper, the rule based domain independent sentiment analysis method is proposed. The proposed method classifies subjective and objective sentences from reviews and blog comments. The semantic score of subjective sentences is extracted from SentiWordNet to calculate their polarity as positive, negative or neutral based on the contextual sentence structure. The results show the effectiveness of the proposed method and it outperforms the machine learning methods. The proposed method achieves an accuracy of 87% at the feedback level and 83% at the sentence level for comments and 97% at feedback and 86 % at sentences for customer reviews.