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Static and Dynamic Handgrip Endurance in Young Adults

  • Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth Pune
Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy. October-December 2017, Vol. 11, No. 4 116
Static and Dynamic Handgrip Endurance in Young Adults
Gaurang Baxi
, Shamika R Tigdi
, Tushar J Palekar
, Kedar Sule
Associate Professor,
1Associate Professor,
Post-Graduate Resident,
2Post-Graduate Resident,
Assistant Professor,
4Assistant Professor,
Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Physiotherapy, Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pimpri, Pune, India
Many professions involve manual gripping tasks requiring dynamic movements, concentric
and eccentric muscle contractions, and static tasks like application of continuous, steady, isometric force for
sustained period of time. These repetitive manual activities make an individual prone to various work related
musculoskeletal disorders. This study assess the static and dynamic handgrip endurance, by performing
sustained muscle contraction.
Methods and Materials:
This observational study was conducted at Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Physiotherapy,
Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune. 500 healthy volunteers in the age group of 18-25 years were included.
Static endurance during sustained isometric contraction and dynamic endurance over a number of rhythmic
repetitive contractions were assessed using a dynamometer, at 60% of Maximal Voluntary Contraction.
Data was analysed to examine the role of hand dominance and gender on MVC, Static hand
grip endurance and Dynamic hand grip endurance. Significant difference in static and dynamic handgrip
endurance of both the genders was seen (p < 0.001).
This study provides preliminary data on static and dynamic handgrip endurance in healthy
young adults. While the strength of maximal voluntary contraction was more in males, females had higher
static as well as dynamic endurance compared to males.
Handgrip Endurance, handgrip strength, Maximum Voluntary Contraction (MVC), Work-related
musculoskeletal disorders (WRMDs).
Corresponding author:
Shamika R Tigdi
Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Physiotherapy,
Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pimpri, Pune- 411018,
India. Email:,
Mobile No.: 9987461351
Background: The human hand is the most active and
interactive part of the upper extremity. The high degree
of development of human hand, like prehensile grasp
and opposing thumb allow various unique functional
and creative capabilities, majorly contributing to the
dominance of human species.1 The important functions
of the hand as a creative tool are an extension of
intellect, a means of nonverbal communication and a
leading sensory tactile organ.
The term “Hand Dexterity” refers to the functional
ability of the hand.2 Hand function and manual dexterity
determine the quality of performance in daily living
skills, work-related functions, and recreational activities.
All these include extremely fine, sensitive movements,
as well as tasks requiring considerable force.1 Reaction
time, aiming, hand and arm stability are few of the
unique abilities of human hand.2
Hand grip strength is a widely explored component
of hand function.3 Handgrip fits into the International
Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health
(ICF) domain of ‘body function and structure’.
Measuring hand function is one of the most fundamental
for any evaluation.4 Handgrip strength is an indicator
of the efficacy of various treatment strategies for
the hand.5 It also provides an objective index of the
functional integrity of the upper extremity,3 and an
important indicator of parameters like nutritional status
DOI Number: 10.5958/0973-5674.2017.00131.9
Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy. October-December 2017, Vol. 11, No. 4 118
119 Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy, October-December 2017, Vol. 11, No. 4
and bone mineral content.5 Grip strength has also been
shown to predict the general body strength, body cell
mass depletion, postoperative complications, premature
mortality, early onset of disability and functional
Since many years, instruments like strain gages,
sphygmomanometers and dynamometers have been used
to assess the grip strength.4 The Jamar dynamometer was
first introduced in 1954 by Bechtol. It has an indwelling
sealed hydraulic system with adjustable hand placing
over five handle positions which record handgrip force
in pounds per square inch.7 Measurements are sensitive,
and are delivered on a continuous scale. The strength
measurement of contralateral hand is used as the
reference value.8
Most of the activities of daily living (ADLs)
require exertion of a sustained effort over a period of
time.9 Hence it is important to consider measurement
of handgrip endurance as an important component
of assessment of physical performance, in addition
to handgrip strength. Endurance is the ability of a
muscle group to perform repeated contractions over a
time period, sufficient to cause muscular fatigue or to
maintain a specific percentage of maximum voluntary
contraction for a prolonged time. An exercise induced
reduction in the maximal force capacity of the muscle
is Muscle Fatigue.10 It is characterised by a decrease
in muscle force production capacity and shortening
velocity, and a prolonged or extended relaxation of
motor units between recruitment.10
Many professions necessitate lifting and holding
heavy loads with a proportionately static grip or
repetitive or forceful gripping movements.11 A varied
range of tasks, from relatively dynamic movements
involving concentric and eccentric contractions, to
relatively static tasks mainly producing an isometric
contraction, comprise the manual activities involving
grip at work place.11 Manual activities under poor
ergonomic conditions can predispose an individual to
work related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMDs).
Handgrip strength evaluation helps identify
individuals at risk of WRMDs involving hands and
forearms, efficacy of treatment and assesing pseudo
injuries.11 However, hand grip strength is not a
true measure of hand function, since it is measured
isometrically, while most daily activities require
dynamic gripping. Also many ADLs require sustained
effort exerted over a period of time.10 Therefore, muscle
endurance remains an important aspect of performance,
and has to be considered when assessing musculoskeletal
Normative values of handgrip strength are available.
However, normative values for handgrip endurance are
not available. Thus, this study was conducted to find
the static handgrip endurance and dynamic handgrip
endurance in young adults, in the age group of 18-25
This study was conducted at Dr. D. Y. Patil College
of Physiotherapy, Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune.
Approval from the ethical committee of the institute was
taken prior to subject enrolment. Informed consent was
taken from volunteers fulfilling the inclusion criteria of
age group 18-25 years.
Peak grip strength was measured on each hand using
Jamar Dynamometer, with the subject seated upright
with feet fully resting on the floor, hips as far back in
chair as possible, and the hips and knees positioned at
90o approximately. The elbow was on the armrest at
approximately 90° and the shoulder of gripping arm
was maintained in adduction; the elbow was flexed
comfortably between about 90° and 120°. The wrist was
position between 0o and 30o of extension, and between 0o
and 15o ulnar deviation.
The dynamometer was held with index finger at
the top of the grip, while keeping all fingers on the grip
band. The second dynamometer handle position was
used and the subject was instructed to produce a smooth
gripping force, without sudden wrenching or jerking
movements. Subjects were instructed to exhale during
the grip exertion and the grip was held for 3 seconds. A
rest period of 15 seconds was allowed between the grip
repetitions. The grip strength score was recorded from
the dynamometer. Three repetitions were taken, the
maximum reading was noted as the peak grip strength.
Dominant hand was tested first and, same procedure
was repeated on the other hand, each hand was tested
alternately. After the assessment of the Maximal
Voluntary Contraction over three trials for each hand,
static and dynamic endurance testing was done.
Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy. October-December 2017, Vol. 11, No. 4 118
119 Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy, October-December 2017, Vol. 11, No. 4
verbally motivated to repeat the contractions of set
intensity as many times as possible.
Average of three readings for each volunteer was
calculated for all variables. Descriptive and Inferential
statistical analysis was done using statistical software
‘Epi info’. The data was analysed for normal distribution
and nonparametric test (Kruskal Wallis) was applied
because of uneven distribution of data.
Graph No. 1: Gender Distribution of Data.
Interpretation: 500 healthy volunteer subjects
were included, majority were women.
A) Static hand grip endurance test:
Subjects were seated in initial position. They were
asked to grip the handheld dynamometer at 60% of their
maximum voluntary contraction (MVC). The duration
for which they maintained the grip strength was noted in
seconds. Subjects were verbally encouraged to maintain
the contraction at the set target for as long as possible.
The test was terminated when the subjects failed to
maintain the 60% MVC for two consecutive times. Two
recordings were obtained with a gap of five minutes
between each effort.
B) Dynamic hand grip endurance test:
After static hand grip endurance test, the subjects
performed the dynamic hand grip endurance test.
Subjects were instructed to give repetitive contractions
at 60% of their maximal voluntary contraction (MVC)
on the beat of the metronome set at 70 beeps per minute
until fatigue set in and they were no longer able to
produce the same intensity of contraction (target force
was missed three consecutive times). The metronome
was introduced to set uniformity in the rhythm of
contraction. Subjects were given visual feedback to view
the target force they were supposed to generate during
this experiment with the help of a mirror. Subjects were
Table No. 1: Gender wise distribution of maximum voluntary contraction in dominant and non-dominant
Maximum voluntary contraction in Dominant hand
P Value
Maximum voluntary contraction in Non Dominant Hand
P Value
Interpretation: The Maximum Voluntary Contraction strength was significantly more (p >0.001) in males than
in females.
Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy. October-December 2017, Vol. 11, No. 4 120
121 Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy, October-December 2017, Vol. 11, No. 4
Table No. 2: Gender wise distribution of static endurance in dominant and non-dominant hand.
Static Endurance In Dominant Hand
P Value
Static Endurance In Non Dominant Hand
P Value
Interpretation: Female subjects had greater static endurance compared to male subjects (p > 0.001). A
significant difference is seen between both genders in the time for which they could sustain the forces at 60% of
MVC. Marked inter-subject variability is observed in endurance time for both the genders.
Table No. 3: Gender wise distribution of Dynamic Endurance In dominant and non-dominant hands
Dynamic Endurance In Dominant Hand
P Value
Dynamic Endurance In Non Dominant Hand
P Value
Interpretation: Dynamic endurance is lower in male subjects than in females, this difference is statistically
significant (p > 0.001) for both dominant and non-dominant hands for both the genders.
Grip strength is one of the important fitness
components tested in assessment of hand function, and
is an important component of hand rehabilitation. It is
a marker of physiological functioning and the integrity
of anatomical structures of forearm and hand.13 Since
muscle force generated by hand in gripping activities
is essential for continual performance of ADL and
occupational tasks, reduced handgrip strength may limit
an individual’s ability to perform most of work-related
and daily activities.4
This study evaluates the static and dynamic handgrip
endurance in the age group of 18 to 25 years. Owing to
difference in muscle mass, male subjects produced
greater average grip force which has been documented
repeatedly in previous studies as well.14
The static and dynamic endurance tests were
conducted at a submaximal strength of 60% MVC.
A significant difference in both static and dynamic
endurance of males and females was seen, with females
having greater static as well as dynamic endurance than
males. This is consistent with previous researches, in
which men were found to be more fatigable than women
during both sustained and intermittent contractions.
Also when working at submaximal levels, females
have a greater muscular endurance than males. This
difference can be attributed to difference in muscle
fibre composition in both genders. Women have high
proportion of type 1 muscle fibres as compared to men.14
Difference are seen in dynamic contractions, type 2
fibres having the ability to produce higher force.14
It has been advocated that women have better ability
to adapt themselves to performance of endurance activity
than men because of higher potentiality for oxidation of
fat. It has also been seen that the rate of depletion of
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121 Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy, October-December 2017, Vol. 11, No. 4
glycogen is much lower in muscles of women, compared
to men during endurance activity. Consequently, females
are more capable of performing better than males at
workloads equal to 80% of maximum oxygen uptake.14
Studies have documented that force which can be
sustained is less than the peak force, and grip force
was found to decrease as the time duration of the test
progressed. This is in consistence with the findings
of this study. This can be because when submaximal
constant load is applied for a prolonged period of time,
static gripping produces an obstruction in blood flow
affecting the recruitment and fatigue of the fast twitch
Static and dynamic endurance measurements
persist to be irrelative, indicating that the contingent
contributions of physiological sources of fatigue differ
between the two respective tasks. This can be because
of accumulation of K+ in the t-tubules of muscle fibres,
interfering with propagation of action potential deep
into the muscle, caused by high frequency stimulation,
resulting in decreased strength of contraction.9 In
repetitive dynamic gripping, fibres have more time
between contractions to clear K+, contributing to less
fatigue than prolonged static holds. Hence, individuals
vary in resistance to different sources of fatigue due to
differences in muscle fibre histology and biochemistry,
as well as due to difference in motivation and
Also, it was seen that dominant hand produced
relatively greater force than the non-dominant hand,
but onset of fatigue did not vary significantly. The
use of dominant hand in ADLs is extensive, this may
have trained the muscle fibres relatively towards
characteristics of fast-twitch fibres, resulting in greater
peak force strength.11
The number of left handed individuals in the
present study was notably low, therefore it was not
feasible to assess and compare the trends between
right-handed and left-handed individuals. There have
been inconsistent findings regarding handedness in grip
strength previously, and different degrees of handedness
do prevail. In literature, relatively few studies have
evaluated handedness and gender separately. These
findings need to be analysed in large numbers, to
postulate definite evidence of distinctness in endurance
between genders, age, muscle groups and handedness.11
More studies on larger samples, and on
different age groups are required to further substantiate
the findings obtained in this study. The effects of BMI
and body composition can also be explored.
The present study provides preliminary data on
static and dynamic handgrip endurance in healthy young
adults in the age group of 18 - 25 years. It was seen that
strength of maximal voluntary contraction was more in
male subjects as compared to females, whereas females
have higher static as well as dynamic endurance than
Conflict of Interest: Nil.
Source of Funding: Nil.
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... Hand grip strength is a variable affected by factors like hand size or hand span, age, gender, posture, grip and span, muscle length insertion, angle of tendon at time of contraction, nutritional status, BMI, fatigue tendencies, hand dominance, pain threshold, cooperation of the patient, sensory loss, hip/waist circumference, body size, arm and calf circumferences, various subcutaneous skin folds. 5,30 Grip strength proves to be an objective index for the measurement of functional integrity of upper extremity. Activities of daily living of professionals during the work require high activity levels and strength of the muscles of forearms and hands. ...
... Moreover, as a field measure, SKF technique is feasible, reliable, and valid. [27][28][29][30][31][32] The evaluation consisted of the measurement body composition by skinfold measurement method using Jackson and Pollock's seven site formula. Seven-Site Formula (sites: chest, midaxillary, triceps, subscapular, abdomen, suprailiac and thigh): ...
... The contractile components within the muscle reduce causing a decrease in the muscle force. [18,19,30] However, the muscle force depends on the contractile components and also on the interaction between the contractile components with base material of the muscle. It is also studied that fat has stiffer material properties than muscle and thus the entry of fat into the muscle creates in a stiffer base material, and thus increasing stiffness acts to resist muscle fibre against shortening and transverse bulging. ...
... Three trials of maximum force grip performance were measured, with a 15-second rest interval in each trial (Figure 1). [28][29][30] Participants were positioned comfortably in a prone lying position and instructed to turn their forehead towards the side of the contralateral limb. The limb to be tested was passively positioned at 135⁰ of shoulder abduction, with a weight cuff (1% of the participant's body weight) strapped just proximal to the elbow joint ( Figure 3). ...
... 8 Some studies have examined the relationship between scapular muscle endurance and upper extremity pathologies, showing a positive correlation between elbow pathologies and scapular muscle endurance. 30 Additionally, textile workers with a history of shoulder pain have been found to exhibit reduced scapular muscle endurance. 16 A study conducted by Gyer et al. in 2018 32 highlighted that physiotherapists are at a higher risk of sustaining hand injuries due to the physically demanding nature of their job, which involves static postures, patient transfers, lifting, handling, and repetitive tasks. ...
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INTRODUCTION: Gripping activity is an essential daily activity at home and at the workplace, where lifting and holding loads with a relatively static grip using isometric contraction is often required. Muscle strength and endurance in the proximal aspect of the upper extremities influence hand function, and individuals with reduced strength and endurance are more prone to developing work-related musculoskeletal disorders. Good grip endurance might be influenced by the stabilization provided by shoulder muscles. This study aims to determine the correlation between hand grip endurance and scapula muscle endurance among young asymptomatic individuals. METHOD:The sample size for this study is n = 62, based on previous studies. Healthy individuals of both genders, aged between 18 and 25 years, were included. An objective assessment of grip endurance was performed using a hydraulic hand dynamometer, while scapular endurance was evaluated using the scapular muscle test. RESULTS: Data analysis was performed using SPSS version 20. There were significant positive correlations between scapular endurance measures and the hand grip endurance on both sides (Pearson correlation test, r = 0.612 (p < 0.001) and r = 0.524 (p < 0.001), respectively, for non-dominant and dominant hand grip endurance). FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: The preliminary findings of this study support the notion that scapular muscle endurance is related to hand grip endurance, suggesting that scapular endurance training may be an effective adjunct in the rehabilitation process for upper extremity functions.
... Most interactive part of the upper extremity is hand. The various functions of hand, like closing, opening and opposing thumb are unique and creative capabilities, mainly contributing to the dominance of human species 6 . Measuring hand function is one of the most fundamental for any assessment. ...
... An ability of body to perform contraction repeatedly over a period of time is endurance or to maintain voluntary contraction maximally for a prolonged period. 6 . Daily living requires repetitive griping function of hand while hand grip strength is measured isometrically. ...
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Background: Physiology of the mother, changes constantly during pregnancy including reduced HGS that is require for carrying the child after delivery. Activities of daily living require manual gripping tasks that require dynamic and static contractions. Predictor of upper extremity function is Hand Grip Strength and handgrip endurance. Screening of hand grip strength during antenatal care is still uncommon. Objectives: To compare static and dynamic hand grip endurance in pregnant females and to find its correlation with deep breathing. Material and Methods: The study recruited 40 participants of primi-gravida of 1st and 2nd trimester, between ages 20 and 35 years from SHALAMAR GYNAE OPD. The participants assigned to the groups (Group 1: with DB, Group 2: without DB) based on their trimester and gravidity. Static and dynamic endurance assessed using hand held dynamometer. Results: Mean Age ± Standard deviation for deep and non-deep breathing groups was 22.85 ± 2.30 and 24.05 ± 0.514. Age had negative little or low correlation with all variables of deep and non-deep breathing groups. Peak hand grip strength was moderately correlated with hand grip endurance with deep and non-deep breathing group (r = -0.628, r = -0.566 respectively). Static hand grip endurance was weakly correlated with peak hand grip strength in deep breathing group (r = -0.239) whereas static hand grip endurance had little, if any correlation with peak hand grip strength in deep breathing group (r = -0.165). Clinical implication: Management of hand grip strength and endurance improves general well being of pregnancy. By employing deep breathing exercises hand grip strength can be improved. Conclusion: Peak hand grip strength and endurance improved markedly in 2nd trimester with deep breathing. Deep breathing can improve peak hand grip endurance and peak hand grip strength in pregnancy with increasing trimester. Whereas static and dynamic hand grip endurance has insignificant effect in different trimester. Keywords: Pregnancy, deep breathing, trimester, endurance, peak grip endurance
... Dominant hand was tested first and, the same process was repeated on the other hand, each hand was tested alternately. The total grip strength was calculated by adding the average of best performance of each hand in Kg (Gaurang Baxi, et al., 2017) [7] . ...
... Dominant hand was tested first and, the same process was repeated on the other hand, each hand was tested alternately. The total grip strength was calculated by adding the average of best performance of each hand in Kg (Gaurang Baxi, et al., 2017) [7] . ...
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The purpose of this study is to correlate the usefulness of Seated Medicine ball throw (SMBT) as a reliable alternate test to evaluate upper body strength using grip dynamometer of both hands in a healthy adult sample of male and female undergraduate students of Kerala Agricultural University. Subjects selected for the study consist of 141 undergraduate students of the College of Agriculture, Vellayani, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. The sample consists of 98 female and 41 male students. Seated Medicine Ball Throw is also called the medicine ball chest pass performance was taken from the participants using 3 kg and 2 kg medicine ball for male and female students respectively. Peak grip strength of each hand was taken using Digital Dynamometer in Kg. The total grip strength was calculated by adding the average of the best performance of each hand in Kg. In this study, there were 141 participants (98 female and 41 male students) for SMBT and grip strength variables. SMBT having mean of 2.217 ± 0.788. The grip strength total (average grip strength) having a mean of 28.607 kg ± 10.573. Pearson product-moment analyses revealed significant correlation between participants seated medicine ball throw (SMBT) performance with grip strength left (r= .737), grip strength right (r= .713) and grip strength total (r= .738). Simple regression analysis also indicated that SMBT emerged as a significant predictor of total grip strength and based on the results β the linear prediction equation was developed. The predictor explained 64.4% of the variance in SMBT (Adjusted R Squire = 0.644), which means that model is strong enough and SMBT can be used as an alternate test for upper body strength among the under graduate students.
... Meanwhile, grip endurance is measured by telling the subject to maintain 1/3 of the maximum muscle strength on a hand dynamometer, then calculating using a stopwatch how many seconds can be maintained. 10 Univariate data analysis is used to explain the percentage results of the frequency distribution for each variable. Bivariate data analysis to see the relationship between factors that influence grip strength and endurance. ...
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Background Handgrip strength and endurance are some of the ways that can be done to examine the muscle quality of adolescents as well as their physical fitness. It is influenced by various internal and external factors, including body mass index, gender, age, and smoking habits. Handgrip strength can be an important parameter for health. Adolescents with lower muscle strength have an increased mortality rate in adulthood. Thus, this study aimed to determine the factors associated with handgrip strength and endurance in adolescence. Methods The study used analytic observational with a cross-sectional approach using consecutive non-random sampling on 58 adolescents between 15-23 years old. The instruments used a scale and microtoise to measure body mass index, and a hand dynamometer to measure handgrip strength and endurance. The data was analyzed by the Chi-square test using the SPSS program with p<0.05. Results Of the 58 respondents consisting of 48.27% men, and 51.72% women, there were 58.62% normal BMI and 70.68% did not smoke. The percentage of respondents who had weak grip strength was lower (44.82%) compared to weak grip endurance (55.17%). There was no significant relationship between gender and handgrip endurance; body mass index and handgrip strength as well as handgrip endurance; cigarette consumption and handgrip strength. Moreover, there was found a significant relationship between gender and handgrip strength (p=0.000) and between cigarette consumption and handgrip endurance (p=0.011). Conclusions Handgrip strength and endurance were more in the weak-medium category. There was no significant relationship between gender and handgrip endurance; body mass index and handgrip strength as well as handgrip endurance; cigarette consumption and handgrip strength. Moreover, there was found a significant relationship between gender and handgrip strength and between cigarette consumption and handgrip endurance.
Background: Dough kneading is a commonly performed activity in the kitchen, which influences hand grip strength. Objectives: To study the influence of dough kneading exposure on hand grip strength and to evaluate the effect of dough kneading intervention on hand grip strength with the purpose of recommending dough kneading as a therapeutic exercise for improving hand grip strength. Methods: One hundred and fifty healthy females with varying levels of exposure to dough kneading, stratified as occupational dough kneaders, habitual dough kneaders and non-kneaders, were studied. Hand grip strength of all participants was measured with a standard protocol using the Jamar dynamometer. Hand grip strength of occupational, habitual and non-kneaders was compared. Non-kneaders followed a 6-week intervention of dough kneading and grip strength was recorded post intervention. Result: Comparison of hand grip strength between the three groups revealed significant difference (p value < 0.001). Linear contrast analysis, revealed the least hand grip strength in non-kneaders compared to habitual and occupational dough kneaders, with occupational dough kneaders presenting maximum hand grip strength (p value < 0.001). Significant improvement was demonstrated in hand grip strength post intervention in non-kneaders (p value < 0.001). Conclusion: Findings suggest that exposure to dough kneading has a positive influence on hand grip strength. Hand grip strength of non-kneaders was lowest compared to habitual and occupational kneaders. Kneading intervention improved hand grip strength and hence can be used therapeutically as a safe, low cost exercise in hand rehabilitation.
BACKGROUND: Muscle weakness is the most common impairment in the upper extremity (UE) after a stroke. Understanding the relationship between hand strength and functional outcomes would be advantageous in clinical settings for the development of efficient rehabilitation programs. PURPOSE: To determine the relationship of hand strength with paretic UE function and activities of daily living (ADL) performance. METHODS:Twenty-sixpatientswithhemipareticstroke(meanage51.38±12.64years)participatedinthiscross-sectional study.Handstrengthwasassessedonboththemoreaffectedandlessaffectedsides.Anelectronicdynamometerandisokinetic dynamometerwereusedtomeasurestaticgripandpinchstrength,anddynamicgripstrength,respectively.Therelationships of hand strength with paretic UE function (Fugl-Meyer Motor Assessment, FMA) and ADL performance (Modified Barthel Index, MBI) were analyzed. RESULTS: Hand strength on the more affected side had a moderate to high correlation with UE function (r=0.62–0.77, P<0.001), in comparison hand strength on the less affected side had low correlation with UE function (r=0.39–0.44, P<0.05). Hand strength on the less affected side had a moderate to high correlation with ADL performance (r=0.61–0.75, P<0.001), while, hand strength on the more affected side had low correlation with ADL performance (r=0.42; P=0.03). Regression analysis showed that static grip and pinch strength on the more affected side contributed 71% of the variance in FMA scores, and static grip and pinch strength on the less affected side accounted for 73% of the variance in MBI scores. CONCLUSION: Hand strength on the more affected side is associated with paretic UE function and hand strength on the less affected side is associate with ADL performance.
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Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate grip strength in a large sample of people with intellectual disabilities, to establish reference values for adults with intellectual disabilities (ID) and compare it to adults without intellectual disability. Methods: This study analysed pooled baseline data from two independent studies for all 1526 adults with ID: Special Olympics Funfitness Spain (n = 801) and the Dutch cross-sectional study 'Healthy aging and intellectual disabilities' (n = 725). Results: The grip strength result of people with ID across gender and age subgroups is presented with CI95% values from higher 25.5-31.0 kg in male younger to lower 4.3-21.6 kg in female older. Conclusion: This study is the first to present grip strength results of a large sample of people with ID from 20-90 years of age. This study provides reference values for people with ID for use in clinical practice.
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In the scientific literature, there is much evidence of a relationship between age and dexterity, where increased age is related to slower, less nimble and less smooth, less coordinated and less controlled performances. While some suggest that the relationship is a direct consequence of reduced muscle strength associated to increased age, there is a lack of research that has systematically investigated the relationships between age, strength and hand dexterity. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the associations between age, grip strength and dexterity. 107 adults (range 18-93 years) completed a series of hand dexterity tasks (i.e. steadiness, line tracking, aiming, and tapping) and a test of maximal grip strength. We performed three phases of analyses. Firstly, we evaluated the simple relationships between pairs of variables; replicating the existing literature; and found significant relationships of increased age and reduced strength; increased age and reduced dexterity, and; reduced strength and reduced dexterity. Secondly, we used standard Multiple Regression (MR) models to determine which of the age and strength factors accounted for the greater variance in dexterity. The results showed that both age and strength made significant contributions to the data variance, but that age explained more of the variance in steadiness and line tracking dexterity, whereas strength explained more of the variance in aiming and tapping dexterity. In a third phase of analysis, we used MR analyses to show an interaction between age and strength on steadiness hand dexterity. Simple Slopes posthoc analyses showed that the interaction was explained by the middle to older aged adults showing a relationship between reduced strength and reduced hand steadiness, whereas younger aged adults showed no relationship between strength and steadiness hand dexterity. The results are discussed in terms of how age and grip strength predict different types of hand dexterity in adults.
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Grip strength is widely used for estimating whole body strength but there is a lack of information relating to grip endurance. Comparison between endurance of different muscle groups has received little attention. The main aim of the present study was to determine the endurance characteristics of hand grip and quadriceps muscles in healthy young adults and then to examine the association between fatigability of the two muscle groups. Twenty one healthy participants (8 males and 13 females) aged 18-35 years were studied. A maximal intermittent endurance test, consisting of 12 isometric contractions held for 3 seconds separated by 5 second rest periods, was utilised to measure muscle endurance. A Biodex isokinetic dynamometer and Jamar dynamometer were used to assess quadriceps and hand grip respectively. The mean of first (M1) and last (M2) three repetitions was calculated. Fatigue index values were calculated for both muscle groups by the 1st peak torque (PT) minus the last (12th) PT, divided by the 1st PT multiplied by 100. Quadriceps torque (M1:197.3 ± 65.2 Nm; M2:163.1 ± 47.6 Nm) and grip strength (M1:33.6 ± 9.9 Kg; M2:25.2 ± 8.1 Kg) both declined significantly during the 12 repetitions (p < 0.05). Hand grip showed a significantly higher mean fatigue index of 30% compared to 18% in the quadriceps (p < 0.05). Quadriceps showed better fatigability than hand grip. The findings therefore indicate caution against using grip endurance as a surrogate measure of quadriceps endurance. Further research is warranted to confirm observed differences between genders and to study endurance in different age groups.
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Introduction: The handgrip strength and endurance have evolved as an important tool for the assessment of the nutritional status and as a marker of the muscle quality. In underweight as well as overweight individuals, there is the possibility of a change in the muscle quality. So, we undertook this study to find out the correlation between the BMI, the Body Fat percentage and the Hand grip strength and endurance. Materials and methods: One hundered eighty students in three BMI ranges-underweight (BMI≤ 18.49), normal weight (BMI- 18.5- 24.99) and overweight (25-29.99) were included according to the WHO guidelines. The body fat percentage was measured by using a bioelectric impedance. The handgrip strength and the handgrip endurance were recorded by using an INCO handgrip dynamometer. The statistical correlation was done by using ANOVA. Results: In males, the handgrip endurance was better in normal weight individuals, but among the females, the underweight females had a better handgrip endurance, but the difference was statistically insignificant (p>0.05). In both males and females, there was a statistically significant difference in the handgrip endurance, with the maximum grip endurance in the normal weight group and the minimum grip endurance in the overweight group (p< 0.05). The correlation between the BMI, the body fat percentage and the handgrip endurance was complex and different for males and females. Conclusion: The underweight and overweight groups had a lower grip strength and endurance than the normal weight group in males, but not in females. The correlation was weak and it suggested that on both sides of the normal BMI, the hand grip endurance tended to decrease in males as well as in females. The increase in the body fat percentage might decrease the handgrip endurance but not the handgrip strength.
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The aim of our study was twofold. The first was to investigate the optimum position of the elbow while measuring grip endurance. The second was to investigate the optimum position of the elbow while measuring peak grip strength. The American Society of Hand Therapists advocate estimation of grip strength with the elbow flexed at 90 degrees with the subject in the sitting position . As far as we are aware, there have been no reports in English literature regarding studies done to evaluate the position of the elbow while measuring grip endurance. A total of 45 healthy adults (16 males, 29 females) participated in this study. A computerised handgrip analyser was used to measure the peak strength in the non-dominant hand, followed by measurement of the grip endurance. These measurements were conducted in 90 degrees of flexion and full extension of the elbow for each participant. Mean endurance in flexion was 71.0 N (SD 22.9) and in extension was 68.7 N (SD 27.4). Mean peak grip strength in flexion was 262.8 N (SD 73.1) and in extension was 264.1 N (SD 82.0). T test analysis showed no statistical significance for elbow positions for grip endurance (P = 0.67) and peak gip strength (P = 0.93). Practical implications from this study are that grip endurance training can be undertaken with the elbow in 90 degrees of flexion or full extension.
Studies of grip strength typically examine maximum force during a single repetition, but this type of exertion is relatively rare in the workplace, where tasks frequently involve repeated forceful dynamic grasping or prolonged static holding. This study examined grip strength and endurance in three experiments: single-repetition, 10-repetition, and 30-second static hold. The relationships between anthropometric variation and grip performance were assessed for 51 individuals, aged 18–33. Measurements of the forearm and hand were found to be better predictors of grip strength than were height and weight. The ability to predict strength was most accurate for the single-repetition, and then declined with increasing duration of the experiment. Compared to univariate measurements, multivariate analysis (principal components) slightly improved the ability to predict absolute grip force. In contrast to strength, anthropometric variation was completely unassociated with relative grip endurance (percent change in force production). While larger males produced greater average grip force than did females, no significant differences existed between the genders in measures of relative endurance. The dominant hand was significantly stronger than the opposite hand, but also fatigued more rapidly. This trend was more pronounced in females than in males.Relevance to industryGrip strength and relative endurance may both contribute to the risk of work-related accidents and cumulative musculoskeletal injury. Because grip force and endurance are unrelated, ergonomists should consider which factor is most important and appropriate for their design and research goals.
This study investigated the effect of shoulder, elbow positions with respect to wrist positioned in neutral and in extension in 25 males and 25 females. A hydraulic dynamometer was used to measure the grip strength in six testing positions with respect to wrist positioned in neutral and in extension. The six grip strength tests consisted of three positions in which the elbow was maintained in full extension with varying degrees of shoulder flexion (00, 900 and 1800) and other three positions where the elbow was maintained in 900 flexion combined with varying degrees of shoulder flexion (00, 900 and 1800). Only the dominant hand was tested. The highest mean grip strength score was recorded when the shoulder was positioned in 1800 of flexion with elbow in complete extension with respect to wrist being positioned in neutral (30.20 ± 8.74) and wrist in extension (25.44 ± 7.51), while the lowest mean grip strength score was recorded when shoulder was positioned in 1800 flexion with elbow 900 flexion with respect to wrist being positioned in neutral (21.92 ± 7.45) and wrist in extension (19.40 ± 6.21). Finally grip strength differed significantly for both sexes and study showed males have greater grip strength than females with respect to wrist being positioned in neutral and in extension. In essence, our study affirms that various joint positions can affect grip strength, especially elbow and shoulder joints with respect to wrist positions (neutral and extension). Clinically useful information may be derived from these findings and are valuable in evaluation and rehabilitation training of hand injured patients
The present work examined the handgrip force at different anatomical positions for both hands. Anthropometrics, handgrip force, and fatigue were obtained from a representative sample of 20 males randomly selected from the German Jordanian University students. The hand dynamometer first was calibrated with respect to the volunteer's maximal grip strength, and he was then asked to squeeze maximally until the grip force decreased to 50% of its maximal due to fatigue; this test was performed for both hands at different anatomical positions with 2 min of rest for recovery of muscle function. The results showed differences in the handgrip force between subjects of the same anatomical positions and for the different anatomical positions, differences in the time for 50% of the force maximal for both right hand and left hand, higher time required to achieve 50% of maximal handgrip force for the nondominant hand, and maximal handgrip force was obtained when arm adduction with 90 degrees forward at the elbow joint. Recommendations for future work are to measure fatigue time at different percentages, 25%, 50%, 60%, and 75% of maximal force and to investigate the factors affecting handgrip force over a larger sample.
Quantitative measurement of grip strength is an important variable when plotting the progress of a hand-injured patient. When utilizing traditional commercially available apparatuses, obtaining meaningful grip strength measurement in these subjects is frequently difficult due to severe deformity, high tissue sensitivity, and low levels of force generated. The purpose of this study was to measure hand grip strength using two instruments having different physical characteristics and units of measurement to determine the reliability of repeated measures with each instrument. Additionally, validity of the sphygmomanometer for strength measurement was established through comparison with the values obtained from measurements using the research-validated Jamar dynamometer. Twenty-nine right hand dominant female college-age subjects volunteered to perform hand grip strength testing. Measurements were taken with a sphygmomanometer and a Jamar dynamometer while utilizing standardized measurement procedures. A Spearman Rho correlation coefficient test utilized in measuring within-instrument reliability showed a high correlation for each instrument at .85 for the sphygmomanometer and .82 for the Jamar dynamometer. Construct validity testing performed to determine validity of the measurements by the sphygmomanometer compared with the Jamar dynamometer produced a .75 correlation. A formula for conversion of the sphygmomanometer scores into Jamar units was developed to enhance reporting of sphygmomanometer scores utilizing the Jamar standard. The study showed that the sphygmomanometer and Jamar dynamometer exhibit good within-instrument reliability. Validity of the sphygmomanometer as a grip measurement device is acceptable and reportable using the conversion formula developed. Therefore, it can be utilized with confidence as essentially equal to the Jamar unit for grip strength measurement. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 1992;16(5):215-219.