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Screening for Primary Aldosteronism: Implications of an Increased Plasma Aldosterone/Renin Ratio



The value of the ratio of plasma aldosterone concentration (aldosterone) to plasma renin activity (renin) to identify patients at risk for primary aldosteronism is controversial. We determined the sensitivity, specificity, and predictive value of the ratio to identify combinations of renin and aldosterone compatible with primary aldosteronism. The ratio was calculated in 505 adults with essential hypertension (143 black women, 82 black men, 122 white women, and 158 white men). We used a conventional cutpoint for an increased ratio (i.e., 20 mL/dL x h). The primary combination of renin and aldosterone considered compatible with primary aldosteronism was increased aldosterone for the concomitant renin, defined as aldosterone in the highest quartile predicted by linear regression on renin. Renin was considered low if it was in the lowest quartile of the sample distribution. The sensitivity of the ratio to identify individuals with increased aldosterone for the concomitant renin was 66% (80% in blacks and 56% in whites; P = 0.009), and the specificity of the ratio was 67% (46% in blacks and 84% in whites; P <0.0001). In 36% of instances of an increased ratio, it was a measure of low renin alone without increased aldosterone for renin (32% in blacks and 45% in whites; P = 0.072). The positive predictive value of the ratio to identify individuals with increased aldosterone for the concomitant renin was 34% (49% in whites and 27% in blacks; P <0.002). The aldosterone/renin ratio lacks sensitivity and specificity and has only a modest predictive value for combinations of renin and aldosterone that are compatible with primary aldosteronism.
Screening for Primary Aldosteronism: Implications
of an Increased Plasma Aldosterone/Renin Ratio
Gary L. Schwartz,
Arlene B. Chapman,
Eric Boerwinkle,
Robert M. Kisabeth,
Stephen T. Turner
Background: The value of the ratio of plasma aldoste-
rone concentration (aldosterone) to plasma renin activ-
ity (renin) to identify patients at risk for primary aldo-
steronism is controversial. We determined the
sensitivity, specificity, and predictive value of the ratio
to identify combinations of renin and aldosterone com-
patible with primary aldosteronism.
Methods: The ratio was calculated in 505 adults with
essential hypertension (143 black women, 82 black men,
122 white women, and 158 white men). We used a
conventional cutpoint for an increased ratio (i.e., 20
mL/dL h). The primary combination of renin and aldo-
sterone considered compatible with primary aldosteron-
ism was increased aldosterone for the concomitant re-
nin, defined as aldosterone in the highest quartile
predicted by linear regression on renin. Renin was
considered low if it was in the lowest quartile of the
sample distribution.
Results: The sensitivity of the ratio to identify individ-
uals with increased aldosterone for the concomitant
renin was 66% (80% in blacks and 56% in whites; P
0.009), and the specificity of the ratio was 67% (46% in
blacks and 84% in whites; P <0.0001). In 36% of in-
stances of an increased ratio, it was a measure of low
renin alone without increased aldosterone for renin
(32% in blacks and 45% in whites; P 0.072). The
positive predictive value of the ratio to identify individ-
uals with increased aldosterone for the concomitant
renin was 34% (49% in whites and 27% in blacks; P
Conclusion: The aldosterone/renin ratio lacks sensitiv-
ity and specificity and has only a modest predictive
value for combinations of renin and aldosterone that are
compatible with primary aldosteronism.
© 2002 American Association for Clinical Chemistry
Primary aldosteronism is recognized as the most common
endocrine form of secondary hypertension (1), with prev-
alence estimates as high as 15% in the hypertensive
population (2–4). Classically, this condition has been
characterized by hypokalemia, suppressed plasma renin
activity, increased aldosterone production, and nonsup-
pressible plasma and urine aldosterone. It is now recog-
nized that the most common laboratory abnormality
routinely assessed to distinguish primary aldosteronism
from essential hypertension, namely hypokalemia, may
be absent (2 ). Thus, there is ongoing interest in using
measures of plasma renin activity (renin) and plasma
aldosterone concentration (aldosterone) to screen for this
Although many have questioned the value of the
separate measures, calculation of the aldosterone/renin
ratio has been promulgated as a convenient and effective
method to screen for primary aldosteronism (5). The
Mayo Clinic medical laboratory is receiving increasing
requests to report the ratio value as a screening test for
this disorder. The rationale for the ratio as a screening test
is based on the assumption that the usual dependency of
aldosterone on renin is lost in primary aldosteronism and
aldosterone becomes disproportionately increased rela-
tive to the concomitant renin. Moreover, because aldoste-
rone increases renal sodium reabsorption and extracellu-
lar volume, renin may become secondarily depressed,
increasing the ratio further. Therefore, an increased ratio
is believed to identify individuals who have an increased
aldosterone for the measured renin (increased aldosterone
for the concomitant renin), with or without low renin.
However, critics of the ratio point out that an increased
value can often arise solely as the consequence of low
renin in the absence of an increased aldosterone for the
concomitant renin (6, 7), a common finding in essential
Division of Hypertension, Department of Internal Medicine, and
partment of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30320.
University of Texas Health Sciences Center, Houston, TX 77225.
*Address correspondence to this author at: Division of Hypertension, West
9A, Mayo Clinic, 200 First Street SW, Rochester, MN 55905. Fax 507-284-1161;
Received March 7, 2002; accepted August 9, 2002.
Clinical Chemistry 48:11
1919–1923 (2002)
Endocrinology and
hypertension, especially in blacks (810). In addition, it is
unknown how often combinations of renin and aldoste-
rone compatible with primary aldosteronism are associ-
ated with a normal ratio. A better understanding of the
information provided by an increased ratio is an impor-
tant first step in assessing its potential value as a screening
The goals of this study were therefore to determine the
sensitivity, specificity, and predictive value of the aldo-
sterone/renin ratio to identify combinations of renin and
aldosterone compatible with primary aldosteronism. To
accomplish these goals, we conducted a prospective co-
hort study in population-based samples of blacks and
whites with previously diagnosed essential hypertension
in whom renin and aldosterone were measured at a
standard time of day 4 weeks after discontinuation of
antihypertensive drug therapy and after stabilization on a
standard sodium diet.
Materials and Methods
The participants in the present study were community-
and population-based samples of 225 unrelated non-
Hispanic black adults (143 women, 82 men) from Atlanta,
GA, and 280 unrelated non-Hispanic white adults (122
women, 158 men) from Rochester, MN (age range, 30
59.9 years), with previously diagnosed hypertension.
These individuals were participants in an ongoing study
conducted between 1996 and 2000 to assess genetic pre-
dictors of blood pressure response to diuretic therapy.
Recruitment methods have been described (11). In brief,
participants were ambulatory volunteers who had to be in
good general health with a blood pressure 180/110
mmHg and have no evidence by medical record review,
history, physical examination, or screening laboratory
studies of secondary hypertension, renal or liver dysfunc-
tion, serious heart disease, or diabetes. Individuals who
had been taking diuretics and were found to be hypokale-
mic at the screening visit were allowed to participate as
described below; however, because unexplained hypoka-
lemia in a hypertensive individual is associated with a
high probability of primary aldosteronism (12), a setting
where screening tests are not needed, individuals with
unexplained hypokalemia were excluded from participa-
tion (a total of seven individuals: six black volunteers and
one white volunteer). Participants had to be able to
discontinue antihypertensive medications and any drug
that could influence the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone
axis. However, postmenopausal women were allowed to
continue hormone replacement therapy. Participants were
required to review and sign a written consent form. The
Institutional Review Boards of Emory University and the
Mayo Clinic approved all procedures involving study
participants in Atlanta, GA, and Rochester, MN, respec-
tively. All study procedures were carried out in each
institutions general clinical research center in accordance
with the respective institutions guidelines.
study protocol
The study protocol has been described (11 ). Briefly,
participants had their antihypertensive medications with-
drawn, and other contraindicated drugs were discontin-
ued. If the serum potassium concentration was 3.6
mmol/L at the screening visit and the individual had
been receiving diuretic therapy, a potassium supplement
(potassium chloride, 20 mmol/day) was prescribed. A
dietitian instructed each participant in a diet designed to
provide a daily sodium intake of 2 mmol/kg of body
weight. After a minimum of 4 weeks without antihyper-
tensive drug therapy, blood was collected at approxi-
mately 0800 in the morning with participants in the seated
position after a timed ambulatory period of 0.5 h. The
plasma renin activities and plasma aldosterone concentra-
tions were analyzed by RIA as described previously (13 ).
statistical methods
The aldosterone/renin ratio was calculated for each indi-
vidual. A ratio was defined as increased if it was 20
mL/dL h (when aldosterone is expressed as ng/dL and
renin is expressed as ng mL
), the threshold value
frequently used in clinical practice to indicate possible
primary aldosteronism (14, 15). The distribution of ob-
served renin activities was determined separately in each
race-gender subgroup. Renin was classified as low if it
was below the 25th percentile in its respective race-
gender-specific distribution (lowest quartile). Linear re-
gression of aldosterone on renin was carried out in each
race-gender subgroup, and 50% confidence intervals for a
predicted aldosterone observation about the regression
were determined. An observed aldosterone was classified
as increased for a measured renin (increased aldosterone
for the concomitant renin) if it was above the upper
bound of the 50% confidence interval for a predicted
aldosterone value as a function of the concomitant renin
(highest quartile). Using this information, we determined
the number of individuals with increased aldosterone for
the concomitant renin (compatible with primary aldoste-
ronism) separately in each race-gender subgroup, and
these were further subdivided into those with and those
without low renin. Likewise, the number of individuals
without increased aldosterone for the concomitant renin
(compatible with essential hypertension) was determined,
and these also were further subdivided into those with
and those without low renin. These four categories of
combinations of renin and aldosterone, which are mutu-
ally exclusive and completely exhaustive, were used to
calculate sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values for
the ratio to identify combinations of renin and aldoste-
rone compatible with primary aldosteronism.
For quantitative traits, means and SDs were calculated
for each race-gender subgroup stratified by ratio status.
Students t-test was used to assess differences in means
between subgroups. For categorical traits,
analysis was
used to assess for differences in proportions between
races and between genders within each race.
1920 Schwartz et al.: Screening for Primary Aldosteronism
characteristics of study sample
As expected, individuals with increased ratios had lower
mean renin and higher mean aldosterone values than
individuals with normal ratios. Means for age, body mass
index, baseline blood pressure, and serum potassium
concentration did not differ significantly by ratio status
[see supplemental data available with the online version
of this article at Clinical Chemistry Online (http://www.].
Race- and gender-specific cutpoints for the lowest
quartile of renin (ng mL
) were 0.4 (0.11
ng/L s) in both black women and black men, 0.8
(0.22 ng/L s) in white women, and 0.6 (0.17 ng/
L s) in white men. At these renin activities, cutpoints for
the highest quartile of aldosterone (ng/dL) were 19 (527
pmol/L) in black women and 14 (388 pmol/L) in the
other three race-gender subgroups. Overall, the correla-
tion coefficient for the regression of aldosterone on renin
was 0.22. This did not differ significantly among race-
gender subgroups.
Overall, 21% of the participants had combinations of
renin and aldosterone compatible with primary aldoste-
ronism (with low renin in 5% and without low renin in
16%), whereas 79% had combinations of renin and aldo-
sterone compatible with essential hypertension (with low
renin in 19% and without low renin in 60%). These
percentages were similar across race-gender subgroups
[see supplemental data available with the online version
of this article at Clinical Chemistry Online (http://www.].
frequency of an increased ratio
The frequency of an increased aldosterone/renin ratio in
the overall sample was 40%. The frequency was higher in
blacks than in whites (60% vs 25%; P 0.001), and this
was also true in each gender. In blacks, the frequency was
higher in women than in men (67% vs 46%; P 0.002),
whereas in whites the trend was for the ratio to be higher
in men than in women, but this did not reach statistical
significance [28% vs 20%; P 0.090 (see supplemental
implications of an increased ratio
Overall, the sensitivity of an increased ratio to identify
combinations of renin and aldosterone compatible with
primary aldosteronism was 66% (70 of 106; Tables 1 and
2). Sensitivity was higher in blacks than in whites (80% vs
56%; P 0.009), and this was also true in each gender. In
blacks, sensitivity was higher in women than in men (89%
vs 65%; P 0.046), whereas in whites, sensitivity was
similar in women and men (54% vs 57%; P 0.842). An
increased ratio identified all 27 individuals who had
increased aldosterone for the concomitant renin with low
Table 1. Distribution of combinations of renin and aldosterone by ratio status in each race-gender subgroup.
Blacks, n (%)
(n 225)
(n 143)
(n 82)
Ratio >20
(n 134)
Ratio <20
(n 91)
Ratio >20
(n 96)
(Ratio <20)
(n 47)
Ratio >20
(n 38)
Ratio <20
(n 44)
Compatible with PA
With low renin 9 (7%)
0 (0%) 5 (5%) 0 (0%) 4 (11%) 0 (0%)
Without low renin 27 (20%) 9 (10%) 20 (21%) 3 (6%) 7 (18%) 6 (14%)
Compatible with EH
With low renin 43 (32%) 3 (3%) 29 (30%) 1 (2%) 14 (37%) 2 (5%)
Without low renin 55 (41%)
79 (87%) 42 (44%) 43 (92%) 13 (34%) 36 (81%)
Whites, n (%)
(n 280)
(n 122)
(n 158)
Ratio >20
(n 69)
Ratio <20
(n 211)
Ratio >20
(n 24)
Ratio <20
(n 98)
Ratio >20
(n 45)
Ratio <20
(n 113)
Compatible with PA
With low renin 18 (26%) 0 (0%) 8 (33%) 0 (0%) 10 (22%) 0 (0%)
Without low renin 16 (23%) 27 (13%) 5 (21%) 11 (11%) 11 (24%) 16 (14%)
Compatible with EH
With low renin 31 (45%) 18 (9%) 11 (46%) 11 (11%) 20 (44%) 7 (6%)
Without low renin 4 (6%) 166 (78%) 0 (0%) 76 (78%) 4 (10%) 90 (80%)
Renin, plasma renin activity; aldosterone, plasma aldosterone concentration.
PA, primary aldosteronism; EH, essential hypertension.
Increased aldosterone for the concomitant renin.
P 0.0001 between blacks and whites.
Expected aldosterone for the concomitant renin.
Clinical Chemistry 48, No. 11, 2002 1921
renin but only 54% (43 of 79) of individuals who had
increased aldosterone for the concomitant renin without
low renin [75% (27 of 36) of blacks and 37% (16 of 43) of
whites; Table 1].
Overall, in 34% (70 of 203) of the individuals with an
increased ratio, it was associated with combinations of
renin and aldosterone compatible with primary aldoste-
ronism (positive predictive value; Tables 1 and 2). The
positive predictive value was higher in whites than in
blacks [49% (34 of 69) in whites vs 27% (36 of 134) in
blacks; P 0.002], and this was also true in each gender.
Within race, the positive predictive value was similar in
women and men.
Consequently, in 66% (133 of 203) of the individuals
with an increased ratio, it was associated with combina-
tions of renin and aldosterone compatible with essential
hypertension [with low renin in 36% (32% in blacks and
45% in whites; P 0.072) and without low renin in 29%
(41% in blacks and 6% in whites; P 0.001); Table 1].
implications of a normal ratio
Overall, the specificity of a normal ratio to identify
combinations of renin and aldosterone compatible with
essential hypertension was 67% (266 of 399; Tables 1 and
2). Specificity was higher in whites than in blacks (84% in
whites vs 46% in blacks; P 0.0001), and this was also true
in each gender. In blacks, specificity was higher in men
than in women (58% vs 38%; P 0.009), whereas in
whites, the trend was for it to be higher in women than in
men, but this did not reach statistical significance (89% vs
80%; P 0.08). Among participants with combinations of
renin and aldosterone compatible with essential hyper-
tension, a normal ratio identified 22% (21 of 95) of those
with low renin [7% (3 of 46) of blacks and 37% (18 of 49)
of whites] and 81% (245 of 304) of those without low renin
[59% (79 of 134) of blacks and 98% (166 of 170) of whites;
Table 1].
Overall, in 88% (266 of 302) of the participants with a
normal ratio, it was associated with combinations of renin
and aldosterone compatible with essential hypertension
(negative predictive value; Tables 1 and 2). The negative
predictive value was similar across all race-gender sub-
groups. Consequently, in 12% of the individuals with a
normal ratio, it was associated with combinations of renin
and aldosterone compatible with primary aldosteronism
[10% of blacks and 13% of whites (P 0.474); increased
aldosterone for renin without low renin in all participants;
Table 1].
Because of poor sensitivity and specificity, measures of
renin and aldosterone by themselves are considered to
have limited value in screening for primary aldosteron-
ism. In contrast, calculation of the aldosterone/renin
ratio, which reduces these measures to a single number, is
advocated as a useful screening method (5, 14, 15 ). Pro-
ponents suggest that the ratio, which reexpresses aldoste-
rone as a multiple of renin, can identify hypertensive
individuals who have an inappropriately high concentra-
tion of aldosterone for a measured concentration of renin,
with or without low renin. This study determined the
likelihood of the ratio being increased in patients with
such combinations of renin and aldosterone (sensitivity)
and the likelihood of the ratio being normal in patients
without such combinations (specificity).
The overall sensitivity of an increased ratio for combi-
nations of renin and aldosterone compatible with primary
aldosteronism was low, especially in whites. The comple-
ment of sensitivity is the false-negative rate. The ratio test
was associated with a high false-negative rate because it
failed to identify almost one-half of the individuals who
had increased aldosterone for the concomitant renin but
who did not have low renin (25% of blacks and 63% of
whites). This was the most common (76%) of the two
combinations of renin and aldosterone compatible with
primary aldosteronism in the study sample.
The overall specificity of a normal ratio for combina-
tions of renin and aldosterone compatible with essential
hypertension was also low, especially in blacks. The
complement of specificity is the false-positive rate. The
ratio test was associated with a high false-positive rate
because it was frequently a measure of low renin in the
absence of increased aldosterone for the concomitant
renin. This was the case for almost one-half of increased
Table 2. Test characteristics for the aldosterone/renin ratio to identify combinations of renin and aldosterone compatible
with primary aldosteronism.
Blacks Whites
Women Men Pooled Women Men Pooled
%21 202120 202322
Sensitivity, % 66 89 65 80 54 57 56
Specificity, % 67 38 58 46 89 80 84
% 34 262927 544749
NPV, % 88 94 86 90 89 86 87
Renin, plasma renin activity; aldosterone, plasma aldosterone concentration.
Entire study sample.
Prevalence of combinations of renin and aldosterone compatible with primary aldosteronism.
PPV, positive predictive value; NPV, negative predictive value.
1922 Schwartz et al.: Screening for Primary Aldosteronism
ratios among whites and for one-third of increased ratios
among blacks. These results corroborate our concern
expressed in a previous publication that an increased ratio
often might be merely a surrogate measure for low renin
In our sample, the prevalence of combinations of renin
and aldosterone compatible with primary aldosteronism
was 21%, which is the pretest likelihood. Overall, the
effect of an increased ratio on the pretest likelihood was
to increase it only modestly, to 34% (positive predictive
value). Likewise, the effect of a normal ratio on this
pretest likelihood was to decrease it only modestly, to
12% (negative predictive value, 88%).
The results of this study cast doubt on the value of the
aldosterone/renin ratio to screen for primary aldosteron-
ism. These results also suggest an alternative reporting
method that would provide the clinician with unambig-
uous information about the rank value of renin and the
appropriateness of the aldosterone value for a measured
renin value when using these values to screen for primary
aldosteronism. The distribution of renin activities in rep-
resentative samples of the hypertensive population, strat-
ified by race, gender, and age, could be determined. The
percentile rank of an observed renin value could then be
reported. Similarly, the age-adjusted distribution of aldo-
sterone values for measured values of renin could also be
determined. The percentile rank of an observed aldoste-
rone for a measured renin value could then be reported.
Joint consideration of renin and aldosterone values in this
manner should improve their usefulness in screening for
primary aldosteronism.
Inferences from this study are dependent in part on the
cutpoints (action limits) used to define specific combina-
tions of renin and aldosterone compatible with primary
aldosteronism. The cutpoints used in this study are rea-
sonable because the effect of higher values would be to
markedly reduce the frequency of these combinations
below the likely prevalence of the disorder in the sample.
Inferences from this study are also dependent on the fact
that we chose only one of several potential values to
define an increased aldosterone/renin ratio. Although
some use a higher value to define an increased ratio to
improve specificity, this would further reduce its sensi-
tivity. In general, screening tests are designed to maxi-
mize sensitivity at the expense of specificity.
A further potential limitation of all screening methods
that rely on single measurements of renin and aldosterone
arises from the variability in these values, even in indi-
viduals with primary aldosteronism (16). Moreover, the
dependence of aldosterone on renin is much weaker than
conventionally assumed, and among individuals with
essential hypertension, much of the variation in aldoste-
rone is independent of the variation in renin (13).
Prospective studies are needed to determine the rela-
tive frequencies of the specific combinations of renin and
aldosterone identified in this study in patients with con-
firmed primary aldosteronism. Such studies would be a
basis to assess the effectiveness of our proposed method
of reporting renin and aldosterone to screen for primary
This study was supported by US Public Health Service
Grants RO1-HL53330, MO1-RR00585, and MO1-RR00039
and funds from the Mayo Foundation.
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Clinical Chemistry 48, No. 11, 2002 1923
... Measurement of plasma aldosterone and plasma renin, and interpretation of the ARR, is challenged by (1) assay availability, (2) stability of renin at room temperature following venesection, (3) requirement for specific sampling conditions (midmorning, seated for 15 minutes following 2 hours ambulation), (4) assay interpretation in the face of interfering antihypertensive medications, (5) requirement for confirmatory testing to establish the diagnosis due to low specificity of the ARR (approx. 65%), and (6) the intraindividual variability in screening aldosterone concentrations, renin measurements (plasma renin concentration and plasma renin activity), and their corresponding ARRs (87,88). Consequently, given these apparent complexities, Table 3. ...
Full-text available
Primary aldosteronism (PA) is the most common cause of secondary hypertension and is associated with increased morbidity and mortality when compared to blood pressure-matched cases of primary hypertension. Current limitations in patient care stem from delayed recognition of the condition, limited access to key diagnostic procedures, and lack of a definitive therapy option for non-surgical candidates. However, several recent advances have the potential to address these barriers to optimal care. From a diagnostic perspective, machine learning algorithms have shown promise in the prediction of PA subtypes, while the development of non-invasive alternatives to adrenal vein sampling (including molecular PET imaging) has made accurate localisation of functioning adrenal nodules possible. In parallel, more selective approaches to targeting the causative aldosterone-producing adrenal adenoma/nodule (APA/APN) have emerged with the advent of partial adrenalectomy or precision ablation. Additionally, the development of novel pharmacological agents may help to mitigate off-target effects of aldosterone and improve clinical efficacy and outcomes. Here, we consider how each of these innovations might change our approach to the patient with PA, to allow more tailored investigation and treatment plans, with corresponding improvement in clinical outcomes and resource utilisation, for this highly prevalent disorder.
... In the only eligible article comparing African-American and Caucasian populations, no clear difference was found. However, this finding was tangential to the primary objective of the study, which was to estimate the prevalence of PA. 10 In one study, African-Americans had more than twice as many positive ARR screenings compared to their Caucasian counterparts, 35 ...
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The aldosterone‐to‐renin ratio (ARR) is a common screening test for primary aldosteronism in hypertensives. However, there are many factors which could confound the ARR test result and reduce the accuracy of this test. The present review's objective is to identify these factors and to describe to what extent they affect the ARR. Our analysis revealed that sex, age, posture, and sodium‐intake influence the ARR, whereas assay techniques do not. Race and body mass index have an uncertain effect on the ARR. We conclude that several factors can affect the ARR. Not taking these factors into account could lead to misinterpretation of the ARR.
... In this research a relatively low cut-off value for the ARR of >40 pmol/ mU was deliberately used with the aim to miss as few PA patients as possible. 47,48 To prevent too many false-positive test results due to low renin hypertension, the criterion of a minimum plasma aldosterone level of 400 pmol/l was added. 49 However, the cutoff for the SIT in this study was quite strict. ...
Background: Primary aldosteronism (PA) is the most frequent cause of secondary hypertension. Reported prevalences of PA vary considerably because of a large heterogeneity in study methodology. Aim: To examine the proportion of patients with PA among patients with newly diagnosed, never treated hypertension. Design and setting: A cross-sectional study set in primary care. Method: GPs measured aldosterone and renin in adult patients with newly diagnosed, never treated hypertension. Patients with elevated aldosterone-to-renin ratio and increased plasma aldosterone concentration underwent a saline infusion test to confirm or exclude PA. The source population was meticulously assessed to detect possible selection bias. Results: Of 3748 patients with newly diagnosed hypertension, 343 patients were screened for PA. In nine out of 74 patients with an elevated aldosterone-to-renin ratio and increased plasma aldosterone concentration the diagnosis of PA was confirmed by a saline infusion test, resulting in a prevalence of 2.6% (95% confidence interval = 1.4 to 4.9). All patients with PA were normokalaemic and 8 out of 9 patients had sustained blood pressure >150/100 mmHg. Screened patients were younger (P<0.001) or showed higher blood pressure (P<0.001) than non-screened patients. Conclusion: In this study a prevalence of PA of 2.6% in a primary care setting was established, which is lower than estimates reported from other primary care studies so far. This study supports the screening strategy as recommended by the Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline. The low proportion of screened patients (9.2%), of the large cohort of eligible patients, reflects the difficulty of conducting prevalence studies in primary care clinical practice.
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Primary aldosteronism (PA) is the most common cause of endocrine hypertension and is often underdiagnosed. This condition is associated with increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in comparison to age and blood pressure matched individuals with essential hypertension (EH). The diagnostic pathway for PA consists of three phases: screening, confirmatory testing, and subtyping. The lack of specificity in the screening step, which relies on the aldosterone to renin ratio, necessitates confirmatory testing. The Endocrine Society’s clinical practice guideline suggests four confirmatory tests, including the fludrocortisone suppression test (FST), saline suppression test (SST), captopril challenge test (CCT), and oral sodium loading test (SLT). There is no universally accepted choice of confirmatory test, with practices varying among centers. The SST and FST are commonly used, but they can be resource-intensive, carry risks such as volume overload or hypokalemia, and are contraindicated in severe/uncontrolled HTN as well as in cardiac and renal impairment. In contrast, CCT is a safe and inexpensive alternative that can be performed in an outpatient setting and can be applied when other tests are contraindicated. Despite its simplicity and convenience, the variability in captopril dose, testing posture and diagnostic threshold limit its widespread use. This narrative review evaluates the diagnostic accuracy of the CCT across different populations, addresses controversies in its usage, and proposes recommendations for its use in the diagnosis of PA. Furthermore, suggestions for future research aimed at promoting the wider utilization of the CCT as a simpler, safer and more cost-effective diagnostic test are discussed.
Objetivo: Abordar os aspectos sobre o rastreio do Hiperaldosteronismo Primário (HAP) e discutir sobre a necessidade de abranger toda a população de hipertensos. Revisão Bibliográfica: O HAP possui uma elevada prevalência e dois principais subtipos. Sua relação com desfechos cardiovasculares desfavoráveis é grande, comparado aos hipertensos primários. O rastreio é uma estratégia importante pois o tratamento direcionado é capaz de reduzir significativamente os níveis pressóricos e o risco cardiovascular, por vezes até curar a hipertensão no tratamento cirúrgico, e melhorar o perfil bioquímico. Dessa forma, julgando os fatores mencionados e o seu custo-benefício, é importante que a realização do rastreio em toda a população de hipertensos seja considerada na prática da clínica médica. Considerações Finais: Embora a indicação para rastreio do HAP tenha grupos certos de pacientes, dado o risco aumentado de cada um, este trabalho mostra que o rastreio pode se estender à todas as hipertensões recém-diagnosticadas, dada a alta prevalência, bom custo-benefício e potencial de morbimortalidade do HAP.
We are witnessing a revolution in our understanding of primary aldosteronism. In the past two decades, we have learned that primary aldosteronism is a highly prevalent syndrome that is largely attributable to pathogenic somatic mutations, that contributes to cardiovascular, metabolic, and kidney disease, and that when recognized, can be adequately treated with widely available mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists and/or surgical adrenalectomy. Unfortunately, primary aldosteronism is rarely diagnosed, or adequately treated, mainly because of a lack of awareness and education. Most clinicians still possess an outdated understanding of primary aldosteronism; from primary care physicians to hypertension specialists, there is an urgent need to re-define and re-introduce primary aldosteronism to clinicians with a modern and practical approach. In this state-of-the-art review, we provide readers with the most updated knowledge on the pathogenesis, prevalence, diagnosis, and treatment of primary aldosteronism. In particular, we underscore the public health importance of promptly recognizing and treating primary aldosteronism and provide pragmatic solutions to modify clinical practices to achieve this.
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Objective: To develop a prediction model to confirm or exclude primary aldosteronism (PA) in patients with an inconclusive salt loading test (SLT). Context: Diagnosis in patients with a suspicion of PA can be confirmed using an SLT. In case of inconclusive test results the decision about how to manage the patient is usually based on contextual clinical data. Design: We included a retrospective cohort of 276 patients in the final analysis. Methods: All patients underwent an SLT between 2005 and 2016 in our university medical center. The SLT was inconclusive (post-infusion aldosterone levels 140-280 pmol/l) in 115 patients. An expert panel then used contextual clinical data to diagnose PA in 45 of them. Together with 101 patients with a positive SLT this resulted in a total of 146 patients with PA. A total of 11 variables were used in a multivariable logistic regression analysis. We assessed internal validity by bootstrapping techniques. Results: The following variables were independently associated with PA: more intense potassium supplementation, lower plasma potassium concentration, lower plasma renin concentration before SLT, and higher plasma aldosterone concentration after SLT. The resulting prediction model had a sensitivity of 84.4% and a specificity of 94.3% in patients with an inconclusive SLT. The positive and negative predictive value were 90.5% and 90.4%, respectively. Conclusions: We developed a prediction model for the diagnosis of PA in patients with an inconclusive SLT that results in a diagnosis that was in high agreement with that of an expert panel.
Primary hyperaldosteronism is the most common cause of secondary hypertension and endocrine-related hypertension and is characterized by autonomous, inappropriately elevated serum aldosterone, arising from either an aldosterone producing adenoma or bilateral adrenal hyperplasia. In comparison to matched patients with primary (essential) hypertension, patients with both subtypes of primary hyperaldosteronism have increased odds of stroke, non-fatal heart attack and atrial fibrillation. Moreover, patients with primary hyperaldosteronism have worse psychosocial and quality of life scores when compared to patients with primary hypertension. Although treatment guidelines for primary hyperaldosteronism vary, diagnosis is usually focused on identifying serum hyperaldosteronism and subsequently by differentiating between unilateral and bilateral disease with imaging (CT or MRI) and/or adrenal-venous sampling. Most patients with aldosterone producing adenoma can be managed successfully with laparoscopic adrenalectomy, not only by curing their hypertension, but also by reversing cardiovascular and renal complications. Moreover, primary hyperaldosteronism patients diagnosed with bilateral-adrenal hyperplasia can likewise have improvement in hypertension and downstream cardiovascular outcomes with appropriate mineralocorticoid-receptor antagonist treatment.
Background: Primary aldosteronism is affecting about 10% of hypertensive patients. Primary aldosteronism should be diagnosed by screening tests based on plasma aldosterone concentration (PAC) and aldosterone-to-renin ratio (ARR), followed by confirmatory test. The cutoff values for PAC and ARR depend on PAC and plasma renin measurement methods. Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), the new gold standard method for aldosterone determination, is now widespread but shows lower values than immunoassays. New cutoff values have yet to be determined with LC-MS/MS PAC. Methods: In a retrospective cohort, we measured PAC by LC-MS/MS in 93 healthy volunteers, 77 patients with essential hypertension and 82 primary aldosteronism patients (42 lateralized, 24 bilateral, 16 primary aldosteronism without adrenal vein sampling) after 30 min in a seated position. Results: PAC ranged from 42 to 309 pmol/l in healthy volunteers and from 63 to 362 pmol/l in essential hypertensive patients. A cutoff value of 360 pmol/l for basal PAC had a sensitivity of 90.5% and a specificity of 95.1% to differentiate lateralized primary aldosteronism from essential hypertensive patients. ARR ranged from 2.3 to 22.3 in healthy volunteers and from 3.2 to 55.6 pmol/mU in essential hypertensive patients. Using ROC curves, we selected an ARR of 46 pmol/mU, which provided a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 93.4% to distinguish between essential hypertensive and lateralized primary aldosteronism patients (sensitivity 94.4%, specificity 93.9% for the overall primary aldosteronism population). Conclusion: Criteria for primary aldosteronism screening need to be adapted, given the increasing use of LC-MS/MS to determine PAC. We suggest to use 360 pmol/l and 46 pmol/mU as cutoff values, respectively, for basal PAC and ARR after 30 min of seated rest.
Objective: The aldosterone-to-renin ratio is widely used and is the recommended screening modality for primary aldosteronism by the Endocrine Society Guideline. However, studies on its diagnostic accuracy have been inconsistent, which is mainly because of methodological limitations. We set out to evaluate this diagnostic value by using a highly standardized study protocol, which is in line with the Endocrine Society Guideline recommendations regarding indications for screening, testing conditions and reference standards in daily clinical practice. Methods: In this prospective study, 233 consecutive patients referred to the University Medical Center Utrecht with difficult-to-control hypertension were enrolled. In addition to aldosterone-to-renin ratio measurements, all patients underwent a saline infusion test as a reference standard. A plasma aldosterone concentration greater than 280 pmol/l after saline infusion was considered diagnostic for aldosteronism and the plasma renin activity was assessed to exclude patients with secondary aldosteronism from the final primary aldosteronism diagnosis. Results: Correlation of the aldosterone-to-renin ratio (cut-off >5) with primary aldosteronism diagnosis showed 16 true positive, 29 false positive, 188 true negative and 0 false negative aldosterone-to-renin ratios, resulting in a sensitivity of 100% (CI 75.9-100), specificity of 86.7% (CI 81.2-90.7), positive-predictive value of 35.6% (CI 22.3-51.3) and negative-predictive value of 100% (CI 97.5-100.0). The corresponding area under the curve was 0.933 (CI 0.900-0.966). Conclusion: These findings show that the aldosterone-to-renin ratio is a good screening modality for primary aldosteronism and is without a high risk of missing a primary aldosteronism diagnosis whenever performed under well standardized conditions.
Tests for demonstrating the responsiveness of plasma renin activity (PRA) have been simplified and their validity for the diagnosis of primary aldosteronism was examined. The PRA after various manuevers which shrink plasma volume differentiates normotensive control groups from patients with primary aldosteronism. A single specimen after four hours' upright posture while on a normal diet is of good discriminatory value in assessing renin responsiveness. However, suppressed PRA is not proof of the diagnosis of primary aldosteronism. One fourth of 47 patients considered to have essential hypertension had suppressed PRA. Using other criteria for the diagnosis of primary aldosteronism, these nonresponsive hypertensive patients do not have primary aldosteronism. The mechanism for their suppressed PRA is unknown. The PRA measurements are of value in the exclusion of primary aldosteronism, but other evidences of aldosterone excess must be found to make this diagnosis.
The response of plasma renin activity (PRA) to orally administered furosemide was determined in 100 unselected hypertensive patients. Twenty-six percent of the white patients and 51% of the Negro patients had suppressed PRA. Eighty-five percent of the patients with suppressed PRA after furosemide administration also had low renin levels on a low sodium diet. There was no correlation between the degree of natriuresis or diuresis following furosemide and the levels of PRA. The aldosterone excretion rate was elevated in only two out of 23 patients with suppressed PRA. Aldosterone-producing adenomas were present in each instance. Adrenal adenomas were removed in two other patients with hypokalemia and normal urinary aldosterone. Only one patient responded to surgery, although PRA returned to normal in both.
Background: To develop a simple screening and diagnostic test for primary aldosteronism and to compare it with established techniques.Design: Comparison of several techniques for screening, diagnosis, and differentiation of primary aldosteronism using normotensive and hypertensive subjects.Methods: Four hundred thirty-four normotensive subjects, 263 essential hypertensive subjects, 48 subjects with primary aldosteronism due to a unilateral adrenal adenoma, and 14 in whom primary aldosteronism was associated with findings of bilateral hyperaldosteronism were studied. Plasma renin activity and plasma aldosterone were measured in venous blood obtained at 8 AM after 2 hours of ambulation and compared with established suppressive (plasma aldosterone) and stimulatory (plasma renin activity) maneuvers used for the diagnosis of primary aldosteronism.Results: The ratio of plasma aldosterone to plasma renin activity provided complete separation of patients with primary aldosteronism from the normal and essential hypertensive groups. Moreover, based on the use of traditional localizing procedures separating unilateral hyperaldosteronism due to a solitary adenoma from bilateral hyperaldosteronism, confirmed by surgical intervention in the former subgroup, the ratio provided differentiation of these two forms of primary aldosteronism.Conclusions: The use of the plasma aldosterone to plasma renin activity ratio appears to be useful in the screening, diagnosis, and differentiation of unilateral and bilateral forms of primary aldosteronism. These observations may also be applicable to patients receiving some antihypertensive medications.(Arch Intern Med. 1993;153:2125-2129)
Context.— Renin profiling and age-race subgroup may help select single-drug therapy for stage 1 and stage 2 hypertension.Objective.— To compare the plasma renin profiling and age-race subgroup methods as predictors of response to single-drug therapy in men with stage 1 and 2 hypertension as defined by the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Pressure.Design.— The Veterans Affairs Cooperative Study on Single-Drug Therapy of Hypertension, a randomized controlled trial.Setting.— Fifteen Veterans Affairs hypertension centers.Patients.— A total of 1105 ambulatory men with entry diastolic blood pressure (DBP) of 95 to 109 mm Hg, of whom 1031 had valid plasma and urine samples for renin profiling.Interventions.— Randomization to 1 of 6 antihypertensive drugs: hydrochlorothiazide, atenolol, captopril, clonidine, diltiazem (sustained release), or prazosin.Main Outcome Measure.— Treatment response as assessed by percentage achieving goal DBP (<90 mm Hg) in response to a single drug that corresponded to patients' renin profile vs a single drug that corresponded to patients' age-race subgroup.Results.— Clonidine and diltiazem had consistent response rates regardless of renin profile (76%, 67%, and 80% for low, medium, and high renin, respectively, for clonidine and 83%, 82%, and 83%, respectively, for diltiazem for patients with baseline DBP of 95-99 mm Hg). Hydrochlorothiazide and prazosin were best in low- and medium-renin profiles; captopril was best in medium- and high-renin profiles (low-, medium-, and high-renin response rates were 82%, 78%, and 14%, respectively, for hydrochlorothiazide; 88%, 67%, and 40%, respectively, for prazosin; and 51%, 83%, and 100%, respectively, for captopril for patients with baseline DBP of 95-99 mm Hg). Response rates for patients with baseline DBP of 95 to 99 mm Hg by age-race subgroup ranged from 70% for clonidine to 90% for prazosin for younger black men, from 50% for captopril to 97% for diltiazem for older black men, from 70% for hydrochlorothiazide to 92% for atenolol for younger white men, and from 84% for hydrochlorothiazide to 95% for diltiazem for older white men. Patients with a correct treatment for their renin profile but incorrect for age-race subgroup had a response rate of 58.7%; patients with an incorrect treatment for their renin profile but correct for age-race subgroup had a response rate of 63.1% (P = .30). After controlling for DBP and interactions with treatment group, age-race subgroup (P<.001) significantly predicted response to single-drug therapy, whereas renin profile was of borderline significance (P = .05).Conclusions.— In these men with stage 1 and stage 2 hypertension, therapeutic responses were consistent with baseline renin profile, but age-race subgroup was a better predictor of response. AMONG the more controversial issues in the practice of medicine is the choice of an initial antihypertensive agent in patients with stage 1 and stage 2 hypertension.1- 3 In the general population, 67% of hypertensive patients have stage 1 hypertension (diastolic blood pressure [DBP], 90-99 mm Hg) and 22% have stage 2 hypertension (100-109 mm Hg).4 These groups are the most likely to benefit from single-drug therapy. Primary hypertension demonstrates heterogeneity in its response to specific types of drug therapy. Available antihypertensive drug classes elicit widely varying blood pressure responses among equally hypertensive patients. Although this phenomenon is generally recognized among clinicians, it has been addressed by relatively few large clinical trials. While the Joint National Committee on Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC VI1) recommends a diuretic or β-blocker as the first-line agent, other antihypertensive medications are suggested for special conditions. Some data suggest that the renin profile is useful for evaluating the pathophysiology of primary hypertension and for planning its treatment.5- 10 The investigators of these studies suggest that the renin-profile model may be used to prospectively choose an initial antihypertensive drug, in addition to screening for secondary causes of hypertension and to estimate cardiovascular risk. These investigators suggest that biochemical stratification of patients by renin profile provides insight into the mechanisms contributing to hypertension and can be useful in predicting response to a particular antihypertensive drug. For example, diuretic therapy would be most effective in low-renin hypertension and least effective when renin levels are high.5- 6,8- 10 Conversely, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and β-adrenergic blockers, which potentially would be effective in patients with high renin levels, are expected to be less effective in low-renin hypertension. Therefore, plasma renin profiles have an important theoretical role in targeting specific antihypertensive therapies for the individual patient and for identifying drugs that may be ineffective. However, this model has not been tested prospectively in large numbers of patients comparing different classes of antihypertensive agents. A second method for selection of an initial antihypertensive agent is by age-race subgroup.11- 12 Recently, the Department of Veterans Affairs Cooperative Study Group on Antihypertensive Agents published a trial of 1292 patients and determined that patients had different responses to different antihypertensive drugs based on their age-race subgroups. Specifically, younger black men responded best to diltiazem and atenolol, younger white men responded best to captopril and atenolol, older black men responded best to diltiazem or hydrochlorothiazide, and older white men responded best to atenolol or diltiazem.11- 12 To determine whether renin profiling or age-race subgroup identifies which antihypertensive drug is most likely to be effective as a single agent, we analyzed data from the Veterans Affairs Cooperative Study.11- 13 The objectives of this study were as follows: (1) to determine the response rates to each of 6 classes of antihypertensive agents based on renin profile and baseline DBP in a large study population, (2) to determine whether patients would respond to drugs in a manner compatible with that predicted by the renin-profile model for selecting an antihypertensive drug, and (3) to compare the response rates and changes in systolic blood pressure (SBP) and DBP of the renin-profile method ith the age-race subgroup method of choosing an initial antihypertensive agent in patients with stage 1 and stage 2 hypertension.
Hyperaldosteronism is associated with hypertension, potassium depletion, and suppressed plasma renin activity. It may involve one or both adrenal glands. This article reviews the different types of hyperaldosteronism and the diagnosis and management of each.
The response of plasma renin activity (PRA) to orally administered furosemide was determined in 100 unselected hypertensive patients. Twenty-six percent of the white patients and 51% of the Negro patients had suppressed PRA. Eighty-five percent of the patients with suppressed PRA after furosemide administration also had low renin levels on a low sodium diet. There was no correlation between the degree of natriuresis or diuresis following furosemide and the levels of PRA. The aldosterone excretion rate was elevated in only two out of 23 patients with suppressed PRA. Aldosterone-producing adenomas were present in each instance. Adrenal adenomas were removed in two other patients with hypokalemia and normal urinary aldosterone. Only one patient responded to surgery, although PRA returned to normal in both.
Metabolic data obtained during sodium depletion (10-mEq Na, 90-mEq K diet plus thiazide) from 13 hypertensive patients (HT) with low plasma renin activity (PRA) were compared with data from 15 normotensive subjects and three patients with renovascular hypertension (RHT). With Na depletion plasma renin activity and urinary aldosterone excretion increased promptly in NT and RHT. In contrast, PRA in HT after 5 days of Na depletion was only one third that of the NT after 2 days of depletion, and aldosterone excretion did not change significantly. This depressed renin and aldosterone response in HT can be overcome by extending the depletion period and administering spironolactone. In HT, Na and loss of weight was significantly lower than in NT. HT Negroes retained more potassium than HT whites and four out of seven NT Negroes and none of eight NT white subjects had a positive K balance. The hypertension of patients with low PRA appears to be due to genetic or environmental factors or to both.