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The relationship between EMG median frequency and low frequency band amplitude changes at different levels of muscle capacity



To test the validity of high and low frequency band amplitudes of the surface electromyography (EMG) profile as representation of muscle fatigue. A within subjects (n=10) repeated measures design was used to collect surface EMG signals from the biceps during an isometric contraction under two levels of fatigue status. The use of the shift in the median frequency of the surface EMG power spectrum is a well known method of assessing muscle fatigue. Fatigue also results in amplitude changes of the specific frequency bands. The use of frequency band analysis may be an alternative option for the assessment of muscle fatigue in specific experimental settings. Surface EMG profiles of the biceps were recorded at 1024 Hz during a sustained isometric hold at 60% of the individuals fresh and fatigued maximal voluntary isometric torque. The median frequency of the power spectrum was compared with changes in the low frequency (15-45 Hz) and high frequency (>95 Hz) bands.Results. There was a close association between median frequency shift and the amplitude of the 15-45 Hz bandwidth and the high-low frequency amplitude ratio. The association was similar for performance under different muscle capacity states. Frequency band amplitude analysis provides similar information to median frequency shift under isometric conditions and may be suited to specific experimental protocols in workplace fatigue studies. The use of amplitude band analysis that closely approximates the standard median frequency changes allows greater possibility of assessing muscle fatigue in different experimental settings and the use of lower sampling rates.
The relationship between EMG median frequency and
low frequency band amplitude changes at
different levels of muscle capacity
G.T. Allison
, T. Fujiwara
The Department of Surgery, The Centre of Musculoskeletal Studies, The University of Western Australia, Rear 50 Murray Street,
Level 2 Medical Research Foundation Building, Perth, WA 6000, Australia
School of Allied Medical Professionals, Shinshu University, Matsumoto, Nagano 390-8621, Japan
Received 18 January 2002; accepted 23 April 2002
Objective. To test the validity of high and low frequency band amplitudes of the surface electromyography (EMG) profile as
representation of muscle fatigue.
Design. A within subjects (n¼10) repeated measures design was used to collect surface EMG signals from the biceps during an
isometric contraction under two levels of fatigue status.
Background. The use of the shift in the median frequency of the surface EMG power spectrum is a well known method of as-
sessing muscle fatigue. Fatigue also results in amplitude changes of the specific frequency bands. The use of frequency band analysis
may be an alternative option for the assessment of muscle fatigue in specific experimental settings.
Methods. Surface EMG profiles of the biceps were recorded at 1024 Hz during a sustained isometric hold at 60% of the indi-
viduals fresh and fatigued maximal voluntary isometric torque. The median frequency of the power spectrum was compared with
changes in the low frequency (15–45 Hz) and high frequency (>95 Hz) bands.
Results. There was a close association between median frequency shift and the amplitude of the 15–45 Hz bandwidth and the
high–low frequency amplitude ratio. The association was similar for performance under different muscle capacity states.
Conclusions. Frequency band amplitude analysis provides similar information to median frequency shift under isometric con-
ditions and may be suited to specific experimental protocols in workplace fatigue studies.
The use of amplitude band analysis that closely approximates the standard median frequency changes allows greater possibility of
assessing muscle fatigue in different experimental settings and the use of lower sampling rates.
Ó2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Fatigue; EMG amplitude; Fast Fourier transformation; Frequency band analysis
1. Introduction
Demodulation of the muscle activity profile derived
from surface EMG electrodes is used in many ways to
assess muscle performance. Assessment of the frequency
domain (power density spectrum (PDS)) has been used
in determining muscle fatigue responses. As a muscle
fatigues there is a concomitant change in the power
spectrum derived from surface electrodes where there is
an increase in the amplitude of the low frequency band
and a relative decrease in the higher frequencies. Phys-
iologically, the frequency shift has been attributed to
changes in conduction velocity, changes in intra-mus-
cular pH, modification in the recruitment and synchro-
nisation of the motor units and the fibre type [1–6].
Derived variables from the power spectrum repre-
senting the concept of fatigue include central tendency
measures (mean, peak and median) and ratios of the
power of high and low frequency bands. Since the PDS
from the surface electrodes is not normally distributed
there is an argument for the use of the median frequency
(MF) as an assessment of central tendency. Changes in
MF are associated with the high frequency fatigue of a
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (G.T. Allison).
0268-0033/02/$ - see front matter Ó2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 2 6 8 - 0 0 3 3 ( 0 2 )0 0 0 3 3 - 5
Clinical Biomechanics 17 (2002) 464–469
muscle and is highly correlated with a decline in force
from the fresh state [7]. Power spectrum estimates of
fatigue however are less sensitive to decline in muscle
capacity associated with (low frequency) fatigue fol-
lowing repeated fatiguing trials. This inability to identify
changes in torque generating capacity is also noted when
using ratios of the power of high and low frequency
bands [8].
The use of power ratios between different frequency
bands has a historical link to analogue processing prior
to digital processing age [8–10]. The use of high–low (H/
L) ratios remains in the research literature in circum-
stances where the data acquisition and the processing
using fast Fourier transformation (FFT) becomes
problematic compared to superficial surface EMG sig-
nal acquisition. These problems may include the non-
stationarity of the waveform seen in non-isometric
muscle activities or where the muscle moves relative to
the electrodes e.g. oesophageal electrodes for diaphrag-
matic muscle activity recordings [11–14].
The surface power spectrum is predominantly less
than 500 Hz and therefore according to the Nyquist
theorem the surface EMG signal should be recorded at
least 1 kHz. The resolution of the power spectrum is
frequency dependent and therefore to date there are
limited methods that provide a fatigue index from the
surface EMG profile without high sampling rates.
High frequency acquisition rates, simultaneous re-
cordings from multiple muscles, and the long duration
of fatigue tasks, all contribute to the need for re-
searchers to collect epochs of data during the fatigu-
ing task. Modern data acquisition systems with large
memory capacity however may make it possible to
overcome many of these problems. Yet as the systems
increase capacity the researchers tend to have a con-
comitant increase in the number of muscles or duration
of the task. Therefore low frequency band amplitude
methodologies may be developed to maximise experi-
mental opportunities in the assessment of tasks that
induce muscle fatigue. This may have specific applica-
tion to data logging assessments in specific experimental
settings. For a more recent example, low frequency band
technique was a more reliable index of fatigue in back
fatigue tasks when compared to changes in MF [15].
The purpose of this study was twofold, first, to deter-
mine if there is a clinical significant association between
H/L ratio and low frequency band amplitude change
and MF changes during an isometric fatigue tasks.
Secondly, to determine if these relationships are inde-
pendent of the torque producing capacity of the muscle.
2. Methods
Five males 26.4 (SD 4.8) years and 5 females 32.3 (SD
4.7) years volunteered to participate in the experiment
testing their muscle response to two fatiguing tasks. The
study received approval from the human research ethics
committee and all subjects signed an informed consent
All subjects sat with their feet flat on the floor and
hips and knees at right angles. The subject positioned
their dominant arm by their side with the elbow at 90
flexion. With their wrist supinated they held a hand grip
that was attached to a force transducer. In this position
their maximal voluntary isometric contraction was per-
formed three times against an unmoveable load. The
highest value was recorded prior to each endurance task.
The endurance task was designed to fatigue the elbow
flexors and was performed twice with 2 min recovery
between trials. A 10 cm visual analogue scale was used
to determine the perceived ‘‘local muscle fatigue’’ before
the first trial and after each endurance task.
The endurance elbow flexion task was a sustained
isometric load set at 60% of the MVIC for each trial.
This value was entered into a visual and audio feedback
system on a Power Macintosh computer running Lab-
view 4.0. The custom built Labview program provided
visual feedback for the target force in the form of a
moving bar chart.
Subjects were asked to hold at 60% of their previous
recorded maximum for as long as possible or until they
reached 35% of their value.
The EMG signals from the biceps brachii were re-
corded using a surface electrode bipolar configuration
with an inter-electrode distance of 25 mm aligned par-
allel to the fibres of the biceps. An earth electrode was
placed on the medial epicondyle of the elbow. All elec-
trode sites were prepared with a razor to remove any
hair and then vigorously rubbed with an abrasive gel
(SkinPureâNihon Kohden, Tokyo, Japan). Inter-elec-
trode skin impedance was accepted if below 10 kX.
The data were collected using BIMUTAS software
(Nihon Kissei Comtech, Matsumoto, Japan) for the
duration of the test at 1024 Hz (16 bit A–D converter)
and stored to disc. The data were then filtered digitally
using 20–500 Hz bandpass filter. The force trace was
visually inspected and the initial and final end compo-
nents of less than 1 s were excluded from further anal-
Ten single epochs (deciles) of the data were then
created to allow group comparisons of time normalised
data. For the frequency analysis the power spectrum
was calculated for each decile and the MF (the fre-
quency where the power of the FFT derived power
spectrum is halved) was calculated. For each decile the
integrated EMG (IEMG) was calculated for the fre-
quency bands 15–45 Hz (low frequency band) from 45–
95 Hz (medium frequency band) and above 95 Hz high
frequency band.
MF (Hz) were recorded for each trial for each decile
and low frequency band amplitude data were recorded
G.T. Allison, T. Fujiwara / Clinical Biomechanics 17 (2002) 464–469 465
relative to total integrated EMG and expressed as a
percentage. The high/low frequency band ratio was de-
rived from the amplitude assessments of the high and
low frequency band amplitudes.
The MF and two different frequency band amplitude
assessments for both trials were compared using a sec-
ond order polynomial least squares best fit algorithm.
This resulted in second order polynomial equations be-
ing generated for changes in MF and changes in
low frequency band amplitude (two fatigue states) and
changes in MF and the high/low frequency band ratio
(two fatigue states). The root mean square (RMS) of the
residuals was recorded for each of these four equations.
3. Results
3.1. Performance and perception of effort
The duration of rest between the endurance trials was
set at 2 min. This clearly did not allow full recovery of
the elbow flexors. This is noted in a significant
(P<0:0001) 35.8% decreased MVIC performance (ar-
bitrary units) from the first trial 720 (316) to the second
trial 462 (178). The first decile (initial data set) for the
absolute power in the low frequency band between trials
did not significantly differ (P¼0:8193). Statistically
significant differences between initial MF and initial H/
LFB ratio between trials were noted. The MF decreased
(P¼0:0120) from a mean of 85.8–81.5 Hz. The high/
low frequency band ratio decreased (P¼0:0131) from
3.1 to 2.4.
Fig. 1 shows the change in torque production for all
subjects for both trials across the 10 deciles of perfor-
mance normalised to their maximal isometric contrac-
tion prior to each test occasion. The rate of torque
production fatigue for both trials was highly correlated
(r¼0:98). Fig. 2 also shows the mean (SD) of the per-
ceived fatigue of the elbow flexors before each trial and
after the second endurance task. The degree of perceived
fatigue was greater (mean 57, SD 18; mean 71, SD 17)
after the second test and each score suggests that all
subjects reported significant fatigue follow both endur-
ance tasks.
3.2. Amplitude changes
All subjects demonstrated the representative shift in
the high and low frequency band amplitudes during
each endurance task. The EMG amplitude of total sig-
nal for each decile for each frequency band of both
endurance tasks is illustrated in Fig. 2. The first trial
shows a greater variance between deciles when com-
pared to the second trial. There was a slight trend to-
wards an increased amplitude in both trials, however
this was true for about 70% of the endurance time. After
this point the amplitude tended to level off. This was
clearer in the second trial, where amplitudes were more
stable. The EMG amplitude of the first trial was greater
when compared to the second trial and can be explained
by a significantly lower absolute load (constant relative
load) during the second test. The decrease in total
EMG between trials, did not match the decrease in the
torque production between trials. This indicates a de-
crease change in the EMG amplitude/force ratio (more
integrated EMG amplitude per unit force) between trials
and reflects the cumulative affects of fatigue.
Fig. 2 also shows that in both trials there was a linear
increase in low frequency band amplitude with a con-
comitant decrease in the relative contribution of the high
frequency band. This increase in amplitude is shown in
Fig. 3 for each trial. Fig. 3 also shows the relative de-
crease in MF for each trial. Divergence between the two
trial data can be seen only in the latter 3 deciles of the
MF data and the last 2 deciles of the low frequency band
3.3. Frequency changes
Figs. 4 and 5 show the superimposed data sets of both
trials where MF (Hz) was highly associated with the
Fig. 1. The lines show the mean (SD) of each decile of normalised
torque production for both trials. The bars show the mean (SD) of the
perceived local muscle fatigue (10 cm VAS) reported by each subject
before and after each trial.
Fig. 2. The amplitude of total integrated EMG for the signal for each
decile of both endurance task for each of the low (15–45 Hz), median
(45–95 Hz) and high frequency (>95 Hz) bands.
466 G.T. Allison, T. Fujiwara / Clinical Biomechanics 17 (2002) 464–469
percentage low frequency band and the high/low fre-
quency band ratio. A second order polynomial describes
the association between the percentage low frequency
band and the MF change for trial 1 (R2¼0:894 RMS
error 5.1 Hz) and trial 2 (R2¼0:928 RMS error 4.1 Hz).
Fig. 5 shows the association between MF and high/
low frequency band ratio. A second order polynomial
described the association for trial 1 (R2¼0:957 residual
RMS error is 3.22 Hz) and trial 2 (R2¼0:964 residual
RMS error 2.9 Hz). The greatest source of error for both
sets of data were obtained early in the testing on each
4. Discussion
4.1. Cumulative effects of fatigue
The decrease in maximal voluntary isometric capac-
ity and increase of perception of local muscle fatigue
demonstrated that the subjects had a cumulative local
muscle fatigue affect from one trial to the other. Rest
periods of greater than 5 min have been suggested for
complete recovery for the elbow flexor high frequency
fatigue [2] therefore the short rest period in this study
was expected to have a large degree of change between
trials in both torque production and the EMG para-
Although there was a clear decrease of maximal
muscle capacity between trials there was little evidence
that the gross pattern of torque production fatigue was
fundamentally different between the two tests. This is a
result of using a sub-maximal criteria related to their
current muscle capacity (i.e. lower absolute load for the
second testing), and the use of time normalisation for all
data sets. The second test consistently lies below the
initial trial (Fig. 2). This is a result of the initial decile
(used for normalisation) being relatively greater in the
second trial compared to the first trial. This may re-
flect both central and peripheral factors associated with
muscle performance of repeated fatigue tasks with a
short 2 min recovery period. A greater initial decrease in
performance in the second trial may have been associ-
ated with a decreased recovery of the high frequency
fatigue component and remaining intra-muscular me-
tabolites. The latter has been highly associated with
muscle performance during fatigue tasks. Although real-
time feedback was identical in both trials this study did
not differentiated between the psychological (central)
and peripheral factors. Psychological factors may con-
tribute to as much as 20% of the variance in maximal
performance tasks [16]. Clearly the fact that the subjects
reported high perceptions of local muscle fatigue, the
initial high burst of muscle torque during the second
trial may be motivational and this was not explicitly
controlled in this study.
The low frequency band amplitude changes demon-
strated similar pattern of increase for both trials. There
was no statistical difference in the initial values between
Fig. 3. The mean (SD) of the change in MF of the power spectrum for
all subjects for both trials (top). The mean (SD) of the amplitude
change of the low frequency band for both trials (bottom). Both data
sets are expressed as a relative change normalised to the first decile.
Note the last decile was not included since there was large variance in
the data as the individual reach exhaustion.
Fig. 5. The association between changes in MF of the power spectrum
and the percentage of the total integrated EMG derived from the low
frequency band during two trials of isometric elbow flexion fatigue.
Note: increasing low frequency band percentage represents fatigue
Fig. 4. The association between changes in MF of the power spectrum
and the high–low frequency amplitude ratio during two trials of iso-
metric elbow flexion fatigue. Note decreasing ratio corresponds to
G.T. Allison, T. Fujiwara / Clinical Biomechanics 17 (2002) 464–469 467
trials. This infers that the parameter is not related to
decrease in the initial torque production capacity of the
muscle between trials. It is acknowledged, however, that
this may represent a type II statistical error due to the
large variance in the data. In comparison, there was a
significant systematic decrease in both initial MF and
high/low ratio between trials.
The magnitude of the change in the initial MF values
was relatively small (5%) compared the decrease in the
maximal isometric torque production (36%). This dem-
onstrates that the initial MF is largely independent of
the torque generating status of the muscle although
there is a suggestion that some residual high frequency
fatigue in the elbow flexors following the rest period.
This suggestion however can not be quantified for this
study since assessment of high frequency fatigue using
electrical stimulation was not used. Although the abso-
lute magnitude of the inter-trial change in the initial
high /low frequency band ratio was larger (22.5%), the
probability of determining statistical differences between
trials were the same for each derived parameter (P
0:013). The findings of this study suggest that the pa-
rameters are measuring essentially the same domain of
fatigue––an element of high frequency fatigue. Both are
therefore limited in their assessment of cumulative ef-
fects of repeated trials with short rest periods and their
ability to quantify low frequency fatigue [8].
4.2. Methodological issues
Research in the 1970s examined the relationship be-
tween the high/low frequency band ratios and fatigue.
The basis of these studies was the poor digital capacity
of data acquisition systems. Therefore the high/low ra-
tio and low frequency band amplitude technique could
be performed using analogue techniques (filtering fol-
lowed by integration) prior to the data acquisition or
chart recording [8–10]. Since the improvements in digital
technology the focus of post-processing has moved away
from analogue techniques. The use of FFT and the MF
shift is now the choice of assessment of muscle fatigue
derived from the surface EMG profile. This requires
high sampling rates and stationarity of the surface
EMG signal or alternatively newer dynamic or non-
linear processing protocols [11,12].
The findings of this study demonstrate that the
changes in High/Low frequency band ratio and ampli-
tude of the percentage low frequency band correlate
strongly with the changes in the MF during fatiguing
isometric tasks. The former variables can be derived in
an analogue setting and therefore recorded at low fre-
quencies (e.g. 20 Hz) in concert with other transducer
information such as angle and force.
It would seem that these amplitude data (like MF
analysis) reflect the selective high frequency fatigue
components and are independent of the cumulative (low
frequency fatigue) effects of repeated trials with mod-
erate rest periods. The RMS error in predicting the
change in MF for high/low frequency band ratio was
less than the low frequency band method. Both tech-
niques however generated residual errors of less than 5
Hz with a discernible improvement on the second trial.
The 5 Hz predictive error compares favourably with
reliability data of initial MF values 95% tile CI of 10
Hz [17]. The clinical and experimental impact of this
needs further consideration.
This study found that a second order polynomial
fitted both curves. Other types of curves were also ap-
plicable to describing the data set. Future studies may
find different relationships when post-processing ampli-
tude assessments are based on electrical power (RMS) as
opposed to average voltage (IEMG).
The low frequency band in this study was between 15
and 45 Hz. The high pass frequency of 15 Hz was se-
lected to avoid movement artefact even in the most
dynamic tasks. The low frequency cut-off was selected
to limit any contribution from mains (50 or 60 Hz) or
electrical motor noise. The high/low cut-off ranges vary
from older studies within the literature with the main
difference in the selection of the high frequency band.
Bai et al. [18] and Esau et al. [19] used a H/LFB ratio of
130–238/20–40 Hz. Other studies utilised different ran-
ges [14] 150–350/20–46.7 Hz and have modified these
ranges for different muscles and adapted to finewire
electrodes. For surface EMG the power of the signal
above 500 Hz is limited and therefore the upper limit is
unlikely to impact on the selection of the range as much
as the low cut-off frequency value. Further research to
optimise the selection of the lower cut-off for the high
frequency band should be considered in the context of
other muscles and non-isometric actions, however the
selection is likely to be limited by the configuration of
(analogue) hardware.
5. Conclusion
The decrease in MF from surface EMG profiles is
a recognised method of determining (high frequency)
fatigue in an isometric muscle action. The methods
employed to generate MF data however often rely on
stationary waveforms and high sampling rates. This
study was able to demonstrate that relative changes in
the amplitude of specific frequency bands are highly
correlated to changes in MF. Both frequency banding
techniques, like MF changes, are sensitive to elements of
fatigue that have a shorter recovery time than those
associated with muscle performance or perception of
local muscle fatigue. Therefore the frequency banding
technique may be an alternative methodological con-
sideration where experimental circumstance are indi-
cated. The results of this study warrant examination of
468 G.T. Allison, T. Fujiwara / Clinical Biomechanics 17 (2002) 464–469
similar EMG processing techniques in more dynamic
and repetitive muscle activities.
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... Next, the CWT was performed on the raw EMG with 20 scales, and the power in the frequency bands was calculated every 25 Hz. For each frequency band, the average value for 1 s at rest was subtracted and values less than 0 were replaced with 0. The power was added to calculate the very-low-frequency (VLF; from 0 to 25 Hz), low-frequency (LF; from 25 to 50 Hz), medium-frequency (MF; from 50 to 100 Hz), and high-frequency bands (HF; 100 Hz or higher) 22,[28][29][30][31] . Finally, the power for each time point was normalized to a total power of 1. ...
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... Because muscle fatigue causes the EMG frequency spectrum to shift downward over time, analysis of median frequency is one of the most effective methods for processing EMG signals during fatigue analysis [23]. ...
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In highly mobile workplaces, wearable walking-assistant devices reduce muscle fatigue in workers’ lower extremities and increase energy efficiency. In our study, we verify this following the development of an ultralight wearable hip exoskeleton for industrial workers. Ten healthy male adults participated in this study, and their muscle activity, muscle fatigue, and energy expenditure were compared with and without a device while walking on a treadmill and going up stairs. While walking on a treadmill with the assistive device, muscle fatigue in the gastrocnemius decreased by 79.5%, and oxygen uptake and energy expenditure per minute decreased by 7.9% and 7.4%, respectively. While climbing stairs with the assistive device, muscle fatigue of the tibialis anterior decreased by 83.5%, average muscle activity of the rectus femoris, semitendinosus, and gastrocnemius muscles decreased significantly, and oxygen uptake and energy expenditure decreased by 14% and 12.9% per minute, respectively. We confirm that an ultralight wearable hip exoskeleton helps the wearer reduce lower-limb muscle fatigue and use metabolic energy more efficiently. The results of this study are intended as basic data to expand the use of ultralight wearable hip exoskeletons at industrial sites and to improve device performance.
... The sensor was located in the biceps brachii of the subject's right arm to register the muscle activity. For signal acquisition, a sampling frequency of 1024 Hz was used [41]. The instrumentation procedure and electrode placement followed the SENIAM guidelines [42]. ...
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Muscle fatigue is defined as a reduced ability to maintain maximal strength during voluntary contraction. It is associated with musculoskeletal disorders that affect workers performing repetitive activities, affecting their performance and well-being. Although electromyography remains the gold standard for measuring muscle fatigue, its limitations in long-term work motivate the use of wearable devices. This article proposes a computational model for estimating muscle fatigue using wearable and non-invasive devices, such as Optical Fiber Sensors (OFSs) and Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) along the subjective Borg scale. Electromyography (EMG) sensors are used to observe their importance in estimating muscle fatigue and comparing performance in different sensor combinations. This study involves 30 subjects performing a repetitive lifting activity with their dominant arm until reaching muscle fatigue. Muscle activity, elbow angles, and angular and linear velocities, among others, are measured to extract multiple features. Different machine learning algorithms obtain a model that estimates three fatigue states (low, moderate and high). Results showed that between the machine learning classifiers, the LightGBM presented an accuracy of 96.2% in the classification task using all of the sensors with 33 features and 95.4% using only OFS and IMU sensors with 13 features. This demonstrates that elbow angles, wrist velocities, acceleration variations, and compensatory neck movements are essential for estimating muscle fatigue. In conclusion, the resulting model can be used to estimate fatigue during heavy lifting in work environments, having the potential to monitor and prevent muscle fatigue during long working shifts.
... Median frequency is commonly used for EMG analysis to assess skeletal muscle fatigue based on the evaluation of shifts in the signal PSD towards higher or lower frequencies [67], [77], [78]. We introduced MF for characterization of the EGG signal frequency content. ...
... In this regard, an increase in RMS may be explained by a higher degree of motor unit recruitment, higher firing rates, or the recruitment of higher-threshold motor units when greater electrical outputs are needed (Bigland-Ritchie et al., 1986;Hunter et al., 2004). By contrast, lower MDF values are highly correlated with a decline in the force production from the fresh state due to impairments in the neural conduction velocity and discharge rates of motor units (Allison and Fujiwara, 2002). Thus, during and after high-intensity exercise, EMG can reflect the changes in neural strategies of the muscle related to the increment in the metabolic activity, hydrogen ion accumulation, and other physiological events inducing fatigue (Mendez-Villanueva et al., 2008). ...
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Objective: This study aimed to examine the effects of phenylcapsaicin (PC) supplementation on strength performance and neuromuscular activity in young trained male subjects. Materials and methods: A total of 25 trained subjects [full-squat (SQ) one repetition maximum (1RM) = 125.6 ± 21.0 kg] were enrolled in this randomized, triple-blinded, crossover, placebo-controlled trial. The subjects performed a first session and a post-24 h session for each condition. In the first session, the subjects ingested a high dose of PC (HD, 2.5 mg), a low dose (LD, 0.625 mg), or a placebo (PLA). Their performance in SQ was assessed under a 3% × 8 × 70% 1RM protocol in the first session. Their performances in countermovement jump (CMJ), SQ with 60% 1RM, and isometric squat were measured before and after the SQ protocol in both sessions. The neural activity of the vastus lateralis (VL) and vastus medialis (VM) was recorded via surface electromyography (EMG) and averaged in both sessions. Results: Significant differences between the conditions were reported for lifting velocity, velocity loss, and the 60% load in dynamic SQ ( p range = 0.02–0.04). Electrical changes were not identified for any outcome, although neural activity changed across time ( p range ≤0.001–0.006). A significant condition × time effect was observed in CMJ compared to PLA ( p ≤0.001) and LD ( p ≤0.001). Intra-set analyses revealed higher velocities in HD compared to those in LD ( p = 0.01) and PLA ( p range = 0.004–0.008). Conclusion: Therefore, PC may improve the strength performance and attenuate the mechanical fatigue induced by resistance training in SQ and CMJ exercises.
... But the mean EMG MDF values were found to be lower during the post-exhaustive walking trials than the pre-exhaustion (Table 2, Figure 5). The results including the shift of EMG MDFs towards lower values [55,56], significantly increased EMG AMPs of TA muscle during post-exhaustion downwards walking at LS phase, and increasing pattern of the AMPs of other measured muscles are consistent with the evidence of the onset of leg's LMF due to ascending stairs until exhaustion [35]. Usually, an increase in EMG AMP and a decrease in MDF of muscle activity indicate muscle fatigue [57,58]. ...
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This gait biomechanics study investigated stride length (SL), stride duration (SDN), the peak values of ground reaction forces (GRFspeak), required coefficient of friction (RCOFpeak), leg joints’ angles (anglepeak), angular velocity (angvelx.peak), angular acceleration (angaccx.peak), minimum angle (anglemin.) of the foot, and muscles’ electromyography (EMG) during the stance phase (SP) of the dominant leg following an exhaustive stair ascent on a stair machine. Data were collected by a three-dimensional motion capture system synchronized with EMG and force plate while walking down a 10° inclined stationary walkway. Although the leg muscles’ EMG showed no significant local muscle fatigue (LMF) during post-exhaustive walking downwards, the SL was significantly (p < 0.05) shorter than the pre-exhaustive. The mean vertical GRFzpeak. was significantly (p ≤ .01) reduced during late stance (LS) phase, however, the antero-posterior GRFypeak. was found to be significantly (p ≤ 0.01) higher. The RCOFpeak. was significantly (p ≤ .05) higher during the post-exhaustive walking downwards, LS phase. The available coefficient of friction value of ~ 0.350 seems to be the RCOF to reduce slips and falls on an inclined dry surface. None of the post-exhaustive lower limb joints’ anglepeak, anglemin., ang.velx.peak, and ang.accx.peak were significantly changed in post-exhaustion walking, except the knee ang.accx.peak., which was significantly (p < 0.05) increased during the LS period. The constrained post-exhaustive gait biomechanics indicate a perturbed gait, which may increase the risks for slips and fall-related accidents, when walking downwards and working on slopes. However, the non-significant joint angle changes imply that walking down is less demanding in a kinesiological perspective compared to walking up an incline.
... This approach to the analysis of EMG signals was already used in clinical research [14][15][16] . ...
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Assessing inorganic phosphate levels seems crucial in deciphering the biochemical state of organisms or tissues. The concentration of inorganic phosphate in the blood is an order of magnitude smaller than in tissues. On top of that, it is dynamically used to fill temporary gaps in tissues. This is the reason blood inorganic phosphate level is considered a poor proxy for tissue levels. Therefore, tissue biopsy seems to be the dominant method when assessing inorganic phosphate levels for instance in muscles. In this study, we attempted to derive a non-invasive biomarker for phosphate tissue levels. We analyzed surface electromyography signals taken during 31P spectroscopy of leg muscles in five adult pigs. We induced hypophosphatemia via 20 minutes-long hyperventilation. It turned out that the proportion of amplitude from the low-frequency band and the high-frequency band is significantly (p = 0.002) correlated with relative phosphate levels. The electromyographic signal didn’t correlate significantly with pO2 levels in the blood, which suggests that the changes in the signal are a result of inorganic phosphate levels, not hyperventilation. The results might lead to the development of real-time phosphate fluctuations measurement procedure.
Purpose: The present study examines the efficacy of Creatine (Cr) levels in the determination of tumor grade on single-voxel (SV) and multi-voxel (MV) magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) in patients with glial tumors. Material and Methods: A retrospective review was made of 20 SV and 20 MV MRS PDF images of patients with a pathological diagnosis of glial tumor. Cr values and metabolite ratios were measured in the tumor and compared with those in the healthy symmetrical brain parenchyma of the contralateral hemisphere. Results: A significant difference was noted in the (Cho+Cr)/NAA and Cho/NAA ratios on SV MRS between the high-grade tumors and the healthy contralateral hemisphere. On MV MRS, Cho/NAA ratios within the minimum and maximum Cr(h) voxels (Cho/NAAmin-Cr(h), Cho/NAAmax-Cr(h), respectively) were higher in high-grade tumors compared to healthy tissue. ROC analysis showed that the max-Cr(h) metabolite on MV MRS was successful in distinguishing low-grade tumors from high-grade tumors. Conclusion: Using the minimum and maximum values of Cr as a reference can improve the overall diagnostic accuracy in the diagnosis and grading of glial tumors. Our findings showed that Cr tended to be low in high-grade tumors and further that the max-Cr(h) metabolite may help in the differentiation of glial tumors on MV MRS.
Aims The adverse effects of sedentary behavior on obesity and chronic diseases are well established. However, the prevalence of sedentary behavior has increased, with only a minority of individuals meeting the recommended physical activity guidelines. This study aimed to investigate whether habitual leg shaking, a behavior traditionally considered unfavorable, could serve as an effective strategy to improve energy metabolism. Materials and Methods A randomized crossover study was conducted, involving 15 participants (mean [SD] age, 25.4 [3.6]; mean [SD] body mass index, 22 [3]; 7 women [46.7%]). The study design involved a randomized sequence of sitting and leg shaking conditions, with each condition lasting for 20 min. Energy expenditure, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, and other relevant variables were measured during each condition. Results Compared to sitting, leg shaking significantly increased total energy expenditure [1.088 kj/min, 95% confidence interval, 0.69–1.487 kj/min], primarily through elevated carbohydrate oxidation. The average metabolic equivalent during leg shaking exhibited a significant increase from 1.5 to 1.8. Leg shaking also raised respiratory rate, minute ventilation, and blood oxygen saturation levels, while having no obvious impact on heart rate or blood pressure. Electromyography data confirmed predominant activation of lower leg muscles and without increased muscle fatigue. Intriguingly, a significant correlation was observed between the increased energy expenditure and both the frequency of leg shaking and the muscle mass of the legs. Conclusions Our study provides evidence that habitual leg shaking can boost overall energy expenditure by approximately 16.3%. This simple and feasible approach offers a convenient way to enhance physical activity levels.
We studied the effect of breathing at various levels of transdiaphragmatic pressure (Pdi) on the EMG power spectrum of the diaphragm. The diaphragmatic EMG was measured simultaneously with a bipolar esophageal electrode (EE) and surface electrode (SE) placed on the ventral portion of the sixth and seventh intercostal spaces in five normal subjects breathing at functional residual capacity (FRC) against an inspiratory resistance. During each fatigue run the subjects generated a Pdi, with each inspiration, that was 25, 50, or 75% of maximum Pdi (Pdimax) for a period up to 15 min. During runs at 50 and 75% of the Pdimax, which are known to produce fatigue, we found for both EE and SE a progressive increase in the amplitude of the low-frequency (L = 20-46.7 Hz) and a decrease in the high-frequency (H = 150-350 Hz) component of the EMG. These changes were not seen at 25% of Pdimax. The diaphragmatic H/L ratio was independent of Pdi when the diaphragm was not fatigued. H/L fell while the diaphragm performed fatiguing work and this was more rapid at higher Pdi's. It was thus concluded that frequency spectrum analysis of the EMG can detect diaphragmatic fatigue reliably, prior to the time when the diaphragm fails as a pressure generator.
The isolated contributions of motor unit recruitment and firing rate variations to the median frequency of the electromyogram's power density spectrum were determined. Orderly stimulation of the cat gastrocnemius motor units via nerve electrodes gave rise to linearly increasing median frequency regardless of the action potential firing rate of the active motor units. Increase in the discharge rate of all the motor units resulted in nearly constant median frequency. It was concluded that the increasing average conduction velocity during motor unit recruitment is the major contributor to variations in the electromyogram median frequency. The possibility of using the median frequency as the index to identify the recruitment control strategies employed by various muscles during increasing force contraction is suggested.
Our aim was to determine whether inspiratory muscle fatigue changes breathing pattern and whether any changes seen occur before mechanical fatigue develops. Nine normal subjects breathed through a variable inspiratory resistance with a predetermined mouth pressure (Pm) during inspiration and a fixed ratio of inspiratory time to total breath duration. Breathing pattern after resistive breathing (recovery breathing pattern) was compared with breathing pattern at rest and during CO2 rebreathing (control breathing pattern) for each subject. Relative rapid shallow breathing was seen after mechanical fatigue and also in experiments with electromyogram evidence of diaphragmatic fatigue where Pm was maintained at the predetermined level during the period of resistive breathing. In contrast there was no significant difference between recovery and control breathing patterns when neither mechanical nor electromyogram fatigue was seen. It is suggested that breathing pattern after inspiratory muscle fatigue changes in order to minimize respiratory sensation.
Because of its potential relevance to heavy exercise we studied the ventilatory muscle function of five normal subjects before, during, and after shortterm near-maximal voluntary normocapnic hyperpnea. Measurements of pleural and abdominal pressures and diaphragm electromyogram (EMG) during hyperpnea and of maximum respiratory pressures before and after hyperpnea were made at four levels of ventilation: 76, 79, and 86% maximal voluntary ventilation (MVV) and at MVV. Measurements of pleural and abdominal pressures and diaphragm electromyogram (EMG) during hyperpnea and of maximum respiratory pressures before and after hyperpnea were made. The pressure-stimulation frequency relationship of the diaphragm obtained by unilateral transcutaneous phrenic nerve stimulation was studied in two subjects before and after hyperpnea. Decreases in maximal inspiratory (PImax) and transdiaphragmatic (Pdimax) strength were recorded posthyperpnea at 76 and 79% MVV. Decreases in the pressure-frequency curves of the diaphragm and the ratio of high-to-low frequency power of the diaphragm EMG occurred in association with decreases in Pdimax. Analysis of the pressure-time product (P X dt) for the inspiratory and expiratory muscles individually indicated the increasing contribution of expiratory muscle force to the attainment of higher levels of ventilation. Demonstrable ventilatory muscle fatigue may limit endurance at high levels of ventilation.
Maximum relaxation rate (MRR) and the time constant of relaxation (tau) of transdiaphragmatic pressure (Pdi) was measured in four male subjects and compared with the high-to-low frequency ratio (H/L) of the diaphragmatic electromyogram (EMG) as a predictor of diaphragmatic fatigue. Pdi and inspiratory time-to-total breath duration ratios (TI/TT) were varied, and TT and tidal volume were held constant; inspiratory resistances were used to increase Pdi. Studies were performed at various tension-time indices (TTdi = Pdi/Pdimax X TI/TT). Base-line MRR/Pdi was 0.0100 +/- 0.0004 (SE) ms-1, and baseline tau was 53.2 +/- 3.2 ms. At TTdi greater than 0.20, MRR and H/L decreased and tau increased, with maximum changes at the highest TTdi. At TTdi less than 0.20, there was no change in H/L, MRR, or tau. The time course of changes in H/L correlated with those of MRR and tau under fatiguing conditions. In this experimental setting, change in relaxation rate was as useful a predictor of diaphragmatic fatigue as fall in H/L of the diaphragmatic EMG.
The time course of the frequency content of the electromyogram (EMG) was studied in the diaphragm of five normal subjects breathing through high inspiratory resistance. The ratio between the power content of a high-frequency band (150-350 Hz) (H) and a low-frequency band (20-40 Hz) (L) was calculated for each breath and expressed as a fraction of the initial breath. The rate of decay (when existent) was exponential and was quantified by measuring the time constant of decay of H/L (TF). Runs were held sustaining the ratio of inspiratory time to total breath cycle duration (TI/Ttot) from 0.2 to 1 and transdiaphragmatic pressure (Pdi) of 0.1-0.8 of Pdimax. It was found that TF was monotonically related to Pdi X TI/Ttot, following a hyperbolic relationship. TF was compared with velocity of conduction of the myopotentials and with center frequency of the EMG power spectrum and found to follow similar trends showing, however, different absolute rate of change. The values of TF were found to be directly related to the time a given pattern could be sustained (Tlim). It is concluded that EMG changes and Tlim are related and are expressions of the metabolic changes induced by the contraction pattern.
During and following high-load fatiguing voluntary contractions, the force response of skeletal muscle to electrical stimulation is altered so that the frequency-force curve is moved to the right. Fatiguing contractions also result in a shift to the left of the electromyographic (EMG) power spectrum. In the quadriceps muscle and the diaphragm of normal subjects the change in the force response to electrical stimulation has been correlated with the EMG changes. After repeated submaximal contractions in the quadriceps and diaphragm, the forces produced by electrical stimulation at low frequencies were reduced, indicating low-frequency fatigue. This type of fatigue persisted for several hours but did not result in any change in the EMG high-to-low ratio. Low-frequency fatigue is probably an important aspect of the failure of skeletal muscle to generate adequate force, and the EMG high-to-low ratio may not recognize this type of fatigue.
The authors investigated fatigue-induced changes in the frequency content of the surface electromyographic (EMG) signal from the erector spinae muscles. The objective of the study was to understand the EMG changes in fatiguing muscle and to obtain a reliable index of fatigue. Power spectral analysis has been used increasingly in recent years to monitor muscle fatigue, but parameters other than the mean or median frequency have received little attention. Thirty-five healthy volunteers participated. They pulled upward with constant force on a handlebar attached to a floor-mounted load cell while the EMG signal from the erector spinae was recorded at the levels of T10 and L3 at 1024 Hz; 1.0-sec "windows" of the signal were analyzed using fast Fourier transforms, and the resulting power spectra were divided into 10 frequency bands between 5 Hz and 300 Hz. The median frequency, total power, and peak amplitude of the spectra were also calculated. Changes in the frequency content of the EMG signal were examined during submaximal contractions of different intensity and duration. Median frequency decreased steadily during the contractions, whereas total power and peak amplitude increased. The most repeatable and linear index of change was the increase in the EMG signal in the 5-30 Hz frequency band. The middle-to-high frequency component of the EMG signal increased during the early stages of the contractions, but decreased as the endurance limit was approached. Changes in the 5-30 Hz band of the EMG power spectrum provide a more reliable and linear index of fatigue in the erector spinae muscles than do changes in median frequency. In the erector spinae, the early effects of fatigue appear to be delayed by the recruitment of additional motor units.
The summed electrical discharges generated by a contracting skeletal muscle constitute a dynamic system conveying electromyographic (EMG) information indicative of muscle physiological status. "Steady states" of activity can be achieved with light loads, but with heavy loads the dynamic system experiences continuous status transitions that culminate in task failure. The present study was designed to assess the applicability of two mathematical tools, one linear and the other nonlinear, in addressing the time course of EMG alterations under different loading challenges. Surface EMGs of the biceps brachii muscle were recorded from 14 healthy human volunteers during light and heavy loadings, and task failure occurred at varying times among the subjects. Digitized EMG signals were analyzed by linear spectral analysis (fast Fourier transform) and nonlinear recurrence-plot analysis. With light loading, computed variables from both analyses gave "quasi-steady-state" values over time, with recurrence-plot analysis having the higher variance. With heavy loading, the nonlinear variable (%determinism) increased sooner and exhibited larger changes from control values than decreases in the linear variable (spectral center frequency). Experimental results support the conclusion that both analyses can be combined to give a fuller assessment of the biceps EMG during light or heavy loading. Implications for the detection of muscular fatigue are discussed.