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Recent Scope for AI in the Food Production Industry Leading to the Fourth Industrial Revolution



In today's situation, Artificial intelligence and computer vision collectively join together to analyze the big data obtained from predicted models. The role of AI in the agri-based food industry helps the stakeholders to access and monitor the supply chain. The phenomenon of applying AI and computer vision in the food industry would improve the entire operations. This research paper tries to provide an assisting model for farmers in food-processing and agriculture through the state-of-the-art method. Several concepts related to sustainability in food processing have been estimated through machine learning, and the deep learning model as a worldwide concept. The demand for the usage of AI and computer vision in the Ag-TECH industry has increased which impacts sustainable food production to feed the future. Certain implications have been suggested for real-time monitoring of the farming process, politics behind sustainable food production, and investment which is the main game-player in the present situation. The 4th Industrial Revolution [IR-4.0] was ushered in by the deployment of computer vision and AI in the food business, with computer vision robotics playing a crucial role in ensuring sustainable food production.
Webology, Volume 18, Number 2, December, 2021
Recent Scope for AI in the Food Production Industry Leading to the
Fourth Industrial Revolution
Elham Tahsin Yasin
Assistant Lecturer, Department of Information Technology, Noble Private Institute, Erbil, KRG,
Iraq. E-mail:
Nawroz I. Hamadamen
Assistant Lecturer, Department of Software and Informatics Engineering, College of Engineering,
Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
Ganesh Babu Loganathan
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Tishk International University,
Erbil, KRG, Iraq.
Manikandan Ganesan
Lecturer, Department of Electromechanical Engineering, Faculty of Manufacturing, Institute of
Technology, Hawassa University, Hawassa, Ethiopia.
Received May 20, 2021; Accepted September 22, 2021
ISSN: 1735-188X
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V18I2/WEB18375
In today's situation, Artificial intelligence and computer vision collectively join together to
analyze the big data obtained from predicted models. The role of AI in the agri-based food
industry helps the stakeholders to access and monitor the supply chain. The phenomenon of
applying AI and computer vision in the food industry would improve the entire operations.
This research paper tries to provide an assisting model for farmers in food-processing and
agriculture through the state-of-the-art method. Several concepts related to sustainability in
food processing have been estimated through machine learning, and the deep learning model
as a worldwide concept. The demand for the usage of AI and computer vision in the
Ag-TECH industry has increased which impacts sustainable food production to feed the
future. Certain implications have been suggested for real-time monitoring of the farming
process, politics behind sustainable food production, and investment which is the main
game-player in the present situation. The 4th Industrial Revolution [IR-4.0] was ushered in by
the deployment of computer vision and AI in the food business, with computer vision robotics
playing a crucial role in ensuring sustainable food production.
Webology, Volume 18, Number 2, December, 2021
Sustainability, supply chain, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, IR-4.0.
Artificial intelligence (AI) systems have piqued the interest of academics and practitioners
in the last 20 years. To begin with, various people have attempted to define AI. Some
authors define AI as a "machine's" ability to interpret the inputs offered by the
environment in a "smart" fashion or to better interpret the external factors through a
flexible setup (Kakani, 2020, Sun Q, 2019). AI denotes a new approach to create and
handle knowledge in a well-rethought marketing strategy (Di Vaio, 2020, Nicholas,
2019), such as the link between sustainability and innovation (Kumar, 2019). In greater
depth, innovation looks to be a commercial power. Indeed, breakthrough technology can
enable the implementation of business strategies that address the UN vision 2030.
As a result, an increasing number of businesses are developing AI-based agri-food
products capable of tackling many challenges while also conserving important resources
by minimizing damage to the environment. Business models that address ethical and
sustainable concerns are required for the implementation of AI technologies in the
management process. As a result, these business models provide a comparative benefit for
businesses without causing harm to the environment or community; as a result, the
business models could be described as sustainable, and therefore are referred to as
"sustainable business models" (SBMs) (Azadbakht, 2017, Barroca MJ, 2017).
The desire for new ways to reach and service people while maintaining prices low has
prompted the application of AI to improve customer happiness, supply chain
management, product quality, and lower costs in the food business, as well as other
industry sectors.
Novel food manufacturing and industrial processing procedures have been made possible
thanks to contemporary food sector developments (Babu 2019, Dr.Senthil Kumar, 2021).
Various sorts of food have been in demand for the past 5 decades, including some unusual
types like healthy ingredients, which have proven to be a key to a healthy lifestyle
(Ventures DB, 2017). To meet market demand and produce quickly, the food industry
developed a limited number of food processing procedures. Modern agricultural and food
production technology was employed and might be considered inventive pioneers in the
modernization of the food sector, before being supplanted by manufacturing facilities and
smart machines (Rezek, 2021). Will these developments be able to feed the world's
Webology, Volume 18, Number 2, December, 2021
rapidly rising population while avoiding the inevitable? It looks to be conceivable, given
the growth in supply and proportional increase in technological achievements (Ganesh,
2019, T. Muthuramalingam, 2019, Babu, 2021). During the previous century, the advent
of 4IR technologies like computer image robots and AI has resulted in a huge radical shift
in marketing tactics and investments (Dr. A. Senthil Kumar, 2020, B.K. Patle 2019). This
cutting-edge technology could be a useful tool in meeting future needs for a secure food
2. Artificial Intelligence is Divided into the Following Fields
Figure 1 Artificial intelligence fields
The following are the most important of them:
Machine Learning (ML)
It is a key study of statistical and algorithm frameworks used by computer networks to
efficiently complete activities without using explicit commands, instead of relying on
inference and patterns (Lele U, 2017). To recognize a simple item including an orange or
an apple, for instance. The goal is achieved not by directly stating the specifics and coding
it, but by displaying several alternative photographs of it to a youngster and thus allowing
the computer to design the measures to identify it like an orange or an apple (Dr. Qaysar
Salih Mahdi, 2021). Figure 1 depicts the domains in which AI is used in the food
processing industry.
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
NLP is a term that refers to software's autonomous processing of natural languages, such
as text and speech. It's a branch of computer science that studies how to program
Webology, Volume 18, Number 2, December, 2021
computers to handle and evaluate massive amounts of raw language processing
(Nabavi-Pelesaraei, 2021).
It's a branch of science that allows machines to see (Dr. Qaysar Salih Mahdi, 2021).
Machine vision uses digital signal processing, camera, and to gather and analog-to-digital
conversion to analyze visual data. It aims to automate actions that can be performed by
visual perception (Kumar, 2021).
It is a branch of science and engineering concerned with the building, design,
management, and use of robotics, and also the control, visual perception, and data
processing provided by computer systems. These techniques are being used to create
machines that can take the place of people and mimic their actions (Kaab A, 2019).
Robots are frequently used to undertake activities that are hard or inconsistent for people
to complete.
Autonomous Vehicles
This vehicle is also known as a robot automobile or a self-driving car. It's a vehicle that
can recognize its environment and move with little or no assistance from humans (Vilkhu
K, 2008).
Artificial Intelligence uses in the Food Business
Selecting Raw Produce
One of the most critical difficulties that food production plants face is the uncertainty of
feedstock supplies. In food processing factories, manual sorting is utilized to filter and
segregate vegetables, leading to lower efficiency and greater prices (Marr B, 2017). AI,
which utilizes a combination of scanners, cameras, and machine learning to enable more
effective food sorting, can help food production companies gain significant productivity
in food classification (Nosratabadi 2020). Time-consuming operations for sorting local
produce, for instance, can be reduced by combining AI with sensor-based visual sorting
techniques, resulting in improved yields, better quality, and less trash (Marr B, 2017). AI
is being used to better adapt robots to manage a variety of item forms while lowering
waste and costs (Kakani, 202). Figure 2 depicts the potato sorting device.
Webology, Volume 18, Number 2, December, 2021
Figure 2 Sorting system for potatoes [16]
Figure 3 Sorting machine using artificial intelligence
Efficient Supply Chain Management
Supply chain control is a vital obligation for all food companies, given the growing
demand for transparency. The food firm uses food safety tracking and analyzing products
at every level of the supply chain to ensure conformity with consumer and industry
requirements to develop supply chains. To handle pricing and supplies, more precise
forecasting is needed (Jayashankar P, 2020). AI-based picture recognition solutions allow
for more effective and effective product sourcing. AI also aids in the effective and
efficient monitoring of products from producer to consumer, increasing consumer trust
(Rawat RM, 2021). The AI-based Sorting device for vegetation is shown in Figure. 3.
Webology, Volume 18, Number 2, December, 2021
Observance of Food Safety
AI-enabled sensors are used in food establishments to ensure that food employees follow
safety rules. Figure 4 illustrates how face recognition and object identification
technologies are used to determine if workers are practicing good personal hygiene as
required by the Food Safety Act. The screen images are retrieved for evaluation and can
be repaired in real-time if a violation is identified (Tsakanikas P, 2020). This method is
more than 89 percent effective.
Figure 4 AI enabled camera in a food facility
Equipment for Food Processing Cleaning
Existing cleaning methods are programmed to clean gadgets at predetermined periods.
This minimizes human involvement, minimizing the likelihood of food-borne viral
cross-infection. This technology, on the other hand, is designed for worst-case situations
and functions in the dark. Using AI-enabled technology (SOCIP), which uses infrared
waves and optical fluorescence scanning to evaluate food waste and microbiological
material in a piece of equipment and then improve the removal procedure (Tsakanikas P,
2020). As a result, there is a reduction in the amount of energy, time, and water used.
(Garton K 2020). The washing time has been reduced by half.
Anticipating Consumer Preferences
Food manufacturers employ artificial intelligence-based solutions to predict and analyze
their target customers' flavor choices, as well as anticipate their reactions to novel flavors.
Food makers will benefit from Artificial Intelligence-based data analytics in designing
new food items that are tightly linked with consumer preferences and tastes. In 2017, the
Kellogg Company introduced AI-enabled software that assists customers in deciding
which granola to use from a list of 50 components to create a personalized product
Webology, Volume 18, Number 2, December, 2021
(Kuo TC, 2018). The AI gives suggestions for what items to use in your granola and tells
you whether or not your items will work well together. Individuals aren't the only ones
who can benefit from artificial intelligence when making tiny amounts of granola. The
feedback mechanism created by the general information from flavor profiles, data on what
choices people make, and what combos people re-order refines what flavors people truly
like. This data source will most likely be highly beneficial to the parent firm when
selecting what new items to offer in its much bigger brands.
New Product Development
AI technology uses deep learning and statistical analytics to evaluate consumer taste
preferences and estimate how well they will react to novel flavors. Companies can
segment the data into demographic groups to help them build new products that appeal to
their particular audience's preferences (Bottani E, 2019). These might be used by
manufacturers to anticipate which products would be successful before they reach the
stores. Coca-Cola has installed self-service soft drink machines in several restaurants and
other locations, allowing customers to mix and match their drinks. Customers may
theoretically make hundreds of unique cocktails using this self-service equipment simply
varying the base drinks (Ganesh, 2019, Viswanathan M, 2020, Mohammed, 2020,
Dr. Idris Hadi Salih, 2020). Dozens of extra drink stations, each dispensing a variety of
beverages daily, generated a massive number of customer preference information, which
Coca-Cola is using ai to analyze. CHERRY SPRITE was the very first item to emerge
from this data since its artificial intelligence predicted that consumers would generate a
considerable quantity of cherry-flavored Sprite on their own and it would sell well.
Artificial Intelligence Front-End or Consumer Apps
1. Recommendation Systems
AI-based dietary research and recommendation engines can help consumers make
informed choices about what to consume and what not to eat by employing algorithms
that learn about the user's food demands and behavior (Ganesh, 2020, Suganthi K, 2020.
Ganesh, 2019).
2. Chatbots and Applications
By utilizing AI-based Virtual Associates, food establishments can ensure that customers
do not have to wait endlessly before submitting queries or modifying orders. The process
Webology, Volume 18, Number 2, December, 2021
has been simplified, which enhances the customer experience (Ganesh 2019, Qaysar Salih
Mahdi, 2021, Ellappan Mohan, 2020).
3. Self-Ordering AI-based Kiosks
As seen in figure 5, self-ordering devices driven by artificial intelligence can help
customers have a better service by reducing wait times and eliminating the need to queue
for checkout. Using embedded card scanners, such computers can take customer orders
and enable them to process transactions without the intervention of a human (Ganesh,
Figure 5 McDonald's Self Ordering Kiosk [give label]
4. Robots are getting some attention in restaurants, enhancing the speed and efficiency of
food manufacturing while also decreasing the time it requires to deliver meals.
Figure 6 Robots serving
Webology, Volume 18, Number 2, December, 2021
4.0 IR Driven Agriculture or Food Industry
Computer Vision and AI Driven Food Industry
As an outcome of the current set of achievements in the AI sector, scientists and experts
predict that AI will evolve into key applications fueling many organizations by 2020. The
main cause for this is the rapid growth of digital information, which is expected to reach
44 trillion gigabytes per year by 2020. The 4.0 IR is on its approach through novel
approaches to solve existing challenges in numerous fields, thanks to this huge data and
trainable AI companies. The advent of industrial machines and equipment to build
constructions ushered in the Industrial Revolution (IR). With the invention of the radio,
electricity, and airplanes, the 2.0 IR began (Nicholas, 2019). The industry did not
encounter a serious setback till the early 1970s when electronics and the internet ushered
in the 3.0 IR by transforming the face of the globe through globalization and connection.
Thanks to recent breakthroughs in computer vision, data analytics, and AI, the 4.0 IR may
be witnessed in every field of production. The food industry was one of the businesses
that have recently seen a significant impact from AI on its procedures, tools, and
equipment. Crop farming, growth, processing, and production methods have all changed
as a result of the introduction of AI-driven procedures and equipment into farming and the
food processing industry. Computers may now do more than just show food photos; they
can also identify and reveal calorie info about that item. Taking things a step further,
IBM's AI Watson became the first AI chef in 2016 by proposing new and inventive meals
only by glancing at the components. IBM's Watson silenced renowned chefs with its key
capability of displaying variations in a dish with similar components. deep learning and
machine learning are AI techniques that have made it possible to process photos using a
computer's vision. Till 2012, image processing and computer vision were fields that
processed images and allowed computers to comprehend the contents of the image,
allowing them to make judgments. With the introduction of deep learning and machine
learning, image processing has been able to expand its capabilities beyond its previous
boundaries, reaching the pinnacle of technical innovation in tasks like detection, object
tracking. Data, photos, movies, linguistic sequences, and so on. DNN was shown to
produce superior results in terms of functionality in 2014, which drew attention to deeper
systems and learning methodologies. Several benchmarks containing massive amounts of
data for testing and training were created, eventually leading to a major contest to assess
the performance of DNN on these datasets.
Food Manufacturing Techniques based on Artificial Intelligence
The analysis of information on cuisine and food items prompted researchers to look into
the topic of food through AI lenses. In 2015, machines were clever enough to detect food
Webology, Volume 18, Number 2, December, 2021
from photographs provided, and in late 2016, MIT's AI was capable to estimate the
contents and nutritive benefits of food demonstrated it. This innovation took only a few
weeks to reach the general community as a mobile app. These AI solutions assist the food
sector in effectively promoting its items to the market via global food rising tactics and
marketing. Food manufacturing becomes more adaptable with equipment that can
differentiate between fundamental problems like oranges and apples and more
sophisticated duties like low saturated fats versus high unsaturated fats. Figure.7 A shows
the food control methods used at “Stemmer Imaging” for different applications, whereas
Figure 7 B shows the food tracking methods used at “Stemmer Imaging” for different
applications. 7 B shows how LeNet architecture is used to apply deep learning to food
Figure 7 Computer vision and AI driven food industry (A) harvesting, picking, quality
control and sorting using vision algorithms, and (B) LeNet deep learning architecture for
food classification
Potential Prospective and Global Investments
Expanding demographics have a huge impact on things like government programs and
worldwide operations. The most pressing problem about this topic is balancing food
Webology, Volume 18, Number 2, December, 2021
production and consumption in developing nations with growing populations. Private and
governments investors are working to introduce AI and image processing innovations into
industries like food agriculture and industry to solve specific issues and maintain
productivity. The moderate increase in technological advancement lays the groundwork
for the country's better financial status, with this component as a foundation.
Countries like China and India, in particular, are implementing government programs to
increase food supply efficiency by utilizing technology like deep learning and information
analysis. Google and Microsoft, for example, are donating their technologies to these
nations and assisting in the formation of world economic sustainability. For instance,
Microsoft and the Indian government's ICRISAT collaborated to implement Microsoft
Cortana Smart Suite for agricultural information gathering and analysis using deep
learning techniques. The Indian government set up trial sites in thirteen districts to learn
about soil analysis labs, smart water systems, and IMOD techniques to promote farmers
via public-private partnerships and state expenditures.
Figure 8 AgTech investment increased in recent years
Many private companies are working to apply AI and image processing technology to a
task-specific agriculture benefit. In 2015 alone, the AgTech industry saw record-breaking
spending of over 13 billion US dollars (Figure. 8), prompting numerous analysts around
the world to predict AgTech as a significant movable component as a result of the 4IR.
To boost yields and achieve the objective of a stable food supply by 2050, AgTech
entrepreneurs are turning to task-specific AI and image solutions. AgTech startups
including ceres imaging, sky squirrel innovations, and blue river approaches use computer
vision techniques in the form of photo collection, spectrum signal processing, and
robotics. Sensor data may be a useful tool for analyzing farm characteristics, and
companies like sencrop, centaur analytics, and spensa solutions are using it to spot
Webology, Volume 18, Number 2, December, 2021
irregularities in agricultural output and energy supply. Startups like cibo, trace genomics,
myagdata, agrible, agrilyst, and benson hill biosystems, have used advances like plant
statistical analysis and pa to improve production and ensure sustainable food production.
Startups like aero farms, cropx aquaspy, alesca life, farm note, hydroponic information
systems, connecterra, vibrant farms, and innovative animal prognostics are using data
analytics and image processing methodologies to record, analyze, prototype, and
anticipate factors that can enhance yields in poultry and next farms for greenhouse
environment power guided by smart irrigation. Tables 1 show a complete list of AgTech
startups that use AI and image processing technology.
Table 1 Next-generation farms and animal information among the AgTech startups
Growing Fresh herbs, leafy greens,
without soil and sunlight
Greenhouse control farms
Herbs management system
Early Animal disease
Precise animal onsite and care disease
The use of 4.0 industrial revolution innovations like ai and computer vision in farming
and the food business is discussed in this study. The current review, in particular, offers a
thorough comprehension of computer vision and intelligence methods that are applied to a
variety of agricultural apps, including food preparation, agriculture-based apps,
agriculture, plant statistical analysis, smart water management, and next-generation
agriculture. The research also focuses on the fundamental principle of using efficient 4IR
technologies to ensure that humanity has enough food by 2050 while staying ecologically
friendly. The importance of the AgriTech industry and advances based on AI and vision
capabilities were investigated using use-cases and appropriate information. The
agricultural food businesses that use computer vision and AI have been thoroughly
researched and classed according to their many applications. Aside from food and
agriculture-related firms, this article mentions a few others, including next-generation
farmland and animal information.
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Indication for Indoor Mobile Localization Based on Machine Learning Technique.
Webology, 17(1), 30-42.
... For instance, to recognize simple objects like an apple or an orange, the system achieves the goal not by explicitly specifying the details and coding it, but rather by presenting various images of these objects, similar to how we teach a child. This approach allows the computer to define the steps to identify an apple or an orange based on the patterns it has learned [2]. Figure 1 illustrates the domains in which AI is applied in the food processing industry [6]. ...
... Machine vision, also known as computer vision, grants machines the ability to perceive visual information [2] [5] [6]. This cutting-edge technology captures visual data through cameras and processes it using analog-to-digital conversion and digital signal processing techniques. ...
... They are essential in homes, industries, hospitals, and military installations, capable of replacing humans in repetitive tasks, making them pivotal in the fourth industrial revolution [7]. Robotics, an interdisciplinary field merging science, engineering, and computer systems, aims to create machines that imitate human actions for precision in handling challenging tasks [6]. ...
Conference Paper
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a driving force in the food industry, revolutionizing food processing, distribution, and consumption. This research article explores the transformative role of AI in addressing the challenges of growing global food demand while striving for sustainability. The article highlights AI’s impact on optimizing food production and distribution through data-driven decision-making and workforce analytics. AI-driven insights enable improved product quality, safety, and forecasting, contributing to a more efficient and innovative food sector. Various fields of AI, including machine learning, natural language processing, deep learning, robotics, vision and fuzzy logic, have reshaped food processing practices. Machine learning enhances agricultural productivity, quality control, and personalized nutrition recommendations. Computer vision systems ensure quality assessment and defect identification in food products. The article explores AI applications in beverage production, hot beverages, sorting and classification of fruits, dairy industry, 3D printing, bakeries, and restaurants, enhancing production efficiency and customer experiences. The article also discusses upon guidelines for selecting appropriate AI techniques consider research complexity, data availability, and algorithm performance, aiding researchers and practitioners in choosing suitable AI solutions. Despite remarkable advancements, AI faces challenges such as the absence of human intuition, data dependencies, and initial implementation costs. Continued research and collaboration are crucial to fully harness AI’s potential for building a resilient and technologically advanced food sector. Embracing AI-driven solutions, the food industry can lead towards a sustainable and efficient future.
... Within the scope of Business 4.0, solutions are meant to be extremely flexible, adapting to the unique demands of different industries [15]. For instance, in the perishable products sector like the food business, where precise operational control is vital, the incorporation of IoT technology promotes dynamic production networks [16]. Through IoT-enabled data gathering [10], incorporating components such as RFID and barcoding, typical production resources may be turned into smart manufacturing items [10]. ...
... The yogurt-filling machine, built within the Computer Integrated Manufacturing Laboratory at the Industrial Engineering Department, serves as the cornerstone of this study [16]. This equipment is precisely built to answer customer needs for bespoke yogurt products, enabling for the speedy and effective filling of containers with particular flavors and amounts [10]. ...
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The advent of Industry 4.0 has revolutionized the industrial sector, bringing forth an age characterized by interconnected and intelligent production systems. The central focus of this transformation is in the incorporation of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, which facilitate the development of intelligent manufacturing environments. This research paper examines the incorporation of Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled smart manufacturing technologies in the framework of Industry 4.0. It specifically concentrates on the progress made in improving process optimization, automation, and digitalization across several industrial sectors. The study commences with a chronological account of past industrial revolutions and the progression towards sector 4.0. It emphasizes the potential advantages of these technologies, with a specific focus on their use in the food sector. An examination of yogurt manufacturing serves as a case study to demonstrate the ways in which Industry 4.0 technologies improve efficiency, quality, and personalization. The study examines pertinent literature that highlights the revolutionary influence of IoT in the industrial sector, with a focus on practical implementations and scholarly pursuits. The text provides a full explanation of the methodologies used, including the creation of yogurt-filling machines, the use of 3D scanning for additive manufacturing, and the integration of IoT. It also discusses the functions of Raspberry Pi and Node-RED in enabling communication and processing of data. The summary closes by providing a concise overview of the main discoveries and examining the potential consequences for future research and industry applications.
... The choice of industries covered by the study resulted from the technological maturity of these industries, understood as the degree of use of I4.0 technologies in their business activity and their overall significance for the economy of Poland (measured by GDP). The available industry reports and research confirm the growing involvement of the food, furniture and automotive industries in the transformation process, as well as their bolder involvement in investment projects related to the implementation of I4.0 technologies (Ratnasingam et al., 2020;Jagtap et al., 2021;Konur et al., 2021;Yasin et al., 2021). ...
... In the study, we focused on three purposefully selected sectors, the automotive, food and furniture industries, for two reasons. First, they have embraced digital transformation, and 4.0 technologies have been applied in various ways in these sectors (Ratnasingam et al., 2020;Jagtap et al., 2021;Konur et al., 2021;Yasin et al., 2021). Second, these industries are of strong importance for the Polish economy, in particular for the manufacturing sector (Statistics Poland, 2022). ...
Purpose This paper aims to identify the basis of the technological anxiety phenomenon by defining the differences and similarities in terms of barriers of the implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies across industrial processing sector. Design/methodology/approach This paper presents a qualitative, exploratory research, and the authors apply the cross-case study method. The study is based on interviews with representatives of 11 medium-sized and large companies from industrial processing sector; specifically, the authors focus on three industries: automotive, food and furniture. Findings The research showed that there are similarities as well as differences in terms of identified barriers between individual industries. Taking into account the various dimensions of technological anxiety, similarities are visible, in particular, in the case of Internal processes and infrastructure and human resources, while in the other two dimensions, i.e. strategic planning and standards and security, differences between the sectors were noted. Practical implications The developed list of barriers can be a starting point for middle and senior managers of manufacturing companies to understand the sources of technological anxiety. The planning and introducing preventive and protective tools during Industry 4.0 implementation may reduce the occurrence of technological anxiety and thus ensure a smoother adoption of technologies 4.0, while respecting the organizational culture. Originality/value This work contributes to in-depth understanding of multifaced technological anxiety phenomenon. This paper classifies dimensions of existing barriers, increases the awareness on the difficulties during transformation process and, thus enables the improvement of the use of company’s internal potential.
... Highlighting a potential challenge, Luley et al. [37] suggest that Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) may face limitations in data collection, which could impact the implementation of AI-driven architectures for their industrial operations. Exploring diverse applications, Babu et al. [21] explore various potential uses of AI within the context of Industry 4.0, including the integration of chatbots. Another example of applications in industry is the use of Augmented Reality (AR)-assisted Digital Twins (DTs) surveyed by Yin et al. [35], which also includes the potential use of AI. ...
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The future generation of mobile networks envision Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) as key enabling technologies that will foster the emergence of sophisticated use cases, with the industrial sector being one to benefit the most. This survey reviews related works in this field, with a particular focus on the specific role of network softwarization. Furthermore, the survey delves into their context and trends, categorizing works into several types and comparing them based on their contribution to the advancement of the state of the art. Since our analysis yields a lack of integrated practical implementations and a potential desynchronization with current standards, we finalize our study with a summary of challenges and future research ideas.
... One of the examples of AI application in the beverage industry is Coca-Cola's implementation of selfserve soft drink fountains at numerous sites (Babu Loganathan, G.,2021). Through the addition of various flavors to their base beverages, these machines enable users to customize their own drinks, resulting in hundreds of possible combinations. ...
The food industry is one of the most rapidly evolving sectors, with new technological advancements constantly emerging. Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a crucial component in this industry, revolutionizing various aspects of food production, from recipe generation to quality control. In recent years, AI has been integrated into the food industry in a big way, and its impact on the industry has been profound. An important benefit of AI in the food industry is its capacity to automate monotonous tasks, freeing up human workers for more complex responsibilities. AI also aids in recipe generation, enabling food companies to create innovative products that cater to consumer preferences. Moreover, AI plays a crucial role in maintaining quality control, guaranteeing that food products adhere to safety and quality requirements before they are delivered to consumers. To provide insights into the impact of AI in the food industry, this chapter will present case studies highlighting successful AI implementations.
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he paper aims to identfy how Industry 4.0 technologies affect the quality and speedof the managers’ decision-making process across the different stages of the valuechain, based on the example of the manufacturing sector. The paper adopts qualitatveresearch, based on nine in-depth interviews with key informants, to capture seniorexecutves’ experiences with implementng Industry 4.0 technologies in theirorganisatons. The research is focused on three manufacturing industries: theautomotve, food and furniture industries. The research shows that depending on thestage of the value chain, different Industry 4.0 technologies are more suitable for thesupport of managers’ decisions. Various Industry 4.0 technologies support decision-making at different stages of the manufacturing value chain. In the Design stage, 3Dprintng and scanning technologies play a crucial role. In the case of Inbound Logistcs,robotsaton, automaton, Big Data analysis, and Business Intelligence are most useful.During the Manufacturing stage, robotsaton, automaton, 3D printng, scanning,Business Intelligence, cloud computng, and machine-to-machine (M2M) integratonenable quick decision-making and speed up producton. Sensors and the Internet ofThings (IoT) optmise distributon in the Outbound Logistcs stage. And finally, BusinessIntelligence supports decisions within the Sales and Marketng stage. It is also the mostversatle technology among all partcular stages. The paper provides empirical evidenceon the Industry 4.0 technology support in decision-making at different stages of themanufacturing value chain, which leads to more effectve value chain management,ensuring faster and more accurate decisions at each value-chain stage. When usingproperly selected Industry 4.0 technologies, managers can optmise their productonprocesses, reduce costs, avoid errors and improve customer satsfacton.Simultaneously, Industry 4.0 technologies facilitate predictve analytcs to forecast andantcipate future demand, quality issues, and potental risks. This knowledge allows organisatons to make beter decisions and take proactve actons to prevent problems.
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To be able to control gadgets by voice has continuously charmed humanity. Nowadays after seriously investigate, Speech Recognition System, have made a specialty for themselves and can be seen in numerous strolls of life. The exactness of Speech Recognition Systems remains one of the foremost imperatives investigates challenges e.g., noise, speaker changeability, dialect inconstancy, lexicon estimate and space. The plan of speech recognition system requires cautious considerations to the challenges such as different sorts of Speech Classes and Speech Representation, Speech Preprocessing stages, Include Extraction methods, Database and Execution assessment. Automatic voice recognition using recurrent neural networks (RNNs) has recently gained importance and promise on mobile devices like smart phones. However, earlier RNN compression methods either experience severe accuracy loss due to the preserved regularity for hardware friendliness or hardware performance overhead as a result of the inconsistency. RNNs are effective for simulating sequences because they have cyclic connections, opposing feedforward neural networks. For applications like handwriting recognition, language modeling, and the phonetic labeling of auditory frames, they have been successfully used for sequence labeling and sequence prediction. RNNs have only been used for small-scale tasks like phone recognition, as opposed to deep neural networks, in speech recognition. Modern speech recognition capability for comparatively small models is provided by Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) models, which converge quickly. End-to-end voice recognition is proposed using RNN-T. In particular, Minimum Bays Risk (MBR) training is carried out by reducing the predicted edit distance between the reference label and the initialized RNN-T trained model. N-best hypothesis developed in-sequence and on the fly.The plan of speech recognition system requires cautious considerations to the challenges such as different sorts of Speech Classes and Speech Representation, Speech Preprocessing stages, Include Extraction methods, Database and Execution assessment. This paper presents the progresses made as well as highlights the squeezing issues for a speech recognition system.
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In this research, a method of optimization was adopted to accept the reduction in weight of the mechanical process under the strong condition. A condition of the load manipulator and critical configuration were examined. A design of flexible mass was organised by the finite component method and an optimization of topology was carried out in this paper. An optimization of the manipulator process was done on this basis. A quality of optimized art was decreased by 6.9% when correlated with the original design. The process of joined virtual process with working space was examined. After optimization of the manipulator, the amount of last deployment was proposed. The high deformation was 0.36mm that meets the basis. An optimization method gives a selection reference of the combined parts of the mechanical process. A model of the mechanical process was finished and the analysis for load was carried out. A experiment provides that the mechanical process was achieved sudden answer under the basis of a 3 kilogram load.
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The exclusive growth in the WWW World Wide Web page window makes the internet growing very fast. Therefore, classifiers of the web pages become more challenging. The proposed system is about using Neural Networks (N.N.) to classify web documents. In this work, New Web Page Classification Method (WPCM) is proposed. The WPCM uses a neural network with inputs obtained by both the principal components and class profile-based features (CPBF). The fixed number of regular words from each class will be used as a feature vectors with the reduced features from the PCA. These feature vectors are then used as the input to the neural networks for classification. The experimental evaluation demonstrates that the WPCM provides high quality classification accuracy with the sports news datasets. These features reflect the motivation of this work and it is a new approach to classify the web documents through using the Neural Networks. The applications for this work will be widely requested from media, sports, newspapers, journals, etc. because the proposed system offers fast method for classification due to the summarizing of time by reducing the dimension and features of the word, also removing stop words will save spaces for storing document contents and reduce time taken during the search process.
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This paper studies the effect of target fluctuating models on ATC radar coverage such as swerling`s models 1 and 2, and swerling`s models 3 and 5. The results in this work show that swerlings case 5 (non-fluctuating target) has the highest range and swerling case 2 (fluctuating target) has higher range than swerling case 1 (fluctuating target). The signal to noise ratio obtained are claimed to be accurate to within 1dB for values of Hs >100. The deviation from the exact values of the signal to noise ratio for Hs <100 is rather large. It may be reduced, however, to acceptable values by using certain correction of the swerling models and acceptable improvements in the SNR is obtained. The applications of this work sound widely espacially for ATC radar systems and militery applications for target classification and recognition. This work is performed by using C++ and object oriented programming and it could be used as a prediction package in the ATCR sitting.
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The food processing and handling industry is the most significant business among the various manufacturing industries in the entire world that subsidize the highest employability. The human workforce plays an essential role in the smooth execution of the production and packaging of food products. Due to the involvement of humans, the food industries are failing to maintain the demand-supply chain and also lacking in food safety. To overcome these issues of food industries, industrial automation is the best possible solution. Automation is completely based on artificial intelligence (AI) or machine learning (ML) or deep learning (DL) algorithms. By using the AI-based system, food production and delivery processes can be efficiently handled and also enhance the operational competence. This article is going to explain the AI applications in the food industry which recommends a huge amount of capital saving with maximizing resource utilization by reducing human error. Artificial intelligence with data science can improve the quality of restaurants, cafes, online delivery food chains, hotels, and food outlets by increasing production utilizing different fitting algorithms for sales prediction. AI could significantly improve packaging, increasing shelf life, a combination of the menu by using AI algorithms, and food safety by making a more transparent supply chain management system. With the help of AI and ML, the future of food industries is completely based on smart farming, robotic farming, and drones.
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The techniques of triangulation in Euclidean geometry can be considered the base of a wide range of positioning techniques for sensor networks; where they deduced the sensor locations by using its geometrical characteristics. This work presents a completely different method based on machine learning, where the data is obtained directly from the natural coordinate systems through the readings provided by Bluetooth Low Energy Devices. The known locations of beacon nodes in the network and the Received Strength Signal Indication (RSSI) can be exploited to detect the current position on mobile device based on the Bluetooth technology. 31
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Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)) and the associated technologies are growing day-by-day in a drastic level. The Wireless Sensor Network medium has a distributed communication logic, in which it is interconnected with set of wireless sensor nodes and a unique basestation. A basestation stays in a constant place to provide a support to the transceivers for achieving a successful communication between source and destination entities. This kind of wireless communication mediums highly depends on the basestation to acquire the transaction needs as well as the basestation acts as a gateway between transmitter and receiver units. The cluster based wireless communication models are introduced to provide a flaw free communication between entities on WSN region with handling of wireless sensor nodes in the form of cluster. In literature several cluster enabled wireless communication models are designed, but all are strucked up with improper node placements and associated energy level mismatching. These issues raise cost efficient problems in Wireless Sensor Network environment. SO, that a new energy efficient routing protocol with an effective communication strategy is required to solve such issues in past. This paper introduced a new routing protocol with high efficient data transmission norms, in which it is called as Energy Enhanced Routing Protocol (eeRP). The proposed approach of eeRP associates the powerful clustering logic in this scheme to provide a fault free communication model to the WSN environment. By using this approach the standardized routing model is constructed with respect to the sensor nodes and basestation. The most important part of cluster based wireless communication model is the handling of Cluster-Head (CH), in which it needs to be elected based on certain communication principles such as the estimation of distance, position of other nodes in the cluster region, basestation positioning and the node capability. These constraints are essential to analyze the Cluster-Head to improve the pathway estimation process. The proposed approach of eeRP utilizes the powerful CH election algorithm called Firefly to provide an intellectual cluster head election process. The performance level of the proposed approach eeRP is estimated based on the efficiency of throughput, path selection efficiency, reduced energy consumption ratio and the network lifetime improvement. The experimental results assure these metrics in resulting section with graphical proofs.
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Farming is the foundation of India. These days because of populace, mishaps and contamination subsequently level of the agribusiness field in India are diminishing. So we have intended to make agribusiness simple and it is intended to limit the human notwithstanding speed up and precision of the work. To actualize this we are utilizing IOT as regulator and a couple of sensors which is identified with it. For a decent yield a rancher needs to screen the field occasionally. This paper centers crop observing utilizing IoT gadgets which would give live data of the field to the ranchers. The information once got are examined and recorded for future. This work summoned to take a preventive measure for loss of yield and furthermore increment the efficiency of harvest. And furthermore we included waste administration coordinated framework. Web of Things (IOT) has been assuming an incredible part in making human existence simpler by making brilliant activity, satisfactory and independent. The proposed framework diminishes the movement distance by 30% on a normal in the accepted situation, contrasted with the conventional waste assortment framework. Along these lines it lessens the fuel cost and human work making the framework upgraded and effective by empowering constant observing and improved route.
The speckle noise present in synthetic‐aperture radar (SAR) images is responsible for hindering the extraction of the exact information that needs to be utilized for potential remote sensing applications. Thus the quality of SAR images needs to be enhanced by removing speckle noise in an effective manner. In this paper, A Deep Neural Network‐based Speckle Noise Removal Technique (DNN‐SNRT) is proposed that utilizes the benefits of convolution and Long Short Term Memory‐based neural networks to enhance the quality of SAR images. The proposed DNN‐SNRT uses multiple radar intensity images that are archived from the specific area of interest to facilitate the self‐learning of the intensity features derived from the image patches. The proposed DNN‐SNRT incorporates a dual neural network to remove speckle noise and flexibly estimates the thresholds and weights to achieve an effective SAR image quality improvement. The proposed DNN‐SNRT is capable of automatically updating the intensity features of SAR images during the training process. Experimental investigation of the proposed DNN‐SNRT conducted based on TerraSAR‐X images confirmed the superior enhancement of image quality over comparable recent filters. The results of the DNN‐SNRT scheme were also proved that it is able to reduce noise and preserve edges during the image quality enhancement process.