Gabriela Noronha Toledo

Gabriela Noronha Toledo
Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG) | UFCG · Centro de Saúde e Tecnologia Rural – CSTR (Campus de Patos)



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Professora visitante na Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG), Campus de Patos. Doutorado em Clínica Médica, com enfase em Oncologia Veterinária pela UNESP - FCAV, Jaboticabal. Mestre em Medicina Veterinária (Patologia Animal) pela UNESP/FCAV, Campus de Jaboticabal. Especialista em Oncologia Veterinária pelo Instituo Bioethicus (Botucatu). Residência em Medicina de Veterinária pela Universidade de Marília - UNIMAR na área de clínica médica de pequenos animais. Graduação em Medicina Veterinária na Universidade de Franca - UNIFRAN.
Additional affiliations
August 2010 - present
São Paulo State University
  • PhD Student
August 2010 - November 2013
São Paulo State University
  • MS student
September 2013 - November 2015
Independent Researcher
Independent Researcher
Field of study
  • Oncologia Veterinárioa


Publications (29)
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Canine transmissible venereal tumor is a contagious neoplasm typically found on the external genital mucosa of dogs of both sexes; however, it can also occur in extragenital areas, such as the nasal cavity. It spreads through contact with damaged tissues or mucous membranes containing viable neoplastic cells, or through the hemolymphatic system. Th...
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Resumo: Rinites caninas são afecções frequentes no atendimento veterinário e, por possuir sinais inespecíficos, faz-se necessária a utilização de ferramentas diagnósticas que auxiliem na conclusão diagnóstica. Considerações especiais devem ser feitas ao tratar esses pacientes em relação a múltiplas comorbidades que podem estar presentes. Este artig...
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Rhinopathies diagnosis in small animals is challenging, especially regarding their etiology. Imaging exams are very valuable tools for diagnostic procedures. The objective here is to report a rare case of rhinitis by Microsporum canis in a 4-year-old male, SRD dog, sneezing and with chronic purulent nasal secretion two weeks after surgical correcti...
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Resumo: Toxoplasma gondii é um parasita intracelular obrigatório e o gato é o hospedeiro definitivo. A doença tem uma distribuição mundial. Além disso, o protozoário é considerado endêmico em regiões tropicais. A toxoplasmose pode afetar várias espécies de mamíferos, desempenhando o papel de hospedeiro intermediário e é responsável pelo desenvolvim...
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Resumo: A esporotricose é uma micose fúngica de evolução subaguda ou crônica, infecciosa e zoonótica causada pelo fungo dimórfico do complexo Sporothrix schenckii. Acomete humanos e animais, sendo as lesões cutâneas piogranulomatosas o principal sintoma. O fungo pode ser encontrado em matéria orgânica em decomposição, solos, madeira com alta umidad...
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p>Cães e gatos convivem com humanos há milhares de anos e isso mostra o quanto eles são importantes. Esses animais são considerados membros da família, entretanto, a falta de conhecimento sobre suas necessidades fisiológicas, comportamentais e psicológicas por parte de seus tutores são fatores importantes para suas vidas, pois essa falta de conheci...
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In collaboration with the American College of Veterinary Pathologists.
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Essa revisão sistemática se deu em razão da problemática: Animais de companhia são bons modelos experimentais para o estudo de melanoma e carcinomas epidermoides em seres humanos? A pesquisa de dados se deu por meios eletrônicos, com artigos científicos publicados entre os anos de 2016 a 2021, nos idiomas português, espanhol e inglês. As bases de d...
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Domestic animals, especially pets, have a close and affectionate relationship with people. However, many of them are harmed by their supposed tutors. In Brazil, there are few veterinary studies looking at epidemiology of pets’ mistreatment admitted to veterinary practices and hospitals, and none in Paraíba state. The aim of this study was to identi...
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El granuloma eosinofílico se caracteriza por una infiltración celular densa de eosinófilos, macrófagos y mastocitos, además de focos de colagenólisis. El granuloma eosinofílico canino es una rara enfermedad inflamatoria de la piel que afecta la mucosa oral. Sin embargo, la forma cutánea es más evidente y puede estar en el escroto, los testículos, e...
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Background: Lymphoma is a malignant lymphoid tumor originating in the lymph nodes or other solid organs and comprises 90% of all hematopoietic tumors in dogs. However, primary renal lymphoma is rare and is associated with nonspecific clinical signs. Tumor invasion in both kidneys can cause severe clinical signs due to renal failure, complicating th...
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RESUMO Os tumores mesenquimais originados a partir de células intersticiais de Cajal, denominados tumores gastrointestinais estromais (GIST) são raros em humanos e com incidência ainda desconhecida em cães. A diferenciação de GIST, leiomiossarcoma e leiomioma com base apenas em exames de imagem, morfológicos e colorações simples por meio da histolo...
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Anamnesis: A 5-year-old mixed breed entire bitch was presented with bloody vaginal discharge and abdominal distension. Clinical and laboratory findings: Physical examination and abdominal ultrasonography suggested the presence of a left ovarian tumor. At histopathological examination it was diagnosed as granulosa cell tumor. Treatment approach: A...
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Muscular dystrophies are hereditary diseases that lead to progressive degeneration of the skeletal musculature. Golden Retriever dogs are used as animal models because they show a hereditary muscle disease similar to muscular dystrophy in humans. Aims: To evaluate the immunostaining of M1 (CD68) and M2 (CD163) macrophages, MHC I, MHC II and, utroph...
A seven-year-old, white, domestic short hair, female cat was presented with an aural hematoma of the right pinna, which had been partially resected a year previously. A 3 × 4cm mass, macroscopically similar to an auricular hematoma, was visible on the convex surface and a smaller vascular lesion was present on the ear margin. Cytological examinatio...
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RESUMO A leishmaniose visceral (LV) é uma enfermidade comum que acomete múltiplos sistemas e apresenta tempo de evolução crônico. Dentre as características laboratoriais que são observadas, os achados na medula óssea podem variar de hipoplasia a hiperplasia, tanto eritróide quanto granulocítica. Diante disso, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo r...
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Rev Colomb Cienc Pecu 2018; 31(4):295-303 Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Pecuarias Original articles 295 Tissue fibrosis and its correlation with malignancy in canine mammary tumors ¤ Fibrosis tisular y su correlación con malignidad en neoplasias mamarias caninas Fibrose tecidual e sua correlação com a malignidade em neoplasias mamárias em cadelas...
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Osteosarcoma is the most common bone tumor in dogs. The periosteal osteosarcoma is a subtype of osteosarcoma, and is considered rare in the canine species. The purpose of the present study was to describe a 14-year-old female dog with an ulcerated mass located in the right tibia and 30-days of evolution. The patient was submitted to complementary e...
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TUMOR VENÉREO TRANSMISSÍVEL CANINO RESUMO O tumor venéreo transmissível canino (TVTC) pode ser considerado uma das neoplasias mais comuns nesta espécie. Morfologicamente classificado como neoplasia de células redondas, acomete principalmente a mucosa genital externa de cães. A transmissão decorre da implantação de células tumorais durante o coito,...
Osteosarcoma is the most commonly reported bone tumor in dogs, typically affecting the axial and appendicular skeleton. Involvement of the paranasal sinuses and the nasal cavity is extremely rare. This report describes a six-year-old, female, cross-breed dog presented with signs of 90 days duration and diagnosed with a mass located in the right nas...
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Mast cell tumors represent the most common malignant skin tumor in the dog. This review outlines the incidence, etiology and clinical signs of mast cell tumors. Diagnostic tests, staging and treatments are also discussed. This study was performed by the Veterinary Oncology and Pathology of UNESP, Jaboticabal and the Service of Pathology Veterinary,...
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Mast cell tumors represent the most common malignant skin tumor in the dog. This review outlines the incidence, etiology and clinical signs of mast cell tumors. Diagnostic tests, staging and treatments are also discussed. This study was performed by the Veterinary Oncology and Pathology of UNESP, Jaboticabal and the Service of Pathology Veterinary,...
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Periosteal osteosarcoma is an uncommon primary malignant bone tumor in dogs and humans. This type of tumor is one of the four variants of osteosarcoma. The main feature is a superficial lesion without evidence of bone marrow involvement. The treatment usually performed is limb amputation. There is insufficient data on long-term disease-free time, s...
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Periosteal osteosarcoma is an uncommon primary malignant bone tumor in dogs and humans. This type of tumor is one of the four variants of osteosarcoma. The main feature is a superficial lesion without evidence of bone marrow involvement. The treatment usually performed is limb amputation. There is insufficient data on long-term disease-free time, s...
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Resumo Nos últimos anos, o microambiente tumoral foi associado à evolução de doenças crônicas, incluindo as neoplasias mamárias. Um crescente conjunto de evidências foi compilado para demonstrar o papel importante deste processo envolvendo as neoplasias mamárias caninas. A maneira pela qual as interações entre o tumor e o estroma participam ativame...
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RESUMO O objetivo do presente estudo foi caracterizar as lesões musculares dos músculos masseter, diafragma, tríceps braquial e bíceps femoral de cães distróficos de diferentes idades. Foram utilizadas amostras musculares de 17 cães Golden Retriever (GR) machos e três controles não distróficos e livres de anormalidades neuromusculares, distribuídos...
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Although there are many studies about the cellular biomarkers’ use in canine’s mammary cancer, the results are not to compare. This paper offers orientations about the most useful immunohistochemical markers, which can help to treat canine’s mammal tumors. The main biomarkers of the canines’ mammal epithelia and of the myoepithelial cells were revi...


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