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Nitric Oxide: The Versatility of an Extensive Signal Molecule


Abstract and Figures

Nitric oxide (NO) is a small highly diffusible gas and a ubiquitous bioactive molecule. Its chemical properties make NO a versatile signal molecule that functions through interactions with cellular targets via either redox or additive chemistry. In plants, NO plays a role in a broad spectrum of pathophysiological and developmental processes. Although nitric oxide synthase (NOS)-dependent NO production has been reported in plants, no gene, cDNA, or protein has been isolated to date. In parallel, precise and regulated NO production can be measured from the activity of the ubiquitous enzyme nitrate reductase (NR). In addition to endogenous NO formation, high NO emissions are observed from fertilized soils, but their effects on the physiology of plants are largely unknown. Many environmental and hormonal stimuli are transmitted either directly or indirectly by NO signaling cascades. The ability of NO to act simultaneously on several unrelated biochemical nodes and its redox homeostatic properties suggest that it might be a synchronizing molecule in plants.
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9 Apr 2003 13:13 AR AR184-PP54-05.tex AR184-PP54-05.sgm LaTeX2e(2002/01/18) P1: FHD
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2003. 54:109–36
doi: 10.1146/annurev.arplant.54.031902.134752
° 2003 by Annual Reviews. All rights reserved
NITRIC OXIDE: The Versatility of an Extensive
Signal Molecule
Lorenzo Lamattina,Carlos Garc
Magdalena Graziano, andGabriela Pagnussat
Instituto de Investigaciones Biol
ogicas, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales,
Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, CC 1245, Argentina; email:
Key Words chemical messenger, plant hormone, nitrate reductase
Abstract Nitric oxide (NO) is a small highly diffusible gas and a ubiquitous
bioactive molecule. Its chemical properties make NO a versatile signal molecule that
functions through interactions with cellular targets via either redox or additive chem-
istry. In plants, NO plays a role in a broad spectrum of pathophysiological and devel-
opmental processes. Although nitric oxide synthase (NOS)-dependent NO production
has been reported in plants, no gene, cDNA, or protein has been isolated to date. In
parallel, precise and regulated NO production can be measured from the activity of the
ubiquitous enzyme nitrate reductase (NR). In addition to endogenous NO formation,
high NO emissions are observed from fertilized soils, but their effects on the physi-
ology of plants are largely unknown. Many environmental and hormonal stimuli are
transmitted either directly or indirectly byNO signaling cascades. The ability of NO to
act simultaneously on several unrelated biochemical nodes and its redox homeostatic
properties suggest that it might be a synchronizing molecule in plants.
INTRODUCTION .....................................................110
The History of NO in Animals .........................................111
First Evidence of NO Activity as a Signal Molecule in Plants .................111
Molecular Targets of NO ..............................................112
Antioxidant and Pro-Oxidant Properties of NO ............................114
SOURCE OF NO IN PLANTS ...........................................115
NO Generation and Methods of Measurement .............................115
Structure-Function Comparison Between Animal NO
Synthase (NOS) and Plant Nitrate Reductase (NR) ........................116
Production of NO by Plant NR .........................................118
ACTIONS OF NO IN PLANTS ..........................................119
Nitrogen Fertilization: A New View of an Old Practice ......................119
Pharmacological Effects Versus Physiological Roles ........................120
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NO Signaling, Processing, and Transduction Pathways ......................120
PLANT HORMONES .................................................121
Auxins, NO, and Rooting .............................................121
ABA, NO, and Water Deficit ...........................................122
Cytokinins, Gibberelins, NO, and Phytochrome Pathways ....................124
Ethylene, NO, and Senescence .........................................126
Is NO a Synchronizing Chemical Messenger? .............................127
Toward a Regulated Endogenous Production of NO .........................127
Multicellular organisms are highly specialized communities with many different
organs whose functions have to be coordinated very precisely. Communication
between cells and organs must therefore work rapidly and safely, a process that
has been accomplished during evolution through the appearance of a number of
systems, mechanisms, and tools that favor survival.
Plants have a very different lifestyle from animals. Since light is ubiquitous on
the surface of Earth, vascular plants adapted to remain sessile and developed a
differentiated modular structure, whose elements (roots, leaves, shoots, buds, flo-
wers, meristems) ensure that predation and environmental damage can be over-
come through the regeneration of modules or of the individual from modules
(155). Most plant cells have developed a very fine capability to sense environ-
mental stimuli and to process them to produce a whole-plant response. Given the
characteristics of plant lifestyle, one might expect that unique molecules would
have developedfor plant-cell signal transduction. However, with a few remarkable
exceptions, the scenario representing plant cell life can be constructed with actors
chosen from movies about animal cells. That is certainly the case with nitric oxide
, which has emerged as a new chemical messenger in plant biology after the
characterization of NO functionality in prokaryotes and animals. The biological
activities of NO are numerous and complex and thus are very difficult to integrate
in a simple way. NO is necessary atthe very beginning of life becauseits synthesis
and production are required for the activation of eggs at fertilization (87). NO
governs an impressive number of physiological and pathophysiological reactions
involved in later growth and developmental processes (46, 99). In summary, the
biological activities of NO are diverse and are exerted on phylogenetically distant
species,openingafantasticwindowforanas-yet unexploredfield ofNO’sfunction
in the plant kingdom.
In this review, we present and discuss recent advances in our understanding
of the mechanisms by which NO modulates molecular and physiological plant
responses. The scope of this article is the integration of NO biochemistry in
The term NO (without a dot for the unpaired electron) is used for all NO forms, including
NO radical, NO
, and NO
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plant biology processes. The enzymatic mechanism of NO synthesis, the target
molecules involved in NO signaling pathways, the cross-talk with classical plant
hormones, and the intringuing relationships between NO and nitrogen fertilization
are points of intense discussion to open new questions for future research. We do
not focus on NO signaling in the induction of cell death, defense genes, and inter-
play with reactive oxygen species (ROS) and salicylic acid during plant defense
against pathogen attack because excellent reviews are already available on these
subjects (43,83, 157,161).
The History of NO in Animals
It has long been known that the signal molecule acetylcholine dilates blood vessels
in both humans and animals. In most cases, dilation of the vessels is caused by
relaxation of the muscle cells. In 1980, Furchgott discovered that an unknown
substance formed in the endothelium was able to relax the smooth muscle cells
and he named it EDRF (endothelium-derived relaxing factor) (50). Some years
before, Murad found that nitroglycerine activates guanylyl cyclase (GC), which
produces cyclic GMP, and relaxes the muscle fibers. This finding then raised the
question of how the nitroglycerine outside the cell could affect an enzyme inside
the cell. The answer was that nitroglycerine was contaminated with traces of NO.
Murad then bubbled NO gas through smooth muscle cells and GC was activated
(4). Thus, he hypothesized that hormones may influence smooth muscles via NO
even before NO production by eukaryotes was reported (65).
Some years later and working independently, Ignarro showed that NO displays
identical chemical behavior and, in fact, was identical to EDRF (73). Intensive
research on NO biological functions followed worldwide. The fact that NO is an
unstable gas, which in the presence of H
O and O
is rapidly converted to NO
, may explain why NO was not discovered earlier in mammals.
taining blood pressure in the cardiovascular system, (b) stimulating host defenses
in the immune system, (c) regulating neural transmission in the brain, (d) regulat-
ing gene expression, (e) platelet aggregation, ( f ) learning and memory, (g) male
sexual function, (h) cytotoxicity and cytoprotection, and (i) development of arte-
riosclerosis, among others (75,93, 94,103,113).
In 1992, Science named NO “Molecule of the Year” because of its widespread
biological significance, and in 1998, Furchgott, Murad, and Ignarro were awarded
the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine.
First Evidence of NO Activity as a Signal Molecule in Plants
Twenty years ago, NO studies in plant systems were focused on the phytotoxic
properties of the oxides of nitrogen (NO
) and their effect
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upon vegetation or on enzymes containing metal groups (97a, 133). Considerable
amounts of NO and N
O are produced naturally from nonpolluted terrestrial and
aquaticecosystems,whichrepresent a major contributiontothe natural destruction
of the ozone layer (86). Ozone is produced on the surface of Earth through photo-
chemical processes involving oxides of nitrogen and, as an air pollutant, increases
respiratory illness and general oxidative damages in crop plants (48). However,
in 1990 Welburn raised the question of why atmospheric oxides of nitrogen are
phytotoxic and not alternative fertilizers (160). At the same time, several reports
showed that nitrogen oxides were able to stimulate seed germination (60,61).
More recently, the late 1990s saw an explosion of reports on new and fascinating
effects of NO in plants (8,9,40, 42,56,92), paralleling the discoveries about NO
in animal systems in the late 1980s.
Nitric oxide is a free radical lipophilic diatomic gas under atmospheric condi-
tions. Its small Stokes’ radius and neutral charge allows rapid membrane diffusion
(55,145). Molecular mechanisms for precise and controlled NO delivery from
storedcellularcompartmentshaveneverthelessbeenreportedin animals (59,118).
NO rapidly reacts with oxygen to produce a variety of nitrogen oxides. The stabil-
ity and decay of NO depend on its concentration, the redox status of the system,
and the concentration of its target molecules and metals (64). Neutral NO has a
single electron in its 2p-π antibonding orbital (145). The removal of this electron
generates the nitrosonium cation (NO
); conversely, the addition of an electron
formsthe nitroxylanion(NO
)(Figure 1A).Theadditionof electronsfromNO
decreasesthe bondorder, increasesthebondlength,and decreasesvibrational
energies(145). The different forms of NO share different chemical reactivitiesand
properties. One of the most important chemical properties of NO is, however, the
existence of an unpaired electron, allowing a high reactivity with oxygen (O
superoxide (O
), N derivatives, and transition metals.
Molecular Targets of NO
In biological systems, NO reacts with O
, and transition metals (Me
), gen-
erating NOx, peroxinitrite (ONOO
), and metal-NO adducts, respectively (Figure
1B). The high reactivity of thiols explains the rapid formation of S-nitrosothiol
(RS-NO). Both metal- and thiol-containing proteins are target sites for NO, and
as such are very important cellular vehicles for the orchestration of NO’s bio-
logical function. Among these cellular target proteins are cellular messengers,
ion channels, enzymes, receptors, and transcription factors. For example, solu-
ble GC-mediated NO signaling in smooth muscle cells is based on enzyme ac-
tivation leading to elevation of cytosolic cGMP concentration (95). GC is a het-
erodimer of one α-subunit and one β-subunit, both required for catalytic activity.
Each subunit contains an N-terminal regulatory domain and a C-terminal catalytic
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Figure 1 (A) Chemistry of the interrelated forms of NO with potential biological activity.
Interconversion of NO forms. NO
(NO radical) is rapidly oxidized by the removal of one
electron to give nitrosonium cation (NO
), or reduced by theaddition of one electron to form
nitroxyl anion (NO
), which are important intermediates in the biochemistry of NO. (B)
Chemical reactions of NO produced endogenously or released by NO donors. In the presence
of transition metals (Me
) such as Fe, Cu, or Zn, NO can interact to form metal-nitrosyl
complexes; this chemistry underlies the regulatory effect of NO on transcription factors (TF)
and certain enzymes. NO
and NO
can also nitrosylate thiol groups of cysteines of proteins
(R-S-NO). In the presence of superoxide (O
), a rapid peroxynitrite (ONOO
) formation
occurs, which can lead to the formation of NO
and the potent oxidant hydroxyl radical
). Other chemical reactions engendered by peroxynitrite are the nitration of tyrosines
) or oxidation of thiol residues to sulfenic and sulfonic acids. In the presence of
oxygen, NO is oxidized to NO
, then NO
reacts with NO to give N
and then NO
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domain. A noncovalently bound heme group is located on the regulatory domain
of each subunit. When NO binds to the heme group, it forms a ferrous-nitrosyl-
heme complex, which is necessary for the enzyme activation. Increase of cGMP
concentration activates a cGMP-dependent protein kinase (cGMP kinase). Two
cGMP kinase isoforms have been described, but only cGMP kinase I is employed
by the NO signaling pathway (68). In plants, no homolog to GC has been found to
date, but there are many examples of enzymes containing metal-bound domains
whose activities could potentially be regulated by NO.
NO promotes both the activation of DNAmethyl transferase (67) and the deam-
ination of 5-methylcytosine with the subsequent formation of thymidine residues
(19). These findings provide an explanation for the known induction of C-T tran-
sitions in genomic DNA upon exposure to NO. Since mitochondria are organelles
highly affected by the presence of and exposure to NO (128,172), the possible
cess known as “plant mitochondrial mRNA editing” remains to be explored. This
editing involves most mitochondrial transcripts in higher plants and profoundly
alters their expression in the organelle (19a).
Antioxidant and Pro-Oxidant Properties of NO
Since its discovery as an endogenous free radical, NO has been proposed to be
either cytotoxic or cytoprotective (7a, 146). The cytoprotection is based on NO’s
ability to regulate the leveland toxicity of ROS (62). The complexredox chemistry
of NO, which is related to changes in the ambient redox milieu, is hypothesized to
provide a general mechanism for cell redox homeostasis regulation (145). Thus,
NO can exert a protective action against oxidative stress provoked by an increased
concentration of superoxide, hydrogen peroxide, and alkyl peroxides (165). In
addition, the NO molecule itself possesses antioxidant properties (77).
The Fenton-type reaction between H
and redox active metal produces the
hydroxyl radical (OH
). This powerful oxidant has the capacity to oxidize a
wide number of biomolecules, a process underlying many diseases (3). The pres-
ence of NO can attenuate the Fenton oxidative damage preventing the forma-
tion of oxidants by scavenging either iron or superoxide and thus limiting
hydroxyl radical formation (10, 11,165). Several studies have also demonstrated
that NO can act as a chain-breaking antioxidant arresting lipid peroxidative re-
actions (69,134). The cytoprotective effects of NO in plants were reported under
strong oxidative conditions during both biotic and abiotic stresses, even under
photo-oxidative situations (8–10). Cytoprotection against the oxidative burst was
clearly observed at different levels of organization such as cell culture, tissue,
organ, and whole plant, and exerted on all tested macromolecules: DNA, RNA,
protein, chlorophyll, and lipids (8–10). Cytoprotection against photo-oxidative
damage in potato leaves (10) and gibberellic acid (GA)-mediated ROS increase
in barley aleurone during germination (7) was accomplished without activation
of either cellular antioxidant enzymes or expression of antioxidant-coding genes
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(7,10). However, reports in other systems showed an NO-mediated activation of
both antioxidant enzymes (41,132) and gene expression of antioxidant enzymes
NO-mediated toxicity is mainly generated by reaction with superoxide anion
),leading to the formation of thestrongoxidant peroxinitrite (ONOO
can oxidize thiol residues to sulfenic and sulfonic acids (72). Peroxinitrite can also
nitrate peptides and proteins at the phenyl side chain of the tyrosine residues (126)
(Figure 1B). The nitration of tyrosine residues can prevent their phosphorylation.
The study of the functional consequences of this peroxinitrite-mediated tyrosine
nitration in vivo and its effects on cellular signaling cascades is an area of future
NO Generation and Methods of Measurement
The demonstration of NO formation in vascular endothelial cells opened a new
area of biological research (114). However, NO is an unstable molecule that is
produced at very low concentrations. The need for an accurate and reproducible
analytical method to detect NO in different systems was highlighted.
NO can be measured either directly or indirectly. Direct measurements involve
chemiluminiscence (CM) and electrochemical (EM) methods. The CM is based
on the reaction of NO with H
to form peroxinitrite, and then this oxidizing
species is quantified by reaction with luminol (79, 80). The EM is a protocol that
can be used to monitor concentrations of NO directly and continuously (96). It
is based on the quantification of NO release in the presence of Cu
by amper-
ometric measurements. Indirect methods rely on monitoring a molecular species
or a physiological effect, which reflects the presence of NO. For example, the
oxyhemoglobin (HbO
) oxidation method is based on the oxidation of HbO
methemoglobin (MetHb) by NO, and the spectral change of the oxidized form.
However, as HbO
is also oxidized by NO
, it is difficult to differentiate NO
from its product of decomposition, NO
. Other heme proteins such as horseradish
peroxidase (HRP) have recently been employed for assay of NO. HRP is a heme
protein with ferric iron; it forms a stable complex with the addition of NO that
inducesaspectralchangefrom396.5 to 420 nm. The detection limit is 10 nmol L
The most commonly used indirect method is the Griess reaction (108), based
on the measurement of NO
, which is the stable nitrogen oxide formed following
NO decomposition in aqueous solution in vitro. Analysis by the Griess reagent
is based on a two-step diazotization reaction and has a sensitivity limit of about
100 nmol L
. Another indirect method involves the utilization of fluorimetric
probes(102). Oneassayexploitstheability ofNOto generateN-nitrosatingagents.
When the relativelynonfluorescent 2,3-diaminonaphthalene (DAN) reacts with N-
nitrosating agents, it produces the highly fluorescent product, 2,3-naphthotriazole
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(NAT). This method allows a detection limit of 10 nmol L
and can be used to
quantify NO generated in vivo. Recently, the development of diamino fluoresceins
(DAFs) has enhanced the specificity and sensitivity for NO quantification under
neutral pH conditions. In addition, DAFs have an excitation wavelength, which
is less damaging to cells and show less interference from the autofluorescence of
biological samples. The detection limit of DAF-2DA is 5 nmol L
(84). Although
in severalsystems fluorescent staining for NO identification seems to be one of the
most sensitive methods, in many other systems the dye is not as reliable because
the negative probe—the NO-insensitive form—highly stains some characteristic
subcellular structures of plant cells such as the cell wall (L. Lamattina & M.
Graziano, unpublished results).
NO can also be detected as a free radical by electron paramagnetic resonance
(EPR) spectroscopy. Samplesare prepared in liquid nitrogen and a spin trap added
such as hemoglobin for in vitro nitrosyl hemoglobin complex formation. The
spectrum of nitrosyl hemoglobin shows a characteristic triplet EPR signal in an
X-band spectrometer (Klystron frequency 9.52205 GHz). A calibration curve with
a known concentration of NO in water and hemoglobin is necessary. The detection
limit of NO by EPR is 500 nmol L
Structure-Function Comparison Between Animal NO
Synthase (NOS) and Plant Nitrate Reductase (NR)
NO formation in mammals mainly relies on the activity of NOS (EC
NOS is a heme protein that contains four bound prosthetic groups: iron protopor-
phyrin IX, tetrahydrobiopterin (H
Bip), flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD), and
flavin mononucleotide (FMN). NOS also contains binding sites for calmodulin,
L-arginine and NAD(P)H (Figure 2). The FAD-binding region (260 aa long) is
similar to the ferredoxin-NADP
reductase (FNR), a member of the flavin oxi-
reductase, and NOS, among others.
The NOS active enzyme is an approximately 260-kD homodimer andcatalyzes
a five-electron oxidation of a terminal guanidine nitrogen of
L-arginine associated
with stoichiometric consumption of dioxygen (O
) and NADH to form L-citrulline
and NO (115). H
Bip is a redox-active cofactor of aromatic amino acid hydroxy-
lases and an allosteric regulator. The biological function of H
Bip for NOS activity
is unclear (148).
Three major NOS isoforms (neuronal NOS–nNOS-, endothelial NOS–eNOS-,
and inducible NOS–iNOS-) have been identified in humans, with different tissue
specificity and Ca
requirements. Whereas constitutive NOS isoforms, nNOS
and eNOS, are Ca
-dependent, iNOS is Ca
-independent (105a). NOS activ-
ity and/or protein have been described in all vertebrate groups, including larval
sea lampreys (138,171). NOS activity is also present in invertebrate phyla (98),
e.g., arthropods such as Drosophila melanogaster (125), and echinoderms, e.g.,
the starfish Asterias rubens (44). In fungi, NOS was described to be involved in
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photoconidiation of Neurospora crassa (109). NOS was found in the plasmodial
slime mold Physarum polycephalum (myxomycetes) (162), in the protozoan Try-
panosoma cruzi (117), and also described in bacterial species such as Nocardia
In plants, neither the gene or cDNA, nor any protein with high sequence simi-
larity to known NOS, have been found. Data about plant NOS come from its detec-
tion using anti-NOS antibodies and the measurement of NOS activity [reviewed
in (11,161)]. Although the use of antibodies indicated positive immunoreactivity,
NOS protein shares domains with high similarity to cytochrome P-450 reductases
(23) and this increases the potential of an anti-NOS antibody cross-reaction with
that domain present in many oxidoreductases. The determination of NOS activity
in plant tissues by the conversion of
L-arginineto L-citrulline (6,40, 42, 127) or the
sensitivityof NO production to NOS inhibitors (42,49) seems to be weak evidence
unless the protein could be purified and/or the corresponding gene cloned.
In biological systems, NO can be generated by enzymatic and nonenzymatic
reduction of inorganic forms of oxidized nitrogen. In plants, the nonenzymatic re-
action leading to NO formation can be catalyzed by ascorbic acid (AA) below pH
4.0 in the chloroplast and apoplastic space where AA was reported to be present
(70). In fact, reduced ascorbate is synthesized and exported by the aleurone (41a).
The aleurone also has a strong H
pump at the plasma membrane allowing the
external pH to fall below pH 3. In the presence of NO
, NO is produced stoichio-
metrically because of the combination of ascorbate and lowpH (P.C. Bethke,M.R.
Badger, R.L. Jones, manuscript in preparation). In addition, although the redox
conditions needed for the reaction are far from physiological pH, microlocalized
optimal pH conditions within the cell cannot be dismissed conclusively.
A light-mediated NO
reduction by carotenoids with consequent NO produc-
tion has also been reported (35). Recently, a plasma membrane-bound enzyme was
shown to catalyze the formation of NO from NO
in tobacco roots (147). This
activity was not NO
-dependent, as is the cytosolic NR; EC, and was not
affected by NR inhibitors.
NR is a cytosolic enzyme involved in primary metabolism that catalyzes a
two-electron transfer reaction from NAD(P)H to NO
. Because NR is becoming
a central integrating point for the control of carbon and nitrogen metabolism in
higherplants, thebiochemistryandmolecularbiologyofNRhavebeenextensively
revised over recent years (28,37, 71, 76). The enzyme is a redox system with an
internal electron transfer chain. NR is active as a homodimer composed of two
identical100-kD subunits,eachcontainingoneequivalent offlavinadeninedinu-
cleotide (FAD), heme-Fe, and Mo-molybdopterin (Mo-MPT) (Figure 2) (27,144).
Recent data on the 3-D structure of NR indicate that it contains five structurally
distinct domains: Mo-MPT, dimer interface, cytochrome b, FAD, and NAD(P)H
(45). During catalytic turnover, the FAD, Fe, and Mo are cyclically reduced and
oxidized, giving two forms of NR, one reduced and the other oxidized. Studies
on NR functionality have led to the characterization of the biochemical properties
of the different domains. For instance, the domains that bind NAD(P)H and FAD
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established NR as a member of the FNR structure family of the flavoenzymes (78)
such as NOS and cytochrome P-450 reductase (159). This family of proteins is
interesting because its members have little sequence similarity, whereas they have
a very similar conformation in their FNR-like fragment (36). Given these char-
acteristics, some questions arise: (a) Are similarities between structural domains
of NOS and NR (including FAD, NAD(P)H, Heme-Fe, and Pterin rings) (Figure
2) close enough to lead them to share common regulated pathways and antigenic
epitopes? (b) Could any NOS inhibitors block NR activity under specific condi-
tions? Positive answers would throw doubt on all of immunological and inhibition
studies for defining the presence of NOS in plants.
Production of NO by Plant NR
In 1979, Klepper provided the first evidence of NO production due to NR activity
(82). Later, Harper demonstrated that NOx (NO + NO
) evolved from soybean
leaves during in vivo NR assays (63). When using anaerobic gas purging (N
argon), the production of NOx was greater than that obtained using aerobic gas
purging (air or O
). He also found a positive correlation between NOx production
and NO
level. Because the activitywas lost in denatured leaf tissue, an enzymatic
NOx evolution from NO
was proposed (63). Later, it was demonstrated that a
soybean mutant lacking constitutive NR activity (named nr1) did not evolve NOx
during in vivoNR assays (107). Furthermore, in 1997 NO emissions were reported
from sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum), sunflower (Helianthus annus), corn
species (164), suggesting that in plants, NO-producing capacity could be a general
process not restricted to the legume form of NR. Finally, in in vitro experiments
using a Clarke-type NO sensor, maize NR was shown to catalyze the reduction of
nitrite to NO at a physiological pH range (168). In similar experiments, the authors
reported an NR-dependent and simultaneous production of both NO and reactive
nitrogen species (169).
When does plant NR produce NO? Are there precise physiological conditions
and tissue specificities determining NO production? Does a constitutive and basal
NO production exist? First, NR-dependent NO production apparently relies on
nitrite accumulation (130). Nitrite produced in the cytosol is translocated to the
because it is highly toxic (143). Thus, if we assume that in healthy plants, con-
taining an operative photosynthetic electron transfer, the NO
produced by NR
is immediately reduced, then NO production can no longer be expected. How-
ever, NO
can be accumulated when photosynthetic activity is inhibited or absent
(82,158) or under anaerobic conditions (20), increasing the production of NR-
dependent NO. When the photosynthetic electron transport system is unable to
supply the reduced form of ferredoxin for the NiR reaction, NO
is accumulated
in the cytosol together with an overproduction of ROS. At this point, NR would
convert NO
to NO. Since NO is highly diffusible and membrane permeable,
NO could rapidly attain the stroma of the chloroplast. Thus, the production of
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NR-dependent NO under stress conditions would enhance the ROS-scavenging
chemical capacity of the cell through the ability of NO to react with ROS and
metals. This point is discussed further below.
Nitrogen Fertilization: A New View of an Old Practice
Soils are an important source of NO and contribute to almost 20% ofthe global at-
mospheric NO budget (34). Microbial derived dinitrogen oxide (N
O) and
nitrogen oxide (NO) are products of denitrification, nitrification, and reduction
of nitrate to ammonia (33,173) (Figure 3).
Several studies have shown a significant increase in the emission of NO and
O from soils amended with both biological and inorganic fertilizers compared
with nonfertilized soils (14, 24,116). The annual emission of both N
O and NO
from intensively fertilized potato fields (150 Kg N ha
) was 16% and 10.7% of
the total nitrogen (N) applied, respectively (135). For maize and grasslands, which
were used to estimate the global emissions of fertilizer-induced N
O, the release
was approximately 1.25% of the N applied (74). Thus, NO emission seems to
be dependent on crop species (131). Other studies have shown that there exists
a correlation between NO release-flux, soil temperature, and water content, in
addition to the relation between total extractable nitrogen (TEN) from soils and
NO emission (38). On the other hand, the soil source of NO is similar in magnitude
to fossil fuel emissions of NO
The Green Revolution, with the increased use of fertilizers and pesticides, has
been mainly responsible for enhanced crop production during the second half
of the past century. For instance, the global application of N fertilizer increased
dramatically from 32 to 80TgNbetween 1970 and 1990 (47), leading to an
increased emission of NOs from soils. To our knowledge, no reliable data are
available to distinguish between the effect of N
O/NO emission and the effect of
N per se on the crop yield.
To improve the efficiency of N fertilization, some outstanding questions must
first be resolved. (a) How extensive and sensitive is the perception of gaseous NO
by different plant species? (b) How can we distinguish, among the increased NO
fluxes derived from N fertilization, the NO that is acting as a signal for specific
growth and developmental processes, from that triggering a range of nonspe-
cific responses? (c) Could the concentrations of gaseous NO emitted from the
soil reach the threshold level to induce stomatal closure in natural ecosystems?
(d) What are the adequate temperature and humidity conditions, atmospheric
gaseous composition, light intensity and quality, moisture and biological activ-
ity in soils for beneficial/detrimental NO emission, such that these parameters
can be integrated in forecasting programs? (e) Is the NO derived from N fertil-
ization one of the compounds responsible for the increase of chlorophyll content,
health, and fitness of N-fertilized plants? With regard to this last question, it is well
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documented that iron deficiency impairs chlorophyll biosynthesis and chloroplast
development (152). NO promotes a significant increase in chlorophyll content
and chloroplast membrane density in maize plants growing with a very low iron
concentration (58). These results supporta physiological action for NO iniron nu-
trition processes within the plant cell, and point to the need for a careful dissection
and study of the way that N fertilization affects plant physiology.
Pharmacological Effects Versus Physiological Roles
The wide and consistent production of experimental results over the past five years
indicates that NO acts as a signaling molecule in plants. NO mediates a variety of
growthand developmental processes including responses to environmental stimuli
To what extent is NO a real, endogenous regulator and/or a signal mediating the
reported effects?
The determination of NO concentration in vivoremains difficultand unreliable.
Even in animals, there is still uncertainty about the physiological concentrations
of NO (T. Higenbottam, personal communication). Most studies on physiological
NO effects in plants (Figure 4) and animals have been accomplished by exoge-
nous application of NO donors. Concentrations from nanomolar to millimolar of
NO donors have been used. As previously stated, the release of NO into solution
depends on the chemical characteristics and concentrations of the NO donor com-
pound, the pH of the media, and the temperature and concentrations of NO target
molecules (123,151). Thus, the exogenous application of NO makes it very diffi-
cult to discriminate between the physiological relevance and the pharmacological
effects derived from NO biochemical reactivity.
NO Signaling, Processing, and Transduction Pathways
To date, there is no evidence for the existence of DNA elements within analyzed
promoter sequences of eukaryotic genes that bind or directly respond to NO (19).
Consequently, NO activates signaling pathways, which results in changes of gene
expression, through intermediate cellular messengers.
(4,42, 120,146). The presence of cGMP in plants was shown by mass spectrome-
try and radioimmune assays (119). A cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (PDE)
activityhas been also reported (26,124), although neither GC nor the PDE respon-
sible for cGMP synthesis and degradation, respectively, have been cloned in plants
yet. Various stimuli, such as GA in barley aleurone (119), light stimulation of bean
cells (25), or NO treatment in spruce needles (120), cause a transient increase in
cGMP concentrations. Treatments with NO donors were also reported to induce a
transient increase of endogenous cGMP levels in tobacco (42). Moreover, specific
GC inhibitors were able to suppress the expression of PAL genes stimulated by
NO (42).
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cGMP-dependent protein kinase (cGMP-PK), the potential target for cGMP,
has not been isolated nor cloned in plants. However, cGMP can also act via cyclic
ADP ribose (cADPR) in plants, as occurs in animal cells (57). cADPR appears to
be involved in the NO-induced activation of defense genes in tobacco (42) and to
regulate calcium concentrations in stomatal guard cells in response to ABA (90).
On the other hand, cGMP-independent effects of NO have also been reported.
Calcium release from internal stores induced the expression of plant defense genes
via a cGMP-independent pathway (42). This effect might be explained by the
nitrosylation/activation of ryanodine-sensitive channels, as occurs in skeletal and
cardiac muscle cells, where calcium release is regulated by S-nitrosylation of the
(MAPKs). As in mammals, where NO modulates MAPKs activities in tumor cells
and neurons (105), their activation was also shown in transgenic tobacco with
recombinant NOS or NO donor treatments (83).
Taken together, the reported data suggest that the components of animal NO
signaling are also functional in plants and reveal the unusual complexity of the cel-
lular response to NO, which may be mediated by phosphorylation-, nitrosylation-,
or calcium-controlled mechanisms.
A long-standing objective of the study of plant hormone action has been to elu-
cidate the molecular basis of signaling systems that are operating to transduce
hormone messages into the physiological responses that they regulate. The steps
along a signal transduction pathway are generally mediated by changes in protein-
protein interactions, activation of gated channels, regulation of catalytic activities,
and combinations of these. The same domains and motifs of proteins are often
involved in different transduction pathways. Since NO can regulate processes re-
lated to plant growthand development,it has been postulated to be a nontraditional
regulatorof plantgrowth(12). Here, wesummarize the cross-talk between NOand
plant hormones and the common cellular messengers involved in their signaling
Auxins, NO, and Rooting
Gouvˆea et al. demonstrated the capability of root cells to respond to NO, which
induced the elongation of maize root segments in a dose-dependent manner (56).
The investigators proposed that the auxin indole acetic acid (IAA) and NO might
share common steps in the signal transduction pathways, because both elicit the
same plant response. The dependence on NO in auxin-induced adventitious root
development was recently demonstrated in cucumber explants (112). Moreover,
explantsfrom wood specieswerealsoresponsivetoNOtreatmenttoinduceadven-
titious root formation (Figure 4A) (89). These results open a fascinating window
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for further research in nursery programs aimed at improving the efficiency of
In cucumber explants, IAA treatment induces a transient increase in the level of
endogenousNOinthebasal region ofthehypocotyl,wherethenewrootmeristems
develop (112). This localized NO bulk might stimulate the GC-catalyzed synthe-
sis of cGMP as occurs in mammalian systems (101). The GC inhibitor LY83583
reduced adventitious root formation both in IAA- and NO-treated cucumber ex-
plants. This effect was reversed when the permeable cGMP analog 8-Br-cGMP
was added together with LY83583 and NO or IAA (G. Pagnussat, L. Lanteri & L.
Lamattina, manuscript in preparation).
An earlier report in tobacco showed that the activation of defense genes by
NO was also induced by cGMP (42). cGMP can act via cADPR, which, in turn,
levelsas was reported in variousplant systems (2,90). Variations in
of mitotic processes and differentiation to initiate root development.
Nitric oxide can also act via a cGMP-independent pathway, activating phos-
phatases and protein kinases including MAPKs. NO donors and recombinant NOS
were shown to modulate two tobacco pathogen-activated MAPKs (83), indicating
that this signaling pathway is also present in plants. Interestingly, a rapid and tran-
sient increase of MAPK activity in response to low levels of auxins was reported
in Arabidopsis seedling roots (102a).
HowIAA induces the NO formation in the basal region of hypocotyl explants is
notknown.Recently, aplasma membrane-bound enzyme, thenitrite:NO reductase
(NI-NOR), was reported to be involved in NO formation in plant roots (147). The
highest activity was achieved at pH 6.1. It would be interesting to test whether
this activity could be enhanced by acidification of the milieu produced by IAA
modifications of the NI-NOR expression leading to an increase in NO production.
Overall, the IAA-induced endogenous NO bulk in roots could result in a bifur-
cated signal transduction pathway in which NO mediates a cGMP-dependent or
-independent increase of cytosolic Ca
, which in turn triggers changes in plant
gene expression leading the auxin response (Figure 5). It remains to be tested
whether NO-mediated MAPKs activation is also involved in such IAA-induced
process and whether NO is also acting in other IAA-mediated plant physiological
ABA, NO, and Water Deficit
Water deficit is associated with the accumulation of the plant hormone abscisic
acid (ABA) and the induction of ABA-regulated genes, which in turn are involved
in many physiological processes (54). ABA regulates various vital processes in-
cluding seed maturation, dormancy, and vegetative growth, and induces tolerance
to differentstresses including drought, salinity, and lowtemperatures(54). Among
all these processes, the control of stomatal movement is of great importance for
controlling the water loss through the transpiration stream while balancing the
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Figure 5 Schematic representation of the signaling network involving plant hormones,
NO, and cellular messengers during plant responses to environmental stresses. Under stress
conditions, hormone signal transduction pathways are activated. The G-protein transduces
extracellular signals modulated by auxins, gibberellins (GA), abscicic acid (ABA), and cy-
tokinins (CKs). A special case is the NO-mediated inhibition of ethylene biosynthesis during
senescence-like processes. NO acts as a crossroad in hormone signaling to trigger metabolic
and physiological responses in at least three distinct ways: (a) a cGMP-dependent road in-
volving changes in cADPR-mediated [Ca
,(b) a cGMP-independent road involving a
direct NO action on Ca
channels via protein nitrosylation, and (c) an NO action on MAPK
activities,which areinvolvedin many physiologicaladaptationand developmentalprocesses.
NO might also act, via cGMP and Ca
, on light-mediated processes, partially mimicking
the phytochrome signaling pathways.
requirement of gas exchange for photosynthesis (16,166). Once in the guard
cell, ABA first induces the depolarization of the plasma membrane potential
that leads to the generation of a driving force for K
efflux, inactivates K
flux through inward-rectifying K
) channels, and activates a current through
outward-rectifying (K
) channels. These changes together with both slow- and
fast-activatinganion channels facilitate the net loss of salt from the cells (17). Both
cytosolicfree Ca
concentrations ([Ca
) and cytosolicpH havebeen reported
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to participate as second messengers of this response (16). ABA induces guard cell
elevation either by influx from the extracellular space or by release from
internalstores (139). Overall the long-term effluxof both anion and K
cells contributes to the loss of guard cell turgor, leading to stomatal closing.
Inanimal systems,NOwasreportedto beawidespread regulatorof bothplasma
membrane and endomembrane Ca
and K
channels (31,141). In plants, no data
are available on NO-mediated regulation of ion channels. Recently, it was shown
that exogenous addition of NO to both monocot and dicotyledonous epidermal
strips was sufficient to induce stomatal closure, through a Ca
-dependent process
(51) (Figure 4D). Moreover, it was further reported that in Pisum sativum and
Vicia fava, ABA induces an increase of endogenous NO levels. This bulk of ABA-
induced NO production was reported to be sufficient and necessary for ABA
induction of stomatal closure (52, 106). Additionally, there is some convergent
evidence supporting the involvement of NR, through the production of NO, as a
putative keyenzyme bridging the gap between guard cell metabolism and stomatal
movement (52a). Therefore, considering both the NO-mediated ion regulation in
animals and NO involvement in stomatal closure response through changes in
, it is hyopothesized that NO can directly regulate endomembrane and
plasma membrane Ca
channels, as well as other ion channels in plants.
the plasma membrane must first be released to the cytosol from internal stores. At
Two of these channels are ligand gated, one by inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate (IP3)
and the other by cADPR. The pharmacological properties of plant cADPR-gated
channels resemble those of ryanodine receptors in animal cells that, along with
IP3 receptors, are responsible for mobilization of ER-based Ca
pools during sig-
naling (136). The role of NO in the control of Ca
release from IP3-sensitive and
ryanodine-sensitive stores has been clearly ascertained in animals [for review see
(32)]. In plant cells,IP3 is rapidly producedwithin guard cells in response to ABA
and interacts with IP3-sensitive Ca
channels to potentiate a rise in [Ca
inhibiting K
channels at the same time (140). Cyclic ADPR was demonstrated
to function as a Ca
releaser during ABA stimulation (139). Recently, Neill et al.
reported that nicotinamide, the antagonist of cADPR production, inhibits the ef-
fects of both ABA and NO on stomatal closure, suggesting that cADPR synthesis
is part of the NO signaling pathway (106).
The participation of NO as a signal molecule in guard cell movement is a
very recent topic, and hence no results have yet been reported from experiments
done with ABA-insensitive Arabidopsis mutants. Use of these mutants will help
to elucidate the role of NO in the process of guard cell signaling.
Cytokinins, Gibberelins, NO, and Phytochrome Pathways
There are many processes in which hormones and phytochrome interact or act
separately to give the same response. NO also triggers several of these responses.
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These overlapping roles raise the question of whether light and hormones share
common components in signal transduction pathways to elicit the same response
and whether NO plays a role in this signaling cascade. Cytokinins (CKs) in par-
ticular can stimulate photomorphogenic responses, mainly those related with the
deetiolation process and pigment synthesis (153). In dark-grown seedlings, exo-
genous application of CKs inhibits hypocotyl elongation in a manner similar to
light treatment (30, 149). Likewise, NO significantly reduces hypocotyl elonga-
tion in Arabidopsis and lettuce seedlings grownin the dark (13). In cotyledons and
leaves growing under dark conditions, CK treatment cannot cause etiolation to
revert completely. However, the hormone can mimic the effect of red light pulses
because it abolishes the lag phase in chlorophyll production during subsequent il-
lumination (39). Furthermore, NO is also able to slightly increase the chlorophyll
level in wheat seedlings grown in the dark, but the NO effect is strongly poten-
tiated by short-term light pulses (13). In this sense, the NO effect is similar to
that of CKs, and probably, some components are induced only via phytochrome to
allowcomplete greening. Figure 5 showsa hypothetical model of NO involvement
in light-mediated processes and the cross-talk among hormones, NO, cGMP, and
pathways.Bowleret al. havedemonstrated the involvementof heterotrimeric
G-protein,cGMP, and Ca/calmodulin in stimulating biological processes mediated
by phytochrome (21).
A classical biological assay to test the effects of CKs is the accumulation of
pigments such as anthocyanins and betacyanins. The synthesis of betacyanins
in Amaranthus spp. is promoted by CKs and red light (5,121). NO mimicked
CK action on betacyanin accumulation. Moreover, NOS inhibitors and an NO-
scavenger blocked the CK effect on betacyanin accumulation (137), suggesting
that NO acts downstream of CKs to promote that response, or that NO is necessary
to accomplish CK function. The first evidence suggesting a direct relationship
between CKs and NO production was that the exogenous application of CKs to
Arabidopsis, parsley, or tobacco cell cultures leads to a rapid stimulation of NO
release (156).
Some seeds are dependent on light for germination under certain conditions. In
these cases, GA was observed to act like the active form of phytochrome to induce
germination (170). CK treatment alone is generally ineffective in breaking dor-
mancy, but CKs act synergistically with light and GAs to allow germination (154).
Germination of the photoblastic lettuce seeds cv. Grand Rapids is a phytochrome-
dependent process above 26
C, and it was demonstrated that NO donors are able
to promote germination in the dark to the same extent as both a GA treatment or a
5-min pulse of white light (13). However, seeds were also able to germinate in the
light,in the presence ofthe NO scavengercPTIO, suggestingthat light and NO can
germination through the same or different pathways remains to be determined.
The proposed involvement of NO in CK and light signaling suggests that there
shouldbe aregulatedNO-synthesisthatdepends onthosesignals. Inthatsense, NR
is tightly regulatedby light and CKs (53,122). CKs effecton NR activityis mainly
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accomplished at the transcriptional level (150). However, NR gene activation by
CKs seems not to be the only way to promote NO synthesis. As mentioned above,
NO could also be generated from nitrite by a nonenzymatic mechanism in the
presence of carotenoids in a process that requires light (35).
Ethylene, NO, and Senescence
Ethylene plays an active role in many plant responses to environmental and en-
dogenous signals (1). Ethylene profoundly influences every stage of plant growth
and development, from germination and cell expansion to stress responses and
fruit ripening.
Evidence of the interplay between NO and ethylene in the maturation and
senescence of plant tissues suggests an antagonistic effect of both gases during
these stages of plant development (92). Exogenous application of NO extended the
postharvest life of fresh horticultural produce by inhibiting ethylene production
(92). Moreover, the administration of sildenafil, an inhibitor of cGMP-degrading
phosphodiesterases, results in a greater inhibition of ethylene formation. This
treatment prevents wilting of flowers (142) and indicates that cGMP could be
involved in the NO-induced inhibition of ethylene metabolism. More recently,
it was demonstrated, by a noninvasive photoacoustic spectroscopic method, that
endogenous NO and ethylene content maintain an inverse correlation during the
ripening of strawberries and avocados (91). While unripe, green fruits contain
high-NO and low-ethylene concentrations; the maturation process is accompanied
by a marked decrease of NO concomitant with an increase of ethylene (91).
Senescence is a process characterized by water loss and desiccation of plant
tissues. As discussed above, NO can regulate stomatal closure by modulating
ion channels and Ca
levels in guard cells. Therefore, it would be interesting
to test whether the decrease in NO level in senescent tissues determines the loss
of an important signal involved in the fine regulation of stomatal closure and a
concomitant water loss that contributes to an irreversible desiccation process.
As more data become available, it is evident that NO exerts an unprecedented di-
versity of biological effects. However, our understanding of the signaling function
of NO in plants remains very limited. In general, most of the results discussed
here were obtained by the use of NO donors, thus definitive answers as to the
role of endogenously produced NO, the way in which NO is transported among
the different cells or plant organs, the identity of the biologically active NO form,
and the target molecules and the chemical modifications induced by NO in vivo
must await further research. The relevance of (a) NO-mediated gene regulation,
probably best studied by extensive microarray analysis; (b) the redox-active prop-
erties of NO and cellular redox homeostasis regulation, through the analysis of
both redox events and coordinate interactions with metals; and (c) NO-dependent
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posttranslational modifications, through chemical and genetical approaches, await
Is NO a Synchronizing Chemical Messenger?
In view of its extensive biological role, NO has been suggested to be a synchro-
nizing chemical messenger (3a). Due to its electrical neutrality, it was proposed
that NO can diffuse rapidly through the cytoplasm and biomembranes, thus affect-
ing many biochemical functions simultaneously [see (11) and references therein].
Therefore, a compilation and integration of results from existing data and ex-
periements as they become available will probably help the discussion about a
similar synchronizing role for NO in a wider number of biological systems.
In plants, it has been proposed that stomatal complexes (104), aleurone cells
(66,129), and pericycle (15,22) have all the properties of heterogeneous pop-
ulations in a single tissue. When the tissue receives an external or endogenous
stimulus transduced in a change in the concentration of a growth regulator, cells
respond progressively because each cell has its own sensing threshold, and when
this is reached, a response is initiated (110). The exogenous application of any of
the following plant hormones, IAA, ABA, or CKs, triggers endogenous NO pro-
duction (52,106, 112, 156). It is still not clear if NO functions as a synchronizing
messenger for the action of these hormones and, based on its high diffusible rate
across biological membranes, to simultaneously reach long distances and trigger
the biological response in discrete patch cell populations.
Aspirin in animals, NO alleviates many stress symptoms in plants by contributing
to cellular homeostasis. Therefore, we feel confident that NO promises to be the
main protagonist in a major plant story that is just beginning to be written.
Toward a Regulated Endogenous Production of NO
The objective of engineering major crop plants to require less N fertilizer for op-
timal yield is fast becoming feasible. The demonstration that plant NR activity
modulates NO production from nitrite and NAD(P)H highlights the important is-
sue of how to genetically engineer NR to promote a more precise regulation of
its activity. NR is highly regulated by complex transcriptional and posttransla-
tional mechanisms. Its key role in N and C assimilation makes NR manipulation a
critical strategy in future approaches. Experiments on different plant species and
mathematical models on plant metabolic pathways will be required (100).
Because NO has been proposed to be an in vivo stress-sensing molecule in
animal systems (97), testing is recommended on the behavior of transgenic plants
production of NO as a rapid response to environmental stress constraints.
Once the number of intracellular targetmoleculesfor NO are identified,a major
the antagonistic modifications that NO could induce on various components at the
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effects in plants is still rudimentary, plant biologists must address the challenge of
elucidating the biochemical functions of such a simple and intriguing molecule.
We aregratefulto RafaelPontLezica andClaudiaCasalongue forcommentsonthe
manuscript. We thank Russell L. Jones for communicating new and unpublished
Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnologicas (CONICET), Universidad Nacional de
Mardel Plata(UNMdP),AgenciaNacional dePromoci´onCient´ıficayTecnol´ogica
(ANPCyT), Fundaci´on Antorchas, Secretar´ıa para la Tecnolog´ıa, la Ciencia y la
Innovaci´on Productiva (Programa SETCIP-ECOS) (Argentina), and International
FoundationforScience(IFS,Sweden). Owingtospacelimitations, weregretbeing
unable to cite a number of important references.
The Annual Review of Plant Biology is online at
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Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2003.54:109-136. Downloaded from
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17 Apr 2003 16:49 AR AR184-05-COLOR.tex AR184-05-COLOR.SGM LaTeX2e(2002/01/18) P1: GDL
Figure 2 Scheme showing the structure and domain organization of NOS from mammals and NR from plants. NOS and
NR, with their respective cofactors, are presented as homodimers displaying NO biosynthetic activity. For details see the text.
Mo-MPT, Mo-Molybdopterin; FAD, flavin adenine dinucleotide; FMN, flavin mononucleotide; H
Bip, tetrahydrobiopterin.
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2003.54:109-136. Downloaded from
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17 Apr 2003 16:49 AR AR184-05-COLOR.tex AR184-05-COLOR.SGM LaTeX2e(2002/01/18) P1: GDL
Figure 3 NO regulates growth, developmental, and adaptive processes in plants.
Plants produce NO by NR and a putative NOS-like activity in both aerial organs and
roots. NO is also produced during the nitrification process by microorganisms in the
rhizosphere (33). Exchange of NO between the atmosphere and aerial plant organs as
well as between rhizosphere and roots occurs. Plants are sensing external and internal
signals and integrate them into a signal-transduction system operated by hormones
and cellular messengers, in which NO is involved. Then, plants act through metabolic
or gene expression changes in order to assess a balanced response during growth and
developmental processes. The circuitry of the complex network driving the chemical
to successfully adapt plants to a changing environment (89). Where no references are
given, examples are reviewed in References 11 and 171 or within the text. (
Lamattina et al. unpublished data; (?) No direct experimental evidence on the NO
involvement is available yet.
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2003.54:109-136. Downloaded from
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Figure 4 Plant physiological responses to NO treatment. (A) NO induces adventi-
tious root formation in stem cuttings (SC) of lavender (Lavanta dentata). SC were put
in vermiculite and kept in a greenhouse under natural light conditions for 45 days. SC
weretreated with 100 µMSNP (NO) orH
O(control) every15days(89) (Bar= 1 cm).
(B)NOrevertsthe phenotype of the ys1 mutantofmaize (Zea mays), which is defective
inironuptakeand/or transport. Maize plants were grownhydroponically in thenutrient
solution alone (control) or nutrient solution supplemented with 100 µM SNP (NO).
Pictures were taken after 30 days of growing (58) (Bar = 2.5 cm). (C) NO protects
against oxidative damage. Potato (Solanum tuberosum) leaves were pretreated with
O (control) or 100 µM SNP (NO) for 24 h and added 0.4 mg L
of the herbicide
diquat. Leaflets were keptfor36 h in these conditions and then incubated in 1 mg mL
diaminobenzidine at 25
C and complete darkness for 18 h for ROS-presence visualiza-
tion (Bar= 1 cm). (D) NO induces stomatal closure. Bright-field image of Vicia faba
guard cells. Epidermal strips were incubated in opening buffer (control) or in opening
buffer plus 100 µM SNP (NO) and loaded with the fluorescent probe DAF-2DA. Insets
show the same stomata under UV light. Green fluorescence corresponds to DAF-2DA
specific reaction with NO (Bar= 5 µm).
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2003.54:109-136. Downloaded from
by Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata on 04/08/11. For personal use only.
April 3, 2003 12:24 Annual Reviews AR184-FM
Annual Review of Plant Biology
Volume 54, 2003
FrontispieceLloyd T. Evans xii
PROTEINS, Gregory B. Martin, Adam J. Bogdanove, and Guido Sessa 23
MOLECULE, Lorenzo Lamattina, Carlos Garc
Magdalena Graziano, and Gabriela Pagnussat 109
Shozo Fujioka and Takao Yokota 137
and Xing-Wang Deng 165
and Jean-Franc¸ois Briat 183
and Matthew K. Morell 207
PLANT CELL CYCLE, Walter Dewitte and James A.H. Murray 235
and Teun Munnik 265
Lloyd T. Evans 307
Oquist and Norman P.A. Huner 329
Sherry A. Flint-Garcia, Jeffry M. Thornsberry, and Edward S. Buckler IV 357
GENOMICS, Steven Henikoff and Luca Comai 375
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2003.54:109-136. Downloaded from
by Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata on 04/08/11. For personal use only.
April 3, 2003 12:24 Annual Reviews AR184-FM
John C. Larkin, Matt L. Brown, and John Schiefelbein 403
Christina E. Offler, David W. McCurdy, John W. Patrick, and Mark J. Talbot 431
MOVEMENT, Masamitsu Wada, Takatoshi Kagawa,
and Yoshikatsu Sato 455
Chentao Lin and Dror Shalitin 469
Deborah A. Berthold and P
al Stenmark 497
, Wout Boerjan, John Ralph, and Marie Baucher 519
and Ueli Grossniklaus 547
enor V
ery and Herv
e Sentenac 575
Tatsuo Kakimoto 605
GENOMICS OF P450S, Mary A. Schuler and
Daniele Werck-Reichhart 629
and Moira E. Galway 691
Subject Index 723
Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 44–54 753
Cumulative Index of Chapter Titles, Volumes 44–54 758
An online log of corrections to Annual Review of Plant Biology
chapters (if any, 1997 to the present) may be found at
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2003.54:109-136. Downloaded from
by Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata on 04/08/11. For personal use only.
... The NO-induced transcriptional modifications enable the identification of transporters involved in various functions, such as signal transduction, transportation, metabolic reactions, ROS generation, oxidative damage, and defense (del Rio et al., 2004;Lamattina et al. 2003). The application of exogenous NO donors mitigates the suppression of H + -ATPase and H + -PPase within the plasma membrane and tonoplast induced by CuCl 2 exposure in tomato plants (Zhang et al. 2009). ...
... Nitric oxide (NO) serves as a ubiquitous signaling molecule in plants, playing a vital role in a myriad of morphophysiological responses (del Rio et al., 2004;Lamattina et al. 2003). It effectively regulates the levels and toxicity of phytohormones and reactive oxygen species (ROS) (Arora et al. 2016;Lamattina et al. 2003). ...
... Nitric oxide (NO) serves as a ubiquitous signaling molecule in plants, playing a vital role in a myriad of morphophysiological responses (del Rio et al., 2004;Lamattina et al. 2003). It effectively regulates the levels and toxicity of phytohormones and reactive oxygen species (ROS) (Arora et al. 2016;Lamattina et al. 2003). Notably, a study found that NO supplementation significantly reduced As accumulation in tomato seedlings compared to those treated with As alone, indicating its potential in detoxifying As (Singh et al. 2024). ...
Trace metals and metalloids (TMMs) can have positive and negative effects on plant growth, and their toxicity levels can vary greatly among living organisms due to differences in metabolic activity. Therefore, a comprehensive elucidation of plant biochemical processes, transportation mechanisms, and detoxification processes. While prior research has provided some insights into these subjects, there remains a gap in understanding that necessitates further exploration. Thus, this manuscript aims to address this gap by providing a detailed examination of the transportation processes of TMMs in plants, along with an exploration of the various signaling mechanisms that govern TMM accumulation and sequestration within plant cells. For this study, a rigorous methodology was employed, including a comprehensive web search and bibliometric analysis to identify pertinent articles, discern publication trends, and analyze keyword co-occurrences. Moreover, this manuscript highlights several key mechanisms, such as the regulatory roles of auxin, glutathione, nitric oxide, and associated transporters in modulating TMM dynamics within soil and plant systems. The uptake and agglomeration of TMMs in root exodermis cells, as well as their subsequent transit through symplastic and apoplastic channels into the xylem, are significantly influenced by morphophysiological routes. Additionally, the pivotal role of glutathione in the synthesis of phytochelatins, thiol (-SH), and metallothionein is underscored, along with its function in inhibiting the mobility of TMM ions by facilitating their sequestration within cell walls and vacuoles. Furthermore, the manuscript explains how the interplay between auxin and nitric oxide is augmented through the s-nitrosylation of auxin signaling, thereby promoting plant growth and enhancing resilience to stress induced by metalloids. This article offers a comprehensive understanding of the diverse routes and intricate processes involved in the absorption and detoxification of TMMs in plants.
... Nitric oxide (NO) is assumed to play a crucial role in salt stress tolerance in crop plants. NO is a small volatile gaseous molecule that contributes to various plant growth and developmental processes under stress and non-stress conditions, such as seed germination, root development, respiration, stomatal closure, flowering, cell death, and stress responses, as well as a stress signaling molecule [162][163][164]. It has been reported that NO protects against salinity stress in maize plants [165,166]. ...
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Maize, along with rice and wheat, is a popular staple food crop worldwide, and the most widely produced cereal crop. It is a versatile crop that may be utilized as a source of raw materials for human and animal fodders. Low agricultural yield and rapid population expansion significantly threaten future food security. Maize production is hampered by biotic and abiotic causes, with abiotic factors being the most critical limitation to agricultural output worldwide. Soil salinity is a key abiotic factor that reduces agricultural production by imposing negative impacts at several life cycle phases, including germination, seedling, vegetative, and reproductive development. Maize plants experience many physiological changes due to osmotic stress, toxicity of particular ions, and nutritional imbalance induced by salt stress. The degree and duration of stress, crop growth phases, genetic characteristics, and soil conditions influence yield reduction. Maize plants can tolerate salt stress involving a complex mechanism by changing their physiological, biochemical, and metabolic activities like stomatal functioning, photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration, hormone regulation, enzymes, metabolite generation, etc. After studying the salt tolerance mechanisms of maize plants under stress, integrated management techniques should be developed for maize agriculture in saline settings. Therefore, the study of plant responses to salt stress, stress tolerance mechanisms, and management strategies is one of the most imperative research fields in plant biology, and the study will focus on the effects of salt stress in different growth stages, plant tolerance mechanisms, and agronomic management practices for successful maize production all over the world.
... Nitric oxide (NO) is a diatomic gas synthesized by bacteria, fungi, plants, and mammals. Although the mechanisms for NO biosynthesis vary among species, there is increasing evidence demonstrating the conserved role of endogenous NO as a signaling molecule that regulates numerous physiological and differential processes [1][2][3]. In mammals, NO is produced by NO synthase (NOS), which plays a crucial role in vasodilation, neurotransmission, and the immune response [4,5]. ...
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Nitric oxide (NO) is synthesized in all kingdoms of life, where it plays a role in the regulation of various physiological and developmental processes. In terms of endogenous NO biology, fungi have been less well researched than mammals, plants, and bacteria. In this review, we summarize and discuss the studies to date on intracellular NO biosynthesis and function in fungi. Two mechanisms for NO biosynthesis, NO synthase (NOS)-mediated arginine oxidation and nitrate- and nitrite-reductase-mediated nitrite reduction, are the most frequently reported. Furthermore, we summarize the multifaceted functions of NO in fungi as well as its role as a signaling molecule in fungal growth regulation, development, abiotic stress, virulence regulation, and metabolism. Finally, we present potential directions for future research on fungal NO biology.
... Given the characteristics of this enzyme, we hypothesized that, if expressed in a PGPR strain, SyNOS enzyme may offer a dual benefit: the residual NO could act as a signal molecule for the bacteria, promoting biofilm formation and, in turn, root colonization (Arruebarrena Di Palma et al. 2013;Vaishnav et al. 2016;Kang et al. 2022). But also, when interacting with plants, SyNOS-expressing bacteria may induce lateral and adventitious root development by NO release (Lamattina et al. 2003). In addition, bacteria expressing SyNOS enzyme could provide the plant with additional NO 3 − to be assimilated in the amino acid biosynthesis pathways. ...
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The development of novel biotechnologies that promote a better use of N to optimize crop yield is a central goal for sustainable agriculture. Phytostimulation, biofertilization, and bioprotection through the use of bio-inputs are promising technologies for this purpose. In this study, the plant growth–promoting rhizobacteria Pseudomonas koreensis MME3 was genetically modified to express a nitric oxide synthase of Synechococcus SyNOS, an atypical enzyme with a globin domain that converts nitric oxide to nitrate. A cassette for constitutive expression of synos was introduced as a single insertion into the genome of P. koreensis MME3 using a miniTn7 system. The resulting recombinant strain MME3:SyNOS showed improved growth, motility, and biofilm formation. The impact of MME3:SyNOS inoculation on Brachypodium distachyon growth and N uptake and use efficiencies under different N availability situations was analyzed, in comparison to the control strain MME3:c. After 35 days of inoculation, plants treated with MME3:SyNOS had a higher root dry weight, both under semi-hydroponic and greenhouse conditions. At harvest, both MME3:SyNOS and MME3:c increased N uptake and use efficiency of plants grown under low N soil. Our results indicate that synos expression is a valid strategy to boost the phytostimulatory capacity of plant-associated bacteria and improve the adaptability of plants to N deficiency. Key points • synos expression improves P. koreensis MME3 traits important for rhizospheric colonization • B. distachyon inoculated with MME3:SyNOS shows improved root growth • MME3 inoculation improves plant N uptake and use efficiencies in N-deficient soil
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Aronia is a berry fruit that has a significant amount of antioxidants. Both sexual and vegetative methods of propagation are available for aronia. Genetic diversity is present in the process of seed propagation. Therefore, clonal propagation techniques such as cuttings, basal shoots, and tissue culture are preferred. Plant tissue culture is a process that offers a high multiplication rate and the ability to produce clean plant material. This study aimed to stimulate the growth of plantlets by introducing several growth-promoting agents into the culture media. Specifically, the effects of a nitric oxide donor SNP (sodium nitroprusside) on the vegetative development of the plants were examined under in vitro conditions. Four distinct concentrations of SNP (0, 100, 200, and 300 μM) were administered to promote vegetative development. The survival rate (%), rooting rate (%), root number (per plantlet), root length (cm), leaf number (per plantlet), shoot length (cm), plant fresh weight (g), and plant dry weight (g) of the plantlets were estimated on the 60th day of growth in the nutrient medium under in vitro conditions. The survival rate was 100% for the applications of SNP at concentrations of 100 μM and 200 μM. The 0 μM treatment had the highest root number, the 100 μM treatment had the longest root, and the 200 μM treatment had the highest values for shoot length. The 0 μM treatment provided the highest values for plant fresh weight, while the 0 and 100 μM applications resulted in the highest plant dry weight values. The study suggested that an increased concentration of SNP causes a toxic effect.
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Nitric oxide (NO) is a gaseous free radical that acts as a messenger for various plant phenomena corresponding to photomorphogenesis, fertilisation, flowering, germination, growth, and productivity. Recent developments have suggested the critical role of NO in inducing adaptive responses in plants during salinity. NO minimises salinity-induced photosynthetic damage and improves plant-water relation, nutrient uptake, stomatal conductance, electron transport, and ROS and antioxidant metabolism. NO contributes active participation in ABA-mediated stomatal regulation. Similar crosstalk of NO with other phytohormones such as auxins (IAAs), gibberellins (GAs), cytokinins (CKs), ethylene (ET), salicylic acid (SA), strigolactones (SLs), and brassinosteroids (BRs) were also observed. Additionally, we discuss NO interaction with other gaseous signalling molecules such as reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive sulphur species (RSS). Conclusively, the present review traces critical events in NO-induced morpho-physiological adjustments under salt stress and discusses how such modulations upgrade plant resilience.
NO (nitric oxide) production from sunflower plants ( Helianthus annuus L.), detached spinach leaves ( Spinacia oleracea L.), desalted spinach leaf extracts or commercial maize ( Zea mays L.) leaf nitrate reductase (NR, EC was continuously followed as NO emission into the gas phase by chemiluminescence detection, and its response to post‐translational NR modulation was examined in vitro and in vivo . NR (purified or in crude extracts) in vitro produced NO at saturating NADH and nitrite concentrations at about 1% of its nitrate reduction capacity. The Km for nitrite was relatively high (100 μM) compared to nitrite concentrations in illuminated leaves (10 μM). NO production was competitively inhibited by physiological nitrate concentrations ( Ki =50 μM). Importantly, inactivation of NR in crude extracts by protein phosphorylation with MgATP in the presence of a protein phosphatase inhibitor also inhibited NO production. Nitrate‐fertilized plants or leaves emitted NO into purified air. The NO emission was lower in the dark than in the light, but was generally only a small fraction of the total NR activity in the tissue (about 0.01–0.1%). In order to check for a modulation of NO production in vivo , NR was artificially activated by treatments such as anoxia, feeding uncouplers or AICAR (a cell permeant 5′‐AMP analogue). Under all these conditions, leaves were accumulating nitrite to concentrations exceeding those in normal illuminated leaves up to 100‐fold, and NO production was drastically increased especially in the dark. NO production by leaf extracts or intact leaves was unaffected by nitric oxide synthase inhibitors. It is concluded that in non‐elicited leaves NO is produced in variable quantities by NR depending on the total NR activity, the NR activation state and the cytosolic nitrite and nitrate concentration.
Employing non‐invasive photoacoustic spectrometry, emissions of nitric oxide (NO) and ethylene in post‐harvest strawberries and avocados were monitored. A clear‐cut stoichiometric relationship was found between the two gases: unripe fruit manifesting high NO and low ethylene levels—the converse in ripe fruit. Findings are discussed in the light of putative control of ethylene‐promoted fruit senescence by endogenous NO.
Plants are more susceptible to the toxic effects of nitrogen dioxide when exposure takes place in the dark. Beta-carotene and other common carotenoids react with nitrogen dioxide in the dark to yield intermediate nitrosating agents consistent with the formation of nitrite esters. Simultaneous exposure of carotenoids to NO2 and light significantly reduced formation of nitrosating intermediates and resulted in the release of nitric oxide (NO) into the gas phase. Light-mediated reduction of NO2 to NO by carotenoids may be an important mechanism for preventing damage in plants exposed to NO2. The formation of nitrosating agents from the reaction of carotenoids with NO2 suggests that their ability to prevent nitrosative damage associated with NO2 exposure in both plants and animals may be limited in the absence of light.
Serious research, serious business: Viagra is only the most publicized of the treatments for impotence, or erectile dysfunction, that have emerged or are on the horizon.
The general purpose of this chapter is to briefly recall the basic chemistry of NO•, especially its own paramagnetism and that of some of the complexes it forms with transition metals. As a full review is out of our scope, we shall only mention data that could be useful to understand the following chapters. In particular we shall attempt to compile some kinetic data which can enable us to propose whether a given reaction between NO• and a molecular target could be relevant to the biology of a cell or an animal.
Nitric oxide (NO) released by vascular endothelial cells accounts for the relaxation of strips of vascular tissue1 and for the inhibition of platelet aggregation2 and platelet adhesion3 attributed to endothelium-derived relaxing factor4. We now demonstrate that NO can be synthesized from L-arginine by porcine aortic endothelial cells in culture. Nitric oxide was detected by bioassay5, chemiluminescence1 or by mass spectrometry. Release of NO from the endothelial cells induced by bradykinin and the calcium ionophore A23187 was reversibly enhanced by infusions of L-arginine and L-citrulline, but not D-arginine or other close structural analogues. Mass spectrometry studies using 15N-labelled L-arginine indicated that this enhancement was due to the formation of NO from the terminal guanidino nitrogen atom(s) of L-arginine. The strict substrate specificity of this reaction suggests that L-arginine is the precursor for NO synthesis in vascular endothelial cells.
World climate is not only a function of atmospheric physics but of atmospheric chemistry as well. In fact, the science community investigating questions on atmospheric chemistry developed rapidly after publication of the pioneering monograph by Christian Junge in 1963. Since then, it has become clear that the chemistry of the atmosphere is highly dynamic. In fact, the composition of the atmosphere is presently changing in a direction that ultimately may alter the global and regional climate of Earth (Houghton et al., 1990). Interesting to the microbiologists is the fact that the chemistry of the atmosphere is to a large extent the result of the Earth’s biosphere, and with that of microbial processes. For example, it was the evolution of oxygenic photosynthesis by cyanobacteria that allowed the production of significant amounts of O2 (Schidlowski, 1983; Holland, 1984). This microbial O2 production finally resulted in the accumulation of O2 in a so-far anoxic atmosphere, and thus resulted in one of the most dramatic shifts in the habitability of our planet, i.e., shift in the dominance of anaerobic to aerobic life.