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Myocardial revascularization: Strategies for coping with the disease and the surgical process



OBJETIVO: Conhecer as estratégias utilizadas por pacientes no enfrentamento da doença cardíaca coronária e do processo cirúrgico de revascularização miocárdica. MÉTODOS: Utilizou-se a Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados como referencial metodológico para a releitura dos dados de um estudo mais amplo intitulado: Significando a experiência cirúrgica e o processo de viver do paciente submetido à revascularização do miocárdio. A coleta de dados foi realizada de outubro de 2010 a agosto de 2011, por meio de entrevista semiestruturada, com três grupos amostrais (pacientes, familiares de pacientes e profissionais de saúde) e 23 participantes. RESULTADOS: Os resultados apontam as estratégias utilizadas pelos pacientes submetidos ao processo cirúrgico de revascularização miocárdica, quais sejam: apoio familiar, espiritual e profissional. CONCLUSÃO: A experiência da cirurgia cardíaca modifica o processo de viver do paciente cardíaco e as estratégias utilizadas tornam a vivência menos traumática ao paciente. Logo, tais dados fornecem base teórica para o cuidado de enfermagem.
8Acta Paul Enferm. 2013; 26(1):8-13.
Original Article
Myocardial revascularization:
strategies for coping with the disease
and the surgical process
Revascularização miocárdica: estratégias para o
enfrentamento da doença e do processo cirúrgico
Cintia Koerich1
Maria Aparecida Baggio1
Alacoque Lorenzini Erdmann1
Gabriela Marcellino de Melo Lanzoni1
Giovana Dorneles Callegaro Higashi1
Corresponding author
Cintia Koerich
Campus Universitário s/n, Trindade,
Florianópolis, SC, Brazil. Zip Code
Objective: Knowing the strategies used by patients in coping with coronary heart disease and myocardial
revascularization surgical procedure.
Methods: The Grounded Theory method was used as a methodological framework for the reading of data from
a larger study entitled: Contextualizing the surgical experience and the living process of the patient undergoing
myocardial revascularization. Data collection was conducted from October 2010 to August 2011, through
interviews with three sample groups (patients, relatives of patients and health professionals) and 23
Results: The results indicate the strategies used by patients who underwent a surgical revascularization
process, which are: family, spiritual and professional support.
Conclusion: The experience of cardiac surgery modifies the living process of cardiac patients and the used
strategies make the experience less traumatic to them. Thus, these data provide the theoretical basis for
nursing care.
Objetivo: Conhecer as estratégias utilizadas por pacientes no enfrentamento da doença cardíaca coronária e
do processo cirúrgico de revascularização miocárdica.
Métodos: Utilizou-se a Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados como referencial metodológico para a releitura dos
dados de um estudo mais amplo intitulado: Significando a experiência cirúrgica e o processo de viver do
paciente submetido à revascularização do miocárdio. A coleta de dados foi realizada de outubro de 2010 a
agosto de 2011, por meio de entrevista semiestruturada, com três grupos amostrais (pacientes, familiares de
pacientes e profissionais de saúde) e 23 participantes.
Resultados: Os resultados apontam as estratégias utilizadas pelos pacientes submetidos ao processo
cirúrgico de revascularização miocárdica, quais sejam: apoio familiar, espiritual e profissional.
Conclusão: A experiência da cirurgia cardíaca modifica o processo de viver do paciente cardíaco e as
estratégias utilizadas tornam a vivência menos traumática ao paciente. Logo, tais dados fornecem base
teórica para o cuidado de enfermagem.
Myocardial revascularization; Coronary
disease; Nursing;Perioperative nursing;
Nursing care
Revascularização miocárdica; Doença
cardíaca coronária; Enfermagem;
Enfermagem perioperatória; Cuidados
de enfermagem
November 25, 2011
February 21, 2013
1Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, SC, Brazil.
Conflicts of interest: no conflicts of interest to declare.
Acta Paul Enferm. 2013; 26(1):8-13.
Koerich C, Baggio MA,Erdmann AL, Lanzoni GMM, Higashi GDC
e myocardial revascularization surgery (CABG) is
dened as a process of restoration and preservation of
the vital capacities. It aims the return of the patient’s
physical, mental and social wellbeing.(1) In Brazil, in
2011, around 100 thousand cardiac surgeries were
performed. Among these, more than 50% were relat-
ed to myocardial revascularization, an index compa-
rable to international literature(2).
e discovery of coronary heart disease in most
cases can be interpreted by the patient as a synonym
of health loss and functional disability.(3) Facing the
indication of cardiac surgery some feelings emerge,
such as fear of death and rebellion against God, due
to the association made between the disease onset
and a superior power.(3) In this sense, the nursing
professionals with their knowledge and experience
can assist the patients in coping with coronary heart
disease and the myocardial revascularization surgical
Human beings as complex forms of existence,
connected with their parts and their whole, estab-
lish relationships with themselves, with others and
with the environment in which they live. In order
to understand one being, it is necessary to consid-
er the established relationships, as well as respect the
internal and external inuences of this environment.
(4) e patient with coronary heart disease requires
full attention of the health team, since besides the
incidence and severity of the disease, social and en-
vironmental factors shall be known for professional
intervention.(1) Given this scenario, it is important
to seek knowledge about the coping strategies to
overcome diculties and negative feelings used by
patients who underwent the myocardial revascular-
ization surgery.(3)
us, the study aims to know the strategies used
by patients in coping with coronary heart disease and
the surgical process of myocardial revascularization.
is is a qualitative study of exploratory and descrip-
tive character which used the Grounded eory
method(5,6) as a methodological reference. e
study was conducted based on the reinterpretation
of data from a larger study, entitled: Contextualiz-
ing the surgical experience and the living process
of the patient undergoing myocardial revasculariza-
tion. In this larger study, the categories that com-
prise the results give visibility to a component called
‘strategies’, according to the study method.(6)
Data collection was developed at the Institute
of Cardiology of Santa Catarina, which specializes
in cardiac surgery, located in southern Brazil. e
study included patients who underwent CABG,
their relatives and health professionals, totalizing 23
participants divided into three sample groups. e
rst group consisted of eight patients. e second
group was formed by six health professionals and
the third group consisted of four patients and ve
relatives, totalizing nine subjects, respectively iden-
tied by the letters “E”, “P” and “F” to preserve
the identity of participants. e theoretical model
was validated by a group of patients who underwent
CABG surgery at the same institution.
Data collection was conducted between Oc-
tober 2010 and August 2011 through individual,
semi-structured interviews and digital voice record-
ing. For the beginning of the study with the group
of patients the interviews were opened with: tell me
about your experience regarding your CABG sur-
gery. e interviews were directed by the research-
ers, from the responses of participants. e process
of open, axial and selective coding was conducted
during the stages of collection and analysis, from
the comparison of data until reaching the study
e comparative analysis of data of the rst
sample group (patients) identied the hypothe-
sis that the health professionals who provide as-
sistance during patients hospitalization and after
their discharge participate in coping with the pro-
cess of surgical myocardial revascularization. e
analysis of the statements of health professionals
(second sample group) pointed out the hypothe-
sis that the relatives (third sample group) have a
complicating or facilitating role in coping with the
surgical process experienced by the patient with
coronary heart disease.
10 Acta Paul Enferm. 2013; 26(1):8-13.
Myocardial revascularization: strategies for coping with the disease and the surgical process
e data analysis allowed the identication of
three categories that sustained the phenomenon
“realizing the process of experiencing myocardial re-
vascularization surgery as an opportunity of mainte-
nance of life, associated with coping with signicant
changes in lifestyle”, which are: realizing the family
in coping with the disease and surgery; having faith
and hope; participating in the rehabilitation pro-
gram. e development of the study complied with
national and international ethical standards.
e study complied with national and interna-
tional ethical standards of researches that involve
human beings.
e category called “realizing the family in coping
with the disease and surgery” is composed of two
subcategories. e rst subcategory, called “feeling
the presence and support of the family”, reveals that
the presence of family members during hospitaliza-
tion is motivating to patients; a joy when faced with
coping with the surgical process. Without family
members the patient would not even have the pow-
er to undergo surgery. is can be seen in the fol-
lowing statement:
ey [the family members] were very import-
ant; [...] made me happier (F9).
e patient, given his state of fragility after
the indication of cardiac surgery, needs the family
members in the sense of searching for security and
support in a strange environment, dierent than
the usual.
It means everything! I have my kids to help me.
It is better to be helped by my children than by the
hands of a stranger (E5).
e family support smoothes the acceptance of
surgery, with a consequent decrease in the anxiety
and stress generated at the moment of surgery in-
Without them [the family], I would have run
away because it is very sad to stay in one place and
not have the support of the family (F9).
According to health professionals, the family is
an important ally in coping with the surgical pro-
cess because it has the role to reassure the patient.
erefore, the family is inserted in the pre and post-
operative nursing guidelines to receive information,
from the perioperative period until recovery and re-
habilitation after discharge.
Most family members try to talk and leave the
patient calm... We [professionals] mention the im-
portance of that in the orientation (P6).
e family more or less knows how it is going
to happen... is participation in the preoperative
guidance is pretty cool. I say the family must be
together during treatment (P2).
e family relationships, when quarrelsome,
hinder the establishment of a family support net
for the patient. us, the interference of health pro-
fessionals is necessary. Sometimes the disease and
hospitalization are a means of reestablishing rela-
tionships and smoothing the resolution of family
issues. On the other hand, when this does not hap-
pen, these problems alter the emotional balance of
the patient.
No use in bringing problems [family], no good,
‘cause otherwise it will make the patient more anx-
ious, more worried (P6).
Sometimes at home the problem is not solved,
but as a family member is ill, it can be solved or
become a snowball that interferes even in patients
who often feel outraged, bothered with the situa-
tion (P3).
e second subcategory, called “family relation-
ship after surgery”, shows that the relationships of
family cooperation and care commonly increase after
hospital discharge. erefore they favor the recovery
of patients, but the autonomy with self-care is per-
ceived as an important factor to their rehabilitation.
After a month or so I [patient] was already here
doing rehabilitation and my son came along with
me. en, later I said: you can stay home, let me go
alone ‘cause I dont want somebody following me
around for the rest of my life (F9).
Both patients and their families face changes in
family routine and in life habits after hospital dis-
charge, which often trigger situations of stress and
conict. Pressure from the family to the patients
regarding their health may reect in reduction of
their interactions and social life.
Acta Paul Enferm. 2013; 26(1):8-13.
Koerich C, Baggio MA,Erdmann AL, Lanzoni GMM, Higashi GDC
I [wife] always talk to him more calmly. I try no
to be aggressive in terms of pressure, ‘cause I know
it’s not helping... Sometimes he [patient] refrains
from going to places because people talk and nag;
he doesnt participate ‘cause he doesn’t want to hear
it. I can tell he gets hurt (F4).
e category called “having hope and faith”,
through the subcategory called “using spiritual re-
sources”, identies that faith and belief in a Higher
Being help coping with the disease. Faith means hav-
ing hope and believing everything will be alright.
My guardian angel helps me a lot. If we don’t
hold onto him by our side, light a little candle and
say a prayer, we wont make it (E3).
Health professionals nd in the faith of pa-
tients a subsidy to help them, which serves as an
incentive for them to use spiritual resources in
overcoming and coping with the diculties inher-
ent to the process of living the myocardial revascu-
larization surgery.
I pass this part of religiosity a lot that God is
there, present at the time [of the surgery], that He
is standing there and everything will be just ne,
they’ve got to trust (P3).
e category called “participating of the reha-
bilitation program” unleashed three subcategories.
e rst called “discovering the benets of cardiac
rehabilitation” refers to the possibility that family
and patients attend lectures given by health profes-
sionals. e patient is encouraged and stimulated to
engage in the cardiac rehabilitation program avail-
able at the institution.
I attended lectures promoted in the auditori-
um and it was like relaxing, having a behavior like
that... less stressful and it has helped me in a general
way (E6).
Besides oering cardiac patients the services of
monitoring and tness, the cardiac rehabilitation
service also favors and enables the socialization of
their experiences. It is considered that recently op-
erated patients feel insecure with their health con-
ditions and the new life habits to which they will be
conditioned. Social interactions can reduce anxiety
and prevent depression.
Sometimes here in rehabilitation I meet a lot of
nice people. Here we chat... Sometimes there are
people who have undergone surgery 20 years ago.
en I’m glad (F9).
e second subcategory, called “cardiac reha-
bilitation: medical monitoring as a reward to ad-
herence” comprehends an easier access to medical
monitoring. Consequently, the prescription of
medication and the request for exams are advan-
tages oered to patients who participate of the car-
diac rehabilitation program, which aims to main-
tain the number of adherents and the continuity
of the program.
I wanna go through a battery [of medical tests];
I wanna do everything because who is in rehabili-
tation can schedule exams and appointments very
easily there [at the hospital’s outpatient clinic] (F1).
e third subcategory called “dodging dicul-
ties of access to the cardiac rehabilitation program
reports that many patients fail to attend the pro-
gram and receive the benets oered due to nan-
cial reasons, diculties of access, return to work
routine, lack of time or lack of motivation. ese
patients are advised to perform daily walks or join
other groups that deal with physical reconditioning,
according with the cardiac surgery and the clinical
It is near here where I do now... It is good here
because there is a gym..., even on rainy days we do it.
Yesterday we went [patient and wife]. Today we did
it in the gym because it was too cold outside (F2).
e results showed data from the population of pa-
tients, family members and professionals of a high
complexity institution. However future studies may
include other subjects and scenarios of care with re-
vascularized cardiac patients.
e family represents the most important sup-
port network used by its members in cases of ill-
ness and hospitalization. It is considered the rst
instance of health assistance, a producer of care ac-
tions and whose relationships constitute strategies
for coping with the disease process.(7)
rough education in health, the professionals,
when involved with patients and family, may favor
12 Acta Paul Enferm. 2013; 26(1):8-13.
Myocardial revascularization: strategies for coping with the disease and the surgical process
changes in lifestyle and the exercise of autonomy
in self-care by the patient after hospital discharge.
(8,9) In this sense the presence of family is valued by
health professionals during perioperative orienta-
tion. erefore, it is possible for the family to un-
derstand the coronary cardiac disease and the sur-
gical process and consequently help the patients in
coping with all that is necessary.
After hospital discharge, even with an increase
in care and family cooperation aiming to favor the
recovery of the patient, situations of family conict
may happen and aect the course of treatment and
recovery of the revascularized patient. e return to
family routine can lead to family and patient anxi-
ety and fear of dealing with the new situation, away
from the cares of the healthcare team.(10) e family
member, in exercising the role of a caregiver outside
the hospital environment, can assume an inexible
behavior and impose very strict rules, increasing the
resistance or noncompliance with treatment by the
According to another study, the family relation-
ships kept within their home settings have positive
eects in the health of its members, as the charac-
teristics of this context are directly associated with
the self-care behavior that the patient has.(11) is
statement reinforces the need for interaction and
partnership between health professionals and fam-
ily members to the success of treatment, recovery
and rehabilitation of the cardiac patient.
Besides the family support network, patients
have spiritual resources as a source of security, faith
and hope. Faith is considered important to the pa-
tient in coping with the cardiac disease and in the
search for quality of life,(12) and prayer is related to
fewer complications in the postoperative period of
cardiac surgery, as well as bringing positive results to
health(13,14) through belief.
e health professional, particularly in the nurs-
ing area, due to maintaining a closer contact with
patients during hospitalization, has to be alert, ap-
preciate and stimulate the spiritual resources in or-
der to promote the psychic wellbeing of the patient
and ensure a less traumatic experience.
Regarding the initiation of patients in cardi-
ac rehabilitation when they are still hospitalized,
the advantages of participating of this service are
explained to patients and families by health profes-
sionals, considering the importance of an early start of
physical activities. e cardiac rehabilitation program
aims a quick return to the productive and active life
of the patient, in the same way that the introduction
of educational moments is important in the patient’s
preparation since the preoperative period.(1)
Besides the physical reconditioning, the cardiac
rehabilitation program performed at the institution
of data collection or in other spaces broadens the
possibilities of socialization, interaction and ex-
change of experiences among patients in order to
avoid anxiety and prevent depression. Evidences
conrm this nding when it is veried that rehabili-
tation exercises based on specic and individualized
recommendations(15) have a positive eect on the
mental health of revascularized patients, in accor-
dance with the prognosis of depression during the
postsurgical period of these subjects.(16)
e actions of education in health should start
at the hospital but the services of primary health-
care have to continue this practice. It is necessary to
reinforce the importance of rehabilitation to the pa-
tient and encourage him in the practice of self-care.
Studies arm the need for patients in the cardiac
postoperative period to be monitored by a primary
healthcare team and these professionals should be
able to assess their recovery.(15,17)
us, it is appropriate that health professionals
of the hospitals work together with the healthcare
teams of primary care service in the sense that they
use the system of reference and counter-reference
for patients in process of recovery from myocardial
revascularization surgery.
e main strategies used by patients to cope with
coronary cardiac disease and the process of myocar-
dial revascularization are based on the presence and
support of the family, the quality of interfamily re-
lationships, the use of spiritual resources and partic-
ipation in rehabilitation programs that in addition
to physical tness, enable social interactions.
Acta Paul Enferm. 2013; 26(1):8-13.
Koerich C, Baggio MA,Erdmann AL, Lanzoni GMM, Higashi GDC
It appears that the experience of cardiac surgery
modies the process of living of the cardiac patient,
while the coping strategies used in this process make
the experience less traumatic and provide theoreti-
cal basis for the nursing care.
Koerich C; Baggio MA; Lanzoni GMM and Higashi
GDC declare to have contributed with the concep-
tion and design, analysis and interpretation of data;
drafting and writing the article, critical review of the
intellectual content. Erdmann AL contributed with
the nal approval of the version to be published.
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... Table 1 details a summary of the studies relative to design, published between 2005 and 2017. The final studies were conducted in Africa, 34 Brazil, 35 Ireland, 5 South Korea, 36 and the United States. 13 The total number of participants recruited across the five studies was 112, with sample sizes ranging from 9 to 32 patients. ...
... and accurate information to patients could lead to autonomy in self-care. 35 A key outcome of ICR was referral of patients to phases 2 and 3 of CR 7 and ideally a home assessment undertaken prior to discharge. However, Lavin et al 5 indicated that only 52% of hospitals in their study provided home assessments and a heart information manual was only provided in 36% of hospitals. ...
... There were a number of enablers for patient participation in the ICR program. 13,35 After a complex cardiac surgery, patients benefit from individualised information from the health team, including an understanding of factors they are exposed to in their home environment which can increase the severity of illness. 35 Patients reported family and peer support facilitated their ability to cope with their CAD disease, the cardiac surgery, exercise program, and periods of emotional lability experienced during the recovery process. ...
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Background Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. Cardiac surgery is the main treatment followed by inpatient cardiac rehabilitation (ICR) to prepare patients for recovery. Aim The aim of this study was to describe the delivery, barriers, and enablers to patient participation in ICR programs after cardiac surgery. Methods This integrative review was guided by Whittemore and Knafl's methodology. This process included database searches, data evaluation, data integration, and presentation of results. Searched databases included Medline, CINAHL Complete, PsycINFO, Cochrane Library, and Web of Science. Publications dates included 2000 to 2021. Studies included Phase 1/inpatient phase cardiac rehabilitation following cardiac surgery. The Mixed Method Appraisal Tool (2018) was used to assess the quality of the included studies. Inductive content analysis was used to analyse the textual data. Results Using the inclusion and the exclusion criteria, 607 articles were screened. Five articles were included in this review, and they were appraised. Categories comprised of the following: i) ICR programs using a multidisciplinary approach beginning in the early postoperative stage; ii) ICR programs including multicomponents that were delivered through an individualised approach; and iii) enablers and barriers to patient participation to ICR. The enablers included religious faith and family support, whereas inconsistent pathways of cardiac rehabilitation referrals and detachment from patients' experiences and needs were barriers to participation in ICR. Conclusions In some instances, ICR programs were delivered using individualised approaches, but this is an area that needs improvement. A multidisciplinary team including nurses should be involved in the ICR phase after cardiac surgery to provide holistic care and enhance patients’ preparedness to participate in subsequent phases of rehabilitation. Only five relevant articles addressing the delivery of inpatient cardiac rehabilitation were identified in this specific topic area.
... The responsibility of taking care of the person with CAD can cause stress (Andersson et al., 2013;Jackson et al., 2012). Family members are forced to take more responsibilities in daily life, and this can affect their own well-being and influence their ability to offer support in the rehabilitation process (Jackson et al., 2012;Koerich, Baggio, Erdmann, Lanzoni, & Higashi, 2013). ...
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Aim To describe the family composition and living arrangements of persons diagnosed with coronary artery disease and those relationships to family involvement in self‐managed rehabilitation. Design A cross‐sectional study. Methods Data were collected with postal questionnaire from persons diagnosed with coronary artery disease (CAD) by using the Family Involvement in Rehabilitation (FIRE) scale. It measures family members' promotion of patients' rehabilitation and issues encumbering rehabilitation in family. Statistical methods were used to analyse the data. Results Patients' gender and having children in the family were predictors of issues encumbering rehabilitation in the family. But when examining living arrangements, patients who lived with a spouse or underage children had a better environment for recovery than those who lived alone or with adult children. More attention should be paid to targeting appropriate support for persons with coronary artery disease and their family members during the rehabilitation phase.
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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the prognostic capacity of the clinical indicators of a delayed surgical recovery nursing diagnosis throughout the hospital stay of patients having cardiac surgery. Design: A prospective cohort design was adopted. A sample of inpatients undergoing elective cardiac surgery was followed during the immediate preoperative period and hospitalization. This research was conducted in the southeast region of Brazil at a national reference institution that treats highly complex diseases and performs cardiac surgeries. Data were collected from July 2017 to July 2018. Methods: At the end of 1 year of data collection, 181 patients were followed in this study. The Kaplan-Meier method was used to calculate the survival time related to delayed surgical recovery. In addition, an extended Cox model of time-dependent covariates was adjusted to identify the clinical signs that influenced the change in the nursing diagnosis status. Results: A delayed surgical recovery nursing diagnosis was present in 23.2% of the sample studied. With an expected length of stay of 8 to 10 days, most new cases of delayed surgical recovery were observed on the 10th postoperative day, and the survival rate after this day was decreased until the 29th postoperative day, when the nursing diagnosis no longer appeared. Interrupted healing of the surgical area, loss of appetite, and atrial flutter were indicators related to an increased risk for delayed surgical recovery. Conclusions: Timely recognition of selected clinical indicators demonstrates a promising prognostic capacity for delayed surgical recovery. Clinical relevance: Accurate identification of prognostic factors allows nurses to identify early signs of postoperative complications. Consequently, the professional can develop an individualized plan of care, aiming at the satisfactory clinical recovery of the patient.
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Objetivo: Identificar na literatura os instrumentos para avaliação do uso de grades em pacientes hospitalizados e intervenções alternativas para reduzir as quedas do leito sem o uso de grades. Método: Revisão integrativa conforme diretrizes PRISMA, nas basesde dados: LILACS, Health Literature, MEDLINE/PUBMED, SCOPUS e SCIENCE DIRECT sem recorte temporal nos idiomas português, inglês e espanhol. Critérios de inclusão: população (adultos e idosos), intervenção (prevenção de quedas), desfecho (Instrumento de avaliação). Resultados: Foram selecionados quatro artigos que usavam um mesmo instrumento ”Evaluation of Siderail Use” com abordagem detalhada na avaliação dos pacientes quanto ao uso de grades, discorre intervenções alternativas para o uso de gradesque devem ser adaptadas às necessidades individuais. Conclusão: Estudos recomendam avaliação sistemática no processo de decisão sobre o uso das grades, que direcionem a prática clínica do enfermeiro para decidir por levantar ou não as grades, minimizando o usodesnecessário das grades como contenção mecânica.
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Objective: To understand needs and expectations experienced by the patient in the path to heart surgery in preoperative preparation. Methodology: Qualitative, descriptive, and exploratory study, carried out in two renowned charitable institutions of cardiac surgery in southern Brazil, which provide care to 60% of patients from the Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). The participants in this study were 22 adult patients admitted to heart surgery. Data collection were performed using a semi-structured interview guide. Results: From the analysis of data, three categories emerged, as follows: Revealing indication of heart surgery and need for information, Difficulties in the path until reach surgery, and Ambiguous experienced feelings and possibilities of a new beginning. Conclusion: This study showed, as the main factors, both need for providing clear and simple information to patient, and need for accelerating taking of clinical examinations and scheduling surgery. As expectation, fear of procedure tempered for the hope of improvement arose.
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OBJETIVOS: Compreender o significado do cuidado de enfermagem como prática social empreendedora. MÉTODOS: Foi baseada na Grounded Theory que, de forma sistemática, criativa e interativa possibilitou o desenvolvimento da teoria: "Vislumbrando o cuidado de enfermagem como prática social empreendedora". Amostra teórica constituiu-se de 35 sujeitos entrevistados, distribuídos em diferentes grupos amostrais. RESULTADOS: O cuidado de enfermagem como prática social empreendedora está associado ao sistema de relações e interações, à capacidade de interagir com os diferentes atores sociais, na capacidade de criar novos canais de comunicação e ações pró-ativas. CONCLUSÃO: A partir do cuidado como prática social empreendedora é possível atuar de forma pró-ativa, inovadora e participativa, sem desconsiderar as contradições sociais emergentes.
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Physical activity can be effective on primary, secondary and tertiary health care. The aims of this article are to analyze the association between physical activity and prevention or treatment of non-communicable chronic diseases and functional disability and to review the main biological mechanisms responsible for this association and the current recommendations for the practice of physical exercises in these contexts. Many epidemiological studies show a connection between increased levels of physical activity and decreased general death rates and deaths caused by cardiovascular diseases in adult and elderly individuals. Although the mechanisms that relate physical activity to the prevention and treatment of diseases and functional disability are not completely understood, they mainly involve reduction of body fat, decrease in blood pressure, improvement of the lipid profile and insulin sensitivity and an increase in energy expenditure, muscle mass and strength, cardiopulmonary capacity, flexibility and balance. However, the amount and quality of exercises necessary to prevent damages to health may be different from those necessary to improve physical conditioning. Generally speaking, the consensus for the practice of preventive or therapeutic exercises involves aerobic activities and resistance training, preferably in addition to the daily physical activities. Particularly among adult and elderly individuals who have other diseases or disabilities that affect their ability to exercise, the consensual recommendation is to include exercises that improve flexibility and balance, in addition to the abovementioned activities.
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OBJECTIVE: To determine the role and influence of personality in acute pain perception of post cardiac surgery patients. METHOD: This is a cross-sectional, analytical, prospective with correlational nature, developed in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The sample consisted of 25 patients, 64% female, less than 60 years (52%). RESULTS: Pain intensity was measured by numeric pain scale of 1 to 5 days postoperatory and personality styles was by Millon Inventory of Personality Styles. Pain perception was experienced with magnitudes ranging from mild to moderate from 1st to 5th day after surgery and related to personality characteristics. In patients with less pain intensity was observed a significant elevation of the highest score factors in the preservation, individualism, introversion and in the patients with greater intensity of pain were: protection, extraversion, shyness, discrepancy, affection, accommodation, withdrawal, communication and firmness. CONCLUSION: The occurrence of the painful phenomenon in patients post-cardiac surgery appears to be associated with behavioral manifestations and varying magnitudes as the time of surgery, type and position of drains, besides the immediate postoperative period. To characterize psychological aspects as personality characteristics may influence patterns of behavior as these observed.
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OBJETIVO: Analizar la calidad de vida (CV) según la propuesta de Flanagan, en dos grupos de pacientes revascularizados; comparar y combinar resultados de esta investigación con datos de una etnografía que interpreta significados de CV de pacientes revascularizados. MÉTODOS: Fue utilizada la triangulación metodológica de dos investigaciones: una cualitativa (etnográfica) y otra cuantitativa, que aplicó la Escala de Calidad de vida de Flanagan en 124 individuos. RESULTADOS: en el estudio cuantitativo, la CV se relacionó a "tener y criar hijos" y al "relacionamiento con los amigos" y en el cualitativo la buena CV se relacionó al bienestar, felicidad, satisfacción, posibilidades en la vida y los temas identificados fueron: salud (física, emocional y espiritual), trabajo y harmonía familiar. CONCLUSIÓN: Las dimensiones de calidad de vida identificadas en el estudio etnográfico son semejantes a los dominios que componen la Escala de Calidad de vida de Flanagan. La espiritualidad/religiosidad, no abordada en la escala, es destacada por los participantes como una dimensión de la CV.
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OBJETIVO: Analisar a qualidade de vida (QV) segundo a proposta de Flanagan, em dois grupos de pacientes revascularizados; comparar e combinar resultados desta pesquisa com dados de uma etnografia que interpreta significados de QV de pacientes revascularizados. MÉTODO: Foi utilizada a triangulação metodológica de duas pesquisas: uma qualitativa (etnográfica) e outra quantitativa, que aplicou a Escala de Qualidade de vida de Flanagan em 124 indivíduos. RESULTADOS: no estudo quantitativo, a QV relacionou-se a "ter e criar filhos" e "relacionamento com os amigos" e no qualitativo a boa QV relacionou-se a bem-estar, felicidade, satisfação, possibilidades na vida e os temas identificados foram: saúde (física, emocional e espiritual), trabalho e harmonia familiar. CONCLUSÃO: As dimensões de qualidade de vida identificadas no estudo etnográfico são semelhantes aos domínios que compõem a Escala de Qualidade de vida de Flanagan. A espiritualidade/religiosidade, não abordada na escala, é destacada pelos participantes como uma dimensão de QV.
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Experiência da doença cardíaca entre adultos submetidos à revascularização do miocárdio Heart disease experience of adults undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting surgery RESUMO OBJETIVO: Analisar os signifi cados da experiência da enfermidade cardíaca e de seu tratamento entre indivíduos em processo de reabilitação da cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio. MÉTODOS: Estudo etnográfi co realizado entre 2003 e 2005, em Goiânia, GO. Foram realizadas observação direta e entrevistas em profundidade com 11 indivíduos em reabilitação de cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio. Com base na antropologia interpretativa, os dados foram reunidos em dossiês narrativos e analisados por meio da elaboração de unidades de signifi cados e núcleos temáticos. RESULTADOS: Os sentidos atribuídos à enfermidade relacionaram-se a: descoberta da doença cardíaca, sentimentos desencadeados, explicações formuladas, aceitação da cirurgia e vida pós-cirurgia. A experiência foi interpretada como ruptura biográfi ca, situação entre a vida e a morte, invalidez, perda de autonomia e incapacidade de trabalhar. Os signifi cados remeteram a uma lógica que articula senso comum, religião e fragmentos do discurso médico na compreensão da doença e da cirurgia cardíaca. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados revelam que as experiências da doença e da cirurgia cardíacas marcam uma ruptura no modo de viver, trabalhar e compreender o processo saúde-doença. A abordagem da experiência da doença cardíaca contribui para extrapolar os limites de um modelo centrado na doença, seus sintomas e causas, característico do entendimento biomédico do processo saúde-doença, cujo foco é o mau funcionamento do processo biológico e/ou psicológico.
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A atividade física pode ser efetivar tanto na atenção primária quanto secundária e terciária da saúde. Os objetivos do artigo são analisar a associação entre atividade física e prevenção ou tratamento das doenças crônicas não-transmissíveis e incapacidade funcional e rever os principais mecanismos biológicos responsáveis por essa associação e as recomendações atuais para a prática de exercícios nessas situações. Diversos estudos epidemiológicos mostram associação entre aumento dos níveis de atividade física e redução da mortalidade geral e por doenças cardiovasculares em indivíduos adultos e idosos. Embora ainda não estejam totalmente compreendidos, os mecanismos que ligam a atividade física à prevenção e ao tratamento de doenças e incapacidade funcional envolvem principalmente a redução da adiposidade corporal, a queda da pressão arterial, a melhora do perfil lipídico e da sensibilidade à insulina, o aumento do gasto energético, da massa e força muscular, da capacidade cardiorrespiratória, da flexibilidade e do equilíbrio. No entanto, a quantidade e qualidade dos exercícios necessários para a prevenção de agravos à saúde podem ser diferentes daquelas para melhorar o condicionamento físico. De forma geral, os consensos para a prática de exercícios preventivos ou terapêuticos contemplam atividades aeróbias e resistidas, preferencialmente somadas às atividades físicas do cotidiano. Particularmente para os idosos ou adultos, com co-morbidades ou limitações que afetem a capacidade de realizar atividades físicas, os consensos preconizam, além dessas atividades, a inclusão de exercícios para o desenvolvimento da flexibilidade e do equilíbrio.
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OBJETIVOS: Compreender o significado do cuidado de enfermagem como prática social empreendedora. MÉTODOS: Foi baseada na Grounded Theory que, de forma sistemática, criativa e interativa possibilitou o desenvolvimento da teoria: "Vislumbrando o cuidado de enfermagem como prática social empreendedora". Amostra teórica constituiu-se de 35 sujeitos entrevistados, distribuídos em diferentes grupos amostrais. RESULTADOS: O cuidado de enfermagem como prática social empreendedora está associado ao sistema de relações e interações, à capacidade de interagir com os diferentes atores sociais, na capacidade de criar novos canais de comunicação e ações pró-ativas. CONCLUSÃO: A partir do cuidado como prática social empreendedora é possível atuar de forma pró-ativa, inovadora e participativa, sem desconsiderar as contradições sociais emergentes.
This study aimed to identify the nursing diagnosis "impaired housekeeping" in relatives under the condition of caregivers of hospitalized patients with chronic illnesses. A descriptive research was conducted from January to June 2006, in a large hospital in the Midwest Region of Brazil, involving 12 families. Impaired housekeeping was identified in 8 families which had as most frequent related factors: illness of a family member (100%), lack of home organization (75%), insufficient financial resources (62.5%). The most frequent defining characteristics were: family members expressed difficulties in comfortably performing their housekeeping (62.5%); family members ask for help for housekeeping (62.5%) and a family member overloaded (daughter), 62.5%. This diagnosis affects families, demonstrating the need for nurses to use knowledge and technologies of assessment and intervention in families, along with the standardized languages for express its diagnoses, intervention and outcomes.