G. N. Markevich

G. N. Markevich
Kronotsky Nature Reserve


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Publications (84)
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El’gygytgyn is the only ancient lake in the Arctic that avoided continental-scale glaciations. This lake is located on an arid mountain plateau, far from the main routes of post-glacial freshwater fish dispersal, and it is therefore challenging to consider the local fauna in a historical context. Here we present a study of the ecology and evolution...
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Simple Summary: In this study, the levels of infestation of two different species of pikeworm, Triaenophorus crassus and T. nodulosus, inhabiting a deep, oligotrophic mountain lake in Siberia were revealed. Based on results of five years of studies, a significant interannual variation in T. crassus infestation level was found, whereas the stability...
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Adaptation to different environments can be achieved by physiological shifts throughout development. Hormonal regulators shape the physiological and morphological traits of the evolving animals making them fit for the particular ecological surroundings. We hypothesized that the artificially induced hypersynthesis of calcitonin and parathyroid hormo...
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The pygmy whitefish Prosopium coulterii (C. H. Eigenmann & R. S. Eigenmann, 1892) is a freshwater fish with a highly disjunct distribution ranging from the middle part of North America to Chukotka. There is still no consensus regarding its phylogeny and dispersal history due to limited information from the Chukotkan part of the range. We investigat...
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Recent adaptive radiations provide evolutionary case studies, which provide the context to parse the relationship between genomic variation and the origins of distinct phenotypes. Sympatric radiations of the charr complex (genus Salvelinus ) present a trove for phylogenetics as charrs have repeatedly diversified into multiple morphs with distinct f...
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The interplay of species could affect the pathways of adaptive diversification in lacus- trine fishes. For instance, sockeye salmon is highly effective in transporting biomass from the ocean to the lakes providing abundant food supply for resident dwellers. The largest Asian population of sockeye salmon (>1.5 million spawners annually) re- produc...
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Sympatric fish morphs diversifying in their feeding pattern in fresh waters typically implement alternative migratory tactics so that omnivores become migrants and specialists‐residents. Charrs of the genus Salvelinus populating the lower Kamchatka River (Northeast Asia) are a rare example wherein two related sympatric morphs both implement a varie...
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Fish diversification into sympatric ecomorph pairs demonstrates a striking parallelism across a number of taxa in numerous lakes. However, there is a dearth of information on environmental conditions, which may orchestrate divergence processes across generations. Here we explore whether the environmental factors affecting food and reproductive nich...
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Fish introductions are known to be dangerous due to the unexpected spread of diseases and disorganization of the food web. In 1986, the resident sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka from Kronotskoye Lake was introduced into an isolated lake in Kamchatka inhabited by the native lacustrine Dolly Varden charr Salvelinus malma . Thirty years later, we ana...
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Using the approach of sequencing the V3-V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene, we have analyzed the bacterial diversity associated with the gut and "body" (other parts of nematode after dissection: cuticle, epidermis and longitudinal muscles, etc) of Cystidicola farionis parasitizing the swim bladder of different morphotypes of the nosed charr. Comparison...
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Within the sympatric evolution framework a range of ecological variables are considered as potential initiators and controllers of the diversification process. Here, we identify the proximate factors providing the reproductive isolation among seven sympatric ecomorphs of the genus Salvelinus charr dwelling in the Lake Kronotskoe basin (North-East A...
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El’gygytgyn, the only “ancient lake” in the Arctic (3.6 MY), is a deep (176 m) and extremely cold (always ≤ 4°C) waterbody inhabited by unique salmonids, which colonized the ecosystem stepwise during the global fluctuations of the Quaternary climate. The descendant of the first-wave-invaders (long-finned charr) dwells in the deep waters and feeds o...
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Factors and mechanisms promoting resource-based radiation in animals still represent a main challenge to evolutionary biology. The modifications of phenotype tied with adaptive diversification may result from an environmentally related shift having occurred at the early stage of development. Here, we study the role of temperature dynamics on the re...
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For the first time, we localized the spawning grounds of the white char endemic for the Kamchatka River lover course. We confirmed the significant restriction in gene flow between the sympatric white char and related Dolly Varden, and supposed the ecological mechanisms providing for the chars’ divergence in the riverine system.
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Charrs of the genus Salvelinus form distinct trophic morphs living in sympatry in numerous postglacial lakes. Here we demonstrate that charrs can diversify into amphipod foraging specialists and sedentary macrobenthos consumers in the shallow-water ecosystems. This pattern was revealed in three out of six lakes under exploration supported by differ...
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Adaptive radiation in fishes has been actively investigated over the last decades. Along with numerous well‐studied cases of lacustrine radiation, some examples of riverine sympatric divergence have been recently discovered. In contrast to the lakes, the riverine conditions do not provide evident stability in the ecological gradients. Consequently,...
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Adaptive radiation in fishes entering novel post-glacial lakes ubiquitously gives rise to a set of typical forms specializing under the pressure of the same ecological gradients. The world’s most diverse flock of salmonids from Lake Kronotskoe (Kamchatka, N-E Asia) serves as a good model to study evolutionary divergence modes. Eight forms with diff...
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В высокогорных притоках бассейнов рек Сулак и Самур исследована изменчивость морфологических признаков ручьевых форелей и дана оценка плотности форелевого населения. Облов ручьевых форелей осуществлялся методом сгона, с помощью сачка-ловушки, бредня и специально разработанного орудия лова. В бассейне р. Сулак в качестве модельных выбрано 18 средних...
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Volcanoes serve as natural laboratories expanding our understanding of the recent and past ecological and evolutionary processes. Here, we present data elucidating the developmental and phenotypic transformations providing rapid adaptation for the salmonid fish, Salvelinus malma, to volcanic impact. After being isolated by the mudflow in 1996, the...
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Background. Adaptive radiation in fishes has been actively investigated over the last decades. Along with numerous well-studied cases of lotic radiation, some examples of riverine sympatric divergence have been recently discovered. In contrast to the lakes, the riverine conditions do not provide evident stability in the ecological gradients. Conseq...
Here, we describe the biological and ecological differences between partially anadromous Dolly Varden and riverine stone charr distributed in the Kamchatka River middle course. Endemic stone charr, being the ambush predator, is defined by the accelerated growth and prolonged lifespan, robust body, and large mouth, as well as specific marble colorat...
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This chapter describes native and introduced trout and char species in western Fennoscandia and the Baltic region with a total land area of about 2 million km2. This includes the countries surrounding the brackish Baltic Sea (415,000 km2): the northeastern part of Germany, Poland, Lithuanian, Latvia, Estonia, Russia (Kaliningrad and Saint Petersbur...
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The descendants of S. malma inhabiting the Lake Kronotskoe (Kamchatka, Russia) represent a spectacular example of adaptive radiation. This sympatric flock consists of eight ecomorphs differing in their biology, ecology and functional morphology. The benthivorous nosed charrs (N1,2,3 morphs) dwell in the littoral zone and consume amphipods (Crustace...
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В статье представлены сведения о трофических взаимоотношениях молоди Coregonus sardinella, C. subautumnalis, C. pidschian, Prosopium cylindraceum и Thymallus arcticus mertensii, которая совместно населяет нижнее течение р. Пенжина в летний период. По разнообразию пресноводных видов лососеобразных рыб данное сообщество не имеет аналогов в Камчатском...
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Trophic relationships are presented for the juveniles of Coregonus sardinella, C. subautumnalis, C. pidschian, Prosopium cylindraceum, and Thymallus arcticus mertensii jointly inhabiting the Penzhina River lower reaches in summer. This community has no analogues in the North-Okhotsk region in terms of freshwater salmonid diversity. We analysed the...
A rapid phenotype deviation is a common population response to atypical environmental conditions in aquatic animals. However, the implications for adaptive specialisation, stochastic segregation and ancestral traits fixation in the stress‐induced phenotype transformation are not clear. Here, we cross‐analyse the populations of commonly fluvial Doll...
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Рассмотрены рыбохозяйственные риски создания стада проходной нерки Oncorhynchus nerka в бассейне оз. Кроноцкое с учетом мирового опыта строительства рыбоходов и организации ската молоди через опасные порожистые участки. На основе имеющегося опыта строительства и эксплуатации лососевых рыбоходов рассчитаны примерные размерные параметры сооружения, о...
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A planktivorous form of Salvelinus malma characterized by lacustrine winter spawning was discovered for the first time in north-east Asia in an isolated water system with an area of 0.23 sq. km. This form dwells in sympatry with the benthivorous form of the same species, which reproduces in autumn in the lake tributary. Given the size of the ecosys...
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The streams draining Kamchatkan volcanic areas are perfect natural models producing the long-lasting effects similar to inorganic anthropogenic pollution. The most abundant local fish species Salvelinus malma is able to reproduce under highly unfavorable conditions: contamination with heavy metals and mineral suspensions. The aim of this study was...
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The growth, the sequence of formation, and the features of the transitive states of skeletal elements (cranial bones and serial structures, such as teeth, gill rakers, fin rays and pterygiophores, vertebral bodies, predorsalia, and scales) have been studied in prelarvae, larvae, and fingerlings of the lacusrtrine-riverine morphs of the white charr...
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Во втором томе Красной книги Камчатского края содержатся сведения о состоянии, распространении, особенностях экологии и необходимых мерах охраны редких, уязвимых и находящихся под угрозой исчезновения объектах растительного мира Камчатского края.
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Dwarf males and fluvial groups were found in the population structure of endemic Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma) morphs dwelling the Lake Kronotskoe basin. Apart from the lacustrine-riverine charrs, dwarf males and fluvial groups stay in the vicinity of their own spawning grounds for their whole life at the upper reaches of the lake tributaries. Fl...
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To date a considerable amount of data on sympatric diversification of the laсustrine fish has been accumulated and many important advances made. However, the evolutionary mechanisms of the process still remain unclear. The paper discusses fish polymorphism in the water bodies of different latitudes, but the major focus is the question of sympatry i...
Identifying the mechanisms initiating sympatric diversification in vertebrates has remained a conceptual challenge. Here we analyze an assemblage of sympatric charr (Salvelinus malma) morphs from landlocked Lake Kronotskoe basin as a model to uncover the divergence pathways in freshwater fishes during the early life history stages. All morphs have...
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Монография посвящена рыбам рода гольцы Salvelinus семейства лососевые Salmonidae отряда Salmoniformes. В первой части книги представлен аналитический обзор современных представлений о возникновении основных видов гольцов, описаны механизмы их внутриозерной диверсификации. Общие вопросы возникновения современной мозаики разнообразия рассматриваются...
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The paper reviews the published materials on phylogeny and philogeography of the salmonid fishes belonging to the genus Salvelinus within the framework of allopatric evolution. The present paper provides concise data on the origins of the main groups, the ways of their historical expansion and discusses the formation of the present ranges, taking i...
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The study examines the basic morphological and ecological features of Dolly Varden from Lake Kronotskoe (Russia, Kamchatka). Seven valid morphs different in head proportions, feeding, timing, and place of spawning have been determined in this ecosystem. The basic morphometric characteristics clearly separate Lake Kronotskoe morphs from each other,...
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The littoral benthivorous charrs Salvelinus malma with subterminal mouth distributed in Lake Kronotskoe basin are separated into three distinct morphs. These morphs significantly differ in head proportions, jaws' length, skull structure, and degree of gill rakers' reduction. The morphs spawn in distant lake tributaries at the spawning grounds of va...
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Six postglacial lakes were studied along both sides of the Kamchatka central mountain range, Russia. Pairs of local morphotypes of species of Arctic charrs, Salvelinus spp., have previously been described from the southernmost lakes while the fish fauna of the four northernmost lakes was studied here for the first time. Phenotypic data support the...
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Resident Dolly Varden Salvelinus malma of Lake Dal’nee (Paratunka River basin) is represented by two stable trophic groups: one group feeds on mainly amphipods while another on gastropods. The former group is dominantly infected by Cyathocephalus truncatus and Crepidostomum metoecus, whereas the latter group is infected with Crepidostomum farionis,...
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Two previously unknown profundal dwelling charr morphs of the genus Salvelinus from Lake Kronotskoe are described in this article. According to their lifestyle peculiarities, these morphs were named the “bigmouth charr” and “smallmouth charr.” The former group is near-bottom benthivorous, while the latter one inhabits the water column and occupies...
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The nosed charr Salvelinus malma that inhabits the littoral zone of Lake Kronotskoe is divided into two groups according to food preferences and parasite fauna. Fish of the first group (G) predominantly feed on gammarids and are characterized by a high infestation with Cystidicola farionis, Cyathocephalus truncatus, and Crepidostomum spр. Fish of t...
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The liver, gonads, gills, and muscles of five trophically distant charr morphs from Lake Kronotskoe, as well as silty sediments of the lake, were tested for trace-element contents. Concentrations of Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr, As, and Se were detectable in the fish tissues, while the xenobiotics Hg, Cd, and Pb were not determined. The current data...
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The new data on the parasites fauna of the Lake Kronotskoe sympatric charr forms (genus Salvelinus (Nilsson) Richardson, 1836) is presented. Parasites fauna of Bigmouth and Smallmouth charr forms are described for the first time. The information about Longhead charr, Nosed charr and White charr parasites is added. 29 species of parasites from 9 cla...
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G) имеют высокие показатели инвазии Cystidicola farionis, Cyathocephalus truncatus и Crepidostomum metoecus. Рыбы, питающиеся хирономидами и другим бен-тосом (группа А), практически не заражены этими видами паразитов, для них характерны Phyllodisto-mum umblae и Proteocephalus longicollis. Рыбы группы G имеют высокую условную биомассу паразитов по с...
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The structure of splanchnocranium bones has been studied in four endemic benthivorous charrs (the genus Salvelinus) from Lake Kronotskoe (Kamchatka). It has been found that, according to the whole set of characters of the splanchnocranium structure, the most expressed differences are observed between spe� cialized forms, nosed and largemouth charrs...
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Fry of the coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum, 1792), which were caught in the Kronotskaya River, were found to include six species of parasites belonging to four classes: Monogenea (Salmonchus alaskensis), Cestoda (Proteocephalus longicollis), Nematoda (Sterliadochona ephemeridarum, Cucullanus truttae, Philonema oncorhynchi), and Acantocep...
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The nucleotide sequences of two regions of the mitochondrial genome (D-loop region and Cyt b gene) have been determined for the first time in sympatric charrs of the genus Salvelinus from Nachikinskoe Lake (Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia) and compared to mitochondrial DNA sequences deposited in Gen-Bank. The level of nucleotide differences in the two...
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Trophic morphology divergence between two forms of Dolly Varden Salvelinus malma from Lake Kronotskoe (Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia): Salvelinus albus (omnivorous form) and Salvelinus schmidti (benthivorous form) was studied using the skull bone’s qualitative and measurable attributes. The strongest morphological differences between these two charr...
Fatty acid composition and content of 2 forms of sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka from lakes in Kamchatka Peninsula (Russia) were compared. One form of sockeye salmon was anadromous (“marine”), that is, adult fish migrated in ocean to feed and grow and than return in the lake to breed. Fish of another form, kokanee, never migrate in the ocean. Per...
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Variation of microsatellite loci Cpa110, Cpa113, Cpa4, and Cpa7 was for the first time examined in Pacific-type herring Clupea pallasii from the White Sea (Cl. pallasii marisalbi), the Kara Sea (Cl. pallasii suworowi), the Sea of Okhotsk, and Lake Nerpich’e, Kamchatka Bay, northwestern Pacific (Cl. pallasii pallasii). All loci exhibitedhigh genetic...
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The state of gonads, age, structure of scales, and size of specimens of the resident lacustrine form of sock-eyed salmon-kokanee Onchorhynchus nerka-are analyzed. In stocked, previously fishless, lakes, there are specimens that have survived spawning and have remained active for a year or several years. No evidence was found of the possibility of r...
Conference Paper
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Представлены основные результаты исследований молоди тихоокеанских лососей в бассейне эстуария р. Камчатка (включая оз. Нерпичье), выполненных в июле 2010 г. с использованием бим–трала, предназначенного для учета молоди рыб в пресноводных и морских водоемах.
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Morphology of gonads and structure of sex cells in females and males of the resident sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka—kokanee—from Tolmachevskoe Reservoir are investigated. Anomalies in structure of sex cells and structure of oocytes are found. Partial or mass resorpbion of cells in the ovaries of males and testes of males is found, leading to ste...
Analysis of the feeding of kokanee Oncorhynchus nerka from Lake Tolmachevskoe, which was relocated here from Lake Kronotskoe more than 20 years ago, was studied. Lake Kronotskoe is inhabited by two forms of kokanee that differ in the pattern of feeding (plankton-eaters and benthos-eaters) and some morphological characters. According to the number o...
Data on the present-day (2003–2007) state of the population of kokanee Oncorhynchus nerka introduced in Tolmachevskoe Lake more than 20 years ago are provided. Since the moment of introduction, the population of kokanee has underwent considerable changes: a decrease occurred in the specific rate of growth, average length and weight of fish in catch...
The analysis of growth of kokanee Oncorhynchus nerka demonstrated that there are differences in several indices between the natural population of Kronotskoe Lake and artificial populations of Tolmachevskoe and Klyuchevoe lakes. The highest specific rate of growth was recorded for individuals in Kronotskoe Lake; the lowest, in Tolmachevskoe and Klyu...
The formation of the first annual zone in three populations of resident sock-eyed salmon—kokanee Oncorhynchus nerka of Kamchatka—has been studied. The length of fingerlings in mid-August did not reach 30 mm; in most analyzed juveniles, the remains of the yolk sac were present. In early September in lakes Tolmachevskoe and Kronotskoe, the length of...


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