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ESPR uroradiology task force and ESUR Paediatric Work Group—Imaging recommendations in paediatric uroradiology, part VI: childhood renal biopsy and imaging of neonatal and infant genital tract

  • Hospital Santa Maria-Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte, Lisboa, Portugal

Abstract and Figures

The European Society of Paediatric Radiology Uroradiology Task Force and the ESUR Paediatric Work Group jointly publish guidelines for paediatric urogenital imaging. Two yet unaddressed topics involving patient safety and imaging load are addressed in this paper: renal biopsy in childhood and imaging of the neonatal genital tract, particularly in girls. Based on our thorough review of literature and variable practice in multiple centers, procedural recommendations are proposed on how to perform renal biopsy in children and how to approach the genital tract in (female) neonates. These are statements by consensus due to lack of sufficient evidence-based data. The procedural recommendation on renal biopsy in childhood aims at improving patient safety and reducing the number of unsuccessful passes and/or biopsy-related complications. The recommendation for an imaging algorithm in the assessment of the neonatal genital tract focuses on the potential of ultrasonography to reduce the need for more invasive or radiating imaging, however, with additional fluoroscopy or MRI to be used in selected cases. Adherence to these recommendations will allow comparable data and evidence to be generated for future adaptation of imaging strategies in paediatric uroradiology.
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ESPR uroradiology task force and ESUR Paediatric
Work GroupImaging recommendations in paediatric
uroradiology, part VI: childhood renal biopsy and imaging
of neonatal and infant genital tract
Minutes from the task force session at the annual ESPR Meeting 2012 in Athens
on childhood renal biopsy and imaging neonatal genitalia
Michael Riccabona &Maria Luisa Lobo &Ulrich Willi &Fred Avni &
Beatrice Damasio &Lil-Sofie Ording-Mueller &Johan Blickman &
Kassa Darge &Frederika Papadopoulou &Pierre-Hugues Vivier
Received: 28 March 2013 /Revised: 22 May 2013 /Accepted: 1 July 2013
#Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
Abstract The European Society of Paediatric Radiology
Uroradiology Task Force and the ESUR Paediatric Work
Group jointly publish guidelines for paediatric urogenital
imaging. Two yet unaddressed topics involving patient
safety and imaging load are addressed in this paper: renal
biopsy in childhood and imaging of the neonatal genital
tract, particularly in girls. Based on our thorough review
of literature and variable practice in multiple centers,
procedural recommendations are proposed on how to
perform renal biopsy in children and how to approach
the genital tract in (female) neonates. These are state-
ments by consensus due to lack of sufficient evidence-
based data. The procedural recommendation on renal
biopsy in childhood aims at improving patient safety
and reducing the number of unsuccessful passes and/or
biopsy-related complications. The recommendation for an
imaging algorithm in the assessment of the neonatal
genital tract focuses on the potential of ultrasonography
to reduce the need for more invasive or radiating imag-
ing, however, with additional fluoroscopy or MRI to be
used in selected cases. Adherence to these recommenda-
tions will allow comparable data and evidence to be
generated for future adaptation of imaging strategies in
paediatric uroradiology.
M. Riccabona (*)
Department of Radiology, Division of Paediatric Radiology,
Medical University and University Hospital LKH Graz,
Auenbruggerplatz 34, A - 8036 Graz, Austria
M. L. Lobo
Department of Radiology, Hospital de Santa Maria-CHLN,
University Hospital, Lisbon, Portugal
U. Willi
Department of Radiology, Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, MD, USA
F. Avn i
Department of Pediatric Radiology, Jeanne de Flandre Hospital,
CHRU de Lille, Lille Cedex, France
B. Damasio
Department of Radiology, Gaslini Institute, Genoa, Italy
L.<S. Ording-Mueller
Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Unit for Paediatric
Radiology, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway
J. Blickman
Department of Radiology, University of Rochester, School of
Medicine, Rochester, NY, USA
K. Darge
Department of Radiology, Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia,
Philadelphia, PA, USA
F. Papadopoulou
Department of Radiology, Ioannina University Hospital,
Ioannina, Greece
P.<H. Vivier
Hôpital Privé de lEstuaire, Radiologie,
505 rue Irène Joliot Curie, 76620 Le Havre, France
Pediatr Radiol
DOI 10.1007/s00247-013-2852-5
Keywords Recommendations .Children .Kidney biopsy .
Genital tract malformations
There is a wide variety of pediatric urogenital imaging in differ-
ent centres. In order to homogenize, ease and improve the
specific imaging approach, the ESPR Uroradiology Task Force
and the ESUR Paediatric Work Group set out to assess available
standards, explore different existing practices, review available
literature and jointly draft a proposal for a unified imaging
approach. The goal is to standardize imaging at its lowest possi-
ble invasiveness by adhering to the ALARA principle to reduce
the risk of potential complications and to provide reliable results.
The recommendations intend to be comprehensive and to be as
basic and practical as possible to encourage their use around the
world. This includes the flexibility for adjusting to individual
needs and situations (personalized medicine). With the given
restriction of available evidence from literature, these recommen-
dations are issued as a consensus statement based on thorough
review of literature, assessment of the different practices in
various centres, and consultation of other related subspecialties
dealing with pediatric urogenital conditions.
The group hopes for a wide distribution of and adherence
to these new recommendations, which are designed to create
comparable data for future meta-analysis and improve evi-
dence level and, thus, uroradiological practice in children.
Renal biopsy in childhood
Renal biopsies in children are performed by various specialists
for different indications and under variable imaging guidance,
most commonly using ultrasonography (US). However, in
some centers, renal biopsies are performed without any imag-
ing guidance (i.e. blindly). The indication for biopsy is usually
defined by the referring paediatric nephrourologist or trans-
plantation specialist. The inherent risks are haemorrhage, in-
jury to the collecting system or arterial-venous fistula (AVF)
as potential threats to the kidney. The risk for these complica-
tions increases with the number of passes and needle size.
While sufficient material must be provided by the procedure
to allow for meaningful histology, the amount of renal tissue
depends on the suspected condition.
The procedure requires a team-approach by the involved
nephrourologist, paediatric anaesthesiologist (analgesia, seda-
tion and monitoring), histopathologist, nurse and/or technician,
as well as paediatric and/or interventional radiologist. A standard
intervention suite with all necessary equipment and instrumen-
tation available (including monitoring device, oxygen, material
for sterile handling, spotlight and microscope) and an open
layout is most desirable. Preceding the biopsy, the childs
general condition must be assessed as part of a work-up of the
nephrourological complaint. In addition, a detailed pre-
interventional US with colour Doppler sonography (CSD) is
indispensable to assess for renal localization and potential risk
factors (e.g. duplex kidney with small lower pole system, aber-
rant vessels, interfering structures, etc.). Preprocedural decision
on instrumentation availability and detail is crucial: i.e. size and
length of the needle, length of the core cut (which depends on
parenchymal thickness), whether coaxial technique is advisable
in more difficult access, etc. Patient preparation includes intra-
venous line, emptied bladder and pre-sedation, as well as a skin-
numbing patch or paste administered at the presumed biopsy
site. Time-out must be granted to confirm the patients identity,
the indication of the procedure and adequate recent haemato-
logical status with regard to bleeding and coagulation, as well as
whether informed consent has been obtained.
The child is placed in prone position with adequate ventral
support for biopsy of the native kidney. Pre-interventional US is
performed for probe positioning and as baseline for post-
interventional follow-up. The lower pole of the native left kidney
is commonly targeted and the access area is defined by US. In a
transplant kidney, the patient is typically supine and a safe needle
approach (e.g. from the laterocranial aspect) is selected by US.
Local anaesthesia is strongly recommended even with the child
in deep sedation. Correct sterile conditions are mandatory for the
procedure. Biopsy in younger patients is commonly performed
under deep analgo-sedation, administered by the anaesthesiolo-
gist. Conscious analgo-sedation may be chosen in older chil-
dren. Monitoring of blood pressure, heart/respiratory rate and
oxygenation is required throughout the procedure. Biopsy
should be performed under direct real-time vision and is best
with the help of the dedicated needle guide attached to the
transducer. The length of the core cut is defined by the thickness
of the renal parenchyma (avoid a long cut into narrow paren-
chyma and injury to the collecting system). Use of an 18-gauge
needle is usually adequate for core thickness as well as to
minimize the risk of vascular complication. CDS is extremely
helpful in avoiding renal vascularity, especially major vessels.
Sufficient cortical material, i.e. a sufficient number of glomeruli,
is necessary for establishing a diagnosis; medullary tissue is
rarely required. Details of specific tissue need to be discussed
with the referring nephrologist in advance to select the biopsy
area. Commonly, a biopsy gun or a semi-automated biopsy
device is used and fired under direct US vision. CDS demon-
strates even more conspicuously the risk for potential post-
biopsy complications (Table 1). Whether a second pass is nec-
essary for diagnosis needs to be determined by the on-site
paediatric nephrologist or histopathologist by evaluating the
specimen immediately (preferably under the microscope) for
diagnostic adequacy. Upon retrieving the needle, local compres-
sion is applied to prevent haemorrhage. For repeat biopsy passes,
the biopsy area/needle placement should be changed to mini-
mize the risk of complications or an unsuccessful second pass.
Pediatr Radiol
Immediate postprocedural US with CDS is performed
for potential haemorrhage, parenchymal alteration or AVF.
Focal rarefaction of peripheral renal vasculature at the
biopsy site immediately after the procedure is a frequent
reactive phenomenon and is considered physiological. In
severe renal disease as well as in antihypertensive treat-
ment, vascular reaction may be decreased. Therefore, with-
drawal of reno-active drugs two days before suggested if
clinically feasible.
Post-biopsy handling includes local pressure, bed rest for at
least 3 to 6 h, monitoring of vital parameters (blood pressure,
heart rate, haematocrit) and urinalysis. Thorough follow-up US
and CDS includes the biopsy area (for potential occurrence of
haematoma, active bleeding, clot formation in the collecting
system, perirenal collections and arterio-venous fistulation), and
the entire urinary tract with the bladder (for clots as well as for
urine inflow from the tapped kidney). All abdominal compart-
ments should then be evaluated for fluid collections. Depending
Ta b l e 1 How to perform renal
biopsy in infants and children Prerequisites Indication given by paediatric nephrourologist.
Informed consent.
Necessary blood test-results (e.g. coagulation status).
Monitoring and resuscitation facilities.
Empty bladder.
Anaesthetic cream applied to any possible access site.
Intravenous access.
Consider conscious sedation and local anaesthetic for children ages 12 years and above,
otherwise local anaesthetic and deep sedation/general anaesthetic depending on local
Instrumentation (Semi-)automatic biopsy gun with matching needle as chosen by preoperative US.
Needle length depends on kidney depth and thickness.
Needle calibre, 18 G20 G.
Sample length, 1.2 cm2.2 cm depending on parenchymal thickness and biopsy gun.
Coaxial technique should be used for deep sampling and difficult access.
Materials Disinfectant, local anaesthetic for injection, knife for skin incision, sterile covers (for child
and for equipment), sample handling materials, US machine with transducer optimized for
the size of the child.
Procedure Initial US (child awake). Is the urinary bladder empty?
Sedation and positioning Sedation as above.
Position prone (native kidney biopsy) or supine
(transplant kidney biopsy).
Site preparation Preliminary US with external marking (target lower pole of left
kidney if possible) considering the respiratory dynamics of
Skin incision after definition of biopsy site under direct US
view, ideally using colour Doppler for optimal vascular
Biopsy pass Aim at mediodorsal avascularline defining the needle tract
parallel to main vascular plane.
The guide needle should be advanced to just superficial to the
renal capsule.
Advance biopsy needle to just deep to the renal capsule.
Perform biopsy shot with real-time US documentation.
Repeat if necessary keeping the number of passes to a
Evaluation of specimen Inspect specimen.
Immediate post-biopsy
Document biopsy site, any haemorrhage or visible
arteriovenous fistula.
Post-biopsy Effective compression of biopsy site also using positioning.
Standardized monitoring for interventional procedures with potential vascular complications.
Rescanning with US 4 h6hand12h24 h after biopsy, always including colour Doppler.
Prolonged monitoring and bed rest in case of complications (significant bleeding, AVF etc.).
Pediatr Radiol
on the findings and the further management of the patient, a
subsequent or final US evaluation may be suggested at 12 and 24
to 48 h after the procedure, potentially on an outpatient basis.
Absence of any major haematoma, haemorrhage, AVF or blad-
der clot is expected. Withdrawn reno-active antihypertensive
drugs may be reinstalled, even if minor haemorrhagic residuals
are present. In these conditions, conservative management with
repeat monitoring is advised, as most of these findings resolve
spontaneously. Severe haemorrhage, large AVF with high shunt
flow that endanger renal perfusion and function, or large clots in
the collecting system and/or bladder might indicate active treat-
ment, possibly even embolisation of AVF (Table 1).
Imaging the genital tract in the neonate and infant
To carry out a practical and differentiated imaging approach after
birth, a few prerequisites need to be kept in mind. These are:
1. Knowledge of the basic organogenetic facts and fetal
development of the urogenital tract.
2. Familiarity with the normal appearance of inner genitalia
in neonates and infants, especially in a female (character-
istic shape and large size of uterus; frequent presence of
even large ovarian follicles).
3. Knowledge of the characteristic morphology in common
genital malformations.
4. Awareness of the frequent association with urinary tract
malformations (e.g. multicystic dysplastic kidney, unilat-
eral renal dysplasia, single kidney).
Therefore, early diagnostic imaging of the genital or uri-
nary tract should always include both systems. Early imaging
in a female also offers the advantage of the usually prominent
neonatal genital morphology.
Common indications for the evaluation of the urogenital
tract by imaging include known or suspected fetal abnormality,
a clinically apparent genital malformation, ambiguous genitalia,
cloacal malformation, urogenital sinus, Müllerian duct and
vaginal abnormality and congenital adrenal hyperplasia, as well
as undescendend testis, congenital inguinal hernia and the
various types of congenital hydrocele, cystic dysplasia of the
rete testis and cystic-dysplastic seminal vesicles. Disorders of
sexual differentiation (intersex) include a wide and complex
group of abnormalities resulting from non-accordance between
chromosomal, gonadal and genital gender. Due to their com-
plexity and the need for a multidisciplinary team approach, these
latter patients should be referred to a dedicated pediatric centre.
Ultrasoundincluding CDS is the primary imaging modality
to evaluate both male and female genitalia and urinary tract.
Dedicated and expert US technique is essential to obtain
adequate diagnostic information (Table 2). In females, a sys-
tematic transabdominal and transperineal US approach of the
pelvic cavity with a full or filled bladder is fundamental.
Whenever genital US is insufficient for adequate characteri-
zation of some uterovaginal abnormality or if vaginal dupli-
cation is suspected, a specific sonographic genitography is
recommended. It consists of some innocuous fluid
(prewarmed saline) instillation into the vagina through a small
flexible feeding tube that improves or even allows visualiza-
tion, particularly of the vagina and cervix (Table 3). Addition-
al rectal saline filling may be useful, e.g. for fistula detection
or in Müllerian duct agenesis, assuring the absence of uterus.
Ta b l e 2 Neonatal female genital US
Preparation Good hydration.
Full bladder if possible (else consider filling
the bladder with saline using a 4-F to 5-F
Target anatomy Entire genital tract, Entire urinary tract.
Potentially the distal spinal cord.
Transducer High-resolution linear.
Additionally consider 3-D transducer.
Assessments using
Uterus, cervix, vagina, ovaries: size,
morphology, position, obstruction.
Standard complete assessment of the urinary
Assessments using
transperineal approach
Vagina, cervix, urethra, anal canal: position,
patency, filling and emptying.
Level of any obstruction (distance from
obstruction to perineal orifice).
Technique for 3-D US
3-D acquisition with coronal (thick-slab)
reconstructions may improve the
definition and characterisation of uterine
and/or vaginal abnormalities.
Ta b l e 3 US-genitographyprocedural recommendation
Indications Complementary to standard US for depiction of
Preparation Vaginal catheterization under sterile conditions.
8-F feeding tube, thinner if urogenital sinus tract; avoid
any air in catheter.
Infuse saline continuously (to compensate for vaginal
Optimally add US contrast agent to saline.
Additional rectal instillation of saline may be helpful.
If bladder fails to fill via urogenital sinus, blind bladder
catheterization with second (curved-tip) catheter.
Combine transabdominal and transperineal approaches.
Include kidneys.
Consider adding 3-D acquisition.
Proceed with voiding cysto-urethro sonography for
evaluation of vesicoureteral reflux, if needed.
Pediatr Radiol
Subsequent complementary imaging procedures may in-
clude fluoroscopic genitography and (ce-)MRI (Table 4,
Fig. 1). (T2-) MR-urography may be added for evaluation of
associated orcombined urinary tract malformations. There are
very few indications for a technically dedicated ce-CT (e.g. if
no MRI available in complex anatomy for preoperative as-
sessment, such as in cloacal malformations or coexisting
orthopedic abnormality involving the pelvis and/or lower
spine). Sectional imaging should not be performed as a base-
line study but be strictly reserved for selected cases and
usually for surgical planning. Notice that, unlike in adults or
in older children, MRI evaluation of the genital tract is limited
in neonates and infants due to resolution issues and may
therefore be less useful. A high-resolution 3-D sequence after
saline instillation into the vagina and bladder as well as rectal
filling with diluted contrast material may yield more differen-
tiated anatomical information. It is important to remember that
imaging evaluation of genital (and also cloacal)
malformations is never an emergency procedure. This holds
true for almost all complex urogenital malformations in new-
borns with a normal amount of amniotic fluid, i.e. with normal
Ta b l e 4 Fluoroscopic genitographyprocedural recommendation
Indications Complementary to US for depiction of complex
For surgical planning.
Timing In same session as US to reuse catheters and
reduce invasiveness, or preoperatively.
Preparation Vaginal catheterization under sterile conditions.
8-F feeding tube, thinner if urogenital sinus tract,
avoid any air in catheter.
Skin markers on perineal external orifices.
Assessment of the
bony pelvis
Look for spinal/sacral abnormalities.
Water-soluble iodinized contrast medium
(100 mg I/ml, or less).
AP and lateral / oblique spot views.
If bladder fails to opacify via urogenital sinus,
blind bladder catheterization with second
(curved-tip) catheter.
Proceed with voiding cystourethrography for
evaluation of vesicoureteral reflux, if needed.
Fig. 1 Imaging algorithm how to assess the neonatal female genital tract / pelvis legend: proposal on how to approach neonates with suspected genital
anomalies. Abbreviations: UT = urinary tract, MRI = Magnetic resonance Imaging, pre-op = pre-operatively, US = ultrasound
Pediatr Radiol
renal function and adequate vital signs. Complex diagnostic
imaging should be well prepared and is best performed as an
elective study under interdisciplinary cooperation in dedicated
Renal biopsy should be performed in children with special
precautions and under dedicated conditions to avoid poten-
tially severe complications. The procedure must be standard-
ized. This includes careful pre-interventional preparation with
detailed US (including CDS), performance under direct US-
guidance, use of an optimal core cut needle and a biopsy gun
or (semi-)automated biopsy device, prompt tissue evaluation
and a thorough post-interventional follow-up (Table 1).
Congenital malformations of the neonatal genital tract are
common. Ultrasonography is the first and basic imaging mo-
dality and is often diagnostically sufficient (Table 2). Proper US
technique complemented by US-genitography may be crucial
for a reliable diagnosis (Table 3). Competent US is fundamental
in deciding which patients will need complementary imaging
with fluoroscopic genitography and/or MRI (Table 4and
Fig. 1), typically reserved for complex malformations and
particularly for planning surgical intervention.
Conflict of interest There is no financial or other interest concerning
the reported topic.
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Pediatr Radiol
... [26] The European Society of Pediatric Radiology (ESPR) recommends ultrasound before biopsy to localize the kidney and to assess for structural factors that may increase the risk of bleeding, for example, duplex or solitary kidney and aberrant renal vessels. [27] All centers in the ISPN survey performed PRB in the prone position and 60% of the centers used an 18-gauge needle, as is recommended by ESPR. [27] However, results from the Norwegian registry, [11] a recent single-center Indian study, [28] a randomized controlled trial, [29] and the BAPN re-audit [4] indicate that 16-gauge needles provide better yield and, paradoxically, carry lower risk of gross hematuria as compared to 18-gauge needles. ...
... [27] All centers in the ISPN survey performed PRB in the prone position and 60% of the centers used an 18-gauge needle, as is recommended by ESPR. [27] However, results from the Norwegian registry, [11] a recent single-center Indian study, [28] a randomized controlled trial, [29] and the BAPN re-audit [4] indicate that 16-gauge needles provide better yield and, paradoxically, carry lower risk of gross hematuria as compared to 18-gauge needles. The higher risk of complications with 18-gauge needles is attributed to increased number of passes needed to obtain adequate tissue [4] and the tendency of thinner needles to deviate from the lower pole proximally toward the pelvis. ...
... PRB of native and transplanted kidneys plays a relevant role in diagnosis, prognosis and management of several renal diseases in children [1,2]. Its main role is to investigate possible causes of native kidney failure and the pathogenesis of US is usually combined with biopsy during all the steps of the procedure: before procedure, to locate the optimal site of biopsy, generally at the lower pole of the left kidney, and to highlight abnormalities and/or malformations that may represent contraindications to the procedure itself; during the execution, to control the needle approaching the renal capsule; in the follow-up, to evaluate possible onset of complications. ...
Percutaneous renal biopsy (PRB) is an important procedure in the diagnostic and prognostic evaluation of renal disorders. Despite the relative simplicity, it can be a possible cause of iatrogenic renovascular injury. We describe two cases of iatrogenic pseudoaneurysm, a major post-biopsy complication, in two pediatric patients with persistent micro- and macro-hematuria, promptly diagnosed using color Doppler ultrasound, confirmed with renal arteriography and treated with embolization.
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Voiding cystourethrography (VCUG) is a fluoroscopic technique that allows the assessment of the urinary tract, including the urethra, bladder, and—if vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) is present—the ureters and the pelvicalyceal systems. The technique also allows for the assessment of bladder filling and emptying, providing information on anatomical and functional aspects. VCUG is, together with contrast-enhanced voiding urosonography (VUS), still the gold standard test to diagnose VUR and it is one of the most performed fluoroscopic examinations in pediatric radiology departments. VCUG is also considered a follow-up examination after urinary tract surgery, and one of the most sensitive techniques for studying anatomy of the lower genitourinary tract in suspected anatomical malformations. The international reflux study in 1985 published the first reflux-protocol and graded VUR into five classes; over the following years, other papers have been published on this topic. In 2008, the European Society of Paediatric Radiology (ESPR) Uroradiology Task Force published the first proposed VCUG Guidelines with internal scientific society agreement. The purpose of our work is to create a detailed overview of VCUG indications, procedural recommendations, and to provide a structured final report, with the aim of updating the 2008 VCUG paper proposed by the European Society of Paediatric Radiology (ESPR). We have also compared VCUG with contrast-enhanced VUS as an emergent alternative. As a result of this work, the ESPR Urogenital Task Force strongly recommends the use of contrast-enhanced VUS as a non-radiating imaging technique whenever indicated and possible. Graphical Abstract
The urogenital tract is one of the most often imaged part in neonates, to some extent because of findings on prenatal imaging. Most of the conditions encountered in the neonatal urogenital tract that need imaging are congenital malformations, although there are some acute postnatal acquired diseases that pose a query for imaging. Imaging is mainly performed by ultrasound, and the other relevant imaging technique is fluoroscopy; CT should never be used. MRI is usually performed usually after the neonatal period, if necessary—the same applies for nuclear medicine studies. This chapter addresses indications for neonatal imaging, including screening investigations, modalities used, their applications, and the findings and results in the neonatal age group.
After birth, the kidney structure in neonates adapt to the functional demands of extrauterine life. Nephrogenesis is complete in the third trimester, but glomeruli, tubuli, and vasculature mature with the rapidly increasing renal blood flow and glomerular filtration. In preterm infants, nephrogenesis remains incomplete and maturation is slower and may be aberrant. This structural and functional deficit has life-long consequences: preterm born individuals are at higher risk for chronic kidney disease and arterial hypertension later in life. This review assembles the literature on existing and potential methods to visualize neonatal kidney structure and morphology and explore their potential to longitudinally document the developmental deviation after preterm birth. X-rays with and without contrast, fluoroscopy and computed tomography (CT) involve relevant ionizing radiation exposure and, apart from CT, do not provide sufficient structural details. Ultrasound has evolved into a safe and noninvasive high-resolution imaging method which is excellent for longitudinal observations. Doppler ultrasound modes can characterize and quantify blood flow to and through the kidneys. Microvascular flow imaging has opened new possibilities of visualizing previously unseen vascular structures. Recent advances in magnetic resonance imaging display renal structure and function in unprecedented detail, but are offset by the logistical challenges of the imaging procedure and limited experience with the new techniques in neonates. Kidney biopsies visualize structure histologically, but are too invasive and remain anecdotal in newborns. All the explored methods have predominantly been examined in term newborns and require further research on longitudinal structural observation in the kidneys of preterm infants.
Imaging plays a key role in the diagnostics of the paediatric urogenital (UG) tract. Imaging children differs significantly from adults, not only because of the high prevalence of congenital malformations that need to be detected and managed timely before they cause irreparable damage, but particularly the different behaviour and cooperation, as well as the high radiation sensitivity of particular neonates and young children which poses a challenge. Therefore, ultrasonography is the first-line technique that allows to sufficiently assess many conditions—also including entities, which in adults would be imaged by computed tomography (CT). The other important imaging techniques in paediatric UG radiology are voiding cystourethrography and scintigraphy, as well as MR-imaging, whereas abdominal plain film (KBU) and IVU, as well as CT are used far less than in years gone by. This chapter briefly discusses the basics of the various imaging techniques including the importance of modern approaches and specific paediatric needs, before addressing important and/or common entities and queries such as imaging in urinary tract infection, congenital malformations and obstructive uropathy, cystic kidney disease or UG tumours. Finally, some recommendations for imaging algorithms in typical clinical presentations and queries are discussed.KeywordsUroradiologyPaediatricUltrasonographyPaediatricUrosonographyVoiding cystourethrographyScintigraphyKidney and urinary tractMagnetic resonance tomographyPaediatric urogenital tract
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Background Children are frequently referred to the pediatric radiology department due to complaints related to the urinary tract. Main body We aimed to describe common clinical scenarios in paediatric urology practice and their recommended imaging diagnostic algorithms. Practical imaging approach to following common clinical scenarios and the common radiological findings are discussed: (A) perinatal urinary tract dilatation and other congenital anomalies; (B) recurrent urinary tract infection; (C) enuresis and daytime urinary incontinence; (D) abdominal masses; (E) flank pain; (F) hematuria; (G) trauma; (H) nonpalpable testis, ambiguous genitalia and common urogenital sinus anomalies; and I) renovascular hypertension Conclusions Imaging investigations should be tailored according to the clinical presentation in a stepwise approach aiming for optimum patients’ care.
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It is paramount that any child or adolescent with a suspected disorder of sex development (DSD) is assessed by an experienced clinician with adequate knowledge about the range of conditions associated with DSD. If there is any doubt, the case should be discussed with the regional DSD team. In most cases, particularly in the case of the newborn, the paediatric endocrinologist within the regional team acts commonly as the first point of contact. This clinician should be part of a multidisciplinary team experienced in management of DSD and should ensure that the affected person and parents have access to specialist psychological support and that their information needs are comprehensively addressed. The underlying pathophysiology of DSD and the strengths and weaknesses of the tests that can be performed should be discussed with the parents and affected young person and tests undertaken in a timely fashion. Finally, in the field of rare conditions, it is imperative that the clinician shares the experience with others through national and international clinical and research collaboration.
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It is paramount that any child or adolescent with a suspected disorder of sex development (DSD) is assessed by an experienced clinician with adequate knowledge about the range of conditions associated with DSD. If there is any doubt, the case should be discussed with the regional DSD team. In most cases, particularly in the case of the newborn, the paediatric endocrinologist within the regional team acts commonly as the first point of contact. This clinician should be part of a multidisciplinary team experienced in management of DSD and should ensure that the affected person and parents have access to specialist psychological support and that their information needs are comprehensively addressed. The underlying pathophysiology of DSD and the strengths and weaknesses of the tests that can be performed should be discussed with the parents and affected young person and tests undertaken in a timely fashion. Finally, in the field of rare conditions, it is imperative that the clinician shares the experience with others through national and international clinical and research collaboration. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Original manuscript © 2015 The Society for Endocrinology.
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Background and aim: The contribution of renal biopsy is of major importance in many renal diseases in children. In our study we aimed to evaluate retrospectively the indications, safety, efficacy and the spectrum of histopathological findings of percutaneous ultrasound-guided renal (PRB) biopsy during a 7 year period as well as to analyze specific groups of renal patients. Patients and methods: A total of 84 renal biopsies were performed in 81 children. Demographic data, clinical symptoms at presentation, indications for renal biopsy, laboratory findings, complications of the procedure and histological diagnosis were obtained from all patients who underwent PRB. Results: The commonest indication for biopsy accounted was steroid resistant, steroid dependent or frequent relapsing idiopathic nephrotic syndrome (INS). Subcapsular hematoma presented 11% of the patients, but none of them needed blood transfusion. Adequate renal tissue sample was obtained in 97.7% of the renal biopsies. In 80% the histopathology revealed glomerular diseases. The most frequent types of biopsy-proven renal diseases were: focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) (15%), IgA nephropathy (13.5%), minimal change disease (10%), various stages of lupus nephritis (8.5%), Henoch-Schonlein nephritis (7.5%), membranous glomerulonephritis (7.5%), mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis (6%), post-infectious glomerulonephritis (6%), hemolytic uremic syndrome (5%), tubulointerstitial nephropathies (3.5%), acute tubular necrosis 2.5%. Among the 28 cases of INS, FSGS accounted for 43%. The leading histopathological pattern found in patients with recurrent episodes of gross haematuria was IgAN (84.5%). Among 7 cases of lupus nephritis, the observed histological types were: IV+V in 3/7, IIIA in 3/7 (43%) and IIB in 1/7. Conclusions: Our study shows that percutaneous ultrasound-guided renal biopsy is a safe, reliable and effective technique in children. It also provides updated information for childhood renal disease pattern.
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Disorders of sex development (DSD) with or without ambiguous genitalia require medical attention to reach a definite diagnosis. Advances in identification of molecular causes of abnormal sex, heightened awareness of ethical issues and this necessitated a re-evaluation of nomenclature. The term DSD was proposed for congenital conditions in which chromosomal, gonadal or anatomical sex is atypical. In general, factors influencing sex determination are transcriptional regulators, whereas factors important for sex differentiation are secreted hormones and their receptors.The current intense debate on the management of patients with intersexuality and related conditions focus on four major issues: 1) aetiological diagnosis, 2) assignment of gender, 3) indication for and timing of genital surgery, 4) the disclosure of medical information to the patient and his/her parents. The psychological and social implications of gender assignment require a multidisciplinary approach and a team which includes ageneticist, neonatologist, endocrinologist, gynaecologist, psychiatrist, surgeon and a social worker. Each patient should be evaluated individually by multidisciplinary approach. Conflict of interest:None declared.
Using image-directed and color Doppler ultrasonography (ICDUS), we examined 65 patients with single kidney biopsy and diagnosed one arteriovenous fistula (AVF) in each of 8 kidneys. Three of them were associated with pseudoaneurysms. Three of the patients with AVF who presented with macrohematuria underwent angiography. Therapeutic percutaneous embolization was performed in 2 of them. The remaining 6 patients were followed up with ICDUS. All the lesions had disappeared at the end of a 6-month period. We conclude that ICDUS is an easy and noninvasive imaging technique in the diagnosis of postbiopsy native renal AVFs. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Congenital anomalies of the female genital tract result from müllerian duct anomalies and/or abnormalities of the urogenital sinus or cloaca. Failure of fusion of the müllerian ducts results in a wide variety of fusion abnormalities of the uterus, cervix, and vagina (Gruenwald 1941). Müllerian duct abnormalities may occur alone or in association with urogenital sinus or cloacal malformations. Persistence of the cloaca is believed to be caused by an abnormal development of the dorsal part of the cloaca and the urorectal septum (Stephens 1983b; Nievelstein et al. 1998). Urogenital sinus malformations occur after the cloaca has been organized into the urogenital sinus and the anus (Williams and Bloomberg 1976). Early and complete assessment of the patients, including radiological and biochemical examinations, is mandatory to provide an optimal basis for treatment that will have a great influence on the quality of the patient’s later life. Due to the close embryologic relationship between the urinary and the genital tract, malformations involving both organ systems are very common.
Uterus didelphys with obstructed hemivagina (UDWOH) and ipsilateral renal agenesis is a distinct but rare entity. To demonstrate the association between UDWOH and a multicystic dysplastic kidney (MCDK) in neonates. To demonstrate the usefulness of sonography with vaginal fluid instillation in the early and reliable diagnosis of this genital anomaly in girls with MCDK. Our patients were five female neonates with a MCDK, which had been detected in utero. We performed sonography of the internal genitalia in all patients before and after filling the vagina with saline. In all five girls, sonographic examination revealed uterus didelphys with obstruction of the vagina ipsilateral to the MCDK. In three girls, a dilated ureter originating from the MCDK and extending to the level of the vagina could be clearly demonstrated, with one of these including the ureteric insertion into the atretic vagina. MCDK is key to the early diagnosis of UDWOH and will facilitate the provision of appropriate treatment. The neonatal period provides a unique opportunity for detecting uterine anomalies by sonography. An MCDK usually involutes and eventually mimics renal agenesis later in life.
Although several retrospective reports suggest that pediatric outpatient renal biopsies may be done in a safe and cost-effective manner, risk factors and the natural history of major complications following this procedure have not been clearly delineated. In an effort to determine the minimal observation period required to detect major post-renal biopsy complications in children and to establish clinical parameters predictive of these complications, a retrospective review of 177 percutaneous renal biopsies was performed. The overall major complication rate was 3.4%, while the minor complication rate was 14.1%. The mean percentage change in hemoglobin 4-10 h postbiopsy in patients with major bleeding complications was significantly greater than patients with minor bleeding complications. Using a 16% drop in hemoglobin 4-10 h postbiopsy, the sensitivity and specificity of identifying a major bleeding complication was 100% and 98%, respectively, while the positive and negative predictive value was 68% and 100%, respectively. All patients with major complications due to excess sedation or immediate bleeding were diagnosed within 11 h of the biopsy. Automated renal biopsies offered several safety and efficiency advantages compared with non-automated methods. Our results suggest that outpatient pediatric renal biopsies should be encouraged provided certain precautions are taken to reduce the risk of developing major complications.