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Freddy Kurniawan

Freddy Kurniawan
Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Adisutjipto, Indonesia, Yogyakarta · Department of Electrical Engineering


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Publications (55)
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Pengetahuan avionik merupakan hal yang mendalam sangat diperlukan bagi alumni prodi Teknik Elektro Institut Teknologi Dirgantara Adisutjipto. Dengan diberlakukannya kurikulum 2019, mahasiswa prodi ini telah dibekali pengetahuan avionik sesuai dengan target. Namun pengetahuan ini belum sepenuhnya didapat bagi mahasiswa Teknik Elektro dan mahasiswa a...
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Praktek kerja lapangan merupakan sarana bagi mahasiswa untuk mendapatkan pengalaman kerja di industri. Namun, dimasa pandemic Covid-19, beberapa perusahaan tidak dapat menerima mahasiswa secara langsung. Disisi lain, sebagian fresh graduate masih belum mendapatkan tempat kerja yang sesuai harapan. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan memberik...
Data fusion of MIMU and GPS was commonly used to estimate the displacement and tracking of a quadrotor UAV. Meanwhile, inaccurate estimation of displacement during dynamic motion is oftentimes occurred. This error caused by noise and limited sampling rate of the sensor mainly occurs when the quadrotor changes its attitude rapidly to generate an ins...
Penggunaan data fusion menggunakan Kalman filter untuk menggabungkan data dari giroskop dan akselerometer dalam rangka menentukan sudut attitude pada quadrotor tidak selamanya menghasilkan data yang akurat. Sensor akselerometer tidak dapat menentukan data percepatan secara akurat pada saat kondisi dinamis, sementara itu nilai sudut hasil propagasi...
The fire hazard due to an LPG cylinder explosion can be triggered from a gas cylinder leak. Not infrequently these incidents lead to loss of life and property loss. This study proposes the design of an LPG gas leak monitoring system and early warning of fire hazards. The system is designed to be integrated with the internet network through the Inte...
The orientation angle of a quadrotor UAV can be estimated from gyroscope and accelerometer data. Orientation can be predicted from gyroscope data under static or dynamic conditions, but the predicted value has accumulated errors. Meanwhile, orientation can also be calculated from accelerometer data, but only correct if the sensor is in a static sta...
Pengetahuan avionik merupakan hal yang sangat diperlukan bagi mahasiswa prodi Teknik Elektro Institut Teknologi Dirgantara Adisutjipto. Bagi mahasiswa yang mendapatkan kurikulum baru, mereka telah dibekali pengetahuan avionik sesuai dengan target. Namun, bagi angkatan dengan kurikulum sebelumnya dan juga alumni, pengetahuan ini belum sepenuhnya did...
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In an unmanned aircraft vehicle, a navigation system is needed to calculate its orientation and translation. The navigation system can utilize data from the accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer, and GPS. The orientation can be precisely calculated from the accelerometer and magnetometer data when the sensor is in a static state. Meanwhile, under...
Estimate orientation (attitude and heading) and translation
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Rotation angle estimates are often required and applied to the dynamics of spacecraft, UAVs, robots, underwater vehicles, and other systems before control. IMU is an electronic module that is used as an angle estimation tool but has noise that can reduce the accuracy of the estimation. This study aims to develop an estimation model for the angle of...
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Buck-boost converters are widely used in the development of DC-DC converters. Several techniques and algorithms have been introduced to improve the transient response of buck-boost converters. However, due to the opposite trends of the output current change and the output voltage change, undershoot or overshoot in the output voltage still seems to...
Electric power and power factor are two parameters that must be considered because they involve the quality of the energy consumed. In order to be able to analyze these, a microcontroller-based power and power factor meter are needed which can be further developed. In this research, a power and power factor meter based on the ATmega328P microcontro...
This study aims to develop a Kalman filter algorithm in order to reduce the accelerometer sensor noise as effectively as possible. The accelerometer sensor is one part of the Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) used to find the displacement distance of an object. The method used is modeling the system to model the accelerometer system to form mathemati...
The analog AC-voltmeter usually can only measure the ideal-sinusoid voltage with narrow frequency range. Meanwhile, in fact the grid voltage is often not in the form of an ideal sinusoidal. To be able to measure a non-sinusoidal AC voltage with a wide range of frequency, a true-RMS voltmeter is needed. The research designed a true RMS measuring sys...
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Simplification of logic equations using Karnaugh maps. A more complete explanation can be seen here: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Freddy_Kurniawan3/publication/331517195_TEKNIK_DIGITAL_Teknik_Elektro_Sekolah_Tinggi_Teknologi_Adisutjipto/links/5c7dcfec92851c695054cddd/TEKNIK-DIGITAL-Teknik-Elektro-Sekolah-Tinggi-Teknologi-Adisutjipto.pdf
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The following explains how the Karnaugh map can be used to design logic circuits. A more complete explanation can be seen here: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Freddy_Kurniawan3/publication/331517195_TEKNIK_DIGITAL_Teknik_Elektro_Sekolah_Tinggi_Teknologi_Adisutjipto/links/5c7dcfec92851c695054cddd/TEKNIK-DIGITAL-Teknik-Elektro-Sekolah-Tinggi-Te...
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This is a fast way to analyze a circuit with some tri-state buffers. A more complete explanation can be seen here: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Freddy_Kurniawan3/publication/331517195_TEKNIK_DIGITAL_Teknik_Elektro_Sekolah_Tinggi_Teknologi_Adisutjipto/links/5c7dcfec92851c695054cddd/TEKNIK-DIGITAL-Teknik-Elektro-Sekolah-Tinggi-Teknologi-Adis...
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Ini merupakan contoh penggunaan aturan aktif tinggi dan aktif rendah pada suatu gerbang logika untuk sebuah sistem monitoring alarm pesawat atas data suhu, tekanan dan RPM. This is an example of using active high and low active rules on a logic gate for an aircraft alarm monitoring system for temperature, pressure and RPM data.
This is a simple way to measure the frequency of alternating voltage signals with Arduino Uno.
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A simple way to measure the frequency of alternating voltage signals with Arduino Uno. This project is one part of the subject in the Microprocessor-based Systems Course in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Adisutjipto.
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Penelitian untuk pengembangan UAV telah banyak dilakukan, namun hingga kini masih terdapat sebuah permasalahan yang belum sepenuhnya terselesaikan, yaitu pendeknya durasi terbang UAV. Hal ini disebabkan terbatasnya kapasitas baterai yang digunakan. Permasalahan ini pada awalnya dapat diselesaikan dengan menambahkan sel surya, sehingga membentuk sis...
Conference Paper
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Mobile robot localization concerns estimating the position and heading of the robot relative to its environment. Basically , the mobile robot moves around without initial knowledge of the environment. Therefore, a scheme to handle it is necessary, such as the Kalman Filters. Rather than the Extended Kalman Filter, we choose to employ the sigma poin...
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Teknik Digital mencakup: konsep digital, sistem bilangan (biner, oktal, heksadesimal, BCD), aritmetika sistem bilangan (penambahan, pengurangan, perkalian, pembagian), sistem bilangan bertanda dan pecahan, rangkaian digital, peta karnaugh, latch, flip-flop D, flip-flop JK, register geser dan pembagi frekuensi
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This paper presented a novel boost-buck converter to provide the DC-DC converter. The converter consists of a cascaded configuration of the boost and buck converter. The boost converter supplied the voltage for the buck converter by converting the input voltage to the shared capacitor voltage with four modes operation: idle, up-transient, boost, an...
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Publikasi ini Menggambarkan lambang gerbang logika, Melakukan operasi logika, Membentuk tabel kebenaran dan diagram pewaktuan untuk berbagai operasi logika, Mengetahui cara kerja berbagai gerbang logika, Mengetahui prinsip kerja pemicu Schmitt dan gerbang tiga keadaan, Memahami kegunaan konfigurasi kolektor terbuka, Menggunakan masukan dan keluaran...
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Membedakan kuantitas analog dan digital. Mengerti konsep logika. Menggambarkan isyarat digital sederhana. Mengerti pentingnya antarmuka sistem digital dan sistem analog. Menerangkan kelebihan dan kekurangan sistem digital dibandingkan sistem analog.
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Memahami perbedaan sistem bilangan desimal, biner, oktal, heksadesimal dan BCD Melakukan konversi antar beberapa sistem bilangan Merepresentasikan suatu nilai pecahan dalam bilangan biner, oktal dan heksadesimal Memahami konsep bilangan komplemen satu dan dua Merepresentasikan suatu nilai positif dan negatif dalam bilangan biner, oktal dan heksades...
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Various techniques for the traffic density estimation in heavy traffic have been developed widely. However, most of them suffer from any drawbacks, especially for traffic fulfilling all kinds of vehicles. In the present study, a new technique of traffic density estimation using a macroscopic approach has been developed. This technique used a backgr...
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Kemacetan lalu-lintas yang sering terjadi adalah berupa antrian panjang pada sebuah pengatur lalu-lintas. Salah satu penyebab kemacetan tersebut adalah tidak efektifnya pewaktuan pengatur lalu-lintas yang digunakan. Ketidakefektifan pengatur lalu-lintas yang digunakan di Indonesia disebabkan tidak dapatnya sebuah pengatur lalu-lintas mengikuti peru...
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Adaptive traffic controller systems based on image processing have been developed widely. Nevertheless, in a developing country, the systems often could not be easily applied because all types of vehicle use the same road. Therefore, to overcome the problem, the new concept of the systems is proposed. The systems were developed from a pre-timed tra...
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Kemacetan lalu-lintas telah menyebabkan kerugian jutaan rupiah setiap jamnya. Kemacetan yang sering terjadi berupa antrian panjang pada setiap pengatur lalu-lintas. Salah satu penyebab kemacetan tersebut adalah tidak efektifnya pewaktuan pengatur lalu-lintas yang digunakan saat ini. Ketidakefektifan pengatur lalu-lintas yang digunakan di Indonesia...
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The major weaknesses of traffic controllers in Indonesia are unable to accommodate the variety of traffic volume and unable to be coordinated. To solve the problem, a pre-timed and coordinated traffic controller system is built. The system consists of a master and a local controller. Each controller has a database containing signal-timing plans. To...
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Salah satu ketidakefektifan pengatur lalu-lintas yang digunakan di ruas Jalan Senopati dan Jalan Sultan Agung Yogyakarta adalah tidak adanya sinkronisasi antara pengatur lalu-lintas di simpang empat Kantor Pos (Nol Kilometer), Gondomanan dan Bintaran. Hal ini dapat menimbulkan antrian panjang dan kemacetan. Sementara itu tidak adanya variasi waktu...
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Salah satu ketidakefektifan pengatur isyarat lalu-lintas yang digunakan di simpang empat Gondomanan dan Bintaran adalah tidak adanya sinkronisasi di antara keduanya. Kadang sebagian besar kendaraan yang mendapat lampu hijau di simpang empat Gondomanan mendapat lampu merah setibanya di simpang empat Bintaran. Hal ini menimbulkan antrian panjang yang...
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Much research requires data acquisition system. Even some of the experiments require a data acquisition system with special specifications. In order for us can create a data acquisition system with the desired quantity and specifications, in this study we constructed a data acquisition system with general specifications as required by some research...
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This research is one of the researches of the roadmap ''Power Grid Monitoring Based on Microcontroller ". This research has been preceded by I he research with title "Measure RMS Voltages and Currents in Power Grid Based on Microcontroller ". In that research, the microcontroller ADC samples the voltage and current grid 64 times per period of the g...
The power factor is one of the problems in electric power quality improvement. In many cases, low power factor causes the waste of electrical energy. In large commercial and industrial sectors, usually used in a centralized system of capacitors in a room for power factor correction. However, changes in the electric power consumed by electrical equi...
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The power factor is one of the problems in electric power quality improvement. In many cases, low power factor causes the waste of electrical energy. In large commercial and industrial sectors, usually used in a centralized system of capacitors in a room for power factor correction. However, changes in the electric power consumed by electrical equi...
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This research developed a system created by previous research, which is "RMS Voltage Grid Measuring based on Microcontroller". In this research, the load current is passed to a current sensor to convert load current to a voltage. The voltage representing the load current is sampled on the sidelines of the voltage signal sampling process with a freq...
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This research is one of the researches that form the road-map for research to improve electrical power factor based microcontroller. In this system, the grid voltage is converted using the step-down transformer. The voltage is adjusted by the signal conditioning in order to be properly sampled by the microcontroller’s ADC. After the frequency of th...
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In some electronic applications requiring low frequency generator, a microcontroller can be used as an alternative to the frequency generator. Microcontroller-based frequency generators have been made. But the inaccuracy of the output frequency is still one problem, making this frequency generator becomes less precise. This paper will discuss a met...
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A frequency counter is an electronic instrument, or component of one, that is used for measuring frequency. Frequency counters usually measure the number of oscillations or pulse per second in a repetitive electronic signal. A digital-signal frequency counter, can measure the number of positive-going-transition or the number of negative-going-trans...
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Most of the electrical loads draw current that have a different phase with the voltage supplied to it. In order to achieve maximum efficiency in the use of electric power, the current must be in phase with the voltage. Tools for measuring real power and power factor of both analog and digital have been widely available. But a tool to measure the ph...
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One of the main components from frequency counter is a processor. This processor must have ability to conduct counting and arithmetical calculation. To get competitive price, in this research a microcontroller is applied as a processor. This paper presents design of frequency counter based on microcontroller AT89S51 which has two independent timers...
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Many electronics experience require clock generator. In common, analog clock generator able to generate clock signal with 5% error, and digital clock generator can generate with 0.1% error. Microcontroller-based clock signal generator has crystal accuracy. The useful frequency range that can be generated is between 1 Hz and 1 MHz when the microcont...


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