Fred Romano

Fred Romano



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Fred Romano currently works in Literary Theory, and World Literatures. My current project is 'Topography and General History of Algiers' see more on: . it can be considered as the ancestor of hypertext. My own 1997 hypernovel : Edward_Amiga, in Javascript a
Additional affiliations
December 2015 - November 2020
éditions du Menhir, Carnac, France
  • Independant writer
  • After being published in France, Chihab editions (Algeria) published my book in Algeria
May 1994 - September 1998
Marsella Bar
  • Independant Cassandra
  • I was a Marsella Tarot reader.
March 1992 - March 2002
  • Independant Journalist
  • In France, my article was bought 4 times but never published then in Spain, with conferences in Catalunya, Aragon, Navarra and Basque Country. Some researchers told me their research on prions was crushed, by cutting credits.
November 2016 - April 2017
Wesleyan University
Field of study
  • creative writing (on-line)
November 2012 - May 2013
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Field of study
  • Solar Energy (on-line)
February 1994 - February 1997
Escuela Oficial de Idiomas Drassanes, Barcelona, Spain
Field of study
  • Spanish


Publications (168)
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A novelistic approach around my historical research on Miguel de Cervantes and Hassan Pacha Veneziano aka Antonio Manutius in Algiers.
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Historical bipolarity of a forgotten genius, always border line between cultures, languages, characters, an advanced writer who also created the typographic sign arrobas and published it in 1545 in Venise.
Research Proposal
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On a low budget, popular based science, I wish to demonstrate a spot is gravityless on Cabo Berberie in Formentera island (Balears, Spain). I could already obtain results a tradtionnal way but i was looking for alternative but more scientific ways. I discovered the Polish app CREDO and right away, went to the site to experiment the app in Cabo Berb...
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Detecting muons and their absence in Cabo Berberie, Formentera, Balears, Spain with the Polish app CREDO
Research Proposal
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Trying to convince Formentera's Catalan administration with my idea of a scientific artistic movie staring the island's strange properties
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In the fearful early days of book publication in Europe, advanced publishers Aldus Manutius the Elder from Venice, Johannes Froben from Basel and Christophe Plantin from Antwerpen began to use @ as a reconnaissance sign that did not existed in the alphabet.
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The purpose of the research I propose would be to be able to create new molecules at sea level, in Cape Berberie, Formentera.
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La finalidad de la investigación que propongo seria poder crear nuevas moléculas al nivel del mar, en Cabo Berberie, Formentera.
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This impressive Algerian library was extracted from Topographia e Historia General de Argel's marginalias, only present in Biblioteca de Catalunya's unique exemplary. Some of those references were forbidden or considered lost in Europe. The marginalias showed their quotations, usually encrypted to joke Inquisition. As a considerable part of those b...
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who invented the concept 'field' in Latin languages? Antonio Manutius was the first to publish it in 1541.
Research Proposal
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A book that managed to survive through its many versions: Topographia e Historia General de Argel
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Maybe this adventure, from Egypt to India, can also be named the “1001 nights’ travels,” and it’s about time it lasted: 962 nights. Having spotted some familiar characters in the two works, I concluded Antonio Manutius was also enslaved as an editor for the great project Suleiman the Magnificent had in mind. Leaving the excellent Odyssey souvenir t...
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The amazing life and work of Antonio Manutius aka Hassan Pacha Veneziano
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Some seem to be interested in publishing my book "The dialogue of the marabouts" in Algeria. They asked me for a resume about my project. In French.
Research Proposal
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Why did worldwide academies choose non-savant Algeria? Why are such a genius as Venetian Antonio Manutius, and his overwhelming works, totally denied by worldwide academies? I cannot find any other answer: being the son of one of the wealthiest Catholic Venetian families, he converted to Islam of his own will.
Research Proposal
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1531 Algiers disaster was not due to an angry God but to ingenious corsairs. French intentionally destroyed the urban tissue to burn up memories. But some sure remember.
Research Proposal
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The last pandemic evidenced the importance of lower classes as indispensable parts of the supply chain. But enslaved people always played significant roles in the history of humankind. A brief review (to be completed)
Research Proposal
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Or how the Luxor obelisk became the Concordia one: a sleight of hand a la Houdini.
Research Proposal
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By this article, I want to emphatize the necessity of rewriting the narrative on Egyptian geometry 3500 years old. The fabulous technical detail of the double curvature described by Lebas reveals this tension only holds a 230 tons rock straight by itself.
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When investigating Topography and General History of Algiers, preserved in Biblioteca of Catalunya, I realized the 1612 book was hand-written. Based on logic, I could reveal the identity of the corrector, which is too one of the authors: Antonio Manutius, from the famous Venetian Manutius family. After converting to Muslim in Mecca as Hassan Venezi...
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“The Dialogue of the Marabouts’” begins with an integral quotation from the first sentence of The Emerald Tablet, the alchemist’s bible of Jabir Ibn Hayyan, also known in Europe as Geber or Hermes Trismegistus. This quotation alone demolishes the French hypothesis of a Catholic scholar as the author of the whole Topography and General History of Al...
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The mandatory royal publication license was not printed in the first falsified translation to French by Adrien Berbrugger, who even added elements. This 2021 translation of the original book conserved in Biblioteca de Catalunya will be part of my upcoming book, Marabouts' Dialogue. 5th treaty of Topography and General History of Algiers is the real...
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I already wrote on the subject. I strongly suspect a relation between Covid19 and gravity. Earthquakes provoke gravity increases, called PEGS. Covid19 curves seem to follow earthquakes (before and during, decaying after). The case of Japan.
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This project is running for Copernicus Masters from ESA (European Space Agency). Earth is now open to the cosmos. We should consider it a fantastic opportunity for knowledge improvement. With ESA satellites like Galileo, we can now better understand some of the interactions of our planet with the cosmos. ESA shows us the t...
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In the heart of Shiva's land, Madhya Pradesh, Narmada Falls, a main stop on the Narmada river pilgrimage, the third in importance in India, consists in going spring to mouth and back. Additionally, it gave me a clue on how Indian diamonds brusquely reincarnated in the swampy mouth of the Narmada river, in India's leading center for cutting and poli...
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Two pieces from the Black Stone are missing. Discover where they are thanks to Antonio Manutius. Search my translation with the words: "Kubit Sharif".
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I met my master in a book and had his 1545 logo under my skin. Being a polyglot enabled me to understand some of his fantastic tricks. I discovered History through his words. Thereby, I translate Antonio Manutius's books to deepen my past life.
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Discover the super gifted Renaissance Erostrate, the first ever to publish the typographic sign @ arrobas in a printed book, the inventor of the expression "economic field", revealing centuries-long mysteries as the Templar treasure, with a 500-year advanced narrative technic.
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"Viaggio da Alessandria alla India" and "Topografía e Historia general de Argel", are both from the same author, Antonio Manutius turned Hassan Pacha Veneziano.
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Alontrachim Editions sl. is born. But what is Alontrachim? You should read my book Travel from Alexandria to India to find it out. But as I am a cool writer seriously concerned with sharing, I explain it.
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Contemplating a presynaptic neuron to understand SARS-Cov 2 ion way of infecting host cells. Cysteine (E920), a non-essential amino acid, is used as a Troya horse: instead of its usual cleaning of the cell, it disseminates the RNA virus into the host cell. The anthracite coating the carbon anodes in the smartphones' lithium-sodium batteries, consta...
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Anthracite is not a mineral and has no ordered atomic structure and it seems to attract errant cosmic particles. Anthracite also coats carbon anode in our cellular phones' batteries. Is it what relays Covid 19?
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As the Covid19 virus seems not to develop normally in gravity less Formentera island, Spain, the opposite must be true, too. So, to say, are there places on Earth where gravity may increase? Earthquakes are known to provoke gravity increases, before and during the earthquake, as rocks gather underneath and are usually called PEGS
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A fresh look at the most anti-system Cervantes, 150 years before Dennis Diderot, slashing royalty by divine right. In "Slavery Dialogues" (in 2021 on Amazon), the third treaty of "Topography and General History of Algiers", a common work of Antonio Manutius aka Hassan Pacha Veneziano, king of Algiers, and his slave Miguel de Cervantes, who publishe...
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This Spanish expression is untranslatable. It can be traduced as "to be all at sea" or "to be at a loss", which corresponds only to one meaning. Even if it describes a navigational hazard, it does not give the whole realm of missing direction at sea, especially for Europeans that thought the world flat. It can also signify a lack of harmony, which...
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Who was Euclid? Antonio Manutius put a response in narrative motion.
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can weightlessness stop degenerative diseases, adjusting the blood flow to the brain? is Covid19 sensible to gravitation? How did prehistorical men with zero technology did precisely locate the gravityless site in Formentera island?
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On his own life, Hassan Veneziano, on-board scribe for a Sunni armada, embraced Zaydi philosophy, as in Zibit kingdom in 1538, they were raising animals "an honest way", so to say, the Halal way. Suleiman the Sunni emperor did not protest but in Persian Nights, killed the Wise Duban.
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Portrait of plagiarism as a politically orientated English translation of Viaggio di Alessandria alla India. The first to mention Suez Canal one century before its opening.
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My existence does not fit in formularies. As a curriculum vitae, my denunciation: books use us writers.
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Kubit in Arabic can mean "hidden away" and sharif means "descendent of the Prophet". What has been hidden away by a descendent of the prophet? Some Saudi researcher told me it was true some pieces were still missing.
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Brine pools are only known and studied since 1965. But, in 1537, Antonio Manutius revealed us a traditionnal human use of the Afifi brine pool, near the Farasan islands (Saudi Arabia). What made me think on another use of the brine pool, half-mentionned by Antonio Manutius in Suez. What made me wonder: why Ramses II did erected the gigantic Suez ob...
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It means Egypt, with the opening of the Suez Canal, had been abused and looted of one of its more relevant pharaonic treasures: the Suez twin obelisks showing Ramses II declaration of Ra as a unique god. Nothing less than the invention of monotheism 1500 years before Christ. Revealed by Iamblichus, confirmed by Antonio Manutius. Discover where are...
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A comparison between Qoran translations led me to consider that if Muslims could not catch this interpretation of their Holy Text, it is just because of Occident's cultural colonization. It led Muslims to accept Islam didn't fit in with science but was rooted in superstition.
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On a mission for Art, they met @ Bastion23' mesquite
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The indisputable proof Antonio Manutius aka Hassan Pacha Veneziano, king of Algiers, wrote both books: 1. Viaggi di Alessandria nelle Indie 2. Topografía e Historia General de Argel
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How diamonds traveled from East Coast to West Coast with holy pilgrims along Narmada River. How Portuguese sacked and looted the major Indian center for diamonds polishing: Surat. How the Portuguese thieves' diamond boat was wrecked in the Arabian sea by Agi Morato, commanded by Suleiman the Magnificent. It must still be where it sank, 500 years ag...
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A PEGS is a Prompt Elasto Gravity Signal and ESA, the European Space Agency, is leader in detecting them, as they properly discover them, thanks to their GOCE satellite, mapping gravity aberrations (see their applications on their site, unfortunately crashed on the atmosphere. During the preparation of an earthquake, strong, h...
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How "The sea with no name" ends (second version corrected with Grammarly). Following Jorge Luis Borges, great Argentinian writer, it is very elemental to judge if an unknown book, whatever style, is good. Read the first and the last page. Of course, it is cute if they correspond, but the book can be considered achieved when those pages gives you a...
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Discover Momo's mother on her arduous way to Formentera
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Two in love on a small boat, from Algiers to Formentera, on the Sea with no name. Version corrected with Grammarly.
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Is gravity a universal force? Experimentation was done in Formentera, amphidromic point, by two women, with cooking items and an instrument invented by Newton. Results shows in Cabo Berberie, the value of gravity force is 9,375. Wherever on Earth, it is 9,81.
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I guess it is the same mysterious force that surprised Captain Cook when he first came to Hawaii, writing about a fluctuant latitude, and that drove Pierre Méchain mad in Formentera, when astronomically checking latitude, that did not correspond to his calculations. Formentera was key to determine Earth’s global circumference and Hawaii is key to m...
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Are we still stucked in 16th c. Ticho Brahé's crystalline spheres, in despite of satelitte era? Why is it so difficult to admit a comet debris hitting Earth's atmosphere at 170.000 km/h can go through ? Why only looking for Earthian origin of an unknown virus provoking an aberrant immune response in men? Time to swtich to another dimension: Earth a...
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Cuando en la estación de servicios de Formentera, piden 5000 l de gasolina, el camión cisterna tan sólo descarga 4950 l, evaporándose 50 l en el trayecto por barco desde la isla vecina de Ibiza. El patrón de la estación ha tenido que conseguir una botella de vidrío certificada para saber qué es un litro de gasolina en Formentera. Incapaz de resolve...
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The island of Formentera as a terrestrial amphidromic point and Earthian gravity aberration provoques certain measurable events in liquids such as oil.
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can weightlessness stop degenerative diseases, adjusting the blood flow to the brain?
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How the original Indian concept of 'field', already present in Mahabharata, but not in any Latin language, reincarnate itself in a Greek letter, µ, lower case for M, to travel through unconsidered European genius, up to Quantum fields Theory. Can Perim, a volcanic island in the Bab-el-Mandeb straits, be the hidden Ashok Vatika, of black soils surro...
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A comparison between Ottoman Janissaries and US Colored Army: slave corps and their propaganda message.
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Antonio Manutius most probably brought to Suleiman the Magnificent the book Nova Sciencia, from the inventor of ballistics and of the cubic equation solution, Nicolo Tartaglia, known by his name to stutter. Years later, Galileo would inspired himself on him (without citing him, as far Tartaglia never received any Catholic education). Suleiman was e...
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I was asked for a paper about the mosaic of people in Algeria for an Algerian magazine "Ineffable". Through my translation of ancient documents, largely misunderstood, this is my panoramic view of the Algerian landscape. This work does not intent to cover the subject entirely, but gives my own vision. The paper was originally written and will be pu...
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In 1575, in what Christian warehouses were different from Muslim entrepots? Algoritm marks it.
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Low paid workers in Jeddah were, following 1538 Antonio Manutius, "rather brute drinkers". From where did came the alcohol?
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The location of the Templar Treasure Suleiman the Magnificent hide in Suez Bay just in the mouth of Suez Canal, in the deep brine pool, and other considerations. (various update molded together in a single research)
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Like in a Francis Ford Coppola's movie, Francisco Serrao kept far from Lisboa and even from Goa, in the most eastern advanced Portuguese post, the land for nutmeg, center of Hindi-Chinese trade, where he allied the Sultan and its armies of blowpipers and Papua cannibals. Another Antonio Manutius' reference in "Trip from Alexandria to India".
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How Moses got rid of Pharaoh, told by Antonio Manutius
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Antonio Manutius in July 1538 allowed himself a very daring metaphor, alluding to Moses’ Pharaoh murder, something that isn’t formally written down, so it couldn’t be censored by Catholic Inquisition. Antonio Manutius located the scene of crime in Pharaoh’s baths, 20km south, using Trichodesmium erythraeum’ blooming as if it was Pharaoh’s blood.
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As soon disembarked in Jeddah, Suleiman the Magnificent makes his point, settling his pavilion outside Mecca's borders.
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Just after the writing exam, Suleiman kill all Black Ethiopian. Why didn't plainly shoot them dead? What if Antonio Manutius was forced -by Inquisition- to rewrite some scenes?
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Suleiman's way to select Black Ethiopian soldiers: if they knew how to write their name, they'll receive a better pay as Ottoman soldiers.
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Antonio Manutius recopilates probably captain Padoano's confessions about Portuguese conquest of the Indian sailing road. Some of those Indian cities had seen their memories washed out. And there are more, it just an extract.
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Suleiman didn't really won in India and had to run away with the armada. Full-speed, he reaches the coasts of South Arabia and the setting of scores begins, a way Antonio Manutius aka Hassan Veneziano clearly disapprove, as a Muslim.
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Antonio Manutius has two levels of writing: one for stressed readers, in which Ottoman won the Diu fortress, putting down the Portuguese flag, the other one, for more attentive readers, which is a slavery victory over Ottoman, that had to run away, because the munition galley had been drown.
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Discover Lopo de Souza Countinho, portuguese soldier trapped in Diu fortress and compare it to Antonio Manutius' version, putting the naval siege to Diu, the later confirmed by a mention in "Cambridge History of British Empire", the only book that mentions too the 600 Portuguese captives.
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3 days with Suleiman on Gujarati coast preparing the attack to the Portuguese of Diu : in the kingdom of Lord Krishna, allied with Indians, meeting people from the Lost Ten Tribes.
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Cosazaffer aka Khodja Zufar wanted to play too many tables at the same time and lose. It would have serious consequences for the Vizir of the King of Combaicha.
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Portuguese diamonds: the remains of a massive Portuguese looting in India, crowned Europeans kings. The main leftovers still sleeps in the oceans.
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Antonio Manutius describes Sati (ritual cremation of the widow) in sept. 1538 in India. It isn't a simple mention, as did the Portuguese officers. Obviously, he was explained things by locals. I consider the language they used was ancient Greek (A.M. was a specialist translator and Kingdom of Cambai -Cathay- was anciently trading with Greece).The V...
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How “mozzarella di buffala” had been the most successful Ottoman invasion of Italy.
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Antonio Manutius describes how Suleiman's armada comes to India and receive the visit of the king of Combaicha.
Experiment Findings
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I try to look for common points between the wise Duban in 1001 nights and Antonio Manutius. First point, Antonio Manutius was polyglot from child, expert in antique languages and even able to read egyptian hieroglyphs (200 years before Champollion), thanks to Syrian IamblIchus (3rd c. ac), the first one to decipher hieroglyphs, published in Europe...
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King of Aden didn't played clean and was given two chances. He's blackmailed on his faith to join the Suleiman armada against Portuguese India and lose his kingdom of Aden.
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This certificate is awarded to Fred Romano As an acknowledgement his/her association with International Journal of Social and Scientific Research (IJSSR) as Reviewer and Acquisition Editorial Member For the period from 1 June 2019 to 30 May 2020
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When Antonio Manutius sees Suleiman the Magnificent hiding Rhodes' treasure in Suez, he's still Christian, he even cites Saint Catherine passing by Mount Sinai. At the end of the trip, he will have turned Hassan Veneziano. Where did he converted to Muslim? Most probably in Mecca.
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Where Antonio Gonzales de la Torre reveals himself as Hassan Pacha Veneziano and Doctor Sosa turns Miguel de Cervantes.
Experiment Findings
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I discovered a new reading level in Topography and General History of Algiers, always more swiftly. As in 1001 nights, some episodes are tributes to real-life characters, known ones but whose name was better not to be pronounced. Thanks to Antonio Manutius' erudition, secret heroes and historical characters are revisited. He may be himself one of t...
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Discover the model for any patriotic hero, courageously sacrificing his life for the nation's safe: Regulus the liar, one of the first Rome propaganda...
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Would the relationship in between science and slavery finally give way to the Open-Mind Scientist ?
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Renaissance provoked too a total change of references and parameters, where the coming back to Antique texts favored the flourishing of renewed thinking, avoiding the past' rigid constructions, built up on approximations and neurotic fears. I have the sensation we're somehow living some kind of Renaissance, because our measurements with tools forme...
Experiment Findings
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Changing perspectives: a philosophical point of view on science and what computer era is bringing to the human mind.
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I was asked by an Indian friend researcher to write a chapter on medicinal plants. I told him it was ok if I could do it as a writer. He asked me some scientific references to be present. That's what I wrote, but the project was aborted. I wanted to write a text that could be understandable for kids, and giving them curiosity for medicinal plants,...
Experiment Findings
Full-text available My point is also, when there is no literature, not even tracks the academic ways, on a disappeared secret object such as the Maltese Falcon, Popular Culture, that always keep somehow the track of treasures, can be a great help.
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Where blind tales met Oedipus to later massively enter European edition: in Sicilia, 2.500 years ago.
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An almost end: how Sophie Venissac mets her son Momo in Oran, Algeria
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A French tale : A day without legs (biologic rebellion) -in French- "as if legs had a kind of neurons between the toes, or below the nails, a kind of fungi nervous system from our tree memory..."
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Discover Europe most sinister jails in Syracuse, Sicily, that inspired Caravaggio when he visited them. And two different but similar texts about them.
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Where are gone the ritual emeralds Cortes stole in Mexico? In despite of what Carlos Fuentes told us, they may be closer than we think, globally and centuries-long abused by Carlos Quinto the liar: in the west Algiers bay.
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Christian nonhuman cruelty led to the establishment of a new political space and the first modern city in Africa: the kingdom of Algiers, inhabited by freed slaves that escaped Catholics' atrocities converting to Muslims, created by Bab Oruç (the slave's father and probably the model for Ali Baba), then further on ruled by Antonio Manutius aka Hass...
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Discover Antonio Manutius aka Hassan Pacha Veneziano's way to play the reader's mind about Roman slavery (still works)
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Antonio Manutius managed to fool Inquisition by setting in his books a Christian order of the pages but with a Muslim order of chapters, making the last chapter the main entrance.


Questions (188)
In chapter 35 in Don Quijote, Cervantes used a scene from "The golden ass" (unfortunate translation) from Apuleius. The rare version Cervantes did read in catholic Italy was a censored version. As he later read the original version in the king of Algiers's library, he thought his copying would never be spotted. By the way, what was the manchego slave doing in King of Algiers's library?
(9) (PDF) Miguel de Cervantes, slave, and his master Hassan Pacha Veneziano (
Here is my protocol to prove a gravity anomaly by hunting cosmic particles with no mass. What are your thoughts?
1. Define the research question: I want to investigate a place I tested as gravity less on the island of Formentera. A 9+ earthquake on Cabo Berberie, Formentera island, Baleares, Spain, in remote times left a scar only perceptible by satellite (Copernicus). 9+ earthquakes, such as the Fukushima one, provoke a local gravity less spot. Until now, I conducted the testing with non-scientific material and a non-scientific way, being myself a 65% invalid requiring help for any displacement, the few friends helping me for free being non-scientific too.
After testing different ways of weighing and constating the same weigh differences between the Cabo Berberie spot and the capital of the island, San Francisco Xavier, 10km far, and following a cosmology course at the National University of Australia thanks to EdX, I thought of muons, an invisible particle coming from space and transformed while crossing our terrestrial atmosphere. Those cosmic storms may provoke interferences on Earth’s communications, and more, so they are closely monitored by NOAA Homepage | NOAA / NWS Space Weather Prediction Center . If a spot in Cabo Berberie was gravity less (because of the ancient earthquake), then, logically it should receive less muons. Looking for more information on muons, I ended on a very interesting Polish scientific site, CREDO , developing a very interesting popular research on cosmic particles, just needing an Android mobile phone to install their application and thus participate to a worldwide research. One cosmic rain night, I tested it in Cabo Berberie, with patient friends. We caught dozens of cosmic particles on one site in the natural park, and no one 2km further, nearby the archeological site, what surprisingly corresponded to what I predicted. I contacted CREDO, thanked them for the app, and exposed what I discovered, so much against common sense. I felt gratified when they responded that the idea, even uncommon, was interesting. But it needed extensive and methodical testing to upset the laws of matter and widely open the door to the concept of local gravity. I realized I needed a protocol. As friend scientists refused any help, I plainly ask IA who surprisingly promised to help build a protocol for that specific task of counting invisible muons in a natural park on a remote Mediterranean island.
My objectives are multiple.
1. Participate to the Polish experience the popular way they developed.
2. Demonstrating less muons on the gravity less site is also demonstrating universal gravity only works on a high scale level.
3. Demonstrate unknown 3500 years old men coming from the south (Africa is only 150 miles far) were able to detect this gravity less place (in a gravity less place, water empties the opposite side when gravity is normal).
4. Develop new activities in Formentera’s gravity less spot to make new molecules at sea level and investigate architectural constraints on a gravity less spot, respecting the natural park surroundings.
5. Investigate on sound propagation and gravity, in Cabo Berberie, Formentera
2. Select the equipment: You will need to select the equipment required for conducting the experiment. This includes cellular phones, net building materials, and other necessary tools.
For a first basic experiment (to be develop later following those results):
- 5 testing places (5 Android smartphones) in Formentera (one Cabo Berberie, one Cala Saona, one molinos de San Francisco, one La Sabina Port, one on Estany des Peix nearby the other prehistorical site)
- At least 2 testing places in Ibiza, (one in Es Vedra, the other one in San Antoni).
- In all places, it is better to choose remote locations, away from electric power, for example in National Natural Parks. Cellular phones would be left in the wild, with the CREDO app on, collecting cosmic particles.
- Between the different groups, coordination is needed, in order to chase cosmic particles at the same times, as predicted by NOAA Homepage | NOAA / NWS Space Weather Prediction Center
• So, we need 7 smartphones Android plus another one to monitor all those (8 Android smartphones => look for sponsors).
• We need to pay a small salary to those in charge of those smartphones => look for sponsors.
• We need a specific webpage to enter and show those results => look for sponsors.
3. Recruit and Train participants: You will need to recruit participants for your experiment. You can advertise your experiment on social media or other platforms.
• We already have a whole set of friends on both islands, ready to participate to the experiment.
• One-day training to install the Polish app and recover data is largely enough and can be done online.
4. Conduct the experiment:
As soon we manage sponsors, we may organize the reduced team and conduct the experiment.
5. Summarize your findings and intentions.
Until now, based on the artisanal experiments I performed, I found that a small area in Cabo Berberie, Formentera, presents a gravity anomaly (9,385), probably due to an archaic earthquake, I was able to identify thanks to Copernicus satellite. My goal is now to repeat this experience following a protocol involving participants. Watching NOAA’s space advices, we plan to collect muons with the CREDO app on cosmic particles storms, in five locations on Formentera island, and two testimony sites on Ibiza island.
We want to demonstrate the archeological site in Cabo Berberie, being gravity less, is receiving less muons than other parts of the world. I also love the concept of popular science, developed by the Polish association CREDO . My goal is to show gravity is too subject to relativity. And Formentera may not be the only gravity less spot on Earth.
(IA advice 15-10-2023):
Since you are looking for sponsorship to perform the experiment, you can list the different sponsorship levels and outline your budget among the business or venture. You can create different “levels” of sponsorship that potential sponsors may commit to and explain what you are asking for at each level and why you need sponsors for each 2.
The Polish association CREDO responded a very interesting mail to my proposal of counting muons with their Android application to see if anything strange happens in Formentera gravityless during muons rains. Following my crazy theory, it should be less muons when close by a gravity less spot. I managed some crazy friends to go out at night by an archeological site and above the great crack on Cabo Berberie (only perceptible by ESA satelitte) to hunt for invisible particules the Sun and other stars are spitting on us. Thanks to Homepage | NOAA / NWS Space Weather Prediction Center, we could spot a strong solar storm and ejection 60% chances. By the time it reached Formentera, we were in two different spots in Cabo Berberie's national park at night, hunting muons. We were frankly amazed by the result, capting the esperated number of muons that day on the north side of the 98m colline and not a single one on the south side, even waiting half hour. Slawomir, from the Polish association, founded the idea interesting.
"Good morning,
From the point of view of theory, differences in gravity should have no noticeable effect on the number of muons
(they arrive not because the Earth attracts them, but because they come from space).
Perhaps decaying dark matter could be sensitive to differences in gravity, and this could be seen in the radiation.
That's why I think your idea is interesting, but can be difficult to implement.
To conduct good research, you mainly need time.
If the phone is able to detect traces, it should detect several traces per hour.
But for it to make sense from a statistical point of view (to be able to confirm that particle detection behaves differently in this place - more/less traces) it would have to be done for a longer time and then compared with the results of this device in a "normal" place carried out in such same long time - e.g. a month.
For better statistics, it would be good to have more than one smartphone - if a given change is visible on all devices, then the result is more reliable.
It is also important to remember that ambient conditions, weather, temperature also affect the number of detections.
It would also be good to have some other detectors - if other detectors (e.g. based on a scintillator) showed the same change in the number of detections, it could be considered something unusual.
Detections only on one device or only in a short period of time (a few hours) do not make much sense because it will be difficult to deduce anything from them.
Best regards,
Sławomir Stuglik
CREDO Helpdesk"
I love the idea of science performed too by the people, a concept also developed by Polish Credo. So, in Formentera, we need a protocol, a sponsor and dozens of cellular Android. But that project also have a very interesting aspect about music. Because not only sunsets are sensible to gravity (Formentera's ones are renowned in the whole world for its fascinating intensity and unusual range of colors), but also sound, which in gravityless is supposed to slow down a bit.
I consider all those options are important to make a movie on how a group of hippies friends discovers physical mysteries , with good rhythms and amazing sunsets. Having worked in French movies industry 20 years ago, I know how to write a movie script.
But I am not so sure about building the experiment protocol with a minima (0) budget to be able to evidence a muon absence in the gravityless place in Formentera. I thought maybe 4 places in Formentera, 2 in Ibiza and another 2 in Barcelona, 350km north, what mean we need at least 8 cellular phones Android to perform the experience. Any advices on possible protocols to follow to reach a minimum reliability?
I am really excited by the idea.
Yessss! At Berber Cape in Formentera, we catched yesterday night within 10mn a dozen of muons, as predicted 60% by NOAA Space weather!!! Even better, excellent cosmic particle following the Polish app CREDO ! And the most beautiful: exactly as I predicted, we got numerous muons before the first prehistorical site . 10mn later and 2km farer, we left the app 18mn all alone in a prairie in the middle of the natural park, close by the second prehistorical site . Not a single muon or cosmic particle. Almost a great victory, opening the door to familiar unusual landscapes, a new departure towards exciting unknown destinations. IA suggested me to try some experiments over there with water, around superficial tension . I also want to test mercury's behavior, because the way it should behave in microgravity is very graphic: it should form a sphere, also because of superficial tension. I am looking for other forms of experiments to prove microgravity on site, with "homemade" cheap materials (so schools could reproduce it). Any suggestion?