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Quantitative x-ray dark-field computed tomography

IOP Publishing
Physics in Medicine & Biology

Abstract and Figures

The basic principles of x-ray image formation in radiology have remained essentially unchanged since Röntgen first discovered x-rays over a hundred years ago. The conventional approach relies on x-ray attenuation as the sole source of contrast and draws exclusively on ray or geometrical optics to describe and interpret image formation. Phase-contrast or coherent scatter imaging techniques, which can be understood using wave optics rather than ray optics, offer ways to augment or complement the conventional approach by incorporating the wave-optical interaction of x-rays with the specimen. With a recently developed approach based on x-ray optical gratings, advanced phase-contrast and dark-field scatter imaging modalities are now in reach for routine medical imaging and non-destructive testing applications. To quantitatively assess the new potential of particularly the grating-based dark-field imaging modality, we here introduce a mathematical formalism together with a material-dependent parameter, the so-called linear diffusion coefficient and show that this description can yield quantitative dark-field computed tomography (QDFCT) images of experimental test phantoms.
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Phys. Med. Biol. 54 (2009) 2747–2753 doi:10.1088/0031-9155/54/9/010
Soft-tissue phase-contrast tomography with an x-ray
tube source
Martin Bech1, Torben H Jensen1, Robert Feidenhans1, Oliver Bunk2,
Christian David2and Franz Pfeiffer2,3,4
1Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark
2Paul Scherrer Institut, CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
Ecole Polytechnique F´
erale de Lausanne, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
E-mail: and
Received 14 January 2009, in final form 9 March 2009
Published 15 April 2009
Online at
We report the first experimental soft-tissue phase-contrast tomography results
using a conventional x-ray tube source, with a millimeter-sized focal spot.
The setup is based on a Talbot–Lau grating interferometer operated at a
mean energy of 28 keV. We present three-dimensional ex vivo images of a
chicken heart sample, fixated in formalin. The results clearly demonstrate
the advantageous contrast attainable through phase-contrast imaging over
conventional attenuation-based approaches.
1. Introduction
X-ray radiography has been used for medical imaging since the discovery of x-rays more than
a hundred years ago. By the development of computed tomography (CT), x-ray imaging could
be further improved and non-destructive three-dimensional (3D) views of internal structures
became possible (Cormack 1963, Hounsfield 1973). In particular, for medical diagnostics
applications, x-ray CT became an invaluable tool during the last 30 years.
Today the contrast in x-ray CT images is essentially limited by the maximum tolerable
dose, and the resulting statistical constraints when measuring the x-ray attenuation precisely
along the ray trajectories. Since the absorption coefficients of soft tissue are very close to that
of water, it is very difficult to distinguish internal features in the soft material.
One way to improve the contrast is through the use of x-ray phase-contrast imaging
techniques (Snigirev et al 1995, Wilkins et al 1996). Over the last few years, essentially three
different techniques have been developed: propagation-based phase-contrast imaging (Mayo
et al 2003, Cloetens et al 2006), crystal or grating analyzer-based phase-contrast imaging
(Zhong et al 2000,Keyril
ainen et al 2002,Bravin2003, Clauser 1998,Davidet al 2002,
4Present address: Department of Physics, Technical University of Munich, 85747 Garching, Germany.
0031-9155/09/092747+07$30.00 © 2009 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK 2747
2748 M Bech et al
Figure 1. Schematic view of the experimental setup. Not to scale. The G0 grating acts as
a slit array, producing parallel line sources. The sample is placed immediately in front of the
interferometer, and the detector is placed immediately after. The distance Lbetween gratings G0
and G1, and the distance dbetween gratings G1 and G2 are indicated in the figure.
Momose et al 2003), and crystal interferometer-based phase-contrast imaging (Bonse and
Hart 1965, Momose et al 1995, Beckmann et al 1999). In particular, the recent studies of
x-ray phase-contrast imaging using a grating interferometer at a synchrotron demonstrate that
it is possible to distinguish subtle details in soft materials that are indistinguishable in standard
absorption-based x-ray tomography (Weitkamp et al 2005, Momose et al 2006,Pfeifferet al
2007a,Davidet al 2007b).
Despite these good results at synchrotron radiation sources, the data recorded at ordinary
x-ray tubes have not yet demonstrated clear advantages in soft-tissue phase-contrast CT.
Here, we now present the first tomographic phase-contrast images obtained with a grating
interferometer, which demonstrate that high soft-tissue contrast can also be obtained with
standard x-ray tube sources and centimeter-sized samples.
2. Experimental setup
In the experiments presented here, a grating interferometer and a PILATUS 100K detector
module were used. The setup was installed at a Seifert ID 3000 x-ray generator operated at
40 kV/30 mA, with an effective source size of 0.8 mm (hor) ×0.4 mm (ver). The detector
had 487 ×195 pixels, with a pixel size of 172 ×172 μm2, yielding a total field of view of
83 ×33 mm2.
2.1. Interferometer
For phase-contrast x-ray imaging, we used a grating-based interferometer with three gratings in
Talbot–Lau geometry (Pfeiffer et al 2006); see figure 1. The setup comprises an x-ray source,
one grating after the source, the sample (on a tomographic rotation stage), two gratings after
the sample and the image detector. The gratings are source grating G0, phase grating G1 and
analyzer grating G2. Grating G1 is a pure Si grating, whereas gratings G0 and G2 are Si/Au
absorption gratings made by etching into a Si wafer and subsequent electro-plating of Au as
described elsewhere (David et al 2007a).
The grating G0 is mounted close to the source, and ensures a suitable horizontal transverse
coherence length of the x-ray beam for each line source created by G0. The interferometer
consisting of gratings G1 and G2 is located at a distance of L=1.4 m from the source. G1 has
Soft-tissue phase-contrast tomography 2749
a period of 3.5 μm, and a depth of 36 μm corresponding to a phase shift of πat 28 keV. Due
to the Talbot self-imaging effect (Talbot 1836), interference fringes are formed at fractional
Talbot distances corresponding to
(in plane-wave geometry), where jis an odd integer, g1is the period of the phase grating G1
and λis the wavelength. To account for magnification due to the divergent beam geometry of
our experiment, the actual fractional Talbot distances dare rescaled by
In the current experiment, the setup was operated at the fifth fractional Talbot distance (j =5)
corresponding to d=20 cm. The period g2of grating G2 was 2 μm, which is equal to
the interference fringe period caused by grating G1. The source grating G0 has a period of
g0=g2×L/d =14 μm, ensuring that the interference patterns from neighboring source
lines will overlap at G2 (David et al 2007a). The sample should be located immediately in
front of G1, and the detector should be immediately behind G2. In the current experiment,
these distances were approximately 50 mm and 30 mm, respectively.
2.2. Data acquisition and processing
Differential phase-contrast images are extracted from the raw image data recorded during a
phase stepping scan in the following way: a number of exposures are made while stepping the
analyzer grating G2 transversely over one period of the grating. The recorded intensity is thus
a function of pixel position (px,p
y)and grating position xg. As the analyzer grating G2 has
the same period as the interference pattern caused by G1, the exact position of the interference
pattern can be extracted from the measured intensity I(p
g), transmitted through G2.
The shift of the interference pattern from a refracted beam relative to that of the undisturbed
beam is a direct measure of the refraction angle. Knowing the angle of refraction, it is trivial
to calculate the gradient of the total phase shift =2πα/λ, and the total phase shift by
integration. By using computed tomography techniques, it is then possible to quantitatively
reconstruct a three-dimensional map of the refractive index: n=1δ+iβ. The real part δ
is related to the total electron density ρand the wavelength λby
where r0=2.82 ×1015 m is the Thomson scattering length (Als-Nielsen and McMorrow
2001). The imaginary part βof the refractive index nis related to the absorption coefficient
μ=4πβ/λ. The tomographic reconstruction of the attenuation data was carried out using
standard filtered back-projection using a Ram-Lak filter, as described, e.g., in Kak and Slaney
(2001). The differential phase-contrast signal was reconstructed using an imaginary filter
(Hilbert transform) and back-projection, as previously described in Pfeiffer et al (2007b,
3. Results
To test the applicability of x-ray tubes for phase-contrast CT on soft tissue, we have measured
phase-contrast images of a chicken heart in a tomography setup. The heart was fixated in 4%
2750 M Bech et al
(a) (b)
Figure 2. X-ray images of a chicken heart. (a) Conventional x-ray image, attenuation contrast.
(b) Phase-contrast image. The images show a single projection, which is part of a 375 image
projection dataset. The images are displayed using a linear gray scale. The transmission values
(a) are given relative to water. The phase-contrast values (b) are given as the transverse shift of the
interference pattern in the plane of G2. The white scale bar corresponds to 5 mm.
formalin solution and kept in a cylindrical plastic container. The container was submerged in
a water bath as illustrated in figure 1.
The tomography data were recorded with 16 phase steps per projection and a total of
375 projections, covering a 360sample rotation. In this proof-of-principle experiment the
exposure time was 10 s per frame, yielding a total exposure time of 13 h. Please note that the
current measurement has not been optimized for low radiation dose or short exposure time.
In an improved setup, one could reduce the number of phase steps from 16 to 4, and with a
high power x-ray source, gratings for higher energy, and a detector with a higher quantum
efficiency, the exposure time and radiation dose would be lowered considerably. Figure 2
shows the conventional x-ray transmission image and the phase-contrast image from a single
projection. The fact that muscle tissue and water have almost the same attenuation coefficient
makes it difficult to see the heart in the standard x-ray image. But the less-dense adipose tissue
in the top part of the image is visible. In the differential phase-contrast image, the contour of
the heart can be faintly distinguished from the surrounding water.
Though the image contrast in a single projection (figure 2) is relatively poor, images with
much higher contrast can be obtained from virtually slicing the tomographically reconstructed
3D volume, owing to the increased statistics obtained through the many projections. As
illustrated in figures 3(a) and (e), the adipose tissue visible in figure 2is clear and distinct in
the reconstructed absorption contrast image. But the signal from the heart muscle itself is still
comparable to the background noise level. In the phase tomography dataset, figures 3(b)–(d)
and (f)–(h), both the adipose tissue and the heart muscle itself are clearly visible.
In the processing of the data, a flat-field correction of the beam transmitted through the
water tank (40 mm thickness) without the sample in place is used to correct for inhomogeneities
in the illumination and the sensitivity response of the detector. As a result the attenuation
is normalized to that of water during reconstruction, and hence the data are subsequently
calibrated to the table values for the index of refraction for water. The table values are
μ=0.36 cm1and δ=2.94 ×107(Henke et al 1993), respectively.
To provide a quantitative comparison of absorption contrast to phase contrast, figure 4,
left panel, displays the pixel values along the red bold-dashed line in figures 3(a), (b), (e) and
(f). We observe that the differences in the attenuation values (μ) between the heart tissue
and water are buried in the noise level, whereas they are well resolved in the corresponding
phase-contrast signals (δ). The improved contrast is further exposed in figure 4, right panel,
which shows a histogram representation of all pixels in the axial slices in figures 3(a) and
(b). In the phase-contrast histogram two distinct peaks are seen at δ=2.94 ×107and
Soft-tissue phase-contrast tomography 2751
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(e) (f) (g) (h)
Figure 3. Slices through the reconstructed 3D tomography volume. (a) Axial slice, absorption
contrast. (b)–(d) Axial slices, phase contrast. (e) Frontal slice, absorption contrast. (f)–(h) Frontal
slices, phase contrast. The images are displayed on a linear gray scale. The absorption-contrast
gray scale ranges from μ=0.31 cm1to μ=0.41 cm1(symmetrically around the water peak),
and the phase-contrast gray scale ranges from δ=2.8×107to δ=3.2×107(covers water
and muscle tissue). Frontal and axial slices are vertically ordered pairwise such that they intersect
in the red dashed line. Voxel values along the red dashed lines of panels (a), (b), (e) and (f) are
plotted in figure 4(left panel). The black scale bar corresponds to 5 mm.
Attenuation coefficient (μ) [cm ]
Attenuation coefficient
Index of refraction
00.5 11.5 22.5 33.52.6
x 10
Index of refraction (δ)
Position in sample [cm]
Attenuation coefficient (μ) [cm ]
Attenuation coefficient
Index of refraction
0500 1000 1500 2000
x 10
Index of refraction (δ)
Voxel count
Figure 4. Left panel: plot of absorption coefficient μand the real part of refractive index δalong
the red dashed line in figures 3(a), (b), (e) and (f). Right panel: histogram of the voxels in the
entire axial slice in figures 3(a) and (b).
δ=3.07 ×107, corresponding to water and heart tissue, respectively. It is also noteworthy
that the cylindrical sample container and adipose tissue are distinguishable in the phase-
contrast signal at δ=2.71 ×107and δ=2.75 ×107, respectively. The absorption
histogram has only two peaks, one at μ=0.36 cm1corresponding to water/heart, and the
other at μ=0.24 cm1, corresponding to adipose tissue/plastic. This clearly illustrates far
better contrast using the phase signal.
Note that the y-axis scales on left and right panels of figure 4are identical.
2752 M Bech et al
4. Conclusions
In summary, we have presented the first, grating-based experimental soft-tissue phase-contrast
computed tomography results using a conventional x-ray tube source with millimeter-sized
focal spot. The results clearly demonstrate the advantageous contrast attainable through
phase-contrast imaging over conventional attenuation-based approaches.
We have particularly shown that a quantitative analysis of the sample composition is
feasible on the basis of the phase-contrast data, even though the absorption data hardly
provide any contrast at all. More precisely, we have demonstrated that quantitative electron
densities can be obtained from the measured δvalues. For a chicken heart test sample fixated
in formalin, we deduced electron densities of ρ=3.49 ×1023 cm3for the muscle tissue,
ρ=3.13×1023 cm3for the adipose tissue and ρ=3.08 ×1023 cm3for the plastic cylinder,
when calibrating against an electron density for water of ρ=3.34 ×1023 cm3.
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... Phase-contrast x-ray imaging [2], and its extension to computed tomography, has been a major focus for several decades within the x-ray imaging research community. In recent times, the emergence of x-ray diffusive dark-field imaging and x-ray dark-field computed tomography [3][4][5][6][7][8] has attracted considerable interest. Diffusive dark-field imaging ('dark-field imaging' henceforth) measures a signal that arises from diffuse scattering of the illuminating x-ray wavefield from sub-pixel features within the sample, and hence allows the influence of such sub-pixel features to be detected. ...
... To close this section, we link the Fokker-Planck linear diffusion coefficient to the dark-field extinction coefficient, as employed in grating interferometry. Imaging methods that make use of reference patterns, for example, grating-based imaging or single-grid imaging, often speak in terms of a visibility reduction that arises due to unresolved sample microstructure contained in the sample [5,47]. This visibility reduction, V, can be expressed in terms of the dark-field signal via (see Eq. (132) of Ref. [40], also mentioned in Ref. [39]) ...
... where p is the period of the analyzer grating. This visibility reduction is used to tomographically quantify grating-interferometry-based dark-field via the broadly-adopted sample linear diffusion coefficient / dark-field extinction coefficient, µ d , for a single-material sample [5,47]: ...
Full-text available
X-ray diffusive dark-field imaging, which allows spatially unresolved microstructure to be mapped across a sample, is an increasingly popular tool in an array of settings. Here, we present a new algorithm for phase and dark-field computed tomography based on the x-ray Fokker-Planck equation. Needing only a coherent x-ray source, sample, and detector, our propagation-based algorithm can map the sample density and dark-field/diffusion properties of the sample in 3D. Importantly, incorporating dark-field information in the density reconstruction process enables a higher spatial resolution reconstruction than possible with previous propagation-based approaches. Two sample exposures at each projection angle are sufficient for the successful reconstruction of both the sample density and dark-field Fokker-Planck diffusion coefficients. We anticipate that the proposed algorithm may be of benefit in biomedical imaging and industrial settings.
... They are directly related to line integrals of the linear attenuation coefficient or dark-field extinction coefficient, respectively [18]. As discussed later, the dark-field extinction coefficient also depends on the sample location within the setup [19]. ...
... In Fig In a scenario with monochromatic radiation, constant measured autocorrelation length, and an absence of Compton scatter, the addition of an absorbing or scattering slab would lead to a constant increment of − ln T or − ln D respectively, regardless of the absolute signal levels [18]. All curves in Fig. 2B-E would then be perfectly horizontal. ...
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X-ray dark-field imaging enables a spatially-resolved visualization of ultra-small-angle X-ray scattering. Using phantom measurements, we demonstrate that a material’s effective dark-field signal may be reduced by modification of the visibility spectrum by other dark-field-active objects in the beam. This is the dark-field equivalent of conventional beam-hardening, and is distinct from related, known effects, where the dark-field signal is modified by attenuation or phase shifts. We present a theoretical model for this group of effects and verify it by comparison to the measurements. These findings have significant implications for the interpretation of dark-field signal strength in polychromatic measurements.
... 2016) and offers 3D tomographic imaging with phase contrast, absorption contrast, and dark-field contrast, which is based on the (small-angle) scattering properties of the sample (Pfeiffer et al 2008). The method can provide high-resolution quantitative phase-contrast and dark-field image data of the sample in terms of absolute electron density values (Bech et al 2009) and the linear diffusion coefficient (Bech et al 2010). ...
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X-ray phase-contrast imaging has become a valuable tool for biomedical research due to its improved contrast abilities over regular attenuation-based imaging. The recently emerged Talbot-Lau interferometer can provide quantitative attenuation, phase-contrast and dark-field image data, even with low-brilliance x-ray tube sources. Thus, it has become a valid option for clinical environments. In this study, we analyze the effects of x-ray tube voltage and total number of images on the contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) and dose-weighted CNR (CNRD) calculated from tomographic transmission and phase-contrast data of a phantom sample. Constant counting statistics regardless of the voltage was ensured by adjusting the image exposure time for each voltage setting. The results indicate that the x-ray tube voltage has a clear effect on both image contrast and noise. This effect is amplified in the case of phase-contrast images, which is explained by the polychromatic x-ray spectrum and the dependence of interferometer visibility on the spectrum. CNRD is additionally affected by the total imaging time. While submerging the sample into a water container effectively reduces image artefacts and improves the CNR, the additional attenuation of the water must be compensated with a longer exposure time. This reduces dose efficiency. Both the CNR and CNRD are higher in the phase-contrast images compared to transmission images. For transmission images, and phase-contrast images without the water container, CNRD can be increased by using higher tube voltages (in combination with a lower exposure time). For phase-contrast images with the water container, CNRD is increased with lower tube voltages. In general, the CNRD does not strongly depend on the number of tomographic angles or phase steps used.
... As for attenuation-based CT, tomographic reconstruction methods can be used for multi-projection phase-contrast data to retrieve a 3D image. Talbot-Laue interferometry (Momose et al 2003, Bech et al 2010, Esmaeili et al 2015 and diffuser-based phase contrast (Zdora 2018) are other phase-contrast techniques that currently receive much attention, not just for synchrotrons but also for home-laboratory setups based on x-ray tubes (Pfeiffer et al 2006, Zanette et al 2014, Sarapata et al 2015. ...
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Being able to image the microstructure of growth cartilage is important for understanding the onset and progression of diseases such as osteochondrosis and osteoarthritis, as well as for developing new treatments and implants. Studies of cartilage using conventional optical brightfield microscopy rely heavily on histological staining, where the added chemicals provide tissue-specific colours. Other microscopy contrast mechanisms include polarization, phase- and scattering contrast, enabling non-stained or ‘label-free’ imaging that significantly simplifies the sample preparation, thereby also reducing the risk of artefacts. Traditional high-performance microscopes tend to be both bulky and expensive. Computational imaging denotes a range of techniques where computers with dedicated algorithms are used as an integral part of the image formation process. Computational imaging offers many advantages like 3D measurements, aberration correction and quantitative phase contrast, often combined with comparably cheap and compact hardware. X-ray microscopy is also progressing rapidly, in certain ways trailing the development of optical microscopy. In this study, we first briefly review the structures of growth cartilage and relevant microscopy characterization techniques, with an emphasis on Fourier ptychographic microscopy (FPM) and advanced x-ray microscopies. We next demonstrate with our own results computational imaging through FPM and compare the images with hematoxylin eosin and saffron (HES)-stained histology. Zernike phase contrast, and the nonlinear optical microscopy techniques of second harmonic generation (SHG) and two-photon excitation fluorescence (TPEF) are explored. Furthermore, X-ray attenuation-, phase- and diffraction-contrast computed tomography (CT) images of the very same sample are presented for comparisons. Future perspectives on the links to artificial intelligence, dynamic studies and in vivo possibilities conclude the article.
... Previous studies have used µCT to study the internal microstructure of woven glass fiber composites, including tow architecture [20], microcracking [21], and three-dimensional visualizations [22]. Although X-ray absorption tomography is a valuable tool, in the case of low absorbing materials or materials with similar absorption coefficients, phase, and scattering imaging modalities could offer additional increased feature detectability [10,23,24,12,14] and information about fiber orientation [25,26,27,11,28]. ...
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Three-dimensional insights into the microstructure of composite materials are vital for enhancing their performance under operational conditions. Phase-sensitive methods can offer supplementary data, especially for materials with low absorption, compared to standard absorption-based techniques. This work presents the correlative X-ray imaging and computed tomography results of polymer composites reinforced with glass fibers using an inverted Hartmann mask. This method identified areas with enhanced refraction and scattering due to glass fibers and discriminated signals based on their orientation, offering an advantage in evaluating anisotropic materials. The simplicity of the setup, adding the inverted Hartmann mask, makes integration feasible in commercial CT scanners and existing radiography laboratories, enabling simultaneous phase, scattering, and absorption information extraction. Our approach, which combines refraction and scattering with absorption signals, exposes intricate structures beyond the usual spatial resolution threshold. Despite the distinct absorption coefficients of air, polymer-based, and glass fibers, the inverted Hartmann mask is crucial for examining similar absorption composites and low-absorbing materials. This research offers profound insights into the microstructures of fiber-reinforced polymer composites, laying the groundwork for studies of nanostructured functional composite materials.
... In this study, K is chosen to be 7 based on an empirical optimisation. The scattering signal D m is known to follow the Beer-Lambert law [29][30][31] . However, due to the rotational dependence of the scattering signal, the probed scattering signal intensity depends on the relative orientation of the samples' micro-structures, beam direction, as well as the direction along which the scattering signals are extracted from the projection images. ...
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Among micro-scale imaging technologies of materials, X-ray micro-computed tomography has evolved as most popular choice, even though it is restricted to limited field-of-views and long acquisition times. With recent progress in small-angle X-ray scattering these downsides of conventional absorption-based computed tomography have been overcome, allowing complete analysis of the micro-architecture for samples in the dimension of centimetres in a matter of minutes. These advances have been triggered through improved X-ray optical elements and acquisition methods. However, it has not yet been shown how to effectively transfer this small-angle X-ray scattering data into a numerical model capable of accurately predicting the actual material properties. Here, a method is presented to numerically predict mechanical properties of a carbon fibre-reinforced polymer based on imaging data with a voxel-size of 100 μm corresponding to approximately fifteen times the fibre diameter. This extremely low resolution requires a completely new way of constructing the material’s constitutive law based on the fibre orientation, the X-ray scattering anisotropy, and the X-ray scattering intensity. The proposed method combining the advances in X-ray imaging and the presented material model opens for an accurate tensile modulus prediction for volumes of interest between three to six orders of magnitude larger than those conventional carbon fibre orientation image-based models can cover.
... The amplitude of the curves is related to the dark-field signal, but it is not currently implemented in our model. The processing steps have been described previously and are well-known in the field(Pfeiffer et al 2007, Bech et al 2010. ...
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Objective. To enable practical interferometry-based phase contrast CT using standard incoherent x-ray sources, we propose an imaging system where the analyzer grating is replaced by a high-resolution detector. Since there is no need to perform multiple exposures (with the analyzer grating at different positions) at each scan angle, this scheme is compatible with continuous-rotation CT apparatus, and has the potential to reduce patient radiation dose and patient motion artifacts. Approach. Grating-based x-ray interferometry is a well-studied technique for imaging soft tissues and highly scattering objects embedded in such tissues. In addition to the traditional x-ray absorption-based image, this technique allows reconstruction of the object phase and small-angle scattering information. When using conventional incoherent, polychromatic, hard x-ray tubes as sources, three gratings are usually employed. To sufficiently resolve the pattern generated in these interferometers with contemporary x-ray detectors, an analyzer grating is used, and consequently multiple images need to be acquired for each view angle. This adds complexity to the imaging system, slows image acquisition and thus increases sensitivity to patient motion, and is not dose efficient. By simulating image formation based on wave propagation, and proposing a novel phase retrieval algorithm based on a virtual grating, we assess the potential of a analyzer-grating-free system to overcome these limitations. Main results. We demonstrate that the removal of the analyzer-grating can produce equal image contrast-to-noise ratio at reduced dose (by a factor of 5), without prolonging scan duration. Significance. By demonstrating that an analyzer-free CT system, in conjuction with an efficient phase retrieval algorithm, can overcome the prohibitive dose and workflow penalties associated grating-stepping, an alternative path towards realizing clinical inteferometric CT appears possible.
... Integrating this coefficient over the ray path length then yields the total amount of SAXS. This has been successfully applied to achieve quantitative computed tomography reconstructions [8]. The model has, however, not yet been applied directly to ray tracing simulations, where it can be used to simplify and speed up the simulation process. ...
... The Talbot-Lau implementation was also proven to be suitable for CT implementations and, like with other differential methods, retrieval of the USAXS was rapidly demonstrated (Pfeiffer et al., 2008). Also in this case, the retrieved USAXS signal can be cast as a line integral and fed to a CT reconstruction algorithm (Wang et al., 2009;Bech et al., 2010). More recently, an intriguing possibility was demonstrated by rotating the sample around the optical axis as well as around the 'standard' CT axis of rotation (orthogonal to the optical axis and parallel to the grating trenches), which was proven to yield directional information on the microstructure of the sample (Bayer et al., 2014), albeit at the cost of a more complex and lengthy acquisition procedure. ...
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IMAGING with hard X-rays is an important diagnostic tool in medicine, biology and materials science. Contact radiography and tomography using hard X-rays provide information on internal structures that cannot be obtained using other non-destructive methods. The image contrast results from variations in the X-ray absorption arising from density differences and variations in composition and thickness of the object. But although X-rays penetrate deeply into carbon-based compounds, such as soft biological tissue, polymers and carbon-fibre composites, there is little absorption and therefore poor image contrast. Here we describe a method for enhancing the contrast in hard X-ray images of weakly absorbing materials by resolving phase variations across the X-ray beam1-4. The phase gradients are detected using diffraction from perfect silicon crystals. The diffraction properties of the crystal determine the ultimate spatial resolution in the image; we can readily obtain a resolution of a fraction of a millimetre. Our method shows dramatic contrast enhancement for weakly absorbing biological and inorganic materials, compared with conventional radiography using the same X-ray energy. We present both bright-field and dark-field phase-contrast images, and show evidence of contrast reversal. The method should have the clinical advantage of good contrast for low absorbed X-ray dose.
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IN conventional radiography, X-rays which pass through an object along different paths are differentially absorbed, and the intensity pattern of the emerging beam records the distribution of absorbing materials within the sample. An alternative approach is phase-contrast radiography, which instead records variations of the phase of the emerging radiation. Such an approach offers improved contrast sensitivity, especially when imaging weakly absorbing samples. Unfortunately, current phase-contrast imaging techniques1-11 generally require highly monochromatic plane-wave radiation and sophisticated X-ray optics, so their use is greatly restricted. Here we describe and demonstrate a simplified scheme for phase-contrast imaging based on an X-ray source having high spatial (but essentially no chromatic) coherence. The method is compatible with conventional polychromatic micro-focus X-ray tube sources, is well suited to large areas of irradiation, can operate with a lower absorbed dose than traditional X-ray imaging techniques, and should find broad application in clinical, biological and industrial settings.
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As different methods to improve diffraction enhanced imaging are proposed, the authors introduce a simple algorithm that follows the original idea of Chapman et al. [Phys. Med. Biol. 42, 2015 (1997)] , but extend it to a general object featuring absorption, refraction, and ultrasmall-angle scattering. The information relative to the three effects is decoupled, requiring only three images in input. Simulation and experiment give accurate results, provided the refraction and scattering angles are small compared to the rocking curve width. The proposed algorithm can be readily and fruitfully implemented in several applications, particularly when time and dose constraints are relevant.
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We have shown so far that 3D structures in biological sot tissues such as cancer can be revealed by phase-contrast x- ray computed tomography using an x-ray interferometer. As a next step, we aim at applications of this technique to in vivo observation, including radiographic applications. For this purpose, the size of view field is desired to be more than a few centimeters. Therefore, a larger x-ray interferometer should be used with x-rays of higher energy. We have evaluated the optimal x-ray energy from an aspect of does as a function of sample size. Moreover, desired spatial resolution to an image sensor is discussed as functions of x-ray energy and sample size, basing on a requirement in the analysis of interference fringes.
First Talbot interferometry in the hard X-ray region was demonstrated using a pair of transmission gratings made by forming gold stripes on glass plates. By aligning the gratings on the optical axis of X-rays with a separation that caused the Talbot effect by the first grating, moire fringes were produced inclining one grating slightly against the other around,the optical axis. A phase object placed in front of the first grating was detected by moire-fringe bending. Using the technique of phase-shifting interferometry, the differential phase corresponding to the phase object could also be measured. This result suggests that X-ray Talbot interferometry is a novel and simple method for phase-sensitive X-ray radiography.
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Differential phase-contrast X-ray imaging has been performed in a Talbot-Lau configuration, where a multiline X-ray source was used instead of a combination of a hard-X-ray multiple slit and a normal focus X-ray generator. When the multiple slit is used, a high aspect ratio structure is needed and slit width should be below 10 mum for its function. The fabrication and use of such a multislit can be omitted using the presented configuration. The multiline X-ray source was developed by making grooves on a tungsten rotating anode, which was irradiated by an electron beam to generate X-rays. An array of 10 mum line sources with a pitch of 30 mum was formed and combined with a 4.5 mum pitch phase grating and a 5.3 mum pitch amplitude grating to generate differential phase contrast. With a total exposure time of 40 s, a differential phase image depicting cartilages was obtained.
An x-ray interferometer has been developed that uses two transmission phase gratings to analyze wave front distortions in the hard x-ray range. The interferometer is insensitive to mechanical drift and vibrations, and it is tunable over a wide range of photon energies. This setup was used for differential phase contrast imaging of low-absorbing test objects. We obtained micrographs with moiré fringes of good visibility, which revealed the local phase shift gradient caused by the objects. A comparison with numerically simulated images indicates that quantitative analysis of unknown phase objects is possible. © 2002 American Institute of Physics.