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Combined accelerometer and EMG analysis to differentiate essential tremor from Parkinson's disease



In this study, we intended to differentiate patients with essential tremor (ET) from tremor dominant Parkinson disease (PD). Accelerometer and electromyographic signals of hand movement from standardized upper extremity movement tests (resting, holding, carrying weight) were extracted from 13 PD and 11 ET patients. The signals were filtered to remove noise and non-tremor high frequency components. A set of statistical features was then extracted from the discrete wavelet transformation of the signals. Principal component analysis was utilized to reduce dimensionality of the feature space. Classification was performed using support vector machines. We evaluated the proposed method using leave one out cross validation and we report overall accuracy of the classification. With this method, it was possible to discriminate 12/13 PD patients from 8/11 patients with ET with an overall accuracy of 83%. In order to individualize this finding for clinical application we generated a posterior probability for the test result of each patient and compared the misclassified patients, or low probability scores to available clinical follow up information for individual cases. This non-standardized post hoc analysis revealed that not only the technical accuracy but also the clinical accuracy limited the overall classification rate. We show that, in addition to the successful isolation of diagnostic features, longitudinal and larger sized validation is needed in order to prove clinical applicability.
AbstractIn this study, we intended to differentiate patients
with essential tremor (ET) from tremor dominant Parkinson
disease (PD). Accelerometer and electromyographic signals of
hand movement from standardized upper extremity movement
tests (resting, holding, carrying weight) were extracted from 13
PD and 11 ET patients. The signals were filtered to remove
noise and non-tremor high frequency components. A set of
statistical features was then extracted from the discrete wavelet
transformation of the signals. Principal component analysis
was utilized to reduce dimensionality of the feature space.
Classification was performed using support vector machines.
We evaluated the proposed method using leave one out cross
validation and we report overall accuracy of the classification.
With this method, it was possible to discriminate 12/13 PD
patients from 8/11 patients with ET with an overall accuracy of
83%. In order to individualize this finding for clinical
application we generated a posterior probability for the test
result of each patient and compared the misclassified patients,
or low probability scores to available clinical follow up
information for individual cases. This non-standardized post
hoc analysis revealed that not only the technical accuracy but
also the clinical accuracy limited the overall classification rate.
We show that, in addition to the successful isolation of
diagnostic features, longitudinal and larger sized validation is
needed in order to prove clinical applicability.
Tremor is defined as rhythmic, oscillating and involuntary
movements and often involves the upper extremities.
Differential diagnosis of tremor commonly comprises
essential tremor (ET) and Parkinson disease (PD) amongst
other rare forms. The prevalence of ET is high with up to 5%
with people over 65 years old [1]. PD has an overall
prevalence of approximately 0.5 increasing up to 2% with
age [2]. Tremor is one of the core symptoms in PD patients
and the initial clinical presentation of the tremor dominant
PD phenotype.
* These authors contributed equally to this work.
This study is supported by the FAU Emerging Fields Initiative
(EFIMoves, 2_Med_03).
N. Haji Ghassemi, P. Kugler, C. Pasluosta and B. M. Eskofier are with
the Digital Sports Group, Pattern Recognition Lab, Department of
Computer Science, Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg
(FAU), Erlangen, Germany.
F. Marxreiter, J. Schlachetzki, C. Pasluosta, and J. Klucken are with the
Department of Molecular Neurology, University Hospital Erlangen,
Erlangen, Germany.
Axel Schramm is with the Department of Neurology, University
Hospital Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany.
Prototypically, tremor in ET features a symmetric postural
and kinetic tremor of the arms, whereas tremor in PD is
characterized by an often unilateral resting and postural
tremor. Differential diagnosis however, especially in early
disease stages remains problematic because tremor in PD
may not only occur at rest, but also at posture and/or during
action. Further, tremor at rest is not pathognomonic for PD
and has been also observed in ET. Due to these overlapping
symptoms, misdiagnosis of ET and PD tremor may occur in
20-30% of the cases [3]. In light of the difference in
prognosis as well as current and evolving treatment options
for PD and ET, an accurate and reliable diagnosis is urgently
needed. Despite these challenges, the diagnostic evaluation
is highly dependent on the experience of the clinician and
typically includes medical history and physical examination.
Neuroimaging [4] has been considered as one potential
diagnostic option to discriminate of PD and ET. However,
ability, costs, and invasiveness of this diagnostic option have
to been taken into consideration [5].
There is a growing interest in methods based on
accelerometer and surface electromyography (EMG)
electrodes, since they are readily available, non-invasive and
cost-efficient diagnostic tools. Combination of these signals
can be used to detect frequency and muscle activity [6].
Several studies differentiated ET from PD based on
accelerometer and EMG signals [6] [7]. These studies yield
reasonable differentiation between PD and ET and overall
classification accuracy was used as the main metric for
evaluation of performance. However, high classification
accuracy is not enough to support clinical decision-making.
A physician should be able to clinically validate
classification results. Thus, classification procedure should
be translated into an individual report for the patients. In this
work, we propose using posterior probability to assess the
classification result in an individual manner. This meta
information is essential for us to integrate our method in
clinical assessment. We utilized a SVM-based classifier, by
which we can compute the posterior probability of both
diseases. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first
attempt to develop such a method for differential diagnosis.
Our classification system is composed of the following
steps: (1) signal preprocessing, (2) discrete wavelet
transform, (3) feature extraction, (4) dimensionality
reduction, and (5) classification. The schematic diagram of
the system is shown in Fig 1. We implemented the entire
procedure in Matlab R2015a (MathWorks).
Combined Accelerometer and EMG Analysis to Differentiate
Essential Tremor from Parkinson’s Disease
Nooshin Haji Ghassemi*, Franz Marxreiter*, Cristian F. Pasluosta, Patrick Kugler, Johannes
Schlachetzki, Axel Schramm, Bjoern M. Eskofier, Member, IEEE, EMBS, Jochen Klucken
Figure 1. Block diagram of the automated classification
A. Data Acquisition
Data acquisition was performed as part of a standard
diagnostic tremor test in the neurophysiology lab of the
Department of Neurology, University Hospital Erlangen,
Erlangen, Germany. Typically, tremor frequencies and
synchronization of agonist/antagonists are reported providing
only a limited amount of information from the raw data
recorded. Subjects were comfortably seated and placed their
arms in a resting position on their legs. Prior to electrode
placement, the skin was cleaned by cotton and ethanol. Two
calibrated accelerometers were placed on the dorsal side of
both hands of the subjects. Bipolar Ag/AgCl surface EMG
electrodes were placed on the extensor and flexor muscles of
the left and right forearm by an electrophysician. A total of
six channels were recorded, two accelerometer signals and
four surface EMG signals. All signals were recorded at 1000
Hz using a Schwarzer Topas EMG system, Natus, USA.
Three 30-seconds tests were performed for each patient, the
first with the arms fully relaxed and rested on the legs (rest),
the second with their arms and hands extended in a horizontal
position (hold) and the third in the same position with
weights of 1 kg attached to the forearm (weight). To discard
transitions from the recorded data, we considered only the
signal from 10 to 25 seconds.
13 PD patients (tremor dominant forms) and 11 ET
patients were included for this study. For our experimental
procedures, we followed the declaration of Helsinki 1975, as
revised in 2000. Initial diagnosis was made by a movement
disorder specialist prior to tremor analysis. If possible,
patients received clinical follow up examinations to confirm
or change the initial diagnosis. PD and ET were diagnosed
according to consensus criteria of the German Society of
Neurology. Consensus criteria for PD are similar to the UK
PDS Brain bank criteria for diagnosis of PD [3] Consensus
criteria for ET are based on the consensus criteria of the
movement disorders society [9] Patients’ demographics and
clinical characteristics are summarized in Tab I. PD severity
of patients was staged using the Hoehn & Yahr scale and
motor performance was clinically evaluated using the
UPDRS-III rating.
B. Preprocessing and Filtering
The recording physician visually inspected both EMG and
accelerometer signals during data acquisition. Measurements
with bad signal quality were either repeated or not included
in the study. To remove non-tremor related high frequency
components, the accelerometer signals and EMG signals
were filtered with a Butterworth low pass filter with a cutoff
frequency of 70 Hz. The EMG signals were additionally
high pass filtered with a cutoff frequency of 20 Hz and DC-
rectified to amplify the visibility of the tremor bursts in the
C. Wavelet-based Feature Extraction
EMG signal is non-stationary, meaning that the
characteristic of the signal changes over time. Discrete
wavelet transform (DWT) [10] is widely used for analysis of
non-stationary signals. DWT decomposes a signal to
different level of coefficients corresponding to different
frequency bands in a way that the coefficients include all
information of the original signal. Each level of coefficients
has different time-frequency resolution. In this work, we
used Haar mother wavelet, since it has been widely used for
wavelet analysis of EMG signal. The signals were
decomposed in 10 levels in order to have an effective feature
extraction from each coefficient in the next step.
Four EMG and two accelerometer signals were
decomposed by DWT method. Then, a set of standard
statistical features was extracted from the coefficients: mean,
standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis, entropy, energy, root
mean square, and mean absolute value. In the majority of PD
and ET patients, one hand is more affected by the disease
than the other hand. Feature extraction is performed based
on the most affected side of the patients rather than left or
right hand side, in order to obtain more descriptive features.
D. Dimensionality Reduction
Dimensionality reduction was performed to reduce the
dimensionality of the feature vector and avoid overfitting in
the classification step. This is particularly important in our
study since the number of features (524 for each test) is
much higher than the number of subjects (24). Feature
reduction was achieved by using principal component
analysis (PCA) [11]. PCA projects the feature space into
principal components in the direction of maximum variance.
Number of Patients
Age at examination(Range)
67 ± 11 (45-88)
66 ± 13 (43-79)
Gender (Male/Female)
Disease duration
4 ± 4,6
13 ± 14,6
17 ± 9,7
2 ± 0,9
no follow up
no follow up
no follow up
no follow up
no follow up
no follow up
no follow up
These new components compose a feature space with
reduced dimensionality. In our experiment, the number of
components was optimized empirically to achieve the
highest classification performance.
E. Classification
We trained a binary Support Vector Machines (SVM)
classifier [12] to distinguish between two classes: ET and
PD. Two kernels, linear and radial basis function (RBF)
were examined in this work. SVM has a cost parameter,
which controls number of misclassification of training
examples. The RBF kernel has an additional parameter,
gamma, which controls how far the influence of a single
training example reaches. A grid-search was employed as a
method of model selection to adjust the SVM parameters.
Since performing a complete grid-search is very time
consuming, it was applied in two stages via coarse grid, and
then, fine grid. In the coarse grid, the range of cost
parameter was {0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 15, 20, 50, 100,
1000} and the range of gamma was {0.003, 0.03, 0.3, 3, 9,
15, 20}. In the fine, the parameters were examined in a range
of ±5%, ±10%, ±15%, and ±20% of their selected values.
The input feature vector was normalized to zero mean and
unit standard deviation.
As previously described, we considered the three tests,
rest, hold and weight separately and trained a classifier for
each test. From clinical point of view, it is important to
investigate which of these tests yield a better differentiation
between ET and PD.
F. Evaluation
Accuracy was computed for evaluating the performance of
our method, meaning the rate of correctly classified patients.
The evaluation was implemented using leave one out cross-
validation (LOOCV). LOOCV was chosen due to the small
number of data. Finding principal components and SVM
parameters were performed for each training fold and the
result was applied for the test subject. In addition, we
computed the posterior probability of the classification. The
SVM algorithm not only predicts the class of a data but can
also report the posterior probability as an indicator of
certainty of the classification. The posterior probability is a
valuable piece of information in clinical applications since it
allows for an individual result. It provides a measure of
similarity for each patient assessed to the reference group.
This information can complement the diagnostic workup for
the clinician.
Tab. II shows the results for our classification method
optimized for the number of PCA components and the
parameters of SVM and the kernels. We analyzed each test
of rest, hold and weight separately. The best performance
was achieved for the weight test. Tab. III presents individual
classification result for each patient and the posterior
probabilities for each disease.
In order to better understand the misclassified patients and
to associate different probability levels, we obtained
additional clinical information from clinical records or
follow up visits if available in a non-standardized form to
confirm the initial diagnose that was used in the
classification experiments and to evaluate if the clinical
heterogeneity of the small patient population might affect
the classification outcome.
The preliminary results of this study suggest that our method
is effective to discriminate patients with ET from PD
patients. The best discrimination between ET and PD was
achieved when there was a load in the subjects’ hands. This
finding underlines the ability of the diagnostic test, the
sensor-paradigm and the algorithms used to identify
characteristic differences between the two tremor forms.
However, the classification accuracy is not sufficient to
identify each patient with the reference group correctly,
thereby limiting the individual diagnostic application.
Therefore, we introduced a probability score for each patient
and compared the resulting similarity levels with the
available clinical information, in particular, for the
misclassified patients.
SVM Parameters
Linear kernel
cost = 0.001
RBF kernel
cost = 14.25
gamma = 0.003
RBF kernel
cost = 10
gamma = 0.3
The accuracy of the clinical diagnosis “ET” is typically
lower than “PD”, since the presence of other PD specific
motor symptoms in addition to the tremor typically allow for
higher accuracy for PD. In this work, three patients with
initial diagnosis of ET (patient 9-11) and one PD patient
(patient 12) were misclassified. Patient 9 is an important
index patient for this clinical validation procedure since the
probability for ET was extremely low (3,6%). Importantly,
in the follow-up visits it became evident, that the initial
clinical diagnosis “ET” could not be confirmed. In fact, the
diagnosis was changed to cervical dystonia with irregular
tremor. For patients 10 and 11 the probability “ET” was
above 40%, but did not reach the 50% classification
boundary. Further, patient 7 barely reached 50% probability
for “ET”. Unfortunately, no follow up visits were
documented for these patients, thus the clinical confirmation
of the initial diagnosis could not be performed. Likewise, the
diagnosis of ET for patient 3 was changed in follow-up
examinations. Even though this patient was classified as ET,
the probability was only 54,3% suggestion that probabilities
around 50% generate another level of uncertainty for
individual test results. The diagnosis of the misclassified PD
patient 13 was clinically confirmed. Medical history did not
reveal any signs that might explain the misclassification
from the clinical point of view except that the patient was at
the very first stage of PD (disease duration was 0 years),
suggesting that at very early stage of tremor-dominant PD
the classification accuracy might be limited.
Any pattern recognition method is bound to limitations. A
major limitation of proof-of-concept studies is the small
number of patients. Larger data set brings better
generalization and as a result better classification result.
Besides, our study also revealed that the validity of the
ground truth is limited by the diagnostic accuracy of clinical
examinations of PD as well as ET at a given time point,
especially in early disease stages is not perfect. Therefore,
careful reevaluation and the assessment of the response to
treatment are often needed to finally decide upon the final
Despite of all limitations, our method brought good
classification accuracy. Furthermore supporting that the
study design and analysis enables the identification of
different tremor forms. In this regard, the concept of
probability definition is a first attempt to translate successful
classification paradigms into individualized results that can
complement the diagnostic workup in clinical settings. It is
foreseeable that with increasing numbers of future patients
that undergo the instrumented tremor testing the reference
group can be increased and refined. This may also make lead
to a better classification accuracy for patients in early
disease stages. Moreover the acceptance of treating
physicians and patients of the individual probability results
can be evaluated in longitudinal studies.
In this work, accelerometer and EMG signals were analyzed
to differentiate ET from PD using pattern recognition
methods. With the proposed method we were able to
discriminate ET from PD patient with an overall accuracy of
83%. Additionally, we propose the posterior probability of
the classification outcome as a clinical indicator of patients
presenting disease-specific symptoms. The clinical
validation revealed that studies using clinically confirmed
and small sized patient cohorts share the risk that the ground
truth or gold standard for the classification experiment might
be also affected by the clinical accuracy of the diagnoses.
Thus, larger study cohorts, better clinical validation (e.g.
neuroimaging, etc.) and/or standardized follow-up
paradigms are required to clinically validate instrumented
tests for diagnostic workup in the future. Our findings also
underline that studies aiming at clinical translation of
instrumented movement analysis have to include technical
and clinical accuracy considerations in the study design to
ultimately prove clinical applicability.
We would like to thank all participants of this study as well
as the staff helping with data collection. First author
acknowledges financial support from the Bavarian Research
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... exact execution differs from center to center and throughout the tremor literature: this pertains predominantly to rest (hands hanging freely without active holding 68 or resting flat 54 or on the ulnar side of the hand on a desk 38 or own lap, 52,69 or not specifically defined 32 ). ...
... The exact placement of sensors does influence accelerometer signal characteristics. 73,79 Sensor placement in the aforementioned studies was not uniform, ranging from, for example, wrist, 34,36,37,40,44 dorsal middle metacarpal, 38,39,52,54,82 middle phalangeal, 42 distal phalangeal, 32 and middle of the lower arm 49,58 to combinations of, for example, wrist and finger 43,51 or wrist and ankle. 47 Traditionally, sensors have been-with some center-to-center differences-placed on the back of the hand. ...
... Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) 92,93 and support vector machines (SVM) 52,58 are frequently used algorithms for tremor classification. LDA inherently provides dimensionality reduction while preserving the interclass variance and ensuring maximum class separability, whereas SVMs try to estimate the best hyperplane that would serve as a boundary between classes by mapping the input to a higher dimension. ...
Full-text available
Tremor is the most frequent human movement disorder, and its diagnosis is based on clinical assessment. Yet finding the accurate clinical diagnosis is not always straightforward. Fine-tuning of clinical diagnostic criteria over the past few decades, as well as device-based qualitative analysis, has resulted in incremental improvements to diagnostic accuracy. Accelerometric assessments are commonplace, enabling clinicians to capture high-resolution oscillatory properties of tremor, which recently have been the focus of various machine-learning (ML) studies. In this context, the application of ML models to accelerometric recordings provides the potential for less-biased classification and quantification of tremor disorders. However, if implemented incorrectly, ML can result in spurious or nongeneralizable results and misguided conclusions. This work summarizes and highlights recent developments in ML tools for tremor research, with a focus on supervised ML. We aim to highlight the opportunities and limitations of such approaches and provide future directions while simultaneously guiding the reader through the process of applying ML to analyze tremor data. We identify the need for the movement disorder community to take a more proactive role in the application of these novel analytical technologies, which so far have been predominantly pursued by the engineering and data analysis field. Ultimately, big-data approaches offer the possibility to identify generalizable patterns but warrant meaningful translation into clinical practice. © 2023 The Authors. Movement Disorders published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society.
... In previous studies, researchers have mainly focused on the characteristics of the patient's tremors to differentiate the diseases [9][10][11][12]. Long-term EMG recordings with/without combined accelerometers were used to differentiate the two disorders [9,11]. ...
... In previous studies, researchers have mainly focused on the characteristics of the patient's tremors to differentiate the diseases [9][10][11][12]. Long-term EMG recordings with/without combined accelerometers were used to differentiate the two disorders [9,11]. EMG analysis might help differentiate the two disorders, but it is an invasive examination and is limited for application when patients have mixed types of tremors. ...
... Other studies have used EMG or sensors to distinguish between PD and ET. Ghassemi et al. [9] utilized features that were extracted from the tremor component of the hand movement signal obtained from EMG and accelerometer while participants performed standardized upper extremity movement tests to distinguish PD from ET (13 PD and 11 ET) and achieved a LOOCV accuracy of 83%. Although Ghassemi et al.'s study was comparable in accuracy to our study (LOOCV accuracy of 84%), the EMG they utilized is an invasive examination, and when participants had mixed types of tremors, the technology's applications were limited. ...
Full-text available
Background Differentiating early-stage Parkinson's disease (PD) from essential tremor (ET) is challenging since they have some overlapping clinical features. Since early-stage PD may present with slight gait impairment and ET generally does not, gait analysis could be used to differentiate PD from ET using machine learning. Objective To differentiate early-stage PD from ET via machine learning using gait and postural transition parameters calculated using the raw kinematic signal captured from inertial measurement unit (IMU) sensors. Methods Gait and postural transition parameters were collected from 84 early-stage PD and 80 ET subjects during the Time Up and Go (TUG) test. We randomly split our data into training and test data. Within the training data, we separated the TUG test into four components: standing, straight walk, turning, and sitting to build weighted average ensemble classification models. The four components’ weight indices were trained using logistic regression. Several ensemble models’ leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) performances were compared. Independent test data were used to evaluate the model with the best LOOCV performance. Results The best weighted average ensemble classification model LOOCV results included an accuracy of 84%, Kappa of 0.68, sensitivity of 85.9%, specificity of 82.1%, and AUC of 0.912. Thirty-three gait and postural transition parameters, such as Arm–Symbolic Symmetry Index and 180° Turn–Max Angular Velocity, were included in Feature Group III. The independent test data achieved a 75.8% accuracy. Conclusions Our findings suggest that gait and postural transition parameters obtained from wearable sensors combined with machine learning had the potential to distinguish between early-stage PD and ET.
... The number of sensors ranged from one to 17. Thirty-seven studies used only one sensor, either on the finger, hand, wrist or forearm (Makabe and Sakamoto, 2000;Kamper et al., 2002;Legros et al., 2004;Koop et al., 2006;Okuno et al., 2006;Salarian et al., 2007;Thies et al., 2009;Parnandi et al., 2010;Heldman et al., 2011b;Hoffman and McNames, 2011;Kim et al., 2011;Šprdlík et al., 2011;Gallego et al., 2012;Griffiths et al., 2012;Zhang et al., 2012;Budini et al., 2014;Carpinella et al., 2014;Carpinella et al., 2015;Otten et al., 2015;Thanawattano et al., 2015;Bravo, 2016;Rigas et al., 2016;Tamás et al., 2016;Bravo, 2017;Rabelo et al., 2017;Spasojević et al., 2017;Teufl et al., 2017;Kwon et al., 2018;López-Blanco et al., 2018;Bermeo, 2019;Nguyen et al., 2020;Zhu and Miller, 2020;Habets et al., 2021;McGurrin et al., 2021;Schaefer et al., 2021;Teufl et al., 2021;Gupta, 2022), while seven studies used two sensors bilaterally placed on the hand or wrist (Jun et al., 2011;Strohrmann et al., 2013;Ghassemi et al., 2016;Garza-RodríguezSanchez-Fernandez et al., 2018;Thomas et al., 2018;Garza-RodríguezSanchez-Fernandez et al., 2020;Oubre et al., 2021). Nine studies used two sensors of which the majority placed one on the thumb and one the index finger (Yokoe et al., 2009;Heldman et al., 2011a;Espay et al., 2011;Lee et al., 2015b;Djurić-JovičićPetrovic et al., 2016;Liu et al., 2016;Summa et al., 2017;Li et al., 2020;Park et al., 2021) (Rahimi et al., 2015;Samotus et al., 2016) and Shawen et al. put one on the hand and one on the wrist (Shawen et al., 2020). ...
... For the studies where both acceleration and angular velocity signals were collected, both mean and standard deviation (STD) were often calculated (Tsipouras et al., 2012;Thomas et al., 2018;Shawen et al., 2020;Hssayeni et al., 2021;Romano et al., 2021;Parnandi et al., 2010;Krishna et al., 2019;den Hartogvan der Krogt et al., 2022), as well as root-mean-square (RMS) values (van den Noort et al., 2017;Shawen et al., 2020;Habets et al., 2021;Krishna et al., 2019;den Hartogvan der Krogt et al., 2022). Additionally, mean and RMS or STD of acceleration and angular velocity separately were used in studies were one of the signals was available (Hester, 2006;Koop et al., 2006;Salarian et al., 2007;Yokoe et al., 2009;Patel et al., 2010;Zwartjes et al., 2010;Del Din et al., 2011;Griffiths et al., 2012;Strohrmann et al., 2013;Budini et al., 2014;Lee et al., 2015b;Heo et al., 2015;Djurić-JovičićPetrovic et al., 2016;Ghassemi et al., 2016;Samotus et al., 2016;Angeles et al., 2017;Bennasar et al., 2018;López-Blanco et al., 2018;Cavallo et al., 2019;Garza-RodríguezSanchez-Fernandez et al., 2020;Kwon et al., 2020;Li et al., 2020;Dominguez-Vega et al., 2021;Habets et al., 2021;Oubre et al., 2021;Schaefer et al., 2021;Gupta, 2022), as well as median angular velocity in one study (Garza-RodríguezSanchez-Fernandez et al., 2020). Maximal linear velocity was additionally often used as key feature, mostly by integration of the acceleration signal (Hester, 2006;Okuno et al., 2006;Yokoe et al., 2009). ...
... As basis statistical features, kurtosis and skewness were popular in PD (Parnandi et al., 2010;Ghassemi et al., 2016;Lonini et al., 2018;Thomas et al., 2018;Shawen et al., 2020;Hssayeni et al., 2021), but not in other populations apart from one ataxia study (Gupta, 2022). With respect to signal dynamics, multiple forms of entropy were used, most commonly sample entropy and approximate entropy in PD (Patel et al., 2009;Chelaru et al., 2010;Tsipouras et al., 2012;Ghassemi et al., 2016;Liu et al., 2016;Lonini et al., 2018;Shawen et al., 2020), stroke (Patel et al., 2010) and ataxia (Kashyap et al., 2020) and Shannon entropy and permutation entropy in PD (Hssayeni et al., 2021), dyskinetic CP (den Hartogvan der Krogt et al., 2022) and HD (Bennasar et al., 2018). ...
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Background: Studies aiming to objectively quantify movement disorders during upper limb tasks using wearable sensors have recently increased, but there is a wide variety in described measurement and analyzing methods, hampering standardization of methods in research and clinics. Therefore, the primary objective of this review was to provide an overview of sensor set-up and type, included tasks, sensor features and methods used to quantify movement disorders during upper limb tasks in multiple pathological populations. The secondary objective was to identify the most sensitive sensor features for the detection and quantification of movement disorders on the one hand and to describe the clinical application of the proposed methods on the other hand. Methods: A literature search using Scopus, Web of Science, and PubMed was performed. Articles needed to meet following criteria: 1) participants were adults/children with a neurological disease, 2) (at least) one sensor was placed on the upper limb for evaluation of movement disorders during upper limb tasks, 3) comparisons between: groups with/without movement disorders, sensor features before/after intervention, or sensor features with a clinical scale for assessment of the movement disorder. 4) Outcome measures included sensor features from acceleration/angular velocity signals. Results: A total of 101 articles were included, of which 56 researched Parkinson’s Disease. Wrist(s), hand(s) and index finger(s) were the most popular sensor locations. Most frequent tasks were: finger tapping, wrist pro/supination, keeping the arms extended in front of the body and finger-to-nose. Most frequently calculated sensor features were mean, standard deviation, root-mean-square, ranges, skewness, kurtosis/entropy of acceleration and/or angular velocity, in combination with dominant frequencies/power of acceleration signals. Examples of clinical applications were automatization of a clinical scale or discrimination between a patient/control group or different patient groups. Conclusion: Current overview can support clinicians and researchers in selecting the most sensitive pathology-dependent sensor features and methodologies for detection and quantification of upper limb movement disorders and objective evaluations of treatment effects. Insights from Parkinson’s Disease studies can accelerate the development of wearable sensors protocols in the remaining pathologies, provided that there is sufficient attention for the standardisation of protocols, tasks, feasibility and data analysis methods.
... P.D. tremors continue to be a problem, especially in the early stages, because they might occur at rest, in posture, or during an action. However, resting tremor is not specific to P.D. and has been observed in E.T., Due to these similarities in presentations, 20-30 percent of patients may be misdiagnosed as E.T. or P.D. (Ghassemi et al., 2016). one study was found that around half of all clinical diagnoses of E.T. were inaccurate. ...
... There is a significant amount of interest in accelerometer and surface electromyography electrode-based techniques due to their accessibility, noninvasive nature, and cost-effectiveness as diagnostic equipment. These signals can be used in conjunction to calculate the tremor's frequency, amplitude, contraction of muscles, the presence of latency, and mental concentration effect on Tremor (Ghassemi et al., 2016). The target of our study is to evaluate the usefulness of electrophysiological analysis utilizing surface electromyography and an accelerometer in distinguishing between tremors of P.D. and E.T… ...
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The most widespread movement disturbance seen in clinical practice is tremor. It is described as uncontrollable, repetitive, oscillating movements. The diagnostic approach for individuals with tremors can be complex and difficult, as Parkinson's disease identification and the distinction of Essential tremors from other types of tremors. It remains challenging, particularly at the beginning of the disease, because tremors of Parkinson's disease can occur at rest, in posture, and during an action. this study target to evaluate the usefulness of electrophysiological analysis of tremors utilizing surface electromyography and an accelerometer in discriminating between tremors of Parkinson's disease and Essential Tremors. Clinical data were collected from (19) individuals who complain of Parkinson's disease and (24) individuals with essential tremors. We measured the frequency, amplitude, and pattern of muscle contractions during rest, posture, then with 1 Kg loading, and also determined the presence of latency and mental concentration effect on tremors. The frequency of Parkinson's disease tremor was 4.1-6.3 Hz, as was the frequency of essential tremor. The essential tremor group's muscle contraction pattern was predominantly synchronous, whereas in Parkinson's disease was predominantly alternating. Parkinson's disease is distinguished by a tremor latency (≥ 2) seconds and by the mental concentration influence that results in a worsening of the amplitude of tremor. Both types of tremors can be differentiated utilizing surface electromyography and accelerometer by varying the frequency of tremors, muscular contraction pattern, latency, and concentration effect.
... Several groups have adopted inertial sensors or optical systems to perform differential diagnosis of PD versus ET. Muthuraman [14], WILE [5], Ghassemi [15], Barrantes [16], di Biase [10], Bove [17], Loaiza [18], Duque [8], Locatelli [19], Shahtalebi [20], and Su [21] collected tremor kinematic parameters from the back of the hand or the wrist using inertial sensors, smart watches, or smart phones to distinguish between PD and ET. The back of the hand and the wrist could be good choices for collecting tremor data, because sensors could be easily fixed on them. ...
... To the best of ourknowledge, our study is the first to assess model performance for a dataset in which PD patients and ET patients present comparable hand tremor intensity. [5] 15 PD, 14 ET a 96% c 2016 Ghassemi [15] 13 PD, 11 ET a 83% c 2016 Surangsrirat [11] 32 PD, 20 ET a 100.00% c 2017 Morrison [24] 15 PD, 10 ET b AUC= 0.97 c 2017 Barrantes [16] 17 PD, 16 ET a 84.38% c 2017 di Biase [10] 16 PD, 20 ET a 92% c 2018 Bove [17] 20 PD, 20 ET a 95% * c 2018 Zhang [25] 26 PD, 24 ET a 96% c 2019 Loaiza [18] 17 PD, 16 ET b 80 − 100% c 2020 Duque [8] 19 PD, 20 ET b 77.8 ± 9.9% c 2020 Oktay [6] 23 PD, 17 ET a 90% d 2020 Locatelli [19] 17 PD, 7 ET a 92.1% c 2021 Kovalenko [26] 42 PD, 13 ET a 77 ± 11% c 2021 Shahtalebi [20] 47 PD, 34 ET a 95.5% c 2021 Su [21] 48 PD, 48ET a 85% c ...
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Upper limb tremor is a prominent symptom of both Parkinson's disease and essential tremor. Its kinematic parameters overlap substantially for these two pathological conditions, thus leading to high rate of misdiagnosis, especially for community doctors. Several groups have proposed various methods for improving differential diagnosis. These prior studies have attempted to identify better kinematic parameters, however they have mainly focused on single limb features including tremor intensity, tremor frequency, and tremor variability. In this paper, we propose a wearable system for multi-segment assessment of upper limb tremor and differential diagnosis of Parkinson's disease versus essential tremor. The proposed system collected tremor data from both wrist and fingers simultaneously. From this data, we extracted multi-segment features in the form of phase relationships between limb segments. Using support vector machine classifiers, we then performed differential diagnosis from the extracted features. We evaluated the performance of the proposed system on 19 Parkinson's disease patients and 12 essential tremor patients. Moreover, we also assessed the performance cost associated with reducing task load and sensor array size. The proposed system reached perfect accuracy in leave-one-out cross validation. Task reduction and sensor array reduction were associated with penalties of 2% and 9-10% respectively. The results demonstrated that the proposed system could be simplified for clinical applications, and successfully applied to the differential diagnosis of Parkinson's disease versus essential tremor in real-world setting.
... In the context of accelerometric tremor measurements, numerous studies have employed ML, utilising diverse accelerometers, recording positions, algorithms, and clinical settings 33 . However, only a minority have applied ML to the specific challenge of distinguishing between different tremor disorders [38][39][40][41][42] . Moreover, issues such as limited sample sizes, monocentric study designs, and the constraints of hypothesis-driven approaches have hindered the identification of reliable, generalizable disease-specific tremor movement characteristics 33 . ...
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The reliable differentiation of tremor disorders poses a significant challenge, largely depending on the subjective interpretation of subtle signs and symptoms. Given the absence of a universally accepted bio-marker, diagnostic differentiation between the most prevalent tremor disorders, Essential Tremor (ET) and tremor-dominant Parkinsons Disease (PD), frequently proves to be a non-trivial task. To address this, we employed massive time series feature extraction, a powerful tool to examine the entirety of mathematical descriptors of oscillating biological signals without imposing bias, in combination with machine-learning (ML). We applied this approach to accelerometer recordings from tremor patients to identify the optimal recording conditions, processing, and analysis settings, to differentiate ET and PD. We utilized hand accelerometer recordings from 370 patients (167 ET, 203 PD), clinically diagnosed at five academic centres specialising in movement disorders, comprising an exploratory (158 ET, 172 PD from London, Graz, Budapest, Kiel) and a validation dataset (9 ET, 31 PD from Nijmegen). Using 15 second recording segments from the more affected hand, we first extracted established, standardized tremor characteristics and assessed their cross-centre accuracy and validity. Second, we applied supervised ML to massive higher-order feature extraction of the same recordings to achieve optimal stratification and mechanistic exploration. While classic tremor characteristics were unable to consistently differentiate between conditions across centres, the resulting best classifying feature combination validated successfully. In comparison to tremor-stability index (TSI), the best performing classic tremor characteristic, feature-based analysis provided better classification accuracy (81.8% vs. 70.4%), sensitivity (86.4% vs. 70.8%) and specificity (76.6% vs. 70.2%), substantially improving stratification between ET and PD tremor. Similarly, this approach allowed the differentiation of rest from posture recordings independent of tremor diagnosis, again outperforming TSI (classification accuracy 99.6% vs. 49.2%). The interpretation of identified features indicates fundamentally different dynamics in tremor generating circuits: while there is an interaction between several central oscillators in the generation of PD rest tremor, resulting in several discrete but stable signal states, signal characteristics point towards a singular pacemaker in ET. This study highlights the limitations of current, established tremor metrics and establishes the use of data-driven machine learning as a powerful method to explore accelerometry-derived movement characteristics. More importantly, it showcases the strength of the combination of hypothesis-free, data-driven analyses and a large, multi-centre dataset. The results generated are thus resistant to device-, centre- and clinician-dependent bias and establish a generalizable differentiation method, representing a relevant step towards big data analysis in tremor disorders.
... The accuracy of multi-layer perceptron and deep belief neural networks was 94.50% and 93.50%, respectively. The authors in [33] presented an algorithm based on SVM for 13 PD patients and they achieved 83.00% accuracy. The fuzzy system and neural networks are combined to diagnose PD, as presented by [34]. ...
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Citation: Elshewey, A.M.; Shams, M.Y.; El-Rashidy, N.; Elhady, A.M.; Shohieb, S.M.; Tarek, Z. Bayesian Optimization with Support Vector Machine Model for Parkinson Disease Classification. Sensors 2023, 23, 2085. https://doi. Abstract: Parkinson's disease (PD) has become widespread these days all over the world. PD affects the nervous system of the human and also affects a lot of human body parts that are connected via nerves. In order to make a classification for people who suffer from PD and who do not suffer from the disease, an advanced model called Bayesian Optimization-Support Vector Machine (BO-SVM) is presented in this paper for making the classification process. Bayesian Optimization (BO) is a hyperparameter tuning technique for optimizing the hyperparameters of machine learning models in order to obtain better accuracy. In this paper, BO is used to optimize the hyperparameters for six machine learning models, namely, Support Vector Machine (SVM), Random Forest (RF), Logistic Regression (LR), Naive Bayes (NB), Ridge Classifier (RC), and Decision Tree (DT). The dataset used in this study consists of 23 features and 195 instances. The class label of the target feature is 1 and 0, where 1 refers to the person suffering from PD and 0 refers to the person who does not suffer from PD. Four evaluation metrics, namely, accuracy, F1-score, recall, and precision were computed to evaluate the performance of the classification models used in this paper. The performance of the six machine learning models was tested on the dataset before and after the process of hyperparameter tuning. The experimental results demonstrated that the SVM model achieved the best results when compared with other machine learning models before and after the process of hyperparameter tuning, with an accuracy of 92.3% obtained using BO.
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Essential tremor (ET) stands as the most prevalent movement disorder, characterized by rhythmic and involuntary shaking of body parts. Achieving an accurate and comprehensive assessment of tremor severity is crucial for effectively diagnosing and managing ET. Traditional methods rely on clinical observation and rating scales, which may introduce subjective biases and hinder continuous evaluation of disease progression. Recent research has explored new approaches to quantifying ET. A promising method involves the use of intelligent devices to facilitate objective and quantitative measurements. These devices include inertial measurement units, electromyography, video equipment, and electronic handwriting boards, and more. Their deployment enables real-time monitoring of human activity data, featuring portability and efficiency. This capability allows for more extensive research in this field and supports the shift from in-lab/clinic to in-home monitoring of ET symptoms. Therefore, this review provides an in-depth analysis of the application, current development, potential characteristics, and roles of intelligent devices in assessing ET.
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Background Tremors are involuntary rhythmic movements commonly present in neurological diseases such as Parkinson's disease, essential tremor, and multiple sclerosis. Intention tremor is a subtype associated with lesions in the cerebellum and its connected pathways, and it is a common symptom in diseases associated with cerebellar pathology. While clinicians traditionally use tests to identify tremor type and severity, recent advancements in wearable technology have provided quantifiable ways to measure movement and tremor using motion capture systems, app-based tasks and tools, and physiology-based measurements. However, quantifying intention tremor remains challenging due to its changing nature. Methodology & Results This review examines the current state of upper limb tremor assessment technology and discusses potential directions to further develop new and existing algorithms and sensors to better quantify tremor, specifically intention tremor. A comprehensive search using PubMed and Scopus was performed using keywords related to technologies for tremor assessment. Afterward, screened results were filtered for relevance and eligibility and further classified into technology type. A total of 243 publications were selected for this review and classified according to their type: body function level: movement-based, activity level: task and tool-based, and physiology-based. Furthermore, each publication's methods, purpose, and technology are summarized in the appendix table. Conclusions Our survey suggests a need for more targeted tasks to evaluate intention tremors, including digitized tasks related to intentional movements, neurological and physiological measurements targeting the cerebellum and its pathways, and signal processing techniques that differentiate voluntary from involuntary movement in motion capture systems.
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Background: Several validated clinical scales measure the severity of essential tremor (ET). Their assessments are subjective and can depend on familiarity and training with scoring systems. Method: We propose a multi-modal sensing using a wearable inertial measurement unit for estimating scores on the Fahn-Tolosa-Marin tremor rating scale (FTM) and determine the classification accuracy within the tremor type. 17 ET participants and 18 healthy controls were recruited for the study. Two movement disorder neurologists who were blinded to prior clinical information viewed video recordings and scored the FTM. Participants drew a guided Archimedes spiral while wearing an inertial measurement unit placed at the mid-point between the lateral epicondyle of the humerus and the anatomical snuff box. Acceleration and gyroscope recordings were analyzed. The ratio of the power spectral density between frequency bands 0.5-4 Hz and 4-12 Hz, and the sum of power spectrum density over the entire spectrum of 2-74 Hz, for both accelerometer and gyroscope data, were computed. FTM was estimated using regression model and classification using SVM was validated using the leave-one-out method. Results: Regression analysis showed a moderate to good correlation when individual features were used, while correlation was high ( r<sup>2</sup> = 0.818 ) when suitable features of the gyro and accelerometer were combined. The accuracy for two-class classification of the combined features using SVM was 91.42% while for four-class it was 68.57%. Conclusion: Potential applications of this novel wearable sensing method using a wearable Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) include monitoring of ET and clinical trials of new treatments for the disorder.
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Clinical observations and electrophysiological studies have provided initial evidence for the involvement of the cerebellum in essential tremor (ET), the most frequent hyperkinetic disorder. Recently, this hypothesis has been reinvigorated by post-mortem studies that demonstrated a number of pathological changes in the cerebellum of ET patients compared with age-matched healthy controls. Advanced neuroimaging techniques have also made it possible to detect in vivo which cerebellar abnormalities are present in ET patients and to reveal the core mechanisms implicated in the development of motor and cognitive symptoms in ET. We discuss the neuroimaging research investigating the brain structure and function of ET patients relative to healthy controls. In particular, we review 1) structural neuroimaging experiments assessing the density/volume of cortical/subcortical regions and the integrity of the white-matter fibers connecting them; 2) functional studies exploring brain responses during motor/cognitive tasks and the function of specific neurotransmitters/metabolites within cortical-cerebellar circuits. A search in PubMed was conducted to identify the relevant literature. Current neuroimaging research provides converging evidence for the role of the cerebellum in the pathophysiology of ET, although some inconsistencies exist, particularly in structural studies. These discrepancies may depend on the high clinical heterogeneity of ET and on differences among the experimental methods used across studies. Further investigations are needed to disentangle the relationships between specific ET phenotypes and the underlying patterns of neural abnormalities.
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Principal component analysis of a data matrix extracts the dominant patterns in the matrix in terms of a complementary set of score and loading plots. It is the responsibility of the data analyst to formulate the scientific issue at hand in terms of PC projections, PLS regressions, etc. Ask yourself, or the investigator, why the data matrix was collected, and for what purpose the experiments and measurements were made. Specify before the analysis what kinds of patterns you would expect and what you would find exciting.The results of the analysis depend on the scaling of the matrix, which therefore must be specified. Variance scaling, where each variable is scaled to unit variance, can be recommended for general use, provided that almost constant variables are left unscaled. Combining different types of variables warrants blockscaling.In the initial analysis, look for outliers and strong groupings in the plots, indicating that the data matrix perhaps should be “polished” or whether disjoint modeling is the proper course.For plotting purposes, two or three principal components are usually sufficient, but for modeling purposes the number of significant components should be properly determined, e.g. by cross-validation.Use the resulting principal components to guide your continued investigation or chemical experimentation, not as an end in itself.
Few detailed clinico-pathological correlations of Parkinson's disease have been published. The pathological findings in 100 patients diagnosed prospectively by a group of consultant neurologists as having idiopathic Parkinson's disease are reported. Seventy six had nigral Lewy bodies, and in all of these Lewy bodies were also found in the cerebral cortex. In 24 cases without Lewy bodies, diagnoses included progressive supranuclear palsy, multiple system atrophy, Alzheimer's disease, Alzheimer-type pathology, and basal ganglia vascular disease. The retrospective application of recommended diagnostic criteria improved the diagnostic accuracy to 82%. These observations call into question current concepts of Parkinson's disease as a single distinct morbid entity.
A new technique for discrimination of Parkinson tremor from essential tremor is presented in this paper. This technique is based on Statistical Signal Characterization (SSC) of the spectrum of the accelerometer signal. The data has been recorded for diagnostic purposes in the Department of Neurology of the University of Kiel, Germany. Two sets of data are used. The training set, which consists of 21 essential-tremor (ET) subjects and 19 Parkinson-disease (PD) subjects, is used to obtain the threshold value of the classification factor differentiating between the two subjects. The test data set, which consists of 20 ET and 20 PD subjects, is used to test the technique and evaluate its performance. Three of twelve newly derived SSC parameters show good discrimination results. Specific results of those three parameters on training data and test data are shown in detail. A linear combination of the effects of those parameters on the discrimination results is also included. A total discrimination accuracy of 90% is obtained.
This is a proposal of the Movement Disorder Society for a clinical classification of tremors. The classification is based on the distinction between rest, postural, simple kinetic, and intention tremor (tremor during target-directed movements). Additional data from a medical history and the results of a neurologic examination can be combined into one of the following clinical syndromes defined in this statement: enhanced physiologic tremor, classical essential tremor (ET), primary orthostatic tremor, task- and position-specific tremors, dystonic tremor, tremor in Parkinson's disease (PD), cerebellar tremor, Holmes' tremor, palatal tremor, drug-induced and toxic tremor, tremor in peripheral neuropathies, or psychogenic tremor. Conditions such as asterixis, epilepsia partialis continua, clonus, and rhythmic myoclonus can be misinterpreted as tremor. The features distinguishing these conditions from tremor are described. Controversial issues are outlined in a comment section for each item and thus reflect the open questions that at present cannot be answered on a scientific basis. We hope that this statement provides a basis for better communication among clinicians working in the field and stimulates tremor research.
Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) imaging with (123)I-FP-CIT is of great value in differentiating patients suffering from Parkinson's disease (PD) from those suffering from essential tremor (ET). Moreover, SPECT with (123)I-IBZM can differentiate PD from Parkinson's "plus" syndromes. Diagnosis is still mainly based on experienced observers' visual assessment of the resulting images while many quantitative methods have been developed in order to assist diagnosis since the early days of neuroimaging. The aim of this work is to attempt to categorize, briefly present and comment on a number of semi-quantification methods used in nuclear medicine neuroimaging. Various arithmetic indices have been introduced with region of interest (ROI) manual drawing methods giving their place to automated procedures, while advancing computer technology has allowed automated image registration, fusion and segmentation to bring quantification closer to the final diagnosis based on the whole of the patient's examinations results, clinical condition and response to therapy. The search for absolute quantification has passed through neuroreceptor quantification models, which are invasive methods that involve tracer kinetic modelling and arterial blood sampling, a practice that is not commonly used in a clinical environment. On the other hand, semi-quantification methods relying on computers and dedicated software try to elicit numerical information out of SPECT images. The application of semi-quantification methods aims at separating the different patient categories solving the main problem of finding the uptake in the structures of interest. The semi-quantification methods which were studied fall roughly into three categories, which are described as classic methods, advanced automated methods and pixel-based statistical analysis methods. All these methods can be further divided into various subcategories. The plethora of the existing semi-quantitative methods reinforces the feeling that visual assessment is still the base of image interpretation and that the unambiguous numerical results that will allow the absolute differentiation between the known diseases have not been standardized yet. Switching to a commonly agreed-ideally PC-based-automated software that may take raw or mildly processed data (checked for consistency and maybe corrected for attenuation and/or scatter and septal penetration) as input, work with basic operator's inference and produce validated numerical results that will support the diagnosis is in our view the aim towards which efforts should be directed. After all, semi-quantification can improve sensitivity, strengthen diagnosis, aid patient's follow-up and assess the response to therapy. Objective diagnosis, altered diagnosis in marginal cases and a common approach to multicentre trials are other benefits and future applications of semi-quantification.
Few detailed clinico-pathological correlations of Parkinson's disease have been published. The pathological findings in 100 patients diagnosed prospectively by a group of consultant neurologists as having idiopathic Parkinson's disease are reported. Seventy six had nigral Lewy bodies, and in all of these Lewy bodies were also found in the cerebral cortex. In 24 cases without Lewy bodies, diagnoses included progressive supranuclear palsy, multiple system atrophy, Alzheimer's disease, Alzheimer-type pathology, and basal ganglia vascular disease. The retrospective application of recommended diagnostic criteria improved the diagnostic accuracy to 82%. These observations call into question current concepts of Parkinson's disease as a single distinct morbid entity.
Spectral analysis is applied to tremor time series in basic research and treatment monitoring. The estimation of the spectra from the data is usually done by averaging the squared modulus of the Fourier transform of segments of the data. We discuss drawbacks of this method and propose an alternative procedure to estimate the spectra adaptively based on the data. Thus, the method can be applied to all types of tremor. Applying the theory of spectral estimation, we propose a method to decide whether a spectrum exhibits multiple significant peaks and discuss different approaches to determine the amplitude of the tremor from the spectrum.