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Social rank and not physiological capacity determines competitive success in zebrafish ( Danio rerio )

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Abstract and Figures

Competition for resources shapes ecological and evolutionary relationships. Physiological capacities such as in locomotor performance can influence the fitness of individuals by increasing competitive success. Social hierarchy too can affect outcomes of competition by altering locomotor behaviour or because higher ranking individuals monopolize resources. Here, we tested the hypotheses that competitive success is determined by sprint performance or by social status. We show that sprint performance of individuals measured during escape responses (fast start) or in an accelerated sprint test did not correlate with realized sprint speed while competing for food within a social group of five fish; fast start and accelerated sprint speed were higher than realized speed. Social status within the group was the best predictor of competitive success, followed by realized speed. Social hierarchies in zebrafish are established within 7 days of their first encounter, and interestingly, there was a positive correlation between social status and realized speed 1 and 4 days after fish were placed in a group, but not after 7 days. These data indicate that physiological performance decreases in importance as social relationships are established. Also, maximal physiological capacities were not important for competitive success, but swimming speed changed with social context.
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Cite this article: Miln C, Ward AJW, Seebacher
F. 2021 Social rank and not physiological capacity
determines competitive success in zebrafish
(Danio rerio). R. Soc. Open Sci. 8: 210146.
Received: 29 January 2021
Accepted: 15 March 2021
Subject Category:
Organismal and evolutionary biology
Subject Areas:
sprint speed, locomotor performance, social
hierarchy, feeding, zebrafish
Author for correspondence:
Frank Seebacher
Electronic supplementary material is available
online at
Social rank and not
physiological capacity
determines competitive
success in zebrafish
(Danio rerio)
Clare Miln, Ashley J. W. Ward and Frank Seebacher
School of Life and Environmental Sciences A08, University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia
AJWW, 0000-0003-0842-533X; FS, 0000-0002-2281-9311
Competition for resources shapes ecological and evolutionary
relationships. Physiological capacities such as in locomotor
performance can influence the fitness of individuals by
increasing competitive success. Social hierarchy too can affect
outcomes of competition by altering locomotor behaviour or
because higher ranking individuals monopolize resources.
Here, we tested the hypotheses that competitive success is
determined by sprint performance or by social status. We
show that sprint performance of individuals measured
during escape responses (fast start) or in an accelerated
sprint test did not correlate with realized sprint speed while
competing for food within a social group of five fish; fast
start and accelerated sprint speed were higher than realized
speed. Social status within the group was the best predictor
of competitive success, followed by realized speed. Social
hierarchies in zebrafish are established within 7 days of their
first encounter, and interestingly, there was a positive
correlation between social status and realized speed 1 and 4
days after fish were placed in a group, but not after 7 days.
These data indicate that physiological performance decreases
in importance as social relationships are established. Also,
maximal physiological capacities were not important for
competitive success, but swimming speed changed with
social context.
1. Introduction
Obtaining food is most fundamental for survival and fitness in
heterotrophic organisms, and competition is a principal ecological
and evolutionary driver [1]. The mechanisms that determine
competitive success therefore also reveal the primary drivers
© 2021 The Authors. Published by the Royal Society under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, provided the original author and source are credited.
underlying ecological relationships [2]. Differences in locomotor capacity between individuals may explain
success in scramble competition, although speed may trade off with food detection accuracy [3,4].
However, within a social group, individuals do not necessarily display their maximal physiological
capacities, but alter behaviour depending on the social context [5,6]. Hence, locomotor capacity and
social status may either independently or interactively determine competitive success in social animals.
Our aim was to test this relationship between locomotor performance and social status in zebrafish
(Danio rerio)competingforfood.
Sprint performance is a repeatable trait that is thought to be under selection because of the
advantages it confers for predator escape, prey capture, territorial defence and survival [7]. Sprints are
characterized by short (less than 30 s) bursts of high-powered locomotion that are mediated by fast
glycolytic muscle fibres [8]. In fish, maximal sprint performance is often measured as fast starts in
response to an external stimulus eliciting an escape response [9]. Alternatively, sprint performance can
be measured as the fastest speed attained during constant acceleration in a swimming flume [10].
However, animals under natural circumstances often do not move maximally, and performance is
modulated by context [11]. For example, collared lizards used 2590% of maximal sprint speed to
forage, escape predators or defend territories [12].
Social relationships may influence locomotor behaviour [13], and they may alter the importance of
locomotor performance for competitive success. It is possible that social status per se takes precedence
over locomotor capacity in determining competitive success. In zebrafish, a social hierarchy among
unfamiliar animals is established within 7 days [14]. This establishment period provides a suitable
context to test for the relative importance of locomotor capacity and social status in determining
competitive success, because social status would be relatively unimportant before a hierarchy is
established. We therefore tested the hypothesis that (i) immediately after fish are placed in a group,
social status is less important than sprint performance in determining competitive success within the
group, but this relationship is reversed after 7 days. Because sprint performance may vary with
context, we tested the hypothesis that (ii) sprint performance measured in individual fish in an arena
or flume reflects sprint performance realized by individuals within the group. Lastly, sprint
performance may determine social status or, vice versa, the realized speed in the group may be
modified by social status as the hierarchy is established, so we tested the hypothesis that (iii) realized
speed in the group is positively associated with social status.
2. Material and methods
2.1. Study animals
All animal handling and experimental procedures were conducted with the approval of the University of
Sydney Animal Ethics Committee (approval number: 2016/982). Zebrafish, Danio rerio, form social
hierarchies that are stable [15] and therefore are a good model to test hypotheses regarding the fitness
consequences of social hierarchies. Adult short-fin zebrafish of mixed sex were purchased from a
commercial supplier (Marine Fish Direct, Narellan, NSW, Australia) and housed in plastic tanks
(0.64 × 0.45 × 0.23 m; 23 fish per litre) until the start of experiments (12 weeks). Each tank contained
a sponge filter connected to an air pump (AC-9908; Resun, China), and we conducted a 30% water
change once a week. Water temperature was 23°C (± 0.5°C) during all experiments, the light cycle
was 12 L : 12 D h, and fish were fed flake food (Wardley Total Tropical Flake Blend; Hartz Mountain
Company, Secaucus NJ, USA) until satiation once daily. Fish were marked individually with a
coloured elastomer tag injected subcutaneously (NorthWest Marine Technology Inc., Shaw Island,
WA, USA). Each fish within an experimental group (see below) was marked with a different colour,
which was readily distinguishable by direct observation and from video recordings. Fish were given
at least 3 days to recover from the tagging procedure before starting experiments; after 3 days all fish
fed and behaved normally (i.e. engaged in social behaviour and spent most of their time cruising near
the water surface). Experimental fish were of mixed sex (with two or three fish of each sex per group)
to provide a more natural context and to avoid bias from using a single sex only [16]. In zebrafish,
both males and females engage in dominance behaviour [15]. All fish were weighed with an
electronic balance (Navigator NV, Ohaus, USA), and photographed (with a Exilim EX-ZR200A, Casio,
USA camera; electronic supplementary material, figure S1) to determine the standard length (in
Tracker Video Analysis and Modelling Tool 4.01; Open Source Physics, R. Soc. Open Sci. 8: 210146
2.2. Sprint swimming performance
We measured swimming performance in all experimental fish (i.e.10 groups of five fish each, see below).
There are different measurement techniques of sprint speed in the literature [17], and to avoid bias, we
included two different measures. Hence, sprint speed was determined as an escape response and a
constant acceleration test as described previously [10]. Escape responses were induced by a
mechanical stimulus to the tail of the fish in a shallow tank (405 × 600 mm, 30 mm water depth). We
filmed the escape response from above at 120 frames s
(with a GoPro Hero 6, San Mateo CA, USA),
and a submerged 300 mm ruler served as a scale. We analysed videos (in Tracker Video Analysis and
Modelling software, 4.01, Open Source Physics, using the fish centre of
mass as the tracking point. Centre of mass was defined as the location at 0.35 body lengths from the
tip to the snout [18]. The purpose of measuring fast starts is to determine maximal capacities. Hence,
four escape responses were analysed for each fish and the fastest speed was used in the analysis,
which we refer to as fast start[17,19]. Escape responses were only used when the movement of fish
was not impeded by the edge of the tank.
The second method consisted of determining the maximum attained speed (U
) in a 10 s constant
acceleration trial in a cylindrical, Blazka-style swimming flume (21 mm diameter × 150 mm length)
[10]. Each flume was fitted tightly over the intake end of a submersible pump (12 V DC, iL500; Rule,
Hertfordshire, UK) that drew water through the flume. The flow was adjusted by changing the
voltage input to the pumps with a DC-regulated power supply (NP9615; Manson Engineering
Industrial, Hong Kong). A flow meter (DigiFlow, 6710M, Savant Electronics, Taichung, Taiwan) fitted
to the outlet of the pump measured flow velocity in real time. Before the test, fish swam at an initial
flow rate of 0.05 m s
for 30 s, after which water flow was continuously increased by an average of
0.05 m s
every 1 s until fish could no longer maintain their position in the water column and fell
back against a mesh net. The maximum flow speed was recorded when the fish was still holding its
position in the water column and used as maximum sprint performance.
2.3. Competitive ability
To measure competitive success and social interactions, we assembled experimental groups (n=10
groups) of five fish each. Fish within groups were size matched so that they were within 2 mm
standard length of each other, and individuals had not been in contact with each other before the
assembly of the groups. Each group was housed in a separate tank (0.30 × 0.21 × 0.18 m). For trials, all
five fish per tank were placed underneath a perforated 1 l cylindrical container, which allowed visual
inspection of the tank but prevented egress from the container. A piece of fish flake food (Wardley
Total Tropical Flake Blend; Hartz Mountain Company, Secaucus, NJ) was then placed approximately
20 cm away from the perforated container. After 5 s, the container was removed allowing the fish to
move freely around the tank. Fish were filmed (GoPro Hero 6, San Mateo CA, USA, at 120 frames s
from just before the container was lifted, and the identity of the fish that obtained the food was
recorded. This procedure was repeated 10 times consecutively per day for 7 days. In preliminary
trials, we determined the best size of the food flake so that it was visible to the fish, but small enough
for only one fish to obtain it. During filmed trials, water depth was lowered to 7 cm, and between
trials fish groups remained in their tanks and water levels were increased to 15 cm when fish were
not filmed. After the food trials each day fish were fed to satiation. From the videos, we also
determined the speed at which fish travelled towards the food (realized speed). We defined realized
speed as the maximum speed calculated across two video frames while a fish was moving after the
container was lifted and until the food item was eaten by any fish. Note that the maximum speed
attained during competitive trials was significantly correlated with the average speed (permutational
analysis [see below] p< 0.0001), and this relationship did not differ between days ( p= 0.69; electronic
supplementary material, figure S2). We used maximum speed as a representation of realized speed
because it provides a better comparison with sprint speed, which represents maximum physiological
2.4. Social interactions
Before each competitive trial, we filmed fish (with a GoPro Hero 6, San Mateo CA, USA, at 120 frames s
moving freely and undisturbed in their home tank for 1 min; the first footage was taken immediately after
fish were assembled into experimental groups on the first day. From videos, we recorded aggressive R. Soc. Open Sci. 8: 210146
interactions between individuals. An aggressive interaction was defined as a charge by an individual
towards another fish, or a nip towards another individual that elicited a response in the receiving
individual. We used the method described in [20] to determine social scores, where a fish received a
point (+1) for each incident where it was the aggressor, and a negative score (1) for each aggressive
interaction where it was the receiver. The total score for each fish per day was calculated by adding
together the aggressor and receiver scores, and fish with higher scores were considered to be more
dominant within the social hierarchy.
2.5. Statistical analyses
We analysed all data with permutational analyses in the R [21] package lmPerm [22]. Permutational
analyses are a randomization procedure that use the data per se for statistical inference rather than
assuming underlying distributions, which makes them more parsimonious and independent from
underlying assumptions [23]. The p-value in permutational analyses is calculated as the number of
randomized datasets that show the same or greater effect as the measured dataset, divided by the
total number of permutations; the p-value therefore denotes the probability that the observed effects
could be obtained randomly. Hence, permutational analyses do not have any associated test statistic
and are often preferable to frequentist statistics [24]. The sample size was 50 fish in 10 groups of five
fish each, and we give p-values and degrees of freedom (p
In all models, we used tank(=group) as a random blocking factor. In the event, tankwas not
significant in any of the comparisons (all p> 0.1). To test the relationship between sprint speed and
realized speed, we used realized speed as the dependent variable and fast start or U
speed and
dayas the dependent variables. We used a fast start or U
speed, realized speed and social score as
independent variables to test their influence on competitive success. Lastly, we tested whether realized
speed influenced social score by using the social score as the dependent variable and realized speed
and dayas independent variables. When daywas significant in the whole dataset, we repeated the
analysis using subsets of data for each day to test on which days there were significant effects. We
analysed data from days 1, 4 and 7 only. Effect sizes of different predictors on competitive success
were calculated as Cohens d, and 95% confidence intervals were determined by bootstrapping in the
R package boot[25].
3. Results
3.1. Fast starts or U
did not predict realized speed
Realized speed of individuals while moving towards the food within the group of five fish (n=10
groups) was lower than fast start (figure 1a) and U
speed (electronic supplementary material, figure
0 0.5 1.0 1.5
fast start s
eed (m s–1)
realized speed (m s–1)
day 1
day 4
day 7
Figure 1. Sprint speed during competition and in an arena. Fast start speed measured individually in an arena was greater than the
fastest speed realized by individuals when moving towards a food source within a group of five fish (realized speed) (a). There was
no statistically significant relationship between fast start and realized speeds on day 1 (red circles), day 4 (blue circles) or day 7
(green circles). However, realized speed increased from day 1 to day 7 (b). Sample size was 10 groups of five fish on each day, the
solid line shows x= y, and means ± 95% CI are shown in (b). R. Soc. Open Sci. 8: 210146
S1a), and there was no statistically significant association between realized speed and fast start speed
= 0.3) or U
speed ( p
= 0.9). However, between days 1 and 7 realized speed increased
significantly by 0.19 m s
on average ( p< 0.0001
; figure 1b). Additionally, fish with greater fast
start speed reduced their realized speed to a disproportionally greater extent than fish with slower
fast start speed ( p
< 0.0001), and this pattern was more pronounced on day 1 than on days 4 and
< 0.0001; electronic supplementary material, figure S3).
3.2. Realized speed and social score predicted competitive success
Realized speed ( p
= 0.004) and social score ( p
< 0.0001) had a positive effect on competitive
success, but fast start speed ( p
= 0.9) and U
speed ( p
= 0.1) did not influence competitive
success (figure 2; electronic supplementary material, figure S4). The effect size of social score on
competitive success was greater than that of realized speed (95% CI; figure 2). There was no
significant effect of day on these relationships ( p
= 0.7).
3.3. Social score was associated with realized speed only initially
There was a significant positive relationship between social score and realized speed ( p
< 0.0001), and
there was a significant effect of day ( p
< 0.0001) (figure 3). The association between social score and
realized speed was significant on day 1 (p
=0.03) and on day 4 (p
= 0.005), but not on day 7
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
realized speed (m s
–10 –5 0 5 10 15
social score
competitive success
(no. food items)
day 1
day 4
day 7
0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
fast start speed (m s
social score
realized speed
fast start
effect size
(on competitive success)
Figure 2. Predictors of competitive success. Social score (a) and speed realized by individuals when moving towards a food source
within a group of five fish (realized speed) (b) were positively related to competitive success, measured as the number of food items
obtained by an individual when competing in a group of five fish for 10 consecutive trials per day. Fast start speed was not
associated with competitive success (c), and there were no differences between days (day 1 = red circles; day 4 = blue circles;
day 7 = green circles). Social score had the greatest effect on competitive success (effect size) (d), followed by realized speed,
but speed achieved during a 10 s accelerated spring test (U
) or fast start speed did not have an effect on competitive
success. Sample size was 10 groups of five fish on each day, and significant regression lines (± 95% CI) are shown ((a):
Y=0.73 + 7.35x, R
= 0.13; (b): Y= 2.01 + 0.32x, R
= 0.39). R. Soc. Open Sci. 8: 210146
4. Discussion
We have shown that position within a social hierarchy is the most important determinant of competitive
success, although realized speed while competing does contribute to success. However, maximal
physiological capacities did not lead to a competitive advantage, and realized speed while competing
in a group was less than maximal performance.
Group living is advantageous because it protects individuals from predation, and information
transfer between individuals in the group increases access to resources [26,27]. Group fission and
fusion impacts population dynamics, and interactions between individuals and their relative positions
within the group can influence fitness [2830]. Social hierarchies within groups are common, and
more dominant individuals within a group have greater competitive success and access to resources
[31]. However, dominance can also come at the cost of increased stress and energy expenditure
resulting from increased aggression to maintain social position [32]. Physiological capacities are often
associated with group dynamics [4,33], and increased capacities may promote success in aggressive
encounters and dominance [34].
The consequences of social hierarchies are particularly important when competing for limited
resources such as food, which can lead to differences in fitness. However, even though subordinate
individuals experience restricted access to resources, they remain within the group because of the
benefits of group living [35]. It is therefore advantageous for individuals and the group as a whole to
reduce levels of aggression within a group. Individuals may therefore adjust their behaviour to
minimize the costs and maximize the benefits of group living [36]. Subordinates within a group may
suppress their potential physical performance to avoid challenging dominant individuals and thereby
avoid aggressive encounters [37]. We show that even while being established, social hierarchy plays
an important role in food acquisition. Despite having the potential swimming capacity to win limited
items of food, we showed that social status within the group had a greater effect on success to obtain
food. Subordinates within a group may benefit from forgoing opportunities to obtain food to reduce
conflict with the more dominant fish [38].
It is interesting that animals rarely perform maximally under natural or naturalistic situations [11,12],
which is likely to be the result of trade-offs with other fitness-related traits [39]. Fish with greater fast start
speeds showed a disproportionally greater reduction to realized speed than fish with lower fast start
speeds, indicating that fish tended to conform to the group regardless of their physiological capacities.
The observation that realized speed increased during the week indicates that the stimulus to compete
did not decrease during that period. Movement while competing may be interpreted within a
conceptual framework that is similar to economic escape theory. Economic escape theory posits that
predator escape responses are determined by the trade-off between the costs of fleeing (e.g. missed
opportunities and energetic investment) and the costs of not fleeing (loss of lifetime fitness) [40].
While competing for food, the cost of obtaining food would include increased swimming speed and
energetic investment, and the increased likelihood of subsequent conflict with others in the group.
The cost of not obtaining food would be a decrement in nutrition. These two costs would need to be
–10 –5 0 5 10
social score
realized speed (m s–1)
–10 –5 0 5 10
social score
–10 –5 0 5 10
social score
Figure 3. Social score predicted realized speed. There were weak but statistically significant positive relationships between realized
speed and social score on day 1 (a) and day 4 (b), but not on day 7 (c). Sample size was 10 groups of five fish on each day, and
significant regression lines (± 95% CI) are shown ((a): Y=3.86 + 12.71x, R
= 0.096; (b): Y=7.21 + 18.98x, R
= 0.15). R. Soc. Open Sci. 8: 210146
traded off while competing in a group. Dominant individuals may minimize swim speed to save energy
while still obtaining food, and subordinate individuals could adjust swim speed according to that of
more dominant fish. Also, the stimulus to escape a predator (fast starts) may be far stronger than to
obtain food. These dynamics could explain why realized speeds are lower than maximal speeds, and
why the social score is related to the realized speed at least early when hierarchies are established.
Ethics. All animal handling and experimental procedures were conducted with the approval of the University of Sydney
Animal Ethics Committee (approval no.: 2016/982).
Data accessibility. Data has been deposited in Dryad ( [41].
Authorscontributions. F.S., C.M. and A.J.W.W. designed the study; C.M. conducted experiments; F.S. wrote the manuscript
and analysed data; F.S., C.M. and A.J.W.W. edited the manuscript
Competing interests. We declare we have no competing interests
Funding. This work was supported by an Australian Research Council Discovery grant (DP180103036) to F.S.
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... Changes in dominance may also be delayed or may not occur at all if there are carryover effects whereby a dominant individual is more likely to stay dominant (Hock and Huber, 2009), even if the environmental conditions become less favorable for its own phenotype. For example, established social rank can weaken the importance of physiological performance for competitive interactions in some species (Miln et al., 2021). Even without dominance hierarchies and aggression, individuals within groups also consistently differ in their ability to exploit resources, such as food, during scramble competition (David et al., 2011). ...
... Even without dominance hierarchies and aggression, individuals within groups also consistently differ in their ability to exploit resources, such as food, during scramble competition (David et al., 2011). These individual differences can be explained by physiological processes that affect motivation for the resource, sensory perception of the resource and locomotory performance to acquire the resource before competitors (Miln et al., 2021). Differences among individuals in physiological performance curves will affect how resources are distributed within groups depending on the current environmental conditions. ...
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As individual animals are exposed to varying environmental conditions, phenotypic plasticity will occur in a vast array of physiological traits. For example, shifts in factors such as temperature and oxygen availability can affect the energy demand, cardiovascular system, and neuromuscular function of animals that in turn impact individual behavior. Here, we argue that nonlinear changes in the physiological traits and performance of animals across environmental gradients—known as physiological performance curves—may have wide-ranging effects on the behavior of individual social group members and the functioning of animal social groups as a whole. Previous work has demonstrated how variation between individuals can have profound implications for socially living animals, as well as how environmental conditions affect social behavior. However, the importance of variation between individuals in how they respond to changing environmental conditions has so far been largely overlooked in the context of animal social behavior. First, we consider the broad effects that individual variation in performance curves may have on the behavior of socially living animals, including: (1) changes in the rank order of performance capacity among group mates across environments; (2) environment-dependent changes in the amount of among- and within-individual variation, and (3) differences among group members in terms of the environmental optima, the critical environmental limits, and the peak capacity and breadth of performance. We then consider the ecological implications of these effects for a range of socially mediated phenomena, including within-group conflict, within- and among group assortment, collective movement, social foraging, predator-prey interactions and disease and parasite transfer. We end by outlining the type of empirical work required to test the implications for physiological performance curves in social behavior.
... In the wild, territorial males are known to aggressively stop other males from accessing spawning sites [37,38]. Zebrafish also live in groups for which contests may help establish a dominance hierarchy [39][40][41]. ...
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Two-body fighting behavior occurs throughout the animal kingdom to settle dominance disputes. While some universal features have been identified, important questions such as how the dynamics ultimately lead to a winner and loser remain unresolved. Here we analyze fighting behavior in pairs of adult male zebrafish, Danio rerio. We combine a custom imaging apparatus consisting of multiple cameras, a large volume, and a transparent interior cage to avoid reflection artifacts, with computer vision to track multiple body points across multiple organisms while maintaining individual identity in 3D. In the body point dynamics we find a hierarchy of timescales which we use to construct interpretable joint coordinates consisting of relative orientation and distance. We use the distribution of these coordinates to automatically identify fight epochs and we demonstrate the post-fight emergence of an abrupt asymmetry in relative orientations. To quantify short-time behaviors we cluster transitions between joint configurations, and show that fight epochs are spanned by a small number of dynamical clusters, which we denote as maneuvers. The maneuver clusters include motifs such as 'attacks' and 'circling' and we quantify longer-time dynamics through maneuver frequencies. We find that the eventual loser attacks more often towards the end of the contest, suggesting a loser assessment component of the dominance decision.
... Adjusting speeds can therefore improve locomotor performance and efficiency (Weihs, 1973a). Interestingly, animals rarely travel at maximal capacity, but at intermediate realised speeds (Husak and Fox, 2006;Miln et al., 2021; that can be influenced by physical constraints of the environment, behavioural contexts and the energetic cost of movement (Rezende et al., 2006;Seebacher et al., 2016b;. In aquatic environments, constraints such as temperature (Kraskura et al., 2021), salinity (Nelson et al., 1996;Seebacher et al., 2016b) and oxygen saturation (Oldham et al., 2019) can operate in isolation or interact to influence realised speeds (Kraskura et al., 2021;Oldham et al., 2019;Seebacher et al., 2016b). ...
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Movement is essential in the ecology of most animals, and it typically consumes a large proportion of individual energy budgets. Environmental conditions modulate the energetic cost of movement (cost of transport, COT), and there are pronounced differences in COT between individuals within species and across species. Differences in morphology affect COT, but the physiological mechanisms underlying variation in COT remain unresolved. Candidates include mitochondrial efficiency and the efficiency of muscle contraction-relaxation dynamics. Animals can offset increased COT behaviourally by adjusting movement rate and habitat selection. Here, we review the theory underlying COT and the impact of environmental changes on COT. Increasing temperatures, in particular, increase COT and its variability between individuals. Thermal acclimation and exercise can affect COT, but this is not consistent across taxa. Anthropogenic pollutants can increase COT, although few chemical pollutants have been investigated. Ecologically, COT may modify the allocation of energy to different fitness-related functions, and thereby influence fitness of individuals, and the dynamics of animal groups and communities. Future research should consider the effects of multiple stressors on COT, including a broader range of pollutants, the underlying mechanisms of COT and experimental quantifications of potential COT-induced allocation trade-offs.
Arsenic (As) is a metalloid commonly found worldwide. Environmental As exposure may cause potential health hazards and behavioral changes in humans and animals. However, the effects of environmental As concentrations on social behavior, especially during the juvenile stage, are unclear. In this study, we observed behavioral changes in juvenile zebrafish after 28 days of exposure to inorganic As (NaAsO2 100 and 500 ppb) in water, especially anxiety and social deficits. Additionally, the level of oxidative stress in the zebrafish brain after As treatment increased, the content of dopamine (DA) decreased, and the transcription level of genes involved in DA metabolism with the activity of monoamine oxidase (MAO) increased. Oxidative stress is a recognized mechanism of nerve damage induced by As exposure. The zebrafish were exposed to N-acetylcysteine (NAC) to reduce As exposure-induced oxidative stress. The results showed improvements in social behavior, DA content, MAO activity, and gene transcription in zebrafish. In conclusion, environmental As exposure can induce behavioral abnormalities, such as anxiety and social deficits in zebrafish, which may be caused by As-induced oxidative stress altering gene transcription levels, causing an increase in MAO activity and a decrease in DA.
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In 2016, to address the historical overrepresentation of male subjects in biomedical research, the US National Institutes of Health implemented a policy requiring investigators to consider sex as a biological variable. In order to assess the impact of this policy, we conducted a bibliometric analysis across nine biological disciplines for papers published in 34 journals in 2019, and compared our results with those of a similar study carried out by Beery and Zucker in 2009. There was a significant increase in the proportion of studies that included both sexes across all nine disciplines, but in eight of the disciplines there was no change in the proportion studies that included data analyzed by sex. The majority of studies failed to provide rationale for single-sex studies or the lack of sex-based analyses, and those that did relied on misconceptions surrounding the hormonal variability of females. Together, these data demonstrate that while sex-inclusive research practices are more commonplace, there are still gaps in analyses and reporting of data by sex in many biological disciplines.
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The relationship between individual physiological traits and social behaviour is an important research area because it can examine how mechanisms of behaviour link to functional outcomes. It is hypothesised that correlative and causative links between physiology and individual behaviour may be altered by social interactions. Here, we assess how nutritional stress (20-h starved, 90-h starved) and routine metabolic rate (RMR) determine the movement and foraging behaviour of threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus), both individually and in a social context. Results showed that there was no statistically significant relationship between RMR and behaviour. The nutritional stress treatment had significant opposite effects on voluntary swim speed, dependent on whether fish were assayed asocially (alone) or socially (in shoals of three). Greater nutritional stress caused voluntary swimming speeds to reduce in an asocial context but increase in a social context, although both relationships were not significant. Additional results exploring social behaviour parameters such as the frequency and duration of shoaling interactions suggests that alterations in fish swim speed between the two nutritional stress treatments may be due to competition effects. This study links state-dependent individual behaviour to social foraging performance and reinforces the theory that social context is an important modulator of the relationships between physiology and behaviour. Significance statement Recent research has highlighted that the social environment may shape how physiology and behaviour are linked. This area of research, however, requires data from empirical studies that measure and experimentally manipulate physiological traits of individually identifiable animals and tests them under asocial and social conditions. Using threespine sticklebacks foraging for bloodworms, we show that routine metabolic rate did not have a statistically significant effect on fish locomotion or risk-taking. Greater nutritional deprivation caused fish to decrease their swimming speed when they were alone (likely in an effort to reduce energy expenditure); however, when assayed in groups, competitive forces between shoal mates caused them to swim at faster voluntary speeds. Nutritional stress therefore had a significant socially dependent effect on fish locomotion.
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Sprint performance is important ecologically and physiologically, and it can influence fitness by determining outcomes of predator-prey relationships, for example, and it can confer substantial human health benefits. In this article we test whether zebrafish (Danio rerio) are a suitable model to test hypotheses about the effects and consequences of sprint exercise training, and the physiological underpinnings of sprint performance. We show that stage 3 c-starts that capture the initial escape response of fish lasting <1 s were repeatable within individuals. In addition, somewhat longer constant acceleration protocols lasting 10 s (U10s) or 30 s (U30s) were highly repeatable within individuals over 3, 6, and 23 days. C-starts within individuals were not correlated with either U10s or U30s, indicating that these measures reflect different physiological aspects of sprinting. Stage 3 c-starts and U10s responded positively to sprint exercise training. Our exercise training protocol (5 × 10 s sprints with 5-min rest periods on 4 days per week for 3 weeks) was based on the human sporting literature, and together, our results indicate that zebrafish are a good model to assess the physiological and behavioral consequences of sprint exercise training.
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Animal collective movements are a key example of a system that links two clearly defined levels of organization: the individual and the group. Most models investigating collective movements have generated coherent collective behaviours without the inclusion of individual variability. However, new individual-based models, together with emerging empirical information, emphasize that within-group heterogeneity may strongly influence collective movement behaviour. Here we (i) review the empirical evidence for individual variation in animal collective movements, (ii) explore how theoretical investigations have represented individual heterogeneity when modelling collective movements and (iii) present a model to show how within-group heterogeneity influences the collective properties of a group. Our review underscores the need to consider variability at the level of the individual to improve our understanding of how individual decision rules lead to emergent movement patterns, and also to yield better quantitative predictions of collective behaviour. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Collective movement ecology’.
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Individuals of gregarious species often group with conspecifics to which they are phenotypically similar. This among-group assortment has been studied for body size, sex and relatedness. However, the role of physiological traits has been largely overlooked. Here, we discuss mechanisms by which physiological traits—particularly those related to metabolism and locomotor performance—may result in phenotypic assortment not only among but also within animal groups. At the among-group level, varying combinations of passive assortment, active assortment, phenotypic plasticity and selective mortality may generate phenotypic differences among groups. Even within groups, however, individual variation in energy requirements, aerobic and anaerobic capacity, neurological lateralization and tolerance to environmental stressors are likely to produce differences in the spatial location of individuals or associations between group-mates with specific physiological phenotypes. Owing to the greater availability of empirical research, we focus on groups of fishes (i.e. shoals and schools). Increased knowledge of physiological mechanisms influencing among- and within group assortment will enhance our understanding of fundamental concepts regarding optimal group size, predator avoidance, group cohesion, information transfer, life-history strategies and the evolutionary effects of group membership. In a broader perspective, predicting animal responses to environmental change will be impossible without a comprehensive understanding of the physiological basis of the formation and functioning of animal social groups. This article is part of the themed issue ‘Physiological determinants of social behaviour in animals’.
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Many species of animal live in groups, and the group represents the organizational level within which ecological and evolutionary processes occur. Understanding these processes, therefore, relies on knowledge of the mechanisms that permit or constrain group formation. We suggest that physiological capacities and differences in physiology between individuals modify fission–fusion dynamics. Differences between individuals in locomotor capacity and metabolism may lead to fission of groups and sorting of individuals into groups with similar physiological phenotypes. Environmental impacts such as hypoxia can influence maximum group sizes and structure in fish schools by altering access to oxygenated water. The nutritional environment determines group cohesion, and the increase in information collected by the group means that individuals should rely more on social information and form more cohesive groups in uncertain environments. Changing environmental contexts require rapid responses by individuals to maintain group coordination, which are mediated by neuroendocrine signalling systems such as nonapeptides and steroid hormones. Brain processing capacity may constrain social complexity by limiting information processing. Failure to evaluate socially relevant information correctly limits social interactions, which is seen, for example, in autism. Hence, functioning of a group relies to a large extent on the perception and appropriate processing of signals from conspecifics. Many if not all physiological systems are mechanistically linked, and therefore have synergistic effects on social behaviour. A challenge for the future lies in understanding these interactive effects, which will improve understanding of group dynamics, particularly in changing environments. This article is part of the themed issue ‘Physiological determinants of social behaviour in animals’.
The study of fish escape responses has provided important insights into the accelerative motions and fast response times of these animals. In addition, the accessibility of the underlying neural circuits has made the escape response a fundamental model in neurobiology. Fish escape responses were originally viewed as highly stereotypic all-or-none behaviours. However, research on a wide variety of species has shown considerable taxon-specific and context-dependent variability in the kinematics and neural control of escape. In addition, escape-like motions have been reported: these resemble escape responses kinematically, but occur in situations that do not involve a response to a threatening stimulus. This Review focuses on the diversity of escape responses in fish by discussing recent work on: (1) the types of escape responses as defined by kinematic analysis (these include C- and S-starts, and single- versus double-bend responses); (2) the diversity of neuromuscular control; (3) the variability of escape responses in terms of behaviour and kinematics within the context of predator-prey interactions; and (4) the main escape-like motions observed in various species. Here, we aim to integrate recent knowledge on escape responses and highlight rich areas for research. Rapidly developing approaches for studying the kinematics of swimming motion both in the lab and within the natural environment provide new avenues for research on these critical and common behaviours.
Dominance hierarchies are a fundamental part of social systems in many species and social rank can influence access to resources and impact health and physiology. While social subordination is a profound stressor, few studies consider the social stress experienced by dominant males due to constantly needing to defend their dominance status through costly aggressive displays. Recent studies suggest that in species that use body coloration to signal status, these costs may also be color morph-specific. Our study examines the link between the social rank, intensity of territorial defense, body coloration, and oxidative stress in males of the color polymorphic cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoni where males are either blue or yellow. We studied behavior in naturalistic communities and examined circulating reactive oxygen metabolites (ROMs) and antioxidant defenses. We found that dominant males experience higher concentrations of circulating ROMs without notably increasing their antioxidant defenses, but this effect was not related to color morph. Aggression and social network ties predicted oxidative stress in a morph-specific manner, with yellow but not blue males showing signs of increased oxidative damage with increasing agonistic effort. In contrast to expectation, oxidative stress was not influenced by cortisol or testosterone levels. We conclude that oxidative stress is instrumental to understanding the costs and benefits of high social rank. © 2019 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology. All rights reserved.
Synopsis: Whole-organism performance traits are key intermediaries between the organism and the environment. Because performance traits are energetically costly to both build and maintain, performance will compete with other life-history traits over a limited pool of acquired energetic resources at any given time, potentially leading to trade-offs in performance expression. Although these trade-offs can have important implications for organismal fitness we currently lack a conceptual framework for predicting both where trade-offs might be expected, and which traits may be especially prone to trade-offs with other fitness-related life-history traits. We propose such a framework based on an estimate of the energetic requirements of locomotion in vertebrates, the ecological cost of transport. By analyzing existing data on mammalian energetic budgets and life-history, we found that species with higher costs of locomotion also tended to be those with "slow" life histories that invest relatively less in current reproduction than "fast" life-history species. We discuss the potential implications of ectothermy for masking such relationships, and how this framework might be expanded upon in the future.
The question of who leads and who follows is crucial to our understanding of the collective movements of group-living animals. Various characteristics associated with leadership have been documented across a range of social taxa, including hunger, motivation, dominance and personality. Comparatively little is known about the physiological mechanisms that underlie leadership. Here, we tested whether the metabolic phenotype of individual fish (x-ray tetras, Pristella maxillaris) determined their relative position within a moving shoal and their tendency to act as leaders. In contrast to previous work, we found that individuals with low maximal metabolic rates and low aerobic scope tended to be more likely to be found at the front of shoals and were more likely to act as leaders. We suggest that leadership by low-performing individuals leads to greater group cohesion. However, in more challenging environmental contexts, such as flowing water, higher performing animals may be more likely to become leaders while low-performing individuals seek the more favourable hydrodynamic conditions at the rear of the group. Hence, the travelling speed of the group may mediate the relationship between metabolic phenotype and leadership.