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Spatial and seasonal variability in cetacean distribution in the fjords of northern Patagonia, Chile


Abstract and Figures

Viddi, F. A., Hucke-Gaete, R., Torres-Florez, J. P., and Ribeiro, S. 2010. Spatial and seasonal variability in cetacean distribution in the fjords of northern Patagonia, Chile. – ICES Journal of Marine Science, 67: 959–970. Compared with other Chilean coastal areas, little is known about the diversity and distribution of cetaceans in northern Patagonian fjords. Between December 2000 and November 2001, surveys on platforms of opportunity were undertaken in southern Chile to evaluate species richness and the spatial and seasonal distribution of cetaceans. Nine species were recorded, blue, humpback, and minke whales, Peale's dolphin, Chilean dolphin, killer whale, false killer whale, bottlenose dolphin, and Cuvier's beaked whale. The pattern of cetacean distribution displayed significant seasonal differences, with most baleen whales (mysticetes) observed during late summer and autumn, and toothed cetaceans (odontocetes) mostly during spring. Generalized additive models, used to assess the spatial distribution of cetaceans, showed that mysticetes were distributed disproportionately along a north–south gradient, in open gulfs with oceanic influence, and close to shore. In contrast, odontocetes were observed mainly within narrow channels, areas with complex coastal morphology, peaking at different water depths. These findings, although from a single year of data, increase our understanding of habitat determinants of cetacean distribution in southern Chile. The results have the potential to be applied to coastal conservation and management in the region.
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Spatial and seasonal variability in cetacean distribution in the
fjords of northern Patagonia, Chile
Francisco A. Viddi, Rodrigo Hucke-Gaete, Juan P. Torres-Florez, and Sandra Ribeiro
Viddi, F. A., Hucke-Gaete, R., Torres-Florez, J. P., and Ribeiro, S. 2010. Spatial and seasonal variability in cetacean distribution in the fjords of
northern Patagonia, Chile. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 67: 959 970.
Compared with other Chilean coastal areas, little is known about the diversity and distribution of cetaceans in northern Patagonian
fjords. Between December 2000 and November 2001, surveys on platforms of opportunity were undertaken in southern Chile to evalu-
ate species richness and the spatial and seasonal distribution of cetaceans. Nine species were recorded, blue, humpback, and minke
whales, Peale’s dolphin, Chilean dolphin, killer whale, false killer whale, bottlenose dolphin, and Cuvier’s beaked whale. The pattern of
cetacean distribution displayed significant seasonal differences, with most baleen whales (mysticetes) observed during late summer
and autumn, and toothed cetaceans (odontocetes) mostly during spring. Generalized additive models, used to assess the spatial dis-
tribution of cetaceans, showed that mysticetes were distributed disproportionately along a north– south gradient, in open gulfs with
oceanic influence, and close to shore. In contrast, odontocetes were observed mainly within narrow channels, areas with complex
coastal morphology, peaking at different water depths. These findings, although from a single year of data, increase our understanding
of habitat determinants of cetacean distribution in southern Chile. The results have the potential to be applied to coastal conservation
and management in the region.
Keywords: Balaenoptera musculus,Cephalorhynchus eutropia, cetacean distribution, Chilean fjords, generalized additive models,
Lagenorhynchus australis, spatial distribution.
Received 4 June 2009; accepted 14 November 2009; advance access publication 10 January 2010.
F. A. Viddi: Marine Mammal Research Group, Graduate School of the Environment, Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia. R. Hucke-
Gaete and J. P. Torres-Florez: Marine Mammal Ecology Laboratory, Centro Ballena Azul, Instituto de Ecologı
´a y Evolucio
´n, Universidad Austral de
Chile, Casilla 567, Valdivia, Chile, and Centro de Investigacio
´n en Ecosistemas de la Patagonia, Francisco Bilbao 449, Coihaique, Chile. S. Ribeiro:
Instituto Estadual de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Hı
´dricos, Projeto corredores Ecolo
´gicos, BR 262, Cariacica, Espirito Santo, Brazil. Correspondence to
F. A. Viddi: tel: þ61 2 98507980; fax: þ61 2 98507972; e-mail:
Waters off the Chilean coast are recognized as holding some of the
greatest biological productivity in the world (Daneri et al., 2000),
and the extraordinary productivity appears to be influential in the
distribution and abundance of several species, including whales
and dolphins. Of the 90 cetacean species described worldwide,
almost half have been recorded in Chilean waters (Aguayo-Lobo
et al., 1998). Nevertheless, despite this large number of species,
little is known about their ecology, especially in the fjord region
of southern Chile.
The northern Patagonian fjords comprise a complex oceano-
graphic environment (Silva et al., 1997;Silva et al., 1998), and
recently became known as a vast estuarine system, where research
has focused mainly on oceanography and the fisheries (Pickard,
1971;Balbontin and Bravo, 1993;Silva et al., 1995;Balbontin
and Bernal, 1997;Fierro et al., 2000). However, although marine
mammals are a conspicuous biological component of the area,
their distribution in the fjord region between 41 and 488S has
not been described.
Most information available in the literature about the diversity
and distribution of cetaceans in Chilean waters is derived from
whaling data, opportunistic sightings, strandings, updates of dis-
tributional ranges, and osteological material, dispersed mostly in
unpublished technical reports, conference proceedings, and a
few scientific publications (Aguayo-Lobo et al., 1998). There
seems to be a knowledge gap in northern Patagonian fjords, in par-
ticular between Puerto Montt and Golfo de Penas (418300and
488S). This gap is punctuated by only a few localized systematic
studies, mostly on Chilean (Cephalorhynchus eutropia) and
Peale’s dolphins (Lagenorhynchus australis;Heinrich, 2006), a
rediscovery of a feeding ground of blue whales (Balaenoptera mus-
culus;Hucke-Gaete et al., 2003), and a recent descriptive study of
marine mammals in the area (Aguayo-Lobo et al., 2006).
Therefore, to our knowledge, no detailed study has been made
at the mesoscale regarding the ecological determinants of cetacean
distribution in the area.
Cetaceans, and mobile animals in general, exploit the environ-
ment disproportionately, and their distribution varies temporally
and spatially (Samuel et al., 1985;Stevick et al., 2002). Studies
have described cetacean distribution and habitat preference by
linking their presence to different habitat variables. Most cetacean
studies propose that habitat selection and use patterns are princi-
pally a function of distribution, movement, and the abundance of
prey (Ballance, 1992;Karczmarski et al., 2000;Stevick et al., 2002)
and as a means of finding refuge from predators (Heithaus
and Dill, 2002). However, the specific environmental conditions
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selected by cetaceans may be proxies for the characteristics of the
environment that relate more directly to prey concentrations.
Bottom depth, water clarity, sea surface temperature, primary
productivity, proximity to estuaries and rivers, bottom type,
tidal currents, and/or frontal systems have been used as proxies
to assess, describe, and predict cetacean habitat association in
studies in the North Atlantic (Gowans and Whitehead, 1995;
Hastie et al., 2005), New Zealand (Bra
¨ger et al., 2003), the Gulf
of Mexico (Baumgartner et al., 2001), the Mediterranean Sea
˜adas et al., 2005;Panigada et al., 2008), and the North Sea
(Mendes et al., 2002;Skov and Thomsen, 2008).
Cetaceans are difficult to study because they spend most of
their time out of sight beneath the surface and most species live
far from shore where direct observations are complex or logisti-
cally prohibitive. Such constraints render cetacean research
costly in terms of carrying out regular surveys (Lopez et al.,
2004;Kiszka et al., 2007). When data collection is required and
funding is limited, platforms of opportunity, such as fishing
vessels, tourist ships, or cargo ferries, may provide a means of gath-
ering crucial information on cetacean distribution. The routes for
such ships are not determined by a research design, but rather by
needs such as safer, more efficient, or scenic routes. Therefore,
these survey track lines fail to provide equal coverage probability
(either systematic or random sampled), and basic statistical
design is compromised. Therefore, although the data generated
by platforms of opportunity are useful, they should be taken
merely as initial insights into cetacean distribution and as impor-
tant starting points for designing systematic surveys.
Considering the need to understand the ecology of many ceta-
cean species and the rapid expansion of coastal development in
southern Chile, such as for aquaculture, this study aimed to
examine the spatial and seasonal distribution of cetaceans in
northern Chilean Patagonia using platforms of opportunity. The
information gathered will support the efforts made in terms of
developing conservation and management policies at local and
national levels and will form a baseline from which future systema-
tic surveys can be designed.
Material and methods
The study was undertaken between 418300and 488000S in southern
Chile (Figure 1). The area consists of an intricate array of inner
passages, archipelagos, channels, and fjords, stretching along ca.
900 km of linear coastline and enclosing 12 000 km of convo-
luted and protected shoreline.
The general oceanographic conditions affecting this area are
under the direct influence of the West Wind Drift (WWD). The
bulk of the oceanic west-driven currents encounter the South
American continent at about latitude 418S, one of the major
fjord regions of the world, and the origin of a northbound
current characterized by a north-flowing branch, the Humboldt
Current, which in turn splits into coastal and oceanic, and a south-
bound current represented by a poleward-flowing branch, the
Cape Horn Current (Longhurst, 1998). The interaction between
the WWD, Subantarctic waters, fjord freshwater (coastal run-off
from glacier melt, river drainage, and copious precipitation),
and tidal currents defines a strong vertical and horizontal salinity
gradient (Davila et al., 2002;Palma and Silva, 2004), which in turn
supports phytoplankton and primary productivity (Iriarte et al.,
2007). Freshwater run-off and glacier meltdown in some areas
can cause anomalies in water salinity, density, and temperature
inshore (such as in Laguna San Rafael, where glaciers reach the
sea). In addition, river discharge brings sediments and terrigenous
material, which in combination influence the dynamics of coastal
circulation (Silva et al., 1998).
Data collection
Data on cetacean distribution were collected between December
2000 and November 2001. Vessel-based observations were made
in the channels and fjords of southern Chile (from Puerto
Montt to south of Taitao Peninsula) aboard platforms of opportu-
nity, which included tour and cargo ferries that traverse the fjords
on fixed routes. Daily observations were made by 2– 4 observers
during 14 cruises on board the MV “Evangelistas” and the MV
“Puerto Eden” from the highest vantage points aboard (12
and 10 m, respectively).
Trained observers searched for cetaceans 50% by eye and 50%
using 7 50 binoculars, covering a strip of 5 km looking ahead
to 90
on each side (2.5 km to each side). Search effort was
occasionally interrupted while observers attempted to determine
species positively. Data on effort included date, start/end time,
geographic position (using a hand-held GPS), weather, and sea
state (Beaufort scale).
Data on cetacean sightings included ship’s position, time, angle
and approximate distance to the sighting (using rangefinder reticle
binoculars), species, and group size. As the encounter rate was of
interest, a precise estimate of distance was not necessary. A ceta-
cean sighting was defined as a single animal, or a group of
animals of one species within a radius of 100 m for dolphins or
of 1 km for whales (although no association between individuals
in a group was inferred). Maximum, minimum, and best estimates
of group size were recorded for each sighting. As ferries would not
change their routes to approach a sighting, the time spent collect-
ing data relating to a group produced just a species identification
and a record of the number of animals. Searching was only per-
formed under Beaufort state 3. Search effort ceased when visi-
bility was too poor, possibly precluding sightings as a
consequence of weather conditions, i.e. strong winds, heavy rain,
fog, and/or high sea state.
Data analysis with GIS
Observation effort was neither spatially nor seasonally distributed
evenly, but was only during daylight and when sea and weather
conditions permitted. Periods of effort (time spent on active
visual survey) were plotted as lines into ArcGIS (version 9.2;
Environmental Systems Research Institute, Redlands, CA, USA),
from which a raster layer of density of track lines was created.
Here, the track density was generated by calculating the total
length of track portions that fell within a radius of 5000 m in
the neighbourhood of each output raster cell of 1 1 km. Each
grid cell would receive a value for density of effort of total distance
covered in each cell (metres covered per unit area; Figure 1). These
values were used as weights for later analysis to adjust sightings in
relation to effort and distance to track line. All geographic data
were recorded and downloaded as a Projected Coordinate
System WGS 1984 UTM Zone 18S.
All sightings were plotted in ArcGIS after correcting for angle
and distance. For each sighting, a value of the inverse track
density was extracted from GIS (used as weight in data modelling)
and used along with physiographic features such as depth, channel
width, distance to coast, and coast complexity. Latitude was used
as UTM Northing to account for cetacean spatial distribution,
given that the ferry route had a north–south north direction.
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Raw data for depth (as latitude, longitude, and z-values) were
obtained from the Chilean Navy (Servicio Hidrogra
´fico y
´fico de la Armada de Chile), from which a Triangular
Irregular Network model was created using three-dimensional
analyst in ArcGIS. Width of channel for each sighting was esti-
mated by measuring the distance between the two coastlines, per-
pendicular to the track line followed by the ferry. For those
sightings made outside the inner fjords (along the open coast),
an arbitrary value of 140 km for channel width was given, 20 km
more than the widest distance measured in the inner passages.
Distance to coast and coastline complexity were generated and
subsequently extracted for each sighting and absence point in
GIS. Coastline complexity is a measure of concentration of
islands, convoluted bays, and narrow channels measured as a
density of coastline. This variable was calculated by estimating
the total length of coastline (in km) falling in 1 km 1 km cell
within a searching radius of 10 km (values of zero mean that
there was no coast within a radius of 10 km).
Finally, to use the actual locations for each sighting and their
derived environmental features for statistical analysis, random
points were generated using the extension Hawth’s tools for
ArcGIS (Beyer, 2004). In all, 170 random points were generated,
slightly more than the actual number of sightings (Goetz et al.,
2007). These random points then represented an absence of sight-
ings. Each random point was generated taking into consideration
survey effort (Torres et al., 2008). For this, an algorithm was used
in ArcGIS to create random points considering weightings for
track density (i.e. more random points were generated in those
Figure 1. The study area in southern Chile and the density of the tracks of cargo ferries (areas in darker grey had greater effort in terms of
total distance covered per unit area).
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areas with greater effort). For each random point generated, all the
variables mentioned above were extracted using GIS.
Seasonal and spatial analysis
In general, data were analysed by pooling data for mysticetes and
odontocetes separately. Additional assessments of Chilean and
Peale’s dolphins were made because those two species had suffi-
cient sightings for analysis.
For seasonal statistical analysis, four seasons were considered:
summer (12 December 2000–27 February 2001), autumn (12
April–17 June 2001), winter (28 July– 5 September 2001), and
spring (4 October –1 November 2001). A Chi-squared test of inde-
pendence was used to assess the relationship between cetacean
encounter and season. A post hoc Pearson residuals analysis was
then carried out for Chi-squared significant values to determine
which seasons explained the lack of independence. When sample
size was small, a p-value approximation procedure was computed
from a Monte Carlo test with 10 000 replicates within the
Chi-squared protocol (Hope, 1968). A Chi-squared analysis
assumes equal effort among categories, in this case seasons. We
adjusted the counts for all taxa and species by estimating the sight-
ing rate per season, then multiplying each seasonal rate by a con-
stant effort of 79. We then rounded the numbers to derive
standardized counts. Analyses were carried out in R 2.9.1
(R Development Core Team, 2009).
Generalized additive models (GAMs) were used to examine the
role of spatial and environmental variables on the sighting
locations of cetaceans. GAMs allow a data-driven approach by
fitting smoothed non-linear functions of explanatory variables
without imposing parametric constraints (Hastie and Tibshirani,
1990). Smoother terms were derived using thin-plate regression
splines implemented under the “mgcv” package in R 2.9.2
(Wood, 2006). A binomial distribution (presence/absence)
family and a logit link function were used. Presence/absence was
used instead of a density value because we decided that there
were too few sightings to calculate a density (sightings per area
or per time) sufficiently meaningful to develop the models.
Working with density values would have required a grid system
in which the values for the covariates for each cell in the grid
were obtained from the mean values within each cell, so losing
covariate detail with the spatial scale of some channels.
Backward selection, beginning from a fully saturated model,
was used to obtain the best-fitting models based on their general-
ized cross-validation scores (GCV). The GCV can be viewed as the
criterion that selects the effective degrees of freedom of a model
where the scale parameter is unknown and is therefore estimated
by the model. The GCV operates by performing smoothing par-
ameter selection wherein the GCV essentially finds an appropriate
smoother for each covariate (Wood, 2006). A lower GCV score
indicates a better-fitting GAM. GCV is known to tend to overfit
on occasions, so a gamma of 1.4 was specified, effectively
correcting the overfit without compromising model fit (Kim and
Gu, 2004;Wood, 2006). Additionally, because the scale parameter
is unknown and the data likely to be overdispersed, the “gam”
function was forced to estimate the scale parameter by specifying
the scale as 21(Wood, 2006).
From the initial full model, the covariate with the highest non-
significant p-value was removed and refitted to the reduced model.
If that model resulted in a lower GCV score, it was retained and
again the covariate with the highest p-value was removed. The pro-
cedure was repeated until the removal of any covariate resulted in
a higher GCV score. If at any stage removing the least significant
covariate resulted in an increased GCV score, then the next least
significant term was removed, etc., until no further reduction in
GCV could be obtained. Diagnostic plots were also made to deter-
mine the fit effectiveness of the models (Wood, 2006). If the model
reduced the smoothing spline to an estimated degree of freedom
approximating to 1 and there was no apparent pattern in the
residuals, then the smoother function was replaced by a linear
term. A weight vector was included in the model process, corre-
sponding to the inverse value of density of the survey track lines.
This vector was included in the GAMs to account for the different
effort made at spatial scales, noting that models not including
effort data are one of the major factors causing erroneous analysis
in cetacean literature (Redfern et al., 2006). Four models were
built, for five predictive variables. The first two described the
global spatial distribution of mysticetes and odontocetes over
the whole year, and the other two highlighted specific habitats of
Peale’s and Chilean dolphins. We chose GAMs because they gen-
erate smoothed curves representing the relationship between the
response and each predictor variable in the model. GAMs are par-
ticularly good at identifying and describing non-linear relation-
ships that are more typical than linear relationships in ecology
(Oksanen and Minchin, 2002).
The overall observation effort was 315 h (during 47 days and 14
ferry cruises) accomplished during the four seasons, representing
almost 8000 km of coverage. There were 129 cetacean sightings
(Figure 2), comprising nine different cetacean species, along the
channels and fjords south of Puerto Montt. There were three
species of baleen whale, blue (B. musculus), humpback
(Megaptera novaeangliae), and minke (Balaenoptera bonaerensis),
and six of odontocete, Peale’s dolphin (L. australis), Chilean
dolphin (C. eutropia), killer whale (Orcinus orca), false killer
whale (Pseudorca crassidens), bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops trunca-
tus), and Cuvier’s beaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris). Peale’s
dolphin was by far the most frequently observed, followed by the
Chilean dolphin. Bottlenose dolphins were, however, the most
abundant cetacean owing to the large size of the groups observed
(Table 1).
Seasonal and spatial distribution
Seasonally, the pattern of cetacean distribution was significantly
different in each season (
¼37.05, p,0.001). Mysticetes were
mostly recorded during autumn and never in winter (
33.38, p,0.001), whereas odontocetes were observed more
often during spring and less frequently during summer (
18, d.f. ¼3, p,0.001; Figure 3). Peale’s dolphins showed a sig-
nificant seasonal pattern (
¼14.59, d.f. ¼3, p¼0.002), with
more sightings in spring, whereas Chilean dolphins had no seaso-
nal pattern, with a similar sighting distribution during all seasons
¼1.29, p¼0.756; Table 2).
The GAM revealed that the overall spatial distribution of mys-
ticetes was not even, with peaks in the number of sightings along a
north–south gradient. The models also retained two other spatial
covariates among the five tested: width of channel and distance to
the coast. Overall, the best model for mysticete data explained
58.9% of the deviance (Table 3). Baleen whales selected areas of
wide channels and close to the shore (Figure 4).
The GAM results for odontocete presence indicated that the
best model included the effect of coast complexity (as a linear
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term), UTM Northing, distance to coast, and depth, and explained
48.8% of the deviance (Table 3). Odontocetes in general had a stra-
tified distribution along the north–south gradient, with peaks of
sightings at different latitudes. They identified areas closer to
shore, depths .200 m, and areas with complex coastal mor-
phology (Figure 5).
Peale’s dolphins showed a non-linear relationship with water
depth, peaking at depths of 50, 250, and 400 m. They
were also more frequent in areas with high coastal complexity
and with uneven distribution along the north–south gradient
(Figure 6). Overall, the best model explained 59.4% of the
deviance. For Chilean dolphins, the model retained just depth
and distance to the coast as linear terms, and explained 64.6%
Figure 2. Cetacean distribution in the northern Patagonian fjords, southern Chile. (a) Mysticetes and (b) odontocetes.
Table 1. Summary of cetacean species, number of sightings,
number of animals, and group size average and range observed
during 14 surveys between December 2000 and November 2001.
Number of
Number of
Group size
Average Range
Peale’s dolphin 42 182 4.3 1–15
Chilean dolphin 32 109 3.3 1–15
8 273 34.1 4
Killer whale 4 8 2 1–3
False killer whale 2 10 5 3–7
Blue whale 7 14 2 1–3
Humpback whale 6 17 2.8 1–5
Minke whale 5 7 1.4 1– 3
Cuvier’s beaked
10 13 – –
12 35 – –
All species 129 669
Figure 3. Seasonal sighting rate and effort for cetaceans in the
northern Patagonian fjords, southern Chile, for all taxa pooled, for
odontocetes, and for mysticetes.
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of the deviance (Table 3). Chilean dolphins were mostly found
near the shore in shallow water (Figure 7).
Before this study, little was known about the species richness and
distribution of cetaceans in the fjords and inner seas of northern
Patagonia, Chile. During the systematic assessment described
here, nine species were recorded in 1000 km of linear surveys
south of Puerto Montt (between 418300and 488000S).
Although all species sighted during the study have been
reported previously for Chilean waters, no sightings for this par-
ticular study area had been documented for false killer whales
and Cuvier’s beaked whales. Those two species, along with killer
whales, were the least frequent of the species recorded in the
study area. Capella et al. (1999) suggested that killer whales
might be rare along the Chilean coast. Nevertheless, more systema-
tic studies covering a larger temporal and spatial range need to be
developed, because several new records have been documented
(FAV, unpublished data).
Consistent with earlier reports, Peale’s dolphins appear to be the
most common cetacean in the area (33% of the sightings), followed
by Chilean dolphins (25% of the sightings) (Goodall et al., 1988,
1997a;Goodall, 1994). Nevertheless, bottlenose dolphins were the
most gregarious and the most numerous cetacean observed, repre-
senting 40% of the total number of animals recorded. The Moraleda
channel and associated fjords and channels, especially those close to
the Aysen fjord, seem to be a hotspot for odontocetes because all
toothed cetaceans recorded during this study were sighted there.
Compared with other fjord systems in the world, the number of
species observed here is comparable with results from BC, Canada
(Williams and Thomas, 2007), and Fjordland, New Zealand
(Lusseau and Slooten, 2002), where seven and nine species have
been reported, respectively. However, the greater systematic
effort, both temporally and spatially, allocated by those authors
contrast with our 1-year surveys on platforms of opportunity.
Williams and Thomas (2007) developed systematic stratified
surveys covering a great proportion of the fjord area of British
Columbia, and Lusseau and Slooten (2002) used sightings data
from tourist operators from 1996 to 1999. Hence, we believe that
Table 2. Post hoc Pearson’s residuals from Chi-squared analysis for
cetacean sightings by season.
Season Mysticetes Odontocetes
Summer 20.981 22.263 22.313 20.514
Autumn 4.903 21.720 20.953 20.514
Winter 22.550 0.996 0.408 0.857
Spring 21.373 2.988 2.858 0.171
High negative and positive values indicate degrees of negative or positive
association, respectively.
Table 3. Results of GAMs for cetacean sightings in Chile’s northern Patagonian fjords, including the covariates selected by the models.
Taxon and
parameter Estimate e.d.f. s.e. t-value F-value p-value
(%) r
score n
Intercept 28.74 3.73 22.34 0.020
Smoother terms
UTM Northing 5.18 3.31 ,0.001
Channel width 8.03 4.69 ,0.001
Distance to coast 2.23 9.98 ,0.001
Best final model Myss(UTM Northing) þs(channel width) þs(distance to coast) 58.9 0.91 2.49 201
Intercept 22.71 0.73 23.7 ,0.001
Smoother terms
UTM Northing 8.86 6.85 ,0.001
Distance to coast 4.40 4.6 ,0.001
Depth 2.54 6.91 ,0.001
Linear term
Coast complexity 13.39 2.95 0.004
Best final model Odos(UTM Northing) þs(distance to coast) þs(depth) þcoast
48.8 0.81 2.27 266
Peale’s dolphin
Intercept 21.32 0.36 23.70 ,0.001
Smoother terms
UTM Northing 7.6 2.89 0.005
Depth 6.99 3.89 0.001
Coast complexity 1.44 5.12 0.008
Best final model L.a.s(UTM Northing) þs(depth) þs(coast complexity) 59.4 0.89 1.85 141
Chilean dolphin
Intercept 2.60 0.37 7.08 ,0.001
Linear terms
Distance to coast 20.001 23.74 ,0.001
Depth 20.06 25.50 ,0.001
Best final model C.e.distance to coast þdepth 64.6 0.76 0.69 181
Mys, Mysticete; Odo, Odontocete; L.a., Peale’s dolphin; C.e., Chilean dolphin; e.d.f., effective degrees of freedom.
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with increased spatial and temporal systematic survey coverage
within our region, other species might be sighted, especially those
known to frequent the area. These include Commerson’s dolphins
(Cephalorhynchus commersonii;Capella and Gibbons, 1991), dusky
dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus;Pitman and Balance, 1995),
Burmeister’s porpoises (Phocoena spinipinnis;Heinrich, 2006),
and sei whales (Balaenoptera borealis; RH-G, unpublished data).
Spatial and seasonal distribution of mysticetes
Baleen whale species registered in this study were mostly observed
during autumn, in open areas (wide channels) close to shore.
Although most baleen whales were observed in the open sea,
there is evidence that whales transit through narrow channels in
the southern part of the study area not covered by ferries,
especially blue and humpback whales, as reported by
Hucke-Gaete (2004). Although many studies on baleen whales
show some type of association with water depth (Williams et al.,
2006;Ingram et al., 2007;Panigada et al., 2008), the whales in
our study did not show any relationship with this particular vari-
able. Although both blue and humpback whales were sighted at
practically the same frequency, blue whales are more common in
the Chiloe–Corcovado Gulf (Hucke-Gaete et al., 2003).
The seasonal and spatial distribution of whales, in particular in
the Corcovado Gulf, might be explained by the seasonal contrast
between high levels of primary productivity (phytoplankton)
reported during spring and summer compared with those of
winter (Hucke-Gaete, 2004;Delgado and Marin, 2006),
particularly that observed in 2001 (Iriarte et al., 2007).
Mesoscale physical processes such as eddies, fronts, and plumes
would enhance the collection and retention of phytoplankton
within the area (Hucke-Gaete, 2004). These seasonal phytoplank-
ton blooms in turn favour lagged formation of large zooplankton
swarms (secondary production), such as krill, the essential food of
several larger species, particularly blue whales, during late summer
and autumn. In fact, Chile’s austral region south of 418S is one of
the planet’s most complex systems of fjords and channels, consti-
tuting some of the largest estuarine systems of the world and
characterized by high levels of habitat heterogeneity, biodiversity,
and productivity (Silva et al., 1998;Davila et al., 2002;Palma
and Silva, 2004). Indeed, mesoscale oceanographic conditions,
especially those with cyclic temporal patterns, seem to be a
major factor in whale distribution in southern Chile. Certainly,
primary productivity, tidal fronts, and other oceanographic fea-
tures are crucial in producing the predictable high concentrations
of prey that shape the seasonal movement and habitat use patterns
for many whale species (Davis et al., 2002;Croll et al., 2005;
Johnston et al., 2005;Donoil-Valcroze et al., 2007). However,
this is not a general pattern for all whales. Fin whales
(Balaenoptera physalus), for example, are resident year-round in
Baja California because of the persistent high productivity there.
Spatial and seasonal distribution of odontocetes
Most odontocete sightings were made during spring and least
during summer, particularly so for Peale’s dolphins. However,
Figure 4. GAM-predicted smooth splines of the response variable presence/absence of mysticetes as a function of the explanatory variables
UTM Northing, distance to the coast, and channel width. The degrees of freedom for non-linear fits are in parenthesis on the y-axis. Tick
marks above the x-axis indicate the distribution of observations (with and without sightings). Dotted lines represent the 95% confidence
intervals of the smooth spline functions.
Variability in cetacean distribution in northern Patagonian fjords of Chile 965
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no evidence of seasonal migration has been found for that species.
Chilean dolphin sightings, on the other hand, revealed no seasonal
variation, suggesting year-round residence at least to some extent
in the area surveyed, consistent with the findings of Heinrich
(2006) for Chilean dolphins in southern Chiloe Island. However,
this is not a general pattern for all species of Cephalorhynchus,
because Hector’s dolphin (C. hectori) is known to show seasonal
shifts in the patterns of movement and distribution in New
Zealand (Dawson and Slooten, 1988).
In general, odontocete distribution was stratified along a north–
south gradient, with different patterns of distance to shore, and a
preference for shallow water and depths of .200 m. These patterns
probably result from pooling the data from all toothed cetaceans.
Looking in detail at the distribution of the most common
dolphin species in our area, Peale’s dolphins did show a spatial
pattern, driven by latitudinal stratification, with different depths
seemingly preferred in different areas. Peale’s dolphins also selected
areas of coastal complexity, perhaps preferring those habitats with a
more convoluted and protected shoreline, as well as a high density
of islands and channels. Peale’s dolphins were found both close and
far from shore, a flexibility also documented by others (Goodall
et al., 1997a). This is probably one of the major differences
between Peale’s and Chilean dolphins, with the latter preferring to
be close to shore and in shallow water, confirming the results of
other work which showed that these dolphins are seldom found
far from shore or in deep water (Goodall et al., 1988;Goodall,
1994;Heinrich, 2006;Ribeiro et al., 2007). It seems reasonable to
suggest, therefore, that water depth might be the factor limiting
the inshore distribution of Chilean dolphins, showing less plasticity
than for other small cetaceans such as the sympatric Peale’s dolphin.
Indeed, depth has been given as the limiting factor for many small
cetaceans (Bejder and Dawson, 2000;Karczmarski et al., 2000;
Allen et al., 2001;Bra
¨ger et al., 2003). Our results suggest some seg-
regation between Chilean and Peale’s dolphins, in particular as a
response to depth. Segregation patterns between the two species
have also been documented by Heinrich (2006) at Chiloe Island.
In all the areas surveyed, Chilean dolphins were observed year-
round in Laguna San Rafael, highlighting the importance of that
glacier-influenced marine ecosystem to the species. In fact, fresh-
water run-offs, including estuaries, rivers, and creeks, appear to
be important to Chilean dolphins (Goodall, 1994;Heinrich,
2006;Perez-Alvarez et al., 2007;Ribeiro et al., 2007). Until now,
freshwater run-off has not been regarded as an important factor
for Peale’s dolphin habitat preference (Heinrich, 2006). Its selec-
tion of inshore waters may relate to the presence of kelp beds
(Macrocystis pyrifera), habitats they exploit heavily, and mainly
found in the Magellan Strait and off Argentina (de Haro and
˜iguez, 1997;Goodall et al., 1997a,b;Lescrauwaet, 1997;
Schiavini et al., 1997;Viddi and Lescrauwaet, 2005). Although
Peale’s dolphins have been sighted opportunistically in deep
water far from shore (Goodall et al., 1997a), we sighted them fre-
quently in such waters. We suggest three possible ecological expla-
nations for this that need to be tested in future studies. First, they
may opportunistically exploit offshore habitats; second, they may
Figure 5. GAM-predicted smooth splines of the response variable presence/absence of odontocetes as a function of the explanatory variables
UTM Northing, distance to the coast, depth, and coast complexity (as linear predictor). The degrees of freedom for non-linear fits are in
parenthesis on the y-axis. Tick marks above the x-axis indicate the distribution of observations (with and without sightings). Dotted lines
represent the 95% confidence intervals of the smooth spline functions.
966 F. A. Viddi et al.
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have an offshore ecotype restricted to deeper water; third, they may
cross deep water while migrating, e.g. the Moraleda Channel or the
Corcovado Gulf.
Final considerations
The association between cetacean distribution patterns and
environmental features of the habitats in which they live has
been the focus of many studies (Gowans and Whitehead, 1995;
˜adas et al., 2005;Ferguson et al., 2006;Panigada et al.,
2008). Modelling animal distributions is a valuable tool for conser-
vation, in particular in terms of predictive power. Assuming that
the distribution of cetaceans is non-random relative to environ-
mental variability, models of cetacean distribution can identify
ecological relationships between the environment and species
habitat selection (Torres et al., 2008). In this study, models were
used as an explanatory tool and as a step towards determining
Figure 6. GAM-predicted smooth splines of the response variable presence/absence of Peale’s dolphins as a function of the explanatory
variables UTM Northing, depth, and coast complexity. The degrees of freedom for non-linear fits are in parenthesis on the y-axis. Tick marks
above the x-axis indicate the distribution of observations (with and without sightings). Dotted lines represent the 95% confidence intervals of
the smooth spline functions.
Figure 7. GAM-predicted smooth splines of the response variable presence/absence of Chilean dolphins as a function of the explanatory
variables depth and distance to coast (both as linear terms). Tick marks above the x-axis indicate the distribution of observations (with and
without sightings). Dotted lines represent the 95% confidence intervals of the smooth spline functions.
Variability in cetacean distribution in northern Patagonian fjords of Chile 967
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the features that drive the process of cetacean distribution. Abiotic
variables may be correlated with the distribution of cetaceans, but
such variables often have little direct influence on the actual selec-
tion of habitats by the animals. In reality, abiotic features are
proxies for prey distribution.
Although determining cetacean distribution is essential and
indeed critical for crafting and proposing conservation policies,
collecting the data at sea presents many logistic and financial chal-
lenges, in particular in finding suitable seagoing vessels for data
collection (Ingram et al., 2007). Using platforms of opportunity
raises the possibility of collecting data at sea with minor cost.
Nevertheless, the data obtained from such studies have definite
flaws, because of the trade-offs of control over study design, the
non-standardized sampling effort, the limited field time, and the
restrictions of the sampling techniques (Marques, 2001;
Williams et al., 2006;Ingram et al., 2007).
Our data were obtained from non-random surveys on commer-
cial tourist and cargo ferries, but they gave us a cost-effective
opportunity to model cetacean distribution in southern Chile.
However, although we gained important insights into the
ecology of many cetacean species in the area, the conclusions
derived need to be read with caution. The use of platforms of
opportunity may provide scientists a means of collecting data on
a wide range of marine fauna when research funding is limited
(Ingram et al., 2007), but such surveys cannot replace appropri-
ately designed ones. Ferries may have uniform, regular, indeed
unchangeable routes, but they do not have equal area coverage,
so many habitat types can be overlooked and omitted from mod-
elling assessments.
Although marine mammals are found widely across the marine
realm, their distribution is patchy, and some areas are more fre-
quently occupied than others. Those preferred areas are most
likely to be important for their survival and reproduction, and per-
turbations to them will certainly influence the distribution and
abundance of affected species (Harwood, 2001). The richness of
the cetacean fauna in the study area, together with the distribution
patterns, are important signs of the potential ecological role these
animals may be playing in this fragile marine ecosystem. The sea-
sonal variation in whale sightings is an indication of the high
spatial and temporal variability in the physical and biological
oceanography of the Chilean fjord system.
Although predator avoidance, interspecific competition, and
reproductive strategies all play a key role in cetacean distribution
to some extent, energy budget studies indicate that most cetaceans
feed every day or on a highly regular basis (Smith and Gaskin,
1974), so habitat preference is assumed to be determined primarily
by food availability (Stevick et al., 2002). Consequently, the spatial
and seasonal distribution of the species documented here is most
likely linked to dynamic oceanographic variables through physico-
biological interactions and trophic relationships, from primary
productivity (phytoplankton) to the prey species of the cetaceans.
A better understanding of the habitat preferences, and the biologi-
cal and physical variables associated with these processes, will
improve management and conservation efforts by providing a
context for interpreting present and future anthropogenic effects
on cetacean populations and their distribution.
Although the northern Patagonian fjord system is effectively
uninhabited, it is increasingly being exploited by aquaculture, fish-
eries, and associated maritime traffic. Studies have shown that
these anthropogenic activities have negative impacts on marine
mammals (Sullivan Sealey and Bustamante, 1999;Wu
¨rsig and
Gailey, 2002;Hucke-Gaete et al., 2004;Ribeiro et al., 2005;
Heinrich, 2006;Ribeiro et al., 2007). For that reason, we strongly
support systematic studies in the Patagonian fjord system, which
include an assessment of cetacean distribution and abundance in
relation to their environment. Additionally, Wiens (1989)
suggested that studies across broad geographic areas are likely to
overlook important fine-scale details that account for the
dynamics of local populations. Hence, such fine-scale studies
need also be developed to gain more insight of animal response
to changes in the environment at that small scale.
The information generated from this study provides a step
towards understanding the ecology of cetacean species in the
fjords of southern Chile. It also has significant implications for
conservation initiatives, because our data strengthen the ongoing
efforts to propose a marine protected area in the region
(Hucke-Gaete et al., 2006).
We are grateful to the Society for Marine Mammalogy and the
Navimag Company for financial and logistical support and to
Servicio Hidrogra
´fico y Oceanogra
´fico de la Armada de Chile
(Chilean Navy) for supporting our work by providing bathymetric
data. We also thank Don Ljunblad for generously contributing
equipment, and the following colleagues and volunteers for con-
tinuous and dedicated assistance: Karin Acun
˜a, Elizabeth
Campos, Victor Castillo, Carla Christie, Vero
´nica Garrido,
Alejandra Henny, Don Ljunjblad, Cristian Peralta, Barbara
Pijanowski, and Maria Paz Villalobos. The project was developed
while RH-G held a Doctoral scholarship from the Comisio
Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologı
´a (CONICYT). We also thank
the captains and crews of the ferries MV “Evangelistas” and MV
“Puerto Eden”. Rob Harcourt, Iain Field, Panayiota Apostolaki,
Ryan Portner, and two anonymous reviewers gave helpful com-
ments and suggestions on earlier drafts of this manuscript.
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... Due to this primary and secondary productivity, Chilean Patagonia is home to important populations of higher order predators such as seabirds and marine mammals. Some of these species are migratory, such as blue and humpback whales, as well as numerous seabirds (albatrosses, shearwaters, terns), while others are resident and maintain an annual presence in the area, such as sea lions, otters, dolphins, porpoises, black-browed albatrosses, imperial cormorants and Magellan penguins, among others [42,98,100]. Approximately 56 species of marine mammals have been recorded in Chile, representing 42% of the species richness of this functional group globally. ...
... A total of 32 species of cetaceans have been recorded in Chilean Patagonia, out of approximately 44 species present throughout the country [3], and 6 species of marine carnivores (sea lions, fur seals, seals and otters, [95] ( Table 1). Until very recently, most of the information available in the literature on marine mammals in Chilean Patagonia was data collected during the whaling season through opportunistic sightings, strandings, range updates and osteological material, most of which is scattered in technical reports, conference reports and unpublished scientific papers [98]. ...
... An additional area was later described in northern Patagonia [43]. Other species of large cetaceans frequently observed in feeding and/or transit behavior in Chilean Patagonia include sei or Rudolphi's whales (Balaenoptera borealis), fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus), southern right whales (Eubalena australis), common and Antarctic minke (Balaenoptera bonaerensis, B. acutorostrata) and sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) [3,40,42,98]. ...
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Chilean Patagonia boasts 100,627 km of coastline, including approximately 40,050 islands and numerous fjords and channels, which generate a high degree of geomorphological and hydrographic complexity and make it one of the largest mega-estuarine environments on Earth. These characteristics, among others, generate structurally and functionally unique marine ecosystems, as well as biodiversity hotspots. In this chapter we perform a comprehensive literature review and highlight the use of marine mammals and seabirds as focal species to guide conservation initiatives aimed at minimizing anthropogenic impacts as well as safeguarding the ecosystem integrity of Patagonia as a climate refuge. Given their characteristics as ecologically relevant umbrella, indicator, and sentinel species, we suggest that focal species are highly useful in guiding the prioritization of management and conservation initiatives to achieve world-class conservation standards in Chilean Patagonia.
... This work focuses on the endemic Chilean dolphin (Cephalorhynchus eutropia), currently listed as Near Threatened by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) (Heinrich & Reeves, 2017), an elusive small cetacean inhabiting Chilean coastal waters from 32 S to 56 S, with a patchy distribution (Aguayo-Lobo, Torres Navarro & Acevedo Ramírez, 1998;Pérez-Álvarez et al., 2007;Viddi et al., 2010). Evidence (Viddi et al., 2010;Hucke-Gaete, Viddi & Simeone, 2021). ...
... This work focuses on the endemic Chilean dolphin (Cephalorhynchus eutropia), currently listed as Near Threatened by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) (Heinrich & Reeves, 2017), an elusive small cetacean inhabiting Chilean coastal waters from 32 S to 56 S, with a patchy distribution (Aguayo-Lobo, Torres Navarro & Acevedo Ramírez, 1998;Pérez-Álvarez et al., 2007;Viddi et al., 2010). Evidence (Viddi et al., 2010;Hucke-Gaete, Viddi & Simeone, 2021). ...
... Valuable information for assessing the risk of exposure to several of these anthropogenic activities can be gathered using SDMs; however, so far, Chilean dolphin studies have been limited to small and localized areas, including a few bays and channels in NCP. Although meso-scale studies (ranging from 10s to 100s of kilometres) for marine mammals have been conducted within the Chilean dolphin range (Viddi et al., 2010;Bedriñana-Romano et al., 2014;Bedriñana-Romano et al., 2018;Bedriñana-Romano et al., 2022) the extensive distributional range of Chilean dolphins, their low densities, elusiveness, and patchy distribution present several challenges for survey design, data collection, and model fitting. To overcome these challenges and test whether the habitat use patterns depicted for Chilean dolphins in fine-scale studies hold for the entire NCP, this article focuses on three main aspects. ...
Assessing distribution and abundance patterns for rare species is challenging yet imperative, considering the extant, potentially hazardous, anthropogenic activities. In particular, the poorly studied Chilean dolphin (Cephalorhynchus eutropia) exhibits an extremely patchy distribution and low densities, co-occurring with the intensive aquaculture industry in Southern Chile, among other anthropogenic activities. The distribution and abundance patterns of Chilean dolphins were assessed in the entire Northern Chilean Patagonia. A hierarchical species distribution model was fitted to data from line transect surveys using distance sampling techniques and environmental variables derived from topographic features and oceanographic models. A second version of this model used a joint-likelihood approach to incorporate presence–pseudoabsence data for improving parameter estimation. Spatial predictions arising from these models were used to evaluate the relative probability of a dolphin encountering vessels from the local, predominantly aquaculture fleet. The results show that using a joint-likelihood approach drastically reduced uncertainty in the parameters controlling the effect of covariates and in the total abundance estimates. This model estimated an overall low abundance (median 2,225.8; 95% CI 1,340–3,867) for this species in the region, and indicates their preference for shallow, sheltered bays and inner channels, near river mouths, where low salinity is expected. The highest probabilities of dolphin–vessel interactions were found on the eastern coast of Chiloe Big Island, coinciding with the largest number of aquaculture concessions in the area. Considering that the overall population of the Chilean dolphin is expected to be in the low thousands, that suitable habitat for the species is highly restricted, and that the species is facing increasing anthropogenic impacts, with some areas undergoing or planning major expansions in development, the results provided here should be considered in management plans for extant marine protected areas, and in the evaluation of current International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and national conservation categories for the species.
... Some limitations have been pointed out to bias data collected through fixed line platforms as compared to data obtained from dedicated surveys. Indeed, the non-standardized sampling effort and the unequal area coverage (transects are dependent on the company schedules and conditions and may cross some areas at night) (Correia, 2013) could lead to biased results (Wall et al, 2006;Viddi et al, 2010); these platforms do not allow animals to be approached to collect data, such as photo-ID, behaviour, biopsies, etc; the coverage of the study area is limited as these transects only sample one fixed area (although it may be extensive in linear terms) (Kiszka et al, 2007;Viddi et al, 2010); the visual capacity of inexperienced observers may lead to unreliable species identification (Moura et al, 2012), especially when volunteers with no previous experience are involved. Finally, as it happens also for dedicated platforms, assuring the strict application of the protocol and adequate training of the observers can be labour intensive, and there might be a perception bias related to swell-height, wind force and visibility conditions affecting cetaceans' detection and identification (Correia, 2013). ...
... Some limitations have been pointed out to bias data collected through fixed line platforms as compared to data obtained from dedicated surveys. Indeed, the non-standardized sampling effort and the unequal area coverage (transects are dependent on the company schedules and conditions and may cross some areas at night) (Correia, 2013) could lead to biased results (Wall et al, 2006;Viddi et al, 2010); these platforms do not allow animals to be approached to collect data, such as photo-ID, behaviour, biopsies, etc; the coverage of the study area is limited as these transects only sample one fixed area (although it may be extensive in linear terms) (Kiszka et al, 2007;Viddi et al, 2010); the visual capacity of inexperienced observers may lead to unreliable species identification (Moura et al, 2012), especially when volunteers with no previous experience are involved. Finally, as it happens also for dedicated platforms, assuring the strict application of the protocol and adequate training of the observers can be labour intensive, and there might be a perception bias related to swell-height, wind force and visibility conditions affecting cetaceans' detection and identification (Correia, 2013). ...
... Monitoring cetaceans along the main shipping routes of large cargoes and ferries can enhance the understanding of ship strikes/near miss events to mitigate the risk of collisions and accidental strikes (Arcangeli et al, 2014b, 2016a). This approach can provide essential data for the conservation management of a wide range of marine fauna in countries bordering vast sea areas where the abundance of species is unknown, and where lack of funding makes dedicated surveys unlikely to occur (Viddi et al, 2010). They are valuable in bridging the gap in time-windows between large-scale systematic surveys and can also be the only source of information relative to cetaceans in under-recorded or uncovered areas, where the data obtained can be used to set baseline values and identify potential areas of interest (i.e., for species richness, presence of threatened or "data deficient" species, etc), where additional dedicated surveys can be implemented (Wall et al, 2006;De Boer, 2013;Correia et al, 2020). ...
Technical Report
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IMPEL, Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), marine habitats, cetacean conservation, marine protected areas, Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC), biodiversity, marine endangered species, ecosystem monitoring, keystone species, fixed transects, ferries, monitoring large marine invertebrates, monitoring from platforms, platform of opportunity. Ilaria Campana & Morgana Vighi eds. IMPEL 2021.
... La extraordinaria biodiversidad de los ecosistemas marinos del sur de Chile ha impulsado diversas propuestas de conservación, sobre todo de aves y mamíferos marinos (Hucke-Gaete et al. 2006; Fig. 1) al reconocerse como especies clave y de especial interés en estos ambientes extremos (Boersma 2008). Algunas de estas especies son migratorias, como las ballenas azules (Balaenoptera musculus Linnaeus, 1758), las ballenas jorobadas (Megaptera novaeangliae Borowski, 1781) y numerosas aves marinas como fardelas (Ardenna griseus Reichenbach, 1853) o gaviotines; otras especies mantienen su presencia durante todo el año, es el caso de lobos marinos (Otaria flavescens Shaw, 1800), nutrias (Lontra spp.), delfines (familia Delphinidae), marsopas (Phocoena spinipinnis Burmeister, 1865), albatros de ceja negra (Thalassarche melanophris Temminck, 1828), cormoranes imperiales (Leucocarbo atriceps King, 1828) y pingüinos de Magallanes (Spheniscus magellanicus Forster, 1781), por nombrar solo algunas Viddi et al. 2010;2015). ...
... Otras especies de cetáceos como las ballenas sei o rorcuales de Rudolphi (Balaenoptera borealis Lesson, 1828), las ballenas fin o rorcuales comunes (B. physalus Linnaeus, 1758), las ballenas francas australes (Eubalaena australis Desmoulins, 1822), las ballenas minke (Balaenoptera bonaerensis Burmeister, 1867 y B. acutorostrata Lacépède, 1804) y los cachalotes (Physeter macrocephalus Linnaeus, 1758) observadas con frecuencia por estas aguas de la Patagonia chilena (Aguayo-Lobo et al. 1998;Hucke-Gaete et al. 2004a;Viddi et al. 2010). ...
... En total resultaron 35 referencias bibliográficas publicadas que contienen registros de las especies dentro del territorio regional, las cuales procedían de diferentes fuentes: 13 artículos en revistas científicas internacionales (Van Waerebeek et al. 1991;Hucke-Gaete et al. 2004b;Buchan et al. 2010;Olavarría et al. 2010;Viddi et al. 2010;Aguayo-Lobos et al. 2011;Viddi et al. 2011;Medina-Vogel et al. 2013;Boop 2014;Buchan et al. 2014;Cárdenas 2014;Acevedo et al. 2016;Bocconcelli et al. 2016) ...
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Integración de datos de biodiversidad para la educación y el turismo: mamíferos marinos nativos en la región subantártica de Aysén, Chile Resumen: La ecorregión subantártica de Chile, que incluye a las regiones administrativas de Aysén y Magallanes, se caracteriza por su alto grado de endemicidad y la singularidad de sus especies dada su proximidad a la Antártida. En particular, la zona de canales y fiordos subantárticos con más de 100 000 km de costa y una geomorfología compleja, es una de las zonas estuarinas más grandes del mundo y alberga una diversidad elevada de mamíferos marinos, superior en todo caso a los valores registrados en zonas más templadas del sur de Sudamérica. Sin embargo, los registros de datos de biodiversidad en esta zona austral son aún escasos y, cuando existen, se publican exclusivamente en revistas especializadas inaccesibles para las comunidades locales. Esta falta de información dificulta el diseño de estrategias de conservación a escala regional y el desarrollo socioeconómico local, como puede ser el desarrollo de un turismo especializado en avistamientos de cetáceos o experiencias similares a otras re-giones del cono sur. En este contexto y con el fin de visibilizar e integrar los registros existentes de mamíferos marinos en repositorios de información, se plantea una revisión exhaustiva de la literatura publicada sobre este grupo de organismos en la región de Aysén. Se recopilaron un total de 484 registros correspondientes a avistamientos de mamíferos marinos presentes en la región de Aysén entre 1852 y 2016, a partir de bibliografía publicada en revistas especializadas, libros y documentos técnicos. Taxonómicamente, se recopilaron un total de 28 especies, 6 pertenecientes al Orden Carnivora (Familias Mustelidae, Otariidae y Phocidae) y 22 al Orden Cetacea (Familias Balaenidae, Balaenopteridae, Delphinidae, Hypero-odontidae, Phocoenidae y Physeteridae). Esta recopilación de datos se inició con el Sistema de Información sobre Biodiversidad para Aysén (SIB-Aysén) y se continuó con el Laboratorio Abierto de Ciencias Subantárticas. Eventualmente será complementada con las observaciones de ciudadanos asociadas al SIB-Aysén. Se discute la relevancia de integrar los conjuntos de datos de biodiversidad en repositorios abiertos como herramienta im-prescindible para diseñar políticas de conservación y promover en la medida de lo posible iniciativas de desarrollo económico basado en el conoci-miento de su patrimonio natural. Palabras clave: avistamiento de ballenas; bases de datos sobre biodiversidad; GBIF; Patagonia chilena; Región subantártica / Biodiversity data integration for education and tourism: native marine mammals in the sub-Antarctic region of Aysén, Chile. Abstract: The sub-Antarctic ecoregion of Chile, which includes the administrative regions of Aysén and Magallanes, is characterized by its high degree of endemicity and the uniqueness of its species given its proximity to Antarctica. In particular, the sub-Antarctic channels and fjords, with more than 100 000 km of coastline and a complex geomorphology, is one of the largest estuarine zones in the world and harbors a high diversity of marine mammals that is in any case higher than the values recorded in more temperate areas of southern South America. However, biodiversity data records in this southern zone are still scarce and, when they do exist, they are published exclusively in specialized journals inaccessible to local communities. This lack of information hinders the design of conservation strategies on a regional scale and local socioeconomic development, such as the development of tourism specialized in whale watching or experiences similar to other regions of the southern cone. In this context and in order to visualize and integrate the existing records of marine mammals in information repositories, an exhaustive review of this group of organisms is proposed. A total of 484 records or sightings of marine mammals present in the Aysén region between 1852 and 2016 were compiled from bibliography published in specialized journals, books and technical documents. A total of 28 species, 6 belonging to the Order Carnivora (Families Mustelidae, Otariidae and Phocidae) and 22 to the Order Cetacea (Families Balaenidae, Balaenopteridae, Delphinidae, Hyperoodontidae, Phocoenidae and Physeteridae). This data collection began with the Biodiversity Information System for Aysén (SIB-Aysén) and continued with the Open Laboratory for Sub-Antarctic Sciences. Eventually it will be complemented with the observations of citizens associated with the SIB-Aysén. The relevance of integrating biodiversity datasets into open repositories as an essential tool for designing conservation policies and promoting, as far as possible, economic development initiatives based on knowledge of their natural heritage is discussed. ASOCIACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE ECOLOGÍA TERRESTRE Ecosistemas 31(3):2410 [Septiembre-Diciembre 2022] https://doi. > Recibido el 1 de junio de 2022-Aceptado el 07 de noviembre de 2022 <
... Seasonal movements have been proposed for Peale's dolphins in some areas mainly based on sea-sonal variations in the recorded abundance from coastal surveys (Goodall et al. 1997;Lescrauwaet 1997) as well as from platforms of opportunity (Viddi et al. 2010), despite their recorded presence year round and non-comparable study efforts between the seasons; hence there is evidence for seasonal changes in abundance and differing use of inshore areas, but the direction of movements remains unknown (Heinrich 2006). Despite the higher recording effort in summer (more personnel and better climate conditions) than during other seasons in 2011, the collected graphic material includes dolphins in all seasons; in 10 of 15 possible seasonal combinations (66.67 %); with RA1_28 re-identified in all four seasons; re-identifications in winter of individuals sighted during summer (N=11, 26.19 %); and more than a third of the individuals (N=25, 36.76 %) were identified between mid-autumn and mid-spring. ...
... In any case, individual identification is the key to make progress on this issue, since otherwise we may assume all populations of Peale's dolphins present the same patterns, which may not necessarily be the case; as it has been found between inshore and offshore ecotype-related populations of bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, in the same country but in an area with less geographic complexities than Chilean Patagonia (Sanino et al. 2005). This alternative scenario also is consistent with some of the possible ecological explanations suggested by Viddi et al. (2010). ...
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Ubicada en la costa continental del límite norte de la región de Aysén en Patagonia (43°47.93'S; 72°58.43'W), Reserva Añihué posee proximadamente 17 millas náuticas de costa marina de gran diversidad ambiental. En playa Toninas, dos pequeñas elevaciones naturales, R1 (43°47.78'S; 72°58.72'O) y R2 (43°48.76'S; 72°58.78'O), fueron seleccionadas como observatorios desde donde fue producido el material gráfico en colaboración con voluntarios a lo largo de 2011, con luz diurna y estado del mar con fuerza inferior a cuatro (Beaufort), utilizando/probando varios modelos de cámaras SLR, ocasionalmente una video grabadora Sony HDRFX7 y una cámara submarina Hero GoPro. Digikam, una aplicación de gestión fotográfica Linux/KDE, fue utilizada como base de datos SQLite gráfica para clasificar los cuadros y correr consultas basadas en selecciones de "etiquetas" de marcas naturales. Playa Tonina en Reserva Añihué, es visitada por al menos 68 individuos de L. australis que patrullan y forrajean en aguas poco profundas en pequeños grupos que pueden fusionarse ocasionalmente. Pese a la concentración estival del esfuerzo de registro, el material colectado incluye: delfines en todas las estaciones; distribuidas en 10 de las 15 combinaciones estacionales posibles (66,67 %); con un individuo reidentificado en todas las estaciones; varios individuos avistados en el verano fueron reidentificados en pleno invierno (N=11; 26,19 %); y más del tercio de los individuos (N=25) fueron identificados entre mediados de otoño y primavera. Estos primeros resultados, sugieren que las poblaciones costeras de L. australis, al menos en Reserva Añihué, presentan una alta fidelidad al sitio no apoyando las hipótesis previas de desplazamientos/migraciones estacionales significativos/as para la especie y aportan explicaciones alternativas a las variaciones estacionales de la abundancia registrada. El protocolo de identificación individual DVideoID, basado en el registro gráfico de marcas naturales producido desde plataformas móviles durante "seguimientos", demostró también ser confiable en modo estacionario de producción de datos. El método, basado enteramente en aplicaciones gratuitas de código abierto, fue modernizado al cambiar desde clientes tradicionales de bases de datos a una aproximación de base de datos SQLite gráfica basada en "etiquetas", simplificando la administración informática y es presentado en reconocimiento de las necesidades de estandarización metodológica. Las etiquetas que resultaron más útiles para la identificación individual de delfines australes, fueron las marcas de dientes por mordidas especialmente en la aleta dorsal, la presencia de muescas dorsales (cuyo origen también fue relacionado a mordidas) y las marcas producidas por patologías en la piel. Reserva Añihué demostró ser un sitio adecuado para el desarrollo de estudios cetológicos de largo plazo incluso colectando datos directamente desde el litoral evitando los impactos potenciales de las plataformas móviles. El número extremadamente bajo de juveniles (N=5) y crías (N=1) para un total de 68 delfines y la alta prevalencia de enfermedades de piel (N=35; 51,47 %) son una fuente de especial preocupación. Su relación potencial con la industria salmonera, con granjas en ambos límites de la Reserva, requiere ser evaluada.
... ; la pente (Cañadas et al., 2002 ;Hamazaki, 2002 ;Roberts et al., 2016 ;Fernandez et al., 2021) ; la chlorophylle a (Maglietta et al., 2023 ;Sahri et al., 2021 ;Torreblanca et al., 2022 ;Fernandez et al., 2021) ; la salinité (Maglietta et al., 2023 ;Torreblanca et al., 2022) ; la distance aux canyons (Roberts et al., 2016 ;Moors-Murphy, 2014 ;Fernandez et al., 2021). ; la profondeur de la couche de mélange (Maglietta et al., 2023 ;Stephenson et al., 2020) ; le courant de surface vers l'est (Maglietta et al, 2023) ; La matière organique dissoute (Maglietta et al, 2023, Chavez-Rosales et al., 2022 Stephenson et al., 2020) ; la distance à l'isobathe 200 (Sahri et al., 2021 ;Viddi et al., 2010) ; la distance à l'isobathe 1000 (Servidio, 2014) ; la distance à la côte (Sahri et al., 2021 ;Roberts et al., 2016) fond marin) a été calculée via la profondeur à l'aide de la fonction 'terrain' du package R 'raster' (Hijmans, 2023). Les variables de distance aux canyons, distance à la côte et distances à l'isobathe 200 et 1000 mètres ont été créées à l'aide de la fonction "Distance" du package R "raster", respectivement à partir d'un fichier de formes des canyons (Blue Habitat) et de la profondeur. ...
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Few studies have been conducted on the short-finned pilot whale in the Lesser Antilles and the demographic parameters of this population are still unknown. These parameters, measured or estimated from data collected during ecological monitoring, provide objective indications that can contribute to the implementation of conservation measures. The objective of this project was to conduct a preliminary study of the distribution, abundance and movements of the short-finned pilot whale population in the Lesser Antilles, using observation and photo-identification data from the “Ti Whale An Nou” program, which took place throughout the Lesser Antilles in 2021 and 2022.To this end, a catalog of individuals and a database of recaptures were created, allowing a first estimate of the species' abundance of 1 305 individuals [803 - 3 483]. Recapture data were also used to test the hypothesis that pilot whale groups in the Lesser Antilles belong to communities composed of resident and transient individuals, and to visualize inter-island movements of individuals. Observational data were used to test the hypothesis of a non-homogeneous distribution of pilot whales as a function of environmental factors. After comparing 12 environmental variables using a GAM species distribution model, the distribution of the short-finned pilot whale population in the Lesser Antilles was estimated as a function of distance from the 200 isobath, dissolved organic matter, salinity, and distance from the 1000 isobath. This prediction allowed the explanation of 37.5% of the deviance, and highlighted the importance of several zones of interest, particularly in southern Martinique and northern Saint Lucia. The use of these results to characterize the various threats to this species in the Lesser Antilles was also discussed.
... The lack of information about potential critical habitats within which animals socialize, breed, and take care of their young may hamper the development of appropriate management protocols of tourist activities, as well as assessments of present and future anthropogenic impacts (Silva et al., 2008;Tobeña et al., 2014). Most information comes from coastal populations, which indicates that home ranges vary greatly in bottlenose dolphins and are mainly linked to food availability (Stevick et al., 2002;Viddi et al., 2010;Martínez-Serrano et al., 2011;Sprogis et al., 2016). Within a home range, bottlenose dolphins can also modify their spatial pattern depending on their reproductive state (Gibson et al., 2013). ...
... Modelling of cetacean habitats for either baleen whales or toothed whales is methodologically and logistically challenging due to the complicated relationship between the animal and its habitat (Redfern et al., 2006, Stephanis et al., 2008Viddi et al., 2010;Lin et al., 2021). This challenge contributed to the widespread application of intensive computer modelling in recent years (Torres et al., 2003;MacLeod et al., 2007;Becker et al., 2010;Aissi et al., 2013;Carlucci et al., 2016;Scales et al., 2017;Greller et al., 2021;Lin et al., 2021;Mannocci et al., 2021). ...
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Coastal cetaceans are recognized as ecologically important species and have been the target for environmental monitoring programs and conservation strategies. Although supervised models have increasingly been used to better monitor complexity relationships between cetaceans and their habitats, the development of unsupervised learning techniques that have significant advantages in visualizing, grouping and reducing the dimensionality of data has been overlooked. Here, using the unsupervised artificial neural network of self-organizing map (SOM), we examined the intraspecific variation of habitat utilization among three geographically neighboring populations (waters southwest of Hainan Island abbreviated as WS Hainan, Sanniang Bay, and Zhanjiang waters) of the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin (Sousa chinensis) in the northern South China Sea. The results showed that the population inhabiting in WS Hainan occupied a largest area with scattered patterns comparing to the other two in Sanniang Bay and Zhanjiang waters. The SOM analysis further showed that the examined populations in different waters have distinct habitat characteristics. S. chinensis in WS Hainan was sighted in deeper water with higher salinity, whereas the population in Sanniang Bay inhabited in estuary with lower pH and salinity. More complicated distributed patterns and environmental heterogeneity were observed in Zhanjiang waters, where the dolphins distributed contractively in a small area at the entrance of Zhanjiang Port and dispersed in another large area in Leizhou Bay. Correspondently, part of the sightings in Zhanjiang waters had similar habitat with those in WS Hainan, while others were reported in more inshore, deeper and muddied waters. Based on these findings, we hypothesized that S. chinensis can be divided into two ecotypes: estuarine and non-estuarine. Here, we confirmed that the SOM can well identify the habitat differentiation in S. chinensis, and therefore suggested it is a powerful modeling tool for cetacean monitoring program. Our findings contribute to a specific habitat conservation strategy that one integrated protected area would be better for S. chinensis in Sanniang Bay and Zhanjiang waters, while several small protected areas with connecting corridors were more suitable for population in WS Hainan.
... Estuaries, and in particular fjords, are productive ecosystems (Cloern et al., 2014;Valiela, 2015) used by various fish and marine mammals as feeding and breeding grounds (Falk-Petersen, 1982;Barthel et al., 1995;Similä et al., 1996;Viddi et al., 2010) and by humans for fishing, aquaculture, and recreation. To ensure that these ecosystem services persist in the future, sustainable management rooted in a sound understanding of the seasonal dynamics of lower trophic levels and the underlying hydrographic drivers is needed. ...
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Marine ecosystems, and particularly fjords, are experiencing an increasing level of human activity on a year-round basis, including the poorly studied winter period. To improve the knowledge base for environmentally sustainable management in all seasons, this study provides hydrographic and biological baseline data for the sub-Arctic fjord Kaldfjorden, Northern Norway (69.7° N, 18.7° E), between autumn 2017 and spring 2018. Field observations are integrated with results of a numerical ocean model simulation, illustrating how pelagic biomass, represented by chlorophyll a (Chl a), particulate organic carbon (POC), and zooplankton, is affected by stratification and circulation from October to May. We observed an unusually warm autumn that likely delayed the onset of cooling and may have supported the high abundances of holoplankton and meroplankton (5768 individuals m–3). With the onset of winter, the water column cooled and became vertically mixed, while suspended Chl a concentrations declined rapidly (< 0.12 mg Chl a m–3). In January and February, suspended POC concentrations and downward flux were elevated near the seafloor. The hydrodynamic model results indicate that the strongest currents at depth occurred in these months, potentially inducing resuspension events close to the seafloor. In spring (April), peak abundances of suspended biomass were observed (6.9–7.2 mg Chl a m–3 at 5–15 m; 9952 zooplankton ind. m–3 at 0–100 m), and field observations and model results suggest that zooplankton of Atlantic origin were probably advected into Kaldfjorden. During all investigated seasons, the model simulation suggests a complex circulation pattern, even in such a small fjord, which can have implications for environmental management of the fjord. We conclude that the pelagic system in Kaldfjorden changes continually from autumn to spring and that winter must be seen as a dynamic period, not a season where the fjord ecosystem is ‘at rest’.
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Marine mammals (MM) are key components of marine ecosystems, becoming important predators in them. Its monitoring allows to know the state of its populations and the health of the ecosystem. For this reason, the diversity, abundance and spatial and temporal distribution of MM in the center-south of Chile will be determined. Scientific observers recorded seasonal presence of MM over a year from land and sea platforms (winter-2016 to autumn-2017). Four species of MM were identified with a total of ~12,000 sightings. The most frequent species was the sea lion (LMC, ~99%), then the Chilean dolphin (DCh), and isolated records of southern right whale and blue whale. The greatest sightings of the LMC and larger cetaceans were recorded in summer, while for DCh, it was in autumn. In Cobquecura, the greatest sightings of LMC were registered (>80%). The larger cetaceans were sighted at >1,500 m from the coast and the DCh at <500 m, around the Itata river. At sea, the greatest sightings of LMC were recorded in spring, during the period of fishing activity, as was the record of more sea lions dead. Although the number of MM identified here is not greater than that described for other parts of Chile, should to be consider that three of these species are classified under threat. In addition, here there is one of the most important groups of DCh and LMC in the central-southern Chile, exposed to important operational interactions with the fisheries. This makes necessary to promptly establish coastal protection measures to ensure the conservation of these marine mammals in central-southern Chile and with it, throughout the Chilean coast.
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Surveys were conducted in the northern Gulf of Mexico during the spring seasons of 1992, 1993, and 1994 to determine the distribution, abundance, and habitat preferences of oceanic cetaceans. The distributions of bottlenose dolphins (Tsursiops truncatus), Risso's dolphins (Grampus griseus) Kogia spp. (pygmy [kogia breviceps] and dwarf sperm whales [Kogia sima]) pantropical spotted dolphins (Stenella attenuata), and sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) were examined with respect to depth. depth gradient, surface temperature, surface temperature variability the depth of the 15 degreesC isotherm, surface chlorophyll concentration, and epipelagic zooplankton biomass. Bottlenose dolphins were encountered in two distinct legions: the shallow continental shelf (0-150 mi and just seaward of the shelf break (200-760 mi. Within both of these depth strata, bottlenose dolphins were sighted more frequently than expected in regions of high surface temperature variability which suggests an association with ocean fronts. Risso's dolphins were encountered over the steeper sections of the upper continental slope (200-1000 m), whereas the Kogia spp. were sighted more frequently in waters of the upper continental slope that had high zooplankton biomass. The pantropical spotted dolphin and sperm whales were similarly distributed over the lower continental slope and deep Gulf (>1000 m), but sperm whales were generally absent from anticyclonic oceanographic features (e.g. the Loop Current. warm-core eddies) characterized by deep occurrences of the 15 degreesC isotherm. Habitat partitioning, high-use areas, species accounts, environmental sampling limitations, and directions for future habitat work in the Gulf of Mexico are discussed.
This book contains 17 chapters. Topics covered are: management of marine aquaculture: the sustainability challenge; marine mammals and aquaculture: conflicts and potential resolutions; recreational fishing and aquaculture: throwing a line into the pond; aquaculture: opportunity of threat to traditional capture fishermen; advances in marine stock enhancement: shifting emphasis to theory and accountability; aquatic polyculture and balanced ecosystem management: new paradigms for seafood production; the role of marine aquaculture facilities as habitats and ecosystems; mangroves and coastal aquaculture; environmental effects associated with marine netpen waste with emphasis on salmon farming in the Pacific Northwest; issues associated with non-indigenous species in marine aquaculture; genetic changes in marine aquaculture species and the potential for impacts on natural populations; what role does genetics play in responsible aquaculture; understanding the interaction of extractive and fed aquaculture using ecosystem modelling; shrimp farm effluents; fish meal: historical uses, production trends and future outlook for sustainable supplies; the use of wild-caught juveniles in coastal aquaculture and its application to coral reef fishes; contending with criticism: sensible responses in an age of advocacy.
The two volumes of John Wiens' Ecology of Bird Communities have applications and importance to the whole field of ecology. The books contain a detailed synthesis of our current understanding of the patterns of organisation of bird communities and of the factors that may determine them, drawing from studies from all over the world. By emphasizing how proper logic and methods have or have not been followed and how different viewpoints have developed historically and have led to controversy, the scope of these books are extended far beyond the study of birds. Processes and Variations discusses the way in which bird community patterns have been interpreted. This second volume examines how the complexity and variability of natural environments may influence efforts to discern and understand the nature of these communities. Graduate students and professionals in avian biology and ecology will find these volumes a valuable stimulus and guide to future field studies and theory development.
This book presents an in-depth discussion of the biological and ecological geography of the oceans. It synthesizes locally restricted studies of the ocean to generate a global geography of the vast marine world. Based on patterns of algal ecology, the book divides the ocean into four primary compartments, which are then subdivided into secondary compartments. *Includes color insert of the latest in satellite imagery showing the world's oceans, their similarities and differences *Revised and updated to reflect the latest in oceanographic research *Ideal for anyone interested in understanding ocean ecology -- accessible and informative.
The first edition of this book has established itself as one of the leading references on generalized additive models (GAMs), and the only book on the topic to be introductory in nature with a wealth of practical examples and software implementation. It is self-contained, providing the necessary background in linear models, linear mixed models, and generalized linear models (GLMs), before presenting a balanced treatment of the theory and applications of GAMs and related models. The author bases his approach on a framework of penalized regression splines, and while firmly focused on the practical aspects of GAMs, discussions include fairly full explanations of the theory underlying the methods. Use of R software helps explain the theory and illustrates the practical application of the methodology. Each chapter contains an extensive set of exercises, with solutions in an appendix or in the book’s R data package gamair, to enable use as a course text or for self-study.
The southern fjord region of Chile is a unique ecosystem characterized by complex marine-terrestrial -atmospheric interactions that result in high biological production. Since organic nitrogen from terrestrial and atmospheric compartments is highly significant in this region (> 40%), as is the low NO3:PO4 ratio in surface waters, it is suggested that fertilization from inorganic and organic nitrogen sources has a strong influence on both phytoplankton biomass/primary production and harmful algae bloom dynamics. The data presented in this paper provide an opportunity to improve our knowledge of phytoplankton dynamics on temporal and spatial mesoscales. Ocean color data from NASA (SeaWiFS) for chlorophyll and primary production estimates and in situ surface measurement of inorganic nutrients, phytoplankton biomass, and primary productivity revealed that the coastal waters of southern Chile have a classical spring and autumn chlorophyll bloom cycle in which primary production is colimited by strong seasonal changes in light and nitrate. During spring blooms, amotrophic biomass (such as chlorophyll a, Chl-a) and primary production estimates reached 25 mg Chl-a m(-3) and 23 mg C m(-3) h(-1), respectively, and micro-phytoplankton accounted for a significant portion of the biomass (60%) in spring. The contribution of phytoplankton size classes to total chlorophyll a revealed the dominance of nanoplankton (> 50%) in winter and post-bloom periods (< 1.0 mg Chl-a m(-3)). (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.