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Data Processing on Edge and Cloud: A Performability Evaluation and Sensitivity Analysis


Abstract and Figures

Nowadays, the Internet of Things (IoT) allows monitoring and automation in diverse contexts, such as hospitals, homes, or even smart cities, just to name a few examples. IoT data processing may occur, at the edge of the network or in the cloud, but frequently the processing must be divided between the two layers. Aiming to guarantee that the IoT systems works efficiently, it is essential to evaluate the system even in initial design stages. However, evaluating hybrid systems composed by multiple layers is not an easy task as a myriad of parameters are involved in the process. Thus, this paper presents two SPN models (one base and extended one) that can represent an abstract distributed system composed of IoT, edge and cloud layers. The models are highly configurable to be used in diverse simulation scenarios. Besides a sensitivity analysis evidenced the most impacting components in the studied architecture and made it possible to optimize the base SPN model. Finally a case study explores multiple metrics of interest concurrently and works as a guide of the model utilization. Ultimately, the proposed approach can assist system designers to avoid unnecessary investment in original equipment.
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Journal of Network and Systems Management (2021) 29:27
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Data Processing onEdge andCloud: APerformability
Evaluation andSensitivity Analysis
LucasSantos1· BeneditoCunha1· IureFé2· MarcoVieira3·
Received: 2 November 2020 / Revised: 6 January 2021 / Accepted: 10 February 2021
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature
Nowadays, the Internet of Things (IoT) allows monitoring and automation in diverse
contexts, such as hospitals, homes, or even smart cities, just to name a few exam-
ples. IoT data processing may occur, at the edge of the network or in the cloud,
but frequently the processing must be divided between the two layers. Aiming to
guarantee that the IoT systems works efficiently, it is essential to evaluate the system
even in initial design stages. However, evaluating hybrid systems composed by mul-
tiple layers is not an easy task as a myriad of parameters are involved in the process.
Thus, this paper presents two SPN models (one base and extended one) that can rep-
resent an abstract distributed system composed of IoT, edge and cloud layers. The
models are highly configurable to be used in diverse simulation scenarios. Besides a
sensitivity analysis evidenced the most impacting components in the studied archi-
tecture and made it possible to optimize the base SPN model. Finally a case study
explores multiple metrics of interest concurrently and works as a guide of the model
utilization. Ultimately, the proposed approach can assist system designers to avoid
unnecessary investment in original equipment.
Keywords Internet of Things (IoT)· Edge computing· Cloud computing·
Stochastic petri nets
* Francisco Airton Silva
Extended author information available on the last page of the article
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1 Introduction
The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the great recent advances in technology. IoT
devices are intercommunicable and can extract information about different environ-
ments. IoT devices are used, for example, to monitor patients in smart hospitals, to
monitor smart homes, or to collect data at power stations. As predicted by Ericsson
Inc. in 2010,1 more than 50 billion devices will connect to Internet by the year 2025.
Most of these devices will be located at the edge of the Internet and could provide
new applications, changing many aspects of both traditional industrial productions
and our everyday living.
Most of the IoT devices are resources constrained. Sometimes these devices need
additional processing capability that can be found on remote data centers. Edge
computing and cloud computing [1, 2] are examples of such an additional capability.
Edge computing has emerged as a solution to bring data processing closer to users.
Edge computing can be seen as a cloud server running at the edge of a network and
performing specific tasks with even lower latency for end-users [3]. Edge comput-
ing also raises challenges regarding high data throughput, energy efficiency, security
mechanisms, etc. (e.g., many recent works are focused on data throughput issues
[4]) [5]. data, and applications, from the remote cloud to the network edge, and thus
enables numerous real-time smart city services. been used in the literature to bring
the striking features of cloud computing to the edge.
Cloud computing, in turn, provides computing services, including databases, net-
works, software, and data analysis over the Internet, to provide faster responses [6].
Cloud computing can meet many IoT requirements, such as service monitoring, sen-
sor data flow processing, and visualization tasks [7]. Cloud also has advantages in
terms of processing scalability, being a burgeoning computing scheme where appli-
cations can be offloaded to the centralized cloud data centers and the cloud manager
provisions elastic and on-demand resources for their execution [8].
The arrival of requests may overtake the edge/cloud capacity, becoming essen-
tial to evaluate the performance of the architecture and avoid bottlenecks. However,
evaluating hybrid systems with IoT, edge, and cloud can be costly, making it neces-
sary to use simulation or analytical modeling methods. Stochastic Petri nets (SPNs)
are a powerful analytical modeling approach. SPNs can represent complex systems
with diverse characteristics, including parallelism and concurrency [9, 10]. In previ-
ous work, we have evaluated the hybrid fog and cloud [11] systems; however, only
focusing on performance issues. We are now interested in evaluating the perform-
ability, which combines performance and availability in the same model. Perform-
ability is the study of systems performance when subjected to the effect of failures
on its subcomponents. The performance of a system is said to be degradable if fail-
ure events may affect it negatively [12]. For instance, a mesh network of routers can
tolerate a certain number of failures, but the overall performance will be affected
as some routers may be subject to overheads. In this paper we explore the effect of
1 http://www.erics mpany /press /relea ses/2010/04/14032 31.
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failures in the edge layer and consequent impact on the cloud layer. All simulations
take into account the performance in terms of throughput.
Sensitivity analysis is often adopted by system designers to evaluate how “sen-
sitive” a metric is to changes in the model. If the evaluation modifies a parameter
value (eg, component failure rate) to check the output impact, the sensitivity analysis
is called parametric. On the other hand, if the model structure (eg, number of sys-
tem components) changes during system evaluation, the sensitivity analysis is struc-
tural. Traditionally, parametric sensitivity analysis is performed by a discrete varia-
tion of input parameters over their value ranges, and graphing the effects on output
measures. Another technique for performing parametric sensitivity analysis is the
differential sensitivity analysis. This approach calculates the partial derivatives of
the measure of interest (eg, system availability) with respect to each input parameter.
The main advantages of differential sensitivity analysis is the reduced computation
time when compared with other methods (eg, discrete method) [13]. The paper pre-
sents a sensitivity analysis based on the DoE [14] method that has revealed the com-
ponents with the most significant impact in the proposed architecture. Therefore, the
contributions of this work includes:
Two SPN models (one base and extended one) that can represent an abstract dis-
tributed system composed of IoT, edge and cloud layers. The models are highly
configurable to be used in diverse simulation scenarios. The base model permits
to calibrate six timed transitions and four capacity places. The extended model
permits to calibrate ten timed transitions and six capacity places. These parame-
ters enable a system analyst to analyse both metrics like throughput, availability,
drop rate, mean response time, among others.
A sensitivity analysis which evidenced the most impacting components in the
studied architecture and made it possible to optimize the base SPN model. The
sensitivity analysis has employed a powerful method called Design of Experi-
ments, and it has shown the dependency between levels of distinct factors
through interaction analysis.
A case study which explores multiple metrics of interest concurrently and works
as a guide of the model utilization. The case study has explored for example
the relationship between mean time to repair and mean time to fail of the most
impacting component of the system, the edge. In other analysis the cross correla-
tion included the mean time to fail of the edge and the service time of the cloud,
observing the throughput dependent metric. Ultimately, the proposed approach
can assist system designers to avoid unnecessary investment in original equip-
The remaining of the paper is organized as follows. Section2 presents the related
works highlighting the positive and negative points of all studies. Section3 presents
the proposed IoT architecture. The architecture is described in distinct perspectives.
Section4 discusses the SPN models. The components of the models are described
and also how the workflow works. Section5 conducts a sensitivity analysis. Such
analysis has identified the most impacting components in the model. Section 6
presents a case study exploring the metrics throughput and availability. Section7
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Table 1 Related works
Wor ks Type of model Context Metrics Sensi-
[15] Petri Net (PNs) Logistic framework to optimize the profit
improvement in Cloud computing
Availability, repair time Yes Ye s
[21] Markov Chain Cloud gaming systems and optimizing Performance, response time No No
[16] Reliability Block Diagram(RBD), Petri
Net (PNs)
Availability in cloud data center infra-
Availability Yes Yes
[20] Priced Timed Petri Nets (PTPN) Fog resource allocation strategy Service response rate, execution effi-
ciency, reboot rate, reliability
No No
[22] Resource Preservation Net (RPN) Resource management in smart healthcare Arrival and service time, resource utiliza-
tion rate
No No
[23] Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets (GSPN) Performability analysis in cloud comput-
ing with NoSQL DBMS storage system
Availability, performance Yes Ye s
[24] Petri Net (PNs), Reliability Block Diagram
IoT in e-health architecture Throughput, service time, availability Yes No
[17] Petri Net (PNs) Availability of cooling subsystem Availability No Yes
[18] Petri Net (PNs), Reliability Block Diagram
Modeling cloud infrastructure Dependability, cost model No Yes
[19] Petri Net (PNs), Reliability Block Diagram
Availability on a private cloud computing
Availability Yes No
This work Petri Net (PNs) IoT architecture and data processing edge
and the cloud
Availability, throughput Yes Yes
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explains some limitations of the work. Section8 traces some conclusions and future
2 Related Work
Table1 summarizes a comparison of related works considering four aspects: Tem-
plate Type, Metrics used, if sensitivity analysis was applied, and whether redun-
dancy was applied to the proposed model. Aiming to raise the most closely related
work, we have used the keywords in advanced search engines and read the refer-
ences of the main state-of-art papers. We searched for and collected papers that used
some type of analytical model to represent and evaluate a system with some similar
characteristic than ours (e.g.: IoT/Cloud). We also observed the similarities regard-
ing the adopted metrics in which the majority have used availability, for example.
The first comparison criterion focus on the type of model built. Related works
used mostly petri nets, such as: [1519]. In some works, however, variations of the
petri nets were applied, in addition to other types of models being used. In Ni etal.
[20] the Price Timed Petri Nets (PTPN) were used to analyze the performance and
cost of the system. Yates etal. [21] developed a model based on Markov chain to
represent the process of delivering video frames in an edge game system. Oueida
etal. [22] proposed a framework also varied from petri nets, called Resource Preser-
vation Net (RPN) applied to a smart healthcare structure for resource management.
The work of Rodrigues etal. [23] adopted the use of Generalized Stochastic Petri
Nets (GSPN) for a performance assessment of cloud computing systems. Another
type of modeling adopted by some of the related works was Reliability Block Dia-
gram (RBD), used by [16, 18, 19, 24]. The level of abstraction is one of the differ-
ences between the adopted models. Continuous Time Markov Chain (CTMC) has
the most significant power of representation among the adopted models. CTMC
describes systems as a stochastic process with discrete states, characterizing them
by their states and how they alternate. Stochastic Petri net (SPN) is a type of model
equivalent to CTMC. However, SPN uses fewer elements to describe the same sys-
tem. We have adopted SPN because it can represent complex systems including
aspects such as concurrency and parallelism.
The most studied metric among the related works is availability [1517, 19, 23,
24], also being one of the metrics adopted in this work. In the related works, other
metrics were also studied, such as service time [22, 24], which refers to the time for
a given task to be performed within the applied system, being directly linked to the
Quality of Service provided to the user. Yates etal. [21], Ni etal. [20] and Rodri-
gues etal. [23] have observed models focused on performance aiming to increase
the metric Quality of Experience (QoE). The work in [18] exceptionally included
metrics directed towards the cost of cloud infrastructure proposed in its model.
Although most of the related work explored the availability metric, only one inves-
tigated throughput. Besides, we analysed the relationship of both metrics under the
system behaviour.
Another aspect analyzed is whether sensitivity analysis was performed on the
proposed model. Among the related works, the sensitivity analysis was performed
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only by [15, 16, 19, 23, 24]. The work of [15] proposed to perform a sensitivity
analysis on the failure rate, showing the impact of the failure rate on the profit pro-
file in a Cloud environment. The work of [16] also performed a sensitivity analysis
on its model, simulating and varying the values of the components to verify which
parameters most affect the general availability of a data center. In [23] the analyzes
is performed for the performance and availability of the system, both based on the
design of experiments (DoE). Santos etal. [24] also carried out sensitivity analyzes
to find out which components have the greatest impact on the availability of a elec-
tronic based health monitoring system. In [19], to perform the sensitivity analysis
and detect the most judicious components of the model, a percentage difference cal-
culation was used to calculate the sensitivity index. Although most of the related
work explored sensitivity analysis only two ([23, 24]) of them used DoE, and these
one did not focused on edge computing.
The last aspect analyzed was the application of redundancy in the model.
Among the works related to redundancy, it was applied only by [15, 16, 18, 23]. In
the work by Jiang etal. [15], three levels of warm-standby configuration were used
to carry out the evaluation process of the proposed model. In the work of Santos
etal. [16], redundancy was also applied to the proposed architecture, duplicating the
hardware components of its cloud data center architecture. In Rodrigues etal. [23],
a double redundancy was applied to a component of the architecture. In Sousa etal.
[18], the proposed modeling presented three types of redundancy Hot standby, cold
standby and warm standby.
3 Architecture
This section presents an architecture for processing information from IoT sensors.
In our architecture, data processing occurs first on the edge and later on the cloud
[25]. Services that require limited resources are processed only at the edge, while
Fig. 1 Base architecture composed of three stages: admission, edge, and cloud
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services with higher demand are processed in two stages, pre-processing at the
edge and a second stage in the cloud. Figure1 presents an overview of the archi-
tecture, which is composed of three parts:
1. Admission, which deals with the generation of requests and forwarding to the
2. Edge, which performs primary data processing;
3. Cloud responsible for the final processing of data and subsequent storage.
In a simplified view, it can be said that Admission is composed of IoT devices
and an Access Point. IoT sensors are used to capture information from the envi-
ronment in which they are located, such as a smart home [26], a smart hospital
[27], a water treatment plant [28], among other environments. In this work, we
implement the generation of requests based on general parameters of IoT sensors,
without a specific monitoring focus. Meanwhile, the Access Point is in charge of
transferring requests from IoT devices to the edge components.
Processing nodes on the edge can be servers, virtual machines, or server cores.
These are responsible for bringing the processing closer, thus mitigating problems
related to latency and limited network bandwidth. Edge processing brings advan-
tages over the cloud due to its location, closer to the data generation. Data loads
will be reduced before being sent to the cloud server through the gateway [29].
We address the latency sensitive applications requirement in three ways. First, the
edge component is positioned as the closest component to the admission block,
intending to have a faster response time in this point of the system. Second, the
edge component has a respective transition that can be configured with very small
processing time (0.01s, for example, as adopted in the case study—Table 10),
depending on the real system’s reality. Third, we performed the availability study
focused on the edge component, since we consider it as the most critical one.
The last part of the architecture is the cloud. This part consists of two compo-
nents, a gateway and the cloud server. The first is intended to receive the work-
load from the edge and forward it to the next component. The gateway has a
queue capable of storing workloads when the arrival rate exceeds the throughput,
and the cloud server is responsible for the final processing of the generated data.
After processing the workload, the processor in the cloud permanently stores data
in a data center.
While recent years have seen significant advances in system instrumentation
and data center energy efficiency and automation, computational resources and
network capacity are often provisioned using best-effort models and coarse-
grained quality-of-service (QoS) mechanisms. In a future networked society per-
meated by connected objects, such approaches will not be sustainable given the
increased loads on networks and data centers. A similar manifestation of the lim-
its of today’s large-scale computing architectures is offered by the limited adop-
tion of cloud infrastructures to deploy systems with low latency demands, such as
telecommunications services. The next generation of distributed cloud architec-
tures should be based on the modeling of complex applications and infrastructures
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using fine-grained and accurate application deployment and behavior models. For
all these discussed aspects we consider that the use of edge computing is essential
to have a more optimized service and such a layered architecture is important to
be evaluated.
4 SPN Models
Petri nets are a tool for formal modeling of quantitative properties of concurrent and
synchronized systems. Petri nets with random firing delays applied in transitions are
considered as stochastic Petri nets (SPNs) [11, 3033]. Since the last decade, the
utilization of SPN has been enticing the researchers’s attention in the modeling and
performance analysis of discrete event systems. SPNs are convenient modeling tools
for the performance analysis of parallel, concurrent, dynamic and distributed sys-
tems. Nature of temporal specification can be deterministic or probabilistic. Variable
X as a stochastic process can be considered as a family of functions of time as sam-
ple paths of the events of process, formally defined as
, where
T=[0, ∞)
Each sample path denotes a particular trajectory over the state space and consists of
a possible observed behavior of the process events.
This section presents the two SPN models proposed considering the scenario pre-
sented before. The first model, taken as a basis, includes no redundancy. Such a first
model encompasses four blocks representing the real architecture: admission, edge,
gateway and cloud. The second model extends the first model and considers redun-
dancy in a component that has the most significant impact on the metrics of interest.
The goal is to provide a simple and accurate way to assess the relationship between
the two metrics. In practice, the proposed SPN models must be used to predict the
behavior of the distributed system by scaling resources or changing the capacity of
the equipment represented by the model. The software designer must collect input
parameters with simple test-beds and feed the model to perform simulations by var-
ying only the model components.
4.1 Base Model
The base SPN model to evaluate the performability of the hybrid system is presented
in Fig.2. Table2 overviews the components of the model.
The data processing flow between the components of the model is described next.
The Admission subnet is made up of two IoT and Access_Point places, which repre-
sent the waiting between data and acceptance of this data in the queue. Tokens gen-
erated in IoT represent any request that involves data generated by IoT devices for
future processing and storage. The AD transition represents the time between arriv-
als, and T1 represents the receipt of the request. Note that T1 is an immediate transi-
tion, with no associated delay. T1 fires as soon as there is a token in Access_Point
and at least one token in ECS.
When T1 fires, the Edge subnet is reached. A token is taken from Access_Point
and ECS. In T1 firing, a token is returned to the IoT, allowing a new firing. A token
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Fig. 2 Base SPN model, with the respective architecture components
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is then added to the EC_REQUEST place. The number of tokens in EC_REQUEST
represents the number of requests being processed at the Edge. The component asso-
ciated with T1 represents the availability of the Edge. A token in EC_ON means that
the Edge is available and T1 can be triggered. However, a token in EC_OFF means
that the Edge is down, and T1 cannot be fired. The inhibitor arc serves to inhibit
T1 from firing if there is a token in EC_OFF. EC_MTTF and EC_MTTR represent
failure at the edge and recovery time, respectively. ECTS represents service time at
Edge. When ECTS is triggered, a token is taken from EC_REQUEST and a token is
added to the EC_RESPONSE place.
When T3 is triggered, the Gateway subnet is reached, then a token is added to Gate-
way_REQUEST and ECS and a token is removed from Gateway_E. The Gateway_E
place represents the queuing capability of the Gateway. The capacity of the gateway
can be interpreted as available channels for the Cloud. Queuing at gateway occurs
when there is no capacity available to serve newly-arrived requests. The transition
Gateway_TS represents the service time of a request in Gateway. When Gateway_TS
Table 2 Description of the
components of the base model Component Description
IoT Entry of requests
AD Request input delay
Access_Point Edge computing access point
EC_REQUEST Entry of requests in edge computing
ECTS Edge computing processing time
EC_RESPONSE Outbound requests from edge computing
ECS Edge computing processing power
NEC Edge capability
EC_OFF Inactive edge computing
EC_MTTF Average edge computing failure time
EC_MTTR Average edge computing repair time
EC_ON Active edge computing
Gateway_TS Gateway processing time
Gateway_RESPONSE Outbound requests from the gateway
Gateway_E Gateway processing capacity
NG gateway capability
CC_REQUEST Entry of requests in cloud computing
CCTS Cloud computing processing time
CC_RESPONSE Output of cloud computing requests
CCE Cloud computing processing capacity
NCC Cloud capability
Table 3 Calculated metrics for
the base model Model Throughput Availability
No Redundancy
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is reached, a token is removed from the place Gateway_REQUEST and added to
The last component of the model is the Cloud Computing. The Cloud Computing
subnet is reached when the T4 transition is triggered. When T4 is triggered, a token is
added to the places CC_REQUEST and Gateway_E, and a token is taken from CCE.
The CCE place represents the processing power in the Cloud. CCTS represents the pro-
cessing time of a request in the Cloud. When C_ST is triggered, a token is taken from
CC_REQUEST and added to CC_RESPONSE. When T4 is triggered, a token is taken
from CC_RESPONSE and a token is added to the place CCE.
Table3 presents the metrics for the base model. The throughput is calculated based
on the cloud component, that is the last component of the system. P stands for probabil-
ity in the equations and # stands for the number of tokens in a given place. E stands for
the expected number of tokens in the corresponding place. Thus, the throughput equa-
tion considers the expected number of tokens in the cloud divided by the cloud service
time. Regarding availability, the system is considered working if the edge component
is working. As aforementioned, we focus on the edge component as it is considered a
constrained point of failure in this work.
4.2 Extended Model
The extended model aims to replicate the base model part that has the most significant
impact on system availability. The sensitivity analysis in the next section will show that
edge failures and recovery times have the most significant impact on system availabil-
ity. Therefore, the extended model applies redundancy at the edge, following a cold
standby pattern [18]. Figure3 shows the extended model. For the sake of simplicity,
next we provide details addressing only the additional redundancy in the model. The
inhibitor arc present in EC_ON ensures that if the main component of the Edge is
working, the EC2_Switch transition cannot be triggered, thus preventing both compo-
nents from working at the same time. When a token exists in EC2_OFF, it means that
the secondary machine is down and T42 cannot be triggered, thus avoiding processing
in EC_REQUEST2, while EC_REQUEST is in operation.
The place EC_D was included. A token in EC_D means that the redundant edge
component is off. When a token is added to EC_D, that place will immediately inhibit
the EC2_Switch transition from being triggered until EC_OFF is reached and the Edge
is in a down state. The times used for the transitions were obtained from [34]. Table4
overviews the components present in the extended model.
Table5 presents the metrics for the extended model. Again, the throughput is cal-
culated based on the cloud component. Thus, the throughput equation considers the
expected number of tokens in the cloud divided by the cloud service time. Regarding
availability, the system is considered working if one of the redundant edge components
is working.
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Fig. 3 Extended SPN model focusing on replicating the edge component
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Table 4 Description of the extended model components
Component Description
IoT Entry of requests
AD Request input delay
Access_Point Edge computing access point
EC_REQUEST Entry of requests in edge computing
ECTS Edge computing processing time
EC_RESPONSE Outbound requests from edge computing
ECS Edge computing processing power
NEC Edge capability
EC_OFF Inactive edge computing
EC_MTTF Average edge computing failure time
EC_MTTR Average edge computing repair time
EC_ON Active edge computing
EC_D Edge computing Down
EC2_Switch Second edge computing enabler
EC_REQUEST2 Entry of requests on the second edge computing
ECTS2 Second edge computing processing time
EC_RESPONSE2 Output of requests from the second edge computing
ECS2 Second edge computing processing capacity
EC2_OFF Second edge computing inactive
EC2_MTTF Second edge computing average failure time
EC2_MTTR Average repair time of the second edge computing
EC2_ON Second active edge computing
Gateway_REQUEST Entry of requests at the Gateway
Gateway_TS Gateway processing time
Gateway_RESPONSE Outbound requests from the Gateway
Gateway_E Gateway processing capacity
NG Gateway capability
CC_REQUEST Entry of requests in cloud computing
CCTS Cloud computing processing time
CC_RESPONSE Output of cloud computing requests
CCE Cloud computing processing capacity
NCC cloud capability
Table 5 Calculated metrics for the extended model
Model Throughput Availability
With Redundancy
(P{(#EC_ON>0)OR (#EC2_ON>0)})
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Table 6 DoE levels and factors Level 1 (− 50%) Level 2 (+ 50%)
EC_MTTR 1.735 5.205
EC_MTTF 2382.90 7148.69
ECTS 0.005 0.015
Gateway_TS 0.00005 0.00015
CCTS 0.01 0.03
SWITCH 0.41667 1.25000
Table 7 Combination table for
analysis with DOE base model Comb. EC_MTTR EC_MTTF ECTS Gateway_TS CCTS
#1 1.735 2382.90 0.005 0.00015 0.03
#2 5.205 2382.90 0.005 0.00015 0.03
#3 1.735 7148.69 0.015 0.00005 0.03
#4 5.205 2382.90 0.015 0.00015 0.01
#5 1.735 2382.90 0.005 0.00015 0.01
#6 1.735 2382.90 0.015 0.00005 0.03
#7 1.735 2382.90 0.005 0.00005 0.03
#8 5.205 7148.69 0.005 0.00015 0.01
#9 5.205 7148.69 0.015 0.00015 0.03
#10 1.735 2382.90 0.015 0.00015 0.03
#11 1.735 2382.90 0.015 0.00015 0.01
#12 1.735 7148.69 0.005 0.00015 0.03
#13 1.735 2382.90 0.015 0.00005 0.01
#14 5.205 2382.90 0.005 0.00015 0.01
#15 5.205 2382.90 0.015 0.00015 0.03
#16 1.735 7148.69 0.015 0.00015 0.01
#17 5.205 7148.69 0.015 0.00005 0.03
#18 5.205 2382.90 0.005 0.00005 0.01
#19 5.205 7148.69 0.005 0.00005 0.01
#20 1.735 7148.69 0.005 0.00005 0.01
#21 5.205 7148.69 0.015 0.00015 0.01
#22 1.735 7148.69 0.005 0.00015 0.01
#23 5.205 2382.90 0.015 0.00005 0.01
#24 5.205 7148.69 0.005 0.00005 0.03
#25 1.735 7148.69 0.005 0.00005 0.03
#26 5.205 7148.69 0.015 0.00005 0.01
#27 1.735 2382.90 0.005 0.00005 0.01
#28 5.205 2382.90 0.015 0.00005 0.03
#29 5.205 7148.69 0.005 0.00015 0.03
#30 5.205 2382.90 0.005 0.00005 0.03
#31 1.735 7148.69 0.015 0.00015 0.03
#32 1.735 7148.69 0.015 0.00005 0.01
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5 Sensitivity Analysis withDoE
Design of Experiments (DoE) corresponds to a collection of statistical techniques
that allow deepening the knowledge about the product or process under study
[35]. It can also be defined by a series of tests in which the researcher changes the
set of variables or input factors to observe and identify the reasons for changes in
the output response. The parameters to be changed are defined using an experi-
ment plan. The goal is to generate the most significant amount of information
with the least possible experiments. The behavior of the system based on param-
eter changes can be observed using sets of outputs.
This section presents a study of sensitivity analysis using the DoE method.
The execution of the DoE seeks to identify the factors that most influence the
system and whether there is an interaction between factors. In our work, avail-
ability and throughput are the metrics considered. To evaluate these metrics, the
timed transitions were established as factors, with their levels varying by −50%
and +50% of their base values. Table6 presents the chosen factors and respective
levels. Table7 presents the thirty-two combinations of factors for the base model.
The table of combinations for the extended model was omitted due to too much
redundant data.
5.1 Results forAvailability
Table8 shows the impact of each factor on the availability (the most significant ones
are highlighted in blue). EC_MTTF and EC_MTTR are the most significant factors
in both cases. However, in the base model, the MTTR stands out slightly, whereas
the MTTF does the same in the extended model. One possible cause is that the edge
is the first component to receive requests. That way, if the component fails faster
(smaller EC_MTTF) or takes longer to recover from the failure (larger EC_MTTR),
the input transition will be blocked for longer, and the system will be unavailable for
a longer time. Only the edge has MTTF and MTTR parameters because it is more
likely to fail than advanced cloud technologies.
Interaction graphs are responsible for identifying interactions between factors.
An interaction occurs when the influence of a given factor on the result is altered
(amplified or reduced) by the difference in another factor. If the lines on the graph
Table 8 Sensitive indexes for
availability Factor Effect—base model Effect—ext. model
EC_MTTR 0.05706 0.016435
EC_MTTF 0.05699 0.016457
Gateway_TS 0.00005 0.000001
ECTS 0.00000 0.000007
CCTS 0.00000 0.000012
SWITCH – 0.000015
Journal of Network and Systems Management (2021) 29:27
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27 Page 16 of 24
Interaction - BaseModel
Interaction - Extended Model
Fig. 4 Interaction plots for availability. a Interaction—base model. b Interaction—extended model
Table 9 Sensitive indexes for
throughput Factor Effect—base model Effect—ext. model
EC_MTTR 4.36500 0.90400
EC_MTTF 4.35000 0.91050
ECTS 0.00000 0.67780
Gateway_TS 0.00000 0.00000
CCTS 0.00000 16.1934
SWITCH – 0.00800
1 3
Journal of Network and Systems Management (2021) 29:27 Page 17 of 24 27
are parallel, there will not be an interaction between the factors. If they are not
parallel, it means that there is an interaction between the factors [35].
Figures 4a and b shows the interaction plots for the availability consider-
ing factors EC_MTTR and EC_MTTF. The most sensitive factors were chosen
to study their interaction. In both cases (base and extended models), there are
interactions. In the base model (Fig. 4a) for distinct values of EC_MTTR, the
EC_MTTF changes. The variation in availability is higher when the EC_MTTR
is 22.56 h. In other words, considering the same MTTF variation (150->450), the
impact on availability is higher with a higher MTTR. However, in absolute num-
bers, the highest MTTF (450) with the lowest MTTR (7.5) reaches the best avail-
ability result, about 98%. Observing now the interaction plot for the extended
Fig. 5 Interaction plots for throughput. a Interaction—base model. b Interaction—extended model
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model (Fig.4b), the interaction was higher than the base model, since the lines
are not parallel.
5.2 Results forThroughput
Table 9 shows the impact of each factor in the throughput. Again, similar to the
availability results, the EC_MTTR is the most sensitive factor. However, the transi-
tion CCTS (related to the cloud service time) impacts the throughput the most. The
CCTS is highly relevant because the cloud is the last component of the system. The
throughput equation considers such component (one place and one transition), as
discussed in Sect.4.
Figure5 shows the interaction of factors for the throughput metric. The most sen-
sitive factors were chosen to study their interaction. The result is similar to the avail-
ability result in the base model. The EC_MTTF and EC_MTTR have a significant
impact on throughput. However, in terms of the extended model, the factors CCTS
and EC_MTTF do not have a significant impact, as the lines are almost parallel.
6 Case Study
This section presents a case study. First, the simulation parameters used in this work
are shown, and then the results obtained through the simulations are detailed. The
models and simulations were performed using the Mercury tool [36], which is a
powerful modeling software appropriate not only for Petri net models but also for
Markov chains. Table10 shows the values used in the transitions and places of the
model. The times used for the transitions were obtained from [34].
Figure6 presents 3D surface plots to show the system behavior considering avail-
ability (6a and b show the result for the base model and for the extended model,
respectively). We have varied the MTTF and MTTR parameters of the edge com-
puting component. The values were based on the literature [34] (MTTR= 3.47 h,
MTTF=4765.9h) in increments of 25% up and down. Therefore, the MTTR ranged
from 1.7 to 5.2h, and MTTF ranged from 2382 to 7147 h. The availability is pre-
sented in the number of nines form. The following equation is used to calculate the
Table 10 Transition and places
values Component Type Value
AD Transition 0.02s
EC_MTTF, EC2_MTTF Transition 4765.9h
EC_MTTR, EC2_MTTR Transition 3.47.0h
ECTS, ECTS2 Transition 0.01s
Gateway_TS Transition 0.0001s
CCTS Transition 0.02
EC_Switch Transition 0.833333s
NEC, NG, NCC Place 2
1 3
Journal of Network and Systems Management (2021) 29:27 Page 19 of 24 27
Availability (#9’)
MTTF Edge Computing (h)
MTTR Edge Computing (h)
Base Model
Availability (#9’)
MTTF Edge Computing (h)
MTTR Edge Computing (h)
Extended Model
Fig. 6 Availability analysis by varying concomitant factors. a Base model. b Extended model
Journal of Network and Systems Management (2021) 29:27
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27 Page 20 of 24
number of nines:
A_nines =−LOG(1Availability)
[37]. First of all, it is essential
to say that the colors are related to the level of availability. The purple color repre-
sents the lowest availability, and the red color means the highest availability. In both
models, the MTTF and MTTR significantly impact availability, but there are some
peculiarities. The availability of the base model is lower than the extended one. In
fact, the highest availability is 3.6 in the base model, while the lowest availability
of the extended model is 4.8. As the sensitivity analysis has indicated, MTTF has
more impact than MTTR. In the base model, this difference is not so evident. How-
ever, in the extended model, the MTTF indeed has a higher impact than MTTR.
From MTTF>6000h, the color becomes red (
) independently from the
MTTR value. Such an higher impact of MTTF on the extended model is reinforced
by the sensitive indexes presented in Sect.5 (Table8). In the base model, the MTTR
is more relevant, while in the extended model, the MTTF is more relevant. Also,
the extended model presents some small inflection in the bottom of the graph. We
believe that this may be caused by the higher interaction in the extended model (see
graphs in Fig.6). Another difference between the base and extended results is the
color distribution. Observe that the collor blue is more proeminent in the extended
model graph. It means that 5011 nines of availability is more frequent related to the
other results.
Figure7a and b show the results for the base and extended models, respectively,
in terms of throughput. The factors have taken into account the sensitivity analy-
sis results. The base model evidences the MTTF/MTTR of the edge computing,
whereas in the extended model it is evidenced the MTTF of the edge with the cloud
service time (CCTS). In the first graph, for the base model, the throughput varia-
tion is extremely low, ranging from 76.36 to 76.52req/s. However, it is possible to
visualize the tendency of the throughput behavior. When the MTTR increases, the
throughput decrements, and when the MTTF increases, the throughput increments.
The low throughput variability happens because, in this scenario, the availability is
too high (more than 2.6#9’), as can be seen in Fig.6. This way, we can assume that
the system will be almost “always” available. Then, the variation of MTTF/MTTR
will not cause much difference. In the second graph (Fig.7b), the variability is sig-
nificant. The throughput ranges from 20 to 70req/s. However, the EC_MTTF does
not impact as much as the CCTS factor. In fact, the sensitive index of CCTS (16.19)
is much higher than all others (< 0) (see Table9). Besides, there is no interaction
between both factors, different from all previous results.
7 Limitations oftheWork
Following, we list some of the limitations of this work:
Our model, although enables scalability, does not do it in an automatic way.
However we did not model such a requirement because we did not focus on
response time as the related work [38].
We did not evaluate the availability of the gateway and the cloud, only the edge,
believing that the edge does have a higher impact on the system due to its client
1 3
Journal of Network and Systems Management (2021) 29:27 Page 21 of 24 27
Throughput (req/s)
Base Model
Throughput (req/s)
CCTS (s)
Extended Model
Fig. 7 Throughput analysis by varying concomitant factors. a Base model. b Extended model
Journal of Network and Systems Management (2021) 29:27
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proximity. We decided also evaluate only the edge availability and not all the
components avoiding the state space explosion problem. It is possible that the
non evaluated components are equally important.
Lastly, other metrics could be also investigated, such as drop rate, and usability.
However, we have investigated such metrics in a previous work [30].
Although important, cloud elasticity was not evaluated in the proposed model
of this work, because we decided to simplify the cloud component, abstracting
internal details to focus on the multi-layer edge/cloud architecture problem.
8 Conclusion
This paper proposed two stochastic Petri net models to measure the performability
of an architecture for an IoT system with processing in the edge and in the cloud.
The paper presents a sensitivity analysis based on the DoE method that has revealed
the components with the most significant impact in the proposed architecture. Two
SPN models were presented (one base and extended one) that can represent an
abstract distributed system composed of IoT, edge and cloud layers. The models are
highly configurable to be used in diverse simulation scenarios. Besides, a sensitivity
analysis evidenced the most impacting components in the studied architecture and
made it possible to optimize the base SPN model. We also performed a case study
which have explored multiple metrics of interest concurrently and works as a guide
of the model utilization. Ultimately, the proposed approach can assist system design-
ers to avoid unnecessary investment in original equipment As future work, we intend
to extend the model focusing on the other components and explore new metrics such
as mean response time and resource utilization.
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Authors and Aliations
LucasSantos1· BeneditoCunha1· IureFé2· MarcoVieira3·
Lucas Santos
Benedito Cunha
Iure Fé
Marco Vieira
1 Universidade Federal doPiauí- (UFPI), R. Cícero Duarte, no 905 - Junco, Picos, PI64607-670,
2 Departamento de Engenharia Informática, Universidade de Coimbra, Polo II - Pinhal de
Marrocos, 3030-290Coimbra, Portugal
3 Exército Brasileiro, Terceiro BEC, Picos, Piauí, Brazil
... From these parameter variations, observing changes in the system's behavior through sets of outputs is possible. In specialized literature [11,9,33], we find three categories of graphs generally used in experiments with the DoE approach. The factor effect graph, represented by bars arranged in descending order, highlights the relative impact of each factor. ...
Full-text available
There is a growing importance of the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), an emerging aspect of the Internet of Things (IoT), in smart healthcare. With the emergence of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, healthcare systems faced extreme pressure, leading to the need for advancements and research focused on IoMT. Smart hospital infrastructures face challenges regarding availability and reliability measures, especially in the event of local server failures or disasters. Unpredictable malfunctions in any aspect of medical computing infrastructure, from the power system in a remote area to local computing systems in a smart hospital, can result in critical failures in medical monitoring services. These failures can have serious consequences, including potentially fatal loss of life in the most serious cases. Therefore, we propose a disaster analysis and recovery measures using Stochastic Petri Nets (SPN) to resolve these critical issues. The proposed model aims to identify the system’s most critical components, develop strategies to mitigate failures and ensure system resilience. Our results show that the disaster recovery system demonstrated availability and reliability. The sensitivity analysis indicated the components that had the greatest impact on availability-for example, the failure time of the Standby Edge Server proved to be a very relevant component in the proposed architecture. The present work can help system architects develop distributed architectures considering points of failure and recovery measures.
... This section presents a sensitivity analysis with the DoE (Design of Experiments) method on the proposed SPN model [39,40]. The DoE aims to identify how factors and their relationships with each other influence system performance. ...
Full-text available
The variety of sensors for health monitoring helps professionals in the field make decisions. For certain clinical conditions, it is interesting to monitor the patient's health after discharge. Wearable health monitoring devices (smartwatches) can send data to the hospital. However, to monitor many patients (external and internal), a resilient and high-performance computing infrastructure is required. Such characteristics require high monetary cost equipment. This paper presents an SPN (Stochastic Petri Net) model for evaluating the performance and performability of a multi-tier hospital system architecture (edge-fog-cloud). The model allows you to evaluate the Mean Response Time (MRT), resource utilization level (U), and probability of data loss (DP). A very specific characteristic is to consider two data sources (internal and external). Performance metrics are evaluated in two scenarios based on varying the number of containers for simultaneous processing in the cloud and fog. The model evaluates performability of the MRT metric over the variation of parameters that have the greatest influence on availability (container MTTF) and performance (cloud processing capacity).
... System designers often adopt sensitivity analyses to assess how "sensitive" a metric is to changes in the model [24]. Sensitivity analysis measures the effect of a given input data on output data, aiming to identify weak links in computational systems and then seek to adopt a set of techniques to improve these systems in different scenarios [25]. ...
Full-text available
The Internet of Things (IoT) application in agriculture provides rural poultry farmers with automated tools and decision support systems to increase productivity and profit. The integration of Edge, Fog, and Cloud Computing technologies in this scenario enables real-time data collection, processing, and analysis. This, in turn, empowers poultry farmers to make informed decisions, enhancing production efficiency and ensuring poultry quality. However, when implementing IoT devices, the challenge arises in dealing with a large volume of generated data. Delays in data transfer between the Edge, Fog, and Cloud layers can impact the system's real-time responsiveness. Slowness in the system's responsiveness can compromise performance, especially in poultry monitoring systems, which are time-sensitive, and an error could result in losses. This work proposes a Stochastic Petri Net (SPN) model to analyze the performance of an integrated smart poultry house with Edge, Fog, and Cloud Computing. The proposed model covers the analysis of metrics such as average response time, resource utilization, discard probability, and system throughput. Furthermore, the highly flexible model allows developers and system administrators to calibrate various parameters.
... This section presents the structure of the extended model applying Cold, Warm and Hot Standby redundancies [33][34][35]. The MTTF and MTTR values for the extended models are the same as in Table 4 presented earlier. ...
Full-text available
Blockchain has become an important processing paradigm in recent years. The blockchain supports financial transactions and validates contracts, documents and data. However, the evolution of blockchain has become viable for many applications. The servers’ availability and reliability (dependence) are required in the data processing. The contract will only be signed if there are enough components to form the blockchain blocks. This paper analyses the dependency between project components that use blockchain. We present a model based on stochastic Petri net (SPN) for evaluating the dependency of the blockchain architecture. The Design of Experiments (DoE) method was used to analyse this model’s factors, seeking to know which ones had the higher impact on the system. The sensitivity analysis showed that the MongoDB component has a greater impact on the system dependency and the need to upgrade such a component. Also, for reliability, making component improvements is unnecessary if the system has fewer than 36,000 h of runtime.
... Stochastic Petri nets (SPNs) are a widely used approach for modeling complex systems with various features, including parallelism and concurrency. SPN models have been applied to represent and to evaluate various types of systems, such as VANETs, hospital networks, cloud data processing, mobile devices, and more [13][14][15][16][17][18]. SPN models can be used to evaluate the performance and availability of computer systems, which is referred to as performability. ...
Full-text available
In urban air mobility (UAM), video streaming platforms have gained significant attention from media companies due to their growing necessity for on-demand video streaming services-as-you-go in flights. Video streaming services can provide constant data transactions in a huge amount, especially in its operational digital twin (ODT). As a result, the ability to provide a satisfactory user experience through video streaming platforms is critical and complex. This requires continuously operating services while handling numerous user requests for near real-time video streaming. At the same time, high-quality video with high resolution and minimal interruptions is often expected. Therefore, the availability and performance (i.e., performability) of the Back-End video streaming infrastructure are crucial parameters for these platforms. However, evaluating novel video-on-demand architectures in real-world scenarios can be costly due to the numerous parameters involved. Analytical models, such as stochastic Petri nets (SPNs), can serve as an alternative in this complex scenario as they can be used to analyze systems during the design process. In this study, we developed a set of SPN models to assess the performance of a video-on-demand system. These models were designed to illustrate and to evaluate a video-on-demand architecture while considering performance. We had a base SPN model as well as three enhanced variants available. The extended models were generated using the Design of Experiments (DoE) technique and sensitivity analysis results. The DoE identified the factors with the greatest impacts on performance, and the most significant factor interactions. Redundancy strategies were applied to the extended models to increase the availability of the most important components. This redundancy increased the availability of “9 s” from three to five. It is worth noting that this study can help the designers of video streaming systems, to plan and to optimize their ideas based on the provided models.
Conference Paper
A variedade de tipos de sensores para monitoramento de saúde ajuda na tomada de decisão por profissionais da área. Para determinados quadros clínicos é interessante o monitoramento da saúde do paciente pós alta. Dispositivos vestíveis de monitoramento de saúde (como smartwatches) podem ser utilizados para enviar dados para o hospital. No entanto, para o monitoramento de um grande número de pacientes (externos e internos), é necessária uma infraestrutura computacional resiliente e de alto desempenho. Tais características exigem equipamentos de alto custo monetário. Para ajudar a planejar tal infraestrutura, este artigo apresenta um modelo SPN (Stochastic Petri Network) para avaliação de desempenho de uma arquitetura de sistema hospitalar multicamadas (edge-fog-cloud). O modelo permite avaliar o tempo médio de resposta (MRT), nível de utilização de recursos (U) e probabilidade de perda de dados (DP). Uma característica bem específica é considerar duas fontes de dados (interna e externa). Como estudo de caso foi analisado o impacto da variação do número de contêineres (de 5 à 100) para processamento simultâneo na nuvem. O resultado mostrou-se semelhante com capacidades 50, 75 e 100 contêineres, com MRT abaixo de 25 segundos. Para a capacidade 5 e 25 contêineres, o MRT passou de 150 segundos.
This book chapter focuses on the analysis of quality of service (QoS) and performance modelling in the context of fog computing. The chapter proposes analytical frameworks for QoS analysis and performance modelling of fog computing systems. The chapter starts with an introduction to fog computing and the importance of QoS analysis in such systems. The next section presents a literature review of related work and different approaches to QoS analysis in fog computing. The proposed analytical frameworks are then described in detail, including their different components and assumptions. Case studies are also presented to demonstrate the application of the analytical frameworks. The case studies include a scenario of a fog computing system with a specific architecture and different performance metrics and models used for the analysis. The results and analysis of the case studies are then presented. Finally, the chapter concludes with a discussion of the key findings and contributions of the analytical frameworks.
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Cloud computing is a paradigm that delivers technology resources on demand through service virtualization. Virtualization allows sharing of hardware by applications compartmentalized into multiple independent modules. Microservices architecture uses the ability of virtualization to adopt a software architecture approach based on building applications composed of several interdependent and loosely coupled modules. However, microservices architectures can incur large energy costs to achieve the required levels of performance and availability. Several research topics related to energy consumption in microservice architectures have already been explored, such as elasticity, reliability, performance, and availability. However, given the variety of problems and solutions, identifying research trends and gaps related to microservices is complex. We aim to systematically identify, rank, and compare existing research trends and gaps around energy consumption in microservices. This paper presents a systematic review of energy consumption in microservices architectures. This work also provides a list of references to find the mapped works, thus being able to guide searches more safely. paper selection started with 3625 papers, followed by three refinement processes in which 37 papers were selected for a full review. The remaining 37 papers were cataloged and classified according to some criteria, such as metrics, evaluation method and type of architecture. Thus, the review revealed research gaps and trends in energy consumption in microservices architectures. In addition, significant research challenges and directions were identified. The research challenges are presented based on the metrics that guide each work in this systematic review: performance, elasticity, scalability, reliability, sustainability, and availability.
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Flexible energy harvesters have become a research hotspot in both academia and industry because of their great advantages in powering wearable electronic devices. The flexible energy harvesters based on piezoelectric materials are recognized as a competitive method because of their sensitivity to mechanical deformation, excellent energy conversion performance, mature production technology, and simple structure. This paper presents a comprehensive review to illustrate the research progress and future development of wearable flexible piezoelectric harvesters. In this work, the widely used piezoelectric materials for flexible energy harvesters, including inorganic piezoelectric materials, organic piezoelectric materials, and piezoelectric composites, are first summarized. The research progress on the influence of ceramic content, morphology, distribution, surface chemical modification, and the addition of conductive materials on the properties of piezoelectric composites are systematically discussed. Additionally, this paper also presents novel structures and fabrication methods of flexible piezoelectric energy harvesters. Finally, future trends in research, development, and innovation of flexible piezoelectric energy harvesters are outlined and prospected.
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Este trabalho adota a abordagem de modelagem analítica para avaliar o desempenho de um sistema hospitalar inteligente, evitando o investimento em equipamentos reais. Os resultados mostram que este trabalho tem o potencial de ajudar os administradores de sistemas hospitalares a planejar arquiteturas mais otimizadas de acordo com suas necessidades.
Conference Paper
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Hospitais inteligentes precisam de servidores locais e remotos para processar e armazenar dados com eficiência. No entanto, há uma dificuldade significativa na avaliação da disponibilidade de tais sistemas em contextos reais, porque as falhas não são toleradas e o custo de prototipação é alto. Este artigo adota Redes de Petri Estocásticas (SPNs) para avaliar a disponibilidade de um sistema hospitalar inteligente, evitando o investimento prematuro em equipamentos reais. Além disso, este trabalho apresenta uma análise de sensibilidade que identifica os componentes mais críticos da arquitetura. Este trabalho tem o potencial de auxiliar administradores de sistemas hospitalares no planejamento de arquiteturas mais otimizadas de acordo com suas necessidades.
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Cloud computing is attractive to business owners and allows enterprises to start from the small and increase resources only when there is a rise in service demand, but cloud may become expensive. Fog computing has many advantages, and it is suited for the applications whereby real time is very important, but fog resources may also be highly limited. The cloud and fog computing may perform tasks together to attend different types of applications and mitigate their limitations. However, taking into account variables such as latency, workload and computational capacity, it becomes complex to define under what circumstances it is more advantageous to use the cloud layer or the fog. This paper proposes a stochastic Petri net to model such a scenario by considering cloud and fog. The model permits to configure 12 parameters including, for example, the number of available resources, workload and mean requests arrival time. We present a case study using a classical big data algorithm to validate the model. The case study is a practical guide to infrastructure administrators to adjust their architectures by finding the trade-off between cost and performance.
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Recent years have disclosed a remarkable proliferation of compute-intensive applications in smart cities. Such applications continuously generate enormous amounts of data which demand strict latency-aware computational processing capabilities. Although edge computing is an appealing technology to compensate for stringent latency related issues, its deployment engenders new challenges. In this survey, we highlight the role of edge computing in realizing the vision of smart cities. First, we analyze the evolution of edge computing paradigms. Subsequently, we critically review the state-of-the-art literature focusing on edge computing applications in smart cities. Later, we categorize and classify the literature by devising a comprehensive and meticulous taxonomy. Furthermore, we identify and discuss key requirements, and enumerate recently reported synergies of edge computing enabled smart cities. Finally, several indispensable open challenges along with their causes and guidelines are discussed, serving as future research directions.
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In this paper, we investigate mobile edge computing (MEC) networks for intelligent information services, where there are N users equipped with K antennas and one access point (AP). The users have some computational tasks, and some of them can be decoupled by the AP, at the cost of a fee charged by the AP. For the considered system, we firstly consider two important metrics of interest: latency and fee. Then, we formulate a stochastic game to model the interaction between users and the AP. In this game, the AP sets prices to maximize its profit, while users devise the offloading strategy to reduce both the latency and charge. We further optimize the system by applying the array signal processing schemes on the users, in order to reduce the transmission latency. Simulation results are finally presented to verify the effectiveness of the stochastic game, and it is shown that the array signal processing scheme can help reduce the transmission latency significantly.
Smart homes form an integral part of smart grid infrastructure. Recently, large numbers of sensors have been added within smart homes to enhance home appliance automation and monitoring. This addition raises questions about where the data generated within the home should be processed. The data can be processed either by one central processor or through multiple distributed processors closer to the sensors. This paper proposes a smart home distributed architecture involving home sensors talking directly to a smart gateway installed within the home. The gateway then decides which data should be forwarded to the central processor for further analysis. A test bed is designed to highlight the advantages of this approach. An open data set is used to feed sensor data into the test setup. It is shown that the local processing of data can improve efficiency by effectively utilizing available network bandwidth. Furthermore, local processing is favorable for time-critical smart home applications, since local processing has a faster data communication round trip time as compared with that of central processing. Moreover, we argue that certain calculations, like energy usage prediction for home appliances, can effectively be done locally while the central processor can be used for coordination between different local processors.
Background & Aim Counterflow centrifugal (CFC) systems have been applied to cell manufacturing for the processes of cell selection and buffer exchange. The recently developed Rotea™ (Scinogy) is a CFC device that enables closed automated buffer exchange for small-scale cell manufacturing. However, the fluid dynamics within the processing chamber is complex and are influenced by a number of factors, including flowrate, centrifugal force, and buffer density. The impact of individual or compounded effects on cell quality is unclear. This study aims to determine the critical factors for mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) processing using the Rotea™. Methods, Results & Conclusion Methods We utilised a two-level full factorial Design of Experiment (DoE) approach to evaluate four parameters in the processing of umbilical cord-derived MSCs (UC-MSCs). These parameters included flowrate, centrifugal force-to-flowrate ratio (F/F ratio), serum concentration, and trypsin concentration. In each experiment, MSCs were subjected to one-hour of processing using a combination of high or low of each parameter to a total of 16 combinations, each combination was tested once. Live cell recovery, cell metabolism and function were determined using Trypan blue exclusion, MTS and IDO assays, respectively. Results The result of each test is expressed as a percentage to the unprocessed control. Live cell recovery was not correlated with any of the factors. High flowrate (Effect=-10.70, p=0.014) and high F/F ratio (Effect=-13.03, p=0.004) negatively impacted cell metabolism, the effects of which could be mitigated by high serum concentration (Effect=9.16, p=0.029). IDO activity was negatively impacted by high F/F ratio (Effect=-4.91, p=0.012) or the combination of high F/F ratio and high flowrate (Effect=-4.62, p=0.017). Trypsin concentration had no significant impact on cell quality. Conclusion Flowrate and F/F ratio are critical factors in CFC processing and are key considerations for process development. While MSCs were the cell types tested in this particular study, they are also likely to impact on other cell types.
E-health systems can be used to monitor people in real-time, offering a range of multimedia-based health services, at the same time reducing the cost since cheaper devices can be used to compose it. However, any downtime, mainly in the case of critical health services, can result in patient health problems and in the worst case, loss of life. In this paper, we use an interdisciplinary approach combining stochastic models with optimisation algorithms to analyse how failures impact e-health monitoring system availability. We propose surrogate models to estimate the availability of e-health monitoring systems that rely on edge, fog, and cloud infrastructures. Then, we apply a multi-objective optimisation algorithm, NSGA-II, to improve system availability considering component costs as constraint. Results suggest that replacing components with more reliable ones is more effective in improving the availability of an e-health monitoring system than adding more redundant components.