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The Importance of Ectomycorrhizas for the Growth of Dipterocarps and the Efficacy of Ectomycorrhizal Inoculation Schemes



The Dipterocarpaceae, ecosystem dominants and source of forest products in South-east Asia, form ectomycorrhizas (EcMs). Important fungal families involved in this symbiosis are Amanitaceae, Boletaceae, Pisolithaceae, Russulaceae, Sclerodermataceae and Thelephoraceae. The presence of EcM fungi on the roots of dipterocarp seedlings has been shown to improve P nutrition most notably but also N, Ca and Mg nutrition and to improve access to organic forms of N. In addition, EcMs have been shown to improve seedling growth although mostly under nursery conditions. These results have led it to be suggested that seedlings should be inoculated prior to being out-planted in reforestation programmes. Current and recent inoculation schemes have focussed on the genera Pisolithus, Scleroderma and Tomentella. The most controlled method to inoculate seedlings is to apply a known amount of inoculum of an identified, aseptically cultured EcM fungal species. In situations where this has not been feasible, tabletted EcM inoculum has been applied. The simplest to inoculate seedlings is to use forest soil colonised with EcM hyphae, root fragments and spores; whilst this does not guarantee the most beneficial fungus will be dominant on the roots of the seedlings it will allow EcM formation of some kind. Before assuming that pre-inoculating seedlings will bring long-term benefits to seedlings planted in soils where EcM inoculum is already present, a number of questions need to be asked. First, does inoculation actually improve growth and survival of out-planted seedlings? If so, second, under what conditions and situations is inoculation of benefit? Finally, is colonised soil inoculum just as good as single species inoculum? However, in soils lacking inoculum (such as burnt peat swamp forest and ex agricultural land), inoculating seedlings is more likely to be of benefit to initial seedling growth and survival. Whilst EcMs have often been shown to be beneficial for seedling performance, the warning raised over 40 years ago that “mycorrhizal infection should not be taken as the ‘cure of all ills’ in the establishment of trees” still applies today.
Chapter 1
The Importance of Ectomycorrhizas for the
Growth of Dipterocarps and the Efficacy
of Ectomycorrhizal Inoculation Schemes
Francis Q. Brearley
1.1 Introduction
The Dipterocarpaceae is the most important tree family in the tropical forests of
South-east Asia as they are the ecosystem dominants, especially in lowland forests
of this region, where they often contribute up to a quarter of all stems and half of the
above-ground biomass (Proctor et al. 1983; Davies et al. 2003; Brearley et al.
2004). They also play major role in timber production from this area as they are
favoured for their fast growth rates, tall cylindrical boles and high quality wood.
In addition, they are a source of non-timber forest products such as oils and
resins (Shiva and Jantan 1998). Given the continued exploitation and degra dation
of lowland tropical forest habitats worldwide, there is interest in reforestation
programmes to maintain forest cover and to provide a sustained supply of wood
products. Many of these programmes have focussed on fast-growing exotic tree
species but, to provide the highest quality timber, reforestation efforts now need to
focus on the Dipterocarpaceae.
The majority of trees in tropical forests form arbuscular mycorrhizas but it was
first noted by Singh in 1966 that dipterocarps, like many temperate forest trees,
formed ectomycorrhizas (EcMs). Since then, many subsequent studies have exam-
ined the roots of numerous dipterocarps and found them to be colonised by EcM
fungi (Alexander and H
ogberg 1986; Chalermpongse 1987; Smits 1992; Lee 1998;
Hoang and Tuan 2008). There are also minor reports of arbuscular mycorrhizal
(Shamsuddin 1979; Ibrahim et al. 1995; Tawaraya et al. 2003) and ectendomy-
corrhizal (Tupas and Sajise 1976) fungi in dipterocarp roots, but more details
are needed on this potential dual colonisation before anything more concrete can
be written.
In this chapter, I have (1) given a brief overview of mycorrhizal symbioses in
dipterocarps, I now plan to (2) note which are the important fungal species involved
F.Q. Brearley
School of Science and the Environment, Manchester Metropolitan University, Chester Street,
Manchester M1 5GD, UK
M. Rai and A. Varma (eds.), Diversity and Biotechnology of Ectomycorrhizae,
Soil Biology 25, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-15196-5_1,
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011
in the Ec M symbiosis and then (3) focus on the role of this symbiosis in improving
plant nutrition, growth and performance, and complete (4) with a special focus on
how we might critically use this knowledge to determine if we need to apply EcM
inoculation in reforestation programmes.
1.2 Fungal Species Associated with Dipterocarps
We know, from fruit body surveys, that the most speciose groups of fungi found in
dipterocarp-dominated forests are the families of Amanitaceae, Boletaceae and
Russulaceae (Watling and Lee 1995, 1998, 2007; Watling et al. 1998, 2002; Lee
et al. 2002, 2003), and these appear to form a reasonable proportion of the EcM root
tips belowground (Lee et al. 1997; Ingleby et al. 1998). However, it is known that
above-ground and below-ground views of the EcM community rarely show close
concordance (Gardes and Bruns 1996; Yamada and Katsuya 2001), and it has
recently been noted that fungi with cryptic fruiting bodies such as members of
the Thelephoraceae, which appear to have been overlooked in fruiting body
surveys, are also important EcM formers. For example, Ingleby et al. (2000)
found a Thelephoraceae species to be common on seedlings planted in soil from
Vietnamese forest and I have found two Thelephoraceae species common on
nursery-grown seedlings in Malaysia (Brearley et al. 2003, 2007; Brearley 2006).
Furthermore, seque nces from this group dominated the molecular studies on
dipterocarp EcM communitie s conduc ted by Sirikantaramas et al. (2003) and
Yuwa-Amornpitak et al. (2006). As an example, half of the sequences generated
by Sirikantaramas et al. (2003) were from this family. In this regard, the use of
molecular identification techniques has shown us that the EcM community
in dipterocarp-dominated forests is more similar to many boreo -temperate EcM
communities (e.g. Richard et al. 2005; Ishida et al. 2007; Morris et al. 2008) than
originally thought. As molecular work continues on the EcMs communities of
dipterocarps, it will reveal a much clearer below-ground picture of the dominant
species involved in this symbiosis.
1.3 Nutrient Relationships
There are numerous experiments showing that EcMs can improve plant nutrient
uptake (Smith and Read 2008) and, in the Dipterocarpaceae, this has also been
shown to be the case. For example, Lee and Lim (1989) correlated percentage EcM
colonisation (% EcM) with foliar phosphorus (P) in dipterocarp seedlings they
studied. Seedlings from a site with lower available soil P showed a positive
correlation between foliar P and % EcM suggesting that EcMs enhanced uptake
of P at this site. Hadi and Santoso (1988, 1989) presented data suggesting inocula-
tion with EcM fungi increased foliar concentrations of nitrogen (N), P, potassium
4 F.Q. Brearley
(K), calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) of five dipterocarp species (although it is
not entirely clear if their data are for nutrient concentrations or total nutrient content
in the seedlings). The first experiments to show an unequivocal increase in foliar
nutrients in response to EcM colonisation were those of Lee and Alexander (1994)
and Yazid et al. (1994) who clearly showed increased P concentrations in response
to EcM colonisation in two species of Hopea studied. Additionally, in the experi-
ments of Lee and Alexander (1994), whilst there were no suggestions of EcM
colonisation increasing shoot N, K or Mg concentrations, there was some indication
of improved Ca nutritio n. These differential responses may be due to the experi-
mental conditions used but may also represent a certain degree of inter-specific
difference in fungal benefits to the host plant or may even be due to an EcM
diversity effect on nutrient uptake (Baxter and Dighton 2005).
Improved mineral nutrition has also been shown under field conditions where
reduction of EcM colonisation (by Mancozeb fungicide) led to reduced foliar N and
P in both Hopea nervosa and Parashorea tomentel la in addition to reduced Ca and
Mg in Hopea nervosa (Brearley 2003). I have also shown, through stable isotope
analysis, that EcM dipterocarps can also obtain more N from organic material
(Brearley et al. 2003) with a positive correlation found between % EcM colonisa-
tion and uptake of organic N.
An inoculation experiment that purports to show increases in nutrient uptake of
Shorea seminis when inoculated with two EcM species is that of Turjaman et al.
(2006). Total shoot N and P contents were indeed greater in the EcM inoculated
seedlings but, surprisingly, on a dry-weight basis, inoculation actually led to a
decrease in concentrations of these elements in the shoot (up to 55% in the most
extreme case). Smits (1983) also considers that dipterocarp EcMs may be providing
thiamin to plants although, in the absence of a strong presentation of data, we
should discount this hypothesis for now.
Increased nutrient concentrations within plants are generally likely to lead to
improved growth, and the role of foliar nutrients in determining seedli ng perf or-
mance is also important during out-planting as it has been shown that higher levels
of foliar N allow dipterocarp seedlings to better avoid photodamage when trans-
ferred to high irradiance conditions and to allow more rapid acclimation to these
conditions (Bungard et al. 2000).
1.4 Inoculation Experiments
Many of the inoculation experiments reported are in the grey literature and have a
number of shortcomings. The most serious of these is that they are poorly reported
and do not provide sufficient detail for the experiments to be evaluated fully nor
repeated by other researchers. Pseudoreplication or the lack of statistical analyses in
many cases also makes evaluation of the results problematic. In this chapter, I will
focus on papers which, I feel, have mostly overcome these shortcomings or are
otherwise noteworthy.
1 The Importance of Ectomycorrhizas for the Growth of Dipterocarps and the Efficacy 5
The first reported experiment attempting to inoculate dipterocarp seedlings
with EcM fungi and determine seedling responses was that of Hadi and Santoso
(1988). They inoculated species of Boletus, Russula and Scleroderma using
pieces of chopped fruiting body on the roots of five dipterocarp seedling species.
A shortcoming of this experiment was that the roots were not examined to deter-
mine the extent of EcM formation by any contaminant fungi. Nevertheless, after
6 months growth, inoculation appeared to at least double seedling height in all
fungus/seedling combinations. Furthermore, their approach to inoculation is rarely
used as it is difficult to control the inoculum viability and potential supplied to the
roots with this method.
Initial experiments, using chopped root inoculum (Lee and Alexander 1994),
found that EcM colonisation increased plant dry weights in Hopea odorata and
Hopea helferi. This increase was generally greatest in the absence of additi onal
nutrients supplied to the soil. However, the problem with experiments using root
inoculum is that the species of fungi on the inoculant roots cannot be determined
and ther efore controlled experiments using defined EcM species are needed. In
Malaysia, inoculation experiments have focussed on strains of Pisolithus species
and a member of the Thelephorales (FP160: Lee et al. 2008). In Indonesia, the use
of Scleroderma for inoculation appears more popular although the range of species
being used has increased recently (Turjaman et al. 2007).
1.4.1 Inoculation with Single Species Malaysian Inoculation Experiments
In Malaysia, exotic Pisolithus isolates from Brazil (Pt 441 originally from under
Eucalyptus citriodora) and Thailand (Pt msn) were effective at forming EcMs
on four dipterocarp seedling species (although there was a certain degree of host-
fungal compatibility with one or other Pisolithus isolate having a greater % EcM on
each of the seedling species; Lee et al. 1995). Using Chil vers et al.’s (1986)
cardboard inoculum technique, Yazid et al. (1994) showed that Pt 441 formed a
high percentage of functional EcM colonisation (c. 80%) on Hopea odorata and
Hopea helferi and that this increased the growth (dry weights increased by 7.3 and
3.6 times, respectively) and foliar P concentrations (by at least 40%) after 9 months
growth. Similar results in terms of the growth of Hopea odorata were seen
(although with a lesser growth response) when coconut husk:vermiculite inoculum
was added in a ratio of 1:4 to a sterilised soil:sand mix (Yazid et al. 1996). In
contrast, problems were found when trying to inoculate a local species: Pisolithus
aurantioscabrosus (Lee et al. 1995). Why this is, is not clear but may simply
reflect the ability of Pisolithus tinctorius to form EcMs with a wide host range
(Martin et al. 2002), whereas Pisolithus aurantioscabrosus has only been reported
to be associated with Shorea parvifolia and Shorea macroptera to date (Watling
et al. 1995a, b; Martin et al. 2002).
6 F.Q. Brearley
Initial tests of successful inoculation between Hopea odorata and Hebeloma
crustulinifome (Lapeyrie et al. 1993) were reported, but growth responses were not
shown and this exotic European strain does not appear to be used any more. Recent
work has focussed on Thelephoraceae FP1 60 (Lee et al. 2008), which significantly
increased stem height, root length and biomass of Hopea odorata after 6 months
growth in the nursery by 30%, 62% and 40%, respectively (Lee et al. 2008).
It currently appears very difficult to bring further tropical dipter ocarp-associated
EcM species into culture (S.S. Lee, pers. comm.), and the species that are being
used form a very limited subset of those available. The best approach here would be
a wide-ranging screening using a variety of fungal structures, media and growth
conditions although, of course, this will be very labour intensive with potentially
little reward. Perhaps, the floating culture technique of Sangtiean and Schmidt
(2002) may help South-east Asian researchers to culture some of the later stage
EcM species found in these forests. This technique allowed Sangtiean and Schmidt
(2002) to carry out culture experiments on Amanita, Lactarius and Russula species ,
which are common in South-east Asian forests (see above). Indonesian Inoculation Experiments
In Indonesia, the use of Scleroderma species (and especially Scleroderma colum-
nare) appears to be favoured, probably from the initial work of Ogawa (1993,
2006) in the early 1990s. Sadly, much of this early work is difficult to evaluate as
it is not clearly reported (e.g. Supriyanto et al. 1993; Kikuchi 1997) but, more
recently, a number of much better controlled inoculation experiments have been
conducted by Turjaman et al. (2005, 2006, 2007). They showed that the growth of
Shorea pinanga was improved by the addition of spore tablets of Pisolithus
tinctorius (aka Pisolithus arhizus) and Scleroderma columnare species. Both
fungal species improved the growth of Shorea pinan ga (150% increase in dry
weight after 7 months) although there was some EcM colonisation of the controls.
Survival rates (86–87%) were also much higher than the control (16%), which is
an equally important factor to take into consideration when planning reforestation
schemes. In a follow-up experiment (Turjaman et al. 2006), tabletted spore
inoculum was compared with alginated bead mycelial inoculum of Pisolithus
tinctorius and Scleroderma columnare. Percentage EcM colonisation was higher
(61–65%) when seedlings were inoculated with spores than with mycelium
(35–37%), and there was, again, at least a doubling of dry weight after 7 months
growth. In the most recently reported experiment (Turjaman et al. 2007), inocula-
tion of four fungal species on the roots of Shorea balangeran increased seedling
growth. Whilst we might expect the use of Boletus sp., Scleroderma sp. and
Strobilomyes sp. to increase seedling growth as these are known to be EcM
forming fungi, the use of Calvatia sp. also increased seedling growth, which
was unexpected as this is not thought to be an EcM forming genus (Rinaldi
et al. 2008).
1 The Importance of Ectomycorrhizas for the Growth of Dipterocarps and the Efficacy 7
1.4.2 Other Inoculation Methods Mycorrhizal Tablets
Where sterile facilities are not available to cultivat e species aseptically, researchers
have used “mycorrhizal tablets”. In this case, spores or mycelium are mixed with a
carrier (clay or alginate beads) and applied to seedlings’ rooting zones to allow
hyphal contact and subsequent EcM formation. The first record of this in the South-
east Asia region appears to be that of Ogawa (1993). Species used for this method
are often those such as Scleroderma species, which have the advantage that
their spores can be collected much more easily from their enclosed fruit bodies
than many other gilled or pored fruit bodied species. Clay tablets at 1:100 (crushed
fruit bodies:clay) were used in the experiments by Turjaman et al. (2005, 2006), and
these showed increased growth of Shorea pinanga and Shorea selanica when
inoculated as compared with uninoculated controls. However, in such experiments,
there is a need to confirm that the tablets do not contain additional nutr ients that
might improve seedling growth in the absence of a mycorrhizal effect. Mother Tree Inoculation
Other inoculation methods include inoculation from a colonised mother tree in the
nursery in other words, simply letting newly germinated seedlings’ roots contact
hyphae already radiating out in the soil around established, colonised trees. This
method was first used by Roeleffs (1930, in Nara et al. 1999) to inoculate seedlings
of Pinus species. The technique, also known as inoculation beds, is a low-tech
method that allows EcM inoculation before planting-out but it can be rather
haphazard in terms of the speed and reliability of inoculation (see Kikuchi 1997).
For example, Ogawa (2006) shows a diagram of the spread of Scleroderma colum-
nare fruiting bodies through a nursery containing seedlings of Shorea leprosula and
Shorea academica to be between 1 and 2 m per year.
1.4.3 Production of Inoculum
In order to produce inoculum rapidly, conditions for the optimum growth of fungi in
culture should be evaluated. For example, Patahayah et al. (2003a) showed that the
most rapid growth of Pisolithus albus (aka Pt Gemas) was obtained at 25
C when
grown on Oddo ux medium but at 30
C when grown on MMN or Pachlewski’s
medium (Patahayah et al. 2003b). We have also shown that this species grows
best when N is supplied in an organic form (BSA in the experiments conducted;
Brearley et al. 2005). Thelephoreaceae FP160 shows best growth at 25
(Patahayah et al. 2003b) but has minimal preferences for N source (Brearley
8 F.Q. Brearley
et al. 2005). In terms of efficient spread of EcM inoculum in the nursery, Nara et al.
(1999) considered that seedlings are often maintained under sub-optimal conditions
in potted soil with a high clay content and hence poor aeration, thereby slowi ng
growth of fungal hyphae. They found that, by using a growth medium with particles
of 2–4 mm diameter, the optimum growth of EcM mycelium (Th1 on Shorea
roxburghii) was obtained. It is also important to consider the longevity of the
different forms of inoculum. For example, Fakuara and Wilarso (1993) showed
that mycorrhizal tablets remained effective up to 4 months in storage (this was the
longest period tested). More experiments are clearly needed in this area, with longer
test periods, to gain a better idea of spore longevity.
1.4.4 Field Experiments
There is now a need to determine how well inoculated seedlings and their symbiotic
EcM species survive in the wild when seedlings are out-planted. This is important
as, if considerable effort is being put into inoc ulation programmes, this is simply
being wasted if seedlings or their inoculant fungal species are dying unnecessarily.
Furthermore, in terms of reforestation schemes, growth is not necessarily the mos t
important parameter, seedling survival is arguably equally as important.
Chang et al. (1994, 1995) showed that the species of Pisolithus in the Malaysian
inoculation experiments noted above did not remain competitive when colonised
seedlings of Shorea glauca were planted into the field; indeed Pisolithus had mostly
disappeared from the roots after 6 months suggesting that they are either early stage
fungi, or are poorly adapted to the biotic or abiotic environments of the Malaysian
forest soils. Using Thelephoraceae FP160, Lee et al. (2008) found it to remain
competitive on the roots of seedlings (Hope a odorata and Shorea leprosula) for up
to 23 months after out-planting in a sandy tin mine tailings site (after this time
contaminant EcM fungi had only colonised up to 15% of the root tips of less than
half the seedlings). However, the improved growth of Hopea odorata seen in
the nursery due to inoculation with this fungus (see above) was not seen in the
field (by measurement of root collar diameter) and improved growth of Shorea
leprosula was only seen for up to 3 months following out-planting. Under field
conditions, I found that the reduction in EcM colonisation by fungicide addition
to the roots of two species (Hopea nervosa and Parasho rea tomentella) did not
lead to changes in seedling growth but that foliar nutrient concentrations were
reduced (Brearley 2003). In field experiments in a degraded peat swamp forest in
Kalimantan, Turjaman et al. (2007) showed that a spore suspension of Boletus sp.
and Scleroderma sp. applied to the seedling rooting zone led to increased growth of
Shorea balangeran but application of Calvatia sp. and Strobilomyces sp. did not.
For the two fungal species that were beneficial, it took around 8 months for growth
improvements to be seen, perhaps due to the very wet conditions at the start of the
experiment (Turjaman et al. 2007). However, it is difficult to determine if the
species applied were those that maintained improved seedling growth as the roots
1 The Importance of Ectomycorrhizas for the Growth of Dipterocarps and the Efficacy 9
at the end of this 40-month experiment were not examined to determine which EcM
fungi were present it would have been a notable im provement to the study design
to do this. The study of Tata et al. (2009) did report this examination at the end of
their experiments with Shorea selanica and Shorea lamellata, which were inocu-
lated with spore tablets of Scleroderma columnare and planted in natural forests or
rubber agroforests in Sumatra. Their results were complex but did not show
consistent increases in growth, performance or survival of the two dipterocarp
species over a 2-year period. It is notable that, among the 19 EcM types they
identified using PCR-RFLP at the end of the experiment, none of them were
Scleroderma species indicating that the inoculated fungus did not remain competi-
tive on the roots for more than this length of time.
There is clearly a need to further evaluate the growth and survival of inoculated
seedlings in the field as positive responses to EcM inoculation in the ecologically
simplified, and somewhat benign, nursery environment are unlikely to be represen-
tative of that found at out-planting sites. There is an argument to be made to use
indigenous species for inoculation schemes as they are anticipated to be the most
effective, but we may also need to consider the potential impact of biological
invasions if using exotic fungal species (Vellinga et al., 2009).
1.5 Under What Conditions Will EcM Inoculation
Be Beneficial?
Whilst the body of this chapter thus far has outlined how inoculation with EcM fungi
may improve dipterocarp seedling growth, and the various methods to do so, it is
certainly worth considering whether inoculation should indeed be conducted at all. In
the first paper on dipterocarp EcMs, Singh (1966) noted that “mycorrhizal infection
should not be taken as the ‘cure of all ills in the establishment of trees in all sorts of
habitats”, and this warning still stands, more than 40 years later. I now pose three key
questions for consideration before starting to plan inoculation schemes.
It is often considered that there is a need to inoculate seedlings prior to out-
planting but, in fact, in most cases inoculation will occur naturally, and inoculation
schemes may not yield any major benefits for seedling growth or survival (although
we cannot be confident that the same species, or most beneficial species, of EcM
fungi will be formed on each seedlings’ roots every time). The first key question is,
therefore, will inoculation be of benefit to the seedlings? The major benefits of
inoculation are knowing that a seedling, at out-planting, is mycorrhizal with a
known species of fungus which is functi onally beneficial, and thus it will not
need to wait to form EcMs with an unknown group of fungi present in the soil
which may or may not promote seedling growth; this gives it something of an initial
advantage over any out-planted non-mycorrhizal seedlings. However, the main
benefits of inoculation are more likely to be shown under poor soil conditions, as
I outline below.
10 F.Q. Brearley
1.5.1 Successful Inoculatio n Schemes
For inoculation schemes to be successful, a series of well-defined and consistently
repeatable techniques is needed. In other words, a pure culture of inoculum is
needed to allow a regular supply, and currently there are very few fungal species
being maintained in pure culture in the South-east Asian region. Access to a
laboratory with sterile facilities is needed which may be problematic for a number
of sites. In the absence of this, the production of mycorrhizal tablets may be useful
although vagaries of fungal fruit body production and genetic variation between
individual genets will remain unaccounted for. Infrequent production of dipterocarp
seeds can make regular production of planting stock difficult although production
of cuttings from a selected number of dipterocarp species now appears fairly routine
(Moura-Costa and Lundoh 1994; Itoh et al. 2003; Haji Ahmad 2006). It must also
be shown that the inoculant fungus has the ability to improve seedling growth or
survival over that of non-inoculat ed seedlings under field conditions. It appears
much easier to culture species such as Pisolithus or Scleroderma but it must be
remembered that these species are not necessarily those which are most beneficial
to seedling growth or, indeed, are found commonly on dipterocarp seedling roots.
1.5.2 When and Where to Inoculate?
It is often suggested that inoculation may be beneficial for seedlings plan ted
following logging operations. However, in most cases after logging, there are still
a number of smaller dipterocarp trees which will have EcM fungi associated with
them and, as long as the light conditions are not detrimental to seedling growth, this
should allow the rapid formation of EcMs on seedlings by hyphae, sclerotia and
spores already present in the soil (Lee et al. 1996; Ingleby et al. 1998). There is little
evidence so far that selective logging seriously impoverishes the funga l flora
(Watling et al. 1998) although there is an indication of a loss of the some of the
rarer EcM species in logged forest (Lee et al. 1996). Out-planted dipterocarp
seedlings are almost certain to become colonised within a short period of time as
long as they have below-ground access to roots and mycelium radiating from adult
trees (Lee 1991; Alexander et al. 1992; Lee and Alexander 1996; Lee et al. 1996).
The second key question is, therefore, is inoculation beneficial under all situations?
If not, which situations or conditions are most likely to be improved by inoculating
seedlings prior to out-planting?
Inoculation is consider ed more likely to be of benefit when seedlings are planted
in areas where suitable EcM inoculum is not available. This may include severely
degraded areas such as mine tailings (Lee et al. 2008), burnt areas (Akema et al.
2009), degraded peatlands (Turjaman et al. 2007) and areas previously used for
agriculture (Ingleby et al. 2000). For example, Ingleby et al. (2000) found that the
inoculation potential of soils which had been under agriculture for over 20 years
1 The Importance of Ectomycorrhizas for the Growth of Dipterocarps and the Efficacy 11
was essentially absent when compared with an undisturbed forest or plantation in
Vietnam. The work of Turjaman et al. (2007) in degraded peat swamp forest is also
of relevance here as they showed improv ed growth of inoculated dipterocarp
seedlings when out-planted in a degraded area.
The final key question is, is simply adding colonised soil appropriate as inocu-
lum? In many cases, local soil from the vicinity of dipterocarp trees may be equally
as effective as any inoculation schemes although these EcMs are not necessarily the
best species to promote seedling growth and there is no way to control which fungal
species successfully colonise the seedlings’ roots. Smits (1992) outlines a simple
method by which large numbers of seedlings can be inoculated by soil colonised by
EcM hyphae and spores. He advocates the use of soil collected from beneath an
adult tree of the same species, but this is based on his weak assertions (Smits 1983,
1985) of a high degree of host specificity. I suggest it is equally likely that host-
specific pathogens will be present (Packer and Clay 2000) and therefore suggest a
general soil inoculum but ensuring that it is collected in the vicinity of dipterocarps.
In the absence of any other schemes, the inclusion of forest soil should be seen as
the minimum to ensure early EcM colonisation of dipterocarp seedlings.
1.6 Conclusions
Whilst EcMs are often thought to be essential for the successful growth of diptero-
carp seedlings, there is surprisingly little evidence confirming this assertion under
natural conditions. In nursery experiments, mycorrhizal inocula tion has regularly
been shown to increase seedling growth and nutrient concentrations, but when
similar experiments have been conducted in the field, the results are much more
equivocal with inoculation often showing minimal improvements in growth if
seedlings are planted in natural forests (e.g. Tata et al. 2009). If inoculated seedlings
are planted in degraded soils, the improvement in growth is often more marked
although these improvements may not be maintained if the inoculated fungus does
not remain competively dominant on the seedlings’ roots. I therefore suggest that
researchers and forest restorationists carefully consider whether EcM inoculation is
of benefit in the areas they plan to re-plant.
Acknowledgements I thank Dr. Lee Su See and Dr. Robin Sen for helpful thoughts and com-
ments on the manuscript. My work on dipterocarp ectomycorrhizas was supported by the British
Ecological Society Overseas Research Programme.
Akema T, Nurhiftisni I, Suciatmih, Simbolon H (2009) The impact of the 1998 forest fire on
ectomycorrhizae of dipterocarp trees and their recovery in tropical rain forests of East
Kalimantan, Indonesia. JARQ 42:137–142
12 F.Q. Brearley
Alexander IJ, H
ogberg P (1986) Ectomycorrhizas of tropical angiospermous trees. New Phytol
Alexander IJ, Ahmad N, Lee SS (1992) The role of mycorrhizas in the regeneration of some
Malaysian forest trees. In: Marshall AG, Swaine MD (eds) Tropical rain forest: disturbance and
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1 The Importance of Ectomycorrhizas for the Growth of Dipterocarps and the Efficacy 17
... Ectomycorrhizal colonisation can increase the growth and nutrient uptake of dipterocarp seedlings, although studies have been mostly conducted under controlled pot conditions (reviewed in Brearley, 2011). Presently, one of the major problems facing dipterocarp mycorrhizal research is the ability to manipulate EcM colonisation of seedlings. ...
... This problem is confounded by the irregular fruiting of most dipterocarps (Ashton et al., 1988;Brearley et al., 2007a), leading to an unpredictable supply of seeds-and hence, experimental material. To date, most studies examining the responses of dipterocarp seedlings to the presence or absence of EcM fungi have inoculated seedlings or cuttings with a single EcM fungal species (Brearley, 2011), confining them to tightly controlled conditions. Under more natural conditions, where there will be multiple fungal species on a single tree, the only way to manipulate mycorrhizal colonisation is by fungicide application. ...
... seedling height when inoculated with Scleroderma sp. The most common increases in growth are between 50% and 300% (Hadi & Santoso, 1988;Santoso, 1988;Lee & Alexander, 1994;Yazid et al., 1994Yazid et al., , 1996Omon, 1996;Turjaman et al., 2005;2011;Kaewgrajang et al., 2013). However, one distinction of this current study from most of these other studies is that a more natural complement of EcM fungi was present on the roots of the 'control' EcM plants (Brearley et al., , 2007b in contrast to a single inoculated species or an unknown range of unidentified species. ...
... They produce high-quality wood and provide a source of non-timber forest products such as resins and oils (Boontawee 2001). Because of their important role in ecosystems, a research priority should be given to the Dipterocarpaceae although many reforestation programs for the provision of high-quality timber have focused on fast-growing exotic trees such as eucalypts (Brearley 2011). Over the past 50 years, former King Bhumibol has raised the issue of the loss of dipterocarps esp. ...
... Since then reforestation programs in Thailand with dipterocarps species have been attempted and resulted in a total of approximately 2,080 ha (Boontawee 2001). Members of the Dipterocarpaceae form symbiotic root-inhabiting fungal associations with hundreds of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungal species (Watling and Lee 1995, 1998, 2003Brearley et al. 2003, 2006, 2011, 2012. Such reports B I O D I V E R S I T A S 21 (1): 231-238, January 2020 232 fail to indicate that members of the genus Astraeus are frequent, hypogeous associates. ...
Full-text available
Suwannasai N, Dokmai P, Yamada A, Watling R, Phosri C. 2020. First ectomycorrhizal syntheses between Astraeus sirindhorniae and Dipterocarpus alatus (Dipterocarpaceae), pure culture characteristics, and molecular detection. Biodiversitas 21: 231-238. This study provides the first mycorrhization of Astraeus sirindhorniae and its cultural characteristics on nutrient media. An attempt has been made to introduce spore suspension and mycelial inocula of A. sirindhorniae onto seedlings of Dipterocarpus alatus. After 6 months seedlings were harvested, measured for growth and morphological descriptions of the ectomycorrhizas formed with D. alatus seedlings were made. The fungus has increased the growth of D. alatus seedlings. Further, it can be confirmed that the primers designed (GAPK126F/GAPK379R) have been successful when applied for the detection of ectomycorrhizal formation of A. sirindhorniae in vivo.
... DDF is a distinct form of forest ecosystem that supports a wide range of rare and endangered species. Several tree species in DDF require ECM association for a successful establishment (Lee et al. 2008;Brearley 2011;Helbert et al. 2019;Suwannasai et al. 2020). Hopea odorata Roxb., an important tree in the dipterocarp forest including Thailand (Bunyavejchewin et al. 2003), plays important role in the ecology and economics of tropical forests (Asanok et al. 2017). ...
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Ectomycorrhizal inoculum has emerged as a critical tool for forest restoration, especially under challenging climate change conditions. The inoculation of selective ectomycorrhizal fungi can enhance seedling survival and subsequent growth in the field. This study optimized the liquid media for mycelial growth of Astraeus odoratus strain K1 and the sodium alginate solution composition for enhanced mycelial viability after entrapment. Using Modified Melin-Norkrans as the optimal media for mycelial cultivation and 2% sodium alginate supplemented with Czapek medium, 0.25% activated charcoal, 5% sucrose, and 5% sorbitol in the alginate solution yielded the highest viability of A. odoratus mycelia. Preservation in distilled water and 10% glycerol at 25 °C for 60 days proved to be the most effective storage condition for the alginate beads. Both fresh and preserved alginate beads were tested for colonizing on Hopea odorata Roxb. seedlings, showing successful colonization and ectomycorrhizal root formation, with over 49% colonization. This study fills a crucial gap in biotechnology and ectomycorrhizal inoculum, paving the way for more effective and sustainable forest restoration practices.
... Kondisi 5 tahun terakhir telah mengalami degradasi yang dapat mengakibatkan terganggunya keberadaan jamur ektomikoriza. Brearley (2011) Ketinggian tempat antara 109-161 m dpl dan suhu ratarata 28,2-32,7 0 C dengan kelembapan berkisar 61-79%. Peta pengambilan sampel jamur ektomikoriza sama dengan yang disajikan pada peta lokasi penelitian (Karmilasanti & Maharani, 2016). ...
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ABSTRACT The presence of ectomycorrhizal fungi is one indicator that shows a relatively healthy and good forest. However, the conversion of natural forests to other uses will change the microclimate and may have an impact on the loss of ectomycorrhizal fungi. This study aimed to identify the presence of ectomycorrhizal fungi in the Labanan research forest based on the index of abundance, diversity, evenness, dominance, and habitat. The research method used was purposive sampling. The number of plots made was six, with a plot size of 50 x 50 m. The results showed that the variety and presence of ectomycorrhizal fungi in the Labanan research forest were low due to disturbed environmental conditions. This was indicated by low diversity, medium evenness, and moderate species dominance indexes. Therefore, it is necessary to enrich the endemic dipterocarp species that have been associated with local ectomycorrhizal fungi t o restore the condition of the dipterocarp forest. The dominant species of discovered ectomycorrhizal fungi were Amanita spreta and Coltricia sp. There were 17 species (70.83%) of ectomycorrhizal fungi encountered in the saprophytic habitat, while seven were discovered in the epiphytic habitat (29.17%). Keywords: Fungi , abundance, diversity, saprophytic , epiphytic ABSTRAK Keberadaan jamur ektomikoriza menjadi salah satu indikator yang menunjukkan hutan dalam kondisi baik. Konversi hutan alam menjadi peruntukan lain akan mengubah iklim mikro dan bisa berdampak terhadap hilangnya jamur ektomikoriza. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi keberadaan jamur ektomikoriza di hutan penelitian Labanan berdasarkan indeks kelimpahan, keanekaragaman, kemerataan, dominansi dan habitatnya. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode purposive sampling . Jumlah plot dibuat ada 6 plot dengan ukuran plot 50 m x 50 m. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variasi jenis dan keberadaan jamur ektomikoriza di hutan penelitian Labanan termasuk rendah dikarenakan kondisi lingkungannya mulai terganggu. Hal ini ditunjukan indeks keanekaragaman rendah, indeks kemerataan sedang, dan indeks dominasi spesies sedang. Untuk memulihkan kondisi hutan dipterokarpa tersebut, maka perlu pengayaan jenis dipterokarpa endemik yang telah berasosiasi dengan jamur ektomikoriza setempat. Jenis jamur ektomikoriza yang dominan adalah Amanita spreta dan Coltricia sp. Pada habitat saprofit terdapat 17 spesies (70,83%) sedangkan pada habitat epifit terdapat 7 spesies (29,17%). Kata kunci: Fungi, kelimpahan, keragaman, saprofit, epifit
... Top soil inoculum comprises many propagules of unidentified ECM fungal species. That soil inoculum has been widely applied and is very effective in many species of ECM trees [83]. Another effective inoculation method to support the mass production of Sumatran pine seedlings is with ECM spore [84]. ...
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Pinus merkusii Jungh et de Vriese, known as Tusam or Sumatran pine, is the only pine that grows naturally in the south of the Equator with its natural distribution found in Indonesia, the Philippines, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. The Sumatran pine is an economically and ecologically important species in Indonesia that covers three native strains, Aceh, Kerinci, and Tapanuli. The resin tapping of the pine has been practiced for hundreds of years while its timber has long been commercially used for various purposes. Although the pine is known as highland species, its adaptability on a wide spectrum environment makes it suitable for various restoration and rehabilitation purposes both in lowland and highland sites. Its high commercial values have also made the species be massively planted in pine plantations outside their natural distribution in Sumatera (i.e., in Java and Sulawesi island). This paper will review the current condition of Sumatran pine and its potential as a restoration and rehabilitation species and delivering its natural and artificial distribution map in Indonesia. In addition, the paper will also show the genetic variability of the species, determine the current innovative practices in silvicultural aspect both at nursery and plantation scales, describe tree improvement program, including its role in agroforestry practices, pine product both timber and non-timber, and its potential resources in relation with climate change mitigation management.
... In Borneo, lowland forests are dominated by dipterocarps which, unlike most other tropical tree lineages, form associations exclusively with ectomycorrhizal fungi (Brearley, 2012). While these fungi have been shown to increase soil water uptake in inoculated seedlings (Brearley, 2011), there is evidence suggesting that they are susceptible to high soil temperatures (Smits, 1994), meaning they could be much less prevalent in warmer logged and degraded forests. Similarly, recent work by Ashton et al. (2019) showed that termites can alleviate the effects of drought on seedlings, as they increase soil moisture by transporting water upwards through the soil profile. ...
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Logging and habitat fragmentation impact tropical forest ecosystems in numerous ways, perhaps the most striking of which is by altering the temperature, humidity, and light environment of the forest—its microclimate. Because local-scale microclimatic conditions directly influence the physiology, demography and behavior of most species, many of the impacts of land-use intensification on the biodiversity and ecosystem functioning of tropical forests have been attributed to changes in microclimate. However, the actual pathways through which altered microclimatic conditions reshape the ecology of these human-modified ecosystems remain largely unexplored. To bridge this knowledge gap, here we outline an agenda for future microclimate research in human-modified tropical ecosystems. We focus specifically on three main themes: the role of microclimate in shaping (i) species distributions, (ii) species interactions, and (iii) ecosystem functioning in tropical forests. In doing so we aim to highlight how a renewed focus on microclimate can help us not only better understand the ecology of human-modified tropical ecosystems, but also guide efforts to manage and protect them.
... However, ECM colonization was visible with varied colonization percentage. Previous study reported that dipterocarps were mutually symbiotic with ectomycorrhizal fungi and characterized as highly depended [16]. ...
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The restoration of peat swamp forests in Sumatra island has become Indonesian government’s priority to restore ecological functions and their utilization. Indigenous. However, little information is available on the status of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in Sumatera. The objective of this research was to know AM fungi colonization in indigenous of tropical peat swamp forests. Root samples of 28 tree species in 14 families grown in a peat swamp forest of Jambi, Riau, and South Sumatera. All soil and tree roots were grown in zeolite media and trapped in Pueraria javanica and Shorgum bicolor as host plants for four months in a green house. Roots were stained with 0.1% trypan blue and vesicles, arbuscles and internal hyphae of AM fungi observed under a compound microscope. The results have shown that 20 tree species (72%) were colonized by AM fungi, 4 tree species of the dipterocarps family (14%) were colonized by ectomycorrhizal fungi (ECM), and four other tree species (14%) did not find FMA or ECM colonization. It is suggested that utilization of mycorrhizas can increase early growth of some tree species grown in peat swamp forests and mycorrhizal application will be expected as a key technology to restore degraded peatlands.
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Ectomycorrhizal inoculum has emerged as a critical tool for forest restoration, especially under challenging climate change conditions. The inoculation of selective ectomycorrhizal fungi can enhance seedling survival and subsequent growth in the field. Entrapment of vegetative inocula within alginate beads has proven to be the most suitable method for seedling application in nurseries and plantations. This study optimized the liquid media for mycelial growth of Astraeus odoratus strain K1 and the sodium alginate solution composition for enhanced mycelial viability after entrapment. Using Modified Melin-Norkrans as the optimal media for mycelial cultivation and 2% sodium alginate supplemented with Czapek medium, 0.25% activated charcoal, 5% sucrose, and 5% sorbitol in the alginate solution yielded the highest viability of A. odoratus mycelia. Preservation in distilled water and 10% glycerol at 25°C for 60 days proved to be the most effective storage condition for the alginate beads. Both fresh and preserved alginate beads were tested for colonizing on Hopea odorata Roxb. seedlings, showing successful colonization and ectomycorrhizal root formation, with over 49% colonization. This study fills a crucial gap in biotechnology and ectomycorrhizal inoculum, paving the way for more effective and sustainable forest restoration practices.
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Ectomycorrhizae (ECM) are important symbionts for multiple host plants. This study used morphology and DNA metabarcoding to identify ECM in Dipterocarpaceae, the dominant tree family of Southeast Asian forests. ECM fruiting bodies were first visually documented and identified across five urban parks in Singapore. Under host Dipterocarp Hopea odorata trees, 50 soil and root samples were collected. This was done together with another 50 root samples taken from ten species of host Dipterocarp seedlings at the Singapore Botanic Gardens’ Plant Resource Centre nursery. Eight genera of ECM were found in parks, one was identified to species level and three genera were only found from fungal Amplicon Sequence Variants (ASVs) using DNA metabarcoding. Although the nursery had more Dipterocarp species, only four genera of ECM were present. ECM communities differed slightly across host species, but not host genera. Tomentella spp. were the most common ECM found in parks and Dipterocarp seedlings.
This volume, which is the first of the two volumes on the proceedings of the General Meeting of the British Mycological Society in April 2000, consists of twelve chapters on macrofungi in western and tropical regions. The topics covered comprise ectomycorrhizal and floristic studies (chapters 1-4), taxonomy (chapter 5), lignicolous fungi (chapters 6 and 7) and their enzymatic activity (chapter 8), insect-fungal relationship (chapter 9), and conservation and mycophagy (chapters 10 and 11). Chapter 12 discusses the modern technologies that can be applied to the cultivation of edible fungi, the majority of which originate from the tropics.
The roots of most plants are colonized by symbiotic fungi to form mycorrhiza, which play a critical role in the capture of nutrients from the soil and therefore in plant nutrition. Mycorrhizal Symbiosis is recognized as the definitive work in this area. Since the last edition was published there have been major advances in the field, particularly in the area of molecular biology, and the new edition has been fully revised and updated to incorporate these exciting new developments. . Over 50% new material . Includes expanded color plate section . Covers all aspects of mycorrhiza . Presents new taxonomy . Discusses the impact of proteomics and genomics on research in this area.
The tropical rainforests of Peninsular Malaysia are dominated by trees of the ectomycorrhizal family, the Dipterocarpaceae. Between 1992 and 1997 collections of putative ectomycorrhizal fungi were made in a lowland rainforest at Pasoh Forest Reserve (Pasoh FR). Collections were made during March in each year and additionally in early September 1995 and late August 1996, to coincide with the fungal fruiting seasons which occur at the end of a prolonged dry spell. During each visit of about three days duration, collections were made beside the major trails and in the Arboretum. In 1995 and 1996, collections were extended to the newly established regeneration plots, A-E where the forest had been logged in the 1950’s. A total of 296 species distributed in 19 families were recorded with many of the collections being new to science. The most frequently collected fungi were members of the family Russulaceae; a total of 114 species of Russula and 35 species of Lactarius were provisionally identified. This was followed in order of decreasing frequency by members of the Boletaceae (45 species), Amanitaceae (34 species), Cantharellaceae (13 species), Entolomataceae (13 species including possible saprophytes), Tricholomataceae (10 species), Cortinariaceae (9 species), Sclerodermataceae (8 species), Gautieriaceae (3 species), Hymenogastraceae and Secotiaceae (2 species each), and Chamonixiaceae, Clavulinaceae, Elasmomycetaceae, Gomphaceae, Hydnaceae, Hymenochaetaceae, Pisolithaceae and Thelephoraceae (1 species each). Two hundred and thirteen species, or about 72% of the collections, were single collections. Only 102 species could be placed in previously described taxa; 66% of the taxa found are apparently new to science and could only be assigned to the proximity of a known species consortium. Very few species were collected successively in two or more consecutive years, and only two species, Tylopilus maculatus and Cantharellus ianthinus were collected every year. Our collections also show that hypogeous fungi are present in the tropical rainforest. Enumeration of just one group, i.e. the putative ectomycorrhizal fungi, and data from other studies on wood decomposer fungi in Pasoh FR demonstrate that fungal biodiversity in a Malaysian lowland rainforest is very high and that more research of a long-term nature is required.
In tropical rain forests the rate of litterfall is high, and is the most important nutrient cycling pathway in these ecosystems. We tested two hypotheses using seedlings of dipterocarp species: (1) addition of leaf litter improves growth; (2) and litter addition affects both ectomycorrhizal (ECM) colonization and community structure. Three dipterocarp species with contrasting ecologies (Parashorea tomentella, Hopea nervosa and Dryobalanops lanceolata) were grown in a nursery in forest soil with or without the addition of litter. Litter addition improved the growth of all three species. There was no effect of litter addition on total percentage ECM colonization but ECM diversity and percentage colonization by Cenococcum geophilum were lower with litter addition. Foliar delta(15)N was lower in two of the three species grown in the presence of litter, reflecting the lower delta(15)N of the litter compared with the soil. There was a negative correlation between delta(15)N and percentage ECM, suggesting a role for ECMs in accessing litter-derived N sources. This study shows that litter addition improved the growth of dipterocarp seedlings and that the ECM associations of dipterocarps facilitated access to this organic nutrient source. This has implications for the successful regeneration of seedlings in the rain forest understorey.
Studies on controlled ectomycorrhizal synthesis have shown that selected strains of Pisollthus tinctohus (Pers.) Coker & Couch (Pt) form mycorrhizas with various dipterocarp species in Indonesia (Hadi et al. 1991), Thailand (Sangwanit and Sangthian 1991), and Malaysia (Yazid et al. 1994, 1996; Lee et al. 1995). In the Malaysian studies, Yazid et al. (1994, 1996) showed that a selected strain of Pt was able to stimulate growth of Hopea odorata and H. helferi under controlled conditions, whereas researchers in Indonesia found that Pt had no significant effect on the growth of H, odorata and Shorea pinanga (Hadi et al. 1991). Most of the above studies were conducted under controlled conditions in the absence of other fungal competitors. It would, therefore, be useful to find out how selected strains of Pt perform in the presence of indigenous ectomycorrhizal fungi, both in the nursery and in the field.
6.3 Discussion and Conclusion: Tropical hardwoods, particularly dipterocarp species, which are considered difficult to root species, have been successfully propagated using a very simple technique and an unsophisticated rooting container. In fact, this technique produced similar rooting percentages to a sophisticated infrastructure and expensive sprinkler system. However, in order to get a high rooting percentage, it is very important to note that cutting materials should be taken only from young seedlings or juvenile stock plants, the humidity in the rooting container must be kept high and the light intensity should be reduced during the rooting process. The other important factor that influenced the rooting of stem cuttings of the seven dipterocarp species was the presence of leaves on a cutting. When the stem cuttings dropped their leaves 1 or 2 days after planting, they failed to root. Therefore, the presence of leaves on a stem cutting is very important for root formation of dipterocarp species. The technique is now being used for the large-scale production of ornamental and flowering plants by commercial nurseries and the Forestry Department of Peninsular Malaysia to mass produce quality-planting stocks of dipterocarp and non-dipterocarp species for reforestation programs. It is easy to implement, particularly for forest nurseries where electricity is not available. In the case of private nurseries, the technique will reduce electricity bills.
The impact of forest fire in 1997 and 1998 on the mycorrhzae was studied at the dipterocarp forest in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. In unaffected forest more than half of total ectomycorrhizae distributed in the organic layer but in the fire-affected forest one and a half years after the fire, total amount of mycorrhizae was smaller and they were found in deeper soil. The number of morphotypes of mycorrhizae was also smaller in fire-affected forest. An artificial plantation established after clear cut and prescribed burn had the largest amount of ectomycorrhizae, but the diversity was smaller than the unaffected forest. After four years, mycorrhizae had not yet recovered in fire-affected forest although the organic layer had recovered. Pioneer species of mycorrhizal fungi (early-stage fungi) developed sporocarps around the surviving hosts in severely affected forest and this suggests the start of secondary succession of mycorrhizae. In moderately affected forest, the species composition of mycorrhizal fungi which fruited during the study was similar to those of unaffected forest. This fact suggests that such sites may be the refugia of symbionts and be important in reforestation.
Stand structure and floristic composition of the 50-ha Forest Research Plot in Pasoh Forest Reserve (Pasoh FR) are described. Pasoh FR was found to have extremely high tree species diversity. In the 50-ha plot there were 338,924 trees with a total basal area of 1,659 m2, comprising 818 tree species in 295 genera and 81 families. The Euphorbiaceae (85 species) was the most species-rich family. The Dipterocarpaceae dominated the forest with 27% of the basal area, and eight of the top 10 basal-area contributing species. The Fabaceae, Euphorbiaceae and Burseraceae were the next most important large trees in the plot. Shorea had the highest basal area and stem number. Syzygium was the richest genus with 45 species. As with other Asian tropical forests there were many speciose genera in the plot; 11 genera had ≧ 12 species. Floristic composition and stand structure varied across the 50-ha plot in relation to edaphic and topographic variation. Multivariate analyses revealed three main community types: a swamp community in the lowest areas of the plot, a hill community, and an alluvial forest community in mid to lower elevations in the plot. In addition, the alluvial community appears to be divisible into three types based on differences in soil properties. In addition to describing species characteristic of each of these community types, we also describe some of the distinctive life-history and evolutionary characteristics of the Pasoh FR. This chapter provides a basis for future work at Pasoh FR.