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Clinical and biological significance of CD34 expression in acute leukemia

  • Ravenna Ospedale
From the beginning of its production, monoclonal
antibodies (McAbs) directed against CD34 antigen,
have been extensively explored in different hematolog-
ical malignancies. Accordingly, evidence progressively
accumulated that reactivity for CD34 was almost ex-
clusive to acute leukemia blast cells while absent in
chronic mature disorders. Since then, CD34 expres-
sion has been included in most panels of McAbs used
to characterize the immunophenotype of immature
leukemic cells as a useful marker in discriminating be-
tween mature and immature hematopoietic leukemic
CD34 reagents have also been used to explore the
potential prognostic impact of CD34 expression as
well as for its utility in identifying residual immature
blast cells for minimal residual disease monitoring.
However, the extended use of many different types of
CD34 monoclonal antibody clones and reagents has
lead to disturbing levels of variability as regards both
the incidence of CD34 expression in acute leukemias
and its prognostic relevance. In this paper we will re-
view current knowledge on the clinical and biological
significance of CD34 expression, first in acute myeloid
leukemia (AML) and afterwards in acute lymphoblastic
leukemias (ALL).
Acute myeloid leukemias (AML) are considered to
be clonal disorders involving early hematopoietic prog-
enitor cells. A large number of recently reported pa-
pers have addressed the issue of whether it is possi-
ble to distinguish normal stem cells from progenitor
cells belonging to the leukemic clone in this disease
category. Insights into human stem cell development
together with a combined analyses of progenitor cell
phenotypic antigen expression, genetic anomalies,
and biological characteristics of acute leukemia cells
offer the perspective that distinction between benign
and malignant progenitors might be possible; these
studies may be of clinical benefit and may provide
novel tools for the treatment of this heterogeneous
group of hematological disorders (1-4). From the over-
all data it can be concluded that both differences and
similarities in the phenotypic, genotypic, and biologic
characteristics between normal and neoplastic prog-
enitors can be found in AML patients (1).
The incidence of CD34 expression on the mem-
brane of AML blasts has been found to be variable
from case to case (25-64% of the patients examined),
depending on a number of factors, many of which are
listed in Table I (5-29).
The heterogeneity in the reported incidences of
AML has also influenced the prognostic rele-
vance of CD34 expression in AML (4-32). In the early
nineties, a great majority of papers found a clear asso-
ciation between CD34
AML and both a worse progno-
sis and a lower incidence of complete remission follow-
ing induction therapy; furthermore, the relapse rate
was higher in AML showing positivity for the CD34 anti-
gen, compared to that of the CD34
group, thus con-
firming the negative influence of this molecule on the
clinical outcome (5-14, 20, 27, 28). However, other au-
thors could not confirm these results and found no sig-
nificant differences in the outcome and in the rate of
complete remission between CD34
and CD34
patients (15-19, 21-23, 24-26, 29). Based on current
knowledge, it can be said that CD34 expression on
AML blasts does not play per se a prognostic role, but
could influence clinical outcome when associated with
some genetic lesions and/or chromosome aberrations
(24, 27, 31-34).
The heterogeneity in the reported incidence of
AML and its association with variable survival
rates could be explained by a number of clinical and
methodological factors (35-39). Firstly, the use of cryo-
preserved rather than fresh cells could be responsible
for a misleading interpretation of cytofluorimetric data
(37-39). In fact, freeze-thawing of AML cells can cause
Journal of Biological Regulators and Homeostatic Agents
Clinical and biological significance of CD34
expression in acute leukemia
Laboratory of Hemato-Oncology, Department of Pediatrics, University of Padova, Padova, Italy
Section of Hematology, St. Anna Hospital, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy
Division of Citometry and Center for Cancer Research, University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain
J Biol Regul Homeost Agents 2001; 15: 68-78
Received:January 23, 2001
© by Wichtig Editore, 20010393-974X/068-011 $05.50
a significant increase in the number of positive cells,
due to various reasons, such as occurrence of non-
specific cross-reactivity, and vulnerability of AML cells
to freezing procedures. Staining with a nucleic acid
dye represents a pre-requisite for a reliable enumera-
tion of CD34
cells in cryopreserved samples (39).
A further point to be considered when evaluating
the incidence of CD34
AML, is represented by the
patient’s characteristics at diagnosis.The incidence of
cases is higher in secondary AML compared
to newly diagnosed AML. Taking into account the no-
tion that both the biology and the clinical pattern of
secondary AML significantly differ from that of de
novo AML, we can conclude that the inclusion of both
types of leukemias in a clinical study might influence
the prognostic relevance of CD34 expression in AML
patients (33, 34). It should also be considered that the
type of treatment adopted by the various authors
(chemotherapy regimen, use of allogenic and/or autol-
ogous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation) are
crucial to the clinical outcome of the disease.
Thirdly, it can be speculated that variability on the
cut-off points chosen by different authors to consider
AML blasts as carrying the CD34 molecule, may rep-
resent an additional critical factor (31,33). As the pro-
portion of CD34
cells is around 1% of all cells in nor-
mal bone marrow, and 0.01-0.1% in the peripheral
blood, many authors have considered 5% as the opti-
mal cut-off level for classifying an AML as being
. Currently, several authors agree that the cut-
off point for CD34 should be 20%, in order to avoid
misinterpretation of cytofluorimetric data. However,
there is no scientific basis for considering a sample
with 20% positive cells as positive, while another
specimen with 19% positivity as negative, since the
level of CD34 expression, as well as that of other anti-
gens, is characterized by a continuous spectrum (35,
38, 40). According to this new concept, a given sam-
ple may be regarded as positive or negative for CD34
antigen, when the mean fluorescence intensity of the
blast cell population is significantly higher than that of
normal CD34
mononucleated cells, or that a well-
defined population of blast cells is CD34
even if it
only represents a small part of all leukemic cells
present in the sample (35, 38).
Furthermore, it must be kept in mind that the choice
of a 5% cut-off level could give rise to erroneous re-
sults, since it can be influenced by the methods used
to detect antigen expression, which are characterized
by different levels of sensitivity and specificity.
Accordingly, indirect immunofluorescence stainings
used in some studies in the early nineties, are more
sensitive, although less specific, while the opposite is
true for direct immunofluorescence techniques, and
today this is the only one utilized; in fact the sensitivity
of recent commercial preparations conjugated with ef-
ficient fluorochromes is very high and produce repro-
ducible results in all laboratories (35, 38). As far as in-
strumentation is concerned, it must be underlined that
modern flow cytometers are highly sensitive in detect-
ing surface marker positivity, while microscope analy-
sis and immunoenzymatic techniques are less sensi-
tive, and produce data of lower statistical significance.
The immunophenotypic analysis of acute leukemic
blast cells should preferentially be performed on bone
marrow samples; in addition to that, even if we consid-
er a peripheral blood sample, the number of blasts p-
resent in the specimen analyzed has to be carefully e-
valuated using a multiparametric approach (32, 35-
38). However, in contrast to ALL, the discrimination of
blast cells from residual normal nucleated cells is less
likely to be obtained in AML cells by simply evaluating
the light scattering properties (forward and side scat-
ter) and the expression of CD45 antigen by the
leukemic cells. For this reason, a multiparametric ap-
proach using three-four color analysis is strongly sug-
gested in order to define the predominant leukemic
population as well as minor pathological clones or
subclones (31, 35-38). CD34 positivity should be
specifically evaluated on the blast population, in order
to avoid misinterpretation of the data. The percentage
of blasts could typically vary from 20% to 99% in the
bone marrow, and from 1 to 99% in the peripheral
blood, and therefore it is mandatory to refer the CD34
positivity to the pathological component only, to allow
for a good comparability of results among different
centers (35-38).
Basso et al
1) Specimen analysed (bone marrow, peripheral blood)
2) Erythrocyte-lysed whole blood versus gradient density
mononuclear cell fractions
3) Use of cryopreserved versus fresh samples
4) Detection systems employed (flow cytometry, immuno-
fluorescence microscope, immunoenzymatic technique)
5) Use of different CD34 antibodies recognizing distinct CD34
epitopes (class I, II, III)
6) Degree of intensity for CD34 antigens
7) Cut-off levels for the discrimination of positive and negative
cases (5-20%)
8) Percentage of leukemic cells present in the sample
9) Patients analysed (de novo AML or secondary AML;
childhood or adult ALL)
10) Biologic characteristics of acute leukemic cells (chromosome
aberrations, gene abnormalities)
11) Type of chemotherapy regimen employed
CD34 expression in acute leukemia
In recent years an accumulating number of recur-
rent genetic abnormalities have been reported in
AML, such as internal tandem duplication of Flt-3 re-
ceptor, ras-oncogene mutations, abnormalities of p53
tumor suppressor gene, p-glycoprotein expression, c-
myc amplification, hox overexpression or nm23 ex-
pression (1, 41). Although some of these genetic ab-
normalities are associated with specific AML FAB
subtypes, none of them represent causative lesions,
and with the exception of t(15; 17) in M3 AML they
may not be sufficient to induce the development of
malignancy, and therefore they probably represent
secondary hits in the multistep process of carcinogen-
esis (1, 44). There is also evidence that CD34
are characterized by a higher incidence of abnormali-
ties involving chromosome 5 (-5; 5q-), 7 (-7; 7q-), 11
(11q23), t(9; 22), t(8; 21), and to a lesser extent chro-
mosome 16 (16q), 17 (17p), or complex karyotypes
(1, 5, 7, 9, 13, 18) (Tabs. II and III). Recent studies
have also found a close relationship between CD34
expression in AML and previous exposure to
chemotherapy, radiotherapy, some chemical com-
pounds, and/or pesticides (33, 34). CD34
AML are
also associated with trilineage myelodysplasia, as well
as dysgranulopoiesis (33) (Tab. II). In contrast, most a-
cute promyelocytic leukemias (M3) are CD34
Several papers have indicated that the immunophe-
notypic profile of CD34
AML is rather heterogeneous,
and this finding could explain some of the differences
reported in the literature regarding the biologic and
prognostic significance of CD34 expression in AML.
The antigenic profile of CD34
AML essentially de-
pends on the maturation stage and lineage commit-
ment of the leukemic clone. The correlation between
AML and FAB subtypes is illustrated in Table II.
Recent data have shown that biphenotypic acute
leukemias (BAL) are usually positive for CD34 antigen
(32, 42, 43). The large majority of CD34
AML co-ex-
press a number of antigens, which are not associated
with cell commitment, such as HLA-DR, CD38,
CD45RO, CD45RA, CD71, CD133 (AC133), CD123
Incidence: 30-50% (de novo AML) ; 50-70% (secondary AML)
History: more frequently associated with previous exposure to
chemo-radiotherapy, pesticides or other leukemogenic
compounds (secondary AML)
Correlation with FAB subtypes: see Table III
Immunophenotypic profile: mainly dependent on the lineage
commitment and differentiation stage (frequent co-expression
of CD45, HLA-DR, CD38, CD33, CD13, CD133, CD117) (see
Tab. III)
Chromosome abnormalities: associated with the FAB
subtype and MIC correlates (the most frequently reported
abnormalities are the following: t(8;21);-5,-7,5q-,7q-, 11q23,
16q, 17p, complex karyotypes) (see Tab.III)
Cellular density for CD34: variable from case to case (range:
3.000- 130.000 per blast cell;higher in M2 t(8;21), M0 and M1)
Prognosis: variable from case to case, depending upon the
co-existence of specific genetic lesions
Therapy: chemotherapeutic regimens should be defined
according to accompanying genetic lesions
FAB CD34 Chromosome translocations CD34 Other
Subtype Expression and MIC correlates* Expression markers
M0 90-100% -5,-7,7q-,5q- 80-100%
t(9; 22) 70-90% KOR-SA3544
M1 70-90%
M2 20-40% t(8; 21) 50-90% CD19
(bright expression)
M3 0-5% t(15; 17) 0-3%
M3 variant 3-15% CD2
M4 20-60% M2/M4Eo/ inv(16) 30-70%
M2/M4Baso/ t(6; 9) 20-40%
M5a 50-80% t(9;11) 40-60% CD87(UPA-R)§
del11q(23)^ 50-70% 7.1
M5b 10-30%
M6 20-40%
M7 40-60% t(1;22) 50-60%
leukemia 90-100%
*MIC = Morphologic-Immunologic-Cytogenetic Classification of Acute Leukemias.
^ = See Reference 87.
§ = See Reference 88.
(IL-3 receptor alpha chain) (31, 32, 34, 37, 38, 44,
45). In contrast, only 10% of CD34
AML are CD90
positive. In addition, some surface and cytoplasmic
glycoproteins which are usually expressed by commit-
ted “myeloid” cells resulted positive in CD34
AML, i.e.
CD33, CD13, CD117 (stem cell factor receptor),
CDw116 (GM-CSF receptor), myeloperoxidase,
lysozyme (44-47). TdT (terminal deoxynucleotidyl
transferase) is restricted to M0-M1 and M4 subtypes,
while M6, M7, and M5b FAB subvarieties could ex-
press restricted lineage molecules, such as gly-
cophorin A, CD61 (glycoprotein IIIa), and CD14, re-
spectively (34, 44). Recently, the bright expression of
the P-170 glycoprotein on leukemic cells, which con-
fers resistance to several cytostatic drugs such as
antracyclines, vinca alkaloids, epipodophyllotoxins
and paclitaxel, has been correlated with CD34 expres-
sion, decreased response to treatment, and higher
levels of minimal residual disease in AML patients
(34, 37, 47). In some cases, an extended multiple
drug resistance (MDR) has been found in AML blasts
expressing high levels of P170 protein, suggesting
that these cells may be resistant also to other drugs
such as methotrexate, cisplatinum and alkylating
agents (48).
Raymakers et al (1995), have shown that the
cell fraction obtained from the more dif-
ferentiated forms of AML (characterized by a few num-
ber of CD34
cells) is exclusively constituted by
residual normal progenitors, and therefore distinct
from the leukemic clone, thus giving the possibility to
select this cell subpopulation for transplant purposes
(1995) (1, 50). Furthermore, it has been shown that
CD34 antigen expression on AML blasts having a
marked heterogeneity of cell size, is preferentially
found on small leukemic cells with rather low side
scatter; this feature was also found to be associated
with a shorter remission duration, and overall survival
rates, allowing the authors to speculate that this mor-
phological heterogeneity could reflect a peculiar bio-
logical behavior of AML (37). Recent data have shown
that the number of CD34
expressing cells increases
during evolution of myelodysplastic syndromes to
AML, and that the CD34
compartment develops a
growth advantage leading to a progressive expansion
of leukemic blasts during this period of time (51, 52).
Another source of variability in detecting CD34
AML is the type of CD34 monoclonal antibody utilized
for the immunophenotypic analysis. Numerous papers
have shown the existence of at least three distinct epi-
topes of the CD34 molecule, based on their differen-
tial sensitivity to the enzymatic cleavage (using neu-
raminidase, chymopapain, and glycoprotease), west-
ern-blot analysis, studies of cell reactivity, and cross-
blocking experiments (39, 40, 53-55). So far, more
than 30 different CD34 McAbs have been verified as
recognising the CD34 molecule, the most direct evi-
dence being reactivity with cells transfected with
CD34 cDNA and binding to CD34 glycoprotein (53).
Recent data have indicated that a number of AML
cases are positive for some CD34 McAbs and nega-
tive for others (especially if they belong to a different
epitope class), confirming the need to use the same
CD34 McAbs and the same detection technique in or-
der to achieve comparable results between different
centers (40, 53) (Fig. 1).
Another point which deserves careful discussion is
the level of expression for CD34 in AML. In normal
Basso et al
Fig. 1 - Normal maturation pathway of CD79
B-lymphocytes in the bone marrow according to CD10, CD34, and CD20.
CD34 expression in acute leukemia
hematopoiesis, CD34 antigen is expressed on virtual-
ly all the colony forming cells (CFU-C), and lympho-
cyte progenitors of either T or B lineage. However,
within the progenitor cell compartment, the degree of
positivity for CD34 decreases with cell differentiation
(maximum for multipotent cells and minimum for
unipotent cells), and disappears in more mature mor-
phologically identifiable bone marrow precursors (1,
31, 46, 47). Studies performed at the V and VI
International Workshop on Leukocyte Differentiation
Antigens (Boston, 1993; Osaka, 1996) allowed the
recognition of three main subsets of CD34
bone marrow cells, having different CD34 antigen
density : low (2,000- 5,000 binding sites per cell-ABC),
medium (10,000-20,000 ABC), high intensities
(25,000- 40,000 ABC) (Fig. 2). This heterogeneity in
CD34 antigen expression in normal progenitors
makes it difficult to use this molecule alone for the
monitoring of minimal residual disease (MRD) in AML
patients treated with chemotherapy and/or bone mar-
row transplantation (37, 45, 47, 56). However, flow cy-
tometry quantification may allow the recognition of a
subgroup of CD34
AML, characterized by bright ex-
pression for CD34 (> 50,000 ABC), which could be
easily recognized even when present in a very low
number (< 0.1%) of nucleated cells. Leukemic cells
Fig. 2 - Expression of class I, II, and III CD34 McAbs in a patient with AML, M1 FAB subtype. A wide variation in cell reactivity was no-
ticed between the three McAbs used for the flow cytometry analysis.
overexpressing CD34 antigen may be detected in 10-
25% of the CD34
AML, while the remaining AML pa-
tients should be checked for their MRD by using alter-
native strategies such as the CD34/CD56;
CD34/CD65/TdT, CD34/CD14/HLA-DR; CD34/CD13/
CD33/ CD7 multiple stainings (37, 45, 56, 57). Lanza
et al have shown that CD34 overexpression could be
detected in M0-M2 FAB subtypes of AML (37, 40)
(Fig. 3). In another paper by MacDonald et al, CD34
overexpression was found to be strictly associated
with M2 FAB subtype of AML carrying t(8; 21) chro-
mosome alteration (24) (Tab.III).
The role of CD34 in acute lymphoblastic leukemias
(ALL) is more clearly defined than in AML although
significant changes have occurred over the last ten
years; in the early 90’s CD34 was considered a mark-
er of all precursor cells from the different lymphohe-
matopoietic lineages as well as a hallmark of acute
leukemias since these represent neoplasms of imma-
ture precursors.However, later studies showed the ex-
istence of CD34
ALL cases and the existence of a
negative association between this stem cell-associat-
ed antigen and positivity for other membrane B- and
T-cell differentiation markers such as CD20 or CD22
and CD3 (58). At present, it is clearly defined that
most (approximately 70 %) of common B (CD10
cases (B-II) are CD34
, while a large percentage
(50%) of the phenotypically more immature pre pre B
) (B-I) results CD34-negative; in T-ALL
more than 40% of the cases results CD34 positive in-
dependently by the presence or absence of markers
of T-cell immaturity (30, 31, 59). Regarding the im-
munophenotypic expression of CD34 in normal BM
precursor B-lymphoid cells, this was definitively con-
firmed when Huang and Terstappen evidenced, in lim-
iting dilution experiments, the possibility that lymphoid
CD19 positive cells could derive from earliest CD34
) cells and that the co-expression of
CD19 and CD34 could be simultaneously detectable
in the earliest normal T- and B-cell committed precur-
sors (60). More recently, using multiparametric im-
munophenotyping, by three color analysis, different
groups have shown that the normal BM B-cell com-
partment is heterogeneous as far as the expression of
the various differentiation antigens is concerned; the
more immature B cells simultaneously express CD19,
CD10, and CD34, but lack CD20; later on, in the mat-
uration process CD34 and CD10 antigens sequential-
ly decrease in intensity and become negative. In par-
allel CD20 increases its intensity (Fig. 4).Today, CD34
is considered to be usually expressed in the early
phases of B-cell development and the presence of low
percentages of CD19
, CD10
and 34
cells in the BM
is considered a normal finding (58, 61-65).
The clinical significance of CD34 expression has
been analysed in several studies in both adult and
childhood ALL. Initial studies associated CD34 ex-
pression with a worse prognosis; however, this was
not confirmed by others which found no significant dif-
ferences in the outcome and the rate of complete re-
mission between CD34
and CD34
ALL cases.
Technical problems (Tab. IV) and particularly the dif-
ferent therapeutic approaches could contribute to ex-
plain at least to a certain extent these differences (59,
66-69).The hypothesis about the use of different ther-
apeutic regimens has been tested in correlating an
Italian series of pediatric patients obtained from
AIEOP (Italian Pediatric Association of Hematology
and Oncology) with two other studies in which an ade-
quate cohort of patients was studied. The first study
included 795 children older than 1 year from a
Pediatric Oncology Group (POG) in which for CD34
detection the My10 monoclonal antibody (class I ) was
used combined with an indirect immunofluorescence
technique. The percentage of 10% CD34
blast cells
was used as threshold for distinguishing positive from
negative precursor- ALLs. A correction factor was
used to exclude from the calculation of CD34
cells contaminating the peripheral T lymphocytes.
CD34 expression was positively associated to low pe-
Basso et al
Fig. 3 - Comparative analysis of class I,II, and III CD34 epi-
topes-detecting McAbs by quantitative flow cytometry in nor-
mal BM cells, ALL and AML.
Fig. 4 - Quantitative analysis of CD34 antigen expression in
blasts obtained from different FAB subtypes of AML
CD34 expression in acute leukemia
ripheral WBC count (less than 50 x 10
/L) , no CNS
involvement, hyperdiploidy and absence of
cytogenetic translocations. The event free survival
was statistically worse in CD34
patients with respect
to those carrying this molecule and CD34 resulted as
an good independent prognostic marker in the multi-
variate analysis (58). Similar conclusions were ob-
tained later in the study from the St Jude’s Children’s
Research Hospital in a group of 335 children; in this
paper CD34 expression was assessed using the HP-
CA1 (class I) McAb and > 10% CD34
blast cells as a
threshold for CD34 positivity. Results confirmed that
the presence of CD34 was positively correlated in
common B-ALL (B II), with the most relevant favorable
prognostic factors including age 1 to 10 years, hyper-
ploidy, CD10 expression, no CNS disease; additional-
ly, absence of CD34 resulted in an independent ad-
verse prognostic factor in multivariate analysis. In this
study T-ALL was also analysed but no statistically sig-
nificant differences were found between CD34
and CD34
ALL (59). The results of the two studies
could suggest that CD34 is an independent prognos-
tic factor in precursor B-ALL independent of the thera-
peutic regimen used to treat patients. In line with
these assumptions, in a retrospective study the ex-
pression of CD34 antigen in 708 children treated ac-
cording to intensive BFM oriented protocols (AIEOP
88’ and 91’) (69, 70), in which identical experimental
conditions to those of POG and St. Jude’s studies
(monoclonal antibody HPCA1, indirect immunofluo-
rescence technique, and the threshold) were used,
CD34 expression was also found to be associated
with a better clinical outcome.
Interestingly, the prednisone response (PR) evalua-
tion after 7 days did not significantly differ between
the CD34
(8.2%) and CD34
(6.1%) cases (p=0.8);
in a similar way morphologic complete remission rate
after one induction cycle was obtained in 97.3% of
and in 98.4% of CD34
ALL cases (p=0.8),
and relapse free survival was 74.2 + 2.8 versus 72.0
+ 5.7% (p=0.8). The conclusion of this study is that
CD34 expression is not clinically relevant once inten-
sive protocols such as the BFM oriented ones are
used, highlighting the considerations made above for
AML, that the therapeutic protocols are one of the
most relevant prognostic factors (33, 34). These re-
sults have been confirmed by several other studies in
which the undoable prognostic relevance of CD34 in
childhood ALL has not been found (59, 66-68).
Nevertheless it should be noted that, in contrast to
the potentially favorable clinical impact of CD34 ex-
pression in childhood ALL, in adults suffering from pre-
cursor B-ALL, CD34 has been frequently associated
with a worse prognosis and a poor outcome. Such dif-
ferences between childhood and adult ALL regarding
the clinical impact of CD34 expression could be relat-
ed to its associations with specific genetic markers of
good t(12; 21), hyperdiploidy, prognosis in children and
of bad prognosis t(9; 22) in adults as discussed below.
The multiparametric immunophenotyping based on
immunological gate in erythrocyte-lysed whole blood
was introduced in many laboratories in the late
nineties (30, 45, 61, 65, 69, 71, 72).The advantages of
this methodology are the correct identification and
quantification of the blast cells present in the samples
analysed even when they are present at low frequen-
cies (minimal residual disease) at the same time; this
facilitates its specific characterization. Assessment of
CD34 expression plays an important role in this con-
text since CD34 is expressed in a very high percent-
age of B-ALL (>75% once class III monoclonal anti-
bodies are used) while this antigen is expressed in a
very low percentage of cells in normal bone marrow
(1.5-2%), making co-expression of CD19 and CD34 a
powerful marker of ALL of B cell origin (60, 65, 72, 74).
Simultaneous detection of CD45 and CD34 is very
useful, in fact very few normal immature B lympho-
cytes express CD34 (less than 16 % of all CD19 in the
bone marrow) and CD45 shows a uniformly dim fluo-
rescence intensity, while in the majority of ALL CD45 is
either lower/ absent or much more heterogeneous (63,
65). Association with CD10 permits further distinction;
the expression of CD10
in the fraction CD34
is high-
er than in the fraction CD10
but frequently less
intense than in leukemic CD10
cells (63-65, 74).
These criteria are useful in solving relevant questions
in the management of treatment of ALL permitting a
good separation between normal regenerating B lym-
phocytes and possible recurrent ALL blasts.The CD34
associated with CD19 and several other markers such
as CD 45, CD10, CD38, TdT are, based on reported
reasons, good markers for the investigation of minimal
residual disease in ALL (45, 65, 73). Analogous results
could be obtained in the T-ALL using CD45, CD7,
CD34, and/or TdT and cyCD3 combination (59, 72).
Additionally, in recent years it has been shown that
Chromosomal translocation CD34 CD10 Prognostic impact
t(1;19) Negative (<700 MESF) Positive (100%) Good
t(12;21) Bimodal (96%) (5,100 MESF) Positive (100%) Excellent
t(4;11) Negative/Positive (50%) (4,800 MESF) Negative (100%) Poor
t(9;22) Unimodal (85%) (38,000 MESF) Positive (100%) Poor
Hyperdiploid Unimodal (100%) (8,340 MESF) Positive (100%) Excellent
Basso et al
CD34 plays a further relevant role in precursor B- ALL
in the identification of specific genotypes especially
when combined with CD10 and other markers.
Accordingly, translocation t(1; 19) (q23; p13) char-
acterized by E2A-PBX1 fusion protein identifies a sub-
type of pre B ALL (cµ
) in which CD34 is characteristi-
cally absent while CD10 is always present so this pat-
tern (CD34
) can be considered able to
identify this genetic abnormality (75, 76).
In a similar way, the t(12; 21)(p13; q22) transloca-
tion characterized by TEL-AML1 fusion protein is the
most frequent translocation in childhood B origin ALL
(25%) (72) and in this ALL sub-type, CD34 is always
positive with a bimodal expression in the context of
ALLs. In adult precursor B-ALL, t(9; 22) is as-
sociated with a high and homogeneous CD34 expres-
sion (77, 78, 80, 81). Using the multiparametric quan-
titative approach the sensitivity and specificity of the
immunophenotyping to identify these translocations is
>90% (81, 82).
In the t(4; 11) (q22; q23) translocation characterized
by ALL-MLL fusion gene, the CD10 is characteristical-
ly absent while CD34 is present in about 50% of
cases (82, 83).
Such differences in CD34 expression in the different
genotypic subtypes of precursor B-ALL help to explain
at least in part the controversial results frequently ob-
tained on the prognostic relevance of CD34 expres-
sion in precursor B- ALL; in fact in the CD34
the t(12; 21) and t(9; 22) ALL are included in children
and adults respectively, and they are characterized by
either an excellent prognosis t(12; 21) or a worse out-
come t(9; 22) (77,78); in the CD34
group t(1; 19) pre-
ALL is included, which is associated with a bad prog-
nosis and characterized by less intensive treatment
protocol (76, 84-86). As reported in Table IV the uti-
lization of CD34 in association with CD10 is powerful
in various genetic abnormalities identification, the fur-
ther association with CD45, CD20 and CD66c high-
lighting this ability (78-80).
Cellular expression of CD34 plays a relevant role
in acute leukemias and the CD34
represents a
heterogeneous group of leukemias characterized by
varying clinical, genetic and biological features; its
utility in defining specific disease subgroups re-
quires combined assessment with other immunolog-
ical markers. An effort towards the standardization
of methods, reagents, and therapy protocols to be
applied to de novo and secondary acute leukemias
should be made to achieve comparability of results
within and between different centers, as a basis for
quality assurance and quality control programs.
European Working Group on Clinical Cell Analysis
(EWGCCA) is supported in part by Concerted Action
Contract BMH4-97-2611 in the framework of the Biomed 2
programme (European Commission, Brussells, Belgium).
This work was also supported by AIRC, CNR (Progetto
Strategico “Oncologia”), MURST 40 e 60%, e Fondazione
Città della Speranza di Padova.
Reprint requests to:
Prof.Giuseppe Basso
Dipartimento di Pediatria
Università di Padova
Via Giustiniani, 3
35128 Padova
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... It promotes attachment of these progenitor cells to the components of stromal microenvironment thus promoting their growth and differentiation and mediates resistance to apoptosis. It is a marker of immaturity or blast population in B-acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL) which usually also express CD10 (co-expressed in approximately 70% of common B-ALL) and lack CD20 (Basso et al.,2001). As the blasts mature, CD34 and CD10 antigens sequentially decrease in intensity and become negative while the intensity of CD20 expression on the surface increases (Basso et al.,2001). ...
... It is a marker of immaturity or blast population in B-acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL) which usually also express CD10 (co-expressed in approximately 70% of common B-ALL) and lack CD20 (Basso et al.,2001). As the blasts mature, CD34 and CD10 antigens sequentially decrease in intensity and become negative while the intensity of CD20 expression on the surface increases (Basso et al.,2001). However, a large percentage (50%) of the phenotypically more immature B blasts that is the pre pre-BALL blasts are negative for both CD10 and CD34, thus accounting for those cases where CD34 expression is absent (Basso et al.,2001). ...
... As the blasts mature, CD34 and CD10 antigens sequentially decrease in intensity and become negative while the intensity of CD20 expression on the surface increases (Basso et al.,2001). However, a large percentage (50%) of the phenotypically more immature B blasts that is the pre pre-BALL blasts are negative for both CD10 and CD34, thus accounting for those cases where CD34 expression is absent (Basso et al.,2001). Yet, CD34 is universally used as one of the markers for blast identification in ALL panel. ...
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Background: CD34 antigen is expressed by early hematopoietic progenitor cells and acute leukemia cells. Its expression is associated with good prognosis in acute myeloid leukemia. Literature is sparse on its prognostic significance in B- acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL) especially from India. Hence the present study was undertaken to analyse the frequency of CD34 expression in B-ALL in Indian patients and determine its prognostic significance by associating with other prognostic markers and aberrant antigen expression. Methods: Seventy-five B-ALL patients diagnosed by flow cytometry over a period of 3½ year were studied. Correlation of CD34 expression was studied with gender, age, total leucocyte count (TLC), French-American-British (FAB) morphological type, immuno-phenotypic markers, cytogenetics and minimal residual disease. Differences between groups were evaluated using Student's T-test for quantitative data and Chi-square test/Fishers exact T-test for qualitative variables. P value.
... [51] The expression of CD34 has poor prognostic value, its absence was associated with a higher percentage of complete remissions. [52] In this study CD34 was positive in 84.6 % in AML patients and 55.2% in ALL patients. Similar result reported by Osman et al from Sudan wereCD34 reported in 78.7% in all cases of AML. ...
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Background: Acute leukemia comprises a heterogenous group of malignancies with variable clinical,morphologic, immunophenotypic and, molecular features. Flow cytometry is a crucial tool in the diagnosed andsubtype hematological malignancy, especially acute leukemia, determining prognosis and monitoring response totherapy. By detecting various antigens presenting in various parts of cell, it is possible to know cell lineage andimmaturity of the cell or group of cells. Objective: To evaluate immunophenotypic patterns of acute leukemiapatient by multiparameter flowcytometry that help in the diagnosis and proper classification of acute leukemias. Materials and Methods: A descriptive study of acute leukemia cases was conducted at National Oncology CenterAden in Al -Sadaka Teaching Hospital over one year (January 2015 to June 2016). A total of 55 cases of acuteleukemia diagnosed by multi parameter flow cytometry performed on peripheral blood and/ or fresh bone marrowaspirates. Results: 55 cases of acute leukemias were retrieved; 29(52.7%) of them were acute lymphoblasticleukemia (ALL), were B cell type (n=27) more than T cell type (n=2), and the remainder 26(47.3%), were provedby flowcytometry to be acute myeloblastic leukemia subtypes and one was acute myeloblastic leukemia (AML)with mixed phenotype (biphenotypic). Progenitors markers (CD34, HLA-DR, CD117 and TdT) were expressedmore in acute myeloblastic leukemia more than in acute lymphoblastic leukemia blast cells, except TdT which wasexpressed by 13.8% of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) patients but not in acute myeloblastic leukemiapatients. The B-lineage markers that expressed with higher percentage among ALL patients included CD19, CD10and CD79a. Followed by CD20 and CD22. Only 2 patients with ALL expressed CD7 and cytoplasmic CD3 at thesame times. Among the T-lineage markers, CD7 was aberrantly expressed in 26.9% and CD19 among B-lineagemarkers expressed 30.8% of AML patients. Conclusion: In our study the markers that expressed with higherpercentage among ALL patients included CD19, CD10 and CD79a. The myeloid markers that were expressedmarkedly in AML patients included CD13, CD33 and cytoplasmic MPO. KEYWORDS: Acute leukemia; Immunophenotyping flowcytometry.
... In some cases, it may not be possible to differentiate stage V lymphoma from acute lymphoblastic leukemia based on bone marrow evaluation alone. Immunophenotypic assessment of CD34 expression is useful in such instances 14 but it was not performed in this case due to the lack of gross evidence of lymphoma in any organ system at necropsy and the lack of validation of the marker in ovine samples.15 Cytologic evaluation of blood smears is often the simplest and least invasive way to diagnose lymphocytic leukemia. ...
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B‐cell leukemia is a rare form of hematologic neoplasia in sheep, especially in adult animals. We present a case report of a 5‐year‐old WhiteFace Sheep wether with suspected acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The patient, a second‐generation relative of ewes experimentally inoculated with atypical scrapie, exhibited acute lethargy and loss of appetite. Laboratory investigation revealed marked leukocytosis, lymphocytosis, and abnormal serum chemistry panel results. Microscopic examination of blood and bone marrow smears exhibited a high percentage of large neoplastic cells with lymphoid characteristics. Histopathologic analysis of the spleen, liver, lungs, and other organs confirmed the presence of widespread tissue infiltration by neoplastic cells. Immunohistochemical labeling demonstrated strong intracytoplasmic labeling for CD20, consistent with B‐cell neoplasia. Flow cytometric analysis confirmed the B‐cell lineage of the neoplastic cells. Screening for bovine leukemia virus, which can experimentally cause leukemia in sheep, yielded a negative result. In this case, the diagnosis of B‐cell leukemia was supported by a comprehensive panel of diagnostic evaluations, including cytology, histopathology, immunohistochemistry, and immunophenotyping. This case report highlights the significance of accurate diagnosis and classification of hematologic neoplasia in sheep, emphasizing the need for immunophenotyping to aid in the diagnosis of B‐cell leukemia. It also emphasizes the importance of considering spontaneous leukemia as a differential diagnosis in sheep with lymphoid neoplasia, especially in the absence of circulating infectious diseases.
... In acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) the role of CD 34 was more clearly defined than in AML although considerable changes had occurred over the last few years; in the early 90's it was thought that CD34 was a marker of all precursor cells from the different hematopoietic lineages as well as a feature of acute leukaemia as these represent neoplasms of immature precursors. 12 The number of adult patients in our study was higher, i.e., 62(59.04%) 13 , there is male preponderance, with 63.8% males 14 which is comparable with another study. ...
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Background: This study was carried out to determine the frequency of CD34 positivity in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (B-ALL) in our population and to report its association with the clinicopathological profile at the time of diagnosis. Methods: The cross-sectional study was conducted at National Institute of Blood Diseases and Bone Marrow Transplantation, Karachi, Pakistan, from March 2020 till December 2020.Newly diagnosed patients were selected, from both genders and all age groups. Relevant history and findings of physical examination were recorded. Immunohistochemistry was done on trephine biopsy and molecular studies were carried on bone marrow aspirates or peripheral blood samples. Results: Out of 105 patients enrolled, 67 (63.8%) were males, with a male to female ratio (M: F) 1.8:1. Of the total patients, 62 (59.04%) were above 15 years of age. CD34 was expressed in 73 (69.5%) cases. Lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, and hepatomegaly were separately noted in context to CD 34 expression in 22 (66.6%), 24 (64.8%), and 14 (58.3%) patients, respectively. CNS disease was seen in a total of 3(2.75%) subjects, in which 2 (66.6%) of the patients had CD34 expression. Total 81 patients in our study fall into the high-risk group out of which CD 34 expression was seen in 58(71.6%) subjects. Cytogenetic analysis, BCR-ABL p190, and MLL gene rearrangement were investigated in all participants. Cytogenetic analysis revealed an abnormality in 20 (19%) cases out of which 13 (17.8%) cases were from CD34 positive group. Conclusion: Our study reported CD34 expression in more than two-thirds of cases. High-risk disease was significantly associated with CD34 expression.
... (14), dar în concordanţă cu variaţiile largi cuprinse între 26% și 64% ale studiului realizat de Basso și col. (15). Cauza acestei variaţii ar fi probabilitatea metodologiei diferite în detectarea expresiei receptorilor (porţi diferite în analiza flowcitometrică în flux continuu, diferite clone CD34). ...
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Acute leukemias are a group of hematopoietic stem cell malignancies characterized by the proliferation and accumulation of immature cell (blasts) clones that associate medullary insufficiency syndrome (anemia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia). Depending on the origin of the malignant clone, two major categories of acute leukemias are: acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) and acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Studies show an annual incidence of acute leukemias in European adults of 5-6 cases per 100,000 people with an increase in over 70 years of age, reaching an incidence of about 15-20 / 100,000 people. Of the total acute myeloid leukemias, 20% occur in children and 80% are among adults. Diagnosis of acute leukemias is based on the recognition of morphological, cytochemical, immunophenotypic, cytogenetic and molecular biology changes. Immunophenotyping plays a major role in the diagnosis and classification of acute leukemias, in differentiation of acute myeloid and lymphocytic leukemias and in detection of minimal residual disease.
... However, it contradicts results from other studies [15][16][17][18][19][20][21]. Reasons for these discrepancies include specimen analyzed (bone marrow or peripheral blood), erythrocyte-lysed whole blood versus gradient density mononuclear cell fractions, use of cryopreserved versus fresh samples, detection systems employed (flow cytometry, immunofluorescence microscope, immune-enzymatic technique), use of different CD34 antibodies recognizing distinct CD34 epitopes (classes I, II, III), degree of intensity for CD34 antigen, cutoff levels for the discrimination of positive and negative cases (5-20%, percentage of leukemic cells present in the sample examined), patients analyzed [de-novo or secondary AML; childhood or adult acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL)], biologic characteristics of acute leukemic cells (chromosome or gene abnormalities), and lastly the type of chemotherapy regimen used [32]. ...
... However, it contradicts results from other studies [15][16][17][18][19][20][21]. Reasons for these discrepancies include specimen analyzed (bone marrow or peripheral blood), erythrocyte-lysed whole blood versus gradient density mononuclear cell fractions, use of cryopreserved versus fresh samples, detection systems employed (flow cytometry, immunofluorescence microscope, immune-enzymatic technique), use of different CD34 antibodies recognizing distinct CD34 epitopes (classes I, II, III), degree of intensity for CD34 antigen, cutoff levels for the discrimination of positive and negative cases (5-20%, percentage of leukemic cells present in the sample examined), patients analyzed [de-novo or secondary AML; childhood or adult acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL)], biologic characteristics of acute leukemic cells (chromosome or gene abnormalities), and lastly the type of chemotherapy regimen used [32]. ...
Acute leukemia (AL) is a poor progressive resistant hematological disease, which has different subtypes and immunophenotypic properties according to leukemic blasts. AL is caused by genetic changes and associated with leukemia stem cells (LSCs), which determine its prognosis and endurance. LSCs are thought to be hematopoietic progenitor and stem cell (HPSCs)-like cells that underwent a malignant transformation. In addition to their low number, LSCs have the characteristics of self-renewal, resistance to chemotherapy, and relapse of leukemia. The myeloid ecotropic integration site-1 (MEIS1) protein is a member of the three-amino acid loop extension (TALE) family of homeodomain (HD) proteins that can bind to DNA sequence-specific manner. Studies have shown that overexpression of MEIS1 and associated cofactors involves tumorigenesis of numerous cancers. Historically, increased expression of Meis1 transcript as well as protein has been determined in acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients. Moreover, resistance to conventional chemotherapy was observed in leukemic blast samples with high Meis1 content. In this review article, the molecular mechanism of the oncological role of the MEIS1 protein in leukemia and LSC is discussed. In addition, it was suggested that MEIS1 protein could be utilized as a possible treatment target in leukemia with an emphasis on the inhibition of MEIS1, which is overexpressed in LSC.
The ability of immobilized conjugate anti-CD34⁺ monoclonal antibody-dR110 and free conjugate anti-CD45⁺ monoclonal antibody-ATTO620 to precisely enumerate CD34⁺ stem cells and CD45⁺ cells in apheresis samples were evaluated. The conjugates anti-CD34⁺ antibody–dR110 and anti-CD45⁺– antibody-ATTO620 were prepared. Functionalized magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) were synthesized. The anti-CD34⁺ antibody–dR110 conjugate was immobilized on the modified MNPs using a carbodiimide method. The stem cell count in thawed apheresis samples was determined using the free and the immobilized conjugate anti-CD34⁺ antibody–dR110 on MNPs and an image cell counter EasyCounter BC. A higher stem cell count and more accurate results were obtained with the immobilized conjugate, because a separation and concentration of the stem cells bound to antibody–dR110 on MNPs by external magnet were performed. Coefficients of variation of CD34⁺ cell count in apheresis samples, determined by EasyCounter BC, were ranged from 5.5 to 6.9% and those of CD45⁺ cell count from 3.8 to 4.7%. The viability of CD34⁺ cells was high from 98.5 to 99.6%. It was found that correlation coefficient between the flow cytometer and automatic cell counter, using free anti-CD34⁺ antibody–dR110 was 0.94, and when using immobilized anti-CD34⁺antibody–dR110 on MNPs, the correlation coefficient was 0.97.
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The authors performed membrane antigen phenotyping on 75 patients with acute nonlymphocytic leukemia with a panel of myeloid-associated monoclonal antibodies. The 34 patients (45%) with CD34-positive leukemia were not significantly different from the 41 with CD34-negative leukemia with respect to age, hemoglobin, white blood cell count, or platelet count at presentation, but their blasts were more likely to lack the CD15 or CD33 antigens and to have FAB Ml or M2 morphologic characteristics. CD34-positive leukemia was more likely to arise after chemo-therapy. Patients with CD34-positive leukemia were less likely to enter a complete remission even when analysis was limited to those patients receiving a high-dose induction-type chemotherapy regimen. Giemsa-banding karyotyping studies were obtained in 55 of the cases. In 30 of these cases (56%) clonal karyotypic abnormalities were demonstrated. Although the karyotypic abnormalities and phenotypes were varied, there was a high degree of association between the karyotypic abnormalities monosomy 7/del (7q) and the CD34-positive phenotype; this antigen was expressed on blasts from eight of the nine patients displaying this abnormality. Monoclonal antibody phenotyping of myeloid leukemia with reagents such as anti-CD34 may help to define biologically interesting subsets of ANLL with distinct clinicopathologic expression.
The European Working Group on Clinical Cell Analysis (EWGCCA) has, in preparation for a multicentre peripheral blood stem cell clinical trial, developed a single-platform flow cytometric protocol for the enumeration of CD34+ stem cells. Using this protocol, stabilized blood and targeted training, the EWGCCA have attempted to standardize CD34+ stem cell enumeration across 24 clinical sites. Results were directly compared with participants in the UK National External Quality Assessment Scheme (NEQAS) for CD34+ Stem Cell Quantification that analysed the same specimens using non-standardized methods. Two bead-counting systems, Flow-Count and TruCount, were also evaluated by the EWGCCA participants during trials 2 and 3. Using Flow-Count, the intralaboratory coefficient of variation (CV) was ≤ 5% in 39% of the laboratories (trial 1), increasing to 65% by trial 3. Interlaboratory variation was reduced from 23.3% (trial 1) to 10.8% in trial 3. In trial 2, 70% of laboratories achieved an intralaboratory CV ≤ 5% using TruCount, increasing to 74% for trial 3; the interlaboratory CV was reduced from 23.4% to 9.5%. Comparative analysis of the EWGCCA and the UK NEQAS cohorts revealed that EWGCCA laboratories, using the standardized approach, had lower interlaboratory variation. Thus, the use of a common standardized protocol and targeted training significantly reduced intra- and interlaboratory CD34+ cell count variation.
Despite many years of meticulous immunophenotyping of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) cases the prognostic significance of some subtypes remains unclear. The Medical Research Council UKALLXI trial (1990–1996) in which uniform treatment has been given to 2090 children with ALL below the age of 18 years and above the age of 1 year, has afforded the opportunity to review these issues. Children with ALL of mature B cell type were not entered into this trial. Immunophenotype analysis was performed in each individual trial centre, but results were centrally reviewed in all cases, and were both available and considered adequate in 1934 (93%) of the first 2090 patients entered. The main diagnostic categories were early pre-B or null reported in 60 cases (3.1%), common ALL in 1242 (64.2%), pre-B in 252 (13.0%), ‘common’ or pre-B in 172 (8.9%) and T cell in 207 (10.7%) cases. Children with T cell disease were significantly more likely to be over the age of 10 years, with central nervous system disease at diagnosis and to be CD34 negative. They also had a higher incidence of high white cell count and were more likely to be of the French–American–British (FAB) L2 morphological subtype. Patients with ‘null’ cell disease tended to be less than 2 years or greater than 10 years of age, and CD13 and CD33 positive. CD10 was associated with lower white cell count (WBC) at diagnosis, younger age and FAB L1 morphological subtype. The presence of cytoplasmic immunoglobulin in pre-B cells was not associated with any specific clinical or laboratory features. CD34 positivity was less common in T cell patients and was associated with low WBC. Disease-free survival (DFS) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) at 5 years from diagnosis was 52% (95% CI: 44–59%) for T cell disease, 58% (95% CI: 43–73%) for early pre-B (or null cell) disease and 65% (95% CI: 62–68%) for common or pre-B disease; there being no significant difference between common and pre-B disease with regard to disease outcome. Patients with T cell disease had a worse prognosis than any other immunophenotype group (P < 0.00005). however this worse outcome was no longer significant after allowing for the other principal prognostic factors of age, gender and white cell count at diagnosis except for the very small number with wbc
This paper reports clinical and cytogenetic data from 125 cases with t(9;11)(p21–22;q32) which were accepted for a European Union Concerted Action Workshop on 11q23. This chromosome abnormality is known to occur predominantly in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) FAB type M5a and less often in AML M4; in this series it was also found to occur, uncommonly, in other AML FAB types, in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) (nine cases), in relatively young patients with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) (five cases), acute biphenotypic leukemia (two cases), and acute undifferentiated leukemia (one case). All age groups were represented but 50% of the patients were aged less than 15 years. The t(9;11) was the sole abnormality in 57 cases with AML; trisomy 8 was the most common additional abnormality (23 cases, including seven with further abnormalities), and 28 cases had other additional abnormalities. Among the t(9;11)+ve patients with AML, the white cell count (WBC) and age group were significant predictors of event-free survival; central nervous system (CNS) involvement or karyotype class (sole, with trisomy 8, or with other), also contributed to prognosis although our data could not show these to be independent factors. The best outcome was for patients aged 1–9 years, with low WBC, and with absence of CNS disease or presence of trisomy 8. For patients aged less than 15 years, the event-free survival for ALL patients was not significantly worse than that of AML patients.
A series of 23 monoclonal antibodies reactive with normal lymphoid and myeloid cells at various stages of differentiation were used to characterize 96 adult patients with acute myelocytic leukaemia (AML), concentrating on the possible role the expression of these antigens may have in predicting response to intensive chemotherapy. Only the expression of CD34 (P= 0·008) and HLA-DR (P= 0·035) was significant in predicting response to therapy; patients with leukaemic cells expressing CD34 (My10) had a complete remission (CR) rate of 59% compared to 87% for those with blasts not expressing the antigen. In a multivariate analysis predicting for CR, the expression of CD34, the disease category (de novo AML versus secondary AML [SAML] or a history of antecedent haematological disorder [AHD]), and WBC were significant covariates. Adjusting for disease category and WBC, patients with CD34-positive AML were one-third as likely to enter CR as with those with disease not expressing the antigen (P= 0·066). Comparison of clinical characteristics between the 58 patients whose leukaemia expressed CD34 and the 33 which were CD34-negative found that patients with CD34-positive AML had a higher incidence of SAML and AHD, a lower WBC at diagnosis, and a more frequent incidence of chromosomal abnormalities involving chromosomes 5 and/or 7. Twenty-eight of these patients also had immunophenotyping performed at relapse. Patients who presented with CD34-positive AML, and entered remission, and then relapsed all recurred with CD34-positive leukaemia; there was no case of CD34-positive AML at diagnosis relapsing with CD34-negative disease. In addition, there were patients presenting with CD34-negative AML and then relapsing with CD34-positive AML. These results suggest that intensive cytoreductive therapy is ineffective against CD34-positive AML. Patients who present with CD34-positive AML may require different therapeutic approaches to completely eradicate their disease.
The hemopoletic stem cell marker CD34 has been reported to be a useful predictor of treatment outcome in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Previous data suggested that CD34 expression may be associated with other poor prognosis factors in AML such as undifferentiated leukemia, secondary AML (SAML), and clonal abnormalities involving chromosome 5 and 7. In order to analyze the correlations between the clinicopathologic features, cytogenetic and CD34 expression in AML, we retrospectively investigated 99 patients with newly diagnosed AML: 85 with de novo disease and 14 with secondary AML (SAML). Eighty-six patients who received the same induction chemotherapy were available for clinical outcome. Defining a case as positive when ≥ 20% of bone marrow cells collected at diagnosis expressed the CD34 antigen, forty-five patients were included in the CD34 positive group. Ninety patients had adequate cytogenetic analysis. Thirty-two patients (72%) with CD34 positive AML exhibited an abnormal karyotype whereas 15 patients (28%) with CD34 negative AML had abnormal metaphases (P < 0.01). Monosomy 7/7q- or monosomy 5/5q- occurred in 10 patients and 8 of them expressed the CD34 antigen (P < 0.05). All patients with t(8;21) which is considered as a favorable factor in AML had levels of CD34 ≥ 20% (P < 0.05). We did not find any association between CD34 expression and attainment of complete remission, overall survival, or disease-free survival. In conclusion, the variations of CD34 expression in AML are correlated with cytogenetic abnormalities associated both with poor and favorable outcome. The evaluation of the correlations between CD34 antigen and clinical outcome in AML should take into account the results of pretreatment karyotype.
BACKGROUND Although many studies have been performed to evaluate the prognostic significance of CD34 expression in acute myeloid leukemia (AML), the findings have been inconsistent. In this study, the authors reviewed such previous studies to establish a definite conclusion.METHODS Using MEDLINE, the authors identified studies that evaluated the prognostic significance of CD34 expression in AML. The outcome measure was the complete remission rate. They used the random-effect method to combine the results. Results were presented as odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). The ORs were less than 1 if the complete remission occurred more frequently in the CD34 negative group.RESULTSTwenty-two studies including 2483 patients were reviewed. The combined OR was 0.38 (95% CI, 0.26–0.57), which suggested that CD34 expression was associated with a poor remission rate. However, the authors found statistical evidence of marked heterogeneity among trials (P < 0.001), especially according to time of publication. The combined OR in studies published in or after 1994 was 0.70 (95% CI, 0.47–1.09). The authors divided the studies into several subgroups, but they could not determine the reason for the heterogeneity.CONCLUSIONS At present, CD34 expression should not be considered a marker of poor prognosis because it is not supported by the combined data from recent studies. Further studies should be conducted to investigate the intensity of CD34 expression in specific populations of patients, such as those with t(8;21) or t(15;17) translocations or the AML-M0 subtype. Cancer 2000;88:2529–33. © 2000 American Cancer Society.
Summary In order to standardize and assess the quality of immunophenotyping of leukaemias and lymphomas for diagnostic purposes, a cooperative study group in the Netherlands, SIHON, has formulated guidelines for the composition of antibody panels to be applied and guidelines for the interpretation of the marker analysis. To assess the value of these guidelines frozen cell samples of three patients with different haematological malignancies were sent to the 26 participating laboratories twice a year. Here we present the results with respect to the marker analysis and to the immunological diagnosis on 387 samples from 18 patients. A large inter-laboratory variation was seen in the percentage of positive cells for each marker, which influenced the valuation of a marker to be discordant positive in up to 23% and discordant negative in up to 40%. No single major factor could be traced to explain the large variation in the results. However, probably due to the balanced composition of the antibody panel and to the application of the guidelines for interpretation, this variation did not much influence the agreement in immunological diagnosis. In only 13/387 samples (3.3%) differences in the percentage of positive cells caused disagreement in the final diagnosis. In 23 samples (5.9%) the disagreement was due to an incorrect application of the guidelines. Quantitative data of single observations obtained from different laboratories, in which the materials and methods are not standardized, cannot be compared; but standardization of guidelines for marker sets and for interpretation contributes to a high grade of agreement in immunological diagnosis.