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Abstract and Figures

The presence of sarcopenia is not only rapidly rising in geriatric clinical practice and research, but is also becoming a significant concept in numerous medical specialties. This rapidly rising concept has encouraged the need to identify methods on how to treat sarcopenia. For example, physical activity measures using resistance training exercise, combined with nutritional interventions (protein and amino acid supplementation) have shown to significantly improve muscle mass and strength in older persons. Resistance training may improve muscle strength and mass by improving protein synthesis in skeletal muscle cells. Aerobic exercise has also shown to hold beneficial impacts on sarcopenia by improving insulin sensitivity. At the moment, the literature indicates that most significant improvement on sarcopenia is based on exercise programs. Thus, this type of intervention should be implemented in a persistent manner over time in elders, with or at risk of muscle loss. At the same time, physical training exercise should include correcting nutritional deficits with supplementation methods. For example, in older sarcopenic patients with adequate renal function, daily protein intake should be increased to >1. 0 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. In particular, leucine, β-hydroxy β-methylbutyrate (HMB), creatine and some milk-based proteins have been have shown to improve skeletal muscle protein balance. In addition, it is also recommended to correct for vitamin D deficiency, if present, considering the crucial role of vitamin D in skeletal muscle. In this present paper, we will provide evidence regarding the effects of different physical exercise protocols, specific nutritional intervention, and some new metabolic agents (HMB, citrulline malate, ornithine, and others) on clinical outcomes related to sarcopenia in older adults.
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Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2015, 21, 000-000 1
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Treating Sarcopenia in Older and Oldest Old
Anna Maria Martone
*, Fabrizia Lattanzio
, Angela Marie Abbatecola
, Domenico La Carpia
*, Matteo
, Emanuele Marzetti
, Riccardo Calvani
, Graziano Onder
and Francesco Landi
Department of Geriatric, Neurosciences and Orthopaedics, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy;
Direction, Italian National Research Center on Aging (INRCA), Ancona, Italy
Abstract: The presence of sarcopenia is not only rapidly rising in geriatric clinical practice and research, but is also becom-
ing a significant concept in numerous medical specialties. This rapidly rising concept has encouraged the need to identify
methods for treating sarcopenia. Physical activity measures using resistance training exercise, combined with nutritional in-
terventions (protein and amino acid supplementation) have shown to significantly improve muscle mass and strength in
older persons. Moreover, resistance training may improve muscle strength and mass by improving protein synthesis in skele-
tal muscle cells. Aerobic exercise has also shown to hold beneficial impacts on sarcopenia by improving insulin sensitivity.
At the moment, the literature indicates that most significant improvement in sarcopenia is based on exercise programs. Thus,
this type of intervention should be implemented in a persistent manner over time in elders, with or at risk of muscle loss. At
the same time, physical training exercise should include correcting nutritional deficits with supplementation methods. For example, in
older sarcopenic patients with adequate renal function, daily protein intake should be increased to >1. 0 grams of protein per kilogram of
body weight. In particular, leucine, -hydroxy -methylbutyrate (HMB), creatine and some milk-based proteins have been shown to im-
prove skeletal muscle protein balance. In addition, it is also recommended for adjustment of for vitamin D deficiency, if present, consid-
ering the crucial role of vitamin D in the skeletal muscle. In this review, we provide evidence regarding the effects of different physical
exercise protocols, specific nutritional intervention, and some new metabolic agents (HMB, citrulline malate, ornithine, and others) on
clinical outcomes related to sarcopenia in older adults.
Keywords: Aging, sarcopenia, physical exercise, nutritional intervention, medications.
During the aging process, there is a significant loss in spinal
motor neurons (MNs) which is mainly as a result of apoptosis, im-
paired insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) signaling, increased pro-
inflammatory cytokines, especially tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-,
TNF-, interleukin (IL)-6, as well as high concentrations of oxida-
tive stress end products [1-2]. These physiological changes over the
aging process greatly contribute to the progressive decline in skele-
tal muscle mass and consequently muscle strength (sarcopenia).
The most significant decline is observed over the age of 60 years.
From a clinical point of view, sarcopenia leads to functional im-
pairment including poor endurance, slower gait speed and reduced
mobility [3]. In addition, sarcopenia can predict falls, poor quality
of life, disability and mortality [4]. There is now also evidence to
propose that lack of muscle strength, or dynapenia, is an important
factor in compromised well being in old age [3]. This demands
recognition of the concept of muscle quality that is the strength
produced per capacity per unit cross-sectional area. An understand-
ing of the influence of aging on skeletal muscle mass requires atten-
tion to both the changes in muscle size and the changes in muscle
quality. This is particularly important considering the potential
effects of treatments suggested, in term of not only muscle mass
improvement but also functional and physical performance.
Sarcopenia is caused by a reduction in the number and atrophy
of skeletal muscle fibers [5]. There is a significant loss in both type
I and II muscle fibers with a significant decrease in the cross-
sectional area of skeletal muscle fibers, which may be due to re-
duced muscle protein synthesis in old age. These findings indeed,
Address correspondence to this author at the Department of Geriatric,
Neurosciences and Orthopaedics, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore,
Rome, Italy; Tel:/Fax: +39063051911;
*These authors contributed equally to this paper.
reflect an imbalance between anabolic and catabolic mechanisms
accompanying reduced muscle regeneration during advanced aging.
Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry of aging muscle also shows in-
creased collagen and fat deposits [6]. Besides the aging process
itself, many factors may play a significant role in skeletal muscle
decline over aging such as genetic susceptibility, lifestyle, chronic
comorbidities and diverse drug treatments [7-9]. Progressive mus-
cle atrophy leads to impaired mechanical muscle performance, es-
pecially a non-linear loss of maximum muscle strength. The ability
to produce muscular power is significantly reduced compared to
muscle strength [10]. An impairment in mechanical muscle function
leads to reduced functional performance for daily tasks, including
habitual walking, stair climbing and rising from a chair [4]. This
explains why sarcopenia can predict negative outcomes related to
disability (poor balance, walking speed, falls, and fractures). An-
other factor that is responsible for the loss in motor performance is
the physiological change in the neuromuscular and central nervous
system (CNS) that manifests during aging [11].
Neural functional alterations due to apoptosis can be observed
at the peripheral level (losses in axons and motor end plates) as well
as at the spinal level (loss in MNs). In particular, there is a signifi-
cant reduction in both the number and width of large myelinated
MN axons. Interestingly, it has been demonstrated that partially
denervated muscle fibers can be reinnervated by the sprouting of
surrounding surviving motor axons or motor end plates, which
cause extremely large motor units (MUs) [12]. As previously men-
tioned, there is also an age-related alteration in neuromuscular func-
tion which in turn, leads to deficits in MN frequency firing, muscle
agonist activation and antagonist co-activation. All of these factors
account not only for the loss in muscle strength, but also for balance
and coordination impairment. The formation of large MUs affects
fine motor control and force steadiness. Finally, the literature
strongly suggests that age-related decline in muscle IGF-1 may also
play a significant role in developing sarcopenia [13]. IGF-1 pro-
motes myoblast proliferation and differentiation, as well as in-
Francesco Landi
2 Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2015, Vol. 21, No. 00 Martone et al.
creased production in the skeletal muscle through signaling path-
ways including phosphatidylinositol 3 (PI3) and MAP kinases
along with calcineurin.
Physical Activity
Sarcopenia can have serious clinical consequences, thus its
natural course and identifying safe treatment strategies is a crucial
and necessary challenge. Lifestyle interventions including physical
activity programs and specific nutritional supplementations are
currently considered to hold the strongest and safest impact on im-
proving sarcopenia [14-17]. Since the 1980s, several studies have
confirmed that physical exercise is an effective countermeasure
against sarcopenia. Regular physical activity has been shown to
improve overall life expectancy, reduce the risk for physical dis-
abilities and chronic disease progression by improving the physio-
logical effects related to a sedentary lifestyle [18]. However, the
type of physical exercise to be applied in older adults needs to be
clearly defined in order to reduce any type of risk associated with
physical exercise programs in elders. At the moment, the Institute
of Medicine has defined “Physical activity” as all body movements
produced through contraction of skeletal muscles [19].
Physical exercise can be distinguished in: 1) baseline activity;
2) leisure-time physical activity; 3) moderate-intensity physical
activity; and 4) exercise. Baseline activity is defined as light-intense
energy expenditure just above sedentary behavior such as walking
slowly, standing and lifting lightweight objects [19]. According to
this definition, even though individuals with a baseline physical
activity level are above a sedentary lifestyle per se, they are consid-
ered inactive. Any type of physical activity above baseline activity
is considered health enhancing. Leisure-time physical activity is
generally considered aerobic and encompasses all popular leisure
activities such as biking, golfing, etc. Moderate-intensity physical
activity causes a significant rise in the heart rate and respiration. It
requires reaching a moderate level of physical energy related to
one’s personal aerobic capacity [20]. Examples of moderate-
intensity physical activities include brisk walking, dancing and
swimming. Indeed, physical activities have clearly shown to be
associated with beneficial impacts on comorbidities. Lastly, exer-
cise is considered a physical activity that creates specific adapta-
tions in a given physiological system. Exercise is generally planned,
structured and repetitive. It is typically performed to achieve weight
loss, improve health and/or physical fitness.
Types of Exercise
There are different forms of exercise: i) aerobic (endurance), ii)
resistance (strength) training and iii) combined aerobic and resis-
tance [1]. Other forms of exercise also include stretching and bal-
ance exercises. Aerobic exercise is a form of exercise performed
over a lengthy time span (>20 minutes) characterized by repeated
low-force muscle contractions with a low frequency in muscle fiber
activation. Aerobic activity depends primarily on oxygen consump-
tion to meet the energy demands and it enhances body composition,
cardio-respiratory fitness and/or cardio-metabolic health. Resis-
tance exercise is a form of exercise over intermittent time intervals
(< 2-4 min of total work per muscle group) and is characterized by
small high-force muscle contractions working against an applied
load that cause high frequency muscle activation. Resistance train-
ing involves the use of weight machines, dumbbells, and barbells as
resistance sources for improving muscle strength [21]. From a
metabolic point of view, resistance training (also defined as
strength training) relies on anaerobic metabolism, thus it mostly
stimulates glycolytic metabolism and lowers mitochondria density
in muscle cells, while aerobic training increases oxidative metabo-
lism and mitochondrial density. In older persons, strength training
may hold some advantages for improving neuromuscular function
as compared to endurance training by increasing muscle strength
and power [21-25]. Aerobic exercise (walking, jogging or biking)
has a small impact on improving muscle mass and strength [26].
For example, using cross-sectional data, Klitgaard et al., [27] found
that in a large sample of elderly men in different exercise training
programs, elderly weightlifters maintained better muscle mass and
strength as compared to swimmers. Even though the importance of
aerobic exercise in cardio-respiratory capacity is widely recognized,
its use in older patients with sarcopenia may not hold clear evidence
in the presence of chronic comorbidities.
Resistance exercise is designed to improve muscle strength and
mass. Thus, resistance exercise may hold more specific indications
(primary preventive or treatment) for sarcopenia in order to protect
against physical functional declines, disability and early all-cause
mortality in older adults [28-29]. At the moment, low to moderate
intensity physical activity programs on protecting or reducing dis-
ability remain unclear. Moderate-intensity resistance training seems
to lack the significant impact on lean skeletal muscle mass and
reduction in functional decline may manifest only when a high
intensity exercise training program is proposed. Fielding et al., [29]
showed that a training stimulus of a suitable intensity (70-90% of 1-
Repetition Maximum, 1 -RM) produced significant gains in muscle
mass and strength in healthy older individuals [29]. Frontera et al.,
[15] (observed an increase in cross-sectional area muscle of the
mid-thigh of 11. 4% and muscle strength (>100%) at the end of 12
weeks of high intensity training in older men. These authors also
showed that following 12 weeks of progressive resistance training,
a group of adult men (aging 60-72 years) had a 2-3 fold increase in
1-RM leg strength, with an 11% increase in muscle mass [16].
Other authors have investigated if these benefits could be found in
low to moderate physical activity exercise programs. However,
uptile now only a limited number of studies have been able to sup-
port this hypothesis. Resistance training in elderly persons has
shown to produce significant improvements in muscle strength [15-
16, 24, 29]. Even though such improvement is smaller in absolute
terms, percentage increases are similar as compared to younger
adults. In regards to the specific types of resistance training exercise
activities, the use of a standard concentric exercise protocol, which
allows for muscle loads of >1-RM, holds greater potential for mus-
cle strength gains.
Physical Activity: Benefits
Improved clinical outcomes obtained from physical activity
programs are widely known. Many studies have demonstrated how
specific programs of physical activity can improve muscle mass and
muscle strength associated with aging and sarcopenia [17-18, 30].
Their final effect indeed, is to reduce the risk of physical disability.
In the Established Populations for Epidemiologic Studies of the
Elderly (EPESE studies), routine physical activity was associated
with a 3 year reduced risk of mortality [31]. In addition, moderate
to vigorous leisure-time physical activity has been shown to lower
the risk of poor physical functioning and, thus the onset of disabil-
ity [32]. Using data from a standardized geriatric assessment tool, a
moderate physical activity program was an independent prognostic
indicator for community-dwelling elders [33]. Similarly, a cohort of
older Finnish adults undergoing a high level of everyday physical
activity (household chores, walking and gardening) were found to
be associated with significantly smaller reductions in knee exten-
sion strength and grip strength after five years as compared to older
adults in a sedentary lifestyle [34]. The efficacy of physical activity
in preventing disability and/or functional worsening has also been
found in randomized clinical trials (RCT). RCTs have demonstrated
a positive effect of physical activity programs in frail elders. For
example, in the FAST study, a randomized trial conducted among
439 community-dwelling older adults with knee osteoarthritis, self-
reported physical function was associated with a significant en-
hancement in objective physical performance, walking speed and
balance as compared to those in a health education program group
Treating Sarcopenia in Older and Oldest Old Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2015, Vol. 21, No. 00 3
Longitudinal studies have also indicated that regular physical
activity is associated with extended longevity [36-37]. Participating
in a physical activity program even late in the life has shown to
improve functional autonomy and reduce mortality [37]. Physical
exercise encompasses different factors that can stimulate aerobic
metabolism, increase muscle strength, power and mass. Aerobic
exercise training can significantly decrease resting heart rate, in-
crease VO2 max, improve endothelial and baroreflex function, and
reduce the arterial stiffness. Resistance exercise training can im-
prove muscle strength, power and endurance and has shown to im-
prove physical performance tasks related to everyday activities such
as walking, standing from a chair and balance. Indeed, the combina-
tion of aerobic and resistance training should be considered funda-
mental for preventing and managing numerous chronic comorbid-
ities often present in sarcopenic elders [32]. Progressive resistance
training is considered effective and safe against sarcopenia even in
very old geriatric patients. Binder et al., studied the effects of resis-
tance training on 91 community-dwelling subjects with frailty syn-
drome (greater than 78 years of age) in a RCT [38]. These authors
observed that after 3 months of supervised progressive resistance
training, there were significant improvements in maximal voluntary
thigh muscle strength and whole body fat-free mass. Muscle
strength enhancements (up to >50% strength gain) usually manifest
after 6 weeks of resistance training at a rhythm of 2-3 sessions per
week [32]. Therefore, age should not be considered a barrier to the
improvements in muscle mass and function following resistance
exercise. Specific resistance exercise programs from RCT have
proven to be relatively safe even in the presence of comorbidities,
and can protect against falls, disability and losses in personal inde-
pendence [38-39].
Considering the confirmatory findings from these reports, spe-
cific exercise programs are needed for elderly patients. However,
the type of exercise program for disease prevention and treatment
needs to be clearly defined, especially in frail elders. For example,
even though most studies suggest that resistance training can be
performed safely in an elderly population, it does not hold indica-
tions for use in patients with congestive heart failure because of a
potential negative impact on left ventricular function [28]. Stretch-
ing and balance exercises are indicated in elderly people at high risk
for falls and/or with mobility disability. Positive effects of exercise
on physical function may be mediated by a direct effect on muscle
strength, cardio-respiratory function and balance [40]. From a
physiological point of view, regular exercise improves aerobic ca-
pacity of the patient, his muscle strength and endurance. The down-
regulation of inflammatory system during physical activity may
also play an important role in preventing physical impairment and
disability. Regular physical activity programs have shown to lower
C-reactive protein (CRP) and IL-6 in both younger adult and eld-
erly population studies [41]. For example, the Lifestyle Interven-
tions and Independence for Elders (LIFE) trial showed that greater
physical activity was associated with a significant reduction in pro-
inflammatory cytokine, IL-6, in elderly individuals, and this reduc-
tion was particularly found in those at a greater risk of disability
[42]. In addition, several smaller trials have shown a positive effect
of aerobic exercise training on reducing CRP and IL-6 in adults and
older persons [43-44]. Therefore, even though the effect of physical
activity on reducing pro-inflammatory biomarkers seems obvious,
whether this reduction could protect against negative outcomes
related to health conditions associated with inflammation was not
Physical Activity: Guidelines
The main modifiable risk factor for sarcopenia is sedentary
lifestyle behavior. Sedentary behavior is defined as a range of ac-
tivities with energy expenditure 1. 5 times the energy expenditure
at rest [45]. In other terms, sedentary behavior (essentially time
spent sitting or lying down) increases with advancing age. It has
been shown that the effects of a sedentary lifestyle are a loss of
muscle mass and muscle strength results in muscle weakness and a
vicious cycle begins with a further reduction in activity levels. Sed-
entary behavior is a risk factor for numerous chronic diseases and
mortality among older adults [46-47]. Recommendations for adult
and older people include combined endurance and strength exer-
cises, performed on a regular schedule (at least 3 days per week). It
is important to underline that individual targets should be analyzed
to provide the best type of exercise program necessary, especially in
the presence of pre-existing medical conditions.
General Recommendations
Start slowly: Start any type of activity should be initiated using
a short time span with low intensity to gradually increase in order to
minimize the risk of injury. In addition, if any changes in health
status occur, activity plans should be re-evaluated [19].
Warm-Up And Cool Down: These activities are considered of
extreme importance before (warm-up) and after physical activity
(cool down) especially for older persons. They typically differ from
the real training for slower speed or lower intensity. These exercises
allow to gradually modify an individual’s heart rate and/or breath-
ing. For example, a warm-up with aerobic activity consists of short
intervals of low-intensity movements (for example, walking for 5
minutes) [19]. Any type of training program should be individual-
ized according to the presence of pre-existing chronic conditions,
fall risk, individual abilities and fitness. Muscle strengthening pro-
grams and/or balance training should be considered before aerobic
training in older persons with frailty syndrome.
Recommendations For Aerobic Exercise
ACSM/AHA recommendations [20, 48] for aerobic exercise in
older adults place a great emphasis on general health promotion.
The main suggestions are achieving routine aerobic physical activ-
ity and exercise patterns. Older adults are encouraged to perform
30-60 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per day (150-
300 minutes per week), or at least 20-30 min per day (75-150 min
per week) of vigorous intensity. Exercise should be performed at
least three days/week. Exercise sessions should last a minimum of
10 minutes for intermittent aerobic activity. Every session should
reach at least a total energy expenditure of 150/250 Kcal. Activities
such as fast walking, swimming and biking are usually well toler-
ated in older individuals without frailty.
Recommendations For Resistance Exercise
The current ACSM/AHA guidelines suggest to perform resis-
tance training on two or more non-consecutive days per week, using
a single set of 8-10 exercises and at a moderate (5-6 of the rating of
perceived exertion out of 10) to vigorous (7-8 of the rating of per-
ceived exertion out of 10) level of effort that allows 8-12 repetitions
[20, 48]. Prescription of resistance exercise should include a train-
ing period (1-2 times per week) in order to allow older adults to
safely learn at low dosage with minimal sets. Following this period,
a gradual increase in training dosage allows improvements in
strength and mass. Progression in resistance exercise should be
done according to the following: i) gradual intensity increase from
moderate to vigorous; ii) gradual increase in the number of sets
from a single set to as many as three or four sets per muscle group;
iii) gradual decrease in the number of repetitions performed with a
progressively heavier loading. Lower extremity functioning has
shown to be strongly associated with clinical outcomes and mortal-
ity, which may be explained by loss in muscle mass and strength.
Thus, it is essential to identify a training program with specific
focus on improvements of lower extremity mass and strength to
enhance overall functional abilities. In regard to flexibility and
stretching, the ACSM recommends that flexibility exercises should
be performed at least two days per week, ten minutes per day from
moderate to intense including exercises involving areas of the neck,
shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee and ankle [48].
4 Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2015, Vol. 21, No. 00 Martone et al.
Nutritional Supplementation
Anorexia of aging, defined as loss of appetite and/or reduction
of food intake, can lead to muscle wasting, decreased immuno-
competence, depression and an increased rate of disease complica-
tions. In particular, a reduction in food intake along with an exer-
cise decline leads to significant losses in muscle mass and strength
[49]. Anorexia is strongly associated with a higher risk of quantita-
tive malnutrition due to low-calorie intake. On the other hand, ano-
rexia - especially in the early stage - may be correlated with a high
risk of qualitative low intake of single nutrients, in particular, pro-
tein and vitamins [49]. It could be hypothesized that this selective
malnutrition - for example, in terms of single macro- or micronutri-
ents - is directly correlated with the onset of sarcopenia. Sarcopenia
is mainly associated with atrophy of type II skeletal muscle fibers,
which are mainly involved in producing strength. Muscle composi-
tion and function are regulated by muscle protein turnover rate. A
loss in muscle protein synthesis may be due to many factors includ-
ing an inadequate nutritional intake, a deficit in post-absorptive
protein synthesis and due to an erroneous response to nutrients,
especially amino acids [50]. It has been shown that physical exer-
cise and oral nutritional supplementation may improve muscle mass
through different mechanisms (Fig. 1).
Amino Acids
Many studies investigated muscle anabolic responses following
an oral or intravenous intake of amino acid mixtures in the adult
and elderly persons [51-52]. These duties reported, in view of un-
changed protein breakdown, a large increase in muscle protein syn-
thesis with an associated reduction in protein turnover rate inde-
pendently of the type of mixture. These findings suggest that mus-
cle protein anabolism may be increased by a high amino acid dis-
posal, thus underlining the importance related to the quantity of
amino acids intake. This finding confirms that low doses of protein
intake do not stimulate muscle protein synthesis as compared to
higher doses [53], which may also be influenced by an impaired
response to insulin [54]. These data indicate that a threshold exists
for protein synthesis production. In addition, this threshold in-
creases over the aging process and in the presence of pro-
inflammation. In light of this, many authors have investigated if the
dietary protein requirement differs between the young and older
adults in order to identify the needed amount of protein intake in
elderly persons [55]. These studies demonstrate that the protein
requirement is increased in aged individuals, especially during bed
rest. Currently, it is suggested to maintain a daily protein intake of
0. 89 g/kg/d and 1. 3-1. 6 g/kg/d in case of bed rest to a maximum
of 2. 2 g/Kg/d in order to avoid renal function reduction [56]. Be-
sides the quantity of protein, it seems important to reach the great-
est protein availability through the best protein digestion rate which
depends on the daily protein feeding pattern and on the quality of
proteins (in particular, the content in essential amino acids). With
regard to the first concept, it has been shown that an intermittent
protein intake pattern may improve protein retention in elderly pa-
tients and that this effect persists several days after the end of diet
[57]. This persistent effect may be due to the combination of high
carbohydrates and low protein meals, which reduces protein break-
down because they induce postprandial hyperinsulinemia. Consid-
ering that the ingestion of a large quantity of proteins (90 grams) in
a single meal is not able to enhance the anabolic response more
than a moderate quantity (30 grams), most experts suggest a daily
protein distribution of 30 g at each meal. Furthermore, in order to
stimulate muscle protein anabolism, it is important to consume
protein mixtures that are rapidly absorbed. Whey proteins have a
high and fast absorption as compared to casein, which is considered
a slow” protein. Bovine milk contains a mixture of whey and ca-
sein proteins and this combination has been hypothesized to pro-
mote both rapid and sustained muscle protein synthesis as well as
muscle breakdown reduction. Interestingly, milk ingestion increases
muscle protein synthesis [58], especially during resistance exercise
Leucine, a branched chain amino acid, is an essential amino
acid and modulates muscle metabolism. Leucine stimulates muscle
anabolism through the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)
which is a regulator of leucine effects on mRNA translation needed
for skeletal muscle protein synthesis. Leucine also interacts with
proteolytic mechanisms by attenuating skeletal muscle breakdown.
Katsanos et al. [59] compared the effects of a single dose of
branched chain amino acid with different amount of leucine on
postprandial protein synthesis in elderly subjects. These authors
found that subjects supplemented with higher dose had a signifi-
cantly higher protein synthesis as compared to the subjects supple-
mented with lower doses. These data suggested that leucine sup-
plementation could be an effective approach for treating sarcopenia,
but further studies are still required needed. Recently, there is in-
creasing interest on the impact of other amino acids or their me-
tabolites on muscle protein synthesis, such as HMB, citrulline
malate, ornithine alpha - ketoglutarate.
eta Hydroxy eta Methylbutyrate (HMB)
HMB is an amino acid metabolite, which modulates protein
degradation through the inhibition of caspase-8, a protein impli-
cated in cellular apoptosis. HMB has also been shown to directly
upregulate protein synthesis by activating the mTOR signaling
pathway and promote muscle tissue response to endogenous growth
hormones such as IGF-1 [60]. It has been demonstrated that HMB
alone or in combination with other amino acids, increased protein
rates by approximately 20% [61]. Such increase was associated
with improved muscle mass and strength, as well as physical per-
formance at 3 grams per day. These data suggest that HMB repre-
sents a safe and useful oral nutritional supplement for elderly sar-
copenic patients.
Citrulline Malate
Citrulline malate supplementation, a combination of an amino
acid implicated in urea cycle and a tricarboxylic acid that incre-
ments arginine levels. Arginine produces nitric oxide which, in
turn, controls many skeletal muscle physiological functions, such as
mitochondriogenesis, muscle repair through satellite cell activation,
contractile functions, glucose uptake and oxidation [62]. Recently,
study was conducted to assess the benefits of citrulline malate sup-
plementation in high intensity anaerobic performance (flat barbell
bench press), which showed a significant improvement in physical
performance (increased number of repetitions) in the citrulline
malate group compared with placebo [62]. Even though these find-
ings are encouraging for oral supplementation with citrulline malate
in improving physical performance, additional studies in older frail
persons are needed.
Ornithine Alpha-Ketoglutarate
Ornithine alpha-ketoglutarate (OAK), a precursor of amino
acids such as glutamine and arginine, could represent an effective
nutritional supplement in sarcopenia because OAK stimulates insu-
lin secretion. A recent study testing the impact of OAK supplemen-
tation in malnourished elderly participants found positive effects on
weight and body mass index [63]. Further studies are needed to
assess potential effects on elderly without nutritional problems.
Essential Fatty Acids
The role of essential fatty acids (omega- 3 and omega- 6) in
muscle metabolism has been recently reported. In particular omega-
6 fatty acids, such as linoleic acid found in corn and sunflower oils,
may promote the development of sarcopenia because they are the
precursor for eicosanoids [64]. Recent studies have demonstrated
Treating Sarcopenia in Older and Oldest Old Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2015, Vol. 21, No. 00 5
that a high ratio of omega-6/omega-3 can cause higher levels of IL-
6, which interferes with IGF-1 mediated processes by blocking the
protein p70s60k phosphorylation necessary for protein synthesis
activation [65]. On the contrary, omega-3 fatty acids including lino-
lenic acid and its metabolic products, such as eicosapentaenoic acid
and docosahexaenic acid found in fish oil, promote muscle anabo-
lism. In a recent study conducted in 3000 older adults, higher con-
sumptions of fish oil were found to be associated with stronger grip
strength [66].
Vitamin D
Vitamin D deficiency is a very common condition among older
adults caused by reduced sunshine exposure, decreased kidney ab-
sorption and a reduced expression of Vitamin D receptors. Vitamin
D is considered to play a pivotal role both in bone and skeletal
muscle metabolism. In muscle tissue, vitamin D modulates: i) gene
expression of IGF-1 factor-binding protein-3, ii) calcium channels
of muscle membrane fibers, and iii) holds a neurotrophic effect on
nerve conduction [67]. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with
muscle atrophy, reduced muscular strength and power, impaired
balance and consequent increased risk of recurrent falls and frac-
tures [68]. Many studies have explored the effects of vitamin D
supplementation on muscle mass and function. Sato et al., [69]
investigated the impact of a period of vitamin D prolonged supple-
mentation of 1000 UI (3-6 months) and found that such a supple-
mentation was associated with an increase in the size of type II
muscle fibers. Interestingly, other authors have also shown benefi-
cial effects of vitamin D supplementation on muscle strength and
falls [70-71]. Therefore, vitamin D supplementation should be con-
sidered an effective approach toward preventing and treating sarco-
penia in older persons. Currently, there are strong recommendations
to measure vitamin D plasma levels in elderly people, especially
nursing home residents, and to begin daily oral supplementation
(700-1000 UI) in patients with levels < 40nmol/l [72]. Considering
the strong role played by both vitamin D and physical activity in
muscle mass and strength, their use in combination may represent
an ideal strategy for treating sarcopenia.
Angiotensin-Converting-Enzyme inhibitors (ACE inhibitors)
There is a strong evidence that ACE-inhibitors have positive
direct effects on muscle composition and function. For example,
their use in patients with congestive heart failure promoted the shift
from type I to type II muscle fibers [73]. ACE inhibitors also hold
an anti-inflammatory effect, as seen by lower levels of IL-6 and
TNF- plasma concentrations during treatment [74]. Furthermore,
ACE-inhibitors can modulate the GH/IGF-1 pathway, which re-
duces angiotensin-II induced muscle loss [75]. The effects of ACE-
inhibitors on muscle performance measures have been tested by
various studies. Di Bari et al., [76] conducted a study in over 2000
older persons and found that muscle mass was preserved in those
using ACE-inhibitors. Another report demonstrated a significant
improvement in physical performance measures (including the 6-
minute walking test) in older patients using ACE-inhibitors com-
pared to placebo [77]. In conclusion, ACE-inhibitors seem to repre-
sent a promising approach in order to reduce muscle loss but further
evidence is required.
There is substantial literature that statins may hold a positive
effect on skeletal muscle and physical performance. Statins may
improve muscle weakness and fatigue by improving endothelial
function through nitric oxide release, thus preventing muscle wast-
ing [78]. Statins may also prevent sarcopenia by reducing inflam-
mation. Indeed there is evidence of cholesterol-independent actions,
namely "pleiotropic effects" of statin use on endothelial function
including anti-oxidation and anti-inflammatory effects, modulation
of immune activation and atherosclerotic plaque stabilization, de-
creased platelet activation, cytokine-mediated vascular smooth
muscle cell proliferation [79]. In any case, it is important to under-
line that statin use has been associated with adverse effects on
skeletal muscle mass [80]. These effects may be related to lower
aerobic exercise tolerance caused by impaired mitochondrial func-
tion, decreased mitochondrial content and apoptotic pathways. In a
longitudinal study performed in community-dwelling older adults,
treatment with statins was associated with greater decline in
strength and increases the risk of falls [81]. Therefore, statin use in
sarcopenia older persons seems to remain limited.
It is widely known that testosterone levels gradually decline in
aging men and such decline has been observed to be associated with
losses in muscle mass, strength and function. Basic research con-
firms that testosterone administration prevents sarcopenia in hy-
pogonadic men. The anabolic effects of testosterone include reduc-
ing protein breakdown [82] and increasing size of both types I and
II fibers. Testosterone also holds positive effects on motor neurons
by promoting nerve regeneration following traumatic damage. A
recent study tested the effects of testosterone administration in frail
older men and found a significant increase in lean muscle mass,
strength and physical performance measures [83]. Unfortunately,
use of testosterone in clinical practice is limited due to common
side effects, such as prostate cancer, increased cardiovascular
events, peripheral edema, gynecomastia, polycythemia and sleep
apnea. Recent evidence suggests the use of testosterone in men with
low serum testosterone levels to improve muscle strength [84].
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)
Studies have found variable results regarding the effects of
DHEA supplementation on muscle mass and function in older
adults. For example, some investigations conducted in aged men
and women found that DHEA supplementation increased bone
density, testosterone and estradiol levels, but it did not affect mus-
cle size, strength, or function [85]. Improvements in strength and
function may require a combination of DHEA and exercise, al-
though this result was not observed in all studies. A recent review
by Baker et al., [86] showed that the benefits of DHEA on muscle
strength and physical function in older adults remain uncertain.
Significant impact of DHEA on physical function or performance
measures was not observed. Even though DHEA supplementation
has shown to improve bone mineral density and sex hormone lev-
els, it has not shown to significantly impact markers of sarcopenia
(mass and strength).
Ghrelin is a gastric peptide hormone in response to fasting and
it regulates the sensation of hunger through melanocortin receptor
antagonism. It stimulates the release of GH through the activation
of GH secretagogue receptor. Ghrelin concentrations have been
reported to be related with muscle mass [87], but very few studies
had been conducted in older people. Therefore, it is not currently a
valid option for sarcopenia prevention or treatment in older persons.
The use of creatine has been recently proposed for the preven-
tion and treatment of sarcopenia [88]. Even though there is evi-
dence for the impact of creatine supplementation on sarcopenia in
middle-aged and older adults, there are conflicting results. For ex-
ample, improved muscle mass and strength in older adults were
found in those using creatine supplementation in combination with
resistance training [89]. However, another recent report did not find
any enhancements with creatine supplementation on mass, total
body mass, or upper extremity strength [90]. Based on these con-
flicting results, creatine supplementation is not recommended for
treating sarcopenia in older adults [91].
6 Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2015, Vol. 21, No. 00 Martone et al.
Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators
Synthetic androgen modulators such as Selective Androgen
Receptor Modulators (SARMs) are potential alternatives to testos-
terone treatment. SARMs have the same anabolic effect on muscle
tissue as testosterone, but they do not have the same side effects
because of their improved tissue selectivity [92-93]. The first trials
testing SARMs for physical performance outcomes have shown
promising results. Treatment with Enobosarm has been associated
with increases in lean body mass and stair climbing ability, without
virilizing effects, in healthy older men and women and in patients
with cancer cachexia [94]. However, another trial testing 6 month
treatment with MK-0773 was found to be associated with increases
in lean body mass, but not in muscle strength or physical perform-
ance in older women with sarcopenia and mobility limitations [95].
Another trial testing SARM, LGD-4033, showed increased lean
body mass without affecting PSA levels in healthy young men [96].
As suggested by these initial trials, these agents may offer an im-
portant potential for future clinical indications in sarcopenia.
Combination of a specific physical exercise protocol and an
adequate intake of amino acids may represent the best strategy to
prevent and treat sarcopenia in older persons. Furthermore, even
though several promising pharmacological approaches are currently
under investigation, there are not any uses they are not yet available
for treating sarcopenia in older frail persons in the clinical practice.
The authors confirm that this article content has no conflict of
The study was partly supported by grants of the Italian Ministry
for Education, Universities and Research (MIUR linea D1 2012
and MIUR linea D3 2014).
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Received: October 31, 2014 Accepted: January 26, 2015
... older people, it is definitely more important to prevent the gradual loss of skeletal muscle mass, function and strength, rather than actually gaining muscle mass. Exercise is the best intervention for preventing and even managing sarcopenia [53], and this should be started as early as possible [54]. If there is the addition of appropriate nutritional support, the improvement of sarcopenia is more effective [55]. ...
Gynaecological cancers (GCs) comprise a group of cancers that originate in the female reproductive organs. Each GC is unique, with different signs and symptoms, risk factors and therapeutic strategies. Worldwide, the majority of GCs are still associated with high mortality rates, especially ovarian, due to difficulty in early detection. Despite numerous studies on the underlying pathophysiology, research in the field of GCs poses unique scientific and technological challenges. These challenges require a concerted multi- and inter-disciplinary effort by the clinical, scientific and research communities to accelerate the advancement of prognostic, diagnostic, and therapeutic approaches. Sarcopenia is a multifactorial disease which leads to the systemic loss of skeletal muscle mass and function. It can be caused by malignancies, as well as due to malnutrition, physical inactivity, ageing and neuromuscular, inflammatory, and/or endocrine diseases. Anorexia and systemic inflammation can shift the metabolic balance of patients with cancer cachexia towards catabolism of skeletal muscle, and hence sarcopenia. Therefore, sarcopenia is considered as an indicator of poor general health status, as well as the possible indicator of advanced cancer. There is a growing body of evidence showing the prognostic significance of sarcopenia in various cancers, including GCs. This review will outline the clinical importance of sarcopenia in patients with GCs.
... • Lifestyle factors: a reduced physical activity across life, sedentary behavior, a reduction in food intake, particularly low protein ingestion, alcohol and tobacco abuse are all factors associated with sarcopenia [31,33]. • Inflammation and hormonal factors: disturbances in several hormonal pathways are common with aging and are associated with a reduction in muscle mass [34]. Chronic inflammation and mitochondrial dysfunction in myocytes, two hallmarks of aging, are also deeply involved in the pathogenesis of sarcopenia [35][36][37]. ...
... 18,19,20 Resistance training can increase muscle strength and mass. 21,22,23 However, the application of generalized exercise benefits to older adults with anorexia of aging is less clear due to a lack of sufficient evidence. 6,24 Although commonly recommended to older adults with anorexia, the practice of physical exercises did not result in any benefit according to a systematic review. ...
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Background Anorexia of aging is a common geriatric syndrome that includes loss of appetite and/or reduced food intake, with associated undernutrition, unintended weight loss, sarcopenia, functional decline, loss of independence and other adverse health outcomes. Anorexia of aging can have multiple and severe consequences and is often overlooked by healthcare professionals (HCPs). Even more concerningly, clinicians commonly accept anorexia of aging as an inevitable part of ‘normal’ aging. The aim of this assessment was to identify current gaps in professional knowledge and practice in identifying and managing older persons with anorexia. Results may guide educational programmes to fill the gaps identified and therefore improve patient outcomes. Methods This international assessment was conducted using a mixed‐methods approach, including focus group interviews with subject matter experts and an electronic survey of practicing HCPs. The assessment was led by the Society on Sarcopenia, Cachexia and Wasting Disorders (SCWD) and was supported by in‐country collaborating organizations. Results A quantitative survey of 26 multiple‐choice questions was completed by physicians, dietitians and other HCPs ( n = 1545). Most HCPs (56.8%) recognize a consistent definition of anorexia of aging as a loss of appetite and/or low food intake. Cognitive changes/dementia (91%) and dysphagia (87%) are seen as the biggest risk factors. Most respondents were confident to give nutritional (62%) and physical activity (59.4%) recommendations and engaged caregivers such as family members in supporting older adults with anorexia (80.6%). Most clinicians assessed appetite at each visit (66.7%), although weight is not measured at every visit (41.5%). Apart from the Mini‐Nutritional Assessment Short Form (39%), other tools to screen for appetite loss are not frequently used or no tools are used at all (29.4%). A high number of respondents (38.7%) believe that anorexia is a normal part of aging. Results show that treatment is focused on swallowing disorders (78%), dentition issues (76%) and increasing oral intake (fortified foods [75%] and oral nutritional supplements [74%]). Nevertheless, the lack of high‐quality evidence is perceived as a barrier to optimal treatment (49.2%). Conclusions Findings from this international assessment highlight the challenges in the care of older adults with or at risk for anorexia of aging. Identifying professional practice gaps between individual HCPs and team‐based gaps can provide a basis for healthcare education that is addressed at root causes, targeted to specific audiences and developed to improve individual and team practices that contribute to improving patient outcomes.
... Additionally, L-Ornithine is vital in supporting muscle growth and repair, reducing fat, improving muscle quality, and enhancing exercise capacity in skeletal muscles [64]. The combination of L-Ornithine and L-Arginine stimulates growth hormone release, supporting growth in children with congenital or nutritional deficiencies and suppressing sarcopenia development in older adults [64,76]. Furthermore, L-Ornithine plays a critical role in creatine metabolism, a key molecule for muscle energy production, thereby contributing to improved muscle quality and exercise capacity [77]. ...
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Extracellular vesicles (EVs) play an important role in human and bovine milk composition. According to excellent published studies, it also exerts various functions in the gut, bone, or immune system. However, the effects of milk-derived EVs on skeletal muscle growth and performance have yet to be fully explored. Firstly, the current study examined the amino acids profile in human milk EVs (HME) and bovine milk EVs (BME) using targeted metabolomics. Secondly, HME and BME were injected in the quadriceps of mice for four weeks (1 time/3 days). Then, related muscle performance, muscle growth markers/pathways, and amino acids profile were detected or measured by grip strength analysis, rotarod performance testing, Jenner-Giemsa/H&E staining, Western blotting, and targeted metabolomics, respectively. Finally, HME and BME were co-cultured with C2C12 cells to detect the above-related indexes and further testify relative phenomena. Our findings mainly demonstrated that HME and BME significantly increase the diameter of C2C12 myotubes. HME treatment demonstrates higher exercise performance and muscle fiber densities than BME treatment. Besides, after KEGG and correlation analyses with biological function after HME and BME treatment, results showed L-Ornithine acts as a “notable marker” after HME treatment to affect mouse skeletal muscle growth or functions. Otherwise, L-Ornithine also significantly positively correlates with the activation of the AKT/mTOR pathway and myogenic regulatory factors (MRFs) and can also be observed in muscle and C2C12 cells after HME treatment. Overall, our study not only provides a novel result for the amino acid composition of HME and BME, but the current study also indicates the advantage of human milk on skeletal muscle growth and performance.
... Latihan aerobik juga bermanfaat untuk regimen terapi sarkopenia dengan memperbaiki sensitivitas insulin. Dengan demikian intervensi berupa latihan fisik direkomendasikan untuk diimplementasikan secara teratur pada lansia, dengan atau tanpa risiko sarkopenia (Martone et al. 2015). ...
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The increase in human life expectancy has led to an increase in the number of older adults worldwide, including in Indonesia. The aging population raises sarcopenia as a further problem in geriatric medicine. Sarcopenia is a syndrome characterized by progressive skeletal muscle mass and strength loss. This syndrome is associated with reduced quality of life, increased risk of falls, and even death. Physical exercise is the only effective intervention strategy. Therefore, we designed this community service program for socializing the healthy lifestyle of the elderly with one focus on physical exercise as a promotive, preventive, and curative effort on the incidence of sarcopenia in the elderly. The method chosen was socialization and educating fifty-two pre-elderly and elderly target partners regarding the healthy lifestyle for the older adults and elderly exercise activities as stimulation. The "Let's Move!" campaign that has been implemented can socialize and increase the knowledge of target partners regarding sarcopenia and physical exercise as an intervention for prevention and treatment. The formulation of the main guidelines for safe exercise for the elderly can be useful for target partners who generally already have one type of condition that limits their ability to carry out activities of daily living.
... • Lifestyle factors: a reduced physical activity across life, sedentary behavior, a reduction in food intake, particularly low protein ingestion, alcohol and tobacco abuse are all factors associated with sarcopenia [31,33]. • Inflammation and hormonal factors: disturbances in several hormonal pathways are common with aging and are associated with a reduction in muscle mass [34]. Chronic inflammation and mitochondrial dysfunction in myocytes, two hallmarks of aging, are also deeply involved in the pathogenesis of sarcopenia [35][36][37]. ...
During the last decade, sarcopenia has become one of the hottest topics in geriatrics. Sarcopenia is a major challenge in geriatrics due to its association with numerous negative health-related outcomes, such as falls, fractures, disability, loss of independence, need for long-term care placement, reduced quality of life, and death. The theoretical construct of sarcopenia as a generalized disorder of skeletal muscle tissue, which involves a reduction in muscle mass and muscle function, is widely accepted. Yet, its practical implementation is hampered by the existence of multiple and only partly overlapping operational definitions. As a result, sarcopenia remains very often underdiagnosed and, consequently, undertreated in daily practice. No drugs are currently recommended for the prevention or treatment of sarcopenia. On the other hand, evidence has accumulated on the efficacy of non-pharmacological treatments for the management of sarcopenia, above all physical exercise and nutritional interventions.
... Some authors suggest that sarcopenia is a risk factor for frailty [35,37]. Furthermore, sarcopenia and malnutrition are also linked as nutritional supplementation has been shown to improve the latter, in addition to physical activity which is the basis of sarcopenia management [38]. In summary, malnutrition, sarcopenia and frailty are interrelated but remain distinct entities. ...
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Purpose of review: To highlight the importance of frailty assessment in thoracic surgery patients. Recent findings: Frailty results from an accelerated loss of functional reserve associated with ageing and leads to increased vulnerability following surgery. It is a complex and multidimensional syndrome involving physiological and psychosocial systems. Frailty is a separate entity from comorbidities and disabilities. Frailty is associated with an increased risk of complications and a higher mortality rate after thoracic surgery. Patients can easily be screened for frailty and frail patients can benefit from further assessment of all areas of frailty secondarily. Prehabilitation and rehabilitation can help limit frailty-related complications after thoracic surgery. Summary: Frailty should be part of the routine preoperative evaluation for thoracic surgery. Frailty must be considered in assessing eligibility for surgery and in planning prehabilitation and rehabilitation if necessary.
... In addition to anti-osteoporotic therapy, the prevention and treatment of muscle mass loss are also crucial. Hence, a combination of nutritional guidance and resistance exercise focused on back muscles should be encouraged before and after surgery (28). Exercise therapy is one of the most effective ways to increase muscle mass and strength. ...
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Background To investigate the relationship between paraspinal lean muscle mass and adjacent vertebral compression fracture (AVCF) after percutaneous kyphoplasty (PKP) for osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture (OVCF).Methods The data of 272 patients who underwent two consecutive single-level PKP in our hospital from January 2017 to December 2019 were collected. 42 patients who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria were selected as AVCF group, and 42 propensity score-matched patients were selected as control group. There were 10 males and 32 females in each group; the ages were 75.55 ± 5.76 years and 75.60 ± 5.87 years, respectively. All patients underwent preoperative lumbar MRI. The total cross-sectional area (CSA), functional cross-sectional area (FCSA), cross-sectional area of vertebra index (CSA-VI), functional cross-sectional area of vertebra index (FCSA-VI) of the multifidus (MF), erector spinae (ES), psoas (PS), and paravertebral muscles (PVM) were measured. Other related parameters included preoperative bone mineral density (BMD), kyphotic angle (KA), anterior-to-posterior body height ratio (AP ratio), vertebral height restoration, and cement leakage into the disc. Logistic regression analysis was performed to find independent risk factors for AVCF using the parameters that were statistically significant in univariate analysis.ResultsAt L3 and L4 levels, the mean CSA, FCSA, and FCSA-VI of MF, ES, PVM and PS were significantly lower in the AVCF group. DeLong test indicated that the AUC of ES (0.806 vs. 0.900) and PVM (0.861 vs. 0.941) of FCSA-VI at L4 level were significantly greater than L3 level. In the AVCF group, patients had a significantly lower BMD (93.55 ± 14.99 HU vs. 106.31 ± 10.95 HU), a greater preoperative KA (16.02° ± 17.36° vs. 12.87° ± 6.58°), and a greater vertebral height restoration rate (20.4% ± 8.1% vs. 16.4% ± 10.0%, p = 0.026). Logistic regression analysis showed that PVM with lower FCSA-VI at L4 level (OR 0.830; 95% CI 0.760–0.906) and lower BMD (OR 0.928; 95% CI 0.891–0.966) were independent risk factors for AVCF after PKP.Conclusions Low paraspinal lean muscle mass is an independent risk factor for AVCF after PKP. Surgeons should pay attention to evaluate the status of paraspinal muscle preoperatively. Postoperative reasonable nutrition, standardized anti-osteoporosis treatment, and back muscle exercise could reduce the incidence of AVCF.
... The first reviews reporting progressive machine-based resistance training for older people were published in the late 2000s. Based on the results of several reviews conducted within the last ten years, resistance training of a suitable intensity (70-90% of one repetition maximum (1RM)) was established as the most promising treatment of sarcopenia (Martone et al., 2015). Most analysed younger people, aged 65-80 years, as they are easier to attain and to train compared to older people Liu and Latham, 2009). ...
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The muscle disease sarcopenia, which is characterised by a loss of muscle strength, muscle quantity, and physical performance, restricts mobility and independence in an ageing society. The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis is to analyse the effects that long-term progressive resistance training interventions performed on weight machines have on sarcopenia (European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People) and how the interventions are composed. In total, 779 articles published between 2000 and 2020 were scanned (PubMed, Web of Science, CINAHL) and 14 randomised controlled trials were included within the review. Populations, interventions, control groups and outcomes were analysed. Subsequent meta-analysis (10 studies, 902 participants) revealed that the time needed in a chair-stand-test, as an indicator for leg strength, was predominantly reduced, whereas grip strength remained unchanged after the interventions. Data concerning the effects of machine-based progressive resistance training on muscle quantity were insufficient for meta-analysis. Physical performance measured by undergoing the Timed-Up-and-Go-test, gait speed test, Short Physical Performance Battery and 6 min-walk-test improved significantly as well. The quality of evidence (GRADE) in the analysed studies was low or moderate. In summary, machine-based progressive resistance training has the potential to reverse sarcopenia in the oldest old, as reflected by enhanced muscle strength and physical performance. The systematic review revealed promising initial results for muscle quantity.
The aim of this study was to analyse the acute effects of velocity-based resistance training on the physical and functional performance of older adults. Twenty participants (70.4 ± 7.4 years) performed the deadlift exercise, in two different resistance training protocols. The moderate-velocity protocol (MV) predicted maximum loads so that the movement velocity during the concentric phase remained in the range of 0.5 to 0.7 m/s and the high-velocity protocol (HV) predicted maximum loads so that the movement velocity remained between 0.8 and 1.0 m/s. The jump height (cm), handgrip strength (kg), and time (s) to complete the functional tests were assessed before (baseline), and immediately (post), 24-h, and 48-h after the MV and HV protocols. Compared to baseline, both training protocols acutely led to a gradual reduction in walking velocity, with significant values 24 hours after training (p = 0.044), on the other hand, both protocols improved performance in the timed up and go test at post (p < 0.001) and in the sit-to-stand test at 48-h (p = 0.024), although there were no significant differences between them for any times analysed (p > 0.05). No other outcomes exhibited significant changes. Results indicate that neither of the protocols (MV and HV) led to significant impairments in physical function of the older adults, and can be recommended with the safety criterion of at least 48-h of rest between sessions.
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Early in cold acclimation (1–7 days), heat is produced by shivering,while late in cold acclimation (12–45 days), skeletal muscle contributes to thermogenesis by tissue metabolism other than contractions. Given that both thermogenic phases augment skeletal muscle aerobic power and reactive species production, we aimed in this study to examine possible changes in skeletal muscle antioxidative defence (AD) during early and late cold acclimation with special emphasis on the influence of the l-arginine/nitric oxide(NO)-producing pathway on the modulation of AD in this tissue. Adult Mill Hill hybrid hooded rat males were divided into two main groups: a control group,which was kept at room temperature (22±1°C), and a group maintained at 4±1°C for 45 days. The cold-acclimated group was divided into three subgroups: untreated, l-arginine treated and Nω-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester(l-NAME) treated. The AD parameters were determined in the gastrocnemius muscle on day 1, 3, 7, 12, 21 and 45 of cold acclimation. The results showed an improvement of skeletal muscle AD in both early and late cold acclimation. Clear phase-dependent changes were seen only in copper, zinc superoxide dismutase activity, which was increased in early cold acclimation but returned to the control level in late acclimation. In contrast, there were no phase-dependent changes in manganese superoxide dismutase, catalase,glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase and glutathione S-transferase,the activities of which were increased during the whole cold exposure,indicating their engagement in both thermogenic phases. l-Arginine in early cold acclimation accelerated the cold-induced AD response, while in the late phase it sustained increases achieved in the early period. l-NAME affected both early and late acclimation through attenuation and a decrease in the AD response. These data strongly suggest the involvement of the l-arginine/NO pathway in the modulation of skeletal muscle AD.
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Background: We compared the effects of two uniquely different lower extremity power training interventions on changes in muscle power, physical performance, neuromuscular activation, and muscle cross sectional area in mobility-limited older adults. Methods: Fifty-two subjects (78±5 years, short physical performance battery score: 8.1±1) were randomized to either 16 weeks of progressive high velocity resistance training performed at low external resistance (40% of the 1-repetition maximum [1-RM] [LO]) or high external resistance (70% of 1RM [HI]). Both groups completed three sets of leg and knee extension exercises at maximum voluntary velocity, two times per week. Neuromuscular activation was assessed using surface electromyography and muscle cross sectional area (CSA) was measured using computed tomography. Results: At 16 weeks, LO and HI exhibited significant and similar within-group increases of leg extensor peak power (~34% vs ~42%), strength (~13% vs ~19%), and SPPB score (1.4±0.3 vs 1.8±0.3 units), respectively (all P < .03). Improvements in neuromuscular activation occurred in LO (P = .03) while small gains in mid-thigh muscle CSA were detected in LO (1.6%, P = .35) and HI (2.1%, P = .17). No significant between-group differences were evident for any measured parameters (all P > .25). Conclusions: High velocity resistance training with low external resistance yields similar improvements in muscle power and physical performance compared to training with high external resistance in mobility-limited elders. These findings may have important implications for optimizing exercise interventions for older adults with mobility limitations.
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The present study evaluated the effects of creatine monohydrate (CrM) consumption post-exercise on body composition and muscle strength in middle to older males following a 12-week resistance training program. In a double-blind, randomized trial, 20 males aged between 55 and 70 years were randomly assigned to consume either CrM-carbohydrate (CHO) [20 g days(-1) CrM + 5 g days(-1) CHO × 7 days, then 0.1 g kg(-1) CrM + 5 g CHO on training days (average dosage of ~8.8 g)] or placebo CHO (20 g days(-1) CHO × 7 days, then 5 g CHO on training days) while participating in a high intensity resistance training program [3 sets × 10 repetitions at 75 % of 1 repetition maximum (1RM)], 3 days weeks(-1) for 12 weeks. Following the initial 7-day "loading" phase, participants were instructed to ingest their supplement within 60 min post-exercise. Body composition and muscle strength measurements, blood collection and vastus lateralis muscle biopsy were completed at 0, 4, 8 and 12 weeks of the supplement and resistance training program. A significant time effect was observed for 1RM bench press (p = 0.016), leg press (p = 0.012), body mass (p = 0.03), fat-free mass (p = 0.005) and total myofibrillar protein (p = 0.005). A trend for larger muscle fiber cross-sectional area in the type II fibers compared to type I fibers was observed following the 12-week resistance training (p = 0.08). No supplement interaction effects were observed. Post-exercise ingestion of creatine monohydrate does not provide greater enhancement of body composition and muscle strength compared to resistance training alone in middle to older males.
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Testosterone acts directly at androgen receptors and also exerts potent actions following 5α-reduction to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Finasteride (type II 5α-reductase inhibitor) lowers DHT and is used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia. However, it is unknown whether elevated DHT mediates either beneficial musculoskeletal effects or prostate enlargement resulting from higher-than-replacement doses of testosterone. Our purpose was to determine whether administration of testosterone plus finasteride to older hypogonadal men can produce musculoskeletal benefits without prostate enlargement. 60 men aged ≥60 years with a serum testosterone concentration of ≤ 300 ng/dL or bioavailable testosterone ≤70 ng/dL received 52 weeks of treatment with testosterone-enanthate (125mg/week) vs. vehicle, paired with finasteride (5mg/day) vs. placebo using a 2x2 factorial design. Over the course of 12 months, testosterone-enanthate increased upper and lower body muscle strength by 8-14% (p=0.015 to <0.001), fat-free mass 4.04 kg (p=0.032), lumbar spine bone mineral density (BMD) 4.19% (p<0.001), and total hip BMD 1.96% (p=0.024), while reducing total body fat -3.87kg (p<0.001) and trunk fat -1.88 kg (p =0.0051). In the first 3 months, testosterone increased hematocrit 4.13% (p<0.001). Co-administration of finasteride did not alter any of these effects. Over 12 months, testosterone also increased prostate volume 11.4 cm(3) (p=0.0051), an effect that was completely prevented by finasteride (p=0.0027). We conclude that a higher-than-replacement testosterone-enanthate, combined with finasteride, significantly increases muscle strength and BMD, and reduces body fat, without causing prostate enlargement. These results demonstrate that elevated DHT mediates testosterone-induced prostate enlargement, but is not required for benefits in musculoskeletal or adipose tissue.
OBJECTIVE: To issue a recommendation on the types and amounts of physical activity needed to improve and maintain health in older adults. PARTICIPANTS: A panel of scientists with expertise in public health, behavioral science, epidemiology, exercise science, medicine, and gerontology. EVIDENCE: The expert panel reviewed existing consensus statements and relevant evidence from primary research articles and reviews of the literature. Process: After drafting a recommendation for the older adult population and reviewing drafts of the Updated Recommendation from the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the American Heart Association (AHA) for Adults, the panel issued a final recommendation on physical activity for older adults. SUMMARY: The recommendation for older adults is similar to the updated ACSM/AHA recommendation for adults, but has several important differences including: the recommended intensity of aerobic activity takes into account the older adult's aerobic fitness; activities that maintain or increase flexibility are recommended; and balance exercises are recommended for older adults at risk of falls. In addition, older adults should have an activity plan for achieving recommended physical activity that integrates preventive and therapeutic recommendations. The promotion of physical activity in older adults should emphasize moderate-intensity aerobic activity, muscle-strengthening activity, reducing sedentary behavior, and risk management. Language: en
Despite empiric evidence that androgens promote muscle growth, concerns remain about their safety, particularly their association with prostate hypertrophy, the development of male secondary sex characteristics in women, and their potential to accelerate the development of prostate cancer. These concerns led to the development of selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs), a class of androgen receptor ligands that bind to androgen receptors in a tissue-selective manner to activate of androgenic signaling. SARMs are used for many indications including osteoporosis, anemia, male contraception, male hypogonadism, and wound healing. SARMs may be either steroidal or non-steroidal.
An inadequate serum vitamin D status is commonly seen in elderly people as the result of various risk factors interacting in this population. Apart from the well-known effects on bone metabolism, this condition is also associated with muscle weakness, predominantly of the proximal muscle groups. Muscle weakness below a certain threshold affects functional ability and mobility, which puts an elderly person at increased risk of falling and fractures. Therefore, we wanted to determine the rationale behind vitamin D supplementation in elderly people to preserve and possibly improve muscle strength and subsequently functional ability. From experimental studies it was found that vitamin D metabolites directly influence muscle cell maturation and functioning through a vitamin D receptor. Vitamin D supplementation in vitamin D-deficient, elderly people improved muscle strength, walking distance, and functional ability and resulted in a reduction in falls and nonvertebral fractures. In healthy elderly people, muscle strength declined with age and was not prevented by vitamin D supplementation. In contrast, severe comorbidity might affect muscle strength in such a way that restoration of a good vitamin D status has a limited effect on functional ability. Additional research is needed to further clarify to what extent vitamin D supplementation can preserve muscle strength and prevent falls and fractures in elderly people.
Sarcopenia, the age-related loss of muscle mass and function, imposes a dramatic burden on individuals and society. The development of preventive and therapeutic strategies against sarcopenia is therefore perceived as an urgent need by health professionals and has instigated intensive research on the pathophysiology of this syndrome. The pathogenesis of sarcopenia is multifaceted and encompasses lifestyle habits, systemic factors (e.g., chronic inflammation and hormonal alterations), local environment perturbations (e.g., vascular dysfunction), and intramuscular specific processes. In this scenario, derangements in skeletal myocyte mitochondrial function are recognized as major factors contributing to the age-dependent muscle degeneration. In this review, we summarize prominent findings and controversial issues on the contribution of specific mitochondrial processes-including oxidative stress, quality control mechanisms and apoptotic signaling-on the development of sarcopenia. Extramuscular alterations accompanying the aging process with a potential impact on myocyte mitochondrial function are also discussed. We conclude with presenting methodological and safety considerations for the design of clinical trials targeting mitochondrial dysfunction to treat sarcopenia. Special emphasis is placed on the importance of monitoring the effects of an intervention on muscle mitochondrial function and identifying the optimal target population for the trial.