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A New Parameter of Growth Inhibition for Cell Proliferation Assays

  • Kitos Biotech s.r.l.s.
  • University of Sassari, Italy
  • Kitos Biotech s.r.l.s.

Abstract and Figures

Cell proliferation assays are performed by four decades to test the anti-proliferative activity of natural products and synthetic compounds in cell cultures. In cancer research, they are widely employed to evaluate drug efficacy in in vitro tumor models, such as established cell lines, primary cultures and recently developed three-dimensional tumor organoids. In this manuscript, we demonstrated that current employed parameters used by researchers to quantify in vitro growth inhibition, IC50 and GI50, lead to a misinterpretation of results based on the exponential, and not linear, proliferation of the cells in culture. Therefore, we introduce a new parameter for the analysis of growth inhibition in cell proliferation assays, termed relative population doubling capacity, that can be employed to properly quantify the anti-proliferative activity of tested compounds and to compare drug efficacy between distinct cell models. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved
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Fiorentino, Bagella and Marchesi
A New Parameter of Growth Inhibition for Cell Proliferation Assays
Francesco Paolo Fiorentino1,2,*, Luigi Bagella2,3 and Irene Marchesi1,*
1: Kitos Biotech Srls, Tramariglio, 07041 Alghero (SS), Italy. 2: Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Sassari, Sassari 07100, Italy. 3: Sbarro Institute for
Cancer Research and Molecular Medicine, Center for Biotechnology, Department of Biology, College of Science and Technology, Temple University, BioLife Science
Bldg. Suite 333, 1900 N 12th Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19122, USA.
*Both F.P.F.and I.M. are corresponding authors. FPF email:; IM email:
Cell proliferation assays are performed by four decades to test the anti-proliferative activity of natural products
and synthetic compounds in cell cultures. In cancer research, they are widely employed to evaluate drug efficacy in
in vitro tumor models, such as established cell lines, primary cultures and recently developed three-dimensional
tumor organoids. In this manuscript, we demonstrated that current employed parameters used by researchers to
quantify in vitro growth inhibition, IC50 and GI50, lead to a misinterpretation of results based on the exponential,
and not linear, proliferation of the cells in culture. Therefore, we introduce a new parameter for the analysis of
growth inhibition in cell proliferation assays, termed relative population doubling capacity, that can be employed
to properly quantify the anti-proliferative activity of tested compounds and to compare drug efficacy between
distinct cell models.
Cell proliferation assays are an extensively employed tool to
evaluate the efficacy of tested compounds on a biological ex
vivo model of interest. In anticancer drug development, they
are used to evaluate the anti-proliferative activity of tested
compounds on established tumor cell lines, primary tumor cells
and 3D tumor organoids1-6. In a typical assay, cells are plated
on a culture vessel and, after a sufficient amount of time
necessary to recover growing phase, tested compounds are
added to culture medium. At arbitrary chosen time-points, the
number of cells is estimated by cell count or by an indirect
method, such as measuring DNA synthesis, lactate-pyruvate
conv e r s i o n or ATP c o n c e n t r a t i o n7-12. A p arameter,
representative of drug efficacy, is subsequently calculated for
data representation. In this manuscript, we first describe the
two most employed parameters to analyze raw data and
represent in vitro drug efficacy: the relative cell number (R),
used to calculate the half maximal inhibitory concentration
(IC50), and the percentage of growth (PG), with an highlight
on their limitations13,14. We emphasize that, using these
parameters to compare drug efficacy between distinct cell
populations (such as cell lines), cells that grow “faster” in
culture will be inferred more sensitive than “slower” ones, and
therefore these parameters lead to a misinterpretation of the
results because of their dependency to the unique growth
properties of each cell population. Despite PG partially
overcomes this limitation, we provide in the first section of the
results a detailed description of the dependency of R, and
consequently the IC50, to cell proliferation rate because of its
frequent usage in curre nt antic ancer drug discovery
research15-32. Subsequently, in the second section of the results,
we show that PG is also dependent on the growth properties of
the cells, because of their exponential and not linear
proliferation in culture. Therefore, we introduce a new
parameter to determine growth inhibition, the relative doubling
capacity (RD), that can be used to properly quantify and
compare the anti-proliferative activity of tested compounds on
exponential growing cell models.
The Relative Cell Number is Function of Cell Proliferation
R is a widely used parameter to determine drug efficacy in
cell proliferation assays, and it is also used to calculate the
IC50 and compare drug efficacy between distinct cell models.
R can be described as:
( 1 )
where T is number of cells at the measuring point in the
compound-treated sample and U is number of cells in the
untreated control sample. R has a value from “0”, which means
maximum drug efficacy, to “100”, which means absence of any
effect by the treatment on cell proliferation. However, cell
populations that grow “faster” in culture, referring to cells that
duplicate more times in the same amount of time than “slower”
ones, tend to show lower R. This logical deduction can be
assumed if we imagine to treat two distinct cell lines (A and B)
with a drug that induces total arrest of cell growth, termed
cytostasis, in both cell lines (Figure 1A). Despite the same
phenotype is induced in both cell lines, RA of the “faster” cell
line A will be lower than RB of the “slower” cell line B, and
therefore A will be inferred more sensitive than B when
comparing drug efficacy between the two cell lines. For the
same reason, R is function of the period of treatment before
estimation of cell number: if we treat a cell line with cytostatic
doses of a drug and estimate the number of cells at distinct time
points, R logically tends to show lower values at longer period
of treatment because of the increased cell number in untreated
sample, independently by additive drug effects due to longer
exposition (Figure 1B). To experimentally evaluate these
assumptions, we treated a representative cell line, A549, with
serial dilutions of a well-characterized repr esentative
chemotherapy agent, etoposide, and live cell number was
monitored every 24 hours for three days (Figure 2).
This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: A New Parameter of Growth Inhibition for Cell Proliferation Assays . Fiorentino FP, Bagella L and
Marchesi I. Journal of Cellular Physiology 2017 Oct 12. doi: 10.1002/jcp.26208. Copyright © 2017, which will be published in final form at this link
Fiorentino, Bagella and Marchesi
A preliminary normalization of cell number among wells at
each time point was carried out taking advantage of the
multiple readings with live-cell imaging:
where Ni is the normalized number of cells in well x at time
point i, ni is the number of cells counted in well x at time point
i and n0 is the number of cells in well x counted one hour after
treatment. Subsequently, R and IC50 were calculated using
normalized data at each time point (Supplemental Data S1 and
Table 1, respectively). A much higher coefficient of variation
was observed in the IC50 at 24 hour compared to 48 and 72
hours of treatment (Table 1). Since a concomitant higher
coefficient of variation in the proliferation of untreated cells
was not observed (Table 1), we concluded that tiny differences
in drug concentration and timing of data collection among the
biological replicates would strongly affect drug efficacy at a
short time of treatment, as 24 hour. Therefore, we compared R
and IC50 values between 48 and 72 hours of treatment. As
shown in Figure 1C, R values after 72 hours of treatment were
lower than those obtained at 48 hours. Consistently, IC50 after
72 hours of treatment was significantly lower than IC50 at 48
hours (Table 1, p<0.01, two-tail heteroscedastic t-test). Similar
results were obtained using a different set of data originated by
treatment of PC3 cells with serial dilutions of etoposide (Table
2, Figure 1D and Supplemental Data S2). Despite it could be
argued that lower R at 72 hours of treatment could be partially
or totally due to the longer exposure of cells to the drug, we
showed that R is function of cell proliferation rate, suggesting
that R would not be a proper parameter to determine drug
efficacy in cell proliferation assays, if the aim is to compare
drug sensitivity between cell lines with distinct proliferation
The Percentage of Growth Inhibition is Function of Cell
Researchers at the NCI’s Drug Discovery Program developed,
more than 20 years ago, a parameter to compare efficacy of
small molecules with potential anticancer activity in a panel of
60 tumor cell lines, which is still used in their program 34.
Cell number is estimated at the time of compound addition and
after 48 or 72 hours of treatment, and efficacy is determined as
percentage of growth (PG). PG is differently calculated based
on the type of effect: percentage of cell death (PGT) if a
cytotoxic effect occurs, or percentage of growth inhibition
(PGS) if a decrement of cell proliferation or cytostasis occurs.
PGT and PGS are described as:
This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: A New Parameter of Growth Inhibition for Cell Proliferation Assays . Fiorentino FP, Bagella L and
Marchesi I. Journal of Cellular Physiology 2017 Oct 12. doi: 10.1002/jcp.26208. Copyright © 2017, which will be published in final form at this link
Figure 1. R is function of cell proliferation rate. (A) Cell line A
and cell line B are treated with a drug at a concentration that
induces total growth inhibition in both cell lines. Cell number is
measured at time point t. Relative cell number of A, RA, is 25 and
relative cell number of B, RB, is 50. (B) A cell line is treated at t0
with a drug at a concentration that induces cytostasis. Two
representative time points after compound addition were chosen to
estimate cell number, t1 and t2, where t1 - t0 = t2 - t1. Relative cell
number at t1, R1, is 50 and relative cell number at t2, R2, is 25. (C,
D) Relative cell number of etoposide-treated A549 (C) or PC3 (D)
cells after 48 and 72 hours of treatment. Each point refers to R
values calculated from each technical replicate of the three
biological replicates.
Figure 2. Representative time course of treatment of A549 with serial dilutions of etoposide. Multiple live-cell imaging was carried out 30
minutes, 24, 48 and 72 hours after drug addition to cells. Nuclei of cells were stained in far-red fluorescence by SiR-Hoechst and nuclei of dead
cells were highlighted in green fluorescence by Promega CellTox staining. Cell number at each time point was estimated by counting red nuclei
without positive green fluorescence signal.
Fiorentino, Bagella and Marchesi
where I is the number of cells measured at the time of drug
addition to cells. PG has a value from +100 to -100 and it is
used to determine three response parameters: 50% growth
inhibition (GI50, PG=50), total growth inhibition (TGI, PG=0)
and lethal concentration 50% (LC50, PG=-50)14. First, PG is a
more informative parameter than R to evaluate in vitro drug
efficacy since it distinguishes among growth inhibition and
cytotoxic effects. PGT describes the percentage of cells that die
as a consequence of the treatment, and therefore it does not
take into account the proliferation rate in untreated cells. In the
same manner, if cytostasis occurs, PGS is “0” regardless of cell
proliferation properties. In contrast, if a partial growth
inhibition occurs, PGS is calculated as the percentage of linear
increase in the number of treated cells to the linear increase in
the number of untreated cells. As a consequence, PGS will be
function of cell proliferation if cell proliferation shows a non-
linear progression (Figure 3A). To experimentally evaluate PG
dependency to cell proliferation rate, we calculated PG, GI50
and TGI of previously used data of etoposide-treated A549 and
PC3 cells. PG values in A549 cells after 72 hours of treatment
were lower than PG values obtained after 48 hours for drug
doses that induced growth inhibition (Figure 3B, right top
quadrant). Consistently, GI50 after 72 hours of etoposide
treatment in A549 cells was lower than GI50 after 48 hours,
despite with lesser extent than IC50 values (Table 1, p<0.05,
two-tail heteroscedastic t-test). We did not observe any
difference in PG values for drug doses that induced a cytostatic
(PG 0) or a cytotoxic (PG < 0) effect (Figure 3B, in proximity
of 0 values and left bottom quadrant, respectively).
Consistently, the TGI concentration did not significantly differ
between 48 and 72 hours of treatment in A549 cells (Table 1).
This latter fact supports our hypothesis that both R and PGS
decrements at 72 hours of treatment are consequence of the
increased cell number in untreated sample, and not of the
longer drug exposure, otherwise a PG decrement would be
observed also for drug doses that induced a cytostatic or
cytotoxic effect (Figure 3B). For what concerns PC3 cells,
GI50 and PGs at 72 hours of treatment showed a slighter, not
significant change between 48 and 72 hours of treatment (Table
2, Figure 3C and Supplemental Data S2).
Untreated Cell Populations Cultivated Under Standard
Conditions Grow in an Exponential Manner
We hypothesized that the occurrence of an exponential, and
not linear, growth of untreated A549 cells would contribute to
the gradual PGS decrement over the time of treatment in this
cell line. This hypothesis was based on the logical assumption
that each mother cell duplicates into two daughter cells, which
will duplicate into two new cells and so on. To evaluate which
mode of growth, linear or exponential, best fits cells
maintained under standard culture conditions, we performed
both linear and exponential regression analyses to the
previously used data of untreated A549 and PC3 cells and
calculated their coefficients of determination (R2) (Figure 4A
and Supplemental Data S3). The exponential regression of the
growth curves of untreated A549 samples showed a R2>0.99 in
all the three biological replicates performed, whereas the linear
regression showed a R2<0.95. In PC3 cells, both the
exponential and the linear regression analyses showed a
R2>0.95, with a slight higher R2 in the exponential one. It was
likely that the slighter, not significant difference of GI50 in
PC3 cells between the two time-points was due to the growth
properties of this cell line, whose fit both a linear and an
exponential regression analysis in standard culture conditions.
In contrast, our results confirmed that A549 cells grew in an
exponential manner, and the PGS decrement observed between
48 and 72 hours of etoposide treatment could be explained by
the non-linear proliferation of untreated samples in this cell
line. We next asked if a model of exponential growth would
better fit also growth curves of etoposide-treated samples
(Supplemental Data 4). We arbitrary partitioned data into
milder and stronger growth inhibition effects, using PGS 35 as
cut-off value, to evaluate more in detail the effects of growth
inhibition on the proliferation property of the cells. Samples
treated with doses of drug that induced a milder growth
inhibition (PG>35) showed similar R2 values of untreated cells
in both cell lines, and therefore we concluded that a mild
growth inhibition does not affect the growth properties of the
cells (Figures 4B and 4C). In contrast, both regression analyses
showed low R2 values in samples that induced a stronger
growth inhibition (0<PG<35), and no difference between linear
and exponential R2 values were observed (Figure 4B and 4C).
This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: A New Parameter of Growth Inhibition for Cell Proliferation Assays . Fiorentino FP, Bagella L and
Marchesi I. Journal of Cellular Physiology 2017 Oct 12. doi: 10.1002/jcp.26208. Copyright © 2017, which will be published in final form at this link
Figure 3. PG is function of cell proliferation rate. (A) A cell line is treated at t0 with a drug at a concentration that induces a 50% cell growth
reduction. Two representative time points after compound addition were chosen to estimate cell number, t1 and t2, where t1 - t0 = t2 - t1. PGS1 at t1, is
50 and PGS2 at t2 is equal to PGS1 exclusively if cell growth progresses in a linear manner. (B, C) Percentage of growth inhibition of A549 (B) or
PC3 (C) cells after 48 and 72 hours of etoposide treatment. Each point refers to R values calculated from each technical replicate of the three
biological replicates.
Fiorentino, Bagella and Marchesi
Therefore, we concluded that a strong growth inhibition
negatively affect the exponential growth of the cells. Overall,
we confirmed that proliferation in untreated samples, in
particular A549 cells, better fit a model of exponential growth
and that this growth property is negatively affected by drug
treatment, in particular for drug doses that induce a strong
growth inhibition. We therefore speculated that PGS decrement
between 48 and 72 hours of etoposide treatment, shown in
Figure 3B, was consequence of the exponential growth
property of the cells.
The Relative Doubling Parameter Determines Growth
Inhibition of Exponential Growing Cell Populations
Based on our previous observations and conclusions, we
defined a parameter of drug efficacy representative of the
residual exponential growth in treated cell populations. Taking
into account that each cell duplicates into two daughter cells,
number of cells in an untreated population at any time point
can be described as:
where P is the number of population doublings that an
asynchronous cell population accomplished in a defined period
of time. Therefore, population doublings can be described as:
Based on the hypothesis that growth inhibition is consequence
of the impaired cell population doubling performance induced
by the treatment, and therefore capacity of cell duplication,
number of cells in a treated population (T) can be described as:
where D, the doubling capacity, is between +1 and 0 and can
consequently be described as:
To calculate the efficacy of treatment to impair the doubling
capacity of the cell population, the number of population
doublings accomplished by untreated cells was applied to
treated sample. RD can be described as:
Whereas PGS is the relative linear growth of treated sample to
the linear growth of untreated sample, RD can be described as
the doubling capacity of treated sample to the doubling
capacity of untreated sample. As for R and PGS, RD has a
value from 0 to 100 and can be used as well to determine two
response parameters: 50% doubling capacity inhibition (RD50,
RD=50) and total doubling capacity inhibition, which
corresponds to cytostasis as for TGI (RD0, RD=0). We
calculated RD, RD50 and RD0 of etoposide-treated A549 and
PC3 cells using previously used data of etoposide treatment. In
Figures 5A and 5C we show RD at 48 and 72 hours of
treatment, in addition to PGS values as previously shown in
Figures 3B and 3C, and in Figures 5C and 5D we provide a
more detailed analysis by reporting the decrements of RD and
PGs between 48 and 72 hours of treatment. In both cell lines,
the decrement at 72 hours compared to 48 hours of treatment
observed in PGS values was strikingly reduced in RD values.
Consistently, the decrement of RD50 at 72 hours, compared to
48 hours, was significantly less pronounced than GI50
decrement in both cell lines (Table 1 and Table 2, p<0.01 and
p<0.05 in A549 and PC3 cells, respectively. One-tail paired t-
test). As expected, we did not observe significant differences
between TGI and RD0 in A549 cells, since the value is “0” in
both parameters regardless of cell proliferation (Table 1).
These results confirmed that a parameter that measures the
ability to negatively affect the doubling capacity of cell
populations is more accurate than PGS to represent in vitro
growth inhibition, since it is not affected by the exponential
growth property of cells in culture. We invite researchers to
employ RD in their studies to confirm our conclusion with their
own data and to properly compare drug efficacy between
distinct cell models.
This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: A New Parameter of Growth Inhibition for Cell Proliferation Assays . Fiorentino FP, Bagella L and
Marchesi I. Journal of Cellular Physiology 2017 Oct 12. doi: 10.1002/jcp.26208. Copyright © 2017, which will be published in final form at this link
( )
Figure 4. Drug treatment negatively affects the exponential growth of cells. (A) R2 calculated from linear or exponential regression analyses of
growth curves of untreated A549 or PC3 cells. Each point is a biological replicate of the cell proliferation assay. (B, C) R2 calculated from
regression analyses of growth curves of etoposide-treated A549 (B) or PC3 (C) cells that resulted in growth inhibition.
Fiorentino, Bagella and Marchesi
Cell proliferation assays are routinely performed to evaluate
in vitro efficacy of tested compounds in anticancer drug
discovery research. Relative cell number (R) and percentage of
growth (PG) are parameters widely employed by researchers to
show the efficacy of tested compounds on the proliferation of
cells in culture because of their simplicity and intuitiveness13,14.
However, here we show here that both parameters are function
of cell proliferation in tested cell model (Figure 1 and Figure
3). In order to experimentally evaluate our hypothesis, we
treated two representative cell lines with a well-known
chemotherapy agent, etoposide, and employed live-cell
imaging technique to monitor the number of cells at several
times of treatment (Figure 2). We also show here that PGS
dependency to cell proliferation is due to the exponential, and
not linear, growth of cell in culture (Figure 4). As consequence,
a drug that shows a high R or PGS value after 48 hours of
treatment could show lower values after longer period of
treatment because of the increased growth of untreated cells
and not the putative additive effects of the drug. As another
example, a cell line with a fast proliferation rate in culture
would show lower R or PGS values than a “slower” cell line
and would be inferred more sensitive to a drug when
comparing drug efficacy between the two cell lines. This is of
particular relevance in studies that compare drug efficacy in
distinct cell models, as cell lines, with distinct growth
properties. For instance, non-tumor cells, which usually tend to
duplicate slower than the tumor counterpart, shows higher IC50
and GI50 values than tumor cells and could be misinterpreted
as less sensitivity to tested compounds. Same misinterpretation
could occur in studies of personalized medicine that associate
drug sensitivity to genetic mutations or expression profiles,
since higher sensitivity will be attributed to faster growing cell
lines independently by their genome or transcriptome profiles.
Therefore, the development of a more precise and refined
method of analysis of proliferation assays would let researchers
to better pick up drug candidates for further analysis, and
ultimately provide more predictable results to in vivo tests. In
our representative experiments, the exponential growth of cells
was negatively affected by drug treatment (Figure 4). We
therefore developed a new parameter of drug efficacy, termed
relative doubling capacity (RD), which quantifies the
impairment of doubling capacity consequence of drug
treatment. RD is a more reliable parameter than PGS to
properly compare drug efficacy because it is less, or none,
affected by the unique growth properties of cells in culture
(Figure 5, Table 1 and Table 2).
Despite it could be argued that the desired endpoint of
antitumor preclinical drug discovery studies is to induce
massive cell death and therefore the LC50 parameter, which
quantifies drug toxicity, is the most relevant parameter for in
vitro tests, we believe that the proper determination of growth
inhibition is relevant as well. Indeed, the quantification of
growth inhibition is relevant to define side effects on non-
tumor cells or on tumor cells that do not carry the genetic
alteration targeted by the tested compounds in studies of
personalized medicine, or to evaluate effects on proliferation by
compounds that are designed to target other cancer-related
phenotypes, such as dedifferentiation or metastatization. We
therefore invite other researchers to employ RD in their studies,
together with PGT, to properly determine in vitro drug efficacy
of tested compounds.
Materials and Methods
Cell cultures
Lung adenocarcinoma A549 and prostate adenocarcinoma
PC3 cell lines were obtained from cell bank of the IRCCS
University Hospital San Martino – IST National Institute for
Cancer Research (Genova, Italy). Cells were cultured in
DMEM supplemented with L-Glutamine and 10% FBS
(Lifetech) at 37°C, 5% CO2 humidified air.
Kinetics of Cell Proliferation
500 A549 cells suspended in 20 µL of complete culture
medium without phenol red were plated in 384 well flat, clear
bottom black microplate (Corning #3764). After 18-24 hours,
10 µL of fresh supplemented culture medium, containing
Et opos ide ( Sigm a-Al dric h #E 260 0 000) , SiR-H oech st
(Spirochrome #SC007) 33 and CellTox™ Green Dye (Promega
#G873A), were added to each well of the cell plate, to a final
concentration of SiR-Hoechst 0.5µM in vehicle (DMSO) 0.8%.
A549 cells were treated with eleven 1:2 serial dilutions of
Etoposide in technical triplicate, ranging from 40 µM to 40
nM. Plating of cells, preparation of Etoposide serial dilutions
and addition of compound solutions to the cells were
performed using an automated liquid handling platform (Gilson
Pipetmax®). Multiple live-cell imaging in far-red fluorescence
(led cube 625 nm, filter cube excitation 650 ± 30 nm, emission
800 ± 90 nm), green fluorescence (led cube 465 nm, filter cube
excitation 469 ± 25 nm, emission 525 ± 25 nm) and phase
contrast was performed at 37°C, 5% CO2 using a gas controller
associated to the microscope, after 1, 24, 48 and 72 hours of
treatment with a 4x objective, using an automated digital
widefield microscope (BioTek Cytation 5). For each sample,
four images were taken to cover the entire area of the well.
Image merging, processing and cell count were performed
using BioTek Gen5 software. Briefly, the number of cells was
calculated as count of far-red fluorescence stained nuclei and
the number of dead cells was calculated as count of green
fluorescence stained cells. Thres ho ld of fluorescence
This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: A New Parameter of Growth Inhibition for Cell Proliferation Assays . Fiorentino FP, Bagella L and
Marchesi I. Journal of Cellular Physiology 2017 Oct 12. doi: 10.1002/jcp.26208. Copyright © 2017, which will be published in final form at this link
Figure 5. RD shows reduced variability than PG between 48 and 72
hours of treatment. (A, B) Relative doubling capacity and percentage
of growth inhibition in A549 (A) or PC3 (B) cells after 48 and 72 hours
of etoposide treatment. (C, D) Dispersion plot of RD and PG
decrements (72 hours minus 48 hours of treatment) for doses of drug
that induced growth inhibition in A549 (C) or PC3 (D) cells.
Fiorentino, Bagella and Marchesi
background and range of nuclei size settings were manually
adjusted in each experiment by overlapping images of far-red
and green fluorescence with images in phase contrast as
reference. Count of live cells was calculated by subtracting
count of dead cells to the count of total cells. For what
concerns cytotoxicity assays in PC3 cells, 2000 cells suspended
in 80 µL of complete culture medium without phenol red were
plated in 96 well flat, clear bottom black microplate (Corning
#3603). After 18-24 hours, 20 µL of fresh supplemented culture
medium, prepared as previously described for A549 cells, was
added to each well of the cell plate. PC3 cells were treated with
nine 1:2 serial dilutions ranging from 10 µM to 40 nM in
technical duplicate. Live-cell imaging and analysis were
performed as previously described.
Statistical analysis
Regression analysis and T-tests were performed with microsoft
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: F.P.F. acknowledges the support from
Fondazione Umberto Veronesi (Postdoctoral Grant 2017).
This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: A New Parameter of Growth Inhibition for Cell Proliferation Assays . Fiorentino FP, Bagella L and
Marchesi I. Journal of Cellular Physiology 2017 Oct 12. doi: 10.1002/jcp.26208. Copyright © 2017, which will be published in final form at this link
µ: mean value of the three biological replicates
σ: standard deviation
CV: Coefficient of variation (σ/µ)
*out of scale
**(72hr/48 hr)-1
Fiorentino, Bagella and Marchesi
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This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: A New Parameter of Growth Inhibition for Cell Proliferation Assays . Fiorentino FP, Bagella L and
Marchesi I. Journal of Cellular Physiology 2017 Oct 12. doi: 10.1002/jcp.26208. Copyright © 2017, which will be published in final form at this link
... Reduction of cell number and increase of cell death were observed in a dose dependent manner in all examined cell lines ( Figure 3). GI50 was calculated to compare drug efficacy among distinct cell lines [22]. A value between 10 and 200 nM was observed in all tested cell lines after 72 h of treatment (Table 1). ...
... Cell Proliferation and cytotoxicity assay was performed as described in [22]. Five hundred cells suspended in 20 µL of phenol-red free medium supplemented with SiR-Hoechst 0.5 µM (Spirochrome, Stein am Rhein, Switzerland, CH) [47], and CellTox TM Green Dye 1x (Promega, Madison, WI, USA), were seeded in a 384-well flat, clear bottomed, black microplate (Corning Inc., Corning, NY, USA). ...
... Results show mean value +/− standard error. The RD50 value, representing the drug concentration required to reduce population doubling time by 50%, was calculated with R software, loess/approx functions [22]. ...
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Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is the most common type of pediatric soft tissue sarcoma. It is classified into two main subtypes: embryonal (eRMS) and alveolar (aRMS). MYC family proteins are frequently highly expressed in RMS tumors, with the highest levels correlated with poor prognosis. A pharmacological approach to inhibit MYC in cancer cells is represented by Bromodomain and Extra-Terminal motif (BET) protein inhibitors. In this paper, we evaluated the effects of BET inhibitor (+)-JQ1 (JQ1) on the viability of aRMS and eRMS cells. Interestingly, we found that the drug sensitivity of RMS cell lines to JQ1 was directly proportional to the expression of MYC. JQ1 induces G1 arrest in cells with the highest steady-state levels of MYC, whereas apoptosis is associated with MYC downregulation. These findings suggest BET inhibition as an effective strategy for the treatment of RMS alone or in combination with other drugs.
... Cell proliferation assay is performed to test the proliferative activity of natural products and synthetic compounds in cell cultures [34,35]. We studied the proliferative activity of rhIGF-1 on a normal human lung cell line (WI-38) (ATCC ® HB-8065™, Science Way, Egypt) according to a modified protocol using the MTT assay [36,37]. ...
Background Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) is structurally similar to insulin and acts as an endocrine hormone that is secreted by the liver. Objective Production of recombinant human IGF-1 (rhIGF-1) in Escherichia coli (E.coli) and evaluation of its proliferation stimulatory activity. Methods hIGF-1 gene cloned into pBSK (+) simple vector was transformed into TOP 10 chemically competent cells of E. coli. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was achieved using specific hIGF-1 gene primers to confirm successful transformation. To express the rhIGF-1 in E. coli (Rosetta (DE3) pLysS); hIGF-1 gene was cloned into pET-15b expression vector and then the recombinant pET-15b/IGF-1 vector was transformed into a chemically prepared competent expression bacterial cells; Rosetta (DE3) pLysS. The rhIGF-1 was expressed as insoluble aggregates called inclusion bodies (IBs) using 2 mM Isopropyl β-D-1-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) inducer. IBs were solubilized in a denatured form using 6 M guanidinium hydrochloride (GdmCl), followed by in vitro protein refolding using the rapid dilution method. The refolded hIGF-1 was purified using HiTrap-ANX anion exchange column. Western blot and ELISA using rabbit polyvalent anti-hIGF-1 were performed to confirm the protein antigenic identity. Cell proliferation activity of rhIGF-1 was testified on normal human lung cell line (WI-38). Results rhIGF-1 was purified from the HiTrap-ANX column at a concentration of 300 µg/ml. Western blot showed a single 7.6 kDa band obtained in the induced Rosetta (DE3) pLYsS. ELISA confirmed the molecular identity of rhIGF-1 epitope, the concentration of purified rhIGF-1 obtained from the ELISA standard curve using rhIGF-1 reference protein as a standard was 300 µg/ml, and activity on WI-38 cells was 2604.17IU/mg. Conclusion Biologically active native rhIGF-1 protein was successfully expressed.
... Even though this parameter takes into account the number of seeded cells, a reduction in the rate of proliferation by just 50% is not clinically meaningful. Hence, new parameters including the relative doubling capacity inhibition (RD) and total growth inhibition (TGI) were introduced in a prior study, which highlighted the problems with the IC 50 and GI 50 [17]. ...
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Background Cell lines are often used to assess the resistance of anticancer drugs when in vivo analysis is not possible. However, the process for establishing anti-cancer drug resistance in cell cultures in vitro and the subsequent method of then evaluating resistance are not clearly established. Traditionally, the IC 50 is the most commonly used indicator of resistance evaluation but it cannot represent the effectiveness of anti-cancer drugs in a clinical setting and lacks reliability because it is heavily affected by the cell doubling time. Hence, new indicators that can evaluate anti-cancer drug resistance are needed. Methods A novel resistance evaluation methodology was validated in this present study by establishing sunitinib resistance in renal cell carcinoma cells and assessing the cross-resistance of five different anti-cancer drugs. Results It was confirmed in this present study that the IC 50 does not reflect the cell proliferation rates in a way that represents anti-cancer drug resistance. An alternative indicator that can also be clinically meaningful when using in vitro cell line systems is GI 100 . Additionally, the GR 100 allows different cell populations to be calibrated on the same basis when multiple experimental results are compared. Conclusion Since the GR 100 has properties that indicate the efficiency of anti-cancer drugs, both the efficacy and GR 100 of a particular anti-cancer drug can be used to effectively assess the resistance.
... A modification of previously reported kinetics of cell proliferation assay was applied [76]. Five hundred cells in phenol red-free RPMI that were supplemented with 10% FBS and SiR-DNA 0.4 µM (Tebu-bio Italy, Magenta, Italy, #SC007) were plated in each well of a 384 multi-well plate (Corning, New York, NY, USA, #3764). ...
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Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) is an aggressive type of lung cancer with high mortality that is caused by frequent relapses and acquired resistance. Despite that several target-based approaches with potential therapeutic impact on SCLC have been identified, numerous targeted drugs have not been successful in providing improvements in cancer patients when used as single agents. A combination of targeted therapies could be a strategy to induce maximum lethal effects on cancer cells. As a starting point in the development of new drug combination strategies for the treatment of SCLC, we performed a mid-throughput screening assay by treating a panel of SCLC cell lines with BETi or AKi in combination with PARPi or EZH2i. We observed drug synergy between I-BET762 and Talazoparib, BETi and PARPi, respectively, in SCLC cells. Combinatorial efficacy was observed in MYCs-amplified and MYCs-wt SCLC cells over SCLC cells with impaired MYC signaling pathway or non-tumor cells. We indicate that drug synergy between I-BET762 and Talazoparib is associated with the attenuation HR-DSBR process and the downregulation of various players of DNA damage response by BET inhibition, such as CHEK2, PTEN, NBN, and FANCC. Our results provide a rationale for the development of new combinatorial strategies for the treatment of SCLC.
... Cells were seeded at a density between 1000 and 1500 cells/wells in a 96-wells plate based on different sizes, population doublings [46] and phenotypes. After 24 h from seeding, cells were treated for 24, 48 and 72 h with different concentrations of VP in a range between 0.1 μM and 2 μM in a final volume of 100 μl. ...
Tumor eradication has many challenges due to the difficulty of selectively delivering anticancer drugs to malignant cells avoiding contact with healthy tissues/organs. The improvement of antitumor efficacy and the reduction of systemic side effects can be achieved using drug loaded nanoparticles. In this study, poly (ethyl 2-cyanoacrylate) nanoparticles (PECA-NPs) were prepared using an emulsion polymerization method and their potential for cancer treatment was investigated. The size, polydispersity index and zeta potential of prepared nanoparticles are about 80 nm, 0.08 and −39.7 mV, respectively. The stability test shows that the formulation is stable for 15 days, while an increase in particle size occurs after 30 days. TEM reveals the spherical morphology of nanoparticles; furthermore, FTIR and ¹ H NMR analyses confirm the structure of PECA-NPs and the complete polymerization. The nanoparticles demonstrate an in vitro concentration-dependent cytotoxicity against human epithelial colorectal adenocarcinoma cell lines (Caco-2), as assessed by MTT assay. The anticancer activity of PECA-NPs was studied on 3D tumor spheroids models of hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG2) and kidney adenocarcinoma cells (A498) to better understand how the nanoparticles could interact with a complex structure such as a tumor. The results confirm the antitumor activity of PECA-NPs. Therefore, these systems can be considered good candidates in tumor treatment.
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SiR-Hoechst (SiR-DNA) is a far-red fluorescent DNA probe being used widely for time-lapse imaging of living cells that is reported to be minimally toxic at concentrations as high as 10-25 µM. However, measuring nuclear import of Cyclin B1, inhibition of mitotic entry, and the induction of γH2AX foci in cultured human cells reveals that SiR-Hoechst induces DNA damage responses and G2 arrest at concentrations well below 1 µM. SiR-Hoechst is useful for live cell imaging, but it should be used with caution and at the lowest practicable concentration.
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Insensitivity to platinum, either through inherent or acquired resistance, is a major clinical problem in the treatment of many solid tumors. Here, we explored the therapeutic potential of diethyldithiocarbamate (DDC), pyrithione (Pyr), plumbagin (Plum), 8-hydroxyquinoline (8-HQ), clioquinol (CQ) copper complexes in a panel of cancer cell lines that differ in their sensitivity to platins (cisplatin/carboplatin) using a high-content imaging system. Our data suggest that the copper complexes were effective against both platinum sensitive (IC50 ~ 1 μM platinum) and insensitive (IC50 > 5 μM platinum) cell lines. Furthermore, copper complexes of DDC, Pyr and 8-HQ had greater therapeutic activity compared to the copper-free ligands in all cell lines; whereas the copper-dependent activities of Plum and CQ were cell-line specific. Four of the copper complexes (Cu(DDC)2, Cu(Pyr)2, Cu(Plum)2 and Cu(8-HQ)2) showed IC50 values less than that of cisplatin in all tested cell lines. The complex copper DDC (Cu(DDC)2) was selected for in vivo evaluation due to its low nano-molar range activity in vitro and the availability of an injectable liposomal formulation. Liposomal (Cu(DDC)2) was tested in a fast-growing platinum-resistant A2780-CP ovarian xenograft model and was found to achieve a statistically significant reduction (50%; p < 0.05) in tumour size. This work supports the potential use of copper-based therapeutics to treat cancers that are insensitive to platinum drugs.
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Background: Endophytes have proven to be an invaluable resource of chemically diverse secondary metabolites that act as excellent lead compounds for anticancer drug discovery. Here we report the promising cytotoxic effects of Cladosporol A (HPLC purified >98%) isolated from endophytic fungus Cladosporium cladosporioides collected from Datura innoxia. Cladosporol A was subjected to in vitro cytotoxicity assay against NCI60 panel of human cancer cells using MTT assay. We further investigated the molecular mechanism(s) of Cladosporol A induced cell death in human breast (MCF-7) cancer cells. Mechanistically early events of cell death were studied using DAPI, Annexin V-FITC staining assay. Furthermore, immunofluorescence studies were carried to see the involvement of intrinsic pathway leading to mitochondrial dysfunction, cytochrome c release, Bax/Bcl-2 regulation and flowcytometrically measured membrane potential loss of mitochondria in human breast (MCF-7) cancer cells after Cladosporol A treatment. The interplay between apoptosis and autophagy was studied by microtubule dynamics, expression of pro-apoptotic protein p21 and autophagic markers monodansylcadaverine staining and LC3b expression. Results: Among NCI60 human cancer cell line panel Cladosporol A showed least IC50 value against human breast (MCF-7) cancer cells. The early events of apoptosis were characterized by phosphatidylserine exposure. It disrupts microtubule dynamics and also induces expression of pro-apoptotic protein p21. Moreover treatment of Cladosporol A significantly induced MMP loss, release of cytochrome c, Bcl-2 down regulation, Bax upregulation as well as increased monodansylcadaverine (MDC) staining and leads to LC3-I to LC3-II conversion. Conclusion: Our experimental data suggests that Cladosporol A depolymerize microtubules, sensitize programmed cell death via ROS mediated autophagic flux leading to mitophagic cell death. The proposed mechanism of Cladosporol A -triggered apoptotic as well as autophagic death of human breast cancer (MCF-7) cells. The figure shows that Cladosporol A induced apoptosis through ROS mediated mitochondrial pathway and increased p21 protein expression in MCF-7 cells in vitro.
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Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is a progressively fatal form of cancer originating from the malignant transformation of hepatic biliary cholangiocytes. The present study reports for the first time in vitro growth inhibitory activities of β-eudesmol, the bioactive sesquiterpenoid present in the rhizome of Atractylodes lancea (Thunb) DC., with respect to its underlying potential effects on heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) production, STAT1/3 phosphorylation, and NF-κB protein expression in human CCA cell line CL-6. The cytotoxic effect of β-eudesmol on CL-6 cells was evaluated by MTT assay using normal human embryonic fibroblast (OUMS) as a control cell line. Results indicated that β-eudesmol exhibited selective cytotoxicity towards CL-6 compared to OUMS with mean (±SD) IC50 (concentration that inhibits cell growth by 50%) values of 166.75 ± 3.69 and 240.01 ± 16.54 μM, respectively. In addition, it also significantly suppressed colony forming and wound healthy ability of CL-6 cells in a concentration-dependent manner. Western blot analysis indicated that β-eudesmol treatment resulted in significant suppression of HO-1 production in CL-6 cells. Its inhibitory effects on the phosphorylation of STAT1/3 proteins and expression of NF-κB (p65 and p50) proteins were concentration-dependent. Taken together, these results suggest that β-eudesmol exerts significant growth inhibitory activity on CL-6 cells that may be linked to its inhibitory effect on the production of HO-1, phosphorylation of STAT1/3, and expression of major NF-κB proteins. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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Epithelial ovarian carcinoma is the most lethal of gynecologic malignancies. There is a need to optimize the currently available treatment strategies and to urgently develop novel therapeutic agents against chemotherapy-resistant disease. The objective of our study was to evaluate neratinib’s preclinical efficacy in treating HER2-amplified ovarian cancer. Neratinib’s efficacy in treating HER2-amplified ovarian cancer was studied in vitro utilizing six primary tumor cell lines with differential HER2/neu expression. Flow cytometry was utilized to assess IC50, cell signaling changes, and cell cycle distribution. Neratinib’s in vivo efficacy was evaluated in HER2-amplified epithelial ovarian carcinoma xenografts. Three of six (50%) ovarian cancer cell lines were HER2/neu-amplified. Neratinib showed significantly higher efficacy in treating HER2/neu-amplified cell lines when compared to the non-HER2/neu-amplified tumor cell lines (mean ± SEM IC50:0.010 μM ± 0.0003 vs. 0.076 μM ± 0.005 p < 0.0001). Neratinib treatment significantly decreased the phosphorylation of the transcription factor S6, leading to arrest of the cell cycle in G0/G1 phase. Neratinib prolonged survival in mice harboring HER2-amplified epithelial ovarian carcinoma xenografts (p = 0.003). Neratinib inhibits proliferation, signaling, cell cycle progression and tumor growth of HER2-amplified epithelial ovarian carcinoma in vitro. Neratinib inhibits xenograft growth and improves overall survival in HER2/neu-amplified ovarian cancer in vivo. Clinical trials are warranted.
Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is a soft tissue sarcoma that arises from muscle precursors affecting predominately children and young adults. It can be divided into two main classes: embryonal (eRMS) and alveolar rhabodomyosarcomas (aRMS). Despite the expression of early muscle specific genes, RMS cells fail to complete myogenesis even in differentiation conditions. We previously demonstrated that Enhancer Zeste of Homolog 2 (EZH2), the catalytic subunits of PRC2 complex, contributes to inhibit muscle differentiation in eRMS and its down-regulation causes a partial recovery of myogenesis. 12-O-Tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) is a molecule able to induce differentiation in eRMS with a mechanism that involves the protein kinase C (PKC). In this paper we report that treatment with TPA reduces the expression of EZH2 without affecting levels of H3K27me3. The combination of TPA with GSK126, an inhibitor of the catalytic activity of EZH2, has a synergic effect on the induction of muscle differentiation in RD rhabdomyosarcoma cells, suggesting a new therapeutic combinatory approach for RMS treatment. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Curcuma caesia Roxb. (Black turmeric), a perennial herb of the family Zingiberaceae is indigenous to India. C. caesia is used as a spice, food preservative and coloring agent commonly in the Indian subcontinent. Functional parametric pharmacological evaluations like drug ability and toxicity profile of this endangered species is poorly documented. In our present study, among all the extracts of dried C. caesia rhizome viz- hexane, ethyl acetate, methanol and water tested for free radical scavenging capacity by total antioxidant activity (TAO) method, Hexane Rhizome Extract (HRE) wzs found to possess remarkable activity (1200 mg ascorbic acid equivalent/100 g). In MTT assay across three cancer cell lines and a control cell line, HRE exhibited a dose-dependent inhibition only in cancer cells, with notable activity in HepG2 cell lines (IC50: 0976 µg/mL). Further, western blotting and flow cytometry experiments proved that HRE induces cell arrest at G2/M phase along with cellular apoptosis as suggestive by multiple-point mitochondrial mediated intrinsic pathway of Programmed Cell Death (PCD). Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrophotometry (GC-MS) analysis of HRE suggested twenty compounds that when docked in silico with Tubulin (1SA0) and Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor/ EGFR (1XKK) showed very intimate binding with the original ligands. Our results provided significant evidence of the toxicity mechanisms of HRE that may be beneficial for more rational applications of drug discovery for slowing down cancer progression.
Four new neutral N,N imidoyl-indazole ligands (L1, L3, L6, L7) and six new Pt(II)-based complexes (C1–5 and C7) were synthesized and characterized by spectroscopic and spectrometric techniques. Additionally, compounds L6, L7, C3, C5 and C7 were analyzed using X-ray diffraction. An evaluation of cytotoxicity and cell death in vitro for both ligands and complexes was performed by colorimetric assay and flow cytometry, in four cancer cell lines and VERO cells as the control, respectively. Cytotoxicity and selectivity demonstrated by each compound were dependent on the cancer cell line assayed. IC50 values of complexes C1–5 and C7 were lower than those exhibited for the reference drug cisplatin, and selectivity of these complexes was in general terms greater than cisplatin on three cancer cell lines studied. In HL60 cells, complexes C1 and C5 exhibited the lowest values of IC50 and were almost five times more selective than cisplatin. Flow cytometry results suggest that each complex predominantly induced necrosis, and its variant necroptosis, instead of apoptosis in all cancer cell lines studied. DNA binding assays, using agarose gel electrophoresis and UV–visible spectrophotometry studies, displayed a strong interaction only between C4 and DNA. In fact, theoretical calculations showed that C4-DNA binding complex was the most thermodynamic favorable interaction among the complexes in study. Overall, induction of cell death by dependent and independent-DNA-metal compound interactions were possible using imidoyl-indazole Pt(II) complexes as anticancer agents.
Gastric cancer represents a diffuse and aggressive neoplasm, whose mortality index is among the highest in the world. Predisposing factors are E-cadherin mutations, Helicobacter pylori infection and a diet rich in salted and smoked food, with a low intake of fresh fruits and vegetables. Here we analyzed the effect of total lipophilic extracts of two Southern Italy tomato varieties, San Marzano and Corbarino, on an in vitro model of gastric cancer, YCC-1, YCC-2 and YCC-3 cell lines, characterized by different aggressiveness. Our results showed a possible role of these two varieties of tomatoes against typical neoplastic features. The treatment with tomato extracts affected cancer cell ability to grow both in adherence and in semisolid medium, reducing also cell migration ability. No toxic effects were observed on non-tumoral cells. We found, on gastric cancer cell lines, effects on both cell cycle progression and apoptosis modulation. The extent of antineoplastic effects, however, did not seem to correlate with the carotenoid content and antioxidant activity of the two tomato varieties. Our data indicate that San Marzano and Corbarino intake might be further considered as nutritional support not only in cancer prevention, but also for cancer patient diet. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
In this study, two Euphorbia species (i.e. terracina and paralias) were investigated for their cytotoxic and antioxidant activities. Cytotoxicity of plant methanol and chloroform fractions was examined towards human acute myeloid leukemia (THP1) and human colon epithelial (Caco2) cancer cell lines, as well as CD 14 and IEC-6 normal cells by targeting various modulators of apoptosis or inflammation. Moreover, secondary metabolite pools (phenolic classes, alkaloids, terpenes, saponins) and antioxidant activities (DPPH, ABTS and O2− scavenging, as well as FRAP tests) were assessed in plant extracts.
The activation of the NF-κB transcription factor is a major adaptive response induced upon treatment with EGFR kinase inhibitors, leading to the emergence of resistance in non-small cell lung cancer and other tumor types. To suppress this survival mechanism, we developed new thiourea quinazoline derivatives that are dual inhibitors of both EGFR kinase and the NF-κB activity. Optimization of the hit compound, identified in a NF-κB reporter gene assay, led to compound 9b, exhibiting a cellular IC50 for NF-κB inhibition of 0.3 µM while retaining a potent EGFR kinase inhibition (IC50 = 60 nM). The dual inhibitors showed a higher potency than gefitinib to inhibit cell growth of EGFR–overexpressing tumor cell lines in vitro and in a xenograft model in vivo, while no signs of toxicity were observed. An investigation of the molecular mechanism of NF-κB suppression revealed that the dual inhibitors depleted the transcriptional co-activator CREB-binding protein from the NF-κB complex in the nucleus.