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Abstract and Figures

In amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) has produced mounting evidence of a widespread white matter (WM) damage within motor and extramotor pathways. To provide novel information about the degenerative process in ALS, overcoming some of the limitations imposed by diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), we performed a high angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI) analysis of DW-MRI data. Generalized fractional anisotropy (GFA) was evaluated in 19 patients with ALS and 19 matched control subjects, and was correlated with clinical scores of disability, pyramidal impairment by upper motor neuron (UMN) score and frontal dysfunction by the Frontal Systems Behaviour (FrSBe) scale. Results demonstrated that ALS patients showed a significant decrease of GFA in the WM tracts underneath the left and right precentral gyri and the body of the corpus callosum (p < 0.05, corrected), where GFA was significantly related to UMN scores (p < 0.001, uncorrected); and in the left superior longitudinal fasciculus (p < 0.05, corrected), where GFA was significantly related to FrSBe scale scores (p < 0.01, uncorrected). In conclusion, this study revealed a pattern of motor and extramotor frontal diffusivity abnormalities (probably related to behavioural and cognitive dysfunctions) showing a spatial distribution similar to what was previously described in ALS - frontotemporal dementia continuum.
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Correspondence: G. Tedeschi, Second University of Naples, Department of Medica l, Surgical, Neurological, Metabolic and Aging Sciences, Piazza
Miraglia 2, 80138 Naples, Italy. Fax: 39 0815665095. E -mail: g ioacchino.tedeschi @u
(Rece ived 16 January 2013 ; accepte d 10 March 2013 )
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration, 2013; Early Online: 1–9
ISSN 2167-8421 print/ISSN 2167-9223 online © 2013 In forma Healthcare
DOI : 10.3109 /21678421.2013.785569
other than those comprising the primary corticospi-
nal tracts (CSTs) (5). These fi ndings support the
concept of motor neuron degeneration being part of
a wider progressive process that spreads contigu-
ously through multiple networks, which potentially
explains the heterogeneity in clinical features fre-
quently including variable association of motor
and extramotor symptoms (6,7). In this regard,
ALS and frontotemporal dementia (FTD), both
multisystem neurodegenerative disorders, overlap at
clinical, pathological and genetic levels (1) and these
evidences have been reinforced by the fi nding that
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegene-
rative disorder predominantly characterized by pro-
gressive motor involvement in limb, bulbar, and
respiratory functions (1). On the other hand, it also
shows symptoms affecting extramotor systems, such
as frontotemporal dysfunction associated with cogni-
tive decline and behavioural impairment (2).
From a histopathological viewpoint (3), and as
also highlighted in vivo by recent neuroimaging fi nd-
ings (4), it is recognized that ALS brain pathology is
widespread and involves several cerebral networks
Motor and extramotor neurodegeneration in amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis: A 3T high angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI)
2,3 ,
2,4 ,
1 3
1 Department of Medical, Surgical, Neurological, Metabolic and Aging Sciences, Second University of Naples,
2 MRI Research Centre SUN-FISM Second University of Naples,
3 Neurological Institute for Diagnosis and
Care Hermitage Capodimonte , Naples,
4 Department of Medical-Surgical, Clinical and Experimental Inter nistics
F. Magrassi A. Lanzara , Second University of Naples, Naples,
5 Department of Medicine and Surger y, University
of Salerno, Baronissi, Italy, and
6 Department of Cognitive Neuroscience, Maastricht University, Maastricht, The
In amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) has produced mount-
ing evidence of a widespread white matter (WM) damage within motor and extramotor pathways. To provide novel infor-
mation about the degenerative process in ALS, overcoming some of the limitations imposed by diffusion tensor imaging
(DTI), we performed a high angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI) analysis of DW-MRI data. Generalized frac-
tional anisotropy (GFA) was evaluated in 19 patients with ALS and 19 matched control subjects, and was correlated with
clinical scores of disability, pyramidal impairment by upper motor neuron (UMN) score and frontal dysfunction by the
Frontal Systems Behaviour (FrSBe) scale.
Results demonstrated that ALS patients showed a signifi cant decrease of GFA in the WM tracts underneath the left
and right precentral gyri and the body of the corpus callosum ( p 0.05, corrected), where GFA was signifi cantly related
to UMN scores ( p 0.001, uncorrected); and in the left superior longitudinal fasciculus ( p 0.05, corrected), where GFA
was signifi cantly related to FrSBe scale scores ( p 0.01, uncorrected). In conclusion, this study revealed a pattern of motor
and extramotor frontal diffusivity abnormalities (probably related to behavioural and cognitive dysfunctions) showing a
spatial distribution similar to what was previously described in ALS frontotemporal dementia continuum.
Key words: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis , diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging , high angular resolution diffusion imaging ,
Q-ball imaging , white matter impairment
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2 F. Trojsi et al.
TAR DNA binding protein 43 kD (TDP-43) is the
principal protein inclusion in ALS and in a subgroup
of FTD cases (8). Moreover, a common expansion
in the intron of C9orf72 on chromosome 9 (9p21)
has been identifi ed in families affected by ALS, FTD
or ALS-FTD (1).
Central to the advanced neuroimaging fi ndings
has been the use of diffusion weighted magnetic
resonance imaging (DW-MRI), which has rapidly
become an important non-invasive tool for charac-
terization of white matter (WM) structures through
the visualization and evaluation of fi bre tracts
connecting cortical and subcortical regions.
Specifi cally, the most commonly used technique,
diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), enables the assess-
ment of WM pathways integrity by measuring
water diffusion properties and is represented by
three eigenvectors and corresponding eigenvalues
from which fractional anisotropy (FA) and axial
(AD), radial (RD) and mean (MD) diffusivity
derive (9,10). DTI has already produced promis-
ing results in assessing widespread WM pathology
in patients with ALS (11 20), most of which
mainly refer to changes in FA and MD (11,13 20)
refl ecting, respectively, directional changes in water
diffusivity and the average of diffusion in all
directions (9,10). Conversely, only few studies have
shown a signifi cant increase of AD (12,13), which
refl ects axonal damage (9), and/or RD (12 15,19),
the most accepted myelin related measure (21,22),
along both motor and extramotor fi bre pathways
in ALS.
Most of these studies have reported changes of
FA mainly in the CSTs, but also in the corpus cal-
losum (CC) (12,14 16,18,19) and the frontal and
temporal lobes (14 16,18 20), detecting signifi cant
correlations of FA with duration, progression, and
severity of the disease within and also beyond motor
areas (11,13 15,17,18,20).
Recently, insights into corticomotor connectivity
changes in ALS have been derived by acquiring high
angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI) scans
along with high-resolution structural images (sMRI),
confi rming and magnifying previous DTI results
(23). As an alternative DW-MRI approach, the
HARDI technique allows to overcome DTI limita-
tions in the analysis of crossing fi bres (24). In par-
ticular, the major shortcoming of DTI is the limitation
in resolving individual fi bre orientations within voxels
containing fi bres with more than one orientation.
Conversely, HARDI allows to evaluate diffusion
attenuation in many more angular directions, dozens
or even hundreds, and also allows to resolve the ori-
entations of multiple fi bre populations coexisting in
the same voxel (24). Among the several HARDI
techniques, Q-ball imaging (QBI) has shown to be
the most sensitive to multimodal diffusion along
WM fi bres (25).
The present work is based on a QBI HARDI
approach, aiming to investigate the integrity of motor
and extramotor WM pathways in a group of patients
with sporadic ALS also in advanced stages of disease
and to correlate generalized FA (GFA), the most
prominent and widely accepted QBI parameter, with
clinical measures of UMN impairment, disability
and frontal dysfunction.
Materials and methods
Patients and controls
We studied 19 patients with ALS (nine males, ten
females; mean age 61.1 11.2 years), with defi nite
( n 9) or probable ( n 10) sporadic ALS, according
to the revised El Escorial criteria of the World
Federation of Neurology (26). The mean disease
duration, estimated from the time of symptoms onset
to scanning, was 4.1 3.6 years. All had a classic
phenotype with bulbar signs present in nine patients
including also long-term survivors. Specifi cally, eight
patients had a survival 4 years, two of whom were
receiving artifi cial respiratory support (non-invasive
ventilation; mean duration, 68 months). We excluded
patients with non-classical phenotypes (i.e. domi-
nant lower motor neuron impairment, such as pro-
gressive muscular atrophy, fl ail leg syndrome or
pseudopolyneuritic form) or with other motor neu-
ron diseases (i.e. progressive bulbar palsy, primary
lateral sclerosis, post-poliomyelitis ALS and ALS-
In all patients we assessed the ALS Functional
Rating Scale-Revised (ALSFRS-R) for evaluating
and monitoring ALS related disability (27); the Fron-
tal Systems Behaviour (FrSBe) scale for estimating
the degree of frontal dysfunction through the evalu-
ation of total or T-score, derived from the caregiver
form and referring to the present time (28); and the
UMN score, a measure of pyramidal dysfunction
based on a scale used in previous ALS neuroimaging
studies (14,29). Specifi cally, this score evaluates the
number of pathologic refl exes, elicited from 15 body
sites glabellum, orbicularis oris, masseter (jaw jerk),
biceps, triceps and fi nger jerks bilaterally, and knee,
ankle, and Babinski responses bilaterally.
We have not administered our patients the frontal
assessment battery (FAB) (30), because the ALS
related physical symptoms could have signifi cantly
affected the score. However, all patients underwent a
prescreening neuropsychological evaluation, includ-
ing the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE)
(31) and phonemic and semantic fl uency tasks
(32,33), and performed in the normal range (for more
details see Table I). Moreover, in our sample we
found a mild prevalence of UMN signs and a frontal
executive and behavioural impairment (Table I).
All patients were treated with riluzole (50 mg
two/day). No patient had familial ALS or was posi-
tive for mutations of most genes causative for ALS
(i.e. superoxide dismutase-1 or SOD1, transactive
response DNA-binding protein or TARDBP, fused
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HARDI in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 3
in sarcoma/translocated in liposarcoma or FUS/TLS
and C9orf72).
The control group comprised 19 healthy controls
(nine males, ten females) aged from 46 to 78 years
(mean age 62.1 8.5 years) with no history of
neurological or psychiatric diseases and without any
abnormalities detected on conventional MRI T1
and T2 weighted images. All 38 subjects included in
the study were right-handed.
The study was approved by the ethics committee
of the Second University of Naples and was in
accordance with the Helsinki Declaration of
1975. Informed consent was received from all
MRI scanning protocol
Magnetic resonance images were acquired on a 3T
GE Medical System scanner (Signa HDxt3T
twinspeed GE) equipped with an eight-channel par-
allel head coil. Whole brain DTI was performed
using a GRE EPI sequence (repetition time 10,000
ms, echo time 88 ms, fi eld of view 320 mm, iso-
tropic resolution 2.5 mm, b value 1000 s/mm
2 ,
32 isotropically distributed gradients, frequency
encoding RL).
Q-ball analysis
QBI analysis was performed by using the Functional
MRI of the Brain (FMRIB) Software Library (FSL)
software package (
Preprocessing included eddy current and
motion correction and brain tissue extraction. After
preprocessing, Q-ball images were averaged and
concatenated into 33 volumes and a Q-ball model
was fi tted at each voxel, generating GFA maps.
Q-ball group analyses included voxel based TBSS
and atlas-based volume of interest (VOI) analyses.
For these group analyses, Q-ball images were warped
to the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) 152
template, available as standard T1 data set in the
FSL software package.
TBSS was run with GFA maps to create the
skeleton , which represents the centre of all fi bre
bundles in common with all subjects, and which was
used for all other maps. For this purpose, GFA
images of all subjects ( n 38) were aligned to a
common target (FMRIB58_FA standard space)
using non-linear registration, and thereby GFA maps
were calculated using the FSL FMRIB’s Diffusion
Toolbox (FDT) tool and aligned to a 1 1 1 mm
MNI 152 standard space. A mean GFA skeleton was
then created with threshold of GFA 0.1. Voxelwise
correlations were performed to relate GFA to the
clinical scores of disability (UMN score, ALSFRS-R,
FrSBe scale). The resulting statistical maps were
thresholded at p 0.05 corrected for multiple com-
parisons at a cluster level using the threshold-free
cluster enhancement (TFCE) approach (34). Age
was used as covariate. A VOI analysis was also per-
formed to correlate the TBSS results with standard
anatomic VOI data. VOIs were defi ned by anatomic
marks obtained from the International Consortium
of Brain Mapping DTI-81 WM labels atlas (Johns
Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland) (35,36).
Individual GFA values were extracted by fi rst
aligning the specifi c VOI to the GFA maps of all
subjects with the Non-linear Image Registration Tool
in FMRIB; then, all subject maps were masked with
this VOI, and the mean values of GFA were obtained.
GFA was evaluated in the CSTs, the CC (divided
into splenium, body, and genu), and the superior
longitudinal, fronto-occipital and uncinate fasciculi.
Table I. Detailed patient characteristics.
n 19
Mean age (years SD) (r ange) 61.1 11.2 (34 80)
Gender (male: female) 9:10
El Escorial criteria (probable:defi nite) 10:9
Mean disease duration (months SD) (ra nge) 49.2 43.2 (12 168 )
Age of onset (mean SD) (range) 57.3 12.2 (30 75)
Site of initial symptom onset (upper limbs:
lower limbs: bulbar)
UMN score (mean SD) (range) 7.1 4.4 (16 1)
ALSFRS-R (mean SD) (r ange) 34.2 9.1 (47 18)
Rate of disease progression
(mean SD) (ra nge) 0.31 0.57 (1.83 0.083)
FrSBe scale (T-score, derived from caregivers)
(mean SD ) (ra nge)
106.6 22.7 (143 74)
MMSE (cut-off 24) (mean SD) (range) 28.5 1.7 (30 25.31)
Phonemic uency task (cut-off 17.35) (mean SD)
8.8 (51 18)
Semantic fl uency task (cut-off 7.25) (mean SD)
15.2 4.3 (23.75 9.5)
Calculated according to Ellis et al. (11) by the following formula: 48 ALSFRS-R/
disease duration.
T-s cor e 65 is defi ned as impaired behaviour and executive functions (28).
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4 F. Trojsi et al.
Pearson s correlation coeffi cients were calculated
to evaluate the relationship between the clinical vari-
ables (UMN score, ALSFRS-R, FrSBe scale, and
disease duration) and the mean values of GFA within
the VOIs. p -values 0.05 were considered statisti-
cally signifi cant after correction for multiple com-
parisons with the Bonferroni method.
Comparing the GFA maps of ALS patients and con-
trols in the TBSS analysis, the former showed a sig-
nifi cant reduction ( p 0.05, corrected) of GFA
along: the CSTs, specifi cally within the rostral WM
tracts underneath the left and right precentral
gyri and the left ponto-mesencephalic junction; the
anterior thalamic radiations, with slight left lateral-
ization; the anterior cingulate; the splenium and
body of the CC; the fornix; the left uncinate fascicu-
lus; the left inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus; and
the left superior longitudinal fasciculus (Figure 1).
Within the patient group, signifi cant correlations
between GFA and clinical measures were observed.
Specifi cally, individual GFA data, extracted via
the VOI analysis selectively from the TBSS results,
showed a signifi cant inverse correlation with
UMN scores along the left CST at the ponto-
mesencephalic junction ( p 0.031). This result was
also confi rmed by applying a voxelwise GLM analy-
sis on the group of patients, although at an uncor-
rected level of signifi cance ( p 0.001).
Voxel-level GLM analysis showed that GFA in
the body of CC and, bilaterally, in WM tracts from
the central CC to the primary motor and premotor
cortices, also including, with slight prevalence in
the left hemisphere, the anterior cingulate and the
superior longitudinal fasciculus, was inversely cor-
related with UMN score ( p 0.001, uncorrected)
(Figure 2).
Additionally, GFA in WM underneath the left
primary motor cortex, the body of CC, the left
superior longitudinal fasciculus and the CSTs at
the ponto-mesencephalic junction was negatively
correlated with FrSBe scale T-scores ( p 0.001,
uncorrected) (Figure 3).
No signifi cant correlations were observed between
GFA and ALSFRS-R, disease duration or disease
progression rate in the CSTs, the CC and the supe-
rior longitudinal, the inferior fronto-occipital and
the uncinate fasciculi.
ALS has been commonly regarded as a neuro-
degenerative disorder primarily involving the pyra-
midal system, but there is growing evidence that
Figure 1. GFA decrease in ALS patients compared with controls: prominent involvement of rostral CST, CC and fornix (red-yellow
scale; blue shows the CST derived from the JHU White-Matter Tractography atlas (35,36) upper panels) and frontal (associative)
tracts (uncinate, superior longitudinal and inferior fronto-occipital fasciculi, with left prevalence; green VOIs were derived from
the JHU White-Matter Tractography atlas (35,36) lower panels) ( p 0.05, corrected).
CC: corpus callosum; CST: corticospinal tract; IFOF: inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus; L : left; SLF: superior longitudinal
fasciculus; UNC: uncinate fasciculus.
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HARDI in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 5
Figure 2. Voxelwise correlation analysis between GFA and UMN score: signifi cant inverse correlation in the left CST (upper panels)
and the body of CC (lower panels) ( p 0.001, uncorrected).
Figure 3. Voxelwise correlation analysis between GFA and FrSBe scale T-scores: signifi cant inverse correlations in the body of
CC and at the left ponto-mesencephalic junction (upper panels) and in the left SLF (red shows the SLF derived from the JHU
White-Matter Tractography atlas (35,36) lower panels) ( p 0.001, uncorrected).
degenerative changes can occur elsewhere in the
central nervous system.
Recently, the extensive application of advanced
MRI techniques to the study of ALS has undoubtedly
improved the understanding of the pathophysiology
of the disease and in particular the spreading of
the neurodegenerative process from motor toward
extramotor systems (4,7).
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6 F. Trojsi et al.
In our study we depicted whole brain GFA
changes in advanced stages of ALS by using a QBI
model as the HARDI method and provided addi-
tional information on the extent of the neurodegen-
erative process with respect to earlier DW-MRI
studies. To the best of our knowledge, there is only
one other paper addressing WM pathways abnor-
mality in ALS by applying HARDI along with
high resolution sMRI and whole brain probabilistic
tractography (23).
Interestingly, comparing ALS patients with
controls, our voxelwise analysis of GFA maps resem-
bles the intra- (i.e. between the left and right precen-
tral gyri and the brainstem) and inter-hemispheric
(i.e. between the right and left anterior cingulate
gyri) abnormalities of WM pathways previously
detected by a different HARDI approach (23).
The need for using a multitensorial DWI
approach, such as HARDI, for depicting and
tracking axonal fi bre tracts was originated by the
limitations of DTI, which is based on a conven-
tional single-tensor model and then does not take
into account multiple fi bres crossing within single
voxels (37). The Gaussian tensor model assumes
a unimodal displacement probability distribution,
where the principal eigenvector is coaligned with
the dominant fi bre orientation within a voxel.
Therefore, considering that over one-third of vox-
els in the brain exhibits marked deviations from
the Gaussian diffusion behaviour, DTI is not ideal
for completely characterizing the location and ori-
entation of brain fi bres (24,38). This diffi culty is
particularly evident when attempting to recon-
struct the motor pathways, especially regarding
the face and tongue regions (39). The major fi bre
bundles, such as the callosal fi bres and superior
longitudinal fasciculi, cross the motor tracts at the
level of the centrum semiovale and, therefore,
when these fi bre bundles intersect within a voxel,
the DTI model is not adequate to comprehen-
sively describe the anatomical connectivity of this
voxel (37).
These constraints have been overcome by
HARDI methodology, which proved to be effi cient
in the detection of subtle axonal connections in the
brain (25), as well as in the spinal cord (40), mainly
by using a novel reconstruction model, such as QBI
(25). Specifi cally, this reconstruction method is
considerably more time-effi cient and practical for
routine investigative purposes than other q-space
imaging techniques, although less informative about
complex tissue microstructure properties (25). The
study of congenital (41,42), neoplastic (39) and
post-traumatic (43) brain and spinal cord abnor-
malities by HARDI is relatively recent, and in par-
ticular there are few applications to the investigation
of the neurodegenerative process in experimental
(43) and clinical (23) conditions.
A number of non-ALS studies have shown the
advantages of using the HARDI approach. In healthy
subjects, a magnifi cation of the frontopontine-
crossing motor fi bres in the midbrain has been
observed by using HARDI (25). In brain tumour
patients, the depiction of the motor pathway by
using a conventional DTI model resulted to be less
sensitive than HARDI in detecting corticospinal
tracts abnormalities (39). In cases of partial agen-
esia of the CC, HARDI allowed to depict many
more heterotopic tracts compared to DTI (42).
Furthermore, with regard to extramotor fi bre tracts,
in healthy subjects HARDI proved superior to DTI
in depicting microstructural changes in regions sup-
posed or known to have more crossing fi bres, such
as cingulate gyrus, superior longitudinal fasciculus
and uncinate fasciculus (38).
Against this background we designed our study,
believing that HARDI could be a valuable tool for
investigating in vivo the pathological process in
ALS. However, although the present work does not
aim to compare QBI and DTI models when applied
to ALS, we have preliminarily generated FA maps
submitted to the same TBSS pipeline of GFA maps,
and have observed that the main differences between
the two models in TBSS results were in regions sup-
posed or known to have many crossing fi bres, par-
ticularly in anterior thalamic radiations, cingulate
gyrus and uncinate fasciculus, more impaired in
ALS patients compared with controls in GFA maps
(data not shown).
With respect to GFA measures within the CTSs,
the signifi cant decrease of GFA in ALS patients
compared with controls, observed within both ros-
tral (underneath the primary motor cortices) and
caudal (at the left ponto-mesencephalic junction)
WM tracts, confi rms and strengthens previous DTI
TBSS results (14,15,18,34). This pattern of wide-
spread microstructural impairment of the CSTs
might be interpreted as an advanced stage of pathol-
ogy characterized by a wider extension of the
degenerative process, similar to what has been
reported in post mortem examinations of patients
with sporadic ALS, especially in case of long sur-
vival (3,44). Moreover, the signifi cant correlation
between GFA at the left ponto-mesenchephalic
junction along the CSTs and UMN score is con-
sistent with previous DTI correlation analyses
reporting signifi cant correlations between FA and
clinical indices of pyramidal impairment in the
brainstem (11,34).
In our group of patients with ALS we showed a
reduced GFA also in the CC, mainly in its body,
which negatively correlated with clinical UMN
involvement. These results are consistent with previ-
ous DTI studies about the CC impairment in ALS
(12,14 16,18,19,23), although signifi cant correla-
tions between changes of FA and UMN impairment
have been mostly detected in the CSTs but not in
the CC (14,16,18). We argue that these diverging
results depend on: the different clinical characteris-
tics of the patients enrolled (i.e. predominantly
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HARDI in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 7
upper or lower motor neuron signs and different
disease duration or disability); the weakness of clin-
ical scores for the detection of specifi c UMN impair-
ment (45); and the different methodologies used.
Although our results should be further validated,
they underline the crucial role of CC impairment as
a neuroradiologic marker of UMN disease.
The reduction of GFA in the body of CC, includ-
ing its midbody that is substantially formed by inter-
hemispheric fi bres connecting the motor cortices
(46), and in both cranial and caudal parts of the
CSTs, is probably the result of a prevalent axonal loss
within the motor fi bre pathway, as also demonstrated
by neuropathological evidence (3,45). Specifi cally,
our data corroborate the recent concept of the CC
as a conduit for the spread of pathology from one
hemisphere to the other (47). In agreement with our
ndings, several clinical studies have demonstrated
an impaired interhemispheric inhibition in ALS even
at an early stage of disease progression, which could
be mediated by CC impairment and associated with
detection of mirror movements (48,49).
With respect to extramotor WM pathways, we
found a more widespread pattern of WM impair-
ment in the medial frontal lobes compared to what
was revealed by previous DWI measures (i.e. GFA
decrease in CC, anterior cingulate and uncinate, infe-
rior fronto-occipital and superior longitudinal fas-
ciculi), while we found an inverse correlation between
the FrSBe T-score and GFA changes only in the
CC and superior longitudinal fasciculus. It is worth
speculating that such a pattern of predominantly
frontal WM injury, also described in other cohorts of
patients with ALS (50,51), may refl ect the executive
and behavioural dysfunctions that characterize our
patients. Along this line of evidence, our fi ndings
reinforce the patterns of degeneration detected by
DTI analyses in patients with ALS (13,15,52,53) or
frontotemporal dementia (FTD) (53) or both (53,54),
supporting the concept of a continuum between ALS
and FTD not only on a pathological and genetic
level, but also on a microstructural degeneration
level (1). In this regard, a recent structural neuroim-
aging study using voxel based morphometry (VBM)
and DTI in the three subtypes of the ALS-FTD
continuum (i.e. ALS, ALS-FTD and FTD) revealed
that anterior cingulate, premotor and motor areas as
well as their underlying WM tracts were equally
affected across the three diseases, in keeping with
features common to the spectrum of frontotemporal
lobar degeneration (53). Speculatively, this overlap
of structural changes across the three ALS-FTD
subtypes may be related to the speed of evolution of
the common cortical TAR DNA binding protein
43 (TDP-43) pathology that leads to rapid dissolu-
tion of cortico-cortical connections and might infl u-
ence the clinical presentation with motor symptoms
and/or behavioural manifestations (8).
The correlation between GFA and FrSBe T-scores
in the left superior longitudinal fasciculus found in
the present study might corroborate previous evi-
dence about the linkage between extramotor WM
tracts degeneration and neuropsychological defi cits
detected in patients with ALS (20,52,55).
Importantly, a recent structural study showed
that anterior cingulate atrophy was closely related to
the degree of apathy in ALS patients (55), apathy
being the most prominent behavioural symptom
reported in ALS (51). However, only Tsujimoto
et al. (20) observed in early stages of ALS a signifi -
cant inverse correlation between the FrSBe scale
(considering the subscore of apathy alone) and FA
values within the WM underneath the frontal lobes,
mainly in the right medial frontal gyri, without
detecting in these regions a signifi cant decrease of
WM volumes. In agreement with the latter results,
in a more advanced stage of disease and contrary to
what was revealed in terms of diffusivity, we did not
detect signifi cant WM atrophy in the medial frontal
lobes when comparing patients with controls by a
VBM analysis (SPM8 software package ( l.
ion.ucl. (data not shown). We speculate
that this discrepancy between VBM and diffusivity
ndings in the medial frontal lobes might be indica-
tive of an early active degeneration process detected
by DWI at a stage when volumetric changes have not
yet occurred.
The lack of signifi cant correlations between GFA
and ALSFRS-R score or disease progression rate in
our work is in agreement with previous studies
reporting an absence or low levels of signifi cance for
the correlations between DTI parameters and clini-
cal assessment (12,16,17,19,23). The limited num-
bers of patients studied, the heterogeneity of their
clinical presentations, and in particular the variance
in lower motor neuron (LMN) involvement that
contributes signifi cantly to the ALSFRS-R score,
may probably impact on the signifi cance levels of
these correlations.
Our study has some limitations. First, to fully
evaluate the power of this structural analysis method,
our QBI analysis needs to be expanded on a larger
cohort of patients, possibly scanned with more dif-
fusion gradient directions. We must take into account
that our sample of ALS patients, albeit small, covers
many disease features, especially in the advanced
stages. Secondly, we cannot determine with cer-
tainty the correlation between GFA changes and
cognitive impairment, as we did not perform a com-
plete neuropsychological assessment.
In summary, this study shows that the QBI
HARDI analysis holds important promise for gain-
ing additional insights into knowledge of the neuro-
degenerative process affecting the brain of patients
with ALS. The major fi ndings are the motor and
extramotor frontal diffusivity abnormalities poten-
tially underlying the behavioural and cognitive dys-
functions and the evidence of a neurodegenerative
pattern showing a spatial distribution similar
to what was previously described in the ALS-FTD
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8 F. Trojsi et al.
continuum. Future studies should aim to correlate
these structural fi ndings, involving both motor and
extramotor WM pathways, with clinical and func-
tional data, by analysing groups of several ALS
subtypes or phenotypes in early stages of disease
to identify non-invasive markers of ALS neurode-
generation in larger serial and multimodal MRI
The authors are grateful to Antonella Paccone for
her expert technical assistance.
Declaration of interest: The authors report no
confl icts of interest. The authors alone are respon-
sible for the content and writing of the paper.
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... In addition, the ODI and ISO scores correlate positively with disease duration [19]. Patients with ALS had a notable reduction in generalized fractional anisotropy (GFA) in the body of the CC, as well as within the WM tracts located bilaterally beneath the precentral gyri [111]. This reduction in GFA significantly correlated with UMN scores. ...
... This reduction in GFA significantly correlated with UMN scores. In addition, a notable decline in the GFA in the left superior longitudinal fasciculus was significantly associated with scores on the Frontal System Behavior (FrSBe) scale [111]. These findings indicate that as the severity of ALS increases, there is a corresponding increase in WM damage. ...
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Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease characterized by motor neuron degeneration. The development of ALS involves metabolite alterations leading to tissue lesions in the nervous system. Recent advances in neuroimaging have significantly improved our understanding of the underlying pathophysiology of ALS, with findings supporting the corticoefferent axonal disease progression theory. Current studies on neuroimaging in ALS have demonstrated inconsistencies, which may be due to small sample sizes, insufficient statistical power, overinterpretation of findings, and the inherent heterogeneity of ALS. Deriving meaningful conclusions solely from individual imaging metrics in ALS studies remains challenging, and integrating multimodal imaging techniques shows promise for detecting valuable ALS biomarkers. In addition to giving an overview of the principles and techniques of different neuroimaging modalities, this review describes the potential of neuroimaging biomarkers in the diagnosis and prognostication of ALS. We provide an insight into the underlying pathology, highlighting the need for standardized protocols and multicenter collaborations to advance ALS research.
... In our data set, with the exception of the SLF, RD identified more significant group differences than FA. Novel diffusion models and high-angularresolution DWI are increasingly implemented in ALS and FTD imaging as they are more likely to overcome the challenges associated with crossing fibers (Barritt et al., 2018;Broad et al., 2019;Trojsi et al., 2013). ...
... Even though extrapyramidal, cerebellar, and frontotemporal deficits and their corresponding radiological changes are now well characterized in ALS (Abidi et al., 2022;Christidi et al., 2023;Feron et al., 2018;Lulé et al., 2020;Trojsi et al., 2013;, clinical trials continue to exclusively focus on motor function, respiratory measures, and survival as primary outcome measures. As demonstrated by this and other studies, a considerable radiological, pathological, and clinical overlap exist between ALS and FTD, and motor function is just one of the facets of ALS. ...
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Background Language deficits are cardinal manifestations of some frontotemporal dementia (FTD) phenotypes and also increasingly recognized in sporadic and familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). They have considerable social and quality‐of‐life implications, and adaptive strategies are challenging to implement. While the neuropsychological profiles of ALS–FTD phenotypes are well characterized, the neuronal underpinnings of language deficits are less well studied. Methods A multiparametric, quantitative neuroimaging study was conducted to characterize the involvement of language‐associated networks, tracts, and cortical regions with a panel of structural, diffusivity, and functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) metrics. Seven study groups were evaluated along the ALS–FTD spectrum: healthy controls (HC), individuals with ALS without cognitive impairment (ALSnci), C9orf72‐negative ALS–FTD, C9orf72‐positive ALS–FTD, behavioral‐variant FTD (bvFTD), nonfluent variant primary progressive aphasia (nfvPPA), and semantic variant PPA (svPPA). The integrity of the Broca's area, Wernicke's area, frontal aslant tract (FAT), arcuate fascicle (AF), inferior occipitofrontal fascicle (IFO), inferior longitudinal fascicle (ILF), superior longitudinal fascicle (SLF), and uncinate fascicle (UF) was quantitatively evaluated. The functional connectivity (FC) between Broca's and Wernicke’ areas and FC along the FAT was also specifically assessed. Results Patients with nfvPPA and svPPA exhibit distinctive patterns of gray and white matter degeneration in language‐associated brain regions. Individuals with bvFTD exhibit Broca's area, right FAT, right IFO, and UF degeneration. The ALSnci group exhibits Broca's area atrophy and decreased FC along the FAT. Both ALS–FTD cohorts, irrespective of C9orf72 status, show bilateral FAT, AF, and IFO pathology. Interestingly, only C9orf72‐negative ALS–FTD patients exhibit bilateral uncinate and right ILF involvement, while C9orf72‐positive ALS–FTD patients do not. Conclusions Language‐associated tracts and networks are not only affected in language‐variant FTD phenotypes but also in ALS and bvFTD. Language domains should be routinely assessed in ALS irrespective of the genotype.
... Our findings of significant microstructural abnormalities in the bilateral CST and the middle posterior body of the CC in ALS revealed by decreased FD are consistent with previous reports using DTI and highangular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI) (Kalra et al., 2020;Kassubek et al., 2018;Müller et al., 2020Müller et al., , 2016Qiu et al., 2019;Trojsi et al., 2017Trojsi et al., , 2013. Specifically, some HARDI studies showed a highly significant decrease of generalized FA and fiber length and density in the CST and CC (Trojsi et al., 2017(Trojsi et al., , 2013. ...
... Our findings of significant microstructural abnormalities in the bilateral CST and the middle posterior body of the CC in ALS revealed by decreased FD are consistent with previous reports using DTI and highangular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI) (Kalra et al., 2020;Kassubek et al., 2018;Müller et al., 2020Müller et al., , 2016Qiu et al., 2019;Trojsi et al., 2017Trojsi et al., , 2013. Specifically, some HARDI studies showed a highly significant decrease of generalized FA and fiber length and density in the CST and CC (Trojsi et al., 2017(Trojsi et al., , 2013. Based on large-scale multicenter DTI data, more recent prospective studies demonstrated the most significant FA alterations in the CST using whole-brain-based spatial statistics (Kalra et al., 2020;Kassubek et al., 2018;Müller et al., 2020Müller et al., , 2016. ...
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Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the loss of both upper and lower motor neurons. Studies using metrics derived from the diffusion tensor model have documented decreased fractional anisotropy (FA) and increased mean diffusivity in the corticospinal tract (CST) and the corpus callosum (CC) in ALS. These studies, however, only focused on microstructural white matter (WM) changes, while the macrostructural alterations of WM tracts in ALS remain unknown. Moreover, studies conducted based on the diffusion tensor model cannot provide information related to specific fiber bundles and fail to clarify which biological characteristics are changing. Using a novel fixel-based analytical method that can characterize the fiber density (FD) and the fiber-bundle cross-section (FC), this study investigated both microstructural and macrostructural changes in the WM in a large cohort of patients with ALS (N = 60) compared with demographically matched healthy controls (N = 60). Compared with healthy controls, we found decreased FD, FC and fiber density and cross-section (FDC, a combined measure of the FD and FC) values in the bilateral CST and the middle posterior body of the CC in patients with ALS, suggesting not only microstructural but also macrostructural abnormalities in these fiber bundles. Additionally, we found that the mean FD and FDC values in the bilateral CST were positively correlated with the revised ALS Functional Rating Scale, indicating that these two indices may serve as potential markers for assessing the clinical severity of ALS. Thus, these findings provide initial evidence for the existence of microstructural and macrostructural abnormalities of the fiber bundles in ALS.
... While frontotemporal dysfunction is a well-recognised clinical facet of ALS [1][2][3][4], cognitive manifestations of PLS are less well characterised. PLS is traditionally conceptualised as a "pure" upper motor neuron disorder, a view increasingly challenged by case series describing cognitive deficits [5,6]. ...
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Background Primary lateral sclerosis (PLS) is traditionally regarded as a pure upper motor neuron disorder, but recent cases series have highlighted cognitive deficits in executive and language domains. Methods A single-centre, prospective neuroimaging study was conducted with comprehensive clinical and genetic profiling. The structural and functional integrity of language-associated brain regions and networks were systematically evaluated in 40 patients with PLS in comparison to 111 healthy controls. The structural integrity of the arcuate fascicle, frontal aslant tract, inferior occipito-frontal fascicle, inferior longitudinal fascicle, superior longitudinal fascicle and uncinate fascicle was evaluated. Functional connectivity between the supplementary motor region and the inferior frontal gyrus and connectivity between Wernicke’s and Broca’s areas was also assessed. Results Cortical thickness reductions were observed in both Wernicke’s and Broca’s areas. Fractional anisotropy reduction was noted in the aslant tract and increased radical diffusivity (RD) identified in the aslant tract, arcuate fascicle and superior longitudinal fascicle in the left hemisphere. Functional connectivity was reduced along the aslant track, i.e. between the supplementary motor region and the inferior frontal gyrus, but unaffected between Wernicke’s and Broca’s areas. Cortical thickness alterations, structural and functional connectivity changes were also noted in the right hemisphere. Conclusions Disease-burden in PLS is not confined to motor regions, but there is also a marked involvement of language-associated tracts, networks and cortical regions. Given the considerably longer survival in PLS compared to ALS, the impact of language impairment on the management of PLS needs to be carefully considered.
... Several MRI studies demonstrated also cerebral extra-motor changes in ALS patients, such as structural and functional alterations of frontal and temporal regions (Agosta et al., 2018). Frontotemporal abnormalities in ALS have been associated especially, but not exclusively, with cognitive and/or behavioral impairment and the more advanced disease stage (Lillo et al., 2012;Trojsi et al., 2013;Agosta et al., 2016;Castelnovo et al., 2022). ...
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Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) has traditionally been associated with brain damage involving the primary motor cortices and corticospinal tracts. In the recent decades, most of the research studies in ALS have focused on extra-motor and subcortical brain regions. The aim of these studies was to detect additional biomarkers able to support the diagnosis and to predict disease progression. The involvement of the frontal cortices, mainly in ALS cases who develop cognitive and/or behavioral impairment, is amply recognized in the field. A potential involvement of fronto-temporal and fronto-striatal connectivity changes in the disease evolution has also been reported. On this latter regard, there is still a shortage of studies which investigated basal ganglia (BG) alterations and their role in ALS clinical manifestation and progression. The present review aims to provide an overview on the magnetic resonance imaging studies reporting structural and/or functional BG alterations in patients with ALS, to clarify the role of BG damage in the disease clinical evolution and to propose potential future developments in this field.
... FreeSurfer cortical stream on T1 and T2weighted images (chapter 5)) and white matter diffusion metrics (e.g. tract-based spatial statistics on diffusion-weighted images (chapter 6)), have shown that grey matter and white matter degeneration in MND spread beyond the precentral cortices and corticospinal tracts to include the corpus callosum Trojsi et al., 2013), frontotemporal cortices Mioshi et al., 2013), thalamus , midbrain (Menke et al., 2014b) and cerebellum (Prell & Grosskreutz, 2013). ...
Psychosis is a challenging feature of the syndromes of motor neurone disease (MND), frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and their overlap (FTD-MND). Clinically evident psychosis is not common, except in those with C9orf72+ expansions. However, subthreshold psychosis or pre-psychosis processes are common and provide the opportunity to study the mechanisms of psychosis in MND and FTD-MND. My aim was to identify the prevalence and the cognitive and neural correlates of psychosis, and related processes, in MND. I used a tiered cohort study approach. Tier 1 introduced screening as standard in a regional MND clinic (N=111) using the Edinburgh Cognitive and Behavioural ALS Screen and Cambridge Behavioural Inventory-Revised (CBI-R). In Tier 2, 60 patients and 30 controls underwent neuropsychological assessment, including (i) evidence-based decision-making, to quantify jumping to conclusions (JTC), (ii) attentional control and associative learning, (iii) perceptual inference, and (iv) psychiatric screening with Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI), Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BRPS), and the Comprehensive Assessment of At-Risk Mental States (CAARMS). Tier 3 included magnetic resonance imaging of 30 patients and 20 controls. Carer reports in Tier 1 indicated that 10% of patients exhibited features suggestive of psychosis and 40% exhibited behavioural change. In Tier 2, many patients manifested abnormal behaviours (CBI-R 41%; NPI showed 19%; BPRS 24%), with 12-16% showing psychosis-specific symptoms (CBI-R and NPI psychosis index scores). In the jumping to conclusions task, patients made decisions based on less evidence than controls and were insensitive to negative feedback. Carer ratings of patient behaviour correlated with performance on the jumping to conclusions task when decisions were rewarded or costs fixed. Attentional shifting and perceptual inference were normal in MND. A principal component analysis (PCA) of questionnaires revealed two component scores, reflecting distinct patients’ and carers’ perspectives. The imaging analyses focused on the correlates of jumping to conclusions and insensitivity to negative feedback, as a potential risk profile for psychosis, with exploratory analyses of the correlates of the CBI-R psychosis index, and carers’ ratings of behaviour from the PCA. Using a Freesurfer regions-of-interest approach, grey matter volume correlated inversely with CBI-R psychosis index in the caudate, amygdala, cingulate and hippocampus. Using tract-based spatial statistics, increased mean diffusivity (MD) of diffusion weighted imaging correlated with the CBI-R psychosis responses in inferior longitudinal and uncinate fasciculi. Cost sensitivity in the JTC task correlated with cingulate and cerebellar grey matter volumes. White matter correlates of cost sensitivity included reduced FA with increasing cost sensitivity in white matter connecting the inferior frontal lobe in controls and patients. Although overt psychosis is uncommon in MND, many patients displayed abnormal behaviour or cognitive symptoms, including suboptimal reasoning biases and inferential impulsivity. Degeneration of cerebellar, cingulate and striatal grey matter, and adjacent major white matter tracts, may underlie these cognitive impairments and together represent a vulnerability to develop psychosis. Compromised reasoning and inference have implications for clinical management, including decisions around treatment options and management of well-being in MND.
... Studies of patients with lower motor neuron predominant presentations may also show extensive white matter disruption, suggesting that DTI may be capturing subclinical upper motor neuron disease in these patients . Patients with ALS who also feature behavioral or cognitive symptoms, including patients with frank bvFTD, additionally show white matter involvement in frontotemporal tracts Lillo et al., 2012;Omer et al., 2017;Spinelli et al., 2016;Trojsi et al., 2013). ...
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Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) have a strong clinical, genetic and pathological overlap. This review focuses on the current understanding of structural, functional and molecular neuroimaging signatures of genetic FTD and ALS. We overview quantitative neuroimaging studies on the most common genes associated with FTD (MAPT, GRN), ALS (SOD1), and both (C9orf72), and summarize visual observations of images reported in the rarer genes (CHMP2B, TARDBP, FUS, OPTN, VCP, UBQLN2, SQSTM1, TREM2, CHCHD10, TBK1).
... In sum, damage to these motor-related regions could lead to motor neuron dysfunction and is responsible for the relevant symptoms (e.g., muscle weakness and loss of voluntary control) observed in ALS patients (43). The regions with decreased FA also included several extramotor areas such as the right postcentral gyrus, left superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF) that involves the left superior frontal gyrus, left angular gyrus, and left middle temporal gyrus, and left inferior longitudinal fasciculus (ILF) that involves the left middle temporal gyrus and left middle occipital gyrus, which agrees with the findings of previous studies (44)(45)(46). For example, it has been demonstrated that the significant cortical thinning of the postcentral gyrus, namely, primary somatosensory cortex (47), occurring in ALS is correlated with disease severity (48,49). ...
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Objectives: White matter (WM) impairments involving both motor and extra-motor areas have been well-documented in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). This study tested the potential of diffusion measurements in WM for identifying ALS based on support vector machine (SVM). Methods: Voxel-wise fractional anisotropy (FA) values of diffusion tensor images (DTI) were extracted from 22 ALS patients and 26 healthy controls and served as discrimination features. The revised ALS Functional Rating Scale (ALSFRS-R) was employed to assess ALS severity. Feature ranking and selection were based on Fisher scores. A linear kernel SVM algorithm was applied to build the classification model, from which the classification performance was evaluated. To promote classifier generalization ability, a leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) method was adopted. Results: By using the 2,400~3,400 ranked features as optimal features, the highest classification accuracy of 83.33% (sensitivity = 77.27% and specificity = 88.46%, P = 0.0001) was achieved, with an area under receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.862. The predicted function value was positively correlated with patient ALSFRS-R scores (r = 0.493, P = 0.020). In the optimized SVM model, FA values from several regions mostly contributed to classification, primarily involving the corticospinal tract pathway, postcentral gyrus, and frontal and parietal areas. Conclusions: Our results suggest the feasibility of ALS diagnosis based on SVM analysis and diffusion measurements of WM. Additional investigations using a larger cohort is recommended in order to validate the results of this study.
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Although the past two decades have produced exciting discoveries in the genetics and pathology of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), progress in developing an effective therapy remains slow. This review summarizes the critical discoveries and outlines the advances in disease characterization, diagnosis, imaging, and biomarkers, along with the current status of approaches to ALS care and treatment. Additional knowledge of the factors driving disease progression and heterogeneity will hopefully soon transform the care for patients with ALS into an individualized, multi-prong approach able to prevent disease progression sufficiently to allow for a dignified life with limited disability.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative disease with a rapid course, characterized by motor neuron dysfunction, leading to progressive disability and death. This Review, which is aimed at neurologists, psychologists and other health professionals who follow evidence-based practice relating to ALS and frontotemporal dementia (FTD), examines the neuropsychological evidence that has driven the reconceptualization of ALS as a spectrum disorder ranging from a pure motor phenotype to ALS-FTD. It focuses on changes in cognition and behaviour, which vary in severity across the spectrum: around 50% individuals with ALS are within the normal range, 15% meet the criteria for ALS-FTD, and the remaining 35% are in the mid-spectrum range with milder and more focal impairments. The cognitive impairments include deficits in verbal fluency, executive functions, social cognition and language, and apathy is the most prevalent behavioural change. The pattern and severity of cognitive and behavioural change predicts underlying regional cerebral dysfunction from brain imaging and post-mortem pathology. Our increased recognition of cognition and behaviour as part of the ALS phenotype has led to the development and standardization of assessment tools, which have been incorporated into research and clinical care. Measuring change over the course of the disease is vital for clinical trials, and neuropsychology is proving to be a biomarker for the earliest preclinical changes.
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Up to now, fiber tractography in the clinical routine is mostly based on diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). However, there are known drawbacks in the resolution of crossing or kissing fibers and in the vicinity of a tumor or edema. These restrictions can be overcome by tractography based on High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging (HARDI) which in turn requires larger numbers of gradients resulting in longer acquisition times. Using compressed sensing (CS) techniques, HARDI signals can be obtained by using less non-collinear diffusion gradients, thus enabling the use of HARDI-based fiber tractography in the clinical routine. Eight patients with gliomas in the temporal lobe, in proximity to the optic radiation (OR), underwent 3T MRI including a diffusion-weighted dataset with 30 gradient directions. Fiber tractography of the OR using a deterministic streamline algorithm based on DTI was compared to tractography based on reconstructed diffusion signals using HARDI+CS. HARDI+CS based tractography displayed the OR more conclusively compared to the DTI-based results in all eight cases. In particular, the potential of HARDI+CS-based tractography was observed for cases of high grade gliomas with significant peritumoral edema, larger tumor size or closer proximity of tumor and reconstructed fiber tract. Overcoming the problem of long acquisition times, HARDI+CS seems to be a promising basis for fiber tractography of the OR in regions of disturbed diffusion, areas of high interest in glioma surgery.
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Objective To see whether the distribution patterns of phosphorylated 43kDa TAR DNA-binding protein (pTDP-43) intraneuronal inclusions in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) permit recognition of neuropathological stages. MethodspTDP-43 immunohistochemistry was performed on 70m sections from ALS autopsy cases (N = 76) classified by clinical phenotype and genetic background. ResultsALS cases with the lowest burden of pTDP-43 pathology were characterized by lesions in the agranular motor cortex, brainstem motor nuclei of cranial nerves V, VII, and X-XII, and spinal cord -motoneurons (stage 1). Increasing burdens of pathology showed involvement of the prefrontal neocortex (middle frontal gyrus), brainstem reticular formation, precerebellar nuclei, and the red nucleus (stage 2). In stage 3, pTDP-43 pathology involved the prefrontal (gyrus rectus and orbital gyri) and then postcentral neocortex and striatum. Cases with the greatest burden of pTDP-43 lesions showed pTDP-43 inclusions in anteromedial portions of the temporal lobe, including the hippocampus (stage 4). At all stages, these lesions were accompanied by pTDP-43 oligodendroglial aggregates. Ten cases with C9orf72 repeat expansion displayed the same sequential spreading pattern as nonexpansion cases but a greater regional burden of lesions, indicating a more fulminant dissemination of pTDP-43 pathology. InterpretationpTDP-43 pathology in ALS possibly disseminates in a sequential pattern that permits recognition of 4 neuropathological stages consistent with the hypothesis that pTDP-43 pathology is propagated along axonal pathways. Moreover, the finding that pTDP-43 pathology develops in the prefrontal cortex as part of an ongoing disease process could account for the development of executive cognitive deficits in ALS. Ann Neurol 2013;74:20-38
There is a clear need for brief, but sensitive and specific, cognitive screening instruments as evidenced by the popularity of the Addenbrooke's Cognitive Examination (ACE). We aimed to validate an improved revision (the ACE-R) which incorporates five sub-domain scores (orientation/attention, memory, verbal fluency, language and visuo-spatial). Standard tests for evaluating dementia screening tests were applied. A total of 241 subjects participated in this study (Alzheimer's disease=67, frontotemporal dementia=55, dementia of Lewy Bodies=20; mild cognitive impairment-MCI=36; controls=63). Reliability of the ACE-R was very good (alpha coefficient=0.8). Correlation with the Clinical Dementia Scale was significant (r=-0.321, p<0.001). Two cut-offs were defined (88: sensitivity=0.94, specificity=0.89; 82: sensitivity=0.84, specificity=1.0). Likelihood ratios of dementia were generated for scores between 88 and 82: at a cut-off of 82 the likelihood of dementia is 100:1. A comparison of individual age and education matched groups of MCI, AD and controls placed the MCI group performance between controls and AD and revealed MCI patients to be impaired in areas other than memory (attention/orientation, verbal fluency and language). The ACE-R accomplishes standards of a valid dementia screening test, sensitive to early cognitive dysfunction.
Background: The most frequently used method for fiber tractography based on diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is associated with restrictions in the resolution of crossing or kissing fibers and in the vicinity of tumor or edema. Tractography based on high-angular-resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI) is capable of overcoming this restriction. With compressed sensing (CS) techniques, HARDI acquisitions with a smaller number of directional measurements can be used, thus enabling the use of HARDI-based fiber tractography in clinical practice. Objective: To investigate whether HARDI+CS-based fiber tractography improves the display of neuroanatomically complex pathways and in areas of disturbed diffusion properties. Methods: Six patients with gliomas in the vicinity of language-related areas underwent 3-T magnetic resonance imaging including a diffusion-weighted data set with 30 gradient directions. Additionally, functional magnetic resonance imaging for cortical language sites was obtained. Fiber tractography was performed with deterministic streamline algorithms based on DTI using 3 different software platforms. Additionally, tractography based on reconstructed diffusion signals using HARDI+CS was performed. Results: HARDI+CS-based tractography displayed more compact fiber bundles compared with the DTI-based results in all cases. In 3 cases, neuroanatomically plausible fiber bundles were displayed in the vicinity of tumor and peritumoral edema, which could not be traced on the basis of DTI. The curvature around the sylvian fissure was displayed properly in 6 cases and in only 2 cases with DTI-based tractography. Conclusion: HARDI+CS seems to be a promising approach for fiber tractography in clinical practice for neuroanatomically complex fiber pathways and in areas of disturbed diffusion, overcoming the problem of long acquisition times.
The ALS Functional Rating Scale (ALSFRS) is a validated rating instrument for monitoring the progression of disability in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). One weakness of the ALSFRS as originally designed was that it granted disproportionate weighting to limb and bulbar, as compared to respiratory, dysfunction. We have now validated a revised version of the ALSFRS, which incorporates additional assessments of dyspnea, orthopnea, and the need for ventilatory support. The Revised ALSFRS (ALSFRS-R) retains the properties of the original scale and shows strong internal consistency and construct validity. ALSFRS-R scores correlate significantly with quality of life as measured by the Sickness Impact Profile, indicating that the quality of function is a strong determinant of quality of life in ALS.
By assuming that orientation information of brain white matter fibers can be inferred from Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging (DW-MRI) measurements, tractography algorithms provide an estimation of the brain connectivity in vivo. The two key ingredients of tractography are the diffusion model (tensor, high-order tensor, Q-ball, etc.) and the means to deal with uncertainty during the tracking process (deterministic vs probabilistic mathematical framework). In this paper, we investigate the use of an analytical Q-ball model for the diffusion data within a well-formalized particle filtering framework. The proposed method is validated and compared to other tracking algorithms on the MICCAI'09 contest Fiber Cup phantom. Tractographies of in vivo adult and fetal brain Diffusion-Weighted Images (DWIs) are also shown to illustrate the robustness of the algorithm.