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IoT Applications in Smart Cities: A Perspective Into Social and Ethical Issues



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IoT Applications in Smart Cities: a Perspective into
Social and Ethical issues
Francesca Righetti, Carlo Vallati, Giuseppe Anastasi*
Department of Information Engineering
University of Pisa
Pisa, Italy
Abstract—The possibility of interconnecting any kind of device
to the Internet is driving the adoption of the Internet of Things
(IoT) paradigm also in a city environment. Many IoT applications
are making the Smart City concept real, offering advanced
services to citizens and city administrators. This evolution re-
lies upon a seamless exchange of information among different
systems. Exchanged data includes personal and/or critical infor-
mation, thus requiring proper handling in order to avoid security
and privacy issues. At the same time, recent developments in
robotics are fostering the realization of autonomous agents (e.g.,
cars, buses, drones) that do not require human intervention. In
the city of the future, many services will rely on autonomous
agents. Also, autonomous agents (e.g., robots) will become more
human alike, and will be able to show emotions. Therefore, they
will replace humans in many city activities. In this paper, we first
overview the expected evolution of IoT applications and, then,
we briefly analyze the security, social, and ethical issues that are
foreseen in a Smart City context.
Index Terms—Smart City, Internet of Things, Autonomous
Agents, Emotional Robots
The evolution of the Internet of Things (IoT) can be
compared to the evolution of smartphones. Initially, only some
technology enthusiasts owned a smartphone, while nowadays
almost every person has one and, apparently, nobody can live
without it. Similarly, some years ago, having a thermostat or
a light bulb connected to the Internet was not so frequent.
Recently, the benefits deriving from remotely reaching our
”things”, for remote control or configuration, are becoming
clear even to common users who started to acknowledge the
need to have smart objects.
The power of the IoT does not only consist in remote
control. Another important benefit of connecting objects is the
possibility for smart objects to access any kind of information
through the Internet, information that can be exploited to
improve the service offered to end-users. For example, a
thermostat connected to the Internet could download weather
information in order to optimize its power consumption, based
on the actual and expected temperature. At the same time, in
the city environment, anemometer, pluviometer, humidity and
temperature sensors, could be deployed in parks and gardens
*Giuseppe Anastasi is also affiliated with Smart Cities & Communities
National Lab., CINI, Italy
areas, and their measurements could be exploited by sprinklers
to make irrigation more efficient (e.g., disabling the irrigation
when unnecessary), thus avoiding waste of water.
According to [1], the IoT is rapidly evolving. In 2013,
there were about 5 billion of connected objects, however their
number is expected to increase up to 50 billion by 2020. The
city environment represents a context that can particularly
benefit from the mass adoption of IoT devices. Indeed, the
spread of low-cost and low-energy devices, along with the
improvement in wireless communication, is already allowing
a rapid deployment of sensors and actuators in many different
city environments. Sensors and actuators are the building
blocks of the so-called cyber-physical systems [2] that can
offer innovative services to the citizens, thus improving their
quality of life. Moreover, cyber-physical systems can guaran-
tee a more efficient management of the city, thus reducing
costs [3] and improving its sustainability.
The deployment of multiple cyber-physical systems in dif-
ferent application domains will ultimately create an ecosys-
tem in which a large amount of heterogeneous data will
be produced [4]. In many cases, collected data may include
personal data about citizens. Also, data could be used to
infer information about their life (e.g., habits, preferences, and
health status). Other data may refer to critical infrastructure.
Therefore, privacy and security issues cannot be neglected and,
needless to say, they become more and more relevant as the
number of deployed sensors and actuators increase. Hence,
a proper handling of data, as well as appropriate regulations
about data management, are required.
In the city of the future many objects will be autonomous
agents (e.g., autonomous cars, buses, and vehicles) connected
to the Internet and communicating according to the Machine-
to-Machine (M2M) paradigm. This will pave the way to the
so-called Internet of Autonomous Things. Autonomous agents
will be able to carry out many activities without any human
intervention (e.g., autonomous driving). This will change rad-
ically our way of living and moving. Moreover, autonomous
agents will become more and more intelligent and will be able
to show emotions. Thus allowing them to replace humans in
many activities.
The increasing utilization of IoT devices and autonomous
agents eventually will enable a number of benefits in terms of
advanced services, better quality of life, increased efficiency,
2018 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing
978-1-5386-4705-9/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/SMARTCOMP.2018.00034
environmental sustainability. At the same time, it may intro-
duce a number of security, social and ethical issues. In this
paper, we intend to analyze the IoT technology for future cities
from two different perspectives. On one hand, we highlight
the benefits that can potentially derive for citizens from using
IoT applications in an urban environment. On the other hand,
we also try to emphasize potential issues that may come
from using such new technologies. Social and ethical issues
are often neglected by researchers and technologists, when
designing their solutions. This paper aims at stimulating a
discussion among researcher to make them aware that such
issues should never be neglected when developing technical
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II
reviews the main IoT-based applications for Smart Cities.
Section III and IV describe further evolutions of the ur-
ban ecosystem in order to include autonomous agents and
emotional robots. Section V highlights some security, social,
and ethical implications of this evolution. Finally, Section VI
concludes the paper.
The number of IoT applications for smart cities is progres-
sively growing up. More and more cities are deploying sensors
and actuators to instrument potentially all the activities that are
carried out in the city. These devices communicate typically
through wireless links and create a sort of capillary network
pervading the city. Environmental monitoring, traffic monitor-
ing, smart parking, smart surveillance, participatory sensing
are just some of the most common applications already used
in many cities. Below we provide a brief overview of these
applications, highlighting their benefits for the citizens and
the community, but also emphasizing their potential threats.
Due to space limitations, we just consider a limited number
of applications.
Air Quality and Environmental Monitoring. Air quality
represents a serious threat for the public health, the envi-
ronment and, ultimately, the economy of a country. Poor air
quality results in poor health, premature deaths, as well as in
damages to ecosystems, crops, and buildings. Obviously, the
effects are more serious in urban areas, where the majority
of the population resides. Therefore, almost all cities rely on
air quality monitoring systems. Currently, air quality is typi-
cally monitored through large and expensive sensing stations,
installed at some strategic locations that measures parameters
such as particulate matter (PM), Ozone (O3), Carbon Dioxide
(CO2), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2). This allows an accurate
monitoring, but limited to specific areas. In the future, as the
cost of sensors will become affordable by single citizens, air
quality sensors will be privately owned, thus allowing a fine-
grained air quality monitoring of urban areas.
In addition to air quality parameters, other environmental
parameters are also monitored, including temperature, humid-
ity, wind speed and directions, meteorological data, etc. Based
on this information, it is possible to forecast the air quality
in advance, in a specific area, and inform the population,
especially people affected by respiratory illness. Systems of
this kind can have a structure like in Figure 1. Using a
similar approach, sensors can be used to monitor wastewater,
especially during heavy rain, and predict the risk of flooding
so as to timely alert the population. Air quality and, more
generally, environmental monitoring, relies on collecting data
generated by sensors and analyzing them to take rational deci-
sion (e.g., limit the vehicular traffic in case of high level of air
pollution). Due to the nature of the collected data, they do not
require special handling procedures. However, decisions made
on environmental data (e.g., air quality forecast, prediction of
flooding) should be made with great accuracy and diffused
with caution, as they may have a potentially strong impact on
citizens and their behavior.
Fig. 1. Air Quality.
Traffic monitoring. Real time monitoring of urban traf-
fic is crucial to avoid jams, maintain a controlled level of
congestion, and ensure that the level of air pollution is kept
below the threshold imposed by regulations. Traffic monitoring
can be carried out taking two different approaches. The
former consists on deploying traffic-intensity sensors capable
of measuring the number of cars/vehicles entering or exiting
the city. Typically, they are deployed at the main entrances of
the city and buried under the asphalt, as shown in Figure 2. The
alternative approach consists in using cameras that monitor the
flow of vehicles entering/exiting the city. Images generated by
cameras are, then, processed to infer information about the
traffic intensity. In both cases, data about traffic intensity in the
different areas of the city are made available, in real time, to
city managers who can take timely and appropriate decisions,
if necessary. Also, information about traffic can be diffused to
citizens, who can thus select the less congested path to reach
their destination. Indeed, many applications including Google
Maps already implement this service. Finally, the analysis
of traffic data can also be used by city administrators and
managers to plan alternative mobility solutions, investigate the
correlation between air quality and traffic intensity in specific
areas of the city; etc. Traffic data are typically anonymous.
However, if they are generated through cameras deployed in
certain points of the city, the collected information may include
personal data such as number plates. Hence, data must be
anonymized, by removing any personal information, before
storage and analysis, in order to avoid privacy issues.
Fig. 2. Traffic Monitoring.
Smart Parking Management. Smart parking-management
systems are complementary to traffic monitoring and aim at
managing efficiently traffic flows by informing citizens on
where to go when they look for a parking lot. This avoids
traffic in areas where all the parking lots are busy. A possible
approach to smart parking management is shown in Figure 3.
The status of each parking lot is monitored through a dedicated
sensor and the collected information is periodically sent to a
server on the cloud. An alternative approach consists in using
cameras to infer the status of parking lots. In both cases, the
collected data are used to generate a real-time map of the
parking area that can be made available to drivers, through
a specific app on their smartphone. This way, drivers can
be guided towards the closest (free) parking lot, thus saving
time, reducing fuel consumption (and air pollution). As for
traffic monitoring, the approach based on cameras requires
preliminary data anonymization to prevent privacy issues.
Fig. 3. Smart Parking.
Smart Surveillance. Urban security is a key requirement
in modern cities and citizens are typically very sensitive to
security. Smart surveillance is nowadays used in all cities,
based on cameras deployed in almost all corners of the city.
Some cameras are deployed by police and used for real-
time and continuous monitoring of the most critical areas,
while some others are private cameras deployed by private
organizations (e.g., banks, shops) to prevent possible crimes.
In principle, through an accurate and capillary deployment of
small cameras it would be possible to monitor the entire city.
Data collected by cameras can be stored and/or analyzed in
real time, trough intelligent algorithms, to detect or prevent
crimes. While this is beneficial for urban security, nevertheless
it introduces a sort of modern Big Brother in our daily life
that may compromise the privacy of citizens. In this context,
deciding the right tradeoff between security needs and right
to privacy of citizens is a very challenging task. People are
very sensitive to urban security and crime prevention; at the
same time, they are very jealous about their personal privacy.
Therefore, appropriate rules need to be introduced to regulate
this, very critical, field.
Participatory Sensing. All the previous applications and
services rely on institutional sensors, i.e., sensors deployed
either by a public institution (e.g., municipality, environmen-
tal protection agency, police department) or a private orga-
nization (e.g., banks, shops). However, nowadays everyone
owns a smartphone, which is a powerful device equipped
with a camera and many other sensors, such as GPS, gy-
roscope, accelerometers, compass, microphones, and many
others. Therefore, citizens can use their personal smartphone
to acquire information on the surrounding environment and
upload them to the city cloud platform, where data can be
stored and analyzed. This direct involvement of users (citizens)
can enable a potentially large number of applications/services,
ranging from simple notification of critical situations (e.g.,
malfunctioning systems, car accidents, misbehaviors, crimes,
etc.) to participatory sensing applications, such as cooperative
air-quality monitoring through private sensors owned by citi-
zens. As above, since information is often collected through
cameras, privacy issues must be carefully considered when
dealing with this kind of applications.
Smart Homes/Buildings. The trend observed for cities
also applies to homes and buildings. Future homes/buildings
will be more and more equipped with interconnected sensors
and actuators to monitor and control any activity inside the
building. Most of activities (e.g., switching lamps on and
off) will be automated based on information collected by
sensors and/or preferences expressed by the user or inferred by
the system itself. Ideally, this should increase user’s comfort
and reduce energy consumption. Commercial solutions for
smart homes are already available on the market, or under
development. Some of these solutions relies on cameras for
detecting user activities and take decisions. Therefore, it has
been already observed that sentences such as ”the walls have
ears” are no longer a way of saying; instead, they have become
a reality [6]. Of course, this reality is not acceptable for many
users who believe that (i) privacy cannot be traded off with
energy efficiency, and (ii) comfort cannot be separated by
All the applications considered in the previous section rely
on a large number of sensors deployed in the city, whose
generated data are then stored in the city Cloud platform
and processed to take rational decisions, typically by city
administrators and managers. The city of the future will
also include autonomous agents, i.e., systems that can take
decisions autonomously, thus enabling autonomous manage-
ment and administration. In such a scenario, which could be
referred to as the Internet of Autonomous Things, autonomous
agents will interact each other exchanging data of different
nature, through the Internet, to implement coordination and
optimization processes without requiring human intervention.
This paradigm has the potential to dramatically change future
cities. For instance, a simple autonomous system can be
deployed to manage efficiently the traffic lights, combining
together data from traffic monitoring, air quality and smart
parking that could be analyzed to regulate the traffic lights
In the future, the number of autonomous systems will
increase more and more, enabling additional synergies. Cars
and buses will drive autonomously, and their integration into a
larger IoT system will improve the efficiency of their decision-
making processes as they can exploit also environmental
and traffic information retrieved from other systems. Future
autonomous taxi vehicles, e.g., offered through drones [7], will
decrease urban traffic and, hence, its environmental impact.
Autonomous cars will revolutionize the way of living of
people, as the latter ones will have the opportunity to employ
the time taken for driving in other tasks. Some of them will
use this time to work even more. Some others will exploit
this extra time for reading (electronic) newspapers, watching
a movie, etc. Needless to say, the internal organization of cars
will change.
From the previous examples, it clearly emerges that the
utilization of autonomous systems in a city context (but also in
other contexts) introduces a number of problems. First, since
decisions are taken without any human intervention, security
and privacy requirements on data exchanged by autonomous
agents will become even more relevant. For instance, a security
attack to an autonomous car may have very serious conse-
quences on the safety of people. Also, autonomous agents
bring in the problem of responsibility [5]. In case of a damage
caused by an autonomous agent (e.g., an autonomous car), who
is responsible for that? Its owner? Its vendor? Its designer?
And who responsible in case of a misbehavior due to a security
In the city of the future autonomous agents (i.e., robots) will
replace humans in many activities. Robots are already used in
many scenarios where the human presence is impossible or
unsafe (e.g., the inspection of hazardous environments). Fig-
ure 4 shows Walkman, an anthropomorphic robot developed
by University of Pisa in cooperation with the Italian Institute
of the Technology and other research institutions, that has
been, recently, used to check the status of buildings after an
Fig. 4. Walkman.
earthquake in Central Italy. Robots will be used in the future
also to replace human workers in factories or in other contexts,
for example in the assistance of elderly people in their homes.
Figure 5 shows Jobot, an autonomous worker robot developed
at the University of Pisa, that can be instructed to carry
documents and other stuffs, e.g., in an office environment,
from one office to another. There are examples of hotels where
robots carry out reception services and clean rooms [8]. In the
future, it will be possible to conceive a city full of robots that
will be employed for works that are currently done by humans,
e.g., streets repair, concierges, assistance.
Fig. 5. Jobot.
This futuristic scenario is considered controversial. From
one hand, it will lead to the reduction of the number of
jobs, thus creating social and economic problems, and raising
ethical issues for technology makers. On the other hand, such
future technology is expected to create new jobs and integrate
seamlessly with human workforce. We can think, for instance,
to an hotel in which receptionists and waiters are robots, while
the rooms cleaning is still performed by humans jointly with
robots, as in this case, the job requires human experience and
Emotions are embedded in our everyday use of technology.
Recently, Facebook has integrated emotions to its interface,
thus allowing users to add a reaction to posts, e.g., love,
sadness, anger, wonder. However, the explicit user intervention
is required to specify her/her feeling or emotions. In future per-
vasive IoT systems, we can think of new smart objects/agents
that will be able to detect human emotions with the help of
artificial intelligence, thus enabling the Emotional IoT.
Systems deployed around us, e.g. in a city or home envi-
ronment, will learn to catch the meaning of our emotions, and
exploiting an adaptive user-device communication, they will
respond based on user’s feelings. The IoT is going to exploit
human’s emotions also into its applications and devices. For
instance by tracking daily mood swings and detecting the
impact of emotions on users patterns, IoT applications can
change their behavior based on experts’ recommendations on
what is best to do with individuals with a certain state of
mind. Information about mood and emotions can eventually be
shared with other systems or even with friends, thus suggesting
possible human interactions, e.g. because they share the same
mood or have compatible feelings.
Smart watches and, more generally, wearables devices will
represent the foundation for this emotional technology as they
can collect and track users’ emotions and feelings. Specifically,
they will help in continuously evaluating the physical state
of people and their physical fitness. This data will allow to
coordinate users’ daily habits for instance to avoid stressful
situations, unnecessary anxiety and detect in advance potential
health problems. Emotional sensing will help individuals that
are in need of care (e.g. children, elderly) and those who suffer
from autism, ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) and other
specific health conditions. With the help of this technology,
they will be able to communicate their emotions. However,
existing sensors that can extract physiological signals asso-
ciated to emotions (e.g., hearth rate, skin conductance, blood
volume pressure, etc.) often require invasive technologies (e.g.,
electrodes), and hence may not be easily accepted by people.
Fig. 6. FACE.
In order to overcome this issue, researchers are developing
innovative techniques to understand emotions by analyzing
facial expressions (e.g., through cameras) avoiding invasive de-
vices. Figure 6 shows FACE (Facial Automation for Conveying
Emotions) [9], a social android built by a team of researchers
at the University of Pisa. It is able to emphatically interact with
people through non-verbal communication. By using a set of
sensors integrated in its head, FACE is able to analyze facial
expressions and gestures of its interlocutors, and infer their
emotional states. Based on the inferred emotional state, FACE
establishes a non-verbal communication with its interlocutor
by means of facial expressions and gestures. Specifically,
it is able to reproduce facial expressions corresponding to
some basic emotional states: Hanger, Disgust, Fear, Happiness,
Sadness and Surprise. Due to its simplified facial expressive-
ness, FACE has been originally conceived for facilitating the
interaction with people having deficit in understanding human
emotions, like subjects with Autism. Recently, it was also
the main ”actress” of a very special video, released by 20th
Century Fox [10].
Emotional Technology may have many applications in the
city of the future. In this context, it could be exploited to
extract emotions from citizens by means of cameras already
deployed in the city (e.g., for surveillance). The detection
of emotions could be used to detect critical situations. For
instance, a smart camera could identify a robbery by detecting
a high level of fear of people in a certain area and alert the
police automatically and timely. In addition, we can imagine
that in the city and/or home of the future many objects around
us will be able to detect the emotional state of their users, and
react consequently. Hence, the way of communication will
be revolutionized. For the same reason, the development of
these emotional technologies will imply a number social and
psychological issues. In addition, these technologies will have
to include extreme security and privacy measures by design,
as it will be highlighted in the next section. This will be
essential considering the extreme sensitivity of the emotional
data, whose diffusion could have devastating psychological
effects on the users.
As the IoT become more and more pervasive and evolving
towards the Internet of Autonomous and Emotional Things,
IoT devices are expected to gather a very large amount of
data that will be shared among heterogeneous systems of city
of the future. This data will be used to take decisions on the
citizens and the city environment. Having millions of devices
that produce data transmitted over the Internet poses a number
of challenges in terms of security, and raises social and ethical
implications. As technology evolves faster than the legal and
moral frameworks, a future IoT governance should be created
to manage the growing technology and the implications of its
usage [5].
Citizens and users should become aware that every IoT
device, given the fact that it is connected to the Internet,
is exposed to attacks by malicious users that can exploit
programming and design vulnerabilities, such as, weak en-
crypted communication protocols, simple passwords or out-
dated software versions. The security aspect in IoT systems is
of crucial importance, especially in a Smart City environment.
It allows to avoid data stealing, privacy violations or worst the
malfunctioning of the system itself which could arise situations
that pose a threat to human lives. Malicious users could target,
for instance, traffic lights: the timing system can be hacked by
injecting forged data to temper with the regular schedule, for
example to force red lights to stay on for longer periods, thus
causing traffic jams on a certain city area. Attacks could also
target air quality or environmental monitoring systems. By
injecting malicious air quality data, the attacker can refrain
people from going in some areas of the city. In a waste-
water monitoring system, instead, fake data could be injected
to trigger fake alerts.
If we also consider future autonomous agents, even more se-
rious security implications arise for the public safety. Imagine
a city in which cars are driven autonomously, if some hacker
can take control of them, she/he could drive them whenever
she/he wants, potentially putting humans in danger. Security
problems can be handled by enforcing security in the design
of IoT systems. However, even the most secure systems could
be weakened by the human component that is, in most of the
cases, involved for ultimate control and configuration. For this
reason, users should be made aware of proper practices for IoT
device configuration, for instance by changing every default
password and selecting strong ones. Such traditional solutions,
however, are unfit to handle the social and ethical implications
that the future Internet of Autonomous Things will arise.
The enabling factor of such systems is indeed data sharing,
which enables effective functioning of autonomous agents and
allows their coordination, especially in the complex scenario
of the Smart City. The data shared across different systems
can be extremely sensitive, containing personal information
that citizens are not willing to share, or that can violate their
privacy. Even data that, at first sight, could seem meaningless,
can represent a threat for human safety and privacy.
Nowadays, thanks to pervasive sensing devices, there is
the possibility to acquire and store efficiently an enormous
amount of data, i.e., exploiting cloud architectures. Data can
be analyzed and merged using data mining techniques, which
allow to detect users behaviors and expose their habits and
personal preferences. Those insights can be of interest to the
public administrations (to plan the city development) or to
the marketing division of companies (to develop new products
or to make targeted advertising). However, how can citizens’
rights to privacy be enforced?
As highlighted in [5], the IoT will intensify the tradeoff
between individual privacy and the exploitation of personal
information to improve the efficiency of public services along
with their safety and security. For this reason, it is mandatory
to handle the privacy and ethical issues, especially considering
that some of the IoT systems, even in the context of a Smart
City, will deeply invade our personal sphere. These actions
have to be implemented before autonomous IoT systems will
become popular in order to include in them privacy rules
and moral frameworks to be applied for the management of
data. For instance, in traffic monitoring and in smart parking
systems, when cameras are adopted, our movements around
the city will be tracked through the number plate of our
cars. The data regarding our movements could be transferred
to the systems of different companies automatically without
user’s consensus. For this reason it is of crucial importance
to have rules, clearly defined by laws, that are imprinted on
those systems to regulate the diffusion of personal data and
impose transparency in the data management processes and
analysis. With smart surveillance systems this requirement is
even more important, as very sensible information can be
acquired, e.g., how much time we spend in shops, with whom,
our preferences etc.
The freedom of citizens could be jeopardized if personal
data is easily distributed and shared. Technology has no ethics,
especially future autonomous systems that can share personal
data, whenever an advantage for the system or the users is
detected. For this reason, in order to make citizens more
comfortable in sharing their data, thus making Autonomous
IoT systems accepted by humans, a novel legal framework
should be developed for determining the appropriate behavior
of the systems and for defining the persons responsible and
accountable for their correct behavior.
The IoT systems will greatly impact the quality of lives in
future cities. They will integrate our daily lives and change
the way we live the city and its services seamlessly, without
us even notice. Such pervasive technology, however, will be
characterized by many potential threats as highlighted in this
paper. In particular, new security and privacy threats will
arise, thus requiring future actions by both legislators and
technicians. The collection end exploitation of emotional data
by IoT systems will also arise other social and ethical issues
that have to be handled properly in order to allow citizens to
enjoy their lives with the aid of future technology.
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... Moreover, the utilization of IoT, ICT, AI, 5G, and Digital Twin increases efficiency in monitoring climate change and provides flexible solutions to monitor, manage, and control the listed criteria (Hassan et al., 2020). It has also been reported that IoT applications for smart cities consist of air quality and environmental monitoring, traffic monitoring, smart parking management, participatory sensing, smart surveillance, and smart buildings, which can support environmental protection (Righetti, Vallati, & Anastasi, 2018). ...
... One of the biggest challenges in IoT development is data security, privacy, and communication network, which requires robust security protocols to protect data and its transition units of processors (El-Mawla et al., 2019;Righetti et al., 2018). Meanwhile, IoT technologies development may speed the growth of energy consumption, electronic waste, and increasing the usage of raw materials to produce more electronic devices, which may challenge sustainability criteria to balance environmental footprints (Nizetic et al., 2020). ...
... As a result, IoT users' data becomes susceptible to illegitimate use, and attacks against IoT networks become increasingly sophisticated, numerous, and of excellent quality. According to recent examinations, this increase is a direct result of poor security configurations placed throughout the IoT ecosystem [14][15][16]. Several factors make IoT security very hard to achieve, such as the absence of security configuration in IoT devices since the constructors are more interested in getting their devices on the market quicker than in conducting sufficient tests to include security from the outset [17][18][19][20]. ...
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Nowadays, devices are connected across all areas, from intelligent buildings and smart cities to Industry 4.0 and smart healthcare. With the exponential growth of Internet of Things usage in our world, IoT security is still the biggest challenge for its deployment. The main goal of IoT security is to ensure the accessibility of services provided by an IoT environment, protect privacy, and confidentiality, and guarantee the safety of IoT users, infrastructures, data, and devices. Authentication, as the first line of defense against security threats, becomes the priority of everyone. It can either grant or deny users access to resources according to their legitimacy. As a result, studying and researching authentication issues within IoT is extremely important. As a result, studying and researching authentication issues within IoT is extremely important. This article presents a comparative study of recent research in IoT security; it provides an analysis of recent authentication protocols from 2019 to 2023 that cover several areas within IoT (such as smart cities, healthcare, and industry). This survey sought to provide an IoT security research summary, the biggest susceptibilities, and attacks, the appropriate technologies, and the most used simulators. It illustrates that the resistance of protocols against attacks, and their computational and communication cost are linked directly to the cryptography technique used to build it. Furthermore, it discusses the gaps in recent schemes and provides some future research directions.
... As a result, IoT users' data becomes susceptible to illegitimate use, and attacks against IoT networks become increasingly sophisticated, numerous, and of excellent quality. According to recent examinations, this increase is a direct result of poor security configurations placed throughout the IoT ecosystem [14][15][16]. Several factors make IoT security very hard to achieve, such as the absence of security configuration in IoT devices since the constructors are more interested in getting their devices on the market quicker than in conducting sufficient tests to include security from the outset [17][18][19][20]. ...
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In today's world, devices are interconnected across various fields, ranging from intelligent buildings and smart cities to Industry 4.0 and smart healthcare. IoT security is still the biggest obstacle to deployment despite the exponential growth of IoT usage in our world. The principal objective of IoT security is to warrant the accessibility of services offered by an IoT environment, protect privacy, and confidentiality, and ensure the safety of IoT users, infrastructures, data, and devices. Authentication has become a top priority for everyone because it is the first line of defense against security threats and can allow or prevent users from accessing resources according to their legitimacy. Consequently, studying and researching authentication issues within IoT is extremely important. Our paper provides a comparative study of current IoT security research; it analyzes recent authentication protocols from 2018 to 2024. This survey’s goal is to provide an IoT security research summary, the biggest susceptibilities, and attacks, the appropriate technologies, and the most used simulators.
... Full disclosure and legal documentation between vendors and clients are just as crucial as the devices acquired. IoT devices continue to face information security lapses that unintentionally invalidate consent agreements, leading to mistrust and privacy bridges (Allhoff & Henschke, 2018;Righetti et al., 2018). Ethical concerns also arise when IoT devices meant for a specific function capture other peripheral information without client knowledge and agreement (Allhoff & Henschke, 2018). ...
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Aim/Purpose The Internet of Things (IoT) application modules have covered diverse sectors, and the educational domain is no exception. In this survey, we discuss the specific application benefits of IoT in education and further examine implementation challenges in Ghanaian tertiary institutions. Background This survey examines pertinent applications for IoT benefits in education and offers present and future opportunities to enhance educational outcomes. The survey includes anticipated IoT technologies that will have a significant impact on education. Each module contains concise definitions accompanied by analysis and application-specific relevance.
... The Internet of Things (IoT) domain has attracted a lot of interest over the last few years, to a large extent due to its applicability across a plethora of application domains (Ibarra-Esquer et al., 2017) like Smart homes (Khan et al. 2018) and Smart Cities (Righetti et al., 2018), medicine and healthcare (Farahani et al., 2018;Sadoughi et al., 2020), fire detection and fire industries (Zhang & Yu, 2013), agriculture (Gómez-Chabla et al., 2019;Kassim, 2020), education (Ane et al., 2020) and the Industry (Xu et al., 2014;Okano, 2017;Mondal, 2019;Wójcicki et al., 2022). It is noticeable that the architecture and implementation varied depending on the specific requirements of each project (Krco, 2014). ...
The implementation of the IoT in the industry promotes the automation of production processes in addition to the reduction of operating costs. However, its implementation is not a trivial task because it is necessary to evaluate the integration potential, analyze the different processes where its implementation is viable, seeking the most significant impact, in addition to minimizing existing technological barriers such as providing computer equipment to the industry in addition to the interconnection of devices and machines without neglecting data security in this highly connected environment. The data collected by the different devices must be able to be visualized through indicators of interest, considering these environments as intelligent environments. This chapter seeks to generate a more assimilated theoretical notion about the development and implementation of the internet of things in the industry to help the adaptation of this type of technology in their production processes and services in public or private organizations.
... The corresponding category contains applications and approaches that improve and support the daily social life of citizens. Related examples are a) smart homes with interconnected sensors and actuators to control temperature, lighting, and air conditioning, b) smart surveillance with real-time monitoring of dangerous areas and data collection through cameras, and c) smart mobility for providing available parking locations to drivers and traffic monitoring for public transportation systems [26]. ...
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The research interest in Digital Circular Economy models is constantly growing, especially by studying the impact and implications of circular principles and Internet of Things technologies in modern society. Up until now, Industry 4.0 has been recognized as a vital enabler of circular approaches, building the first step towards sustainable Industry 5.0 solutions, while creating new growth opportunities. To fully understand digital Circular Economy each field needs to be investigated. We achieve that by conducting a systematic review with a thorough analysis on the Internet of Things, Digital Circular Economy, and their collaborative relationship independently, by studying business models, architectures, applications, and their respective features.
In the Internet of Everything era, indoor environment provides multiple benefits across different domains to their occupants such as improving their well-being and health, ensuring their safety, providing valuable assistance to their tasks and enhancing their experience using various types of intelligent sensors and devices. So far, we witnessed smart environments thriving in education, as they improve the overall experience, efficiency and education. One prominent example of is the smart university campus, empowered by IoE systems. Initially, such data is not considered sensitive, private and confidential to the occupants. However, through statistical analysis and machine learning, and in combination with heuristics and public information acquired, it can pose a significant risk to their privacy as it can directly leak personal information regarding their preferences, needs and interests. Unfortunately, the ICT systems of universities were targeted by numerous cyber attacks in the past. Therefore, it is only a matter of time before smart university campuses form the attack surface to novel privacy-leakage attacks. Hence, there is clear need for detailed and in-depth investigation. In this paper, we conduct a study on how the smart university campuses could leak sensitive information. We discuss how such information could threaten the occupants and their privacy, both in cyber and physical space, and the challenges related to their protection. Finally, we provide possible recommendations.
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The Internet of Things (IoT) shall be able to incorporate transparently and seamlessly a large number of different and heterogeneous end systems, while providing open access to selected subsets of data for the development of a plethora of digital services. Building a general architecture for the IoT is hence a very complex task, mainly because of the extremely large variety of devices, link layer technologies, and services that may be involved in such a system. In this paper, we focus specifically to an urban IoT system that, while still being quite a broad category, are characterized by their specific application domain. Urban IoTs, in fact, are designed to support the Smart City vision, which aims at exploiting the most advanced communication technologies to support added-value services for the administration of the city and for the citizens. This paper hence provides a comprehensive survey of the enabling technologies, protocols, and architecture for an urban IoT. Furthermore, the paper will present and discuss the technical solutions and best-practice guidelines adopted in the Padova Smart City project, a proof-of-concept deployment of an IoT island in the city of Padova, Italy, performed in collaboration with the city municipality.
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The Internet of Things (IoT) is expected to substantially support sustainable development of future smart cities. This article identifies the main issues that may prevent IoT from playing this crucial role, such as the heterogeneity among connected objects and the unreliable nature of associated services. To solve these issues, a cognitive management framework for IoT is proposed, in which dynamically changing real-world objects are represented in a virtualized environment, and where cognition and proximity are used to select the most relevant objects for the purpose of an application in an intelligent and autonomic way. Part of the framework is instantiated in terms of building blocks and demonstrated through a smart city scenario that horizontally spans several application domains. This preliminary proof of concept reveals the high potential that self-reconfigurable IoT can achieve in the context of smart cities.
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People with autism are known to possess deficits in processing emotional states, both their own and of others. A humanoid robot, FACE (Facial Automation for Conveying Emotions), capable of expressing and conveying emotions and empathy has been constructed to enable autistic children and adults to better deal with emotional and expressive information. We describe the development of an adaptive therapeutic platform which integrates information deriving from wearable sensors carried by a patient or subject as well as sensors placed in the therapeutic ambient. Through custom developed control and data processing algorithms the expressions and movements of FACE are then tuned and modulated to harmonize with the feelings of the subject postulated by their physiological and behavioral correlates. Preliminary results demonstrating the potential of adaptive therapy are presented.
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Visions of ambient intelligence and ubiquitous computing involve integrating tiny microelectronic processors and sensors into everyday objects in order to make them smart. Smart things can explore their environment, communicate with other smart things, and interact with humans, therefore helping users to cope with their tasks in new, intuitive ways. Although many concepts have already been tested out as prototypes in field trials, the repercussions of such extensive integration of computer technology into our everyday lives are difficult to predict. This contribution is a first attempt to classify the social, economic, and ethical implications of this development.
Ubiquitous sensing enabled by Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) technologies cuts across many areas of modern day living. This offers the ability to measure, infer and understand environmental indicators, from delicate ecologies and natural resources to urban environments. The proliferation of these devices in a communicating-actuating network creates the Internet of Things (IoT), wherein, sensors and actuators blend seamlessly with the environment around us, and the information is shared across platforms in order to develop a common operating picture (COP). Fuelled by the recent adaptation of a variety of enabling device technologies such as RFID tags and readers, near field communication (NFC) devices and embedded sensor and actuator nodes, the IoT has stepped out of its infancy and is the the next revolutionary technology in transforming the Internet into a fully integrated Future Internet. As we move from www (static pages web) to web2 (social networking web) to web3 (ubiquitous computing web), the need for data-on-demand using sophisticated intuitive queries increases significantly. This paper presents a cloud centric vision for worldwide implementation of Internet of Things. The key enabling technologies and application domains that are likely to drive IoT research in the near future are discussed. A cloud implementation using Aneka, which is based on interaction of private and public clouds is presented. We conclude our IoT vision by expanding on the need for convergence of WSN, the Internet and distributed computing directed at technological research community.
Inside Japan's first robot-staffed hotel
  • M Rajesh
M. Rajesh, "Inside Japan's first robot-staffed hotel," The Guardian. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 28-Feb-2018].
The FACE robot from Research Center "E. Piaggio" casted by the 20th Century Fox
"The FACE robot from Research Center "E. Piaggio" casted by the 20th Century Fox," UNIPINEWS, 30-Aug-2016. [Online].
The Evolution of the Internet of Things
  • J Chase