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Neuroscience from the comfort of your home: Repeated, self-administered wireless dry EEG measures brain function with high fidelity

  • Cumulus Neuroscience
  • Cumulus Neuroscience Ltd


Recent advances have enabled the creation of wireless, “dry” electroencephalography (EEG) recording systems, and easy-to-use engaging tasks, that can be operated repeatedly by naïve users, unsupervised in the home. Here, we evaluated the validity of dry-EEG, cognitive task gamification, and unsupervised home-based recordings used in combination. Two separate cohorts of participants—older and younger adults—collected data at home over several weeks using a wireless dry EEG system interfaced with a tablet for task presentation. Older adults (n = 50; 25 females; mean age = 67.8 years) collected data over a 6-week period. Younger male adults (n = 30; mean age = 25.6 years) collected data over a 4-week period. All participants were asked to complete gamified versions of a visual Oddball task and Flanker task 5–7 days per week. Usability of the EEG system was evaluated via participant adherence, percentage of sessions successfully completed, and quantitative feedback using the System Usability Scale. In total, 1,449 EEG sessions from older adults (mean = 28.9; SD = 6.64) and 684 sessions from younger adults (mean = 22.87; SD = 1.92) were collected. Older adults successfully completed 93% of sessions requested and reported a mean usability score of 84.5. Younger adults successfully completed 96% of sessions and reported a mean usability score of 88.3. Characteristic event-related potential (ERP) components—the P300 and error-related negativity—were observed in the Oddball and Flanker tasks, respectively. Using a conservative threshold for inclusion of artifact-free data, 50% of trials were rejected per at-home session. Aggregation of ERPs across sessions (2–4, depending on task) resulted in grand average signal quality with similar Standard Measurement Error values to those of single-session wet EEG data collected by experts in a laboratory setting from a young adult sample. Our results indicate that easy-to-use task-driven EEG can enable large-scale investigations in cognitive neuroscience. In future, this approach may be useful in clinical applications such as screening and tracking of treatment response.
TYPE Original Research
PUBLISHED 29 July 2022
DOI 10.3389/fdgth.2022.944753
Lars Lau Raket,
Novo Nordisk, Denmark
Alexander James Casson,
The University of Manchester,
United Kingdom
Ameya S. Kulkarni,
AbbVie, United States
Robert Whelan
This article was submitted to
Connected Health,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Digital Health
RECEIVED 15 May 2022
ACCEPTED 07 July 2022
PUBLISHED 29 July 2022
Barbey FM, Farina FR, Buick AR,
Danyeli L, Dyer JF, Islam MN,
Krylova M, Murphy B, Nolan H,
Rueda-Delgado LM, Walter M and
Whelan R (2022) Neuroscience from
the comfort of your home: Repeated,
self-administered wireless dry EEG
measures brain function with high
fidelity. Front. Digit. Health 4:944753.
doi: 10.3389/fdgth.2022.944753
©2022 Barbey, Farina, Buick, Danyeli,
Dyer, Islam, Krylova, Murphy, Nolan,
Rueda-Delgado, Walter and Whelan.
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Neuroscience from the comfort
of your home: Repeated,
self-administered wireless dry
EEG measures brain function
with high fidelity
Florentine M. Barbey1,2, Francesca R. Farina1,3,
Alison R. Buick4, Lena Danyeli5,6,7, John F. Dyer4,
Md. Nurul Islam2, Marina Krylova5,7,8, Brian Murphy2,
Hugh Nolan2, Laura M. Rueda-Delgado2,9,
Martin Walter5,6,7,10,11 and Robert Whelan1,3*
1School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, 2Cumulus Neuroscience Ltd., Dublin,
Ireland, 3Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience, Dublin, Ireland, 4Cumulus Neuroscience Ltd.,
Belfast, United Kingdom, 5Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Jena University Hospital,
Jena, Germany, 6Department of Behavioral Neurology, Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology,
Magdeburg, Germany, 7Clinical Aective Neuroimaging Laboratory, Magdeburg, Germany, 8Medical
Physics Group, Institute of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Jena University Hospital, Jena,
Germany, 9Trinity Centre for Biomedical Engineering, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland,
10Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany,
11Medical Faculty, Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany
Recent advances have enabled the creation of wireless, “dry”
electroencephalography (EEG) recording systems, and easy-to-use engaging
tasks, that can be operated repeatedly by naïve users, unsupervised in the
home. Here, we evaluated the validity of dry-EEG, cognitive task gamification,
and unsupervised home-based recordings used in combination. Two separate
cohorts of participants—older and younger adults—collected data at home
over several weeks using a wireless dry EEG system interfaced with a tablet for
task presentation. Older adults (n=50; 25 females; mean age =67.8 years)
collected data over a 6-week period. Younger male adults (n=30; mean age =
25.6 years) collected data over a 4-week period. All participants were asked to
complete gamified versions of a visual Oddball task and Flanker task 5–7 days
per week. Usability of the EEG system was evaluated via participant adherence,
percentage of sessions successfully completed, and quantitative feedback
using the System Usability Scale. In total, 1,449 EEG sessions from older adults
(mean =28.9; SD =6.64) and 684 sessions from younger adults (mean =
22.87; SD =1.92) were collected. Older adults successfully completed 93% of
sessions requested and reported a mean usability score of 84.5. Younger adults
successfully completed 96% of sessions and reported a mean usability score
of 88.3. Characteristic event-related potential (ERP) components—the P300
and error-related negativity—were observed in the Oddball and Flanker tasks,
respectively. Using a conservative threshold for inclusion of artifact-free data,
50% of trials were rejected per at-home session. Aggregation of ERPs across
sessions (2–4, depending on task) resulted in grand average signal quality
Frontiers in Digital Health 01
Barbey et al. 10.3389/fdgth.2022.944753
with similar Standard Measurement Error values to those of single-session
wet EEG data collected by experts in a laboratory setting from a young adult
sample. Our results indicate that easy-to-use task-driven EEG can enable
large-scale investigations in cognitive neuroscience. In future, this approach
may be useful in clinical applications such as screening and tracking of
treatment response.
electroencephalography, longitudinal, cognition, gamification, humans, dry
electroencephalography, Standard Measurement Error, signal quality
Reliable, objective assessment of brain function is a crucial
part of the evidence base for cognitive neuroscience and for
the characterization of neurodegenerative, neurodevelopmental,
and neuropsychiatric disorders. Many external factors can
affect measurements of cognitive functioning, including mood,
stress, and energy levels (1–8). As such, measuring brain
activity at any single time point may not accurately reflect a
person’s typical neurocognitive profile. Furthermore, individual
and group-level estimates of neurophysiological phenomena
may improve with aggregation over larger samples—the same
principle that underlies the use of repeated samples in a single
behavioral or neuroimaging experimental session. Repeated
recording of brain activity—over many days—may therefore
allow for the identification of more reliable metrics of brain
function and cognitive performance, that account for day-to-day
variability (9–11).
EEG is the longest-established and most validated
technology for sampling brain function (12), with a deep and
broad literature establishing key neurophysiological measures
of specific cognitive domains including executive function,
memory, sensory processing and motor planning/execution
(13–16). Recent progress in EEG technology presents additional
opportunities for identifying reliable neurocognitive metrics
and biomarkers (9–11, 17, 18). For example, advances in sensor
development, signal processing, and cloud-based technologies
have led to the creation of wireless, dry EEG recording systems
that can be operated remotely and repeatedly by naïve users
(11, 18–21). As a result, EEG data can now be collected
frequently by research participants themselves over days, weeks,
or months.
To date, evaluation of dry EEG has consisted of direct
comparisons with conventional wet (i.e., electrolytic gel or
water-based) technology or test-retest assessments in controlled
environments (9, 10, 18, 19, 22–24). While these studies
demonstrated that dry EEG can perform similarly to wet EEG
in controlled settings, they did not address the question of EEG
feasibility and variability in ecologically valid environments. In
particular, the usability of self-administered EEG as well as the
amount of data (i.e. trials, sessions) required from at-home
settings when data is self-recorded is unclear.
One challenge with repeated neurocognitive testing
protocols is maintaining participant engagement over extended
periods (25, 26), as has been investigated more extensively in
purely behavioral testing (27–32). Neurocognitive tasks used in
EEG research often require participants to respond to simple
geometric stimuli presented on a uniform background, with
deliberately little variation among trials over several minutes.
Maintaining adherence to these tasks in the home environment
is challenging (28, 33, 34), leading to elevated attrition rates that
reduce sample sizes, waste participant effort, and bias results
(35, 36). Gamification of laboratory paradigms—adding game-
like features (points, graphics, levels, storyline, etc.,)—may
address these problems by keeping participants engaged for
longer (26, 37, 38). For example, a gamified behavioral spatial
memory task administered longitudinally was more effective at
classifying high-risk Alzheimer’s disease (AD) participants than
traditional neuropsychological episodic memory tests (39).
The Oddball and Flanker tasks are two of the most widely
used neurocognitive tasks in EEG research that produce
characteristic event-related potential (ERP) components,
making them ideal candidates for gamification. These tasks
are sensitive to individual differences in attentional allocation,
processing speed (40), and error awareness (41, 42), as
well as group differences in executive functioning (43) and
decision making (40, 44). The Oddball task elicits the P300
ERP—a positive voltage deflection over centro-parietal areas
approximately 300 ms post-stimulus, which is thought to refle ct
decision making, attention and working memory processes
(40, 45–48). The Flanker task elicits the error-related negativity
(ERN)—a negative voltage deflection observed fronto-centrally
after an erroneous response, which is thought to reflect adaptive
response (43, 49, 50) and attentional control processes (50).
The ERN is followed by a posterior positive rebound, known
as the Error Positivity (Pe), which is linked to conscious error
recognition (51). The ERN and Pe are typically computed
by subtracting response-locked ERPs extracted from Correct
trials to response-locked ERPs extracted from incorrect trials.
Response-locked ERPs extracted from Correct trials consist
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of a positive deflection between 0 to 50 ms after a correct
answer while Error trials consist of a negative deflection peaking
50–100 ms after an erroneous response. In previous work, we
demonstrated the face validity of gamified visual oddball and
flanker EEG tasks (52). Our analyses demonstrated that ERPs
evoked from gamified tasks yield signals similar in morphology
and topography to those evoked by standard neurocognitive
tasks used in EEG research. Here we aim to further that
validation by looking at the variability of signals over repeated
at-home sessions.
A key question when designing ERP studies is the strategy
taken to balance the quality and quantity of data recorded, as
this will have an effect on the statistical power of experimental
analyses. In laboratory environments it is straightforward to
control signal quality, but noise and artifacts still occur, meaning
choices must be made in how participants and/or individual
behavioral trials (and the EEG epochs they correspond to) are
included or excluded—which may be more liberal (lower quality,
higher quantity) or conservative (higher quality, lower quantity).
The desire to record more trials, over a longer task duration,
must be balanced against considerations of a fair burden on
users, and the fact that participants may become fatigued and/or
disengaged over time. In a remote study, self-administered by
non-experts, there are additional challenges to quality (which we
may expect to be more variable than in controlled laboratory
settings), but opportunities for data quantity, as it is feasible
to ask participants to split a larger amount of task-driven
behavioral interaction over a number of days. In this paper
we explore this question in the context of gamified tasks that
should encourage repeated task engagement, and with older and
younger user groups for which usability and familiarity with
technology may be an issue.
Here, we conducted post-hoc analyses of two pre-existing
datasets collected for other purposes. Longitudinal dry EEG data
were collected from two separate cohorts: older adults aged 55+
years over 6 weeks (53), and younger adults aged 18–35 over
4 weeks (54). In the younger adult study, a pharmacological
challenge with ketamine was used in a cross-over design, but
the EEG data reported here was from the non-ketamine control
condition only. Participants were asked to complete gamified
Oddball and Flanker tasks 5–7 times per week while EEG
was simultaneously recorded. We sought to evaluate if dry
EEG recorded in the home by unsupervised participants over
multiple sessions could yield datasets of the same aggregate
quality as published results derived from a single wet EEG
session recorded in a controlled environment. We evaluated
dry EEG signal quality and usability by cohort (older vs.
younger adults) and by gamified task (Oddball vs. Flanker).
We expected that, when comparing equal numbers of trials,
the signal quality of dry EEG would be lower than that of
wet EEG; however, we predicted that similar signal quality
could be achieved by aggregating dry EEG data across multiple
sessions from each participant. To our knowledge, no published
study has quantified the variability of self-administered EEG
recorded remotely in younger and older population via gamified
neurocognitive tasks.
Younger adult cohort
These data originated in a pharmacological challenge
study investigating the acute and persisting effects of racemic
ketamine (54). Participants were recruited either via public
announcements or from an existing database of participants
who took part in previous studies of the Clinical Affective
Neuroimaging Laboratory (CANLAB) & Leibniz Institute
for Neurobiology, Magdeburg, Germany. Right-handed male
participants aged 18–55 years were included in the study.
Exclusion criteria were a current or lifetime major psychiatric
disorder, including substance or alcohol dependence or abuse,
according to DSM-IV; family history of psychiatric disorders as
assessed by a demographic questionnaire; and neurological or
physical constraints or severe illnesses as evaluated by a study
physician during screening. Only males were recruited in this
study to reduce variability in the sample. Further exclusion
criteria were technological barriers to completing the assessment
at home (e.g., lack of Wi-Fi connection) and color-blindness.
Participants were compensated with 500 (US$625), which
participants received after their involvement in the study, but
that amount was not pro-rated to session-wise adherence.
This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of
the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany, and
informed consent was obtained from all participants.
Older adult cohort
The data analyzed here were collected as part of a larger
study on memory performance in healthy aging. Participants
were drawn either from an existing database of older adults
who had previously taken part in research studies at Trinity
College Dublin, Ireland, or recruited directly from the local
community via word-of-mouth, newspapers, posters, and
Facebook advertisements. Participants were included if they
were >55 years old. Exclusion criteria were a current diagnosis
of, or taking medications for, any psychiatric or neurological
illness; substance abuse; color-blindness; or technological
barriers to completing the assessment at home (e.g., lack of
Wi-Fi connection). Participants also completed the Wechsler
Memory Scale Logical Memory test (WMS-IV) (55), the
National Adult Reading Test (NART; a measure of pre-morbid
IQ) (56) and the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA)
(57). Participation in the dry EEG portion of the study was
contingent on a MoCA score >23 [per Murphy et al. (53)].
All participants were compensated with e20 (US$25) at the
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Screenshots of the gamified Oddball task. (A) Screenshots of the stimulus presentation, (B) Instruction screen in the Older Adult Study, (C)
Instruction screen in the Younger Adult Study.
end of the screening session. If they agreed to participate in
the at-home part of the study, they received an additional e40
for their participation, which was not contingent on adherence.
The study was approved by the ethics committee of the School
of Psychology of Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, and informed
consent was obtained from all participants.
The gamified tasks are proprietary to the technology
provider, and not all details of task mechanisms are in the
public domain. We provide the core information about the task
structure here, as it relates to the user experience of performing
the tasks.
Gamified visual oddball task
Within each session, 30 target stimuli and 70 non-target
stimuli were randomly presented across five levels (blocks) of
gameplay. In the older adult cohort, targets and non-targets
were “aliens” of different colors, expressions, and hairstyles.
Responses were made by tapping directly on the stimuli on
the tablet screen. In the younger adult cohort (data collected
6 months after the first cohort), the game had been modified
in two specific ways: responses were captured by tapping on
buttons located on either side of the screen; and non-target
stimuli were “astronauts”, not aliens. In both studies, the target
aliens changed between levels for variety in gameplay and
to encourage an attentive player strategy. During gameplay,
the upcoming stimulus locations were highlighted prior to
stimulus presentation to encourage user attention, in a manner
functionally similar to a fixation cross. Stimuli (e.g., aliens,
astronauts) were then visible on-screen for 200 ms. Points were
awarded for a correct response and deducted for an incorrect
response, in conjunction with auditory feedback. Points awarded
for correct responses were mapped to reaction time (faster
responses gained more points) to encourage attention and
faster response. Each gameplay session lasted approximately
12 min. Screenshots of the gamified Oddball task are presented
in Figure 1. Task graphics were designed with a color-blind-
safe palette.
Gamified adaptive flanker task
At the beginning of each trial, flanking stimuli—a shoal of
orange fish—appeared first on screen, pointing either leftward
or rightward, followed 200 ms later by the target (an identical
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orange fish of the same size) positioned in the center of the array.
Participants responded by tapping either the left or right side of
the screen, matching the direction in which the central target
stimulus was pointing. The flanking stimuli pointed either in the
same direction as the target (a “congruent” trial), or the opposite
direction (an “incongruent” trial). The background color
changed between levels for variety in gameplay. Participants
were encouraged not to exclusively prioritize accuracy over
speed in two ways: the response time window was shortened
with correct responses and lengthened with incorrect responses,
and higher points were awarded for quicker responses. These
constraints and incentives were designed such that the ideal
strategy for maximum points was to respond as quickly as
possible and thereby make some mistakes. Gameplay adjustment
values were calibrated to produce sufficient numbers of incorrect
responses per session (typically between 10–20%) to enable
ERP averaging. The task consisted of 150 trials divided into
5 blocks of 30 trials each, evenly split between congruent and
incongruent trials. Each session took approximately 7 min to
complete. Screenshots of the gamified Flanker task are presented
in Figure 2. Task graphics were designed with a color-blind-
safe palette.
EEG acquisition
We used a wireless 16-channel dry sensor EEG
headset developed by Cumulus Neuroscience (Cumulus; Flexible Ag/AgCl coated polymer
sensors of a comb-design (ANT-Neuro/eemagine GmbH) were
used to achieve a stable and dermatologically safe contact
to the scalp at 16 channels (10:10 locations: O1, O2, P3,
Pz, P4, Cz, FT7, FC3, FCz, FC4, FT8, Fz, AF7, AF8, FPz;
Supplementary Figure S4). The left mastoid was used for
reference and the right mastoid for driven-bias, with single-use,
snap-on electrodes attached to wires extending from the headset
(Figure 3). The headset has an input impedance of 1 G
with features including common-mode rejection, and built-in
impedance checking. The electronics and sensors are mounted
on a flexible neoprene net for comfort and the stretchable
structure was designed to enable consistent placement by
non-experts in line with the 10-10 sensor system. An onboard
processor and Bluetooth module transmitted 250 Hz EEG dat a
to an Android tablet, from where it was transferred to a secure
cloud server for storage and processing.
Younger adult study protocol
This study was a placebo-controlled, double-blind,
randomized, cross-over study designed to investigate the acute
and persistent effects of ketamine on EEG and behavioral
Screenshots of Gamified Adaptive Flanker task. (A) Instruction
screen, (B) Screenshots of the stimulus presentation.
measures. Participants were invited to the laboratory on five
different occasions to complete repeated measurements: at
enrolment/screening (visit 1); on the days of infusion of
ketamine or saline placebo (visits 2 and 4); and on the days after
infusion (visits 3 and 5). The two infusion days took place 4
weeks apart following the same study protocol, while timing
of ketamine or saline administration was counter-balanced.
Throughout the study, additional task-driven EEG data
collection was remotely performed by participants unsupervised
in the home, for a week period prior to and after each infusion
session (four weeks in total). As the focus of this study
was to evaluate usability and fidelity of dry EEG recording,
pharmacological effects are not described here: only EEG data
collected prior to ketamine administration intervention are
analyzed. In contrast, the adherence report encompasses all
sessions collected during the entire study.
Enrolment session in-lab
The enrolment session, including screening examination,
was performed between 21 and 7 days prior to the first infusion
session for each participant. After having the purpose and risks
of the study explained, all subjects signed an informed consent
form, provided a detailed medical history, and completed a
screening that consisted of physical, neurological and psychiatric
examinations, electrocardiography, and blood draws for clinical
laboratory testing (including serology). Then, participants were
trained in the use of the recording platform and completed the
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Cumulus dry EEG recording headset. (A) Positioning of the headset on the head. (B) Interior of the dry EEG cap. (C) Dry EEG electrode. (D)
Screenshot of the built-in calibration step in the mobile app. Figure adapted from McWilliams et al. (52).
full suite of tasks plus two additional standard laboratory tasks
under dry EEG, all under supervision of a researcher. At the
end of the session, participants were given the EEG headset
and tablet to take home to carry out their at-home sessions
unsupervised. At the enrolment session dry EEG onboarding,
familiarization and initial recordings with these two tasks took
about 45 min.
At-home phase
Participants were instructed to perform daily recordings
during the weeks before and after each infusion session, for
a total duration of 4 weeks. Pre-infusion recordings served
to track initial learning/habituation effects and establish an
at-home baseline condition. Post-infusion at-home recordings
were intended to explore any prolonged drug effects that persist
in the days after infusion. Each recording session (including
set-up and calibration for signal quality) lasted approximately
45 min. Participants were instructed to complete their sessions in
a quiet place at home around a regular time of the day between
5–9 pm, when they would not be disturbed. The at-home task
list included gamified mismatch negativity, visual Oddball, and
Flanker tasks, and a 7-min resting state recording with eyes open
and closed. Only data extracted from the gamified Flanker and
Oddball tasks are presented here.
Older adult study protocol
Participants were asked to complete a suite of gamified tasks
5 days per week for 6 weeks: visual Oddball, Flanker, N-back,
and delayed match-to-sample tasks, plus resting state, during
simultaneous dry EEG recordings, unsupervised in the home
using the dry EEG recording platform. Due to the cumulative
length of the tasks, they were split across two alternating daily
protocols, meaning that the Oddball and Flanker games were
scheduled on every second day of participation.
Enrolment session in-lab
Participants were invited to the laboratory to be trained
on the dry EEG platform use. Upon arrival, they provided
informed consent and were fitted to the correct headset size.
Participants then completed a training session on how to use
the headset and tablet. This training was led by a research
assistant and explained how to: log into the application; put
on the headset following the in-built, step-by-step instructions
of the mobile app delivering the task suite; and a practice run
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of each game until they felt confident playing the game. After
training, all tasks were performed under dry EEG. Participants
were then given the EEG headset and tablet to perform the at-
home recordings. This initial session lasted 2 h, with dry EEG
onboarding, familiarization and initial recordings with these
two tasks took 1 h. Participants were the sole recipient of the
training on how to use the platform (i.e., no study partners
or carers were involved in the study nor participated in this
onboarding session).
At-home phase
Each daily session comprised a resting state recording with
eyes open and closed (1 min each) and two of the four games
(alternating between sessions). Participants were instructed to
complete their EEG sessions in a quiet place at home at any
time that would suit them, when they would not be disturbed.
Sessions carried in the home lasted <30 min. The gamified
Oddball, Flanker and delayed match-to-sample tasks lasted
about 12, 7 and 10 min, respectively. Resting state r ecordings
lasted 2 min, the N-back t asks 5 min. Only data extracted
from the gamified Flanker and Oddball tasks are presented here.
The order of the gamified tasks were randomized on each day to
mitigate order and fatigue effects.
Mobile app interface
Upon logging into the app, a stepwise tutorial guided
participants through the headset configuration (head placement,
positioning of detachable mastoid sensors and feedback on
electrode impedances) in preparation for recording data during
the gamified tasks. Cloud-based secure methods were used for
collection and automatic processing of behavioral and EEG data,
as well as integration with other data streams (in these studies
participants wore a fitness tracker, the Withings Go, https:// and web-based dashboards for monitoring
and data visualization on a daily, session-by-session basis.
Usability analyses
To quantify the platform usability, we recorded if
participants used the hardware correctly when unsupervised,
and we measured subjective feedback via a usability
questionnaire. To assess how often participants were using
the recording platform, mean number of at-home sessions
completed per week and total mean numbers of sessions per
participant were computed. To assess participants’ ability to
use the recording platform unsupervised, we computed the
percentage of sessions that had successfully been conducted
in the home. Success was defined as complete EEG and
behavioral log files containing all the tasks of the day. We report
the mean percentage of successful sessions per participant.
Participants’ subjective feedback on the technology was
captured via the System Usability Scale, a 10-item industry
standard questionnaire (58) designed specifically to develop
and assess the use of technology in industry. In both studies,
the completion of the SUS questionnaire was optional and
performed at the end of the study after the participants returned
their hardware. It was administrated by the researchers either
over the phone when participants mailed back their equipment,
or in-person when participants dropped by the laboratories to
return their headset and tablet. SUS scores from the younger and
older adults were compared using one-sided non-parametric
Mann-Whitney U rank test to evaluate whether age could
modulate usability.
EEG analyses
The total number of sessions analyzed and contributed by
each cohort is described in Supplementary Table S1. Analyses
conducted on the Younger Adult Study dataset only included
data collected during the week before the pharmacological
interventions to avoid any confounding effects.
EEG preprocessing
At the end of each session, the EEG data were automatically
uploaded to the cloud and the proprietary processing pipeline
developed by the technology provider was applied. This was
designed to verify and correct the integrity of timing information
and exclude bad quality signal portions. Corrective procedures
were applied for missing and anomalous data, including eye and
other characteristic artifacts. After that, EEG signals were pre-
processed with filtering from 0.25–40 Hz, epoch extraction, and
baseline adjustment. All data were recorded with a left-mastoid
reference. Oddball task epochs were extracted from 500 ms
before target stimulus presentation to 1,000 ms after. ERP epochs
were baseline adjusted at each electrode by subtracting the
mean signal in the 100 ms time window preceding stimulus
presentation. Epochs from the Flanker task were extracted from
500 ms before participant’s responses to 1,000 ms after. ERP
epochs were baseline adjusted at each electrode by subtracting
the mean signal in the 100 ms time window from 500 to 400ms
before a participant’s response.
As an additional step to improve data quality, noisy epochs
were then identified and removed. Epochs were selected per
channel following a stepwise procedure. First, epochs with an
absolute voltage >100 µV were rejected. In each remaining
epoch, ERP amplitude was correlated with the session average
(the data were ERP amplitudes at each timepoint). Any epoch
with a correlation to the session average of <0.25 was rejected.
This threshold was selected to allow for variability in the retained
data while rejecting trials that diverged the most from the session
average. Following this, a z-score-based data-cleaning approach
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was used to further remove outliers. To do this, a set of temporal
and spectral metrics were calculated and z-scores for each metric
were obtained. These temporal and spectral metrics consisted
of the Hurst exponent, kurtosis, median gradient value, range,
variance, standard deviation, and ratio of high frequency to low
frequency power. These metrics are commonly used in EEG data
selection steps (59). First, all epochs with z-scores >15 in any
metric were rejected. Next, any epochs with a Hurst exponent
<0.65 or the spectral peak <0.1, respectively, were rejected.
Finally, any remaining epochs with z-score >4 in any metric
were rejected. Median ERP amplitudes were then calculated as
it is a robust measure of central tendency.
EEG data collection success rate computation
Dry EEG signal quality depends greatly on the specific
hardware and how it is used. To check the amount of usable data
that was kept after the preprocessing and trial selection steps
described above, we calculated success rates of data collection.
We report the mean number of trials available per participants
for each task and condition. The number of sessions surviving
after the preprocessing and trial selection steps (as all trials
in a session could be rejected) were used to calculate the
success rates, as a percentage of the total number of sessions
recorded. For each task, the percentage of successful sessions was
computed for all participants in both studies.
EEG signal variability quantification
At-home data variability
To evaluate signal quality as a function of the number of
trials available, we computed the SMEifor each participant iand
for various number of trials according to the following equation
(60, 61):
where σicorresponds to the standard deviation of the metric
of interest, and ni, to the number of trials available. Luck and
colleagues define the SME as “the standard error of measurement
for an ERP amplitude or latency score.” To keep our analyses
centered on data quality and avoid having to account for the
variability introduced by different peak selection approaches,
we focused on the time-window mean amplitude approach
(60). ERP amplitudes extracted from the Oddball task were
calculated by taking the mean voltage amplitude across the 300-
400 and 400-500 ms windows after stimulus presentation for
Target trials for the Younger and Older Adult study, respectively
(see Figures 7,8for the suitability of these parameters; the
older adult P300 peaked 100 ms later than the younger adult
P300). Analyses of the Oddball and Flanker tasks were focused
on electrodes Pz and FCz, respectively. These electrodes were
chosen as the P300 and ERN signals are expected to be maximal
around central and fronto-central regions, respectively (62).
ERP amplitudes extracted from the Flanker task were calculated
by taking the mean voltage amplitude between 0–100 ms time
windows after participants’ response for both Correct and
Incorrect trials. The standard deviation of these time-window
mean scores σiwas then used to compute the SMEi. The
trials used for the calculation were added in sequential order,
meaning that trials were aggregated as they were recorded: when
calculating the SME for ntrials, the first navailable trials of a
participant were used.
We report group-level SME for increasing numbers
of at-home trials, aggregated over multiple sessions. The
corresponding 95% confidence intervals were computed as the
standard error of the SME across all participants, divided by the
square root of N, the number of participants. We note that as we
increased the number of trials to aggregate, fewer participants
had sufficient data to be included and we quantify this in each
analysis. SME is compared to the value achieved in the wet EEG
reference dataset, and the number of trials in wet and dry studies,
after their respective trial rejection procedure.
Finally, we tried to answer the question of how much at-
home gamified dry-EEG data is as good or better than a single
session’s worth of laboratory-derived wet-EEG data. This is
not straightforward, as the duration of tasks and rate of trial
presentation were not the same in wet and dry settings. However,
we did project how many pre-rejection trials of home dry-
EEG data would be required to achieve an SME level similar
to laboratory wet-EEG, and therefore how many additional
sessions of dry EEG data collection would be required.
Data quality of dry EEG recordings collected under
supervision in the laboratory
To evaluate the impact on data quality of completing the dry
EEG recordings in the laboratory in a controlled environment
with the supervision of a trained technician, we computed
group-level SME for sessions completed in the laboratory for
both cohorts. The older cohort only completed one session in
the laboratory during their initial on-boarding study visit. For
the younger cohort, 3 sessions were completed in the laboratory
prior any drug administration: during the initial on-boarding
study visit and before the infusion of the ketamine and placebo
solutions. We report group-level SME for increasing numbers of
in-laboratory trials. The corresponding 95% confidence intervals
were computed as the standard error of the SME across all
participants, divided by the square root of N, the number
of participants.
Wet EEG dataset
Wet EEG reference SME values were extracted from the
open-source ERP CORE EEG database provided by Kappenman
et al. (62) using Equation (1). The objective of this study was
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to provide the community with an optimized reference dataset
performed by experts in the field of ERP experimentation.
Processed and raw data as well as the experiment control
scripts can be downloaded at
and the details of their Flanker and Oddball tasks have been
described in a previous publication (62). In brief, EEG data
was collected from 40 participants (25 females, mean age: 21.5
years old) who completed six 10-min optimized paradigms
including an Oddball and a Flanker task. In the active visual
oddball task, 4 letters (A, B, C, D, E) were presented in random
order and for each block, with one of the letters designated
as the Target, and presented with a probability of 0.2. In
the Flanker task, a central arrowhead was the target stimulus
and was flanked on each side by a set of arrowheads. These
flanking stimuli pointed either in the same direction as the target
(a congruent trial) or the opposite direction (an incongruent
trial). A Biosemi ActiveTwo recording system with 128 active
electrodes (Biosemi B.V., Amsterdam, the Netherlands) was
used to collect the data. An average of electrodes P9 and P10
(located near the mastoid) was used to reference the data. Semi-
automatic algorithms were used to remove large muscle artifacts,
extreme voltage offsets, or break periods longer than 2 s. After
that, Independent Component analysis (ICA) was performed,
and components associated with eye movements (including
eye blinks) were removed. The remaining components were
then remixed and projected back to electrode space. These
trials were further examined using individualized thresholds
and any trial still containing large voltage excursions and large
eye movements were excluded. SME values were computed
at electrode Pz and across the 300–600 ms time window post
stimulus presentation for the Oddball task, and at FCz across
the 0–100 ms time-window post participants response for
the Flanker task. SME data, derived from the open-source
data, were provided by Prof. Steven Luck’s group (personal
correspondence 02/04/2022).
Of 56 participants recruited in the Older Adult study, 50
commenced and completed the study (see Table 1 for details).
Six participants were excluded for the following reasons: two
did not meet the inclusion criteria (one was mistakenly enrolled,
and another revealed taking medications after enrolment), three
were ill during the at-home data collection (unrelated to this
study), and one person could not be accommodated due to
head size.
In the Younger Adult study, 36 participants were initially
recruited but two were excluded for medical reasons and four
withdrew. The reasons given for withdrawal were the following:
one person expressed discomfort while wearing the headset, one
TABLE 1 Participant demographics.
Gender Mean age
in years
Mean years
Older adult
25 males
25 females
(5.03, 58–81)
Younger adult
30 males 25.56
(3.74, 18–36)
Not collected Not collecteda
study (65)
25 females
15 males
(2.87, 18–30)
Not collected Not collected
SD, standard deviation.
a83% of the sample were current students.
expressed anxiety about the blood draws, one expressed anxiety
about taking the drug, and one felt sick during the study (see
Table 1).
In the Younger Adult study, 965 sessions were collected,
including 281 sessions collected in the laboratory around
the enrolment and infusion sessions. On average, participants
attempted 22.87 sessions (SD =1.92, range: 16–24), of 23 at-
home sessions requested (including data from 17 participants
who submitted extra sessions). Of 30 participants, 22 attempted
the 23 sessions requested. On average, per participant, 96% of
the sessions (SD =5%, range: 79–100%) resulted in a complete
EEG/behavioral dataset for input into the preprocessing
pipeline. Of 30 participants, 10 successfully completed 100% of
their attempted sessions. Weekly adherence results are presented
on Figure 4.
In total, 1,499 EEG sessions were collected in the Older
Adult study, of which 50 were collected in the laboratory during
the enrolment sessions. On average, participants attempted 28.9
at-home sessions (SD =6.64, range: 10–49), of 29 at-home
sessions requested (including sessions from the 24 individuals
who submitted more sessions than were requested). Of 50
participants, 33 participants attempted the 29 sessions requested.
On average, per participant, 93% of sessions commenced (SD =
7%, range: 73%-100%), resulted in a complete EEG/behavioral
dataset for input into the preprocessing pipeline. Of the
50 participants, 12 successfully completed 100% of their
attempted sessions.
At conclusion of the studies, 32 of the older participants and
18 of the younger participants chose to complete the optional
debrief session, including the self-report SUS usability scale. The
mean SUS score at the end of the Older Adult study was 84.53
(SD =10.15) and 88.33 (SD =10.18) at the end of the Younger
Adult study (Figure 5). The individual response components of
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Weekly at-home adherence to the experimental protocol. Data in purple correspond to the Older Adult study (N=50). Data presented in blue
correspond to the Younger Adult study (N=30). Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals. The gray areas correspond to the number of
at-home sessions requested in the protocol. The number of sessions requested varied as per protocol, to accommodate scheduled in-lab
Median System Usability Scale component scores across all participants in the Data of Older Adult study are depicted in purple (N=32), and of
the Younger Adult Study in blue (N=18). Whiskers denote interquartile range. Datapoints outside of the 1.5*interquartile ranges were defined as
the scale are displayed in Figure 5. No significant differences
were observed between the younger and older cohorts in the
main SUS composite score, or any of the individual components
(full results are presented in Supplementary Table S2).
EEG Results
EEG data collection success rate
Table 2 summarizes the number of trials collected for
Oddball and Flanker tasks in the two studies and the wet EEG
dataset, and how many of those trials survived epoch rejection
to reach analysis at key electrode locations.
In some cases, all trials were rejected, and a session was not
available for analysis. Of tasks for which the data was complete
in the Younger Adult study, on average across all electrodes,
95% of the Oddball task sessions (SD =5%, range: 82–100%)
and 94% of the Flanker task sessions (SD =6%, range: 83–99%)
remained following pre-processing (results are presented on
Figure 6 and Supplementary Table S1). In the Older Adult study,
on average across all electrodes, 84% of completed Oddball task
sessions (SD =7%, range: 68–91%), and 85% of the Flanker
task sessions (SD =6%, range: 69–90%) were retained following
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TABLE 2 Mean number of available trials after processing and percentage of data discarded per session per participant.
Number of trials
Percentage of
trial discarded
Number of available
trials after artifact
(SD, range) (SD, range) (SD, range)
Older adult study
(N =50)
Oddball task Target trials 30 64.2
(26.5, 0–100)
(7.9, 0–30)
Flanker task Correct trialsa126.2
(4.8, 64–134)
(21.8, 6.5–100)
(27.4, 0–117)
Error trialsa6.7
(4.1, 1–24)
(36.4, 0–100)
(2.8, 0–16)
Younger adult study
(N =30)
Oddball Task Target trials 30 43
(7, 0–30)
Flanker task Correct trialsa117.8
(9.6, 85–136)
(18.7, 4.7–100)
(21.9, 0–104)
Error trialsa20.2
(13.3, 1–64)
(24.7, 0–100)
(8.2, 0–39)
Wet EEG dataset
[N =40; Kappenman et al.
Oddball task Target trials 40 23.69
(21.2, 0–87.5)
(8.5, 5–40)
Flanker task Correct trialsb352.1
(36.2, 182–398)
(7.3, 0–34.9)
(46.2, 151–390)
Error trialsb42
(22.4, 2–83)
(7.2, 0–33.3)
(21.4, 2–80)
The number of trials passing quality control were computed at the Pz electrode for the Oddball task, and at the FCz electrode for the Flanker task. The wet EEG tasks lasted about 10 min.
The gamified Oddball and Flanker lasted about 12 and 7 min, respectively.
a150 trials were presented and could be answered correctly or incorrectly.
b400 trials were presented and could be answered correctly or incorrectly.
pre-processing (see 2.8.1; results are presented on Figure 6 and
Supplementary Table S1).
To check that the number of trials rejected remained
stable across sessions, we plotted the number of trials
rejected across sessions at FCz and Pz in both cohorts.
Percentages of trials rejected across sessions are presented
on Supplementary Figure S3. A summary of the number and
percentage of available sessions at each step of the data analyzes
are presented in Table 3.
Younger adult study
ERPs extracted from the Oddball and Flanker task of
the Younger Adult Study are presented in the top row of
Figure 7. ERPs extracted at all electrodes are presented on
Supplementary Figures S5–S7. The typical waveform features of
a P300 ERP can be observed: negative readiness potentials,
P2 and N2 components occurred from before 0 to 250 ms,
followed by the P300 component peaking around 350 ms. When
examining data from the Flanker task we observe the expected
positive deflection after Correct Trials and negative deflection
after Error trials around 50 ms after participants response.
The central row of Figure 7 projects what SME can be
achieved by aggregating increasing numbers of trials per
participant over multiple at-home dry sessions. As noted above,
as that number increases, the number of participants that can
be included in the sub-analysis decreases (as some participants
may not have collected enough data to be included in the sub-
analyses). The SME can be seen to decrease with the inverse of
the root mean square of numbers of trials.
The wet EEG study (62) reported achieving an SME
of 1.83 µV based on the average of 30.5 Oddball target
trials that survived their epoch rejection strategy (gray-
dotted lines in the figure). Comparing that to data
from our Younger adult at-home data, we found that
33 Target trials (red line in the figure) were required
in the Younger Adult Study an equivalent level of ERP
variability (though with the higher rate of epoch rejection
previously mentioned).
For the Flanker task, the wet EEG study reported
achieving SME values of 0.51 µV and 1.68 µV for Correct
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Percentage of available sessions after pre-processing per channel. The top row corresponds to data collected in the Older Adult study. The
bottom row corresponds to data collected during the Younger Adult study. The left column of each figure corresponds to data collected during
the gamified Oddball task, the right column of each quadrant to data collected during the gamified Flanker task.
and Error trials, respectively. We found that 467 Correct
trials and 56 Error trials were required to reach the
same SME values obtained with 337 Correct trials and
40 Error trials using a wet EEG system (all following
epoch rejection).
The bottom row of Figure 7 shows the total number of
experimental trials required to reach wet-EEG benchmark SME
values for each ERP, and we can project from that to the
number of at-home sessions to achieve or exceed that (based on
trial numbers and rates of rejection in Table 2). For this study,
which had a comparable cohort to the wet EEG dataset, we
can project that 2 equivalent sessions of at-home gamified dry
EEG would provide a superior SME (lower signal variability)
than the single lab-based session for the Oddball Target—
assuming the number of trials per session were the same in
both studies. For the Flanker task 3 dry EEG sessions would be
sufficient for the Error trials ERP, and 4 sessions for the Correct
trial ERP.
Figure 8 shows SME data from the in-laboratory sessions for
both the Oddball and Flanker tasks.
Older adult study
ERPs extracted from the Oddball and Flanker tasks
from the Older Adult Study are presented in the top row
of Figure 9 and ERPs at all electrodes are presented in
Supplementary Figures S8–S10. As in the Younger Adult Study,
Negative readiness potentials, P2 and N2 components occurred
from before 0 to 250 ms, followed by the P300 component
peaking a bit later compared to the younger adult at about
450 ms in the ERPs extracted from the Oddball task. As before,
we observe in the Flanker task data, the expected positive
deflection after Correct Trials and negative deflection after Error
trials around 50 ms after participants’ response.
The central row of Figure 9 projects the SME that can be
achieved in the Older Adult Study. When comparing with SME
values extracted from the wet EEG study, 31 Target trials were
required in the Older Adult Study to reach the same SME value
obtained with 30.5 Target trials using the wet EEG system.
For the Flanker task, 667 Correct trials and 71 Error trials
were required to reach the same SME values obtained with 337
Correct trials and 40 Error trials in the wet EEG study.
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TABLE 3 Number of available at-home sessions at each step of the data collection analysis, including percentage retained relative to previous step.
At-home sessions Older adults Younger adultsa
Session % Cumulative % Session % Cumulative %
Oddball task
Requested 725 100 100 390 100 100
Attempted 750 103.4 103.4 347 89.0 89.0
Task data complete 730 97.3 100.7 346 99.7 88.7
Survived epoch rejectionb634 86.8 87.4 339 98.0 86.9
Flanker task
Requested 725 100 100 390 100 100
Attempted 699 96.4 96.4 347 89.0 89.0
Task data complete 675 96.6 93.1 347 100.0 89.0
Survived epoch rejectionb577 85.5 79.6 339 97.7 86.9
The number of sessions that passed quality control were computed at the Pz electrode for the Oddball task, and at the FCz electrode for the Flanker task.
aOnly data collected before the infusion interventions are evaluated here, therefore percentages may vary somewhat relative to the figures cited in section Usability.
bAll the epochs in a session could be rejected during this step.
The bottom row of Figure 9 shows the total number of
experimental trials from our older cohort required to reach
wet-EEG SME values from a younger cohort. Here, 3 dry EEG
sessions for the Oddball Target, and 7 at-home sessions are
sufficient for both Error and Correct ERPs in the Flanker task,
would have provided a superior SME (lower signal variability)
than the single lab-based session if the same number of trials
were collected per session with the wet and dry EEG system.
Figure 10 shows SME data from the in-laboratory sessions
for both the Oddball and Flanker tasks.
The overall objective of this study was to evaluate if dry
EEG recorded in the home by unsupervised participants, with
easy-to-use engaging tasks, could yield datasets of the same
quality as published results derived from wet EEG recorded
by an expert group in a controlled environment. The primary
finding was that it was feasible to reach similar SMEs compared
to a wet EEG study with the same numbers of dry trials when
comparing populations of similar age. However, the percentage
of trials discarded after artifact rejection was substantially
higher in the dry system compared to what was reported in
the wet EEG study used as reference. We also evaluated the
recording platform usability using the participants’ adherence
to the protocol, successful data collection rate, and subjective
reports. Participants reliably collected EEG data on a near-
daily basis.
Participants exhibited high adherence to the dry EEG
protocol: on average >94% of requested sessions were
commenced in both cohorts. Notably, the compensation of
each cohort was not pro-rated to the number of sessions
session completed in the home. The older group were modestly
compensated (e40) for the at-home study, whereas the younger
group were paid e500 for their participation in the study:
suggesting that monetary compensation alone was not the most
important factor in adherence. There was a high rate (over
93%) of sessions successfully completed at home. Furthermore,
the positive user feedback [mean SUS score >84 in the older
cohort and >88 in the younger cohort; corresponding to
“good/excellent” ratings (58)] demonstrated that participants,
including older adults up to 81 years-old, did not appear to
feel the lack of supervision of a trained technician to complete
neurocognitive tasks. No clear evidence of usability barrier in
the older cohort was found as attested by the lack of differences
in usability scores between the two groups. This result is in
agreement with findings from Nicosia and colleagues who
reported that, while older age is associated with less technology
familiarity, older adults are willing and able to participate
in technology-enabled studies (32). The high percentage of
successful sessions in the older cohort also underlines that
the ease-of-use of the platform was satisfactory and enabled
populations who were not digital natives to use the system.
Notably, there was no substantial drop in adherence during later
phases of the studies. These results are consistent with previous
findings from McWilliams and colleagues who deployed the
same dry EEG technology in a separate cohort of 89 healthy
older adults and reported high adherence and usability scores
(e.g., mean adherence of 82% and mean SUS score of 78.7)
(52). Our compliance levels are also slightly higher than those
observed in purely cognitive remote studies using smartphone
for repeated testing [e.g., adherence of 85.7% (32)]. As discussed
by Moore et al., it is likely that our older participants’ high
adherence rate is due to a combination of extrinsic factors
including the ease-of-use of the technology, and intrinsic factors
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ERPs analyses extracted from the Younger Adult Study (N=30). Top row: Grand study average computed across all participants. Middle row:
Standardized Measurement Errors per number of trials. The gray continuous lines correspond to the number of participants remaining in the
SME calculation after trial rejection. Bottom Row: Mean numbers of trials available after preprocessing. The black dotted lines correspond to the
mean numbers of trials extracted from the wet EEG study. From left to right: Target Trials extracted from the Oddball task at electrode Pz,
Correct Trials extracted from the Flanker task at electrode FCz, Error Trials extracted from the Flanker task at electrode FCz. The shaded areas
correspond to the 95% confidence intervals.
such as personal motivation (the older cohort self-referred into
our study) (63). No carer or study partner attended the initial in
laboratory on-boarding visit suggesting that a single in-person
training session was sufficient for older adults to commence at
home recording. However, we do not know if participants were
helped by another person once in the home.
In the context of neurodegenerative research, the dry
EEG approach described here could be especially useful for
prodromal phase studies as change can emerge over years (64).
One could imagine asking an at-risk population to complete 2
weeks of recordings every year to detect subtle changes in brain
function and cognition. The P300 latency has, for example, been
proposed as a marker of cognitive decline in older population
and appears to be sensitive to disease stage within the context of
Alzheimer’s type of dementia (14, 65, 66). The observation of the
classical features of the ERN and P300 in both cohorts suggest
that gamified dry EEG can capture these ERP components.
These results taken together suggest that intermittent at-home
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Standardized Measurement Errors per number of trials of data collected in the laboratory under researcher supervision extracted from the
Younger Adult Study (N=30). The blue line corresponds to data collected in the laboratory. The gray line corresponds to data collected in the
home. The black dotted lines correspond to the mean numbers of trials extracted from the wet EEG study. From left to right: Target Trials
extracted from the Oddball task at electrode Pz, Correct Trials extracted from the Flanker task at electrode FCz, Error Trials extracted from the
Flanker task at electrode FCz. The shaded areas correspond to the 95% confidence intervals.
EEG recording is well tolerated by older adults and would make
the monitoring of such markers longitudinally possible.
The comparison of the ERP CORE wet EEG data evaluated
participants of similar age profile to our younger adult cohort
revealed that similar numbers of trials were required to reach the
same SME values. However, on average (and as expected), more
dry EEG trials were rejected during preprocessing (between
2 to 14 times more). This result demonstrates that applying
stringent data rejection techniques to dry EEG data makes
it possible to generate averaged ERPs trials similar to those
collected in laboratory environments. When accounting for the
number of trials lost during artifact rejection, our analyses
suggest that between 2 to 4 at-home gamified dry EEG sessions
using the same tasks parameters would yield the same SMEs as
the wet EEG system for comparable cohorts. The main factor
guiding the decision of how many trials should be collected in
traditional in-clinic wet EEG studies is the quality and variability
of the signal. The burden of the tasks is a secondary concern.
Indeed, as participants are in the laboratory once or twice
only and as the hardware can be cumbersome to configure,
researchers aim to collect as many trials as possible in the
shortest amount of time. When designing tasks for repeated self-
administered measurements in the home, the recordings need to
be short and enjoyable enough so that participants are inclined
to conduct additional sessions (26). Thus, considering this
factor combined with the fact that dry EEG data are inherently
noisier than wet data because of the dry electrode higher
impedance, it is unsurprising to find that one must aggregate
over a number of sessions to reach equivalent quality levels.
These observations are also consistent with behavioral findings
from studies evaluating online platforms and mobile-apps (39,
67–71). For example, Lipsmeier and colleagues were able to
distinguish healthy controls from individuals with Parkinson’s
disease by aggregating sensor-based features collected from
mobile phones over 14 days (71).
The percentage of data that survived the different data
selection procedures varied as a function of cohorts, tasks, and
electrode location. Overall, dry EEG data collected from older
adults were noisier than data from younger adults: between
15 to 20% more trials were rejected during the data selection
procedures. Further investigations are needed to disentangle the
origin of these differences, but one working hypothesis is that
it could be due to age-related impairment in manual dexterity
(72) and its effect on headset setup and sensor contact quality.
When comparing Flanker data extracted from the Younger and
Older Adult studies, we observed that on average, each older
adult session yielded less data compared to the young one. Two
factors seem to be driving this effect, on average: i) more data
were rejected from the Older Adult study and ii) older adults
committed 3 to 4 times fewer errors compared to younger adults.
The latter result suggests that older adults may use different
speed vs. accuracy trade-off strategies compared to younger
adults (73) and this should be taken into consideration when
planning for the number of trials to be collected in studies within
older populations.
Finally, we also discovered that the yield of usable data
varied as a function of the electrode location and that Cz,
O1, and O2 yielded the lowest amounts of usable data,
possibly due to individual variation in head shape and
hair style. These results suggest that future headset design
should consider potential solutions to this problem such as
adjusting the length of the pins, changing the morphology
of the electrodes at these locations, or making the headset
more adjustable.
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ERPs analyses extracted from the Older Adult Study (N=50). Top row: Grand study average computed across all participants. Middle row:
Standardized Measurement Errors per number of trials. The gray continuous lines correspond to the number of participants remaining in the
SME calculation after trial rejection. Bottom Row: Mean numbers of trials available after preprocessing. The black dotted lines correspond to the
mean numbers of trials extracted from the wet EEG study. From left to right: Target Trials extracted from the Oddball task at electrode Pz,
Correct Trials extracted from the Flanker task at electrode FCz, Error Trials extracted from the Flanker task at electrode FCz. The shaded areas
correspond to the 95% confidence intervals.
In the context of drug clinical trials, recording across a
week prior to a therapeutic intervention could establish a
baseline of brain activity more robust to daily fluctuations (e.g.,
caused by lifestyle factors). Once identified, changes in baseline
metrics over time could act as biomarkers for the detection
and monitoring of neurodevelopmental, neuropsychiatric, or
neurodegenerative disorders (74–77). Brain changes associated
with neurodegenerative disorders typically occur over years (64,
78), while neurodevelopmental disorders impact brain function
across the lifespan (79, 80). Conversely, some disorders (e.g.,
Multiple Sclerosis, Lewy Body Dementia, Schizophrenia) are
also characterized by fluctuating cognitive symptoms at the scale
of days or week (81–86). Consequently, cognitive biomarkers are
likely to be more effective when brain activity is intermittently
monitored over long periods (11), or in intensive bursts of
frequent sampling (87).
This study had some limitations. The ideal comparison
between dry vs. wet EEG would involve near-daily at-home
Frontiers in Digital Health 16
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Standardized Measurement Errors per number of trials of data collected in the laboratory under researcher supervision extracted from the Older
Adult Study (N=50). The purple line corresponds to data collected in the laboratory. The gray line corresponds to data collected in the home.
The black dotted lines correspond to the mean numbers of trials extracted from the wet EEG study. From left to right: Target Trials extracted
from the Oddball task at electrode Pz, Correct Trials extracted from the Flanker task at electrode FCz, Error Trials extracted from the Flanker task
at electrode FCz. The shaded areas correspond to the 95% confidence intervals.
wet EEG, but the burden of this design renders this unfeasible
as wet EEG requires the presence of a trained technician
for set-up. Some brain data variability could be related to
task learning effects (both in specific task performance—see
Supplementary Figure S11—and usability of the technology)
rather than device performance. In addition, it is also likely
that participants improved at using the platform during the
first week of recordings. To quantify the amount of variability
emerging from learning how to use the headset itself, future
studies should consider first providing participants with the
tablet before introducing the headset at a later stage. The
headset correct placement in the home was not controlled
and may have introduced noise in the signals. However,
the risk of misplacement was mitigated using a semi-rigid
neoprene frame which ensured the correct relative electrodes
positions. The headset has also natural orientation points to
ensure a consistent correct positioning: the earpieces go behind
the ears and the front strap aligns with the brows. Specific
emphasis was also given to participants during onboarding
on the importance of headset placement and reminders were
sent at the beginning of each session via the mobile app
on the procedure to ensure a correct use. However, future
studies may consider evaluating this specific question by
taking pictures of participants in the home. Part of the signal
variability may also originate from day-to-day changes related
to lifestyle factors, mood, and stress levels, which we did not
quantify here. Different preprocessing pipelines were applied
in our studies and the reference dataset, and it is possible
that further optimization of data exclusion strategies could
result in improved SME levels for the wet lab and/or dry
home data. The younger cohort dataset did not include any
females, preventing us from evaluating the impact of sex on
the variability of the data. Additionally, future studies will
have to test validity in specific target clinical populations
for whom it may be relevant to increase stimulus size and
presentation time. Finally, the studies differed on numerous
levels including site, age, gender, educational background,
motivation for participation, task protocol, cadence of sessions,
and number of in-lab sessions, which prevented us from
performing direct comparison.
Overall, our study contributed to the field in the following
ways. We evaluated two innovative neurocognitive studies with
repeated sampling in a remote setting, conducted with cohorts
of younger and older age profiles. Participants regularly and
successfully used a portable dry EEG system and recorded
behavioral and ERP data comparable to traditional wet EEG
paradigms. This generated rich longitudinal data that would
not have been possible in a traditional experimental laboratory-
based design. Due to the volume of data collected (i.e.,
near daily), multiple strategies were employed to improve
signal quality, including aggregation of multiple sessions
within subjects and conservative data inclusion protocols. ERP
data were similar in morphology to those reported in the
literature from laboratory-based studies, and with aggregation,
signal quality was also comparable. Overall, these results
demonstrate that portable EEG technology is a suitable tool
for cognitive neuroscience investigations, and has the potential
to provide objective, frequent and patient-centered tracking
of biomarkers of functional neurophysiology. This approach
has potential to facilitate large scale longitudinal studies of
neurodegenerative, neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric
disorders that manifest on different time scales.
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Data availability statement
The datasets presented in this article are not readily available
because the data collected using the Cumulus platform is
commercially sensitive and contains proprietary information.
Requests to access supporting data will be considered from bona
fide researchers upon reasonable request. Requests to access the
datasets should be directed to
Ethics statement
The studies involving human participants were reviewed
and approved by Institutional Review Board of the Otto-
von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany and the Ethics
Committee of the School of Psychology of Trinity College
Dublin, Ireland. The patients/participants provided their written
informed consent to participate in this study.
Author contributions
FB: conceptualization, methodology, software, formal
analysis, investigation, data curation, writing—original
draft, writing—review and editing, visualization, and
project administration. FF: conceptualization, methodology,
project administration, and writing—review and editing. AB:
conceptualization, methodology, investigation, writing—review
and editing, and project administration. LD: conceptualization,
methodology, writing—review and editing, and project
administration. JD: conceptualization, methodology, and
writing—review and editing. MI and LR-D: software
and writing—review and editing. MK: conceptualization,
methodology, writing—review and editing, and project
administration. BM: conceptualization, methodology,
supervision, and writing—review and editing. HN: writing—
review and editing, software, and data curation. MW:
conceptualization, methodology, and supervision. RW:
conceptualization, methodology, supervision, and writing—
review and editing. All authors contributed to the article and
approved the submitted version.
The studies on which this paper is based were funded
by the Irish Research Council (IRC), Science Foundation
Ireland and Cumulus Neuroscience Ltd. FB was supported
by the IRC Employment Based Postgraduate Programme
(EBPPG/2019/53), FF by the IRC Enterprise Partnership
Postdoctoral Scheme (EPSPD/2017/110). LR-D was supported
by the Science Foundation Ireland (18/IF/6272). LD was funded
by the Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology in Magdeburg,
Germany (SFB779). MK was supported by the Jena University
Hospital. FB and FF received funding from Cumulus
Neuroscience Ltd., in partnership the Irish Research Council,
through the IRC Employment Based Postgraduate Programme
(EBPPG/2019/53), and the IRC Enterprise Partnership
Postdoctoral Scheme (EPSPD/2017/110), respectively, with RW
as the mentor on both these projects.
The authors wish to thank Prof. Steven Luck and Dr.
Guanghui Zhang for kindly providing us with the SME values
extracted from the ERP CORE database and the research and
clinical staff for their part in enrolment and data collection (Cory
Spencer, Hana Nasiri, Dr. Florian Götting, Igor Izyurov, Nooshin
Javaheripour, among others), and the technical team of Cumulus
Neuroscience: Yannick Tremblay, William Stevenson, Dean
Dodds, Matthew Shaw, Stephen Linton, Lars-Kristian Svenøy,
Aaron Graham, and Lukas Simanaitis, for their unwavering
support during the conduct of these research studies. We also
extend our gratitude to all our participants who took part in
these studies.
Conflict of interest
FB, AB, JD, MI, BM, HN, and LR-D are employees of
Cumulus Neuroscience Ltd., a company that develops and
provides dry EEG technology.
The remaining authors declare that the research was
conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial
relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict
of interest.
Publisher’s note
All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the
authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated
organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the
reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or
claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed
or endorsed by the publisher.
Supplementary material
The Supplementary Material for this article can be
found online at:
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uHealth. (2020) 8:e19579. doi: 10.2196/19579
Frontiers in Digital Health 20
... In order to ensure standardized electrode placement on the scalp, rigid headsets are preferred for non-expert use [149]. Portable, dry EEG devices can yield data that are similar in quality to those obtained by wet laboratory-based EEG systems [150][151][152][153] with comparable ERP amplitudes and latencies between wet and dry EEG [154], significant positive correlations (r = 0.54-0.89) between wet and dry EEG recordings for both spectral components and ERPs [155], and intra-class correlations between 0.76-0.85 ...
... [155] showing weekly adherence of a cohort of 50 healthy older adults (+55 years old) with a 6-week at-home EEG recording protocol. Lower Right Panel: Figure adapted with permission from ref. [153] showing averaged eventrelated potentials from target trials extracted from a gamified Oddball task, collected remotely by participants themselves. ...
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Effective strategies for early detection of cognitive decline, if deployed on a large scale, would have individual and societal benefits. However, current detection methods are invasive or time-consuming and therefore not suitable for longitudinal monitoring of asymptomatic individuals. For example, biological markers of neuropathology associated with cognitive decline are typically collected via cerebral spinal fluid, cognitive functioning is evaluated from face-to-face assessments by experts and brain measures are obtained using expensive, non-portable equipment. Here, we describe scalable, repeatable, relatively non-invasive and comparatively inexpensive strategies for detecting the earliest markers of cognitive decline. These approaches are characterized by simple data collection protocols conducted in locations outside the laboratory: measurements are collected passively, by the participants themselves or by non-experts. The analysis of these data is, in contrast, often performed in a centralized location using sophisticated techniques. Recent developments allow neuropathology associated with potential cognitive decline to be accurately detected from peripheral blood samples. Advances in smartphone technology facilitate unobtrusive passive measurements of speech, fine motor movement and gait, that can be used to predict cognitive decline. Specific cognitive processes can be assayed using ‘gamified’ versions of standard laboratory cognitive tasks, which keep users engaged across multiple test sessions. High quality brain data can be regularly obtained, collected at-home by users themselves, using portable electroencephalography. Although these methods have great potential for addressing an important health challenge, there are barriers to be overcome. Technical obstacles include the need for standardization and interoperability across hardware and software. Societal challenges involve ensuring equity in access to new technologies, the cost of implementation and of any follow-up care, plus ethical issues.
... Prior research shows promising results on the validity and engagement from the incorporation of gamification into EF assessments with neurodiverse populations, older children, and adults. For example, gamification of the Flanker Task-with the addition of reward incentives and an adaptive algorithm so the response duration shortens with correct responses and lengthens with incorrect responses-has been validated with young adults and elderly populations [50]. However, the feasibility of gamified computerized EF assessments with preschool children is understudied. ...
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Computerized assessments and digital games have become more prevalent in childhood, necessitating a systematic investigation of the effects of gamified executive function assessments on performance and engagement. This study examined the feasibility of incorporating gamification and a machine learning algorithm that adapts task difficulty to individual children's performance into a traditional executive function task (i.e., Flanker Task) with children ages 3-5. The results demonstrated that performance on a gamified version of the Flanker Task was associated with performance on the traditional version of the task and standardized academic achievement outcomes. Furthermore , gamification grounded in learning science and developmental psychology theories applied to a traditional executive function measure increased children's task enjoyment while preserving psychometric properties of the Flanker Task. Overall, this feasibility study indicates that gamification and adaptive machine learning algorithms can be successfully incorporated into executive function assessments with young children to increase enjoyment and reduce data loss with developmentally appropriate and intentional practices.
... The complete set of possible combinations between electrodes at all orders of interactions (from 2 to 16) was assessed ( Fig. 1B-C). The EEG used here has been presented previously on reference 40 , where a detailed description can be found. crossover design using portable EEG, capturing both resting states and task-based recordings (namely, a gami ed oddball paradigm inducing a typical mismatch negativity). ...
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Methods In a double-blinded cross-over design, 30 adults (mean age = 25.57, SD = 3.74; all male) were administered racemic ketamine and compared against saline infusion as a control. Both task-driven (auditory oddball paradigm) and resting-state EEG were recorded. HOI were computed using advanced multivariate information theory tools, allowing us to quantify nonlinear statistical dependencies between all possible electrode combinations. Results: Ketamine increased redundancy in brain dynamics, most significantly in the alpha frequency band. Redundancy was more evident during the resting state, associated with a shift in conscious states towards more dissociative tendencies. Furthermore, in the task-driven context (auditory oddball), the impact of ketamine on redundancy was more significant for predictable (standard stimuli) compared to deviant ones. Finally, associations were observed between ketamine's HOI and experiences of derealization. Conclusions: Ketamine appears to increase redundancy and genuine HOI across metrics, suggesting these effects correlate with consciousness alterations towards dissociation. HOI represents an innovative method to combine all signal spatial interactions obtained from low-density dry EEG in drug interventions, as it is the only approach that exploits all possible combinations from different electrodes. This research emphasizes the potential of complexity measures coupled with portable EEG devices in monitoring shifts in consciousness, especially when paired with low-density configurations, paving the way for better understanding and monitoring of pharmacological-induced changes.
Free will has been at the heart of philosophical and scientific discussions for many years. However, recent advances in neuroscience have been perceived as a threat to the commonsense notion of free will as they challenge two core requirements for actions to be free. The first is the notion of determinism and free will, i.e., decisions and actions must not be entirely determined by antecedent causes. The second is the notion of mental causation, i.e., our mental state must have causal effects in the physical world, in other words, actions are caused by conscious intention. We present the classical philosophical positions related to determinism and mental causation, and discuss how neuroscience could shed a new light on the philosophical debate based on recent experimental findings. Overall, we conclude that the current evidence is insufficient to undermine free will.
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Collection of electroencephalographic (EEG) data provides an opportunity to non-invasively study human brain plasticity, learning and the evolution of various neuropsychiatric disorders. Traditionally, due to sophisticated hardware, EEG studies have been largely limited to research centers which restrict both testing contexts and repeated longitudinal measures. The emergence of low-cost “wearable” EEG devices now provides the prospect of frequent and remote monitoring of the human brain for a variety of physiological and pathological brain states. In this manuscript, we survey evidence that EEG wearables provide high-quality data and review various software used for remote data collection. We then discuss the growing body of evidence supporting the feasibility of remote and longitudinal EEG data collection using wearables including a discussion of potential biomedical applications of these protocols. Lastly, we discuss some additional challenges needed for EEG wearable research to gain further widespread adoption.
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According to a recent theory, anterior cingulate cortex is sensitive to response conflict, the coactivation of mutually incompatible responses. The present research develops this theory to provide a new account of the error-related negativity (ERN), a scalp potential observed following errors. Connectionist simulations of response conflict in an attentional task demonstrated that the ERN—its timing and sensitivity to task parameters—can be explained in terms of the conflict theory. A new experiment confirmed predictions of this theory regarding the ERN and a second scalp potential, the N2, that is proposed to reflect conflict monitoring on correct response trials. Further analysis of the simulation data indicated that errors can be detected reliably on the basis of post-error conflict. It is concluded that the ERN can be explained in terms of response conflict and that monitoring for conflict may provide a simple mechanism for detecting errors.
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The COVID-19 pandemic has increased adoption of remote assessments in clinical research. However, longstanding stereotypes persist regarding older adults' technology familiarity and their willingness to participate in technology-enabled remote studies. We examined the validity of these stereotypes using a novel technology familiarity assessment (n = 342) and with a critical evaluation of participation factors from an intensive smartphone study of cognition in older adults (n = 445). The technology assessment revealed that older age was strongly associated with less technology familiarity, less frequent engagement with technology, and higher difficulty ratings. Despite this, the majority (86.5%) of older adults elected to participate in the smartphone study and showed exceptional adherence (85.7%). Furthermore, among those enrolled, neither technology familiarity, knowledge, perceived difficulty, nor gender, race, or education were associated with adherence. These results suggest that while older adults remain significantly less familiar with technology than younger generations, with thoughtful study planning that emphasizes participant support and user-centered design, they are willing and capable participants in technology-enabled studies. And once enrolled, they are remarkably adherent.
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Introduction: The early detection of cognitive impairment is one of the most important challenges in Alzheimer's disease (AD) research. The use of brief, short-term repeated test sessions via mobile app has demonstrated similar or better reliability and validity compared to standard in-clinic assessments in adult samples. The present study examined adherence, acceptability, and reliability for a remote, app-based cognitive screening protocol in healthy older adults. Methods: Cognitively unimpaired older adults (N = 52, ages 60-80) completed three brief cognitive testing sessions per day within morning, afternoon, and evening time windows, for 8 consecutive days using a mobile app-based cognitive testing platform. Cognitive tasks assessed visual working memory, processing speed, and episodic memory. Results: Participants completed an average of 93% (M = 22.3 sessions, standard deviation = 10.2) of the 24 assigned sessions within 8 to 9 days. Average daily adherence ranged from 95% of sessions completed on day 2 to 88% of sessions completed on day 8. There was a statistically significant effect of session time on adherence between the morning and afternoon sessions only F (1, 51) = 9.15, P = .004, η p 2 = 0.152, with fewer afternoon sessions completed on average. The within-person reliabilities of average scores, aggregated across all 24 sessions, were exceptionally high, ranging from 0.89 to 0.97. Performance on the episodic memory task was positively and significantly associated with total score and word list recall score on the Telephone Interview for Cognitive Status. In an exit survey, 65% of participants reported that they "definitely" would complete the sessions again. Discussion: These findings suggests that remote, mobile app-based cognitive testing in short bursts is both highly feasible and reliable in a motivated sample of cognitively normal older adults. Limitations include the limited diversity and generalizability of the sample; this was a largely White, highly educated, and motivated sample self-selected for AD research.
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There is a pressing need to capture and track subtle cognitive change at the preclinical stage of Alzheimer's disease (AD) rapidly, cost-effectively, and with high sensitivity. Concurrently, the landscape of digital cognitive assessment is rapidly evolving as technology advances, older adult tech-adoption increases, and external events (i.e., COVID-19) necessitate remote digital assessment. Here, we provide a snapshot review of the current state of digital cognitive assessment for preclinical AD including different device platforms/assessment approaches, levels of validation, and implementation challenges. We focus on articles, grants, and recent conference proceedings specifically querying the relationship between digital cognitive assessments and established biomarkers for preclinical AD (e.g., amyloid beta and tau) in clinically normal (CN) individuals. Several digital assessments were identified across platforms (e.g., digital pens, smartphones). Digital assessments varied by intended setting (e.g., remote vs. in-clinic), level of supervision (e.g., self vs. supervised), and device origin (personal vs. study-provided). At least 11 publications characterize digital cognitive assessment against AD biomarkers among CN. First available data demonstrate promising validity of this approach against both conventional assessment methods (moderate to large effect sizes) and relevant biomarkers (predominantly weak to moderate effect sizes). We discuss levels of validation and issues relating to usability, data quality, data protection, and attrition. While still in its infancy, digital cognitive assessment, especially when administered remotely, will undoubtedly play a major future role in screening for and tracking preclinical AD.
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Access to affordable, objective and scalable biomarkers of brain function is needed to transform the healthcare burden of neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disease. Electroencephalography (EEG) recordings, both resting and in combination with targeted cognitive tasks, have demonstrated utility in tracking disease state and therapy response in a range of conditions from schizophrenia to Alzheimer's disease. But conventional methods of recording this data involve burdensome clinic visits, and behavioural tasks that are not effective in frequent repeated use. This paper aims to evaluate the technical and human-factors feasibility of gathering large-scale EEG using novel technology in the home environment with healthy adult users. In a large field study, 89 healthy adults aged 40–79 years volunteered to use the system at home for 12 weeks, 5 times/week, for 30 min/session. A 16-channel, dry-sensor, portable wireless headset recorded EEG while users played gamified cognitive and passive tasks through a tablet application, including tests of decision making, executive function and memory. Data was uploaded to cloud servers and remotely monitored via web-based dashboards. Seventy-eight participants completed the study, and high levels of adherence were maintained throughout across all age groups, with mean compliance over the 12-week period of 82% (4.1 sessions per week). Reported ease of use was also high with mean System Usability Scale scores of 78.7. Behavioural response measures (reaction time and accuracy) and EEG components elicited by gamified stimuli (P300, ERN, Pe and changes in power spectral density) were extracted from the data collected in home, across a wide range of ages, including older adult participants. Findings replicated well-known patterns of age-related change and demonstrated the feasibility of using low-burden, large-scale, longitudinal EEG measurement in community-based cohorts. This technology enables clinically relevant data to be recorded outside the lab/clinic, from which metrics underlying cognitive ageing could be extracted, opening the door to potential new ways of developing digital cognitive biomarkers for disorders affecting the brain.
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Background: Cognitive tasks designed to measure or train cognition are often repetitive and are often in a monotonous manner presented, which finally these features lead to participant boredom and disengagement. In this situation, participants do not put forth their best effort to do these tasks well. As a result, neuropsychologists cannot draw accurate conclusions about the data collected, and intervention effects reduce. It is assumed that greater engagement and motivation will manifest data quality improvement. Gamification, the use of game elements in non-game settings, has been heralded as a potential mechanism for increasing participant engagement in cognitive tasks. Some studies have reported a positive effect of gamification on participant performance, although most studies have shown mixed results. One reason for these contrasting findings is that most studies have applied poor and heterogeneous design techniques to gamify cognitive tasks. Therefore, an appropriate gamification design framework is needed in these tasks. Objective: This study aims to propose a framework to guide the design of gamification in cognitive tasks. Methods: We employed a Design Science Research (DSR) approach to provide a framework for gamifying cognitive assessment and training by synthesizing current gamification design frameworks, gamification works in cognitive assessment and training, and incorporating in the field experiences. The prototypes of the framework were evaluated with 17 relevant experts iteratively. Results: We proposed a framework consists of 7 phases: (1) preparation; (2) knowing users; (3) exploring existing tools for assessing/ training targeted cognitive context and determining the suitability of game-up and mapping techniques; (4) ideation; (5) prototyping using Objects, Mechanics, Dynamics, Emotions (OMDE) design guideline; (6) development and; (7) disseminating and monitoring. Conclusions: We found that: (1) an intermediate design framework is needed to gamify cognitive tasks means that game elements should be selected by considering current cognitive assessment/ training context characteristics since game elements may impose irrelevant cognitive load that, in turn, can jeopardize data quality; (2) in addition of developing a new gamified cognitive task from scratch, two gamification techniques are widely used: first, adding game elements to an existing cognitive task, and second, mapping an existing game to a cognitive function/ impairment to assess or train it and; (3) further research is required to investigate the interplay of cognitive processes and game mechanics. Clinicaltrial:
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The concept of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) is used to describe the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and identification and treatment before further decline is an important clinical task. We selected longitudinal data from the ADNI database to investigate how well normal function (HC, n= 134) vs. conversion to MCI (cMCI, n= 134) and stable MCI (sMCI, n=333) vs. conversion to AD (cAD, n= 333) could be predicted from cognitive tests, and whether the predictions improve by adding information from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations. Features representing trajectories of change in the selected cognitive and MRI measures were derived from mixed effects models and used to train ensemble machine learning models to classify the pairs of subgroups based on a subset of the data set. Evaluation in an independent test set showed that the predictions for HC vs. cMCI improved substantially when MRI features were added, with an increase in F1\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$F_1$$\end{document}-score from 60 to 77%. The F1\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$F_1$$\end{document}-scores for sMCI vs. cAD were 77% without and 78% with inclusion of MRI features. The results are in-line with findings showing that cognitive changes tend to manifest themselves several years after the Alzheimer’s disease is well-established in the brain.
Decades of research has established a shift from an “eveningness” preference to a “morningness” preference with increasing age. Accordingly, older adults typically have better cognition in morning hours compared to evening hours. We present the first known attempt to capture circadian fluctuations in cognition in individuals at risk for Alzheimer disease (AD) using a remotely administered smartphone assessment that samples cognition rapidly and repeatedly over several days. Older adults (N = 169, aged 61–94 years; 93% cognitively normal) completed four brief smartphone-based testing sessions per day for 7 consecutive days at quasi-random time intervals, assessing associate memory, processing speed, and visual working memory. Scores completed during early hours were averaged for comparison with averaged scores completed during later hours. Mixed effects models evaluated time of day effects on cognition. Additional models included clinical status and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers for beta amyloid (Aβ42) and phosphorylated tau181 (pTau). Models with terms for age, gender, education, APOE ε4 status, and clinical status revealed significantly worse performance on associate memory in evening hours compared to morning hours. Contemporaneously reported mood and fatigue levels did not moderate relationships. Using CSF data to classify individuals with and without significant AD pathology, there were no group differences in performance in morning hours, but subtle impairment emerged in associate memory in evening hours in those with CSF-confirmed AD pathology. These findings indicate that memory is worse in evening hours in older adults, that this pattern is consistent across several days, and is independent of measures of mood and fatigue. Further, they provide preliminary evidence of a “cognitive sundowning” in the very earliest stages of AD. Time of day may be an important consideration for assessments in observational studies and clinical trials in AD populations.
Event-related brain potentials (ERPs) represent direct measures of neural activity that are leveraged to understand cognitive, affective, sensory, and motor processes. Every ERP researcher encounters the obstacle of determining whether measurements are precise or psychometrically reliable enough for an intended purpose. In this primer, we review three types of measurements metrics: data quality, group-level internal consistency, and subject-level internal consistency. Data quality estimates characterize the precision of ERP scores but provide no inherent information about whether scores are precise enough for examining individual differences. Group-level internal consistency characterizes the ratio of between-person differences to the precision of those scores, and provides a single reliability estimate for an entire group of participants that risks masking low reliability for some individuals. Subject-level internal consistency considers the precision of an ERP score for a person relative to between-person differences for a group, and an estimate is yielded for each individual. We apply each metric to published error-related negativity (ERN) and reward positivity (RewP) data and demonstrate how failing to consider data quality and internal consistency can undermine statistical inferences. We conclude with general comments on how these estimates may be used to improve measurement quality and methodological transparency. Subject-level internal consistency computation is implemented within the ERP Reliability Analysis (ERA) Toolbox.
Event‐related potentials (ERPs) can be very noisy, and yet, there is no widely accepted metric of ERP data quality. Here, we propose a universal measure of data quality for ERP research—the standardized measurement error (SME)—which is a special case of the standard error of measurement. Whereas some existing metrics provide a generic quantification of the noise level, the SME quantifies the data quality (precision) for the specific amplitude or latency value being measured in a given study (e.g., the peak latency of the P3 wave). It can be applied to virtually any value that is derived from averaged ERP waveforms, making it a universal measure of data quality. In addition, the SME quantifies the data quality for each individual participant, making it possible to identify participants with low‐quality data and “bad” channels. When appropriately aggregated across individuals, SME values can be used to quantify the combined impact of the single‐trial EEG noise and the number of trials being averaged together on the effect size and statistical power in a given experiment. If SME values were regularly included in published articles, researchers could identify the recording and analysis procedures that produce the highest data quality, which could ultimately lead to increased effect sizes and greater replicability across the field. Averaged ERP waveforms from individual research participants may be greatly distorted by noise, but the field lacks a widely accepted metric of data quality that would allow us to objectively quantify the extent of the noise. Here, we propose such a metric (the Standardized Measurement Error) and show how it is related to effect sizes and statistical power.