Fishchuk Oksana

Fishchuk Oksana
Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University



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Current research interests: Amaryllidaceae family I'm working on Evolutionary Morphology of Plants and vascular anatomy in Amaryllidaceae species


Publications (27)
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Background. Monocot plants in the flora of Ukraine embrace about 1000 species. The members of this group have various fruit types and ways of dissemination. In this review, the results of the evolutionary-morphological analysis of fruits in monocot plants of the flora of Ukraine and their structural adaptations to dispersal are presented. Gynoecium...
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The war in Ukraine, in addition to significant human and financial losses, affected the mental health of Ukrainians. This study was carried out within the framework of the population psychological support program in the first month of the war. The objective of the research was to empirically study the interrelationship between media religiosity lev...
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In the gynoecium of Zephyranthes citrina Baker. there are synascidiate, symplicate, and hemisymplicate vertical zones. The longest zone is the fertile hemisymplicate zone and the shortest one is the sterile synascidiate zone in the ovary. It was determined that in Z. citrina the peduncle consists of 12 vascular bundles, which gather above the cente...
Hippeastrum vittatum is a member of the tribe Hippeastreae, subfamily Amaryllidoideae, Amaryllidaceae. Genera of the tribe are mostly distributed in South America and are often cultivated as ornamentals. The systematics of the tribe is equivocal, because of reticulated evolutionary history. New diagnostic characters are very desirable for a deeper...
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The general morphology, micromorphology, and anatomy of the flowers of Clivia miniata , Clivia nobilis , and Scadoxus multiflorus were studied using light microscopy. The studied species have large syntepalous and trimerous flowers, short floral tubes with adnate stamens, and inferior ovaries that develop baccate fruit. The gynoecium in the studied...
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The structure of Agapanthus africanus and A. praecox flowers was studied on permanent cross-sectional and longitudinal sections using a light microscope. The genus Agapanthus belongs to the subfamily Agapanthoideae, the family Amaryllidaceae, which is characterized by the presence of the upper ovary, septal nectaries and fruit – fleshy capsule. Mic...
Вивчено морфологічну будову та васкулярну анатомію квітки Hymenocallis littoralis. Вияв-лено нові морфологічні ознаки вертикальної зональності гінецею та васкулярної анатомії квітки, які раніше не використовувались у систематиці родини Amaryllidaceae. Мікроморфологічні препарати 10 квіток Hymenocallis littoralis виготовили, використовуючи стандартн...
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In this review, the scope of morphological diversity of fruits within the class Liliopsida belonging to the flora of Ukraine compared to the world flora diversity was analyzed. For the first time, the taxonomic diversity of monocot plants of the flora of Ukraine was analyzed, which includes 235 genera and about 1050 species, and the distribution of...
The use of morphological features of flowers in the taxonomy of plants is becoming increasingly important. The structure of the Zephyranthes candida (Lindl.) Herb. flowers on permanent cross-sectional and longitudinal sections was studied using a light microscope. The genus Zephyranthes belongs to the subtribe Hippeastrinae Walp. tribe Hippeastreae...
Cyrtanthus elatus – ендемік флори Південної Африки, південних прибережних гір від півночі міста Моссел-Бей у Західній Капській провінції до міста Гумансдорпа у Східній Капській провінції. Він трапляється в колоніях на суглинистих, кислих ґрунтах на вологих схилах, що виходять на південь, при повному сонці чи легкій тіні. Цвітіння посилюється в пері...
The external morphology and micromorphology of the flower in Tulbaghia violacea were studied. Light microscopy was used for examination. Our approach allows us to differentiate species and genera by location and presence of different vertical zones in gynoecium and especially septal nectaries. The gynoecium of T. violacea consists of synascidiate,...
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In the gynoecium of L. aestivum there are synascidiate, hemisynascidiate, symplicate, and asymplicate vertical zones. The longest zone is the fertile hemisynascidiate zone and the shortest is the synascidiate zone in the ovary. It was discovered that in L. aestivum the peduncle consists of 12 vascular bundles, which are reorganized into two circles...
Представником флори Південної Африки, тропічних і субтропічних рослин агростанції Східноєвропейського національного університету імені Лесі Українки є Clivia miniata (Lindl.) Verschaff. (Amaryllidaceae). Перші колекції цієї рослини з’явилися на агростанції у 2009 році. Представники цього виду поширені у гірських районах Південної Африки, зокрема у...
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We studied the structure of flowers of Galanthus nivalis and Leucojum vernum using cross-sections and longitudal sections of permanent preparations using a light microscope. Genera Galanthus and Leucojum belong to the Galantheae tribe characterized by a unique combination of features of the family Amaryllidaceae, i.e. absence of septal nectaries, p...
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Модернізація освіти в Україні відповідно до сучасних вимог актуалізує дослідження тренінгової форми роботи для студентів різних спеціальностей. Розглянуто мету, завдання та переваги використання тренінгів у навчальному процесі. Фахівець у сфері біології має широкі можливості для працевлаш­тування (від лабораторій і садово-паркових господарств, до е...
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За даними проведеного еволюційно-морфологічного аналізу квітки досліджених таксонів було виявлено 39 ознак, які можна формалізувати і використати для філогенетичного аналізу видів. У числі виявлених нами ознак є особливості васкулярної анатомії квітки, внутрішної структури та вертикальної зональності гінецея, структури септального нектарника. Більш...
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The general morphology and micromorphology of the flower in Polygonatum multiflorum, Maianthemum bifolium, and Convallaria majalis were studied using light microscopy methods. Among the studied species, P. multiflorum and C. majalis have syntepalous and trimerous flowers, and in M. bifolium flowers are the most reduced: they are dimerous pentacycli...
Conference Paper
In the synascidiate and symplicate gynoecium zones the distinct nectary cavities have been revealed since Van Tieghem work (1871). These secretory cavities lacking common epidermis because they have congenitally closed both external and internal walls. Thus, the gynoecium zones with three such cavities in septa are not hemisynascidiate and hemisymp...
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In ten Sansevieria and two Dracaena species there was studied the vertical zonality of the gynoecium after W.Leinfellner and the structure of the septal nectary after the concept of its vertical zonality. It was revealed four vertical zones in the gynoecium of S. hyacinthoides, S. spicata, S. aetheopica, S. grandis, S. suffruticosa, D. fragrans, D....
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In the gynoecium of Dracaena fragrans, Sansevieria parva and S. trifasciata, the vertical zonality of the ovary, the structural zonality of the gynoecium following Leinfellner, and the zonality of the septal nectary were studied. The ovary structure is characterised by a high parenchymatous ovary base and ovary roof as well as a long septal nectary...
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The results of a study of the flower morphology, vascular anatomy and gynoecium micromorphology of Sansevieria suffruticosa N. E. Br. are presented. In this species there is a flower tube of semiadnated tepals and stamens and also syncarpous gynoecium having septal nectaries. According to our data, the vascular system of this flower is comparable w...
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In the gynoecium of Dracaena fragrans, Sansevieria parva and Sansevieria trifasciata, the vertical zonality of the ovary, the structural zonality of the gynoecium following Lein- fellner, and the zonality of the septal nectary were studied. The ovary structure is characterised by a high parenchymatous ovary base and ovary roof as well as a long...
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It was showed, that perianthium members of Sansevieria hyacinthoides fl ower are connated up to the 2/3 of their height, each tepal and stamen traces have one bundle. In the gynoecium of Sansevieria hyacinthoides the synascidiate, hemisynascidiate, hemisympli- cate and asymplicate zones are presented. The fertile hemisynascidiate zone is the high-...
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In the gynoecium of Sansevieria hyacinthoides synascidiate, hemisynascidiate, hemisymlicate and asymplicate vertical zones are available. Ovule lies medially in the hemisynascidiate zone. Carpel trace is three-bundled. Septal nectary height is twice as locule height due to the extension of the nectary in the ovary base and roof. Septal nectaries a...


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