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In this study, the effect of adding different levels of mulberry Morus alba L leaf extract on some characteristics of the semen of Awassi rams after different periods of preservation was studied. The study was carried out in the animal field of the Department of Animal Production, College of Agriculture, University of Baghdad, Jadiriyah. The semen samples were divided equally into four concentrations in which gear diluent was used at a dilution ratio of 1:10. The concentrations of the control group (C) were left without addition, while the three concentrations were added to the Morus alba L leaf extract in the proportions (0.5, 1, 1.5%). The results of the study showed that adding cranberry leaf extract at a concentration of 0.5% led to a significant improvement (P<0.05) on sperm motility, plasma membrane integrity, mitochondrial activity and malonaldehyde concentration during different preservation periods. It can be concluded that adding Morus alba L leaf extract to a low concentration (Tris) diluent had an effective role in improving the studied semen characteristics of the sperm of Awassi rams.
Nadia Abdul–Hadi Abdul–Ameer1, Firas A. Mahmood2 and Rabeea M. Mahmood3
1Department of Animal Production, Kufa Technical Institute, AL-Furat AL-Awssat Technical University, Iraq.
2Department of Animal Production, College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Baghdad, Iraq.
3Department of Animal Production, Collage of Agriculture, University of Karbala, Iraq.
e-mails :,,
(Received 10 July 2021, Revised 22 September 2021, Accepted 3 October 2021)
ABSTRACT : In this study, the effect of adding different levels of mulberry Morus alba L leaf extract on some characteristics
of the semen of Awassi rams after different periods of preservation was studied. The study was carried out in the animal field of
the Department of Animal Production, College of Agriculture, University of Baghdad, Jadiriyah. The semen samples were
divided equally into four concentrations in which gear diluent was used at a dilution ratio of 1:10. The concentrations of the
control group (C) were left without addition, while the three concentrations were added to the Morus alba L leaf extract in the
proportions (0.5, 1, 1.5%). The results of the study showed that adding cranberry leaf extract at a concentration of 0.5% led to
a significant improvement (P<0.05) on sperm motility, plasma membrane integrity, mitochondrial activity and malonaldehyde
concentration during different preservation periods. It can be concluded that adding Morus alba L leaf extract to a low concentration
(Tris) diluent had an effective role in improving the studied semen characteristics of the sperm of Awassi rams.
Key words : White mulberry, Morus alba L, cooled semen, awassi rams.
How to cite : Nadia Abdul–Hadi Abdul–Ameer, Firas A. Mahmood and Rabeea M. Mahmood (2022) The effect of white mulberry,
Morus alba L leaf extract on some characteristics of the cooled semen of Awassi rams. Biochem. Cell. Arch. 22, 2683-2686.
Biochem. Cell. Arch. Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 2683-2686, 2022 ISSN 0972-5075
DocID: eISSN 0976-1772
Livestock production contributes significantly to
providing food security at the economic level of the
country due to the great importance of these products to
the consumer (Arab Organization for Agricultural
Development, 2001). Sheep constitute a large part of
this wealth, as their numbers amounted to 6.780 million
heads and constitute a major source of income for the
population of pastoral areas in Iraq (FAO, 2003). In
recent years, the use of medicinal plants has increased,
perhaps the reason for this is due to the good effect of
these plants in treating many cases, which led to the
widespread use of them in a very wide way because
they contain active ingredients with knowledge of how
they work inside the body of the organism (Health Tools,
2005). Mulberry Morus alba L is a plant its leaves rich
in effective natural antioxidants and phenolic compounds
in protecting cells from free radicals in general and fatty
acid peroxides (Andallu et al, 2014), several active
compounds have been separated from the alcoholic
extraction of Morus alba L leaves, such as quercetin
and polyphenols, phenolic acids, and flavonoids (Katsube
et al, 2006). The aim this research is to knowing the
possibility of using mulberry leaf extraction to improving
some characteristics of the semen of Awassi rams during
preservation for different periods.
The research was proceeded in sheep and goats field
of the Department of Livestock Resources at the College
of Agriculture, Baghdad University, Jadiriyah from the
first of September 2018 to the end of November 2018. In
this study five local Awassi rams were used for studying
the influence of adding different concentrations of mulberry
Morus alba L leaf extract on some studied characteristics
of the semen of Awassi rams during cryopreservation
Experimental animals and semen collection
In this experiment, five rams were used, who were
trained for a month to collect semen using an artificial
2684 Nadia Abdul–Hadi Abdul–Ameer et al
vagina, and their ages ranged between 2.5 - 3 years and
their body weight ranged between 75-80 kg. Semen was
collected using the artificial vagina of sheep and goats
by ejaculation/ram/week. For the purpose of preparing
for ejaculation, the rams were allowed to make a false
mount (False mount) on one of the ewes to increase their
sexual desire (Badawy et al, 1975).
Semen dilution and preservation
Semen sample was diluted with Tris diluent in a
dilution ratio (10:1), the diluent was prepared as what
was mentioned by Evans and Maxwell (1990). Cranberry
leaf extract was added to gear diluent according to the
following concentrations (0, 0.5, 1, and 1.5%). After the
process of collecting the semen sample, it was placed to
a water bath at (37°C), then, it was divided into four
equal parts, and then the diluent was added to the semen
gradually inside the water bath, and the dilution ratio was
(10:1). The samples have been transferred to a beaker
contains water at (37°C). Then, the beaker was placed
in the refrigerator, and after the temperature was
stabilized at a temperature of (5°C), the readings were
taken during the times (0, 24, 48 hours) after dilution.
Studied traits
According to Chemineau et al (1991) individual
motility was estimated. While intact plasma membrane
sperm percentage was estimated according to the method
of Jeyendean et al (1984). The mitochondrial activity
was tested using 3,’3-diaminobenzidine (DAB) dye and
the percentage of mitochondrial activity was estimated
according to the method (Hrudka, 1987). The
determination of the concentration of malondidehyde in
the seminal plasma was proceeded by estimating the value
of (thiobarbutiric acid, TBA) and (Tri chloral acetic acid,
TCA) according to the method of Kumaresan et al
Statistical analysis
Statistical Analysis System-SAS (2012) was used to
analyzing data according to a fully randomized design
(CRD) in two directions, while the differences between
the means were compared with Duncan (1955) multi-
range test.
The results showed that there was a significant effect
(P<0.05) in the individual motility of ram’s sperm when
kept in preservation (5°C) at time zero, as 0.5% (80%)
was superior to each of the control group, 1 and 1.5, as
their values reached (74.25, 77.25 and 77.25%)
respectively. whilst the control had the lowest value of
individual motility in 24 hours (63.5%) compared to the
other concentrations. In the same context, no significant
differences were recorded between the control group
and the concentration of 1 and 1.5% (53, 55.75 and
52.75%), respectively, at 48 hours, compared to the
concentration of 0.5% (58.75%) (Table 1). From the
results of the current study, adding Morus alba L leaf
extraction to Tris diluent produced a significant (P<0.05)
increasing in the plasma membrane integrity percentage
of Awassi ram’s sperm during zero time of preservation
(Table 2), as the concentration of Awassi rams was
superior to 0.5% (Table 2). 84.5% over the control group
(78.75%). At the time of 24 hours of preservation, no
significant differences between the control group and the
concentration of 1.5% (66.75 and 69.25%) were
observed, compared to the other concentrations. The
results of the 48 hours of preservation (5°C) for the same
trait showed a significant (P<0.05) superiority) for a
concentration of 1% (61.75%) compared to a
concentration of 0.5 and 1.5% (57.5 and 59.5%),
The results of estimating the concentration of
malondidehyde in the seminal plasma of Awassi rams
showed (µmol/109 sperm), as it was clear from (Table 3)
that there was a significant decrease (P<0.05) for the
concentration of 0.5 and 1% (0.367 and 0.410 µmol/109
sperm), respectively on the rest of the concentrations in
the concentration of malondidehyde after cooling 50C at
Table 1 : Effect of adding different concentrations of mulberry Morus
alba L leaf extraction to Tris diluent on the individual
motility of sperm (%) of Awassi rams with different periods
of preservation.
Treatments 0 hour 24 hours 48 hours
Control L 74.250 C 63.500 B 53.000 B
0.5 80.000 A69.500 A58.750 A
177.250 B 66.250 B 55.750 B
1.5 77.250 B 64.000 B 52.750 B
Mean 77.187 65.812 55.062
SEm 0.646 0.742 0.760
Significant 0.003 0.002 0.002
Table 2 : Effect of adding different concentrations of mulberry Morus
alba L leaf extraction to Tris diluent on the integrity of the
sperm plasma membrane (%) of Awassi rams with different
preservation periods.
Treatments 0 hour 24 hours 48 hours
Control L 78.750 B 66.750 B 57.500 B
0.5 84.500 A75.00 A57.500 B
183.500A 72.500 A61.750 A
1.5 82.250 A69.250 B 59.500 AB
Mean 82.25 70.875 59.062
SEm 0.648 0.889 0.580
Significant 0.0007 0.0001 0.0087
Effect of white mulberry, M. alba L leaf extract on some characteristics of the cooled semen of Awassi rams 2685
time zero. At the time of 48 hours of preservation, the
results of the experiment exhibited a significant (P<0.05)
decrease in the concentration of malonaldehyde for
Awassi rams at a concentration of 0.5% (1.043 µmol/109
sperm) compared to the other concentrations. The results
showed that the mitochondrial activity of the sperms of
0.5% of Morus alba L leaf extract recorded the highest
percentage (53%) and was significantly (P < 0.05)
superior to the control treatment and the concentration
of 1.5% (44.66 and 42.00%), respectively, for zero hours
of preservation. While, the mitochondrial activity of
sperms after 48 hours of preservation recorded the
highest percentage of concentration 0.5 and 1% (27.66
and 27.33%), respectively incomparison with control
treatment and concentration of 1.5% (22.66 and 22.33%),
respectively (Table 4).
Recently, interest in antioxidants from natural sources
has increased due to their ability to protect biological
molecules, especially lipids, including cholesterol,
unsaturated fatty acids and proteins, from oxidative
damage (Bravo et al, 2013). The most important factors
of low sperm motility are the changes that occur in the
plasma membrane during the different preservation
periods, is the release of energy enzymes, the most
important of which is Glucose-6-phosphate
dehydrogenase, which leads to a decrease in the
production of the energy complex, adenosine triphosphate
(ATP) and an increase in the proportion of AMP / ADP).
(Manafi, 2011). In this study, a concentration of 0.5%
the highest percentage of individual motility compared to
other concentrations. The high content of flavonoids in
cranberry leaf extract may have a role in protecting the
sperm lipid membranes from oxidation by breaking the
oxidation chain reaction (Choi and Hwang, 2005 and
Shahid et al, 2012). The plasma membrane of ram sperm
is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, which makes the
sperm sensitive to oxidative stress (Griveau et al, 1995).
Yokozawa et al (1998) showed in a study conducted on
the effectiveness of flavonoids extracted from plants as
antioxidants, that the hydroxyl groups present in flavonoid
compounds with antioxidant activity are important in the
process of inhibiting the activity of free radicals formed
by cell self-oxidation. Thus, curbing these free radicals
leads to preventing the formation of peroxides which may
cause oxidation or destroying the free radicals formed
(Sarica et al, 2007). This was confirmed by Shahid et al
(2012) on the high percentage of effective antioxidants
in Morus alba L leaves, the most important of which are
phenols, flavonoids and ascorbic acid. Phenolic
compounds may play a role in preventing the oxidation of
unsaturated fatty acids present in sperm membranes and
energy-forming regions within the mitochondria by
interacting with free radicals (Desai et al, 2010 and
Bansal and Bilaspuri, 2011). The concentration of
Malondialdehyde in seminal plasma was reduced by the
action of the active compounds (Avdatek, 2017 and
Fayyad and Mahmood, 2019). In the current study, a
concentration of 0.5% of Morus alba L leaf extract
improved the mitochondrial activity of the sperm, and the
semen preservation steps have a key role in disrupting
the regulation of calcium ion levels due to a defect in the
permeability of the mitochondrial membrane, which
increases the calcium ion level in the cytoplasm and thus
stimulates the work of Protease enzymes, endonucleases,
phospholipases and ATPase that cause denaturation of
proteins and break down lipids in the plasma membrane
(Aman and Parks, 1994 and Aslanidi et al, 1997). From
the results of this study, it was found that lower
concentrations led to better results for the studied
characteristics of the cooled semen of Awassi rams during
a different preservation period.
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Yearbook, League of Arab States, Khartoum. Vol. 21, page 123.
Table 3 : Effect of different concentrations of mulberry Morus alba
L leaf extraction on the concentration of malondialdehyde
during (0 and 48 hours) of preservation.
Treatments 0 hour 48 hours
Control L 0.733 A2.033 A
0.5 0.367 B 1.043 B
10.410 B 1.883 A
1.5 0.680 A1.956 A
Mean 0.547 1.729
SEm 0.049 0.123
Significant 0.05 0.05
Table 4 : Effect of different concentrations of mulberry Morus alba
L leaf extraction on the percentage of mitochondrial activity
during (0 and 48 hours) of preservation.
Treatments 0 hour 48 hours
Control L 44.667 C 22.667 B
0.5 53.667 A27.667 A
149.333 B 27.333 A
1.5 43.000 C 22.333 B
Mean 47.667 25
SEm 1.316 0.896
Significant 0.0001 0.01
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Full-text available
The study was planned to evaluate the effect of adding Guanidinoacetic acid in some characteristics of the sperm of the rams. This study was conducted in the animal field of the Animal Production Department / Faculty of Agricultural Engineering Sciences / University of Baghdad, for the period from 5/8/2018 to 28/2/2019. In this experiment, 3 rams were used at the age of 2-2.5 years and weighed 50-54 kg. The semen was collected early in the morning and once a week and the semen was pooled to remove the individual differences. The treatments were divided: GAA-free control group, treatment T1 (0.05 mg / 100 ml GAA), T2 treatment (0.1 mg / 100 ml GAA) and T3 treatment (0.2 mg / 100 ml GAA). The results of the study showed a significant decrease in the concentration of malondialdehyde at time (0 and 72 hours) from cryopreservation in treatment T3 compared with the rest of the treatments. There were no significant differences between time-saving coefficients (0) in AST concentration. The AST concentration of time was reduced by 72 hours of conservation in T3 compared to control. ALT concentration was significantly reduced in T3 when conserved by time (0 and 72 hours) of cryopreservation compared with other treatments. The concentration of glutathione significantly increased at time T3 (0 and 72 h) from preservation of cooling. SOD concentration was significantly increased in T3 (0 and 72 hours) of conservation. There was no significant effect of GAA in creatine kinase activity throughout the experiment.
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The present study was conducted to determine the effects of supplemental dietary L-carnitine at different levels on semen traits, reproductive parameters, and testicular histology in male Japanese quail breeders. Forty-five 5-wk-old male Japanese quail breeders were fed the same basal diet that was supplemented with 0 (control), 250, or 500 mg of L-carnitine/kg of diet. There were no significant effects of dietary L-carnitine supplementation at different levels on B W, feed intake, testes weight, fertility rate, hatchability rate of set and fertile eggs, and malonaldehyde production (μg/mL of semen) of male Japanese quail breeders. However, the supplementation of dietary Lcarnitine at levels of 250 or 500 mg/kg to a basal diet significantly increased sperm viability and decreased multinucleated giant cells per testes in mature male Japanese quail breeders. Additional studies are required to explore the antioxidant role that L-carnitine has in Japanese quail breeders.
Full-text available
In this study, leaves of three indigenous varieties of Mulberry namely, Morus alba L., Morus nigra L. and Morus rubra L. were investigated for their antioxidant potential and their proximate composition was determined. The yields of 80% methanolic extracts ranged between 8.28-13.89%. The contents of total phenolics (TPC), total flavonoids (TFC) and ascorbic acid (AA) ranged between 16.21-24.37 mg gallic acid equivalent (GAE)/g, 26.41-31.28 mg rutin equivalent (RE)/g and 0.97-1.49 mg/g, respectively. The antioxidant activity of leaf extracts was evaluated by measuring 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH(•)) radical scavenging actity, 2,2'-azino-bis-(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulphonic acid (ABTS(•+)) radical cation scavenging capacity and ferric ion reducing power and values ranged between 1.89-2.12, 6.12-9.89 and 0.56-0.97 mM Trolox equivalent/g of dried leaves, respectively. The investigated features reveal good nutritive and antioxidant attributes of all the varieties with mutually significant differences.
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The reactive oxygen species, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and superoxide anion (O2o-), were generated with a xanthine-xanthine oxidase system and their effect on human sperm function was studied. The action of reactive oxygen species on selected human spermatozoa resulted in a decreased capacity for ionophore-induced acrosome reaction, a decrease in sperm motility, an increase in the concentration of lipid hydroperoxides and a loss of membrane polyunsaturated fatty acids. H2O2 was the key intermediate of the deleterious effects exerted by the xanthine and xanthine oxidase. Among these parameters, the acrosome reaction appeared most susceptible to the reactive oxygen species generated by the xanthine-xanthine oxidase system, and was decreased without sperm motility being affected. Treatment with H2O2 was shown to inactivate several enzymatic activities involved in the antioxidant defence of spermatozoa: glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. H2O2 and O2o- were shown to be involved in the lipid alterations triggered by the xanthine-xanthine oxidase system. Singlet oxygen is proposed to intervene in the lipoperoxidation process. The inefficacy of mannitol in protecting spermatozoa suggests that hydroxyl radicals were not produced in the extracellular medium.
Fifty-one tannins and forty-one flavonoids isolated from Oriental medicinal herbs were evaluated for their antioxidant ability with a 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical-generating system. The results showed that tannins and certain flavonoids are potential free-radical scavengers, and that their activity against the DPPH radical is closely associated with their chemical structure. A comparison of the two classes of compounds showed that tannins have more potential than flavonoids because almost all the tannins demonstrated significant scavenging action within a low concentration range, whereas the activity of flavonoids varied distinctively among the different compounds. An increase of galloyl groups, molecular weight, and ortho-hydroxyl structure enhanced the activity of tannins, whereas the number and position of hydroxyl groups were important features for the scavenging of free radicals by flavonoids. Moreover, it appeared that when the free hydroxyl group was methoxylated or glycosylated, the inhibitory activity was obviously decreased or even abolished.
Oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) has been implicated in atherogenesis. Antioxidants that prevent LDL from oxidation may reduce atherosclerosis. We investigated LDL antioxidant activity and extracted compounds of mulberry (Morus alba L.) leaves. The LDL antioxidant activity of 60% ethanol extracted of mulberry leaves, which inhibits human LDL oxidation induced by copper ion, was determined on the basis of oxidation lag time and calculated as epigallocatechin 3-gallate equivalents (58.3 μmol of EGCG equivalent/g of dry weight). Three flavonol glycosides [quercetin 3-(6-malonylglucoside), rutin (quercetin 3-rutinoside) and isoquercitrin (quercetin 3-glucoside)] were identified as the major LDL antioxidant compounds by LC-MS and NMR. The amounts of these flavonol glycosides in mulberry leaves and mulberry-leaf tea were determined by HPLC. Our results showed that quercetin 3-(6-malonylglucoside) and rutin were the predominant flavonol glycosides in the mulberry leaves.
In a longitudinal study over a period of 21 months, we demonstrated that seminal reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels are independent of sperm concentration, motility, and abstinence duration within a healthy sperm donor, although some variations were observed in ROS levels. We suggest that fluctuation in seminal ROS values may be related to physiologic or transient changes in spermatogenesis.
Cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) plays a key role in cellular respiration and energetic metabolism. The latter is a prerequisite for osmotic and synthetic function, motility and the maintenance of cell structure. The objective of this study was to develop and assess a facile microscopic technique that would demonstrate CcO activity insitu, both at the microscopic and sub-microscopic levels. The cytochemical technique proposed is based on oxidation of 3,3'-diaminobenzidine (DAB) by the cytochrome c complex (including CcO), in a chain reaction in which the reagent is polymerized and deposited at the reaction sites. The deposit can be identified by its colour under the light microscope and by osmiophilia under the electron microscope. The reaction is restricted to mitochondria at the light microscope level, and to the outer face of the inner mitochondrial membrane at the ultrastructural level. The activity is inhibited promptly by greater than or equal to 0.5 mM KCN, a specific inhibitor of CcO, and by sodium azide or heat (70 degrees C/5 min). The technique was validated on a number of domestic and laboratory animals, using sperm that were ejaculated or epididymal in origin, cryopreserved or treated. The data obtained displayed activity profiles of individual cells, ejaculates or donors and emphasized differences among species. This technique depicts spontaneous CcO decline during ageing and changes induced by various physical or chemical treatments.