Fernando Mayer

Fernando Mayer
Universidade Federal do Paraná | UFPR · Department of Statistics

Doctor of Philosophy


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Fernando Mayer currently works at the Department of Statistics, Universidade Federal do Paraná.
Skills and Expertise


Publications (11)
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In commercial sheries, catches of species that are not the main target, are called "bycatch". In the Atlantic Ocean, the Black Marlin (Makaira nigricans) is caught incidentally by vessels using longline as shing gear, and targeting tunas and swordsh. Analysis of temporal patterns in a historical context can help in decisions for sheries management....
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shinyexams-User-friendly interface to help create and apply exams • dynamic exercises (single or multiple-choice) • automatically evaluating large-scale written tests • generate dynamic content using R and LaTeX • programming skills are not required • same exercises with different alternatives and values • share questions with other users or keep p...
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At the breeding grounds of most baleen whales the patchiness and gaps in spatial distribution results from interactions between behavior patterns and environmental conditions. We evaluated the influence of environmental factors (bathymetry and distance from shore with quadratic terms, and wind speed), effort, and spatial autocorrelation effects to...
Conference Paper
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Em estudos envolvendo insetos, é comum a observação de variáveis respostas que consis-tem de contagens ao longo de um período de tempo. Um modelo simples que pode ser utilizado para analisar esse tipo de dados é o modelo de Poisson, um caso particular de modelo linear generalizado (McCullagh e Nelder, 1989) para o qual a média é igual à variância....
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Global biodiversity declines and increasing rates of extinction necessitate the assessment and prediction of the vulnerability of species to extinction. Here, we examine the relationships between conservation status and ecological traits of reef fish species of the Brazilian biogeographical province. We used binomial tests and a logistic regression...
Conference Paper
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Resumo: A captura de espécies exploradas em pescarias comerciais normalmenté e modelada sem qualquer consideração sobre a dependência do espaço e do tempo. Os modelos espaço-temporais representam uma maneira mais acurada para a modelagem de dados de populações biológicas, onde existe dependência no espaço, no tempo, e possivelmente na interação esp...
Conference Paper
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Modelos de contagem considerando superdispersão e excesso de zeros para a estimativa de abundância de espécies pouco frequentes em pescarias comerciais Fernando de Pol Mayer-PPG Ecologia, UFSC 1 Resumo: A captura não intencional de espécies que não são alvo de uma pescariá e chamada de "captura incidental". A estimativa da abundância destas espécie...
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Fishing effort and catch of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) landed by long-line fleet in Santa Catarina state during 2000 and 2001 were the subject of this study. These data was derived from a sampling program implemented in 2000, aiming the collection of information on the swordfish fishery and of useful information to support ICCAT management decisio...


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