Fernando Barrio-Parra

Fernando Barrio-Parra
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid | UPM · Departamento de Energía y Combustibles

PhD Natural Resources Conservation


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I have a master degree in Research, Modeling and Environmental Risk assessment and recently got a PhD degree in the field of modeling of sediment dynamics in coastal systems. I currently work in contaminated sites research, with a special interest in spatial modeling of pollution processes and it comparison with field data.
Additional affiliations
September 2011 - present
King Juan Carlos University
  • PhD Student/ Researcher
September 2011 - May 2015
King Juan Carlos University
  • PhD Student


Publications (84)
Conference Paper
The Radon deficit technique is a promising screening method for identifying and mapping potential subsurface organic pollution hotspots and thus, for the optimization of intrusive characterization campaigns. Radon (222 Rn) a naturally procuded radionucleid and particularly suitable for use as a natural tracer due to its preferential partitioning wi...
In the current academic landscape, innovation emerges as a fundamental pillar, driving the transformation towards a more integrated and practical education. This study highlights how the implementation of 3D printing technologies, centered on projects developed under the framework of the Tellus ecosystem at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UP...
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This study proposes using the network of urban gardens to grow vegetables and to monitor air quality, and it also evaluates whether food grown on a clean substrate in an urban environment is safe for consumption. For this purpose, lettuces were exposed to different degrees of air pollution in five locations in the city of Copenhagen, plus a referen...
The Radon (Rn) deficit technique is a rapid, low-cost, and non-invasive method to identify and quantify light non-aqueous phase liquids (LNAPL) in the soil. LNAPL saturation is typically estimated from Rn deficit using Rn partition coefficients, assuming equilibrium conditions. This work examines the applicability of this method in the presence of...
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Human Health Risk Assessment (HHRA) is a widely applied method to make decisions about the environmental status of sites affected by toxic substances. Its conclusions are affected by the variability and uncertainty of the input variables in the HHRA model. The aim of this work is to apply an algorithm based on 2D Monte Carlo simulations to integrat...
Conference Paper
Recientemente, se ha incrementado el uso de técnicas tomográficas de resistividad eléctrica y de polarización inducida en el estudio de emplazamientos contaminados por fases no acuosas. Este enfoque produce los mejores resultados en la detección de fases ligeras (LNAPL). Este trabajo presenta los resultados obtenidos en la caracterización de un emp...
This chapter extends a previous experience of educational innovation carried out at the E.T.S.I. Minas y Energía of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, deepening the analysis of the impact that training exercises with controlled errors has on learning. Based on the results obtained in the marks of the evaluable tests in three different subjects,...
Resumen El presente trabajo plantea el uso combinado del método de impacto-eco y el algoritmo MCSD multicross spectral density (MCSD) para la detección en placas de hormigón de la posición y el tamaño de grietas paralelas a la superficie. El método de impacto-eco se basa en analizar, tras generar ondas mediante un impacto sobre los materiales que s...
La omnipresencia del radón en el subsuelo y su reparto preferencial con fases orgánicas hacen de este gas un trazador eficaz de la contaminación orgánica. Sin embargo, existen ciertos parámetros ambientales que pueden afectar a su determinación analítica en campo y que, por tanto, pueden agregar factores de confusión en la vinculación del descenso...
Conference Paper
The health crisis caused by the SARS-COV-2 virus produced a drastic change in teaching in March 2020, when face-to-face teaching was forced to become online teaching. It led to changes in teaching methodologies, teaching materials and evaluation methods. The objective of this study is to determine which of these changes in the on-site university ha...
Conference Paper
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El presente trabajo plantea el uso combinado del método de impacto-eco y el algoritmo MCSD en placas de hormigón para la detección de defectos en la misma, determinando la profundidad de la grieta y el tamaño de la misma. El método de impacto eco se basa en generar ondas mediante un impacto, las cuáles se propagan en los materiales y se reflejan en...
The radon-deficit technique is a powerful tool to detect and delineate sub-surface accumulations of organic contaminants. Field measurements of ²²²Rn in soil air, however, are affected by several confounding factors that can lead to the misinterpretation of results. Among the most influential are: vertical and lateral changes of lithology, fluctuat...
Conference Paper
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The information obtained in the initial characterization of contaminated sites is essential for their correct environmental assessment, management and eventual remediation. In the case of organic contaminants, conventional techniques (i.e. drilling and installation of monitoring wells) may be unsuccessful if preliminary information on the location...
Conference Paper
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The detection and accurate delineation of subsurface accumulations of Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (DNAPLs) with standard characterization techniques is a particularly challenging problem because of their gravity-driven migration mechanisms and their resulting heterogeneous spatial distribution. The development and application of high resolution...
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La Banya spit, located at the south of the River Ebro Delta, is a sandy formation, developed by annexation of bars forming successive beach ridges, which are oriented and modeled by the eastern and southern waves. The initial ridges run parallel to the coastline, and above them small dunes developed, the crests of which are oriented by dominant win...
Conference Paper
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La crisis sanitaria producida por el virus del SARS-COV-2 produjo un cambio drástico en la educación en marzo de 2020, cuando la enseñanza presencial se vio forzada a adaptarse a la telenseñanza. Esto produjo cambios en las metodologías docentes, los materiales didácticos y los métodos de evaluación. El objetivo de este estudio es determinar cuáles...
Conference Paper
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En este artículo se presenta la experiencia de innovación docente introducida en asignaturas impartidas en la E.T.S.I. Minas y Energía de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, basada en el entrenamiento con ejercicios que contienen errores controlados. Se analizan los resultados obtenidos con el empleo de esta metodología y su impacto en el aprendi...
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The performance of the radon (222 Rn)-deficit technique has been evaluated at a site in which a complex DNAPL mixture (mostly hexachlorocyclohexanes and chlorobenzenes) has contaminated all four layers (from top to bottom: anthropic backfill, silt, gravel and marl) of the soil profile. Soil gas samples were collected at two depths (0.8 m and 1.7 m)...
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An openly accessible cellular automaton has been developed to predict the preferential migration pathways of contaminants by surface runoff in abandoned mining areas. The site where the validation of the results of the Contaminant Mass Transfer Cellular Automaton (CMTCA) has been carried out is situated on the steep flank of a valley in the Spanish...
Conference Paper
This work presents the preliminary results of the initiative carried out in an engineering school for the implementation of 3D printing as a technological teaching tool in its training programmes through the creation of a fabrication laboratory (FabLabs). This initiative is framed within the educational innovation project "Implementation of FabLabs...
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A blind field test with 136 independent measurements of radon (²²²Rn) in soil air retrieved from a depth of 0.8 m in a decommissioned lindane (γ-hexachlorocyclohexane) production plant was undertaken to evaluate the performance of the ²²²Rn-deficit technique as a screening methodology for the location and delineation of subsurface accumulations of...
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Geochemistry has become an essential subject to understand our origins and face the challenges that humanity will meet in the near future. This book presents several studies that have geochemistry as their central theme, from the description of different geological formations, through its use for the characterization of contaminated sites and their...
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Nowadays, the growing concern about the environmental problems affecting the subsoil has focussed efforts on the detection and characterization of contaminated sites through geophysical prospecting methods. In the present study, a case of a contaminated site by hydrocarbons and their study by means of time domain-induced polarization tomography is...
Conference Paper
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Tutoring is an essential didactic resource of the learning process, in which students can receive specific attention about particular doubts and understanding problems. However, the personalized assistance to the problems that occurred during the autonomous learning process outside of the classroom has a delay when the tutoring takes place in perso...
Conference Paper
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In the last decade, many alternative teaching methodologies have been developed, all of them belonging to the framework of educational innovation, with the aim of encouraging students' motivation, adapting to new technologies and improving learning. Specifically, this study focuses on the use of tutorial videos in which the explanation of some topi...
Conference Paper
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Project Management in engineering fields is being transformed towards an agile management, where the interaction with the client / user and iteration is a constant. For the success of the project, and the resolution of the engineering problem, new learning tools must be considered, where the student must work, among others, creativity competences (...
Conference Paper
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Tutoring is an essential didactic resource of the learning process, in which students can receive specific attention about particular doubts and understanding problems. However, the personalized assistance to the problems that occurred during the autonomous learning process outside of the classroom has a delay when the tutoring takes place in perso...
Conference Paper
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Los pasivos mineros pueden incorporar al medio ambiente concentraciones de metales pesados que pueden suponer un riesgo para la salud humana y los ecosistemas. Especialmente en escenarios de minería abandonada en zonas rurales, es fundamental comprender y predecir la transferencia de dichos metales, a través de la escorrentía superficial, desde sus...
Conference Paper
The objective of the study was to determine the concentration of trace elements in the surroundings of Carreña de Cabrales (Spain), a town located on the foothills of three mine entrances and two tailings dams. For this purpose, 19 soil samples were collected, as well as 8 surface water and 6 sediment samples from a river running through the locali...
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Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (NAPLs) are the object of global concern since they pose risks to human and environmental health. The characterization of NAPL plumes, arising from spills and leaks from landfills and industrial facilities, and the monitoring of remediation processes are challenging tasks, specially in the case of Dense NAPLs (DNAPLs). The...
High school students start their first year at the university with very different levels of knowledge and skills. Chemistry and Technical Drawing are two appropriate examples to study this complex situation. Due to the flexible high school academic curricula and the lack of strict requirements to enter university degrees in the case of, for example...
Conference Paper
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High school students start their first year at the university with very different levels of knowledge and skills. Chemistry and Technical Drawing are two appropriate examples to study this complex situation. Due to the flexible high school academic curricula and the lack of strict requirements to enter university degrees in the case of, for example...
Conference Paper
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Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) have been widely used to improve the process of learning. The flipped-classroom technique seeks to encourage the self-learning of the students through online lectures, allowing them to use their time in the face-to-face lessons to apply the theoretical concepts and practical methodologies. In this...
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This study evaluates the results of the characterization of air pollution in urban green areas using edible plants. To this purpose, we examined the effect of location (i.e., three different levels of pollution), substrate (peat moss and vermiculite), and plant species (oilseed rape [Brassica napus L.] and kale [Brassica oleracea L.]) on the accumu...
Despite the environmental, economic and social benefits of urban gardening, there are also potential threats to human health due to the possible enrichment of urban soils in anthropic contaminants. As of today, our knowledge about the influence of population characteristics and local habits of garden use on risk estimates is incomplete. This work s...
In undergraduate university degrees, students start their first year with a high level of heterogeneity in terms of acquired curricular competences. Therefore, the teaching given in these courses must face the challenge of turning this heterogeneity, in principle counterproductive, into an added value that helps students to face the subjects with e...
El uso conjunto de la gamificación y las nuevas tecnologías de comunicación tiene un fuerte potencial para mejorar el aprendizaje en todos los niveles educativos. El presente trabajo estudia la implantación de un sistema de gamificación en una asignatura de máster universitario, utilizando la herramienta Kahoot!, la cual utiliza dispositivos móvile...
Conference Paper
Students start university with a high heterogeneity, both in knowledge and abilities to cope with the different subjects. Traditional teaching methods are based on unidirectional transmission of knowledge, from teachers to students, causing problems when the aforementioned heterogeneity is high. Some new methods try to homogenize the students befor...
This chapter discusses the analytical protocols that have been developed to assess the bioaccessibility of contaminants potentially able to impact human health. In order to evaluate a contaminant's bioaccessibility, the physiological conditions of the gastrointestinal tract or lung environment must be reproduced in the laboratory. Most research eff...
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The applicability of radon (²²²Rn) measurements to delineate non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPL) contamination in subsoil is discussed at a site with lithological discontinuities through a blind test. Three alpha spectroscopy monitors were used to measure radon in soil air in a 25,000-m² area, following a regular sampling design with a 20-m² grid. Rep...
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The quantitative characterization of exposure factors is a critical point in human health risk assessment since those factors strongly control the numerical result of such assessment. As opposed to a deterministic approach, which makes use of single values for each input variable, probabilistic risk assessments consider random variables in the inta...
Conference Paper
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The quantitative characterization of exposure factors is a critical point in human health risk assessment since those factors strongly control the numerical result of such assessment. As opposed to a deterministic approach, which makes use of single values for each input variable, probabilistic risk assessments consider random variables in the inta...
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A total of 74 samples of soil, sediment, industrial sludge, and surface water were collected in a Mediterranean estuarine system in order to assess the potential ecological impact of elevated concentrations of Co and Mn associated with a Terephthalic (PTA) and Isophthalic (PIPA) acids production plant. Samples were analyzed for elemental compositio...
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In order to characterize the influence of envi-ronmental factors in dust metal loadings inside homes in an urban environment and to evaluate the associated potentialhealth risks, samples of settled indoor dust from 10 apartments in the urban area of Madrid (Spain) were collectedwith wet wipes. Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, and Mn loads weredetermined by A...
Conference Paper
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La empresa especializada en la producción de lindano (gHCH), INQUINOSA, operó en la ciudad de Sabiñanigo (Huesca) desde 1975 hasta 1988. Durante ese período se depositaron aproximadamente 115.000 toneladas de isómeros de HCH residuales en dos vertederos sin revestimiento (Fernández et al, 2012). Estos vertederos junto con la antigua fábrica han sid...
Conference Paper
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This study examines the suitability of using edible plants for atmospheric pollution biomononitoring, analysing three variables: localization (exposure sites with different degree of pollution), substrate and specie. Samples exposed near the road exhibit a higher concentration of several trace elements associated with traffic sources. On the other...
Conference Paper
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Uno de los elementos que identifica al delta del Ebro es la presencia de campos dunares más o menos extendidos en la práctica totalidad de su litoral. Si bien, su desarrollo y conservación se encuentran muy amenazados, en las flechas que limitan al delta por el norte y por el sur, su presencia es característica. Desde el punto de vista ambiental, u...
El principal problema de las explotaciones mineras de sulfuros es la contaminación de los recursos hídricos por procesos de Drenaje Ácido de Mina (AMD). El proceso contaminante provoca, además, la aparición de ecosistemas estructuralmente simples dominados por organismos acidófilos, ya sean procariotas o eucariotas. Desde una perspectiva de monitor...
Conference Paper
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One of the geophysical techniques currently being evaluated for the detection and characterization of non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPL) is prospection using non-spectral induced polarization tomography. The response in chargeability of this kind of pollutants allows its delimitation using this method. However one of the limitations for the applicati...
Conference Paper
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Risk assessment is the process of modelling exposure to a toxicant and predicting health effects. Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) allows to characterize variability and uncertainty in risk estimates, and may be particularly useful when point estimates of risk are unacceptably high, when environmental justice issues are raised or when exploring...
Methods to perform a Probabilistic Environmental Risk assessment from exposure to toxic substances - i.e. USEPA (1997) <https://www.epa.gov/risk/guiding-principles-monte-carlo-analysis> -.
One-Line shoreline evolution models have been used as a tool to understand and forecast long-term coastal evolution. However, in some coastal environments, where the influence of the wind is important, the limitations of existing models preclude its direct application to characterize its effect on sediment transport processes. To fill this knowledg...
Conference Paper
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Rn emanometry has been validated as screening technique of sites affected by non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPLs) where the subsurface structure does not present significant spatial variations. When there are fractures or changes in soil permeability, background emanation varies spatially, making it difficult to discriminate whether the decrease in th...
This paper discusses the geochemical behaviour of arsenic (As), antimony (Sb) and selenium (Se) in urban gardens and the human health implications associated with urban agriculture. A total of 42 samples from 7 urban gardens in Madrid (Spain) were collected from the top 20 cm of soil. Concentrations of As, Sb and Se and the main soil properties (i....
Coastal dunes are sedimentary environments characterized by their high dynamism. Their evolution is determined by sedimentary exchanges between the beach-dune subsystems and the dune dynamics itself. Knowledge about these exchanges is important to prioritize management and conservation strategies of these environments. The aim of this work is the i...
Conference Paper
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Trace elements are present in indoor dust and can pose a risk to the health of children (especially vulnerable because of their differences in development and behavior from adults). Dust samples from 10 homes in Madrid wer e collected with sampling wipes. Entrance hall, kitchen, living room and master bedroom were sampled. Samples were digested wit...
Example of a result of modeling the dune field of El Fangar.
Example of a result of modeling the dune field of El Fangar.
Example of a result of modeling the dune field of El Fangar.
Currently, dune field surveying is employed to assess dune net volume changes and their accretion and erosion patterns. In dune fields with complex sediment sources and sink interactions such as El Fangar Spit (Ebro Delta, Spain), it is difficult to establish the sediment input and output with only net volume changes estimated by dune field surveyi...
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Dune systems have a complex dynamics which is difficult to model purely physical due to the no linearity of the wind shear stress estimation, the complexity of the dune systems geomorphology and the difficult to obtain real world field data to test them. Cellular models offer an interesting alternative approach with simple data entry requirements a...
Conference Paper
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The longshore sediment transport is one of the most determinant processes in the evolution of littoral spits and therefore its estimates has a very important role in the study of these coastal landforms evolution and forecast. The aim of this work is to compare the longshore drift estimated by three independent methods (coastline evolution, energy...
Conference Paper
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Longshore sediment plays a major role in coastal evolution; however its quantification still rely on empirical formulas calibrated with disparate field techniques. This work aims to evaluate and compare the longshore drift estimated by empirical formulations and experimental predictors. In order to achieve this objective it was carried out a field...
The majority of wildfires in the Mediterranean Basin are caused directly or indirectly by human activity. Many biophysical and socioeconomic factors have been used in quantitative analyses of wildfire risk. However, the importance and effects of socioeconomic factors in spatial modelling have been given inadequate attention. In this paper, we use d...


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