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Mining the Genome: Using Bioinformatics Tools in the Classroom to Support Student Discovery of Genes


Abstract and Figures

Adapting research-driven routines to the classroom context can promote innovative and motivational learning environments. Using a case-study approach, we propose a set of bioinformatics-based activities supported by a tutorial video aiming to identify genes and disclosing their genomic context in different species. The rationale is to strengthen teachers' competencies to introduce bioinformatics resources and tools (e.g., NCBI, ORFinder, BLAST, and MaGe) in their teaching practices. By doing so, teachers will ultimately enhance students' understanding of how genomic data mining and comparative genomics are instrumental for biological research. © 2018 National Association of Biology Teachers. All rights reserved.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Adapting research-driven routines to the classroom context can promote innovative
and motivational learning environments. Using a case-study approach, we propose
a set of bioinformatics-based activities supported by a tutorial video aiming to
identify genes and disclosing their genomic context in different species. The
rationale is to strengthen teacherscompetencies to introduce bioinformatics
resources and tools (e.g., NCBI, ORFinder, BLAST, and MaGe) in their teaching
practices. By doing so, teachers will ultimately enhance studentsunderstanding
of how genomic data mining and comparative genomics are instrumental for
biological research.
Key Words: bioinformatics; comparative genomics; evolution; high school;
Nowadays computers have a central function in scientistsdaily
routine. A personal computer connected to the web is all that
it takes to access a myriad of bioinformatics resources capable
of deconstructing genomic information
into biologically meaningful data. Bioin-
formatics provides tools to comprehen-
sively analyze and save large amounts of
biological data that would be impossible
to investigate without informatics-based
approaches (Bloom, 2001; Madigan et al.,
2018). Here, we present a series of bioin-
formatics activities that enable students,
under the guidance of their teachers, to
query an unknown DNA sequence, mimick-
ing a real research scenario. Activities that
encourage research-driven problems appear to be a stimulus to stu-
dentsinterest in scientific careers (STEM), since research-inspired
activities allow them to get familiar with scientific professions and
the academic training required to pursue them (Kovarik et al., 2013).
In order to reconcile simple yet curriculum-oriented bioinfor-
matics activities intended for high school students (1517 years
old) with high learning impact and didactic value, an inquiry-
based scenario structured in four bioinformatics exercises was
designed. Besides having a positive impact on studentsengage-
ment and motivation (Campbell, 2003), the educational value of
these activities extends to the multiple curricular exploration
opportunities they offer. For instance, simply by selecting the
query DNA sequences to be used, teachers can address a plethora
of topics framed in the Next Generation Science Standards, such as gene
regulation, evolution, and drug resistance (Moss, 1997; Brock, 1998;
National Research Council, 2013; Taylor et al., 2014; Cooper, 2015;
Newman et al., 2016).
Online Resources
The bioinformatics applications used in the exercises detailed
below are open-access and web-based, with user-friendly interfa-
ces that run in common web browsers of PC
and Mac computers. Although the applications
chosen are hosted in long-established web-
based platforms that are widely used and cur-
rently indispensable in daily research routines, it
is important to instruct students about the evolv-
ing dynamics of these bioinformatics applications,
resulting from the addition of more data, the
development of new resources, or the display of
increasingly intuitive interfaces. A pilot trial of
these bioinformatics activities was carried out in
a classroom setting with the collaboration of 14
teachers from six schools and involving a total of 387 high school
students (1518 years old).
provides tools to
analyze and save
large amounts of
biological data.
The American Biology Teacher, Vol. 80, No. 8, pp. 619624, ISSN 0002-7685, electronic ISSN 1938-4211. ©2018 National Association of Biology Teachers. All rights
reserved. Please direct all requests for permission to photocopy or reproduce article content through the University of California Presss Reprints and Permissions web page, DOI:
Mining the Genome: Using
Bioinformatics Tools in the
Classroom to Support Student
Discovery of Genes
Learning Objectives
Specific learning objectives are detailed after each exercise. Through
all these activities, students
strengthen their knowledge of concepts such as genome,
chromosomes, genes (structural, operator, repressor, regulator,
promoter), start and stop codons, and operons;
learn new concepts such as open reading frames, synteny, and
comparative genomics; and
improve their computational skills and increase their digital
Class Workflow
To adapt the bioinformatics activities to a classroom context prop-
erly integrated in the high school curricula, the exercises were
designed in collaboration with the teachers who took part in the
pilot trial. Taking into account teacherssuggestions, we propose
a class workflow comprising four parts (IIV), as schematically
represented in Figure 1 and detailed below. To further assist teachers
in implementing the class workflow, a tutorial video detailing the
four parts was produced (see the online version of the journal to
view the supplemental video). The estimated times correspond to
the average time required by teachers to implement the full set of
activities described below with their students. Regardless of the sug-
gested timeline, it is important to emphasize that each teacher may
easily reschedule the class workflow according to their teaching
agenda either by cutting one or more of the four parts or, alterna-
tively, by stimulating the studentsdiscussion after each exercise.
I. Setting up the theoretical background (estimated time:
60 minutes): The teacher emphasizes the importance of identi-
fying genes from a genomic sequence. Besides recalling basic
concepts such as genome, chromosomes, genes (structural,
operator, repressor, regulator, promotor), and operons, stu-
dents are introduced to important notions, namely start and
stop codons, open reading frames (ORFs), synteny, and com-
parative genomics.
II. Introduction to bioinformatics databases and tools (estimated
time: 30 minutes): The teacher highlights the importance of
Figure 1. Proposed class workflow and timeline, taking into account the feedback of 14 inservice teachers who implemented
the exercises in their high school classes as a pilot trial.
bioinformatics by explaining the exercises and introducing
students to the bioinformatics resources and tools they will
use, namely NCBI database, NCBI ORF finder, NCBI BLAST,
and Microscope (MaGe). The tutorial video (Supplemental
Material) should help teachers in this task and assist students
throughout the exercises.
III. Bioinformatics exercises (estimated time: 70 minutes): Students
carry out the exercises autonomously with the teachers supervi-
sion to identify difficulties and answer questions.
IV. Discussion of the results (estimated time: 20 minutes): The
class discusses the results obtained in each exercise and assay to
draw conclusions. Ultimately, the teacher might challenge the
students to explore other case studies and study different geno-
mic regions. In addition, we should not neglect students
endeavor to explore autonomously the bioinformatics resour-
ces, particularly taking into account their user-friendly and
intuitive interfaces. In fact, during the pilot trial, we observed
that some students took the initiative to extend their in silico
experiments beyond the assigned activities by pursuing their
own research queries, as, for instance: What is the size of the
genome of a spider?;Are virus genomes such as HIV also
available at this database?;orLets search for the gene coding
for insulin.
Bioinformatics Exercises
The bioinformatics-based activities described below are structured
according to four distinct exercises (see the video tutorial): 1 getting
the target DNA sequence; 2 looking for ORFs; 3 deciding which of
the retrieved ORFs are likely to be genes; and 4 analyzing the gene(s)
identified within their expected genomic context. Having in mind that
laboratory-based activities should meet the curricular agenda, and
acknowledging the fact that lac operon is a common example for
teaching gene regulation, the query DNA sequence chosen to exem-
plify these exercises corresponds to lacI and flanking regions. Further-
more, to frame the bioinformatics-based activities in an inquiry-based
approach, all exercises start with a guiding question.
1. Getting the DNA Sequence
This initial exercise aims to answer the question How does one
access a comprehensive gene bank database to obtain the specific
DNA sequence to be studied?
1.1. Access NCBI website:
1.2. Choose Genome in menu next to the search box.
1.3. Search by E. coli.
1.4. At the beginning of the new page, select Reference Genome
by clicking the E. coli strain K12.
1.5. Scroll down and click on the accessing number corre-
sponding to E. coli strain K12 in the Reference Sequence com-
mand to retrieve the full genome sequence.
1.6. Choose the FASTA format.
1.7. Open the selection box Change region shown and type
down the coordinates 366001368041.
1.8. Copy, paste and save the sequence in a Word or Notepad
Learning objectives. Through the exploration of the comprehensive
bioinformatics database NCBI, students learn
how the database is organized, its complexity, and
how to search for DNA sequences and gene sequences for dif-
ferent organisms.
2. Deconstructing the DNA Sequence
This exercise was planned to instruct students how to go from an
unknown DNA sequence to the identification of hypothetical coding
sequences. Students are introduced to the notion of ORFs, which
frequently escapes the scientific lexicon of elementary and high
school biology curricula, but which is instrumental for answering
the question How is a new DNA sequence deconstructed?
2.1. Access NCBI ORFfinder:
2.2. Paste the sequence previously saved as Word or Notepad
document into the text box provided.
2.3. Choose the genetic code: 11. Bacterial, Archaeal and Plant
2.4. Choose the option ATGand alternative initiation codons.
2.5. Click Submit.
2.6. Analyze the obtained results (Figure 2).
Learning objectives. With this exercise, students
recognize the six different reading frames in a DNA sequence,
understand the meaning of ORF, and
recognize the importance of start and stop codons for identify-
ing all possible ORFs.
3. Which ORFs Are Potential Genes?
Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) is a powerful algorithm
capable of finding similarities between a query sequence (DNA or a
protein sequence) and the sequences available in databases (Alt-
schul et al., 1990). Using this application, the students can address
the following questions: Which of the ORFs retrieved in the previous
exercise are probable genes? Which ORFs are unlikely functional coding
3.1. Select one ORF to study (example: ORF 28).
3.2. Start BLAST of the selected ORF by clicking on BLAST
3.3. Click on BLAST in the new page opened.
3.4. Identify the gene (Figure 3).
3.5. Repeat the procedure for other ORFs and analyze the
results obtained.
Learning objectives. Students learn that
not all DNA sequences bracketed by a start and a stop codon
(i.e., ORFs) are coding sequences,
ORFs can be located in different reading frames and oriented in
either direction, and
scrutinizing gene banks by a BLAST search is an effective
approach for identifying putative genes among retrieved ORFs.
Students can discuss possible scenarios to explain a BLAST
search in which no similarities are found.
Figure 2. ORFfinder output at NCBI, disclosing all possible open reading frames (ORFs) and their direction within the query DNA
sequence. In addition to the graphic view, details such as ORF coordinates, length, strand, and frame are highlighted in the table
below. By selecting each ORF, it is possible to obtain the translated aminoacid sequence. Immediate BLAST of each ORF may be
executed with the command BLAST ORF.
Figure 3. BLAST output at NCBI, highlighting the similarity scores between the query ORF and the 100 best BLAST hits retrieved
in the database. Clicking over a line displays the alignment between the query sequence and the subject sequence, allowing
identification of differences between the two sequences.
4. Comparative Genomics
To fully exploit the potential of this activity, the fourth exercise com-
pares the presence of the identified gene or genes, their genomic
context, and their occurrence across different taxa. Using MaGe, a
robust comparative genomics platform (Vallenet et al., 2006), the
students further confirm the identity and putative function of the
gene(s) determined during the BLAST search. Student might ask,Is
there any evolutionary relationship to explain the occurrence of the stud-
ied genes across different taxa?
4.1. Access MicroScope website:
4.2. Choose Escherichia coli K12 and select Load into genome
4.3. To identify the gene, search for lacIand click Move to.
4.4. Identify lacI gene putting the mouse over each red bar.
4.5. Select options menu.
4.6. In the new window opened, look for the section Viewer
Comparative Map default and choose synteny.
4.7. In the section PkGDB Organism Synteny, press the button
CTRL and choose Bacillus anthracis, another Escherichia species,
Salmonella bongori,Shigella sonnei, and Vibrio cholera.
4.8. Click Save options.
4.9. Compare the presence and the function of the gene in dif-
ferent taxa (Figure 4).
Learning objectives. Through this simple comparative genomics analy-
sis, students learn
to localize their target gene(s) within the chromosome,
to identify the genomic features of the flanking regions,
to determine gene homologies with selected taxa, and
concepts such as synteny, homology, insertions, deletions, and
horizontal gene transfer.
Additional Remarks
The pilot trial showed that Internet access was not a limitation when
implementing these activities at schools. Nevertheless, teachers
could easily choose to exclude one of the exercises or, alternatively,
to challenge the students to carry them out as homework, and later
resume the bioinformatics exercises in the classroom.
Ana Sofia Martins is supported by a fellowship from Fundação para a
Ciência e Tecnologia FCT (SFRH/BD/112038/2015). The authors
are grateful to all the participant schools and school teachers for
the opportunity to implement the bioinformatics exercises detailed
in this work, which contributed to improving the described activity.
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Figure 4. Comparative genomics analysis carried out using MaGe. The genes and corresponding reading frames (+3, +2, +1, 1,
2, 3) of the query genes are shown at the top. Below is an outline of other bacteria with which the query gene(s) are being
Brock, D.L. (1998). Now you see it, now you dont! Making regulation of
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ANA MARTINS is a doctoral student in the Department of Biology, Faculty
of Sciences, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal; and a doctoral student at
CIBIO-InBIO Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources,
University of Porto, Vairão, Portugal; email: MARIA
JOÃO FONSECA is External Collaborator at CIBIO-InBIO Research Center
in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources, University of Porto, Vairão,
Portugal; and Head of Communication at MHNC-UP Natural History and
Science Museum of the University of Porto, Porto, Portugal; email: FERNANDO TAVARES is Assistant Professor in the
Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto, Porto,
Portugal, and Group Leader at CIBIO-InBIO Research Center in
Biodiversity and Genetic Resources, University of Porto, Vairão, Portugal;
... Previous studies showed that promoting genomics education through practical activities revealed to have a positive impact on students learning [33][34][35]. In this regard, several handson proposals for high-school can be found in the literature [36][37][38][39], most mainly centered on in silico approaches [40][41][42][43]. ...
... The current study addresses the potential of a hands-on bioinformatics-based activity, proposed by us [40], designated as "Mining the genome: using bioinformatics tools in the classroom to support student's discovery of genes" to promote the learning of the abovementioned genomics concepts. It is important to emphasize that this activity was designed to provide teachers, generally uneasy with bioinformatics-based exercises, with a suitable didactic instrument which strongly contributes to improve students' knowledge about genomics' concepts and methods. ...
... Following detailed guidelines, students are driven to identify genes, disclose their genomic context, and hypothesize about their evolution, using up-to-date research platforms [40]. ...
... Having this need in mind, professional development programs for science teachers should focus on helping them to integrate the use of the technology in the teaching practices. An opportunity to integrate computers and digital resources as a didactic tool based on real research procedures is to approach genomics and molecular biology based-on bioinformatics Strand 14 tools (Chiovitti et al., 2019;Gelbart & Yarden, 2006;Martins, Fonseca, & Tavares, 2018;Nunes, Júnior, Menezes, & Malafaia, 2015). Despite genomics being one of the most important revolutions of late 20 th century and at the beginning of this century, the lack of literacy on genomics and molecular biology in the general population is reported in several studies (Eklund, Rogat, Alozie, & Krajcik, 2007;Kirkpatrick, Orvis, & Pittendrigh, 2002;Kolarova, 2011;Lock, 1996;Tarver, 2010). ...
... In this context, the workshop "From DNA to Genes and to Comparative Genomics: Bioinformatics in the classroom" was aimed to instruct science teachers about the suitability of bioinformatics activities to their teaching practices. Teachers were challenged to explore bioinformatics-based exercises particularly chosen to teach basic molecular biology concepts, to address gene regulation and to discover the usefulness of comparative genomics (Martins, Fonseca, & Tavares, 2018). This training workshop on bioinformatics allowed to boost teachers' TPACK, since teachers developed their technological knowledge by learning how to use bioinformatics tools and, concomitantly, they enlarged their pedagogical and content knowledge, by discussing new strategies to teach curricular contents and additionally introduce key concepts in genomics such as Open Reading Frame (ORF) or Basic Local Alignment Tool (BLAST) . ...
... Additionally, using comparative genomics platforms such as MaGe -Magnifying Genomes (MicroScope), the participants were challenged to evaluate the presence of certain genes in different taxonomic groups aiming to infer evolutionary relations. This activity contributes to a holistic approach to genomics, genes and proteins, as well as to propose evolutionary hypotheses (Martins, Fonseca & Tavares, 2018). Each teacher was asked to bring their personal computers to carry out the exercises. ...
Conference Paper
Having in mind the technological world we live in, scaffolding teachers to integrate computer-based resources in their classes is an important endeavour when it comes to teacher professional development. In this context, a workshop on bioinformatics to address gene regulation, molecular biology and genomics in high school gathered a group of 18 high-school science teachers. Following the workshop, the participants answered a questionnaire aiming to diagnose teachers’ perceptions about bioinformatics; to identify the main constrains that are preventing teachers from successfully implementing bioinformatics in their classes; and to evaluate the potential to integrate basic bioinformatics exercises in their educational practices. Data were subjected to descriptive statistics and to content analysis. The results showed that the teachers attending the workshop were highly motivated and interested in learning more about bioinformatics and about strategies to integrate bioinformatics in their classes. Despite teachers highlighted the adequacy of bioinformatics to the educational context, most of them mentioned that their academic background was not sufficient to confidently implement bioinformatics-based exercises in their classes. Teachers claimed for more training courses in this area and approximately half of the participants admitted that schools are equipped with the necessary resources to integrate bioinformatics. Overall, this study emphasizes the importance to foster more initiatives to integrate bioinformatics in secondary education curriculum and highlights the need to increase the offer of teachers’ training on bioinformatics.
... Genomic education in high school is also important because high school biology is frequently not only the initial, but also the final formal exposure to genomics for many Americans [33]. Many high school students have the interest, maturity, and intelligence to learn and understand genomics, yet few studies involving high school students and genomic education have been conducted in the past five years (Table 1) [34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44]. Each of these studies incorporated teaching genomic principles to high school students. ...
... Each of these studies incorporated teaching genomic principles to high school students. Of the nine studies identified, three utilized genomic online tools to teach concepts [36,37,39]. Many of the tools utilized in these studies, such as the NCBI database and next generation sequencing, are critical for genomic studies in college. ...
... • Incorporate current genomics technology and tools, such as NCBI[36].• Provide active learning environment through online modules or labbased exercises with limited teacher leading[40]. Provide personal learning experiences by incorporating personal genomic data and analysis into the classroom[46,47].•Incorporate ...
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Since the completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003, genomic sequencing has become a prominent tool used by diverse disciplines in modern science. In the past 20 years, the cost of genomic sequencing has decreased exponentially, making it affordable and accessible. Bioinformatic and biological studies have produced significant scientific breakthroughs using the wealth of genomic information now available. Alongside the scientific benefit of genomics, companies offer direct-to-consumer genetic testing which provide health, trait, and ancestry information to the public. A key area that must be addressed is education about what conclusions can be made from this genomic information and integrating genomic education with foundational genetic principles already taught in academic settings. The promise of personal genomics providing disease treatment is exciting, but many challenges remain to validate genomic predictions and diagnostic correlations. Ethical and societal concerns must also be addressed regarding how personal genomic information is used. This genomics revolution provides a powerful opportunity to educate students, clinicians, and the public on scientific and ethical issues in a personal way to increase learning. In this review, we discuss the influence of personal genomics in society and focus on the importance and benefits of genomics education in the classroom, clinics, and the public and explore the potential consequences of personal genomic education.
... which the NCBI itself considers as representative of this bacterium. Then, from the ORF Finder section of the NCBI server (, the Open Reading Frame sections of the bacterial genome sequences can be converted to protein were extracted [12,13]. ...
... which the NCBI itself considers as representative of this bacterium. Then, from the ORF Finder section of the NCBI server (, the Open Reading Frame sections of the bacterial genome sequences can be converted to protein were extracted [12,13]. ...
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Whooping cough is a highly contagious respiratory disease caused by the gram-negative bacterium Bordetella pertussis, which was first reported more than a century ago. Recent data indicate that the reoccurrence of this disease is linked to bacterial resistance against the immune system's defense mechanisms and reduced effectiveness of vaccines. Therefore, the development of new and efficient vaccines and medications is urgently required. This study employed an immunoinformatics approach to identify potential vaccine targets from the proteome of B. pertussis strain NC_018518.1, aiming to create a multi-epitope subunit vaccine against B. pertussis. Following immunization steps, suitable extracellular and outer-membrane proteins with a peptide signal were carefully selected. To construct a multi-epitope vaccine, proteins involved in pathogenicity but not found in human hosts were chosen. T and B cell epitopes were extracted from these selected proteins and screened using various immunoinformatics tools. The epitopes commonly predicted by multiple servers were added to the candidate list based on their immunogenicity, antigenicity, and toxicity analysis. The candidate vaccine was then designed by incorporating an appropriate linker, adjuvant, and graft with the selected epitopes. Various bioinformatics tools were employed to evaluate the antigenicity, allergenicity, solubility, and physicochemical properties of the candidate vaccine. The prediction of its secondary and tertiary structures and subsequent validation steps were conducted. Our findings demonstrate that the candidate vaccine elicits both humoral and cell-mediated immune responses, suggesting its potential as a pertussis vaccine. However, further experimental validation is necessary to fully assess the proposed vaccine's potential.
... It has been suggested that the earlier computational skills are embedded, the more likely students are to retain this knowledge and their confidence in the subject will increase [14]. Indeed, a number of school-level bioinformatics education programmes and initiatives have been designed with this goal in mind (e.g., [15][16][17]). In Scotland, unlike in the rest of the UK, bioinformatics is included in the biology curricula for both Higher level Biology and Human Biology [18,19]. ...
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Over the last few decades, the nature of life sciences research has changed enormously, generating a need for a workforce with a variety of computational skills such as those required to store, manage, and analyse the large biological datasets produced by next-generation sequencing. Those with such expertise are increasingly in demand for employment in both research and industry. Despite this, bioinformatics education has failed to keep pace with advances in research. At secondary school level, computing is often taught in isolation from other sciences, and its importance in biological research is not fully realised, leaving pupils unprepared for the computational component of Higher Education and, subsequently, research in the life sciences. The 4273pi Bioinformatics at School project ( ) aims to address this issue by designing and delivering curriculum-linked, hands-on bioinformatics workshops for secondary school biology pupils, with an emphasis on equitable access. So far, we have reached over 180 schools across Scotland through visits or teacher events, and our open education resources are used internationally. Here, we describe our project, our aims and motivations, and the practical lessons we have learned from implementing a successful bioinformatics education project over the last 5 years.
... Updating Teachers' Practices: Didactic Resources Figure 2. The implementation of bioinformatics-based activities carried out in school settings on a sample of 387 students. A 9 minutes tutorial video divided in four tasks was developed to support the implementation of the bioinformaticsbased activities [10]. . Here, we present a series of bioinformatics activities that enable students, under the guidance of their teachers, to query an unknown DNA sequence, mimicking a real research scenario. ...
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The key role of bioinformatics in explaining biological phenomena calls for the need to rethink didactic approaches at high school aligned with a new scientific reality. Despite several initiatives to introduce bioinformatics in the classroom, there is still a lack of knowledge on their impact on students’ learning gains, engagement, and motivation. In this study, we detail the effects of four bioinformatics laboratories tailored for high school biology classes named “Mining the Genome: Using Bioinformatics Tools in the Classroom to Support Student Discovery of Genes” on literacy, interest, and attitudes on 387 high school students. By exploring these laboratories, students get acquainted with bioinformatics and acknowledge that many bioinformatics tools can be intuitive for beginners. Furthermore, introducing comparative genomics in their learning practices contributed for a better understanding of curricular contents regarding the identification of genes, their regulation, and how to make evolutionary assumptions. Following the intervention, students were able to pinpoint bioinformatics tools required to identify genes in a genomics sequence, and most importantly, they were able to solve genomics-related misconceptions. Overall, students revealed a positive attitude regarding the integration of bioinformatics-based approaches in their learning practices, reinforcing their added value in educational approaches.
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Building evolutionary trees can be an excellent way for students to see how different gene sequences or organisms are related to one another. Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis (MEGA) software is a free package that lets anyone build evolutionary trees in a user-friendly setup. There are several options to choose from when building trees from molecular data in MEGA, but the most commonly used are neighbor joining and maximum likelihood, both of which give good estimates on the relationship between different molecular sequences. In this article, we describe how to collect data from GenBank, insert the data into a text editor, import the data into MEGA, and use the dataset to create phylogenetic trees.
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This paper presents an activity that engages students in model-based reasoning, requiring them to predict the behavior of the trp and lac operons under different environmental conditions. Students are presented six scenarios for the trp operon and five for the lac operon. In most of the scenarios, specific mutations have occurred in genetic elements of the system that alter the behavior from the norm. Students are also challenged to relate their understanding of operon behavior to the "Big Ideas" of homeostasis, evolution, information, interactions, and emergent properties. By using operons to teach students to reason with models of complex systems and understand broad themes, we equip them with powerful skills and ideas that form a solid foundation for their future learning in biology.
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We investigated the effects of our Bio-ITEST teacher professional development model and bioinformatics curricula on cognitive traits (awareness, engagement, self-efficacy, and relevance) in high school teachers and students that are known to accompany a developing interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers. The program included best practices in adult education and diverse resources to empower teachers to integrate STEM career information into their classrooms. The introductory unit, Using Bioinformatics: Genetic Testing, uses bioinformatics to teach basic concepts in genetics and molecular biology, and the advanced unit, Using Bioinformatics: Genetic Research, utilizes bioinformatics to study evolution and support student research with DNA barcoding. Pre-post surveys demonstrated significant growth (n = 24) among teachers in their preparation to teach the curricula and infuse career awareness into their classes, and these gains were sustained through the end of the academic year. Introductory unit students (n = 289) showed significant gains in awareness, relevance, and self-efficacy. While these students did not show significant gains in engagement, advanced unit students (n = 41) showed gains in all four cognitive areas. Lessons learned during Bio-ITEST are explored in the context of recommendations for other programs that wish to increase student interest in STEM careers.
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A new approach to rapid sequence comparison, basic local alignment search tool (BLAST), directly approximates alignments that optimize a measure of local similarity, the maximal segment pair (MSP) score. Recent mathematical results on the stochastic properties of MSP scores allow an analysis of the performance of this method as well as the statistical significance of alignments it generates. The basic algorithm is simple and robust; it can be implemented in a number of ways and applied in a variety of contexts including straightforward DNA and protein sequence database searches, motif searches, gene identification searches, and in the analysis of multiple regions of similarity in long DNA sequences. In addition to its flexibility and tractability to mathematical analysis, BLAST is an order of magnitude faster than existing sequence comparison tools of comparable sensitivity.
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When the human genome project was conceived, its leaders wanted all researchers to have equal access to the data and associated research tools. Their vision of equal access provides an unprecedented teaching opportunity. Teachers and students have free access to the same databases that researchers are using. Furthermore, the recent movement to deliver scientific publications freely has presented a second source of current information for teaching. I have developed a genomics course that incorporates many of the public-domain databases, research tools, and peer-reviewed journals. These online resources provide students with exciting entree into the new fields of genomics, proteomics, and bioinformatics. In this essay, I outline how these fields are especially well suited for inclusion in the undergraduate curriculum. Assessment data indicate that my students were able to utilize online information to achieve the educational goals of the course and that the experience positively influenced their perceptions of how they might contribute to biology.
Tuberculosis (TB) continues to be a serious global health problem, resulting in >1.4 million deaths each year. Of increasing concern is the evolution of antibiotic-resistant strains of the bacterium that causes TB. Using this real-world scenario, we created a 90-minute activity for high school or undergraduate students to use online bioinformatics tools to detect single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) between a wild-type and a variant Mycobacterium tuberculosis gene that could confer resistance to a commonly used TB antibiotic, rifampin. Students write a scientific explanation, providing evidence and reasoning, to support their claim of antibiotic resistance or susceptibility. The entire lesson can be found online at