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Frequency of early vascular aging and associated risk factors among an adult population in Latin America: the OPTIMO study


Abstract and Figures

The main objective was to estimate the frequency of early vascular aging (EVA) in a sample of subjects from Latin America, with emphasis in young adults. We included 1416 subjects from 12 countries in Latin America who provided information about lifestyle, cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF), and anthropometrics. We measured pulse wave velocity (PWV) as a marker of arterial stiffness, and blood pressure (BP) using an oscillometric device (Mobil-O-Graph). To determine the frequency of EVA, we used multiple linear regression to estimate each subject’s PWV expected for his/her age and systolic BP, and compared with observed values to obtain standardized residuals (z-scores). We defined EVA when z-score was ≥1.96. Finally, a multivariable logistic regression analysis was performed to determine baseline characteristics associated with EVA. Mean age was 49.9 ± 15.5 years, male gender was 50.3%. Mean PWV was 7.52 m/s (SD 1.97), mean systolic BP was 125.3 mmHg (SD 16.7) and mean diastolic BP was 78.9 mmHg (SD 12.2). The frequency of EVA was 5.7% in the total population, 9.8% in adults of 40 years or less and 18.7% in those 30 years or less. In these young adults, multiple logistic regression analyses demonstrated that dyslipidemia and hypertension showed an independent association with EVA, and smoking a borderline association (p = 0.07). In conclusion, the frequency of EVA in a sample from Latin America was around 6%, with higher rates in young adults. These results would support the search of CVRF and EVA during early adulthood.
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Journal of Human Hypertension
Frequency of early vascular aging and associated risk factors among
an adult population in Latin America: the OPTIMO study
Fernando Botto1Sebastian Obregon1Fernando Rubinstein2Angelo Scuteri3Peter M. Nilsson4Carol Kotliar1
Received: 24 September 2017 / Revised: 20 December 2017 / Accepted: 17 January 2018
© Macmillan Publishers Ltd., part of Springer Nature 2018
The main objective was to estimate the frequency of early vascular aging (EVA) in a sample of subjects from Latin America,
with emphasis in young adults. We included 1416 subjects from 12 countries in Latin America who provided information
about lifestyle, cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF), and anthropometrics. We measured pulse wave velocity (PWV) as a
marker of arterial stiffness, and blood pressure (BP) using an oscillometric device (Mobil-O-Graph). To determine the
frequency of EVA, we used multiple linear regression to estimate each subjects PWV expected for his/her age and systolic
BP, and compared with observed values to obtain standardized residuals (z-scores). We dened EVA when z-score was
1.96. Finally, a multivariable logistic regression analysis was performed to determine baseline characteristics associated
with EVA. Mean age was 49.9 ± 15.5 years, male gender was 50.3%. Mean PWV was 7.52 m/s (SD 1.97), mean systolic BP
was 125.3 mmHg (SD 16.7) and mean diastolic BP was 78.9 mmHg (SD 12.2). The frequency of EVA was 5.7% in the total
population, 9.8% in adults of 40 years or less and 18.7% in those 30 years or less. In these young adults, multiple logistic
regression analyses demonstrated that dyslipidemia and hypertension showed an independent association with EVA, and
smoking a borderline association (p=0.07). In conclusion, the frequency of EVA in a sample from Latin America was
around 6%, with higher rates in young adults. These results would support the search of CVRF and EVA during early
Arteriosclerosis develops throughout the life-course starting
at very early stages (i.e., in utero and during childhood) and
is inuenced by genetic and environmental cardiovascular
risk factors (CVRF), even though the clinical expression
appears decades later [13]. This phenomenon has fostered
the adoption of a life-course approach to reduce CVRF and
cardiometabolic disease [4].
First described in 2008 by Nilsson PM et al., the early
(or accelerated) vascular aging(EVA) is a growing clinical
concept that mainly refers to the observation of an increased
arterial stiffness (arteriosclerosis) in either susceptible
individuals under the inuence of CVRF, when compared
with the expected arterial stiffness according to their
chronological age [1,5].
Carotid to femoral pulse wave velocity (c-f PWV)
measurement represents the propagation velocity of the
pulse wave and is currently regarded as the gold standard
for the assessment of arterial stiffness [6,7]. Despite being
strongly correlated with age, blood pressure (BP), and
metabolic factors [814], c-f PWV represents an indepen-
dent predictor of coronary heart disease, stroke, cognitive
decline, and cardiovascular death, after adjusting for the
established CVRF [15,16]. Therefore, c-f PWV plays a
central role in the EVA denition, but given the lack of an
operational denition (threshold values), it has been
*Fernando Botto
1Center of Hypertension and Vascular Aging, Cardiology Institute
and Cardiovascular Therapeutics, Hospital Universitario Austral,
Pilar, Buenos Aires, Argentina
2Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria, Buenos Aires,
3San Raffaele Pisana - Istituto Ricovero e Cura a Carattere
Scientico (IRCCS), Rome, Italy
4Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund University, Skane
University Hospital, Malmö, Sweden
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article
( contains supplementary
material, which is available to authorized users.
proposed to dene EVA when PWV values are above the
97.5th percentile of the age-adjusted z-score, using as a
normal reference cohort the Reference Values for Arterial
Stiffness Collaboration [7,17]
The OPTIMO study was designed to evaluate lifestyle
predictors of healthy arteries in a population sample from
Latin America. In the present analysis, our primary objec-
tive was to determine the frequency of EVA focused on the
detection of subjects with a true increase in the arterial
stiffness (i.e., elevation of estimated PWV) independently
of the effect of age and BP. Since higher PWV values
characterize older people, we sought to investigate the
existence of EVA with emphasis on young adults (age range
between 20 and 40 years), when both EVA and subclinical
arteriosclerosis reach a high prevalence [17,18]. Second,
we evaluated the relationship of baseline variables with
Materials and methods
The OPTIMO study design is based on an international
prospective cohort of adults aged 20 years or more from 12
Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile,
Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, México,
Nicaragua, Panamá, Dominican Republic, and El Salvador).
The present report is based on a cross-sectional analysis of
the baseline information collected over 1 year, from October
2014 to October 2015.
Individuals from public and private general and cardio-
vascular health facilities, and also from public places (i.e.,
shopping malls) and working areas (i.e., factory or labora-
tory employees) were asked to voluntarily participate, after
signing an informed consent. The protocol required a con-
secutive recruitment during the time of collaboration. There
was no formal invitation, therefore each investigator offered
participation to subjects following local strategies and ethics
All participants provided information about their lifestyle
(dietary habits, alcohol intake, smoking, and physical
activity), demographic (age and gender), anthropometric
and socio-economic variables (education, occupation, and
marital status), and medical history, by completing the
WHO STEPS surveillance questionnaire [19]. Although this
is a self-administered survey, research staff helped indivi-
duals to complete it adequately. As blood samples were
drawn only in one-fourth of the cases, such results are not
included in this analysis.
Nutrition was tabulated using the unit days per week
(d/w) as a continuous variable for consumption of fruits,
vegetables, sh, seeds/nuts, and alcohol. Regular alcohol
intake was also dened as 3 or more d/w, regular sh
consumption as 2 or more d/w, and regular exercise 3 or
more d/w. Regarding medical history, diagnosis of hyper-
tension (HTN), dyslipidemia, or diabetes were considered
present if the subject reported use of any drug medication
for the condition or if he/she referred that it was previously
diagnosed by a physician. Overweight and obesity were
dened as a body mass index of 25 kg/m2and 30 kg/m2,
respectively. Prior atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
(ASCVD) was dened as coronary heart disease, myo-
cardial infarction, stroke, or peripheral arterial disease.
Noninvasive measurements of systolic BP (SBP) and
diastolic BP (DBP), heart rate, and an estimated value of
PWV were determined using the Mobil-O-Graph®(IEM,
Stolberg, Germany), a commercially available brachial
oscillometric BP monitor validated by the European Society
of Hypertension [20]. The device includes the ARCSolver®
method (Austrian Institute of Technology, Vienna) that
generates the aortic pulse wave using a proprietary transfer
function after checking for signal quality. Estimated PWV
using this technology has been successfully compared with
tonometric reference devices [13,2124]. A regular bra-
chial cuff adjusted to the circumference of the left arm in
each individual was applied and measurements were per-
formed after 5 min of rest in a sitting position. During the
assessment, speaking was not allowed. The monitor proto-
col includes a rst brachial BP measurement, then a 30-s
pause, followed by a second measurement. The rst is
automatically discarded and the second one is reported.
Measurement was repeated only in the case of a poor or
regular quality according to the quality checking. Monitor
application and evaluation was performed by physicians
previously trained with the method for use in clinical
practice. The OPTIMO protocol did not instruct about the
presence or not of the person who operated the device.
Actually, the operator was usually present. Patients with
atrial brillation or frequent premature cardiac beat con-
tractions and those who consumed food or smoked in the
prior 2 h were excluded.
The study protocol was approved by the research ethics
board at every screening site. Informed consent was
obtained from each participating individual.
Statistical analysis
Continuous variables are expressed as mean ± standard
deviation unless otherwise specied, and categorical vari-
ables are expressed as percentages. Estimated PWV and BP
results according to the age are described in decades of life.
We developed a multiple linear regression model among
the whole population to estimate each subjects PWV
expected for his/her age and SBP registered during the
examination. We checked for linearity and model tting by
comparing the observed PWV and the PWV predicted by
the model. Then, we performed a standardized residuals
F. Botto et al.
analysis (z-scores) to determine EVA frequency using the
function Observed PWVPredicted PWV/SD Predicted
PWV. EVA was determined when z-score exceeded +1.96
(equivalent to 97.5th percentile). Further, low PWV was
dened by a z-score lower than 1.96 and normal PWV
when z-score was in between. We determined the frequency
of EVA in the general population, as well as in young adults
under 40 years and under 30 years.
As the primary objective of the present analysis was
to describe the distribution of the predicted value of
PWV adjusted for age and SBP in a general population
sample, based on prior information [17] we expected a
frequency of EVA around 10% (95% condence interval
(CI): 812%). Taking into account, an alpha error of
0.05 and a power of 90% we estimated a target sample size
of 1100 individuals.
We also evaluated independent baseline characteristics
associated with EVA using multiple logistic regression
models based on the whole population and further in sub-
jects under 40 years, after excluding those with prior
ASCVD events. We reported adjusted odds ratios (OR)
95% CIs and associated p-values to three decimals. For all
tests, a p-value < 0.05 was considered signicant. All ana-
lyses were performed using STATA version 14 (StataCorp,
We recruited a total of 1511 subjects, of whom 1416
were included in the present report after excluding
those with incomplete data (3.3%) or measurement failure
(3%). Distribution per country was mostly in Argentina
(76%), followed by México (7%), Brazil (5%), Colombia
(5%), and the remaining countries (7%). Mean age was
49.9 (SD 15.5) years and male gender was 50.3%. Ninety-
four percent reported completion of secondary school
or had reached a higher educational level. The frequency
of classic CVRF in the overall population was: current
smokers 12.2%, dyslipidemia 58.3%, HTN 41.2%,
diabetes 11.6%, overweight 34.9%, and obesity 24.4%.
Regular exercise was reported by 60% of participants.
Table 1shows intake of alcohol, fruits, vegetables, sh,
and nuts.
During the evaluation, 25% of the total population had
HTN (of these 65% had prior HTN). Among those with
prior HTN, 40% showed values >140 and/or >90 mmHg.
Among those without prior HTN, 15% showed BP elevated
values. Table 2describes the distribution of age, PWV,
SBP, and DBP in the total population. Mean PWV was 7.5
m/s (SD 1.9), with a 90th percentile of 10.1 m/s. We found
159 (11.2%) cases with PWV >10 m/s. Mean SBP was
125.3 mmHg (SD 16.7) and mean DBP was 78.9 mmHg
Table 1 Baseline characteristics of the total OPTIMO study
population (n=1416)
Variable Result
Age, mean (SD) 49.9 (15.5)
Male gender (%) 50.3
Height, cm (SD) 168.4 (9.8)
Weight, kg (SD) 75.9 (17.3)
Education level (%)
<7 years (no or incomplete primary) 1.8
7 years (complete primary) 4.2
12 years (complete secondary) 23.3
>12 years (tertiary, no university) 22.7
>12 years (university or post-degree) 48
Cardiovascular risk factors (%)
Current smoking 12.2
Dyslipidemia 58.3
Hypertension 41.2
Diabetes 11.6
Overweight 34.9
Obesity 24.4
Prior ASCVD event (%) 6.3
Aspirin treatment (%) 15.6
Antihypertensive drugs use (%) 39.2
Lipid-lowering drugs use (%) 48
Any statin 41
Regular alcohol intake (%) 61.3
Alcohol intake, days per week (SD) 3.7 (1.9)
Fruits, days per week (SD) 4.8 (2.2)
Vegetables, days per week (SD) 5 (2)
Fish, days per week (SD) 1.1 (0.9)
Seeds/nuts, days per week (SD) 1.4 (1.9)
Regular exercise (%) 60.2
Exercise, days per week (SD) 2.2 (1.9)
ASCVD atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
Table 2 Age, PWV, SBP, and DBP values (n=1416)
Min-max Percentiles
10% 25% 50% 75% 90%
Age, years 49.9
2091 27 38 51 61 70
PWV, m/s 7.5
2.115 5.1 6.0 7.3 8.7 10.1
87198 105 114 123.5 135.5 145
49118 65 72 79 86 92
PWV pulse wave velocity, SBP systolic blood pressure, DBP diastolic
blood pressure
Early vascular aging in Latin America...
(SD 12.2). Regarding young adults (<40 years), actual BP
values showed systolic and/or diastolic HTN in 43 of 376
(11.4%), categorized as follows: isolated systolic HTN in 24
(6.4%), isolated diastolic HTN in 11 (2.9%), and combined
systolic and diastolic HTN in 8 (2.1%).
Table 3shows mean PWV per decade of life in the total
population, and in the subgroup of healthy subjects with
neither CVRF nor prior ASCVD events (n=455). As
expected, the observed PWV was lower in the healthy
subgroup of each age category compared with the whole
In Supplemental Table 1, we present PWV means and
SD according to decades and BP categories. Individuals
<30 years with BP <120/80 mmHg showed the lowest PWV
with a mean value of 4.8 m/s and individuals >80 years with
BP >140/90 mmHg showed a mean PWV almost three
times higher, with a value of 13.2 m/s.
Frequency of EVA
Multiple linear regression analyses with PWV as dependent
variable was applied in a nal model that included age,
quadratic age (age2), and SBP, showing for each variable a
signicant association with PWV. Supplemental Fig. 1
shows model development and the nal model with, as
expected, a very good linear prediction of PWV. Supple-
mental Fig. 2 shows the linear relationship of predicted and
observed PWV values by age as a continuous variable, and
Supplemental Figure 3 shows boxplots of the observed
PWV across age categories, where some outliers stand out,
such as high PWV values in young subjects and low PWV
in elders. Boxplots in Fig. 1indicate a very good correlation
between PWV values predicted by the model and the
observed PWV values across age categories, after adjusting
for age and SBP. The PWV outliers described before remain
after including SBP in the model.
Finally, Fig. 2shows a scatter-plot of PWV z-scores
distribution according to age and SBP (standardized ana-
lysis). PWV z-score values higher than those predicted by
the model (z-score higher than +1.96) persist in younger
subjects. They complied with the EVA denition and
represent 5.7% (81/1416) of the total sample. Additionally,
PWV z-score values lower than those predicted by the
model (z-score lower than 1.96) depict older subjects with
the healthier arteries, who represent 4.5% (63/1416) of total
EVA frequency was also determined in the subgroup of
young adults: we found 9.8% (37/376) in subjects <40 years
and 18.7% (30/160) in those <30 years.
Variables associated with EVA
Multiple logistic regression analysis performed in the whole
population, after exclusion of 90 individuals with prior
ASCVD, and adjusted for alcohol intake and smoking,
showed that variables signicantly associated with EVA
were age, OR 0.92 (95% CI: 0.900.94, p< 0.001), dysli-
pidemia, OR 2.36 (95% CI: 1.314.23, p=0.004), and
aspirin intake, OR 4.28 (95% CI: 1.849.97, p=0.001)
(Supplemental Figure 4a).
A similar analysis restricted to subjects aged 40 years or
less determined that baseline characteristics signicantly
associated with EVA were age, OR 0.78 (95% CI:
0.720.85, p< 0.001), dyslipidemia, OR 6.88 (95% CI:
2.7916.99, p< 0.001), history of HTN, OR 3.29 (95% CI:
1.0210.55, p=0.045), and regular alcohol intake, OR 0.27
(95% CI: 0.100.73, p=0.011). Smoking showed a bor-
derline signicance, OR 2.32 (95% CI: 0.915.85, p=
0.075) (Supplemental Figure 4b).
Table 3 Mean PWV according to age categories in the total
population and in healthy subjects with neither cardiovascular risk
factors nor prior ASCVD events
Age (years) Total population
Healthy subjects
nMean PWV (SD),
nMean PWV (SD),
<30 160 5.20 (1.18) 105 4.98 (0.91)
3039 216 5.77 (0.79) 110 5.65 (0.73)
4049 261 6.54 (0.70) 87 6.35 (0.78)
5059 272 7.79 (0.81) 75 7.55 (0.77)
6069 264 9.14 (0.86) 49 8.93 (0.99)
7079 102 10.37 (1.36) 19 9.93 (1.86)
>79 41 12.35 (1.86) --- ---
PWV pulse wave velocity, ASCVD atherosclerotic cardiovascular
PWV: pulse wave velocity
SBP: systolic blood pressure
0 5 10 15
20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 >70
AGE (years)
PWV Fitte d values
PWV, m/s
Fig. 1 Boxplots of PWV values predicted by the model and the
observed PWV values adjusted for age and SBP. (Colour gure online)
F. Botto et al.
We further explored the association between alcohol
intake and EVA after increasing the sample by including
subjects <50 years but we did not nd a signicant asso-
ciation, OR 0.57 (95% CI: 0.241.30, p=0.18).
We found an overall frequency of EVA of around 6% in a
mixed population sample from 12 countries in Latin
America using a simple, practical, and affordable oscillo-
metric device on the brachial artery, which estimates PWV
as a surrogate of arterial stiffness. Interestingly, the EVA
frequency was particularly elevated in young adults under
40 years (9.8%), and even higher in subjects under 30 years
According to our standardized analysis, including age
and SBP determined simultaneously with PWV, z-scores
suggested that EVA has a low frequency after the age of 60
years because PWV values are mostly predicted by older
age and SBP. Interestingly, in this age subgroup we also
recorded a frequency of 4.5% of individuals with a very low
PWV that represent elderly subjects with the healthiest
We further described PWV means (and SD) in the total
population stratied by age decades and BP categories. To
separate healthy arteries and EVA in our sample, the per-
centiles 2.5th and 97.5th can be calculated by applying the
formula PWV ± 1.96 SD to the values showed in Supple-
mental Table 1.
Finally, our study suggests that in young adults between
20 and 40 years the presence of dyslipidemia and HTN, and
probably smoking, may contribute to the early development
of arterial stiffness, or EVA, starting even in the early
twenties when medical care is less often requested.
We also wanted to put our study results in perspective of
previous studies with similar aims. The Guimaràes/Vizela
Study [17] included 2542 randomly sampled subjects over
18 years from Northern Portugal. The authors applied an
EVA denition based upon the age-adjusted normal Eur-
opean population of the Reference Values for Arterial
Stiffness Collaboration, after measurements with a tono-
metric device (Sphygmocor) [7]. Therefore, a PWV 97.5th
percentile of z-score for mean PWV values adjusted for age
was considered as a practical denition of EVA. Conse-
quently, they reported a 12.5% overall prevalence of EVA,
with a 19.3% in subjects <40 years and 26.1% in those <30
years. Z-scores analyses in OPTIMO study, using its own
sample z-scores as a normal reference, demonstrated a
lower frequency of EVA (overall 5.7%, but 9.8% in sub-
jects <40 years and 18.7% in <30 years).
The OPTIMO study design included a convenience
sampling that probably reects a more selected population if
we take into account, for example, a high average educa-
tional level, which allows better lifestyle, nutrition, and
healthcare, and also a higher use of lipid-lowering drugs,
compared with the Guimaràes/Vizela Study (48% vs.
17.7%). Anyway, both studies found an elevated frequency
of EVA in young adults.
We believe that the observed low frequency of EVA after
60 years reects the fact that PWV is supposed to be a
surrogate marker of arterial stiffness, which attempts to
identify vascular damage at earlier stages of life than
expected, but loses diagnostic precision with advanced age
and higher SBP values [15]. Accordingly, multiple logistic
regression analysis determined that age had an inverse
independent relationship with EVA (OR 0.93) implying a
stronger association in younger subjects than in older. This
evidence does not argue against the elevated prevalence rate
of PWV in the elderly and its independent prognostic value
in this subgroup. However, to the best of our knowledge,
the OPTIMO and the Guimaràes/Vizela studies [17] are the
only screening studies that have reported a high frequency
of EVA in younger adults.
Existing evidence reinforces the importance of EVA
diagnosis in youth. Among 2849 elderly individuals, the
Rotterdam study established that PWV added to the Fra-
mingham score allowed for a limited risk reclassication
and did not provide a signicant clinical utility to predict
cardiovascular events during 8 years of follow-up [25].
Furthermore, an individual participant meta-analysis that
included 17,635 subjects, determined that the predictive
power of PWV for future ASCVD events and mortality was
stronger in younger and middle-aged subjects than in older
people [15].
Regarding the PWV cut-off value of 10 m/s proposed by
a consensus document [26], we believe that using x
thresholds regardless of age and BP, whichever the
PWV: pulse wave velocity
SBP: systolic blood pressure
Fig. 2 Scatter plots of the distribution of PWV z-scores according to
age and SBP. (Colour gure online)
Early vascular aging in Latin America...
measurement technique applied, does not work for our
operational denition of EVA, and probably it also repre-
sents an imperfect marker of subclinical organ damage,
particularly in the older. In OPTIMO study, we found
11.2% individuals with PWV over the proposed limit that
does not necessarily match with cases of EVA. Actually,
EVA cases in young adults are mostly below PWV of 10 m/
s (see outliers in Fig. 1).
Regarding the use of a similar oscillometric device in a
general population, Nunan et al. [27] performed an inter-
esting study estimating PWV with Mobil-O-Graph in
1794 subjects from a community setting (real world)in
Vienna, Austria. As we did in OPTIMO study, they
adjusted PWV for age and BP levels, but also for gender.
PWV results were quite similar in both studies, with mild
differences around 0.65 m/s on average in subgroups <70
years, probably due to population samples features.
Between subgroups 70 and 79 years old, there was a higher
difference of 1 m/s (11.4 m/s in Nunan et al. vs. 10.37 m/s in
OPTIMO study). However, in those elderly subjects with
BP <140/90 mmHg, both studies reported a similar PWV
(10.6 and 10.5 m/s, respectively). A possible explanation is
that in the rst study the rate of elevated BP >140/90 mmHg
was higher compared with OPTIMO study (60% vs. 30%,
respectively), probably due to a higher proportion of phar-
macologically treated subjects in our sample (95% of those
with prior HTN).
To the best of our knowledge, this is the rst study
determining EVA frequency in a sample from Latin
America. There exists some regional reports from
population-based studies on normal/reference PWV values
according to age and BP categories in healthy individuals,
mostly performed with tonometric methods [22,2830].
They provide a basis for diagnosis of vascular aging but,
however, they do not report EVA prevalence, neither in the
general nor in the young adult population.
Analyses of the baseline characteristics of young adults
under 40 years in our OPTIMO study suggest that EVA is
associated with biological determinants, such as history of
HTN, dyslipidemia, and smoking. Similarly, the Amster-
dam Growth and Health Longitudinal Study (AGAHLS)
described that the same CVRF during adolescence and
young adulthood anticipated the development of arterial
stiffness at the age of 36 years [31]. Both arteriosclerosis
and EVA reach a high prevalence in youth, relatively
speaking [17,18]. Therefore, in spite of the lack of
data related to ASCVD outcomes in young populations,
these ndings support the aim of promoting cardiovascular
prevention during childhood or adolescence, that is,
through healthy lifestyle in order to prevent arterial
stiffening during the following years and thereby potentially
reducing the risk of future ASCVD events and increasing
survival [32,33].
A potential biased nding in the OPTIMO study was the
observation of a benecial relationship between regular
alcohol intake and EVA in young adults. The INTER-
HEART Study demonstrated that regular alcohol intake,
dened as three or more times per week, was an indepen-
dent protectorfor myocardial infarction adjusted by age,
sex, and smoking (OR 0.79, 95% CI: 0.730.86), but not
when other CVRFs were added to the model [34]. Fur-
thermore, a subgroup analysis demonstrated that regular
alcohol intake was not signicantly associated to risk of
myocardial infarction in subjects <45 years (OR 0.94, 95%
CI: 0.811.11) [35]. Our data showed a benet of regular
alcohol intake on PWV in young adults <40 years, however,
the effect disappeared by expanding the subgroup sample
size to subjects <50 years. The risk of EVA for aspirin users
could reect another observational bias, because subjects
with elevated cardiovascular risk are more expected to be
treated or self-medicated with aspirin.
Strengths and limitations
The prospective cohort design included a diverse ethnic
population from many countries of Latin America. How-
ever, a high proportion of participants were included in one
country. Therefore, the lack of a representative sample
limits us to refer to frequency of EVA instead of prevalence.
Importantly, data collection was performed using a
standardized questionnaire with predetermined denitions,
and PWV, as well as BP were determined in all subjects
using the same type of device and measurement protocol. In
spite of the lack of a direct measurement of PWV, the
oscillometric device Mobil-O-Graph has been satisfactorily
compared with the applanation tonometry (SphygmoCor)
and other devices [13,2124]. Furthermore, it is easy to use
with a simple training and is relatively inexpensive.
Luzardo et al. [22] compared Mobil-O-Graph measure-
ments with a tonometric device (SphygmoCor) in a volun-
teers sample from Uruguay. In the substudy performed at
rest in the laboratory, they found no signicant differences
in observed results, reporting a mean PWV of 7.3 (SD 1.9)
m/s with tonometry and 7.0 (SD 2.2) m/s (p=0.11) with
oscillometry. They found a statistically signicant differ-
ence in PWV (7.9 m/s, SD 2.1, vs. 7.4 m/s, SD 1.6) but only
in the substudy performed with Mobil-O-Graph ambula-
torymonitoring during 24 h, a different condition com-
pared with our OPTIMO evaluation at rest. Anyway,
tonometric methods represent the gold standard for PWV
and large prospective studies are still needed to validate
oscillometric devices.
Increasing age is a strong marker of arterial stiffness,
and SBP is a surrogate of it, particularly in older people
[8,9,1113]. Therefore, we believe that our proposed
methodology to predict PWV based on a multiple linear
F. Botto et al.
regression model adjusted for age and SBP, followed by a
standardized residuals analysis, allowed us to determine a
realistic frequency of EVA in our sample. We also adjusted
the analyses for treatment with lipid-lowering and anti-
hypertensive drugs.
Our limited study population sample size is insufcient
to generate rm conclusions on frequencies, particularly in
some categories of age and BP distribution including a
small number of participants, as well as some associations
between baseline characteristics and EVA. Furthermore, our
sample is biased due to the convenience sampling design
performed at some private medical centers or shopping
areas where educated and health-conscious people pre-
dominate, instead of recruiting a random population sample.
As previously mentioned, an increased use of lipid-lowering
(48%) and antihypertensive drugs (40%), a high rate of self-
reported regular exercise (60%), and dominance of partici-
pants with high educational levels, support the existence of
this potential bias. The cross-sectional design only allows us
to determine associations, but not causality. Finally, the lack
of an independent comparative cohort in Latin America for
derivation of cut-off levels for EVA to be used in OPTIMO
study is regretful, but as the OPTIMO study is the rst on
the continent other screening studies will probably follow.
In recent years, arterial stiffness has emerged as an
independent predictor of cardiovascular risk and represent a
core component of the novel EVA syndrome along with
other changes of the arterial wall [1,5]. Measurement of
PWV is currently accepted as the most simple, noninvasive,
and reproducible method to determine arterial stiffness [6].
An individual participant meta-analysis of 17,635 subjects
has demonstrated its independent prognostic value to pre-
dict future ASCVD events and mortality, even after
adjusting for classic CVRF, and allows reclassication of
risk categories, particularly in young people [15].
In spite of attempts to standardize reference values of
PWV obtained by different techniques (i.e., tonometric,
oscillometric, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging) [7],
the EVA syndrome represents a proof of conceptstill
without an exact established denition [36]. However, we
believe that searching for EVA based on PWV values from
any validated method at this stage represents a step forward
in cardiovascular prevention. In this direction, the OPTIMO
study represents a multicenter experience from Latin
America setting the basis of EVA prevalence and
encourages future clinical work and research in the eld.
Young adulthood (age between 20 and 40 years) repre-
sents the healthiest period of life, and therefore cardiovas-
cular health promotion is usually scarce in this age group.
Accumulated evidence calls for attention and debate
regarding the age of initiation of cardiovascular screening
for subclinical arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis. The
Progression of Early Subclinical Atherosclerosis(PESA)
study [18] included 4054 years asymptomatic participants
and determined the existence of 63% of subclinical ather-
osclerosis in any of the carotid, abdominal aortic, ilio-
femoral, or coronary territories. The authors of PESA
reported that among subjects with a low 10-year risk cal-
culated with the Framingham risk score, 58% had sub-
clinical disease. If we consider, for example, that in the
United States [37], the mean age of ST-elevation myo-
cardial infarction is 64 (SD 13) years, therefore 34% (1 SD)
occur between 51 and 64 years and 14% (2 SD) between 38
and 51 years. Consequently, strategies to prevent these
ASCVD events in young people should start 1015 years
earlier. We believe that detecting an EVA syndrome before
the age of 40 and even 30 years represents a con-
temporaneous challenge for cardiovascular prevention.
The OPTIMO study shows a frequency of EVA around 6%
among a population sample from Latin America, with a
higher rate in young adults. Baseline variables associated
with EVA in the former subgroup were well-known CVRF,
such as HTN, dyslipidemia, and smoking. Our results are
consistent with those from others, and call for a debate
about the search for CVRF and subclinical atherosclerosis
during early adulthood. In this regard, determination of
arterial stiffness (EVA) using measurements of PWV with
simple and inexpensive devices might help to select sub-
jects from these age groups at increased cardiovascular risk
who deserve a more intense preventive intervention and
Summary Table
What is known about this topic?
EVA is a growing clinical concept that refers to an
increased arterial stiffness (arteriosclerosis) when com-
pared with the expected level of arterial stiffness
according to the chronological age.
There is no data about EVA prevalence and its
characteristics obtained from a population sample in
Latin America.
Little is known about determinants of EVA in young
What this study adds?
We found an overall frequency of EVA of around 6%
using a simple oscillometric device on the brachial
artery, which calculates the PWV as a marker of arterial
Early vascular aging in Latin America...
EVA frequency was higher in young adults under 40
years (9.8%), and even higher in subjects under 30 years
In young adults, the presence of dyslipidemia and
hypertension, and probably smoking, may contribute to
the early development of EVA.
Acknowledgements Investigators: (1) Argentina: Ana Di Leva, Martín
Koretzky, Pedro Forcada, Gabriel Waisman, Laura Brandani, Gabriela
Fischer Sohn, Ezequiel Huguet, Mariana Haehnel, Patricia Carrizo,
Patricia Pardini, Gustavo Maccallini; (2) Brazil: Marco Mota, Nelson
Dinamarco, Martin Vilela; (3) Chile: Enrique Lorca; (4) Colombia:
Jannes Buelvas, Gabriel Robledo Káiser; (5) Costa Rica: Francisco
Rivera Valvidia; (6) El Salvador: Freddis E. Molina, Jaime Ventura,
José A. Velasquez; (7) Guatemala: Laura Voguel, Julio Arriola; (8)
Honduras: Gerardo Sosa, Dora Arévalo, Jaqueline Gonzalez, Mauricio
Varela, Marcelino Abadie, José R.Vasquez; (9) Mexico: Ernesto
Cardonna Muñoz; (10) Nicaragua: José D. Meneses, José A. Montiel;
(11) Panama: José L. Donato; (12) Republica Dominicana: Nelson
Baez, Luis Ney Novas, Solange R. Ureña.
Funding OPTIMO study was basically a research program performed
with the collaboration of the aforementioned investigators who
received no honoraria for their participation.
Compliance with ethical standards
Conicts of interest The authors declare that they have no conict of
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Early vascular aging in Latin America...
... Research in this specific topic has attracted significant interest because vascular ageing more accurately predicts cardiovascular diseases than biological ageing [13,15]. Some studies have analysed the influence of obesity, measured through BMI and WC, on vascular ageing, finding an association especially with central obesity [17][18][19][20][21]. ...
... In the last decade, several studies have analysed the prevalence of HVA and EVA [17][18][19][20][21], with different results. It is important to highlight that the prevalence found in the different studies cannot be compared, since the criteria used to define HVA and EVA are not the same. ...
... In general, we found that the values obtained in the different anthropometric indices by the participants characterised by HVA were lower than those obtained by the participants with EVA, which is in line with the results of previous studies [17][18][19][20][21]. However, the studies conducted to date have mainly analysed the association between vascular ageing and BMI or WC. ...
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The objectives of this study were to analyse the capacity of different anthropometric indices to predict vascular ageing and this association in Spanish adult population without cardiovascular disease. A total of 501 individuals without cardiovascular disease residing in the capital of Salamanca (Spain) were selected (mean age: 55.9 years, 50.3% women), through stratified random sampling by age and sex. Starting from anthropometric measurements such as weight, height, and waist circumference, hip circumference, or biochemical parameters, we could estimate different indices that reflected general obesity, abdominal obesity, and body fat distribution. Arterial stiffness was evaluated by measuring carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (cf-PWV) using a SphygmoCor® device. Vascular ageing was defined in three steps: Step 1: the participants with vascular injury were classified as early vascular ageing (EVA); Step 2: classification of the participants using the 10 and 90 percentiles of cf-PWV in the study population by age and sex in EVA, healthy vascular ageing (HVA) and normal vascular ageing (NVA); Step 3: re-classification of participants with arterial hypertension or type 2 diabetes mellitus included in HVA as NVA. The total prevalence of HVA and EVA was 8.4% and 21.4%, respectively. All the analysed anthropometric indices, except waist/hip ratio (WHpR), were associated with vascular ageing. Thus, as the values of the different anthropometric indices increase, the probability of being classified with NVA and as EVA increases. The capacity of the anthropometric indices to identify people with HVA showed values of area under the curve (AUC) ≥ 0.60. The capacity to identify people with EVA, in total, showed values of AUC between 0.55 and 0.60. In conclusion, as the values of the anthropometric indices increased, the probability that the subjects presented EVA increased. However, the relationship of the new anthropometric indices with vascular ageing was not stronger than that of traditional parameters. Therefore, BMI and WC can be considered to be the most useful indices in clinical practice to identify people with vascular ageing in the general population.
... During the last decades, epidemiological studies have been conducted to unravel the determining factors of vascular ageing, drawing great interest, as it shows a stronger relationship with morbimortality by cardiovascular diseases than biological ageing (Nowak et al., 2018;Laurent et al., 2019). In this sense, it is known that early vascular ageing (EVA), normal vascular ageing (NVA) and healthy vascular ageing (HVA) are related to the progression of the deleterious characteristics of arterial functioning, which is influenced by the genetic background, the prevalence of classic cardiovascular risk factors, lifestyles and inflammatory factors (Niiranen et al., 2017;Botto et al., 2018;Ji et al., 2018;Nilsson et al., 2018;Nowak et al., 2018;Foscolou et al., 2019). The effect of physical activity on vascular ageing has been analysed in numerous studies, confirming that it plays an important role by mitigating vascular ageing, increasing the availability of nitric oxide (NO) and reducing oxidative stress and vascular wall inflammation (Andersson et al., 2015;Antunes et al., 2016;Jakovljevic, 2018;Zhang et al., 2018;Kucharska-Newton et al., 2019;Gomez-Sanchez et al., 2020). ...
... In this regard, several authors have defined HVA, excluding hypertensive or diabetic subjects from the group of HVA (Niiranen et al., 2017;Ji et al., 2018;Nilsson et al., 2018), and using the percentiles of cfPWV below 10 or 25 from a reference population, or from their own study population, stratified by age groups, and some authors also take into account the values of arterial pressure. Different definitions of EVA have also been published (Van Bortel et al., 2012;Cunha et al., 2015;Cunha et al., 2017;Botto et al., 2018), which are gathered in several studies that consider the highest percentiles of cfPWV for its definition. Various works have employed the values published by Boutouyrie et al. in a European population as reference values (Boutouyrie and Vermeersch, 2010). ...
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Background: SARS-CoV-2 infection affects the vascular endothelium, which mediates the inflammatory and thrombotic cascade. Moreover, alterations in the endothelium are related to arterial stiffness, which has been established as a marker of cardiovascular disease. The objective of this study is to analyse how the structure, vascular function, vascular ageing and endothelial damage are related to the biopsychological situation in adults diagnosed with persistent COVID and the differences by gender. Methods: This cross-sectional, descriptive, observational study will be carried out in the Primary Care Research Unit of Salamanca (APISAL) and in the BioSepsis laboratory of the University of Salamanca. The sample will be selected from the persistent COVID monographic office at the Internal Medicine Service of the University Hospital of Salamanca, and from the population of subjects diagnosed with persistent COVID in the clinical history of Primary Care. Through consecutive sampling, the study will include 300 individuals diagnosed with persistent COVID who meet the diagnosis criteria established by the WHO, after they sign the informed consent. Endothelial damage biomarkers will be measured using ELLA-SimplePlexTM technology (Biotechne). Their vascular structure and function will be analysed by measuring the carotid intima-media thickness (Sonosite Micromax); the pulse wave and carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (cfPWV) will be recorded with Sphygmocor System®. Cardio Ankle Vascular Index (CAVI), brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity (baPWV) and ankle-brachial index will be analysed with Vasera VS-2000®. The integral assessment of the subjects with persistent COVID will be conducted with different scales that evaluate fatigue, sleep, dyspnea, quality of life, attention, nutrition state, and fragility. We will also evaluate their lifestyles (diet, physical activity, smoking habits and alcohol consumption), psychological factors, and cognitive deterioration, which will be gathered through validated questionnaires; moreover, physical activity will be objectively measured using a pedometer for 7 days. Body composition will be measured through impedance using an Inbody 230. Vascular ageing will be calculated with 10 and 90 percentiles of cfPWV and baPWV. Furthermore, we will analyse the presence of vascular injury in the retina, heart, kidneys and brain, as well as cardiovascular risk. Demographic and analytical variables will also be gathered. Discussion: Arterial stiffness reflects the mechanic and functional properties of the arterial wall, showing the changes in arterial pressure, blood flow, and vascular diameter that occur with each heartbeat. SARS-CoV-2 affects the endothelial cells that are infected with this virus, increasing the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and pro-thrombotic factors, which can cause early vascular ageing and an increase of arterial stiffness. Persistent COVID is a complex heterogeneous disorder that affects the lives of millions of people worldwide. The identifications of potential risk factors to better understand who is at risk of developing persistent COVID is important, since this would enable early and appropriate clinical support. It is unknown whether vascular alterations caused by COVID-19 resolve after acute infection or remain over time, favouring the increase of arterial stiffness and early vascular ageing. Therefore, it is necessary to propose studies that analyse the evolution of persistent COVID in this group of patients, as well as the possible variables that influence it. Clinical Trial registration:, identifier NCT05819840
... The prevalence of HVA and EVA has been analysed in previous studies [32,[40][41][42][43], all of which agree with the results of the present study, indicating that the prevalence of EVA is greater in men, and that of HVA is greater in women. However, the prevalence rates found between the studies are different and cannot be compared, because the cut-off points used, the mean age and the distribution by sex, as well as the prevalence of the different cardiovascular risk factors and race differ from one study to another. ...
... Thus, numerous studies have shown that abdominal obesity is positively associated with vascular ageing [28,30,32,40,41,[47][48][49]. The increase in triglycerides and the decrease in HDL-c show a correlation with vascular ageing [30,32,[40][41][42]. In this sense, the association between glycometabolic impairment and an increase in arterial stiffness is consistent with previous studies [50], and a better control of glycemia alleviates or prevents the progression of arterial stiffness in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus [51]. ...
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The data on the relationship between insulin resistance and vascular ageing are limited. The aim of this study was to explore the association of different indices of insulin resistance with vascular ageing in an adult Caucasian population without cardiovascular disease. We selected 501 individuals without cardiovascular disease (mean age: 55.9 years, 50.3% women) through random sampling stratified by sex and age. Arterial stiffness was evaluated by measuring the carotid-to-femoral pulse wave velocity (cfPWV) and brachial-to-ankle pulse wave velocity (baPWV). The participants were classified into three groups according to the degree of vascular ageing: early vascular ageing (EVA), normal vascular ageing (NVA) and healthy vascular ageing (HVA). Insulin resistance was evaluated with the homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) and another five indices. The prevalence of HVA and EVA was 8.4% and 21.4%, respectively, when using cfPWV, and 7.4% and 19.2%, respectively, when using baPWV. The deterioration of vascular ageing, with both measurements, presented as an increase in all the analysed indices of insulin resistance. In the multiple regression analysis and logistic regression analysis, the indices of insulin resistance showed a positive association with cfPWV and baPWV and with EVA.
... This allows the time delay between the pressure waveform recorded in the distal segment with respect to the proximal one to be calculated. Velocity equals displacement/time, as a result, the speed of the pulse wave is calculated using Equation 1 [11][12]. ...
Indications of symptoms of cardiovascular disease can be seen from the level of elasticity of the arteries. The Pulse Wave Velocity (PWV) method using PPG signal analysis is used to determine the level of arterial stiffness based on the time difference between pulse waves of Photoplethysmography (PPG) signal measurements. PWV measurements use a non-invasive technique using pulse sensors on the fingers and toes, the measurement data is sent wirelessly using the ESP-NOW protocol. Analysis of the measured PPG signal is used as an approach to calculating the PWV value. Realization and testing can be used to measure the pulse in BPM and classify the index of arterial stiffness using the PWV method. The results of testing on 15 test volunteers from 3 age groups showed the results of an arterial stiffness index with indications of normal, stiff and very stiff arteries. The PWV value for the 20 year old group was 4.30-6.77 cm/s, normal arterial conditions. The age group of 30-40 years has a PWV value ranging from 5.11-8.77 cm/s, normal arterial conditions. The age group of 50-60 years had PWV values in the range of 10.69-18.43 cm/s, stiff and very stiff arterial conditions. Increasing age linearly affects the increase in PWV value. An increased PWV value may indicate an increase in arterial stiffness.
... However, there is still no agreed definition of vascular aging and recent work indicates the importance that three-dimensional (3D) imaging can have, as well as vascular permeability [25,26]. Thus, several authors have defined vascular aging using the percentiles of arterial stiffness measured by carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (cf-PWV) [24,[27][28][29][30][31], and Nilsson Wadström et al. [32] have published an index to evaluate vascular aging, the vascular aging index (VAI). This parameter integrates carotid intimamedia thickness (cIMT) and cfPWV, which reflect subclinical arteriosclerosis and arterial stiffness. ...
... It has been recently recognized that the risk factors for developing poststroke mood disorders may show a different pattern when comparing young versus older adults (Kessler et al., 2005;McCarthy et al., 2016). This is especially relevant in underdeveloped countries, in which the prevalence of stroke in young adults may be higher than that observed in developed countries because of the large number of comorbidities and cardiovascular risk factors (Botto et al., 2018). ...
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Depression and anxiety are common complications after stroke and little is known about the modulatory roles of education and age. Our study aimed to evaluate the modulatory effects of education level on anxiety and depression after stroke and their effect on each age group. Adults with first stroke took part in this cross-sectional observational clinical study. We used the following instruments: Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), Montreal Cognitive Scale, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Barthel index, and Functional Independence Measure. There were 89 patients. The mean (SD) age was 58.01 (13) years, mean (SD) years of education was 9.91 (5.22), 55.1% presented depression symptoms and 47.2% anxiety symptoms, 56.2% were young adults and 43.8% were older adults. We identified a negative association between education and anxiety score (r = -0. 269, p = 0.011) and depression score (r = -0.252, p = 0.017). In the linear regression analysis, we found that education is negatively associated with HADS, but this influence was more consistent in young adults. In conclusion, a higher education level reduces the risk of depression and anxiety, but their effect is less consistent in older adults.
... The prevalence of EVA was higher in men, and vascular aging deteriorated with increasing sedentary time and decreasing physical activity, as measured objectively over a week with an accelerometer [26]. These data are generally more favorable than those published in other countries [27][28][29][30][31]. However, it should be noted that the prevalences found in previous studies are not comparable, given that the criteria used to define HVA and EVA, the distribution of the population by age and sex, and their characteristics regarding the presence of risk factors and morbidity vary across the studies analyzed. ...
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Background The aim of this study was to analyze the association of physical activity and its intensity with arterial stiffness and vascular aging and differences by sex in a Spanish population with intermediate cardiovascular risk. Methods Cross-sectional study. A total of 2475 individuals aged 35–75 years participated in the study. Brachial–ankle pulse wave velocity (baPWV) was measured using a VaSera VS-1500 ® device. Based on the age and sex percentile presented by the participants, the latter were classified as follows: those with a percentile above 90 and presenting established cardiovascular disease were classified as early vascular aging (EVA); those with a percentile between 10 and 90 were classified as normal vascular aging (NVA) and those with a percentile below 10 were classified as healthy vascular aging (HVA). Physical activity was analyzed through the short version of the Minnesota Leisure Time Physical Activity Questionnaire (MLTPAQ). Results The mean age of the participants was 61.34 ± 7.70 years, with 61.60% men. Of the total sample, 86% were sedentary (83% men vs 90% women). The total physical activity showed a negative association with baPWV ( β = − 0.045; 95% CI − 0.080 to − 0.009). Intense physical activity showed a negative relationship with baPWV ( β = − 0.084; 95% CI − 0.136 to − 0.032). The OR of the total physical activity and the intense physical activity carried out by the subjects classified as NVA with respect to those classified as HVA was OR = 0.946; (95% CI 0.898 to 0.997) and OR = 0.903; (95% CI 0.840 to 0.971), and of those classified as EVA it was OR = 0.916; (95% CI 0.852 to 0.986) and OR = 0.905; (95% CI 0.818 to 1.000). No association was found with moderate- or low-intensity physical activity. Conclusions The results of this study suggest that, when intense physical activity is performed, the probability of presenting vascular aging is lower. In the analysis by sex, this association is only observed in men.
... The results in this study demonstrate that significant aortic ageing (including increased collagen and decreased elastin content) occurs early in the ageing process, starting at 6 months of age. In (healthy) humans, pulse wave velocity (PWV) also increases early in adult life [19][20][21][22][23] , with a linear age-dependent increase in PWV in humans aged 10-80 years old and a PWV of~5-9 m/s (youngold). Interestingly, PWV shows significant changes already at 20-29 years of age. ...
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Aortic stiffness is a hallmark of cardiovascular disease, but its pathophysiology remains incompletely understood. This study presents an in-dept characterization of aortic aging in male C57Bl/6 mice (2–24 months). Cardiovascular measurements include echocardiography, blood pressure measurement, and ex vivo organ chamber experiments. In vivo and ex vivo aortic stiffness increases with age, and precede the development of cardiac hypertrophy and peripheral blood pressure alterations. Contraction-independent stiffening (due to extracellular matrix changes) is pressure-dependent. Contraction-dependent aortic stiffening develops through heightened α1-adrenergic contractility, aberrant voltage-gated calcium channel function, and altered vascular smooth muscle cell calcium handling. Endothelial dysfunction is limited to a modest decrease in sensitivity to acetylcholine-induced relaxation with age. Our findings demonstrate that progressive arterial stiffening in C57Bl/6 mice precedes associated cardiovascular disease. Aortic aging is due to changes in extracellular matrix and vascular smooth muscle cell signalling, and not to altered endothelial function. A 24-month aging study in male C57Bl/6 mice reveals that aortic aging precedes cardiovascular disease and is due to changes in the extracellular matrix and vascular smooth muscle cell signaling.
... Analysis of PWV showed that 5.7% of the sample (n = 26) had EVA, which is lower than that reported in other studies involving young patients, including the OPTIMO study [36] conducted in 12 ...
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Determine the most accurate diagnostic criteria of arterial hypertension (AH) for detecting early vascular aging (EVA) defined by pulse wave velocity (PWV) higher than ≥9.2 m/s. Cross-sectional study of a birth cohort started in 1978/79. The following data were collected between April 6, 2016 and August 31, 2017 from 1775 participants: demographic, anthropometric, office blood pressure (BP) measurement, biochemical risk factors, and PWV. A subsample of 454 participants underwent 24-hour ambulatory BP monitoring. The frequencies of AH, and BP phenotypes were calculated according to both guidelines. BP phenotypes (white-coat hypertension, masked hypertension (MHT), sustained hypertension (SH) and normotension) were correlated with risk factors and subclinical target organ damage after adjustment for confounders by multiple linear regression. Receiver operating characteristic curves were constructed to determine the best BP threshold for detecting EVA. A higher frequency of AH (45.1 vs 18.5%), as well as of SH (40.7 vs 14.8%) and MHT (28.9 vs 25.8%) was identified using the 2017 ACC/AHA criteria comparing with 2018 ESC/ESH. EVA was associated with the higher-risk BP phenotypes (SH and MHT, P < .0001) in both criteria. There was a higher accuracy in diagnosing EVA, with the 2017 ACC/AHA criteria. Analysis of the receiver operating characteristic curves showed office BP cutoff value (128/83 mm Hg) for EVA closer to the 2017 ACC/AHA threshold. The 2017 AHA/ACC guideline for the diagnosis of AH, and corresponding ambulatory BP monitoring values, is more accurate for discriminating young adults with EVA. Clinical application of PWV may help identify patients that could benefit from BP levels <130/80 mm Hg.
Relevance. There is still a discussion about what is primary and what is secondary — an increase in blood pressure (BP) or vascular remodeling. Objective. To assess the occurrence of isolated cases of Early Vascular Aging (EVA) syndrome and in combination with arterial hypertension/prehypertension in young people, taking into account body mass (BM) and manifestations of connective tissue insufficiency (CTI). Design and methods. In total, 346 people aged 18 to 25 years (131 boys or 37,9 % and 215 girls or 62,1 %) were examined. At first, the examined persons were divided into tercile-groups according to the indicator of vascular stiffness (VS) — the cardio-ankle vascular index (CAVI) (VaSera VS-1500N, Fucuda Denshia, Japan). VS is regarded as the main determinant of vascular aging. The upper CAVI-tercile of this distribution among persons of the same sex and age corresponds to the EVA-syndrome. The first tercile corresponds to the favorable and the average one corresponds to normal vascular aging. Then the association of these aging phenotypes with the level of BP, BM and the severity of signs of CTI was analyzed. The control group comprised normotonic representatives of the first and second CAVI-tercile groups. Data processing was carried out using the software package “Statistica 10.0” (StatSoftInc, USA). Results. In boys and girls, the incidence of isolated increases in VS is 16,8 % and 26,5 %, in combination with increased BP — 17,6 % and 6,5 %, isolated increases in BP — 39,6 % and 14,0 %, and normotension in combination with preserved elastic potential — 26,0 % and 53,0 %. Among normotonic boys and girls of isolated elevated VS, persons with excessive BM accounted for 14,8 % and 4,9 %, and with insufficient BM — 48,2 % and 29,5 %, respectively. The latter persons were characterized by a significantly higher number of signs of CTI compared to the control. And among the boys and girls of increased BP without an increase in VS, on the contrary, persons with excess BM and obesity are prevalent. Conclusions. Among young people, cases of increased VS are not always combined with such traditional risk factors as high BP and obesity, which is due to the so-called youth “obesity paradox”, as well as CTI. In preventive examinations of young people, differential diagnosis of the true EVA-syndrome with CTI should be performed, in the latter VS may increase due to the development of dysplastic-associated angiopathy. It is essential for the correct selection of cardio-vascular risk groups and further individualized preventive interventions among young people.
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Measurement of carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (cfPWV) is considered the gold standard for assessing arterial stiffness. Although widely used in clinical and observational studies, the detection of cfPWV has not yet been applied in everyday clinical practice due to technical and procedural difficulties. We, therefore, evaluated the applicability of oscillometric cfPWV assessment for everyday clinical practice. Eighty-nine patients were prospectively included in the study. Oscillometric calculations of cfPWV were performed with Tel-O-GRAPH and tonometric calculations with Sphygmocor. The accuracy, reproducibility, reliability and robustness of Tel-O-GRAPH calculations in different clinical situations were evalu??ated. The mean study population age was 48.8±19.1 years. More than half (59.6%) of the patients were male, and 15.1% were smokers. The mean difference of PWV between devices was 0.49±1.26 m s(-1) (P<0.0001), and the Pearson correlation index was 0.86 (P<0.0001). The coefficient of variation and intraclass correlation coefficients between three single measured PWV values with the Tel-O-GRAPH and Sphygmocor were 2.38±6.13% vs. 6.3±4.33% (P<0.05) and 0.99; 0.99; and 0.99 vs. 0.78; 0.84; and 0.71, respectively. For Tel-O-GRAPH, there was no statistically significant difference between PWV in seated vs. supine positions or by experienced or inexperienced users. High reproducibility and reliability of the calculated single PWV values with Tel-O-GRAPH and considerable performance accuracy compared with Sphygmocor were observed. The reported evidence suggests that oscillometry might evolve as a favored method for the assessment of the PWV in everyday clinical practice and in clinical studies due to its ease of use, accuracy and robustness.Hypertension Research advance online publication, 8 September 2016; doi:10.1038/hr.2016.115.
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Background: Among the various parameters used to describe arterial function, pulse wave velocity (PWV) is the only one allowing direct measurement of arterial stiffness. Loss of arterial elastic capacity with increasing age, a process known as vascular aging, is enhanced in hypertensive patients. Objectives: The aim of this study was to normalize PWV in normotensive (NT), essential hypertensive (HT) and borderline hypertensive (BL) patients and differentiate the effects of aging on PWV from those associated to hypertension. Methods: A total of 221 consecutive male and female patients were included in the study. They were classified into three groups according to their blood pressure (BP) values: NT (n=120, 46±13 years): BP
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-Data are limited regarding the presence, distribution and extent of subclinical atherosclerosis in middle-aged populations. -The PESA (Progression of Early Subclinical Atherosclerosis) study prospectively enrolled 4184 asymptomatic participants aged 40-54 years (mean age 45.8 years, 63% male) to evaluate the systemic extent of atherosclerosis in the carotid, abdominal aortic and ilio-femoral territories by 2D/3D ultrasound and coronary artery calcification (CAC) by computed tomography. The extent of subclinical atherosclerosis, defined as presence of plaque or CAC≥1, was classified as focal (one site affected), intermediate (2-3 sites) or generalized (4-6 sites) after exploring each vascular site (right/left carotids, aorta, right/left ilio-femorals and coronary arteries). Subclinical atherosclerosis was present in 63% of participants (71% of men; 48% of women). Intermediate and generalized atherosclerosis was identified in 41%. Plaques were most common in the ilio-femorals (44%), followed by carotids (31%) and aorta (25%), while CAC was present in 18%. Among participants with low Framingham Heart Study (FHS) 10-year risk, subclinical disease was detected in 58%, with intermediate or generalized disease in 36%. When assessing longer-term risk (30-year FHS), 83% of participants at high-risk had atherosclerosis, with 66% classified as intermediate or generalized. -Subclinical atherosclerosis was highly prevalent in this middle-aged cohort, with nearly half the participants classified as having intermediate or generalized disease. Most participants at high FHS risk had subclinical disease; nonetheless, extensive atherosclerosis was also present in a substantial number of low-risk individuals, suggesting added value of imaging for diagnosis and prevention. Clinical Trial Registration Identifier: NCT01410318.
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Pulse wave velocity (PWV) is the proposed gold-standard for the assessment of aortic elastic properties. The aim of this study was to compare aortic PWV determined by a recently developed oscillometric device with cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR). PWV was assessed in 40 volunteers with two different methods. The oscillometric method (PWVOSC) is based on a transfer function from the brachial pressure waves determined by oscillometric blood pressure measurements with a common cuff (Mobil-O-Graph, I.E.M. Stolberg, Germany). CMR was used to determine aortic PWVCMR with the use of the transit time method based on phase-contrast imaging at the level of the ascending and abdominal aorta on a clinical 1.5 Tesla scanner (Siemens, Erlangen, Germany). The median age of the study population was 34 years (IQR: 24-55 years, 11 females). A very strong correlation was found between PWVOSC and PWVCMR (r = 0.859, p < 0.001). Mean PWVOSC was 6.7 ± 1.8 m/s and mean PWVCMR was 6.1 ± 1.8 m/s (p < 0.001). Analysis of agreement between the two measurements using Bland-Altman method showed a bias of 0.57 m/s (upper and lower limit of agreement: 2.49 m/s and -1.34 m/s). The corresponding coefficient of variation between both measurements was 15%. Aortic pulse wave velocity assessed by transformation of the brachial pressure waveform showed an acceptable agreement with the CMR-derived transit time method.
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Background: By contrast with other southern European people, north Portuguese population registers an especially high prevalence of hypertension and stroke incidence. We designed a cohort study to identify individuals presenting accelerated and premature arterial aging in the Portuguese population. Method: Pulse wave velocity (PWV) was measured in randomly sampled population dwellers aged 18-96 years from northern Portugal, and used as a marker of early vascular aging (EVA). Of the 3038 individuals enrolled, 2542 completed the evaluation. Results: Mean PWV value for the entire population was 8.4 m/s (men: 8.6 m/s; women: 8.2 m/s; P < 0.02). The individuals were classified with EVA if their PWV was at least 97.5th percentile of z-score for mean PWV values adjusted for age (using normal European reference values as comparators). The overall prevalence of EVA was 12.5%; 26.1% of individuals below 30 years presented this feature and 40.2% of individuals in that same age strata were placed above the 90th percentile of PWV; and 18.7% of the population exhibited PWV values above 10 m/s, with male predominance (17.2% of men aged 40-49 years had PWV > 10 m/s). Logistic regression models indicated gender differences concerning the risk of developing large artery damage, with women having the same odds of PWV above 10 m/s 10 years later than men. Conclusion: The population PWV values were higher than expected in a low cardiovascular risk area (Portugal). High prevalence rates of EVA and noteworthy large artery damage in young ages were found.
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Carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (PWV), an index of large artery stiffness, is a good proxy of arterial aging and also an independent marker of cardiovascular disease. A consistently growing number of studies has shown a significant inverse association of arterial aging and cognitive function: the greater the PWV, the lower the cognitive performance (and the greater its decline over time)-regardless of heterogeneity in study populations, sample size, and measure of cognitive functions adopted in each study. Therefore the epidemiological evidence and the biological plausibility require adoption of strategies to foster the routine measurement of PWV and cognitive function measurements in each and every older subject, particularly those at higher cardiovascular risk. Consistently, limited available healthcare resources should be progressively shifted from a sterile differential diagnosis between Alzheimer-type and vascular dementia to interventions aimed to reduce PWV and, thus, to prevent dementia before its onset or to decrease its rate of progression.
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In medical practice the reference values of arterial stiffness came from multicenter registries obtained in Asia, USA, Australia and Europe. Pulse wave velocity (PWV) is the gold standard method for arterial stiffness quantification; however, in South America, there are few population-based studies. In this research PWV was measured in healthy asymptomatic and normotensive subjects without history of hypertension in first-degree relatives. Normal PWV and the 95% confidence intervals values were obtained in 780 subjects (39.8 ± 18.5 years) divided into 7 age groups (10–98 years). The mean PWV found was 6.84 m/s ± 1.65. PWV increases linearly with aging with a high degree of correlation ( r 2 = 0.61 ; P < 0.05 ) with low dispersion in younger subjects. PWV progressively increases 6–8% with each decade of life; this tendency is more pronounced after 50 years. A significant increase of PWV over 50 years was demonstrated. This is the first population-based study from urban and rural people of Argentina that provides normal values of the PWV in healthy, normotensive subjects without family history of hypertension. Moreover, the age dependence of PWV values was confirmed. Corrigendum to “Reference Values of Pulse Wave Velocity in Healthy People from an Urban and Rural Argentinean Population”
Elevated blood pressure is the strongest modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular disease worldwide. Despite extensive knowledge about ways to prevent as well as to treat hypertension, the global incidence and prevalence of hypertension and, more importantly, its cardiovascular complications are not reduced—partly because of inadequacies in prevention, diagnosis, and control of the disorder in an ageing world. The aim of the Lancet Commission on hypertension is to identify key actions to improve the management of blood pressure both at the population and the individual level, and to generate a campaign to adopt the suggested actions at national levels to reduce the impact of elevated blood pressure globally. The first task of the Commission is this report, which briefly reviews the available evidence for prevention, identification, and treatment of elevated blood pressure, hypertension, and its cardiovascular complications. The report focuses on how as-yet unsolved issues might be tackled using approaches with population-wide impact and new methods for patient evaluation and education in the broadest sense (some of which are not always strictly evidence based) to manage blood pressure worldwide. The report is built around the concept of lifetime risk applicable to the entire population from conception. Development of subclinical and sometimes clinical cardiovascular disease results from lifetime exposure to cardiovascular risk factors combined with the susceptibility of individuals to the harmful consequences of these risk factors. The Commission recognises the importance of other cardiovascular risk factors—eg, smoking, obesity, dyslipidaemia, and diabetes mellitus—on antihypertensive treatment. However, as a Commission on hypertension, this report focuses mainly on issues and actions related to elevated blood pressure. Previous action plans for improving management of elevated blood pressure and hypertension have not yet provided adequate results. Therefore, the Commission has identified ten essential and achievable goals and ten accompanying, mutually additive, and synergistic key actions that—if implemented effectively and broadly—will make substantial contributions to the management of blood pressure globally. The Commission deliberately has not listed these complementary key actions by priority because the balance between strength of evidence, feasibility, and potential benefit could differ by country.
Background: Among the various parameters used to describe arterial function, pulse wave velocity (PWV) is the only one allowing direct measurement of arterial stiffness. Loss of arterial elastic capacity with increasing age, a process known as vascular aging, is enhanced in hypertensive patients. Objectives: The aim of this study was to normalize PWV in normotensive (NT), essential hypertensive (HT) and borderline hypertensive (BL) patients and differentiate the effects of aging on PWV from those associated to hypertension. Methods: A total of 221 consecutive male and female patients were included in the study. They were classified into three groups according to their blood pressure (BP) values: NT (n=120, 46±13 years): BP<135/85 mm Hg; HT (n=60, 50±13 years): BP>140/90 mm Hg; and BL (n=41, 47±12 years): BP=135-139/85-89 mm Hg. They were then stratified into four groups according to age: GI<40 years, GII=40-50 years, GIII=50-60 years and GIV>60 years. Mechanographic transducers and computerized calculation were used to measure PWV. Data analysis was performed using ANOVA, Newman-Keuls, and multivariate linear regression tests. Results: Pulse wave velocity increased with age in all age groups (p<0.05). Mean PWV (m/s) in G1 was: NT (n=42): 8.6±1.1, HT (n=16): 9.5±1.3, BL (n=10): 9.0±0.5; in GII: NT (n=24): 9.5±1.2, HT (n=16): 10.7±1.2, BL (n=14): 9.8±0.8; in GIII: NT (n=30): 10.3±1.5, HT (n=12): 12.1±1.5, BL (n=11): 11.0±1.3; and in GIV: NT (n=24): 11.4±1.8, HT (n=16): 14.1±2.4, BL (n=6): 13.3±1.1. Regression equations were: for NT, PWV=0.08 × age + 0.04 × systolic blood pressure (SBP) + 1.07 (r=0.71); for HT, PWV=0.12 × age + 0.06 × SBP - 2.51 (r=0.81); and for BL, PWV=0.10 × age + 0.02 × SBP + 2.90 (r=0.73) (p<0.05). Conclusions: Pulse wave velocity increased with age, and was higher in HT patients for each age group. Borderline hypertensive patients presented intermediate values between the other two groups. These results suggest additional vascular impairment induced by hypertension over that of aging. This surplus effect could be estimated from the regression equation obtained for each group. © 2015, Sociedad Argentina de Cardiologia. All rights reserved.
By contrast with other southern European people, north Portuguese population registers an especially high prevalence of hypertension and stroke incidence. We designed a cohort study to identify individuals presenting accelerated and premature arterial aging in the Portuguese population. Pulse wave velocity (PWV) was measured in randomly sampled population dwellers aged 18-96 years from northern Portugal, and used as a marker of early vascular aging (EVA). Of the 3038 individuals enrolled, 2542 completed the evaluation. Mean PWV value for the entire population was 8.4 m/s (men: 8.6 m/s; women: 8.2 m/s; P < 0.02). The individuals were classified with EVA if their PWV was at least 97.5th percentile of z-score for mean PWV values adjusted for age (using normal European reference values as comparators). The overall prevalence of EVA was 12.5%; 26.1% of individuals below 30 years presented this feature and 40.2% of individuals in that same age strata were placed above the 90th percentile of PWV; and 18.7% of the population exhibited PWV values above 10 m/s, with male predominance (17.2% of men aged 40-49 years had PWV > 10 m/s). Logistic regression models indicated gender differences concerning the risk of developing large artery damage, with women having the same odds of PWV above 10 m/s 10 years later than men. The population PWV values were higher than expected in a low cardiovascular risk area (Portugal). High prevalence rates of EVA and noteworthy large artery damage in young ages were found.