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Molecular characterization of clinical and environmental isolates from the Cryptococcus neoformans/C. Gattii species complexes of Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil


Abstract and Figures

Cryptococcosis is one of the major life-threatening opportunistic/systemic fungal diseases of worldwide occurrence, which can be asymptomatic or establish pneumonia and meningoencephalitis mainly in immunosuppressed patients, caused by the Cryptococcus neoformans and C. gattii species complexes. Acquisition is by inhaling fungal propagules from avian droppings, tree hollows and decaying wood, and the association of the molecular types with geographic origin, virulence and antifungal resistance have epidemiological importance. Since data on Cryptococcosis in Alagoas are limited, we sought to determine the molecular types of etiological agents collected from clinical and environmental sources. We evaluated 21 isolates previously collected from cerebrospinal fluid and from environment sources (pigeon droppings and tree hollows) in Maceió-Alagoas (Brazil). Restriction fragment length polymorphism of URA5 gene was performed to characterize among the eight standard molecular types (VNI-VNIV and VGI-VGIV).
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Brazilian Journal of Microbiology
Cryptococcus neoformans and C. gattii form two species
complexes that are etiological agents of cryptococcosis, a
systemic disease acquired through the inhalation of the fun-
gal cells – desiccated blastoconidia or basidiospores – dis-
persed in the environment [1]. After inhalation, the infection
develops into an initial dormant state and may further prog-
ress into the most common symptom, meningoencephalitis,
with other manifestations such as pneumonia and lesions in
dierent tissues due to its systemic nature [24].
The infection with C. neoformans has major signicance
for causing cryptococcosis in immunosuppressed indi-
viduals, with estimates of 152,000 cases of cryptococcal
meningitis and 112,000 worldwide annual deaths in 2020,
responsible for 19% of death in patients with HIV/AIDS
Responsible Editor: Luis Augusto Nero.
Fernanda Cristina de Albuquerque Maranhão
Douglas Lyra de Holanda Fonseca
Denise Maria Wanderlei da Silva
1 Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Department of
Microbiology, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
2 Institute of Biological and Health Sciences, Sector of
Microbiology, Laboratory of Clinical Microbiology, Federal
University of Alagoas, Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil
3 Institute of Biological and Health Sciences, Sector of
Microbiology, Laboratory of Clinical Microbiology, Federal
University of Alagoas, Av. Lourival de Melo Mota, S/N,
Tabuleiro do Martins, Maceió 57072-900, Alagoas, Brazil
Cryptococcosis is one of the major life-threatening opportunistic/systemic fungal diseases of worldwide occurrence, which
can be asymptomatic or establish pneumonia and meningoencephalitis mainly in immunosuppressed patients, caused by
the Cryptococcus neoformans and C. gattii species complexes. Acquisition is by inhaling fungal propagules from avian
droppings, tree hollows and decaying wood, and the association of the molecular types with geographic origin, virulence
and antifungal resistance have epidemiological importance. Since data on cryptococcosis in Alagoas are limited, we sought
to determine the molecular types of etiological agents collected from clinical and environmental sources. We evaluated 21
isolates previously collected from cerebrospinal uid and from environment sources (pigeon droppings and tree hollows)
in Maceió-Alagoas (Brazil). Restriction fragment length polymorphism of URA5 gene was performed to characterize
among the eight standard molecular types (VNI-VNIV and VGI-VGIV). Among isolates, 66.67% (14) were assigned to
C. neoformans VNI – 12 of them (12/14) recovered from liquor and 2 from a tree hollow (2/14). One isolate from pigeon
droppings (4.76%) corresponded to C. neoformans VNIV, while ve strains from tree hollows and one from pigeon drop-
pings (6, 28.57%) to C. gattii VGII. VNI-type was present in clinical and environmental samples and most C. neoformans
infections were observed in HIV-positive patients, while types VNIV and VGII were prevalent in environmental sources
in Alagoas. This is the rst molecular characterization of Cryptococcus spp. in Alagoas, our study provides additional
information on the ecoepidemiology of Cryptococcus spp. in Brazil, contributing to a closer view of the endemic species.
Keywords Cryptococcus neoformans · Cryptococcus gattii · Cryptococcosis · Molecular typing · RFLP
Received: 3 July 2023 / Accepted: 21 March 2024
© The Author(s) under exclusive licence to Sociedade Brasileira de Microbiologia 2024
Molecular characterization of clinical and environmental isolates from
the Cryptococcus neoformans/C. Gattii species complexes of Maceió,
Alagoas, Brazil
Douglas Lyrade Holanda Fonseca1· Denise Maria Wanderlei daSilva2·
Fernanda Cristinade Albuquerque Maranhão3
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Brazilian Journal of Microbiology
[5], while infections caused by C. gattii aect immunocom-
petent patients [6], primarily children and the elderly, show-
ing a primary infection trait and pathogenic aptitude [1, 7].
Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) (2022)
included C. neoformans in the critical group and C. gattii in
the medium group of the Fungal Priority Pathogens List [8],
to direct research and raise awareness of this fungal disease,
strengthening new actions to control these pathogens.
The two species complexes are subdivided into eight
major molecular types, proposed in 2009 by the Interna-
tional Society for Human and Animal Mycology (ISHAM)
working group [9], recognizable by dierent molecular
techniques, such as PCR-ngerprinting, restriction fragment
length polymorphism (RFLP) of the URA5 gene, ampli-
ed fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), multi-locus
sequence typing (MLST) and whole genome sequencing
(WGS), subdividing C. neoformans in VNI, VNII, VNIII
and VNIV and C. gattii in VGI, VGII, VGIII and VGIV [9
11]. One of the most applied techniques is the PCR-RFLP
of URA5, a low-cost methodology which benets from the
nucleotide sequence of URA5 in C. neoformans and in C.
gattii diering in only about 8%, showing identical size and
introns position, and having the product (orotidine mono-
phosphate pyrophosphorylase) structure with homology in
98% of the amino acids, demonstrating a recent phyloge-
netic relation between these species [12, 13].
Recently, 3 other molecular types have been identied
(VNB, VGV and VGVI) [1418], however these demon-
strate low distribution and a smaller frequency compared
to the 8 stablished genotypes [11]. Additionally, a nomen-
clature change has been proposed by Hagen et al. (2015)
[17], moving the molecular types into species level: C. neo-
formans (VNI, VNII), C. neoformans X C. deneoformans
hybrid (VNIII), C. deneoformans (VNIV), C. gattii (VGI),
C. deuterogattii (VGII), C. bacillisporus (VGIII), C. tetra-
gattii (VGIV) and C. decagattii (VGIV/VGIIIc). In face of
this proposal, Kwon-Chung et al. (2017) [19] suggested the
use of “species complexes”, reasoned by the new molecu-
lar types being discovered and the lack of biological dier-
ences among the clades, and later Hagen et al. (2017) [20]
defended their perspective, however there is still no consen-
sus among researchers about this matter, thus we decided
to use “species complexes” in this study following recent
literature [11, 21].
C. neoformans sensu lato occurs in all continents and is
the most common pathogen of cryptococcosis in all regions
of Brazil [22, 23]. It is usually found on avian droppings
(mainly pigeon) and decaying organic material [1, 24]. On
the other hand, C. gattii sensu lato occurs mainly in tropical
and subtropical regions of the world [1], it is endemic in
the northern and northeastern regions of Brazil [22], usu-
ally colonizing decaying wood material and tree hollows
from dierent species [4]. Limited data on cryptococcosis
is still a reality in Latin America [11, 24] and the ecoepi-
demiological data in Brazil are restricted to a few regions,
lacking information on the correlation of the environmental
and clinical isolates, with some states without any molecu-
lar characterization to date [22, 2426]. Our purpose was to
determine for the rst time the molecular types of clinical
and environmental isolates collected in Maceió (Alagoas,
Brazil) by URA5-RFLP, aiming to update the ecoepidemio-
logical distribution of C. neoformans/C. gattii species com-
plexes in Brazil.
Materials and methods
Fungal isolates
This study evaluated 21 isolates collected from 2013 to
2016, previously identied by the Clinical Microbiology
Laboratory (LMC), Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL),
as Cryptococcus sp. through phenotypic methods (india
ink staining followed by urease and phenoloxidase tests),
these isolates were stocked at the mycological collection of
the LMC (SisGen access no. A180447/A329989). Fourteen
clinical isolates were collected from the cerebrospinal uid
(CSF) of patients with suspected cryptococcal meningoen-
cephalitis assisted at Hospital Escola Doutor Hélvio Auto
(HEHA), besides seven environmental isolates collected
from decaying material in a tree hollow and pigeon drop-
pings located in public squares from Maceió (Alagoas,
Standard strains of each molecular type provided by Insti-
tuto Nacional de Infectologia Evandro Chagas – Fundação
Oswaldo Cruz (INI-Fiocruz) were utilized: C. neoformans
WM 148 (VNI), WM 626 (VNII), WM 628 (VNIII), WM
629 (VNIV) and C. gattii WM 179 (VGI), WM 178 (VGII),
WM 175 (VGIII), WM 779 (VGIV).
Isolate preparation
Collection of the isolates were maintained stocked at -20ºC
after saturated cultures were grown in Sabouraud dextrose
broth, with new stock cultures made every 6 months. For
the use, isolates were inoculated in Sabouraud dextrose agar
(SDA) for the period of 48 h at 30ºC, then approximately 10
µL aliquot of cells were harvested by an inoculation loop
and inserted in 1.5 mL sterilized microtubes, this material
was incubated overnight at -20ºC for mechanical breaking
of the yeast capsule. Alternatively, the isolates were inocu-
lated in 1 mL of YEPD broth (yeast 1%, peptone 2% and
dextrose 1%) with 0.5 M of NaCl, to avoid capsule forma-
tion, in 1.5 mL sterilized microtubes and incubated for 48 h
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Brazilian Journal of Microbiology
at 30ºC in a shaker at 150 rpm until cultures were saturated.
Then, the samples were pelleted by centrifuging in 17,000 x
g for 2 min to collect the cells.
DNA extraction
Genomic DNA was extracted and puried using Wizard®
Genomic DNA Purication Kit (Cat. A1120; Promega,
Madison, USA) or following the methodology described
by Ferrer et al. (2001) [27] and Rede de Criptococose
Brasileira (RCB) [28], with some modications: 10 µL ali-
quot of cells was suspended in 500 µL of lysis buer (0.5%
sodium dodecyl sulfate, 1.4% NaCl, 0.73% dihydrate EDTA
and Tris-HCl 0.2 M, pH = 8.0) and 5 µL of 2-mercapetha-
nol, followed by incubation at 65ºC for 1 h. Then, 500 µL
of phenol: chloroform: isoamyl alcohol (25:24:1) was added
into the tubes and mixed thoroughly for 2 min, followed by
centrifugation for 15 min at 32,000 x g. The supernatant was
transferred to new tubes and mixed with an equal volume of
isopropanol for incubation at -20ºC overnight, aiming the
precipitation of nucleic material. Following, the tubes were
centrifuged at 32,000 x g (15 min) for pellet formation and
removal of the supernatant. The pellet was suspended in 200
µL of 70% ethanol for cleaning and centrifuged at 32,000 x
g (15 min), removing the supernatant. The DNA pellet was
air dried, resuspended in 100 µL of sterile ultrapure water
for treatment with RNase A (Cat. A7973; Promega, Madi-
son, USA) (1 h at 37ºC) and the material was stocked at 4ºC.
Molecular typing by URA5-RFLP
URA5 PCR was performed individually as described by
Meyer et al. 2003 [29], in a nal volume of 50 µL with an
aliquot of genomic DNA, 1X PCR buer (5X Colorless
GoTaq® Flexi Buer, Promega; Cat. M890A), 0.2 mmol
of each dNTP (Cat. DNTP100; Sigma-Aldrich, Burlington,
USA), 3 mmol of magnesium chloride (Cat. A351B; Pro-
mega, Madison, USA), 1.5 U of GoTaq® Flexi DNA poly-
merase (Cat. M829A; Promega, Madison, USA), 50ng of
primers URA5 (5’- A T G T C C T C C C A A G C C C T C G A C T C C
G-3’) and SJ01 (5’- T T A A G A C C T C T G A A C A C C G T A C T
C-3’). The thermocycler (Bio-Rad®, Hercules, USA) was
congured to the following cycles: 2 min at 94 °C for initial
denaturation, followed by 35 cycles of 45 s at 94 °C for
denaturation, 1 min at 61 °C for annealing, 2 min at 72 °C
for extension and a nal cycle at 72 °C for 10 min for nal
The amplied product was stocked at 4 °C for further
procedures. Products were visualized on a 1.4% agarose gel
with 1X TBE and Nancy-520 (Cat. 01494; Sigma-Aldrich,
Burlington, USA) after electrophoresis with a 100 bp DNA
ladder (Cat. 15,628,019; Invitrogen, Waltham, USA).
According to Meyer et al. (2003) [29], the URA5 ampli-
ed products were double digested by restriction enzymes
Sau96I (5 U/µL; Cat. R0165S; New England Biolabs, Mas-
sachusetts, USA) and HhaI (10 U/µL; Cat. R0139S; New
England Biolabs, Massachusetts, USA) in a nal volume of
30 µL with 1X NEBuer (Cat. B7202; New England Bio-
labs, Massachusetts, USA) for incubation at 37ºC for 3 h.
For evaluation, electrophoresis with an agarose gel (3%)
stained with Nancy-520 was performed and the genotypes
were assigned by comparison with their respective refer-
ence strain.
Brazilian ecoepidemiological map
Articles reporting dierent molecular types of Cryptococ-
cus neoformans/C. gattii species complexes in Brazil were
selected from PubMed and Scielo databases, using the pri-
mary descriptors “molecular type” OR “genotype” AND
“cryptococcus” AND “Brazil” to select articles published
from 2008 to 2024 with information about place, description
of sample and molecular type. After data compilation, we
constructed a Brazilian map using the QGIS v.3.34.3 soft-
ware and the Instituto Brasileiro de Geograa e Estatística
(IBGE) database, separating Cryptococcus molecular types
by states and including the types described in Alagoas.
The clinical isolates (n = 12) were collected from cerebro-
spinal uid of 9 patients that underwent CSF recollection to
monitor the eectiveness of the treatment and remission of
the yeast. Out of the 9 patients with cryptococcal meningo-
encephalitis, 4 were HIV-positive (44.44%), 2 HIV-negative
(22.22%) and 3 had no information about seropositivity in
their medical records (33.34%). The mortality rate was 75%
(3/4) among the HIV positive individuals and 50% (1/2) in
the HIV negative. One HIV-negative patient was released
from medical assistance and 4 patients had no clinical evo-
lution information registered. The environmental strains
(n = 9) were isolated from a tree hollow and from pigeon
droppings (Table 1).
DNA extraction was performed by two methodologies,
the method described by Ferrer et al. (2001) [27] was eec-
tive and allowed the recovery of large amounts of fungal
genomic material. However, the usage of the Wizard Kit
allowed faster and more puried acquisition of the DNA,
being used in most of the samples. URA5 PCR-RFLP of the
21 Cryptococcus spp. clinical and environmental isolates
compared with the 8 molecular reference strains revealed
71.43% (15/21) as C. neoformans sensu lato, whereas
28.57% (6/21) were C. gattii sensu lato. The molecular
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Brazilian Journal of Microbiology
types characterized in Maceió (Alagoas, Brazil) were VNI
(66.67% 14/21), VGII (28.57% 6/21) and VNIV (4.76%
1/21) (Fig. 1). All clinical isolates (12) corresponded to
genotype VNI, in both HIV-positive and HIV-negative
patients, while the most common molecular type in the 9
environmental isolates were VGII (6/9), followed by VNI
(2/9) and VNIV (1/9). It was possible to identify 2 molecular
types (VNI and VGII) collected from the same tree hollow,
whereas in the pigeon droppings the genotypes identied
were VNIV and VGII.
After compiling the public molecular epidemiological
data of Cryptococcus spp. in Brazil, it was possible to con-
struct an ecoepidemiological map to assess the distribution
of the molecular types in dierent regions (Fig. 2; Table S1).
The genotypes VNI and VGII are the most commomly iden-
tied among the studies, distributed in all regions of Brazil
including the present record in the state of Alagoas, while
VNIV is rarely identied.
Cryptococci eradication requires a rapid identication and
eective treatment for the host survival, but in several coun-
tries these measures are not available for the population,
making cryptococcal infection one of the most important
life-threatening opportunistic diseases for AIDS patients [5].
The molecular types of Cryptococcus neoformans and C.
gattii species complexes dier in their ecology, geographi-
cal distribution, pathogenicity and antifungal susceptibility,
even with the phylogenetic proximity and morphological
similarities among the groups [20].
In this study, the isolates had origin in clinical and envi-
ronmental samples from Maceió, Alagoas (northeastern
Brazil), indicating the presence of molecular types VNI,
VNIV and VGII. Studies about the ecoepidemiology of
Cryptococcus spp. should take into account both clinical
and environmental samples for a better understanding of its
geographical distribution, as the infection is disseminated
through borne fungal propagules from the environment and
is also considered as a zoonosis, indicating that molecular
types collected from clinical samples were disseminated in
certain regions [26, 30].
The mortality rate observed in our study was 44.44%
(4/9). However, the rate was higher among HIV-positive
patients (75%; 3/4). Several factors are involved in the
disease mortality, such as delay in diagnosis, the lack of
eective treatment, virulence of the strains and level of
immunosuppression of the patient. In the world, the mortal-
ity rate in individuals with cryptococcosis is high, even in
places with rst-line treatment availability, reaching 40% in
developed countries and up to 70% in low-income countries
Table 1 List of clinical and environmental isolates and their complementary information
Clinical isolates Environmental isolates
Isolate Molecular
Patient Gender Age HIV Outcome Sample
Local Isolate Molecular
Sample source Local
1 VNI 1 M 16 - Death CSF HEHA –
Maceió, AL.
13 VGII Tree hollow Praça São
– Centro,
3 VNI 15 VNI
4 VNI 2 M 23 +Death 16 VGII
6VNI 3 M 47 - Released 18 VNI
7 VNI 4 F 29 +Death 19 VGII
8VNI 5 F 14 +Death 20 VNIV Pigeon
Praça Santa
Rita de Cás-
sia– Farol,
9 VNI 6M 44 NA NA
10 VNI 7 F 47 +NA 21 VGII Pigeon
Praça São
– Centro,
11 VNI 8M 23 NA NA
M: male; F: female; NA: data not available on their medical records; CSF: cerebrospinal uid; HEHA: Hospital Escola Dr. Helvio Auto
1 3
Brazilian Journal of Microbiology
possibly occur due to virulence and pathogeny dierences
among strains of C. neoformans, expressing genes that
guarantee the ability to cause infections in immunocompe-
tent individuals [1]. Recently, there are also reports of VNI
causing infections in HIV-uninfected patients in Brazil [25,
36, 3840], this evidence demonstrates the ability of the
molecular type VNI in causing infections to HIV-negative
individuals, as well as in 2 patients from Alagoas.
Considering the environmental samples, the predomi-
nance of each type may vary according to the niche with
which the sampling is made, due to better adaptation that
each genotype has to specic habitats [3, 41]. Tree hollows
are considered to be predominantly colonized by C. gattii
[42], but likewise, this niche is supportive for C. neoformans
to grow [3]. According to Trilles et al. (2003) [43], dierent
molecular types of Cryptococci can inhabit a common tree,
as observed in a study carried out in Teresina (Piauí, Brazil)
and also found in Italy by Cogliati et al. (2020) [4], when
they observed the types VNI and VNIV sharing the same
tree, but with dierent populational density in dierent parts
of it. Barbosa et al. (2013) [44] identied VGI and VNI iso-
lates in tree hollows in Rio de Janeiro, while Costa et al.
(2009) [45] reported VGII and VNI associated with decay-
ing material from a tree hollow in Belém (Pará, Brazil). This
[31]. In Brazil, mortality rate may vary from 26 to 70%,
depending on the evaluated place, treatment availability and
patient immunosuppression [32, 33]. Current data show a
decrease of 28% of deaths related to AIDS in the world from
2014 to 2020 [5], in accordance with the Brazilian Ministry
of Health [34], which has suggested a decrease in individu-
als living with HIV in Brazil, although an increase occurred
in the northern and northeastern regions, where the crypto-
coccal surveillance is at most scarcity.
Even though clinical isolates were from HIV-infected and
HIV-uninfected patients, all of them were characterized as
VNI in our study. This molecular type is characterized as the
primary infecting agent of cryptococcal meningoencephali-
tis in individuals with advanced immunosuppression stage
due to AIDS [1]. This is observed by Tsujisaki et al. (2013)
[35], Favalessa et al. (2014) [36], Aguiar et al. (2017) [32]
and da Silva et al. (2020) [33] that also identied VNI as the
predominant molecular type in infections of HIV-positive
individuals in Mato Grosso do Sul, Mato Grosso, Minas
Gerais and São Paulo (Brazil), respectively.
In immunocompetent patients, the infections are usually
associated with VGII. Despite that, there are evidences of
VNI also infecting these individuals as observed in China,
where VNI is frequently associated [37]. These distinctions
Fig. 1 Characterization of clinical and environmental isolates of Cryp-
tococcus sp. by URA5 PCR-RFLP. Restriction fragment length poly-
morphism (RFLP) prole of URA5 gene double-digested with restric-
tion enzymes Sau96I and HhaI. M: 100 bp DNA ladder (molecular
weight); lanes VNI-VGIV: reference strains; lanes 1–12: clinical iso-
lates; lanes 13–21: environmental isolates; bp: base pairs
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Brazilian Journal of Microbiology
There is a possibility that the pigeon droppings that were
positive for VGII in our study were contaminated with the
strains inhabiting a neighboring tree, approximately 3 m
away – from which we also identied the same molecular
type. This may be considered due to the fact that Crypto-
coccus spp. has already demonstrated great achievement to
disperse to and colonize new habitats [48]. As an example,
there is the report of type VGII described as the infecting
agent in a cryptococcosis outbreak in Vancouver, Canada
[49], demonstrating its ability to adapt to new locations and
be dispersed through dierent means, such as wood export,
air and water currents, as well as biological sources (as
birds and insects), allowing colonization in areas far from
its endemic region [4, 22, 25, 50].
The molecular type VNI occurs worldwide and is the
most prevalent in clinical and environmental samples
[51], with less frequency only in samples collected from
pattern was also observed in our study, with ve VGII iso-
lates and two VNI identied inhabiting a single tree hollow.
An interesting observation is that dierent molecular types
of C. gattii have not been detected in association in the same
location, such as a tree, which may suggest a stronger com-
petition among VG types.
C. neoformans tends to be the dominant species in pigeon
droppings, once it utilizes urea and creatinine from the sub-
strate as nitrogen source [41, 46]. The molecular type VNI
is the most common type in pigeon droppings in Brazil [22,
23]. However, in the present study we did not recover any
strain from this type in pigeon droppings, only 1 VNIV and
1 VGII isolates. C. gattii is unusual in this environment and
can grow without adequate adaptation to inhabit this niche
for long periods [41]. Despite that, Teodoro et al. (2013)
[47] have reported about the recovery of C. gattii in 5.2%
of the identied species from bird droppings in São Paulo.
Fig. 2 Map showing the molecular types distribution of Cryptococcus
neoformans and C. gattii species complexes in Brazil. Data described
in the literature between 2008 and 2024, with the inclusion of molecu-
lar types described for the rst time in Alagoas. Molecular types were
indicated by triangle and circle shapes with dierent colors for each
type. The QGIS v.3.34.3 software and the Instituto Brasileiro de Geo-
graa e Estatística (IBGE) database were used to construct the map.
Abbreviations correspond to each Brazilian state. Reference list: [15,
22, 25, 32, 33, 35, 36, 3840, 44, 45, 50, 56, 57, 59, 69, 71116]
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Brazilian Journal of Microbiology
epidemiological control. However, the brand-new fungal
priority pathogens list released by WHO (2022) [8] dem-
onstrates an increased concern about this infection, thus a
gradual expansion in epidemiological information related
to infections by Cryptococcus spp. is expected, with better
surveillance around the world.
Ecological and clinical studies can provide informa-
tion on the epidemiology of these pathogens and charac-
terization of niches favorable for the colonization of these
microorganisms, which represent a risk to the population
when exposed to propagules [30]. Prevention of infection
is hampered by the invasive and disseminative capacity of
these organisms [62], but the chances of exposure can be
minimized through the use of personal protective equipment
(PPE) for respiratory protection in places with high concen-
tration of avian excreta or wood cutting. In cases of cleaning
of contaminated areas, the decontamination and spraying
with water or oil of the material should be previously made
to avoid aerobic propagules [63].
Here we report VNI, VNIV and VGII as prevalent molec-
ular types in Maceió (Alagoas, Brazil), with VNI identied
in clinical and environmental samples, which highlights
dissemination points of this genotype in our area. Although
VNIV and VGII have not been identied in clinical sam-
ples, their presence in the environment is already a determi-
nant for the possibility of infection, since the dispersion of
any genotype occurs from environmental sources and dis-
semination from human to human has not yet been reported
[4, 64]. Despite the fact that transmission by organ dona-
tion [65] and direct contamination of wounds [66] is rarely
reported in humans, there are reports of maternal-fetal trans-
mission in cetaceans [67], demonstrating the great dissemi-
native capacity of these microorganisms, in addition to the
fact that Cryptococcus sp. manages to infect a wide range of
wild and domestic animals, from terrestrial to marine envi-
ronments [68], making constant exposure to contaminated
excreta of avian pets an important mean of zoonotic trans-
mission [69, 70]. Such information leads us to take more
cautious measures regarding the possibility of contamina-
tion in these situations.
The importance of determining molecular types of the
C. neoformans and C. gattii species complexes goes behind
ecoepidemiology, since there are clinically important dier-
ences between each evaluated types, and until our research
there was no information available about the molecular
types of Cryptococcus spp. prevalent in the state of Alagoas.
tree hollows [41], and predominant in cryptococcal infec-
tions in Brazil [2224, 44]. Considering the environmental
samples from our study, the VNI prevalence was lower than
expected, once this type was not identied on its preferen-
tial niche – pigeon droppings.
The molecular type VGII is the most identied group
in C. gattii infections, distributed primarily in the Ameri-
cas [23, 52] and considered endemic from the northern
and northeastern regions of Brazil [24, 53]. It is collected
mainly from decaying organic matter and is associated with
primary infections [3]. In our study, VGII was the predomi-
nant type among the environmental isolates, identied in
a tree hollow and in pigeon droppings, but not on clinical
samples. As this type is endemic to the northern and north-
eastern regions, its prevalence is usually high, as shown by
Trilles et al. (2008) [22]. VGII was the most prevalent type
(63.3%) in clinical and environmental isolates (n = 107) col-
lected from the states of Roraima, Amazonas, Piauí, Per-
nambuco and Bahia [22].
Molecular type VNIV exhibited low prevalence in our
study, as only one isolate was identied from pigeon drop-
pings, similar to what is described in Brazil [24]. It is dis-
tributed primarily in the European countries, probably due
to its better adaptation to temperate weather [4], and iden-
tied from the environment commonly from pigeon drop-
pings or associated with dierent tree species [52]. It shows
scarce clinical association, being cutaneous cryptococcosis
one of the few clinical manifestations related [54]. There
are reports of this type in tree hollows from Rio Grande do
Sul [55], São Paulo [56], and in a patient from Minas Gerais
[57]. Firacative et al. (2021) [23] reported type VNIV in
6.32% of isolates from Latin America and Trilles et al.
(2008) [22] in 4.7% of the isolates from the northern and
northeastern regions of Brazil.
The most prevalent genotypes demonstrated in this study
are the main agents of opportunistic infections in immu-
nosuppressed individuals (VNI) and primary infections in
healthy people (VGII) [1]. It has been shown that VGII is
more resistant to azoles, as uconazole and itraconazole,
regardless of the original geographic area of the isolate
[58, 59]. According to Trilles et al. (2012) [58], VGII was
more resistant than VNI to uconazole, albaconazole, vori-
conazole, itraconazole, ravuconazole and 5-ucytosine,
being amphotericin B the only antifungal that did not show
response variation from dierent molecular types.
In Brazil, cryptococcosis is still a disease that does not
require compulsory notication [60], even though there are
reports of mortality rate reaching 10.96/million inhabitants
in Mato Grosso, in direct cause of death, or 70.41/million
inhabitants in Santa Catarina, in associated cause of death
[61]. Only a few Brazilian states have measures forcing
the inclusion of cryptococcosis among the diseases with
1 3
Brazilian Journal of Microbiology
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C. neoformans was the prevalent species in both HIV-
infected and HIV-uninfected patients with cryptococcal
meningoencephalitis from Alagoas, being VNI-type the
most frequent, while among the environmental samples C.
gattii VGII prevailed. The VNI, VNIV and VGII genotypes
are adapted to survive in organic matter associated with tree
hollows and in pigeon excreta in dierent urban areas of
the capital, evidencing that VNI and VGII genotypes may
coexist in the same ecological niche and following the same
pattern of prevalence observed in Brazil and other north-
eastern states. Evidence of VNI strains in both clinical and
environmental samples indicate a potential risk of human
infection, mainly to immunosuppressed individuals.
Supplementary Information The online version contains
supplementary material available at
Acknowledgements The authors would like to acknowledge Tamires
Y. M. dos Santos, Isabelle R. de O. Queiroz and Madson C. M. Caval-
cante for previous sampling and phenotypical identication of the iso-
lates. We thank the Hospital Escola Dr. Hélvio Auto personnel for col-
lecting clinical samples. We also thank Marcia Lazera (INI-Fiocruz)
for the kind donation of the standard molecular types of Cryptococcus
Authors contributions (CRedIT) Douglas Lyra (Investigation; data cu-
ration; writing – original draft preparation; writing – review and edit-
ing), Denise Wanderlei (Supervision; conceptualization; funding ac-
quisition; methodology; project administration; data curation; writing
– review and editing) and Fernanda Maranhão (Supervision; concep-
tualization; funding acquisition; methodology; project administration;
data curation; writing – review and editing).
Funding This work was supported by Ministério da Saúde do Bra-
sil; Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientíco e Tecnológico
(CNPq); Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Alagoas (FA-
PEAL) [grant number 60030000739/2013] and funding scholarship by
Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL).
Data availability All data generated or analyzed during this study are
included in this published article and its supplementary les.
Ethics approval and consent to participate This study was approved
by the Research Ethics Committee (number 19035713.8.0000.5013)
in accordance with the resolution 466/2012 of the National Council of
Health from Brazil. Informed consent was obtained from all individu-
als participants in this study.
Conict of interest The authors declare that they have no conict of
interests to this work.
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A pet cockatoo was the suspected source of Cryptococcus neoformans recovered from an immunocompromised patient with cryptococcosis based on molecular analyses available in 2000. Here, we report whole genome sequence analysis of the clinical and cockatoo strains. Both are closely related MATα strains belonging to the VNII lineage, confirming that the human infection likely originated from pet bird exposure. The two strains differ by 61 single nucleotide polymorphisms, including eight nonsynonymous changes involving seven genes. To ascertain whether changes in these genes are selected for during mammalian infection, we passaged the cockatoo strain in mice. Remarkably, isolates obtained from mouse tissue possess a frameshift mutation in one of the seven genes altered in the human sample (LQVO5_000317), a gene predicted to encode an SWI-SNF chromatin-remodeling complex protein. In addition, both cockatoo and patient strains as well as mouse-passaged isolates obtained from brain tissue had a premature stop codon in a homologue of ZFC3 (LQVO5_004463), a predicted single-zinc finger containing protein, which is associated with larger capsules when deleted and reverted to a full-length protein in the mouse-passaged isolates obtained from lung tissue. The patient strain and mouse-passaged isolates show variability in virulence factors, with differences in capsule size, melanization, rates of nonlytic expulsion from macrophages, and amoeba predation resistance. Our results establish that environmental strains undergo genomic and phenotypic changes during mammalian passage, suggesting that animal virulence can be a mechanism for genetic change and that the genomes of clinical isolates may provide a readout of mutations acquired during infection.
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Cryptococcus species are a major cause of life-threatening infections in immunocompromised and immunocompetent hosts. While most disease is caused by Cryptococcus neoformans, Cryptococcus gattii, a genotypically and phenotypically distinct species, is responsible for 11–33% of global cases of cryptococcosis. Despite best treatment, C. gattii infections are associated with early mortality rates of 10–25%. The World Health Organization’s recently released Fungal Priority Pathogen List classified C. gattii as a medium-priority pathogen due to the lack of effective therapies and robust clinical and epidemiological data. This narrative review summarizes the latest research on the taxonomy, epidemiology, pathogenesis, laboratory testing, and management of C. gattii infections.
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Pulmonary cryptococcosis describes an invasive lung mycosis caused by Cryptococcus neoformans or Cryptococcus gattii complex. It is often a high-consequence disease in both immunocompromised and immunocompetent populations, and may be misdiagnosed as pulmonary malignancy, leading to a delay in therapy. Epidemiology follows that of cryptococcal meningoencephalitis, with C. gattii infection more common in certain geographic regions. Diagnostic tools include histopathology, microscopy and culture, and the detection of cryptococcal polysaccharide antigen or Cryptococcus-derived nucleic acids. All patients with lung cryptococcosis should have a lumbar puncture and cerebral imaging to exclude central nervous system disease. Radiology is key, both as an adjunct to laboratory testing and as the initial means of detection in asymptomatic patients or those with non-specific symptoms. Pulmonary cryptococcomas (single or multiple) may also be associated with disseminated disease and/or cryptococcal meningitis, requiring prolonged treatment regimens. Optimal management for severe disease requires extended induction (amphotericin B and flucytosine) and consolidation therapy (fluconazole) with close clinical monitoring. Susceptibility testing is of value for epidemiology and in regions where relatively high minimum inhibitory concentrations to azoles (particularly fluconazole) have been noted. Novel diagnostic tools and therapeutic agents promise to improve the detection and treatment of cryptococcosis, particularly in low-income settings where the disease burden is high.
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Cryptococcus spp. are human pathogens that cause 181,000 deaths per year. In this work, we systematically investigated the virulence attributes of Cryptococcus spp. clinical isolates and correlated them with patient data to better understand cryptococcosis. We collected 66 C. neoformans and 19 C. gattii clinical isolates and analyzed multiple virulence phenotypes and host–pathogen interaction outcomes. C. neoformans isolates tended to melanize faster and more intensely and produce thinner capsules in comparison with C. gattii. We also observed correlations that match previous studies, such as that between secreted laccase and disease outcome in patients. We measured Cryptococcus colony melanization kinetics, which followed a sigmoidal curve for most isolates, and showed that faster melanization correlated positively with LC3-associated phagocytosis evasion, virulence in Galleria mellonella and worse prognosis in humans. These results suggest that the speed of melanization, more than the total amount of melanin Cryptococcus spp. produces, is crucial for virulence.
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Objectives In the state of Amazonas, northern Brazil, cryptococcosis is endemic, with a predominance of Cryptococcus neoformans in individuals with HIV/AIDS, and Cryptococcus gattii VGII in non‐HIV individuals. This study analysed the clinical isolates and clinical–epidemiological characteristics of HIV/AIDS patients diagnosed with cryptococcosis in a tertiary healthcare facility in Manaus, Amazonas and investigated the presence of agents of cryptococcosis in environmental samples. Methods A survey was made of data from HIV/AIDS patients diagnosed with cryptococcosis between January 2017 and December 2019, and environmental samples were collected at the patients’ and their neighbours’ homes. The isolates were submitted to morphophysiological analysis and PCR‐RFLP typing to determine the molecular types. Results Clinical–epidemiological characteristics of 55 patients and 75 clinical isolates were analysed. Neurocriptococcosis was the clinical form observed in 98.2% (n = 54/55) of patients. A total of 38.1% (n = 21/55) of patients died within 100 weeks, of which 21.8% (n = 12/55) died less than a month after the diagnosis of cryptococcosis. C. neoformans VNI (n = 68/75), C. neoformans VNII (n = 1/75), C. gattii VGI (n = 3/75) and C. gattii VGII (n = 3/75) were identified. Mixed infection was observed in two patients, one by C. neoformans VNI and VNII and the other by C. neoformans VNI and C. gattii VGI. Cryptococcus VNI was detected in three (n = 3/51) households, one of a patient (n = 1/17) and two households that neighbour patients’ houses (n = 2/34). Conclusions This study demonstrated the prevalence of C. neoformans VNI, which is a cause of cryptococcosis in patients with HIV/AIDS in the state of Amazonas, and revealed a greater diversity of molecular types affecting these patients in the region than in previous studies. In the studied group, a high mortality rate was observed, which reflects the importance of early diagnosis, and evidences cryptococcosis as an AIDS‐defining disease and an important public health problem in the region. The home environment proved to be a potential source of infection/reinfection by C. neoformans VNI.
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We present a rare condition of mixed C. neoformans and C. gattii infection in a person living with HIV with false-negative CrAg LFA in the CSF and co-infection with paracoccidioidomycosis. Signs and symptoms are relative to respiratory tract and skin, confounding with other opportunistic disease. After negatives CrAg LFA and Indian ink staining in CSF, there was isolation of C. gattii in sputum and C. neoformans in CSF, in addition to reagent serology (double immunodiffusion) for PCM with 1/16 titer. The patient was treated with amphotericin B and TMP-SMX with good clinical response and recovery of cellular immunity after initiation of antiretroviral therapy.
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The members of the Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii species complexes are the main etiological agents of cryptococcosis, a life-threatening fungal infection affecting mostly immunocompromised people, but also immunocompetent hosts or those with unrecognized risk factors [...]
Cryptococcosis is a systemic disease caused by two species. C. neoformans species complexes are associated with cases of cryptococcosis in immunosuppressed patients, being commonly isolated from the soil and birds feces. C. gattii species complexes affects mainly immunocompetent individuals and is often isolated in native or exotic tree species in state of biodegradation. This study aimed to perform the environmental mapping of pathogenic species of the genus Cryptococcus in tree samples of public places of the city of Birigui, São Paulo. The samples were collected from regions with greater traffic in this city. After processing, morphophysiological, biochemical, carbon and nitrogen assimilation, URA5 PCR and RFLP with double enzymatic digestion tests were performed to characterize the Cryptococcus species/species complexes. The percentage of tree colonization by the C. gattii VGII was 5%, for C. neoformans VNIV was 1%, and was found 6% of C. laurentii and 3% of C. albidus species. These results suggest that there are a micro-foci and diversity of pathogenic Cryptococcus species in arboreal environment locations investigated in this study.
Background Cryptococcal meningitis is the most common cause of meningitis in adults living with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa. The estimates of national, regional, and global burden of cryptococcal meningitis are essential to guide prevention strategies and determine needs for diagnostic tests and treatments. We present a 2020 estimate of the global burden of HIV-associated cryptococcal infection (antigenaemia), cryptococcal meningitis, and cryptococcal-associated deaths. Methods We defined advanced HIV disease as adults with a CD4 count of less than 200 cells/μL, as this group is at highest risk for cryptococcosis. We used UNAIDS estimates (2019–20) and population-based HIV impact assessment surveys (2016–18) to estimate the number of adults with CD4 counts of less than 200 cells/μL at risk for cryptococcosis, by country and region. Secondly, we summarised cryptococcal antigenaemia prevalence in those with a CD4 count of less than 200 cells/μL by reviewing published literature. Thereafter, we calculated the number of cryptococcal antigen (CrAg)-positive people in each country and region by multiplying the number with advanced HIV disease at risk for cryptococcal infection by the cryptococcal antigenaemia prevalence of the respective country or region. We estimated progression from cryptococcal antigenaemia to meningitis or death based on estimates from the published literature. Findings We estimated that there were 4·3 million (IQR 3·0–4·8) adults with HIV and CD4 counts of less than 200 cells/μL globally in 2020. We calculated a mean global cryptococcal antigenaemia prevalence of 4·4% (95% CI 1·6–7·4) among HIV-positive people with CD4 counts of less than 200 cells/μL, corresponding to 179 000 cases (IQR 133 000–219 000) of cryptococcal antigenaemia globally in 2020. Annually, we estimated that there are 152 000 cases (111 000–185 000) of cryptococcal meningitis, resulting in 112 000 cryptococcal-related deaths (79 000–134 000). Globally, cryptococcal disease accounts for 19% (13–24) of AIDS-related mortality. Interpretation Despite a reduction in the estimated absolute global burden of HIV-associated cryptococcal meningitis compared with 2014, likely to be due to antiretroviral therapy expansion, cryptococcal disease still accounts for 19% of AIDS-related deaths, similar to 2014 estimates. To end cryptococcal meningitis deaths by 2030, cryptococcal diagnostics, meningitis treatments, and implementation of preventive screening are urgently needed. Funding None.
Cryptococcosis is a global fungal infection caused by the Cryptococcus neoformans/Cryptococcus gattii yeast complex. This infection is acquired by inhalation of propagules such as basidiospores or dry yeast, initially causing lung infections with the possibility of progressing to the meninges. This infection mainly affects immunocompromised HIV and transplant patients; however, immunocompetent patients can also be affected. This review proposes to evaluate cryptococcosis focusing on studies of this mycosis in Brazilian territory; moreover, recent advances in the understanding of its virulence mechanism, animal models in research are also assessed. For this, literature review as realized in PubMed, Scielo, and Brazilian legislation. In Brazil, cryptococcosis has been identified as one of the most lethal fungal infections among HIV patients and C. neoformans VNI and C. gattii VGII are the most prevalent genotypes. Moreover, different clinical settings published in Brazil were described. As in other countries, cryptococcosis is difficult to treat due to a limited therapeutic arsenal, which is highly toxic and costly. The presence of a polysaccharide capsule, thermo-tolerance, production of melanin, biofilm formation, mechanisms for iron use, and morphological alterations is an important virulence mechanism of these yeasts. The introduction of cryptococcosis as a compulsory notification disease could improve data regarding incidence and help in the management of these infections.