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Design and Development of Smart Trash Bin Prototype for Municipal Solid Waste Management


Abstract and Figures

This paper describe the design and development of waste management system intended for municipal areas. One of the classical city problems is the habits of its people who do not care about cleanliness of their environment. Awareness of how to throw and manage garbage in a good manner is still not become an important consideration. The government doesn’t have yet the efficient waste management system. Waste management system based on information technology capable of handling waste management problems is needed to overcome this problems. In this work, a prototype of waste management system has been developed, especially for the solid waste, focusing on segregation and garbage collection phase. The system consists of three main subsystems: the hardware subsystem consist of trash bin equipped with sensors and communication system for monitoring the garbage status and controlling the garbage collection schedule. The other subsystems are data management and data visualization subsystem for management and analysis purposes. The prototype was built and tested. It shows that the system can operate well, their sensors can detect different type of garbage, also can send and display the garbage status to the management display station. The prototype can meet the needs that have been defined as part of urban waste management solution.
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978-1-5386-6589-3/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE
Design and Development of Smart Trash Bin
Prototype for Municipal Solid Waste Management
Feisal Ramadhan Maulana
School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Bandung, Indonesia
Yudi Pratama
School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Bandung, Indonesia
Theo Adhitya S. Widyanto
School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Bandung, Indonesia
Kusprasapta Mutijarsa
School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Bandung, Indonesia
Abstract—This paper describe the design and development
of waste management system intended for municipal areas. One
of the classical city problems is the habits of its people who do
not care about cleanliness of their environment. Awareness of
how to throw and manage garbage in a good manner is still not
become an important consideration. The government doesn’t
have yet the efficient waste management system. Waste
management system based on information technology capable
of handling waste manage ment problems is needed to overcome
this problems. In this work, a prototype of waste management
system has been developed, especially for the solid waste,
focusing on segregation and garbage collection phase. The
system consists of three main subsystems: the hardware
subsystem consist of trash bin equipped with sensors and
communication system for monitoring the garbage status and
controlling the garbage collection schedule. The other
subsystems are data management and data visualization
subsystem for management and analysis purposes. The
prototype was built and tested. It shows that the system can
operate well, their sensors can detect different type of garbage,
also can send and display the garbage status to the management
display station. The prototype can meet the needs that have been
defined as part of urban waste management solution.
Keywords—waste management, smart trash bin, solid waste,
smart city, data management, data visualization
I. I
Indonesia as the fourth most populous country in the
world certainly has a lot of community social problems. One
of them is the waste problem that continuously increase in
line with the populations growth. It needs a smart solution
and technology innovations to solve this waste management
problems. Improper waste management can effect
environmental problems as well as public health problems.
Based on data derived from the State Ministry of the
Environment (KNLH) it shows that from the total waste
production in Indonesia, only 18.84% can be sorted for later
reused or discarded [1]. By 2015, statistics data estimate that
Indonesia will become the second largest waste producer
after China with 187.2 million tons / year [2]. Java area
became the largest contributor of the total amount of waste
because of the high population. Increasing population and
limited land to accommodate the rest of the consumption is
one of the factors that cause the volume of garbage continues
to mount.
According to Damanhuri [3], the waste management
method consists of two types: waste reduction and waste
management. In the handling of garbage there are several
elements of work, namely: sorting, collection, transportation,
processing, and final processing of waste. Either the waste
reduction or waste handling, both still do not provide
maximum results from predefined standards. It is estimated
that only 60% of waste in major cities in Indonesia can be
transported to final disposal site, whose main operation is
landfilling [4].
Technological developments in the world today have
reached an amazing stage. The current technology can be
implemented in almost all elements of human life. Integration
and collaboration between information technology with socio-
environmental issues is something that is expected to provide
output that can be a solution of the existing problems. Data
and information on waste management can be a valuable
resource in an effort to maximize management activities. With
the application of information technology, it is expected that
waste management activities can be monitored and controlled
to be appropriate. Therefore, it takes a technology-based
system that can provide solutions in order to increase
effectiveness and efficiency of waste management.
This paper describe the design and development prototype
of waste management system. The system consists of three
main subsystems, i.e. hardware subsystem that consist of trash
bin equipped with sensors and communication system for
monitoring the garbage status and controlling the garbage
collection schedule. The other subsystems are data
management and data visualization for management and
analysis. The paper consist five chapter. The following second
chapter describe the related works of waste management
system and technologies. Chapter three describe the system
requirement analysis and system design process. The
implementation of the prototype is described in chapter four,
and the testing result is discussed in chapter five. The
conclusion is described in chapter six.
A. Condition of waste management in Indonesia
Waste management is still the main problem in Indonesia.
Until now, the waste management paradigm used gather -
transport and dump step [5] as illustrated in Figure 1. In
practice, the main way of a city in solving its waste problem
is eradication by landfilling. City managers assume that their
landfill can solve the entire waste problem without having to
pay proportional attention to the facility [4]. But it actually
raises a new problem that is the formation of a disease nest in
landfilling done.
Figure 1. Gather-Transport-Dump Waste Management Concept
The way waste management with waste removal and
eradication is most often applied in Indonesia due to the lack
of effectiveness of other management alternatives. This
method is also popular because of the low cost incurred and
the ease of operation offered. However, this can lead to new
problems of soil and groundwater contamination from
leachate (waste water) generated, as well as air pollution in
the form of a pungent odor from garbage heap [7].
In around 1980, the Center for Environmental Research
(PPLH) ITB introduced the concept of Industrial Waste Areas
at the regional level. This concept has a goal of minimizing
waste transported to landfill as much as possible by involving
community self-help in recycling waste [8]. Unfortunately,
this concept does not go smoothly because of the need to
change the mindset and community perspective in handling
waste [3].
B. Analysis of Integrated Waste Management Strategy –
case study Semarang City, Indonesia
The enactment of Law No. 18 of 2008 on waste
management indicates that the municipal / district
government should change the waste disposal system into a
waste management system. Garbage that was initially
transported and then disposed of to the landfill, must now be
managed in advance at both the upstream and downstream
levels. Community-based integrated waste processing can be
implemented by reducing waste as much as possible by
processing waste at the nearest location with the source of
waste [9]. It can help to extend the life of the landfill,
anticipate the limited use of landfills, optimize the operation
of limited transportation facilities, reduce the cost of
transporting waste from the Temporary Waste Disposal Site
(TPS) to Final Waste Disposal Sites (TPA), increasing
community independence as well as the community's active
role in maintaining environmental hygiene through
environmentally friendly waste management [10].
C. Application of Waste Processing Technology and Its
Utilization in Waste Management
In general, the application of waste processing technology
to urban areas can be illustrated in Figure 2. There are three
types of technologies that are commonly applied in waste
processing technologies such as waste composting, waste
incineration, and waste recycling technology. Composting is
the process of degradation of organic matter through the
biological reaction of microorganisms under controlled
conditions. Waste incineration technology can reduce the
amount of waste that must be disposed to the landfill by 80%.
Figure 2. Urban Waste Management Diagram
The successful implementation of waste incineration
technology depends on the physical and chemical
characteristics of waste as well as the funding and
management capability of the local government. Recycling
technology utilizes waste components that have high
economic value to be reused.
D. Technological approach: A Smart Waste
Management with Self-Describing Objects
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a technology
that can be used in waste management by providing
automatic and fast identification of the type of garbage when
it is disposed of. In the research, a trash bin can identify the
type of waste based on RFID Tags that exist on the packaging
of the product. The waste to be identified is classified into 3
types, which are paper or cardboard, glass, and plastic waste.
In addition to using RFID Reader, the researchers also
offer several alternatives in identifying waste types, including
QR Code Barcode, and NFC technology. The workings of
these alternatives are also similar, namely the process of
scanning the tags placed on the packaging of these objects.
However, there are differences in the scanning process if
done using QR Code. The scanning process is done through
the user's personal device which then raises the appropriate
waste disposal recommendations.
From the results of the literature study, the problem of
waste management that currently exists in the community is
the lack of community participation in helping waste
processing both in the upstream and downstream areas. Good
waste processing in the upstream area will ease the final
waste processing workload in downstream areas, i.e. in Final
Disposal Site (TPA) [13].
Figure 3. Trash Category Identification Schema using RFID [12]
Waste processing in the upstream area can be done by
sorting waste in accordance with the characteristics
established by related government agencies [3]. From the
sorting, the waste that has been separated in accordance with
the classification will be easier to be transported for later
processed in accordance with the place of processing. In
addition, from proper waste segregation, waste management
process through Reduce, Reuse, Re-cycle concept can also be
implemented effectively and efficiently. From an operational
point of view, waste segregation carried out in the early
stages of waste management can reduce transportation costs
from garbage transport vehicles and also can reduce the
workload and cost of landfill (TPA).
A. System Requirement
System requirements are generated by identifying and
analyzing the core of the problems. This waste management
system has the needs to run in accordance with the
requirements. A list of system functional requirements is
presented in Table 1.
Table 1 System Requirements
ID Requirements
SyR-001 System can perform trash type detection.
SyR-002 System can provide an indicator of the appropriate type of
garbage to the user.
SyR-003 System can measure the volume and the weight of garbage
contained in the trash bin.
SyR-004 System can transmit volume, weight, and volume percentage
data to the server.
SyR-005 System can perform data processing from the sensor.
SyR-006 System is capable of displaying volume and trash weight
data visualization on web pages.
SyR-007 System is capable of performing data management of the
trash device.
SyR-008 System is able to perform user data management system.
SyR-009 System is capable of processing garbage weight and volume
data in the database.
SyR-010 The system is able to create a written report about waste
SyR-011 The system is able to create a map marker at the location of
the trash device that reaches a predetermined threshold.
B. System Design
Based on the general description and design specification
of the system, the design of technology system of city waste
management is shown in Figure 4.
The trash bin will send garbage data captured by the
sensor wirelessly to the server, which then performs the data
processing into garbage statistics on the website dashboard.
It will also send notification about the current trash volume
in the trash bin along with its location to the garbage officer
through mobile application.
The schema of the design of the system in more detail can
be seen in Figure 5.
Figure 5. Hardware Design
C. Hardware Design
The following is the hardware design resulting from
meeting the functional requirements of the system and based
on the assessment of aspects of maintainability, performance,
physical infrastructure, budget, and project goal achievement.
Figure 6. Mock-up Platform Design
D. Software Design
The software design is structured into a use case diagram
that describes the activities that can be performed by the
municipal solid waste management software. The diagram
can be seen in Figure 7.
There are six major activities that the system can do:
sorting waste, managing trash device data, knowing garbage
statistics, managing administrator data, views garbage data
report, and views the location of near-fully loaded trash bin.
Figure 7. System Use Case
Sorting garbage is done on trash device. The device will
process the values generated by the characteristic waste
detecting sensors to produce an appropriate disposal
container guide for the user. Managing trash device data
allows the system to add, change, or remove the device's
listed in the system. Garbage statistics information allows the
system to provide an assistance in waste management
decisions, especially to waste managers or environmental
agencies. Managing administrator data allows the system to
add, change or delete administrator data, both in-office and
field staff. The system can also generate reports on garbage
data into a file for printing purposes. The system can know
the location of the fully-loaded trash can, so that it can be
carried out by the officer immediately. This activity is
directed to field officers and the location is known by using a
Figure 4. Waste Management System Design
A. Hardware and Device Implementation
Implementation of city waste management system and
technology uses two microcontrollers as its core. The
microcontrollers represent two sub-systems of the system as
a whole. The sub-system is a solid waste sorting sub-system
and a data management sub-system. Both sub-systems can be
illustrated by Figure 8 and Figure 9.
Figure 8. Solid Waste Sorting Sub-System
Figure 9. Data Management Sub-System
The components used in the implementation of this project
are written in Table 2.
Table 2 Component for Implementation
Sensor Module Sensor Type
Microcontroller Arduino UNO
Arduino Mega 26500
Volume Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04
Waste Characteristics Capacitive and Inductive Sensor
Communication Module Esp8266-01
Notification Module LCD 2x16
Figure 10. Hardware Mock-up
The device mock-up is based on the hardware design that
has been designed in the previous section.
B. User Interface
The user interface on the website is designed in such a
way that it is easy to use by administrators and information
can be well conveyed. Figure 11 is one view on the website,
the dashboard page. There is a navigation menu on the left
side of the page that can direct administrators on the various
features offered.
Waste information in the form of figures and diagrams
can assist decision makers in waste management activities,
such as priority development of infrastructure for managing
certain types of garbage, the capacity of garbage transport
vehicles, and the needs of the number of fleets and garbage
Figure 11. System User Interface
C. Communication Schema
Communication between hardware and software is
connected using the MQTT (Message Queueing Telemetry
Transport) protocol and Mosquitto as its broker. ESP8266
from hardware publishes data to broker, and accepted by
MQTT WARN who acts as a client which subscribes to
certain topic. MQTT WARN then pushes the received data to
the database for further management. A more complete
communication scheme can be seen in figure 12.
Figure 12. Communication Schema
V. T
A. Test Case and the Results
Some test cases are made to test system functionality and
its capacity to fulfil the goals.
Table 3 Test Case for Implemented System
ID Test Case Results
TC-001 Starting-up system System can be started up
TC-002 Connectivity testing The system can be connected to a configured
TC-003 Cloud server testing The system can be connected to a configured
cloud server
TC-004 Detection module
The system can detect various types of waste
TC-005 Indicator module
The system can provide an indicator that
matches the type of garbage dumped
TC-006 Information module
The system can provide information
according to the type of garbage dumped
TC-007 Data gathering module
The system can collect data from waste
TC-008 Communication
module testing
The system can transmit weight, volume,
and volume percentage data over the
TC-009 Garbage device data
manage ment mod ule
The system is capable of performing CRUD
functions for every trash device
TC-010 Garbage device
mapping function
The so ftware syste m is able to d isplay a map
with a marker for each bin listed on the
TC-011 Visualization function
The software system is capable of
processing data and displaying the
appropriate garbage data visualization
TC-012 Fully-loaded garbage
device marking
The mobile app is capable of displaying
markers on the map for the almost fully-
loaded trash bin.
TC-013 Report generation
function testing
The system can create reports that contain
garbage information in PDF format
TC-014 Integrated system
Hardware systems with software systems
can work well and are synchronized
B. Explanation of the test results
In general, the test cases that have been successfully
tested and produce the appropriate results. It's just that for
some test cases there are disturbances such as long delay time
caused by disconnection of device communication network
with broker, large response time due to bad data transfer
through cable, and also delay time due to technical problem
i.e. the accurate placement of the objects to be detected.
City waste management system and technology is a
system capable of handling waste management problems in
Indonesia, especially the segregation and garbage collection
activity. This system consists of three main subsystems
namely the sorting subsystem, data management subsystem,
and data visualization subsystem.
Testing for each test case produce the appropriate results,
there are only a few obstacles such as communication delay,
response time, and the accurate placement of the objects to be
The system can be further developed by improving the
quality of hardware used so that the readings of the sensor can
be more accurate and data processing can be done more
quickly. System development can also be done by extending
the scope of management, for example adding the activities
of transportation, processing, and final processing to obtain a
comprehensive system in handling waste management.
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... The system identifies the waste and guides the user to deposit it in the correct container by opening the corresponding lid to indicate where to deposit it [10,43]. Waste identification is performed with image classification [10], radio-frequency identification (RFID) [43], or the sound generated by the trash bags [44]. ...
... The system identifies the waste and guides the user to deposit it in the correct container by opening the corresponding lid to indicate where to deposit it [10,43]. Waste identification is performed with image classification [10], radio-frequency identification (RFID) [43], or the sound generated by the trash bags [44]. Figure 2 shows the sensors used. ...
... For example, visible-image-based sensors can be used for general waste classification (e.g., glass or plastic), and, combined with nearinfrared (NIR) sensors, they can be used in applications where more detailed categorization is required (e.g., PET, PS, PE, and PP) [35]. Regarding the other types of sensors, three combinations are identified: (i) capacitive sensor with inductive sensor [8,42,43], (ii) weightbased sensor with ultrasonic sensor [40], and (iii) sound-based sensor with inductive sensor [44]. Figure 2 shows the distribution of the computing devices used according to each type of sensor. ...
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Proper waste separation is essential for recycling. However, it can be challenging to identify waste materials accurately, especially in real-world settings. In this study, a systematic literature review (SLR) was carried out to identify the physical enablers (sensors and computing devices), datasets, and machine learning (ML) algorithms used for waste identification in indirect separation systems. This review analyzed 55 studies, following the Kitchenham guidelines. The SLR identified three levels of autonomy in waste segregation systems: full, moderate, and low. Edge computing devices are the most widely used for data processing (9 of 17 studies). Five types of sensors are used for waste identification: inductive, capacitive, image-based, sound-based, and weight-based sensors. Visible-image-based sensors are the most common in the literature. Single classification is the most popular dataset type (65%), followed by bounding box detection (22.5%). Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are the most commonly used ML technique for waste identification (24 out of 26 articles). One of the main conclusions is that waste identification faces challenges with real-world complexity, limited data in datasets, and a lack of detailed waste categorization. Future work in waste identification should focus on deployment and testing in non-controlled environments, expanding system functionalities, and exploring sensor fusion.
... Effective waste collection management is vital to protect public health and preserve a clean environment. Ultrasonic technology [1]- [3], the Internet of Things (IoT) [4]- [9], Telegram [10], [11], SMS [12], and the use of Arduino [13]- [15] are just a few of the many studies that investigate waste management with various technologies. However, Arduino can also be applied in robot development [16]- [18] and medical technology [19], fuzzy logic [20], image processing [21], deep learning [22], and GSM modules [23]. ...
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An attempt is being made to make cities clean and intelligent using the Smart Waste Management System. Enabling smart health services and a healthy atmosphere is one of a smart city's primary characteristics.
... Effective waste collection management is vital to protect public health and preserve a clean environment. Ultrasonic technology [1]- [3], the Internet of Things (IoT) [4]- [9], Telegram [10], [11], SMS [12], and the use of Arduino [13]- [15] are just a few of the many studies that investigate waste management with various technologies. However, Arduino can also be applied in robot development [16]- [18] and medical technology [19], fuzzy logic [20], image processing [21], deep learning [22], and GSM modules [23]. ...
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An attempt is being made to make cities clean and intelligent using the Smart Waste Management System. Enabling smart health services and a healthy atmosphere is one of a smart city's primary characteristics.
... Effective waste collection management is vital to protect public health and preserve a clean environment. Ultrasonic technology [1]- [3], the Internet of Things (IoT) [4]- [9], Telegram [10], [11], SMS [12], and the use of Arduino [13]- [15] are just a few of the many studies that investigate waste management with various technologies. However, Arduino can also be applied in robot development [16]- [18] and medical technology [19], fuzzy logic [20], image processing [21], deep learning [22], and GSM modules [23]. ...
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An attempt is being made to make cities clean and intelligent using the Smart Waste Management System. Enabling smart health services and a healthy atmosphere is one of a smart city's primary characteristics.
... This functionality includes features such as tracking the quantity and types of waste sorted by the bin. Some mobile applications are designed for monitoring and optimizing bin usage (Akshayaa et al., 2021;Maulana et al., 2018), assisting local governments in forming proper waste management systems (Aguila et al., 2019), while others aim to encourage user interaction and proper waste disposal (Gupta et al., 2018;Pardini et al., 2020). ...
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... Hal ini didasarkan pada dua hal. Pertama adalah kondisi fasilitas sampah yang kurang dari segi kualitas dan kuantitas, dan yang kedua adalah pola pikir masyarakat yang masih menganggap pembuangan sampah yang paling praktis dengan membiarkannya tergeletak di pinggir jalan atau membuangnya ke sungai [3]. Padahal kebiasaan buruk ini dapat memberikan efek negatif bagi lingkungan dan bumi. ...
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The existence of garbage from day to day has always increased. In 2019, waste in Indonesia reached 98 million tons. Problems that arise because management of waste that is not done well, can hinder waste management. It is necessary to create a system that can sort waste according to its type so that the grouping of waste becomes more practical and the recycling process can be done easily. In this research, inorganic waste sorting robot was created that can be used as an automatic trash can that can sort and place inorganic waste according to its type. This system works by involving an inductive proximity sensor to detect metal waste and a light dependent resistor sensor equipped with a laser to detect metal waste, paper and plastic waste. From the results of testing on the tool, the accuracy of the detection of waste types for metal waste, paper waste and plastic waste is 84%, 88% and 90%, respectively. While the average response time of the non-organic waste sorting robot in detecting each type of waste is 2.15028 seconds for metal waste, 2.15014 seconds for paper waste and 2.15028 seconds for plastic waste
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With massive population growth and a shift in the urban culture in smart cities, the constant generation of waste continues to create unsanitary living conditions for city dwellers. Overflowing solid waste in the garbage and the rapid generation of non-degradable solid waste produce a slew of infectious illnesses that proliferate throughout the ecosystem. Conventional solid waste management systems have proved to be increasingly harmful in densely populated areas like smart cities. Also, such systems require real-time manual monitoring of garbage, high labor costs, and constant maintenance. Monitoring waste management on a timely basis and reducing labor costs is scarcely possible, realistically, for a municipal corporation. A Smart Dustbin System (SDS) is proposed that is to be implemented in densely populated urban areas to ensure hygiene. This paper undertakes a comprehensive analysis of the application of smart dustbin systems, following an extensive literature review and a discussion of recent research that is expected to help improve waste management systems. A current SDS used in real-time is implemented with the most recent advances from deep learning, computer vision, and the Internet of Things. The smart dustbin system used in day-to-day life minimizes the overloading of bins, lowers labor costs, and saves energy and time. It also helps keep cities clean, lowering the risk of disease transmission. The primary users of the SDS are universities, malls, and high-rise buildings. The evolution of the SDS over the years with various features and technologies is well analyzed. The datasets used for Smart Waste Management and benchmark garbage image datasets are presented under AI perception. The results of the existing works are compared to highlight the potential limitations of these works.
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The communication process for notifications involves sending alerts to users through a combination of automation and telecommunications technologies. The design smart trash, utilizing the Wemos microcontroller, performs various automated tasks such as opening and closing, compacting the garbage, and providing status notifications. These notifications are transmitted through the Firebase web server communication and an Android application on smartphones. Following successful testing, the system functions according to the programmed specifications. It achieves automatic opening and closing within a proximity range of ≤ 10 cm, demonstrates an average waste compaction rate of 45%, and delivers notifications to users indicating the trash status—whether it's empty, halfway full, or completely full.
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Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a perva-sive computing technology that can be used to improve wastemanagement by providing early automatic identification of wasteat bin level. In this paper, we have presented a smart binapplication based on information self-contained in tags associatedto each waste item. The wastes are tracked by smart bins using aRFID-based system without requiring the support of an externalinformation system. Two crucial features of the selective sortingprocess can be improved by using this approach. First, the useris helped in the application of selective sorting. Second, the smartbin knows its content up to the precision of composed materialsby types and percentage. It can report back with its status orabnormalities to the rest of the recycling chain. Complex objectslike e-waste, hazardous ones, etc. can also be sorted and detectedfor hazards with the self-describing approach.
The project guide provides information and procedures for planning and implementation of solid waste management improvements. It is designed to facilitate project preparation, appraisal and implementation of Bank financed solid waste projects in urban areas. Current Bank objectives, policies, and project requirements are summarized. It should also be of use to a wide audience involved in solid waste collection and disposal in developing countries. The project guide reflects the lessons and experience gained from World Bank solid waste projects. The text discusses establishment of an acceptable standard of collection and disposal service delivery, selection of appropriate technology, development of suitably phased action plans, arrangement of institutions for planning and management, arrangement of financial resources, development of regulatory and enforcement support services, provision of public education and participation programs, and incorporation of incentives and disincentives to facilitate project success.
Plastic Waste Masukans from Land into The Ocean
  • Jambeck Jennar
Jambeck, Jennar R., et all. 2015. Plastic Waste Masukans from Land into The Ocean.
S.A. 1993. Vigil: Integrated Solid Waste Management
  • G H Tchobanoglous
  • H Theissen 2017. Badan Pusat Statistik
  • Bps
Pembahasan tentang Pedoman Pengelolaan Sampah, Workshop Pembahasan Rancangan Keputusan Menteri Negara Pekerjaan Umum 10–8-2001 di Jakarta
  • Damanhuri Enri
Damanhuri, Enri. Pembahasan tentang Pedoman Pengelolaan Sampah, Workshop Pembahasan Rancangan Keputusan Menteri Negara Pekerjaan Umum 10-8-2001 di Jakarta.
Waste Management with Self-Describing Objects. France: Campus de Beaulieu
  • Glouche Yann
  • Paul
  • Couderc
Badan Pusat Statistik
  • Bps 2017. Badan Pusat Statistik. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Sep. 2017].
Diktat Landfilling Limbah
  • Enri Damanhuri
Damanhuri, Enri. 2012. Diktat Landfilling Limbah.