Federico París-Garcia

Federico París-Garcia
Universidad Pablo de Olavide | UPO · Department of Sports and Computer Sciences



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September 2007 - present
Universidad Pablo de Olavide
  • PhD


Publications (23)
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(1) Background: The regular practice of dancing benefits the physical condition, improving quality of life and minimising the adverse effects of ageing. Therefore, this review aims to evaluate the impact of dance programmes by quantifying different physical parameters of the lower body in older adults. (2) Methods: A systematic qualitative review i...
Objective: To study the longitudinal stability of exercise addiction and its health effects in apparently healthy amateur endurance cyclists from pre- to 6-month post-competition. Methods: In total, 330 (30 women) adult cyclists were divided into 4 groups based on scores on the Exercise Addiction Inventory at both periods: nonrisk (n = 262, 79.1%)...
This study aimed to analyse the longitudinal association of amateur cycling training volume with health by comparing the proximity of participation in a high-demand cycling event. Variations in cycling training volume, behavioural cardiometabolic risk factors, and physical and psychosocial health were examined. Cyclists decreased their training vol...
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Background and objective: The evaluation of musculo-articular stiffness (MAS) is an increasingly demanded procedure with applications in different fields, such as sports performance and lower limbs injury prevention. However, this task is non-automated, time-consuming and error-prone due to manual handling of data streams and files across several...
The objective of this work was to evaluate the reproducibility, reliability and usefulness of the musculo-articular stiffness (MAS) of the ankle joint, measuring it by the free vibration technique. Seventeen (nine males and eight females) healthy university students were included in the study. Force (f), MAS (k) and unitary MAS (ku) (defined as the...
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Introduction: There is limited information referred to the relationship between adherence to the Mediterranean Diet (AMD) and sports practice. Objective: To determinate the association of cycling practice and cycling training volume with the AMD and the influence of the participation in a high-demand cyclist event on the AMD. Material and metho...
a la dieta mediterránea en adultos inactivos, practicantes de ciclo indoor y ciclistas aficionados. Nutr Palabras clave: Dieta mediterránea. Ciclismo. Ciclo indoor. Salud Resumen Introducción: existe información limitada sobre la relación entre la adherencia a la dieta mediterránea (ADM) y la práctica deportiva. Objetivo: determinar la posible asoc...
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El objetivo fue investigar si existen diferencias en calidad de vida y parámetros de salud entre pacientes con esquizofrenia que cumplen e incumplen las recomendaciones de actividad física para la salud. 95 pacientes con esquizofrenia (edad 40.8±9.1 años, 82% hombres, duración de la enfermedad 17.1±8.8 años) fueron clasificados en físicamente activ...
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El objetivo del estudio es analizar el efecto de un estilo de vida activo sobre la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud y los síntomas psicológicos percibidos en la etapa final del embarazo. Noventa y cinco mujeres embarazadas fueron categorizadas en función del cumplimiento de las recomendaciones de actividad física, medida objetivamente media...
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El propósito del estudio consiste en evaluar el nivel de actividad física de adultos jóvenes mediante la obtención de la rigidez Musculo-articular y analizar su correlación con el rendimiento físico medido en capacidad de salto. El protocolo propuesto engloba un test Músculo-articular de ambas piernas, un test de Máxima contracción isométrica (MCIV...
Background: We investigated the effects of adolescent sport practice on the training, performance, and health outcomes of adult amateur endurance cyclists and compared health outcomes of 3 adult groups: amateur endurance cyclists who practiced sports during adolescence, amateur endurance cyclists who did not practice sports during adolescence, and...
Conference Paper
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3 The aim of this study was to analyse the effect of several variables on musculo-articular stiffness (MAS) linked to ankle articulation using free vibration techniques. Twenty one university students participated in the present study. The outcomes: 2 nd metatarsal head moment arm (R), Achilles tendon moment arm (r), the ratio of both (R/r), force...
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The triceps surae plays an important role in the performance of many sports. Although the apparent average mechanical properties of the triceps surae may be a satisfactory parameter for estimating the training level of an athlete, a knowl-edge of the mechanical properties of the individual constituents of the triceps surae (in particular the Achill...
Objetivo: Para el tratamiento de la dolencia metatarsal por sobrecarga, se emplean soportes plantares de distintos materiales con el fin de amortiguar las presiones plantares que se producen en esta región durante el periodo propulsivo de la marcha. El propósito de este estudio consistió en determinar las modificaciones de las presiones plantares e...
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Muscles and tendons play an important role in human performance. Their mechanical behaviour can be described by analytical/numerical models including springs and dampers. Free vibration techniques are a widely used approach to the in vivo determination of stiffness and viscosity of muscle-tendon complexes involved in sport movements. By considering...


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