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Toward interpretable credit scoring: integrating explainable artificial intelligence with deep learning for credit card default prediction


Abstract and Figures

In recent years, the increasing prevalence of credit card usage has raised concerns about accurately predicting and managing credit card defaults. While machine learning and deep learning methods have shown promising results in default prediction, the black-box nature of these models often limits their interpretability and practical adoption. This study presents a new method for predicting credit card default using a combination of deep learning and explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) techniques. Integrating these methods aims to improve the interpretability of the decision-making process involved in credit card default prediction. The proposed approach is evaluated using a real-world dataset and compared to existing state-of-the-art models. Results show that the proposed approach achieves competitive prediction accuracy while providing meaningful insights into the factors driving credit card default risk. The present investigation adds to the increasing body of literature on explainable artificial intelligence (AI) in the realm of finance. Besides, it provides a pragmatic approach to assessing credit risk, balancing precision and comprehensibility. In conclusion, the model demonstrates strong potential as a credit risk assessment tool, with an accuracy of 0.8350, sensitivity of 0.8823, and specificity of 0.9879. Among the most important features identified by the model are payment delays and outstanding bill amounts. This study is a step toward more interpretable and transparent credit scoring models.
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Toward interpretable credit scoring: integrating explainable artificial
intelligence with deep learning for credit card default prediction
Fatma M. Talaat
Abdussalam Aljadani
Mahmoud Badawy
Mostafa Elhosseini
Received: 17 July 2023 / Accepted: 3 November 2023
The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag London Ltd., part of Springer Nature 2023
In recent years, the increasing prevalence of credit card usage has raised concerns about accurately predicting and
managing credit card defaults. While machine learning and deep learning methods have shown promising results in default
prediction, the black-box nature of these models often limits their interpretability and practical adoption. This study
presents a new method for predicting credit card default using a combination of deep learning and explainable artificial
intelligence (XAI) techniques. Integrating these methods aims to improve the interpretability of the decision-making
process involved in credit card default prediction. The proposed approach is evaluated using a real-world dataset and
compared to existing state-of-the-art models. Results show that the proposed approach achieves competitive prediction
accuracy while providing meaningful insights into the factors driving credit card default risk. The present investigation
adds to the increasing body of literature on explainable artificial intelligence (AI) in the realm of finance. Besides, it
provides a pragmatic approach to assessing credit risk, balancing precision and comprehensibility. In conclusion, the model
demonstrates strong potential as a credit risk assessment tool, with an accuracy of 0.8350, sensitivity of 0.8823, and
specificity of 0.9879. Among the most important features identified by the model are payment delays and outstanding bill
amounts. This study is a step toward more interpretable and transparent credit scoring models.
Keywords Credit risk assessment Deep learning Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) Financial risk modeling
Machine learning; SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP)
1 Introduction
The banking sector, historically volatile and risk-prone, has
witnessed the rapid adoption of credit cards as a primary
financial product in numerous countries. This innovation
allows individuals to borrow and withdraw cash through
credit, thereby introducing a new dimension of credit risk.
As the popularity of credit cards has surged, so has the
associated credit risk. According to industry reports and
statistical data, the prevalence of credit card usage has
reached remarkable heights. A source from Clearly Pay-
ments [18] reveals an exponential growth in the number of
credit card holders, with millions globally relying on them
for daily transactions. Recent studies further underscore
our motivation. A study by the Federal Reserve Bank of
San Francisco [7] found that in 2021, credit cards
accounted for 28% of all payments, marking the highest
level since the study’s inception in 2016. This indicates a
shift towards credit card payments, especially among
higher-income households. Furthermore, a Forbes Advisor
survey from February 2023 reveals that a mere 9% of
Americans predominantly use cash, with 36% opting for
physical or virtual credit cards.
Credit card defaults are a significant problem for both
borrowers and financial institutions. When borrowers fail
to pay their credit card debts, they can face severe financial
consequences, such as damage to their credit score, high
interest rates, and legal action. For financial institutions,
credit card defaults can result in significant losses and
damage to their reputation, as well as regulatory scrutiny
and potential fines.
One of the main drivers of credit card defaults is
financial hardship, such as job loss or medical expenses.
However, other factors, such as irresponsible borrowing
and lending practices, can contribute to the problem.
Extended author information available on the last page of the article
Neural Computing and Applications,-volV)(0123456789().,-volV)
Financial institutions use various tools and strategies to
address the issue of credit card defaults, such as credit
scoring models and debt collection agencies. However, the
accuracy and effectiveness of these tools depend on factors
such as data quality and algorithm complexity, as men-
tioned by [12].
A credit card default occurs when a borrower fails to
meet the repayment terms and conditions agreed upon with
their credit card issuer [2]. This typically involves not
making the required minimum monthly payments on the
credit card balance for an extended period, usually around
60 to 90 days or more, depending on the card issuer’s
policy [5].
When a borrower defaults on their credit card, several
consequences may follow:
Late fees: The card issuer may impose late fees for
each missed payment, which can add up quickly and
further increase the debt.
Higher interest rates: Some credit card issuers may
increase the interest rate (also known as the penalty
rate) on the account after a default, making it more
expensive to carry a balance.
Credit score impact: If the borrower doesn’t act, their
credit score will be harmed because the credit bureaus
will be notified of the default. Acquiring credit later on
could become harder, leading to elevated interest rates
on loans and other credit offerings.
Collections: The credit card issuer may transfer the
debt to a collections agency, which will attempt to
recover the outstanding balance from the borrower.
This can involve frequent calls and letters and may even
lead to legal action.
Charge-off: If the borrower does not pay their debt, the
issuer may eventually write off the debt as a loss,
known as a charge-off. This will be reported to credit
bureaus and will have a long-lasting, negative impact
on the borrower’s credit history.
Borrowers must be mindful of the ramifications of credit
card default and take necessary precautions to evade such a
situation. These measures may include paying at least the
minimum amount due monthly and engaging with the card
issuer to explore alternate payment arrangements, espe-
cially if they are experiencing financial difficulties.
Accurate prediction models for credit card default risk
are pivotal in maintaining the equilibrium of the financial
ecosystem. Their significance spans from individual
financial health to broader economic stability. Specifically:
BorrowersFinancial Health: Timely payments pre-
vent severe credit score damage, late fees, and potential
legal actions. Defaults can jeopardize future credit
opportunities and overall financial stability.
Financial Institutions Revenue and Risk: Credit card
companies depend on interest payments and fees from
card balances. Defaults mean lost revenue and potential
debt write-offs. Accurate models allow for proactive
risk mitigation, such as adjusting credit terms based on
borrower risk profiles.
Broader Financial Ecosystem: Widespread defaults
can strain the entire financial system, leading to
potential economic downturns. Precise prediction mod-
els act as an early warning, enabling proactive risk
management and safeguarding economic stability.
Machine learning and artificial intelligence have wit-
nessed remarkable advancements in recent years, with
various deep learning techniques demonstrating their
potential to solve complex real-world problems.
Researchers have leveraged deep neural networks to
address diverse challenges, ranging from forecasting real
estate housing prices [22] to identifying eye diseases
through image classification [23] and recognizing chaotic
time series patterns [24]. These pioneering studies under-
score the versatility and effectiveness of deep learning
models in handling intricate and dynamic data.
Numerous researchers have contributed to developing
accurate prediction models for credit card default risk. In a
systematic review, [14] analyzed 76 papers from the past
eight years that employ statistical, machine learning, and
deep learning techniques to tackle issues related to credit
risk. The researchers introduce a new approach for classi-
fying credit risk algorithms driven by machine learning and
evaluate their performance using publicly available data-
sets. They also examine the challenges associated with this
field, including imbalanced data, inconsistent datasets, the
transparency of models, and insufficient use of deep
learning models. In their study, Gao et al. [8] employed a
deep learning algorithm, RESNET, to classify customers
with significant unpaid debts. To address the imbalance in
the training data, they used the GAN technique to create
balanced simulated data samples, which enhanced the
model’s effectiveness. As a result, the classification and
accuracy of negative classes improved dramatically.
Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) is a potential
solution to address the interpretability challenge in
machine learning and deep learning models. By incorpo-
rating XAI techniques, researchers can develop models that
provide accurate predictions and offer insights into the
underlying factors driving these predictions. This added
transparency and interpretability could help build trust in
the models and facilitate their widespread adoption in real-
world applications. XAI, or Explainable Artificial Intelli-
gence, pertains to the capability of an AI system to offer
coherent and easily understandable justifications for its
judgments and behaviors. This is particularly important in
Neural Computing and Applications
areas such as credit card default risk prediction, where the
accuracy and transparency of the model are critical for the
success of the decision-making process, as proposed by [9].
In credit card default, explainable AI can help in several
ways. First, it can help to identify which factors or vari-
ables are most important in determining credit card default
risk. This information can be used to refine the model and
improve its accuracy. Second, it can help identify any
biases or errors in the model that might lead to inaccurate
predictions. Finally, it can help build trust and confidence
in the model by allowing users to understand how it works
and why it makes certain predictions [10].
Several techniques and methods can be used to build
explainable AI systems for credit card default. These
include decision trees, rule-based systems, and model-ag-
nostic approaches such as LIME and SHAP. Each method
has unique advantages and disadvantages and selecting a
particular policy hinges upon the specific demands and
limitations of the given problem, as proposed by [6].
In conclusion, using explainable AI in credit card
default is essential for accurate and reliable models. XAI
can help improve the model’s accuracy, identify biases and
errors, and build trust and confidence in the system by
providing clear and understandable explanations of its
decisions and actions.
The main contributions of the paper are:
Proposing a novel approach for credit card default
prediction based on deep learning and XAI for
It is evaluated using a real-world dataset and compared
with existing models, achieving accurate prediction and
meaningful insights.
Contributes to the explainable AI literature in finance,
offering a practical solution for credit risk assessment.
Highlights interpretability in credit scoring models for
more transparency and balance between accuracy and
Suggests that the algorithm can be improved and
extended to address related problems in credit risk
This paper is structured as follows: Sect. 2reviews
various topics, such as credit card default, machine learn-
ing, deep learning techniques, and explainable AI in
finance. Section 3outlines the methodology used in this
study, which includes the proposed approach, data pre-
processing, and evaluation metrics. Section 4 discusses the
results obtained and compares the performance of the
proposed approach with existing models while emphasiz-
ing the value added by the explainable AI component.
Finally, Sect. 5concludes the paper by summarizing the
main findings and offering suggestions for further research.
2 Related work
Credit card default prediction has been widely researched
over the years, with various approaches being proposed and
evaluated. However, recent studies have increasingly
focused on machine learning and deep learning techniques,
given their ability to capture complex patterns and auto-
matically learn relevant features from large-scale datasets.
Chen et al. [4] proposed a prediction model based on
k-means SMOTE and BP neural network (BPnn). In this
model, the data distribution is altered using the k-means
SMOTE algorithm, and the significance of the data features
is determined using a random forest model before being
incorporated into the BP neural network’s initial weights
for prediction. The classification performance of these six
prediction models is compared while five standard machine
learning models—KNN, logistics, SVM, random forest,
and tree—were also built in this research.
Deep learning models, particularly neural networks,
have demonstrated promising results in credit risk assess-
ment. For example, authors in [11] proposed a deep neural
network-based model that outperformed traditional meth-
ods like logistic regression and support vector machines in
predicting credit card defaults. Similarly, a convolutional
neural network (CNN) was employed to model temporal
and spatial features of credit card transaction data, resulting
in improved default prediction accuracy [17].
Despite their advantages, the lack of interpretability in
deep learning models has raised concerns, particularly in
the finance domain. Explainable AI (XAI) has emerged as a
potential solution to address this challenge. Various XAI
techniques, such as local interpretable model-agnostic
explanations (LIME) and SHapley Additive exPlanations
(SHAP), have been explored in the context of credit risk
assessment. For instance, [3] integrated LIME with a gra-
dient-boosting model to enhance the interpretability of
credit card default predictions.
Earlier works on credit card default prediction relied on
traditional statistical methods, such as logistic regression
(LR), decision trees (DT), and support vector machines
(SVM). For example, Yeh and Lien [16] compared these
techniques comprehensively, finding that SVMs outper-
formed LR and DT in predicting defaults. However, these
traditional models have limitations in handling complex,
nonlinear patterns in credit data, motivating the shift
toward machine learning and deep learning approaches.
Table 1illustrates the most frequently employed models
proposed to predict credit card default risks, such as
XGBoost (XGB), support vector machine (SVM), random
forest (RF), and neural networks (NN).
XGBoost is a widely used technique for ensemble
learning, which involves merging multiple decision trees to
Neural Computing and Applications
enhance the model’s ability to make accurate predictions.
SVM is a binary classification algorithm that tries to find
the optimal hyperplane to separate the data points into
different classes. RF refers to a type of ensemble learning
approach that utilizes several decision trees and chooses a
random subset of features to construct each tree. Finally,
NN is a deep learning algorithm that uses multiple layers to
extract features from the input data. Despite their high
predictive power, these models lack explainability, which
makes it difficult for end-users to understand why a par-
ticular decision was made.
The recent rise in the use of credit cards has led to
concerns about accurately predicting and managing credit
card defaults. While machine learning and deep learning
methods have shown promising results in default prediction
[1], the black-box nature of these models often limits their
interpretability and practical adoption. Explainable artifi-
cial intelligence (XAI) has emerged as a promising
approach to address this issue by enabling the interpreta-
tion of complex models and identifying factors that con-
tribute to their decisions, as mentioned by [13].
In their study, Ali et al. [20] delve into the crucial realm
of explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI), a pressing
concern as AI systems proliferate, often with opaque
decision-making processes. Their comprehensive study
explores the need for XAI in the context of trust and
comprehensibility of AI models. This research not only
covers foundational concepts but also delves into recent
advancements in XAI, particularly focusing on supervised
machine learning. The study categorizes XAI techniques
into four axes: data explainability, model explainability,
post hoc explainability, and assessment of explanations,
providing a holistic view of the landscape. Furthermore, it
introduces valuable evaluation metrics, open-source pack-
ages, and datasets. The study underlines explainability’s
legal, user-centric, and application-oriented aspects. With a
thorough examination of 410 key articles published
between January 2016 and October 2022, this study serves
as an indispensable resource for XAI researchers striving to
enhance the trustworthiness of AI models, offering insights
and direction for researchers from diverse disciplines
seeking effective XAI methods.
In their comprehensive review of XAI applications in
finance, [21] emphasizes the growing importance of
Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) in highly regu-
lated domains such as finance, where the adoption of
technological advances like Artificial Intelligence requires
transparency and traceability of decisions. The systematic
literature review screened over 2,000 articles and identified
60 relevant articles, classifying them based on the XAI
methods and goals they employed. Their findings highlight
the extensive research in areas like risk management and
portfolio optimization while underscoring the need for
more attention to anti-money laundering applications. The
review also notes the utilization of transparent models and
post hoc explainability, with a recent preference for the
latter in the finance domain.
Lange et al. [19] introduced an explainable artificial
intelligence (XAI) model designed for predicting credit
default, leveraging a distinctive dataset of unsecured con-
sumer loans from a Norwegian bank. Their approach
combined a LightGBM model with SHAP, enabling the
interpretation of explanatory variables influencing predic-
tions. Notably, the LightGBM model demonstrated supe-
rior performance compared to the bank’s conventional
credit scoring model, a Logistic Regression model. Key
findings unveiled that the most critical explanatory vari-
ables for default prediction in the LightGBM model
encompassed the volatility of the utilized credit balance,
remaining credit as a percentage of total credit, and the
duration of the customer relationship. This study consti-
tutes a noteworthy contribution to applying XAI techniques
in banking, shedding light on their potential to enhance the
interpretability and reliability of advanced AI models.
3 Research gap
Although machine learning and deep learning techniques
have significantly improved credit card default prediction,
their ‘black-box’ nature presents a major challenge
regarding interpretability and transparency. In finance,
stakeholders often require transparent and explainable
decision-making processes to comply with regulatory
requirements and ensure ethical practices. As such, there is
a need to develop models that balance predictive accuracy
with interpretability. The research gap can be summarized
as follows:
The black-box nature of these models raises inter-
pretability concerns.
Regulatory requirements and ethical practices demand
Existing literature focuses on integrating XAI with
traditional machine learning.
Table 1 Comparison of performance results for commonly used
models in credit risk assessment
Model Accuracy Sensitivity Specificity
XGB 0.7978 0.8429 0.7057
SVM 0.7916 0.8410 0.6906
RF 0.7928 0.8521 0.6717
NN 0.7531 0.8281 0.6000
Neural Computing and Applications
Deep learning models with superior performance have
not been extensively explored with XAI.
The present study endeavors to fill this void by con-
structing and assessing a novel approach that amalgamates
the predictive capabilities of deep learning methodologies
with the explicable qualities of explainable artificial intel-
ligence (XAI). In doing so, we hope to achieve the
Balance accuracy and transparency for credit risk
Foster trust among stakeholders and facilitate real-
world adoption of these models.
Contributing significantly to credit card default predic-
tion and the broader area of explainable AI in finance.
4 CreditNetXAI: integrating explainable AI
with deep learning for credit card default
This section proposes a novel deep neural network
approach called CreditNetXAI for credit card default
prediction, which integrates deep learning and explainable
AI techniques. CreditNetXAI aims to achieve high pre-
dictive accuracy while providing interpretable and trans-
parent results.
CreditNetXAI approach is composed of four main
phases, as depicted in Fig. 1: (i) data collection and pre-
processing, (ii) model development, (iii) model training
and validation, and (iv) evaluation and interpretation.
i. Data Collection and Preprocessing: this phase
contains the following steps: (i) Collect a real-world
dataset containing credit card user information,
transaction data, and default records. (ii) Divide the
dataset into training and testing sets for model
development and evaluation. (iii) Conduct data
preprocessing, addressing missing values, detecting
and treating outliers, scaling features, and encoding
categorical variables. (iv) Utilize methods for feature
selection, such as recursive feature elimination
(RFE) or LASSO, to determine the most significant
attributes for forecasting credit card defaults.
ii. Model Development: this phase contains the fol-
lowing steps: (i) Develop the CreditNetXAI
approach, which integrates deep learning and
explainable AI techniques for credit card default
prediction. (ii) Implement the deep learning compo-
nent using a neural network architecture tailored to
the task, with multiple layers and activation func-
tions. (iii) To ensure the model can generalize well to
new data, it is important to prevent overfitting during
training. This can be achieved by incorporating
methods such as dropout and early stopping. (iv)
Incorporate the XAI component, which employs a
model-agnostic explanation method (SHAP) to gen-
erate feature importance scores and provide insights
into the factors driving the model’s predictions.
iii. Model Training and Validation: this phase con-
tains the following steps: (i) Train the CreditNetXAI
approach on the preprocessed training data, using
dropout and early stopping techniques to prevent
overfitting. (ii) Carry out hyperparameter tuning
through grid or random search techniques to opti-
mize the model’s performance. (iii) Validate the
trained model using cross-validation to assess its
generalization performance and ensure its
iv. Evaluation and interpretation: this phase contains
the following steps: (i) Evaluate the performance of
the CreditNetXAI approach using a combination of
metrics that capture the model’s predictive accuracy
and interpretability aspects. (ii) Accuracy-related
metrics may include area under the receiver operat-
ing characteristic curve (AUROC), F1-score, preci-
sion, recall, and accuracy. (iii) Interpretability-
related metrics may involve the explanation quality
of the XAI component, such as fidelity, stability, and
consistency of the generated feature importance
scores. (iv) Use the XAI component to generate
feature importance scores and provide insights into
the factors driving the model’s predictions, enhanc-
ing the interpretability and transparency of the
CreditNetXAI algorithm.
4.1 Data collection and preprocessing
The data collection and preprocessing phase combines four
main steps as illustrated in Algorithm 1. (i) Step 1: Col-
lecting the dataset; (a) Collecting a real-world dataset
containing credit card user information, transaction data,
and default records. (b) Store the dataset in a suitable for-
mat (e.g., CSV, Excel, SQL database). (ii) Step 2: Split-
ting the dataset; (a) Divide the dataset into training and
testing sets for model development and evaluation. (b) The
split can be random or stratified based on the target variable
(default status). (iii) Step 3: Preprocessing the dataset;
(a) Handle missing values by imputing or removing them.
(b) Detect and treat outliers in the data to prevent them
from affecting the model’s performance. (c) To ensure they
have similar ranges, scale the numerical features using
min-max scaling or standardization techniques. (d) Encode
categorical variables using one-hot or label encoding
techniques to convert them to numerical values that the
Neural Computing and Applications
model can understand. (iv) Step 4: Feature selection;
(a) Use feature selection techniques like recursive feature
elimination (RFE) or LASSO to identify the most relevant
features for credit card default prediction. (b) RFE can be
performed using a wrapper method, where the model is
trained and evaluated on different subsets of features, and
the best-performing subset is selected. (c) LASSO can be
used as a regularization technique to shrink the coefficients
of irrelevant features to zero, thus eliminating them from
the model.
Fig. 1 The architecture of CreditNetXAI
Neural Computing and Applications
Algorithm 1 Data collection and preprocessing algorithm
4.2 Model development
The model development phase combines four main steps as
illustrated in Algorithm 2. (i) Step 1: Develop the Cred-
itNetXAI algorithm; (a) Define the problem statement and
objective of the algorithm. (b) Determine the data
requirements, including data sources, preprocessing, and
cleaning. (c) Choose appropriate performance metrics,
such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score, to eval-
uate the model’s performance. (ii) Step 2: Implement the
deep learning component; (a) Define the neural network
architecture, including the number of layers, nodes per
layer, and activation functions. (b) Define the loss function,
optimizer, and learning rate. (c) Split the data into training,
validation, and test sets. (d) Train the model using the
training set and monitor the validation loss to prevent
overfitting. (e) Tune hyperparameters using the validation
set, such as the number of layers, nodes per layer, and
learning rate. (f) Evaluate the model’s performance on the
test set. Step 3: To guarantee the efficacy of the model
when presented with novel data, it is crucial to circumvent
overfitting during the training phase. This can be accom-
plished by assimilating techniques such as dropout and
early stopping;(a) Implement dropout regularization to
Neural Computing and Applications
dropout nodes during training to reduce overfitting ran-
domly. (b) Use early stopping to stop the training process
when the validation loss stops improving to prevent over-
fitting and save computation time. Step 4: Incorporate the
XAI component; (a) Use a model-agnostic explanation
method (SHAP) to generate feature importance scores and
provide insights into the factors driving the model’s pre-
dictions. (b) Use the XAI component to generate expla-
nations for individual predictions and global feature
importance scores for the entire dataset.
Algorithm 2 Model development algorithm
4.3 Model training and validation
The model training and validation phase combines three
main steps as illustrated in Algorithm 3. (i) Step 1: Train
the CreditNetXAI algorithm on the preprocessed
training data; (a) Split the preprocessed training data into
training and validation sets. (b) Initialize the neural net-
work architecture and its hyperparameters. (c) Train the
model on the training set using backpropagation and gra-
dient descent. (d) Use dropout and early stopping tech-
niques to prevent overfitting. (ii) Step 2: Perform
hyperparameter tuning using grid or random search to
optimize the models performance; (a) Define a range of
Neural Computing and Applications
values for each hyperparameter to be tuned. (b) Perform a
grid or random search over the hyperparameter space.
(c) Evaluate the performance of each model using cross-
validation. (iii) Step 3: Validate the trained model using
cross-validation to assess its generalization performance
and ensure its robustness; (a) Split the preprocessed data
into k-folds. (b) The model should be trained and evaluated
k times, with a different subset of data used for validation
in each iteration while the rest is used for training.
(c) Calculate the average performance metric across the
Algorithm 3 Model training and validation algorithm
Table 2 Features of default of credit card clients data set
Feature Description
ID The ID of each client
LIMIT_BAL Amount of given credit in NT dollars (includes individual and family/supplementary credit
SEX Gender (1 = male, 2 = female)
EDUCATION (1 = graduate school, 2 = university, 3 = high school, 4 = others, 5 = unknown, 6 = unknown)
MARRIAGE Marital status (1 = married, 2 = single, 3 = others)
AGE Age in years
PAY_0 Repayment status in September, 2005 (-1 = pay duly, 1 = payment delay for one month, 2 = payment delay for
two months, 8 = payment delay for eight months, 9 = payment delay for nine months and above)
PAY_2 Repayment status in August 2005 (scale same as above)
PAY_3 Repayment status in July 2005 (scale same as above)
PAY_4 Repayment status in June
PAY_5 Repayment status in May
PAY_6 Repayment status in April
BILL_AMT1 Amount of bill statement in September
BILL_AMT2 Amount of bill statement in August
BILL_AMT3 Amount of bill statement in July
BILL_AMT4 Amount of bill statement in June
BILL_AMT5 Amount of bill statement in May
BILL_AMT6 Amount of bill statement in April
PAY_AMT1 Amount of previous payment in September
PAY_AMT2 Amount of previous payment in August
PAY_AMT3 Amount of previous payment in July
PAY_AMT4 Amount of previous payment in June
PAY_AMT5 Amount of previous payment in May
PAY_AMT6 Amount of previous payment in April Default payment (1 = yes, 0 = no)
Table 3 A sample of the credit card clients data set: a snapshot of variables and observations
Neural Computing and Applications
4.4 Evaluation and interpretation
The evaluation and interpretation phase combines five
main steps as illustrated in Algorithm 4. (i) Step 1: Define
evaluation metrics; (a) Define accuracy-related metrics,
such as AUROC, F1-score, precision, recall, and accuracy.
(b) Define interpretability-related metrics, such as fidelity,
stability, and consistency of the generated feature impor-
tance scores. (ii) Step 2: Split data into training and test
sets; Split the dataset into training and test sets to train and
evaluate the CreditNetXAI algorithm. (iii) Step 3: Train
the CreditNetXAI algorithm; (a) Train the deep learning
component of the CreditNetXAI algorithm on the training
set. (b) Generate feature importance scores using the XAI
component on the training set. (iv) Step 4: Evaluate the
CreditNetXAI algorithm; (a) Evaluate the performance of
the CreditNetXAI algorithm using the evaluation metrics
defined in Step 1. (b) Calculate accuracy-related metrics on
the test set, such as AUROC, F1-score, precision, recall,
and accuracy. (c) Calculate interpretability-related metrics
on the test set, such as fidelity, stability, and consistency of
the generated feature importance scores. (v) Step 5:
Interpret the results; (a) Use the XAI component to
generate feature importance scores on the test set and
provide insights into the factors driving the model’s pre-
dictions. (b) Analyze the feature importance scores and
insights generated by the XAI component to enhance the
interpretability and transparency of the CreditNetXAI
Neural Computing and Applications
Algorithm 4 Evaluation and interpretation algorithm
4.5 Methodology explanation
This section comprehensively explains the methodology
employed in the CreditNetXAI algorithm for credit card
default prediction. The methodology comprises several
phases designed to ensure accurate predictions while
maintaining transparency and interpretability.
4.6 Explainable AI techniques
In this section, we delve deeper into the explainable AI
(XAI) techniques employed in our proposed CreditNetXAI
approach and explain how their integration enhances the
model’s interpretability.
CreditNetXAI combines deep learning with XAI tech-
niques, specifically employing the SHAP (SHapley Addi-
tive exPlanations) model-agnostic explanation method. The
objective of integrating XAI is to provide high predictive
accuracy and interpretable and transparent results for credit
card default prediction.
4.6.1 SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations)
SHAP is a widely recognized model-agnostic explanation
method rooted in cooperative game theory. It assigns fea-
ture importance scores to individual features in a predic-
tion, quantifying their impact on the prediction’s outcome.
These scores are based on Shapley values, which attribute
contributions to each feature considering all possible
combinations of feature values.
The integration of SHAP enhances the interpretability of
the model in the following ways:
Feature Importance Scores: SHAP generates feature
importance scores for each prediction, indicating the
magnitude and direction of each feature’s influence on
the prediction. These scores can be used to identify the
critical features that contribute most to the prediction.
Global Feature Importance: By aggregating feature
importance scores across multiple predictions, SHAP
provides global feature importance scores. These scores
reveal which features, on average, have the most
significant impact on the model’s predictions, enhanc-
ing our understanding of the model’s behavior.
Individual Explanations: SHAP can provide explana-
tions for individual predictions by attributing the
contribution of each feature to a specific prediction.
This allows stakeholders to understand why a particular
prediction was made and which features drove that
Neural Computing and Applications
4.7 Choice of deep learning architectures
and hyperparameters
The selection of specific deep learning architectures and
hyperparameters in CreditNetXAI is not arbitrary but based
on a rigorous model development phase. During experi-
mentation, we considered various architectures and
hyperparameter settings to optimize the model’s
4.8 Reasoning behind choices
Architecture: We chose the neural network architec-
ture based on its capacity to capture complex patterns
and relationships in credit card default data. The
architecture consists of multiple layers with appropriate
activation functions to learn from the data effectively.
Hyperparameters: Our choice of hyperparameters,
such as learning rates, dropout rates, and the number of
layers and nodes per layer, was guided by empirical
results and best practices in deep learning. These
parameters were carefully tuned to prevent overfitting
and maximize the model’s generalization performance.
5 Implementation and evaluation
This section introduces the used datasets, the performance
metrics, and the performance evaluation. The computa-
tional setup is:
CPU: Intel Core i7-8700 K 3.70 GHz.
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti.
RAM: 32 GB.
Operating System: Windows 10.
Python: We used Python as the primary programming
language for our experiments.
Deep Learning Frameworks: We leveraged popular
deep learning frameworks, including TensorFlow and
Keras, to develop and train our CreditNetXAI model.
Libraries: Various Python libraries, such as NumPy,
Pandas, Matplotlib, and Scikit-learn, were used for data
preprocessing, analysis, and visualization.
5.1 Default of credit card clients data set
The Default of Credit Card Clients Data Set [15]isa
widely used dataset in the field of credit scoring, which is
used to predict the likelihood of default of credit card
clients. This dataset consists of 30,000 observations of
credit card holders in Taiwan, with 25 features that include
demographic information, credit limit, payment history,
and bill amounts.
The dataset was collected from a financial institution’s
credit card clients in Taiwan and obtained from the UCI
Machine Learning Repository. The data covers the period
from April 2005 to September 2005 and includes infor-
mation on whether or not each credit card holder defaulted
on their payment the following month. Table 2illustrates
the features and their description.
This dataset aims to develop models that can accurately
predict the probability of default for each credit card holder
based on the available features. As a result, financial
institutions can use this information to make more
informed decisions when it comes to extending credit to
potential borrowers. A sample of the Credit Card Clients
Data Set is shown in Table 3.
5.2 Dataset description
In the evaluation phase of our research, we employed the
Default of Credit Card Clients Data Set, sourced from [15].
This dataset is a widely recognized benchmark in the field
of credit scoring. It encompasses 30,000 observations of
credit card holders in Taiwan, featuring 25 distinct fea-
tures, including demographic information, credit limits,
payment history, and bill amounts. We collected this data
from a financial institution’s credit card clients in Taiwan,
spanning the period from April 2005 to September 2005. It
is essential to provide additional details about this dataset:
Dataset Size: The dataset comprises 30,000 observa-
tions, making it a substantial and representative dataset
for credit card default prediction.
Class Distribution: The dataset is imbalanced con-
cerning the target variable, which indicates whether a
credit card holder defaulted on their payment the
following month. The class distribution is approxi-
mately 22,120 non-default cases (class 0) and around
7,880 default cases (class 1).
Data Biases and Limitations: We acknowledge that
real-world datasets, including the one used in this study,
may exhibit inherent biases and limitations. These
biases can stem from factors such as sampling methods,
data collection processes, or the specific population
under study. Therefore, while our model demonstrates
effectiveness on this dataset, it is crucial to exercise
caution when applying it to other contexts or datasets
exhibiting different distributions and biases.
Regarding data preprocessing:
Neural Computing and Applications
1. Data Augmentation: We did not perform data
augmentation on this dataset. The dataset was used in
its original form without any synthetic data generation.
2. Handling Missing Values: Missing values, if any,
were treated through established techniques such as
mean imputation, median imputation, or forward-fill/
back-fill, depending on the nature of the missing data
within specific features. However, it’s important to
note that this dataset is well-curated and did not
contain significant missing data.
3. Treatment of Outliers: Outliers were identified using
statistical methods like the interquartile range (IQR)
and were carefully assessed. In cases where outliers
were deemed genuine data points, they were retained in
the dataset as they could indicate real-world scenarios.
However, outliers that were considered erroneous were
either corrected or removed, ensuring data quality and
These steps ensured that the dataset used for model
training and evaluation was as representative and reliable
as possible.
5.3 Performance metrics
The performance metrics used in this research paper are: (i)
accuracy: accuracy measures the proportion of correct
predictions among all predictions made by a classifier. It
can be calculated as in Eq. (1). (ii) Sensitivity, also known
as recall or true positive rate, measures the proportion of
actual positive instances correctly identified by the classi-
fier. It can be calculated as in Eq. (2). (iii) Specificity
measures the proportion of actual negative instances cor-
rectly identified by the classifier. It can be calculated as in
Eq. (3).
Accuracy ¼TP þTNðÞ
Sensitivity ¼TP
TP þFNðÞ ð2Þ
Specificity ¼TN
TN þFPðÞ ð3Þ
where TP, TN, FP, and FN are the true positive, true
negative, false positive, and false negative counts,
5.4 Performance evaluation
The SHAP XAI model is employed to elucidate the vari-
ables influencing the model’s predictions to foster trans-
parency and comprehensibility. Figure 2illustrates the
feature’s importance. Figure 3illustrates the data visual-
ization. Finally, Fig. 4shows the data heatmap.
Table 4and Fig. 5compare the results of the proposed
CreditNetXAI and the previous models.
Table 4highlights that the CreditNetXAI model exhibits
favorable outcomes, with an accuracy of 0.8350, signifying
that it can correctly classify most credit applicants. The
sensitivity value of 0.8823 indicates that the model can
identify the majority of the true positive cases, i.e., credit
applicants who are likely to default on their payments.
Moreover, the specificity of 0.9879 signifies that the model
can accurately identify the majority of the true negative
cases, i.e., credit applicants who are expected to repay their
credit on time.
Figure 5and Table 4provide a comprehensive com-
parison of the CreditNetXAI model’s performance against
several well-known models, including XGBoost (XGB),
support vector machine (SVM), random forest (RF), and
neural network (NN). These models were evaluated on
various performance metrics, including accuracy, sensi-
tivity, and specificity.
The results clearly indicate that the CreditNetXAI model
stands out in terms of performance:
Accuracy (0.8350): The CreditNetXAI model exhibits
a high level of accuracy, correctly classifying approx-
imately 83.50% of credit card applicants. This indicates
its capability to make accurate predictions and distin-
guish between default and non-default cases.
Sensitivity (0.8823): Sensitivity, also known as recall
or the true positive rate, is a crucial metric in credit risk
assessment. The CreditNetXAI model excels in this
regard, with a sensitivity value of approximately
88.23%. This means that the model can identify the
majority of true positive cases, effectively recognizing
credit applicants who are likely to default on their
Specificity (0.9879): Specificity measures the ability of
the model to identify true negative cases, i.e., applicants
who are expected to repay their credit on time. The
CreditNetXAI model achieves an impressive specificity
value of about 98.79%, indicating its ability to distin-
guish non-default cases accurately.
These results underscore the CreditNetXAI model’s
effectiveness in credit card default prediction. Its robust
performance, particularly in identifying default and non-
default cases, positions it as a valuable tool for financial
institutions and credit assessors.
5.4.1 Interpretability through SHAP
Figures 2,3, and 4demonstrate the interpretability features
of the CreditNetXAI model achieved through SHAP. These
Neural Computing and Applications
Fig. 2 Feature importance for
credit card default prediction
using SHAP Model
Fig. 3 Visualization of the credit card clients data set
Neural Computing and Applications
visualizations offer insights into the factors that influence
the model’s predictions and enhance transparency and
Feature Importance (Fig. 2): Fig. 2showcases the
feature importance determined by the SHAP model.
This visualization illustrates that PAY_0, PAY_3,
PAY_5, and BILL_AMT2 were the most important
features identified by the neural network.
Visualization of Data (Fig. 3): This visualization aids
in understanding the underlying data distribution and
relationships among features. It offers a valuable
perspective on how different factors may be correlated
and influence credit card default risk. Among the most
important features identified by the model are payment
delays and outstanding bill amounts.
Data Heatmap (Fig. 4): The heatmap visually repre-
sents data correlations and can reveal patterns con-
tributing to credit card default. Identifying these
patterns is vital for understanding the factors driving
credit risk.
In conclusion, the CreditNetXAI model excels in pre-
dictive accuracy and distinguishes itself through its inter-
pretability. Using SHAP empowers stakeholders to gain
insights into the model’s decision-making process and
understand why specific applicants are deemed risky or
creditworthy. This transparency is essential in the domain
of credit risk assessment, as it enables informed decision-
Fig. 4 Heatmap of the credit
card clients data set
Table 4 Comparison of CreditNetXAI versus previous models for
credit card default prediction
Model Accuracy Sensitivity Specificity
CreditNetXAI 0.8350 0.8823 0.9879
XGB 0.7978 0.8429 0.7057
SVM 0.7916 0.8410 0.6906
RF 0.7928 0.8521 0.6717
NN 0.7531 0.8281 0.6000
Fig. 5 Performance comparison of CreditNetXAI Versus previous
models for credit card default prediction
Neural Computing and Applications
making and ultimately contributes to more responsible
lending practices.
5.5 Model explanations: importance of variables
According to the analysis conducted with XGBoost, factors
like gender, marital status, and the amount paid in the sixth
month are not significant predictors. On the other hand, the
delay in making the first month’s payment, which may
have initially been considered unimportant, appears to have
a notable influence on the outcome. It is worth noting that
outstanding bill amounts are more significant in predicting
credit default than an individual’s age. This suggests that
higher outstanding balances might be a stronger predictor
of payment default than older individuals with lower
According to the SVM model, the variables that appear
to be significant are age, sex, education, and marriage. In
addition, payments made in the 5th and 6th months seem
crucial for prediction. The SVM model also places greater
importance on the limit_bal variable than other models.
Based on these findings, it can be concluded that during the
latter part of the year, when payments accumulate, an
individual’s capability to pay off all or most of their out-
standing balances is the primary factor in determining
whether they will default on their payments or not.
The random forest algorithm reveals that payment
delays within the last three months are the most significant
indicators of credit card defaults, which is a surprising
finding. Conversely, the algorithm ranks age as one of the
least important variables in predicting credit card defaults.
This suggests that payment delays in later months, where
unpaid bills accumulate, are strong indicators of default,
regardless of the borrower’s age.
The neural network is the least accurate model among
the five. This can be attributed to its inability to differen-
tiate the variables with the greatest discriminatory power,
which results in more inaccurate predictions.
The CreditNetXAI model was the most effective among
the four models used in the study. This model revealed that
PAY_0, PAY_3, PAY_5, and BILL_AMT2 were the most
important features identified by the neural network.
5.6 Results discussion
The CreditNetXAI model showed promising results with
an accuracy of 0.8350, indicating that the model could
classify the majority of the credit applicants correctly.
Furthermore, the sensitivity of 0.8823 suggested that the
model could identify the majority of the true positive cases,
i.e., the applicants who were likely to default on their credit
payments. In addition, the specificity of 0.9879 indicated
that the model correctly identified the majority of the true
negative cases, i.e., the applicants who were likely to repay
their credit on time. These results suggest that the Cred-
itNetXAI model can be an effective tool for credit risk
assessment. It has high accuracy and can identify positive
and negative cases with high sensitivity and specificity.
The CreditNetXAI model provides insights into the
factors contributing to its predictions, making it a trans-
parent and explainable model. This can be particularly
useful in the context of credit risk assessment, as it can help
credit assessors understand why certain applicants are
deemed risky and make informed decisions based on these
insights. In addition, the proposed algorithm balances
accuracy and interpretability, contributing to the growing
literature on explainable AI in finance.
Overall, the CreditNetXAI model shows promise as an
effective and transparent tool for credit risk assessment.
However, further evaluation and testing may be necessary
to ensure that the model is effective in different scenarios
and for different types of credit applications. In addition,
the proposed algorithm can be further improved and
extended to address related problems in credit risk man-
agement. This study is a step toward more interpretable and
transparent credit scoring models, and the CreditNetXAI
model offers a practical solution for credit risk assessment
that balances accuracy and interpretability.
5.7 Model robustness and limitations
We understand the importance of assessing the robustness
and generalization capability of the proposed Cred-
itNetXAI model when applied to various datasets and real-
world scenarios. To address this concern, we have included
the following information:
Challenges may arise when applying the CreditNetXAI
model to different datasets or real-world scenarios due to
data variability, cultural and regional financial differences,
and evolving financial patterns. The model’s inter-
pretability might differ across contexts, and external eco-
nomic shocks or regulatory changes could influence its
predictions. Additionally, potential biases in the original
training data could lead to skewed results in diverse
demographics, and the model’s complexity might pose
deployment challenges in resource-constrained environ-
ments. The robustness of the CreditNetXAI model, when
subjected to diverse datasets or real-world contexts,
remains a pertinent concern. Variabilities in data, regional
financial nuances, and evolving economic trends could
challenge the model’s consistency and accuracy. Further-
more, its ability to maintain interpretability and resist
biases across varied demographics is crucial for its reliable
deployment in heterogeneous environments.
Neural Computing and Applications
6 Conclusion and future directions
This research proposes a novel algorithm for credit card
default prediction by integrating deep learning with XAI
techniques to enhance the interpretability of the decision-
making process. The performance metrics of CreditNetXAI
highlight its superiority, achieving an accuracy of 0.8350,
sensitivity of 0.8823, and specificity of 0.9879. When
juxtaposed against established models like XGB, SVM,
RF, and NN, CreditNetXAI consistently demonstrates
enhanced predictive capabilities across all metrics. This
underscores the model’s competitive edge in prediction
accuracy and its ability to provide profound insights into
credit card default risk determinants. Our work augments
the burgeoning literature on explainable AI within the
financial domain and presents a pragmatic approach to
credit risk assessment, harmonizing accuracy with inter-
pretability. Building upon the foundation of CreditNetXAI,
several avenues for future exploration emerge. The
robustness of CreditNetXAI across varied financial con-
texts and datasets warrants further investigation. Enhanced
feature engineering could capture more nuanced financial
behaviors, refining the model’s predictive capabilities.
Additionally, the algorithm can adapt to address related
challenges in credit risk management, such as predicting
loan defaults or assessing the creditworthiness of new
market entrants. In the future, the proposed algorithm can
be used with OCNN [2532] and make use of Resnet [33].
ERNN can be used for stress detection as in [34]. Attention
mechanism can be used as in [35] and correlation algo-
rithms as in [36]. YOLO v8 can be used as in [37]. The
proposed algorithm can be adapted to address various
agricultural challenges and play a pivotal role in the sus-
tainable and efficient cultivation of crops worldwide.
Additionally, future work can explore the integration of
CreditNetXAI with state-of-the-art techniques such as
those demonstrated in references [3841], offering even
more sophisticated capabilities for agricultural decision
Author contributions Fatma, Abdussalam, Mahmoud, and Mostafa
collaborated collaboratively. Fatma and Mostafa came up with the
idea and wrote the abstract and the proposal, while Mahmoud and
Abdussalam contributed by comparing and doing the experiments.
Funding The authors received no specific funding for this study.
Data availability UCI Machine Learning Repository. (2013) [15].
Default of Credit Card Clients Dataset. Retrieved from https://
Conflict of interest The authors declare no conflicts of interest to
report regarding the present study.
Ethical approval There are no ethical conflicts.
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Neural Computing and Applications
Authors and Affiliations
Fatma M. Talaat
Abdussalam Aljadani
Mahmoud Badawy
Mostafa Elhosseini
&Fatma M. Talaat
Abdussalam Aljadani
Mahmoud Badawy
Mostafa Elhosseini
Faculty of Artificial Intelligence, Kafrelsheikh University,
Kafrelsheikh 33516, Egypt
Faculty of Computer Science & Engineering, New Mansoura
University, Gamasa 35712, Egypt
Nile Higher Institute for Engineering and Technology,
Mansoura, Egypt
Department of Management, College of Business
Administration in Yanbu, Taibah University,
41411 Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah, Saudi Arabia
Computer Science and Information Department, Applied
College, Taibah University, 46537 Madinah, Saudi Arabia
Computers and Control Systems Engineering Department,
Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University,
Mansoura 35516, Egypt
College of Computer Science and Engineering, Taibah
University, 46421 Yanbu, Saudi Arabia
Neural Computing and Applications
... AI-driven data analytics tools ensure consistency and standardization in data analysis and reporting processes. By applying predefined rules and algorithms, AI systems generate consistent results across different datasets and time periods, reducing variability and enhancing the reliability of financial information (Talaat et al., 2024). AI technologies play a transformative role in financial reporting by automating routine tasks, analyzing vast datasets, and improving the accuracy and reliability of financial information. ...
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The landscape of financial reporting is undergoing a profound transformation fueled by advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies. This review explores the revolutionary impact of AI on financial reporting, with a specific focus on enhancing accuracy and timeliness. AI-driven technologies such as machine learning, natural language processing, and predictive analytics are reshaping traditional financial reporting processes. These technologies enable organizations to automate routine tasks, analyze vast volumes of financial data, and extract valuable insights with unprecedented speed and accuracy. By leveraging AI, organizations can streamline data collection, validation, and analysis, thereby reducing manual errors and improving the overall quality of financial reports. One of the key advantages of AI in financial reporting is its ability to identify patterns and anomalies in financial data that may go unnoticed by human analysts. Machine learning algorithms can detect irregularities in financial transactions, flag potential risks, and enhance fraud detection capabilities, thus bolstering the integrity and reliability of financial reports. Furthermore, AI-powered natural language processing (NLP) algorithms enable organizations to extract relevant information from unstructured data sources such as financial statements, regulatory filings, and news articles. By analyzing textual data, NLP algorithms can generate insights into market trends, competitive dynamics, and regulatory developments, providing decision-makers with valuable intelligence to inform financial reporting decisions. In addition to improving accuracy, AI plays a crucial role in enhancing the timeliness of financial reporting. By automating time-consuming tasks such as data entry, reconciliation, and financial statement preparation, AI enables organizations to expedite the reporting process and deliver financial information to stakeholders in a more timely manner. This not only meets regulatory deadlines but also enables stakeholders to make informed decisions based on up-to-date financial information. Moreover, AI facilitates real-time monitoring of financial performance metrics, enabling organizations to proactively identify emerging trends, risks, and opportunities. Predictive analytics algorithms can forecast future financial outcomes, enabling organizations to anticipate market changes and adjust their strategies accordingly, thereby enhancing agility and responsiveness in financial reporting. The integration of AI technologies is transforming financial reporting practices, enhancing both accuracy and timeliness. By automating routine tasks, analyzing vast datasets, and providing valuable insights, AI enables organizations to produce high-quality financial reports that meet the needs of stakeholders in a dynamic and rapidly evolving business environment. As AI continues to evolve, its role in financial reporting will only become more prominent, driving efficiency, transparency, and accountability across the financial reporting ecosystem. Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Financial Reporting, Accuracy, Timeliness, Machine Learning.
... Research on time series analysis in credit evaluation is committed to making full use of the time information in personal credit history data to more accurately understand credit trends, predict future credit performance and identify credit default risks (Talaat et al., 2023;Yuan et al., 2022). Researchers use time series analysis methods, such as trend modeling and feature extraction, to capture time series characteristics in individual credit histories. ...
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Consumer credit assessment has always been a crucial concern in the financial industry. It involves evaluating an individual's credit history and their ability to repay loans, playing a pivotal role in the risk management and lending decisions made by credit institutions. In the present landscape, traditional credit assessment methods confront various shortcomings. Firstly, they typically only consider static features and are unable to capture the dynamic changes in an individual's credit profile over time. Secondly, traditional methods struggle with processing complex time series data, failing to fully exploit the importance of time-related information. To address these challenges, we propose an innovative solution – the XGBoost-LSTM model optimized with the AdaBound algorithm. This hybrid model combines two powerful machine learning techniques, XGBoost and LSTM, to leverage both static and dynamic features effectively.
... They could assess a broader range of variables, identify non-linear relationships, and adapt to changing financial landscapes. Machine learning models, including regression, decision trees, and neural networks, enabled a nuanced understanding of individual credit risk, contributing to more accurate predictions (Talaat et al., 2023). ...
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This review provides a succinct overview of the comprehensive review exploring the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in credit scoring. The analysis delves into diverse AI models and predictive analytics shaping the contemporary landscape of credit assessment. The review begins by examining the historical context of credit scoring and progresses through the transformative impact of AI on traditional credit assessment methodologies. It scrutinizes various AI models employed in credit scoring, ranging from machine learning algorithms to advanced predictive analytics. Emphasis is placed on elucidating the strengths and limitations of each model, considering factors such as interpretability, accuracy, and scalability. The evolution of credit scoring is discussed, emphasizing the transition from rule-based systems to sophisticated AI-driven approaches. The integration of alternative data sources, such as social media and unconventional financial indicators, is explored, showcasing the expanding scope of AI in capturing a more holistic view of an individual's creditworthiness. The Review underscores the significance of predictive analytics in credit scoring, outlining the nuanced techniques used to forecast credit risk. It elucidates the role of explainable AI, addressing the need for transparency in complex credit scoring models, especially in the context of regulatory compliance and consumer trust. Furthermore, the review highlights the real-world implications of AI in credit scoring, discussing its impact on financial inclusion, risk management, and decision-making processes. The ethical considerations and potential biases associated with AI models are explored, shedding light on the importance of fairness and responsible AI practices in the credit industry. In conclusion, this comprehensive review navigates the intricate landscape of AI in credit scoring, offering a holistic understanding of the models and predictive analytics that underpin modern credit assessment. The synthesis of historical perspectives, model intricacies, and real-world implications makes this review an essential resource for practitioners, researchers, and policymakers in the ever-evolving domain of AI-driven credit evaluation.
... This holistic approach has the potential to revolutionize how we diagnose and treat diseases, moving beyond traditional single-modal data analysis. In the future, the proposed algorithm can be used with OCNN [39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49]. Attention mechanism can be used as in [50] and correlation algorithms as in [51]. ...
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Prostate cancer, the most common cancer in men, is influenced by age, family history, genetics, and lifestyle factors. Early detection of prostate cancer using screening methods improves outcomes, but the balance between overdiagnosis and early detection remains debated. Using Deep Learning (DL) algorithms for prostate cancer detection offers a promising solution for accurate and efficient diagnosis, particularly in cases where prostate imaging is challenging. In this paper, we propose a Prostate Cancer Detection Model (PCDM) model for the automatic diagnosis of prostate cancer. It proves its clinical applicability to aid in the early detection and management of prostate cancer in real-world healthcare environments. The PCDM model is a modified ResNet50-based architecture that integrates faster R-CNN and dual optimizers to improve the performance of the detection process. The model is trained on a large dataset of annotated medical images, and the experimental results show that the proposed model outperforms both ResNet50 and VGG19 architectures. Specifically, the proposed model achieves high sensitivity, specificity, precision, and accuracy rates of 97.40%, 97.09%, 97.56%, and 95.24%, respectively.
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Fires in smart cities can have devastating consequences, causing damage to property, and endangering the lives of citizens. Traditional fire detection methods have limitations in terms of accuracy and speed, making it challenging to detect fires in real time. This paper proposes an improved fire detection approach for smart cities based on the YOLOv8 algorithm, called the smart fire detection system (SFDS), which leverages the strengths of deep learning to detect fire-specific features in real time. The SFDS approach has the potential to improve the accuracy of fire detection, reduce false alarms, and be cost-effective compared to traditional fire detection methods. It can also be extended to detect other objects of interest in smart cities, such as gas leaks or flooding. The proposed framework for a smart city consists of four primary layers: (i) Application layer, (ii) Fog layer, (iii) Cloud layer, and (iv) IoT layer. The proposed algorithm utilizes Fog and Cloud computing, along with the IoT layer, to collect and process data in real time, enabling faster response times and reducing the risk of damage to property and human life. The SFDS achieved state-of-the-art performance in terms of both precision and recall, with a high precision rate of 97.1% for all classes. The proposed approach has several potential applications, including fire safety management in public areas, forest fire monitoring, and intelligent security systems.
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In computer vision, emotion recognition using facial expression images is considered an important research issue. Deep learning advances in recent years have aided in attaining improved results in this issue. According to recent studies, multiple facial expressions may be included in facial photographs representing a particular type of emotion. It is feasible and useful to convert face photos into collections of visual words and carry out global expression recognition. The main contribution of this paper is to propose a facial expression recognition model (FERM) depending on an optimized Support Vector Machine (SVM). To test the performance of the proposed model (FERM), AffectNet is used. AffectNet uses 1250 emotion-related keywords in six different languages to search three major search engines and get over 1,000,000 facial photos online. The FERM is composed of three main phases: (i) the Data preparation phase, (ii) Applying grid search for optimization, and (iii) the categorization phase. Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) is used to categorize the data into eight labels (neutral, happy, sad, surprised, fear, disgust, angry, and contempt). Due to using LDA, the performance of categorization via SVM has been obviously enhanced. Grid search is used to find the optimal values for hyperparameters of SVM (C and gamma). The proposed optimized SVM algorithm has achieved an accuracy of 99% and a 98% F1 score.
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The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on human migration worldwide, affecting transportation patterns in cities. Many cities have issued "stay-at-home" orders during the outbreak, causing commuters to change their usual modes of transportation. For example, some transit/bus passengers have switched to driving or car-sharing. As a result, urban traffic congestion patterns have changed dramatically, and understanding these changes is crucial for effective emergency traffic management and control efforts. While previous studies have focused on natural disasters or major accidents, only a few have examined pandemic-related traffic congestion patterns. This paper uses correlations and machine learning techniques to analyze the relationship between COVID-19 and transportation. The authors simulated traffic models for five different networks and proposed a Traffic Prediction Technique (TPT), which includes an Impact Calculation Methodology that uses Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient and Linear Regression, as well as a Traffic Prediction Module (TPM). The paper’s main contribution is the introduction of the TPM, which uses Convolutional Neural Network to predict the impact of COVID-19 on transportation. The results indicate a strong correlation between the spread of COVID-19 and transportation patterns, and the CNN has a high accuracy rate in predicting these impacts.
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Leukemia is a malignancy that affects the blood and bone marrow. Its detection and classification are conventionally done through labor-intensive and specialized methods. The diagnosis of blood cancer in children is a critical task that requires high precision and accuracy. This study proposes a novel approach utilizing attention mechanism-based machine learning in conjunction with image processing techniques for the precise detection and classification of leukemia cells. The proposed attention-augmented algorithm for blood cancer detection in children (A2M-LEUK) is an innovative algorithm that leverages attention mechanisms to improve the detection of blood cancer in children. A2M-LEUK was evaluated on a dataset of blood cell images and achieved remarkable performance metrics: Precision = 99.97%, Recall = 100.00%, F1-score = 99.98%, and Accuracy = 99.98%. These results indicate the high accuracy and sensitivity of the proposed approach in identifying and categorizing leukemia, and its potential to reduce the workload of medical professionals and improve the diagnosis of leukemia. The proposed method provides a promising approach for accurate and efficient detection and classification of leukemia cells, which could potentially improve the diagnosis and treatment of leukemia. Overall, A2M-LEUK improves the diagnosis of leukemia in children and reduces the workload of medical professionals.
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Agriculture faces a significant challenge in predicting crop yields, a critical aspect of decision-making at international, regional, and local levels. Crop yield prediction utilizes soil, climatic, environmental, and crop traits extracted via decision support algorithms. This paper presents a novel approach, the Crop Yield Prediction Algorithm (CYPA), utilizing IoT techniques in precision agriculture. Crop yield simulations simplify the comprehension of cumulative impacts of field variables such as water and nutrient deficits, pests, and illnesses during the growing season. Big data databases accommodate multiple characteristics indefinitely in time and space and can aid in the analysis of meteorology, technology, soils, and plant species characterization. The proposed CYPA incorporates climate, weather, agricultural yield, and chemical data to facilitate the anticipation of annual crop yields by policymakers and farmers in their country. The study trains and verifies five models using optimal hyper-parameter settings for each machine learning technique. The DecisionTreeRegressor achieved a score of 0.9814, RandomForestRegressor scored 0.9903, and ExtraTreeRegressor scored 0.9933. Additionally, we introduce a new algorithm based on active learning, which can enhance CYPA’s performance by reducing the number of labeled data needed for training. Incorporating active learning into CYPA can improve the efficiency and accuracy of crop yield prediction, thereby enhancing decision-making at international, regional, and local levels.
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Artificial intelligence (AI) is currently being utilized in a wide range of sophisticated applications, but the outcomes of many AI models are challenging to comprehend and trust due to their black-box nature. Usually, it is essential to understand the reasoning behind an AI model’s decision-making. Thus, the need for eXplainable AI (XAI) methods for improving trust in AI models has arisen. XAI has become a popular research subject within the AI field in recent years. Existing survey papers have tackled the concepts of XAI, its general terms, and post-hoc explainability methods but there have not been any reviews that have looked at the assessment methods, available tools, XAI datasets, and other related aspects. Therefore, in this comprehensive study, we provide readers with an overview of the current research and trends in this rapidly emerging area with a case study example. The study starts by explaining the background of XAI, common definitions, and summarizing recently proposed techniques in XAI for supervised machine learning. The review divides XAI techniques into four axes using a hierarchical categorization system: (i) data explainability, (ii) model explainability, (iii) post-hoc explainability, and (iv) assessment of explanations. We also introduce available evaluation metrics as well as open-source packages and datasets with future research directions. Then, the significance of explainability in terms of legal demands, user viewpoints, and application orientation is outlined, termed as XAI concerns. This paper advocates for tailoring explanation content to specific user types. An examination of XAI techniques and evaluation was conducted by looking at 410 critical articles, published between January 2016 and October 2022, in reputed journals and using a wide range of research databases as a source of information. The article is aimed at XAI researchers who are interested in making their AI models more trustworthy, as well as towards researchers from other disciplines who are looking for effective XAI methods to complete tasks with confidence while communicating meaning from data.