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Corneal biomechanics - a review


Abstract and Figures

Purpose: In recent years, the interest in corneal biomechanics has strongly increased. The material properties of the cornea determine its shape and therefore play an important role in corneal ectasia and related pathologies. This review addresses the molecular origin of biomechanical properties, models for their description, methods for their characterisation, techniques for their modification, and computational simulation approaches. Recent findings: Recent research has focused on developing non-contact techniques to measure the biomechanical properties in vivo, on determining structural and molecular abnormalities in pathological corneas, on developing and optimising techniques to reinforce the corneal tissue and on the computational simulation of surgical interventions. Summary: A better understanding of corneal biomechanics will help to improve current refractive surgeries, allow an earlier diagnosis of ectatic disorders and a better quantification of treatments aiming at reinforcing the corneal tissue.
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Corneal biomechanics a review
Sabine Kling
and Farhad Hafezi
CABMM, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland,
ELZA Institute AG Dietikon, Zurich, Switzerland,
USC Roski Eye Institute Keck School of
Medicine, Los Angeles, USA, and
Ophthalmology, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
Citation information: Kling S & Hafezi F. Corneal biomechanics a review. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt 2017. doi: 10.1111/opo.12345
Keywords: corneal biomechanics, corneal
ectasia, extracellular matrix, numerical
Correspondence: Sabine Kling
E-mail address:
Received: 11 October 2016; Accepted: 15
November 2016
Purpose: In recent years, the interest in corneal biomechanics has strongly
increased. The material properties of the cornea determine its shape and therefore
play an important role in corneal ectasia and related pathologies. This review
addresses the molecular origin of biomechanical properties, models for their
description, methods for their characterisation, techniques for their modification,
and computational simulation approaches.
Recent findings: Recent research has focused on developing non-contact tech-
niques to measure the biomechanical properties in vivo, on determining structural
and molecular abnormalities in pathological corneas, on developing and optimis-
ing techniques to reinforce the corneal tissue and on the computational simula-
tion of surgical interventions.
Summary: A better understanding of corneal biomechanics will help to improve
current refractive surgeries, allow an earlier diagnosis of ectatic disorders and a
better quantification of treatments aiming at reinforcing the corneal tissue.
The corneal shape is a determinant of ocular refraction, but
is itself determined by its biomechanical properties. The
cornea needs to be soft enough to bulge out in an aspheric
half-sphere, but stiff enough to maintain its shape and
resist the intraocular pressure (IOP). At the same time, the
tissue needs to remain transparent, which requires a com-
plex interplay between the extracellular matrix (ECM)
components. Particularly, the attachment of proteoglycans
and glycosaminoglycans to collagen fibres, the organisation
of the collagen structure, the corneal swelling pressure and
the production/degradation of ECM components have
been identified as essential factors determining the material
properties of the corneal tissue.
Factors determining corneal biomechanical
Extracellular matrix (ECM) components
Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and proteoglycans (PGs) play
an essential role in the assembly of the ECM and its
transparency. It is generally understood that keratan sulfate
proteoglycans regulate the diameter of collagen fibrils,
while dermatan sulfate proteoglycans determine the inter-
fibrillar spacing and lamellar adhesion properties.
interfere with collagen electrostatically only
and therefore
hardly affect nucleation or growth, but GAGs are required
to sulfate PG core proteins. It has been suggested
that par-
ticularly de-glycosylated small leucine-rich repeat proteo-
glycan core proteins may modulate the collagen
fibrillogenesis and could play a role in several corneal ecta-
tic disorders: in keratoconus, pellucid marginal degenera-
tion and macular corneal dystrophy the amount of highly
sulfated keratan sulfate proteoglycans is reduced
or absent,
Also, keratoconic corneas show a reduced
amount of highly sulfated chondroitin sulfate proteogly-
cans (CS-PGs) and an increased ratio of glucosaminogly-
cans: galactosaminoglycans.
The amount of acidic GAGs
directly correlates with the degree of collagen fibre organi-
sation along the human corneal stroma.
Differences in GAG and PG composition are concomi-
tant with physiological modifications.
The proportions
of GAGs and PGs are strongly dependent on the amount
©2017 The Authors Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics ©2017 The College of Optometrists 1
Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics ISSN 0275-5408
of available oxygen. Studies on cornea and cartilage con-
clude that KS, rather than CS, is produced in conditions
of O
This may explain why KS dominates in
the posterior stroma.
Also, in large animals with high
corneal thicknesses such as cows, pigs or humans the
KS-GAG proportion reaches up to 6070%,
while in
small animals, such as mice, KS is completely absent.
Also, environmental modifications such as the wear of
contact lenses have the potential to increase the propor-
tion of keratan sulfate proteoglycans at the cost of chon-
droitin sulfate proteoglycans. Keratan sulfate
proteoglycans are generally understood to stabilise colla-
gen fibrils on the short-range, while chondroitin sulfate/
dermatan sulfate proteoglycans stabilize several fibrils as
far as lamellae.
Therefore, a decrease in chondroitin sul-
fate proteoglycans potentially weakens the cornea and
facilitates the development of corneal ectasia.
Collagen lamellae organisation
Collagen fibril orientation determines corneal transparency,
as well as direction-dependent material properties, and cor-
relates with visual acuity across species.
studies in ex vivo tissue show that the human collagen fibres
are orthogonally oriented in the centre and circumferen-
tially towards the limbus.
Orthogonal orientation pro-
vides the highest visual acuity and is expected to best
maintain the corneal shape, followed by vertical orientation
(marmoset, horse, cow) before circumferential orientation
(pig, rabbit mouse). It has been suggested that differences
in the stromal collagen arrangement may result from spe-
cies-specific eye movements, which activate the extraocular
rectus muscles in a certain way and evoke counteracting
forces to which the collagen fibres align.
In the human cornea, the fibres are more densely packed
in the peripupillary cornea.
Also, non-linear optical
microscopy found a stronger interweaving and steeper
angles of the collagen fibres in the anterior than in the pos-
terior cornea,
which correlates with an increased shear
stress in the anterior cornea when compared to the poste-
rior cornea.
Collagen organisation is disturbed in certain
degrading pathologies such as keratoconus,
ing their importance for maintaining corneal shape.
Hydration/osmotic pressure
The degree of corneal hydration not only affects its trans-
parency, but also its elastic modulus: the more hydrated the
corneal tissue, the lower its elastic modulus,
potentially arises from an altered collagen attachment to
the proteoglycans an/or glycosaminoglycans based on their
ionic interaction. The swelling properties of the corneal tis-
sue are not purely osmotic pressure driven, but also arise
from electrolyte exclusion due to the collagen fibril
At 666 lm thickness, porcine corneas show
a hydration of 3.36 mg
and a swelling
pressure of 52 mmHg.
Corneal layers and their importance for biomechanical
Due to the different collagen orientation and density, each
corneal layer contributes to a greater or lesser extent to the
overall biomechanical resistance. The epithelium and
endothelium as pure cell layers do not directly contribute
to corneal stiffness. Elsheikh et al
showed in human
donor eyes that the contribution of the epithelium to cor-
neal stiffness is much lower than that of the stroma and
therefore can most likely be neglected. These cell layers
may, however, indirectly affect corneal stiffness by regulat-
ing its hydration. In Bowman’s membrane, the collagen
lamellae are most densely packed, and it is considered to be
of major importance for corneal stability after laser ablative
The stroma represents the largest part of the cor-
nea and is therefore the layer mainly defining the biome-
chanical properties of the cornea. In studies where the
cornea has been assumed a non-layered material, these typ-
ically refer to the stroma. The pre-descemet membrane,
also known as Dua’s layer, has been discovered only
Due to its mechanical strength, it is has been
postulated to contribute significantly to corneal stiffness.
Yet, more scientific evidence is required.
Diseases associated to corneal biomechanical properties
Several systemic diseases are known to alter the corneal
stiffness. Diabetic mellitus patients have a higher corneal
resistance factor as measured by the ocular response anal-
Also, diabetes has a protective effect on the inci-
dence rate
and severity
of degrading corneal diseases
such as keratoconus. It is assumed that the presence of
advanced glycation end products
in diabetic corneas leads
to an increased non-enzymatic cross-linking of the corneal
tissue that provides additional stiffness.
In contrast, the ECM of the keratoconic cornea is dispro-
portionally degraded leading to a loss of collagen fibril orien-
biomechanical weakening
and out-bulging of
the cornea into a conical shape. A susceptibility to kerato-
conus has been reported with Trisomy 21, Leber’s congential
amaurosis, Ehler-Danlos syndrome and osteogenesis imper-
The latter two diseases directly affect collagen synthe-
sis, and the corneal ectasia potentially arises from an instable
collagen network. In Trisomy 21 and Leber’s congenital
amaurosis, the origin of corneal degradation however is still
unclear. Several studies have suggested that both genetic pre-
disposition and environmental factors are required for the
manifestation of keratoconus.
©2017 The Authors Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics ©2017 The College of Optometrists2
Corneal biomechanics a review S Kling and F Hafezi
Hormonal fluctuations
Changes in corneal stiffness have also been associated with
hormonal fluctuations: Increased oestrogen levels during
the menstrual cycle correlated with an increase in corneal
a decrease in corneal hysteresis and a decrease
in the corneal resistance factor
as measured with the ocu-
lar response analyser. Also, pregnancy
and pathologi-
cally-reduced levels of thyroid hormones
have been
reported in context with the onset or progression of corneal
ectasia. Oestrogen administration to ex vivo corneas
reduces the biomechanical stiffness by 36%.
Environmental factors
Little is known on the influence of environmental effects
on corneal biomechanics. While eye-rubbing has been asso-
ciated to keratoconus,
and smoking
have both been reported to stiffen the corneal tissue and to
reduce the incidence of keratoconus.
Eye-rubbing induces
ocular trauma and may trigger inflammation increasing the
degradation of the ECM. In contrast, ageing leads to the
accumulation of glycation end products and cigarette
smoke contains aldehydes, which both induce non-
enzymatic cross-links between collagen molecules provid-
ing additional stiffness.
Mechanical description of corneal properties
Similar to most biological tissues, the cornea has viscoelas-
tic properties. Here, elasticity refers to the static properties
of a material and arises from the tensile characteristics of
the collagen microstructure. Viscosity refers to the dynamic
(i.e. time-dependent) properties and arises from the non-
covalent rearrangements of the ECM, such as from water
diffusion and electrostatic interactions between GAGs and
Elastic properties
Elastic properties describe the immediate deformation
response to the application of a mechanical stress and
mainly result from the collagen fibres. When applying a
load on the non pre-stressed corneal tissue, in the begin-
ning the collagen fibres are crimped resulting in a toe
region in the stress-strain diagram,
see Figure 1a. Only
when the fibres become straight, the tissue deforms
Figure 1. (a) Stress-strain curve for an elastic material. (b) Stress-strain curve for a viscoelastic material. (c) Creep and stress-relaxation in a viscoelastic
material. (d) Phase lag between stress and strain in a viscoelastic material.
©2017 The Authors Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics ©2017 The College of Optometrists 3
S Kling and F Hafezi Corneal biomechanics a review
elastically. It is assumed that the physiological state lies
between the end of the toe region and the beginning of the
elastic region. When a higher load is applied and the elastic
region surpassed, permanent plastic deformation occurs
and finally the tissue ruptures.
The standard elastic parameter is the static elastic modu-
lus, also known as Young’s modulus. It is defined as the
slope of the tangent in the stress-strain diagram.
De ð1Þ
Linear elastic materials have a constant elastic modulus,
while in non-linear elastic materials such as the cornea
the elastic modulus is a function of strain. However, for
very small deformation, even non-linear elastic materials
deform linearly. Measurements of the corneal elastic modu-
lus range from 1.3 MPa
5 MPa
in humans and
from 1.5 MPa
3 MPa
in pigs.
Viscoelastic properties
Viscoelastic material properties describe the dynamic
deformation response. Time-dependent tissue properties
arise from molecular rearrangement, but also from osmotic
diffusion as a response to the application of a mechanical
load. Viscoelastic deformation is completely reversible with
time. In the stress-strain diagram a hysteresis (Figure 1b)is
observed between the loading and unloading cycle, whose
area represents the energy lost during the viscous
deformation (e.g. heat).
One possibility to define viscoelastic properties is to use
the dynamic modulus, which is composed of the loss and
storage modulus. The dynamic modulus E*is based on the
fact that stress and strain are out of phase in a viscoelastic
material, see Figure 1d. Therefore testing at different fre-
quencies is required. The storage (elastic) modulus E’ and
the loss (viscous) modulus E’’ are then defined by the phase
lag dbetween stress rand strain e:
:cos dð2aÞ
E00 ¼ro
:sin dð2bÞ
The dynamic modulus can then be calculated by:
=E0+iEThis kind of viscoelastic characterisation
demonstrated that in porcine corneas the storage modulus
(28 kPa) was dominant over the loss modulus
(0.31.2 kPa).
Another possibility to define viscoelastic properties is to
use an n-element Prony series. Typically, stress-relaxation
test are performed and the stress is fitted to the following
where r
is the infinite stress and r
the stress at a given
time point s
. Given that the strain e
is maintained con-
stant during stress-relaxation, the elastic moduli at a given
time point tcan be easily calculated by dividing r(t)bye
See also Figure 1c. This kind of viscoelastic definition has
been applied in a study to retrieve biomechanical parame-
ters from air-puff deformation.
Measuring corneal biomechanical properties
Table 1 summarises previously applied techniques to mea-
sure the biomechanical properties of the cornea.
Stress-strain extensometry is the gold standard method in
engineering to measure the macroscopic mechanical prop-
erties within a normalized setting. Tissue samples of a pre-
defined length and width are fixed within brackets. Then, a
pre-defined load is applied and the corresponding displace-
ment measured. For elastic testing, a slowly increasing load
is applied (stress-strain diagram).
For viscoelastic testing,
a one-step load is applied and maintained constant until
the end of the test (stress-relaxation test), or a one-step dis-
placement is applied and maintained constant (creep test).
Given that this kind of extensometry cannot be applied
in vivo nor in intact ex vivo eyes, modifications of the testing
procedure have been proposed. For ex vivo measurements,
corneal button and whole eye inflation set ups were
designed, where either the displacement of mercury dro-
graphite flakes,
the corneal apex
or curvature
were recorded. For in vivo measurements, Pal-
likaris et al.
developed a protocol, where the whole eye is
inflated during surgery and the corresponding rise in IOP
measured in order to determine ocular rigidity. Lam et al.
used a flat surface cylinder to perform indentation measure-
ments and estimated corneal stiffness from the inward dis-
placement. A problem inherent to whole eye globe
measurements is that the corneal deformation cannot be
separated from scleral deformation and the average macro-
scopic corneal stiffness can only be roughly estimated.
Brillouin microscopy
Brillouin microscopy offers the possibility to record a spa-
tially resolved map of corneal stiffness. The macromolecu-
lar, quasi-static non-contact measurement is based on
©2017 The Authors Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics ©2017 The College of Optometrists4
Corneal biomechanics a review S Kling and F Hafezi
Brillouin scattering, which arises from a non-linear interac-
tion between an optical and acoustic wave, in which the
material is compressed by the electromagnetic field. The
resulting density variation has the effect of an index grating
that partially reflects the incident light. By measuring the
frequency shift of the backscattered light, information about
the mechanical properties of the material can be obtained:
M00 ¼qk2X2DX2
where M0is the elastic modulus, Mis the viscous modulus,
qis the mass density, kis the optical wavelength, Ωis
the frequency shift DΩis the line width and nis the
refractive index. The viscoelastic modulus is defined as
M*=M0+iM, analogous to the dynamic elastic modu-
lus E*. Nevertheless, it is unknown how the Brillouin mod-
ulus compares to the static elastic modulus.
Although Brillouin scattering has been known since the
until recently only single-point measurements were
possible. In 2008, Scarcelli et al.
presented the first scan-
ning system that allowed to measure the cross-section of
intraocular and crystalline lenses. Meanwhile, Brillouin
microscopy has also been applied to perform measure-
ments in human eyes in vivo,
to quantify the stiffening
effect of cross-linking
and to identify weakened regions in
keratoconus corneas.
The Brillouin modulus M0of an
untreated porcine cornea roughly falls between 2.75 and 2.5
GPa (anterior and posterior) and increases to 2.95 and 2.5
GPa after CXL treatment.
Air-puff tonometry and related systems
Initially, air-puff tonometers have been developed to mea-
sure the intraocular pressure (IOP) by non-contact.
required air pressure to applanate the corneal curvature was
considered to be equivalent to the IOP. The ocular response
was the first device that tried to related the
dynamic deformation response of the cornea with
biomechanical parameters.
It measures the pressure differ-
ence between the inward and outward applanation, the
so-called corneal hysteresis. The higher the pressure for the
inward and the lower the pressure for the outward
applanation, the higher is the viscous component. More
recently, air-puff tonometry was combined with high-speed
and OCT imaging,
which allowed for
the first time to capture both the complete temporal and
spatial deformation profile of the cornea during the air-puff
While both systems are available for clinical use,
measured parameters are only geometrical and not directly
related to actual biomechanical parameters. Nevertheless,
several simulations have been suggested to extract biome-
chanically relevant parameters from these measure-
Air-puff systems have been used to analyse
differences between hyperopia and myopia,
between kera-
toconic and normal corneas
and in corneas with
induced swelling.
However in most studies only minor to
no changes could be detected demonstrating the need of a
more detailed analysis of the recorded deformation profile.
Conventional ultrasound-based elastography is frequently
used in medicine for the diagnosis of pathologies related to
the viscoelastic material properties of tissue, such as breast
cancer or liver fibrosis. For ophthalmic applications,
ultrafast echo-graphic imaging is required due to the finer
structure of the eye and in order to allow high-resolution
For the measurement of the corneal tissue,
contact with a coupling liquid is needed. Ultrasonic shear
waves of 15 MHz are typically used to induce microscopic
strains in the tissue. The resulting shear wave is then
directly recorded by ultrasonic imaging. In large organs
where boundary conditions are negligible, the elastic mod-
ulus Ecan be calculated by:
where c
is the propagation speed of the induced shear
waves and qthe density of approx. 1000 kg m
. In the
Table 1. Summary of measurement techniques applied to determine the biomechanical properties of the corneal tissue
Static Dynamic Invasive Ex vivo In vivo Macroscopic Microscopic
Strip extensometry Yes Yes Yes Yes
Eye inflation Yes Yes Yes Yes
Brillouin microscopy Yes Yes
Air-puff systems Yes Minimally Yes
Ultrasound elastography Yes Minimally Yes
Yes Yes
OCT elastography Yes Minimally Yes
Potentially Yes
Enzymatic digestion Yes Yes Yes
©2017 The Authors Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics ©2017 The College of Optometrists 5
S Kling and F Hafezi Corneal biomechanics a review
cornea however the situation is more complex, as strong
reflections and mode conversions occur at the interfaces
(interiorly the aqueous humour, exteriorly the coupling liq-
The phase velocity c(w) in this context may be
approximated by a leaky Lamb wave:
cðwÞ¼ ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
wth cs
where wis the angular frequency and th the local thickness
of the cornea. Corneal elasticity measured by this technique
is in the range of 50190 kPa
for normal IOP and
increases to 890 kPa after CXL.
The drawback of ultra-
sound-based elastography is that contact is required mak-
ing it uncomfortable for the patient.
Therefore, more recently, non-contact elastography
based on OCT imaging has been developed.
Because light
has less impact on the corneal tissue than ultrasound, low-
amplitude elastics waves need to be induced using a differ-
ent source. The most recent research has applied a micro
for the induction of low-amplitude (<1lm)
elastic waves. The elastic moduli determined by optical
coherence elastography are in the range of 60 kPa for
untreated porcine corneal samples.
Enzymatic digestion
Although not a direct measure of corneal stiffness, enzymes
that degrade the ECM affect the biomechanical properties.
Therefore, the speed of digestion of a corneal sample can be
used to infer the original stage of cross-linking and estimate
corneal stiffness. Depending on the enzyme, certain chemi-
cal bonds will be degraded more efficiently than others.
Pepsin is a rather unspecific enzyme and degrades many
ECM components equally, which often makes it the
enzyme of choice for corneal digestion.
Other enzymes
that have been applied in this context are collagenases and
Although using selective enzymatic digestion
would allow studying the impact of certain ECM compo-
nents on the resulting biomechanical properties, these stud-
ies are still outstanding.
Clinical relevance of corneal biomechanics
Corneal stability after laser refractive surgery
Laser ablation has a considerable effect on the biomechani-
cal equilibrium of the cornea. The thinner the stromal bed
after surgery, the less tissue can resist the IOP and the
higher is the risk of the so-called postoperative ectasia.
Although eyes with an undiagnosed pre-operative ectatic
disorder are at the highest risk of developing postoperative
ectasia, healthy eyes are at risk if too much corneal tissue is
ablated or a thick flap is created.
It is difficult to predict
the maximal amount of corneal ablation necessary to pre-
vent postoperative ectasia for a given patient, as corneal
stiffness and thickness vary between individuals. Currently,
general safety limits such as a minimal required stromal
bed of 250 lm
are applied, but still cannot completely
prevent keratectasia.
However, the remaining risk might
potentially be reduced by combining laser ablation surgery
with CXL treatment.
Apart from corneal thickness, the
post-surgical refractive stability depends on the wound
healing process, and on the time-dependent relaxation
behaviour of the viscoelastic cornea.
Nevertheless, it
has been shown that the largest post-surgical change in
biomechanical parameters occurs within 1 week after
Instead of direct refractive correction, the objective of
orthokeratology contact lenses (OK) is to induce a tempo-
rary shape change of the cornea, so that by day corneal
refraction is corrected, while by night,the OK is worn. OK
have a reversed geometry compared to normal contact
lenses. The working principle is based on the viscoelastic
properties of the corneal tissue, which allow maintaining a
deformation for limited time. However, rather than corneal
bending, a thinning of the central epithelium and a thick-
ening of the mid-peripheral corneal stroma were observed
with OK wear.
It can be assumed that the pressure
imposed by the OK induces an osmotic gradient that
removes liquid from the central epithelium. Due to individ-
ual differences in the corneal viscoelasticity however, OK
lenses are more challenging to fit than standard contact
Corneal thickness and biomechanical properties
Corneal thickness and biomechanical properties are closely
related. On one hand, biomechanical properties determine
the extension of the corneal tissue under the load of the
IOP, which indirectly determines corneal thickness. On the
other hand, a thicker cornea can better resist the load of the
IOP than a thinner one and therefore can partially compen-
sate for a low biomechanical stiffness. Corneal thickness
plays an essential role in measurements depending on cor-
neal deformation, such as in tonometry.
Intraocular pressure and biomechanical properties
An accurate measurement of the intraocular pressure (IOP)
is essential in the diagnosis of glaucoma.
Due to limited
accessibility of the posterior chamber, the IOP is typically
measured via the cornea. While different contact and
©2017 The Authors Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics ©2017 The College of Optometrists6
Corneal biomechanics a review S Kling and F Hafezi
non-contact systems exist, the obtained IOP values are
biased by the corneal thickness and its biomechanical prop-
erties: The thinner and the weaker the cornea, the lower the
value obtained. This constitutes an important problem in
the diagnosis of glaucoma, especially in patients after laser
refractive surgery. While nomograms have been developed
to correct the IOP reading for corneal thickness, the correc-
tion for corneal biomechanics is more complicated and is
currently not possible. In addition, corneal curvature also
has an impact on tonometric measurements.
The depen-
dency on many factors may explain why air-puff measure-
ments have a low sensitivity and specificity to detect a
difference between thin and keratoconic corneas.
Reinforcing corneal biomechanical properties
Corneal cross-linking (CXL) treatment
Corneal cross-linking
is a photodynamic method that
is based on the generation of oxygen radicals by means of
riboflavin and UV-A irradiation. While the interaction of
the oxygen radicals with the cornea tissue is not yet com-
pletely understood, ECM oxidation potentially leads to the
formation of additional cross-links. Experimental stud-
report that corneal stiffness significantly
increased after CXL and clinical studies
demonstrate that the progression of keratoconus could be
stopped. CXL treatment induces keratocyte apoptosis in
the anterior cornea. Therefore, current endothelial safety
considerations restrict the treatment to corneal thicknesses
of >400 lm with the current irradiation settings used in
clinical practice.
One to two weeks post surgery a demar-
cation line can be observed in a depth of approximately
300 lm,
which potentially arises from a change in the
refractive index and may indicate the zone of effective cor-
neal stiffening.
CXL has been shown to stabilise corneal
ectasia on the long-term.
In an ex vivo study,
stiffness increased by 329% in human and by 72% in por-
cine corneas after CXL treatment.
Proteoglycan treatment
Proteoglycans are an essential requisite for the interaction
and mutual binding of ECM components. Decorin is an
important regulatory element of the collagen fibril assem-
bly. Studies on decorin-null mice presented a disrupted col-
lagen fibril structure and organisation especially in the
posterior cornea.
Crystallography analysis of corneal
samples with a truncated decorin mutation confirmed this
The administration of decorin core protein to a
keratoconic cornea therefore might have the potential to
re-establish the physiologic collagen structure and halt the
progressing ectasia. A recent experimental study showed
that decorin application induced a stiffening of 92% in
porcine eyes.
Compared to CXL with a 72% stiffening in
porcine eyes,
decorin core treatment does not require de-
epithelialisation nor UV irradiation and therefore might be
less invasive. It is yet however unclear how long the stiffen-
ing effect will last and if the same results can be obtained
in vivo.
SMILE lenticule implantation
SMILE lenticule implantation aims at correcting hyper-
opia. It requires a donor lenticule from a patient undergo-
ing a high-dioptre myopic SMILE surgery, which
subsequently is implanted in the previously created cor-
neal pocket of the recipient eye. The central tissue addi-
tion allows then to correct the refraction.
While the
primary objective of this surgery is clearly refractive, add-
ing tissue locally also has a biomechanical effect: An
increased corneal thickness reduces the longitudinal stress,
which in turn leads to a flattening of the corneal curva-
ture. This unintended flattening acts contrary to the
desired central steepening, and might explain why only
50% of the expected refractive correction were achieved
after SMILE lenticule implantation.
Animal models for corneal biomechanics
Most species present a lower corneal stiffness and a higher
viscoelastic creep behaviour than humans, which might be
attributed to differences in the fibrillar collagen
For ex vivo experiments, freshly enucleated porcine cor-
neas are often used
because of their similar
anatomy compared to the human cornea. In view of
anatomical differences only a less developed or absent Bow-
man’s membrane
and a higher corneal thickness
(666 lm centrally)
becomes apparent in the porcine
cornea. In view of biomechanical properties
porcine corneas have different stress-relaxation properties
and are less stiff than human corneas.
considering their abundant availability porcine eyes are
widely accepted as a model for biomechanical studies of the
For in vivo studies, rabbit corneas are widely used due to
their large corneas with a diameter of 13.2 mm and a cor-
neal radius of 7.3 mm.
In view of biomechanical proper-
ties, at low IOP rabbit corneas deform non-linearly, while
human corneas do not deform at all at higher IOP the
stress-strain relation is more similar and linear in both spe-
Recently, our group has established a corneal biome-
chanics model in the mouse eye.
We observed a linear
stress-strain relation similar to rabbit corneas, which could
make the mouse an attractive model for studies addressing
the molecular origin of biomechanical parameters.
©2017 The Authors Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics ©2017 The College of Optometrists 7
S Kling and F Hafezi Corneal biomechanics a review
Computational modelling of corneal biomechanics
Before any prediction of reinforcing treatments or refrac-
tive surgical interventions can be performed, it is important
to construct a representative model of the intact eye. While
analytical models are less demanding computationally, they
only offer limited flexibility and are not suitable to individ-
ual patient modelling. Most biomechanical simulations in
ophthalmology therefore use numerical approaches.
Depending on the relevant characteristics and the desired
degree of accuracy, the model may consider species-specific
input data such as collagen fibril orientation
topography and pachymetry data. For
this purpose, fibril orientation may be defined by using an
anisotropic material and corneal elevation coordinates can
be directly used to define the nodes of a finite element
model. A more difficult issue is to account for the IOP.
Typically, the model is defined for the stress-free geometry
which however is unknown for the cornea. To overcome
this issue, inverse modelling needs to be performed: Either
the IOP-induced stress is computed step-wise until the ini-
tial stress state of the cornea is determined,
or the pro-
voked deformation is calculated step-wise and subtracted
from the stressed geometry in order to obtain the stress-free
For final validation purposes, the model can be applied
to simulate an experiment. For inflation experiments, the
comparison of model predictions and experimental
measurements could previously confirm a good
Corneal ectasia and corneal cross-linking
Numerical simulations might be a helpful tool to predict
the individual success rate of CXL in stopping progression
of ectasia, but also to predict the associated corneal re-
shaping and hence refractive changes. Several in silico
(computational) studies have predicted the weakening pro-
file of a cornea presenting keratectasia
and the expected
response to CXL treatment.
These simulations could
confirm the clinically observed topographic flattening after
but showed important inter-patient variability
indicating the need for patient-specific modeling.
In a
specific attempt to reduce astigmatism, the simulation of
patterned CXL has shown promising effects.
Refractive surgery
One of the major difficulties in refractive surgery is the
uncertainty how much tissue can be ablated from a
patient’s cornea without inducing postoperative ectasia.
Several years ago, computer models addressed the potential
of myopic and astigmatic correction by incision
More recently, simulations are applied to
estimate the long-term impact of laser ablative surgery:
PRK surgery showed to increase the corneal stress by
approx. 25%,
while LASIK surgery was predicted to
induce a 55% corneal weakening.
A comparison between
LASIK and SmILE refractive surgery concluded that SmILE
increases the corneal stress to a lesser amount than
which also has been suggested theoretically.
Further simulations could show that the refractive outcome
after LASIK depends on the inherent corneal stiffness not
only on the amount of tissue ablated,
and that tonome-
try underestimates the actual IOP following PRK or LASIK
Intra-corneal ring segment (ICRS) implantation
ICRSs serve as a re-shaping and homogenising element in
highly distorted corneal surfaces.
They are used to
improve the visual outcome, but also to make the corneal
surface better suited for contact lens wear. The corneal
response to ICRS implantation is mostly geometrical and
to a minor extent mechanical: The arc length of the cornea
is reduced leading to a flatter corneal curvature and a
slightly shorter axial length of the eye.
The weaker tissue
regions will be deformed more strongly. While there are
few publications addressing the simulation of ICRS implan-
most of them only predict the average
response of the cornea and do not allow patient-specific
analyses: The thicker the ICRS, the higher the myopic
correction. Up to date, only one study presented a patient-
specific ICRS model, which however showed a consis-
tent overestimation compared to the actual post-surgical
SK (none), FH (none).
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©2017 The Authors Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics ©2017 The College of Optometrists12
Corneal biomechanics a review S Kling and F Hafezi
137. Kling S & Marcos S. Finite-element modeling of
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hyperelastic cornea. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2013; 54:
138. Pinsky P, Datye D & Silvestrini T, editors. Numerical simu-
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simulation of the intrastromal ring segment implantation
in corneas with keratoconus. J Mech Behav Biomed 2015;
51: 260268.
Sabine Kling is a postdoctoral researcher in the Ocular Cell Biology group at the
University of Zurich, Switzerland, and investigates the relationship between cor-
neal biomechanics and gene expression. She also develops models to optimise cor-
neal cross-linking and refractive surgeries. In 2009, Kling graduated in Physical
Engineering with honours from the University of Isny, Germany. She performed
her pre-doctoral studies at the Optics Institute of the Spanish Council for Scien-
tific Research in Madrid, where she investigated the measurement, modification
and simulation of corneal biomechanics. In 2011, she earned her MSc and in 2014
her PhD degree in Vision Sciences, both with honours from the University of Val-
ladolid, Spain. Kling’s scientific work has been cited more than 396 times, she has
a cumulative impact factor of 60, and an h-index of 10.
Farhad Hafezi is a Swiss eye surgeon and researcher. Hafezi holds professorships
at the University of Geneva and University of Southern California, Los Angeles.
He also serves as the chief medical officer of the ELZA Institute in Zurich,
Switzerland, where he conducts his surgical activities. Hafezi is internationally
recognized as a pioneer of corneal cross-linking (CXL) for treating keratoconus
and a pacemaker in translating CXL principles to new applications like infec-
tions. In both 2014 and 2016, he was voted by his peers onto the “PowerList
100.” This list comprises the 100 top most influential people in global ophthal-
mology. Clinically, Hafezi’s expertise includes corneal diseases, dystrophies and
degenerations as well as complication management related to refractive surgery.
His research is dedicated to understanding corneal diseases with a special
emphasis on ocular cell biology. Hafezi’s scientific work has so far been cited
more than 5300 times, he has a cumulative impact factor of 460, and an h-index
of 38.
©2017 The Authors Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics ©2017 The College of Optometrists 13
S Kling and F Hafezi Corneal biomechanics a review
... The shape of the cornea is a determining factor in ocular refraction but is itself determined by its biomechanical properties. The cornea must be soft enough to expand into the spherical hemisphere but rigid enough to hold its shape and resist intraocular pressure (IOP) [1]. Biological properties, such as healing responses and biomechanics, are essential in determining and maintaining corneal transparency, as well as geometric and optical properties [2]. ...
... As corneal swelling, shape alterations, refractive stability, and induced optical aberrations are crucial factors for normal vision [1], there has been an increasing effort to understand how corneal biomechanics is affected by soft CL wear. ...
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The aim of this study was to evaluate the biomechanical changes in the cornea after wearing soft contact lenses (CLs) in healthy myopic patients measured with a Corvis ST® (CST, Oculus Optikgeräte GmbH, Wetzlar, Germany) analyser. This prospective, cross-sectional, single-centre study was performed on twenty-two Caucasian patients aged between 19 and 24 years (20.64 ± 1.21 years) range. Five device-specific biomechanical parameters, the central corneal thickness (CCT), and biomechanically corrected intraocular pressure (bIOP) were measured prior to fitting and one month after CL wear. Differences between the means of the deflection amplitude ratio (DA Ratio) and the standard deviation of the DA Ratio (SD DA Ratio) pre- and post-CL wear were found to be significant (p value = 0.002 in both cases). Significant differences were found between pre- and post-CL wear values in CCT (p value = 0.013). For all other biomechanical measures, no significant differences were observed before and after treatment. A significant association was found between changes in bIOP and classification according to changes in Int. Radius (p value = 0.047) and SSI (p value = 0.026) standard deviations. The corneal biomechanical indices provided by CST demonstrate that the fitting of soft CLs is a safe optical compensation method for the stability of corneal stiffness. No significant differences were found pre- and post-CL wear in the assessment of bIOP.
... Nonetheless, in vivo measurements of these parameters are subject to an array of confounding factors. While it is feasible to adjust for elements like age, biomechanically corrected intraocular pressure (bIOP), and central corneal thickness (CCT), the mitigation of individual disparities such as hormonal levels and corneal hydration remains challenging, and recent studies have found that estrogen levels can affect the refractive status and biomechanical properties of the cornea (Kling and Hafezi, 2017;Leshno et al., 2020). Consequently, this leads to variances in research outcomes, and the correlation between alterations in corneal parameters and myopia remains ambiguous. ...
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Purpose: This study aims to investigate the differences in binocular corneal parameters and their interrelation with binocular biometric parameters asymmetry in patients with simple myopic anisometropia, thereby elucidating the influence of myopia process on various corneal parameters. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 65 patients with anisometropia in monocular myopia were included. They were divided into low anisometropia group: 3.00D<Δ spherical equivalent (SE)≤-1.00D (Δ represents the difference between the two eyes, i.e., myopic data minus emmetropic data) and high anisometropia group: ΔSE ≤ -3.00D. Corneal and ocular biometric parameters were measured using Pentacam, Corvis ST, and IOL Master 700. Statistical analyses focused on the binocular corneal parameters asymmetry, using the contralateral emmetropia as a control. Results: The mean age of participants was 18.5 ± 1.3 years, with the average SE for myopia and emmetropia being -2.93 ± 1.09D and -0.16 ± 0.41D, respectively. The central corneal thickness (CCT), flat keratometry (Kf), keratometry astigmatism (Ka), total corneal aberration (6 mm) (TOA), surface variance index (ISV), vertical asymmetry index (IVA), stress-strain index (SSI), and first applanation stiffness parameter (SPA1) and ambrosia relational thickness-horizontal (ARTh) showed significant differences between anisometropic fellow eyes (p < 0.05). There were significant differences in ΔIVA, Δ the difference between the mean refractive power of the inferior and superior corneas (I-S), Δ deviation value of Belin/Ambrósio enhanced ectasia display (BAD-D), Δ deformation amplitude ratio max (2 mm) (DAR)and Δ tomographic biomechanical index (TBI) (p < 0.05) in two groups. Asymmetry of corneal parameters was correlated with asymmetry of ocular biometric parameters. Anisometropia (ΔSE) was positively correlated with ΔIVA (r = 0.255, p = 0.040), ΔBAD-D (r = 0.360, p = 0.006), and ΔSSI (r = 0.276, p = 0.039) and negatively correlated with ΔDAR (r = -0.329, p = 0.013) in multiple regression analysis. Δ mean keratometry (Km), Δ anterior chamber depth (ACD), and Δ biomechanically corrected intraocular pressure (bIOP) were also associated with binocular corneal differences. Conclusion: Compared to contralateral emmetropia, myopic eyes have thinner corneas and smaller corneal astigmatism. Myopic corneas exhibit relatively more regular surface morphology but are more susceptible to deformation and possess marginally inferior biomechanical properties. In addition, there is a certain correlation between anisometropia and corneal parameter asymmetry, which would be instrumental in predicting the development of myopia.
... Elastic properties describe the immediate deformation response to the application of an external stress, while viscoelastic properties describe the subsequent dynamic deformation response of the cornea. 24 It is generally believed that corneal hysteresis (CH) and corneal resistance factor (CRF) decrease postoperatively, 25,26 but there is no evidence for an association between CH and CRF and the standard mechanical properties used to describe elastic materials. 7,8 The elastic modulus is a mechanical property that describes the stiffness of a material, and the higher the elastic modulus is, the stiffer the material is. ...
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Background Corneal refractive laser surgery is widely used to correct myopia and astigmatism due to its safety and effectiveness. However, postoperative changes in corneal biomechanics, such as corneal ectasia, can occur, necessitating a deeper understanding of these changes. Finite Element Analysis has shown promise in predicting surgical outcomes based on corneal biomechanics. Devices like the Ocular Response Analyser (ORA) and Corvis ST provide noninvasive ways to measure corneal biomechanics, aiding in the assessment of corneal behavior post-surgery. Young's modulus and tangent modulus are crucial parameters for describing corneal elasticity, but there is limited data on the changes in tangent modulus following Femtosecond Laser-Assisted LASIK (FS-LASIK) in humans. This study aimed to investigate the effect of FS-LASIK on the corneal tangent modulus using a novel corneal indentation device (CID). The study sought to explore changes in corneal tangent modulus after FS-LASIK, taking into account central corneal thickness (CCT) and corneal radius, to enhance our understanding of the biomechanical changes induced by this surgical procedure. Results Sixty-six patients (66 eyes) underwent FS-LASIK, resulting in significant changes in CCT, corneal radius, and Goldmann intraocular pressure (GAT IOP) six months post-surgery (△CCT=-88 ± 31 µm, △corneal radius = 0.81 ± 0.30 mm, △GAT IOP=-3.2 ± 2.4 mmHg, p < 0.001) 6 months after surgery. However, corneal stiffness did not significantly change (△=-0.002 ± 0.011, p < 0.2). The corneal tangent modulus showed a significant increase post-surgery (△=0.263 ± 0.146, p < 0.001), exhibiting a negative correlation with CCT (r = -0.68, P < 0.001) and a positive correlation with corneal radius (r = 0.71, P < 0.001). For each 1 mm increase in corneal radius, there was a 0.23 MPa increase in corneal modulus, and for every 100 µm reduction in corneal thickness, there was a 0.14 MPa increase in corneal modulus. Conclusions The corneal tangent modulus, influenced by corneal radius and CCT, increased significantly following FS-LASIK. This study highlights the biomechanical changes induced by FS-LASIK, with implications for understanding corneal behavior post-surgery and its potential impact on patient outcomes.
... The biomechanical properties of the cornea are an important biomarker for ocular health. 1 Evaluating corneal rigidity can help diagnose corneal disease and monitor therapeutic efficacy because tissue biomechanical properties and structure are inextricably linked. 2 This relationship has important implications for laser assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK), a surgical procedure for vision correction that involves structural modifications to the corneal stroma for refractive *Address all correspondence to Kirill V. Larin, error correction. ...
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Significance The biomechanical impact of refractive surgery has long been an area of investigation. Changes to the cornea structure cause alterations to its mechanical integrity, but few studies have examined its specific mechanical impact. Aim To quantify how the biomechanical properties of the cornea are altered by laser assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) using optical coherence elastography (OCE) in ex vivo porcine corneas. Approach Three OCE techniques, wave-based air-coupled ultrasound (ACUS) OCE, heartbeat (Hb) OCE, and compression OCE were used to measure the mechanical properties of paired porcine corneas, where one eye of the pair was left untreated, and the fellow eye underwent LASIK. Changes in stiffness as a function of intraocular pressure (IOP) before and after LASIK were measured using each technique. Results ACUS-OCE showed that corneal stiffness changed as a function of IOP for both the untreated and the treated groups. The elastic wave speed after LASIK was lower than before LASIK. Hb-OCE and compression OCE showed regional changes in corneal strain after LASIK, where the absolute strain difference between the cornea anterior and posterior increased after LASIK. Conclusions The results of this study suggest that LASIK may soften the cornea and that these changes are largely localized to the region where the surgery was performed.
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Healthy cornea guarantees the refractive power of the eye and the protection of the inner components, but injury, trauma or pathology may impair the tissue shape and/or structural organization and therefore its material properties, compromising its functionality in the ocular visual process. It turns out that biomechanical research assumes an essential role in analysing the morphology and biomechanical response of the cornea, preventing pathology occurrence, and improving/optimising treatments. In this review, ex vivo, in vivo and in silico methods for the corneal mechanical characterization are reported. Experimental techniques are distinct in testing mode (e.g., tensile, inflation tests), samples’ species (human or animal), shape and condition (e.g., healthy, treated), preservation methods, setup and test protocol (e.g., preconditioning, strain rate). The meaningful results reported in the pertinent literature are discussed, analysing differences, key features and weaknesses of the methodologies adopted. In addition, numerical techniques based on the finite element method are reported, incorporating the essential steps for the development of corneal models, such as geometry, material characterization and boundary conditions, and their application in the research field to extend the experimental results by including further relevant aspects and in the clinical field for diagnostic procedure, treatment and planning surgery. This review aims to analyse the state-of-art of the bioengineering techniques developed over the years to study the corneal biomechanics, highlighting their potentiality to improve diagnosis, treatment and healing process of the corneal tissue, and, at the same, pointing out the current limits in the experimental equipment and numerical tools that are not able to fully characterize in vivo corneal tissues non-invasively and discourage the use of finite element models in daily clinical practice for surgical planning.
Quantifying the mechanical properties of the cornea can provide valuable insights into the occurrence and progression of keratoconus, as well as the effectiveness of corneal crosslinking surgery. This study presents a non‐contact and non‐invasive wave‐based optical coherence elastography system that utilizes air‐pulse stimulation to create a two‐dimensional map of corneal elasticity. Homogeneous and dual concentration phantoms were measured with the sampling of 25 × 25 points over a 6.6 × 6.6 mm ² area, to verify the measurement capability for elastic mapping and the spatial resolution (0.91 mm). The velocity of elastic waves distribution of porcine corneas before and after corneal crosslinking surgery were further mapped, showing a significant change in biomechanics in crosslinked region. This system features non‐invasiveness and high resolution, holding great potential for application in ophthalmic clinics.
AIM The purpose is to study the corneal stress-strain index (SSI) in myopic refractive error among Indian subjects. METHODS A retrospective study where young myopic subjects aged between 11 and 35 years who had undergone corneal biomechanics assessment using Corvis ST between January 2017 and December 2021 were enrolled. Subjects with central corneal thickness (CCT) <500 m, intraocular pressure (IOP) >21 mmHg, history of any systemic and ocular disease or any previous ocular surgery, high astigmatism, corneal disease such as keratoconus were excluded. Subjects with missing data or having poor quality scan were excluded. Corneal biomechanical properties and corneal SSI were assessed using Corvis ST. For statistical purposes, eyes were divided into four different groups and were analyzed using one-way ANOVA. RESULTS Nine hundred and sixty-six myopic eyes with mean ± standard deviation age, IOP, and CCT of 26.89 ± 4.92 years, 16.94 ± 2.00 mmHg, and 540.18 ± 25.23 microns, respectively, were included. There were 311, 388, 172, and 95 eyes that were low, moderate, severe, and extreme myopic. Deformation amplitude ratio at 1 mm and 2 mm were similar across different myopic groups. A significant increase in max inverse radius, ambrosia relational thickness, biomechanically corrected IOP, integrated radius was noted with an increase in myopic refractive error. Corvis biomechanical index, corneal SSI was found to be decreased significantly with an increase in myopic refractive error. We noted a significant positive association between myopic refractive error and SSI ( P < 0.001). CONCLUSION Corneal SSI was found to be reduced in extreme myopic eyes.
Acellular porcine cornea (APC) has been used in corneal transplantation and treatment of the corneal diseases. Sterilization is a key step before the application of graft, and irradiation is one of the most commonly used methods. In this paper, APC was prepared by the physical freeze‐thawing combined with biological enzymes, and the effects of the electron beam (E‐beam) and cobalt 60 ( ⁶⁰ Co‐γ) at the dose of 15 kGy on the physicochemical properties, structure, immunogenicity, and biocompatibility of the APC were investigated. After decellularization, the residual DNA was 20.86 ± 1.02 ng/mg, and the α‐Gal clearance rate was more than 99%. Irradiation, especially the ⁶⁰ Co‐γ, reduced the cornea's transmittance, elastic modulus, enzymatic hydrolysis rate, swelling ratio, and cross‐linking degree. Meanwhile, the diameter and spacing of the collagen fibers increased. In the rat subcutaneous implantation, many inflammatory cells appeared in the unirradiated APC, while the irradiated had good histocompatibility, but the degradation was faster. The lamellar keratoplasty in rabbits indicated that compared to the E‐beam, the ⁶⁰ Co‐γ damaged the chemical bond of collagen to a larger extent, reduced the content of GAGs, and prolonged the complete epithelization of the grafts. The corneal edema was more serious within 1 month after the surgery. After 2 months, the thickness of the APC with the two irradiation methods tended to be stable, but that in the ⁶⁰ Co‐γ group became thinner. The pathological results showed that the collagen structure was looser and the pores were larger, indicating the ⁶⁰ Co‐γ had a more extensive effect on the APC than the E‐beam at 15 kGy.
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Purpose: To determine the corneal weakening induced by different re-treatment options after SmILE, and to investigate the potential of corneal cross-linking (CXL) to re-establish the original corneal stress resistance. Methods: A total of 96 freshly enucleated porcine corneas were used. The initial refractive correction was defined to be -11D and the required enhancement to be -3D. Three different retreatment options were analyzed: (i) -3D Re-SmILE, (ii) -3D PRK on top of the SmILE cap and (iii) cap-to-flap conversion and -3D excimer ablation on the stromal bed (“LASIK”). The (iv) control condition did not receive any treatment. Subsequently, accelerated CXL (9mW/cm2, 10min) was performed in two groups with currently common enhancement techniques: (v) following capto- flap conversion (-3D “LASIK” enhancement) and (vi) in controls. Biomechanical properties were measured with stress-strain extensometry in the range from 1.27 to 12.5N. Results: The Re-SmILE and PRK enhancement did not significantly reduce the overall elastic modulus of the cornea compared to controls (24.72.23 MPa and 22.72.61 MPa versus 23.83.35 MPa, p0.176), while LASIK enhancement did (22.23.37 MPa, p=0.048). CXL treatment significantly increased the elastic modulus compared to all non-cross-linked conditions (p0.001). Refractive surgery decreased the overall elastic modulus by 7%, while CXL increased it by 20%. Conclusions: In enhancement, the corneal biomechanical integrity is less affected with both, Re- SMILE and PRK enhancement. Corneal weakening through laser refractive surgery is small compared to the stiffening effect after CXL.
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The aim of this study was to investigate corneal enzymatic resistance following epithelium off and on riboflavin/UVA cross-linking (CXL). One hundred and fourteen porcine eyes were divided into four non-irradiated control groups and seven CXL groups. The latter comprised; (i) epithelium-off, 0.1% iso-osmolar riboflavin, 9 mW UVA irradiation for 10 min, (ii) disrupted epithelium, 0.1% hypo-osmolar riboflavin, 9 mW UVA for 10 min, (iii) epithelium-on, 0.25% hypo-osmolar riboflavin with 0.01% benzylalkonium chloride (BACS), 9 mW UVA for 10 min, (iv) epithelium-on, 5 min iontophoresis at 0.1 mA for 5 min with 0.1% riboflavin solution, 9 mW UVA for 10 min or (v) 12.5 min, (vi) epithelium-on, prolonged iontophoresis protocol of 25 min with 1.0 mA for 5 min and 0.5 mA for 5 min with 0.25% riboflavin with 0.01% BACS, 9 mW UVA for 10 min or (vii) 12.5 min. Enzymatic resistance was assessed by daily measurement of a corneal button placed in pepsin solution and measurement of corneal button dry weight after 11 days of digestion. This study revealed that the enzymatic resistance was greater in CXL corneas than non-irradiated corneas (p < 0.0001). Epithelium-off CXL showed the greatest enzymatic resistance (p < 0.0001). The prolonged iontophoresis protocol was found to be superior to all other trans-epithelial protocols (p < 0.0001). A 25% increase in UVA radiance significantly increased corneal enzymatic resistance (p < 0.0001). In conclusion, although epithelium-on CXL appears to be inferior to epithelium-off CXL in terms of enzymatic resistance to pepsin digestion, the outcome of epithelium-on CXL may be significantly improved through the use of higher concentrations of riboflavin solution, a longer duration of iontophoresis and an increase in UVA radiance.
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Purpose: To investigate the effect of various riboflavin/ultraviolet light (UVA) crosslinking (CXL) protocols on corneal enzymatic resistance. Methods: A total of 66 enucleated porcine eyes, with the corneal epithelium removed, were divided into 6 groups. Group 1 remained untreated. Groups 2 to 6 received riboflavin/dextran for 30 minutes. Group 3 underwent standard CXL (SCXL) with 3 mW/cm2 UVA for 30 minutes (total energy dose 5.4 J/cm2). Groups 4 and 5 underwent high intensity CXL (HCXL) using 30 mW/cm2 UVA for 3 minutes (5.4 J/cm2) and 30 mW/cm2 for 4 minutes (7.2 J/cm2), respectively. Group 6 was exposed to 8 minutes of 30 mW/cm2 UVA in a 10-second on/10-second off pulsed-radiation mode (p-HCXL; 7.2 J/cm2). A central 8-mm disk from each cornea was submerged in pepsin digest solution at 23°C and measured daily. After 13 days, the dry weight was recorded from 5 samples in each group. Results: The CXL-treated corneas took longer to digest than nonirradiated corneas (P < 0.0001). Differences in digestion time also were observed between CXL groups, such that, HCXL (5.4 J/cm2) < SCXL (5.4 J/cm2) < HCXL (7.2 J/cm2) < p-HCXL (7.2 J/cm2; P < 0.0001). The dry weight of the SCXL (5.4 J/cm2) group was higher than the HCXL (5.4 and 7.2 J/cm2; P < 0.001) and p-HCXL 7.2 J/cm2 (P <0.05) groups. No difference was detected between the HCXL and p-HCXL 7.2 J/cm2 groups. Conclusions: The intensity and distribution of the crosslinks formed within the cornea vary with different UVA protocols. The precise location and amount of crosslinking needed to prevent disease progression is unknown.
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The role of Decorin in organising the extracellular matrix was examined in normal human corneas and in corneas from patients with Congenital Stromal Corneal Dystrophy (CSCD). In CSCD, corneal clouding occurs due to a truncating mutation (c.967delT) in the decorin (DCN) gene. Normal human Decorin protein and the truncated one were reconstructed in silico using homology modelling techniques to explore structural changes in the diseased protein. Corneal CSCD specimens were also examined using 3-D electron tomography and Small Angle X-ray diffraction (SAXS), to image the collagen-proteoglycan arrangement and to quantify fibrillar diameters, respectively. Homology modelling showed that truncated Decorin had a different spatial geometry to the normal one, with the truncation removing a major part of the site that interacts with collagen, compromising its ability to bind effectively. Electron tomography showed regions of abnormal stroma, where collagen fibrils came together to form thicker fibrillar structures, showing that Decorin plays a key role in the maintenance of the order in the normal corneal extracellular matrix. Average diameter of individual fibrils throughout the thickness of the cornea however remained normal.
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Purpose: To examine the effect of standard and accelerated corneal collagen crosslinking (CXL) on corneal enzymatic resistance. Setting: School of Optometry and Vision Sciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom. Design: Experimental study. Methods: Sixty-six enucleated porcine eyes (with corneal epithelium removed) were assigned to 6 groups. Group 1 remained untreated, group 2 received dextran eyedrops, and groups 3 to 6 received riboflavin/dextran eyedrops. Group 4 had standard CXL (3 mW/cm(2) ultraviolet-A for 30 minutes), whereas groups 5 and 6 received accelerated CXL (9 mW/cm(2) for 10 minutes and 18 mW/cm(2) for 5 minutes, respectively). Trephined central 8.0 mm buttons from each cornea underwent pepsin digestion. Corneal diameter was measured daily, and the dry weight of 5 samples from each group was recorded after 12 days of digestion. Results: All CXL groups (4 to 6) took longer to digest and had a greater dry weight at 12 days (P < .0001) than the nonirradiated groups (1 to 3) (P < .0001). The time taken for complete digestion to occur did not differ between the standard and accelerated CXL groups, but the dry weights at 12 days showed significant differences between treatments: standard CXL 3 mW > accelerated CXL 9 mW > accelerated CXL 18 mW (P < .0001). Conclusions: Standard and accelerated CXL both increased corneal enzymatic resistance; however, the amount of CXL might be less when accelerated CXL is used. The precise amount of CXL needed to prevent disease progression is not yet known. Financial disclosure: No author has a financial or proprietary interest in any material or method mentioned.
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PURPOSE: To establish corneal cross-linking (CXL) with riboflavin and UV-A in in the mouse cornea in vivo and to develop tools to measure the biomechanical changes observed. METHODS: A total of 55 male C57BL/6 wild-type mice (aged 5 weeks) were divided into 14 groups. Standard CXL parameters were adapted to the anatomy of the mouse cornea, and riboflavin concentration (0.1%-0.5%) and fluence series (0.09-5.4 J/cm2) were performed on the assumption of the endothelial damage thresholds. Untreated and riboflavin only corneas were used as controls. Animals were killed at 30 minutes and at 1 month after CXL. Corneas were harvested. Two-dimensional (2D) biomechanical testing was performed using a customized corneal holder in a commercially available stress-strain extensometer/indenter. Both elastic and viscoelastic analyses were performed. Statistical inference was performed using t-tests and specific mathematical models fitted to the experimental stress-strain and stress-relaxation data. Adjusted P values by the method of Benjamini and Hochberg are reported. RESULTS: For all CXL treatment groups, stress-relaxation showed significant differences (P < 0.0001) after 120 seconds of constant strain application, with cross-linked corneas maintaining a higher stress (441 +/- 40 kPa) when compared with controls (337 +/- 39 kPa). Stress-strain analysis confirmed these findings but was less sensitive to CXL-induced changes: at 0.5% of strain, cross-linked corneas remained at higher stress (778 +/- 111 kPa) when compared with controls (659 +/- 121 kPa). CONCLUSIONS: Cross-linking was induced in the mouse cornea in vivo, and its biomechanical effect successfully measured. This could create opportunities to study molecular pathways of CXL in transgenic mice.
h4>PURPOSE To describe the biomechanical and wound healing characteristics of corneas after excimer laser keratorefractive surgery. METHODS Histologic, ultrastructural, and cohesive tensile strength evaluations were performed on 25 normal human corneal specimens, 206 uncomplicated LASIK specimens, 17 uncomplicated sub-Bowman’s keratomileusis (SBK) specimens, 4 uncomplicated photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) specimens, 2 uncomplicated advanced surface ablation (ASA) specimens, 5 keratoconus specimens, 12 postoperative LASIK ectasia specimens, and 1 postoperative PRK ectasia specimen and compared to previously published studies. RESULTS Histologic and ultrastructural studies of normal corneas showed significant differences in the direction of collagen fibrils and/or the degree of lamellar interweaving in Bowman’s layer, the anterior third of the corneal stroma, the posterior two-thirds of the corneal stroma, and Descemet’s membrane. Cohesive tensile strength testing directly supported these morphologic findings as the stronger, more rigid regions of the cornea were located anteriorly and peripherally. This suggests that PRK and ASA, and secondarily SBK, should be biomechanically safer than conventional LASIK with regard to risk for causing keratectasia after surgery. Because adult human corneal stromal wounds heal slowly and incompletely, all excimer laser keratorefractive surgical techniques still have some distinct disadvantages due to inadequate reparative wound healing. Despite reducing some of the risk for corneal haze compared to conventional PRK, ASA cases still can develop corneal haze or breakthrough haze from the hypercellular fibrotic stromal scarring. In contrast, similar to conventional LASIK, SBK still has the short- and long-term potential for interface wound complications from the hypocellular primitive stromal scar. CONCLUSIONS Ophthalmic pathology and basic science research show that SBK and ASA are improvements in excimer laser keratorefractive surgery compared to conventional LASIK or PRK, particularly with regard to maintaining corneal biomechanics and perhaps moderately reducing the risk of corneal haze. However, most of the disadvantages caused by wound healing issues remain. [ J Refract Surg . 2008;24:S90-S96.] ABOUT THE AUTHORS From the Department of Ophthalmology, Emory University (Dawson, Randleman, Grossniklaus, McCarey, Edelhauser), and Emory Vision (Randleman), Atlanta, Ga. Supported in part by Research to Prevent Blindness Inc, New York, NY; NEI grants: EY-00933, P30-EY06360, T32-EY07092, Bethesda, Md. The authors have no financial interests in the materials presented herein. Presented in part at the Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, November 11-14, 2006, Las Vegas, Nev; Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, May 6-10, 2007, Ft Lauderdale, Fla; and American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery Annual Meeting, April 28-May 2, 2007, San Diego, Calif. Correspondence: Henry F. Edelhauser, PhD, 1365 B Clifton Rd NE, Ste 4500, Atlanta, GA 30322. E-mail: </p
Purpose: To investigate changes in corneal biomechanics after cross-linking with human decorin core protein (decoron), which is a small, naturally occurring proteoglycan that bridges collagen fibrils, organizing and stabilizing lamellar collagen architecture. Methods: Five human donor pairs (10 eyes) and 5 porcine pairs (10 eyes) had one random eye treated transepithelially with decoron, with the untreated fellow eye serving as control. Pretreatment (45 to 60 seconds) and penetration enhancer (45 to 60 seconds) preceded instillation of decoron (45 to 60 seconds). Total treatment time was less than 4 minutes per eye. Human donor eyes were evaluated using the CorVis ST (Oculus Optikgeräte GmbH, Wetzlar, Germany) at 15, 20, 30, 40, and 50 mm Hg of intraocular pressure. Elastic modulus was calculated for human corneas, using parameters derived from Scheimpflug images. Analysis of variance was performed. Porcine corneas underwent uniaxial tensile testing with a Rheometrics Systems Analyzer (RSA III; TA Instruments, New Castle, DE). Secant modulus was calculated and paired t tests were performed between treated and control groups. Results: One human eye pair was excluded based on initial corneal thickness greater than 850 µm. Analysis of variance of the included four pairs demonstrated a significant treatment effect (P < .05) in deformation amplitude, first applanation velocity, initial curvature, and pachymetry, with all lower in the treatment group, consistent with stiffening and cross-linking. Elastic modulus demonstrated a significant treatment effect with a higher elastic modulus in the treatment group. In porcine eye pairs, the secant modulus was significantly higher in the treated than the untreated corneas at 4%, 5%, and 6% strain (P < .05). Conclusions: Treatment with decorin core protein produced stiffer biomechanical behavior and higher elastic modulus in both human and porcine corneas in this preliminary ex vivo study. Further studies are needed to evaluate clinical safety, efficacy, and long-term stability. [J Refract Surg. 2016;32(6):410-417.].